The most famous masons: list. Masonic lodges rule Russia Masons in the modern Russian Federation list

“A Mason in Russia is more than a Mason.” He is, first of all, the “sun of Russian poetry”, an invincible commander, a classic of Russian literature, the creator of the “History of the Russian State”, the head of the Provisional Government, and secondly, and sometimes even thirdly, a free mason.

On January 7, 1761, Suvorov was promoted to Scottish Master of the Masonic Lodge “To the Three Crowns”. The first Masonic lodge was founded in London on June 24, 1717. From Great Britain, Freemasonry spread to other countries, including Russia, where Freemasons enjoyed great influence in the 18th - first third of the 19th centuries. There was a legend among Russian Masons that the first Masonic lodge in Russia was founded by Peter the Great. To many, the absence of social inequality between brothers and the protection of the interests of brothers by all members of the lodge seemed an attractive idea. At their meetings, the lodges discussed various theoretical and practical issues and served as both political clubs and philosophical societies. The Masons developed traditions and symbols; the Masons came up with a new history for themselves, dating back to the construction of Solomon’s Temple. Russian Freemasonry set itself the task of “knowing the secrets of existence” through Christian tolerance and “the obligation of conciliar work,” which included self-improvement, spiritual creativity, and enlightenment. We decided to talk about the most famous Russian Freemasons.


Suvorov was admitted to the Masonic order in 1761. At that time, Freemasonry had not yet gained widespread sympathy, so Suvorov joined the Brotherhood not on the wave of fashion, but out of deep spiritual necessity, and was one of the first Russian free masons. At the same time, he not only joined the Brotherhood, but went through several stages: Suvorov was initiated and promoted to the third degree of master in St. Petersburg. And although only a few documents indicate his membership in the order - in particular, in the list of the Königsberg Lodge dated March 16, 1761, recently discovered in the archives of the Grand National Lodge of the Three Globes in Berlin, Oberleutnant Alexander von Suvorov is listed as number 6 - known circumstances his life: religiosity, asceticism, struggle with passions, especially characteristic of Freemasonry of that period, testify to this.


In 1779, commander Kutuzov joined the “To the Three Keys” lodge in Regensburg. He came to seek in the brotherhood “strength to fight passions and the keys to the secrets of the world.” Traveling throughout Europe, he also entered the lodges of Frankfurt and Berlin, Moscow and St. Petersburg. There is a version among historians that it was Suvorov who recommended Kutuzov to the Freemason brothers, who became not only a military mentor for him, but also a spiritual mentor. Kutuzov rose to high ranks and was one of the most influential members of the fraternity, linking his name with the lodge for more than 30 years. Upon initiation into the 7th degree of Swedish Freemasonry, Kutuzov received the order's name - the Greening Laurel, and the motto - “Glorify yourself with victories,” which became prophetic. Some historians of Freemasonry believe that it was the Masonic society that contributed to the appointment of Kutuzov as the leader of the forces in the fight against Napoleon, who seemed to the Freemasons of the early 19th century to be the embodiment of evil, lust for power and violence. The Freemasons considered it their duty to resist this evil.


In his diary, Pushkin wrote in 1821: “On May 4, I was accepted into the Freemasons.” He received his initiation in the Ovid Lodge in Chisinau; it was never recognized as official, and in November of the same year it was forced to stop working. In addition, on August 1, 1822, Alexander I signed a decree banning Masonic lodges and all secret societies in general. Thus, Pushkin’s initiation into Freemasonry was, as it were, unofficial, although it took place in compliance with all the subtleties of the ritual. Nevertheless, most historians are confident that Pushkin simply could not help but be a Freemason: the environment from which the poet came was saturated with Masonic ideas. His father Sergei Lvovich and uncle Vasily Lvovich were members of the brotherhood; in the house they constantly read the magazines of the Masons N. Novikov and I. Lopukhin, publications by A. Labzin and P. Beketov. Many students of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, where Pushkin studied, the poet’s inner circle, people with whom he either often saw or, later, corresponded, became brothers of the St. Petersburg lodges. Exiled to the south, Pushkin met with many masons: Raevsky, Pestel, S. Volkonsky and others. Perhaps, without formally participating in the work of any of the lodges, he was constantly in the company of Masons, participating in their conversations, so the symbolism of the lodge and the Masonic ritual was as clear to him as to those around him. Researchers of his work have more than once found the symbolism of masons in his poems and stories. In addition, Prince Vyazemsky placed a glove in the poet’s coffin before the funeral as a sign of recognition as his brother in the box.


Chaadaev was one of the brightest characters among the Masons. Few could compare with him in terms of erudition, brilliant erudition, excellent memory and intellectual level. Pushkin called him the smartest man in Russia and recognized him as his teacher. The formation of Chaadaev’s philosophical worldview was greatly influenced by the works of his relative, Prince M. M. Shcherbatov, who at one time was a very famous Freemason. Chaadaev himself was admitted to the Masonic lodge in 1814 in Krakow and achieved one of the highest degrees of initiation into the order - the eighth degree of the “Secret White Brothers of the Lodge of John” out of nine possible. However, being a man of very independent judgments who did not recognize any doctrines, in 1821 Chaadaev became disillusioned with Freemasonry and left the lodge. Chaadaev outlined the reasons that prompted him to leave Freemasonry in a letter. It seemed to him that the rituals of the masons were empty, and the brothers preferred talk about intentions instead of actions.


Alexander Kerensky is considered one of the most prominent representatives of Freemasonry of the 20th century. At the end of 1912, he was accepted as a member of the Masonic lodge "Great East of the Peoples of Russia", which was not recognized by others as a Masonic organization, since it set political activity as a priority. The organization was strong among radicals who advocated a republican structure of the state. Among the three hundred members of this Masonic lodge were representatives of almost all political parties and deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Empire, who could quite successfully influence Russian politics of that time. Four years later, in 1916, Kerensky was elected general secretary of the Masonic lodge. Historians believe that Kerensky's rapid political career, which began in 1917, is associated with his influence and authority in the Masonic organization. After the February Revolution, Kerensky found himself simultaneously in two opposing authorities: in the first composition of the Provisional Government as Minister of Justice, and in the first composition of the Petrograd Soviet as deputy chairman. Then there was the post of military and naval minister of the Provisional Government, which was the peak of Kerensky’s political career. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Kerensky emigrated from Russia.

It was not enough for diplomat and writer Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov to be a member of the largest Masonic lodge in St. Petersburg, “United Friends.” He wanted to improve it; his letters and notes about this have been preserved. According to Griboedov’s design, this box was to be called “Blago”. Instead of the official French Russian was to become the language of all its affairs, despite the fact that there were many foreigners in it. And this goal - the goal of enlightening Russia, spreading Russian literacy - the members of the lodge should have seen as their primary task. Griboyedov was convinced that the energy wasted on the pomp and gloomy solemnity of meetings, on ritualism, could have been used more wisely. Griboedov's projects show the seriousness of his attitude towards membership in the Masonic organization and, of course, his ambition and some idealism. By the way, he was not the only Mason-diplomat, and connections among the Masons greatly contributed to his diplomatic career. Unlike Karamzin or Chaadaev, Griboyedov never left the Masonic lodge - at least with papers and a manifesto.

Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev is a member of the “Workshop of Poets”, an acmeist, which in itself is already associated with the ideas and symbolism of Freemasonry, because the word “acme” contains the image of a stone, as well as “Cadmus” - a reference to Adam, the “first Freemason”. The “Workshop of Poets” was conceived as a “poetic lodge” headed by the “perfect master” Gumilyov. Many of Gumilev’s works (the play “Actaeon”, the collection “Quiver”, “Gondla”, the cycle “To the Blue Star” and, especially, “The Pillar of Fire”) contain Masonic motifs. It is assumed that Gumilyov was accepted into the “mystical lodge of English freemasons” in 1917 or 1918, but this is not known for certain. Although in one of the poet’s poems we meet: “Do you remember how in front of us / A temple stood, blackening in the darkness, / Above the gloomy altars / Fire signs were burning. / Solemn, granite-winged / It guarded our sleepy city, / They sang in it hammers and saws, / Masons worked in the night...”

SO, quite recently, it was published in the media: “specialists from the University of Zurich conducted a mathematical analysis of the connections of 43 thousand transnational corporations and made a frightening conclusion: the world is ruled by one giant “super corporation.”

It is she who “pulls the strings” of the global economy.”

To model the image of the global corporate system, experts processed a gigantic array of data reflecting ownership relations between the largest transnational corporations.

  • The role of Freemasons in world history (Hitler and the Freemasons)

“Reality is so complex that we had to move away from dogma, whether it be conspiracy theories or free market theories,” explained study author, complex systems theorist James Glattfelder. “Our analysis is based on real data.”

Previous research has shown that a relatively small group of companies and banks own the lion's share of the global economic pie, leaving only crumbs for everyone else. However, these studies have overlooked indirect relationships—the relationships of corporations with subsidiaries and affiliates.

By sorting through the 37 million companies and investors around the world represented in the Orbis C database from 2007, the Zurich team identified 43,060 companies owned by multinational corporations and identified their total assets.

A model was built for distributing the economic influence of TNCs through the control of some companies over others: ownership of funds, participation in profits, etc.

Scientists have discovered a core of 1,318 companies whose connections with others can hardly be described as anything other than incestuous. Each of these 1,318 had close relationships with two or more other companies (the average number of affiliates was 20).

And although the official income of these corporations barely exceeds 20% of global operating revenue, through their satellite firms they actually own the majority of the world's companies operating in the sector of the “real” economy. Thus, about 60% of global income is concentrated in the tentacles of corporate monsters.

Continuing to unravel the vast web of ownership, the team found that most of the financial chains go in the direction of a “super-enclave” of 147 companies. Their assets overlap, effectively being common property, giving this shadowy financial conglomerate control of 40% of global corporate wealth.

Most of these "super corporations" are financial institutions. So, the top 10 included:

1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3.FMR Corporation
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8.Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc

Analyze this list yourself, dear readers, and you will see that these are not ordinary companies, and not ordinary people work there. The analysis revealed a connection between the leaders of these super giants of the world economy and secret societies, namely Masonic lodges. Some of these companies were directly founded by people - members of Masonic organizations, and some with their participation.


It is known that by the mid-50s of the 20th century, some Russian Freemasons completely left Freemasonry: Bernstein, Niedermiller, Lebedev, Lohmeyer, Zhdanov, Grunberg. Others moved to French lodges, which by this time were gradually beginning to come to life, but their future was extremely doubtful.

The anonymous author reports: “New forces have been found.” It can be assumed that these were brothers from the Vekhi and Free Russia lodges, whom Lotus accepted, but for some reason they were still listed in the Obedience of the Great East: Jakeli, Dzhanshiev, Kadish, Kangiesser, Aronsberg, Shamin (from the French box), G.G. Karganov (from the mixed box "France?Armenie").

In 1959 the fateful moment came: the Grand Lodge broke off relations with the Grand Orient. The last document in the Masonic archive is the last list of those present at the session of the North Star lodge, February 25, 1965. This does not mean that this session was the last. They continued for another five or six years. It is characteristic that the Masons, who at one time left the USA and returned to France after the Second World War, apparently never returned to the street. Kade. In this latest list, all the names belong to the “third generation” of Russian Freemasonry, their average age was 60-65 years. Here is the list: M...R..., V. Grosser, A. Marshak, S. Grunberg, S., Gorbunov, A. Orlov, V. Marshak, A. Julius, A. Barlant, A. Shimunek (unclear - perhaps this is Shishunok), I. Fidder, T.S...., A, Poznyak, G. Gazdanov, Petrovsky, S. Lutsky.

After the rupture of the two Rites in 1959, how can we understand the presence of Grand Lodge brethren at the Grand Orient session? Maybe whoever wanted to came, and no one was asked where he was from, and whether he had the right to be present in the temple? If this is true, then not only the ability to compromise has been lost, but also the sense of Masonic discipline.

17 people were present at the session in 1965, according to the latest list above. It must be taken with caution, it is drafted carelessly and does not inspire much confidence. But we don't have anything else. S.P. Theakston told me in Paris in 1960: "Some are paralyzed and confused by the consciousness of an approaching end against which we are powerless to fight." Of these 17 people, by 1970 half remained. And then what was supposed to happen happened: five people came to one of the sessions. Who they were is unknown. Was there at least one Master among them - the Wise, the Venerable, or at least only the Secret? But the letter of the law since the time of St. Tybalt demanded that there be seven of them in the temple. And the French Grand Orient took away their premises from the Russian brothers, following the letter of the law. And this was the end of Russian Freemasonry in exile.


“The program for the activities of agents of influence in the USSR was personally developed by Freemason A. Dulles, the future director of the CIA. Having become a Freemason while still studying at Princeton, Dulles already in the mid-20s reached the 33rd degree and other Masonic regalia. In 1927 he becomes one of the directors of the international Masonic coordinating center - the Council for international relations, in 1933 received the key post of secretary, and from 1946 - president of this organization."

“The first connections of the future leaders of the CPSU with Freemasonry date back to the sixties and seventies. M.S. Gorbachev’s contact with Freemasonry occurred, apparently, during his vacation in Italy, where Masonic lodges controlled by the CIA then operated, with the goal of containing communism (in particular, the famous lodge “Propaganda-2”, headed by CIA agent L. Gelli). Contacts with Freemasonry of A. N. Yakovlev date back to his stay in the USA and Canada.”

“The first published news about M. Gorbachev’s membership of free masons appeared on February 1, 1988 in the German small-circulation magazine “Mer Licht” (“More Light”). Similar information was published in the New York newspaper “New Russian Word” (December 4, 1989) However, the most compelling evidence of Gorbachev's affiliation with Freemasonry is his close contacts with leading representatives of the world Masonic government and his membership in one of the main mondialist structures - the Trilateral Commission. The mediator between Gorbachev and the Trilateral Commission was a well-known financial businessman, a Freemason and an agent of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. "J. Soros, who in 1987 formed the so-called Soros-Soviet Union Foundation, from which the Soviet-American Cultural Initiative Foundation later grew."

“Gorbachev’s entry into the membership of the Trilateral Commission should be dated back to January 1989. The meeting of the main architects of Soviet perestroika and the “brothers” who worked for the “good” of the “Architect of the Universe” and the “new world order” took place in Moscow. The Trilateral Commission was represented by its chairman David Rockefeller (who is also the head of the Council on Foreign Relations), Henry Kissinger (the head of B'nai B'rith), J. Bertoin, V. Giscard d'Estaing and Y. Nakasone On the part of the converts from the world behind the scenes, in addition to M. Gorbachev, were present. A. Yakovlev, E. Shevardnadze, G. Arbatov, E. Primakov, V. Medvedev and some others As a result of secret negotiations, agreements were developed on joint activities, the nature of which was clear to few people at that time. However, everything became clear in the end. the same year, when, in the same composition of his associates as at the meeting with the delegation of the Trilateral Commission, M. Gorbachev met on the island of Malta with President D. Bush. The conclusion of an important agreement was in Malta, the capital of the Order of the Knights of Malta, of which the members are knights. The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club, as it were, symbolized a new stage in relations between the world behind the scenes and the leadership of the CPSU."

“The year 1990 becomes fatal in the history of Russia. In a short period of time, the system of governing the country changes. Taking advantage of the transition period, Gorbachev and his associates from the former Politburo (Yakovlev, Shevardnadze, Medvedev, Primakov), which resolved all the most important issues of domestic and foreign policy , in fact, completely usurp power in the country. Many state structures are being deliberately dismantled and destroyed, and in their place shadow behind-the-scenes authorities are created, and above all Masonic lodges and organizations.”

“It is characteristic that the first official Masonic structure that arose in the USSR was the international Jewish Masonic lodge “B’nai B’rith”. Permission to open it was received personally from Gorbachev at the request of one of the leaders of the order, G. Kissinger. In May 1989, the monthly in Paris L'Arche reported that a delegation of 21 people from the French branch of B'nai B'rith, led by President Marc Aron, visited Moscow from December 23 to 29, 1988. The first lodge of this order was organized during the visit and by May it was a member. 63 members. By the same time, two more lodges were established in Vilnius and Riga, and subsequently in St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Odessa, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk."

“Since 1989, Freemasons have been carrying out a broad and even in a certain sense open campaign to propagate subversive Masonic ideas and recruit new members in Russia. In March 1991, CIA-funded Radio Liberty called on residents of the USSR to establish contacts to join Masonic lodges. The host of the program, F. Salkazanova, reported the address at which Soviet citizens could enroll in a Masonic lodge in Paris. This lodge was not simple, but created specifically to “promote the spread of Freemasonry in Russia” and to recreate a “Masonic structure” there. attractive, they called it “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin” (although the great Russian poet was not a Freemason). The “brothers” from this lodge who spoke in the program called for the moral and spiritual improvement of society, considering the United States as a model, the basis of which “was laid from the very beginning.” Masonic principles."

“The Freemasons of France strive to “put their stone in the construction of democracy in Eastern and Central Europe.” This was stated in Paris in September 1991, speaking to journalists, by the Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Orient of France, J. R. Ragash. According to him, members of the Grand The East intends to increase the necessary material and financial efforts for this purpose. After some time, the Grand Master comes to Moscow, and later visits St. Petersburg to organize proper Masonic work there. In parallel, the Grand National Lodge of France initiated two people into its ranks. citizens of Russia who became the organizers of the Russian lodge "Northern Star".

  • Illuminati, Freemasons, dollar and owl. Especially for fans of world conspiracy theories

“The day before the start of the August 1991 coup d’etat, a member of the already mentioned Pushkin lodge, who emigrated from Odessa in 1922 (his name was kept secret), arrived in Moscow from Paris from Paris. Eight more members of this lodge came to Moscow with him. Despite In response to alarming events, this Masonic emissary opens a new lodge “Novikov” on August 30, 1991.”

“As a result of the coup d’etat in August-December 1991, the plans of the world behind the scenes were achieved. The world behind the scenes awards B.N. Yeltsin with the title that almost every member of the world Masonic government bears - Knight Commander of the Order of Malta. He receives it on November 16, 1991. No longer embarrassed, Yeltsin poses in front of reporters in full garb of a knight commander. In August 1992, Yeltsin signs Decree No. 827 “On the restoration of official relations with the Order of Malta.”

“Based on high support, Masonic lodges are growing like mushrooms in Russia. The first such organization in Russia was the Rotary International Masonic club, widespread in Western countries, the opening of which was announced on June 6, 1990 in a report from the television program “Vremya.” The White Masons" of the first call in this club are the heads of administrations of Moscow and St. Petersburg Luzhkov and Sobchak, the banker Gusinsky, famous democratic functionaries M. Bocharov, A. Ananyev, Yu. Nagibin and several dozen other big and small democrats, most of whom went through the "school "The Krible Institute and similar institutions."

