1 l of water in m3. How to find a volume in cubic meters

Length converter and distance converter mass converter bulk products and food converter square converter volume and units of measurement in culinary recipes Temperature Converter Pressure Converter, Mechanical Voltage, Yung Converter Energy Converter and Operation Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Flat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency Converter and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Request Systems Converter Currency Currency Converter Dimensions women's clothing and shoes sizes of men's clothing and shoes angle speed converter and speed frequency converter acceleration converter angular acceleration Density Converter Specific Specification Converter Inertia Moment Moment Converter Rotating Moment Converter Converter Specific Heat Condition (Masse) Energy Density Converter and Specific Warm Fuel Corvetter (by volume) Temperature Converter Thermal Extension Converter Thermal Resistance Converter Converter Specific Conduction Converter Energy Exposure Converter And Heat Radiation Power Converter Heat Flow Converter Heat Paths Converter Volume Flow Converter Mass Consumption Molar Consumption Converter Mass Converter Mass Converter Molar Concentration Converter Mass Concentration Converter In Solution Dynamic Converter (absolute) viscosity converter Converter kinematic viscosity Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeal Converter Water Pair Flow Converter Sound Sound Level Converter Microphones Sound Pressure Level Converter (SPL) Sound Pressure Level Converter Light Converter Light Converter Light Converter Resolution Converter In Computer Grade Frequency Converter Optical Frequency Converter Power in diopters and focal length optical power in diopters and an increase in lens (×) electrical charge converter linear charge density converter charging surface density converter charging density converter electric current Current linear density converter Surface density Current Converter Electrical field power converter Electrostatic potential and voltage electrical resistance converter Electrical resistance converter Electrical conductivity Converter Electrical conductivity Converter Electrical capacity Converter Inductivity Converter American wire wiring caliber in DBV (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV DBV), watts, etc. Units Converter magnetotherapy power converter magnetic field Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Converter Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units measuring timber volume calculation molar mass Periodic system chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 liter [l] \u003d 1000 ccm [cm³]

Source value

Transformed value

cubic meter cubic kilometer cubic decimeter cubic centimeter cubic millimeter liter exaler petalitr teraltier gigalitr megalitr kilolitr hectolitr decalitr decylitr SanTilitr Millilitr Mikroliter Nanolitr Picolitr Femtolitr Attolyter Cube Cube Cube Barrel (Oil) Barrel American Barrel Galon American Gallon British Quarter Quarter British Pinta USA Pint British glass American glass (metric) Glass British ounce liquid US ounce Liquid British tablespoon amer. Tablespoon (meter) Tablespoon Brit. dessert spoon Amer. Dessert spoon Brit. Teas spoon Amer. Teaspoon metric. Teaspoon Brit. Jill, Gill American Jill, Gill British minimian minima British cubic mile cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch register ton 100 cubic feet 100-foot cube acr foot Akre-foot (USA, geodesic) Akr-inch Decaster SECEK CORD CORD Tang Hogshead Foot Drachma Cor (biblical unit) Homer (biblical unit) BAT (biblical unit) Gin (biblical unit) Kab (biblical unit) Log (biblical unit) Glass (Spanish) Earth volume Platform volume cubic astronomical unit Cubic parseca cubic kiloparsk cubic megapars cubic Gigairsek Barrel Bucket Shtof Quarter Wine Bottle Vodka Bottle Glass Charca Label

Electric potential and voltage

More information about the volume and units of measurement in culinary recipes


The volume is a space occupied by a substance or subject. Also the volume can be denoted free space Inside the tank. The volume is a three-dimensional value, in contrast to, for example, length, which is two-dimensional. Therefore, the volume of flat or two-dimensional objects is zero.

Units of volume

Cubic meter

Unit of measurement of volume in the SI system - cubic meter. The standard definition of one cubic meter is a volume of cube with ribs in one meter long. Derivatives are also widely used, for example, cubic centimeters.


Litter is one of the most commonly used units in the metric system. It is equal to the volume of cube with ribs 10 cm long:
1 liter \u003d 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm \u003d 1000 cubic centimeters

It does not care that 0.001 cubic meters. The mass of one liter of water at a temperature of 4 ° C is approximately equal to one kilogram. Millibers equal to one cubic centimeter or 1/1000 liters are also used. Milliliter is usually denoted as ml.


Gill - Units of volume used in the United States for measuring alcoholic beverages. One Jill is five liquid ounces in the British imperial system or four in American. One American jill is equal to a quarter pint or half a cup. In Irish pubs, she serves hot drinks in a quarter of Jill, or 35.5 milliliters. In the Scottish portions less - one fifth Gill, or 28.4 millilitra. In England, until recently, the portion was even less, just one sixth Gill or 23.7 millilitra. Now, it is 25 or 35 milliliters depending on the rules of the institution. The owners can decide on their own, which of the two portions to serve them.


