Atfalasa Slavic Belare. "People, sincecorable to us native and chaslavetva Praz

Gaschadzv Skіlyetstsa yes ўsіh, dy Nіtsi spirits Yong Nya Chu.
Nіna Matsyash

Khotsy, Polau, Bread Khaduvi І Z Vududa, Alla not ў and і not at anyhow.

Yakub Kolas.

Garshka Agornuta Pashanai, Khotsi Yong Famіlіі Glіnyanai.

Yakub Kolas.

Pat - Yong Garytsy, Yak Baluchy Guzak on the forehead of Abrazhanaga people.

Rygor Baradulіn

Skin times challenge Blіzhi da Schchasia on the Say of our Magil.
Castin Calіnўskі

We are a pavinny of the Bezvami Law for Tago, Metz Mach Machine Karystartz Swabodai.
Leў Sapega

Skin People Mae Hatsya b Adzіn Genivnaya Creative, І Gates Creative is Mova.
Alesa Razanў

Wladzemer Naklyaў

Yak Hell Narajannya Zynyary, Stand Koziatsi at the desert, Vedayutsu Jama Svaly; Ptushki, Stunt Lotyutsu in Pavetra, Vedayuts Snove Snay; Fishes, notes Flashing Pa Moray І ў Racks, Chepytse Vіra Svaly; P pchols І Tim Padobnya Baronian Vullali Svalya - So І Lyudzі, Dzea Naradzіlі і ўSdammnoye, yes Tago Messetsus Velikaya Lask Majut.
Franzyshak Scaryna

Skin Caulavec Nosvy Poto Sky Saba.
Wladzemer Karatkevіch

Yak Bind on Vine, a halo board - Kroў, І Platzіt Tuech, Hto Niemensh Vіnavati.
Vasil Bullў.

Doba Byzyu in Daezé, I have a saba myself.
Yakub Kolas.

The package gives the admiral school of the Z Knіzhmі, Passzesch Tryzztsy Korchmaў Z Harlinkai.
Alyaxandar Yelskі

Honey Pares mean nya Tolkі Lyubo-zitnywaped countrycare, ale, Ale's Pomst, Sili Voragaў, Zamlі і Swabody.
Laryts Genyush

Bagacesee of that, Hto, Shmata Putsuye, and that, Hto, Gaspadarytsy.
Zyanyon Puznyak

Yashche Nіkomo did not have a progress of the memorial monkey.
Wladzemer Arloў

Skin Pasha Dzan Adekіda TEE, SATO ESTI, I Skalіzhai TEGO, STATE.
Kuzma Chorna

Sada Kab Sadlіtsi, Vushi Asslіnya Mala.
Krapviva Crada

The people can Daravatsy Pіsmnynіkamn Multae, Ale Nia Mozha Daravatsi Majchannya ў Watches, Kali Yargottsa Yago Les.
Maxim Tank

ZUSIM is not a hіstayutsa servants, Asababiva - Globoka ўKapanya.
Yanka Bryl.

Not the people for ўrad, and ўrad for the people.
Castin Calіnўskі

Eternal Tolki Tolki Tolki Tolki, you add.
Wladzemer Karatkevіch

Spara in Spadyna is not a peahodzіtz.
Rygor Baradulіn

Hto Bachў srmertsy souls?
Rig Babko

Pamianne Move is such a genuine zyava, Yak І Narajanne Ya. The Beztsha Mozh, I am the i. Mova Neakali Pamre. Yak Prama I myself, Calavek. І I Aniyyak is not bypass by natural samplers. And from Cali Nasilna Pamіraz - terrible.
Yang Sanichich

Kazhuchi: Evil Nalo evil. And Naison - Yago Naratzhai Nagrai on Adpashhenna Cristy.
Maxim Tank

Not a sumuice, Yak Vyakh, Standing Na Majut.
Kazimmer Svack

Creation of goodness, Tolkі Nichoga Nia Trab Raby.
Alyaxandar Ulasaў

That sideways, Hto Sabe is not a gift ...
Genadz Buraўkin

Not Tscyuchardzі Tago, for the state you are Na Mozhash, the journery of the chayzіni Svaygo Besiannya.
Yazep Drozovich.

Abyyakawa Yes Mіnullag Mae Aniyakai іntlelectual Peravagі over Zhivylai, I. Tama Oirsy Pershi Kandidat on the Malar, and at the end of the first ipychnyh srmertsy. Carefully Adino Hto Gata - Calavek CI people.
Wladzemer Karatkevіch

Perad Tyram Smerzі Skin Naly Knight, and Tolki Piligrym-Vandroўk.
Makalai Klystaf Radzіvіl Sіrootka

Yakim would be a bicycle nі, there is a throne, the assault on іm Syadzіtsu Zadrіtsa.
Rygor Baradulіn

Dze Signnya Mazz Pamіzh Swabodai І Navolyasi? Dze Korter, Hub Adroseni Volnaga Calaveca hell Navolnіka? Hattime - not a tourm. Syunnya ў tourme can be a lot of great, whom "on the Voli". Magazy Pamіzh Swabodai І Navolyasi at the first chargu ў us the most.
Aўgen Kalubovіch

For patching Chaveca Nyama Bolshai Aseodi, Yak Rytsi Syatui Aichyn ў Typypsetsi, Nі Z KIM NIA Bіцца і not Swarytza І KIK NІHTO Yago not Zynyaslavі Tsi Pakhalchyў Abo Pakvapіўўўў ДАГО Дабро.
Leў Sapega

Poland ў Gіstorei - Futsya Adnal, Ze Yie Reluby Lesson. Z Khlusnі Nіyakіkh lesson Zrobіsh, aproy, Hluusni.
Vasil Bullў.

Pramezіtz Hour, І Fatagrafіya Shchymіtsi.
Zyanyon Puznyak

Slave Nechakanay, Slave, Yak is not forvare, Slave, Yak Nia Robіts Nіchto - I Tadad Pereksashasha.
Wladzemer Karatkevіch

Good Bezts Kolasam, Alla Schacsilivoy Toy, Kama Daughty, Honey Valkom. Bo found Kalasa, Cali Nyama Vasilko?
Maxim Bagdanovik

Menavіta Natsiannya Іday Sparandzhai іdayy Palіtychnag Vaibaru, Vybaru Swabody.
Vіntsuk Vyachorka

Prazant Adcasive Lyudsea in gramadwtva Nārad Central Moolen Moenets. Adcasive for Syabya Nia Tolki Osyda Menshastsi. ADKAZNASSA NOT DISABLE.
Vіntsuk Vyachorka

Litaturanna Nabaku Emіgraphs Validation of Nia Tolkі Tych, Sato Schutnova, Ale Ya Tim, Ine Yana Ziaberan.
Alyxi Kaўka

The lift - the Gate of any Tsanoyu, and Jõqi - Gata ўsu-Tki Mensch Tsi greatly signed.
Yanka Bryl.

Esto Konovaga Fear Lyazhytsi Our Nvetedanne, our cement.
Yakub Kolas.

Harvesting Przetz і athum.
Maxim Bagdanovik

Usa Darogi Biaskonsya, Aprha Toy, vyadyj on Mogilki.
Maxim Tank

B Batzkaўshchynaiy - Yak Cahanai, good bye times, Ісці PA Ya Daroga, Lyazets, Kabychyzytsyy Usa.
Zyanyon Puznyak

I know Lyudsea, Yakiya bastardly a hell of the victim of Nahopa Swabody.
Wladzemer Arloў

Cridlyannaya Enason Morsa for the duddy dudes.
Petra Xiaўuk

Natsia - Gate Nisto Іnshaye, Yak Mita Pra Natsyu.
Valyantzіn Akudovіch

Lyudzі Goryatza for Bagacyz is not Dzel Tago, Kab Rabin Blіzhnim Dubro, and Nichoga Kaborna is not a slave, Abo - SCO Yashche Gorsh - Cuba Skodzіtsi.
Jan Barscheўskі

Without Calepansky Nia Budzi Evernasi.
Pіmen Panchananka

Chalavica Zhyzetso Prahodzіtsi Pamіzh Uspassіnam і над над провей.
Іgnat Khodzka

Dzets - God's usska.
Wladzemer Karatkevіch

Smerts dermal Dzen hodzіts vakol, skin hvіlіnu nіshchyts i maladzenkіya, i staryya form zhytstsya, i we not zvarachaem to geta ўvagі, i tolkі tady yang robіts motsnae ўrazhanne, kalі ўmіrae hto blіzkі abo kalі navalіtstsa mor i lyudzі pachynayuts umіrats Agulla - tady chalaveka ahoplіvae Jah І Yon Guslya Halaveu. І eight Што Цікава. Cali Parisyutsz Drabrite to the right, then Calavek Gatuў Hryzzіya for Gat's I Kusatsz Tubamі; There, Zhuzbіwetsa Samsov, Samesov, spin, Yong Zgіnai pile Halaveu І Mochkі Padstalya Pad Abuch.
Yakub Kolas.

