Lewis Chronicles of Narni read a summary. The Chronicles of Narnia

Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Voronezh State University"

Faculty Faculty

Department of Slavic Philology


Under the discipline "Scientific basis of the school course of literature"

On the topic: "Tale K. S. Lewis" Lion, Witch and a wardrobe "

Performed: 3rd year student Gileva KK

Checked: Socolate T. F.

Voronezh 2010.

Clive Steiplz Lewis - biography and creative path

Narnia Chronicles: Configure, General Concept, Chronological Framework

"Lion, witch and wardrobe": summary

"Lion, sorceress and wardrobe": image system

Borrowing from mythology and Christian characters in the fairy tale "Lion, Witch and a wardrobe"

Fate of the "Chronicles of Narnia" cycle in the modern world: editions, criticism, film

List of used literature

Clive Steiplz Lewis - biography and creative path

The future writer Clive Staiplz Lewis was born on November 29, 1898 in the city of Belfast, which in Northern Ireland, in the family of lawyer Alberta J. Lewis and Florence Augustus Hamilton. His brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis, was older Jackie (Klyiv's home nickname, which later replaced his name) for three years. The father of the boys was traditional for Ireland of Religion - Catholic, and the mother came from the family of the Anglican Priest. Lewis was in good relationship with his mother and received a lot from her: Florence taught him languages \u200b\u200b(even Latin) and, more importantly, laid the foundations of his moral rules. She died of cancer when Jackie was not and ten years old. Shortly after this sad event, Albert Lewis sent his sons to the English county Hartfordshire for training in Vinyard's private school (or "Belsen", as a writer later called it to the Association with the Nazi concentration camp, the writer later brought all the souls: unhealthy has reigned at school The atmosphere of moral and physical violence. Memories of Belsen subsequently reflected in many of his works and imposed a heavy imprint on the relationship with his father - a primary and gloomy man, moreover, suffering from alcoholism. For six years, Lewis changed several schools and cumshots to do at home with Professor William Kerckatrick, which will later become the prototype of Digori Kerk, the character of the cycle "Chronicles of Narnia".

Alcoholism was for Lewis to the hereditary disease: Warren also suffered from this ailment that, but did not prevent him from becoming a historian of the family, the author of beautiful historical and popular books and a close friend for his brother. The Father Lewis could not forgive until the end of his days, despite the fact that it could be because it was like him: both adored literature and verbal battles, both were masters of a sharp sense, both knelling their best half, both Finally, died in the Christian faith. The father did everything for his son, which did not require emotional efforts, that is, provided his financial situation and education, in particular, in Oxford University, which required considerable costs.

In 1917, K. S. Lewis entered the University of Oxford, but soon I was defined by the junior officer in the army. Military preparation was limited to several weeks. At that time, he met and made friends with a colleague of Irish origin, Paddy Murom. The Mother Paddy pounded - Jane Moore. Parting when departing to the front, young people gave each other promise: if one of them is killed, the surviving will take care of the family of the murdered. Paddy was killed, and Jackie wounded - it's easy enough for this wound to never bothered him, and it's hard enough to free it from the army once. He was demobilized, and in 1919 he returned to classes in Oxford. Performing a promise, Lewis, for many years he constantly lived together with Mrs. Moore and her daughter, providing them with everything necessary. From the coarticles, and subsequently from colleagues, this touching unity was carefully hidden: in Oxford, medieval traditions were still strong, for which celibacy was directly prescribed by scholars. Returning to the university, he no longer left him until 1954, teaching philological disciplines. In 1923, Lewis received a bachelor's degree, and a few years later - a master. In the future, he taught English literature in Oxford for more than 30 years - and well taught, the audience was usually crowded. In 1936, he will write the first major work, which will make his name known in scientists - the study of medieval ideas called "Allegory of Love". Colleagues were disliked Lewis - he was too ulcer in words and rude in manners, but heard brilliant literary criticism, although he specialized in English literature, which seemed to many "suspicious innovation." Lewis was a stunning lecturer, his course was listening to several times. He shared his knowledge not only at lectures, but also in living conversations, and also arranged for students once a year "Gala dinner" - a merry break with obscene songs and jokes.

In the summer of 1929, a coup in the minds of Lewis - he recognizes the existence of God. Later he will write in his essay "overtakened by joy", that the meeting with him occurred on the bus. Lewis felt like a lump of snow, which will now begin to melt, felt the invisible corset, who will strangle him if it does not get rid of this rubbish. At night, he kneels in his office and reluctantly told God that God was God. Soon after the appeal, Lewis became friends with Professor J. R. R. Tolkin and became the first reader, criticism and fan of his "Lord of the Rings". Their friendship was truly amazing: completely different in character, temperament and looks for life, these respected teachers united the love of the Scandinavian mythology and disputes on religious topics. Together with other colleagues in the university, they revived the once created literary and religious circle, whose members called themselves with the inclining (from the English. Inkling - a hint).

In 1931, Lewis becomes a Christian. Like the coming to faith in God, his appeal to Christianity occurred in the most ordinary day, but he was preceded by a long night conversation with Tolkin and other "inclining", which gives reason to talk about the serious influence of Tolkien on the spiritual formation of his friend. The literary influence of the author "Lord of the Rings" on Lewis is not amenable to any doubt. It was the example of Tolkina inspired Lewis on the first artistic experience. The first thing his work on the Christian theme is the "Round Way, or the Return of the pilgrim" - appears in the spring of 1932. In 1940, he writes "suffering" - a book on the most complex theological topic, in the military 1941 - "Letters of Balamut" (as evidenced by the biographer Lewis Wilson, is dedicated to Tolkin). From this book, telling about the main problems of the spiritual life of a neophyte in the form of reports of the Demone-Temper to his Head, the World Fame of Lewis began: the circulation exceeded the million copies. Lewis is invited to speak with lectures - they are, however, and preaching about Christianity. Every Wednesday evening he is given fifteen minutes on the radio; From these conversations, the book "Just Christianity" is born. In 1945, "Termination of marriage" followed, in 1947 - "Miracle."

Lewis Fame in conjunction with a straight and mocking character, which the honorable teacher did not lose, becoming a Christian, did not add it attractiveness in the eyes of colleagues in Oxford. His even "rolled" in the professorial elections of 1947, despite the highest professional qualifications. But on this testing did not end: In 1948, the writer was defeated in a public dispute about his book "Miracle" with Elizabeth Ensky, in 1951 Mrs. Moore died, in the same year Lewis did not become a professor, and in 1952 his spiritual father.

In 1954, Lewis went to work in Cambridge, where he received in the department and the post of professor; In 1955, he became a member of the British Academy of Sciences.