Dram, or drachma - measure volume, mass, as well as a coin. In the past, this measure was used in pharmacy and was equal to one teaspoon. Later, the standard volume of the teaspoon has changed, and one spoon has become equal to 1 and 1/3 of the drachma.

Volumes in cooking

Fluids in culinary recipes are usually measured by volume. Bulk and dry foods in the metric system, on the contrary, are measured by weight.

Tea spoon

The volume of the teaspoon is different in different measurement systems. Initially, one teaspoon was a quarter of the dining room, then - one third. It is the last volume that is now used in the American measurement system. It is about 4.93 milliliters. In American nutrition, the teaspoon size is 5 milliliters. In the UK, it is usually customary to use 5.9 milliliters, but in some dietary benefits and culinary books - It is 5 milliliters. The volume of the teaspoon used in cooking is usually standardized in each country, but to eat spoons of different sizes.


The volume of the tablespoon also fluctuates depending on the geographic region. For example, in America, one tablespoon is three tea, half oz, approximately 14.7 milliliters, or 1/16 American cup. Tablespoons in the UK, Canada, Japan, South Africa And New Zealand - also contain three teaspoons. So, the metric tablespoon is 15 milliliters. British tablespoon - 17.7 millilita, if tea - 5.9, and 15, - if the tea is 5 milliliters. Australian tablespoon - ⅔ oz, 4 teaspoons, or 20 milliliters.

A cup

As a measure of volume, a cup is not determined so strictly as spoons. The volume of the cup can vary from 200 to 250 milliliters. The metric cup is 250 milliliters, and American is slightly less, about 236.6 milliliters. In American dietology, the volume of the cup is 240 milliliters. In Japan, the cups are even less - only 200 milliliters.

Quarts and gallons

Gallons and quarts also have different magnitude, depending on the geographic region, where they are used. In the imperial measurement system, one gallon is 4.55 liters, and in the American system of measures - 3.79 liters. Mostly in gallons measure fuel. Quart is equal to a quarter of a gallon and, accordingly, 1.1 liters in the American system, and approximately 1.14 liters in the imperial system.


In pints measure beer even in countries where Pintu is not used to measure other liquids. In the UK, milk and cider are measured in pints. Pinta is equal to one eighth gallon. In some other countries, the Commonwealth of Nations and Europe also use pints, but since they depend on the definition of gallon, and the gallon has a different volume depending on the country, pints are also the same everywhere. The imperial pint is approximately 568.2 millilitra, and American - 473.2 millilitra.

Liquid oz

Imperial oz approximately equal to 0.96 American oz. Thus, the imperial ounce contains approximately 28.4 milliliters, and in American -29.6 millilita. One American oz is also approximately equal to six teaspoons, two tables, and one eighth cup.

Computing volume

Method of displacement of fluid

The volume of the subject can be calculated using the method of fluid displacement. To do this, it is lowered into the liquid of the known volume, geometrically calculates or measure a new volume, and the difference of these two magnitudes and is the volume of the measured object. For example, if, when lowering the subject to a cup with one liter of water, the volume of the liquid will increase to two liters, then the volume of the subject is one liter. In this way, only the volume of objects that do not absorb liquid can be calculated.

Formulas for calculating volume

Volume geometric figures It can be calculated using the following formulas:

Prism: Product the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the prism to height.

Rectangular parallelepiped: Product length, widths and heights.

Cube: The length of the edges in the third degree.

Ellipsoid: The product of the semi-axle and 4 / 3π.

Pyramid: One third of the works of the base of the pyramid and height. Publish a question in tcterms And within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

To answer this question, it is necessary to sort out such concepts as a "liter" and "cube". But for those who do not intend to read the article to the end, the answer to the question "How many liters in Cuba or 1 meter cubic?" It will be unambiguous - 1000 liters. Now everything is in order.

What is a liter? Litter is a unit of measure. IN Russian Federation GOST 8.417-2002 is valid, which sets designations, gives definitions and describes how to apply the unit document lists the main units of measurements on international and derivatives from them. The main meter is the main. This is the path traveled in a vacuum with light for a period of time, which is equal to 1/299792458 seconds. Such values \u200b\u200bas area or volume are measured by derivatives: square meter (M2) and cubic meter (M3). Table No. 6 of GOST 8.414-2002 lists the measurement units that are not included in the system system and allowed to use without restrictions. Call (L) refers to non-system units. It is used to measure such physical quantities as a volume or capacity. 1 liter \u003d 1 dm³ \u003d 10-3 m³. Thus, it is possible to calculate how many liters in a water cube. Since 1 m contains 10 dm and 1 m³ \u003d 1 m.1 m. 1 m, then 1 m³ \u003d 10 dm. 10 dm. 10 dm \u003d 1000 dm³ \u003d 1000 l.

