The story of creation about a beautiful lady. Analysis "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" Blok A.A.

"Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - a lyrical cycle by A.A. Blok. The cycle formed the core of the first volume of Blok's collection of poems and became the most important event in the spiritual biography of the poet, as well as in the history of Russian poetry at the beginning of the 20th century. Blok wanted all his work to be considered as a single novel in verse. He divided his poetry into three volumes, each of which marked a certain stage in his life and creative path. The three volumes together made up an integral "trilogy", "dedicated to one circle of feelings and thoughts." In this picture of the whole, the first volume embodied Blok's experience of the mystical ideal, and the central place in it is given to the most extensive cycle in terms of volume - "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". In the last lifetime edition of Blok's lyrics in 1922, the cycle includes 164 poems written between the spring of 1901 and the autumn of 1902. However, this composition, perceived today as a canon, did not take shape immediately. The history of its formation reflects the movement in time of the cherished poetic ideas of Blok, who in one of his letters to A. Bely admitted: “... The whole history of my internal development is“ prophesied ”in“ Poems about the Beautiful Lady.

The name of the future cycle first appeared in print in 1903 in connection with the publication in the Moscow almanac "Northern Colors" of ten lyrical poems by Blok and was proposed by the compiler and editor of the almanac V.Ya. Bryusov. In the future, this name was traditionally used by Blok to refer to his early mystical lyrics, published in different years in different thematic and compositional compositions. So, at the end of October 1904, the Moscow publishing house "Grif" published the first separate book of the poet with the same name "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". The later final text of the cycle included twice as many poems, and its composition also changed significantly.

The first book of poetry written in esoteric language is addressed to a few "initiates". The need for subsequent reprints was caused, among other things, by Blok's desire to "clarify" the content of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". Blok began to prepare the second edition of this corpus of poems at the suggestion of the Musaget publishing house in the fall of 1910. Blok prefaced this edition, intended for a collection of poems, with a preface in which he called all the lyrics a “trilogy”. The first volume of the collection, published in May 1911, included "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" in a new capacity. 300 poems were divided into seven parts, marked with the years from 1891 to 1904. A.A. Block used here the chronological principle of constructing the volume. In 1916, the Musaget publishing house carried out a new edition of Blok's works in four books. This caused a reworking of the composition of the "Poems about the Beautiful Lady": the exclusion of 89 poems and the introduction of another 27 that were not included in the previous edition. For the first time in this edition, the poems of the first volume are divided into three lyrical cycles: Ante Lucem "(1898-1900), "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (1901-1902) and "Crossroads" (1902-1904). In the fifth edition of the Collected Works (Pg., 1922), Blok wanted to write a prose commentary on "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", but the plan was not carried out. It was in this edition that the cycle included 164 poems and was divided into six headings, marked by the place and time of writing the poems. Now we can say that the first edition of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (book 1904) was the basis not so much for the subsequent cycle of the same name, but for the last section of the first volume - the cycle "Crossroads".

In the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" there was a discovery of a new for all literature of the 1900s. themes of the mystical feminine principle of the world. The pedigree of the image of the Beautiful Lady is quite wide. Blok is close to the characteristic motif of medieval culture - knightly worship of the Lady; the traditions of the mystical lyrics of the Renaissance, especially Dante and Petrarch, in whose work the assimilation of being occurs through a loving feeling, and the female image (Beatrice, Laura) is identified with the image of the world in its ideal embodiment, in the reconciliation of all contradictions. In Russian poetry A.A. Blok sees his predecessors in Zhukovsky and especially in Fet, who achieved extraordinary sophistication in depicting human feelings and their correlation with the phenomena of natural life. Blok finds motifs close to himself in the poem by Ya.P. Polonsky's "Tsar Maiden" with its old Russian and fabulous flavor. But the main source of influence at the time of writing the poems of the future cycle was the poetry of V.S. Solovyov, whom he met at the turn of the century and who "mastered his whole being." From Solovyov, Blok adopted the cult of the Eternal Femininity - the Soul of the World, captivated by world vulgarity and waiting for its release. Young Blok is seized at this time with anxiety and expectation of world catastrophes. The advent of the new century is perceived by him as the beginning of a general renewal and rebirth of man. In 1901-1902. the poet has visions. She appears to him, and in her features he recognizes the World Soul, the image of which is intricately intertwined in his mind with the features of a real woman, his future bride - L.D. Mendeleeva (in 1901-1902 their love relationship developed). The veneration of the unearthly Beautiful Lady and falling in love with a particular woman merged into a single feeling and gave rise to a creative tension of unprecedented strength.

“Poems about the Beautiful Lady” is a single text, thought out in every detail and organized according to the laws of a large musical form. The cycle is based on a simple motive: a lyrical hero - a "knight" (a monk, a young man, a poet) strives for her. Behind this aspiration is hidden the most diverse content: the search for a life path and an integral worldview, impulses for the ideal and beauty, comprehension of God. These mystical experiences, which the poet was engulfed in, required the creation of a special esoteric language. The cycle developed a comprehensive system of symbols. In the objects and phenomena of empirical reality, Blok saw hints of another, perfect transcendental world. The true content of the symbols correlates with the beyond, but Blok seeks and finds the basis for them in the surrounding life. Following Solovyov, Blok believed that only in an ecstatic state can one penetrate the secrets of being. In the philosophical lyrics of the cycle, designed almost like diary "records" of the internal states of the lyrical hero, his main "act" becomes an in-depth contemplation, a premonition of the messenger of "other worlds".