“Rotary” is also comparable to the so-called International Russian Club (IRC), created in 1992. This club was headed by M. Bocharov and former Yeltsin press secretary P. Voshchanov. It included a number of famous people, for example, Minister of Justice I. Fedorov , international deputy E. Ambartsumov, member of the Masonic commission "Greater Europe", entrepreneur Svyatoslav Fedorov, former head of state security V. Ivanenko, General K. Kobets, member of the Presidential Council A. Migranyan According to the charter, the club consists of forty people, and each. no more than a third can be added per year, and each entrant is required to obtain three recommendations.”

“Based on the model of one of the main organizations of the world behind the scenes - the Bilderberg Club - in 1992 its Russian analogue was created - the Magisterium club, which initially united about 60 “brothers” in spirit. The key figure in this Masonic underground was the already mentioned J. Soros, who published the article “Big money makes history” in the first issue of the secret bulletin of this club. Other key figures of the club are the patriarchs of the Masonic movement in Russia. former USSR A. Yakovlev and E. Shevardnadze. “The Magisterium” also features A. Sobchak, V.V. Ivanov, S. Shatalin and others.”

“A number of funds and clubs of a lower rank are being created in Russia. The most typical example of such an organization is the reform club “Interaction”, which unites entrepreneurs, heads of banking and exchange institutions, and major government officials. The club was headed by E. T. Gaidar, as well as A. B. Chubais, K. N. Borovoy, L. I. Abalkin, E. G. Yasin, A. P. Pochinok, E. F. Saburov, O. R. Latsis, etc. Among the members of the club were B. G. Fedorov, S. N. Krasavchenko, N. P. Shmelev, S. S. Shatalin. Close to the Interaction club is the International Foundation for Economic and Social Reforms, headed by S. S. Shatalin. Among the major functionaries of the fund it should be noted. L. I. Abalkin and V. V. Bakatin."

“In 1993, another organization of the Masonic type was created - the Order of the Eagle. Among the main founders were the famous financial swindler, head of the Stolichny Bank, previously convicted A. Smolensky, banker P. Nakhmanovich, entrepreneur V. Neverov, one of the leaders of the international Masonic movement M. Shakkum, as well as such chess player G. Kasparov, S. Solovyov, sculptor Z. Tsereteli."


There are Masonic lodges in Russia; one of the Masons, Andrei Bogdanov, even ran for the presidential election in 2008. The official website of the Grand Lodge of Russia is completely open to readers and points out, without mincing words, its leaders and its structure. Maybe these people know something, maybe they are dedicated, but they don’t open up. But IT IS COMPLETELY LIKELY THAT all this is not what once constituted the essence of real Masonic processes.

Now a closed political process also exists: there are closed groups, societies, structures that make very serious decisions - financial, political and military. But I would not dare to call them Masons. Maybe they use the principles of closed secret societies, but it is unlikely that this is accompanied by paraphernalia and oaths, as before.

Platonov’s book “Russia under the Rule of Freemasons” seriously states that during perestroika a number of famous people were agents of influence of the US Freemasons. How much does this reflect reality? Answers the ex-adviser to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, retired police major general, doctor of legal sciences Vladimir Ovchinsky:

It doesn’t reflect, says Ovchinsky. “I think Platonov is passing off wishful thinking as real. There, of course, there were some secret agreements between certain people. The same Alexander Yakovlev (whom the author classifies as a Freemason) in his memoirs, written before his death, says that all his life he wanted to break the back of the communist system, imperial statehood. In fact, a member of the Politburo, an ideologist of the CPSU, declares that all his life he worked against what he serves. But to call him a Mason?!

IS PUTIN A FREEMASON? The answer, to some disappointment, is no. “There is Berberova’s archive - these are authentic documents. (download)

They list the names of the Masons of the early 20th century - people themselves talk about it, there are witnesses. This is reality. There are materials from the investigation into the Decembrist case, which was carried out by Benkendorf - he fought against the Freemasons and secret societies. Everything is proven here. There is also a lot of evidence of Masonic conspiracies from the Great French Revolution. The influence of the Freemasons on the formation of the United States is not just a fact, it is the national and cultural pride of America. As for accusing our political leaders of being Freemasons, there must be grounds for this, but there are none. There are proven facts, and then there is current reality. How strong the Freemasons are in Russia is not known for sure right now."

IN MODERN RUSSIA, OTHER FORCES ARE ACTING, the basis of which is the intelligence services and global capital. But are people working in the special services members of Masonic organizations? This is the next question, however, which can be answered quite positively. They are not only members of international Freemasonry, but are sometimes also in the service of foreign intelligence services.

The book by former CIA officer L. Gonzalez-Mata, “The Real Masters of the World,” provides a list of powerful people belonging to Masonic organizations, including CIA founder Allen Dulles, Bilderberg General Secretary Joseph Rettinger, former President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Jacques Attali, US Presidents Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and George Bush, head of the Trilateral Commission David Rockefeller and many others.

In Russia, these include dozens of politicians and businessmen who belong not only to regular lodges, but also to closed clubs that belong to the so-called “white Freemasonry.”

What are they all trying to achieve? In words - quite noble goals. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France lodge, Jean-Reber Ragache, at a meeting with journalists in 1991, said that the Freemasons of France are striving to “lay their stone in the construction of democracy in Eastern and Central Europe.” He was concerned about "the revival of separatist and irredentist sentiments in Eastern Europe" and also about the "desire of the Church to bring about a new Evangelization."

To achieve this lodge, the Grand Orient of France allocated 1.2 million francs, the Grand Lodge of France - 300 thousand francs, and the Grand National Lodge of France - a set of swords, aprons and orders.

The sacrifice, frankly speaking, is ridiculous compared to what was presented by the Order of Malta to Potanin and Ignatiev. Therefore, there are secret items of expenditure and other secret goals. Which? Alas, there is no definitive answer.
It is known, for example, that the Order of Malta, represented in Russia by Jacques Masson, is vitally interested in the Russian military-industrial complex.

They, these organizations, are still closed to the uninitiated. And therefore, under their “roof”, special services, builders of a new order and ordinary swindlers will continue to work for a long time.

With the word “Freemason” many associations emerge - the heroes of War and Peace, secret brotherhoods and rituals, the interests of the cynical world elites. However, this is not just a flair of the 19th century - Masonic lodges are as real today as they were then. Moreover, they still influence politics. The writer, founder of the magazine "Russian House" Yuri Vorobyovsky spoke about whether there are still freemasons and what goals they pursue in the "Radio Kuzichev" program.

Is Freemasonry an anti-religion?

Anatoly Kuzichev: Let's talk about this surprisingly popular and completely incomprehensible and underestimated concept. What is Freemasonry, who are the Masons?

Yuri Vorobievsky: You are absolutely right. This is truly the antithesis of Orthodoxy. The fact is that we have a strange system. You say this in the presence of some well-educated, nice, normal priest or someone from the Orthodox audience about this - and immediately your interlocutor has a sore throat that tries to develop into a sarcastic smile, a nervous tic arises, people crawl right under the table. But, for example, on Mount Athos, where I often visit, and in Greece, the attitude is completely different.
Quite recently, a book by Archimandrite Epiphanius was published in Greece, which has already been translated into Russian, called “Freemasonry in the Light of Truth.” She talks about Freemasonry as an anti-religion. A cult, an object of worship, some semblance of a supreme being.

A.K.:Anti-religion or independent, new religion? Or another religion?

Yu.V.: We can say that yes, this is a different religion. This is precisely a religion with all the signs, as this learned archimandrite points out.

A.K.: That is, Freemasonry is a religion? New, with different symbols of faith, with a different meaning, apparently. With a different perspective.

Yu.V.: Freemasonry is a religion with a huge number of stolen symbols, including Orthodox ones. For example, the 33rd degree in Freemasonry has a double-headed eagle as its symbol. 30th degree - the horseman defeating the serpent.

A.K.: What degree?

Yu.V.: Hierarchy system.

A.K.: A, hierarchical system- it is measured in degrees...

Yu.V.: Moreover, you know, there are places where the entrance is a ruble, and the exit is ten. In the first stages, a person is told that you are joining a lovely community of brothers. Men's order. What's bad? Well, there are a lot of them. And then they start calling...

How do Masons attract people?

A.K.: Tell me, Yuri Yuryevich, this is very important. Suppose a person comes up to me. The famous freemason Bogdanov, who even ran for president of the Russian Federation. And he will say: “Anatoly Alexandrovich, there is a proposal.” I tell him: "Interesting." - "Join our ranks." I say: “What about someone’s?” He says: “Listen, the most ancient order, male.”

And I ask: “Well, what’s the point? I understand what my faith, my religion, my Orthodoxy gives me. I understand what a full-time job on a TV channel gives me. And what does this give me?” - I’ll ask him. What will he answer me, I wonder?

Yu.V.: There is a certain material qualification. If you are rich enough, they will come to you. If they haven't come yet, they will. If you are influential and promising, of course, this can happen.

When I became interested in this topic in the early 1990s, I also had a good broadcast, prime time on Channel One. I had original programs. And so, using my journalistic capabilities, I ended up in a Moscow apartment. A nice couple, husband and wife, and in the future, in the near future, he will become the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia. She will receive initiation in Paris, in the women's box.

A.K.: Can we say names or not? Or awkward?

Yu.V.: I think you can already say, because they are already exes. Georgy Borisovich Dergachev. And his wife, Olga Sergeevna Gornostaeva, who died just recently, as an Orthodox person, you can pray for her. Thanks to the fact that she understood where she ended up, she gave me her documents, her diaries, which later turned into a book. There is also a film on this topic. The book is called "The Fifth Angel Sounded". Without false modesty, this is probably the only book about modern Freemasonry in Russia and in the world that is documentary.

A.K.: Yuri Yuryevich, but still, what does Freemasonry offer?

Yu.V.: Freemasonry offers international solidarity bonds. Every person is offered success.

A.K.: Ahh. This is the religion of success. If we say that it is a religion, it is a religion of success.

Yu.V.: Pride is encouraged. If they were a businessman, they would tell you, and this is actually true. You come to any Big City, take the Masonic directory, dial the phone and talk there the right words: “I am so-and-so’s brother.” And you will be helped. If you are, say, a retired lieutenant colonel, did not serve enough, did not become a general. You enter a knightly order, a military, one might say, knightly order. And after a certain number of years you are no longer just a general, you are a Kadosh Knight or someone else. These pompous names in Freemasonry are, in fact, sometimes funny. Here is the Knight Kadosh - in Hebrew "kadosh" means "holy". Imagine, a person says: “Very nice, I’m a saint.” They shake his hands and say: “And I am the Prince of the East, very nice.”


Yu.V.: Beautiful, but a little funny.

A.K.: Some kind of simple modernism. Now, Yuri Yuryevich, about some famous Russian masons.

About Freemasonry in Russia


Alexander Pushkin. He joined the Freemasons in 1821. But it is unlikely that his attitude towards the secret organization can be called serious - among the poet’s papers, account books of the Masonic lodge were found, which he filled with his poems.

Commander Alexander Suvorov was one of the very first masons in St. Petersburg. In the capital's Three Stars lodge he achieved the degree of Master. And Suvorov brought his passion for organizing free masons from Konigsberg.

“Ever-green laurel” - this was the Masonic name M bore Ikhail Kutuzov. He had the highest degrees of initiation and participated in the meetings of the lodges of St. Petersburg, Frankfurt and Berlin.
The historian and writer Nikolai Karamzin was a member of the Masonic lodge for only four years. However, he stood up for his former brothers during the arrest of members of the order in Moscow.

Philosopher and Decembrist Petr Chaadaev bore the eighth degree of initiation into the order out of nine possible. He was a member of the St. Petersburg lodge, but left it, disillusioned with the meaningless rituals and empty talk.

Alexander Griboyedov took participation in the order seriously. The writer and diplomat saw the goal of the lodge as the enlightenment of Russia.

Participant in the collapse of the Russian Empire Alexander Kerensky was a member of the leadership of the para-Masonic organization "Great East of the Peoples of Russia".

A.K.: Some amazing names indeed. Okay Kerensky, okay even Karamzin - but Suvorov, Pushkin, Kutuzov, Griboyedov...

Yu.V.: Yes, this is the same clip that is prepared, that fires... And people have spiritual, ideal motivations. Of course, not all of us are businessmen, and not all of us are pragmatists. There are also humanists, candidates of science and aspiring writers. Of course, when a person is told that you find yourself in the same company as Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Karamzin... Good company, right?

A.K.: Also with Suvorov, Kutuzov, Griboyedov.

Yu.V.: By the way, the Bogdanov you mentioned, as I remember, simply said in his election slogan: “I represent an organization whose members...” - and begins listing them.
As for Suvorov, I had a special investigation - this is all wrong. He was in Konigsberg when his dad was governor-general of the new Russian region, so to speak. He was simply sent by his father to the box to probe. And in the Masonic books it remains that he was present at the meeting of the lodge. And off we go.

A.K.: But you didn’t become a Master?

Yu.V.: No, as far as I know.

Yu.V.: This, of course, is the desire of the Masons - to grab everything they can for themselves. Although, in fact, there are already a lot of people. Indeed, the 18th-19th centuries are such a fad.

A.K.: What's the fad? Enlightenment, mystery and terrible conspiracy theories? This is terribly interesting to everyone...

Yu.V.: And everything at the same time. Everything we are talking about now reminds me of a plot from the life of Macarius the Great. He walks through the desert and meets the devil. The devil is all hung with some kind of bubbles. The saint asks the devil: “Where are you going?” - “I’m going to the brethren.” - “What are you talking about?” - "For every taste".

For every taste. Indeed, the order has a very large experience, centuries-old. Therefore, for every taste. A retired officer, a promising businessman.

And it does have an effect. One day I came to Athos to visit my good old friend, the hieroschemamonk, who was our intelligence officer in Afghanistan, then he was a big businessman, he had factories abroad. Now he, in a shabby cassock, with sandals on his bare feet, says: “Listen, bring me your book about the Masons.” I answer him: “Father, why do you need this “Fifth Angel” here on Athos?” “You know,” he says, “I still have friends who are businessmen in Bulgaria. When they became rich, they came to them and said: “Guys, do you understand what we are? We are international solidarity, business." “Well, yes, we’ll think about it,” they answered. They thought somehow so sluggishly. Six months pass, they come again and say: “Guys, you probably didn’t understand our conversation. Bulgaria is a very small country. And cut off your oxygen, using international ones...” And the guys start to get nervous, they say: “How can this be, we are Orthodox people after all...” - “Oh, that. Yes you! We will introduce you to both the priests and the bishops." Bluff? I won’t comment on this moment now.

A.K.: No, please comment, this is fundamentally important, in fact. Your version: bluff?

Yu.V.: You know, Comrade Brzezinski called Russian Orthodoxy the main enemy of America. Remember this quote?

A.K.: Yes, we remember.

Yu.V.: If we speak in terms of war, "the main enemy." Agents are sent into the enemy camp.

A.K.: Always.

Yu.V.: So I was shocked at first by his words. Bluff or bluff? Then I thought: well... It’s unpleasant to go into this topic, to be honest. But I brought this book to him. Because these guys were confused, all the cards were knocked out of their hands.

This archimandrite, he wrote: “Look what happens in these rituals. At a certain stage of initiation there, some master of ceremonies says, when they knock on the box: “Who are you, what do you want?” - We are the children of Darkness, we want to enter and receive Light". Imagine if these are Orthodox baptized people!

Does the secret become clear?

A.K.: In general, are Masonic lodges secret organizations?

Yu.V.: You know, as the Masons themselves say, this is not a secret organization, it is an organization that has secrets.

A.K.: Is there a directory of Russian masons? View by name...

Yu.V.: Yes, you know, there is a Serkov reference book.

A.K.: G where to find him?

Yu.V.: Well, I think the circulation has passed.

A.K.: Is it possible on the Internet, do you think?

Yu.V.: Probably possible.

A.K.:Directory of Russian Masons. But modern ones are mostly not indicated.

Yu.V.: But we know many of them; they have already given interviews.

A.K.: For example? Except Bogdanov.

Yu.V.: Dergachev, for example. Previously, when Dergachev was the Grand Master, he said: “Only, please, under no circumstances should my name be mentioned anywhere, this is not accepted among us.” Now, apparently, everything is becoming easier. They ask another question. The names of famous politicians are mentioned. They say to me: “Listen, you’re there with the 33rd sign...”

A.K.: I’ve been leading up to this carefully and for a very long time...

Yu.V.: When they start calling names, I say: “My friends, if I cannot present a document, what can I say.” But I know one thing. That back in the early 1990s, in the Scottish Rite system (the powerful world Masonic rite), the Aurora Lodge was created in Moscow for English-speaking foreigners working here. Then, as far as I know, certain Russian VIPs, recognizable people, began to enter this box.

A.K.: AND from the Russian media elite, you are hinting...

Yu.V.: No, from a wide variety of Russian elites, including the political elite.
But there is another point. The point is that in Russian tradition after all, it is not customary for a serious famous person to talk about this, unlike the American tradition. Everyone knows that Washington, the founder of the United States, was a Freemason. Great figure.

A.K.: We even know what architectural design Washington was built on. Don't know this story? Fantastically interesting story.

Yu.V.: Yes Yes. Masonic architecture.

In Russia they hide information about the Aurora lodge...

A.K.: Why?

Yu.V.: Yes, painfully unpleasant historical things. Look. "Golden Age" of Catherine, "Golden Age" of Freemasonry. Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov and his company were arrested at the very moment when Catherine realized: the epidemic was intensifying, and a huge number of nobles close to her, military and not only, it turns out, were swearing allegiance not only to her, the Empress, but also to that Great Master, which is located in Prussia. In Prussia, with which relations are terrible, it almost came to war. Speaking modern language, smacks of high treason. The first wave of anti-Masonic government acts.
The second peak moment - gentlemen of the Decembrists. Everyone had connections with some kind of Masonic, para-Masonic organizations, almost all of them.

A.K.: They remembered Pyotr Chaadaev, for example...

Yu.V.: And most importantly, where all the threads led. The threads led, in particular, to Italy. This was the initiation name of Nubius; he was a very famous Freemason. Everything went from there. From the Grand Lodge of England, of course.

Well, the February revolution. The remarkable Orthodox publicist, Archbishop Nikon Rozhdestvensky, wrote a lot about the dangers of Freemasonry before the revolution. And one day he wrote: “One famous bishop came up to me and said: “Vladika, why are you writing all about these Masons? Who saw them at all, where are they? And do they exist at all?” These questions are also often asked to me.