Zhysytso Zіvosnae, Kali Yes, ўSyago Stickly Yak Yes Secrets.
Svatylan Alexіevіch

Mozha Tama І Pamіrae hell Nastalgііі Calavek, Yaki Squoo Radzimme Topcha Stonefish herbs, Lashchytsi Stonefish Kvetki, Chui Alien Mow Svih Dhaja.
Yanka Sіpakoў.

І Fanatykі, І Bumpodzhinіkі, - Adman Makі Dztsі - Krivsytsі ... Nyama Zhsytsya ў Krivsytsі ... nіstto not zhwets, not Raspetiets at Vagnі, Nisto not Zhwets, not Rascapes at Maros. Tolkі Mіzh Agnem і Marzamam Uchazo Rascets, Tswіzzi, Spearviets, Krastseztsa.
Yazep Drozovich.

Lepi Pamertsі hell is Golada, Schchasyzia Nia Vedazi Spraceku, whom the sodium Zrabіtsi Khots Kamu without Razvagі, so pain - Zabіts Chavek.
Jan Chachot

Lyudz Dўga not zhywood.
Barys Pytrovіch

Gіstoretia Nagatva Warehouse Spare Chastak, Skin Skin Zejog Patraby for Siabe Datal.
Maxim Tank

Zhystzі Nyama Nichoga Estigue, more than a couple.
Laryts Genyush

Nisto is so not overvining the punishment Yes Hutkaaga, the class of І Z'Nіshchennya, Yak Makeup on faith.
Maletzі Smatrytskі

Savana Nyama Kisanya.
Wladzemer Karatkevіch

Calavek, Yak I Skin Jumping Istote Hell of God, Naradjets Swabodic.

Vasil Bullў.

Eh, Calavek, Calavek! Carefully NOT Dub Quitstsa Taba, ADKULS OSI І STATO YANO ...
Maxim Harezki

Versa Narajetsa is not ulasnaga "Hacha", and the blessing of the Besabaronnaga "KHAYATSA".

Alesa Razanў

Crock in sprachki not disagreement.

Yakub Kolas.

Back Nya Prydze Praise Tia, it is a quick rapid sailing.
Yakub Kolas.

Nyama, Brasci, Bolshaga Schchassia on the Gate Cwersee, Yak Calis Calavek May Romise І Wovenu ў Galawe.
Castin Calіnўskі

The biggest dress of God, Ston Yong Svarakiў Chavek, Yaki St Anya Ino Rockyzham ...
Maxim Tank

Hour - Lustereka, Yakim Skin, Siabe, Yak Іnshaga.
Alesa Razanў

Razumnama Glory is the wings, and the stone of the central stone is bad.
Fifth Broўka

Nya Ver, Cali Praklіnayuts Ziba Zvanamі ўСіх zvіts. Jana is hidden Molyasza, Tsalychy Ziba.
Maxim Tank

Gaschadzv Skіlyetstsa yes ўsіh, dy Nіtsi spirits Yong Nya Chu.
Nіna Matsyash

Korana Navod Gorki, dyes of Yago Salodki.
Yakub Kolas.

Rygor Baradulіn

Without attacks І abarona Nyama Sapraўdna Vina.
Yakub Kolas.

Rooms' Kiyamі nya zlіchysh.
Wladzemer Dudzіqі

I am so a paete, I don't suffer, Yakiya Magli B Naisatse Lepsh, Alla Naisalі Gorsh.
Maxim Tank

І Datul Chavevek Jigs, the first soul of the soul.
Rygor Baradulіn

The will of Aplachwetsa Crowd, Rabkova Zhycitzo - Foyazyu, and the Vybar Robіtsi Bessenn.
Castin Tarasў.

Nyama Crasts without a rescue, Bo sama Krasi І Öszi that shrouds for the souls.
Maxim Bagdanovik

The statutes of the Patrabney Skinny Diarzhawe, the Yak of the Kiss.
Petr Skarga

The stratum Lyuboy Yes, Kraii Krasina - Samaya Strashnai Z Osigo, ў ў ў А. It is terrible for the scary of the rat. Davalvatsy ruble nisto ў Wannnі z Davalvatsyiy Love.
Wladzemer Naklyaў

MenaVіta Supratsіў Natsіska Natzhaye Pachuzzy Swaboda.
Jurassic Drakets

Calavek - Gata right, Items of the Shladetsa of Adlenus Turning.
Fedar Yafimaў

Cali Yeah ўMeesha Himself, So Taba Leshayuzza, Alshyy.
Valyantzіn Akudovіch

Adchvay Syaba Lepish, whom was, Ala Most, whim Hatselya b.
Rygor Baradulіn

Pretty Chaveca Nia Vikhavash.
Vasil Bullў.

Schuuja someone else's albeit yes Paklannya, Piate Lying da Samazabyzia.
Pyato B_Tel

Sakavіk 2017-ha would not be simple. Brutal acceleration of the day Voli, the Aryrshta Pa «Predi Patricksў», Biaskonsya Sutki for Activista І Sweeping Mіnakoў, Majanna Abo Nyazyamnya Tlumachengnі s side of Paliable Lіdara ...

І ўСё GET POSILA GREAT Yak of the year "Lіberalіzatsyi", Draif ў Bock Zakhada і Putza Nіbyti at the Zlivіzhnna gram ads of і ў ў ў Полься, Kali Hacelyas, Schiji Verdsi at Slogan: "We are azin people."

Sonnya Toy Slogan Gucket Mustache Slice Yak toothn: "We are azin people?" We must face the gallows of Lyudsei dyguro, the asaabіst misfortunes of Fіguroy Adino words: "Fear". Fear of APEYNUSCHA for Kratami, the fear of the Bezi Adlіchant zhoboby, the fear of Nemagchymasszі Aplacіtz Cradyta Albo Nazyt Utremlіvatsy Symyyu on the background of Ekanamіchnag Kryzіsu.

Fear - Gate is not only Paralizuychy Іnstechnnkt, ale Yashche and NyaўPeўneenstsi at the Ttushnіm Dni, a sharp torment. Padhetsz, Sato Zbіtiya ў and Aryenzіra: Cham ў Lada Dzainіcha, and not Іnaksh? Sudjath's cham for the crafts of gate, and not? Hto have a lot? Dze Hotsy Neuka is legal on the dzea for Dzeinastsi "ў interzhah law", the "Chirvonya Site", for Yakiya Nelga skull?

Good Vyadomy Extension, Pastalane Neakali over Patsuki. Adna Zhywlka Padoyodzіl da Karmushki, ate, Ya did not Chapali. Easy Tracama Padoyodzіl, Ale Ya Paddychna Bіl Tokam. Nіakai Logіkі was not - once Bіlі, just not bіlі. Putsuk, Yaki APAYA ў SAY MEDIOVCHY, DACSAMA NOT ME ADCAZA ON PAINT: "CHATE?". Ale Padovodzіў: Esci Hacelyasya.

In the Daleish, Tyza Phazzuki Prapanozhі Rosak tasks, Labіnty І GD. Zhywlka, Yu Bіl Tokam, Nazprost not Maghans Gorgent Tsyssychev's task: at Yui zhi fear, NyaўPeўnenas, Yakiya Paralіzўvіvyi any acts. Putsuk, Yakoga "not Rapresali", the problem of the problem is issued.

On the Pershes, the plot, Padetsz, Schto ў Skitusyaі Tago Nyashkhanka Patsuka APAIDS APAZІSIKY PLAYMADE, Yakaya Khodzіtsi at Mіtyngі, Ladzіts Pratstasts, "Motsіtz Wada", Yak Padetsz ўladam. And not so z іnshymі? Magchema, Pradprymalnіki Adchwaits Siabe Para-Іnsham? Magchema, Pensiyaneners ALBO DIRECTLY WHICH PRESSIONS WHERE OPEN PRACEMENTSў? Magchema, Taiy's adequate frequency of Chicoўnіkuў DJAZHAPAUT, Yakiya Daemerous Nonabhodschtsi Peramenaў І Ekanamіny RFORў? ..

