Menel characteristic of the hero. Meaning the word Meneli in the Myth Dictionary of Ancient Greece

Grozny Vladyka Sparta, who spent 10 years to return the wrong wife, is a symbol of perseverance, pride and stubbornness. Menelia grew up among the royal schools and from the first attempt to won the heart beautiful woman. Therefore, a man could not forgive the insult inflicted by the romantic young man. The result was a multi-year war that ruined the Troy and the whole district.

History of origin

The image of a deceived husband, who appears Menneli in modern interpretation Trojan War differs from Greek mythology. Similar transformation characteristic of the hero is easy to explain.

On the territory of Ancient Greece, the name Menal has no longer connected with the siege of the city of Troy, which describes in Iliad, and with the further adventures of the character who happened to the king of Sparta during the trip back home.

After the invasion of his uncle in Mycena, the brothers had to leave the city and move to Sparta. While young people stayed to Tindara's king, Menelai met with the daughter of Vladyka Sparta -. Beautiful girl He fascinated the exile, but Tyndarey did not dare to give her daughter to marry. In addition, the many Greek heroes have already worked for Elena.

Solve his own destiny, the King Sparta allowed the beauty independently. And the girl, surprisingly surrounding, chose Menel. Shortly after the wedding, Tendarka died, leaving the throne to his beloved son-in-law. In the peaceful and relaxed atmosphere, Menelah lived for 10 years. A year after the wedding, the spouses were born daughter Hermione.

Everything changed when the threshold of the house of Menel crossed. The son of Priama from the first minutes fascinated and the king, and Elena is beautiful. But the man who has not yet had to doubt the loyalty of his wife, did not attach the interest of the beauty of the meaning.

The death of grandfather made melliye to leave the native home and go to Crete. After returning from the funeral, the king was waiting for an unpleasant news. The newly friend and beloved wife fled to Troy. Meneli equipped military detachment and went to possession. Threats, requests and exhortations did not affect. Elena was not given. A humiliated and upset husband did not remain anything like going home.

Together with the brother Meneli gathered an army consisting of friendly kings, mercenaries and former grooms Elena (men swore to protect the beauty whom she would not prefer to husbands). Residents of Olympus rushed to the assistance to the king of Sparta - and fell on the side of the legitimate wife of a woman. Despite the fact that the personal resentment was inflicted by Meneli, to lead the military actions to Agamemnon.

During the Trojan War, the king Sparta showed himself a valiant hero and a composite strategist. The man participated in battles and happily accepted the challenge of Paris to the fight. Equalized by betrayal, Menneli with rage thrown on the enemy and quickly defeated the fancy paris. But intervened in the case and moved the ward back for the walls of Troy.

Feeling our own superiority, Meneli with new forces enters into the struggle for his wife. According to the rules of the fight, Paris after a lost battle must return to Elena, but the young man violates the contract. Finally closes the theme of the armistice spear, a Pandar bruised and wounded by Meal in the shoulder.

A multi-year confrontation brought in both parties a lot of losses. King's close colleagues king Sparta died. No less than Melania experienced death and even guarded the body of a friend from the abuse from the Trojans.

After the fall of the Troy and the capture of the city, the devastated and exhausted mennel goes to search for Elena Trojan to shove the wrong. But the wife, the beauty of which was not faded even after 10 years, re-enchants the man. Meneli takes a woman back to Sparta.

Before sailing to his homeland, the angry king will quarrel with his beloved brother. Menelai, still not gone to the help of Athena Trojans, does not bring the goddess sacrifice. Similar misconduct causes Agamemnon's anger. However, the goddess did not like such a disregard. As a result, Menel's ships do not find the right course and fall into Egypt, in Cyprus and in the candy.

Almost 8 years old, the Tsar Sparta gets to his home home, making stops in unfamiliar countries and suffering hunger. Stepping on the familiar shore, Meneli will find out the terrible news. While the man was absent, died favorite elder brother.

Elena became the only consolation for the hero. The beauty conducted the remainder of life in humility, without leaving her husband. When it was time to die, Meneli and Elena went to the islands of blissful in Elisium (in other sources - a couple were sacrificed). In honor of the valiant king, Sparta descendants established sports competitions.


In 1971, Greek director Mikhalis Cyojannis created a film, the plot for which the creation of Euripid was served. The film "Trojan" talks about the events that occurred during the Trojan War. The role of the distraught her husband Elena beautiful played actor Patrick Magi. The image created by the artist was not impressed by critics and viewers.