And then several years passed after this conversation - and suddenly the Provisional Government, where 99 percent are mythical, non-existent Freemasons, gains power in a huge country.

A.K.: D and, led by a very specific Freemason Alexander Kerensky.

Yu.A.: And Nikon Rozhdestvensky was not just killed - his head was cut off. And this is a ritual Masonic moment.

Masonic symbols

Reference: Symbols around. Columns. The gateway for the initiate and the exit to the light for the seeker.

Columns of the Temple of Jerusalem. The symbolic columns are reminiscent of the obelisks covered with hieroglyphs that stood in front of Egyptian temples.

Steps. Steps may be depicted between the columns of the temple, which symbolize trials and purification by the elements upon receiving Masonic initiation.

Mosaic floor. The columns are followed by a mosaic floor with a checkerboard pattern of white and black squares. The symbolism of alternation suggests that in the area of ​​our feelings everything is balanced with strict precision.

Cutter and hammer. To implement his work, the student is given tools - a chisel, representing an established thought, a decision made, and a hammer - the will that puts them into action.

Stone. A rough stone is placed next to one column, and a cubic stone is placed next to the other. Symbolically, the Masonic work consists in cutting away the rough stone to improve the creations of nature.

The Worshipful Master's Gavel. The gavel is used by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, the First Warden of the Lodge and the Second Warden of the Lodge in carrying out ritual work.

Plumb. Used by masons to check the verticality of walls. For a Mason, the plumb line is a symbol of truth. Truth not as an abstract logical concept, but truth as the correctness of words and deeds before God and society. The level is used by masons to check the levelness of surfaces. Used by free masons as a symbol of equality between people.

Compass and square. In this emblem, the compass represents the vault of heaven, and the square represents the earth. A compass combined with a square is perhaps the most common of all Masonic emblems, symbols and signs.

Book of the Sacred Law. One of the three main lights of free masons. This is the main book of the religion professed by the brothers present in the lodge meeting. The Radiant Delta is the most important symbol of the Masonic Temple.

All-seeing eye. A triangle with an eye placed inside it, a sign of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness.

A.K.: The enumeration of symbols immediately raises many more questions than understanding.

Yu.V.: The topic is very interesting.

A.K.: We immediately recall the coat of arms of the GDR.

Yu.V.: Yes, hammer.

A.K.: Hammer. With this very thing, as it is called...

A.K.: And then we remember the dollar with this shining eye in the triangle. And then... Whatever we remember. And we think: “Lord my God.”

Yu.V.: And you know, each of these symbols, just off the top of my head, has the most important meaning for our conversation today. Look, these two columns, Jachin and Boaz, are at the entrance to the temple.
In addition, this is an ancient Gnostic sign of the equivalence of good and evil. If good and evil are equal, then there is no Truth, Truth with a capital T. If this is so, then there are, in fact, no criteria of morality or ethics. And there is a purely Masonic topic in this regard called “ethics in time.” What was unethical yesterday is ethical today.
We now already know about euthanasia for children in Belgium. The so-called Overton windows.

A.K.: What was unacceptable suddenly becomes first acceptable and then mainstream.

Yu.V.: A purely Masonic topic, by the way.

A.K.: Yes? How interesting, listen. But still: all these signs and symbols, now on the coat of arms of the GDR, now on the dollar sign - are they all an accident?

Yu.V.: Well, sorry, Freemasonry simply created the United States of America.

A.K.: And then? Disappeared from the base?

Yu.V.: And now, of course, they are the most influential. Although sometimes they say: “Well, Freemasonry was popular in the 19th century, now it’s already a museum...”

How many Masons and where are they?

A.K.: So, Masons are among us, there are many of them. Another thing is that they mostly do not introduce themselves...

Yu.V.: A little.

A.K.: A little? How do you estimate their numbers?

Yu.V.: Well, I think that in Russia there are several hundred Masons of the regular rite, that is, correct Masons.

A.K.: But these are all people, if I understand their logic correctly, of the highest echelon.

Yu.V.: Not all, of course, not all. If we talk about America, then this is a Masonic state.

Why, indeed, wherever America appears, war, revolution, chaos begins everywhere.

There is a purely Masonic formula - it, in fact, is at the head of all documents, as we wrote before: “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” And it says: "Order out of chaos." That is, it is necessary first to create chaos so that the exhausted peoples the world said: yes, as much as possible, wars, revolutions and everything else, immorality.

A.K.: And here I am - all in white...

Yu.V.: Yes, and then someone comes out - all in white. In the language of Orthodox eschatology, we know who it is.

A.K.: Yes, listen, how interesting.

Yu.V.: And the project is Masonic. Diabolical, of course.

A.K.: On the one hand, the conclusion is very simple, just shockingly simple. Yes, indeed, there is such a structure, like many others. It is truly powerful - many people join it, driven by their own pride, by the religion of success. Moreover, they deliver what they promise. Like any transaction with this force, it is successful at a certain stage. But for you and me this is terrible. This is Satanism and diabolism - that's all.

Yu.V.: Absolutely right. We talked about cheating. About treason to your state. About betrayal of God. About betrayal of human nature itself. I am addressing our Orthodox patriotic audience. I would like to say: my friends, with God’s help, we will remain faithful.

A.K.:There's no better way to say it. I would like to thank, of course, Yuri Yuryevich, the author of the book “The Fifth Angel Sounded the Trumpet”? And a postscript about the dollar...


let's look at the dollar.

Let's start with its front side: we immediately pay attention to the emblem of the US Department of the Treasury.

Then we move to number 1 at the top right. From behind the inner upper left corner of the shield, an owl peeks out behind the number - a symbol of the satanic Bohemian Club, registered in the Bohemian Grove.

Next we see a pyramid, at the top of which there is an all-seeing eye, at the base of the pyramid are the same Roman numerals. We add them up and we get the number 666. Under the pyramid is the slogan: “Novus Ordo Seclorum”. Literally means "New Order of the Ages." But what is more correct, especially today, is the “New World Order,” which the world’s elites so often talk about.

Let's draw the pyramid to the Jewish star. The angles point to the letters, forming the word "mason". Above the pyramid we see “Annuit Coeptis” - “He contributed to our endeavors”, or “Beginning Time”. "He" is the architect (eye). According to other sources, it is translated as “God blesses our deeds.”

13 leaves on an olive branch in an eagle's paw. 13 olives in a branch. 13 lines and stripes. 13 arrows in the eagle's paw. 13 five-pointed stars above the eagle's head. 13 letters in "E Pluribrus Unum". 13 stones in a pyramid. 13 letters in "Annuit Coeptis". In the center of the bill capital letter N - 13th in the ancient Greek alphabet. 13 is the mystical number of Satan.

Fold the dollar in half. So much for the great double-sided seal of the United States. On one side are the priests, on the other are the masons.

This is such an interesting gang, and the goal of this gang is simple - to make of us a worldwide cosmopolitan herd without clan or tribe. The purpose of the Freemasons is written on a ribbon in the eagle's beak on the right. Of course, this Latin is translated so that the people are not afraid: “Unity in diversity.” But in reality - “One people out of many.” And the width of a dollar, by the way, is 66.6 millimeters.

Dedicated to the memory of Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev), who blessed my work on studying the subversive anti-Russian activities of Masonic organizations.


To understand modern Freemasonry, firstly, it is extremely important to understand that today's forms of activity of this criminal community are very different from traditional ideas about it. Today's Freemason rarely dons his robe. The usual Masonic ritual is fading into the background in our time. Most of the “Masonic work” is no longer carried out in traditional Masonic lodges, but in various closed organizations of the Masonic type - clubs “Rotary”, “Pen”, “Magisterium”, “humanitarian” orders of the Eagle or Constantine the Great, etc. Masonic ritual , which for centuries served as a camouflage for the political intrigues of free masons, lost its significance to a large extent in the second half of the 20th century. In conditions when people came to power in all countries of the Western world who were no longer embarrassed to admit their membership in Masonic organizations, the need for Masonic ritual disappeared. Freemasonry is turning into a secret political union, a kind of international, uniting in its ranks unscrupulous politicians, financial swindlers, crooks of all stripes, putting profit and unlimited power over people above all else. At the head of this secret international are the Jewish leaders. Like the CPSU in the USSR, Freemasonry in the West is the backbone of the political system. All major political decisions are prepared and taken in the silence of closed organizations. In "democratic elections" the public is allowed to choose from several candidates presented by the Masonic backstage. It is these candidates who are provided with information support from television and newspapers, which are almost all controlled by the same behind the scenes. The people in this political system are simply statistic in the hands of political intriguers. It is this system of power formation that has been introduced in our country since the late 80s.

The second thing that is important to note for understanding modern Masonic power is that the Judeo-Masonic structures today are not a monolith, but consist of a number of clans fighting among themselves for power and money. Even in the so-called world government - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club - there is an ongoing struggle between Judeo-Masonic clans, orders of various rituals and regional centers of power. This struggle is clearly illustrated by today's events in Russia, where supporters of the Order of Malta and American Freemasonry (Yeltsin, Berezovsky, Abramovich), B'nai B'rith and Jewish Freemasonry (Gusinsky, Friedman, Khodorkovsky, Yavlinsky), the Grand Orient of France and European Freemasonry (Luzhkov, Primakov, Yakovlev). All these three branches of Judeo-Masonic power bring grief and destruction to our people, all of them are aimed at the dismemberment of Russia and the genocide of its people.

In today's Russia there are more than 500 Masonic lodges and Masonic-type organizations (not including occult organizations and branches of the Church of Satan). Their activities are strictly secret and closed. Most of them are not registered with the authorities, observing conspiracy and Masonic secrecy. The Masonic lodges themselves, performing the traditional rituals of free masons, make up no more than a third of the above number.

The lodges of the Scottish ritual are considered the most “respectable” part of Russian Freemasonry; most of them are organized by masters of the Grand Lodge of France. The activities of these lodges are carried out according to old documents, observing full continuity with the Masonic establishment of the 18th-20th centuries. By 1998, such old Russian lodges of the Scottish ritual as “Astraea”, “Hermes”, “Northern Lights”, etc. were resumed, new lodges were organized - “Pushkin”, “Novikov”, etc. They use ritual documents " Scottish rit" lodge "Astrea" XVIII and emigrant lodge "Astrea" 20-30s of the XX century.

The Grand Orient of France has resumed the activities of Masonic lodges in Russia, focused on militant Russophobia and godlessness, and above all the Free Russia lodge, which, according to our information, unites, in particular, several State Duma deputies, General Staff and FSB officers.

In the system of national German Freemasonry, the Russian Masonic lodge "Great Light of the North" is being recreated, working according to the ritual documents of the emigrant Masonic lodge of the same name.

According to some reports, several lodges of American Freemasonry (York Ritual) are emerging in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Attempts are being made to root the Order of Shriners on Russian soil.

In addition to those listed above, those recognized in Masonic world rituals, such “homemade” Masonic lodges are created (like the “Russian National Lodge”), which are not recognized by real free masons.

In general, according to our rough estimates, the number of members of all Masonic lodges in Russia is at least two thousand people.

A much larger number of members (at least 10 thousand) are listed in the so-called white Freemasonry - Masonic-type organizations that do not use the traditional rituals of freemasons, but accept Masonic principles of life and are headed, as a rule, by real Masons. The first place here is occupied by members of Rotary clubs (there are several dozen of them in Russia). Very characteristic of “white Freemasonry” are such organizations as the Order of the Eagle, the Magisterium, Reform, Interaction, International Russian Club, and Soros Foundation clubs. Activists of “white Freemasonry” consider themselves the “chosen people” (elite), who have special rights to dominate other people. The subversive anti-Christian, anti-Russian work of these organizations is strictly closed and secret.

Agents of influence

The first step of the world Masonic backstage to recreate the Masonic network on the territory of the USSR was an operation related to the search in our country for persons who could become agents of influence. In terms of intelligence services, an “agent of influence” is a citizen of one state who acts in the interests of another state, using for this purpose his high official position in the upper echelons of power - the country’s leadership, political party, parliament, the media, as well as science, art and culture. In our work we will touch only on that part of these individuals who worked in favor of the United States and were trained by the CIA.

Experts who have studied this problem note a number of characteristic features inherent in agents of influence who worked in favor of the United States [1].

This is, firstly, the ability to influence public consciousness, the entire society as a whole or individual official and regional groups (which, in fact, is inherent in all agents of influence).

Secondly, indispensable inclusion in a specific network. An agent of influence is always just a cog in the most complex machine of “making politics,” which is controlled according to programs created by the CIA back in the sixties and seventies.

Thirdly, objective assistance in achieving the goals set by the “master”, in this case the CIA as an organ of the world behind the scenes. At a certain stage, these goals can even be presented as the corresponding interests of our country, but in fact they are only an intermediate point on the way to achieving the goals of the “master”.

Fourthly, compulsory training, which is conducted in group or individual methods. The forms of teaching are multifaceted and diverse: from ordinary lectures to intimate conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. There are special instructions for this.

Fifthly, belonging to the number of “background” functionaries. The stronger the agent, the deeper it is hidden. These are “shadow” politicians, “gray cardinals”. They do not rule, but direct, suggest a solution to this or that issue that is necessary for the “owner” and harmful for the country.

Sixth, commitment, most often selfish, to some “universal human values” and achievements of world civilization, which, as a rule, hides at best the absence of Russian national consciousness (national ignorance), and at worst - ordinary Russophobia and hatred of historical values Russia.

The first five characteristics can be very diverse among agents of influence, but the last one is surprisingly the same both for agents of influence trained by the CIA in the sixties and for the perestroika foremen of the second half of the eighties.

The program for the activities of agents of influence in the USSR was personally developed by Freemason A. Dulles, the future director of the CIA. Having become a Mason while still studying at Princeton, Dulles already in the mid-20s reached the 33rd degree and other Masonic regalia. In 1927, he became one of the directors of the international Masonic coordinating center, a mondialist organization - the Council on Foreign Relations, in 1933 he received the key post of secretary, and from 1946 - president of this organization. At one of the secret meetings of this council at the beginning of 1945, in the presence of the leaders of American Freemasonry, US Vice President G. Truman, Secretary of the Treasury G. Morgenthau and B. Baruch, A. Dulles said the following: “The war will end, somehow everything will be settled, things will work out.” And we will throw everything we have, all the gold, all the material assistance or resources to fool and fool people.

The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself (emphasis added - O.P.).

Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually erase their social essence, wean artists, we will discourage them from engaging in depiction, research, or something, of those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theater, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, dissidence, in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government management...

Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness, drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, dissidence, nationalism and opposition of peoples - we will spread all this deftly and quietly...

We will undermine generation after generation in this way... We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, we will always place the main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make them agents of our influence, cosmopolitans of the free world. This is how we will do it" [2].

At this meeting, the main directions of the struggle against the Russian people were determined, which were later embodied in official documents of the US government, and above all in the directives of the Council National Security USA and the laws of this country.

Directive of the US National Security Council NSC-20/1, approved by US President Harry Truman on August 18, 1948, proclaimed: “To make fundamental changes in the theory and practice of foreign policy adhered to by the government in power in Russia... This comes first "all about making and keeping the Soviet Union weak politically, militarily and psychologically in comparison with external forces beyond its control."

NSC 68, signed by President Truman on April 7, 1950, directed: “We must wage open psychological warfare to cause mass betrayal... sow the seeds of destruction... enhance positive and timely measures and operations by covert means in the economic, political and psychological warfare with the aim of causing and maintaining unrest... We must lead the construction of political and economic system free world. But in addition to affirming our values, our policies and actions must be such as to bring about fundamental changes in the character of the Soviet system... It will obviously be cheaper but more effective if these changes are the result, to the maximum extent possible, of the internal forces of Soviet society."

In a circular from US Secretary of State J.F. Dulles to American embassies and missions abroad dated March 6, 1953, immediately after Stalin’s death, it was emphasized: “Our main goal remains to sow doubts, confusion, uncertainty regarding the new regime not only among the ruling circles and the masses in the USSR and satellite countries, but also among communist parties outside the Soviet Union."

And finally, the Captive Peoples Act, adopted by the NOA Congress in August 1959, openly raised the issue of dividing Russia into 22 states and inciting hatred against the Russian people.

Since 1947, under the pretext of fighting communism, the American government has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars annually to implement programs to combat Russia and the Russian people.

One of the main points of these programs was the training of “like-minded people, allies and assistants” in Russia.

Apparently, one of the first such experiments in training like-minded people was an attempt by the American intelligence services to recruit some individuals from a group of Soviet trainees who were at Columbia University in the late fifties and early sixties, among whom were, in particular, the future “foremen of perestroika” A. Yakovlev and O. Kalugin. As the former chairman of the USSR KGB V. Kryuchkov noted: “Yakovlev understood perfectly well that he was under close surveillance by the Americans, he felt what his new American friends were driving at, but for some reason he did not draw the right conclusions for himself. He made unauthorized contact with the Americans , and when we became aware of this, he portrayed the matter in such a way that he did it in an effort to obtain materials needed for the Soviet side from a closed library..." [3]. Another of his fellow trainees, O. Kalugin (future KGB general), in order to evade responsibility, denounced his comrade, who then got into big trouble. From those times, a photograph from the fifties, published in the emigrant newspaper “Russian Voice”, has been preserved, “which depicts A. Yakovlev and O. Kalugin in the company of CIA personnel [4].

However, the competent Soviet authorities were unable to find out whether recruitment had taken place or whether the CIA’s case had not gone beyond establishing fact-finding contacts and establishing connections for the future.

Nevertheless, Yakovlev’s behavior in the second half of the sixties and early seventies, in many ways, corresponded to the requirements that A. Dulles made of agents of influence. This, in particular, was manifested in Yakovlev’s article in Literaturnaya Gazeta, where he spoke sharply against the still timid shoots of the Russian national revival, making crude anti-Russian attacks. In fact, Yakovlev called for administrative reprisals against its carriers, and it came immediately.

In the early seventies, Yakovlev was appointed ambassador to Canada, where he actively maintained contacts with a wide range of people, among whom he developed a particularly trusting relationship with the Prime Minister, a prominent freemason, P. Trudeau. Apparently, it was during that period that this figure’s “fraternization” with the world Masonic backstage took place.

In the 60-70s, surrounded by the top leaders of the CPSU Central Committee, a group of agents of influence emerged, which, in particular, included F. M. Burlatsky (until 1964), G. X. Shakhnazarov, G. I. Gerasimov, G. A. Arbatov, A. E. Bovin. Masking their anti-state activities with the usual Marxist phraseology, these party advisers gradually pushed the country's political leadership to make decisions that became the first steps towards the destruction of the USSR. A striking example of such an adviser-agent of influence was the director of the Institute of the USA and Canada G. A. Arbatov, who even then occupied a pro-American position. In the preface to the memoirs of this agent of influence, published in the United States, Deputy Secretary of State Talbot openly admits that Mr. Arbatov has been a friend of America since the 70s.

