An abstract of frontal classes in the preparatory group. Sound and letter and


1. To clarify the articulation of the sound [A], teach children clearly intonate the sound, allocate it from the word.

2. To introduce children with a graphic symbol of sound [A], teach correlate sound and letter.

2. Develop auditory attention, memory, form sound analysis skills.

3. Develop an articulation and small motor,
enrich taste.

4. Exercise in form formation multiple number Nouns with the end-and.

5. Teaching the compilation of a complex sentence with the Union butaccording to the scheme, reading the proposal scheme.

6. Clarify and expand the dictionary on "Fruits".

Equipment:soundless Sound Cards, Wall Light "Soundwork", Sound Articulation Scheme, Soundtails with Watermelon Images, Pineapple, Quince, Apricot, Orange in a Basket, Fruit Suits for Children, Individual Schemes, Sound Analysis Sets, Boxes with chopsticks, Fruit Slices On a plate, notebook, pencils, projector, computer, scene pictures to compile offers.

Preliminary work:heading words with children playing the role of fruit, reading the "Scarlet Fairy Tale" (from the book. Gordeva S.E. "We teach preschoolers of a diploma with sound, colors and movements")

Travel course:

1. Organizational playing point.

Teacher - speech therapist dressed in a gardener costume, children in fruit costumes. Children's chairs - in the form of trees, shrubs.

Here we have a fruit garden,

I am glad to see all the guys!

Orange, banana, watermelon,

All fruits have a shame!

How many different fruits gathered in our garden! Well, fruit, stand up in a row! We collect a fruit garden! (Each child needs to take its place by completing the task). Guys, look at the screen, help me correct the mistake!

Game "Find a mistake
in phrases ": blue orange, orange lemon, square apple, yellow watermelon, triangular banana, purple pomegranate, sweet lemon, red kiwi, bitter plum, crimson pineapple .

2. Introduction to the topic.

Teacher speech therapist: Look, what fruits lie in our basket.

Children: Watermelon, Pineapple, Apricot, Orange, Quince.

Teacher speech therapist:What is the first sound in these words? Today we will continue our acquaintance with sound [but]and get acquainted with the letter A.

3. Repeating sound characteristics [A].

Teacher speech therapist: Fruits prepared interesting tasks for you.
what do you think, what is the most favorite fruit at the sound [but]?

The child is coming out in a hat with a picture of pineapple.

Child: Pineapple - the most favorite fruit at the sound [but],because in this word it sounds three times: aAA-NAAA NAAP.

I am ripe, juicy pineapple.

About sound [but] i will ask you:

What do you know about him?

(Children give a characteristic of sound and show his house on the wall manual "Soundwork").

4. Isolation of the sound [A] from the word.

The child comes in a hat with a watermelon image.

Child: I am sweet, sugar watermelon.

I ask you to learn fruit taste.

(Game "Guess the taste": Children sit with her eyes closed, the speech therapist distributes pieces of fruit, children are guessing).

The child is coming out in a hat with an image of apricot.

Child: And I - Apricot.

I ask you a question:

Where is the place of sound [but]

In the words of watermelon? banana? persimmon?

Children denote the place of sound [a] on the scheme of the word chips.

5. Exercise in the formation of nouns multiple numbers.

The child comes out in a hat with an image of an orange.

Child: And I - Orange, Round Head,

Listen to how you change words

Provide sound in them [but].

Child - Orange holds a game with a group of children.

Game with the ball "one- lot". Teacher -
the speech therapist draws the attention of children to the end of words. (House - Houses, Window - Windows, Word - Words, Eyes - Eyes, Log - Breed)


    We divided the orange, (the children go in a circle, holding hands)

    A lot of us, and he is alone. (stop and rotated by the face in the circle)

    This slicing is for hedgehog, (massive and bend the little men)

    This slicing is for reading, the nameless fingers are massaged and raised)

    This slicing is for ducklings, the middle fingers are massaged and raised)

    This slicing is for kittens, (massage and bend the index fingers)

    This slicing is for beaver, (massage and raised thumbs)

    And for the wolf - the skin. (shake palms)

    He is angry with us - trouble! (Sat)

    Spare who is where! (run in different directions, and a child, in advance with a wolf, catches one of the children)

    Acquaintance with letters a, a.