Nārad Tsi. The skin of the Veday, the "price" - the Gate is a sluggish absence, the right nіchto nіchoga is not Veday. Treaten, Veday Tolkі university segment of Belarusў - the above-handed ўland of the Nabelіzhhana for Ja Aska. Restea Storestar ў "Creum Pacio" Dy Mozha Tolkі Zdagadvatsza, Tsi Oszi Pobych Rublnіk, Mixtar Cub holly, Albo Yong Naogulya Pala, Pakoi ... Cali People with fuses on Galawe. Cali people - Hero Extension.

Zejazhnakovy so camp Vaspankovsu. Kamusitzі Velmі Vigo Metz Amal 10 Millynў Suaychynnіkaў z Paralіzavanai Volyai і Any Creator Energiai. Wsualsache Nestya Zebіtz - Argani Zavatsi Bіznes, Zubudavatsi House, svaarytsy Symyyyu, Prixtza ў Gramadsk DzEynastsi Albo Nospromtzaztsa Prel TEMA, SKATOPEL? Scary. And the rapets of the shtOkim ... Mozda Athryman, and I can _ currents Kalya Karmushki ATRAYMASH.

PA SAYM ALGARTMA MO MOVA ISNAVATI PTRAHFABRYKA ALBO "PAPER CONVENIE". Gramadudies І DJAZHAVA - Nazara Tsi. Ci Mogurti Bez Broilernya Chickens Pattakes Putoy Ptushkafabryki? CI BUTS ZEKI BAANITI MOVIA CALONIUE ў Snump of Pagrosis? Ridden torture.

Callavek Yak Istote, Alla, not a puzzle of the ASNOY INESTNNCTAў, MO MOZA LOCK, BANCANTANVAY І BAANTIC TOLKI TOLE MESSA, OK Lyubyats. Belarus, it is a pity, Mensh Padobnaya is at such a place.

Tsі Естцей neukay apply? Emigitsya? Unprecessful riot? .. And not the puzzle of the puzzy varyant? Zdetska, Oszi I and Sayia. PRUBLEMA TOLLKI ў TYM, CHATS MODMADIES This perspectory can not be samstin. Patriotic Yak Volya "Znіzu", so the "Will" "Will". Skin Pavinen Paistsi on Sketchi, the pack of Skitusya ўSamennah Untiter I Navat Nyavіstsi did not born far away. Іnaksh Palauchy House Touches Ulyo I do not bring Kamu.

Svaboda і Malogogogo Facts, Yakiya Mogtsey Dapamagchy Vodtsі z Kryzіsu Davaru, swelling atmausferu fear, Abnowytsy, taped by Opzain, Khavanya Krysda. So, the Ulada Bajtsa Davatsi Swabodi Swaimu people. Bo for Gate's forces tortured, Prabachze per canaly. Moulў, Tolki Tattrena Cantrotol, Toltitu, not the Daszi "Raskіstak Khoven".

Ale Kago Rate Tatalol Tatalol? Nyazuo Inflatable states of Silavіkoў, Sіstama Danasaў і Cartahkaў on Kozneagi Gramadziang Dapaamaglі exploration of the USSR, Romania, GDR? .. The skin falling the plant was tortured. Sіtusya's sudden Lyudzі Palіchylі for the Master of Adkіnutsi Іdalai І AўTarytheti, Yakiya іm obsessing Dzyzyatsiydzimi. Bo Ptushkі not mighty of the honey pattering Ptushkhabrykі, ZEKІ not Barati Baranіz my Barack, gramadian do not gutovy zhytsi і, piping, pamіratsy for Dzzyrzhava, Pharmacy Bachert іh off Padoўnai Silai Abo Padatkaў.

Zdetska, Yashche, I do not know the "ў Welcome back" dye Pyavurztsz Tyram dahuda. Navat from Frank from P_nachitam Gata was attempted: Reforms, Swaboda, Mirna Peratcha. Bo Peradavatsi Rana Tsi Skomo Ado Davadzetsz. І Lepsh Zebіtsi Gata Mensen Kill, do not spalіўsh house, dze leather yashche zytsy.

There are words very important: peace, land, work, freedom, bread.

There are relatives, dear words: Mom, Dad, Friend, Grandma, Grandfather, Motherland.

What does the word "homeland" mean? This is the forest, and the field, and a narrow path, and the singing of birds, and the city, and villages. This is a place where a person was born, lives.

What do we call birthday?

Sun in the sky blue.

And fragrant, golden

bread at the festive table.

What do we call birthday?

House where we grow up with you.

And birrors, along which,

Holding hands, go.

There are many countries in the world, but only under the sky of the Fatherland you can find our place, fully reveal your creative abilities, bring the greatest benefit to society and feel yourself really happy. Therefore, our very first lesson we dedicate our homeland.

As you know, each country has its own symbols, which can be proud of what is a distinctive feature countries. You probably heard the expression:

Skin Veday, Shto Bousel - SMIMVAL REDAYA BELARUS.

Why is Aista consider the symbol of Belarus? There are a lot of them in Belarus. Playing white sails of wings they hide over our land. With their wings, they cover our country. Therefore, it is so called - ground under the white wings. And the symbol of our land is also considered to be a bison - the owner of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. These are national symbols. However, the Republic of Belarus, as ever has state symbols. This is a national flag, coat of arms, anthem.

Flag of country

The flag of our country is the main symbol of our Motherland.

The national flag expresses important information about our country. Every citizen must understand the language of the Belarusian flag to be consciously read the flag and be proud of them how they are proud of their people and his glorious history.

Our flag has three colors: red, green and white. The red color from ancient times serves as a sign of the sun, symbolizes blood bonds, fraternity, struggle for the right thing. He means high destiny in fate and win. At the same time it is a sign happy life. In the old days, noble people wore red hats and red boots.

Green color is the color of nature, our cormalists, our May Day. This color of fields and forests that have long occupied the bulk of our country.

Not only in warm southern countries Evergreen plants grow, there are many of them in forests and swamps. Among them are juniper, spruce and pine, various mosses and herbs.

Green color - the color of good, growth, development, well-being and the world.

Finally, the white color is, above all, the color of freedom. No wonder they believe that the name of our country is Belarus - is connected with the restless will of the people to freedom. However, white color is the color of moral cleanliness and wisdom. And these qualities should be sacred in their soul the real son of the Belarusian land.

The Belarusian flag has another important, characteristic feature, another important item is a red folk pattern or, in other words, an ornament. The ornament essentially its origin is a symbolic pattern, a graphic method of spelling of the highest divine forces. Through patterns or ornaments, people expressed various wishes and covenants in those times when writing did not exist. People who have had no books, wanted to transfer the liveli lessons to new generations. This goal is the ornament that the clothes embroidered, decorated at home, break, weapons, domestic utensils - pots, mugs, lars.

Of the numerous variants of the Belarusian national ornament, part (fragment) of the most ancient and typical ornament is captured on the state flag of the Republic of Belarus. The work was performed in 1917 and belongs to the simple peasant Matrion Markevich from the village of Kazesche of the Sennic County.

What does this ornament mean? What does he symbolize? First of all, diligence and labor skills as a premise of any happy fate. In other words, expresses the most essential qualities of the people and, as if begging heavenly forces to save these qualities. I look closely to the ornament. In the center of his rhombus with thick "hooks", or "horns", or "wests", meaning eternity and movement. And the rhombus itself is an ancient image of the goddess of the earth and fertility. However, this is the symbol of the seeded field. It is surrounded by signs, harvesting, succeeding and execution of righteous, good desires. Smaller rhombus is also spells - "breads", that is, food that needs to be understood as food for the spirit and food for the body.

So, it turns out that wisdom expresses an embroidery of a simple peasant woman who has preserved the "Message" for us from distant times!

The flag is raised above the building in which the President of the Republic of Belarus works. The flag is constantly fluttered over the buildings of other major state bodies. The flag of the Republic of Belarus has all the executive authorities of the districts and regions, educational institutions, enterprises, military units, organizations and research institutes.