In 1952, the convinced Bachelor Lewis meets Joy Davidmen, the American writer, and in 1956 concludes a civil marriage with her: Joy was divorced, and the wedding turned out to be impossible. Only when Joy found cancer, Lewis's friend marked his spouses in the bed dying, putting the bishop ban. Immediately after the wedding, the patient was better (remission began), and the happy Lewis felt a strong headache. Later he found cancer, from which the writer and died six years later, in 1963. Lewis has long survived his wife: Joy died from cancer in 1960 in terrible torment. What Lewis experienced - you can read in his last book: "Mount from the inside," where the author is likened to biblical Jews and sucks with God, refuses him, asks him the questions for which he himself cannot answer. Each word of the book is filled with pain and bitterness, it is incredibly hard to read. However, it was the "grief from the inside" helped Lewis to reconcile with God and die Christian. Jack Lewis dust rests in the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Hadington Cuerry, Oxford.

Narnia Chronicles: Configure, General Concept, Chronological Framework

Like many good people, Clive Lewis loved fairy tales. Like many creatively gifted children, he began writing from childhood. Being a boy, he came up with a certain country of animals called Boxen and willingly told his brother and parents about her, however, his stories were already seasoned a fairing share of the bore: Lewis never knew how to hit the imagination. Mother's death and training in Vinyard, apparently, made the character of Jackie less open, however contributed to the development of the sense of humor and the brilliant ability to use the reception of irony.

Lewis told his next fairy tale only after thirty years. The time of World War II, four children stayed in the house of Lewis and he was surprised to learn how little figures knew his young guests. He decided to sketch for them a story about how four children named Anne, Martin, Rose and Peter were sent from London in connection with the air shelling of the city, and settled at one old and lonely professor. It is all that he wrote at that time, but, a few years later, he returned to history. Children (whom were now called Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy) found the way to another world - the land that he ultimately calls Narnia, allegedly, by the name of the Italian city of Narni.

The author himself wrote about the "Chronicles": "The whole history of Narnia speaks of Christ. In other words, I asked myself:" And that if there were actually a world like Narnia, and he would have walked through the wrong way (as it happened with our world)? What would happen if Christ came to save the world (as he saved our) "? These stories serve my answer. I reasoned that since Narnia is the world of speaking animals, he will also be a speaking animal, just as he became a man In our world. I portrayed him with a lion, because: the lion is considered to be the king of animals; In the Bible, Christ is called "Lvi from the Knee of Judine." And also: "I wrote such books, what I myself would like to read, it was always that I always encouraged me to take For the pen, no one wants to write the books that I need, so you have to do it yourself ... "

Lewis has created a narnation flat, but rather extensive. As Mr. Tume says, Narnia is ... all the space between the lamppost and the huge castle of Caer Paraval on the Eastern Sea. " ("Caer Paraval" means "under the court" - from the Staroangalian "Caer" \u003d "Court" and "Paravail" \u003d "smaller" or "under"). In the mountains in the south of Narnia, friendly Orland (Archenland) is located, where it is ruled. The lateral branch of the Royal Paraval Dynasty. In addition, Narnia owns several islands in the Eastern Ocean. Further to the east there is a whole necklace of the magic islands, on each of which is its miracle. One inhabited by invisible, on another dreams become a reality, the third is running the old man - Star in retirement ... And behind them - the edge of the world, where the sea will overthrow in infinity by the majestic waterfall. However, somewhere there, in the East, the country of Aslan is possible, and outside the world of Narnia - a high blooming mountain where it lives Divine Lion and where he comes to his wards in difficult times. And heavy times occur in Narnia often, for it is surrounded by warlike and powerful neighbors. Surrounded by the Orland's Mountains, behind the desert, there is a huge empire Tarkistan (Kalorm EN), based on fugitives from Orland. It is ruled by dark and power-loving tarchanions, here in the order of things slavery and conquering hiking, there are dislikes northerners and reasonable animals here, and worship the brutal goddess Tash. Tarhistanists have repeatedly tried to capture the narnia, but until the last north hesitated their army. The relationship with Western Nosnia Narnia, Telmar was less successful. This country was founded the descendants of earthly pirates, found a passage of the world in their island. The Telmarians won the narnia and for a long time, poorly ruled it - after all, they were also the sons of Adami and daughters of Eve. At this time, the reign of King Caspiana X of the navigator, which became the golden age of Narnia, was also the reign.

The world of Narnia is full of magical secrets and mysteries. It is inhabited by fabulous creatures from different mythologies of the world: favments, centaurs, gnomes, speaking animals. The purpose of the author was to create a new, but easily recognizable reality from the known elements. This world is created by Lvy Aslan with the help of a song, its slender harmony retain the laws that he wrote and at the same time cannot bear it. In this Aslan, it fully complies with the Christian ideas about God, who cannot renounce itself. (2 Timothy 2:13 "... if we are incorrect, he is faithful, because he cannot revel himself"). In the world of Narnia, everything is the limit of human dreams, and Lewis repeatedly emphasizes it. Narnia is a special world with the delightful nature and beautiful change of the time of the year, the place where the best music in the world sounds, where there is no death from illness or chance. All the characters of the fairy tales die in the battle for good. But since good is inseparable from evil, Narnia has enemies, such as the White Witch Jadis, her companions: Witches, Minotaurs, Werewolves, supporting it part of the gnomes and giants. However, all injustice and adversity overlaps the motive of joy. The word "joy" Lewis wrote from a capital letter and understood some great joy under it, which has not yet come, but will surely come.

However, the task of Lewis was to create a fundamentally new reality, but an artistic reflection of modern reality. The grass in Narnia is growing in the same way, and the birds sing the same, the sun shines the sun, and at night - the moon, the man gets tired, climbing the mountain, he needs food and drink. By the way, just with the help of eating and drinking Lewis constantly emphasizes the reality, awareness and intimacy of Narnia. Whenever the characters sit at the table, and even just on green grass, the author with great seriousness tells us the menu of their meals. Yes, and landscapes of Narnia (and Lewis - a large master of the landscape) - these are landscapes of our world, only refined, without factory pipes and oil films on rivers. Narnia is doubly attractive: both with their wonderfulness, oddity, and its similarity, recogniziness. No wonder and get into it in different ways: with the help of magic rings or just entering the wardrobe, there are other paths, magical or ordinary). Especially interesting from this point of view of the Narnia time. For the one who is in Narnia, time flows completely usually: a minute a minute, an hour in an hour, day after day. But for an observer from our world, it will make completely incredible things: it will sweep like a courier train, then. As if tired, goes to a quick step. There is no direct conformity between our time and the Time of Narnia.