    The child comes out in a hat with the image of quince.

    Child: I am useful quince,

    Brought you the letters "A, A".

    You guys consider them

    And fold from sticks.

    Analysis of letters.

    Teacher speech therapist: Here is a big letter BUT,but the little letter but.They're alike? How many elements have a capital letter BUT?What elements?

    Teacher speech therapist:Two chopsticks, but between them, the belt.

    - Take five sticks from boxes and lay out large letter BUT.

    - what looks like a letter BUT?

    Children: on the rocket, roof of the house, arch, acrobat ...

    Logooped teacher: Guys, I suggest you to draw a large letter and palm in the air.

    Fingering gymnastics:

    Teacher speech therapist:Let's try to construct a large letter and out of your fingers: for this, the index and middle fingers of the right hand lower down, the rest are squeezed into the fist, and the index finger of the left hand forms the "belt".

    Teacher speech therapist:open our notebooks and print the letters A.

    Work on the proposal.

    Two children come out in caps with a depicting of plum.

    And we are plums,

    Juicy, beautiful.

    Teach you friends,

    Make up complex sentences.

    Two children ( plum) Produced pre-agreed actions. Teacher - the speech therapist asks the rest of the children to draw up some of these actions

    Children: Masha is dancing. Dima claps.

    The board presents the schemes of both offers.

    Teacher speech therapist: If we want to say about Masha and Dima together, in one sentence,
    to do this, connect two small sentences by the word but.

    The speech therapist puts in the interval between the proposals schemes a small red rectangle on which the letter is written but, And explains that this is a whole little word.

    At first, the speech therapist himself says the resulting complex proposal, and then asks to speak a sentence of several children of the group.

    Teacher speech therapist:guys, the artist visited our fruit garden Drew these pictures. I suggest you to make a story using complex sentences with the Union but.

    9. Outcome classes.

    Teacher speech therapist: What letter did you meet today?

    Children in fruit caps and a poem read the chorus:

    Everyone knows the letter BUT-

    The letter is very nice.

    Yes also letter BUT

    In the alphabet home.