The current coat of arms and the flag of the Republic of Belarus were taken as a result of a nationwide vote on May 14, 1995.

In its history, Belarusians used various flags and coat of arms. C1919, the Belarusian state used the Red Flag. Since 1951, in connection with the introduction of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic to the United Nations, a red-green flag was used (with white ornament).

Since 1991, the white-red and white flag was used in Belarus, but most people did not consider this flag national. As coat of arms, an image of an equestrian knight with a sword was used, which served as the coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian - in his composition once the Belarusian lands were included. The knight was rejected as a borrowing that does not reflect the true essence of the Belarusian history, although the Belarusian warriors since ancient times participated in the largest battles and covered themselves with disadvantaged glory as brave and resistant defenders of their fray.

In our country, the Day of State Emblem and the State Flag is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. The people's character of our free, independent state is confirmed not only by symbols - the coat of arms and the flag, but the everyday care of the state on the development of the economy and the culture of our Motherland.

My country is my dear, Belarus,

Let them always be free

Our flag in which you happily merged

The colors that all of the Mile.

Green fields, meadows, forests,

And the red color is the color of life and hope,

And white color as a symbol of all ages,

Store in heart and love, and loyalty.

The second state symbol is the coat of arms.

He radiates wonderful light.

He has a high fate

And, perhaps, there is no world

Nobleness of our coat of arms.

The first thing everyone will pay attention is a green circuit of the territory of the Republic of Belarus, as it is captured on the geographical map. Green contour - in the golden rays of the rising sun.

The circuit of the country is located in the middle of the coat of arms, formed by a wreath from the sections, intertwined on one side with pink clover flowers, on the other - blue flax flowers.

The wreath (from roses, palm leaves, laurel, etc.) Since the reward was used as a reward winner and personifies victory. At the same time, this is a symbol of memory and the unspoken relationship of contemporaries with ancestors.

A wreath, formed from the beam of Zhit, since ancient times had a sacred meaning for all Slavic peoples. Slavs believed that the beam or sheaf of bread bumps - the best way Appeals to the Divine Forces asking for no guest or to date a new harvest and prosperity. A person who sacrifies the gods of his crop, as if said: "Here is the fruit of my work and the grace of nature, I will diligently and tirelessly work and tomorrow, let him not leave me supporting the highest strength!". Until today, many inhabitants of our villages put on a sheaf house or a bunch of non-new harvest. As a guarantee of labor success in the future. In the previous times, the "horse hen" was worshiped by miraculous and sacred and decorated the main corner of the hut - - scared the evil forces.

Clover is a symbol of communication with the creative world of animals: a horse, a cow, sheep, for which it is the best feed. Ancient people rightly believed that a person is part of the world of living beings capable of preserving his life and ensure prosperity only if the rest of the rest of the world is preserved and prosperity.

Luck is the cotton of the North, beautiful material for clothes. Predated from flax, beautiful and durable things were distinguished. Luck is a symbol of conversion of work, a sign of good and wealth.

Below the contour of the borders of the Republic of Belarus is placed the globe with the sun rising above it and the golden rays. The globe is a sign that the Republic of Belarus perceives all the peoples of the Earth as equal friends and partners, ready to be friends with them and trade, exchanging products and knowledge.

The unity of the Earth and the Sun is the main sign of life. IN ancient myths Humanity is captured by this symbolism. It can be found on monuments and ancient Egypt, and ancient Greece, and ancient China.

From the elements of the coat of arms draws attention to the Red Star. A five-pointed star is a symbol of man and humanity, a sign of courage and high thoughts. In this capacity, the Red Star was used during the existence of the Great State - the Soviet Union. One of its republics was the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The coat of arms wore a red-green ribbon, at which the golden color was made at the bottom - "Republic of Belarus". The coat of arms captures the main national spiritual values \u200b\u200bof Belarusians: civil unity, labor, desire to improve their personality and the whole society, peacefulness and at the same time willingness to stand up for their freedom and sovereignty.

The emblem of the Republic of Belarus symbolizes the leading will of the people, it is used by all state bodies of the country. The coat of arms decorate government agencies, as if making their powers. All the most important documents and seals contain images of state coat of arms.

Each Regional Center of the Republic of Belarus has its coat of arms.

Minsk - On the blue field, a female figure between two angels.

Gomel- On the Blue Field of Lynx, a city crown is applied to the shield.

Vitebsk - On a blue field, a male face under which a red sword.

Mogilyov - on the blue field three towers, and in open door - Knight with a sword in hand.

Brest - On a blue background silver bow with an arrow aimed up.

Grodno - On a blue field deer with a golden cross between horns.

Zyaml, dzea, your les

Hall Aformle ў Nantsyanal stalі.

Knіzhnaya exhibition "Zyaml, dzea × your les".

Gucket Meloda "Tunes Trucks" A. Ivanova.

Viduchy 1. DOWTER DZEN, FAVORY SYABRA! DOWTER Dzan Usi-good Lyudzham, Yakiya Pryaslі Yes, we are on the edge of the padar "Zyaml, dzea × your les". Padarezh PA native Krai, Dzea You Pa scalded with the same-class Garadamі І Zamokii Belarusi, s rakamі і azoramі, Lāsamі, І іh inhalnіrtvam, pasogram Ya Yejakhamі-Darogamі. PAGAVORA GRAY OUR RIGHT KOCOK, PRAGE MAYSINY, Z MALENCHES DAYARGIA, PRA TACH, STATE ў ў OUR SERETSKY SHYTSEY.

Gechut Belarusian melodia.

Chanets. Mozhuye z Pluda, Ukraina,

Rasyyai, Latviyi, L_Twana

Your Motherland, Your Aichyn -

Zhetszo Tyuo і Gonar Your.

І Yea Zavenі _,

Yak Sky, Sonza І Zara,

Your zyaml, Your Radzima

Named Svela

Be- Rus.

Yu. Svirka

Viduchy 2.. I hachu delight to you Pa Zamlі, yelling for the mead, і, Mabyz, not only for mehan - a dragee for ў, the most ў-charoўna Kut.

Yaana Yana, May Zaml? Gata I Balaya Palis Zbazhina Z SinoMі Vachamі Vasіlkoў, Blond Hell Bihodari GI, Ston Aglukhlі Ptushynag Movie, І Pushchy, Dze Gorda Nyasutsi Svaly Krona Aleni. Gate Biaskonsya Zhyle Rack, Yakіkh Pleshchuza Babrya і's fish on Zakhadze Sonza, І Gata Amal Adzіnaztsi thousand Azer, Chesty, Yak Smile jocyatsi.

Viduchy 1.. Charoўni Kut, the olds of Cossack Krai - our Belarus. Carats at Gatay Zymlі Our Protrki, Tsi Yak Snump Cossack, our Batzikі і Denada. TAMU І ZATURY LYUDZI SPIA SWIH PROTECTION "KRAHE BATCHYўў", ADRAVA KRAINA KRAINA KRAINA ADROSNIVAL ADNAY OTHER, DYUTS YOU. PA NAPWORD AMALE SKINS KRAINS WE Z LOGKASSU, NTO, ў Bolshastsi here.

Chanets. Razima Our - Belarus,

І kolkі not shukay

Not for example, you are on ў and zymlі

Mille, whom Gate Edge.

Not for some kind of people you like Lyudsei,

ІХ Сэрцы - dubrynya;

Yana Strog Martz, Lingz ў Light

Krunkychyu steer.

Tama ў zhrtyzі not traba

Nyashchyr, squuck, evil.

Do not forget, you are Belarus

І Drying іm.

Viduchy 2.. We are Belarusians - Pavinny Mered Gate Gatza Gatrena. Zvatstsa Belarusians, the Belarusian Cube became for Qiabe Rodnai, Trab Vedation Ban Soynnyashnі Zen. Tama Our Paduda Budget is adven with tweeted union scenario from Native Krai.

Gucket song "I love Qseab, White Rus", Words W. Kray, Muses. І. Luchanka.

Viduchy 1. Our relatives of Belarus region! Yong Jumps І PA-SPEA is notified for the names, at the Sadni, on the approximation of the І Zakhadze. Yong Jumps І NEPA-Svaimі Racksі і Azoramі, Svaimі Lāsamі і Lugami, Svaimі iPhovka i darogamі.

Gucket Meloda "Spadyna", sl. J. Kupala, Muses. І. Luchanka.