"Chronicles" consist of seven parts:

Lion, witch and wardrobe (The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, 1950),

Prince Caspian (Prince Caspian, 1951),

Conqueror dawn, or swimming on the edge of the world (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 1952),

Silver Chair, 1953),

Horse and his boy (The Horse and His Boy, 1954),

Nephew nephew (The Magician's Nephew, 1955),

Last Battle (The Last Battle, 1956)

In the first one, which is called "Cologge's nephew", Aslan Song creates the world. In the second, he sacrifices himself and wins the white wondulum. In the seventh, the "last battle", Narnia dies, but continues to live in eternity ... In the rest of the books, children fall into the rustle in the most unexpected way, when they are not waiting for it - through the picture in the living room, through the suddenly opened portal in the subway, it was then that When they are most needed and fall into incredible adventures.

"Lion, witch and wardrobe": summary

"Lion, a witch and a wardrobe" - the second of chronology and the first year of publication part "Chronicles", tells about four children of Pavenci - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. They are sent to a friend of the family Professor Digori Kerk because of the bombing of London. During the game, Lucy hiding in a wretched closet, through which he gets into the narnia, where he gets acquainted with a favous tumn. He tells her that Narnia is under the rule of the evil white sorcerer. Returning to the brothers and sister, Lucy tells where it was, but they do not believe her. Later she enters his narnation for the second time. Behind her comes next Edmund. However, he meets a white sorcerer, which treats him Rakhat-Lukumov, turned out to be enchanted, and subordinates the boy to himself. She orders Edmund to bring all four children to her castle. Later, all four children fall into the narnia, they discover that the police took the tumbler (this Edmund repeated the sorcerer of Lucy's story and thus gave out Faun). Children meets Mr. Beaver and talks about the fact that Aslan is already on the way, which means that the ancient prophecy begins to come true about what Aslan will come, the long winter will end and four people will become rulers of Narnia. During the story, Edmund escapes and heads to the Castle of the White Sordunya. And Peter, Susan, Lucy and Beavers go to Aslan. On the way, Santa Claus meets and presents them gifts that should help them: Peter - Sword and Shield, Susan Onions, Arrows and Rog, Lucy - Dagger and Magic Drug, whose drop heals from any disease and any wounds. Children are found with Aslan near the stone table, the focus of magic in Narnia and with his help, they will bring edmund from the captivity of the White Witch. Aslan dedicated Peter and Edmund in Knights and the Narius begin to prepare for the battle. But Jadis wants to pick up the soul of Edmund's traitor to herself according to the laws of ancient magic. Aslan and the sorcerer join the negotiations, and the traitor turns out to be saved. Nobody, except Lucy and Susan, did not know that the Great Lion was killed for Edmund's traitor on the Stone Table Survised by the laws of "even more ancient magic". Aslan and girls appear only at the end of the battle, but they bring victory and strengthen the warriors of warriors. Lucy cures the magic elixir of seriously wounded warriors and his brother, which is finally healed not only from the Russian Academy of Sciences, but also from her bad inclinations, which we learn, he took over the "boys from a bad company". The things remain in Narnia and become its kings and Queen - Peter Magnificent, Edmund Fair, Susan generous and Lucy brave. They forget about the world from which they came, but once adult brothers and sisters arrange a hunt for a white deer who performs wishes, and accidentally bump into a narnia lantern and a wardrobe door. Inhabitable deer, Pevenetsi make their way through spruce thickets and fall into the same room and at that very moment from which their journey began.

"Lion, sorceress and wardrobe": image system

Aslan., The great lion, the son of the emperor-in-sea, the ruler of the forest, the king of the kings is the creator of the world of Narnia, its inhabitants and everything else that belongs to Narnia. He comes to the Narius at the time of their disasters. Translated from the Turkic language "Aslan" means "lion". Lewis found out this name during a trip to the Ottoman Empire, he was impressed with the elite guard of Sultan, which was also called Aslan, because of their courage and loyalty. This is the only character that appears in all seven parts of the "Chronicles". Aslan looks like a huge and majestic, amazing beauty lion with a light thick mane and powerful body. In his presence, good creatures feel inexplicable joy, and evil fear. Aslan has a free temper, it is impossible to keep it in one place. He is unusually strong and one of his roar is enough that the spirit of the enemy is broken. The author does not apply to the thoughts and feelings of Aslan, we learn only about what feelings the great lion inspires others. About where the Aslan appears and from where the Aslan appears, we are also not known anything. Says Aslan little and always essentially, but sometimes his words are not deprived of the irony, which he applies to those who are too serious about themselves. It is much older than white sorcerer and therefore it knows the laws for which there is Narnia.

White sordunya, Jadis, the descendant of Adam and his first wife Lilith, Antipode Aslan.

Empress Jadis came from the Royal House of Charne. During the Civil War, she lost all his troops in battle with his sister, after which the forbidden word uttered, destroying all the living beings in the world of Charna, besides her. After that, Jadis went to the hall of the Ring of the Royal Palace and temporarily turned into an image that could be returned to life only when the bell standing nearby, that is, in the presence of creatures from another world. Children from our world, Digori Kerk and half a plan, accidentally hit the world of Charn. Digori called the bell, thereby awakening the Empress Jadis, who ordered him to transfer it to our world. Soon, Digori understands that in our world it is impossible to leave and tries to return it to Charnes. However, mistakenly delivers it to the not yet created narnation, where it becomes the carrier of evil. To protect the country's Narnia from Jadis, Digori brings Aslan Golden Apple from the garden. A tree grows out of this apple, which protects the narnation from Jadis for a while (900 years old, if for sure). At the same time, Jadis steals an apple from the garden, which gives her immortality and strength. By the time of the work of the book, the White Soglunya conquers all the narnation and sat on her eternal winter. In the final battle of Jedis dies. However, as we learn from the following chronicle, "Prince of Caspian", the sorceress will never die completely, it can be returned.

White sorcerer has a stunningly cold, but fascinating beauty and disgusting character - the powerful, cruel and lingerie in the most recently, she hates everyone, even their minions. According to Lewis's memoirs, he came up with Jadis under the influence of the book of Rider Haggard "she". In this book, the beautiful and evil queen of Ayesha, who became an immortal, destroyed his soul. Characters Haggard and Lewis have a lot of common features: it is cruel thiranches and sorcerers, antagonists in their works. Even the name "White Witch" sounds once in the book of Haggard. " Jadis looks like a person, but a man is in fact, which makes Mr. Beaver say: "As for people, there may be two opinions - it is no offense to all those present - but about those who look like a person, but in fact no, There can be no two opinions ... Listen to my advice: If you met someone who is going to become a person, but they have not yet, or was a man before, but stopped them, or should have been a man, but not a man - Do not descend your eyes off him and keep the battle top-line under your hand. " The name "Dzhadis" occurs, which has been thinking, from the Persian JVDU - "Witch", or from French Jadis - "Long ago

Peter Pevenets. - Senior child in the family of Paveni. Fights in four of the seven books "Chronicles of Narnia": like a child and the main character - in the books of Lion, the sorceress and the wardrobe and the Caspian prince; As an adult - in the books "Last Battle" and "Horse and His boy." He has blue eyes, blond hair, he is quite high and static. Peter's character is far from sugar. Nervous, impulsive, not devoid of vanity, but at the same time - incredibly caring, especially in relation to the younger sister. The people of Narnia nicknamed his peter magnificent. Peter has a certain similarity with St. Peter, and it can explain the author's choice - Peter is straightforward and honest, but sometimes rude, he completely trusts Aslan and is ready to fight for him. Peter is not malicious, he forgets his brother's betrayal. As a senior, he likes to give orders and take responsibility for himself, sometimes he has to overestimate his strength.