Russian poets often dedicated their poems to real or fictional objects of love and adoration. Thus, both the most ordinary women and unearthly muses from the world of dreams became them. However, there were cases when, in one harmonious unity, two hypostases of femininity merged into a symbolic whole, and this whole became extremely important, fundamental, paramount for the poet. It is to such lyrics that the present analysis will be devoted. Blok, whose "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" still excites hearts, created an imperishable, living image, and therefore it is impossible not to talk about him.

History of the collection

A lyrical cycle about great love, dedicated to the best of women, was created by the poet in the period from 1897 to 1904. This was the time of the development of Blok's stormy, but tense, nervous romance with Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, the whole gamut of feelings for which Alexander Alexandrovich, as if confessing, reflected in the poems of the collection. The well-bred and well-educated Lyuba made the poet rush from coldness to jealousy, from obsession to indifference, from happiness to joy. In the poems of Blok, who attributed himself to the direction of symbolism, the whole palette of love emotions acquired even greater significance, was raised to limits inaccessible to the consciousness of an ordinary man in the street.

But this is not all that will be preceded by further analysis. Blok ("Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - this is the first poetic collection on the account of the poet) was very ambiguous about his beloved: he believed that the earthly, carnal closeness of two people is an obstacle to the merging of souls, while Love wanted simple female happiness. Perhaps such an influence on the poet was made by his negative intimate experience: according to Blok, physical communication could only take place with a prostitute, and in the case of a worthy woman, this was identified in his mind with a vice.

Be that as it may, they met in their youth: she was 16, he was 17. Their communication, friendship and even mutual sympathy were interrupted, but later fate brought them together again, and Alexander Alexandrovich saw in this a mysterious omen, a sign sent over. They got married, although their happiness turned out to be shaky, fragile: Lyuba always begged her husband to leave mysticism and kiss her not on the pages of books, but in real life.

Who is the Beautiful Lady?

Without a description of the character of Lyubvi Mendeleeva, the analysis itself cannot take place. Blok, whose "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" to some extent played a cruel joke on the girl, spiritualized and idealized her image so much that a real, earthly, interesting personality was lost behind him. Lyuba was serious, strict, impregnable, and at the same time witty, calm, joyful. Golden-haired and ruddy, the granddaughter of the great chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev could not and did not want to spend her whole life searching for the mysterious meanings of love, “poser with the habits of a veil,” as she herself once called Blok.

The entire environment of the poet also saw in her the embodiment of eternal, ideal femininity, in connection with which they interpreted her gestures, behavior, mood, and outfits in different ways. The marriage of Alexander Alexandrovich and Mendeleev was considered a sacred mystery, capable of bestowing, according to V. Solovyov, purification of the world. There were also those who saw only negative properties in Love: for example, Anna Akhmatova called her “a hippopotamus that rose on its hind legs,” and considered it a stuffed fool. The woman became literally a hostage to the current situation. As a result, she found what she was looking for - love, understanding, support ... But not in her husband, but in another man.

Fight of two (or more) knights

This is the last story that will precede the poetic analysis. Blok, whose poems about the Beautiful Lady could not satisfy the one to whom they were dedicated, soon turned out to be “overboard”: Love, who felt unnecessary and forgotten, began a relationship with her husband’s close friend, the poet Andrei Bely. This connection was finally interrupted only in 1907. Subsequently, Lyuba entered into an informal relationship with G. Chulkov, from whom even a child was born. Blok, who all this time continued to be the legal husband of Mendeleeva, agreed to become the father of the baby, since he could not have his own children, but the boy died a little more than a week after his birth.

And what about the poet?

Alexander Alexandrovich himself was also not sinless: he was seen in connection with the actress N. Volokhova, whom Lyubov even asked to take care of Sashenka, because he is "nervous" and "he needs a special approach." As a result, Volokhova decided to interrupt her presence in the life of this strange family. Alexander Alexandrovich died in 1921, Mendeleev died 18 years after her husband. She did not remarry for the rest of her life.

Sections of the collection and key poems of the cycle. "The wind brought from afar ..."

So, how did Blok put his worldview into practice? “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” (an analysis of the poem, and more than one, will be presented later) as a collection opens with the cycle “Ante Lucem”, which in Latin means “before the light”. The lyrical hero here is a lost, lonely person wandering in the dark. He is cut off from worldly happiness and joy, unable to experience them. The concept of two worlds is clearly traced: a creator with poetic thinking and a deep romantic soul wants to know the beyond, heavenly secrets, and in this he opposes the crowd that lives in an unremarkable earthly plane.