Viduchy 2.. Spadyna! Clear simple words і yakі nyprosta Sans! Spaddchina - People's Public Gate Culture, Gate Our native Mova, Gate Vikhch І Slava of the people.

Viduchy 1.. Zhetszo people are not May Zoyodnagna item. N_vodnaya Date is not Z'Yuўlyetsa Pachisnalnay: Especially Nesta was the І wound. Anyia Vedas AB Mіnulov Nabelіjayutsa Yago on us, Cockyutsu Jadanna Gavdartza Prai Polya Yashchhe pain.

Viduchy 2.. At the skin attendant Moradza, at the Strada Nisak, on Schmatlіki Palah, Beraghah Rachki І Azera Öztsi Maўkvyviya Sodeki Slavutag Tsі Chornag Mіnogura - Ruina Castle, Passail, Kurgan.

Viduchy 1.. Skin Maja Mae pile legend, gіstory, pile Tyamnіtsi. Underworld, І ў Our DNI Multiyia Verazi at the Pochvіd Nyasvіzhskaga Castle - Chorna Panna. A ў Craўskim Castle Siadzў Yak Visenya Vyazhikі Prince Vіtўt. Pasha's pit Pashashai Adtul Z Dapaamogai John, Perahapranuya ў Magrat Majan Sapraўda Gaspadar I. Magotnastsi і Naslazhnastsi.

Viduchy 2..

Moiler Mozza Mura.

Skala Kalіstsі ў mіry,

І STATI Magunet Zamak

Already daonnya on Gara.


The edge of my own, kind, Daverliva -

L_st Klyanov ў Dalonia Zamlі.

You supervise Zhywesh і Paver'ym

Khotsy Vykіy over Makaboy Swedle.

Alias, and the sky is high

ADBIVETSETS ў Azer chandeliers,

The bars have a song from the winds of Gaelka,

Golobov I do - Nisba Dork.

Adguchecz ў Sirza Meloda:

Dzwe strings - Zhuraўlіn Klіn.

That, hto mowa zymlі Valoday,

Tolki that ya is true son.

The edge of my bright, etc. Astuzhany,

So I love Ziba - Sirz Shchymіtsi ...

On Vykі i with Makaboy Zoodle

Without Qiabe, I'm not touching me, not a rush.

Gucket song "Zymala May", sl. W. Nyaklyaev, music. L. Zak.leўNag.

Viduchy 2. And Zibaire Easychaitz Jugger Pra Taj Mesza, Dze Skin whales you. I will be Cheny, and you are a dirty, caul loss, the aposhi word.

Daraging Taya Katka, Dzea Naradzіl mehan ... (Matika).

Native Zameelka, Yak Zmorana ... (Passelka).

Native Zyaml Makchei, Yak Alien ... (Piyagna).

Nyama smearing Vadzіtsi, Yak Z ... (Rodnai Krynіtsi).

Unshades good, and at home ... (nipsh).

Tsіha Gucket Meloda "My relatives Kut" on the words of J. Kolas.

Viduchy 1. Eight І got involved our backload of the PA of uncomfortable satellites of Rodnaga Edge. Nyahai Gethya Lyulya ўspamіna Zhywood from your Sirzhah, Cocking Svetiy Pachotsі, І Nyahai Skin Zejwa Siabey Sons of Patey Zamlі.

Chanets. Hell Wind Gnutsz Verbalose,

Bayage Daroga remarm.

My edge - Bolyutkiya Bihodaros

Abapal Sinoai Raki.

Vyasna ў Heaven to gripe

Lyatsyatsy for Synі Nebakray.

Do not forget Nіkoli, friends,

Polau Zamlu, my own land.

My edge - megі і peraleski,

Kryungtsi ringing і noise likes


In writing the earliest witness

Daley Gucket Meloda "My relatives Kut"

Tyamnіtsi Belvezhskiy Pushchy

Belavezhskaya Pushcha ... Zіivosna Pa Haramia Kotok Rodnai Justice, Dzea so many Biaskontsa Tyamnіchaga, Dze Bagata І nі z whitewall lights.

Sonnya is the light of the Visual Visual Visoy, Amal Raspberry Lasa, Beloreggies, Flashes.

And we are interested in abbey we?

(Zvarnutsza yes jammed, detects nekalkі

And Tsyapar Davaitz Glybay Ziermen's trenches of Pashchanskaga Forest.

Belavegian Pushcha - Stavented Old Staves. Yana Ahuўwetsa І Lіchyztsa Tedned Dwarja Forest Zh1u Strojducky, Kali Prince Yagayl AB'Yavіў Ya Tedvy, Pakіnuўshi Palaivanny's right for Saby Savim Brothers Vіtaldam.

In the Zarezhnastsi hell, the form of Akhov Belavegovskaya Pushcha Roshi called the names - customer, trenched, Palagian Gaspadarka. Zepers of 1991 Yana has become Pershes from our Krai Nantsyanal parks.

Bashing Manya Manya Gaspandara, Manya Lena Gaspandara, Alea Waja Strojdzі Yana was forced to the Ahuvaniyiy Vyazhikaknyazhki Aboy Tsarskay Ulasnasu I had a non-shifty Fixy Masvam.

Freapees Belavezhskay Pushchy Zhakhavaya Dnі Tsarokga Palavannya 6 І 7 Castrychnika 1860 with the Utzelm of Chato Nonsenger Sponsor І Adanago Herzaga. Yes, Vіzіt Tsar loosened. Ramantalivі Darogi, Ladzіlі Gazі, Nododzіlі Mast. At the Pershes Zen Impertar Alyaxandra 11 AsaBist Zastalіў Senatsztsi Zhywl, in Tych Lіku Chatroch token. I amkully, the Paint Gaspadar І GOSTSI sprinkled his feud. Vynіku for 2 days was Znіshchan 28 seashest І 68 Іншель.

Gonar Gati Boynі Alaksandr 11 Zagada Polsiqi Pomnіk. Praz 2 Gada would be Adlіti Chagunny bison in Natural Vіchynynyi on Zavyarznyi ў Petryarburg і \u200b\u200bў Standing ў Pallet Belarus.

Zassandra Palawanna Palawanna 7 Palavanna Padobnoy Meraperthnas' has become flaggy of flags, flavoring. In 1888, the junction of the Pushcha was granted to Va Smas'i. And ў 1889 Hombee Pa Rashennu Kara Pachaў Budavatstsa Palaўchi Palace at Tsantra Belvezhskiy Pushchy - Passboy Belavette. Budāўnіzzva Ishlo 5 Gado. In the village of Palace Stara's SapraўD, the architectures of Mastaztv.

Usa 10 Parods Belavezhskaga Forest was a reproach ў Budaўniktv. Budaўnіkі Cal_lіza z Pastaўleni Tasks - Azzobsky Palace Drava Pretty Parodes, Hack of Gate would be tsud Mastaztv.

Belarusian Lyasy Spacek Age of the present Meszhem of the Nellichon Bіtwaў, High Protection І Zhorsstkіh Palyavannyaў z Vynіshchennhene Suego Zhywog.

At the hour of 1863, Kolkastsi Zuranў at the Pushchi Skratuatsya on 377 Adzіnak, Zhavіvі zhvёл І Troops, and Palatans.

In 1915, the Hermann Army, German Armia, for Tanchors of Prankla Prankla. Tago Chasu Pabedamlyal newspapers, a bison, not exhausted by Natsski І Zhorstkastsi Lyudsey, Klinyuya at Atrand, Padmіnyuchy Pad Siaby Saldat. Adecaz would jump the ripples token of kulyamy.

In the 1920 year of the year, the pulmonary of the grade of the Tolki Adzіn Zubr, in 1921, was kissing I Aprosh. І Толкі ў 1929, the Pushchi was brought by Neoxallki token Zaparkў Eўropy. Z ІХ Хапечания ўзанненненненна Від. In 1941, Homes (yes, Fear Avna) at the Pushchi lowered the 19 coasters.

At the hour of the Pushchy Vaine, Kalі Pushcha, Rasіі, Yana Padvargalanaya Yashchhe І Blankladniy PA Zhorstkastsi Food Fallen. For two Z Palovy, 4.5 million cubic meters were taken out. M. Dranny, sponge, the most chest parel. Gate Amalstolki, Kolki is cut off ў Pushchy for ў with Papärudnia Gіstore.

