What is the idea of ​​the story Vasyutkino Lake. Synopsis of a lesson on literature on the topic: “The work of V.P. Astafiev

The protagonist of Victor Astafyev's story "Vasyutkino Lake" is Vasya Shadrin, the son of a fisherman. His father, Grigory Afanasyevich, fished on the Yenisei with his brigade. Sometimes the fishermen had to swim far away from home to get a good catch. In one of these trips to the lower reaches of the Yenisei, together with Grigory Afanasyevich, the whole family went: his wife, son Vasyutka and father, an old fisherman, grandfather Afanasy.

In one of the places, the fishermen decided to land on the shore and organize a parking lot. In this place, the old hut has been preserved, in which the whole brigade settled. Vasyutka did not sit idle, he began to go to the taiga for pine nuts, which fishermen liked to crack in the evenings.

Once, at the very end of summer, Vasyutka, as usual, went for nuts. He took a gun and a piece of bread with him. Previously, he had not come across serious game in the taiga, but this time the boy, who had already collected a bag of nuts, stumbled upon a large capercaillie. Vasyutka managed to wound the bird, and he rushed after it in pursuit. When the capercaillie weakened, Vasyutka fired again and killed the bird.

He rejoiced at the success and was already looking forward to returning home with the capercaillie, when he realized that he was lost. He usually navigated the taiga by the notches on the trees, but in pursuit of a wounded bird, he deviated far from his usual routes and could not find the familiar notches.

For a long time Vasyutka strayed through the taiga. He had matches, a gun and some salt with him, so hunger and cold did not threaten the boy. The most important thing for him was to reach the Yenisei.

One day he came across a small lake in the taiga and was surprised to find that there are a lot of large fish in it. Vasyutka began to think about where commercial fish could come from in the lake, and remembered that this happens when the lake is flowing and a river flows out of it. If so, the river could lead him to the Yenisei.

The boy began to look for a river and found that a small lake connected with a much larger lake, which also had a lot of fish. By indirect evidence, Vasyutka determined that there was a current in the lake. Soon he also found a river flowing out of the lake.

Walking along the bank of the river, Vasyutka managed to reach the Yenisei, where he was picked up by fishermen. From them he learned that the parking lot of his father's brigade was sixty kilometers upstream. The fishermen brought the boy to his parents, to whom he told about his wanderings and about a large lake rich in fish.

A few days later, Vasyutka's father, together with the brigade, reached this lake and made sure that it was really profitable to fish in it. And the fishermen called the lake Vasyutkin. That's how it's been marked on maps ever since.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Astafyev's story "Vasyutkino Lake" is that in critical situations one should not panic, one must calmly and calmly look for ways to salvation. Vasyutka, getting lost in the taiga, was not at a loss. He warmed himself by the fire, hunted birds, ate pine nuts and looked for a way to the Yenisei. The flowing lake discovered by the boy helped the boy get out of the taiga and return home.

The story teaches to be attentive and observant. Only Vasyutka's powers of observation allowed him to find a lake in the taiga, and this discovery saved his life.

In the story, I liked the main character, the boy Vasyutka, who not only survived alone in the taiga, but also found a lake rich in fish.

What proverbs are suitable for Astafyev's story "Vasyutkino Lake"?

Taiga, like the sea, whoever does not know it, woe to him.
On the catcher and the beast runs.
Who seeks will always find.
Luck is the companion of the brave.

Valieva Regina Ivanovna

MBOU "School No. 174" of the Soviet district of Kazan

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Synopsis of a lesson in literature on the topic:

“Creativity of V.P. Astafiev. The story "Vasyutkino Lake": the formation of the character of the protagonist"

Grade 5 (according to the program of T.F. Kurdyumova)


1. Cognitive-educational :

Start studying the biography of V.P. Astafiev, the story "Vasyutkino Lake", to interest in the work of V.P. Astafiev; continue the formation of the ability to conduct an educational dialogue, highlight the main idea, answer questions.

2 . Developing:

Continue to develop the ability to compare, generalize, the ability to find confirmation of your statements in the text.

3. Educational:

Raise interest in the work of V.P. Astafiev; to promote the education of the moral qualities of schoolchildren, an active life position.

Lesson type: lesson-conversation

Equipment: photographs by Viktor Astafiev, text of the story Vasyutkino Lake.

During the classes:

I. Introductory speech of the teacher:

Hello guys. Today we are starting to study the work of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev(his name and date of birth and death are written on the board). Is this name familiar to you? In the elementary grades, you already read his stories “Shortcut Creak”, “Kapalukha”.

