Essay on the role of the teacher in the profession. Profession teacher - an essay on the importance of teachers in our lives

whose knowledge is useful.

This saying of the ancient Greek poet Aeschylus is the best

characterizes the modern teacher. Knowing a lot is one thing

and making your knowledge available to others is not a task for everyone.

Teacher... We often say this word without thinking about the role a teacher plays in a person's life. How much strength, work, patience, soul the teacher puts into each of his little students so that he grows up a successful and happy person! No wonder they say that the school is the second home, and the teacher is the second mother. So who is the teacher?

The profession of a teacher is the most honorable profession in civilized countries, because the teacher molds human nature with his own efforts, shows the characteristics of the character and personality of the child and, ultimately, the future of his student. Being a teacher is not a profession, it's a whole life!

You can be sure that every teacher remembers the beginning of his

work path at school.

I took my first class when I turned 18.

When I first entered the freshly painted doors of the Bartholomew Secondary School, I realized that teaching is mine for life.

For the past 34 years I have been teaching children the Russian language and literature and have never regretted my choice.

Being one of those people who are fanatically devoted to the profession

and do not think of their life outside of school, I believe that my main contribution to

raising the status of a teacher is my personal example, my daily work.

I dreamed of becoming a teacher since childhood, because there is no more grateful, joyful, positive and socially significant profession.

I understand the responsibility that I take on every day, because

It depends on me what kind of school my students will remember, and how their further relationship with the Russian language will develop.

Why did I become a teacher?

The answer to this question is LOVE. Love for children, love for


Everything starts with love!

And illumination, and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child.

Everything starts with love!

The world is full of secrets, mysteries, and each one is behind a closed door. The main task for the teacher is to find the keys to this wonderful world,

so that the child's soul opens up and a magical, amazing bird

flew into this world full of wonderful colors, enchanting sounds, and

this did not hurt her wings, which were not yet strong.

A child is a unique, inimitable world of childhood. I go to

class and not just see, but feel the look of ten pairs of eyes on me,

so different: funny and sad, inquisitive and thoughtful, mischievous and

serious, but in every look - hope, hope that the teacher

understand, love and help. And I try to justify their hopes. I feel their energy, their warmth. Every day, every hour, every minute I

I try to instill in their souls my conviction that he is happy

a person who knows how to love everything around and knows how to do good to people.

I am happy, happy because I can be useful to someone, I can give moments of joy and drops of happiness to others.

I love my job and feel like I belong. The feeling of satisfaction gives me much-needed peace of mind today, harmony, feeds me with positive emotions, saves me from indifference and pessimism. I'm a happy man.

I am a Teacher ... A teacher of Russian language and literature ... A person,

called to "sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal"...

I have never regretted that I chose the profession of a teacher. Yes,

notebooks, plans, sleepless nights. But in this whirlwind, I realized one thing - I

happy person, because I have a family and, of course, my school, without

which I cannot manage, and she, it seems to me, too ...

Now I'm in 11th grade. It teaches guys for whom

the words "We are responsible for everything ..." became a guiding star. And also - my students are participants in various competitions, olympiads. Many of them are winners. They already know what place they want to take in this life.

And I understand that there is a part of me in this, a part of a simple teacher

from the outback... I love my children, I love my job, and every time I come to a lesson, I understand that only together, together, we can do anything. I will not reveal any secrets if I say that everything will work out only then, then we will love our children, and, most importantly, they will reciprocate us ...

Being a teacher is not easy. The relationship between students and teachers largely depends on the personality of the teacher. After all, teachers are different. The teacher always balances on the edge of something dangerous and mysterious. It is easier to be moralistic and instructive than to try to awaken the student to self-education, it is important to be tough and demanding, but it is possible to develop the child's personality only through its emancipation; an obedient and diligent student is pleasing to everyone, but try to love a difficult and incapable one. The teacher touches eternity: no one can tell when his influence ends. It's just that a teacher can give his listeners a certain amount of information, from which it does not follow that he is capable of educating them. You can't blind a person from knowledge alone. Teachers are, first of all, educators, morally, ethically, philosophically, ethically, aesthetically influencing children. To educate is to give what you yourself possess. Once I asked the eleventh graders: "What is important for you in a teacher?" Their answer confirmed my point of view: a teacher should be a Personality. This means that the teacher must be a person, a moral person, an honest person, he must not be indifferent, two-hearted. Only a Personality can be interesting to his students. The teacher should have a high degree of kindness, patience, restraint. It turned out to be an almost perfect portrait. You say: is it easy? Is it easy to constantly control yourself when there are two dozen guys in front of you who can sometimes drive you crazy. At home, sometimes parents from an only child do not know where to go. But these parents did not become teachers, and we chose this profession, which means that we need to be able to control ourselves.

