Demonstration version of the exam in social studies online.

New projects of the 2017 USE have been published in all subjects, the new contours of the 2017 exam are already visible. Is the new one a repetition of the old, or are we again expecting serious changes? What will the USE in social studies 2017 be like? Read on for the opinion of the exam expert!

How was the USE 2016 in social studies?

To begin with - in normal mode! Without scandals and incidents, so to speak ... Here is the opinion of the USE 2016, for example, the former Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Livanov:

“The exam was held at a high organizational and technological level. This was facilitated by new technologies that are used during the exam, and the increased responsibility and discipline of the organizers and participants of the exam ", - said Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov at a press conference at the Situation and Information Center of Rosobrnadzor.

So, the main things about the passed USE 2016 in social studies:

Lessons from the Unified State Exam 2016 in social studies

“In general, the average scores in all subjects are comparable to the results of the previous year. This indicates the stability of the exam, that the exam tasks are similar in complexity to those of the previous years. We see a slight increase in high scores and a decrease in those who did not overcome the minimum scores ", - this is the opinion Head of Rosobrnadzor Kravtsov.

First of all, we would like to note that the exam has been taking place really honestly for the third year already, there are no leaks of exam materials into the network. For a wide audience, only one version of the 2016 USE is available, which was published by the FIPI for each subject following the results of the early wave of the exam.

In the European part of the country, FIPI “applied” 4 written versions against the graduates of 2016, one of them, as it is clear from the reviews of the examiners, colleagues, experts, was frankly “damaging”. The rest are solvable. Here is our analysis. And to which is also attached the real work of the graduate in the written part.

The conditions of the exam for the exam 2017 will be tightened. Already this year, the test part has disappeared in its usual form, now this, of course, complicates the task of "hitting" the answer, which used to be often a matter of chance.

Since 2013, we have seen steady drop in average score in Russia on the Unified State Exam in Social Studies:

year 2013 - 56,23

year 2014 - 55,4

2015 - 53,3

This year, as noted above, is likely to be even worse. I can give accurate current statistics for this year.

year 2014 - 57,9

2015 - 60

2016 - 57,1

And here we see a significant drop.

Generally, almost 20% did not pass, this is a lot, it is every fifth handing over. The question arises, why is this happening? Who is guilty?


  1. The school does not prepare a graduate for the Unified State Exam in optional subjects, teachers try to step back and not be responsible for its result.
  2. At the level of the federal ministry, the old minister Livanov said that "... the school cannot be assessed by the results of the exam," and the new Vasilyeva, that "... teachers should not prepare children for the exam in the classroom in high school." The line has changed.
  3. It turns out that the result on the exam, for example, in social studies is a personal matter for each graduate and his parents.
  4. The actual responsibility of the tutor - the "magic wand" that the graduate can hope for, as everyone understands, is minimal. He works, as a rule, without a contract, and no (at least legal) liability in front of parents, if anything, does not bear.

Here is the opinion of the new Minister of Education and Science L. Vasilyeva about the Unified State Exam.


What will the USE 2017 be like?

According to the already approved draft timetable, the 2017 USE in social studies will be held in an "early wave" on March 24, and in the main mode - June 5, 2017. Moreover, on this day only one exam will pass, which means that the reserve day will be practically not used.

The role of the exam is like main for admission to humanitarian specialties - jurisprudence, political science, journalism, economics, of course, will not change.

This is how the head of the Federal Commission for Developers of Control Measuring Materials of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, T.E. Liskova:

That is, the exam continues to be positioned as a fundamental exam that checks the actual graduate of 2017.

Already this year, each option in the test contained a knowledge question and, of course, this trend will continue. There were a lot of mistakes on the part of the 2016 graduates.

Regarding the specific structure of KIM tasks, in comparison, part 2 remained unchanged, and a small change in part 1, associated with the exclusion of a very controversial and subjective for compilation and verification

Here is an example of this controversial task from a real version of the USE 2015:

The time for writing the exam remains the same - maximum at 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

How to prepare for the USE 2017 in social studies?