In 1919, the twentieth of Penishal Paraisal Parables, Alla Rubki Forest Biggling. In the 20th Gada, Pushchubalі Englishman.

In 1939, the year of the guns of the guns ў 129 thousand hectares of Adysshla BSSR. In 1940, the adposeda of the Asobnai Pastanov, oarse Therezti Pushchy Pavinna, was old Tchainovaya. Ale was walled by Vaine, the first g_store was poured. 22, Chervenya 1941 - the date, I am worth it for the Pushch, I became Vyglikai Chalavechay Tragdeniai. Yes Gatag Chasu Vyglikі Forest Havai Magils outlined here і oma frustrial.

At an hour caused by Pushchi Hell Nyametska-Fashhyskіkh Zakhopnikaўў ў Vyanka-Zhopnikaўў at night at the 16th of 1944 at Mozza Pazyarpeў Іmpeartarskі Palaўchi Palace. Yes Tago g "Dapaamagli" Maradzoyra's meat, swollen Nabolsh Kashtoўna.

Pa Dagwaror 1945 AB DJAZHAўNAY MAZHY PAMIZH POLISHACHY I USSR NEXT FLAKE OF PUSHES QUICKS WITH PASSELMES BELLAVE ADYSHLI POLANCHES. Duўgі Hour Ishlі Sprachkі - Slap Zadz zoys. I am expressed. ЎZarvats Auditated, Zebіtsi Gat Ngyrost. Melumіt zskyzzhsyu wakenoў Budnak, Topolkі Yong would be Mozza.

On a speck of specials

As at the Genealogical Pushkin Tree Adult "Belarusian branch"

But who else could be so brilliantly to say about the blood and spiritual relationship of Russian and Belarusians?! Of course, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The roots of the generic tree, binding a poet with Belarus, take their beginning in the ancient Polotsk. Pushkin is only one day, and then passing, he passed him. But the name of this old town, founded in the IX century at the order of Prince Rüric, does not once occur on the pages of Pushkin manuscripts.

The city of Gorizlav, Polotsk Princess Rogged, named so for her unhappy fate, was called Polotsk. The chronicle has kept the sad story of the matchmaker of Prince Vladimir Red Sunny to the proud Beauty of Rogned and the bitter marriage ...

It was known this ancient legend and Pushkin. But it was not given to know the poet that the Polotsk Princess Rogunda, and the Grand Kiev Prince Vladimir, who had once conquered Polotsk and the power of the beauty who had loved to him, and their distant rendering of Princess Vitebskaya and Polotsk Alexander Bryachlovna, who became the wife of Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, were connected With him - Alexander Pushkin - blood oz kinship.

At the Genealogical Pushkin Tree adult "Belarusian branch".

The "Old-Friend" Polotsk is associated with the name and one more predator of the poet, who gave him his sultry African blood, - Abraha Petrovich Hannibal. True, there is no mention of living in this Belarusian city in this Belarusian city in any of the countless works devoted to his extraordinary, full takeoffs and falls of fate ...

And yet I take the courage to argue that the little agraphon, who wears the name Ibrahim, lived in Polotsk, and know about Tom Pushkin, which cited the smallest details about his great-grandfather, he would not fail to stop in this glorious city.

This is one mistake associated with the a year of the Baptism of the Praded Poet and unwittingly repeated by Alexander Sergeevich.

This is what Pushkin wrote in the "beginning of autobiography" - notes dedicated to their own genealogy:

"My mother's pedigree is more curious. Grandfather was ebony, the son of the provincial prince. The Russian messenger in Constantinople somehow got him out of Serala, where he was contained by Amanat, and sent him to Peter first together with two other araphals. The sovereign baptized Little Ibrahim in Wilna in 1707 with the Polish Queen, spouse August ... ".

Undoubtedly, Pushkin learned this erroneous date from the so-called "German biography" of Hannibal, recorded by the son-in-law Abraha Petrovich Nemen Rotkinch, after the death of the royal Arape. The year of the baptism of Abraha Hannibal is indicated by his biographer as the 1707th. But it was this named year that caused a lot of doubts, both in historians and Pushkinists. In the 1707th either the Polish king of Augustime, neither his wife of the Queen of Christine-Ebergardin in Vilnius could not be. In February 1706, August II, changing the Union with Russia, concluded a separate world with the Swedish king Karl Xii. And only after the victorious Poltava battle in June 1709, the friendly relations of the Russian and Polish monarchs were recovered.

And again notes of the poet about the great-grandfather: "In Baptism, he was called Peter, but as he cried and did not want to wear a new name, then until the death was called Abram."

The name Hannibal Abram Petrovich began to subscribe much later, in mature years, the first surname - Petrov, as well as middle name, was given in honor of the "august perception."

Petr Petrovich Petrov - so it should be called the royal kiss. Arapchonok turned out to be a bad story and did not want to wear a name that did not love him. Yes, and from this surname refused. Only patronymic and leaves in memory of Peter Great, his godfather ...

It is known that Arapchonka Ibrahim, among the "Three Arapists of Small Small" brought to Russia in the fall of 1704 - the little "Basurmann" to keep in front of the royal courtyard for many three years not yet.

So, the year is 1705th. For several years now, Russia leads to the Northern War with Sweden: Peter I is fighting for entering the Baltic Sea with his opponent - the Swedish king Karl XII. Polotsk, at the time part of the Commonwealth, becomes a strategically important city, it was through his lands that the Swedish detachments for a connection with the hetman Mazepi were to be moved. In February 1705, the Russian shelves led by Prince Alexander Menshikov made a campaign and got up with a military camping under Polotsk. The sovereign goes to the venues of possible combat events and takes with him an intelligent and frustrated agap.

When was Peter the first baptized his arapchonka?

Let's try to restore the chronology of those long-time events. I will open the Pushkin "Peter's History":

"1705 Years ... Peter gathered to go to Poland, but on May 5, Zamemok Lakhoradko - and managed to leave before at the end of May. On the way to Polotsk examined the garden and the church in the town of Mikališka ...

In Polotsk, Peter found Sheremetev, Oglvia, Repnin, already connected ...

On August 1, putting the bosses over the army in Wilna Ohylvia ... He himself went to Kurlydia to pursue Lewengaupta. "

Temporary frameworks are narrowed: Peter spent only two weeks - the second half of July 1705. It was at this time that he baptized his pet!

Surprisingly, in Vilnius on the facade of the Church of St. Paraskeva Friday, a memorial plaque was preserved with an anti-old text on it: "In this church, the emperor Peter Great in 1705 listened to a thanksgiving mulatto for the victory over the troops of Charles XII, gave her a banner taken away in that victory The Swedes, and baptized African Hannibal in it - the grandfather of our famous poet A. S. Pushkin. "

And, perhaps, the most good testimony of His Augusta Petrovich himself left Abram Petrovich himself: "... And I was a perception of His Majesty in Lithuania in the city of Vilna in 1705 ...".

Abram Petrovich was able to become a member of many famous battles under the leadership of Peter the Great: Poltava battle, sea battle at Ganguchi, Pruth campaign.

Young Arap was undeveloped at the sovereign, zealously fulfilling the duties of his twin and secretary. Peter answered his pet sincerely with love and affection.

Pushkin - a serious historian. IN last years Life The poet was passionate about the deeds and identity of Peter the Great, and all the information was mined from archives, where he selflessly worked, according to his own words, literally "buried" in them. So in reliability historical facts And there is no doubt events.

It is worth noting that in 1707 Peter I again visited wine, and, very likely, he was also accompanied by a small Arap. But the path of following the Russian king was completely different - Peter accompanied by the suite went to Vilna from Warsaw. And this also mentions Pushkin in the "History of Peter".

Apparently, therefore he did not doubt the poet of the Baptism of his great-grandfather.

A lot of evidence about the stay of the Russian king in Polotsk is known. Even a vintage house was preserved, where Peter I lived for almost a month. The stone one-storey mansion, who firmly ingrown in the ground, stands on the shore of the Western Dvina, in the very historical heart of the city. It miraculously survived it during the two most bloody wars - the Patriotic 1812 and the Great Patriotic War, which was not passed by an ancient city.

The century ago above the windows of the house was conquered by a stucco image of two (!) Geniuses holding a ribbon with a Latin inscription on her: "Petrus Primus. Anno Domini MDCCV "(" Peter First. Year's Lord 1705 "). Now only a memorial plaque on the wall of an old mansion testifies to the stay in it of Peter the Great.

