Formation of elementary mathematical ideas in children 6 7 years old. Formation of mathematical ideas from preschoolers


1. Fixing the composition of the number and figures 6 on a visual material.

2. To form in children the relationship of cooperation in solving task, to bring up with them the ability to empathize, failures of comrades.

3. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory.

4. To learn to think and analyze when working in classes, be able to argue your choice.

Material for the lesson:

Model of the composition of the number and figures 6; visual material of the number 6 (for each child); model of the week (for each child); calendars (for each child); Calendars: flipped, on the wall.

Organizing time:

Sit down! Prepared for the lesson.

In previous activities, we fastened the composition of the number 3, 4, 5 and met the composition of the number 6. And today, I suggest you fasten the composition of the number 6.

Travel course:

You have pictures on the tables, I suggest you try to define different variants The composition of the number 6.

(Children's work)

Well done, who wants to tell me, how did you do it? Look, I have such a house in which I suggest to settle the numbers of which consists of number 6.

(children's responses)

Correct guys. Now we will play with the game, which is called "in what hand how much". I will make up examples, and you will guess: how many cubes are in my right hand, in the left, and then, how much in both together.

(The game is held. First, with everyone together, then on pairs)


I wasged on Monday,

Paul on Tuesday swept, on Wednesday I baked Kalach

All Thursday was looking for a ball.

Cups on Friday washed

And on Saturday, the cake bought.

All girlfriends on Sunday

I called the birthday day.

Sit down for tables. Guys, who will tell me, what was said in Fizminutka?

(Children: Answers)

Of course, about the days of the week. Today I have prepared a few tasks about the days of the week.

When performing a task, rely on the model of the week if someone is difficult.

  • It was Monday yesterday. What day of the week will be the day after tomorrow? (Thursday)

Well done, many of you correctly answered the question. Who can explain how reason argued as reasoned when determining the day? Show it on the model.

(Show and explanation of children)

Right. We listen to the following tasks:

  • On Tuesday sowed Oats. Three days later the first green sprouts will appear. What day will it happen on? (Friday)

Guys, when solving the next task, be careful. You can consider days not only forward, but also back.

  • For four days, a short-term vacation of my grandfather continued and on Tuesday ended. What day of the week did vacation begins? (on Saturday)
  • Grandmother I asked me: today the environment. I am visiting for 4 days. I do not remember when I came to you? (on Sunday)

Well done. Now let's talk about another.

There are weeks for weeks and add up to months. Of course you know that every month a few weeks.

Who knows how many weeks in every month? Look at the calendars. The numbers that make up the week are recorded by columns. (children's responses)

Quite right. Look carefully how many such weeks in the month, let's consider. Take the month March. Pay attention, 1 or 2 days may be a week.

What are the weeks? (Answer: Full and incomplete)

How many full weeks in March? (Answers: 4)

And how many incomplete? (answer: 2)

Well done boys. Tell me, it is necessary that the month starts from Monday? (Answers)

Explain why? (children's responses)

Sure. A month can begin on different days of the week, but always every month begins with what number? (Children: from the first)

Correct guys, well done. Every month begins with the first day. Now let's count on the month calendar and we define how many of them (children consider: 12).

That's right. In the year 12 months. Today I will give you homework: Everyone will take their calendar home, and together with her parents will celebrate the dates of his birthday, their loved ones. And tomorrow will bring me back.

Clear task? (answer: yes)

Okay. Tell me please, what's new learned today in class? What did you like? What a task you were hard to perform, and what easy?

I really liked how you worked today ...

« Cognitive development. FEMP in children 6-7 years old. "

Consultation for parents.

Rapidly changing the time in which we live. Even the childhood of the modern kid is filled with new content compared to the fact that there were several decades ago. The child of the XXI century becomes very early to meet the first ideas about science - already in kindergarten mastering her basins.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations Also occurs in a preschool educational institution. This process includes:

Training (it is necessary to form representations of the set of numbers, values, form, space and time in accordance with educational program in Do).