The teacher must, like an actor, reincarnate; like a machinist, to drive a train, whatever his mood may be.

Only those who learn and educate themselves can teach and educate. Who knows how to forgive and spare. The child didn’t come to the cleaning - figure it out, or maybe he really didn’t feel well, you see that in your literature lesson the students are busy with something else - don’t be too strict - or maybe your lesson is uninteresting - then it’s your own fault, do not rush to put a bad mark, do not infringe, know how to spare.

The work of a teacher is incredibly difficult. But, it seems to me that if a person really has a vocation, it does not fade over the years, since love for a child cannot disappear. With such a teacher, the child will not feel like an object of education, he will become a natural accomplice. But this requires a teacher's tact, cordiality, mind. The well-known Russian neuropathologist Bekhterev said: “If the patient does not feel better after talking with the doctor, then this is not a doctor.” To paraphrase these words, we can say: if after a conversation with a teacher, the child does not feel at least a little enriched, if his tension is not relieved, if his bad mood does not go away, then this is not a teacher.

Once, in a conversation with my former teacher, I heard these words: “Do not be afraid to be kind and affectionate with students. Kindness and love are never enough. Love and be loved. Even after many years you will see in them the sprouts of the warmth and goodness you have sown.

And now I myself, having worked for several decades at school, always try to adhere to these words. The thought that I put my part in the organization of the life of the Future imposes a huge responsibility on me.

I strive to ensure that my students argue, argue and seek the truth, so that the conclusions in the lesson are not presented in finished form, because this is now required of us by the time. The modern world has become informationally unified. The computer has penetrated into all spheres of human activity. Computer skills have become an integral part of modern life.

I believe that the informatization of education should be ahead of the informatization of other branches of human life, since knowledge and

the skills acquired in the process of education underlie all types of

human activities. Unfortunately, the modern school, especially the rural one, is far from this ideal. But already the fact that a computer came to us and

The Internet is a big step forward.

The use of a computer increases the information security of the teacher and students, affects the motivation for learning, makes it possible to learn independently, increases the individualization of learning, acts as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the efficiency and objectivity of assessing students' knowledge. It is obvious that the informatization of education is necessary and must be implemented at a faster pace in order to keep up with modern life.

My teaching practice started with traditional methods

learning. I am delighted with the introduction of computer technology in the educational process. A huge mass of technical means greatly facilitates the preparation for lessons, frees up time for creative activity. In modern society, which has entered the era of global informatization, specialists who can understand the flow of information are becoming more in demand. The task of the teacher is to be able to single out the main thing in the flow of information and teach this to his students.

students. Today there is not a single school that does not have

computers. Lessons without the use of computer technology have gone into

past. Students have an increasing demand for knowledge.

Use of electronic information resources by teachers

activates the imaginative thinking of students, increases their interest in

the subject being studied and creates conditions for the most complete implementation

the principle of student-centered learning.

And, if the children understand this, then the soul warms up, the thought process has begun, there is still a lot of work ahead, but it is at such moments that you understand: a step towards fulfilling the main mission of the teacher - educating a thinking person - has been made! Therefore, I try to create an intellectual and emotional atmosphere in my lessons, demonstrate complete trust in children, strive to feel the psychological mood of the class and accept it. I enjoy teaching and learning from children and learning with my students. The main thing is not to stop and not give up! It's amazing when, captivating, you get carried away yourself, probably, this is creativity and love.

The famous Shota Rustaveli has the lines: “What you hid is gone, what you gave away is yours.” I try to give everything I can: knowledge, love, kindness, care, but I get much more from my students: they give me a huge life charge, teach me to create. I believe that all my students will be wonderful people, talented workers, because it cannot be otherwise.