Since the late 60s, A. D. Sakharov and E. G. Bonner became an important element of the CIIIA’s agents of influence. Their unbridled praise of the Western political system and tendentious criticism of the Soviet regime through CIA-funded propaganda played a large role in the West's Cold War against Russia. A former physicist who broke with science, and his wife, the daughter of rabid Jewish communists, took a leading place among other Jewish-Soviet public figures and anti-Russian dissidents, becoming a kind of symbol of opposition to the historical values ​​of Russia, a banner of the struggle for its dismemberment and humiliation.

The intensification of the activity of agents of influence in our country is associated with global behind-the-scenes projects carried out within the framework of Masonic coordinating centers - the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission. Back in the late fifties and sixties, the secret materials of these centers expressed concerns about the nature of the processes taking place in the USSR. The danger of the revival of Russia on national-patriotic principles and an even greater strengthening of the influence of our country in the world community, which sharply increased as a result of the Second World War, was emphasized. Even the theoretical possibility of consolidating Russia, which is being reborn on a national basis, with the countries of the “third world” caused a feeling of fear among the world behind the scenes, because only such consolidation could stop the West’s predatory use of natural resources that belong to all of humanity.

The Masonic futurological organization "Club of Rome", which, in particular, includes E. M. Primakov, is developing a report "The Limits to Growth" (1972), which has become widely known throughout the world. The data from this report showed that resources were being depleted at a catastrophic rate and that Western countries were facing the threat of reducing their consumption levels.

The new US strategic doctrine regarding the USSR NS DD-75, prepared for US President R. Reagan by Harvard historian Richard Pipes, proposed intensifying hostile actions against Russia. “The directive clearly formulated,” writes the American political scientist Peter Schweitzer, “that our next goal is no longer coexistence with the USSR, but a change in the Soviet system. The directive was based on the conviction that changing the Soviet system with the help of external pressure was entirely within our power.”

Another American doctrine - “Liberation” and the concept of “Information Warfare”, developed for the administration of President George W. Bush, openly proclaimed the main goal of the Western world “dismantling the USSR” and “dismemberment of Russia”, ordered American legal and illegal structures to monitor the situation, initiate and manage anti-Russian sentiments and processes in the republics of Russia and establish a fund of billions of dollars. per year to assist the “resistance movement.”

In the seventies and eighties, the American program for training agents of influence in the USSR acquired a complete and purposeful character. It cannot be said that this program was not known to the Soviet leadership. The facts say that it was. But those people whom we today can with full responsibility call agents of influence deliberately turned a blind eye to it.

The KGB of the USSR prepared a special document on this matter, which was called “On the CIA’s plans to acquire agents of influence among Soviet citizens.”

“According to reliable data received by the State Security Committee, recently the US CIA, based on the analysis and forecasts of its specialists about the future paths of development of the USSR, has been developing plans to intensify hostile activities aimed at the disintegration of Soviet society and the disorganization of the socialist economy. For these purposes, American intelligence aims The task of recruiting agents of influence from among Soviet citizens, training them and further promoting them into the sphere of management of politics, economics and science of the Soviet Union, the CIA developed a program for individual training of agents of influence, providing for their acquisition of espionage skills, as well as their concentrated political and ideological. processing In addition, one of the most important aspects of the training of such agents is the teaching of management methods at the leadership level of the national economy. The leadership of American intelligence plans to purposefully and persistently, regardless of costs, search for individuals who, based on their personal and business qualities, will be able to occupy administrative positions in the future. positions in the administrative apparatus and carry out the tasks formulated by the enemy. At the same time, the CIA proceeds from the fact that the activities of individual, unrelated agents of influence, pursuing a policy of sabotage in the national economy and distortion of guidelines, will be coordinated and directed from a single center created within the framework of American intelligence. According to the CIA, the purposeful activities of agents of influence will contribute to the creation of certain difficulties of an internal political nature in the Soviet Union, delay the development of our economy, and conduct scientific research in the Soviet Union in dead-end directions. When developing these plans, American intelligence proceeds from the fact that increasing contacts between the Soviet Union and the West create favorable preconditions for their implementation in modern conditions. According to the statements of American intelligence officers, who are called upon to directly work with such agents from among Soviet citizens, the program currently being implemented by the American intelligence services will contribute to qualitative changes in various spheres of life of our society, and above all in the economy. And it will ultimately lead to the adoption by the Soviet Union of many Western ideals. The KGB takes into account the information received to organize events to uncover and suppress the plans of American intelligence" [5].

Programs for training agents of influence were carried out in parallel with the development of programs for the dismemberment of Russia and the preparation of genocide of the Russian people.

Pay attention to the term - it speaks of a thoughtful, long-term policy, the core of which is genocide" [6].

Today we can speak with complete certainty about the implementation of many plans developed by the world behind the scenes in relation to the USSR. In any case, by the beginning of the eighties, American intelligence had dozens of assistants and like-minded people in the highest echelons of power. The role of some of them is not yet clear enough, but the results of their activities are obvious and data on their cooperation with foreign intelligence services cannot be refuted.

According to data reported by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, from 1985 to 1992, the West (primarily the USA) invested “in the process of democratization of the USSR” (that is, the destruction of Russia) 90 billion dollars” [ 7 ]. This money was used to buy the services of the right people and prepare and agents of influence were paid, special equipment, instructors, literature, etc. were sent.

Formation of the "fifth column"

We do not know with what silver and in what amount the masters of the world behind the scenes paid the agents of influence2, but it is known that it was in the mid-eighties that these agents became sharply more active. In particular, on the initiative of G. Arbatov (director of the US Institute), closely associated with Western circles, and with the direct support of Gorbachev, A. N. Yakovlev returned to Moscow, who immediately took a key position in conducting anti-Russian processes. It is around him that after some time a number of odious personalities are grouped who played a tragic role in the history of our country: V. Korotich, Yu. Afanasyev, E. Yakovlev, G. Popov, E. Primakov, G. Arbatov.

The circle of these revolutionaries was very narrow at first, but Gorbachev's strong support made them confident.

The CIA is dramatically expanding the scope of its operations [8]. The training of agents of influence is being streamlined. The tasks of the American station in the USSR are simplified by the fact that the contingent of traitors (mainly from the party apparatus, science and culture) with which it has to work acquires a sense of impunity, inspired by high support. Moreover, ordinary traitors and traitors in the new light of perestroika are presented as fighters for the idea.

Billions of dollars to pay traitors through various intermediary structures (Public Committee for Russian Reforms, the American Association National Endowment for Democracy, the Creeble Institute, various foundations and commissions) are coming into our country.

For example, the Crible Institute (whose director, in his own words, decided to “devote his energy to the collapse of the Soviet Empire” [ 9 ]), created a whole network of its representative offices in the republics of the former USSR. With the help of these representative offices, from November 1989 to March 1992, about fifty “training conferences” were held in various points of the USSR: Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Kiev, Minsk, Lvov, Odessa, Yerevan, Nizhny Novgorod , Irkutsk, Tomsk. Six instructive conferences were held in Moscow alone [10].

The nature of the instructive work of representatives of the Krible Institute is illustrated by the example of party propagandist G. Burbulis, who until 1988 firmly repeated theses about the leading role of the CPSU and emphasized “the consolidating role of the party in the perestroika process.” After receiving instructions from Kribble, he began to constantly repeat that “the empire (i.e., the USSR) must be destroyed.”

Another brainchild of the CIA - the National Contribution to Democracy association (headed by A. Weinstein) - financed the activities of a number of institutions in the USSR:

1984 - A. Sakharov Institute in Moscow, research into the possibilities of creating a center for human rights and peace issues at the institute.

1986 - A. Sakharov Institute, creation of a “free university” for students who reject the Soviet system of higher education.

1990 - US Congress Foundation, initiative funding of the Interregional Deputy Group of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR [11].

Through the network of representative offices of the Crible Institute and similar institutions, hundreds of people who formed the personnel backbone of the destroyers of the USSR and the future Yeltsin regime underwent instructive training for agents of influence, including: G. Popov, G. Starovoitova, M. Poltoranin, A. Murashov, S. Stankevich , E. Gaidar, M. Bocharov, G. Yavlinsky, Yu. Boldyrev, V. Lukin, A. Chubais, A. Nuikin, A. Shabad, V. Boxer, many “shadow people” from Yeltsin’s entourage, in particular the head of his elected campaign in Yekaterinburg A. Urmanov, as well as I. Viryutin, M. Reznikov, N. Andrievskaya, A. Nazarov, prominent journalists and television workers [12]. Thus, a “fifth column” of traitors to the Motherland was formed in the USSR, which existed as part of the Interregional Deputy Group and “Democratic Russia”.

It is reliably known that M. Gorbachev knew from the reports of the KGB of the USSR about the existence of special institutions for training agents of influence, and he also knew the lists of their “graduates”. However, he did nothing to stop the activities of the traitors.

Having received a dossier from the KGB leadership containing information about an extensive network of criminals against the state, Gorbachev prohibits the KGB from taking any measures to suppress criminal attacks. Moreover, he does his best to cover up and shield the “godfather” of agents of influence in the USSR, A. N. Yakovlev, despite the fact that the nature of the information about him coming from intelligence sources did not allow one to doubt the true background of his activities.

Here is what the former KGB chairman Kryuchkov reports about this: “In 1990, the State Security Committee through intelligence and counterintelligence received from several different (and assessed as reliable) sources extremely alarming information regarding A. N. Yakovlev. The meaning of the reports was that , according to Western intelligence services, Yakovlev occupies positions favorable to the West, reliably opposes the “conservative” forces in the Soviet Union and that he can be firmly counted on in any situation. But, apparently, the West believed that Yakovlev could and should show more persistence and persistence. activity, and therefore one American representative was instructed to conduct a corresponding conversation with Yakovlev, directly telling him that more was expected from him" [13].

Not only Ragash, but also other leaders of Masonic lodges openly told (after the establishment of the Yeltsin regime) how personnel were trained for introduction into the former socialist countries, and primarily into Russia. “It was easy to guess, listening to these stories,” writes an eyewitness to these revelations, “that the Freemasons had been secretly recruiting citizens of socialist countries for many years who were on long trips abroad in Western Europe, and primarily in Paris. And, of course, having returned to their homeland, they They did not sit idly by, they probably carried out the orders of their overseas brothers and recruited supporters. Almost every lodge had its own branches to work with these spiritual defectors" [20].

Since 1989, the Freemasons have been carrying out a broad and even, in a certain sense, open campaign to promote subversive Masonic ideas and recruit new members in Russia. A so-called “externalization” campaign is being carried out, in which Freemasons give lectures and reports in large halls, in the press, on radio and on television.

In March 1991, Radio Liberty, financed by the CIA, called on residents of the USSR to establish contacts to join Masonic lodges. The host of the program, F. Salkazanova, reported the address at which Soviet citizens could enroll in the Masonic lodge in Paris. This lodge was not simple, but created specifically to “promote the spread of Freemasonry in Russia” and recreate the “Masonic structure” there. To make this lodge attractive, Masonic falsifiers called it “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin” (although some, and they, are well aware that the great Russian poet was not a Freemason). The “brothers” from this lodge who spoke in the program called for the moral and spiritual improvement of society, considering the United States as a model, which was “based on Masonic principles from the very beginning” [21].

Calls to join Freemasonry on Radio Liberty generated extensive mail. Letters from Vilnius, Baku, and Kyiv began to arrive in French lodges. And then individual work was carried out with the candidates. After selection and verification, the candidate was “initiated,” that is, initiated into the Masons.

The Freemasons of France seek to "lay their stone in the construction of democracy in Eastern and Central Europe." This was stated in September 1991 in Paris, speaking to journalists, by the Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Orient of France, J. R. Ragash. According to him, members of the Great East intend to increase the necessary material and financial efforts for this purpose [22]. After some time, the Grand Master comes to Moscow, and later visits St. Petersburg to organize proper Masonic work there. The Grand National Lodge of France also operates in parallel. In April 1991, she initiated two Russian citizens into her ranks, who became the organizers of the Russian lodge “Northern Star” [23].

The day before the start of the August 1991 coup d'etat, a member of the already mentioned Pushkin lodge, a certain Jew who emigrated from Odessa in 1922 (his name was kept secret), arrived in Moscow from Paris. Eight more members of this lodge came to Moscow with him. Despite the alarming events, this Masonic emissary opens a new Novikov lodge on August 30, 1991. The Masonic Journal of Scottish Ritual welcomed the event "under the auspices of the Grand National Lodge of France." “This means,” wrote a Masonic magazine, “a step forward in the gradual restoration of the blue lodges and high councils of the Scottish ritual among the peoples of the eastern bloc” [24].

As a result of the anti-Russian coup d'etat in August-December 1991, the plans of the world behind the scenes were achieved. However, institutions for training and instructing agents of influence are not only not dismantled, but are also turning into an important part of the power structure of the Yeltsin regime, developing for him a kind of directive programs of activity and supplying him with advisers. A legal public center of this structure called the “Russian House” was opened in the USA, headed by influence agent E. Lozansky, although, of course, all important decisions were made within the walls of the CIA and the leadership of the world behind the scenes.

Confident of final victory, Yeltsin no longer hid his direct connection with subversive anti-Russian organizations such as the American National Contribution to Democracy, to whose leaders he sent a message, which, in particular, said: “We know and highly appreciate the fact that you contributed to this victory" (fax dated August 23, 1991) [25].

The world behind the scenes rejoiced, each of its representatives in their own way, but they all noted the key role of the CIA. US President Mason Bush immediately after the August 1991 coup with full knowledge of the matter and how former director The CIA publicly stated that the rise to power of the Yeltsin regime was “our victory—a victory for the CIA.” The then director of the CIA, Freemason R. Gates, in Moscow, on Red Square, holds his own “victory parade” in front of the BBC television cameras, declaring: “Here, on Red Square, near the Kremlin and the Mausoleum, I am performing my one-man victory parade.” . Quite naturally, a relationship between master and vassal is established between the CIA and representatives of the Yeltsin regime. For example, in October 1992, R. Gates met with Yeltsin in complete secrecy. Moreover, the latter is not even given the opportunity to use the services of his own translator, who is sent out the door, and the entire translation is carried out by the translator of the CIA director [26].

The world behind the scenes rewards Yeltsin with the title that almost every member of the world Masonic government bears - Knight Commander of the Order of Malta. He receives it on November 16, 1991. No longer embarrassed, Yeltsin poses in front of correspondents in full garb of a knight commander [27].

In August 1992, Yeltsin signed Decree No. 827 “On the restoration of official relations with the Order of Malta.” The contents of this decree were kept completely secret for some time. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was ordered to sign a protocol on the restoration of official relations between the Russian Federation and the Order of Malta.

Planting lodges in Russia

Relying on high support, Masonic lodges are growing like mushrooms in Russia. Foreign Masonic functionaries of various persuasions, no longer hiding, come to the country, travel around cities, organizing their lodges and events there. On September 8, 1992, with great solemnity, the Harmony 48698 lodge, a subsidiary of the Grand National French Lodge, opened in Moscow. The ritual was attended by the Grand Secretary "Brother" Yves Gretournel and the "Honorary Brother" himself Michel Garder, lieutenant and grand commander of the Supreme Masonic Council of France. The lodge was headed by G. B. Dergachev. On the same day, 12 Russian laymen were ordained [28]. Also in 1992, the atheistic lodge “Free Russia” (28 “brothers” at the time of its opening), as well as the Masonic Order of the Great East of Russia, appeared.

In 1994, the Moscow News newspaper (No. 9) reported on the registration in Moscow of the Grand National Masonic Lodge, which arose with the assistance of the Grand National Lodge of France. In the Moscow Library of Foreign Literature, leaders of the Masonic Order of the Rosicrucians built their nest, organizing propaganda lectures and selection of candidates for the lodge within its walls.

The resurgent Russian Freemasonry has embraced everything modern features formation and development of free masons. Many politicians, entrepreneurs, and members of the liberal professions who accept Masonic principles of life, nevertheless feel closely within the framework of traditional Masonic lodges with their special rituals. For this large category, the leaders of Freemasonry create broader, more dynamic and not limited by ritual rites organizations (referred to as “white Freemasonry”), pursuing the same goals and acting most often in the form of clubs, commission funds, and committees.

Some Masonic organizations exist under the guise of various “spiritual culture” clubs, such as the “Citadel” club, headed by the artist O. Kandaurov, presenter of the “Oasis” program on Channel 4 of the “Russian Universities” TV.

Since the planting of Freemasonry came from the West, naturally, the first such organization in Russia was the Masonic club "Rotary International", widespread in Western countries, the opening of which was announced on June 6, 1990 in a report from the television program "Time". Its branches quickly spread throughout Russia, and even two were opened in St. Petersburg. The “White Masons” of the first call in this club are the heads of administrations of Moscow and St. Petersburg Luzhkov and Sobchak, banker Gusinsky, famous democratic functionaries M. Bocharov, A. Ananiev, Yu. Nagibin, E. Sagalayev and several dozen other big and small democrats, the majority from which they went through the “school” of the Kribble Institute and similar anti-Russian institutions.

The so-called International Russian Club (IRC), created in 1992, also matches Rotary. This club was headed by M. Bocharov, already known to us from the activities of the Moscow Rotary Club, and P. Voshchanov, former press secretary of Yeltsin. It included a number of well-known persons, for example, Minister of Justice I. Fedorov (again known from the Rotary club), international deputy E. Ambartsumov, member of the Masonic Commission "Greater Europe" entrepreneur Svyatoslav Fedorov, film figure Stanislav Govorukhin, former head of the state security V. Ivanenko, General K. Kobets, member of the Presidential Council A. Migranyan, as well as a group of others, as they wrote then, “no less famous persons who did not want to reveal their incognito.” According to the charter, the club consists of forty people, and no more than a third can be added each year, and each member is required to obtain three recommendations. The RTO holds closed meetings and guarantees its members “strict confidentiality of information received in connection with the activities of the club....” It is noteworthy that the club is dominated by people who at one time were surrounded by Yeltsin.

“The organizers see the club not as a party, but simply as a place where “real politics” is done and where modest, but true rulers of the country can informally and easily meet with each other, discuss state affairs, and decide the fate of the Fatherland” [ 29 ].