Development (i.e., the development of understanding of speech, expansion of a passive and active dictionary, lexico-grammatical structures, sensory and intellectual potential, verbal-logical thinking).

Education (the formation of moral and volitional qualities of the individual (accuracy, responsibility, organization) in the process of analyzing life situations).

Very often we, adults, are in a hurry to do something for the child, answer any question. A set of ready-made knowledge does not form needs in the process of knowledge, striving for overcoming difficulties, to independent search for solutions and the achievement of the goal. For many questions, the child himself can find the answer and no matter what only by samples and errors.

It is known that the assimilation of the child's knowledge begins with material action with objects or their drawings, models, schemes. Interesting, an interesting form is of interest, encourage children to reason, think, find the right answer Mathematical entertainment: tasks - jokes, riddles, puzzles, labyrinths, games for spatial transformations, etc. didactic games and exercises. They are a valuable agent of educating the mental activity of children, activate mental processes (Attention, thinking, perception, imagination, etc.), they are interested in the process of knowledge and, which is very important, facilitate the process of learning knowledge. Didactic games include gaming and interesting tasks For all sections of the program in mathematics.

The formation of elementary mathematical representations is carried out in the following sections.

Number and score.

Consolidate the skills of direct and reverse accounts within 10; Learning to count objects in accordance with the specified number of more, know the numbers.

Exercise children in finding the subsequent and previous number for each of the numbers within 20; Learn to understand the relationship between the numbers of the natural series (for example, 5 more 4 per 1; 4 less than 5 per 1); call numbers in straight and reverse orderstarting from any number; Understand the expression "to" and "after". Learning to increase and reduce each of the numbers within 20 to 1 (on a specific material).

Fix skills ordinal account within 20; learning to distinguish a quantitative and sequence account; To be able to answer the questions correctly: "How many", "what account".

Learning to determine the amount of homogeneous and heterogeneous objects in any location (in a circle, in a square, in a row) in the range of 10. Show that the number does not depend on the distance between them, from the form, location, from the direction of the account. Teaching the number of two smaller (on a specific material) in the range 10, indicating the specified actions with the corresponding numbers and signs (5 + 2 \u003d 7). Learn to make and solve simple arithmetic tasks for addition and deduction; draw up challenges by numerical example. Use in solving tasks with numbers and signs \u003d, +, -.

Teach children to divide the subject for 2, 4, 8 equal parts; To know that parts are called: half, one fourth, one eighth. On a concrete material, to establish that the whole part is, and the part is less than the whole.

Continue to teach children to measure with a conditional length of length, width, height of surrounding items; To form the concept of the number as the attitude measured to a given measure. Introduce children with a ruler; To learn with it to determine the length of the segment and indicate the measurement results in centimeters. Draw segments of a given length.

Serioction in size.

Geometric figures.

Fasten and deepen knowledge of square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, bulk bodies: ball, cube, cylinder. Teach to see geometric shape in subjects. To acquaint a polygon, his signs: tops, side, corners. To form an idea of \u200b\u200ba square and a rectangle as varieties of a polygon.

Orientation in space.

Exercise children in determining the location of the items on the sheet of paper. Focus on specially created situations and determine its place on a given condition. To determine the position of this or that item in relation to the other. The formation of relations: "on" - "over" - "under", "left" - "right" - "in the midst", "at the top" - "below", "outside" - "inside", "for" - "before" - "Between" and others.

Temporary views "earlier" - "later", establishing a sequence of events, understanding the sequence violation.

Orientation in time.

To acquaint children with clock and their appointment. To introduce the fact that the day is called that the seven days make up a week. The days go on each other in a certain order.

Cocking with the child must follow the following commandments:

  • Encourage all the efforts of the child and his desire to learn the new one.
  • Avoid negative assessments of performance results.
  • Compare the results of the child's work only with its own achievements.