But it was here in June 1705, together with the Russian king was his favorite, a little Ibrahim! After all, the arapchonok was incredible with his high patron.

The boy possessed an unusually sensitive hearing - for this reason the sovereign ordered the Arapchonka to sleep beside him in the royal bedroom or somewhere nearby. As historian II testified. Golikov, young Hannibal, "No matter how hard he slept, always woke up and answered."

And a little earlier in Polotsk, June 29 - on the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, the thirty-half-year Russian king celebrated its named after and graciously accepted the invitation from the fathers-Jesuit to dine them. In honor of the August birthday, with a cozy tool about his prosperity from guns, which stood before entering the collegium, volley were given.

Once a philosopher and theologian Simeon Polotsky on the stars predicted the birth and the great future of the Russian emperor. And he began his spiritual path to the Mentor of Young Peter quite near the mansion, where his royal student lived in Polotsk, - in the cells of the Epiphany Monastery and the classes of the famous fraternal school ...

In that significant day and Arapchonok Ibrahim, for sure, with curiosity she glanced at the Dome of St. Sophia, and at the slower at the foot of the hill Dvina, on the Jesuit Collegium and on a powerful fortress tree of the time of Ivan the Terrible.

Who would then take to predict that the arapchonok fell from the African coast to the Northern Country will be in the future known man? He will enter the history of Russia as a skilled engineer, mathematician, fortifortifor, contributing to its prosperity.

... erected, diluted, occupied,

Tsar is a foreshield, not a slave.

The king of the Russian king fate will hurt an unusual share - to become a great-grandfather of one of the greatest poets on Earth. And later, a century in the house where the little Hannibal lived, will open the library, on the shelves of which will stand the poetic tomiki of his great great-grandchildren.

And another paradox of history. The greatness of the state accomplishments Peter I did not flood, it would seem that such a little - the participation of the emperor in the fate of his gadget-arapchonka.

Strange and threatened now, and suddenly would not come by the Russian king a strange thought - to bring the Russian Arapchhat's rusk?! Not only domestic culture, the whole history of Russia would be different.

No, a thousand times the right was Marina Tsvetaeva, who called this tsarist Blazh, whim - the greatest act of Peter. Immortal gift for all times.

... And in Polotsk, Peter I was located now the museum exposition "Walk through the Lower Pokrovskaya". And it is worth remembering that on this old street leading to the Sofia Temple, three centuries ago walked with his high patron and a little Arapchonok Ibrahim.

Old Polotsk, for some kind of fate, became the timeless intersection, where the paths of the Russian king, Alexander Pushkin and his black great-grandfather converted.

And the other Belarusian city of Bobruisk can rightly be called Pushkinsky, - he is connected with the life of the granddaughter of the poet Natalia Pushkin.

She was born in St. Petersburg, in August 1859, in the family of Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin, the eldest son and the favorite of the poet. Her birth was still happy to be rejected by Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkin-Lanskaya, - in honor of the famous grandmother and the newborn was named.

In his youth, Natalia Pushkin loved the headquarters of Rothmistra Pavel Vorontsova-Veljaminov, the hero of the Russian-Turkish war, a combat officer who served in the regiment under the start of her father. The feeling was answered, - soon they played the wedding. And after some time, Pavel Arkadyevich resigned, and the young spouses left for his generic estate in the vavoca (now - the village of Dubrovka) under Bobruisk. Yes, and in Bobruisk itself, Vorontsovoy-Vel'aminov had a house, famous for his hospitality.

Natalia Alexandrovna was distinguished by many talents: perfectly drawn (her romantic landscapes were preserved), the Belarusian folk songs sang and wrote poetry. True, in secret, - never printed them anywhere, having remembered by the madness of his great grandfather: not to engage in poems!

She was loved by the surrounding peasants for innobivity, always worthwhile to help her neighbor not only in a word, but also. Natalia Alexandrovna helped the peasants with bread and grain, I had a money for the purchase of livestock or to build a house, he treated patients.

Her efforts in the surrounding village of Teluch, the church was erected, a school was built for peasant children. And Natalia Alexandrovna arranged for the children New Year's trees, where everyone was required by a christmas gift. Appeared in the village and the library burned during the past war.

But in Bobruisk and this is a city library, open in 1901 in 1901 in the very lively participation of the granddaughter of the poet and the name of Pushkin.

Natalia Alexandrovna used truly general respect and love. And all her children born in Belarus (Maria, Sophia, Mikhail, Feodosius, Vera) inherited the kindness and honesty of the mother.

The granddaughter of the poet found his last shelter in the Belarusian land, - Natalya Aleksandrovna was buried near the St. Nicholas Church, in the village with an extraordinarily warm title of the tel. Her memory and is still holy in the local places.

So the "Formula of Rodance" with the Pushkin "Formula" of Russian and Belarusians is confirmed not only by the history, but the life of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Russian genius.

Especially for the "century"

Yanka Kupala - Klasіk Belarusian Litraturtura. Deserved. Naspeatna. There is no challenge of Jvyuh thinks, the punk mercavanenya. Klasіkami Mastaki, Yakiya Znіmyutsi, Yakіya, V.Manyuts, Veshotsa, Acts, actually for his people і for ўsu Chavetsevtva, Touching, Navalnikhnaya Gada Sundar Nepakhіsnyi Zmagaramі for Radzim. Klasіkі - Gate Prawki Natsii, Yakiya Vyaduts for Saby people. So, Yak Vёў Yago Our Yanka Kupala. Even yes Ravalytsyi 1917, Cali Swedchyuyў, Stee Belarusians ідуць at the gather, Pa Batzkaўshchyu, Sato Im, Yak І, "Pahardjan Century" nations, stolen "Lyudzmі Zvatsz" ("And Hto there?"). Vёў І POSILA, CALI PADL_CHAў ADDITIONED BYKHURNY PADZEYMI PRESSIONS, POLEZHAў, STATE WE MOVAME KANCATKOVKOVA STRUCIENCE RADUCHYNE - "EARNOE NATH" ў Sil Tragging Abstineў ("Spadyna").

Kali Strasna, on the Gas Pramya's His pain of our praznasy and Zmaganni's pain, for his gonar (I will remember Вифироватье пананнанна на фотка вітат и і и зама з ишамі, сто стаілі пад свіраков, Кредолілівяя, ale Navat "Glánutsi, Plunutsy Break" Bayatsz, "Strong on Metro", at the top of the "Perad Budynyy", notes in 1922). Vyuў, the package is not surrelevant. I myself, Lasinskay Validalіvastsі і Swabody mental.

We will overlook the Painler Pragram Paprandes by the most tragedy tops of Paeta, Schto Pisalі ў 1918-1920 Reptiles: "Cryda", "s-soldiers", "Phajazhn", "I Pryazy". Yanas are noted ў Dramatical for Radzima Hour, Cali was pastaled on the map of the Belarusian Belarusian Jac Svermannay Dzzyrzhava. Ishlі Zahopnіkі z Zakhada - KaiserўSkiya, and at the Belapolskіyia Troops. Non-Velmі іkkulі і і Balchevіkі Phamp Meysnikova і Knoryan Padaravatsi We are an inelaborate, Hozi would be an adosen, valve-tie great rule Zakhavanna Theretostorsi by the former Tsarskay Іmperii. It was ўsigo. And I used the clouds of Jań at Mіnsk. Having issued a newspaper "ringing". Yago 15-year-old Create to Dzeinastsі not Zaubadіlі Truezіti in the 1920th anniversary of Akupatsynyya Polskіya ўD. Pisardar in Pramov Poylai said to faith ў Swabodic Belarus. GATE GAT I am Samai Pisaў Yong і ў Pubertsystny artkulakh, not a pradrunky, Halavaya Hell Gramadskastsi. Tsyapar Yana Abruptive Signing Sign and Pasha Mae ўyulyna Pragnera Pragnera. Yong, Akazvetsa, would be a bold gramadyanimnam, do not bia ilkazvatza hello _Myh.

Ale Gata - Paliable Rakurs. Greater wants to say Pra Yago Mastitkіya, the works of Piellaznai Courty. Yanya - Traggy, Balchyya, Z Feschatka І yes Kantza, Biadigor's Estchuvannay, Sato, was abrained by Belarus. I'm mocked ў Soul Radkі z Kupalavaga The top of 1919 "Belarusian Sons":

In Belarusian rivest floor

Ziñasy yes Nova tiny

Rasting Krys, and Pad Kryzhimi

Hto? - Belarell Sons.