The cycle of poems about the Beautiful Lady (Block), the analysis of which requires a careful approach, is the second and central part of the collection of the same name. There is still no sense of reality, stability, but the creator gains hope - the incorporeal, obscure, Beautiful Lady must save him, fill existence with meaning. There is a transformation of the medieval motif of knightly service.

What do the poems about the Beautiful Lady look like? Alexander Blok, whose analysis of life and work has already been partially analyzed, created, for example, the poem "The wind brought from afar ...", which is associated with the wind of change, dynamics, change, rebirth. The eternal, deadly night from the poems of the first cycle begins to play with new colors - the reader seems to feel the imminent onset of spring, hears songs, distinguishes colors. No, the Beautiful Lady is not here yet, but everything speaks of her imminent arrival, of the destruction of the shackles of loneliness of the lyrical hero, of renewal.

“I enter dark temples…”

What are the most significant poems about the Beautiful Lady (Block)? An analysis, a short or full description of the history of the appearance of the collection, an emphasis on the poet's biography - none of the sections can do without the lyrical work "I enter the dark temples ...". Written in 1902, it is the quintessence of symbolism and mysticism. Here the reader is again faced with the uncertainty, the incorporeality of the described image, although certainty is sometimes found in the portrait of the Lady, for example, in the poem "She is slim and tall ...".

Here we are faced with the motive of expectation and ... fear. The lyrical hero yearns for a meeting, but is afraid of what it will bring him, afraid of being unworthy. It is no coincidence that the place of expectation in the work is the church - this only exalts the spirituality of the Beautiful Lady, her crystal purity and holiness.

The final part of the collection

The collection “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” (Block), the analysis of which was presented in detail in this article, closes with the “Crossroads” cycle. Here, the motives of hopelessness, confusion of the lyrical hero, anxiety are clearly manifested, the predominance of realistic components becomes more and more obvious. The social problems raised (in the poems "Factory", "From the newspapers", "Is everything calm among the people? ..") remain without resolution.

The motif of the “end of the world” becomes dominant: the lyrical hero, and the poet himself, no longer hopes for salvation, for the arrival of the Beautiful Lady, for the possibility of purification and rebirth. He withdraws from the spiritless existence and no longer participates in what is happening.

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Alexander Blok is a symbolist poet who lived at the turn of the century, in troubled times, when values ​​were being reassessed, the principles of life were being revised. And suddenly "Poems about the Beautiful Lady"? In times of protests, repressions, suppression of a person, as a person, whether you are a peasant or a nobleman. At a time like this, I wanted to somehow escape from reality. That's just the writers and began to resort to symbolism in order to find an outlet, they began to resort to the mystical and unreal.

Poems about the Beautiful Lady creation story

Blok found his outlet in love, in that feeling that inspires and elevates to heaven. In love with the "Beautiful Lady", which he began to express on sheets of paper. This is how Blok's "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" appeared. In each of his works, he sought salvation, hiding from the dullness of everyday life, and he succeeded. When he wrote, he fell into a heavenly place, into the world of love for the “Beautiful Lady”, the image of which he created in his thoughts and began to worship him “sometimes a servant, sometimes a darling; and forever a slave,” as the poet writes in verse.

Blok was afraid that in the real world he would not find such a woman, the image he created would be lost: “But I’m scared: you will change your appearance.” However, Blok continues to look for the “Beautiful Lady”, he looks for her everywhere, hears her voice, breathes on the streets, looks for her look and finds it. Finds a much more beautiful woman, real, alive.

He met his happiness, his love in the image of Lydia Mendeleeva. His love with even greater zeal began to be displayed on paper. He was afraid to frighten her away, he didn’t want her to fly away like a butterfly, so he only watched her for a long time, admired from afar, but he understood that this was the same woman, the same “Magnificent Eternal Wife”, his half “not a sigh was heard , no speech, but I believe: Sweetheart - You. And he decided to propose. Over the years, the feelings did not fade away, but only flared up, as evidenced by the works included in the cycle called “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”.

To whom did Blok dedicated Poems about a Beautiful Lady?

Answering the question: “To whom Blok dedicated “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, we can say with confidence, to her, Lydia Mendeleeva, who lived with him until his last breath. Such wonderful masterpieces were dedicated to her alone and to the wonderful feeling of love.

Brief analysis of Blok's early lyrics in Poems about a Beautiful Lady

Working on Blok's "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" and making an analysis, we can say that the "two worlds" are intertwined here: heaven and earth, material and spiritual. All poems are filled with lofty feelings, here one feels a break with reality, the creation of unearthly ideals. When you read poetry about a beautiful woman, you begin to understand all the feelings that the poet experienced and it seems as if you are reading his life, because it was not for nothing that Blok’s early lyrics “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” were called the poet’s lyrical diary.

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You are beautiful, my great princess.
Spring in your soul has blossomed like a mimosa.
To know the whole truth of the fairy forest
I dreamed as a child, you were waiting for a prince.

You wanted to fall in love without memory.
Become for him the desired one,
And passionate, as only a lioness can,
Drive crazy, enchant yourself.

