As you can change for the month. How to change myself and how to start a happy life

Modern girls are ready for the wildest changes in their lives, for permanent self-improvement. Many know to become better, smarter, more attractive, sexier, - you need to work a lot over your appearance, lifestyle, habits and rules of behavior.

If you think about how to become better, you will help a clear plan for 30 days. Change life for the better can every girl! It is not as difficult as it seems.

One representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to change their image are needed years, others try to implement something new to life in a very short time.

In any case, if the result would be guaranteed, quite many people would like to know how to make yourself and your life is best only in 30 days a girl. In our article you will learn how to implement it and change radically for a month. Improve yourself outwardly and internally.

It is not so difficult to change for the better as it seems.

How to become better for the month: Real Action Plan

To improve your internal and external data in 30 days, it is required to make a plan of action on your appearance and habits.

How to become better in 30 days a girl: a plan for a month

1 Week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks
To accustom yourself to early rises. Throw all unnecessary items and things that are not demanded for a long time.Make a plan for recreation and work, performing everything on items.Try to do otherwise than it was before, to learn innovations.
Eat light food. Finish all the intended affairs or abandon unnecessary.Map dreams.Start all your fears.
Daily play sports, dancing or yoga. Stop communicating with people who negatively affect self-esteem (exception: parents).Daily in the evenings to draw up a plan for the coming day.Right rest (without the Internet, outside the house, one on one with you).

Cosmetology procedures allowing to become better

To externally become better, it is required to visit the cosmetologist. Elasticity and elasticity of the skin support regular cleaning faces that happen:

  • ultrasound;
  • manual;
  • peeling.
  • fruit peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization.

After 30:

  • correction of small wrinkles butoxin;
  • fillers with hyaluronic acid.

By 40 years it is necessary to add volume, freshness, clarity of lines. Recommended procedures:

  • plasmolifting;
  • peeling;
  • revitalization;
  • grinding with a laser;

Cosmetology procedures are selected strictly by age and recommendations of the specialist.

Skin care, hair and nails

External changes must touch hair, skin and marigolds. Hair should look well-groomed, without seed tips (you need to follow). The roots of the hair should be twisted in time, and the remaining length is refreshing if necessary.

Improve the condition of the hair will help gelatin-based masks For a dry structure, with the addition of cognac for fat curls. If the hair length allows, you can master the braid weaving, it will add novelty to the image, besides it is fashionable. For the average hair length, arm will suit.

Please note: the nails must have regular care. Men do not like the operated manicure, burstles, as well as dirt under the nails.

The strong semi is like Franch, red or better transparent varnish. If within 30 days the girl will take care of the nails daily - it will become a habit.

A modern girl does not always manage to make a manicure every day, so it is necessary to resort to salon care. It has proven itself to such a procedure as lamination of nails. It restores the nail plate, hides all flaws and disadvantages.

The marigold is covered with substance that fills all the depressions and deformation. After the procedure, the plate is heated, aesthetics and nutrition are returned to them. Such a procedure will improve the appearance of the nails, and the preparatory stage in the form of massage hands will give a feeling of relaxation and complete harmony.

The skin of the face should have a smooth tone, fresh, well-groomed view with emphasising makeup. To do this, you need to feed daily, moisturize, clean and refresh face. This will extend the youth.

Facial facilities are chosen by skin type. Houses in the refrigerator, there must be ice cubes with a chamomile, which should be wiped the face daily. After a week of such procedures, the skin calms down, the color is leveled, freshness appears, fatigue disappears.

It will be more attractive to help light tan. To do this, the auto bank or visit to the solarium is suitable.

How to become better: proper nutrition

The correct diet will help become better: internally and externally.

Healthy nutrition - the key to healthy life and a good mood
  • Before you begin to any meal, for 1/4 hours, it is necessary to drink 200 ml of water.
  • Daily girl should drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • By excluding the harmful calorie food for 30 days, you can reset the extra kilograms.
  • The existing side dishes are required to replace with vegetable dishes.
  • Forever exclude from the diet of sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products.
  • Between the meals, the interval should be at least 3 hours, the power must be fractional.
  • Evening meal should be 2.5 hours before the deposit to sleep.
  • Every week you need to make unloading days.
  • It is impossible to skip breakfast.
  • Every day on an empty stomach you need to drink 1 tsp. oil flax.
  • Bakery products are better replaced by citrus.