With the word "cube" that happened from the Greek "Kybos", the situation is more complicated, as it has several sense values.

  1. It is denoted by a geometric body, which is the correct polyhedron - hexaereder, each face (there are only six of them) which is a square. If the side of the square is 1 m, then such a body occupies a volume equal to 1 m³ or 1000 liters. But if the face of the face is another, for example, 3 m, then the question "how many liters in Cuba?" The answer will be different. This polyhedron occupies a volume of 3 m. 3 m. 3 m \u003d 9 m³ \u003d 9000 liters.
  2. Spoken "Cube" should be understood as a volume equal to 1 meter cubic. It is used, for example, to estimate the amount of dug soil or the volume of the aligned fluid. If you ask: "Water cube - how many liters?" In this case, the answer follows from the GOST 8.417-2002, which determines the relation of units, that is, the cube of water is 1 m³ \u003d 1000 l.
  3. In mathematics, the word "cube" indicates which it is necessary to multiply by itself three times. In this case, the question "How many liters in Cuba?" Inappropriate.
  4. In a number of production processes (for example, in thermal power, chemical industry) and in everyday life, the word "cube" may designate the device in which the fluid boils is boiling for its evaporation or these devices most often have a form different from the correct polyhedron (hexahedron). Usually they are cylindrical. How in this case, calculate how many liters in Cuba? Using the ratio of units, you need to multiply the well-known volume of the device in cubic meters per 1000, as a result it turns out its volume in liters.

To recalculate the volume expressed by other units of measurement, for example, cubic centimeters, kilometers or millimeters, should be back to GOST 8.417-2002. More precisely, its Table number 7, which describes the rules for the formation of the designations and the names of decimal multiple and dolly units of the physical quantities that are included in the SI system. For these purposes, consoles are used (all of them in the table indicated 20 pieces), which correspond to decimal multipliers. When adding to the main unit of a specific console (for example, iota, pet, gig, kilo, deck, Santi, Milli and others), it becomes clear to which decimal multiplier should multiply the main value to get a multiple unit of measurement.

The prefix "Kilo" corresponds to the multiplier 10³ (or 1000). "Santi" - 10² (or 100). Milli - 10-³ (or 1/1000). As an example, you can calculate how many liters in Cuba ( proper polyhedron), the side of the face of which is 0.3 kilometers (km), 3 centimeters (cm) or 3 millimeters (mm).

  1. For the first case: 0.3 km. 0.3 km. 0.3 km \u003d 0.009 km³. Since 1 km \u003d 1000 m, then 0.009 km³ \u003d 9000000 m³ \u003d 9000000000 l.
  2. For the second case: 3 cm. 3 cm.3 cm \u003d 9 cm³. Since 1 cm \u003d 1/100 m, then 9 cm ³ \u003d 0.000009 m³ \u003d 0.009 liters. For such volumes, a measurement unit called milliliter (ml) is usually used and equal to 1 cm³ or 10-³ l.
  3. For the third case: 3 mm. 3 mm. 3 mm \u003d 9 mm³. Since 1 mm \u003d 1/1000 m, then 9 mm³ \u003d 0.00000000 m³ \u003d 0.000009 l. It is inconvenient to produce any actions with such numbers, therefore use a unit of measure, called a microliter (μl), which is 10-³ ml or 10-6 liters.

Obviously, for the correct answer to the question "How many liters in Cuba?" Or for any transformation of units of measurements, it is necessary to use the Interstate Standard GOST 8.417-2002 (adopted ten countries - members of the CIS). The presence in its designation numbers eight with a point indicates its belonging to metrology (science, due to which the unity of measurements is ensured and the necessary accuracy is achieved). For information: standards, in the designation of which there is a number of twelve with a point, contain requirements for ensuring safe working conditions.

Gas cubic meters in liters Take advantage of the feedback: multiply the amount of gas cubic meters per 1000.
In the form of formulas, these simple rules can be written in the following form:
Km³ \u003d CL / 1000,
Cl \u003d km³ * 1000,
Km³ - the number of cubic meters, and CL is the number of liters.

As a rule, the volume of liquefied (under large or at low temperatures) is measured (located in various capacities (cylinders). In cubic meters, gas volume is usually measured at atmospheric (or low) pressure. To translate literature liquefied gas in cubic Meters An ordinary gas is needed other than liters to know it, pressure, temperature or density and mass. It should be noted that cylinders are usually filled with liquefied gas by no more than 80%.
For approximate calculations, you can take the following fact: when evaporation of one liter of liquefied gas (), 200 liters of gaseous are formed. Those. To transfer the amount of liquefied gas in liters to cubic meters, use the following formula:
Km³ \u003d CL / 5
where CL is the number of liters of liquefied gas.