And here came the desired-unsightly,
But this is a prince, he is the prince of your soul.
And his gaze is fierce and pure.
Hurry to embrace him.

You will live a great life together,
Walk a thousand roads together.
And linking destinies into a single chain,
While death is silent, another call.

Gentle and modest dawn,
For me, there is no cuter in the world!
I will not speak in vain!

If you smile at me
The sun drives away the darkness of the night
And here from heavenly heights
Pulls its warm rays!

And how excitingly slender doe!
For me, you are the only one!

Oh, women, earthly miracle!
God created you all for happiness.
Eyes - more beautiful than emeralds,
The soul is a mysterious flower.

Life is perpetual motion.
Mother is always worried about the world
And for the fate of the children. From birth
She should cherish them, protect them.

It's easy to live next to you.
You are all trying to be on time.
All done with good hands
Sing songs over the cradle...

Who compares to your beauty?
You from attention, gentle words,
With a man next to you, like queens,
Flower of love among flowers.

Oh, our lovely queens!
Kudos to you for all your efforts!
May happiness be with you
And life will become like a wonderful dream.

Strive for perfection in everything
Appreciate life every hour.
Let him experience bliss
Who loves you with all his heart.

You are my clear, morning dawn,
Gentle and modest dawn,
For me, there is no cuter in the world!
I will not speak in vain!

If you smile at me
The sun drives away the darkness of the night
And here from heavenly heights
Pulls its warm rays!

Like moonlight is elusive
And how excitingly slender doe!
You beckon to yourself inexorably ...
For me, you are the only one!

I like being a woman in her twenties:
Laugh, get carried away, make mistakes,
Fall in love forever
And see the friend in every person.

About the sounds of the Mendelssohn March
Dream. And if the man is older...
Hoping to be the light of the universe
So that the world freezes before me humbly!

I like being a woman in her thirties:
Shine with a cut and be proud of yourself,
To love with passion and soul and body,
Desired to be, relaxed, skillful.

Keep the family, like a candle, in the palms,
Reputed to be smart, but a little eccentric.
And feel: I am a light in the universe,
The world freezes before me humbly!

I like being a woman over forty:
Be wise and beautiful, like a goddess,
Knowing no malice and pride,
At the same time to know: I am a light in the universe
And the world froze in front of me humbly!

On my knees curled up like a cat
You read books to me
You are dear, my good!
You had a lover, you had a friend!

Came, strangling in the arms
Warmed up a quick simple lunch.
I swear on my crucifix
There is no one more dear to me.

Oh woman! - the creation of the gods!
You are the best creation in the universe!

Always being extraordinary!

Your eyes are the radiance of the lakes,

Frost diverting side!

I wish you happiness to heaven

You are an ocean of tenderness and affection,
You are a whole world of light and flowers,
You are a rainbow of emotions, where all the colors are
Suddenly the sorceress Love mixed up.

You are the queen of taste, fashion, style,
You will overshadow any gloss with yourself.
And no matter how much they flatter you around,
You are always sincere with yourself.

Heart conquered by the beauty of heaven,
Laughter-overflow, grace, mind,
Making a simple topic interesting
You are highly desirable in any society.

Your humor is appropriate and does not sting with poison,
Flattery is not false - it is always sincere.
I am immensely happy to be with you,
You are a gift from heaven, you are my star!

All my life I dream eye to eye
To be, my love, alone with you -
Otherwise, their secret cannot be understood,
This riddle is not available to me!

They are beautiful in pubescent eyelashes,
Their color is changeable, like the sky,
Not even a few pages are enough
To give praise to your eyes!

Beautiful and tender, timid, not hasty,
Dear angel in the flesh, you drive me crazy!
You took my peace with one glance
Charmed me!
Touch my chest

And feel the beat of your heart
How it beats in the chest.
You look into my eyes.
In them you will read everything about my love!

'Cause I love you so passionately
But love is not dangerous.
Give yourself to her, come into my arms.
My dream is you alone!

Purity in the soul
like a bottomless well
which can not be scooped out to the bottom.
Tasty and cool water.

So I want to snuggle my lips
drink and never get drunk!
But how to save the well
so that he doesn't get upset

didn't grind
and not clogged with silt?

I can wait for you
Long, long and true, true
And I can't sleep at night
A year, and two, and all my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like the leaves of a garden,

What do you really need!

I can follow you
Through thickets and stiles,
On the sands, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, on any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I'll go through everything, not reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any anxiety
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
What then do not betray on the road.

I can give for you
Everything I have and will have.
I can accept for you
The bitterness of the worst fates in the world.

A woman must be a mystery:
Small, cute, sweet.
Flirt, make eyes,
Believe in all sorts of fairy tales.

Stay holy and sinful
Be beautiful inside and out.
Charming, cunning imp,
Gentle. soft fluffy kitten.

Minx cheerful, playful,
To love and always be loved.
In love madly and passionately,
Affectionate, timid and domineering,

Through tears to be able to laugh
And never give up........

Sweet, funny crazy,
The Woman Called Soul
Soaked both coat and boots,
And again her clock is in a hurry!