It's important to know! It is impossible after taking food with a liquid or water (there must be at least half an hour).

The best diets for weight loss and good well-being

To answer the question, how to become better in 30 days, a girl, you need to bring your figure in order. This will help various diets, the most popular of them are considered soup, kefir and fractional.

Soup diet will help to lose weight

The diet consists of a variety of soups without potatoes, legumes and cream oil. During the diet, the bread should be abandoned. Salt use very small doses. After the seven-day period, you can reset up to 4 kg of excess weight.

Kefir in the fight against extra kilograms

This diet is designed for 7 days. During this time, it is easy to reset to 5 kg of excess weight. During the week, 1,5-2 liters of skimmed kefir daily need to drink daily.

Diet staircase

This diet is designed for 5 days. On the first day it is necessary to clean the intestine (for the day to eat 2 kg of apples and drink activated carbon). On the second day, the body requires restoration (to eat cottage cheese and kefir).

Lestenka diet will help quickly lose weight

The third day of meals should consist of products rich in useful sugars. The fourth day is protein (use low-fat poultry meat in boiled form). Fifth day - in the fiber diet (Muesli, oatmeal, fruit).

For 5 days, a loss of 7 kg is possible. A diet can be held every 2 weeks, the main thing is that there were no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to become better in 30 days a girl - psychological trainings

It is possible to become better for the month with the help of psychological trainings. Each girl chooses a program to help develop its hidden qualities.

Self-confidence - another component successful life!

By choosing for yourself the right program, in 30 days you can change completely, and most importantly change everything around yourself. Raise your self-esteem, become more successful.

Girls after training programs are becoming better, and the main question is how - in itself disappears. Any questions are solved with ease, there are no fear and fear, which means the end of depressions and stress.

At home, you can spend independent trainings. To do this, you need to write all the good deeds made on a sheet of paper, achievements, awards, joyful memories.

Read this list is needed daily, and soon it turns into life guide. The more positive cases and accomplishments will come to mind, the longer the list will turn out, which means that daily readings will give positive results for 5 minutes a day.

Requires not to forget to praise - this is a reward and lifting self-esteem. You can do the praise in front of the mirror.

Do not forget to smile yourself every day - then things will be the most successful.

Creating a new image to become even better

Any girl has its own image that she is more acceptable and convenient, but to change for the better will have to be completely changed. This denotes that the path to success lies through the cardinal changes.

The change in the image can be started with hairstyles:
Long straight hair - twist, and curls - straighten, make a fashionable haircut or coloring. This season at the peak of Fashion Ombre and Ballozh.

Change and familiar makeupWhen trying to make fashionable: painted eyelashes, supplied with eyeliner, tone cream, neat and expressive brings, gloss or lipstick for lips.

If there are vision problems, then you have to replace the usual glasses to replace the contact lenses.. If contact lenses were used, stylish glasses or colored lenses will help change the image.

The change in the image refers to the change of wardrobe. Business women who are accustomed to strict costumes can dilute their image easier and playful accessories, for example, use a bright color handkerchief in combination with a dark suit. Lovers of free sports style can be purchased several feminine dresses and heel shoes.

All image emphasized stylish accessories
: bags, belts, jewelry, and most importantly shoes. All things must complement each other.

The change of image is not only in creating a new image, you need to change your habits, remove unnecessary gestures, change the loud laughter on a smile. Knowing its complexes and disadvantages, they must be adjusted.

So that the girl becomes better, she must have his own individual unique image. You should not shoot yourself, just as shyring new acquaintances (in 30 days, you can start at least 10 buddies). It is necessary to make new friends all the time, but at the same time do not forget about the available. The circle of communication should be diverse.

A lot of important role is played by sociability. The company needs to be cheerful, joyful, then the success of leadership is provided, there will be a place for such a positive person in any company.

Sociability is the key to success in life. Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends!

Important to remember! Favoring yourself with all the power - others will not remain indifferent. No wonder there is a proverb: Love yourself as you want, to love you others.