    Frontal speech therapy leaking for literacy with pupils
    senior preschool age
    Subject: "Sounds and letters"
    Purpose: Systematize the knowledge of pupils about the vowel sound and the letter A.
    Correctional-educational: learn to allocate a vowel sound [a] and denote by its letter.
    - Formation phondeMectic hearing and perception, sound analyzing and synthesis of synthesis.
    - Fastening the concept of "vocal sound".
    - Automation of sound [a] in syllables, words, sentences.
    - Development of thinking based on the development of analysis and synthesis operations, attention based on the formation of the ability to distribution.
    - development of kinesthetic sensations, common, shallow and articulation motility.
    Correctional-educational: - to form positive attitudes for participation in the lesson, perfection, the ability to listen to the teacher-speech therapist and children. - to educate benevolent relations in the children's team.
    Equipment: Mirrors, Matching Mosaic Chopsticks, Held Cards, Pencils, Notebooks, Scene Picture "Girl shakes a doll", cards - symbols of sounds [a], [y] (big red circle and small red circle, card with letter " A », Music Center, Audio Research for Fiziminutka. Travel Station:
    .Organizing time: appeal to personal experience Children.
    The speech therapist offers children: remember, with what sound and the letter they met at the last lesson;
    - give the characteristic of this sound;
    - Remember the words that begin to this sound.
    2. The main part of the lesson: familiarity with the new material.
    The work of the speech therapist and children at the board with the subject's pictures.
    The speech therapist places pictures on the board, asks for children to say that it is depicted in the pictures, which sound is most often found in the name of these items. Vocabulary: antenna, bus, stork, watermelon, acrobat, orange.
    3.Articulation and sound characteristic [A].
    The speech therapist shows the story "Girl shakes a doll" reads
    Wide mouth open
    Doll gently download:
    Children pronounce the sound [a] first choir, and then individually with different power of voice.
    The work of children with individual mirrors: Look in the mirror, they say the sound [a] and conclude that when the sound is pronouncing [A] - the mouth is widely open, the language lies at the bottom of the oral cavity, the air in the mouth does not meet barriers. The speech therapist gives a generalizing concept: "vowel sounds - sing, dance, do not meet obstacles. The consonants - they are stumbled on everything, all stumble about everything. The consonants meet the barrier in the form of lips, teeth, language "(children repeat the choir and one)
    Children along with the speech therapist conclude that the sound [A] is a vowel sound, since the air in the mouth does not meet barriers, we can pass it. Symbol of sound [A] - big red circle,
    Game exercise "Traffic light (highlighting sound from a number of vowel sounds)." Hearing a vowel sound A, the children raise the sound symbol [a].
    Didactic game "Be attentive."
    The speech therapist offers children, take pictures, in the title of which there is a sound [A]. Vocabulary: Stork, Orange, Doll, Pila, Watermelon, Bus.
    Didactic game "Merry Train".
    In the selected pictures, the child determines the position (place) of the sound [A] in the word and puts the picture into the appropriate trailer (first, last, middle).
    Children guess the sounds of silent articulation, then perform movements on the text:
    Homka-Homka - hamster - a climbing barrel. Homka rises early, cheeks washes, tert. Wake up Homka Khatka and comes out for charging. Once, two, three, four, five, Homka wants strong to become!
    Didactic game "Live Sounds".
    Before the start of the game, children are distributed with sound symbols [a], [y]. The speech therapist pronounces syllable AU. Children answer questions:
    How many sounds did you hear?
    What is the first sound you heard? What is the second sound?
    Children with cards are published with cards - symbols of sounds [A], [y], become so that it turned out to be a syllable AU. Then the speech therapist asks for children to change places and pronounce a new syllable.
    9. Education with the letter A.
    The speech therapist demonstrates an illustration with the image of the letter A. Children consider it.
    The speech therapist reads the poem about the letter A:
    Here are two pillar of the painter,
    Between them's belt.
    Next, children perform tasks:
    determine what the letter A is similar
    consider the number of elements of its components,
    prescribe the letter and in the air,
    lay out the letter and from county sticks,
    Scorch the stencils of the letters A, paint or shaded with a red pencil,
    Print in a notebook line with letter A.
    Assessment of children's activities. The speech therapist sums up the classes:
    Children remember with what sound and what letter they met, give a sound characteristic [a].
    Children remember, tasks caused difficulties, special interest, etc. The speech therapist thanks children and says goodbye to them.

    The situation is known when the phone accidentally falls from the height, falls into the water or dust passes between the buttons and the display. In most cases, the phone that is not provided with protection systems at the design stage will be in the service in an attempt to reanimate it or, ultimately, restore important data from it.

    What to do when work or perhaps a relaxing place is constantly exposed to a phone for such events? The solution is a specialized device for successful confrontation with many accidents and adverse conditions. ambient. He is a specialist in the field of mobile phones.

    Applied files

    Yulia Khudyakova
    Front lesson for learning a letter for the preparatory group "Sound [U] and the letter

    Frontal occupation For a preparatory group for literacy.

    Subject: « Sound and letter [y]»

    As expected, we also have a compromise on sustainable phones. Additional protection is achieved by reducing some characteristics compared to the level offered by other device devices. First of all, this is determined by the law of physical cooling for the schemes included in the phone. With a thinner body and thinner materials, cooling is more efficient. As with less insulated parts of the body, the air can freely circulate, so cooling is better. We know that all contours are heated and work best when cooling.

    purpose: clarification and consolidation sound [U]


    Correctional educational:

    Fasten the skill of clear pronounce sound [U]

    Learn to allocate sound [y] in words


    Form elementary skills sound Analysis

    Secure the concept of vowels sound

    Overheating can damage both internal and rechargeable battery. Higher processor speed leads to more heat and greater power, even if technology optimization is required to reduce these heat emissions. The solution is compromised, and classic phones are the best in this case for better isolation and protection.