Mathematics training gives ample opportunities for the development of child's intellectual abilities.

Sections: Correctional pedagogy

Leading educational area"Cognition"

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, socialization, physical development, communication.

Purpose:Teach children to draw up and solve simple arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction within 10 on a visual basis; Teach "write" tasks using the signs "+", "-", "\u003d".


  • Educational: Exercise in the account within 10; Teach children to solve simple arithmetic tasks in one action; Learn to "write down" tasks using the signs "+", "-", "\u003d"; fasten the ability to call the word opposite to the sense proposed; Intensify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the days of the week and their sequence.
  • Correctional:expand and intensify the dictionary on the topic of the Node; stimulate the speech activity of children and develop a coherent speech; readiness to solve problem problems; Training in the ability to independently formulate problem tasks; stimulate, maintain and develop the physical activity of children by means dynamic pauses, physical attacks, mobile didactic games; Develop attention, memory, small motor hands, logical thinking; continue to form mental operations (comparison, generalization, classification);
  • Educational:brings up in children interested attitudes towards educational activities and to mathematical classes in particular; Relieve careful attitude towards equipment (handouts), to bring up a sense of tact (ability to listen to a friend), continue to form the skills of full answers to questions; Fasten the skill to work together with comrades, to sit at the table correctly, hold the pencil correctly.

Types of childhood activities:game, productive

Forms of organization:individual, group

Implementation form: Use of manuals, demonstration of illustrated benefits, ICT, search and problematic questions for children, encouragement, explanation, conclusion, creation of gaming motivation, active activities of children, comparison, comparison


  • Demonstration material: Cardboard cards with numbers from 1 to 10; ball, cubes,
  • Handout: Mathematical sets "I think myself" by the number of children;

Move node

1. Opening part. Organizing time.

Game with the ball "name the word with the opposite value"

Children form a circle. In the center of the circle there is a teacher-defectologist. He throws the ball to anyone from children and calls the word. The child who caught the ball calls the word opposite by value and returns the ball to the teacher. Now the teacher defectologist throws the ball to another child and the game continues.

Words: Top - (below). On the left - (right), right (left), bottom (at the top), to the right (left), left (right), right (left), top (bottom), bottom (top), right (left).

2. The main part.

1) Work at the table with cards and drawing up the task.

The teacher-defectologist offers children to decompose the numbers in order from 1 to 10.

Guys, today I brought you cards with numbers, but while I carried them, they all confused, what should I do now? (children's responses). How to be? (decompose the cards in order). What a good idea to decompose the cards in order, let's do it, let's decompose the cards from 1 to 10.

Thank you guys who helped me with cards. I also brought you cubes. The teacher-defectologist gives six cubes to one child and asks to put them in a row on the table.

How many cubes Vanya put on the table? (Vanya put six cubes on the table)

Dima, put another cube on the table.

Guys, everyone saw what boys did? What a question you can ask about what boys did? (How many cubes stand on the table?). We accounted for a task: Vanya put 6 cubes on the table, one cube put Dima. How many cubes boys put on the table? The teacher-defectologist offers two - three children to repeat the task.

Guys, what do you think you need to do to find out how many cubes stand on the table? (You need to solve the task). It is necessary to solve the task correctly and then we will learn how many cubes stand on the table. Let's think, after Dima put another cube, the cubes became greater or less? (Cubes became greater). How many cubes stand on the table? (Total on the table is seven cubes). Let's say a full answer (there are seven cubes on the table). Let's now write down the task. I will do it on the board, and you at home on the tables. Look, each of you have a set "I think"

How many cubes put on the table Vanya? (six cubes). Let's answer the full answer (Vanya put six cubes on the table). The teacher-defectologist puts on the board, and the children at home on the table 6 (every child himself).

Dima put another cube. Cubes have become bigger or less? (more). Let's answer the full answer (the cubes have become greater).