First of all, by choosing your own individual training path. Taking as a basis - the list of checked topics (by the way, it has not changed in comparison with 2016). Having chosen, together with a teacher, tutor, the main preparation tool, solve tests and regularly check their knowledge.

For example, we invite all graduates to participate in classes in the site group

Option No. 2353656

Demonstration version of the USE-2017 in social studies.

When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field a number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. You do not need to write the measurement units. Answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other additional characters. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only one of the suggested statements (29.1-29.5).

If the variant is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the assignments with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the uploaded answers to the assignments with a detailed answer. The points given by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Write down the word that is missing in the table.

Characteristics of the forms of spiritual culture


In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Profit, income, salary, interest, rent.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, denote forms of political participation of citizens.

2) registration of a legal entity

3) payment of taxes

4) appeal to public authorities

5) referendum

6) membership in a political party

Find two terms "falling out" of the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


Choose the correct judgments about the relationship between biological and social in a person and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The sequence of the main stages of a person's life, in which childhood is replaced by maturity, and then old age sets in, is biologically determined.

2) The formation of a person as a person is associated with the acquisition of social traits and qualities.

3) A person inherits moral standards.

4) The influence of genetic factors on the development of a person's abilities is an expression of his social essence.

5) The natural predisposition of a person to certain types of activity is manifested in social circumstances.


Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and the types of society that they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



Country Z is undergoing education reform. What facts indicate that the reform is aimed at humanizing education? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) an increase in the number of subjects

2) reducing the time for studying natural sciences

3) focus on the interests and inclinations of the student

4) the use of technologies that save health

5) paying special attention to moral education

6) computerization of the educational process


Choose the correct judgments about the distinguishing features of the market economy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) The state carries out a centralized distribution of resources.

2) Prices for goods and services are determined by the ratio of supply and demand.

3) Enterprises have to solve the problem of limited resources.

4) Producers of goods and services compete for consumer demand.

5) Everyone has the right to freely dispose of his abilities and property for entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law.


Establish a correspondence between the examples and the types of costs of the firm in the short run: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The owners of the Solnyshko firm are planning to expand their enterprise. Which of the following can they use as a source of business financing? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) attracting loans

2) tax deductions

3) increase in labor productivity

4) profit from the sale of the company's products

5) improvement of production technologies

6) issue and placement of shares of the enterprise


The graph shows the change in the supply of passenger cars in the consumer market: the supply curve has moved from position S to position S1. (On the graph, P is the price of the product; Q is the quantity of the product.) Which of the following factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) an increase in the number of car manufacturers

2) lowering the age for obtaining a driver's license

3) lower prices for car components

4) increase in electricity tariffs

5) increase in interest on car loans


Choose the correct judgments about social stratification and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) The concept of "social stratification" refers to any changes taking place in society.

2) Social stratification involves the division of society into social strata by combining various social positions with approximately the same social status.

3) Sociologists identify the following criteria for social stratification: income, power.

4) Social stratification involves the allocation of social strata depending on the personal qualities of a person.

5) The prestige of the profession as a criterion of social stratification is associated with social attractiveness, respectful attitude in society towards certain professions, positions, and occupations.


In the course of a sociological survey of 23-year-old working boys and girls from country Z, they were asked the question: "Why do you work, what is your work motivation?" The results obtained (in% of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Half of the young men work to ensure material well-being for themselves and their families.

2) The shares of girls who associate work motivation with the need for self-realization and with the possibility of traveling, communicating with different people are equal.

3) The share of those who work because they are interested in what they do is higher among girls than among boys.

4) Equal shares of respondents in each group are making efforts to climb the career ladder.

5) A larger proportion of young men, compared to girls, work because their work is very much needed by society.


Choose the correct judgments about the functions of a political party in a democratic society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Political parties participate in the organization, preparation and conduct of parliamentary elections.

2) Political parties participate in legal proceedings.

3) Political parties mobilize citizens to take political action.

4) Political parties participate in the formation of law enforcement agencies.

5) Political parties carry out organizational activities among the party activists.