What gas consumption will show a household gas meter if the standard base of household gas is missing through it?
Standard "propane" gas cylinder has a volume of 50 liters. Household (kitchen) gas consists of butane. Standard refueling contains 21 kg of such a gas mixture. Since the molar mass of propane and butane is different, and the ratio of the amount of gases is usually unknown, then using the above formula, we get:
Km³ \u003d 50/5 \u003d 10 meters of cubic.

For compressed gases (do not confuse with liquefied), use the following approximate formula:
Km³ \u003d cl * d / 1000,
where d is the gas pressure in the atmosphere.

What volume of oxygen is contained in a standard cylinder at a pressure of 250 atmospheres?

To store such gases as nitrogen, argon, oxygen uses 40-liter cylinders. Consequently, the volume of oxygen with normal (atmospheric) pressure will be:
Km³ \u003d 40 * 250/1000 \u003d 10 meters of cubic.


  • how to carry a gas cylinder
  • Translation of units of measurement of volume flow

The volume of fluid is mixed in the liter. However, the "official" unit of measurement, which is used, in particular, in water meters, are cubic meters. How do these units of measurement correlate, and how to translate cubic meters to liters?

As a liter with a cubic meter correlates

A liter is a measure of a container that is not included in the international system of C, but it is used very wide. Moreover, it is a liter, and not an "abstract" cubic meter is the most common unit of measurement of volumes in everyday life. For example, it is in liters that is measured:

  • capacity of various vessels intended for domestic use (buckets, saucepan, bottles, canisters, containers);
  • volume volume of car triggers,
  • internal volume of refrigerators, freezing chambers, microwaves and wind wardrobes;
  • capacity of urban and tourist backpacks.

"Official" definition of a liter has changed repeatedly. From the beginning of the 20th century until 1964, according to the decision of the General Conference on measures and weighs, the liter was determined as a volume occupied by a kilogram of water. However, this definition was not very convenient: the ratio of volume and mass of the fluid depends on many factors - ranging from atmospheric pressure and ending with air humidity. Therefore, experts refused to "binding" to the mass of water. And now under the liter means the volume, exactly the corresponding cubic decimeter - the volume of the cube, each rib of which has a length equal to exactly 10 centimeters, which corresponds to 0.1 meters.

How many liters in the cubic meter: translation formula

So, the liter is equal to the cubic decimeter (DM ^ 3). In order to calculate the volume of the cube, it is necessary to build the rib length into a third degree. Decimeter is 0.1 meters. That is, liter \u003d 0.1 m x 0.1 m x 0.1 m \u003d 0.001 m ^ 3 (one thousandth cubic meter).

Thus, one thousand liters in the cubometer "placed". And the translation formula of one unit to another will be very simple:

  • volume in cubic meters x 1000 \u003d volume in liters.
  • volume in liters / 1000 \u003d volume in cubic meters.

By the way, sometimes (extremely rarely, since large volumes of liquids or bulk mixtures are most often measured in the "cubes") to designate the volume equal to the cubic meter, the Kiloliter derivative can be used, where the prefix kilo- is more than a thousand.

How to translate cubic meters in liters and vice versa: Examples of calculations

Example 1.The packaging of plastic packages for garbage indicates that their volume is equal to 30 liters. What is the capacity of such a package in cubic meters?

A simple solution: 30/1000 \u003d 0.03. Package volume - 0.03 (three hundredths) cubic meter.

Step by step this solution can be written as follows: 30 liters \u003d 30 dm ^ 3 \u003d 30 x 0.1 m ^ 3 \u003d 30 x 0.001 m ^ 3 \u003d 0.03 m ^ 3.

Example 2. According to statistics, on average, one person spends 6 cubic meters of water per month. How many liters of water is spent during the day "average" family of three, if we assume that in a month 30 days?

Calculation option: A month, a family of 3 people spends 6 x 3 \u003d 18 cubic meters of water. We will transfer cubic meters to liters, multiplying by 1000 - and we are as a result of 18,000 liters per month. We divide the number of days in the month: 18000/30 \u003d 600. As a result, it turns out that the daily water consumption for the family as a whole will be 600 liters.

Example 3.. The size of the baby inflatable pool bowl is 2 x 3 meters, the depth of the pool is 1 meter. How long will it take to fill it to the edges if the water enters it at a speed of 30 liters per minute?

Calculation option:Calculate the capacity of the pool in cubic meters. 2 m x 3 m x 1 m \u003d 6 m ^ 3. We translate into liters: 6 x 1000 \u003d 6000 liters. It remains to divide the volume in liters on the amount of water coming in a minute: 6000/30 \u003d 200 minutes. Thus, the pool will be filled with 200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes).