What do you think if the cubes become bigger, what sign do we put? (We put a "plus" sign). Well done guys, you answered my question with a full answer.

How many cubes put Dima? (Dima put one cube). So what figure will we deliver after the sign "plus"? (After the "plus" sign, we set the figure 1).

On the board and tables of children "Record":

Why? (Because we did not know how much cubes stand on the table)

What question do we put in the task? (How many cubes stand on the table?)

To "write down" how much cubes stand on the table, what sign do we have to put? (We must put the sign "equal")

Put the sign of equality.

On the board and tables of children "Record"

The defectologist once again clarifies that it means each number and each sign "record", and then invites children to solve the task and finish the "recording".

Guys, we just decided the task, you are great.

2) Playing with the ball "Nazi soon"

The game is carried out in a circle, the presenter is selected. He throws the ball to someone from the children and asks: "What day of the week before Friday?" The child who caught the ball answers: "Thursday". Now he becomes the lead, throws the ball to another child and asks the question: "What day of the week was yesterday?" So the role of the leading gradually passes from one child to another.

Name the day of the week after Tuesday;

Name the day of the week between the environment and Friday;

If someone from the players cannot immediately give an answer, the presenter asks for all children to help him. Children can not respond with full answers, as in the game it is important to activate and consolidate the knowledge of children about the days of the week and their sequence

3) drawing up a task.

Guys, let's decide another task. Teacher - a defectologist puts 5 cars on the table. How many machines on the table? (There are 5 cars on the table). One machine left. Was the machines more or less? (The machines have become less).

Let's make a task. (There was 5 cars on the table, one machine left)

What can I ask about the cars that stayed on the table? (How many machines remained?)

The teacher-defectologist offers children to "write down" the task with the help of numbers and signs from the set "I think" and does the same on the board.

How many machines stood on the table? (There was 5 cars on the table). How many machines left? (One machine left). Now the machines have become greater or less? (The machines have become less). If the machines have become less, what needs to be done, what sign do we put in "Records?" (We will put the "minus" sign in the record) If we put a minus sign, then we fold or deduct? (We will deduct).

Decide the task and finish the "recording". On the board of a teacher-defectologist and on the tables in children "record":

How many machines left? (4 cars remained). How did we solve the task? (From five cars took one typewriter. Four cars left)

What answer turned out in the task? (Four cars).

3. Final part.


Did you like the lesson?

What did you like most?

What did we learn to do today in the classroom? (To solve problems).

Used Books.

1 V.P. Novikova. Mathematics in kindergarten 6-7 years. M. Mosaica-Sinytynz 2014

2 hp Metno. Mathematics in kindergarten M. Enlightenment 2000

3 d Popov. Best games For the development of a child and preparation for school SPB Peter 2013

4 g. Blinova. Cognitive development of children M. Creative Center Scope 2010

5 O. N. Krylova. Acquaintance with Mathematics M. Exam 2010

6 ga Zuckerman. Types of communication in training M. 2009

7 How to design universal learning activities in primary school: from the action to thought: a manual for the teacher / near A.G. Asmolov. M. Enlightenment 2008.

8 E. Bortnikova. Learning to solve problems M. Litur 2016

9 AV Golzchenko. Think, decide, consider M. Creative Center Scope 2015

By the time of admission to the school, children should be able to navigate in the concepts of many, numbers, the form of objects, their magnitude, learn to navigate in space and time, share the integer on the part, solve simple arithmetic tasks for addition and subtraction.

Read the articles, "color and form".

Practice shows that the difficulties of first-graders are associated with the need to absorb abstract knowledge, proceed from the action with specific objects to action with abstract numbers. Such a transition requires restructuring of the mental activity of children.

Formation of elementary mathematical ideas in children

In this regard, it is necessary to pay special attention to development in children 6 years of ability to navigate in some mathematical connections and dependencies (equal; more - less; integer and part). At the same age, children are mastered by the method of comparing sets (1: 1 - equal number; 1: 2 - 2 more than 1, etc.), they begin to understand the quantitative relations and measurement of values.