In the clouds, as if in a white shawl,
Jumped into the air jets,
“How did they hold you in heaven
Are your wings transparent?

So what, did you find the keys to heaven?”
Crouched in a chair by the door,
Fingering feathers with hand,
Smiling sadly, he says:

“That's right, I'm easy on the rise,
Even in rain and snow.
Sorry for being so stupid
I can't stay on earth.

Do not call me to the rich tower,
Where there is always peace and quiet -
Sleepy and well-fed grouse,
Will I need you?

Do not read morals and notations,
Do not ask to be wiser before the deadline,
Let me finally fly
Give - while there is still enough strength ...

The golden cage is no good
Me for permanent housing,
I am the Soul, which means a bird,
Your winged hypostasis ..

Life was given such a short time
And they do not judge those who do not sin...”
Sweet, funny crazy
The Woman Called Soul

To all the women who read these lines -
Words filled with tenderness
I ask you - do not sum up,
After all, every morning this life is new.

You, waking up early in the morning, trust meetings
They bring conviction
That only faith and love will heal
That happiness is close, on the way to the house!

Just don't be sad and don't give in to passion
Unbelief, despair and evil.
All these fleeting misfortunes
As from a fire impotent ashes.

Prayer for a woman.
Protect her from pain
From resentment, tears and grief,
From misfortune and pain

From loss and separation.
Protect from gossip, lies,
Indifference and flattery
From fall and revenge

Protect everyone from adversity.
Protect from evil rumors
From suffering and sorrow
Let troubles to her pier

Ships won't come.
Give her the tenderness of meetings,
Warmth, love and happiness,
Friendship, purity of participation,

The ray of undying dawn.
Give it to her, hurry up
The purity of all relationships
Let deprivation not touch
Her quivering soul

There is a power in a woman that amazes a man.
She can cope with adversity and endure the hardships of life.
It brings happiness, love and understanding.
She smiles when she wants to scream, sings when she wants to cry.

She cries when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.
She fights for what she believes in.
Rise up against injustice.
Doesn't accept rejection when he sees a better solution.

She gives her all for the good of the family.
Takes a friend to the doctor if she is afraid.
Her love is unconditional.
She cries with joy for her children.

Rejoices in the success of friends.
Touched by the birth of a child and a wedding.
Her heart breaks with grief when relatives or friends die.
But she finds the strength to continue to live.

She knows that a kiss and a hug can heal a broken heart.
She has only one drawback:
She forgets about her virtues ...
Pass this on to your girlfriends to remind them how wonderful they are.

Oh woman! - the creation of the gods!
You are the best creation in the universe!
You own the power of the Magi,
Always being extraordinary!

Your eyes are the radiance of the lakes,
They attract with their bottomless depth!
And the heart is a warming fire,
Frost diverting side!

Meeting with you is a miracle of miracles!
You are a fairy from a beautiful good fairy tale,
I wish you happiness to heaven
Great love, tenderness and affection!

Love a woman for the sin you brought out of paradise.
And not for the fact that she cooks and washes best of all.
Love a woman for the sadness that she hides from you.
For the fact that next to her the load of problems decreases faster.

Love a woman for a mind that is both great and modest.
For children's fun, the noise, dawn in the morning in your house.
Love a woman for the night she gives you
And for the desire to help when you are deadly tired.

And for the priceless gift of heaven, patiently listen to sarcasm.
Love in a woman a dream and an intriguing mystery.
Do not humiliate beauty with a reproach thrown by chance.
Love a woman for flattery caressing your ears.

Love protest in a woman, as a winner loves the weak.


The central cycle of the first volume of Blok's lyrical trilogy is "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". It was these poems that until the end of his life remained for Blok the most beloved. As you know, they reflected the love affair of the young poet with his future wife L. D. Mendeleeva and the passion for the philosophical ideas of Vl. Solovyov. In the philosopher's teaching about the Soul of the World, or the Eternal Femininity, Blok was attracted by the idea that it is through love that the elimination of egoism, the unity of man and the world, is possible. A “high” love for the world is revealed to a person through love for an earthly woman, in which one must be able to see through her heavenly nature. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" are multifaceted. Where they talk about real feelings and convey the story of "earthly" love, these are works of intimate lyrics. But the "earthly" experiences and episodes of personal biography in Blok's lyrical cycle are not important in themselves - they are used by the poet as material for inspirational transformation. It is important not so much to see and hear as to see and hear; not so much to tell, but to tell about the “unsaid”.