Length Converter Length Converter Mass Converter Volume Resume Products and Food Converter Square Converter Volume and Units Measurement In Culinary Recipes Temperature Converter Converter Pressure, Mechanical Voltage, Module Jung Converter Energy and Operation Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bFlat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Systems Systems Converter Units Measurement Quantity Currency Currency Dimensions Women's Clothing Sizes Men's Clothing And Shoe Corner Speed \u200b\u200bConverter and Rotation Converter Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Corner Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Specification Converter Moment Inertia Moment Moment Converter Rotary Converter Converter Specific heat combustion (by weight) Energy density converter and specific heat combustion (by volume) Temperature converter Converter coefficient Heat expansion Converter thermal resistance Converter specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Masse consumption converter Converter Mass flow converter Mass density converter Mass converter Mass converter Mass converter Converter Mass concentration converter Dynamic converter Absolute) Viscosity Cinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeability Converter Water Steam Flow Converter Sound Converter Microphones Sound Pressure Level Converter (SPL) Sound Pressure Converter Light Converter Light Converter Light Converter Resolution Converter Light Converter Frequency converter and wavelength optical power in diopters and focal Distance Optical Power in Dioptia and Increasing Lenza (×) Converter Electrical Charge Converter Linear Density Charge Surface Density Converter Charge Survection Density Converter Electrical Current Converter Linear Current Converter Surface Current Converter Electrical Fields Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Converter Specific electrical resistance Converter Electrical conductivity Specific electrical conduction converter Electrical capacity Inductivity converter Converter American wire wire valve levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), watts, etc. Units Magnetotorware Converter Magnetic Field Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units of measurements of the volume of timber calculation of the molar mass Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 liter [l] \u003d 0.001 cubic meter [m³]

Source value

Transformed value

cubic meter cubic kilometer cubic decimeter cubic centimeter cubic millimeter liter exaler petalitr teraltier gigalitr megalitr kilolitr hectolitr decalitr decylitr SanTilitr Millilitr Mikroliter Nanolitr Picolitr Femtolitr Attolyter Cube Cube Cube Barrel (Oil) Barrel American Barrel Galon American Gallon British Quarter Quarter British Pinta USA Pint British glass American glass (metric) Glass British ounce liquid US ounce Liquid British tablespoon amer. Tablespoon (meter) Tablespoon Brit. Dessert spoon Amer. Dessert spoon Brit. Teas spoon Amer. Teaspoon metric. Teaspoon Brit. Jill, Gill American Jill, Gill British minimian minima British cubic mile cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch register ton 100 cubic feet 100-foot cube acr foot Akre-foot (USA, geodesic) Akr-inch Decaster SECEK CORD CORD Tang Hogshead Foot Drachma Cor (biblical unit) Homer (biblical unit) BAT (biblical unit) Gin (biblical unit) Kab (biblical unit) Log (biblical unit) Glass (Spanish) Earth volume Platform volume cubic astronomical unit Cubic parseca cubic kiloparsk cubic megapars cubic Gigairsek Barrel Bucket Shtof Quarter Wine Bottle Vodka Bottle Glass Charca Label

More information about the volume and units of measurement in culinary recipes


The volume is a space occupied by a substance or subject. Also, the volume may indicate the free space inside the capacity. The volume is a three-dimensional value, in contrast to, for example, length, which is two-dimensional. Therefore, the volume of flat or two-dimensional objects is zero.

Units of volume

Cubic meter

Unit of measurement of volume in the SI system - cubic meter. The standard definition of one cubic meter is a volume of cube with ribs in one meter long. Derivatives are also widely used, for example, cubic centimeters.


Litter is one of the most commonly used units in the metric system. It is equal to the volume of cube with ribs 10 cm long:
1 liter \u003d 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm \u003d 1000 cubic centimeters

It does not care that 0.001 cubic meters. The mass of one liter of water at a temperature of 4 ° C is approximately equal to one kilogram. Millibers equal to one cubic centimeter or 1/1000 liters are also used. Milliliter is usually denoted as ml.


Gill - Units of volume used in the United States for measuring alcoholic beverages. One Jill is five liquid ounces in the British imperial system or four in American. One American jill is equal to a quarter pint or half a cup. In Irish pubs, she serves hot drinks in a quarter of Jill, or 35.5 milliliters. In the Scottish portions less - one fifth Gill, or 28.4 millilitra. In England, until recently, the portion was even less, just one sixth Gill or 23.7 millilitra. Now, it is 25 or 35 milliliters depending on the rules of the institution. The owners can decide on their own, which of the two portions to serve them.


Dram, or drachma - measure volume, mass, as well as a coin. In the past, this measure was used in pharmacy and was equal to one teaspoon. Later, the standard volume of the teaspoon has changed, and one spoon has become equal to 1 and 1/3 of the drachma.

Volumes in cooking

Fluids in culinary recipes are usually measured by volume. Bulk and dry foods in the metric system, on the contrary, are measured by weight.