A more worked and realistic character is recognized by Meneli performed by James Callis. Kinokarttina "Elena Troyanskaya" (2003) discloses in detail the events preceding the Trojan War. Twistered drama shows history through the eyes of the conflict.

Popular filmmaker "Iliad" Homer saw the light in 2004. The film "Troy" is recognized as one of the most expensive kinocartin in the world. The role of a deceived husband got the actor.

  • The meaning of the "Meneli" - stand still, to resist.

  • "Menelia with the body of Patrole" is the most famous sculpture depicting the king of Sparta. Until our days, only a copy of the work of art has reached.
  • In addition to the legatives daughter, the sons of Nikyostrat and Playsten were born from Menel. Mothers of boys are slaves who served at the palace.


- Tsar Sparta. Spouse Elena Beautiful, Daughters Ice and Zeus. The son of King Mikten Atereya and Aeropes, Agamemnon's brother, married to Elena Climetre's sister. Organized a military campaign for Troy to return the stolen Trojan Paris Elena - this campaign became known as the Trojan War. Elena gave him the daughter of Hermione. Megapent's father (from slave). See it in more detail.

Myths of Ancient Greece, a dictionary-directory. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is Meneli in Russian in the dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Meneli.
    (2Mak 4:23) - The High Priest Jewish at the time of McCaveev. The high priesthood at Jason, Brother Oni, he caused a lot of disasters to Judas. Died ...
  • Meneli. in Short dictionary Mythology and antiquities:
    (Menelaus, ???? "????). Son atreya, spouse Beautiful Elena, Father Hermione, younger brother Agamemnon, Tsar Sparta. Paris (see Paris) took Elena, ...
  • Meneli.
    In the Greek Mythology, the son of atreya and aircraft, Brother Agamemnon, after the murder of Atereya Egisf Meneli and Agamemenon were forced to escape from ...
  • Meneli. in the dictionary-directory who is in the ancient world:
    1) The younger brother of the Spartan Tsar Agamemnon and Elena's husband. In the fighting of the Trojan War, his image is insignificant on the background of others ...
  • Meneli. in the lexicon sex:
    in Grech. Mythology Tsar Sparta, the husband of beautiful Elena. For the sake of returning his wife, kidnapped by Trojan Paris, achieved the performance of the united Greek. troops in ...
  • Meneli. in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
    in Greek mythology, the participant of the Trojan War, the king Sparta, the husband of Elena; Organized a trip to Troy to return the stolen to the Trojan Paris ...
  • Meneli. in Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (????????) - Son Atreya, younger brother Agamemnon. The brothers ran from Mikten in Sparta, which was expelled by Tiden, whose daughter, ...
  • Meneli.
    Meneli, in Greek. Mythology Member of the Trojan War, Tsar Sparta, Elena's husband; Organized a trip to Troy to return the stolen to the Trojan Paris ...
  • Meneli. in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Menelia Alexandria (1-2 centuries), Dr.-Greek. Mathematics and astronomer. Tr. By spheric. Geometry and trigonometry ("spherical", kN ...
  • Meneli. in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (????????)? Son atreya, younger brother Agamemnon. The brothers ran from Mikten in Sparta, which was expelled by Tiden, whose daughter, ...
  • Meneli. in the dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.
  • Meneli. in modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    in Greek mythology, the participant of the Trojan War, the King Sparta, the husband of Elena; Organized a trip to Troy to return the stolen Trojan Paris Elena. ...
  • Beria in the biblical encyclopedia of Nikiphor:
    (2Mak 13: 4) - the Syrian city between the hieropole and the antioch, in which, by ordering Antioch Evpator, an unworthy High Priest of Meneli was executed. ...
  • 2 Mac 5.
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Bible. Old Testament. The second book McCaire. Chapter 5 Chapter: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • 2 Mac 4. in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Bible. Old Testament. The second book McCaire. Chapter 4 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • 2 poppy 13. in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Bible. Old Testament. The second book McCaire. Chapter 13 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • 2 Mac 11. in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Bible. Old Testament. The second book McCaire. Chapter 11 Chapter: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • Egisf
    (Aetiste) - Son of Fiesta and his daughter of pebopia, who threw the child. He was raised at the court of his uncle Atreya, King Mikten, who ...
  • ELENA in the Myth Dictionary of Ancient Greece:
    - The most beautiful of women. The daughter of Ice and Zeus, who accepted the image of the swan, the sister of Dioskurov and Clique Leb (Castor and Cliqueness were children ...
  • Glavk in the Myth Dictionary of Ancient Greece:
    1) Marine Deity, Son Poseidon. According to the myth, there was a fisherman from the Afedon in Besotia. He drank a witchcraft potion, after which it turned out to be in ...
  • ELENA in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    In Greek mythology, the Spartan Queen, the most beautiful of women. The father of Elena Antique tradition calls Zeus, mother - Leru or Nememid. IN …
  • Demetrius I. in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    Polyorcouquet King Asia in 306-301. to R.Kh. King of Macedonia in 294-287 to R.Kh. The son of antigone I cyclop. Rod. ...
  • Euripides. in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    Euripide Three between the famous | Greek tragedies by Greek tragics, the dramas of which survived in part. He was born on ordinary instructions in 480 to ...