The plot of Blok's cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" is the plot of waiting for a meeting with her beloved, a meeting that will transform the world and the hero, connect the earth with the sky. The participants in this plot are “he” and “she”. The multifaceted appearance of the heroine. On the one hand, this is a very real, "earthly" woman, each meeting with which reveals some new trait in her lyrical hero. "She is slender and tall // Always haughty and stern." The hero sees her "every day from afar" or meets her "at sunset". In different meetings, she may be wearing "silver-black fur" or "white dress". She hides "in the dark gate", etc. On the other hand, we have before us the heavenly, mystical image of the "Virgin", "Dawn", "Majestic

Eternal wife”, “Holy”, “Clear”, “Incomprehensible”… The same can be said about the hero of the cycle. “I am young, and fresh, and in love” is a completely “earthly” self-characteristic. And then he is already a “joyless and dark monk” or a “lad”, lighting candles. The drama of the waiting situation is in the opposition of the earthly and the heavenly, in the notorious inequality of the lyrical hero and the Beautiful Lady. In their relationship, the atmosphere of medieval chivalry is revived: the object of love of the lyrical hero is elevated to an unattainable height, his behavior is determined by the ritual of selfless service. “He” is a knight in love, a humble monk, a schemer ready for self-denial. “She” is silent, invisible and inaudible; ethereal focus of faith, hope and love of the lyrical hero

21. Block. "Poems about Russia"

For Blok, the fatherland is a beacon that illuminates his entire creative path. If you follow this path from beginning to end, you can see Russia in all its diversity. Blok shows us both old Russia and revolutionary Russia, covering a large period of history. He did not leave even such an event separated from us for centuries as the Battle of Kulikovo.

Blok has a cycle of poems “On the Kulikovo Field”, where in every word one feels an inescapable love for the Motherland: “Oh, my Russia! My wife!" - this is how the poet addresses her, that is, not only as a living thing, but as the closest being in the world. “Napole Kulikovo” is a work where Russia appears in smoke and blood, tormented (!) But proud.

A completely different country appears to us in the poem "Rus". This is a mysterious, magical land. Sorcerers, soothsayers, devils and witches live here. It is mysterious, wild, scary, but at the same time beautiful. However, behind the fabulous pictures hides a sad image of a poor, miserable life. He looks through only a few words: “under the glow of burning villages”, “fragile housing”. And the clue to the mystery, about which the poem is, is in the fact that:

I rocked a living soul,

Russia, you are in your expanses,

And now, she did not stain,

original purity.

In order to comprehend the "living soul", one must not only observe it, one must share its life, its fate with the Russian people. In the poem "Russia" the country opens up from one more side. This image will be close to everyone who has ever been in the village, driving along a broken country road. The poet, in just a few stanzas, but so vividly conveyed the appearance of the Russian village with its “loose ruts” and “gray huts”. Such pictures remain true to this day. In addition to love for the Motherland, faith in its strength and indestructibility is visible here (“... you will not be lost, you will not perish”).

The image of Russia is imperceptibly intertwined with the female image all the time. For Blok, the Motherland is a woman; she is like the "beautiful stranger" to whom the poet refers in his early poems. Love for the motherland and love for a woman for Blok are inseparable and equally significant concepts.

A. A. Blok lived in revolutionary times. He felt a thunderstorm in the air, the onset of October. And he writes:

I believe a new age will rise

Among all the unfortunate generations.


The emergence of the poem "The Twelve" was natural. Blok reflected on the future fate of Russia. This work is still interpreted ambiguously. Even the author himself, as you know, doubted the correctness of the choice of images.

Blok is a symbolist, his poem is filled with symbols. It begins immediately with a sharp contrast: “Black evening. White snow". Black color - evil, storm, spontaneity, unpredictability, white - purity, spirituality, light. The color red is also found in the poem. This is not only the color of flags and slogans, it is blood.

The old world is likened to a mangy dog. They try to drive him away - he wanders after him, does not lag behind.

The ragged rhythm of the poems is intended to reflect the pace of the revolution. The lines then rush forward, then slow down the rhythm. This is the "music" of those days, the very atmosphere of the revolution.

The climax of the poem is the appearance of the twelve apostles in the form of twelve soldiers (or vice versa?). Their leader is Jesus Christ. Blok was condemned for this, he himself hesitated, but he understood that this image was the only true one. Here Christ appears not as some kind of religious figure, a superman, the son of God. This image only allows the poet to justify the revolution from the point of view of higher justice.

"Twelve" is an ambiguous work. Someone saw in him a "poem of the revolution", someone did not. Some condemned without any reservations, while others, on the contrary, categorically recognized the poem as the best creation of the author. One thing is indisputable - Blok showed Russia in a completely new incarnation.

Gradually, Blok’s homeland turns from a simple thing, in which “patterned cloth to the eyebrows”, turns into a country of factory pipes and factory walls. The poet thought a lot about the national industry and saw in it the path to renewal.

Blok sang of Russia as a beautiful woman with many faces. He saw this as his calling.

The cycles of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (1901-1902) primarily respond to Blok's lively, ardent, intense feeling for L. D. Mendeleeva. This worship of her completely captured the poet and turned into the creation of poems, which became the beginning of Blok's creative path as an already established original artist. In the poems about the Beautiful Lady, the poet sings of her and endows her with divinity, immortality, expressed in the boundlessness of her power, the omnipotence of feelings and deeds, the incomprehensibility for a mortal person of her plans, the wisdom of her actions. Post sees all these qualities in his Beautiful Lady, who now "goes to earth in an incorruptible body." The block echoes the spells of Vl. Solovyov, who in his philosophical research affirmed the divinity of the Feminine Principle and the great power of the Eternal Femininity.