    Fingering gymnastics (by choosing a speech therapist)

    At first glance, with all protective materials on it, we expect it much more difficult. But a pleasant surprise is that it can be comfortable to keep in one hand and, in addition, gain benefits from increased adhesion, which makes it "difficult to save" in addition to the safety of its design in the event of an accident. The angles are well rounded and flattened to effectively absorb shock in case of falling. As a material, a mixture of aluminum and plastic rubber makes this phone the best manufacturer under physical voltage conditions and provides maximum stability.

    Correctional educational:

    Formation of cooperation skills, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

    Equipment and materials: Prints with tasks for each child, handles, markers, pencils.

    Structure occupation

    I. Organizational moment.

    Speech therapist: What did we do in the past classes?

    There were no noise when we collected the case, which proves a very solid design. Nevertheless, it is impractical to intentionally throw it on the display, because in some situations it depends on the material on which it falls, like any bottle, and it can break.

    The manufacturer provides free replacement. broken glass Once during the entire service life of the phone. The advantage of some physical buttons for some indisputable tanks in the case of a "durable" phone made for use in a variety of conditions. We can use the phone in very low thermal conditions with thick gloves or humidity. Pressing the physical buttons also gives feedback, which is especially useful when the screen can be covered with dust and liquid.

    Children: studied sound and letter [a]

    II. The source

    1. Exercise "Name words and defined the first sound» .

    The speech therapist shows a picture with the image

    1st r e b e n o to: The first picture is drawn fishing rod, first sound"U"

    2nd child. The second picture is drawn snail, the first sound"U"

    Below these buttons there is a small longitudinal hole for the speaker, where we hear sounds from the phone when we listen to music or when they say "on the dynamics". Its front location is a natural solution for use on a smartphone with a front touch screen. At the top of the phone there is a nest of 5 mm, of course, covered with rubber protection, and we notice the mechanical mount, which gives it an "industrial" view.

    The battery is turned on, non-removable, and the phone weighs 185 g and has a thickness of 5 mm. Touch screen is optimized for use in wet conditions, it works very well even after the phone has been removed from the water. In addition, it can have good performance even when used in gloves, of course, not very thick. Many leading smartphones have problems when it comes to use in such conditions.

    3rd child. In the third picture drawn hive, first sound"U"

    4th child. on the fourth picture is drawn, the first sound"U"

    Speech therapist. Well done. You coped with this task. What do you think what sound We will study today?

    Speech therapist. Davith will answer all together.

    Children. Today we will study sound"U"

    The first impression on the screen is even when you open the "inclusion" of the phone. We are wondering how brightly this display is. This is due to the advantages such as an increase in battery life due to lower displays and faster display and processing speed on the screen.

    The touch response is accurate, and the finger does not slide so easily on the screen, as it happens on many other touch screens, which is an advantage and ensures a safe sense of use. These accessories do not seem very true, but for a "durable" phone are at the height. However, with stability, the values \u200b\u200bare very good, as can be seen from the graph.

    Speech therapist. Sound"U" What?

    Children. Vowel, because he does not create barriers.

    Speech therapist. Excellent.

    2. Exercise "We write letter"U"».

    The speech therapist distributes all the leaves with the tasks, in the first task you need to write letter"U" Capital and line.

    Children. Until the end of the line?

    Speech therapist. Yes, until the end of the line.

    3. Exercise "Find letter"U"»

    As built-in sensors, we have an accelerometer, proximity, light sensor and compass. Bonus: A multifunctional tool appeared in the review package, which will be rated by masters for different situations And, which is equally important, part of the resistance to be proud of the new acquisition.

    This is a keyboard that works by entering predicted words and that it is distinguished by and makes it unique for other existing keyboards, is the ability to understand not only the word model we want to write, but also the prediction for the next word. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe application is precisely this: "The keyboard that is learning from you."

    The speech therapist distributes to all children playing.

    Speech therapist. And now children, we will look letter»U," she can hide anywhere. That who will find it will circle. And then we consider how much you found letters"U"

    Children. We found everything letters. Total 4. letters"U"

    Speech therapist. Guys, everyone found 4 letters?

