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The Pushkin Institute is known in the world as one of the best universities where teachers of Russian studies are trained, a center for creating new methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In the ranking of the humanitarian universities of the Russian Federation, the Pushkin Institute consistently ranks first and is included in the TOP-10 of the best universities in Russia.

Video about the institute:

The Institute offers a wide range of educational programs: preparatory department for foreign citizens, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies, advanced training and professional retraining, Russian language courses for foreign citizens, including evening courses and summer intensive programs. Active work is underway to create double degree programs.

Students of the Institute from different countries not only study together, but also engage in creativity, sports, take an active part in fairs of ideas, competitions and festivals. This contributes to effective learning, the development of communication skills, and broadening of horizons. At the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin, the International Student Council, the radio "Pushkin FM", the Interclub, the club of cinema lovers, the theater studio work, the student newspaper "Pushka" is published.

In accordance with the programs of interuniversity cooperation with foreign universities, academic student exchanges are carried out at the Pushkin Institute, joint authors' teams are working to create textbooks and manuals on the Russian language for foreign universities and schools.

The Pushkin Institute is a member of the Russian Society of Russian Language Teachers (ROPRYAL), the International Pedagogical Society for the Support of the Russian Language (IGO) and the International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL), where the editorial office of the Association's main publication, the Russian Language Abroad magazine, is located.

One of the good traditions of the Institute is holding, under the auspices of MAPRYAL, international Olympiads for schoolchildren in the Russian language (since 1972) and International Olympiads in the Russian language for schoolchildren with Russian as the language of instruction in post-Soviet states (since 2002). In 2014, more than 300 schoolchildren from 29 countries of the CIS, Western and Eastern Europe, America and Asia took part in the Olympics.

The Pushkin Institute is the Basic Organization for the teaching of the Russian language in the CIS countries, as well as the coordinating center of the Program for the Promotion of the Russian Language and Education in Russian. One of the directions of the Program is the creation of a distance learning portal "Education in Russian". The portal provides an opportunity to study the Russian language at all six levels of language teaching accepted in the international classification (A1-C2) with the possibility of online testing to determine the level of language proficiency.


The Pushkin Institute of the Russian Language was established by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 23, 1973 No. 615-193 on the basis of the Scientific and Methodological Center of the Russian Language at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The center, which later became an institute, deals with:

* teaching Russian to foreigners,
* training and professional development of teachers of Russian as a foreign language,
* writing textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, tests.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 1998 No. 633, the A.S. Pushkin was renamed into the State Institute of the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin.

Since 1981, the institute has been housed in a new, specially built complex of buildings in the south-west of Moscow at 6 Akademika Volgina Street.

Over the 35 years of its existence, the institute has become a major center for teaching the Russian language to foreign and Russian citizens and research work in the field of the Russian language. More than 100,000 foreign citizens from 91 countries of the world have graduated from the institute. Now the Institute employs over 160 teachers, including 106 candidates and doctors of sciences.

In 1999, the Institute opened a philological faculty for Russian students. The Institute carries out its activities in accordance with

* with the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
* RF laws
o "On Education",
o "On higher and postgraduate professional education",
o "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation",
* regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation,
* Government of the Russian Federation,
* Ministry of Education and Science of Russia,
* Federal Agency for Education,
* Model regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution)
* and the Charter of the Institute (adopted by the conference of employees and students of the Institute on July 2, 2001, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia on February 11, 2002, registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber on March 4, 2002, registration No. 71551);
* changes and additions to the Charter of February 24, 2004, November 1, 2004

The right to conduct educational activities was given to the institute by the license of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2003 No. 1222 in the following areas (specialties):

* 520300 Philology, term of study - 4 years, declared and implemented level - higher education, bachelor.
* 520300 Philology, term of study - 6 years, declared and implemented level - higher education, master's degree.

According to the programs of postgraduate education (postgraduate study), the institute prepares specialists in two areas:

* 02.10.01 - candidate of philological sciences (Russian language);
* 13.00.02 - candidate of pedagogical sciences (theory and methods of teaching and upbringing of Russian as a foreign language).

The institute also has doctoral studies in the same industries and specialties. According to the programs of additional education, the institute is engaged in advanced training.

Training in the above areas is carried out at three faculties:


The Institute has:

* educational and scientific libraries,
* methodical cabinet,
* music library,
* language laboratories,
* computer labs,
* video classes with a large collection of feature and educational films,
* two sports halls,
* hostel.