All this creates prerequisites for restructuring their mental activity before school. The guys teach themselves to be considered with one eyes, "to ourselves", they develop the eye meter, the speed of the reaction to the amount and shape of the items.

In each case, there must be a support on the knowledge of your child, and the principles of sequence and systematic in the study of the material must be observed. For example, Dima for illness could not attend kindergarten. His mother, having received a consultation of the teacher, began to deal with him at home on their own. Considering that the boy well considered up to 10 as orally, and recalculated specific items, the mother began working with the study of the number of numbers from units.

With the help of specific items, they successfully coped with this task. Dima perfectly understood that: 4 is 1 bug, 1 machine, 1 horse, 1 mug. In the same way, he was given the concept that there may be 4 spoons, 4 glasses, and the like. And so I learned the topic of studying the composition of the number from units within 10. Realizing that the composition of the number from units was transferred to the study of the material in terms of the number of two smaller numbers, that is, it is 3 mugs and 1 saucer; 4 is 1 one mug and 3 sauces; 4 - these are 2 mugs and 2 sauces; 5 is 4 and 1; 1 and 4; 3 and 2; 2 and 3; 6 - 5 and 1; 1 and 5; 2 and 4; 4 and 2; 3 and 3, and thus passed the topic of the number of two smaller numbers within 5. Comparing numbers in magnitude, (9 more than 8), immediately the boy was proposed to solve the task of the type: 6 geese and 5 ducks were floating on the lake. How much was the geese? Or: on the lake I swam 6 geese, and 1 less ducks. How much ducks swam? All tasks are solved with the help of pictures or other visual material. As a result, Dima, having come to the kindergarten after a long disease, was engaged on a par with all peers focused, without distracted by a given topic.

Formation of mathematical ideas of preschoolers

No less important to the development of such thinking operationsAs an analysis, synthesis, comparison, the ability to generalize, as well as the development of spatial imagination and the concepts of "integer" and "part".

About the concept of "integer" and "part" should be stopped in more detail, as practice shows that children, dividing the subject, consider it as two separate subjects. Therefore, it is better to acquaint with the subjects of more close children. For example, give the child to the chocolate tile and ask for it to divide it, one half to him, another - you. The same to do with an apple or other fruits, cookies and so on. Secure the division of one subject on the part will help gaming exercises By type feeding doll (another favorite toy depicting the animal). "Handling Katya Pie" - put a plate for doll and put the pie, suddenly a friend Masha comes to Kate. The question arises: "What to do?" The answer is simple: "We must divide the pie into two equal parts", and everything else is understandable. Next, go to the division into two equal parts of the paper sheet. And again, desire from your baby so that he realize that these two parts are one sheet. The division of 4 and eight parts is carried out on the same principle as the division into two parts, that is, each second part is still divided into two parts, and each fourth same. And to understand that this is one sheet or item will help you the way of adding parts and comparison of folded with the whole.

It is much more difficult to give children a concept - division into equal parts of bulk and liquid tel. Here, adults need to use the so-called conditional measurement: a glass, a spoon, and the like. With the help of a glass, the amount of liquid in 1 liter is measured, and with a spoon, the number of cereals or other bulk bodies per 100 grams. It will be very good if you measure the amount of water or other liquid in one liter using a large glass in one case and with a small one in the other. Compare the result. The same is the measurement of bulk bodies with a large and small spoon. After comparing the result, you make a conclusion again and beat the situation with your favorite kid toys.