Tea spoon

The volume of the teaspoon is different in different measurement systems. Initially, one teaspoon was a quarter of the dining room, then - one third. It is the last volume that is now used in the American measurement system. It is about 4.93 milliliters. In American nutrition, the teaspoon size is 5 milliliters. In the UK, it is commonly used to use 5.9 milliliters, but in some dietary allowances and culinary books it is 5 milliliters. The volume of the teaspoon used in cooking is usually standardized in each country, but to eat spoons of different sizes.


The volume of the tablespoon also fluctuates depending on the geographic region. For example, in America, one tablespoon is three tea, half oz, approximately 14.7 milliliters, or 1/16 American cup. Cutting spoons in the UK, Canada, Japan, South Africa and New Zealand - also contain three teaspoons. So, the metric tablespoon is 15 milliliters. British tablespoon - 17.7 millilita, if tea - 5.9, and 15, - if the tea is 5 milliliters. Australian tablespoon - ⅔ oz, 4 teaspoons, or 20 milliliters.

A cup

As a measure of volume, a cup is not determined so strictly as spoons. The volume of the cup can vary from 200 to 250 milliliters. The metric cup is 250 milliliters, and American is slightly less, about 236.6 milliliters. In American dietology, the volume of the cup is 240 milliliters. In Japan, the cups are even less - only 200 milliliters.

Quarts and gallons

Gallons and quarts also have different magnitude, depending on the geographic region, where they are used. In the imperial measurement system, one gallon is 4.55 liters, and in the American system of measures - 3.79 liters. Mostly in gallons measure fuel. Quart is equal to a quarter of a gallon and, accordingly, 1.1 liters in the American system, and approximately 1.14 liters in the imperial system.


In pints measure beer even in countries where Pintu is not used to measure other liquids. In the UK, milk and cider are measured in pints. Pinta is equal to one eighth gallon. In some other countries, the Commonwealth of Nations and Europe also use pints, but since they depend on the definition of gallon, and the gallon has a different volume depending on the country, pints are also the same everywhere. The imperial pint is approximately 568.2 millilitra, and American - 473.2 millilitra.

Liquid oz

Imperial oz approximately equal to 0.96 American oz. Thus, the imperial ounce contains approximately 28.4 milliliters, and in American -29.6 millilita. One American oz is also approximately equal to six teaspoons, two tables, and one eighth cup.

Computing volume

Method of displacement of fluid

The volume of the subject can be calculated using the method of fluid displacement. To do this, it is lowered into the liquid of the known volume, geometrically calculates or measure a new volume, and the difference of these two magnitudes and is the volume of the measured object. For example, if, when lowering the subject to a cup with one liter of water, the volume of the liquid will increase to two liters, then the volume of the subject is one liter. In this way, only the volume of objects that do not absorb liquid can be calculated.

Formulas for calculating volume

The volume of geometric figures can be calculated using the following formulas:

Prism: Product the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the prism to height.

Rectangular parallelepiped: Product length, widths and heights.

Cube: The length of the edges in the third degree.

Ellipsoid: The product of the semi-axle and 4 / 3π.

Pyramid: One third of the works of the base of the pyramid and height. Publish a question in tcterms And within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

The volume shows the amount of space that fills the substance. Capacity - the value is closely related to the volume. After all, it determines the container of the internal vessel, where this substance is placed. This physical quantity (V) is measured in cubic meters, cubic centimeters, or in cubic decimeters, the latter are equal to liters. Further, in all details we will find out what methods can be translated by m³ to liters.

For example, you installed the pool, you know its volume in meters of cubic (8 m³). So that the water in it does not bloom, it is necessary to add chlorine. But, as it was called to find out how much add chlorine to the amount of water in your tank, you need to know the cabinet containers. From school it is known that 1 dm³ \u003d 1 l. And one meter in Cuba is 1000 dm³, from here 1 m³ \u003d 1000 liters. Now it is clear that v \u003d 8 m³ corresponds to 8,000 liters. Not everyone is clear why in a cubic meter a thousand liters, which is generally a cubic meter. Imagine a large cube with dimensions: height 1 meter, width 1 meter and 1 meter length. This cube and accommodates a thousand liters of water, tested on experiments. Almost all are familiar with Rubik's cube, on the principle of this puzzle, we divide our cube on equal small parts (size - 1 dm: 1 dm: 1 dm). These small cubes have a capacity of 1 liter. If you recalculate, it turns out 1,000 pieces in one Cuba.

Do not lose if the volume is specified in decimal fractions. To translate, it is enough to multiply a thousand. Consider an example: the volume of the aquarium is 0.2 m³, we need litter. The calculation is simple: 0.2 m³ must be multiplied by 1,000, it will turn out 200 liters. There is a aquarium calculator for calculating V water in size. It is enough to measure the length, height, the width of the aquarium or other capacitance in cm, insert the values \u200b\u200binto free fields, press the "Calculate volume" key, get the result.