After classes, dance and song clubs, a variety of sports sections work.

The Institute organizes excursions around Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as to other cities - on weekends or in free time from classes. The listeners of the Institute are often invited to television to participate in various programs.

In addition to the above-mentioned areas of activity, the institute is engaged in:

* teaching the Russian language to foreign-language students from national-state formations within the Russian Federation;
* implementation of research work in the field of the Russian language and the use of the results obtained in the educational process;
* development of effective means of teaching Russian as a foreign and non-native language;
* organization and implementation of international relations, generalization and analysis of information on the functioning of the Russian language as a means of international communication;
* support for the study of the Russian language and culture of Russia abroad, the provision of organizational and methodological assistance to foreign centers of Russian studies.

State Institute of the Russian Language. Pushkin

Institute of the Russian language named after A.S. Pushkin was founded on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 23, 1973 on the basis of the Scientific and Methodological Center at Moscow University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Subsequently, the center became an institute, the main activities of which are:
teaching Russian-speaking dialect to foreigners,
training and professional development of teachers of the Russian-speaking dialect as a foreign one,
writing textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, tests.

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 1998, the Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin began to be called the State University.

Over its 35-year history of existence, the institute has grown into an educational center, where foreign and Russian citizens are trained, as well as research work is carried out in the Russian-speaking area. Over the years, more than 100,000 foreign citizens-graduates from 91 countries of the world have graduated from the walls of the educational institution. At the moment, the university employs over 160 teachers, of which 106 are candidates and doctors of science.

Faculty of Philology

In 1999, the opening of the philological faculty for Russian students took place. The activity of an educational institution is based on such legislative acts and regulations as:

Constitution of the Russian Federation,
RF laws
o "On Education",
o "On higher and postgraduate professional education",
o "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation",
regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation,
Government of the Russian Federation,
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia,
Federal Agency for the Acquisition of Knowledge,
Model regulation on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution)
University Charter
Changes and additions to the Charter.

The institute conducts its educational activities on the basis of a license from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the following areas (specialties):
Philology, obtaining knowledge for 4 years, higher education, bachelor's degree.
Philology, knowledge acquisition for 6 years, higher education, master's degree.

In graduate school, specialists are trained in two areas:
Candidate of Philology;
candidate of pedagogical sciences (theory and methods of teaching and upbringing of the Russian-speaking dialect as a foreign one).

There is also a doctorate in the same industries and specialties. Further education programs at the university provide advanced training.

Education, in all of the above areas, is carried out at three faculties:
study and internship of students;
advanced training and postgraduate training.

Other activities of the Institute

State Institute of the Russian Language. Pushkin also works in the following areas:
acquisition of knowledge in the Russian language for foreign-language students from national-state countries that are part of the Russian Federation;
carrying out research work; using the results obtained in teaching;
development of effective means of teaching Russian as a foreign and non-native language;
organization and implementation of international relations, generalization and analysis of information on the functioning of the Russian language as a means of international communication;
support for the study of Russian culture abroad, organizational and methodological assistance to foreign centers of Russian studies.

State Institute of the Russian Language named after Pushkin: popularization and dissemination of the Russian-speaking dialect.

K: Educational institutions founded in 1966

State Institute of the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin (Pushkin Institute,the official abbreviation is State. IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin)- a leading Russian educational and scientific institution dealing with the problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Institute structure


Training units

  • Educational and methodical management.
  • Training Division.
  • Department of methodical work.

Faculty of Philology

  • Dean's office.
  • Department of General and Russian Linguistics.
  • Department of World Literature.
  • Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.
  • Department of Russian Literature and Intercultural Communication.
  • Department of Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language.

Faculty of teaching Russian as a foreign language

  • Dean's office.
  • Department of Practice of Russian as a Foreign Language.
  • Department of internships for foreign specialists.

Center for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining

  • Training Division.
  • Department of scientific and methodological support for advanced training and professional retraining.
  • Department "Russian Center".

Scientific subdivisions

  • Department of educational lexicography.
  • Department of Cultural Studies in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language.

Testing centers

  • State Testing Center.
  • Certification Testing Center.

Administrative, managerial and business units

  • International Relations Department.
  • Human Resources Department.
  • Common department.
  • Accounting.