Elementary mathematical representations

It is not only the concept of quantity and diverse oral accountBut also important knowledge and concepts of magnitude and shape of objects, knowledge of the measurement of objects. Implement these knowledge best in everyday life Children as soon as possible. For example: in every house there are furniture, dishes, clothes, and so on. The simplest compare the sofa and chair, a large chair with a small chair. Clothes - adult and children, comparing toys in size and shape, dishes, etc. Good assistants in these issues are didactic games and exercises like:

Whatever adult tasks put before children, it is very important to teach them the ability to focus on a given material, not distracted from the task. If the habit of focusing is not developed, then the abnormality will develop - the main Beach of modern schoolchildren. Due to the absentness, there is an overload of homework (constant rewriting, reworking of work, etc.), and hence the unequivocals of schoolchildren.

Therefore, dealing with the children of the house, it is necessary to ensure that they do not disappear interest in the tasks. If you have noticed that interest disappears or a child is tired, it is better to take a break or switch his attention to something else, and then return to the specified material to bring the case before completing. Otherwise, the kid will be distracted and, thus, will involuntarily exercise in the inattention

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution « Kindergarten compensating type number 70 "

FAMP card file

for children 6-7 years

The educator amounted to

Zhuravleva E.V.

Bratsk 2015

1 "Broken Machine"

Purpose: Learn to notice violations in the image shown.

Material: car consisting of geometric figureswhere does not get any part.

Stroke Game . The flannelhemph is built a machine consisting of geometric shapes. Then all children, except for one - the lead, turns away. The lead removes any detail of the machine. Whoever previously says what it did not become and what form it becomes leading. If children easily cope with the task, you can simultaneously remove two parts. (Attachment 1)

2 "Dental men"

purpose : Develop summary, account skills.

Content. Children for 1 minute view the map-scheme, which schematically depicts "dancing men". Time begins on the sandy hour. 3A 1 minute, they must only count those people who are comfortable, and designate their number of digit (card). By completing the task, the children check each other. (Appendix 2)

3 "Draw the description"

Purpose: Development of attention, imagination.

4 "Spread in order"

Purpose: Exercise in comparison of items in length and width.

Material. Sets of sticks (twigs) of different lengths and thickness. (5 sticks for each child).

Content. B. Invites children to decompose wands in front of them and asks: "How many sticks? What is the difference? Since sticks of different sizes? How will you choose the desired wand to decompose them from the tolst to the thinnest? Remember that you need to take immediately the desired wand, simply and apply it! After the task is completed, any of the children calls the compaable thickness of the sticks in order of their location (the thick, thicker), indicates how much the whole account and which is the longest (the shortest). Then children lay sticks in a row in order from the longest to the shortest and determine where it was the thinnest and most thick.

5 "Find a double picture"

purpose : orientation on the sheet plane; Learning to describe the location of geometric shapes on cards.

Content. 4-6 cards are hanging on the board, paired to them decline on the table with drawings down. B. Explains the task: "Now we will play the game" Find a pair picture "The one I will call, take one of the cards on this table, will call, what figures on it are drawn and where they are located. Then it will find the same card among those hanging on the board and placed its own under it. " Q. May cause children one after another, without waiting until the desired card is found.

6 "Grouping Figures"

Purpose: Teach group shapes on the specified features.

Content. V. Invites children from the envelopes of the figure and decompose in front of them, then asks: "How can the shapes be grouped? How many groups do it happen if the figures pick up in the form? What are these groups? How many figures will enter the rectangle group? (circles). " Children group shapes. "How many figures turned out? How many circles? (oval, triangles, rectangles). What figures are more? Why do you think so? What figures equally? How else is fashionable to group the figures? (in color). How many groups will be? ". (Children group figures in color and then in size).

7 "Let's play with the figures"

Purpose: Learn to share items on 2, 4 parts, reflect the result of the action and the result of the division.

Material: 2 rectangles of paper, ribbon, scissors; Papers from paper (2 each).