Pozt thought of his life as a prayer service to his beloved; he later said: “... I met her here, and her earthly image, completely inharmonious with the unearthly, caused in me ... a storm of triumph ...” (1918). From now on, the poet sees himself in the image of a knight who vowed eternal service to his beloved, his Beautiful Lady, and worshiping only her:
I enter dark temples, In the shadow of a high column
I perform the poor rite.

I'm dying from the creaking of doors.
There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady D looks into my face, illumined,
In the flickering of red lamps. Only an image, only a dream about Her.
Subject to this passion-obsession and completely captured by it, the poet sees absolute perfection in the Beautiful Lady, her really visible features seem to him heavenly and divine. For the poet, she is the "Mistress of the Universe", at whose feet all the lands stretch:
I am a trembling creature. Beams What angels have flown,
Illuminated, stagnant dreams. Who is quiet on the eve ...
In front of Your depths In You they lurk in anticipation
My insignificant depths. Great light and evil darkness -
You do not know what are the goals The solution of all knowledge
You hide in the depths of Your Roses, And the delirium of a great mind.
(“I am a trembling creature ...”, 1902)
In “Poems about the Beautiful Lady,” Blok obediently bows his knees before Her, plunging into his “fairy tales and dreams.” He is always ready to serve the “Majestic Eternal Wife”, whose earthly image is inseparable from that which flickers on the icons in the radiance of lamps and gold robes, he passionately desires to meekly fulfill her will, which is holy to him. It seems to him: the creation of miracles is in her power, she only has to wish them! In prayerful admiration for the Beautiful Lady, the poet rushes to heaven, forgets about everything earthly. Sometimes the poetics of these verses coincides in their solemnity with church hymns, psalms, and prayers:

Here - humility In the robes of chastity,
I make vows. Oh saint! where are you?

Love - the beginning that connects the poet with the deity, for Blok takes on a grandiose, universal, "over-temporal" scale, alien to ordinary earthly dimensions.

In "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" words - sound, sound - have a certain "divine" color: among the "unfaithful daytime shadows" a "high and distinct bell ringing" is heard. Often, among the “fussy affairs of the world”, the poet seeks to hear at least the most distant echo of the “voices of other worlds”, those worlds that are the only true being, next to which everything earthly and “mortal” seems like a shadow and a ghost:

You will pass here, you will touch a cold stone,
Dressed in the terrible holiness of the ages,
And maybe you'll drop the spring flower
Here, in this haze, with strict images.

Captured by the legend of the kinship of souls doomed to eternal search for each other, the poet believes that his soul ... in silence ... with tireless hearing catches ... the distant call of another soul ...

Blok does not need either “gold” or “bread”, all this is just a shadow in front of the “fixed sun” of his love:
A new day is not the one that beats We will open the doors then
With the wind in the windows in the spring! And cry and breathe
Let him laugh incessantly Our winter losses
Unforgettable day in the window! With a light heart we will carry ...

Alexander Blok is a symbolist poet who lived at the turn of the century, in troubled times, when values ​​were being reassessed, the principles of life were being revised. And suddenly "Poems about the Beautiful Lady"? In times of protests, repressions, suppression of a person, as a person, whether you are a peasant or a nobleman. At a time like this, I wanted to somehow escape from reality. That's just the writers and began to resort to symbolism in order to find an outlet, they began to resort to the mystical and unreal.

Poems about the Beautiful Lady creation story

Blok found his outlet in love, in that feeling that inspires and elevates to heaven. In love with the "Beautiful Lady", which he began to express on sheets of paper. This is how Blok's "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" appeared. In each of his works, he sought salvation, hiding from the dullness of everyday life, and he succeeded. When he wrote, he fell into a heavenly place, into the world of love for the “Beautiful Lady”, the image of which he created in his thoughts and began to worship him “sometimes a servant, sometimes a darling; and forever a slave,” as the poet writes in verse.

Blok was afraid that in the real world he would not find such a woman, the image he created would be lost: “But I’m scared: you will change your appearance.” However, Blok continues to look for the “Beautiful Lady”, he looks for her everywhere, hears her voice, breathes on the streets, looks for her look and finds it. Finds a much more beautiful woman, real, alive.

He met his happiness, his love in the image of Lydia Mendeleeva. His love with even greater zeal began to be displayed on paper. He was afraid to frighten her away, he didn’t want her to fly away like a butterfly, so he only watched her for a long time, admired from afar, but he understood that this was the same woman, the same “Magnificent Eternal Wife”, his half “not a sigh was heard , no speech, but I believe: Sweetheart - You. And he decided to propose. Over the years, the feelings did not fade away, but only flared up, as evidenced by the works included in the cycle called “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”.

To whom did Blok dedicated Poems about a Beautiful Lady?

Answering the question: “To whom Blok dedicated “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, we can say with confidence, to her, Lydia Mendeleeva, who lived with him until his last breath. Such wonderful masterpieces were dedicated to her alone and to the wonderful feeling of love.