Main directions of activity

  • implementation of educational programs of higher education:
    • 45.03.01 Philology, bachelor's degree, 4 years;
    • 45.04.01 Philology, Master's degree, 2 years;
  • training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school:
    • 44.06.01 - Education and pedagogical sciences (13.00.02 "Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (Russian as a foreign language)");
    • 0645.01 - Linguistics and Literary Studies (02.10.01 "Russian language").
  • retraining and advanced training of workers with higher education and scientific and pedagogical workers of higher qualifications;
  • teaching the Russian language to foreign-language students from foreign countries and national-state formations within the Russian Federation;
  • implementation of research work in the field of the Russian language and the use of the results obtained in the educational process;
  • development of effective means of teaching Russian as a foreign and non-native language;
  • organization and implementation of international relations;
  • generalization and analysis of information on the functioning of the Russian language as a means of international communication;
  • supporting the study of the Russian language and culture of Russia abroad, providing organizational and methodological assistance to foreign centers of Russian studies.

Operator of the Program for the Promotion of the Russian Language and Education in Russian

Initiators of the Program:

Objectives of the Program:

  • popularization of the Russian language in the world and increasing the level of proficiency in the Russian language;
  • competitive positioning of open education in Russian and teaching Russian in the global educational space.


  • Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo);
  • International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL);
  • Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ROPRYAL);
  • 20 universities from 9 regions of Russia: Altai Territory, Karelia, Volga Region, North Caucasus, Siberia, Ural, Central Region, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Within the framework of the Program, in order to provide access to educational resources in the Russian language and educational materials in Russian, the Internet portal "Education in Russian" was created.

The main resources of the portal: School of Russian as a Foreign Language;

State Testing Center

The State Testing Center (CGT) organizes and conducts state testing in the Russian language of foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing to obtain a work permit in the Russian Federation (migrant workers), and foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation. Those who successfully pass the test receive the corresponding state certificate of the Russian Federation in the Russian language.

Certification Testing Center

The Certification Testing Center (CST) deals with the problems of certification of levels of proficiency in the Russian language, the organization and conduct of certification test exams at the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin.

The Certification Testing Center has been operating in this area since 1992. CST organizes and accepts test exams in Russia and abroad in 18 countries of the world in 35 examination centers, for which closed versions of tests are developed for each session.

The Certification Testing Center is headed by Elena Lvovna Korchagina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, author of textbooks on RFL.


The building of the Institute also houses the editorial office of the journal "Russian language abroad", dedicated to the problems of teaching RFL, and the editorial office of the "Bulletin of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature" (MAPRYAL).

Moscow State named after M.V. Lomonosov(MAI) Automobile road (MADI) Agrarian (Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev) † Agroengineering them. V. P. Goryachkina Military University of the Ministry of Defense High School of Economics Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) † Geological exploration them. S. Ordzhonikidze (MGRI) Civil Aviation † Mountain City pedagogical Humanitarian and economic Humanitarian † Humanitarian named after M. A. Sholokhova Humanities Design and technology Friendship between nations Land management † Industrial † Environmental Engineering † Information technology, radio engineering and electronics Research Technological ("MISiS") Research nuclear ("MEPhI") Linguistic Mechanical engineering (MAMI) Ministry of Internal Affairs named after V. Ya. Kikotya Medical and dental them. A. I. Evdokimova ("3rd honey") Medical named after I. M. Sechenova ("1st honey") Medical named after N. I. Pirogova ("2nd honey") International Relations (MGIMO) Oil and Gas I. M. Gubkina Regional † Opened by him. V. S. Chernomyrdina † Food production Pedagogical Seals them. I. Fedorova Justice † Environmental management Psychological and pedagogical Ways of communication of Emperor Nicholas II (MIIT) Communication and informatics Social Construction (MISS) † Textile im. A. N. Kosygina Technical them. N. E. Bauman Technology and management. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) Technological (MIREA) Technological ("Stankin") † Technological named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky † Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov † Trade and economic † Control(MIPT) Physical culture, sports, youth and tourism (SCOLIFK) Financial Chemical-technological them. D. I. Mendeleeva † Economics, Statistics and Informatics Economic im. G. V. Plekhanova )

An excerpt characterizing the State Institute of the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin

Having emerged on the high road, the French, with amazing energy, with unprecedented speed, ran towards their invented goal. In addition to this reason for the common desire, which united the crowds of the French and gave them some energy, there was another reason that connected them. The reason for this was their number. The very huge mass of them, as in the physical law of attraction, attracted individual atoms of people. They moved with their one hundred thousandth mass as a whole state.
Each of them wanted only one thing - to surrender to captivity, to get rid of all horrors and misfortunes. But, on the one hand, the strength of the general striving for the goal of Smolensk carried everyone in the same direction; on the other hand, it was impossible for the corps to surrender to the company, and, despite the fact that the French took every opportunity to get rid of each other and with the slightest decent excuse to surrender, these pretexts did not always happen. Their very number and their close, rapid movement deprived them of this opportunity and made it not only difficult for the Russians, but impossible to stop this movement, towards which all the energy of the French mass was directed. Mechanical tearing of the body could not accelerate beyond a certain limit the decomposition process that was taking place.
A lump of snow cannot be melted instantly. There is a certain time limit before which no amount of heat can melt the snow. On the contrary, the more heat, the more the remaining snow becomes stronger.
None of the Russian military leaders, except for Kutuzov, understood this. When the direction of the flight of the French army along the Smolensk road was determined, then what Konovnitsyn had foreseen on the night of October 11 began to come true. All the highest ranks of the army wanted to distinguish themselves, cut off, intercept, capture, overturn the French, and all demanded an offensive.
Kutuzov alone used all his forces (these forces are very small for each commander-in-chief) to resist the offensive.
He could not tell them what we are saying now: why the battle, and the blocking of the road, and the loss of his people, and the inhuman finishing off of the unfortunate? Why all this, when from Moscow to Vyazma one third of this army melted away without a battle? But he told them, deriving from his old wisdom what they could understand - he told them about the golden bridge, and they laughed at him, slandered him, and tore, and threw, and swaggered over the killed beast.
At Vyazma, Ermolov, Miloradovich, Platov and others, being close to the French, could not refrain from the desire to cut off and overturn two French corps. Kutuzov, informing him of their intention, they sent in an envelope, instead of a report, a sheet of white paper.
And no matter how hard Kutuzov tried to keep the troops, our troops attacked, trying to block the road. The infantry regiments, it is said, went on the attack with music and drums, and beat and lost thousands of men.
But cut off - no one was cut off or overturned. And the French army, pulling together tighter from danger, continued, evenly melting, all the same disastrous path to Smolensk.

The battle of Borodino, followed by the occupation of Moscow and the flight of the French, without new battles, is one of the most instructive phenomena in history.
All historians agree that the external activity of states and peoples, in their clashes with each other, is expressed by wars; that directly, as a result of greater or lesser military successes, the political power of states and peoples increases or decreases.
No matter how strange the historical descriptions of how some king or emperor, having quarreled with another emperor or king, gathered an army, fought with the army of the enemy, won a victory, killed three, five, ten thousand people and, as a result, conquered the state and the whole people in several million; no matter how incomprehensible why the defeat of one army, one hundredth of all the forces of the people, forced the people to submit, - all the facts of history (as far as we know it) confirm the truth that greater or lesser successes of the troops of one people against the troops of another people are the essence of the reasons or, at least, significant signs of an increase or decrease in the strength of the peoples. The army won the victory, and at once the rights of the victorious people increased to the detriment of the vanquished. The army was defeated, and immediately, according to the degree of defeat, the people are deprived of their rights, and with the complete defeat of their army, they completely submit.
So it was (in history) from ancient times to the present. All Napoleon's wars serve as confirmation of this rule. According to the degree of defeat of the Austrian troops - Austria is deprived of its rights, and the rights and powers of France increase. The French victory at Jena and Auerstät destroyed the independent existence of Prussia.
But suddenly, in 1812, the French won a victory near Moscow, Moscow was taken, and after that, without new battles, not Russia ceased to exist, but the six hundred thousandth army ceased to exist, then Napoleonic France. It is impossible to drag facts onto the rules of history, to say that the battlefield in Borodino remained with the Russians, that after Moscow there were battles that destroyed Napoleon's army, is impossible.
After the Borodino victory of the French there was not a single not only general, but any significant battle, and the French army ceased to exist. What does it mean? If this were an example from the history of China, we could say that this is not a historical phenomenon (historians' loophole when something does not fit their standard); if the matter concerned a short-lived clash, in which small numbers of troops would participate, we could take this phenomenon as an exception; but this event took place in front of our fathers, for whom the question of the life and death of the fatherland was being decided, and this war was the greatest of all known wars ...
The period of the 1812 campaign, from the Battle of Borodino to the expulsion of the French, proved that a won battle is not only not a reason for conquest, but not even a permanent sign of conquest; proved that the power that decides the fate of peoples lies not in the conquerors, even in armies and battles, but in something else.
French historians, describing the position of the French army before leaving Moscow, argue that everything in the Grand Army was in order, except for cavalry, artillery and carts, and there was no fodder for horses and cattle. Nothing could help this disaster, because the surrounding peasants burned their hay and did not give it to the French.
The won battle did not bring the usual results, because the peasants Karp and Vlas, who, after the French performance, came to Moscow with carts to plunder the city and generally did not show heroic feelings personally, and all the countless number of such peasants did not bring hay to Moscow for good money, which they offered, but burned him.