And today we will get acquainted with the biography of Astafyev and talk about another of his stories, which is called "Vasyutkino Lake".

I will begin the story with the words of the critic Al. Mikhailov about the writer: "... I would like to say that he ... experienced and suffered a lot before he tried to tell about what he experienced, about what he saw"(also written on the board).

“I was born and grew up in a Siberian village on the banks of the majestic and for me the most beautiful river in the world - the Yenisei,” said Astafiev.

I show photographs of Astafyev near the Yenisei River.

- Look, guys, where is the writer depicted? (on the bank of the river). -Right! This river is called the Yenisei. It is about her that the writer speaks so enthusiastically.

- What does this say? that he loved nature).

- True, he wrote this: “I love my land and never tire of being amazed at its beauty, inexhaustible patience and kindness ... Having lost my mother early - she drowned in the Yenisei in the spring of 1932, I, naturally, was drawn to my second and unchanging mother earth. And life gave me a constant opportunity to be in nature and with nature.

- What can we say about him? What is his look, facial expression? (He has kind, sincere eyes, a pleasant expression on his face). -That's right guys. I think so too. When I look at his photographs, I see a kind, sincere person who loves nature with all his soul.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev is an extremely sincere and truthful writer. He was born on May 1, 1924 in Siberia, on the Yenisei, in a village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Astafiev's childhood and adolescence was difficult. The boy was 7 years old when his mother Lidia Ilyinichna drowned in the Yenisei. The boy was taken in by his grandparents. When his father and stepmother moved to Igarka, Astafyev ran away from home, was a homeless child, and was brought up in an orphanage. He changed many professions: a locksmith, a loader, a foundry worker, a watchman, a journalist. He was at the front for three years, where he was seriously wounded. After the war, he settled in the Urals, changed many professions, and in 1951 became an employee of the Chusovoy Rabochiy newspaper, began to write and publish his stories, then short stories and novels. The first collection of short stories "Until Next Spring" was published in 1953.
- What do you guys think, why did Astafiev start writing? How do you understand the words: "... I know one thing for sure - books and life forced me to write"? (Astafiev was forced to write by a difficult life and love of books).
Right! Here's what the writer himself said:
“... I thought and thought, and it turned out that I needed to talk about my countrymen, first of all, about my fellow villagers, about my grandparents and other relatives ... They were interesting to me and loved by me as they are on really"
(V.P. Astafiev) .

Astafiev's works are based on the story of his own life. Many books of the writer are devoted to childhood. The future writer lived in unity with nature and rural life. The boy was fishing, and the lake accepted him, but Astafyev’s fishing days ended, he ended up in an orphanage, where he wanted to talk about the lake, “open it the way he once saw it, so that what was written would not be felt at all, and the reader’s soul would melt, shiver if he had skin, and from delight, from love, he would want to kiss ... every tree in the forest, every leaf ... And he would be happy that there is a beautiful world around him, and he exists in this world .. ."

Viktor Petrovich left memories of the creation of the work with which you will get acquainted: “The fate of the story“ Vasyutkino Lake ”is curious. In the city of Igarka, Ignaty Dmitrievich Rozhdestvensky, a well-known Siberian poet, once taught Russian language and literature. He taught, as I now understand, his subjects well, forced us to "wiggle our brains" and not lick the presentations from textbooks, but write essays on free topics. That's how he once offered to write to us, the fifth graders, about how the summer went. And I got lost in the taiga in the summer, I spent many days alone, and I wrote about all this. My essay was published in a handwritten school magazine called "Alive". Many years later, I remembered him, tried to restore in memory. And so it turned out "Vasyutkino Lake" - my first story for children.

At home, I asked you to read the story "Vasyutkino Lake" on your own. Has everyone read it?

II . Conversation on:

    What feelings did the story evoke in you?

    Who is the hero of the story?(The hero of the story is the boy Vasyutka, 13 years old)

    Why was Vasyutka bored in the brigade of fishermen?(Vasyutka got bored in the brigade of fishermen, because there were monotonous days, he came across only calm fishing, and he had no one to play with)

    What time of year was it? Find the text and read. (It was the end of August. At the beginning of the story, it speaks of frequent autumn rains, and then we read: “August night is short”).