Establish a correspondence between the functions and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation who perform them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The constitution declares Z to be a democratic federal state with a republican form of government. Which of the following features characterize the form of the state (territorial) structure Z? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) regular elections of the head of state and parliament on an alternative basis

2) a bicameral structure of parliament, providing representation of the regions

3) the inclusion of several state formations in the state, each of which has a certain competence of its own

4) the effect of the constitutions of the subjects under the supremacy of the general constitution

5) the presence of real political and social rights and freedoms of citizens

6) political pluralism


Which of the following relates to the constitutional obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers that indicate your constitutional responsibilities.

1) indication of your nationality

2) preservation of historical and cultural heritage

3) participation in elections of authorities

4) payment of taxes

5) free disposal of their abilities for work


Choose the correct judgments about the system of Russian law and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Branches of substantive law, in contrast to branches of procedural law, establish the procedure for the application of legal norms.

2) Criminal law regulates social relations associated with the commission of criminal acts, the imposition of punishment and the application of other measures of a criminal-legal nature.

3) Administrative law regulates property and related personal non-property relations.

4) Civil law is classified as private law.

5) Legal institution - a set of norms regulating a certain segment (side) of homogeneous social relations.


Establish a correspondence between actions and elements of taxpayer status in the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Auto mechanic Roman found a new job in his specialty. To conclude an employment contract, he brought military registration documents and a work book. What else, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, does the novel have to present to the employer? Write down the numbers under which the relevant documents are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) certificate of registration of ownership of the residential premises

2) insurance certificate of state pension insurance

3) passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

4) tax notice

5) diploma of specialized education

6) an extract from the financial and personal account


Read the text below where a number of words are missing.

Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

“The motive __________ (A) is what prompts it, for the sake of which it is carried out. A specific __________ (B) usually acts as an incentive, which is satisfied in the course and with the help of the activity. This is a certain form of communication between living organisms and the outside world, necessary for the existence of __________ (B), a social group, society as a whole.

__________ (D) needs are caused by the biological nature of man. These are the needs of people in everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. __________ (E) needs are associated with the fact that a person belongs to society, occupies a certain place in it, participates in labor activities, in communication with other people. __________ (E) needs are associated with a person's knowledge of the world around him, his place in it and the meaning of his existence. Each of the groups of needs causes the corresponding types of activity. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The following table lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write down in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



What is the definition of culture given by the author? How does the text explain the provision about the "repressive" nature of culture?

(N. Smelzer)

Name three reasons that, according to the author, limit "the ability of culture to govern human behavior." Drawing on social science knowledge, facts of social life, name one more reason not indicated in the text.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Culture shapes the personalities of members of society, thereby largely regulating their behavior. Clifford Geertz calls culture "a system of regulatory mechanisms, including plans, recipes, rules, instructions ... that serve to control behavior." He believes that without culture, people would be completely disoriented: “Don't

human behavior conditioned by cultural models (systems of significant symbols) would become practically uncontrollable, it would be reduced to spontaneous meaningless actions and unrestrained emotions, a person would practically not be able to form experience. "

How important culture is for the functioning of the individual and society can be judged by the behavior of people who are not covered by socialization. The uncontrolled, or infantile, behavior of the so-called children of the jungle, who turned out to be completely deprived of communication with people, testifies to the fact that without socialization, people are not able to assimilate an orderly lifestyle, master a language and learn to earn a livelihood ...

If culture regulates human behavior, can we go so far as to call it repressive? This is exactly what Sigmund Freud thought. He explored the conflict between culture (or "civilization") and the instinctual principle of human nature. Often, culture does suppress a person's urges, mainly sexual and aggressive ones. But it does not completely rule them out. Rather, it defines the conditions under which they are satisfied ...

But, given the importance of the influence of culture on people's behavior, we should not at the same time exaggerate its capabilities. The ability of a culture to govern human behavior is limited for many reasons. First of all, the biological capabilities of the human body are not infinite. Ordinary mortals cannot be taught to jump over tall buildings, even if such feats are highly valued by society. Similarly, there is a limit to the knowledge that the human brain can assimilate ...