Let us imagine two people who went out to a duel with swords in accordance with all the rules of the art of fencing: fencing continued for quite a long time; suddenly one of the opponents, feeling himself wounded - realizing that this was not a joke, but concerns his life, threw his sword and, taking the first club he came across, began to turn it around. But let us imagine that the enemy, who so reasonably used the best and simplest means to achieve the goal, at the same time inspired by the legends of chivalry, would want to hide the essence of the matter and insist that he, according to all the rules of art, won with swords. One can imagine what confusion and ambiguity would result from such a description of the fight that took place.
The swordsman who demanded a fight according to the rules of the art were the French; his opponent, who threw down his sword and raised a club, were Russians; people trying to explain everything according to the rules of fencing are the historians who wrote about this event.
Since the fire of Smolensk, a war began, which does not fit any previous legends of wars. The burning of cities and villages, the retreat after the battles, the blow of Borodin and again the retreat, the abandonment and fire of Moscow, the catching of marauders, the transfer of transports, the partisan war - all these were deviations from the rules.
Napoleon felt this, and from the very time when he stopped in Moscow in the correct position of the swordsman and instead of the enemy's sword saw a club raised above him, he did not stop complaining to Kutuzov and Emperor Alexander that the war was fought contrary to all the rules (as if there were some rules for killing people). Despite the complaints of the French about non-observance of the rules, despite the fact that the Russians, people of higher rank, for some reason seemed ashamed to fight with a club, but wanted to be in the position en quarte or en tierce [fourth, third] according to all the rules, to make a skillful drop in prime [the first], etc., - the club of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but expediently, without disassembling anything, it rose, until the entire invasion died.
And blessing to the people who are not like the French in 1813, having saluted according to all the rules of art and turning the sword over with the hilt, gracefully and courteously passes it on to the magnanimous winner, but blessing to the people who, in a moment of trial, without asking how they acted according to the rules others in such cases, with simplicity and ease, picks up the first club they come across and nails it until in his soul the feeling of insult and revenge is replaced by contempt and pity.

One of the most tangible and beneficial deviations from the so-called rules of war is the action of scattered people against people huddled together. This kind of action always manifests itself in a war that takes on a popular character. These actions consist in the fact that, instead of becoming crowd against crowd, people disperse, attack one by one and immediately flee when they are attacked by large forces, and then attack again when the opportunity presents itself. This was done by the guerillas in Spain; this was done by the highlanders in the Caucasus; the Russians did it in 1812.
War of this kind was called partisan and it was believed that by calling it that, they explained its meaning. Meanwhile, this kind of war not only does not fit any rules, but is directly opposite to the well-known and recognized as an infallible tactical rule. This rule says that the attacker must concentrate his troops in order to be stronger than the enemy at the moment of battle.
Guerrilla warfare (always successful, as history shows) is directly opposed to this rule.
This contradiction arises from the fact that military science assumes the strength of troops to be identical with their number. Military science says that the more troops, the more strength. Les gros bataillons ont toujours raison. [The right is always on the side of large armies.]
In saying this, military science is like that mechanics which, based on considering forces only in relation to their masses, would say that the forces are equal or not equal to each other, because their masses are equal or not equal.
Force (momentum) is the product of mass and speed.
In military affairs, the strength of an army is also the product of the mass for something, for some unknown x.
Military science, seeing in history countless examples of the fact that the mass of troops does not coincide with strength, that small detachments defeat large ones, vaguely admits the existence of this unknown factor and tries to find it either in a geometric structure, or in weapons, or - the most common - in the genius of the generals. But substitution of all these values ​​of the multiplier does not deliver results consistent with historical facts.
Meanwhile, one has only to abandon the established, for the sake of the heroes, a false view of the reality of the orders of the higher authorities during the war in order to find this unknown x.
This is the spirit of the army, that is, a greater or lesser desire to fight and expose oneself to the dangers of all the people who make up the army, completely regardless of whether people are fighting under the command of geniuses or not geniuses, in three or two lines, with clubs or rifles that shoot thirty once a minute. People who have the greatest desire to fight will always put themselves in the most favorable conditions for fighting.
The spirit of the army is a mass multiplier that gives the product of strength. It is the task of science to determine and express the meaning of the spirit of the army, this unknown factor.
This task is possible only when we stop arbitrarily substituting, instead of the value of the entire unknown X, those conditions under which force manifests itself, such as: orders of the commander, weapons, etc., taking them as the value of the multiplier, and we recognize this unknown in all its integrity, that is, as a greater or lesser desire to fight and expose oneself to danger. Then only by expressing known historical facts with equations, from a comparison of the relative significance of this unknown, one can hope to determine the unknown itself.