Wish to become better - this is a painstaking daily, every minute work. It is necessary to work on your views, taste, ways, feelings, fears, perfection and external data.

If you do not retreat from the rules, then the achievement of the goal will be quite close, and all unpleasant memories and fears will remain in the old life.

Useful videos on how to change your life for the better. How to get better girl

Tips for girls how to become healthier and more beautiful:

How to become a beautiful girl - the main secret:

Lifehaki for girls // How to be beautiful and well maintained:

How to become better in 30 days a girl:

« Hello Svetlana! I want to change my life on your methodology!»

Wow. I thought, but do I have a technique? It turned out, there is! Immediately wanted to structure it and paint. And you know, it turned out that everything is just funny. It turned out four blocks: the week for each.

Total - month. Just a month of independent work to change your life for the better! I can safely promise everyone who executes the following plan: in a month you will not recognize yourself.

So, for every week plan - three tasks that need to be introduced into your life. And stay with them throughout the month. Ideally - and longer, but here you can decide.

Week 1. Cleaning the body and consciousness.

    • Early ascent, at about 6 in the morning. The time immediately appears for himself, which is never enough during the day. The investigation is silence and peace, you can not be distracted to engage in your affairs while homemade sleep. This is the perfect time for morning practices, to configure the body to live this day by 100%. Laziness, reluctance early to get up - this is not an indicator of fatigue. For me, this is an indication that I don't want to live your life. Why get up from bed - there again gloomy morning, metro, traffic jams, work ... Now, if the first thought was "Morning Morning - a new day!"? Agree, it is unlikely that the early rise will be a problem. So, it turns out, it works in both directions. Life plays all the paints and sparkles - you will easily jump in the morning. Or ... you will easily jump in the morning - and life will be convicted!
    • Lightweight food.For future changes, we need a colossal volume of Energy. It is probably now it is spent to maintain our body in a normal, functioning condition, contrary to the influence of alcohol, cigarettes, severe fatty food, baking, sweet ... Everyone has its own list of these weaknesses, to emphasize. More precisely, delete. You can choose the same kind of power that seems correct to you. I believe in vegetarianism and raw food. But one know for sure: alcohol, chips, sweet sodes, semi-finished products, Jank-Food does not fit into any concept of healthy nutrition. Therefore, all this is to exclude. Portions - reduce, and do not ride before bedtime. Otherwise - listen to your body or nutritionist. The most important thing is not to load yourself with ultra-tasks for the elimination and digestion of toxins. On the contrary, it is worth easier to alleviate his fate, feed light, healthy, tasty food. He will be happiness, and you - energy for action.
    • Sport. This is my favorite and most obligatory. Not fired to repeat - tone and health physical body - a prerequisite for the health of spiritual. And the movement, as you know - life. So, to awaken the life (and spirit) in the tired body, you must stir up! Any way suitable for you. My options are yoga, running and dancing. Try every day to move more, in any form: to dance in front of the mirror, going to work; abandon the elevator and walk along the stairs; It is not important to arrange a full swing in the gym.

Week 2. Cleaning space, affairs and environment.

    • Cleaning space.Throw everything! Shoot on the mezzanine - not considered. We carry order in all corners, on all tables, in all cabinets, in all places. Think - every thing in your house takes not only a piece of space, but also a piece of your energy. Each, even the smallest! Is it worth it? I was so fascinated by this method that I carried almost all my things on the garbage. Leave only really useful and necessary things, things that you please, which inspire you love. The subtle moment is if you still keep the Micah, who was presented with a favorite on February 14, 1998, and with his beloved it was long ago, such a "positive" memories are not a place next to you. Get rid without thinking! You will see - breathing will become easier. Especially if you wipe the dust everywhere and wash the floor.
    • Cleaning affairs and obligations. Remember how many years you are going to try English. And how many promise to call in Novo-Gadyukino to the Tete Masha? And how many items from the pre-New Year plan have you transfer to each fresh list for years? Remember all such promises, data yourself and others. And decide what to do with them. Options, in fact, two: (1) to do, (2) refuse them to be made, forever delete from your list. But if you can't cross the aunt Masha - go straight tomorrow. Make things, instead of carrying a load of responsibility and dissatisfaction with yourself.
    • Cleaning the environment. Finish all relationships that pull you back will be depressed. Refuse to communicate with those who forever criticize and forever all unhappy. With those with whom nothing to do is left. With those who have nothing to learn. And learn how to leave, learn to say "no". Allow yourself to be a "ungrateful", "uncompatible", "crazy", "stern" - if such is the price of freedom. Exception - parents. With them, in my opinion, you need to establish a relationship. No matter how hard it was.