Ten years will pass, and again I will see them, my students, matured and matured, stepping into a complex and contradictory world. God grant that their abilities and talents can be fully manifested.

I do not wish them contentment, because it leads to complacency and rest on our laurels. Let them better remember the motto: “Fight, seek, find and not give up!”

“I give my heart to children” is the motto of my teaching activity. Despite certain difficulties and difficulties in my work, I like my profession, because when I come to work, I see the smiles of children, I feel their joy from communicating with me, because every day they learn something new, interesting, rejoice in their successes, share their most intimate with me, because they see me as a friend, helper, teacher. I see the grateful smiles of parents, because for them the most important thing is that their child is well. I feel the support of my colleagues who will help and support in

difficult moment. And I have this happiness every day, only thanks to

because I am a teacher. I am proud to be an educator.

And let the answer to the topic of my work be the words: “I am walking along the path of Service, Service to Children. I now know why to live.

Time passes imperceptibly, children grow up, parents grow up, teachers become more experienced, the role of the teacher remains unchanged. The desire to do good, to teach children to learn, to educate in them decency and honesty, kindness and mercy and an amazing ability to see the world in their own way, in a childish way, does not dry out.

Time passes imperceptibly, children grow up, parents grow up, teachers become more experienced, the role of the teacher remains unchanged. The desire to do good, to teach children to learn, to educate in them decency and honesty, kindness and mercy and an amazing ability to see the world in their own way, in a childish way, does not dry out. Each child is unique, individual, and to discern this spark of talent, develop it, teach them to live with everyone as one friendly family - this is so important! How different they are, my students! Each child is a special world. So different and so loved...

And it depends on me how their future will turn out. Behind the desks in my lessons sits the future of our country, in which I, my family and friends will live. And our future depends on what my students will become. This is where the indefatigable desire to do good comes from.

Over the years, you begin to wonder: have you done everything as planned, have you achieved your goals, are you satisfied with what you have been doing all your life, have your dreams come true?

Many years have passed since then, but I remember my first day at school as now. New two-story brick building. A taut satin ribbon that I was entrusted with cutting in order to enter the doors of the new building. I still feel trembling in my hands and excitement from what is happening. And from the "golden key", which were to touch the doors, delight overwhelmed!

For the entire first lesson, I could not take my eyes off my teacher. She conquered me with her magical voice, beautiful outfit, kind look, unusual hairstyle. I don't remember what she was talking about. It seemed that it was a wonderful fairy descended from heaven. Nina Vasilievna remained in my memory forever. Even on that very first day, I decided for myself that I want to be exactly the same sorceress. Arriving home, I announced from the threshold: “I will be an angel teacher.” My parents laughed, and my grandmother approved of my choice. My girlfriend and I played school almost every day. At home they put chairs instead of desks, seated dolls, teddy bears and "taught".

By the will of fate, our family had to move. Parting with her school, with her beloved teacher left unusual memories: words of support, good parting words, an agreement on a meeting and warm hugs. There was also excitement from the coming changes, fear of a new school, teachers, classmates. I was lucky, I quickly adapted, but the connection with my beloved teacher was not interrupted. We traveled whenever possible to visit, wrote letters to each other. Nina Vasilievna was very attentive, sensitive, she was interested in all the little things in my life, she managed to notice everything very accurately. My teachers are wonderful people. Each of them gave me a part of my soul, gave me confidence, helped me decide in my future life. After school, I firmly decided that I wanted to teach young children, primary school students.

I am especially grateful to the teachers and methodologists who taught me to start demanding from myself, passed on their work experience, the “zest” necessary in working with kids. I had someone to look up to.

My first communication with children, incredible excitement, the first lessons, the eyes of the students are impossible to forget. Only thanks to the wonderful teacher-mentor, Ekaterina Nikolaevna, I became even more confident in the correctness of my decision. Her timbre of voice, exactingness and poise, love for children, pedagogical tact helped me in my work. The lessons of this wonderful man were invaluable to me. I also remember the meeting with the new team. Young specialists were honored very warmly, at home. Caring and strict director, friendly and creative colleagues. I didn’t have to go with the flow alone, there were a lot of people who were close to me in spirit.