Content. "How to divide the rectangle to 2 equal parts? - Says V. and asks someone to do it. If the child fulfills the task, V. explains what he did, can the obtained parts be called half and why. Using the application, the child sets the equality of parts. B. shows the ribbon and says: "I will share the tape into 2 parts (divides on 2 equal parts). Can such parts be called half? Why? Specifies the answers of children: "These parts are unequal, so they cannot be called half. 1 of the 2 parts we call half only when both parts are equal. He offers to some of the children to divide the second ribbon into 2 equal parts. (Child divides). "Can I call each of the ribbons? Why? How much is half a whole subject? " The educator offers children: "divide 1 square to 2 equal parts. Show 1 part. How to call such a part? How much is half a whole? Show both halves. Connect them as if you have a whole square and put it in front of yourself. What did you do? What did you do? How many times have you folded the square in half to get two equal parts? And if you fold the square in half, and then every part again in half, then how many parts will it work out? Divide the second square to 4 equal parts. How much did parts work? Show 1 of 4 parts. Show 2 (3, 4) parts. Connect 4 parts so that you have a whole square. Drive the whole square and 1 of the 1st parts. What is more (less): Whole square or part of it?

8 "Trekking in a cinema"

Purpose: Exercise in the order of 10.

Material . A set of cloth with 10 stripes, cards with 2 numeric figures ("movie tickets").

Content. B. Appeals to the children: "Imagine that this is not a typical fabric, and a cinema hall, where every pocket chairs. How many of the ranks of the chairs? Who wants to calculate the ranks in order? How many chairs in each row? Let's all call the number of each chairs of the first row. (Sequence of chorus). Each of you have 1 picture of different animals about. These are spectators. It will be necessary for them to take a ticket to the movie "Cashier on my desk. Then you need to help the audience to take their places. On each ticket of the row is the above, and the room is lower. The teacher invites children in turn to their table. Everyone takes the ticket, loudly calls the number of the row and place and put the picture in pockets. The rest check whether the place is right?

9 "Boys"

purpose . Secure the score and ordinal numeral. Develop representations: "high", "low," fat "," thin "," the most fat "," thinner "," left "," right "," left "," right "," between ". Teach a child to reason.

What is the name of boys?

In one city there were lack of inseparable friends: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Grisha, Tisch and Seva. Look carefully on the picture, take a wand (pointer) and show someone's name, if: Seva is high; Misha, Grisha and the Tisch of one growth, but Tisch is the fattest one, and Grisha is the thinnest; Kohl is the lowest boy. You yourself can know who is called Tol. Now show the boys in order: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Tisch, Grisha, Seva. And now show boys in this order: Seva, Tisch, Misha, Grisha, Tolya, Kolya. How many boys?

Who is where?

Now you know the name of the boys, and you can answer the questions: who is to the left of Seva? Who is right? Who is worth the right of silence? Who is the left of the left? Who is between Kola and Grisha? Who stands between the silence and the fatty? Who stands between Smya and Misha? Who stands between Tolly and Kohl? What is the name of the first to the left of the boy? Third? Fifth? Sixth? If Seva goes home, how long will the boys stay? If Kolya and Tolya go home, how long will the boys stay? If their friend Petya is suitable for these boys, how much boys will there be then?

10 "Solve the simplest tasks."

1. The chicken and three chicken walked the yard. One chicken lost. How many chickens are left? And if two chicken run water to drink, how many chickens will remain near the chicken?

2. How many ducks near the duck? How much will it remain ducklings if one will swim in the trough? How much should they duckliness if two ducks run out to peck leaves?

3. How many geussing in the picture? How much should the gesyt stay if one goblet hides? How much should the gesyat be left if two goes run to root grass?

4. Pull the grandfather, Baba, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse. How many of them are all? If the cat runs behind the mouse, and the bug - behind the cat, then who will pull the repkah? How many of them?

Grandfather - first. The mouse is the latter. If the grandfather leaves and the mouse will run, then how much will it remain? Who will be the first? Who is last? If the cat runs behind the mouse, how much will it remain? Who will be the first? Who is last?

Other tasks can be made.

11 "Scattered Artist"

purpose . The development of observation and account up to ten.

Material . Set of split patterns with numbers.


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