Week 3. Plans, goals and dreams.

    • Record and execute plans.We just have a list of cases from the previous week. How is he you? Causes joy, enthusiasm and desire to immediately roll the sleeves? If not, it is possible to delete several more points from it. Or - execute them, and then delete. In both cases, you are waiting for a tide of strength and desire to live. And also - to finish what makes everything inside inside in anticipation. Remember what you love, or loved once. Do not forget to plan not only work and money, but also rest, time with friends and loved ones, time for yourself (this item always forget everything). It is necessary to write such a plan that wants to perform, from which the knees will tremble and hide the hands. All - at the same time. Write a book from your life that you would be interested to read. And already to this book add specific terms and concrete steps.
    • List of incredible.One of my favorite exercises. I exercise in it so far, and every time I get all the impudence (although it would seem where already?). It is this that: Write a list of your dreams who never come true. Well, such steep and so imposed that in their execution it is not believed from the word at all. World domination and desire to rise to Everest (and you have already been 89 years old). Disconnect the criticism and imagine that all the possibilities of the world have your feet, you only need to click with your fingers. . There is time, money, any desired connections, there are all talents that are needed. What would you like? By the way, my first discharge list, written in February 2014, at the moment came true entirely. And I'm still ridiculous to me, how modest does it seemed to me "incredible."
    • Plan daily. Every evening write a plan the next day. Short, approximate, any - but the plan should be. And from the evening - it is important. Even if the next day you never remember about the existence of this plan, your productivity will rise at times. Checked! And also: Do \u200b\u200bnot forget to look into the global plan and ask yourself a question - are you moving there? And where to? Are you moving at all somewhere? And why?

Week 4 Expanding the borders.

    • Try to live otherwise. In the most detail. Go to work new expensive. Go to an unfamiliar cafe or in a very expensive store. Try the new kind Sports. Try to do what you never did. Every day, doing the usual affairs, ask yourself - what right now can I do a little different? It is necessary to create a new habit of trying to give a new one, gradually leave the tropic path.
    • Get out of the comfort zone.Of course, all previous items, if you really performed them - already a slight way out of the comfort zone. But here we will go further, look into your eyes with your fears. And not only let's see, but also fight them. Here I am a supporter of radical methods. Are you afraid of height? We go jump with a parachute. Afraid of the Chef - go to the chief with fresh racmings. Afraid of strangers - ahead to a party, to an unfamiliar company. And alone, so as not to hide for conversations with a girlfriend / friend. And learn in such field conditions.
    • Relax. And how did you think - just work? Only rest with mandatory exit from the house, mandatory internet disconnection, and necessarily alone. And mandatory (and honest!) Feedback to itself. What was it? How did everything go, what changes did the changes? And how to live on, after all this?

What awaits you in the middle of this path (I do not speak at the end, because it is an endless road) will exceed your expectations. Performing these (the simplest!) Things daily, embedding them in your life, you will feel harmony, omnipotence, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and the path that will indicate the right path. And over time, it will turn into the road. Sounds pathetic, but the truth is, she is such a papusal friend.

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We all want to change something in your life, but, as always, we find 150 reasons why we cannot do it.

Especially for you website Prepared 12 tasks that you must perform every month. The countdown went!

Every year we are building plans, promise to change your life for the better, but there will always be a reason why we cannot achieve these goals. Our main problem - we are planning incorrectly.

The teacher and blogger Manya Borzenko found a way with which one can seek everything that wanted. So, proceed.

  1. We define that there is an important in our life.
  2. We define that it works from this important.
  3. Support working in unmarital mode.
  4. Determine how to start savory.
  5. Forward!