Susan Paveni, Sue, as she is called brothers and sisters, or Susan generous, as it nicknamed the people of Narnia - the second one's seniority from the children of Pevenets, was born in 1928 in the earthly summer. Susan has dark hair, greenish blue eyes, she is a state-owned, skater girl. She spent, smart, but a little arrogant. She is an enviable bride for many kings and princes, but invariably rejects their hands and heart suggestions. Figures in three books "Chronicles of Narnia": as a child and one of the main characters - in the books of Lion, the sorceress and the wardrobe and the Caspian Prince; As an adult - in the book of the horse and his boy. The last battle is also mentioned in the book, where we learn that Susan betrayed the narnia, refusing to believe in it. We learn that she is "no longer interested in anything other than lipstick, stockings and invitations."

Edmund Pevenetsi -the third seniority from the children of Paveni, was born in 1930 for the earthly summer. Edmund - carbonous brunette with light skin, lower than Peter, but sometimes much more judicious than an older brother. First, it is incredibly easy to succumb to someone else's influence, but then it becomes more wise and dismissed. The people of Narnia nicknamed His Edmund fair.

It is terrible to experience his betrayal at the first visit to Narnia, Ed, as he is called sister and brother, it tries to reaplish their sin. In the first book, Edmund fears fearlessly in the battle against the White Witch, and his intervention significantly affects the course of battle, in the second book he is the only one who believes Lucy's words that she saw Aslan; In the book "Horse and his boy", he manifests mercy to the killer Rabadash, hoping that he would fix it, etc. etc. If you correlate the image of Edmund with the students of Christ, then the apostle Paul comes to mind, or the reacted Judas comes, but in general it is a completely independent character, one of the most interesting in the "Chronicles".

Lucy Paveni Lou, or Lucy Brazier - the younger sister of Peter, Susan and Edmund, was born in 1932 for the earthly summer. She has golden-blond hair and brown eyes, she dare, persistent and active. It is characterized by honesty and straightness, she, because of his mental qualities, is closest to Aslan, so for her in Narnia often the fact that others do not see. Lucy appears in almost all parts of the "Chronicles" following Aslan. It remains true to its principles and never ceases to believe in miracles. Even watching the death of Narnia, Lucy trusts Lerl and leaves him in the "real narnia", which continues to exist forever. Lucy Paveni is the most positive character not endowed with supernatural abilities. Her prototype is Lucy Barfield, the gardens of Lewis.

Dí gori Kerk - Professor who stops Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. The prototype of Digori Kerk became Professor W. T. Kerckatrick, from whom Lewis studied and lived from 1914 to 1917. Books cover a significant part of his life - from 12 years to 61 years. Accordingly, his image varies from an ordinary boy to a strange professor. His favorite expression - "What is only to teach them in the current schools." The inhabitants of Narnia called him Lord Digori. Professor Kerk is a great storyteller, a senior friend and a mentor of children in the "Chronicles of Narnia". Just like they, he survived the long-term separation with his parents, he is the only one of the adults fully understands them and can give the right advice. In terms of "Conqueror Dawn" we learn that the professor left and moved to a one-room cottage, but on his kindness and responsiveness it did not affect.

In the book "Nereyazhnik Correction" Lewis tells how young Digori because of the Mother's Mother's Disease and the Father's Disease came to seek his uncle Andrew, which is powerful magician. Digori with the help of a magic ring leaves after his girlfriend Polly, who uncle deceit sent to the place called the forest between the worlds, then they fall into the world of Charnel and, as mentioned above, take people with Jadis to the world of people. By mistake, sending Jadis to Narnia, Digori is trying to correct the situation with the help of a gold apple. He goes into the garden, withstands the temptation to pick up the magic fruit for his sick mother, brings Apple Aslan and puts it. Since all this happens shortly after the birth of Narnia, the apple tree grows and gives the first fruits rather quickly. Digori, together with Polly and Uncle Andrew returns home, and the mother brings the fetus from the tree planted by him, after which she quickly recover. An apple core. A boy bursts along with rings in the garden. After a month and a half, Digori finds out that the cousin of his father, Lord Kerk died. The father inherited the title and a great estate, which became the house of his family. He threw the service and returned to England. From the core of the apple, planted Digori, the tree grown, but after some time it broke during the storm. By that time, the London house already belonged to Professor Kerk, and he ordered to make a wardrobe from the wreckage. In the last book, Digori Kerk dies together with Polly, Lucy, Peter, Edmund and other characters and acquires eternal life in New Narnia.

In addition to the above characters, others are also present in the "Chronicles of Narnia", the other, less significant - strict housekeeper Digori Kerk Madame Makridi, good Favn Tumenus and funny Chet Bobrov, the gloomy minion of the wolf of the gnome hynarbrick and the evil wolf Mogrimim, but these characters in general That play a secondary role in the development of the plot.

Borrowing from mythology and Christian characters in the fairy tale "Lion, Witch and a wardrobe"

To create their world, Lewis addresses the ancient, antique, German-Scandinavian, Slavic, medieval European, Christian traditions.

For example, the long winter is borrowed from the Scandinavian mythology, in which the Fimbulwinter exists, which precedes Ragnaröga, the end of the world.

Dwarves are borrowed by Lewis from different mythologies of the peoples of Europe, so he divided them into two categories: black and redheads. Both those and other gnomes are zlavoloviv, but black to a greater extent. The difference between bad and good gnomes is set by their attitude towards Aslan. Although the Gnome was the first creature of those who Aslan called for the Universal Council when creating Narnia, not all the gnomes serve him and believe in it. This is especially true of those gnomes that are concerned exclusively fate of their own tribe.

Ginnes - in Muslim mythology perfume, often evil. According to the Muslim tradition, the genie is created by Allah from smokeless fire and are air or fiery bodies with mind. They can acquire any form and perform any orders.

Favn is taken from Roman mythology. The Supreme Favn is the God of Forests, Fields, Pasture, Animals. The rest of the fauna took care of animals, but differed by the violent moral and addiction to the guilt, which were often copulated with animals and pursued women. They also kidnapped children and sent nightmares and diseases.