The wrath of the Spartan Tsar against the wrong wife, already at the first meeting softened by Him, with further communication disappeared completely. It was impossible to apply to the daughter of Nemesis of the usual measure: as years spent in three, they slid themselves without a trace, not a touch of her, so she stood above the human law. She wanted to re-become his wife Menali and again became her - and he was not she, and he was in captivity.
However, so far, both of them were captive at a whimsical goddess, who decided to keep them away and from her old, and from her new homeland. The storm, tonging the ship Meal from others, soon deployed; But when the sky turned out, no change, nor his skillful feeding knew where they and where to keep the way. They took the direction of Naobum to reach at least somewhere, to some people and learn further; And, indeed, they saw populated towns, grazing cattle, processed fields, but the people of their tongue did not understand and have no idea about Eldead and three. Other they were hospitable, they had to escape in hasty flight. Sometimes the need forced swimmers to turn into nautical robbers and a sudden raid on the seaside settlement to secure food for the coming days. So there were days, months, years - nine full years. Everyone was tired and wild, and the end was still not visible.
Finally, fate squeezed over the Schedule: in the sheltered country, they learned Egypt, the ancient Motherland of the Dana, the Rodonarchist of the Argos Kings. Although hospitality did not belong to the original qualities of his people, yet a lesson given to Hercules Beads, did not pass without a trace: the Egyptian king accepted the Hellenian wanderers welcomingly and pointed them the path that should be kept to take home. They happily in the heart moved further, they drove to the island of Faros - suddenly the weather changed, blew a sharp north wind, continued the path there was no possibility. Double-minded swimmers in the desert island; They were remembered for distant Avdoor days. Supplies given by hospitable king, quickly came to an end; Sailors began to fish, partly to kill boredom, partly to feed. But the wind remained all the same, no one could predict a disaster.
With longing in the shower wandered and Meneli in the sad shore of the flat island. Suddenly sees - among the foams of the clouds of the waves, the blond head of the girl is shown, behind her shoulders, the chest - and suddenly there is an indescribable beauty. On the hair wreath of algae, with a blue dress flows sea \u200b\u200bwater; Suitable for the hero, puts his hand on his shoulder: "What did you think? Can I help trouble? " He told her everything. She shook her head. "Obviously," says, some kind of God is angry at you, but what, for which, and how to lose it - I don't know, I don't know it; It requires someone in a smartest poor idope. " "Who is that?" - asked Menelai.- "My father, protein." - "So lead me to him, I am smart." Idofay laughed: "So he listens to you! No, the trick is needed. Listen: Take with your three reliable comrades and bring them here; Meanwhile, I will go for the case. "
By fulfilling her will, Meneli led the three best sailors with his three best sailors and began to wait for affectionate nymphs. And indeed, she soon floated again from his underwater terme and brought with four walrus skins. "My father," she said, "will come out soon here from the sea depths to warm up in the sun with her flock of walru. If he recognizes you by people, he will immediately hide, and then everything died. But I will cover you with these skins, and he will take you for walrus. Having filled his herd, he will take up; Then you will pounce on it and keep tightly hard. Hear? Hold firmly and do not let it, no matter how much you scare. It can not harm you, but you can scare it: do not be shorts1 "
With these words, she put on each walrup skin. But the case was not very easy. Updated in the skins of the sea monster, Menneli almost suffocated: such a soulment he had never inhaled for all his life. I had to call for idiophy again. She laughed: "Yes, yes, it's harder than to take Troy! Fortunately, I have a tool for this. " Diving into your underwater terme, she pulled out a bottle of ambrospray from there and anointed the edge of everyone under his nose. Immediately stench passed; Ahaeis seemed that they were in the Garden of Zeus, in the flower bed hesperid. And they patiently began to wait for the arrival of the storm elder.
And now he came - the growth of a small, eyes sly, beard gray, long; behind him herd of his walrus; They are located around our fake walrles, buried the muzzle in the sand and dorm. Old man, apparently, also to sleep clone; However, he performs his debt, it is accepted to consider his company, there is no deserters - everything is safely, even as if excessive; Sits on the sand, the chest drowned in a beard, the nose - in the walrus mustache, the eyes - under dense eyelashes. Sleep.