School is an amazing country where you are charged with inexhaustible energy from children's curious eyes. I'm not just a teacher. I am the first teacher who enters the life of a child and his family. Parents trust me with the most precious thing they have - their children. But who, if not me, replaces them with the dearest person in the world - my mother. My path as a teacher is not a mistake, it is destiny. This is not hours in the schedule, but a whole life lived. From the very first entry on the threshold of the school, the teacher replaces the dearest person - mother. The first teacher becomes a mentor for the child, a role model, an unknown actress playing various roles, trying on the masks of a good fairy, a wise sorceress, a strict and fair leader.

More than once I was lucky to see first-graders entering the school for the first time. This is a sinking heart, open eyes in awe of the new, unknown and mysterious, which look at you with the hope that you will become not only a teacher, but also a very good friend. And this first-grader timidly, breathing a little, holds out his tiny little hand to you. He trusted you. It is impossible to describe in words the feelings that you experience at such moments.

Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of a child. And the main thing here is to be sincere. Any falsehood can disappoint, hurt young souls. It is important to analyze your actions, "to be able to take the place of the student." A special understanding comes when your own children go to school. This is a kind of school of life, you see how they do their homework, how motivated they are, whether they have friends, whether they are comfortable at school, you look at them at home. At the lessons I try to arouse interest in gaining knowledge, to light a spark in children's eyes.

I can't imagine myself in any other profession. I think that teaching is not even a profession, but a way of life. It is interesting for me to teach children not only to read, write, solve examples and problems, but also to educate children in love for their native land, family, the ability to work, to be kind, honest, sympathetic. Looking back, I think: how many students passed through my hands, how many notebooks were checked, how many worries, sleepless nights, worries ... But still there were more joys and happy days. The happiness of a teacher when you see the sparkle in the eyes of your students from success and discoveries. For twenty-eight years I have been working in a school with children. These were the years of searches, reflections, disappointments, hesitations, discoveries that turned my whole life upside down, during which I study. I study all the time: always and everywhere. I like to learn. My motto is "A teacher is a teacher as long as he learns". Now I can say with confidence: I am a happy person! And, above all, because I am constantly surrounded by children. I teach them and they teach me. I like to look at the world through the eyes of children, find joy and pleasure in it, think about my students, empathize with their successes and failures, and bear responsibility for them. Children change, and I change with them. They won't let me grow old in spirit. It's like I'm rewinding my age. And, probably, my teacher's happiness lies in that special trust that a child's heart so generously gives us. We often go on excursions, hikes, organize events, concerts, holidays, participate in competitions. We are comfortable together.

S.L. wrote very accurately and aptly about the teacher. Soloveichik:

“He is an artist, but his listeners and viewers do not applaud him.

He is a sculptor, but no one sees his work.

He is a doctor, but his patients rarely thank him for the treatment and do not always want to be treated.

Where can he get the strength for everyday inspiration?

Only in oneself, only in the consciousness of the greatness of one's work.

Tomorrow is a new school day. I will come to the lesson again, and again the eyes of my students will look at me ... And the assessment of my students is more important for me than the most authoritative opinions.

How many more calls and lessons will there be in my life? No matter how many there are, I firmly know that any work, large or small, if it is done for the benefit of mankind, is noble. I am happy that I have my share in this work.

So let the Earth be forever beautiful with our labor!

Irina Saber
Essay "I am a teacher" reflections on the profession of a teacher

I - teacher

Pedagogy is one of the most ancient human sciences. At the very early stage of development, as soon as a person picked up a stone and created the first tool of labor from it, he immediately faced the need to pass on his skills to his descendants. Perhaps the sacred meaning of the teacher's professions people already knew then. After all, it is no coincidence that in many cultures the duties of a teacher were assigned to priests, libraries were located in temples, and schools were organized at monasteries. Already in ancient Greece, civilians - teachers - were engaged in training. In the first century AD, the Roman Senate decided to pay the salary of the first "regular" teacher of speakers - Marcus Fabius Quintilian, which indicates the appearance of a teacher's professions. The very word pedagogy"came to us from the ancient Greek language, and literally it is translated as" the art of education.