The servant of the white sorcerer Wolf Mogrimim dates back to the Scandinavian Fenriro - a huge wolf, the son of the Loki Loki and the Giant Angrbodes. The legend narrows that while Fenrir was small, the gods kept him at home, and only the Tyur was drunk him. The gods decided to plant Fenrira on the chain, but he grew up so strong that she took away any chains that put on him under the pretext of testing his strength. Then the dwarfs-Tsvergi at the request of the gods made the magic chain of the globnir from the sound of cat steps, the female beard, the roots of the mountains, bear lived, fish breathing and bird saliva. The chain turned out to be fine and light, and Fenrir suspected the catch. He demanded that the Tyur put him in the mouth right hand in the departure of the fact that the gods did not conceive anything wrong. The magician failed to break the chain and stayed on it, in the rage, having overtook the hand. According to the prophecy of Völva, in front of the end of the world, he will be angry with the chain, it will fight with the Supreme God or bolds him, and then Vidar, the son of Odin, tear him to fall (or pierces the sword).

But the main source for Lewis has become, of course, the Gospel. No wonder his book is sometimes called children's Christian catechism. On March 5, 1961, he wrote one small reader: "The whole story of Narnia speaks of Christ. In other words, I asked myself:" And what if there really was a world like Narnia, and he would have walked through the wrong way (as it happened to our world)? What would happen if Christ came to save the world (as he saved our) "? These stories serve my answer. I reasoned that since Narnia is the world of speaking animals, he will also be a speaking animal, just as he became a man In our world. I portrayed him by Lvom, because: Lion is considered to be the king of animals; In the Bible, Christ is called "Iodina's knee".

In one of the books, Aslan appears in the form of a lamb, which is already direct borrowing from the Gospel. Lewis writes about the "royal and peace-loving and at the same time the sad" look aslant that he was "kind and terrible" at the same time. The golden radiance of the mane Aslan, which constantly mentions the author, is associated with Golden Nimba. In Narnia, the name of Aslan swear, the heroes say: "In the name of Aslan", "Aslan" aslant ", and the hermit even exclaims" Aslan gracious! " From the trace of Aslan takes the beginning of the handle, which reminds numerous medieval legends about the expiration of sources. The great lion of his song creates a narnation and gives its residents the main commandment: "And everyone loves each other." It determines that only the sons of Adam and the daughter of Eve can be controlled by the Narnia. All this is the peripheral of the corresponding lines of the Book of Genesis (Gen. 1, 26- 27). The commandments, which give Aslan Narians, go from the commandments of Moses and Nagorny sermon. Aslan demands love, humility and repentance from the residents of their country. He condemns any attempt to shift his guilt on someone else.

The behavior of Aslan has clear parallels with the evangelical way of Christ. The great lion is not imposed on anyone, does not try to like it, his actions often go beyond justice in the usual understanding of this word. Aslan is experiencing heroes above the need, consciously provoking them. Especially strict he with Lucy, who at first glance seems to us his favorite. He sternly exclaims: "How many wounded should be killed because of you?!", When Lucy looks into the face of hardly a living brother, after she healed his wonderful elixir. And this is the smallest manifestation of rigor to it, if you compare episodes in other parts of the "Chronicles". Aslan forgives Edmund betrayal, never reproaching him, but he gladly listens to repentance of Peter and Susan, guilty of much smaller misdemeanors. The reader familiar with Christianity will certainly recall the gospel "... and from anyone who is given a lot, much and will need; And who entrusted a lot, with that more contribute "(Luke 12, 48). Aslan is not in a hurry to save the narnia, leaving it for a hundred years in the power of the White Witch, he never praises anyone and does not compliment, never expresses his love for his people to some extensive, understandable absolutely every gesture. One of the few evidence of his love for his creation, a feat of self-sacrifice, becomes famous Susan and Lucy as if by chance. But the greatness of Aslan (and in the context of the Gospel - the divine nature) become a powerful removing factor - children are not seined in it in him, which could be crushing in something. Even his defenseless head deprived of the servants Jadis thick mane seems to be a beautiful girl after a few moments of pity and horror. Lewis Heroes are tormented by doubts about choosing the right path - the appearance often turns out to be deceptive, and not all actions can be unequivocally evaluated, but Aslan rarely helps heroes to resolve these issues. He generally appears on the pages of the book infrequently, is not always shown in his true appearance and prefers to speak riddles as the Son of God. For only chosen can hear the Word of God: "Your Blessed Writes, what they see, and ears that hear" (MF. 13, 16). Speaking straight, not every young reader will imbued with sympathy to Aslan, because only his supernatural essence can explain such a strange behavior. Praphrazing the statement of the doctor who visited Mount Athos "Holy Minus his holiness is neuropath", Aslan minus his supernaturalness, there is a tyrant and egoist.

Lewis Heroes eventually make the right choice. But if a person himself does not want to see the truth, if he locked himself in the dungeon of his imagination, then no one, even God, is unable to help him. "For there was no people with difficulty with their ears, and their eyes are heard, and their eyes closed" (MF. 13, 15). Uncle Digori assured himself in the fact that the lion could not sing, and when they appeal to him, only the growl hears. Dwarf, hitting Aslan's country, convinced themselves that they were sitting in a dirty chlevue, and they would not see anything except the walls, manure and straw, although the green meadow stretches around. It is impossible to see a miracle on Lewis, at first not believing in it. Moreover, even getting into the narnation armed with earthly logic and planning in advance, it is impossible.

Lewis is not only an orthodox Christian, but also the rest remains a conservative: he prefers a good old monarchy and vassal relations to the governor, and also condemns new schools in which the classical philosophy does not study, the law of God and good manners. The author of the investment of Professor Digori Kerka is outrage about this issue: "And what is just taught in the current schools ...."

Fate of the "Chronicles of Narnia" cycle in the modern world: editions, criticism, film


K.S. Lewis and the "Chronicles of Narnia" cycle many times were exposed to the most diverse criticism.