Following the model of one of the main organizations of the world behind the scenes - the Bilderberg Club - in 1992 its Russian analogue was created - the Magisterium club, which initially united about 60 "brothers" in spirit. The key figure in this Masonic underground was the already mentioned J. Soros, who published the article “Big money makes history” in the first issue of the secret bulletin of this club. The cynical aphorism of this financial speculator reveals both his life credo and the main method of action of the world behind the scenes. The significant role of the Magisterium club is emphasized by the participation in it of US President B. Clinton's adviser on economic issues, R. Reich, who represents the Trilateral Commission in the club. The key figures of the club are the patriarchs of the Masonic movement in the former USSR A. Yakovlev and E. Shevardnadze. The “Magisterium” presents such famous Russophobes as E. Yevtushenko, E. Neizvestny, A. Sobchak, V.V. Ivanov, I. Brodsky, S. Shatalin and others [30].

Like the Magisterium, to achieve Masonic goals, a number of foundations and clubs of a lower rank are created, but also play an important role in the shadow political structures- the role of coordinators of anti-Russian activities. The most typical example of such an organization is the reform club “Interaction”, which unites entrepreneurs, heads of banking and stock exchange institutions, major government officials, welded into one whole by the desire to shape Russian policy according to the principle “big money makes history.” This club is headed by one of the leading figures of the anti-Russian movement, E. T. Gaidar, as well as a number of similar odious personalities - A. B. Chubais, K. N. Borovoi, L. I. Abalkin, E. G. Yasin, A. P. Pochinok, E. F. Saburov, O. R. Latsis, etc. Among the members of the club are B. G. Fedorov, S. N. Krasavchenko, N. P. Shmelev, S. S. Shatalin.

Close to the Interaction club is the International Foundation for Economic and Social Reforms, headed by S. S. Shatalin. Among the major functionaries of the fund, L. I. Abalkin and V. V. Bakatin should be noted.

An analogue of the form of Masonic control over the literary environment, widespread in the West, was created in Russia - the “Pen-Club” organization. It became the so-called “Russian Pen Center”, which immediately turned into a gathering place for anti-Russian forces and united in its ranks ardent cosmopolitan writers and ardent antipatriots. It is very characteristic that it was precisely the members of this “Pen Center” who formed the core of the “signatories” of the shameful criminally inflammatory denunciation letter addressed to B. Yeltsin, demanding brutal reprisals against the defenders of the House of Soviets in early October 1993 [ 31 ]. The letter, written in extremist tones, called on Yeltsin to immediately put an end to all dissidents, ban all Russian parties, close all Russian press organs, and conduct a quick military tribunal-type trial of all participants in resistance to the regime. The corpses of one and a half thousand Russian people had not yet been removed from the streets of Moscow, and the instigators-signatories from the “Russian Pen-Center” (among them - B. Akhmadulina, G. Baklanov, T. Bek, D. Granin, Yu. Davydov, D. Danin, Al. Ivanov, S. Kaledin, D. Likhachev, B. Okudzhava, V. Oskotsky, A. Pristavkin, L. Razgon, R. Rozhdestvensky) call for the use of force again, declaring: “Isn’t it time to demonstrate it to our young , but, as we were again convinced with joyful surprise (after the murder of 1,500 people - O.P.), a strengthened democracy is enough? Is this an atypical reaction of the Masonic cosmopolitan worldview, which constantly feels panicky fear of the elements of the Russian people?

The most determined supporters of the shooting of the White House to suppress the resistance of the Russian people were such leaders of Masonic structures as Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Luzhkov and Yavlinsky. The first three personally led punitive operations against the Russian people. “No negotiations!” one of the stewards of the world’s backstage, Chernomyrdin, yelled into the microphone. “We must kill this gang!” [32] Another representative of the international Masonic movement, Yavlinsky, insisted that “the president should show maximum cruelty and firmness in suppression” [33]. The commander of the Order of Malta, B. Berezovsky, allocated significant sums to pay for the mercenaries who participated in the suppression of the uprising. A member of the B'nai B'rith order and the Rotary club, V. Gusinsky not only allocated money for punitive operations, but also financed detachments of the Jewish gang "Beitar".

In 1993, another Masonic-type organization was created - the Order of the Eagle. According to the charter, it unites “on the basis of common interest” the “best people” and develops a system of elite connections to achieve political and economic goals.

Hiding behind the name of an award organization (claiming to coordinate all state award activities), the Order of the Eagle aims to take control of all influential political and economic forces. Those who join the Order of the Eagle pay membership fees, and the awarding organization promises to create certain benefits, privileges, and payments.

As the master of this order, R.B. Begishev, states, the Order of the Eagle “can be considered as a financial institution that has formalized, elite and specially designed business communications (or connections). This is serious capital. The source of this capital is the “everyday” connections of the organization’s members. Designs of these connections are objectively a commodity. The price of such a product is usually determined by the volume of paid services provided through a system of constructed connections" [34]. The Order of the Eagle publishes a closed (secret) telephone directory "The Best People of Russia", considering it as a way to give members of the order "the opportunity to practically take advantage of personally experience the benefits of specially designed communications."

Members of the Order of the Eagle have special order plastic credit cards, with the help of which benefits, bonuses, and mutual settlements are calculated. They are a symbol of belonging to the order and “an attribute of belonging to the elite.”

The order is governed by the Board (Chapter) and the Executive Committee (Magistrate). Membership in the order is collective and individual.

Among the main founders of the Order of the Eagle were the famous financial swindler, the head of the Stolichny bank, previously convicted of a criminal offense A. Smolensky, his colleague banker P. Nakhmanovich [35], an agent of influence of the world behind the scenes P. Bunich, a new Russian entrepreneur V. Neverov, one of the leaders of the international Masonic movement M. Shakkum, as well as such anti-Russian figures as chess player G. Kasparov, S. Solovyov, sculptor Z. Tsereteli, editor-in-chief of "Economy and Life", member of the Masonic club "Interaction" of Yu. Yakutia.

From the very first “successes” of the broad revival of Freemasonry in Russia, Russian “brothers” began to prepare a gift to their foreign superiors - the return to the West of Masonic archives collected by Hitler during the occupation of Europe and taken out by Soviet troops as a trophy. With the support of Yakovlev and Shevardnadze, the director of the institution where the Masonic archives were kept, Prokopenko, a big fan of Freemasonry, carries out all the preparatory work for transferring them to the West. In deep secrecy, A. Kozyrev enters into a secret agreement with interested parties to transfer to them the legitimate trophy of the Russian people, for which he paid with his blood.

As one of the leading leaders of the world behind the scenes, a member of both the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Club, the head of the Jewish order B’nai B’rith, closely associated with the CIA, G. Kissinger, wrote: “I prefer chaos and civil war in Russia to the trends of reunification it into a single, strong, centralized state." And his colleague in the Masonic order "B'nai B'rith" 3. Brzezinski harshly stated: "Russia will be fragmented and under tutelage." Masonic conspirators are developing a variety of plans to weaken and dismember Russia. Among these plans is the destruction of the Russian economy and its transformation into an appendage of the economic systems of Western countries. It was for this purpose that, on the recommendations of Western advisers, the so-called privatization of state property and price liberalization were carried out, which set the country's economy back several decades, causing the death and suffering of many millions of people.

The world's Masonic backstage pays the closest attention to the selection of personnel for Russian leaders in both politics and economics. The current democratic leaders of Russia either themselves belong to Masonic structures or unconditionally accept all their conditions (exceptions are extremely rare). But today the world behind the scenes is no longer worried about the current, but about the future leaders of Russia. In search of loyal and capable servants, she creates not only clubs, foundations and commissions, but also political parties and associations ready to fulfill her goals.

At the end of 1993, two political associations were created, striving to achieve Masonic goals. These are the electoral blocs “Russia’s Choice” (more correctly, the main choice of the world behind the scenes) and “Yavlinsky - Boldyrev - Lukin” (“Yabloko” is the reserve choice of the world behind the scenes). "Choice of Russia", for example, was founded by leaders and members of such influential Masonic and anti-Russian formations as the "Magisterium" club (A. N. Yakovlev), the "Interaction" club (E. T. Gaidar, P. Filippov), the commission " Greater Europe" (G. E. Burbulis, G. Yakunin, A. Chubais). Its activists were old cadres of influence agents A. Shabad, L. Ponomarev, S. Kovalev and others. Connected with mondialist centers abroad, this organization received their full support. Once again, “big money makes history.” For the December 1993 campaign alone, Russia's Choice received about 2 billion rubles, a significant part of which was provided by the world behind the scenes (through various intermediary commercial structures). To voice the anti-Russian plans of Gaidar, Burbulis, Chubais, Kozyrev, Poltoranin and others like them and to give them a decent appearance, hundreds of American specialists “worked” to shoot special films and videos. Western media and intelligence agencies made every effort to support the proteges of the world government, but they still failed.

Less was spent on the fallback option for choosing the global backstage "Yavlinsky - Boldyrev - Lukin", but still the lion's share of all Yabloko's expenses was financed from abroad [36]. Only Lukin personally brought 10 million rubles from the USA for these purposes.

The failure of Russia's Choice made the Yavlinsky bloc the new favorite of the world government. Since 1996, the same Western, as well as Russian democratic media organs, especially the TV program “Itogi” of the NTV channel (sponsored by the vice-president of the Rotary club, banker Gusinsky [37]), obedient to the baton of an invisible conductor, have reoriented themselves from “Choice Russia" to the Yavlinsky bloc and carried out obsessive processing of minds and the creation of a winning image of G. Yavlinsky. Western companies made a film about the life of this political swindler, who served both Gorbachev and Yeltsin faithfully.

Of course, the tasks that the world behind the scenes poses to the current and future leaders of Russia are colossal. On the agenda is a program for the dismemberment of Russia and the transfer of a number of Russian territories to foreign states:

Kaliningrad region - Germany, part of the Leningrad region and Karelia - Finland, part of the Pskov region - Estonia, a number of Far Eastern territories - Japan, most of Siberia - the USA.

Even the issue of the possible occupation of Russia under the pretext of control of the “world community” (more correctly, the world government) over its nuclear arsenals is being quite definitely being explored.

As a first step towards the implementation of these extreme and dangerous plans of the world behind the scenes, the Masonic development of the idea of ​​​​the so-called Europe without borders, or Greater Europe, began. In June 1992, under the “roof” of the Council of Europe and under the patronage of its Secretary General Catherine Lalumiere, the colloquium “Social Rights of the European Citizen” was held, which in fact was a purely Masonic event, which aimed to unite Freemasonry under the motto “Europe without borders.” As was clear from the program, the organizers of the event were the Grand Orient of France, the Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Lodge of Turkey, the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Spain, the Grand Symbolic Lodge of Memphis and Misraim, the Grand Lodge of Italy and a number of other Masonic organizations. Russian masons were also represented at the colloquium. Among those invited from Russia for the program were A. Sobchak, a former assistant to M. Gorbachev and a former senior official of the CPSU Central Committee. Grachev, member of the editorial board of Moscow News A. Gelman, Yeltsin’s advisor Vladimir Kolosov [38].

A year later, a new international Masonic meeting was convened with almost the same composition. At its meetings, a document is developed that establishes the European Masonic Conference and its working committee, which represents the leaders of all participating lodges, including the Great East of Russia. Thus, a single coordinating body of the main Masonic lodges of the West and East of Europe is emerging, which has set as its goal the creation of a “Europe without borders.” Within the framework of this movement, the “Greater Europe” commission was established, which included many prominent European Freemasons: the mayor of Paris J. Chirac, the chairman of the Liberal International Count O. Lambsdorff, his deputy W. Schottli, the former Prime Minister of Belgium W. Martens, former British Minister of Defense D. Patty and others. From Russia, the commission included such prominent functionaries as A. Chubais, E. Ambartsumov, G. Sidorova (adviser to Kozyrev), G. Burbulis, K. Borovoy, A. Sobchak, V. Tretyakov (editor-in-chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta), G. Yakunin (former priest, State Duma deputy). As a result of the work of the commission, on December 21, 1993, the “Greater Europe” charter [39] was adopted, which is a typical example of Masonic creativity. Read this carefully unique document allows us to see behind the usual Masonic arguments about freedom, democracy and peace the real goals pursued by the Masonic behind the scenes in relation to Russia.

First of all, the goal is to deprive it of its national identity by drawing it into the sphere of “adherence to the European principles of freedom and democracy,” the main of which is the principle of individualism, which is absolutely alien to Russia. “There is a commonality,” say the Masonic sages, “that gives this diversity features peculiar to Europe: the desire for individualism and pluralism, the struggle for these values, which, under favorable circumstances, led to success.” Western principles offered to the Russian people as a model are in fact an expression of spiritual degradation and, in their internal content, are immeasurably qualitatively lower than the spiritual values ​​of Orthodoxy and conciliar collectivity, professed by our people for a millennium. Moreover, they contradict them and therefore cannot be accepted under any circumstances.

Of course, Masonic ideologists understand this very well and include in the charter the idea of ​​​​the need to fight all dissenters - “aggressive nationalism” (meaning here all those who disagree with the idea of ​​​​a “Greater Europe”) and religious fundamentalism (including in it both Islam and Orthodoxy, those who disagree tolerate the hydra of pluralism).

It is expected that a kind of great charter will be developed as a constitution for “Greater Europe,” which should provide for the creation of supranational superstructures, a kind of pan-European government that monitors compliance with laws and controls power, which for Russia will mean a complete loss of independence.

The Greater Europe Charter plans for the same loss of independence in the economic field. As a starting point for the implementation of the idea of ​​a Greater European Market, it is proposed, firstly, to “create a common energy community of Greater Europe.” Western Europe, as we know, has very few energy resources, which means that we are talking about Russia supplying cheap energy resources to Europe. Secondly, the charter calls for the rapid liberalization of trade in the current conditions of the unequal relationship between the ruble and Western currencies, and also due to the lack of effective control over the quality of products in Russia.

on the one hand, to pumping everything valuable that is in our country to the West, and on the other hand, it will overwhelm it with the dumping of second-rate, low-quality and even harmful products that cannot be sold in the West. Thirdly, the charter requires state guarantees for the management of Western capital in Russia.

And finally, the role that the world behind the scenes assigns to Russia in geopolitics is extremely unenviable, proposing to make it a kind of bastion against Asia, opposing it to the entire Asian world. For this purpose, a military pact on joint security is concluded (including, in addition to Western Europe, the USA and Canada). Moreover, it is supposed to “protect common European (read, Western. - O. P.) security interests, including not only a military threat, but also a whole set of challenges of a civilizational nature. "Given the geographical location of Russia, this means that the West not only seeks to turn Russia into an instrument of military deterrence in Asia, but also to drag our country into a fight with others, By the way, civilizations that are closer to us in their spirituality. In order to implement the “Greater Europe” project, the world behind the scenes will need to make tectonic changes in the consciousness of Russian people. Therefore, at its core, its project is utopian. But does this mean that it will abandon it, believing. only that “big money makes history”?

Freemasons and the CIA

Masonic conspiracy has become the prototype for the activities of many modern Western intelligence services, and above all the CIA and Mossad. “Enveloping the authorities” with a network of their employees and agents of influence, using blackmail, bribery, intimidation and defamation of their opponents were included in the arsenal of these related organizations, pursuing the common goals of establishing a “new” Judeo-Masonic world order. The merging of the leadership of Masonic lodges, mondialist organizations and Western intelligence services has become the rule of life of these communities. In the post-war period, I do not know a single example when the head of a Western intelligence service was not simultaneously a member of a number of Masonic lodges and mondialist organizations. A classic example of this is the ideological enemy of the Russian people, the founder and long-term head of the CIA, A. Dulles. After becoming head of the CIA, Dulles remained director of the Council on Foreign Relations and an active Freemason until the end of his life. The credo of the CIA activities formulated by Dulles was defined as 10 percent. conventional intelligence (collection and transmission of information) and 90 percent. demolition work [40]. It was precisely this principle of the CIA’s activities that Masonic and mondialist organizations most often used against Russia. The famous speech of A. Dulles at the Council on Foreign Relations with a monstrous program of subversive work against Russia and the corruption of its youth is quite natural within the framework of this principle. Of the 29.1 billion dollars allocated by the American government in 1999 for the activities of the CIA, according to experts, about 9 billion dollars, that is, almost a third, is spent on subversive operations in Russia and the former republics of the USSR. Part of these funds through front organizations is directed to support gangs in Chechnya and other regions of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

In 1997, during my trips to Latin American countries, I met a former CIA employee, Russian by birth, I will call him R. At one time, R. specialized in secret subversive operations of the American government against Russian Orthodoxy [41]. A sincerely repentant man told me a lot of interesting things about some of the CIA’s methods of work that he knew.

American intelligence agencies in many cases consider the Freemasons a reliable support in their secret work. Through the “brotherly connection”, relationships are established with the necessary persons. All other things being equal, when selecting agents, preference is given to free masons and members of their families. Masonic lodges serve not only as a personnel reservoir, but also as a kind of guarantor of the reliability of a particular employee.

In the countries of Eastern Europe, especially in Poland and the Czech Republic, R. told me, the organization of Masonic lodges served as the first stage in the creation of a CIA intelligence network. Masons - employees of this organization - put together lodges, take a closer look at their new brothers, gradually drawing them into their subversive work. The future President of the Czech Republic V. Havel (33o), for example, formed a series of Masonic lodges mainly from journalists, writers, and university teachers, some of whom were subsequently recruited by American intelligence. Similar techniques, R. said, were used in the USSR. In 1987-1988, Freemasons from the CIA created the Commonwealth of Russian Freemasons in Paris, uniting in their ranks about 50 freemasons of predominantly Scottish ritual. The CIA organ, Radio Liberty, begins to regularly broadcast calls for citizens of the USSR to join Masonic lodges. One of the main CIA strongholds for recruitment, according to R., is the A.S. Pushkin lodge [42]).

It was this lodge and the association “A.S. Pushkin” that arose on its basis that initiated the creation of a number of other lodges, and in particular the already mentioned lodge “Novikov” (Moscow), as well as “Sphinx” (St. Petersburg), “Geometry” ( Kharkiv). Relying on solid financial support from the CIA, the free masons of Scottish ritual extended their tentacles into the provinces. Today it is known about the existence of lodges of the Scottish ritual in Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, Tula, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don and even in Novocherkassk. In 1992-1996, several Scottish ritual lodges were formed in the army and in the internal troops (the existence of two is reliably known). They consist mainly of middle and senior officers. According to some reports, since the mid-90s, a Masonic lodge has been operating, closely associated with the A.S. Pushkin association, consisting of officers from the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

Although it was mainly the Scottish Ritual Freemasons who worked under the roof of the Grand Lodge of France who “lit up” for their connections with the CIA, the Western intelligence community attached no less importance to the development of the lodges of the Grand Orient of France. It is not for nothing that the organizer of the lodges of this order in Russia became the “friend of America” A. Combe, known for his connections with American intelligence. Together with his comrade-in-arms J. Orefis, he trained several dozen masons to work in the depths of Russia. The Grigory Vyrubov lodge in Paris became a kind of training center for training personnel for Russia. The leadership of this lodge regularly advertises in newspapers and on the radio about its readiness to accept new candidates for Masons. Following the lodges “Northern Star” (Moscow, 1991) and “Free Russia” (Moscow, 1992), the Grand Orient of France undertakes to recreate the lodges of this order in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and a number of other cities. The work is carried out in secret; new brothers are obliged to keep Masonic secrets not only from others, but even from family members.