Every state, every social system recognized the need for training and education, targeting people who were engaged in this activity in accordance with their ideas. But of all types of teaching activities, perhaps the most responsible work is the education of the smallest children. Kindergarten teachers are the first adults that toddlers encounter as they move out of their home and into such a complex and incomprehensible adult world. And the future of the child, his development, his personal qualities largely depend on how sensitive, knowledgeable, experienced and loving the teacher will be.

I often think about how the real teacher. First of all, he must love children, because everything begins with love. Love for a child is, according to V. Sukhomlinsky, “the flesh and blood of an educator as a force capable of influencing the spiritual world of another person. teacher without love for a child is like a singer without a voice, a musician without hearing, a painter without a sense of color. We are talking about wise, kind and demanding love, the kind of love that teaches to live. That is why I am proud of my profession. I am proud that I have dedicated my life to such an important and necessary cause for people.

Real teacher must work for the future, ahead of its time. Mission teacher- this is not only his own interests, motives, plans. He is an intermediary between children and the system of ideas, traditions, culture of his people and humanity. His duty is to educate worthy people capable of multiplying the achievements of human civilization. Personality plays an important role in this. teacher, his sensitivity to another person, humanity in thoughts and actions. But this does not reduce the relevance of such a feature as exactingness. Forgiveness, unscrupulousness, indulgence towards students, indulgence in their weaknesses, indifference to their negative qualities do great harm to the education of the individual.

Faith in man is what, in my opinion, is the source of inspiration for the present teacher. The educator must be an optimist, deeply believe in the strengths and capabilities of children, see the best that is inherent in them, and "design the good," as Makarenko said.

Fairness is a mandatory norm in relation to the educator towards children. Any manifestation of injustice teacher hurt children's souls, outrage children and cause irreparable harm to the cause of education and upbringing.

In addition, for teacher emotional state is important. All the troubles of our life, all the negative emotions, resentment, frustration, bad mood teacher should be left outside the kindergarten door. It is incredibly difficult, but those who cope with this task will be rewarded with happy children's eyes. This does not mean that he should restrain his anger at the pupil who deserved it. But smart and smart teacher will always be able to express his anger in such a way as not to cross the line, to let the child understand exactly what he was wrong about and how to do so in order to earn the approval of a wise adult.

teacher- the main figure of the educational process. His personal example is a powerful factor of educational influence. The educator educates not only with words, but with all the qualities of his personality. Children, said Leo Tolstoy, are engaged in an example a hundred times more than in the most eloquent and intelligent instructions. Especially kids who copy the teacher at every turn. Great teacher Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky "golden rule" science of education believed thesis: “A teacher needs to be the way he wants to see his students”.

In creating the authority of an educator, such personality traits as erudition, deep professional knowledge, justice, tolerance, kind attitude towards people, adherence to principles, humanity, unity of word and deed, high sense of responsibility. Teaching and educational work requires organizational skills from the educator. teacher deals with the children's team, whose activities must be directed. The same applies to his interaction with each child. Therefore, the efficiency pedagogical process depends on the correct organization of the work of the teacher, his ability to unite and rally the group.

Another important characteristic of the teacher's activity is his language culture. Language is the most important means of communication between a teacher and children, the main tool pedagogical work. important in speech teacher is the setting of the voice, its tone. The same word can be said in such a way that it will sound confident or hesitant, pleasant or unpleasant. “I became a real master only then,” noted the outstanding teacher Anton Semenovich Makarenko - when he learned to speak "go here" with fifteen or twenty shades, when he learned to give twenty nuances on the face, in the figure and in the voice. You need to speak with children in such a way that they feel in the language educator his will soul, culture.

A good teacher is first and foremost a good person. After all, the positive qualities teacher form the basis of his authority - the recognition by the pupils of his intellectual and moral strength. And hence the admiration for the teacher, and faith in him, and the memory of him - for life. Authoritative teacher- the real owner of the thoughts and feelings of his pupils.

No matter what anyone says about it now, no matter how we relate to this period of our history, but it was in the Soviet years that the most severe requirements were imposed on the moral character of the teacher. It was during these years that the best traditions of our teaching were laid. And perhaps the most striking images teachers were created precisely in Soviet literature and Soviet cinema. My favorite film is "We'll Live Until Monday", where the brilliant Soviet actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov played his best role - the history teacher Melnikov. In this film, teenagers wrote an essay on the topic "What is happiness", and one of them answered this question So: Happiness is when you are understood. So the child voiced his main problem - misunderstanding on the part of adults, unwillingness to treat him as an equal, a person worthy of respect. Real teacher, I think, should fully possess this gift - the gift of understanding.