The allegations of discrimination on the basis of gender are based on the description of Susan Pevensi in the "Last Battle". Lewis characterizes hazardous Susan, as not the "friend of Narnia" and "no more interested in anything other than lipstick, stockings and invitations." Joan Kathleen Rowling, the author of the cycle about Harry Potter, said: "The moment comes when Susan, who became an adult girl, is already lost for Narnia, because she became interested in lipstick. She became unbelieving because he had discovered the floor questions, and it was absolutely not like. "

"Susan, like Cinderella, is subjected to a transition from one phase of life to another. Lewis does not approve of it. Whether he did not like women at all, whether he just repelled sexuality, at least at that time when he wrote books about Narnia . He was afraid and shocked the idea of \u200b\u200bdesire to grow. [...] Death is better than life; Boys are better than girls; People of light color are better than people of dark color; and so on. Such a nasty nonsense in Narnia is missing If you look closely. "

Lewis defenders argue that the main criticism of Lewis works comes from those who are not close to Christianity. For example, Pallman is an atheist. Some believe that the religious aspect of Lewis books prevents the really objective analysis of Narnia as an ordinary children's story. Feni Lewis claims that it is very meaningless to write children's books, strictly adhering to all modern ethical standards. In relation to the role of women in his works, Lewis apologists point to positive women's images in the cycle - for example, Lucy Povensi and Arabis, the main characters of the books "Lion, a walker and a wardrobe" and "horse and his boy".

Hensher and Pallman also accused the "Narnia Chronicles" in inciting racism. The basis for this was the negative representation of other races and religions, especially colormen as the enemies of Aslan and Narnia. Colormen ("Colored People") are described by Lewis as oily and dark-skinned people who wear turbans, pointed shoes and armed with Yatagans. This description resembles the traditional robe of the followers of Islam and Sichism. Colormen worship the "false God" depicted in the form of a stereotypical image of Satan, which requires evil affairs and victims from their followers (Waal).

Despite the fact that Lewis from Ireland is obvious that he is clearly a British author, like his contemporaries Tolkin, Charles Williams and others. Therefore, his style may have a taste of the British Victorian era, which may seem old-fashioned or conservative. But the popularity of these authors suggests that people may well recognize any deviations in the texts of these authors caused by the fact that they lived in another era, and do not impose responsibility for them for those things that for a modern reader can be similar to intolerance.

Narnia in the media

A television

In 1967, the book "Leo, Witch and Wardrobe" was first presented on the screens in the form of a television series. Unlike subsequent screenings, it is currently difficult to get it for home viewing.

In 1979, "Leo, Witch and Wardrobe" was released in the form of a cartoon. This work was awarded the Emmy Award as an outstanding multiplication project.

The "Chronicles of Narnia" was shielded by the BBC in the television version in 1988-90. Only "lion, a wardrum and wardrobe", "Prince Caspian", "Conqueror Dawn, or Swimming on the Edge of Light" and "Silver Chair". The rest was not removed.

A radio station based on "Chronicles" was released on Radio BBC and Focus On The Family (Family Channel).

Cinema of the book "Leo, Witch and Wardrobe", named "Chronicles of Narnia: Lion, Walt and Wardrobe", made on Walt Disney film studio with the assistance of Walden Media, published on the screens in December 2005. Project Manager - Andrew Adamson. Scenario - Ann Picok. The film's filming was mainly in the Czech Republic and in New Zealand.

Film Second: Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. The film was released in 2008. The second film was made by Prince Caspiana, since in another case the actors would have time to grow. Another when the final decision was made about the shooting of the second part, Producer Mark Johnson said:

I think it would be bold to say that we are going to make another film - but, of course, I would like the next thing that we will shoot was "Prince of Caspian", because this thing is the only one where all four children are present. And if we do not remove immediately, we will never remove, since children will become too adults for history. This "chronicle" occurs one year after the previous one, so children can be a little older.

The film is the third: the fission of the third part of the chronicles of Narnia: the conqueror of the dawn is scheduled for December 2010. The film is changing the director, Michael Eptid becomes the new director. Andrew Adamson is working on a film, but as a producer. Walt Disney ceases to be a partner of Walden Media, a new partner becomes 20th Century Fox.

Impact on other works

Comic Collection "The Sandman (DC Comics Modern Age)", invented by the English writer, Nil Gamean, in one of his chapters - "game in you", talks about the narnation of the "Island of Dreams", to which you can access with Barbie. Neil Gean also wrote a story-continuation "Chronicles": "Susan's problem"

In 2005, the film of Norman Stone "outside of the Narnia" was removed, which in artistic form tells about the life of K. S. Lewis.

List of used literature

K. S. Lewis, "Chronicles of Narnia", M.: Dragonfly press, 2006.

Bolshakova O. Chronicles of Lewis. Newspaper "New Testament", 2004, № 08

Dashevsky G. Clive Staiplz Lewis. Journal "Weekend", 2008. No. 18 (64).

Carpenter H. John R. R. Tolkin - biography. Per. from English A. Chromova Ed. S. Likhacheva. - M.: Eksmo press, 2002.

Kuriy S. Lewis, Narnia and Crucified Lion. Journal "Time Z", 2006, No. 02.

Koshelev S. Clive Staiplz Lewis and his "Wonderland." Preface to the book "Chronicles of Narnia" Lewis K. s.; Per. from English - M.: JV "Cosmopolis", 1991.

Krotov Ya. Entrance article to novels K. S. Lewis "Over the bombing planet" and "Pepelendra". Clive Steiplz Lewis. Collected Works in 8 volumes. Volume 3. Outside the sceneous planet. Pepelendra. Foundation named after Alexander me, Bible for all, 2003.

Mamaeva N.N. Christianity and "Chronicles of Narnia" K. S. Lewis. News of the Ural State University, 1999, №13.

Oleinik V. K. Fantasy genre in the literature of the twentieth century. Essays of the history of foreign literature of the twentieth century, Kurgan, 1996.

Ostatsev A. King Fantasy. Magazine "Personality No. 1", Kiev, 2006, No. 1.

Pesterev V.A. History of foreign literature of the twentieth century. Volgograd State University, 2001.

Repique I.V. Talekon Clive Lewis. Teachership newspaper, 2004, № 09.

Trauberg N. L. A few words about Lewis. Lewis Clive Staiplz. Love. Suffering. Hope: Proverbs. Treatises. M.: Republic, 1992.

Tyulenev P. Son Adam. Fantasy Klyiv S. Lewis. Magazine "World of Fiction", 2006, № 29.

The materials of the site http://ru.wikipedia.org were also used

(fairy tales) written by Clive Staiplz Lewis. They are told about the adventures of children in a magical country called Narnia, where animals can talk, the magic does not surprise anyone, and good struggles with evil. "Narnia Chronicles" contains many hints of Christian ideas in the form available for young readers. In addition to the Christian topics, Lewis describes characters that have samples in Greek and Roman mythology and in traditional British and Irish fairy tales, including there are obvious motives close to the latter.

The series enjoys great popularity. By 2006, more than 100 million copies of books in 41 (Kelly 2006, Guthmann 2005) were sold (Kelly 2006, Guthmann 2005), there are television and film examination, radio stations, theatrical performances, computer games.

An illustration of the original cycle of books was engaged in Paulina Banes.