    Why did Vasyutka go to the forest?(Vasyutka went to the forest for nuts for the fishermen)

    What did you take with you?(He took with him food, matches, a gun)

    Why did mother insist that Vasyutka take a piece of bread with him?(This is the old order: go to the forest, take food, take matches)

    When did Vasyutka realize that he was lost?(Vasyutka realized that he was lost when he lost sight of the trees on the trees)

    How did the author manage to convey his emotional state? Read this description.(The numbness lasted until Vasyutka heard some mysterious rustle in the depths of the darkened forest. He screamed and rushed to run. How many times he stumbled, fell, got up and ran again, Vasyutka did not know. Finally he jumped into windbreak and began to crackle through the dry thorny branches. Then fell off valezhin face down into the damp moss and froze. Despair seized him, and immediately there was no strength. “Whatever happens,” he thought defiantly. Night flew silently into the forest like an owl. And with it, the cold. Vasyutka felt his clothes soaked with sweat get cold.

Are there any words in this description that you guys don't understand? Windbreak - trees broken by the wind. Deadwood is with eared trees lying on the ground.

Why does the author describe Vasyutka's condition in this way?(The author thus describes the state of Vasyutka in order to show his tension, agitation, initial despair and panic).

    What did Vasyutka remember when he realized that he was lost?(When Vasyutka realized that he was lost, he immediately remembered the words of his grandfather and father: “Taiga, our nurse, does not like flimsy ones”)

    Why did he remember these words? (Vasyutka remembered these words because he felt his defenselessness)

    How many days was Vasyutka looking for his way home? (Vasyutka was looking for his way home for 4 days, on the 5th day he was found)

And now, guys, let's make a table with you, which will look like this:

III. Compiling a table


Vasyutka's condition and behavior

Day 1

-What can you say about Vasyutka after reading a detailed description of his first day (night) in the taiga? (working on text)

torpor; froze, despair seized him, and immediately there was no strength; cold; smiled through force: “We live!”; loneliness; but as soon as I lay down and thought about it, anxiety began to overcome with renewed vigor; and yet it was terrible.

Day 2

-And now we will find in the text a description of the Siberian taiga.

“Taiga... Taiga... Without end and edge, it stretched in all directions, silent, indifferent. From above, it looked like a huge dark sea. The sky did not break off immediately, as it happens in the mountains, but stretched far, far away, closer and closer to the tops of the forest.<…>For a long time Vasyutka searched with his eyes for a yellow strip of larch in the midst of a motionless green sea (a larch forest usually stretches along the banks of a river), but all around darkened solid conifer. It can be seen that the Yenisei was also lost in the deaf, gloomy taiga. Vasyutka felt himself small, small and cried out with anguish and despair…”.

Increasing loneliness; yearning; despair.

-And how is Vasyutka behaving?

The hands did their job, and the question was being solved in the head, the one and only question: “Where to go?”; “Vasyutka correctly judged where to go: the taiga stretches for thousands of kilometers to the south, you can completely get lost in it. And if you go north, then after a hundred kilometers the forest will end, the tundra will begin. Vasyutka understood that going out into the tundra was not salvation. Settlements there are very rare. But he should at least get out of the forest, which blocks the light and crushes with its gloom”;

"crashed forward."

At what point did he cry? Find this description.

I found a lake - "Vasyutka's lips trembled:<Нет, неправда!>; then he sat down, with a weary movement took off his sack, began to wipe his face with his cap, and suddenly, clutching it with his teeth, burst into tears.

Why was the boy crying?

The boy burst into tears because his expectations were not met. Instead of the Yenisei, he found an unknown lake. He felt embarrassed.

-Compare the forest and lake life of Vasyutka. What did he like best and why?

“Still, it was much more fun by the lake than in the thick of the taiga.” The taiga is dark, gloomy.

What was the boy thinking about on the second night?

The boy thought first about the house, and then he remembered the school, comrades.

Why does he remember all this? Is it only “to drive away bad thoughts”?

“He felt sorry for himself, remorse began to pester” - he begins to realize his guilt, remembering his mistakes, bad behavior. “Vasyutka became very bitter”

Day 3

-What happens to the boy on the 3rd day?

He tries not to hurry with thoughts: “No, it’s better not to think. Yesterday, the Yenisei, the Yenisei, was delighted, but I saw a swamp cone. No, no, it's better not to think. He saw that the lake was large, it was full of white fish, he wants to get out, tell everyone, encourages himself: “What? And I'll get out!

“It even started to have a fever (a flowing lake), and it was joyful, and somehow it was scary to believe in it.”