In June 1996, the Aurora lodge was registered in Moscow, intended specifically for foreigners living in Russia. Its representative V. Novikov stated that the lodge will strive to influence the public life of Russia in the Masonic spirit. Modern Russian Freemasons, said V. Novikov, “are mainly intellectuals: teachers, journalists, officers” [43].

According to former CIA officer R., Rotary clubs also play a function similar to Freemasonry. Bringing together specialists, business leaders, government and public institutions, Rotary is an ideal place for collecting intelligence information, as it operates among people who own it. R. has numerous examples when, through Rotary clubs, operating in 156 countries of the world and uniting 1.2 million people, American intelligence received the information it needed. Most often this is carried out within the framework of the so-called service to the global community. Rotarians understand this “service” as “international activity that provides an opportunity for clubs to cooperate with one or more foreign clubs and exchange information, experience, equipment, specialists, and funds to implement significant joint projects” [44].

In 1996, there were about 30 Rotary clubs in Russia [45]. During the 90s, in addition to the clubs in Moscow and St. Petersburg that I have already mentioned, Rotary organizations arose in Irkutsk, Kiev, Dubna, Yakutsk, Magadan [46], Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Yekaterinburg, Angarsk. The Rotarian movement is governed from the USA. Its headquarters are located in Evanston, Illinois. Indispensable members of Rotary are American presidents (starting with Taft) and heads of the CIA (starting with A. Dulles).

The establishment of official relations between the Yeltsin regime and the Order of Malta and the entry into it personally of Yeltsin and many figures from his entourage, in particular S. Filatov, B. Berezovsky, V. Yumashev, V. Kostikov, R. Abramovich and others, opened the doors to its numerous emissaries. A branch of Maltese Catholics appears in St. Petersburg. It was founded by V. Feklist, “authorized by the World Parliament of the Knightly Order of Malta” [47].

In addition to the Catholic Order of Malta, the “Orthodox Order of Malta”, founded by Archbishop Makarios, operates in St. Petersburg. The order is run from London and enjoys financial support from wealthy Greek Freemasons in the United States. According to press reports, its St. Petersburg branch includes intellectuals from the Pushkin House and University; the residence is located in the Old Village. At one time, the “Orthodox Maltese” even laid claim to the Zelenetsky Monastery near Volkhov [48].

Apart from other Masonic lodges and associations in modern Russia stands Islamic Freemasonry. Little is known about him. Most of the scattered information about the “Young Turkey” lodge was created on the basis of Masonic formations that existed in Turkey since the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Genetically, these associations are related to the Grand Orient of France. It is also known that Russian Freemasons of the early 20th century visited these associations (A. Guchkov, M. Margulies, etc.). After the Second World War, apparently not without the participation of the US and NATO intelligence services, the activities of these associations, and especially of Young Turkey, were reoriented from internal problems to the implementation of the ideas of the Great Turan - the creation of a global mystical Turkish state on Masonic principles, attraction to Turkey lands belonging to Russia-USSR, including the Muslim territories of the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Dagestan), Central Asia and the Volga region. Before the collapse of the USSR, the main goal of the freemasons of “Young Turkey” and similar organizations was to “build bridges” with the national intelligentsia of these regions with the “prospect of their further involvement in Masonic work.” Having large financial resources, Young Turkey has achieved noticeable success in promoting the delusional idea of ​​Great Turan. In particular, G. Dzhemal, later chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, became a pet of this Masonic organization. In the early 90s, the leaders of Chechen gangs D. Dudayev (and later Maskhadov), the presidents of Tatarstan and Ingushetia M. Shaimiev and R. Aushev were members. The President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev also maintains ties with this lodge (without being a member). The presence of so many high-ranking persons is explained not simply by the Masonic significance of this lodge, but by the political weight of those forces that initiate its activities and finance the anti-Russian projects of its members.

In Russia in the 90s, the most powerful mechanism of destabilization and destruction in the hands of the world behind the scenes was the Soros Foundation, headed by one of the leaders of the “world government”, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Club, J. Soros [49]. Under the guise of “philanthropic” activities, which I have already talked about, this influential freemason and mondialist created an extensive subversive organization that closely cooperates with the CIA and Mos-Sad and became a legal roof for many employees of these intelligence services [50]. The Soros Foundation coordinates its activities with other subversive, anti-Russian organizations in the West. According to another representative of the “world government”, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, US Deputy Secretary of State S. Talbott, “Soros’s policy is not identical to that pursued by the American government, but it competes with it. We are trying to synchronize our efforts in former communist countries with Germany, France, Great Britain and George Soros" [51].

Financial and economic scams of the Freemasons

J. Soros was the think tank and initiator of almost all the major financial and economic scams committed in Russia in the first half of the 90s. It was he, in collaboration with S. Eisenberg (B'nai B'rith), D. Ruben (English lodge), M. Rich (York ritual lodge in New York), who stood behind Chubais, Gaidar, Burbulis and a number of other newly-minted Russian Masonic functionaries during the so-called privatization, as a result of which the overwhelming majority of property belonging to the Russian people passed into the hands of international financial swindlers. According to the Chairman of the State Property Committee V.P. Polevanov, “500 of the largest privatized enterprises in Russia with a real value of at least 200 billion dollars were sold for next to nothing (about 7.2 billion dollars) and ended up in the hands of foreign companies and their front structures "[52].

In the mid-90s, the Soros Foundation carried out a number of operations to undermine the Russian economy. According to the Wall Street Journal newspaper (1994. 10. 11.), American financial experts believe that the collapse of the ruble in Russia on the so-called Black Tuesday on October 11, 1994 was the result of the activities of a group of funds headed by Soros. Attention is drawn to the fact that by the beginning of the summer of 1994, the Soros Foundation acquired shares of Russian enterprises worth $10 million. At the end of August - beginning of September, Soros, waiting for the stock price to rise, sold them. According to experts, he made a profit equivalent to $400 million from this operation. At the end of September, the Soros Foundation began purchasing dollars for rubles, which, according to American experts, caused a rapid rise in the exchange rate of the US dollar and a rapid fall in the ruble, the collapse of the financial system and the rapid ruin of many Russian enterprises.

An even more destructive operation of Soros against the Russian economy was the manipulation of GKO securities. In 1992-1993, as a permanent consultant to the President and Government of the Russian Federation, J. Soros initiated the idea of ​​a GKO pyramid. The payment of high (but not secured by real income) interest to holders of GKO securities was ensured through the forced imposition of their purchase by Russian enterprises and financial institutions. Operations with GKOs were carried out with the decisive role of such members of the Chernomyrdin government and consultants of mondialist organizations as A. Chubais, G. Burbulis, A. Shokhin, B. Fedorov, A. Livshits.

As the organizations and institutions that could be imposed on GKOs were exhausted, the collapse of this financial adventure was approaching. Soros, who invested considerable capital in GKOs, determined the moment of this collapse earlier than others. In the spring and summer of 1998, he and the businessmen and senior government officials associated with him, through dummies, gradually got rid of state bonds, thereby provoking their even greater depreciation. The Russian government's main speculative source of income is collapsing. According to data published by Western investigators and experts, more than 700 major Russian figures, including government leaders, participated in the GKO scam. On the day of the default, August 17, many senior government officials sold their GKOs at an extremely favorable rate for money from the International Monetary Fund, thus crediting billions of dollars to their personal accounts in the West, leaving worthless GKO notes in the state treasury. On August 17, the government refuses to pay GKO payments. For banks and enterprises that have concentrated a significant amount of state bonds in their hands, a real financial disaster ensues, causing a threefold devaluation of the ruble, a rapid rise in prices and the ruin of enterprises.


Since both foreign investors and banks bought GKO securities due to their high yield, they also suffered. Russia's already low financial prestige has fallen to zero. According to the Institute of Economic Analysis, thanks to the GKO-OFZ market, it was possible to attract approximately $18.6 billion to the federal budget over five years. USA. At the end of May 1998, the amount of accumulated debt reached 71.9 billion dollars. Thus, for every dollar raised into the state budget, Russia had to pay four dollars [53]. Most of the payment funds were embezzled by members of the Masonic crime clan and its entourage. Using official information, members of Masonic organizations made huge fortunes from this scam. Thus, A. Chubais earned 2 billion rubles from state bonds only in 1996. [54]. G. Burbulis did not lag behind him - the Strategy Bank, headed by him, literally grew on government securities. The head of the State Tax Service, Pochinok, despite his official post, did not even hide the fact that his huge income was received as a result of speculation in the government securities market [55].

Burbulis's business is closely connected with the business of other financial swindlers - freemason A. Smolensky and the Urinson brothers [56]. The latter have close ties with the Bank of New York, through which illegal transactions through Rosvooruzheniye are believed to be carried out. In this business, Burbulis collaborates with “one of the biggest criminals in the world,” who is wanted by Interpol, a major drug dealer, a Mossad agent, already mentioned by me higher M. Rich [57]; as well as Russian criminal businessman A. Tarasov. Burbulis received oil export licenses for Rich from Yeltsin, which brought in huge profits.

Chubais’s business is directly related to the machinations of J. Soros, whose interests are represented by B. Jordan, who actually manages the ONEXIMBANK-MFK group, which is backed by Anglo-American Jewish capital. Chubais had a joint business with Bonde-Nielsen, a major freemason, owner of a shipbuilding company, who was convicted of fraud and brought to criminal liability [58]. It is known that Chubais collaborated (with his personal assistance Yeltsin signed documents supporting the criminal business) with Far Eastern mafia structures involved in the smuggling of valuable seafood into Japan [59]. Chubais’s financial fraud with compensation to the National Sports Fund (Sh. Tarpishchev), which received almost 33 non-denominated trillions from the state budget, received wide resonance. rub. [60].

“Cutting away the rough stone of Russia,” almost all the major Russian Freemasons I know have amassed huge personal fortunes from the misfortunes of our Motherland. In addition to the free masons already listed above, special success in this field, according to periodicals, was achieved by: Commander of the Order of Malta B. Berezovsky (personal wealth of more than $1 billion), member of B'nai B'rith and the Rotary Club V. Gusinsky (at least 800 million dollars), consultants of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations V. Chernomyrdin and R. Vyakhirev (about 1 billion dollars each), member of the Rotary club Yu. Luzhkov (300-400 million .dol.).

According to data published in Swiss, Italian and American newspapers in August-September 1999, the majority of International Monetary Fund loans amounted to at least $15 billion. - were stolen by the commander of the Order of Malta B. Yeltsin, his daughter and their closest circle (A. Chubais, A. Livshits, O. Soskovets, V. Potanin) [61].

This money was pumped through offshore zones created by a famous figure in the Masonic movement, former head of the IMF from Russia K. Kagalovsky in Cyprus, Gibraltar and Zurich. Among the main transit points in the implementation of this international scam was one of the largest American banks - the Bank of New York, whose four main leaders - T. Reni, D. Bacot, R. Gomery and M. Moose - were on the Council on Foreign Relations. Thus, the operation was carried out without the knowledge of the world behind the scenes. The operational management of the transfer of funds abroad was carried out by Kagalovsky’s wife, who works as one of the executive directors at the Bank of New York. A significant portion of the stolen money was placed in securities of American corporations. Apparently, Kagalovsky's closest associate and friend, the chairman of the United Board of Yukos and the head of Menatep Bank, M. Khodorkovsky, took part in the scam. In 1993, at a meeting of the world behind the scenes, the World Economic Forum in Davos, M. Khodorkovsky was included in the list of 200 representatives of humanity, whose activities will influence the development of the world in the third millennium. Mired in financial scams and outright theft, international and Russian Masonic leaders are confident in the superiority of the Judeo-Masonic civilization. For them, the union of all believers in mammon is the guarantee of the universal victory of the “new world order.” In their worship of money, the forces of world Freemasonry and mondialism are blind and utopian, but this is precisely what makes them capable of any crime and atrocity. There is nothing more dangerous for humanity than a utopia that has behind-the-scenes power and big money and is always striving for more and more complete and absolute power. The most striking example of this is the current events in Russia.

New backstage favorites

The world behind the scenes is working with particular persistence with the current ruling regime of Russia, trying to protect itself from “accidents of a change of power” and “ensure the continuity of the leaders of democratic reforms,” that is, politicians pleasing to the West. A series of bankrupt and completely discredited politicians in Russia like Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Chubais, Nemtsov, Kiriyenko are being replaced by a new echelon of favorites of the world behind the scenes. Among them, in addition to the already mentioned G. Yavlinsky, a special place in the late 80s is occupied by L. Lebed, in whose image the world backstage elite sees a modified analogue of Yeltsin. Not very competent, limited, unprincipled and unscrupulous in his means, the general impresses the West with his willingness to make any concessions and agreements in exchange for political support.

In 1995, during my trip to the United States, from sources close to the government circles of this country, I received information that among influential American politicians there was an opinion that it was necessary to elect Lebed, not Yeltsin, as the new president of Russia. They even named the amount of money that this group of politicians was going to “invest” in Lebed - about $1 billion. Then I did not believe this information - Lebed’s personality seemed too insignificant and frivolous to me. However, subsequent events showed that I was wrong.

In October 1996, A. Lebed arrived in New York at the invitation to take part in a meeting of one of the main bodies of the world behind the scenes - the Council on Foreign Relations. The meeting was preceded by a friendly meeting between Lebed and the “architects of the destruction of the USSR,” the leaders of the said Council - former US President George W. Bush, former US Secretary of State D. Baker and General B. Scowcroft. These well-known Russophobes introduced Lebed to the agenda and outlined the main areas of discussion at the upcoming meeting.

On November 18, Lebed was received at the Council on Foreign Relations. The meeting with him lasted about 5 hours. The general was introduced to those present by G. Kissinger, D. Rockefeller, Z. Brzezinski, the former American ambassador in Moscow, career intelligence officer D. Matlock, D. Simes took an active part in the discussion. Leaders of the world behind the scenes assessed the general’s personality as a contender for the post of President of Russia. In his speech at the Council, Lebed assured the “world government” that he considers it necessary to continue the reforms begun by Yeltsin, approves of the Western-centric foreign policy of the current government and “cooperation with NATO without hysterics,” and advocates the final destruction of Russia’s “imperial and anti-Semitic traditions.” In response to the question whether he was ready to specifically fight anti-Semitism in Russia, the general answered “strongly in the affirmative.” Answering questions about the Caucasian territory of Russia, the general said that he was ready to agree to its withdrawal from the North Caucasus and the transition of the entire Caucasus region to Western control. Lebed also agreed with the possibility of NATO guardianship over Russia's nuclear facilities.

The next day, General Lebed attended a meeting of the World Jewish Organization, at which he once again assured Jewish leaders of his readiness to fight the “imperial and anti-Semitic traditions” of Russia and called on participants to support him as a candidate for the presidency of Russia. At all meetings and meetings between Lebed and the American elite, the issue of financial assistance to the future candidate for the presidency of Russia was discussed. According to the Orthodox newspaper, in 1999 Lebed visited the largest French Masonic lodge, the Grand Orient. With his participation, an ancient ritual was performed, after which he was awarded Masonic honorary badges[62].

A. Lebed is not the only political figure used by the world behind the scenes to influence the Russian patriotic movement. According to information I received from the former CIA employee already mentioned above, in the second half of the 80s and early 90s, this subversive organization allocated hundreds of millions of dollars to conduct special operations in the Russian patriotic movement, including the recruitment of agents and the introduction of its people in patriotic organizations, and above all in the circle of prominent patriotic figures. According to my informant, through deception, bribery, and blackmail, the CIA managed to persuade a handful of traitors playing a certain role in patriotic organizations, as well as in some patriotic magazines and newspapers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Minsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk, to cooperate. As my informant, who was present at various CIA meetings and colloquia, managed to understand, a significant part of these renegades [ 63 ] were selected from former third-wave emigrants associated with organizations such as NTS, Radio Liberty, who had previously collaborated with the CIA. Noticeable assistance in infiltrating Russian patriotic organizations was provided by the so-called Orthodox Freemasons, who continue their activities in the United States in the Orthodox Church of American jurisdiction. Moreover, the CIA did not always carry out recruitment directly [64]. Most often this was done through CIA-funded public organizations and foundations.

The main goals of the CIA in relation to the Russian patriotic movement were:

    introducing instability, contradictions, pitting leaders against each other;

    spreading discrediting rumors about authoritative Russian patriots;

  • carrying out actions that contributed to the split and fragmentation of patriotic organizations, discrediting the leaders of the movement who have the ability to unite significant patriotic forces around themselves;
  • the creation of organizations that are false in their objectives, designed to split the patriotic movement, bring confusion into it, and replace its true goals.

In this regard, it is appropriate to cite as an example the events that developed in the Moscow Society for the Protection of Monuments (VOOPIiK) in the second half of the 80s. During this period, Moscow society was one of the spiritual centers of the Russian national revival, concentrating around itself a significant force of Russian patriots. Around 1984, a well-organized anti-patriotic group appeared here, promoting liberal-Masonic ideology. This group set as its goal, during the next re-election of the board of the Moscow Society, to remove its leadership and change the patriotic direction of its activities. The group failed to achieve this goal. All its members were almost unanimously expelled from society and began to write denunciations against the patriots, accusing them of anti-Semitism, extremism, ignorance and even Orthodox clericalism. The most interesting thing is the ending of this story: a few years later, the most active members of the anti-Russian, anti-Orthodox group became, unfortunately, private guests of programs on patriotic radio stations such as “Radonezh” and “People’s Radio”, and one even got a job teaching at the Moscow Theological Academy. The names of these werewolves will be revealed in due time.

He failed to implement much of what the CIA planned in relation to the “national patriots,” although the CIA considered some of its operations in the Russian patriotic movement successful. For example, the special operations of 1991-1992 to infiltrate the authoritative leaders of the patriotic movement with their agents, who most often acted “under the roof” of entrepreneurs and financiers, offering these leaders money and giving them advice, as a result of which the patriotic movement reached a dead end.