Brief analysis of Blok's early lyrics in Poems about a Beautiful Lady

Working on Blok's "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" and making an analysis, we can say that the "two worlds" are intertwined here: heaven and earth, material and spiritual. All poems are filled with lofty feelings, here one feels a break with reality, the creation of unearthly ideals. When you read poems about a beautiful woman, you begin to understand all the feelings that the poet experienced and it seems as if you are reading his life, because it is not for nothing that Blok’s early lyrics “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” were called the poet’s lyrical diary.

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Every person in one way or another is characterized by a sense of beauty, a desire for beauty. At all times, the personification of this was a woman, as we can judge from ancient myths and legends. A special cult of a woman, a lady, developed in the Middle Ages, in the era of chivalry. Let us recall Don Quixote, who, in the name of his Dulcinea, did a variety of, sometimes fantastic and absurd deeds. The great Dante and Petrarch in sublime, enthusiastic verses immortalized the images of their beloved Beatrice and Laura.

In Russian poetry of the Silver Age, the cult of a woman was embodied primarily in the poetry and philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov. In his view, a woman personified the image of the World Soul, the Eternal Wife, Sophia the Wise, was a symbol of harmony, reason, love and beauty. The cult of the Eternal Femininity was further developed in the work of Alexander Blok, for whom Vladimir Solovyov became a spiritual teacher. It is Blok who owns unusually lyrical and tender poems about the Beautiful Lady.

Alexander Blok made his debut in poetry as a traditional romantic, and in his early poems there were corresponding motives: alienation from the crowd, disappointment in life, disbelief in happiness. And suddenly, in the darkness of unbelief, blindness, She appears - "clear", "radiant", "illumined", "golden". Blok describes it in the same way as icon painters usually depict the Mother of God surrounded by radiance. At the same time, a real, quite earthly woman, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, became the prototype of the Beautiful Lady.

At first glance, there is nothing in common between the "heavenly" Mother of God and the "earthly" beloved of the poet. But in his mind, there is a connection between them, and this connection is mystical. Just like the romantic poets, Blok recreates the image of a real woman in accordance with his ideal, turning her into a Beautiful Lady, into a Madonna. The poet himself (a lyrical hero) appears before us, according to the definition of J. Aikhenvald, “a knight and a pilgrim”.

He anticipates the Mother of God, follows “in the footsteps of her blue paths”, breaking ties with reality and transporting himself to a completely different world - the world of “dreams and fogs”, the world of dreams. Blok called the cycle of poems about the Beautiful Lady "a closed book of being", which reflected a journey through the "countries of the soul" in the "early morning dawn". "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" convey a special - prayerful - state of the soul of the hero (author), a state of inner contemplation. The lyrical hero of Blok contains the whole Universe, his soul is equal to the universe:

I don't care - the universe is in me ...

Block contrasts this ideal world with the real one. It is in the realm of the ideal that he seeks salvation from the vulgarity and rudeness of earthly existence:

Seeking salvation.

My fires burn on the heights of the mountains -

The whole region of the night was illuminated.

But the brightest of all is the spiritual gaze in me

And you are away.

The Beautiful Lady is the undivided mistress of the poet’s soul, the motive of insight is associated with her (“I am here at the end, full of insight”); she opens the way for him to comprehend Eternity, being her messenger:

I'm just waiting for a conditional vision

To fly off into another void ...

In many verses of the cycle, the image of the Beautiful Lady is incorporeal, unsteady, barely perceptible, perceived not so much by sight (internal) as by hearing (also internal):

The wind brought from afar

Your sonorous songs...

Thus, the Beautiful Lady becomes a link between the earthly (alien) and heavenly (native) worlds. We see that the lyrical hero values ​​earthly attributes little - with all his being he strives upward. Let us turn to the poem "I enter the dark temples." The whole poem is imbued with a solemn mood, the hero is waiting for a meeting with her "in the flickering of red lamps." As you know, red is the color of fire, passion. This passion is filled with the soul of the beautiful Lady waiting for the appearance: "I'm trembling from the creak of doors." He desperately wants to see Her, but he knows that this is impossible:

And illumined looks into my face

Only an image, only a dream about Her.

This invisible presence is dearer to the hero than the real one. Moreover, he is afraid of a real meeting, which allows us to talk about, for example, a line from the poem “I foresee You”:

But I'm afraid: you will change your appearance.

The poet understands that the earthly embodiment of a dream is impossible without the destruction of the ideal.

As we can see, in the image of the Beautiful Lady there are more heavenly than earthly features: it seems sublime, absolutely inaccessible and incomprehensible. And yet the earth is present in it. This is indicated by the appeal to Her for “you”, earthly epithets (“sweetheart”), some features that make her appearance visible: “virgin robe”, “white dress”, “pale beauty”. In some poems, the image of the heroine fits the poet into a real earthly landscape:

We met at sunset

You cut the bay with an oar.

With all his striving upwards, the lyrical hero of Blok cannot completely break with the earth. Moreover, he begins to be weary of this gap, strives to "overcome dreams and fogs" in the name of gaining reality. That is why Blok called "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" the beginning of the "trilogy of incarnation."

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