I saw a healthy capercaillie, but did not pursue him anymore; I saw a yellow strip of deciduous forest - excitement.

Rain: Vasyutka writhed and fell into a heavy sleep.

What day, in your opinion, turned out to be the most difficult for Vasyutka: the day when he got lost, or the day when it started to rain (i.e. the 3rd day)?

The most difficult day was when the wind picked up and it began to rain. The boy wanted to eat, he began to feel sick. He ate the rest of the salmon. I didn't even have the energy to light a fire. The boy's strength was running out.

Day 4

- By what signs did Vasyutka find his way to the Yenisei?

At first, Vasyutka guessed that the lake was flowing. If the lake is flowing, then it flows into a large river.

Why was it so important for him to go to the Siberian river?

Because boats and steamboats are sailing along the river, there is hope that someone will see him and save him.

-How does the author describe the meeting with the Yenisei? "The boy is frozen. It even took his breath away - so beautiful, so wide was his native river! And before that, for some reason, she seemed ordinary and not very friendly to him. He rushed forward, fell on the edge of the shore and began to grab water in greedy sips, slap on it with his hands, dip his face in it ...<…>Vasyutka went crazy with joy. He began to jump, tossing handfuls of sand.

- Why was the last night on the beach especially unsettling?

The last night on the shore was especially disturbing, because it seemed to the boy that someone was swimming along the Yenisei. Now he heard the spanking of oars, then the sound of engines. Vasyutka was afraid that he would not be noticed.

How did the boy achieve his salvation?

The boy lit a fire, guessed that they would soon notice him at the fire. Then he remembered the gun and started firing.

- What does it say?

All this speaks of his steadfastness, his desire to be saved at all costs.

Day 5

- How does Vasyutka behave at home?

“Vasyutka is lying on a trestle bed, slumped ...”; "Shyly followed his father."

Why is the boy behaving like this?

Vasyutka finally returned home, he is watching his mother and grandfather, waiting for what his father will tell him, whether he will scold him.

-How did grandfather, mother and father meet Vasyutka?

Grandfather, mother and father met Vasyutka joyfully, unexpectedly, they thought that he did not survive.

Why didn't anyone scold him?

Nobody scolded him, because his relatives no longer hoped to see him alive. Vasyutka has suffered so much. The main thing is that he was found and saved his life.

    Does the state, behavior of Vasyutka differ in each of the days? Compare.

(Different. At first, he tried not to cry, in his soul there was fear, despair, but he resolutely moves forward, cheers himself up. The only turning point was when, instead of the Yenisei, he saw an unfamiliar lake. He wept with resentment. The farther he goes, the more confident he feels)

    Compare according to the table, how do the tests on its way change in terms of difficulty?

(Every day the trials on the way of Vasyutka become more and more difficult)

    What does it say?

(This suggests that despite the increasingly difficult trials, Vasyutka finds the strength in himself to escape, he does not give up)

    What qualities helped him?

(Vasyutka was helped by courage, patience, love for nature, knowledge of nature, resourcefulness)

    So what do you think was the main thing in the story? Start with what we just talked about.

(In the story “Vasyutkino Lake”, the author wanted to show that difficult life tests will help to pass such qualities of character as courage, patience, resourcefulness, knowledge of nature, love for her. , man begins).

Very true thoughts guys. Let's write them down.

Ratings today are...

And your homework will be like this:

Draw an illustration for one of the proposed episodes:

    Capercaillie hunting

    First night in taiga

    Encounter with the forest lake

    Finally Yenisei!

    Vasyutka at home

Thank you all for your work in class. Goodbye.

“Vasyutkino Lake” is the main idea and what Astafyev’s story teaches you in this article.

"Vasyutkino Lake" main idea

the main idea- be able to find a way out in the most difficult situation, hope for the best, do not give up)

What does Astafiev's story "Vasyutkino Lake" teach?
This work causes a desire to study and protect the wildlife of their region.

What is the story "Vasyutkino Lake" about?

Siberia. Late fall. 13-year-old boy Vasyutka went to the taiga for pine nuts and got lost. Taiga is not a joke, of course, an adult is scared, but here is a child.

Not at a loss, Vasyutka began to recall everything that he had ever heard from fishermen about what signs could help him get out of the dense taiga, he showed remarkable wisdom and courage, he stayed in the taiga for five long days, getting food for himself, hunting, did not lose heart.

On the fifth day, he went to an unknown lake, where there were a lot of fish, and along its course he went to the Yenisei, where his father's friends found him. The lake that the boy found was named after him - Vasyutkin Lake.