Golub Oksana Nikolaevna

"You are not born a teacher, you become a teacher"

I believe, profession a teacher is one of the most important in the modern world in which a child develops, surrounded by a variety of sources of strong influence on him, both positive and negative. The teacher is entrusted with - special mission: prepare the child for life among people, "do" his socially adapted to give ideas about the norms of behavior in modern society and the consequences of violation of these norms or the consequences of this act for the people around. The teacher must teach the little man to see the world of beauty, to teach compassion and mercy, kindness and love.

How I Became a Teacher and Why I Chose teacher profession? Rather, it was determined from above, because for me it is not easy profession or work is a vocation, a state of mind, a way of life. Everyone chooses the path of life in their own way, my choice professions was more than conscious when I realized that I wanted to become an educator, I was 35 years old. At first I worked as an assistant educator and did not even imagine that someday I would become a teacher. Working at my place, every day I observed how interesting the process of raising children was, with what love the educators treated their work, what interesting activities and games they played with the children. On the happy faces of the children and their parents, I saw the results of this hard, but very noble work! And I wanted to learn this craft and contribute to the education of the future generation of our country. To get this beautiful profession, I entered the correspondence course at the Pedagogical Institute. A little more time passed and I was offered to try myself as a teacher. At first it was scary, because the work of an educator is so responsible! I tried…. And I realized that being a teacher is wonderful and I have no way back. And, despite all the difficulties, I work, I live this profession. It is difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, yet we deal with different characters every day. It also happens to be very difficult. Sometimes they just give up, but as soon as the child smiles at you and that's it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them. It is not for nothing that the kids of the younger groups, having forgotten, call you mom. Isn't that the highest credibility score?

I like my profession also because, it requires continuous personal introspection and dedication from me, motivates me to move forward all the time, not to stand still. Children are "perpetual motion machine" and to give answers to their endless "why?" I am constantly improving my knowledge and skills. The responsibility inherent in the teacher is a constant incentive for self-organization. And I, as a teacher, burn with a constant desire to become better, more competent, more qualified. I am always interested in working, working on principle: "To love and do your job better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today."

Rank "teacher" obliges a lot, because it is entrusted mission: to see the talent of the child and develop it, not to let the spark of God go out, to help you navigate in our such a complex modern world and find your own way. For a teacher, in my opinion, it is important to be able to feel children, to understand their spiritual world. In my opinion, a teacher should always try to think through every step and deed so as not to cause children feelings. A real teacher is a skillful educator and a bright personality, an interesting person, to whom children should feel attraction, a desire to be close. K. D. Ushinsky compared the personality of a teacher with a fruitful ray of the sun. He emphasized: “In education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because the educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality. Only personality can act on the development and definition of personality, only character can form character. And in order to be useful and interesting for children, I try to constantly improve myself in order to grow in professions to achieve real results. For children, I try to be the creator of their joy, I always come up with something new, fun and unexpected. But the main thing is that nothing can be achieved in our professions- if you do not love children. Indeed, without love there can be no teacher. The teacher's love for children is not love for the elect, but for each child - complaisant and difficult, mobile and slow, impudent and polite, shy and lively. And I love them as my own, all of them, no matter what. I am a teacher of kids, I have years of work behind me, not even work, but a state of constant creative search, involvement in the development of the personality of my little friends. From early childhood, I form such character traits that will help the baby become a person and a citizen of society. I bring up love and respect for my home, kindergarten, native street, city, a sense of pride in the achievements of the country, the republic. I develop in children an interest in the phenomena of social life accessible to their age, I organize various creative activities for them, I create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the children's team. In my classes, I try to use different pedagogical technologies, a variety of didactic materials, techniques, and methods. Teaching and educating, I try to give love and joy to every kid. I want to make this world a little kinder, brighten up the baby's everyday life with positive emotions. After all, childhood ends so quickly!