    4. Exercise "Determine the place sound in Word»

    The flashlight can also be programmed to start using a yellow side button. However, we found that it is quite well presented and can be successfully used in most multimedia functions right now. There are many opportunities for customization in the chamber, and this is a big surprise for who is a photographer. From the application settings, you can change the flash mode, storage location, photo size and compression quality. The effect can be seen in the drawings, although sometimes we see that bright parts suffer from color reproduction and detail.

    In general, the quality of photographs is satisfactory, especially during the daytime. And in the macro we achieved satisfactory results. Of course, the photo is not strong side In the case of a phone that stands extreme conditions, there are many other smartphones that make the best pictures, but the way to use the phone is grateful.

    Speech therapist. We continue to work on leaves, in the left back of the corner, under letter"U" You have words. You need to read the words and determine where is located letter"U", at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

    1st child. The first word duck, sound"U" Located at the beginning of the word.

    2nd child. The second word friend sound"U" Located in the middle of the word.

    The sound is captured very well, and the details of the image are noticeable, especially during the daytime. However, without optical stabilization, the camera shake still trembles, so it is recommended to use a tripod. Video recording can be suspended and resumed later to get only one file at the end.

    On the sound side, we have a 5-mm connector in which you can hear the sound of good quality, inserting a pair of headphones with a higher rating. The sound is clear, clearly defined and with sufficient volume. We must take care that when listening to music, do not expose the phone with rain or liquids, so that rubber protection is removed to use headphones.

    3rd child. Third word Cockada, sound"U" Located in the end of the word.

    Speech therapist. Umnick! And now we will find letterwhich hid in the clarification.

    Speech therapist. What the letter hid from us, who knows?

    Children. Letter"U".

    Speech therapist. Well done! You are doing well today!

    5. Phys. Minute

    We went to go, walked, marched in a circle, keep hands

    The performance of this smartphone is not the one that attracts game lovers or multimedia.

    The front loudspeaker is clearly audible, but it may be a little slower and can be more powerful, especially for industrial environments, where the external noise is very high. We can say that not for an average user who wants maximum performance. This is for people who are devoted to their profession, but at the same time lovers of technology. A phone that can bring the world to those who are too concerned about the first rain or first fall is a reasonable investment.

    on the belt.

    Many redheads found. Bend, right hand concern

    to the left leg sock, without bending the knees.

    Once, two, three, four, five, again marched in a circle.

    We go to look again. Bend, right hand concern

    V. Woline Smiling to the left leg, not bending the knees.

    6. Exercise "Name the subject on the contour image and determined where sound"U"»

    Speech therapist. What is the first word? Second? Third? Where is sound"U". What color do we indicate it?

    1-yrebenok. The first word bow, sound"U"

    2nd child. The second word duck, sound"U" Located at the beginning of the word, we designate it with a red circle.

    3rd child. Third word rooster sound"U"

    4th child. Fourth word lips, sound"U" Located in the middle of the word, we designate it with a red circle.

    Speech therapist. Well done, that you did not have time to finish at home.

    III. Outcome. [Evaluation of the work of children. ] The speech therapist offers children to remember what they did what they were interested to do. Then he appreciates the work of children.

    Organization: Madou number 9

    Locality: Olenegorsk

    The generalization of the material has passed on vowels and consonant sounds and letters.


    1. Fix graphic, visual images of vowels and consonant letters.

    2. Fasten the knowledge of children about vowels and consonant sounds.

    3. Continue to fix the ability to determine the number of syllables in the word.

    4. Be careful in the sound analysis of words.

    5. Fold the skills in the preparation of simple, with beautiful words, with a small word of proposals.


    1. Wear speech, attention, thinking.

    2. Ride spectacular perception, phonderatic hearing.


    1. Recompret the benevolent relations to each other, the desire to speak beautifully, right.

    2. Form the skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.

    Methodological techniques:

    1.Muzical accompaniment for mobile game "Attention"

    2. Snow (questions, explanation).

    3. Conceptual (subject pictures, interactive table).

    4. player (mobile game)

    5.Practive (exercise).

    Monitoring the work of children, help, tips.


    Demonstration material: Side pictures, poster "Different letters"

    Distribution material: cards with circles, subject pictures, schemes for the preparation of proposals, letters.

    Integration with other educational areas.