Environmental factors also limit cultural exposure. For example, drought or volcanic eruptions can disrupt the established way of farming. Environmental factors can impede the formation of some cultural patterns. According to the customs of people living in tropical jungles with a humid climate, it is not customary to cultivate certain plots of land for a long time, since they cannot get high grain yields for a long time.

(N. Smelzer)

Solutions for items with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
On the next page, you will be asked to test them yourself.

What are the three results of socialization named in the text? Using the facts of social life and personal social experience, give an example of what socializing impact is necessary to achieve each of these results.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Culture shapes the personalities of members of society, thereby largely regulating their behavior. Clifford Geertz calls culture "a system of regulatory mechanisms, including plans, recipes, rules, instructions ... that serve to control behavior." He believes that without culture, people would be completely disoriented: “Don't

human behavior conditioned by cultural models (systems of significant symbols) would become practically uncontrollable, it would be reduced to spontaneous meaningless actions and unrestrained emotions, a person would practically not be able to form experience. "

How important culture is for the functioning of the individual and society can be judged by the behavior of people who are not covered by socialization. The uncontrolled, or infantile, behavior of the so-called children of the jungle, who turned out to be completely deprived of communication with people, testifies to the fact that without socialization, people are not able to assimilate an orderly lifestyle, master a language and learn to earn a livelihood ...

If culture regulates human behavior, can we go so far as to call it repressive? This is exactly what Sigmund Freud thought. He explored the conflict between culture (or "civilization") and the instinctual principle of human nature. Often, culture does suppress a person's urges, mainly sexual and aggressive ones. But it does not completely rule them out. Rather, it defines the conditions under which they are satisfied ...

But, given the importance of the influence of culture on people's behavior, we should not at the same time exaggerate its capabilities. The ability of a culture to govern human behavior is limited for many reasons. First of all, the biological capabilities of the human body are not infinite. Ordinary mortals cannot be taught to jump over tall buildings, even if such feats are highly valued by society. Similarly, there is a limit to the knowledge that the human brain can assimilate ...

Using the text and social science knowledge, provide three explanations for the idea expressed in the text that without culture, people would be completely disoriented.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Culture shapes the personalities of members of society, thereby largely regulating their behavior. Clifford Geertz calls culture "a system of regulatory mechanisms, including plans, recipes, rules, instructions ... that serve to control behavior." He believes that without culture, people would be completely disoriented: “Don't

human behavior conditioned by cultural models (systems of significant symbols) would become practically uncontrollable, it would be reduced to spontaneous meaningless actions and unrestrained emotions, a person would practically not be able to form experience. "

How important culture is for the functioning of the individual and society can be judged by the behavior of people who are not covered by socialization. The uncontrolled, or infantile, behavior of the so-called children of the jungle, who turned out to be completely deprived of communication with people, testifies to the fact that without socialization, people are not able to assimilate an orderly lifestyle, master a language and learn to earn a livelihood ...

If culture regulates human behavior, can we go so far as to call it repressive? This is exactly what Sigmund Freud thought. He explored the conflict between culture (or "civilization") and the instinctual principle of human nature. Often, culture does suppress a person's urges, mainly sexual and aggressive ones. But it does not completely rule them out. Rather, it defines the conditions under which they are satisfied ...

But, given the importance of the influence of culture on people's behavior, we should not at the same time exaggerate its capabilities. The ability of a culture to govern human behavior is limited for many reasons. First of all, the biological capabilities of the human body are not infinite. Ordinary mortals cannot be taught to jump over tall buildings, even if such feats are highly valued by society. Similarly, there is a limit to the knowledge that the human brain can assimilate ...

Environmental factors also limit cultural exposure. For example, drought or volcanic eruptions can disrupt the established way of farming. Environmental factors can impede the formation of some cultural patterns. According to the customs of people living in tropical jungles with a humid climate, it is not customary to cultivate certain plots of land for a long time, since they cannot get high grain yields for a long time.

On the next page, you will be asked to test them yourself.

Please select one thing from the statements below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts on the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge obtained in the course of social studies, corresponding concepts, and facts public life and own life an experience... (Give at least two examples from various sources for factual reasoning.)