While carrying out active subversive activities against the Russian national movement, trying to fragment and destroy it, the United States at the same time strives in every possible way to strengthen the anti-Russian national movements in the former republics of the USSR and in the national regions of Russia itself. The CIA spends at least $1 billion for these purposes. in year. Particular attention is paid to the development of the anti-Russian movement in Little Russia. The budget of the Ukrainian nationalist organizations RUKH, UNA-UNSO is almost three-quarters financed by the CIA, and most of the top of these organizations have been in the service of the American government since “pre-perestroika” times. The frank words of Z. Brzezinski at a closed meeting of the American-Ukrainian advisory committee on the occasion of awarding him the title “Honorary Citizen of Lvov” are very characteristic: “The building of our American-Ukrainian advisory committee is long-term planning for US-Ukraine relations. My role as the leader of this committee boils down to in order to be even more deeply involved in the future development of Ukraine in the name of American interests. It is important that Ukraine constantly and consistently moves to the West, because if it neglects this and does not define itself as a Central European state, it will be drawn into Russia’s sphere of influence.

The “New World Order” under US hegemony is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia.

Ukraine for us is an outpost of the West against the restoration of the Soviet Union"[ 65 ].

Target - destruction of Russia

In the second half of the 90s, the Judeo-Masonic leaders of mondialist organizations - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club, the World Forum and other criminal communities harboring the idea of ​​world domination over humanity, began to loudly declare the approaching time for the establishment of a "new world order" ". Using the “magic number” of 2000, mondialists believe that by this time the “world government” will not only control, but also lead all spheres of society, including religious ones. For example, one of the ideologists of mondialism, J. Attali, in his program book “Horizon Lines,” announced that the creation of “planetary political power” and a “new world order” will become a reality by the year 2000 [66]. In the plans of the world behind the scenes, Russia is assigned the role of “a reservoir of raw materials and energy resources.” The future “world government” is not at all concerned about the fate of the people living in our country. In the calculations of the leaders of the Judeo-Masonic world, it is considered as a “strategic territory” (Z. Brzezinski) or “the place where the lion’s share of the planet’s useful reserves is concentrated” (D. Rockefeller). According to Z. Brzezinski, expressed at a meeting of the US National Security Council, “the smaller the population in this territory, the more successful its development by the West will be.”

In 1992, the study “American forecasts for the development of the geostrategic situation in the world at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries” was published, which outlined considerations in favor of dividing Russia into 6 independent state entities: Western Russia, the Urals, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, the Far East and the Northern Territories.

In October 1997, Z. Brzezinski proposed dividing Russia into three parts: European Russia, the Siberian Republic and the Far Eastern Republic. “A decentralized Russia,” said Brzezinski, “is a real and desirable opportunity” [67].

At the Bilderberg meeting on May 14-17, 1998 in Great Britain, the main focus was on the dismemberment of Russia. For these purposes, it was proposed to divide our country into several control zones. According to the scheme considered, the Center and Siberia should go to the United States, the North-West to Germany, the South and Volga region to Turkey, the Far East to Japan.

According to information sparsely coming from sources close to the US government, the main strategic line of this country in relation to Russia is to maintain it in a state of constant destabilization, provoke processes of destruction and disintegration, and provide all possible assistance to destructive elements in the economy, politics and national relations.

US Secretary of State, one of the leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations M. Albright, in her speech at a meeting of the Russian-American Business Cooperation Council (Chicago, October 2, 1998) stated that, based on the national interests of the United States, their main task is to “manage consequences of the collapse of the Soviet empire" that it is necessary to provide "support to Russia as long as it moves in the right direction of collapse" [68].

In Z. Brzezinski's book "The Great Chessboard" and in a number of his latest speeches and reports, a long-term geopolitical strategy of the world behind the scenes is formulated, the core of which is the US establishment. According to this strategy, the future provides for the complete destruction of Russia on its historical European territory up to the Ural Mountains, the resettlement of Russians (including Little Russians and Belarusians) in hard-to-reach places in Siberia as a labor force for the extraction of natural resources intended for Western industry.

If we translate the crafty expressions and formulations of Z. Brzezinski from Judeo-Masonic into normal human language, the main idea of ​​​​his latest speeches is to destroy Russia as a country that cannot be remade into a “Western-type democracy”, which is not capable, due to its internal spiritual and moral structure, of integrating into Judeo-Masonic civilization. Russia for Brzezinski and other ideologists of the world behind the scenes is a “black hole”, hostile Western world. Rightly criticizing and clearly despising Yeltsin’s criminal, corrupt regime, mired in theft and corruption, Brzezinski does not believe in his ability to control the development of Russia in a direction pleasing to the West; Brzezinski is also skeptical about Yeltsin’s possible successors, who are no less mired in theft than he is and corruption - Chernomyrdin, Kiriyenko, Nemtsov, Luzhkov, Primakov, Stepashin... Like many other rulers of the world behind the scenes, Brzezinski does not like the fact that the money they allocated through the IMF for the “reorganization” of Russia according to the Western model is brazenly stolen and transferred to the accounts of Yeltsin’s relatives, his prime ministers on duty and his inner circle [69]. But a raven will not gouge out a raven's eyes. Mason Brzezinski does not propose to bring the commander of the Order of Malta Yeltsin and his Masonic team to criminal court, but considers their theft and corruption to be an innate property of Russia. Therefore, he proposes to do away with Russia once and for all as a geographical, political and spiritual concept, dividing it into several puppet states subject to the West and at the same time transferring part of its territories to the states of the European Union, Turkey, Japan and even China.

One of the main tasks of the world behind the scenes is the destruction of national governments and the establishment in their place of Judeo-Masonic ruling regimes. During the last 150 years, all Western European countries have lost their national governments and are ruled by cosmopolitan and Judeo-Masonic elites, far removed from the national interests of the vast majority of the French, Germans, English, Belgians and other Western European peoples. The comedy of elections from two or three essentially identical parties covers up with a fig leaf the most brutal dictatorship of the secret world government and international Jewish capital, steadily defending the line of a handful of Jewish leaders for the world domination of the “chosen” people.

Yugoslavia and plans for the dismemberment of Russia

Plans for the barbaric armed aggression of the West against Yugoslavia were developed at meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. It was these bodies that made the political decision to “punish” the Orthodox Serbian people for violating the “rules of the game” of the world behind the scenes. The main fault of the Serbs, from the point of view of the world behind the scenes, is considered to be their firmness in defending the national interests of their people, the main of which is the preservation of Orthodoxy and territorial integrity. In the eyes of the world behind-the-scenes leaders, the Serbian people are the greatest heretic, since they are the only European people who managed to maintain a national government that found the strength and courage to resist the dictates of the world behind-the-scenes.

The armed aggression of the United States and its NATO satellites in Yugoslavia in April-June was a punitive operation of the world behind the scenes, one of the stages in the establishment of a “new world order.” As a result of this operation, millions of people were injured, tens of thousands were killed during bombing (including the use of weapons prohibited by international conventions), and a large part of the Yugoslav economy was destroyed. The world behind the scenes trampled on the accepted norms of international law and UN conventions, in fact officially declaring force the main instrument of international relations.

The entry of NATO troops into a significant part of the territory of Yugoslavia is the actual occupation of this country, aimed at its gradual destruction with the transfer of territory to neighboring states.

One of the leaders of the “new world order,” J. Soros, in his article “Undermining Borders” [ 70 ] a month after the end of the NATO bombing, stated that “The Balkans cannot be reconstructed on the basis of nation states.” In his opinion, in order to put an end to the national statehood of the countries of South-Eastern Europe, it is necessary to take them under the protectorate of the European Union, which “must spread its umbrella over the entire region.” New borders are expected to be established for all Balkan countries, including Yugoslavia (without Kosovo), Albania, Romania and Bulgaria. In all these countries it is proposed to eliminate customs, deregulate the economy, destroy national currencies and introduce the euro or the German mark.

Similar ideas are pursued in documents of the Council on Foreign Relations. In the program "Reconstruction of the Balkans", developed on behalf of the Council by a member of this council, President of the Carnegie Endowment M. Abramovich, Yugoslavia is not on the map of Europe. According to this program, the “reconstruction” of the Balkans will be carried out in the context of “a powerful military presence of NATO at its long-term bases in Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo. As a result of reconstruction, the following states will be left on the map of the Balkans: Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro". The operation to redistribute borders and destroy national states in the Balkans is considered by the Council on Foreign Relations and other global behind-the-scenes organizations as a testing ground for the dismemberment of Russia and the destruction of its statehood. Secret support of anti-Russian gangs in Chechnya, Dagestan and other Caucasian territories, carried out by the American government through the regimes of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as the Afghan Taliban movement organized with CIA money, aims to seize rich territories from Russia oil, prepare this region for the role of Russian Kosovo.


The year 1999 brought a new alignment in the Judeo-Masonic elite ruling in Russia. The Russians' disrespect for this elite is rivaled only by their hatred of it. Under these conditions, there is a shift within the ruling elite from the criminal-cosmopolitan Yeltsin-Chernomyrdin-Chubais-Berezovsky clan to a new, no less criminal clan of Luzhkov-Primakov-Gusinsky-Yavlinsky before the Russian people. This new clan is called upon to unite all anti-Russian forces within the country, enriched by the grief and suffering of our compatriots. Unlike the old clan, which came to power primarily on the cosmopolitan slogans of “democracy” and “freedom,” the new clan is going to use the patriotic card and play on the just hatred of ordinary people for the Yeltsin regime.

At the end of 1998, a new electoral bloc was created under the false name "Fatherland - All Russia" ("OVR"), which in the fall of 1999 was headed by three well-known anti-Russian figures - Moscow Mayor Yu. Luzhkov (Rotary Club), former Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation E. Primakov (Order of Malta) and Tatar nationalist M.I. Shaimiev (Young Turkey lodge), as well as another Young Turk R. Aushev. All these people, in one way or another, took part in the coup d'état of September-October 1993. The main financial and information support for the electoral bloc was provided by one of the leaders of international Zionism, vice-president of the World Jewish Congress, head of the Jewish community of Russia, member of B'nai B'rith and the Rotary club V. A. Gusinsky, who owns the newspapers Segodnya, " Moskovsky Komsomolets", "Moskovskaya Pravda", "Literary Gazette", the magazine "Itogi", the television company "NTV" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Gusinsky's closest associates - M. Fridman, B. Khait, V. Malkin, A. Smolensky, M. Khodorkovsky - also participated in the financing of the OVR electoral bloc [71].

It is important to note that, unlike the old clan of the ruling elite, which focused primarily on the United States and the Jewish capital of this country, the new clan, led by Luzhkov, is focused on Western Europe and Israel. The latter is evidenced by the fact that the new clan is supported by the entire leadership of Jewish, Zionist organizations, many of which are members of B'nai B'rith.

In the days when NATO aircraft began to bomb Yugoslavia, Yu. M. Luzhkov negotiated with European representatives of the world behind the scenes in Paris. According to our Parisian informants, Luzhkov repeatedly met with the leaders of the European network of Rotary clubs, as well as, most importantly, with senior officials of the Grand Orient of France. As a result of Luzhkov’s contacts with the French brothers, they decided to support the new clan “as the most promising circle of people in modern Russia.” It was decided to appeal to all brothers in different countries, and above all in Russia, with a request to assist the people united around Luzhkov. The Grand Orient of France sent his high-ranking brother (33o) Jacques Seguel, considered one of the leading specialists in modern election technologies, to help in Luzhkov’s election campaign.

Preliminary agreements between the leaders of the anti-Russian Fatherland bloc and the Masonic structures of the Grand Orient were clarified and confirmed at negotiations between E. Primakov and French President Jeanne Chirac in November 1999.

In contrast to the grouping of Judeo-European Freemasonry, the American and Maltese Masonic clans create an electoral bloc called “Unity”, which was intended to unite all anti-Russian forces under the leadership of Yeltsin and his criminal-cosmopolitan entourage. Organizational structure and the personnel composition of the block's leaders were determined by B. A. Berezovsky, R. A. Abramovich, A. S. Voloshin, V. B. Yumashev. The puppet leaders who voiced commands from B. A. Berezovsky became the nominal leader of the bloc. All the forces of the state apparatus were deployed to serve clan interests. The first and second channels of state television, as well as TV-6, worked entirely to promote this anti-Russian bloc. To discredit their political opponents, the most dirty and shameless methods were used, which were especially distinguished by television propagandists engaged by Berezovsky - S. Dorenko, N. Svanidze, M. Leontyev. However, V. Gusinsky’s protege E. Kiselev was not much inferior to them.



The fight between two Masonic clans in the 1999 elections showed the boundless meanness, baseness and cynicism of Masonic politics. In the heat of the moment struggle compromising evidence, both sides stripped each other naked, showing everyone their complete squalor, boundless greed and moral insignificance. After the elections, summing up their results, two famous Russian masons G. O. Pavlovsky and S. Govorukhin, representing both Masonic clans, admitted that they looked at these elections as a special performance. According to Govorukhin, victory in the elections depended on whose behind-the-scenes direction of this performance was more successful [72].

Freemasonry is a criminal community

Freemasonry in all its manifestations is a secret criminal community pursuing the goal of achieving world domination on the basis of the Judaic doctrine of the chosen people.

The Russian Orthodox Church has always condemned Freemasonry, rightly considering it a manifestation of Satanism. Millions of Orthodox Christians annually anathematize all persons who are members of Masonic lodges or associated organizations. In 1932, at the All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, a decision was made that participation in Masonic lodges “is incompatible with the title of a Christian - a member of the Church of Christ, that such must either decisively renounce Freemasonry and related teachings, or with further impenitence they will be excommunicated from Holy Church."

Freemasonry has always been the worst enemy of humanity, all the more dangerous because it tried to cover up its secret criminal activities with a veil of false talk about self-improvement and charity. However, the terrible, sinister crimes that it committed put it outside the law. In almost all countries, Freemasonry was constantly prohibited by law as a criminal organization. Here are some facts:

1725 - Freemasonry is banned in France. 1737 - French police prohibit meetings of Freemasons.

1738 - Freemasonry was banned in Holland (arose in 1734) and Sweden (arose in 1735).

1740 - King Philip V of Spain issues a Decree against Freemasonry (established in 1728).

1740 - Freemasonry is prohibited on the island of Malta.

1745 - the government of the Republic of Bern prohibits Freemasonry by special decree.

1748 - The Ottoman Porte bans Freemasonry in Turkey.

1749 - Lord Derwentwater, the first Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France, is executed on the scaffold for his crimes.

1751 - Ferdinand IV of Spain prohibits Freemasonry in his states.

1801 - Emperor Francis II bans Freemasonry in Austria.

1823 - Freemasonry is banned in Portugal.

However, despite the prohibitions, Masonic ideology gradually spread in the public consciousness, poisoning its Christian content. To inspire confidence among those uninitiated in the criminal activities of the Masonic order, freemasons disguised themselves as philanthropic organizations and declared their love for humanity, piety and integrity. In fact, the activities of the Freemasons reproduced the Jewish ideology of the “chosen people,” who supposedly had special rights to rule over the rest of humanity. In relation to all non-Masons, free masons were allowed to lie, slander, kill, pit people against each other, class against class, people against people. Masonic influence was one of the main factors in all wars, revolutions and great upheavals of the 18th-20th centuries.

TO end of the 19th century century, Freemasons began to no longer have an indirect, but a direct influence on the politics of Western countries. By the middle of the 20th century, Masonic lodges and associated Masonic-type organizations in these countries became the dominant government force, playing a key role in the formation of governments and parliaments. The Masons came to power and were given the opportunity to put their Masonic principles into practice without any restrictions. As a result, there is more evil, violence and injustice in the world than before.

The stronghold of today's Western world order is the United States of America, which freemasons around the world consider a "Masonic state", a "great Masonic superpower". The President and Government of the United States are composed of high-ranking members of Masonic lodges. Today's US President B. Clinton is a world-famous “corrupt character, dishonest,” a member of the elite Masonic lodge “Skull and Bones.” His predecessor George Bush is a member of several lodges of the Scottish and York rituals. One of the most respected American Freemasons (33o), President G. Truman, stated that he “builds his government activities on the principles of Freemasonry” and wants these principles to “spread throughout the world.”

Guided by his Masonic principles, President G. Truman in 1945 gave a monstrous order for the atomic bombing of two peaceful Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a result of which 200 thousand inhabitants died.

Based on Masonic principles, American Freemason presidents just after World War II committed so many war crimes against humanity that their actions deserved a military tribunal:

1948-1953 - participation in punitive actions against the Filipino people. Death of many thousands of Filipinos.

1950-1953 - armed invasion of Korea by about a million American soldiers. Death of hundreds of thousands of Koreans.

1964-1973 - participation of 50 thousand American soldiers in punitive operations against the Republic of Laos. Again thousands of victims.

1964 - bloody suppression of Panamanian national forces demanding the return of Panama's rights in the Panama Canal zone.

1965-1973 - military aggression against Vietnam. Extermination of over half a million Vietnamese. Following Hitler's example, peaceful villages were completely destroyed, entire territories were burned with napalm along with all the inhabitants. Mass murder of women and children.

1970 - aggression against Cambodia. On the US side - 32 thousand soldiers. Numerous civilian casualties.

1982-1983 - terrorist attack by 800 US Marines against Lebanon. Again numerous victims.

1983 - military intervention in Grenada with about 2 thousand marines. Hundreds of lives have been lost.

1986 - treacherous attack on Libya. Bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi. Numerous casualties.

1989 - armed intervention in Panama. Thousands of Panamanians died.

1991 - large-scale military action against Iraq, involving 450 thousand military personnel and many thousands of pieces of modern equipment. At least 150 thousand civilians were killed. Bombing civilian targets in order to intimidate the Iraqi population.

1992-1993 - occupation of Somalia. Armed violence against civilians, killings of civilians.

1999 - aggression against Yugoslavia, thousands of civilian victims, hundreds of thousands of refugees.

But these are only open aggressions. And for how many decades the United States waged an undeclared war against El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iran, investing huge amounts of money to support puppet pro-Americas

Kan regimes or American-inspired rebels who opposed legitimate governments that did not recognize American dominance in the region. Honduras was turned by the United States into a military springboard for the fight against El Salvador and Nicaragua.

The total number of victims of the criminal orders of American Freemason presidents for the years 1948-1999 alone is more than a million people, not counting the wounded and disadvantaged.

Humanity has the right to present a bill to the “Masonic superpower” and judge the American Masonic administration and the Masonic administrations of its satellites but NATO as war criminals in the new Nuremberg trials. Like the ideology of fascism, the Masonic ideology should be outlawed, and its bearers subject to severe criminal prosecution. Masonic lodges and related organizations, such as Rotary clubs or Pen clubs, should rightly be equated with fascist organizations and banned.