    1. FIZ. Culture: Movable game

    2. Health: Checking compliance with the rules of dispersion of the tables.

    3. Socialization: to educate benevolent relationships to each other, to learn to come to each other for help.

    4.Trud: Help in the distribution of handouts for classes, cleaning your place.

    5. Communication: develop speech, the desire to speak beautifully, correctly,

    to carefully listen to each other and do not interrupt.

    I. Organizational moment.

    (L): - Guys, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

    (L): - Stop in a circle. Look at me and do not get distracted. We are already big and today we will show our guests what we learned to you. And so that our tongue worked well, we will charge for the tongue.

    Articulating gymnastics

    Thick grandchildren came to visit, (children inflated cheeks)

    With them thin - only skin yes bone. (pulled the cheeks)

    Grandma and grandparently smiled, (wide smile)

    Kiss they all reached out. (imitation of a kiss)

    In the morning I woke up - in a lip smile, (a wide smile)

    We cleaned our top teeth. (Tag moves - between the upper lip and teeth)

    Right and left, inside and outside,

    We are friends with lower teeth too.

    II. Introduction to the subject of classes.

    (L): - Today you have to go through difficult tests. And to help move from one test to another, these multicolored shooters will help us.

    (L): - I came in the morning in the morning kindergarten And I saw this picture. What do you think here is shown? (Letters)

    (L): - Select only those letters that you know.

    (L): - You know what the letter is graphic image Sound. And how did you determine what is the letter, not the sound? (Letters we see and write, and the sounds we hear and pronounce)

    (L): - What are the sounds? (Vowels and consonants)

    (L): - What are the difference between vowel sounds from consonants? (Vowels can come in - no barrier, and the consonants can not be passed - interferes with tongue, teeth, lips)

    (L): - The consonant sounds, which are divided (on soft and solid, ringing and deaf)

    (L): Well done, you all said correctly.

    1. The game "Live Arrogo" (Name the first, the last sound in the word)

    (L): - Now I will check how you know how to determine the sounds at the beginning and in the end of the word and give a sound characteristic. Stop in a circle.

    (L): - "Arrow" will be each of you in turn. The first round will rise ... (the child gets into the center of the circle and depicts the "arrow". The child is spinning around him, stretching forward his right hand. The rest of the children, holding hands go around the circle with the words:

    Our shooter revived

    Quickly, quickly spinning!

    Make a circle and wrap,

    And now stop!

    The child stops and indicates one of the children. Who did the "Arrow" pointed out, pulls the picture from the bag ", determining the first and last sound in it and gives it a characteristic.

    (L): - Well, and with this task you coped.

    (L): - Stop in the loose.

    2. Movable game "Attention" (split words to syllables)

    (L): - When you hear the "Attention", see the image set and if in the word 1 syllable (build in the column one by one), if 2 syllables (via 2 people), if 3 syllables (3 people), if 4 syllables (four people). Do not forget to boil the word.

    3. Playing on an interactive table "Sound schemes"

    (L): - Come on everything to the table. Carefully look and tell me what is depicted on it? (Sound scheme) Think and tell me what picture comes to this scheme? Why?

    4.What analysis of the word (every child different words, depending on the possibilities)

    (L): Well done, and now pass the tables and lay out each of your sound scheme in the picture. Choose pictures and work.

    (L): Asks: Read the Word, leading your finger for each sound. How many vowels, consonant sounds? At what place is the sound ....? In third place, what kind of sound? How many syllables in the word? Why?

    5. Offer according to the scheme

    (L): - And now in this picture, come up with an offer and post it according to the scheme.

    (L): It works with each individual.

    (L): Asks: Read the offer by leading your finger for each word. How many words in the sentence? Where is it worth short word ....? In third place, what word?

    6. Guess the letter

    (L): - Umnichki, it was very difficult, but you coped. Come to me, turn your back to the guests.

    (L): - I will draw the letter on your back, and you try to guess the letter and lay out it from various items that you have on the tables.

    III. Outcome.

    (L): - How did we do today?

    (L): - What kind of task was difficult?

    (L): - What task did you like most? Why?