29.1 Philosophy:"All our theories are nothing more than a generalization of experience, observed facts." (V. A. Ambartsumyan)

29.2 Economy:"Supply and demand is a process of mutual adjustment and coordination." (P.T.Heine)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:"The beginning of the personality occurs much later than the beginning of the individual." (B.G. Ananiev)

29.4 Political science:"Divide and conquer is a wise rule, but unite and guide is even better." (J.W. Goethe)

29.5 Jurisprudence:“The law does not know class crimes, does not know the differences in the circle of persons among whom its violation is committed. He is equally strict and equally merciful to everyone. " (A.F. Koni)

Solutions for items with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
On the next page, you will be asked to test them yourself.

Finish testing, check answers, see solutions.

Are they waiting for the promised three years? No, this is not about the work of our beloved FIPI this summer! As promised, in mid-August we had at our disposal the main documents regulating the 2019 USE in social studies - a demo version and a codifier. Curious about what's new?

The Unified State Exam in Social Studies has become more difficult!

So, the codifier, that is, the list of topics that are checked for the exam and which must be prepared for the exam, has not changed at all. This is due to the fact that high school students in the country have not yet switched to the so-called “new standards” and are following the old BUP-2004 Basic Curriculum. That is, the content of basic general education in social science has not changed. But the tasks ...

Now let's take a look at the demo version of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019!

Let's turn our attention to the test part first. Once again, we note that there are NO test items for choice of answer, only for multiple choice! The content (content) has changed only tasks 4.

Let's work out the questions of the demo version of part 1.

Basic social institutions

As you can see, all of the above terms refer to the concept (but only, factorial, it should, of course, be clarified by the compilers of the assignment from FIPI, in my opinion).

ANSWER: INCOME(ask in a word, mind you !!!).

By the way, compare the challenge from the 2016 demo!

The understanding of the term was also checked. The task is similar to the first, in fact, but the information is presented in a different sign system - not a table, but a list of key properties. So, you need to choose the most general (least particular) concept.

You can give another definition using our glossary of terms:

  1. this is the basic sign of any of his independence!
  2. It's the same with the territory. People have not yet learned how to create states in the air.
  3. Priority of human rights and freedoms this is a basic feature About democracy more in
  4. Tax collection is a monopoly right of any state, otherwise on what funds will it support the apparatus,
  5. Publicity means that all the people of the country know who is running them. Sign of any state!
  6. - a basic feature, for example, it is not inherent.

Answer: 32311.

First of all - WITHOUT SPACES AND COMMASES! Follow the demo further!

The understanding of modern trends is checked, namely, its humanization:

Here options 3, 4, 5 are suitable(morality, in principle, is equal to humanism, also a moral category). Option 1 - about education, 2 - about humanization (do not confuse with humanization, I mean special attention to the study 6 about computerization. Answer: 345.

We are looking for the essential features of the market - laws and (option 2), (option 4), freedom (option 5). And remember that in everyone they solve its main problems - infinity with limited (option 3 is not suitable). See details Our answer is 245.

Assignment 8 Unified State Exam 2019 in Social Studies

Let's first recall the difference between fixed and variable costs.The main thing here is whether their volume changes from changes in production volumes

So, not any changes(1 is not true); 2 is true (it is just logical, for example, and doctors will fall into the same group, so both of them receive a salary from; 3 exactly true, just a socially important sign; personal qualities have nothing to do with it(good people are both rich and poor), 4 is not true; in the 5th version the definition is simply given correctly.

Answer: 235.

Assignment 12 Unified State Exam 2019 in Social Studies

This task of interpreting the graph about the results of a social question is not difficult, just carefully by the selection method. It is considered a task of the basic level of difficulty, is estimated at 1 point.

1. Yes, 50% is half. 2. Yes, the shares are equal. 3. Yes, there are more respondents among girls. 4. It’s not even logical, usually men are more inclined to this, for them a career is more of a priority, as it’s not true anyway. 5. Both boys and girls answered alike here. No.

Answer: 123.

In 2018, the task was written as follows and was preserved in the exam 2019.