In the story Vasyutkino Lake, the writer shows that difficulties can be useful to a person, because they temper character. In a critical situation, Vasyutka acts collectedly and decisively, like a real man. All the time he spent in the forest, the boy remembered the words of his father and grandfather: “Our taiga, the nurse, does not like flimsy ones!” Therefore, no matter how terrible Vasyutka was, no matter how hopeless his situation seemed, he controlled himself, did not become limp, did not lose heart. Ingenuity and observation helped Vasyutka find the right way home and tell about an unusual lake with white fish. Adult fishermen were grateful for this find to the boy. The discovered lake is a worthy reward for the boy for the courage and endurance shown by him in the unforgettable days that he spent one on one with the taiga

The story of how in a critical situation not to get confused, succumbing to panic, and, having mobilized strength, to do everything that depends on you, is told in his work “Vasyutkino Lake” by V.P. Astafiev.

The plot of the story is taken from the childhood of the writer, who spent his student years in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Even the surname of the foreman is real and belongs to the well-known dynasty of Siberian fishermen.

History of creation

“Vasyutkino Lake” was written in 1952, and published in 1956. But the beginning of the appearance of the story was the year when the fifth-grader Vitya, on the task of a literature teacher, told in an essay dedicated to the past summer about how he got lost in the taiga , spent many anxious days alone with nature, discovered a lake unknown to the old-timers and, in the end, was able to independently get to the river. A vivid and truthful retelling of the boy's experiences led to the fact that his work was published in the school magazine.

The children's essay created from memory became the basis for the writer.

Description of the story

In a simple but figurative language, the narrator tells about the everyday life of a fishing camp in Siberia. Thirteen-year-old Vasyutka, the son of a brigadier, tries to help adults to the best of his ability, extracting pine nuts for them.

One day, having captured a gun and provisions, the boy went further into the forest, hoping for a rich harvest, and got lost. After vain attempts to find the way, Vasyutka realizes that there is nowhere to wait for help, she must rely only on herself. Horror, panic and confusion gradually give way to calm prudence. It was not for nothing that the guy grew up in this harsh land, from childhood hearing the instructions of the old people on how to behave in such a case. Using the advice of experienced hunters and his own skills, the boy manages not only to survive in harsh conditions for several days, overcoming his fear, but also to get food for himself, warm himself, discover a lost reservoir with valuable fish, and, remembering the lessons of geography, go to the banks of the Yenisei, to people.

A schoolboy walked sixty kilometers in five long days full of suspense and anxiety. Knowing that the fishermen have been longing for a catch for a long time, Vasyutka, having arrived home, immediately reported on the lake he had seen. Having indicated the path to the brigade's cherished route, the teenager feels involved in the common cause. Subsequently, the reservoir was mapped and named after Vasily.

Main character

Vasily Shadrin is an ordinary village schoolboy, a mischievous and braggart. He loves adventure, considers himself quite an adult and independent person. His character was formed under the influence of his father, the laconic inhabitants of the taiga village. The customs and traditions of the Siberian region also left their mark. The author does not give a detailed description of the protagonist, his personality is revealed in the process of narration.

Having found himself in a hopeless, frightening situation, knowing what the loss of a road in the forest could turn into, clearly imagining the consequences, Vasyutka showed courage and endurance, practical wisdom and prudence, without losing his sense of humor. Not succumbing to fear, bravely overcoming obstacles, the boy thinks not only about himself, but also about common interests.

Story analysis

In the introduction, conducted in the third person, the author talks about the new lake and Vasyutka's role in this discovery. Deep love for the motherland and the conviction that big and small victories await each of us is evident in the opening lines.

The plot occurs when, carried away by the hunt for capercaillie, the teenager got lost. The climax is the moment when the taiga people save the desperate Vasyutka. The denouement of the story is the return of the guy to his mother and the beginning of fishing in the open lake.

The narrator uses traditional composition with a consistent narrative and a minimal number of characters. The slowness and detail of the presentation allows you to imagine yourself in the place of the central character, the reader sympathizes with Vasya, worries about him.

Astafiev is characterized by the use of comparisons. Thanks to colorful descriptions, the nature of the lower reaches of the Yenisei comes to life. The figurativeness of the actors is added by the use of the local dialect in direct speech.

Overcoming difficulties, always looking for a way out of a difficult situation, using all opportunities - this is what this story teaches. A great desire to live helped the little Siberian get out of the taiga.

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