Finishing my essay I want to say that I am a happy person! I am proud that I am fulfilling an important mission - educating the future of our country! I am allowed by fate to be close to the children! Thinking about children, taking care of them, loving them is the most wonderful feeling that not everyone can experience. And that makes me happy!

Essay on the topic: “The profession is a teacher!

"A Word About the Teacher"

I saw poets in bronze and granite,

And I met kings on copper horses.

Names of great letters in gilding

They glow brightly in the sun.

I am for justice!

Should have put

Somewhere on the street a modest pedestal -

Monument to the Teacher...

And on it would be the inscription:

“Without him, Pushkin would not have become Pushkin.

Vladimir Evplukhin

Being a teacher is a calling. It means to live childhood again and again with each child, to see the world through his eyes.

A teacher is not a profession, but a way of life, according to which he lives, hurrying to lessons every day. It cannot be called otherwise, because the teacher's thoughts are constantly about the school: during the day, in the evening, at night, and even during the holidays.

A teacher is a man with a capital letter, with a huge, pure and kind heart. A person who gives us a part of his life, gives it to everyone and at the same time does not regret a bit. A person who is always ready to listen to you and come to the rescue. He invests in us his love and care, without demanding anything in return. The teacher is an indispensable person in the fate of every student.

Indeed, how many spiritual qualities should be united in his character by a person who wants to become a teacher: firmness, unlimited patience, strictness and gentleness, trust and the ability to be an example in everything. And most importantly - love, love for life, for the learning process, and above all, for children.

Even L. Tolstoy noted that a good teacher is one who combines love for his work and love for his students.

Everyone knows that one of the most important choices in a person's life concerns his profession. Many people in our time enter a university in order to get one or another specialty, and only after graduating from a higher institution do they realize that this is far from what they would like to do. What does the essay “Profession - teacher” have to do with it? And despite the fact that this work is aimed not only at improving the Russian language, but also at reflection. In this case, they can prompt the student to think about the future.

Being a teacher is very responsible, because he is a model for students in thinking and behavior. Not only does a teacher need to know perfectly the subject that he teaches, he needs to be able to teach. Every child in the class must understand the material. And children are all different, so the teacher should be attentive to each. He must find an approach to everyone, interest them in his subject, show its importance and usefulness in the life of students. At the same time, the teacher must respect the individuality of the student.

I admire people who can be content with little, create a wonderful atmosphere of kindness, participation, harmony. They manage to do everything: communicate with nature, meet interesting people, benefit from their work, and bring joy to relatives and friends. I think that their life is interesting, beautiful, happy. This is exactly the category of people who are always remembered only with gratitude.

I believe that a teacher is a second mother. After all, the teacher gives the child knowledge and a certain upbringing. And the school is the second home, where the baby lives for more than one year, where he becomes a person. And what will be done with the child at school is very important. The teacher should build his relationship with the children on complete trust, mutual understanding and respect, should not divide his pupils into loved ones and unloved ones.

I have been a primary school teacher for 17 years. Every morning I go to work with joy, because I know that they are waiting for me. My school children discovering a new world. And how they see him - cruel or merciful, indifferent or fascinating - depends largely on me. My work brings me joy and a sense of fullness of life. I can't even imagine myself in any other role!

At the beginning of my essay, I included a poem by Evgeny Evplukhin"A Word About the Teacher"

These lines evoke in me inexpressible feelings of delight, infinite respect for the profession of a teacher. Only those who are sure that this is their calling can become a truly Teacher. Yes, my pedagogical path is not so long yet, but I know for sure that this is only the beginning!

I would like to finish my essay with a poem about a Russian teacher who came to our mountainous Dagestan in the Soviet years ...

The monument to a Russian teacher in Makhachkala is a symbol of the effort, work and self-sacrifice of Russian teachers who will forever remain in the memory of their students.

She stands as if alive

And looks into the distance through the years,

My beloved, dear,

The teacher is always strict.

But with a good heart and soul,

Extremely generous in everyday life,

That everyone was surprised, I will not hide,

For kindness and honesty.

I recognize your image in stone

Particularly in profile, in the "silhouette"

My teacher is holy and glorious -

I hasten to you through the thickness of the years.

My Dagestan remembered you

And the eternal mountains around

Like giants here and there

Keep peace and glory.

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