At first glance, everything seems easy and simple, the main thing is to comply with all these rules.

Many habits prevent us happily live. Get rid of them, of course, difficult, but you can. And here are some tips:

  1. The habit of devoting the world's round work.
    Do not score your day endless affairs. Always find the time to relax, reflect and recharge. And do not deceive yourself - you are not so busy so as not to afford to relax a couple of minutes.
  2. Habit remember your past.
    You are no longer the year, month and even a week ago. You always grow and change. That is life.
  3. Habit like everyone.
    We should not love every counter, and everyone around should not love us.

You need to work on yourself every day. First time it will be hard to fall off all habits, but over time you will be only better.

The beginning of spring is the most best timeTo do your body. Ahead of the summer, which means you need to discharge extra kilograms. To begin with, try doing the exercise "Planck". This is the most effective way to strengthen the abdomen and shoulder belt.

  1. Stand on your arms and knees. Straighten your legs and socks the feet to the floor.
  2. Strain the muscles of the abdomen and take turns overlook the legs from the floor, to a few centimeters raising them up.
  3. Exercise Perform for a minute. Keep your back straight, without flexing in the lower back.

10 minutes a day - and your body may change to be unrecognizable for a month. This is just one of the exercises that you need to perform every day.

Now, thanks to the Internet, we can get knowledge for free and without leaving home. You can learn programming, playing guitar or piano, to become a champion of chess. All in your hands. It is only necessary to want, and there is always time.

We are often experiencing difficulties in communicating with parents, management or friends. It is time to fix it!

How to talk with manual
To properly present the information we plan to report, and choose opening time In order to talk to the boss, you need to put yourself in his place. It is better to ask the manager, how it will be more convenient to discuss the request: personally or by email. As for Having, it is not worth copying the phrases of the interlocutor: this is a passive-aggressive way to communicate.

How to talk with your second half
It is worth paying attention to what we are told. If on a date everything is broadcasting about the interlocutor, heptate with a negative, it is a reason to think: is it not afraid of relations in which he entered into with us?

Summer has come, and it's time to throw out all the unnecessary trash that we were lying around. Our house is the continuation of us ourselves, our reflection. If you want changes - the first thing to deal with your housing. When the house is consistent with cleanliness and order, then the mind comes in order, and things are settled.

It's time to change the situation and go to conquer mountain heights or sandy beaches. Do not save money on vacation. The most valuable thing in our life is emotions and impressions. In another country, you will get acquainted with new people, new cultures, customs, discover something new. Isn't it beautiful?

It is believed that the world around us is the reflection of our inner world. And if something goes not as you would like, or you do not like what you see around yourself, then you should look into your inner world. To form a new habit of just a month. Perhaps it is worth starting with internal transforms to make good mood His daily habit. There are some tips that allow you to be transformed in just a month if you try to follow them.

1. Tell people something good

We all know the strength of the word, or the simplest compliment, capable of changing the whole day for the better. A simple, but sincere compliment will give to understand the person that it is not indifferent. Nowadays, it will not be difficult to find a way to tell a person something pleasant. Telephone, Internet, SMS, it would be a desire. Try throughout the day at least once any of your surroundings say for what you like it. If so far it seems difficult, then try to write it just for yourself. Notes good in humans, we also raise your mood.

2. Walk every day

Try to find the opportunity to walk on foot, at least half an hour. Fresh air will benefit not only by the whole body, as well as thoughts in our head. Walk sets up a positive mood, gives inspiration, develops observation. After all, we often look at the people who we celebrate on the street, sometimes we are looking for differences in them, sometimes empathize, in one word - we observe.

3. Find the time to praise yourself

Do you often comfort yourself when you make mistake? And how often do you praise yourself? In a constant desire to follow the generally accepted standards, we do not notice how you are overcome. We consider ourselves unworthy praise, and do not feel anything but criticism in your address. Such a challenge has become the norm in modern society. It does not care that humiliate yourself, which causes the relevant reaction of society. Taking yourself with all the shortcomings and imperfections, what we have, we will cease to experience daily disappointments from unnecessary expectations. And this will immediately affect how you will be perceived in society.