Book Lion, witch and wardrobe It was completed in 1949 and published in 1950. It tells the story of four ordinary children (Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy). They find a wardrobe in the House of Professor Kerka, which leads to magic country Narnia under the ride of the evil white sorcerer. Four children perform an ancient prophecy with the help of Aslan and the good inhabitants of Narnia, and freed the narray from the White Witch, together with the overthrow of the White Witch in Narnia, the long winter, which lasted a century.

Prince Caspian (1951)

Finished in the fall of 1949 and published in 1951, book Prince Caspian He tells the story of the second journey of the children of Poevessi in the narnia, in which they face events when Miraz, Lord Regent Narnia and Uncle Crown Prince Caspiana, was the cause of the heir to the throne in the forest and, by usurpiring the throne, declared himself a king. Children need to save the narnation again and help the Narius to return the throne to the legitimate ruler Caspian.


Conqueror dawn, or swimming on the edge of light It was completed in 1950 and published in 1952. In the third part of Edmund and Lucy Paveni, together with the cousin YUSTEC harm, they join the swimming of Caspiana, who wants to find seven lords expelled by Mrazom. On the way to the country of Aslan, they are found face to face with the wonders and the dangers of the Great Eastern Sea.

Silver armchair (1953)

Book Silver armchair It was completed in 1951 and published in 1953. In it, Yusts and his classmate Jil Pole, running away from schoolchildren in narnia. Aslan instructs to find the Son of Caspiana - Prince Riliana, who was abducted 10 years ago. USTES and Gil together with Kvakl Khmur are sent in search of a prince to the northern land populated by giants.

Horse and his boy (1954)

Complete in the spring of 1950 and published in 1954, Horse and his boy - The first book, which is not a direct continuation of the previous one. The time of the novel is the period of the Board of Pavenis in Narnia, the period that begins and ends in the book Lion, witch and wardrobe. History tells about the speaking horse Igni and little boy by name Shasta. Both main characters fell into slavery in Tarkhistan, the country in the south of Narnia. Randomly they meet and decide to return to the narnia. During the trip, they discover that Tarhistans are going to invade Orlanda and decide to come there first and warn the King Luma.

Answer from Lion [Guru]

The last battle describes the end of the world of Narnia. Jill and Yusts return to the call of the last king of Narnia, Tirian to save the narnation from the Schitra Monkey, who dresses the bundle of the burden in the lion's skin and represents the rest of as Aslan, and begins to rule on his behalf and cooperate with Tarhistans, long-standing enemies of Narnia. The situation is poured into the battle between those who believe in Aslan, and those who are on the side of the impostor ...

Answer from Elenata Rakhmatullina[newcomer]

Answer from Vlad Stark.[newcomer]

Answer from Dikobear[guru]
i do not know

Answer from Dima[newcomer]

Answer from Lily of Gaisina[newcomer]
And where can I buy them?

Answer from Vladimir Tomilov[active]
Lion, sorceress and wardrobe. It tells the story of four ordinary children (Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy). They find a wardrobe in the House of Professor Kerk, which leads to the magic country of the narnia, which is under the rush of the evil white sorcerer. Four children perform an ancient prophecy with the help of Aslan and the good inhabitants of Narnia, and free the narnia from the White Witch, together with the overthrow of the White Witch in Narnia, the long winter, which lasted 100 years.
Prince Caspian. The story of the second journey of the children of Poevessi in the narnia, in which they face events when Mirsa, Lord Regent Narnia and Uncle Crown Prince Caspiana, was the cause of the heir to the throne in the forest and usurped the throne, declared himself a king. Again, children must save the narnation, help the Narius to return the throne to the legitimate ruler Caspian X.
Conqueror dawn, or swimming on the edge of light. In the third part of Edmund and Lucy Pavenis, together with Kuzin YUSTEC harm, join the swimming of Caspian, who wants to find seven lords expelled by Miraz. On the way to the country of Aslan, they are found face to face with the wonders and the dangers of the Great Eastern Sea.
Silver chair. Yusts and his classmate Jil Pole, running away from schoolchildren in narnia. Aslan instructs to find the Son of Caspiana - Prince Riliana, who was abducted 10 years ago. USTES and Gil, together with Kvakl, Khmur go to searches to the northern lands inhabited by giants ...
Horse and his boy. The time of action of the novel is the period of the Board of Pavenis in Narnia, the period that begins and ends in the book of Leo, the witch and the wardrobe. The story tells about the talking horse Igi and a small boy named Shasta. Both main characters fell into slavery in Tarkhistan, the country in the south of Narnia. Randomly they meet and decide to return to the narnia. During the trip, they discover that Tarhistans are going to invade Orlanda and decide to come there first and warn the King Luma.
The nephew of the sorcerer is a prehistory: he returns the reader to the birth of Narnia, when Aslan created the world and tells how evil first fell into it. Digori Kerk and his girlfriend Polly The Plammer get into other worlds as a result of the experiment of Uncle Digori, meet Jadis (White Witch) and become witnesses to the creation of Narnia. The book provides answers to many questions about Narnia, which could arise from the reader while reading previous books.
The last battle describes the end of the world of Narnia. Jill and Yusts return to the call of the last king of Narnia, Tirian to save the narnation from the Schitra Monkey, who dresses the bundle of the burden in the lion's skin and represents the rest of as Aslan, and begins to rule on his behalf and cooperate with Tarhistans, long-standing enemies of Narnia. The situation is poured into the battle between those who believe in Aslan, and those who are on the side of the impostor ...

Answer from Zhenya Kuzmichyev[newcomer]
thank you! cool)

Data: 10/30/2010 13:27 |

Lion, sorceress and wardrobe - the very first and best of the books about the narnia. According to the fabulous spirit, on the mystery of the world found by the world, it stands on the same level with the works of Tolkien. Especially intriguing a wardrobe, which, it opens for guests new world, it turns into a regular Chiffonier. Yes, and the mysterious House of Professor is a dream for any child.

The remaining books are deprived of this spirit of fabulousness and something similar by style for fantastic Lewis novels, such as "merse power".

Main characters:

Peter Pevenetsi - Senior of the Children of Paveni, who fell into the Mysterious House of Professor Digoria, and then in Narnia

Susan Paveni is the second on seniority, after Peter.

Edmund Petevensi is the younger brother Peter, the most darned from Paveni. True by the end of the book, he realized that the forces of evil were simply used.

Lucy Pavensi is the youngest of the children of Paveni. It was she who opened narnia for them.

Digori Kerk - a strange professor, in a huge mysterious house of which children were stayed. In many respects, due to the action of Digori and Narnia appeared.

White witch is an evil sorceress named Jadis from another world who captured the narnia.

Aslan - Great Lion, the main god of Narnia.

Mr. Tumenus is a small Favn, who met Lucy, when for the first time he fell into the narnia. Agent Jadis.