Having access to the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to even delve into the essence of the process, what is liters, meters cubic, decimeters, etc. Enter in the search engine: online calculator Units of measurement volume, choose the favor. Next, insert the value in the m³ on the desired window and select what you want to learn liters. The converter will give an answer in a second.

Perhaps, to solve the task, the schoolboy will need inverse recalculation - liters in Cubic meters. You just have to divide this value to 1,000. Example:

  • 15,000 liters translate into cubic meters;
  • 15 000 ÷ 1 000 \u003d 15 m³

From history it is known that since 1964 liter was equated to 1 dm³. Before that, since 1901, one liter was equated with a kilogram, i.e. Weight ordinary water at T \u003d 3.9 ° C and at normal (760 mm). The mass of water was 0.9999972 kg.

As you can see, knowing the size of the volume in the meters of cubic, you can calculate the litter. Moreover, by different methods, now they are known to you. Know that liters are used for gas volumes or liquid mass with 100 grams to hundreds of kilograms. When V is more than 1,000 liters, it is better to consider in cubic meters. Yes, and in physics, when solving problems, M³ is used.

Today you have to find out (and maybe not know, but only remember), how to translate liters to cubic centimeters and vice versa. Similar recalculations in laboratory practice have to be performed almost daily, and in ordinary life The knowledge gained you will not be suitable. If you do not want to understand the details, and only the answer is needed, we recommend using the Google specially designed for this purpose. For those who want to learn how to fulfill all the necessary calculations on their own, is further present in the article.

It should be noted that in the international system of measures, a cubic meter (M 3) is adopted as a unit of measurement. But when working in chemical, physical or biological laboratories, as a rule, it is necessary to deal not with cubic meters, but with liters who are not actually units si. This is quite explained because 1000 liters are in a cubic meter. Agree, not the most convenient unit of measurement of volume when conducting laboratory work. In practice, such values \u200b\u200balmost never operate.

So, one liter is 1/1000 part of the cubic meter. This is the size of a cube with sides of 10 cm. It is not difficult to calculate how many cubic centimeters in one liter:

1 liter \u003d (1 dm) 3 \u003d (10 cm) 3 \u003d 1000 cm 3.

In other words, a liter is a unit of measurement of the volume of the "decimeter range". The decimeter is 10 centimeters, which means 1 liter is 1 cubic decimeter.

Now we will deal with the smallest unit of measurement - millilitro. Milliliter is equal to a cubic centimeter, i.e. Milliliter (ml) and cubic centimeter (cm 3) have the same volume: 1 ml \u003d 1 cm 3. In the English-language literature, the abbreviation CC - CUBIC CENTITIMETER: 1 CC \u003d 1 cm 3 \u003d 1 ml is widely used.

Tasks for translation of liters in cubic centimeters

Secure the knowledge gained in practice, breaking the pair of specific examples.

Example 1. What is the volume in Cuba liters with a side of 25 centimeters?

To solve this problem, we calculate the volume of the cube in cm 3:

  • The volume of the cube is equal to the length of its side, erected into a third degree.
  • The volume of our cube in cm 3 \u003d (25 cm) 3 \u003d 15625 cm 3.

Now we will transfer cubic centimeters (see 3) in milliliters (ml):

  • 1 cm 3 \u003d 1 ml, i.e. Volume in ml is equal to volume in cm 3.
  • The volume of our cube in ml \u003d 15625 ml.

And finally, recalcify milliliters in liters:

  • 1 l \u003d 1000 ml.
  • Volume in l \u003d (volume in ml) x (1 l / 1000 ml) \u003d (volume in ml) / 1000 (it is easy to understand, because millilitr a thousand times less liter).
  • The volume of our cube in l \u003d (15625/1000) \u003d 15.625 l.

Answer: Cube volume with 25 cm sides is 15.625 liters.

If you are lucky, and the initial value will already be set in cubic centimeters, the recalculation of the liter will not be difficult.

Example 2. Translate 442.5 cm 3 to liters.

From the previous example, you already know that the cubic centimeter is equal to millilitra, i.e.:

  • 442.5 cm 3 \u003d 442.5 ml.

Now you need to simply convert milliliters to liters:

  • 1000 ml \u003d 1 l.
  • So, in our case, the volume in l \u003d 442.5 ml / 1000 \u003d 0.4425 l.

Answer: The volume in liters is 0.4425 liters.

We draw your attention that whenever the volume (however, as any other value) less than the unit, you must add zero before the point in decimal fractionsTo facilitate the reading of the number.


To make sure you have been well learned how to transfer liters to cubic centimeters, try to answer the following questions:

  1. How many milliliters in 4.3 liters?
  2. Translate 823 ml to liters.
  3. How many times the volume 2 ml of the syringe is less than the volume of 1 l bottles.

Send your answers in the comments, discuss them together.