4. Take the habit of watching documentaries

Thanks to modern Internet capabilities, such a habit is available to almost everyone. So you can expand your horizons, and recognize something new for yourself.

5. Try to read at least one chapter of the book

You should not list all the benefits of reading, but since we are all the time we will bring your eyes our eyes with a computer, why not spoil them with reading, but will we at least read? For those who never loved read, advise reading, at least, on one chapter per day. It is not at all difficult, and you can combine with some pleasant occupation, rest in a chair or tea party.

6. Change your daily route or study

So you can learn your city better, detect beautiful places that did not know before, or study new transport routes.

7. Read at least once a day new articles on the world of ideas :)

It will provide you with a good mood and inspiration every day.

8. Look for inspiration every day

Scientists conducted studies that showed that people who find sources of inspiration, more productive, do not retreat from their goals, having met obstacles in their path, and just happier. Decide himself, inspires you any quote, mantra or can video on your page in social networks. In general, look for your inspiration.

9. Every day you exercise in something

For a long time you dream learn to dance, learn new Language Or finish, finally learning, dare! Around so much interesting!

10. Try instead of elevators and escalators to walk on stairs

Sometimes, looking at escalators, somewhere in shopping centersIt seems that they are specifically designed for thick people. Therefore, not benissed, and with every opportunity, it's cheerfully on the stairs!

11. Combine these challenges

Do yourself every day a new challenge. Speak with a stranger, wake up early to mend, start to praise yourself, or try a new recipe for some dishes. Try a new one!

12. Daily commit something disinterested

Try someone every day to help, even if he does not deserve it. Help the elderly neighbor, or help someone money. No matter. And do not forget to praise yourself for it.

Sometimes there is a moment in life when it becomes very important now, at that moment, change so dramatically so that all future lifeFinally, he played completely different colors. It doesn't matter what the reason for this desire is, because it is always closely connected with the urgent need for changes that are not only needed, but and to which you are ready. Do not rush to ask the council from others, whether it is worth doing this, better listen to yourself and think about what to start.

How to change is unrecognizable character

There is no limit to excellence, and sooner or later, many feel that it's time to think about it, and the way they go, to that if they strive. Such reflections are most often caused by the internal necessity to analyze the past years, evaluate their achievements and themselves.

From the height of the experience gained, we look different on themselves. Sometimes this look makes proud of itself even more, and sometimes it becomes a signal that we do something wrong as we would like. And here questions immediately arise, and what prevents how to live as you like, what obstacles arise on the way, why it is all likely to be so difficult and hard.

And often thought about it becomes a kind of impetus to change, to start all over again, and not to continue to fight with a lot of problems that interfere with living and so became an integral part that they are easier to ignore how to solve.

But only in the case when a person appears a motivation, you can drastically change the current state of affairs, turning into an absolutely different personality. Otherwise, any attempts to achieve this are doomed to failure. Either you cannot do this, no matter how hard they try, and how much time would not have spent, or the desire will remain just desire.

Therefore, before you proceed to trying to become another, make sure that it is really what you need. It is not worth spending strength and energy in vain. Only what the soul is what is being able to bring long-awaited joy and the desired result.

It's hard to decide whether you are ready for such changes, think what you want to turn into another person. Evaluate the need for changes from the position of the years. Imagine that you have achieved your, what are the sensations, whether this satisfaction brings or vice versa causes strange feelings.

If you felt awkwardness and discomfort, you should refuse this venture. You even are not mentally prepared for sharp changes. Therefore, it's not in vain to suffer and break yourself. Look for the causes of discontent and correct what prevents living. It is only in your hands and no one will do it for you. Do not let everything on samone, make a decision and start acting.

Photo: How to change beyond recognition

Changing yourself - it looks more like the beginning new page In life, on a panacea of \u200b\u200bdifficulties, and not on a methodical struggle with them. And it belongs to this very important that way. Otherwise, instead of new meetings and accomplishments, you with you in new life Take all the accumulated cargo disappointment. It must be left there, in the past, because the desire to change beyond recognition is also the desire to become another one fear of getting rid of what was.