Main (according to the OKVED rev. 2 code): 85.22 - Higher education

Additional activities according to OKVED 2:

18.12 Other types of printing activities
18.14 Activities bookbinding and finishing and related services
18.20 Copying recorded media
46.43 Wholesale of electrical household appliances
47.61 Retail sale of books in specialized stores
47.62 Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores
47.63 Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialized stores
55.20 Short-term accommodation activities
55.90 Activities for the provision of other places for temporary residence
56.10 Restaurant activities and food delivery services
56.29.2 Activities of canteens and canteens at enterprises and institutions
58.11 Book publishing
58.12 Publication of address directories and mailing lists
58.14 Publishing magazines and periodicals
58.19 Other publishing activities
58.29 Publishing of other software products
59.11 Film, video and television program production
59.13 Motion picture, video and television program distribution activities
61.20 Activities in the field of communication based on wireless technologies
62.01 Computer software development
62.03 Computer equipment management activities
62.09 Activities related to the use of computers and information technology, other
63.91 News agency activities
72.19 Other scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences
72.20 Research and development in social sciences and humanities
74.10 Specialized activities in the field of design
74.30 Translation and interpretation activities
74.90 Other professional, scientific and technical activities, not included in other categories
79.90.2 Activities for the provision of excursion tourism services
82.19 Photocopying and document preparation activities and other specialized office support activities
82.30 Organization of conferences and exhibitions
82.99 Activities related to the provision of other business support services, n.e.c.
85.22.1 Higher education - bachelor's degree
85.22.3 Higher education - Master's degree
85.23 Training of highly qualified personnel
85.30 Professional training
85.41 Additional education for children and adults
85.41.9 Other additional education for children and adults, not included in other groups
85.42 Additional vocational education
86.21 General medical practice
90.01 Performing arts activities
90.02 Supporting activities related to the performing arts
91.01 Libraries and archives activities
91.02 Museum activities
93.19 Other sports activities
93.29 Other entertainment and entertainment activities
93.29.9 Other entertainment and entertainment activities, not included in other categories
96.04 Health and fitness activities


Is or was in the past the founder of the following organizations:

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 087712003270

Registration date: 07.07.2011

The name of the PFR body: State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 4 Office No. 1 in Moscow and the Moscow Region, municipal district Obruchevsky, Moscow

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 9117746955339


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 771405700077251

Registration date: 01.09.2018

Name of the FSS body: Branch No. 25 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

GRN for making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 6187749711715

Date of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 04.10.2018

According to dated 08/09/2019, according to TIN, the company is in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 30.05.2017

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 130

Operator name: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Institute of the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin"

Operator location address: 117485, Moscow, st. Academician Volgin, 6

Personal data processing start date: 11.08.1994

Subjects of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Altai Territory, Amur Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Astrakhan Region, Baikonur, Belgorod Region, Bryansk Region, Vladimir Region, Volgograd Region, Vologda Region, Voronezh Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Transbaikal Territory, Ivanovo Region, Irkutsk Region, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Kaliningrad Region, Kaluga Region, Kamchatka Region, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kemerovo Region, Kirov Region, Kostroma Region, Krasnodar Region, Krasnoyarsk Region, Kurgan Region, Kursk Region, Leningrad Region, Lipetsk Region, Magadan Region, Moscow, Moscow Region, Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous District, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Orenburg Region, Oryol Region, Penza Region, Perm Region, Primorsky Region, Pskov Region, Republic of Adygea (Adygea), Republic of Altai, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia , Republic Ika Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Karelia, Republic of Komi, Republic of Crimea, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Rostov region, Ryazan region, Samara region, St. Petersburg, Saratov region, Sakhalin region, Sverdlovsk region, Sevastopol, Smolensk region, Stavropol region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tomsk region, Tula region, Tyumen region, Udmurt Republic, Ulyanovsk region, Khabarovsk Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Chelyabinsk Region, Chechen Republic, Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yaroslavl Region