In Russia, Masonic lodges were banned three times by special Imperial Decrees - under Catherine II, Paul I and Alexander I. The last ban lasted until February 1917.

However, despite the ban, Masonic lodges continued to “work” secretly. The criminal traces of their activities can be traced in both the 19th and 20th centuries (and even during Soviet power). A new “flourishing” of Masonic lodges occurred during the so-called perestroika. By special decrees of M. S. Gorbachev, and a little later of B. N. Yeltsin, Freemasonry was again legalized and greatly expanded the scope of its activities at the expense of Masonic clubs and other organizations created to achieve Masonic goals. In its current form, Freemasonry poses a huge threat to Russian society. Today, Russia, as at the beginning of the century, faces the task of completely destroying and banning Masonic organizations.

“I was ordered to do this”: the secret side of Russian Freemasonry

A tall man in a black coat leads him along the winding streets of the night capital. “I once belonged to a lodge for the sake of scientific interest, so to speak,” he says, without looking back. Now he does not stop communicating with other members of the fraternity, but does not give a reason for his departure.

"People join the lodge for different reasons. Some think, and seriously, that they will decide the fate of the world, others believe that they will acquire secret knowledge. And some have simply read Tolstoy's War and Peace (the novel describes in detail Bezukhov's initiation into the Freemasons and his life in the box. - Ed.),” notes my interlocutor Pavel.

Masonic Lodge Leader's Table

If in the times of Pushkin and Griboyedov (the Freemasons consider them “theirs.” - Ed.) the principle was in force: “to be a Freemason, ask a Freemason about it” and it was necessary to make as many acquaintances as possible with members of the lodge, then in the 21st century it is possible Almost everyone can “steer” the destinies of the world.

“There are millions of Masons in the USA. There are also quite a few in Europe. But here we have a constant turnover. There are few permanent members of the lodge,” Pavel complains. According to him, it's all about enough expensive “entrance ticket” - from 10-20 thousand rubles. Therefore, the budget of Russian Freemasonry - unlike foreign secret societies - is not as large as is commonly believed.

“Several years ago, one of the major lodges in France kicked out its great master with a scandal. Do you know why? He bought a personal helicopter with the brotherhood’s money,” he shares.

We approach a small door in an ancient building next to Tverskaya-Yamskaya(st. Tverskaya, 21 Museum of the Revolution, former English Club. Prim RuAN), behind it are steps leading down. The basement is either a bar or a club. “Usually, meetings of various secret societies take place in such surroundings. Although in better times, the Grand Lodge of Russia (the only Masonic organization recognized abroad in the Russian Federation. - Ed.) organized its meetings in the Metropol, near the Kremlin. They also held meetings there Martinists who practice occultism - they have something like Christian Kabbalism,” says my interlocutor.

Are there many Masons in Russia?

Freemasonry does not have a single centralized organization, but at the same time it is quite hierarchical. Various Masonic lodges of about 10 members (maximum of 20) can unite into "grand" lodges. The first such united lodge appeared in England exactly 300 years ago (1917 anniversary, 2017 anniversary approx. RuAN) and has since been considered the most authoritative. In 1740, its adherent, a general in Russian service James (Jacob) Keith, appointed Grand Master of Russia. And by the end of the 18th century, the entire Russian nobility “fell ill” with Freemasonry: famous statesmen, poets, artists, and architects became members of the lodge. This continued until the grandson of Catherine II, Emperor Alexander I, unexpectedly outlawed Freemasonry in 1822. It got to the point that officials gave special receipts stating that they “did not belong to the lodges.”

Only briefly did Freemasonry revive after 1905 ( They lie and don’t even blush. Note RuAN). But in the very first decade of Soviet power, the Masonic lodges were “purged.” There is a story that the Masons tried to cooperate personally with Stalin, but he, having familiarized himself with their proposal, immediately requested the personal lists of all members of the Russian lodge. And in the post-war years, when the campaign to “fight Zionism” unfolded, the idea of ​​the Freemasons as a “secret world government” finally took root in the public consciousness.

Once again, Russian Freemasonry has risen in 1995 year with the advent Grand Lodge of Russia (GLR), recognized by more than 90 Masonic organizations around the world. Its members call themselves "a club of men who believe in God and want to bring the light of knowledge to society". This organization considers itself the only one that has received the official right to exist from foreign lodges. Continuity is an important concept for Freemasons, because they believe that they have been storing and transmitting “secret knowledge” for more than one millennium.

The VLR today includes 50 lodges, mostly from Moscow. However, in Russia there are other Masonic organizations with different charters. But they, unlike VLR, do not have official status"Grand Lodge" and are, in fact, representatives of foreign Masonic meetings.

Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Russia

“Currently in Russia there are approximately one and a half thousand Masons. Moreover more than a thousand of them are regular, that is, they are members of the Grand Lodge of Russia,” notes religious scholar Dmitry Pedenko.

Most of the lodges operating in Russia require their candidates to believe in God and the immortality of the soul. However, this does not mean that there are no atheist Masons. “A distinctive feature of a number of so-called irregular Masonic organizations is precisely the fact that they accept not only believers, but also atheists. However, the number of such lodges in Russia is insignificant and there are very few participants in them. In this regard, a common situation is when members of two irregular organizations are the same persons,” the expert emphasizes.

"Ordered to become a Mason"

“Freemasonry is, first of all, an ancient club of respectable people,” assures ( lies and doesn't blush. Note RuAN) political scientist Vyacheslav Smirnov, member of the Grand Lodge of Russia. When asked what prompted him to become a Freemason, he answers evasively: “The Motherland ordered it.”

In each lodge there are three degrees (degrees. - Ed.) of initiation - student, journeyman, master mason. In addition, there are many different degrees, however, as stated in the lodges, there is no higher degree of initiation, After all, a Mason is a brother to a Mason.

The initiation rite itself in degrees complex and symbolic. Thus, before initiation, the candidate for “disciple” is half-naked, blindfolded and left for half an hour in the “reflection room.” After this, he is led to the “temple”, where a number of different symbolic actions are performed: for example, the future Freemason solemnly swears on the sacred book of his religion (most often this is the Bible. - Ed.).

“Often the initiation ceremony is carried out with musical accompaniment, which enhances the candidate’s impressions,” they say on one of the Masonic forums.

At the end of the ritual, the master mason calls upon the members of the lodge to help the newcomer in difficulties, being confident that he, too, will help them in difficult times. It is helping one's neighbor, brotherly love and commitment to the truth that are the main principles of Freemasonry ( and a Mason's neighbor is a brother Mason. Brotherly love. Note RuAN). The Masons themselves formulate their calling as follows: “to make good man better." At the same time, Freemasons themselves often cannot answer how intricate rituals, together with the requirement to understand a huge number of abstract terms, actually contribute to this.

Masonic initiation ritual

In turn, Paul argues that the higher the degree, the more one will have to pay for initiation. In addition, according to official information on the VLR website, Masons make annual contributions.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that Masons have sex during their rituals. "Masons are often confused with Thelemites. Those are the real outcasts; they initiate through sex. One of my acquaintances, a Thelemite, told me that some master from the USA even came to them for rituals in Moscow,” says Pavel. Thelemites are followers of the teachings of the famous English mystic Aleister Crowley, which is expressed in the principle: “do what you will, let it be done.” then by law" (in They're all scumbags. Note RuAN).

“We don’t give away our own”

Masonic lodges have several rules of anonymity. Thus, any member of the fraternity can declare his affiliation with Freemasonry without prior approval from his brothers. But you can’t give others away.

“When meeting a Russian member of the brotherhood, there is no point in showing signs - everyone already knows each other, at least me for sure. If I don’t know someone, my acquaintances will introduce me. And for foreign brothers there are letters of recommendation with seals or emails from their jurisdictions with a photograph and a recommendation for communication,” explains Vyacheslav Smirnov.

However, in the early 2010s, Russian Freemasonry was nevertheless shaken by a “revealing” scandal: someone published lists of actual members of the lodge on the Internet. This gave new food to various kinds of conspiracy theories that the Freemasons first destroyed the USSR and then firmly established themselves in the Kremlin. “The culprit was found quickly and they forced everything to be deleted. There (on the list - editor’s note) there were even some officials and managers of well-known companies,” says Pavel.

However, in recent years, the Masonic ranks, according to him, have been thinning. “Let’s just say that expectations do not coincide with reality: many people see that it is quite boring to be a Freemason. Yes, and we don’t like them", he concludes ( But this is the absolute truth. Note RuAN).

Freemasons and the February Revolution

"In the depths of world Freemasonry the question of world war was resolved, and war became inevitable. The center of the terrible intrigue that led to world carnage was in England. From here came directives and instructions for all English continental lodges.

Masonic lodges conducted propaganda against Germany, put pressure on their own and foreign governments and contributed to the diplomatic and military encirclement of Germany. England, France, Italy and America, whose governments were in the hands of the Freemasons, created internal unity from socialists to monarchists, created an alarming mood and propagated the inevitability of taking preventive measures against “attacking imperialist Germany.” Russian diplomacy, captured by the Freemasons, worked for the allies.

Freemasons Sazonov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Imperial Government, Russian ambassadors - Izvolsky in Paris, Strandman in Serbia - were simple pawns in the hands of the Anglo-French Freemason politicians. The Russian ambassador in Paris, Izvolsky, upon receiving news of the outbreak of war, said with an air of triumph:

"This is my war!" The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, which led to World War II, was carried out by Freemasons.

The plan to kill him over several years was drawn up by the Grand Orient of France. Lord Balfour stated at the beginning of the war that the war would end in 1918 before the Nativity of Christ. The Jewish newspaper “Peyevishe Wordle” wrote on January 13, 1919:

“International Jewry forced Europe to accept war in order to begin a new Jewish era throughout the world.” The German General Ludendorff said: “It now became clear to me that the German soldier was ultimately hidden behind the scenes of dark forces. We cannot but admit now that the German sword cleared the way for these forces that enslaved Russia. This could only happen due to the fact that most of us were still unaware of the hidden springs that pushed us.”

The world conspiracy not only provided for the defeat of the central powers, but also the defeat of Russia, the Russian revolution and world chaos, which was supposed to lead to the implementation of the century-old Masonic dream - the creation of a Masonic superstate(World Government, approx. RuAN).

The revolution in Russia, as has now been established, was prepared and organized by the Freemasons.

The intensive and systematic work of the Freemasons in Russia especially intensified after the murder in 1911 of P.A., who greatly interfered with it. Stolypin. With the assistance of the Grand Orient of France, already in 1911, Masonic lodges were founded throughout Russia, the members of which were representatives of different segments of the population, including the military.

Freemasonry captured various political movements - from liberals to the Bolsheviks inclusive. All the leaders of the socialists and communists belonged to the Freemasons: Savinkov, Avksentyev, Kerensky, Burtsev, Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Radek-Sobelson, Sverdlov, Tchaikovsky, Lenin, Trotsky and others.

By the time of the 1917 revolution, they had organized and military lodges, gathered in the palace of Count Orlov-Davydov. Among the Masons were the generals Polivanov, Ruzsky, Polovtsev, Prince Vyazemsky. For example, the commander of the Finnish regiment Teplov was accepted into the Masonic lodge. When one of the brothers asked him a question about the Tsar, Teplov replied: “I will kill if ordered.”

One of the highest members of the Grand Orient of France, Baron Senshol, who was entrusted with organizing Freemasonry in Russia, exclaimed: “If the Tsar saw a list of Russian Freemasons, he would find in it the names of persons standing very close to him.” The conspiracy was led by a conspiracy center that arose back in 1915.

This was the famous Masonic “five”, consisting of Efremov, Kerensky, Konovalov, Tereshchenko and Nekrasov. A provisional government headed by Prince Lvov was planned back in April 1916. Propaganda came from England that the Russian court was ready to conclude a separate peace and betray the national interests of Russia and the interests of the allies.

The leaders of English politics, having used Russia to crush Germany, welcomed the coup d'etat in Russia, because " England doesn't need a strong Russia", as he later quite openly told the whole world about it Lloyd George.

Representative of England Buchanan tells our conspirators that it would be much better for Russia if the revolution “came from above.” The Italian Minister Niti stated quite clearly that “ Russia's victory in the world war would be the greatest misfortune for civilization" In a word, all our “faithful allies” were in solidarity and inspired by one desire: for Russia to receive defeat for the countless sacrifices it made - if not at the front, then with the help of the revolution. Towards the end of 1916, when the question of the Allied victory over Germany became clear, an order was given from England: to take action. In Masonic circles, the idea of ​​the need to remove the Tsar from the throne was born. The idea came from Prince Lvov from the first days of the war at a meeting with Konovalov.

From this moment on, the question of a palace coup was raised in Masonic conspiratorial meetings. The question is raised about the elimination of the “German”, that is, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. In this spirit, Prince Lvov conducted his intimate negotiations with General Alekseev. The persuasion worked, and by the fall of 1916 an agreement on actions was established. The plan was to arrest the Tsarina, exile her to the Crimea and force the Tsar to agree to a “ministry of public trust.”

This plan was scheduled for November 30 (11/3/9), but collapsed on its own: Alekseev had an acute attack of a long-standing illness, and the chief of staff was forced to go for a long treatment to the Crimea, where he remained until the 20th of February 1917. After this failure, on December 9, a secret meeting was held at Prince Lvov’s apartment. The prince developed the idea palace coup with the aim of overthrowing Nicholas II from the throne and replacing him with Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Khatisov was authorized to enter into negotiations with Nikolai Nikolaevich, introducing him to the project of the palace coup and finding out how the Grand Duke would react to this project and whether it was possible to count on his assistance.

Lvov said that he had a statement from General Manikovsky that the army would support the coup. According to this plan it was planned The Tsar is arrested and taken into exile, and imprison the Queen in a monastery, they talked about exile, and the idea of ​​murder was not rejected. In Tiflis, during the New Year's reception, Khatisov outlined the “Lvov plan” to Nikolai Nikolaevich. After 2 days, Khatisov met with Nikolai Nikolaevich again and learned from him that the Grand Duke had decided to avoid participating in the conspiracy, citing the opinion of General Yanushkevich that the army was monarchical and would not go against the Tsar.

The idea of ​​the forced abdication of the Tsar was persistently pursued in Petrograd at the end of 1916 and beginning of 1917. Paleolog ( French ambassador), who was included in the house of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, writes that the grand dukes, among whom the sons of Maria Pavlovna are named, intended, with the help of four guards regiments (Pavlovsky, Preobrazhensky, Izmailovsky and Personal convoy), to capture Tsarskoye Selo at night and force the Emperor to abdicate. The Empress was supposed to be imprisoned in a monastery and the heir to be proclaimed Tsar under the regency of Nikolai Nikolaevich.

The question of the forcible removal of the Sovereign from the throne was also raised at a dinner with the Grand Duke Gabriel Konstantinovich. It was attended by Putilov and Ozerov, who belonged to the Freemasons and were in connection with the conspirators. General Krymov was involved in organizing the coup. Admiral Kolchak not only sympathized with the coup, but also took an active part in it. The command staff of the Russian army, therefore, was by that time sufficiently propagandized, prepared for the revolution, and when street movement began in Petrograd at the end of February, he did not take any measures to suppress the rebellion, but on the contrary, all front commanders recommended abdication to the Emperor from the throne.

The army - the support of the throne - turned into a force hostile to the throne. November 1, 1916Freemason Miliukov from the rostrum of the State Duma makes a speech on the topic: “Stupidity or treason?”, in which the name of the Tsarina was named for the first time and a grave charge was brought against the government national treason. This vile speech by one of the most vile people in Russia had absolutely no evidence behind it - everything from beginning to end was a deliberate lie.

This was subsequently revealed by a commission created by the Provisional Government, which, despite its prejudice against the leaders of the “old regime”, revealed with complete clarity that not only the Empress, but also Sturmer, Shcheglovitov, Protopopov and Sukhomlinov himself were in no way guilty of any crime. treason, neither in negotiations with Germany, nor in the search for a separate peace.

In the Duma, deputies make speeches against Rasputin. Mason Maklakov persuades Yusupov to kill Rasputin. The participation of Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich and Prince Yusupov in the murder of Rasputin further convinced that Rasputin was a traitor and destroyer of Russia. In January 1917, a union commission consisting of representatives of England, France and Italy arrived in Petrograd. After a conference with Brother Guchkov, who was at that time Chairman of the Military-Industrial Committee, Prince, Brother Lvov, Chairman of the State Duma, Brother Rodzianko, General, Brother Polivanov, Brother Sazonov, English Ambassador, Brother Buchanan, brother Miliukov and other persons, this mission presented the following demands to the Emperor:

1) introduction to the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of allied representatives with voting rights:

2) renewal of the command staff of all armies according to the instructions of the Entente powers;

3) introduction of a constitution with a responsible ministry.

In response to these demands, the Sovereign put forward the following resolutions: “On the first point: It is unnecessary to introduce allied representatives, because I do not propose to introduce my representatives into the allied armies with the right to a decisive vote.” “On the second point: Also unnecessary. My armies fight with greater success than the armies of My allies." “On the third point: The act of internal government is subject to the discretion of the Monarch and does not require the indication of allies.”

As soon as the Sovereign's answer became known at the English Embassy, ​​an emergency meeting was held with the participation of the same persons; it was decided " abandon the legal path and take the path of revolution».

“We knew,” said brother P. N. Miliukov after the revolution, “that the Russian army would have victories in the spring. In this case, the prestige and charm of the Tsar among the people would again become so strong and tenacious that all our efforts to shake and overthrow the throne of the Autocrat would be in vain. That is why we had to resort to a speedy revolutionary explosion in order to prevent this danger.” At the end of February, Freemasonry unleashes destructive forces. Someone else's gold appears. February 23 a skillful hand drives the crowds out onto the streets of Petrograd.

They are frightening the mob with the coming famine. Clashes with the police and troops begin. On February 26, a decree dissolving the Duma follows, to which it does not obey.

March 19, 1917 Jacob Schiff, who, according to French intelligence, gave twelve million dollars to Russian revolutionaries, sent Milyukov telegram: “Allow me, as an implacable enemy of the tyrannical autocracy, which has ruthlessly persecuted our fellow believers, through you, to congratulate the Russian people on the deed they have just brilliantly accomplished, and to wish your comrades in the new government and you personally complete success in the great undertaking that you began with such patriotism.”

Igor Froyanov. “The February Revolution was unleashed not by the Bolsheviks, but by the Freemasons.”


Occultism in Russia. The first Soviet Masonic lodge is a single labor fraternity. Live topic

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