Social Studies 2019 Demo Task 13

The main thing to remember here, in addition to the concept itself, is the three main types of legitimacy (by

Legal and legal legitimacy- type of legitimacy according to the subordination of the population to the elected leader

Traditional legitimacy- the type of software, which consists in the subordination of the population to the hereditary leader

Charisma- a set of personal qualities (oratorical, military leader to political intrigue), which endows him with the population and which allow him to come to and keep it. In theory, one of its types.

Therefore, 1 is true, 2 is not (this is about a democratic leader), 3 is yes (pure theory), 4 is yes (correct logical definition), and 5, of course not. What if there are no parties in the country at all? Such exclusionary language (necessarily, always, never, no, no way, only) usually not correct, be careful!

Answer: 134.

Now what?

Classics of the genre. The question of knowledge and competence of public authorities. Only solid knowledge will help you here. So, remember that

  • the upper chamber of our - is engaged in approving changes in the boundaries between
  • - the supreme body

So, the first task, as before, here it is necessary to enter a social science term based on the indicated signs and topics of the table. In this example, we are talking about morality.

Task 2 requires us to choose a word that is generalizing, i.e. which includes the rest of the terms. To successfully complete this task, you just need to be able to correctly identify the topic and remember the order of studying the terms, what is included. The correct answer to task 2 will be the word income, since all other words are types of income.

3 The task already requires us to remove two incorrect terms from the presented ones, i.e. remove those words that do not relate to the declared topic, in this case, remove words that do not relate to the topic of political participation of citizens. Wrong terms numbered 2 and 3, as they refer to the economic activities of citizens.

Task number 4 asks us to choose the correct statements about a person, i.e. those judgments that do not contradict the social science course on the topic of man. In this case, we choose the correct judgments numbered 1,2,5. Judgment number two is incorrect for the reason that moral norms are not inherited by a person, but are acquired in the process of socialization. 3 judgment is also wrong, because the expression of the social essence is a person's actions, his words, but in no way physical abilities based on genetic predisposition.

Task 5, in my opinion, is very easy. All the necessary data is given already in the task itself and we just have to correlate the signs with the terms. To successfully complete this task, it is enough to have a general understanding of society and a person. The correct answer is 32311

Task number 6 is similar to task 4, only here we are talking about education. If a graduate has successfully completed a social science course or has basic basic knowledge of a social science course, then he will easily find the right solution. The correct answers in this task are 3,4,5. It should be clarified that the first judgment does not refer to any tendency in education, the second judgment refers to the so-called tendency to humanitarization of education, and the sixth judgment refers to the computerization of the educational process.

Exercise 7-10 is about economics. 7 the task offers to choose the correct options for judging the market economic system. Correct judgments under the numbers 2,4,5. The first judgment is incorrect, since centralized planning of the economy refers to the command-administrative economic system. The third judgment can be attributed to almost any economic system, since the problem of limited economic resources is an eternal problem of the economy.

Task 8 is similar in structure to task 5, only in the economic plane. The correct ratio is 12121.

9 task - a situational task, which describes the situation on the basis of which it is necessary to give an answer to the question asked in the framework of the economic course of social science. The correct answers are 1,4,6. All other options do not apply to sources of business financing.

Task 10 does not require a graduate to have particularly deep economic knowledge. All you need is a basic understanding of what supply and demand are, as well as basic knowledge of mathematics to read the graph correctly. So, first we pay attention to whether the supply or demand line has changed. If demand has changed, then we are talking about buying activity; the supply line will indicate to us the activity of sellers in the market. In this case, we observe a decrease in supply, that is, there are fewer goods on the market and it has fallen in price. Now it remains to choose those answer options that could contribute to such a development of events. Correct answers: 1.3. Answer options numbered 2.5 are not suitable, since they affect the demand market and have nothing to do with the supply market. Option 4 would lead to an increase in the price of the product and therefore does not reflect the current situation in the car market.

Task 11 is devoted to the topic of the social sphere in social science. Here, as in most test items, you must choose the correct statements. Correct answer: 2,3,5.

The rest of the tasks remained unchanged and you can look at their detailed analysis in the articles "Features of Social Science" and "Features of Social Science (continued)", as well as in other relevant ones on our website.

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