In the same case, when with one thought about it, you feel joy and anticipate what awaits you after the delative transformation, you are on the right track and this is what you really need as fresh air. Therefore, nothing needs to be afraid, because this is asking for a soul. Even if a little scary, do not be afraid to experiment, it will not create unnecessary problems, because it's never too late to return everything to your places and to become the one who were before. And even more so you do not need to listen to anyone, otherwise you risk abandoning the striking changes waiting in front.

And first step to change beyond recognition to be deep self-analysis. Carefully looking at himself, without having afraid, look inside, in most cases you yourself make sure that many problems arise not by the fault of others or external circumstances, their origins are hidden deep inside us.

Some character traits do not allow risks where it was necessary, others do not grow and develop, and the third provoke the occurrence of feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. They become exactly the main reason The fact that you failed to get what they wanted, or the achieved did not bring happiness. Such a state of affairs is not something new, and everything in one degree or another suffer from flaws in the character, someone else has them, someone is less, there are no ideal people. But if you do not want to remain the same as before, it is better to change them.

Therefore, take a sheet of paper, and write all those features that you do not like and from which you would like to get rid of. And then, opposite each of them, specify what you want to replace them. After that, decide why it is better to start. If the weak power of the will, lacks the purposefulness, strength, self-confidence, make them develop, starting with the upbringing of the "iron" force of the will, it is impossible to change without it. Do not want to spend time on such a difficult path, find something positive in the available character features. It is not always worth fighting with you, it is enough to change the attitude towards yourself, and then the shortcomings will turn into advantage.

Top 7 How to change beyond recognition

  • Change your attitude to life. Stop thinking that you should all. Discard criticism, swiss words, learn to see around and in yourself most exclusively positive. After two weeks, you will notice with surprise, how much more confident in yourself and learn how to perceive many things calmer, which previously caused only irritation. As the famous proverb says: "I have changed myself and the world will change around you."

Photo: How to change beyond recognition

  • Dream of career or your own business, focus on the fact that I have not learned so far. It is those knowledge that you have not yet acquired can give a chance to show yourself. After all, over the past time, the available skills did not bring the desired, since you decided to drastically change your life, it means that it is time to add or focus on something new. Only by the method of trial and error you can hope that luck will you finally smile.
  • In addition, new classes, communication with like-minded people will expand the horizons, they will teach to think largely. The one who is constantly developing intelligence gets a new experience, is not afraid to dream, every day turns into another person.
  • Learn to enjoy the received information, from where it would be obtained. Treat it with a fairing fraction of skepticism, having to always compare important information with similar news and analyze so to extract benefit for yourself. It is not always useful exactly at the moment of time, but by considering her, "having" to himself and his life, you see it as if I will immediately remember at the right moment. It will not only save the hasty steps, but will turn into a more advanced person who does not just have a large number of knowledge, but a plan of action in any situation.
  • Admit that you have the right to success. Stop criticize yourself and look for shortcomings. Release the past, forget about him. Your past is only errors, lessons, any achievements, all that has led you to the present. You live here and now and from what you do depends on how your will be tomorrow, your future and all life.
  • Let you have not achieved success, this does not mean that your time is gone. It's never too late to fulfill dreams. You can always find the path that will allow you to get. It all depends exclusively on whether you love yourself so much to allow to be happy and do what you like, or agree to dory only for the fulfillment of an endless deal of responsibilities in relation to others. After all, it is much more correct to find a lesson who will simultaneously bring the joy to you and the benefit of society, such as charity.
  • And be sure to review the wardrobe. Learn to combine things that I would not even come to wear together. Wear clothes that causes a lot of emotions: from joy and surprise to constraint. It is possible to feel differently possible only when you decide to change the usual things, instead of the trousers put on the skirts and dresses, from the business woman, turn into a lady, and from the athlete - in the lady. Buy with beautiful and expensive things. Good clothes make a woman feel differently: Above, significant, more confident and more attractive.

Photo: How to change beyond recognition

The desire to change beyond recognizable is always conscious and laid, it does not arise as a tribute to fashion. From such thoughts it is impossible to refuse, because they do not appear just like that. In relations you or not, successful by the standards of society or not, all this does not matter, now you want to change and for your own good it is best to do everything possible to come. Almost everything can be fixed in life, but to return the missed time is not under the power of anyone.

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