Purpose of processing personal data: 1.carrying out the types of activities provided for by the charter, 2.observance of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, local acts, 3.the communication with the subject, 4.providing information about the subject, 5.the sending of letters, replies to the subject, 6.preparation, conclusion, execution, closing contracts and agreements, 7. making payments, 8. encouraging the subject (bonuses, awards, gifts), 9. providing benefits, 10. making social payments and other types of social assistance, 11. conducting medical examinations, 12. complete and high-quality training (provision of educational services), 13. full and high-quality fulfillment of duties by the employee 14. congratulations on his birthday 15. check of knowledge (exams, certification), 16. performance by the operator of the function of an employer (maintenance of personal files, accounting of employees, full and high-quality fulfillment of duties by the employee , conducting official investigations of violations, accidents, calculating the length of service, the appointment of state and non-state pensions, provision of compensation, benefits, add. days off, determination of the possibility of performing the labor function, birthday greetings, 17. keeping personal files, registering students. 18. ensuring the safety of property and personal safety of employees. 19. Implementation of access control 20. Organization of scientific and educational events.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1. Organizational measures: local acts on the processing of personal data have been developed. Internal control of the compliance of personal data processing with the requirements of No. 152-FZ and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it is carried out. Rules for access to personal data processed in personal data information systems have been developed, as well as registration and accounting of actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system are provided. 2. Technical measures: ensuring the protection of premises with databases of personal data, information is transmitted on magnetic and paper carriers.

Categories of personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, education, profession, last name, first name, patronymic Address of registration at the place of residence Address of actual residence Date of registration at the place of residence Telephone number Information about employment and transfers to another job position (specialty, profession), category, class (category) of qualifications Tariff rate (salary), allowance Information about awards Information about vacations: Information about social benefits: Information about dismissal: Driver's license information Gender TIN Citizenship Disability (is / is not disabled) Place of work Relationship to military service Information about documents confirming the availability of benefits Information about the availability of government awards Family composition Degree of relationship Information about bank details Personal information about the presence / absence of a criminal record and / or the fact of criminal prosecution or termination of criminal prosecution Information about bank accounts information about your stay abroad information on the work schedule information on participation in federal, municipal, territorial bodies information on the presence / absence of applicants (applicants) of special rights

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (provision), blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data

Personal data processing: non-automated, without transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Ch. 14 (Art. Art. 86-90), Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. Art. 6, 98 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" Articles 86-90, Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05.01.2004. No. 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration." Art. 24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Federal law of 24.07.2009. No. 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund". Federal law of 15.12.2001. No. 167-FZ "On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation". Art. 15, art. 36.19 of the Federal Law of 05/07/1998. No. 75-FZ "On Non-State Pension Funds". Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006. No. 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood." Art. 8 of the Federal Law of 05/31/1996. No. 61-FZ "On Defense". Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 02.26.1997. No. 31-FZ "On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation". Art. 4 of the Federal Law of 28.03.1998. No. 53-FZ "On conscription and military service". Federal law of 22.10.2004. No. 125-FZ "On archival affairs in the Russian Federation". Art. 331, 351.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin REGULATIONS on the organization of the processing of personal data processed at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State. IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin "Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 1394" On approval of the list of educational organizations conducting testing in Russian as a foreign language "Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (as amended on July 29, 2016) "On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs" Consent to the processing of personal data, local regulatory documents of the Institute, civil contracts

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Quick reference:

Organization "FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION" STATE INSTITUTE OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE A.S. PUSHKINA "" registered December 19, 2002 at the address 117485, MOSCOW G, AKADEMIKA VOLGINA UL, 6. Company was assigned OGRN 1027739827323 and the TIN 7728051927. The main activity is higher education. The company is headed RUSETSKAYA MARGARITA NIKOLAEVNA.

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