    The abstract of frontal classes in preparatory group For children with ONR on the topic "Sound and Letter and"

    Description: Abstract for speech therapists of a preparatory speech therapy group of children with ONR

    Topic: "Sound and Letter" and "

    Purpose: Actualization of ideas about the sound and the letter "and".
    Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bthe articulation of the sound [and];
    Improve the ability to characterize sound according to the scheme;
    learn to allocate sound [and] from a number of vowels, syllables, words;
    develop phonematical perception;
    improve the skill to determine the position of the sound [and] in the word;
    Secure O. spectacular letters "and";
    improve sound analysis skills;
    Develop attention, memory, visual-shaped thinking;
    Develop a shallow motor.
    Improve the skill of the form of multiple nouns.

    Equipment: Mnemotable Oll Riddles, Skinny Pictures (Oll, Willow, Orange, Turkey, Skates, Wicket, Sitting Man), Screen, Player Scheme Description of Public Sound, Mnemotable "Sound and Letter", Magnetic Letters, Colored Magnetic Circles, Individual Mirrors On the footboard, sound rules, checkpoints letters, labels for printing, clothespins.

    Travel course:

    I. Organizational moment:
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Summates the one who remembers the words beginning with the sound [A] or [y].

    II. Main part:
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Guys, look at mnemotable and guess the riddle:
    Ser, yes not wolf,
    Long, yes not hare,
    With hooves, yes no horse.

    Teacher-speech therapist: - Oslika IA came to our occupation. What is the first sound you hear in his name? Donkey wants to check that you know about the sound [and].

    Arcticulation of sound [and]:
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Guys, the donkey IA invites you to take mirrors and look at your articulation bodies when you say the sound [and] (mirrors are distributed). It is proposed to pronounce the sound [and] and consider the articulation.
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Look in the mirror. Say it is long: and-and-and. Feel what lips, teeth, tongue, voice folds.

    Sound characteristic [and]
    Logoped teacher: - Tell the donkey about the sound [and]:
    1. Sound [and] - vowel, "lives" in a red house.
    2. Pronounced voting (you can feel the vibration of voice folds).
    3. Sound [and] can be singing, pull.
    4. The red circle is indicated.
    5. Lips stretched in a smile.

    6. Air freely comes out of the mouth - the wicket in the fence is open.

    Logooped teacher: - Well done. Once, two, three - the mirrors are removed.

    "Catch the sound" game
    Logoped teacher: - Guys, IA wants to check how attentive you are. A donkey will pronounce a number of sounds, syllables and words. And you slap into your hands, if you hear the sound [and]. Prepared. Started:
    Y, a, and, a, u, o, and, oh, y, i.
    IR, Ohm, im, at, ki, IT.
    Spruce, Iva, Apple, Turkey, Cossack, Needle, Plum, Porridge, Mouse, Filin.

    The game "one-lot":
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Donkey IA brought the ball. I will name the subject and brash the ball. Who caught him, calls the items when there are many of them:
    Sock - Socks, stockings - stockings, castle - locks, chalk - crayons, sand - sands, lump - lumps, petals - petals, collar - collars.

    Teacher-speech therapist: - What kind of sound do you hear at the end of each word?

    The game "Detect the sound place in the word"
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Guys, IA brought pictures for you (exposes subject pictures). Name what it is. What is common between these words? (In all words, there is sound [and]).
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Guys, let's show IA, how you can work with sound rules. We define the sound of the sound [and] in the word turkey / skates / orange.

    Dynamic pause:
    (Fingering gymnastics "Orange" by the song E. Zheleznova "We divided the orange").
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Orange - Favorite fruit donkey IA. We sing a donkey song about orange and help myself with my fingers:

    We divided the orange; For each word, the fingers of the hands are compressed into the cam.
    A lot of us, and he is alone.
    This slicker is for hedgehog, flexing fingers, starting with the big one.
    This slicing is for striking,
    This slicker - for ducks,
    This slicing is for kittens,
    This slicing is for beauty,
    And for the wolf - the skin. Casting right hand.
    He is angry with us trouble !!! Squeeze fists and press them to chest.
    Spare who is where !!! Catch your fingers on the table.
    Zubkov L.

    Spectator letter "and"
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Guys, repeat according to the scheme: "We speak and hear the sound, we see the letter."