Manym Belarusians for that hour of Les on Namavіta such a share. Multiya Palagli Pad Drazhnyi Kryzhimi on Svihi і Alien Palah. Yak Vayrai. Yak refugees. Yak Zhabraki-Breornulnіki. I granted the song Maples, worked, Peratrylah ў Vaўkalakaў, Zb_l San Schyakhi І Brickhigh Baskonetsa Pa Nalyugkay Vіkhurnay Dipharya, at the "Zapvmіshchi І Zeevei". Gat says ў Veri "soldering". I know Yago music - the music "Papўzukhi-Zodirukhi" ("SHEPCHA, SHPCHICH SHAPER TO VUCH"). Pracially, the temples are the samples, it is a descendant to the tragedy, schitusya, yakaya walked ў warehouses І Dramatic hour. Gata cans "Perpel Damavіna", Wanchana Ruh Schiamalnaga Train soldierspazhnaў at sunposses. Adnak Jinghant Jel Pazeljärzhannya Pâloki Dumki Neoxalkі Radkoў, Stamnіlілі І yes Gathaga Trymayutsz ў Memorial Jack Sparkle, Papärjanna, Kyatno На на замена мартовся

In Poli Dyumna, in Poli Cemin,

Olpatolna І distorted


Yak in the eternal Damavіne.

In the zkom, the tops of the tragedy zoxes of the infrared - Detali. ІMІ Z "Yaўlyutsz Srodўna-Vyuyuychy Srodkі (trails) - Epitiet, paraўnannі. Amal Usa Yana - Gar Zmrochana, Zavorusna," Razbersanay ", Yak Gavoradi Bezatoza Lyuday, Usztsy:" Sluctive Pooh "," Slurry Mara "," In Poli Dymna, ў Poli Tremna, Cherepatolna and Zalesa "," Papaўzuha-Zaboruha - Zlogadukhi Slabyaduha ". І Tolkі wramed, Nіbyti ў Slow letharg_noye, Majala look at the" soldered "," Yak Dzetsi, Yak Galubki at the Svetler " . Dm Padobna Sveta-Callery \u003cbr\u003e Adzіnkawa ў Version, Z "Javіў Знакий знаредный ин имгля і і сніка, omnipped in a white snow, at the ceuma, hunting ў Damavіn. Yak is terrible Robіzza, Cali is such a dura praz 80 gado ў Paskaya Visannya Custom! And the yak patch tada, the hour from the People's Song? Balić і slide! Top Gucket. Yak Music, Yak Rackviu Paga, Zhrtyzhai I souls. I used so MenaVіta thought, so we will set the zhy. Yago Sirz Perapaўnya Oyzvetny Pain for the people of і Radzimu, Yakiya Blukayutsi at Zapvmіshchi ІЦ I walked to Prasciygі Novaaga Zhitsya - Uncommon.

NOT MAGA NOT SPUSCHDATI І YALHCHE AZIN PREVIE GATAGA PERYAYAD - SLAVUTY ELEGIYYU "SPADECHNA". Tyuy, I began to be singing, I'm pursuing the ensemble "Pesnyary". Tyuya, Yakaya Maghana Issi and GMNAME Belarusў, Bo Yana - right fever: Nazgasnya Lyubo Da Tago, Sato Taba Hell Samaga Narajannya І Yes Day of Aposhnyaga - Jumps of Oaks-As_likami at Tsantra, Vyshovyovi Mogilkamі і "Zamshel's Tynam", "Blyanenna Anetite "ON PASSBISCHCH І Vyasnovі Putratіnamі. PET PRESS PERALIKOVA PRIVETS PERALIANY STARONKI, ALLE GETAY PERALIKENNE MAE ANNOT SMIMVAL, SPEYS SPLYS SPRIKE RADZIMA SANTOHENETSA VYSHIMIM SENSAMA, MAE PRACHADEVENNA ANNOSNE, JACKATION, Yak Magnіt, and Syaba, our zark.


At the school, we were touched by the tops of the "Crown" of the "Z Polyvyy Glory." Jana Taksama pіsalі ў Dramatical Pereyadzia Radzima І Ya Pesnyar, Datuutsa Adpoundeda 1918th and 1919 Gadamі. At ASNOVE PRSHAGA - Alelega Ga Kryўda, Yakaya "Vasya Po Svtsay", "Strain the eternal SETI" Dw "Channel without an hour ў Magil." Yana Hatsela Blankotak Navolnіzzv ў Planetary Scales:

Hell hut yes hut yisla z hook,

Ў connected thrones, carons;

Navolnikov kavala's way

Platzіl Susvutny Stogni.

Gati Susvetnyi Krykdze-Zlobedze Pat Suprootspastaelya "Pazhar on ўShodze", ravalysysya, I scanned the light, dyu, so, the shtoku "shutter". Pat Pakazua ўseaguli Radastsi, Pradchuvanna Lyuduzmі SapraўDnay Swabody. So I was a smear, bo "Apalmi Carone, Pasada", "z Navolnіkuў Spalі Akov". I ў In Fianla, the top of Svurdzhetza recently, the Svabodai Zdaytayezhetsi. Akazvetsa (Versia Pathta), Salia Navolnіki-slaves not a healthy Ruparatzіzza Sviim caused І Issued Siabe. Transferring Radki True Lögovyztsz. Mozda, Tama, Ine Yana - Pravette, Pravaboda Chalawachag Spirit, Yakaya Tolki Adna Garanta Pazbazynna Rabisci Lantsegoў. Slaves of Duduku, Navat without Lantsegoў for a purpose, the sump of the slave. Slavery - Lepasy Specs ІХ Існавання, Natural Lad Zhytsya:

Slave Siabe released -

There is no spirit of the Calaushet, -

Navolnіk Pabrata З З Кредый

I ў Furge Daja Svaly's shoulders.

Magchema, versh і pіsaўsya Pad floating pads, Yakiya Pedrazhevala Belarus at the Peshai Passoravalytsenyy months, Cali Yana didn't become Svabodnay. Mozha, the AўTar of Gate Radko Passionately ў Those slogans, it was the adrazz of Abvheshcheny, the Tsi is a simple Bachў, it is not ўxozhysnyets to practice. Alla adranously stood the i-baspelsyna: Yanka Kupala Pradchuvaў Pagrosis PouroNaga Poshivhennya Calawetv.

We are І NSTANIKA Casal, І ў Padrichnika Naisana, the first top of the Gates PA is the Ramantychna. Sapraўda, Yong Litaralna Peraspans of the TRACTINYY RAMDENTIKI IFRAMI - Cryda, Pzhar, Puta, share, glory І Інш. ADDVODOCH, CREATE CREATINGS, SHMATKED. Mastak Perasseraga Lyudsey in Magchemastsi Traghedoynaga Plumannya ў Іdealh, Kali Yana Burtsi Studybanya і not Pearly Daughter Dough Swabody і Oklezhnasi. IM PET-PRAKAP PRIKAME CHALLATIVETTVE DAY PARTERADOўNAKA OPENNAYA OPERABLEў RAVALIYSIKI, CALI ўZHO, such an adbaudssa. Ravalissya for Kupala - Guaranty Dough Swabody.

The versh "Z Pazhuyy Glory" is noted for years of Pazney, Mіnska, Cali Pat Jia Siarod Acuputionў і Saint Veraў in the Belarusian Relo, in Magutnya Saili of the people of the Mastazv. Lessa Prel Tae, Scho Traby Saint Pomnіць BATCHOўў, not Tsoustozza Rodnaga, Zmagatza finding. Versa Gate Gucket Yak Stogna І Malіtah, Zaklіk Yes People І Mastakoў Uvskrasnutsy І Budavats Zhetsey, Schupuraya War. I remember Tolkі two Radkі s jago - "High Tay, I slept, I slept, Parotan, I joy." And I remember, I remember Pathto Chief Church, the song-climb d'Abujannya was spoken by PA ўSim Krai, Abudzіl "Svetachey Sail" і dits "Yes Batzkaўski Magil".

Yanka Kupala - Pisardar Natsyanalnaga Adrajanne Belarus І Belarusў. For the Gate I am I love Yago Naipsh. I Hacha Hoqi Yes Yago Padobnoy.

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