Peterson is playing 6 7 years old workbook.

The course "Play - a step to school", part 3, for children 5-6 years old, continues to work with children according to the course "Play", part 1-2, for children 3-5 years old. Includes " Practical course", Which contains the scenarios of the classes and guidelines to them, and a study book for working with children both in the classroom and individually after classes with their parents. There are also demonstrations and handouts for each lesson.
Can be used in older groups kindergarten system of additional preschool education and for individual work of parents with children.
Educational-methodical set in mathematics for preschoolers 3-7 years old "Play" is focused on the development of thinking, creativity children.

The educational book "Play", part 2, is an additional aid to the course "Play" for children 4-5 years old. They provide material that allows you to expand and consolidate knowledge in the individual work of children with parents or educators after classes. The educational and methodological kit is focused on the development of thinking, creative abilities of children, their interest in mathematics.
The handout is intended for use by one child and is located on separate sheets. At the top of each sheet is the number and topic of the lesson in which the material is used.

In different classes it is possible various uses handout and demonstration material: in some cases only handout or only demonstration material is needed, in others - both, and in the third - the use of these materials is not planned, because children in class use toys, paints, salt dough, etc.
The numbers and topics of the lessons in the methodological recommendations, notebooks, as well as on the sheets of the handout and demonstration material coincide.

Demonstration and handout materials can be used in the classroom for a group of children, as well as for individual work of parents with children.
For the convenience of using the handouts, you should first stick the number and topic of the lesson on each envelope. After that, starting from the first lesson, you need to cut out cards, pictures, geometric shapes along the dotted lines and put them in the appropriate envelopes.

Course “Mathematics and Language. Preparing for school ”is being developed by the Institute of New Education Technologies.
Often home teaching math and language comes down to training a child on the simplest operations with numbers and letters. In three-year-old children, it is possible and necessary to lay the foundations of thinking on the material of mathematics, language and computer science, i.e. teach to think. Our course is just that, it provides the formation and development of thinking skills. This issue will give you an opportunity to take a fresh look at preparing your child for school.

Workbooks are designed to prepare children for school in mathematics in preschool educational institutions as well as at home. Under the supervision of teachers or parents, children, performing various tasks, study the topics "Number and count", "Size", "Orientation in space", " Geometric figures", "Graphic works", "Logic tasks".
In workbooks are given verification tests, allowing you to control the degree of assimilation by preschoolers teaching material... All the presented tests and tasks have been tested for many years in the classroom with preschoolers in Moscow.

Welcome to ecology! Workbook for children 5-6 years old. Senior group. Part 1 and Part 2
Workbooks are designed for practical training with kids senior group kindergarten. All tasks correspond to the author's program of the same name and can significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching children in the field of environmental education.
Notebooks can be used by parents for joint activities with a child at home, as well as in a kindergarten group for collective activities in preparing preschoolers for school.
For preschool teachers, parents.

Set "Play" orient ...

A playful is a stepping stone to school. Mathematics for children 6-7 years old. Part 4. A set of 2 books. Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E.

The manual "Play", part 4 is intended for the development mathematical representations children 6-7 years old. Is an part of set "Play" for children 3-7 years old.

The kit also includes a program, guidelines for teachers with scenarios for each lesson, demonstration and handouts.

Set "Play" is focused on the development of preschoolers' thinking, creativity, interest in mathematics. It is included in the complex program of preschool education "The World of Discovery".

Is the initial link in the continuous course of mathematics "Learning to learn" from 3 to 15 years. Its direct continuation is mathematics textbooks by L.G. Peterson for elementary and elementary school.

The play set can be used in the preschool education system and for individual work with children.

Hello, please tell me how to complete the task correctly: mathematics "A step-to-school play" for children 6-7 years old, page 2 lesson 3 (help the figures get home)


Hello, tell me, please, how to do the task correctly: mathematics "Step-to-school play" for children 6-7 years old, page 2 lesson 3 (help the figures get home).


Hello! Please help me how to solve the task 3 p. 2 lesson 1 "Play-a-step to school" mathematics for children 6-7 years old, part 4 (1), L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova.


Hello! We can’t figure out how to correctly complete the task in "Little toy - a step to school", mathematics 6-7 years, part 4 (1), Peterson, Kochemasova. Lesson 1, task 3 - help the figures get home. We are studying for the first time until we understand. Thank you in advance!


Thank you for your question!

In this task, you need to help the figures get to their houses. Each figure has its own properties: shape and color. On the house of each of them there is an icon of the same shape and the same color. Therefore, the child first needs to determine where whose house is. Next, you need to choose the correct path to it.

The beginning of the path for all shapes is the line segment at the bottom of the figure. Having gone up along it and reaching the intersection of the lines (let's call this place a “fork”), the figure should move along one of the lines further. In this case, the path must be chosen one where there are no "prohibitions". A “forbidden” for each shape is a crossed out icon, which denotes its property, i.e. the figure cannot follow the path next to which the "ban" is located.

Consider the path to the house for the yellow square. Having reached the “fork” along the lower vertical segment, we see that it’s impossible to go to the right, because, in one case, the crossed out icon denoting yellow (the “not yellow” symbol) interferes, and in the other case, when turning to the left relative to its movement (up the figure) - a crossed out sign denoting a square shape (the symbol "not square").

This means that from the “fork” the yellow square can only go to the left. Then he can turn to the right (up the picture), for example, along the line located between the “not red” and “not round” icons, which are not “prohibitions” for him, since he does not have such properties (red, round). After that, he can go to the right, then to the left, again to the right - and he will fall into his house.

We wish you good luck!


Queen Svetlana Ivanovna

methodologist of the department of preschool education,

TsSDP "School 2000 ..." FGAOU AIC and PPRO

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