    Logoped teacher: - What letter is the sound [and]? (Letter "and"). Look - this is the letter "and". What does she look like? (It is proposed to consider the pictures "What is like a letter and").

    Repeat the poem about the letter "and":
    Look at the gate:
    What is not the letter and?
    Between two straight boards
    One lay down the painter.
    V. Stepanov

    Teacher speech therapist: - How many elements consists of the letter "and"? Remember that "and" - the "right" letter (it is proposed to consider the mnemotablik "Left and right letters").
    Teacher speech therapist: - Find the letter "and" at home at the checkout.
    Teacher speech therapist: - Draw the letter "and" in the air (sitting and in full growth).
    Teacher speech therapist: - Let's build the letter "and" from the fingers:
    Indexing fingers,
    As if the columns froze.
    The middle left slightly bent
    The finger with the right reached.

    Teacher-speech therapist: - Describe the letter "and" from the clothespins.
    Logooped teacher: - Well done. Once, two, three - in the houses, everyone will take away.

    Sound Analysis and Printing Words from Cash Letters:
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Guys, donkey prepared a riddle for you:
    Kudri lowered the river
    And something burned about something,
    And what is sad,
    No one says.

    Teacher-speech therapist: - Type the word "IVA" from the letters. Who wants to go to the board and make sound analysis of the word "IVA"? The rest are performed independently. Now check, everyone also?

    III. Outcome:
    Teacher-speech therapist: - Well done guys. The donkey I really liked you at your guest!
    Logoped teacher: - Guys, what sound did we talk about today? What letter is it indicated? What does the letter "and" look like?
    Teacher-speech therapist: - I prepared for you homework on page 6 in working notebook "We write and read" (Konovalenko). Still learning the riddle about the donkey on the mnemotable.

    Encourage children. Parting.

    Tatyana Masasina
    Abstract frontal classes "Sound [A]"

    Subject: Sound.

    purpose: Practical assimilation of clear pronunciation sound [A] in speech; selection sound for rumor from a number of sounds, syllables, words.

    Travel course:

    1. Org. Moment. Sit down the one who calls part of the day in order (times, years, days of the week) ….

    2. Subject pictures: Watermelon, Astra, Orange, Aquarium, Antelope.

    Name what is depicted on cards. What is the first one sound you hear?

    3. Characteristic sound.

    Sound stretches, it turns on, vowels called. We indicate a red square.

    4. Correct pronunciation a.

    Choral progress.


    2 strips: Long and short. BUT___

    ah a A A A

    5. "Catch sound» . In the stream sounds: a, o, y, s, oh, a, y, and, and, oh, ....

    In the stream of syllables: AM, OS, KO, UD, AB ....

    In words: Astra, soup, cinema, alphabet ...

    6. "Remember". Remember and reproduce.

    Shark - Pharmacy, Azbuka - Astra, Watermelon - Pharmacy - Bus, Iiva - Anna - Africa.

    7. The result. What sound We learned to speak correctly? Give the characteristic [A].

    Assessment of children's activities.

    Publications on the topic:

    The abstract of the frontal speech therapy classes for the children of the middle preschool age on the topic of "sound (acquaintance)". Objective: to acquaint.

    The abstract of the frontal speech therapy classes for training for literacy "sound [a], letter" A " The abstract of the frontal speech therapy classes for training for literacy on the topic: "Sound [a], letter A" Purpose: acquaintance with sound [a],.

    The abstract of the front speech therapy occupation in the preparatory group for children with FFNR "Sound [s] and letter C" The abstract of the front speech therapy occupation in the preparatory group. Topic: "Sound and Letter C". Goals and objectives: Correctional educational.

    The abstract of the front speech therapy classes in the senior group "Sound H" An abstract classes in the older speech therapy group: Sound "H" Software content: 1. To acquaint children with the sound "H". 2. Teach characterize.

    An abstract of frontal classes on the formation of the phonetic side of speech in the senior group with the TNR "Sound [y]" Purpose: formation of elementary sound analysis skills; Development of phonderatic hearing. Tasks: 1. Specify the concept of "sound". 2. To introduce.

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