Mr. Beaver is Mr. Beaver, the strontign of the light forces, that is, Aslan. He sheltered children and helped them get to Aslan.

"Lion, witch and wardrobe" - the most famous part Semitomic fantasy epic "Chronicles of Narnia". Roman was published in 1950. It was from him that the story of the wondrous country of Narnia in world literature began, despite the fact that five years later, Clive Lewis created the works of the work, calling it the "sorcerer's nephew".

"Lion, witch and wardrobe" is one of the best samples of classic fantasy. Clive Lewis worked his shoulder to the shoulder with the Fantasy Father John R. R. Tolkin. Podries organized a closed discussion club "Incling", at the meetings of which were shared by various useful ideas.

Written over half a century ago, the novel continues to hold leading positions on the book market. Only in Russian, he was translated seven times.

The book was shielded twice. In 1998, the TV version of the second part of the Chronicles was released, in 2005 Disney issued the same film under the leadership of Andrew Adamson. On a row with actrators-children who performed the roles of the family of Pevensi, the Stars of Hollywood are involved in the project: Jim Brdball played Professor Digori Kerk, Tilda Suinton - White Queen, and James McAvoy - Narnia Favna Mr. Tumenus.

Let's remember the plot of this touching fairy tale about the magic country of the Narnia and her little heroes.

Young British Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevency are forced to part with their parents and leave London because of the permanent bombing of German rackets. The guys settle in the house from the distant relative Digori Kerk. Everyone knows Lord Kerka as a strange dislike scientist. By the way, with twelve-year-old Digori, readers can get acquainted in the prequel of the real novel, published five years later entitled "Sorcerer's nephew".

Peter - Senior of the Children of Singers. In his thirteen, he is already the head of his a few families. He is drunk and quick-tempered, fearless and at the same time caring for his younger sisters. With a grown Peter Petensi, the reader can again meet on the pages of the books "Prince Caspian", "Last Battle", "Horse and Boy".

Green-eyed beauty Susan senior from the girls of Pevensi. She is not smart, read and droplet of arrogant. The Susan heroine will appear in Prince Caspian, Kona and Boy and Epizodic in the "last battle".

Boy with a complex character

Karglase Edmond (for home simply Ed) Pevensi, perhaps the most difficult and controversial nature of the novel. ED is the most sensible among their brothers and sisters. Narray adventures radically change the character of Edmond, make it change to change the system of values, arrange the right life priorities.

Lyui Singer's crumb of Lucy is only 8 years old. Despite such a young age, she is not inferior in fearlessness to his brothers and sisters. By the time of the end of the epic (the final part of the "last battle") Lucy for 17 years.

Once during the game of hide and seek in the Big House of Uncle Kerka Lucy hides in the old wardrobe and falls through it into the magic country of the Narnia (approx. - The magical power of the wardrobe is explained in the "Nolegante of Correce"). The first to whom the little guest met in the Narnia Earth, became Favn Mr. Tumenus (approx. - Favn - the mythological deity of meadows, forests and fields, is depicted with a torso man and goat hoists). He, like any self-respecting Faun, were cute hoofs, soft dark wool, a thick cap of curly hair and a comfortable outback ears.

Mr. Tume invites Lucy to his tea cave. He plays the girl on the flute and tells about what a distinguished position is sometime blooming narnia. Now the White Witch Jadis dominates in the country. The agents of the secret royal police are growling around, and any disobedience from subjects is cruelly punishable. Even the Narray Nature is forced to obey the sorcerer - now the Eternal Winter reigns in the edge without Christmas.

As a law-abiding sentence, Tume would have to give Lucy, because she is a man - the chief enemy Jadis, but Favn is unable to betray her little guest. Risching his own life, he removes Lucy to the lamppost, with which the girl gets safely to England.

Returning home, Lucy tells about his adventure, but the older children do not believe that the old wardrobe is a portal in the magical country. Only Ed really believes the story of Lucy and when the girl comes into the closet for the second time, he goes behind her. Edmond faces a white sorcerer and gives in to her charm. Having tried enchanted Rakhat-Lukum, the boy brings his brother and sister into the narnation. Now all the children of Singers are in mortal danger.

The guys find that the Mr. Tumnus cave is broken, and its owner is missing. This guards of the White Witch grabbed Favna for disobedience and turned it into a stone. Waiting for the fast arrest, Tume asks his friend Mr. Beaver to take care of four human children. Beaver tells the travelers about the ancient prophecy, according to which four people who arrived from another world will save narnia from white sorcerer and put an end to the eternal winter. Lev Aslan, the creator of Narnia, is already rushing to his country to help the prophecy to be accomplished.

Lion Aslan, he is the great lion, is the central character of the epic and the symbol of the Narnia, which appears in the turning point of the life of the country. Being the son of the emperor-in-sea, Aslan created the world of Narnia with a magic song. Aslan is not the only name. The progenitor of Narnia is also called the Great Lvom, the king of the kings, the ruler of the forest. By the way, in the literal translation from the Turkic, which was fond of Lewis, Aslan means "lion".

At this time, Ed Peselsi, still in the service of the White Witch, rushes to the palace of his lady. Jadis in rabies, because Ed did not bring his brothers and sisters. The angry queen shakes a mountain-servant into the shackles.

Peter, Susan and Lucy together with Mr. Bobrome are sent to save his brother and narnia, holding the way to the Palace of White Witch. On the way, the travelers meet Father Christmas, which presents the generous gifts to small saviors: Peter gets the sword and shield, Susan becomes the owner of Luke, arrows and horns, and Lucy's crumb - Dagger and Fireball Juice, this miraculous substance in the midst of all wounds.

Finally, the guys and the Great Lion Aslan come to the Queen Palace. Talking to the Creator of Narnia, Ed Peselsi twisters, the Witchcraft Duman is dispelled, and he understands that he was wrong. Jadis flatly refuses to let go of Ed. Then the noble Aslan proposes to exchange his life on the life of the boy. Jadis had long dreamed of getting such a prisoner. She kills a great lion, not suspecting that Aslan will raise in an even more powerful form and will free the country that he once created his song.

However, before the victory, its Savior had to join last battle With the forces of evil. Jadis and her army were defeated. Ancient prophecy happened - four children were released by narnia. Senior Peter becomes the king of Narnia. He reaches the throne for a long 15 years. His brother and sisters help rightly lead the country. In Narnia, the world and justice comes in Narnia, and the inhabitants adore their rulers - Peter magnificent, Susan brave, Edmund fair and Lucy fearless.

Once the four ruler hunted in the Narray Forest on white deer. They themselves did not understand how they returned to the human world. Peter, Susan, Ed and Lucy stood in the middle of the room of the old Uncle Digori Kerk. In England, in the fifteen years of their absence, not a minute has passed.

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