Material prepared, Sergey Valerievich

The volume indicator is a reflection of the amount of space filled with substance. The value of closely related to the volume is considered capacity, because it determines the tank of the vessel. The physical size is measured in cubic meters, centimeters and even decimeters. Sometimes we may need to translate cubic meters in liters. How can this be done? In our article we will present methods how to translate cubic meters to liters.

How to properly translate cubic meters in liter?

Such a measure of measurement as a liter, familiar to everyone. It is equal to the cubic decimeter. Thus, the liter is 0.001 m3 (10 cm * 10cm * 10cm \u003d 1000 cm3). A thousand above-mentioned cubic decimeters is present in a liter cubic meter, and this amounts to a lot of any little - a thousand liters. Translate cubic meters into litters simply - the value must only be multiplied by 1000. For example, 4 m3 \u003d 0.4 * 1000l \u003d 400 liters. It is often customary to use a derivative value - milliliter. To transfer liters to milliliters, the number is required to multiply by a thousand.

Linear parameters

Sometimes in life situations there are the need to maximize the calculation of litter, and only can be at the disposal linear parameters in centimeters (length, height, width). Let us give an example: the volume of water should be calculated for the aquarium with the size of the width - 15 cm, the height is 30 cm, the length is 60 cm.

The volume of our aquarium is calculated simply: according to the generally accepted world system SI (in cubic centimeters): 15 * 30 * 60 \u003d 45000 cm3. Since in the 1st liter of 1000 cm3, we carry out a simple calculation: 45000/1000 \u003d 45 liters.

Use of different measurement indicators

In a variety of spheres, it is customary to use the units of measurement volume. Cubic meters are usually used to calculate a large volume (sand, crushed stone, lumber, etc.). In order to measure the largest indicators, a cubic kilometer (gas, water, oil, ore, etc.) is used. Most often in any situations where the internal volume should be specified, instead of derivatives of measuring units from a meter, a liter is used. Basically tanks measured in litter are: banks, refrigerators, car trunk, microwave ovens, bags.

Milliliters are convenient to use for measuring a small amount of liquid (products, medicines, drinks, cosmetics). Even smaller units are in demand in the field of pharmaceuticals and medicine.

Household units of measure

Conveniently considered non-standard units of measurement. In the recipes of culinary and dosage forms, the quantity is in demand:

  • 1 tbsp. \u003d 15 ml
  • 1 tsp. \u003d 5 ml
  • cup \u003d 150 ml

Before using them in recipes, you first need to measure the volume of your devices.

Before we find out how to translate cubic meters to liters, we'll figure it out for units. IN International System Measurements (s) The main unit of volume measurement is a cubic meter. By definition, this is the volume that is concluded in Cuba with a party equal to one meter. However, it is not always convenient to use for the measurement of small cubic meters, therefore other generally accepted units of measurement of volume are a cubic centimeter and liter.

In everyday life, the measurement of volumes in liters is used. By definition, the liter is the volume of the cube with a side of 10 cm. That is, one liter is equal to one decimeter cubic.

For reference: until 1964, the definition of a liter was different, therefore, in some sources, a ratio of 1 l \u003d 1.000028 DM 3 is indicated. Over the liter, the volume of one kilogram of water was taken at normal atmospheric pressure and at 3.98 o C.

Conclusion of relationship

In order to obtain a formula for the translation of units of measurement of volume from cubic meters in liters, we express the volume of one cubic meter in cubic decimeters.

1 m \u003d 10 dm, which means 1 m 3 \u003d (10 dm) 3 \u003d 1000 dm 3.

From the last ratio we see that the cubic meter contains a thousand cubic decimeters, which means a thousand liters.

1 m 3 \u003d 1000 l

From this ratio it follows that to transfer units of measurement from cubic meters to liters, it is necessary to multiply the volume in cubic meters to a thousand and get the volume in liters.

Task: The volume of canisters for water is 0.02 m 3. How many water liters is placed in it?

Solution: 0.02 m 3 \u003d 1000 x 0.02 \u003d 20 l

Often you have to hear the question - how to translate meters to liters? From the point of view of physics, the question is completely incorrect, as meters are a few length units, and liters - volume units and transfer to others cannot be translated.

Reverse translation

Often there are situations when reverse translation is required - in cubic meters from liters. To do this, the existing value of the volume in liters is divided into a thousand and get a value in cubic meters.

1 l \u003d 0.001 m 3

Task: Translate into units of a volume of 25,000 liters.

Solution: 25 000 l \u003d 0.001 x 25 000 \u003d 25 m 3

Areas of use

Litter is a unit of measure, most often used to measure liquids and gases from 0.1 to hundreds of liters.

For volumes in thousands of liters, it is preferable to immediately indicate the volume in the cubic meters. In addition, cubic meters should be used when performing any calculations if the remaining source data is shown in C.

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