Meneli, who watched everything told through the eye cuts of his walrus skins, quietly got out of her and gave sign to his comrades to follow his example. Rope they have already seized with themselves; Too rush to the old man, they began to knit him. The case, however, was not easy. The old man opened his eyes, "I quickly understood my position," and in the next moment, the old man was already under the arms of the Ahetis, and the lion is huge, angry, with a raised mane. One of them bounced off, but others, remembering the words of the idoffs, did not produce monsters from the hands: they knew that this transformation was only a deception for her eyes, that the forces at the imaginary lion was no more than that of the old old man. Seeing that the lion did not affect, the protein suddenly turned his dolphin to the jump in the sea to escape from the enemy. But he did not manage to jump: his ropes were kept behind the fins and the tail, and the comrades of Menel, in addition, sat down, one riding on his back, the other on his flat face. To get rid of these unpleasant riders, the protea has become a suddenly smooth snake, and at the beginning it went thumbs. Both Aheitsa rolled into the sand, and he managed to slip out of the rope. But But Meneli, grabbing him for the throat, began it so cruelly chosen that he was soon with a sin. And suddenly the snakes broke through the water, which began to gradually drain along the ground shore in the sea. But the hero did not embarrass himself and this cunning: instantly he spent the fifth deep furrow in the soft sand, the water gathered in this furrow, it was impossible to flow further. An ordinary puddle was formed; They sit our swimmers in her edges and look next to. A puddle grumbled, boiled, splashed the fountain - and the fountain became a seagull with straightened wings, ready to rescue. And this, however, failed: and the wings and legs of the seagulls were in the tenacious hands of the Ahaseians; As she flured, but could not be freed. She rested into the ground, and as if he took to her; The wings became empty branches, and in an instant in front of the surprised eyes of the Ahetsey stood a huge poplar, the green top of which was having fun in the gusts north wind. It was unpleasant; Of course, it was impossible to escape in this form in this form, but he could, if I wished, take my opponents hectares. "Bring an ax!" - shouted Melani to one of his comrades. Poplar, apparently, was frightened: he cringed, hurt and suddenly became fire. "His skin!" - Menneli shouted - and the liberty son of the ether under the walrus skin, accurately in the stove, lost his barking and began to humbly lick her wet surface. I did not like this lesson: having exhausted the circle of my seven transformations, he again accepted his former type of marine old man. "I see," he said sullenly - that my unfit daughter taught you; Speak what you need! "
Meneli has put his question - "What did you have done the gods? - asked the protea. - the fact that they are always pointlessly in a hurry. So you did both under Troy; Your brother told you that you need to bring the victim to the immortal gods; And you did not have enough patience. But he, bring hecatombu, after a few days was in his homeland; True, he immediately died of his wicked wife, but the gods were already unacceptable. And you ... "" Wait, "Menneli shouted, pale," you said that my brother, Agamemenon, died by his wife's hand? How did it happen? "
And the protein told him what we already know - about the bloody font, cooked by cliques in myxas for the returned husband, about her criminal reign, about how the Orest exile is growing in a foreign land - it was even before his revenge. Then he continued. "And now again, when you shook the hope of returning to Elladu, you did not think about bringing a sacrifice to the immortal gods. Returning to Egypt, I will fulfill my duty, and then the gentle south wind will send you through the Libyan Sea to the shores of Peloponnes. "
Meneli followed the Council of the Elder, and his desire was fulfilled. But the fact that he heard about the fate of his brother made him first go to Mycenae. He arrived there the day after Orestovaya revenge; Climber and Egisfa he buried and established temporary ruling advice Elders will continue to purify and return the legitimate heir of Orest. Only after that he returned to Sparta, where he accepted the brazers of the board from the hands of the elderly Tyndar. Hermion's daughter, he was pursuing his daughter for another three words for neu-column; This marriage will still be told. In general future life was peaceful and happy; Having lived to deep old age, he, who did not celebrate the death, was transferred by the gods in the Champs Elysees, where he enjoyed eternal bliss with other pets of the gods.
But Elena did not follow him there: she was given to him only in the earthly spouses. At the same time, the gods were decided on the day of great reconciliation to create and the strength of the strength, and the beauty of the beauty above the beauty - to create Achille and Elena, so that great War And the mortgage of the mother of the Earth was facilitated. This task was executed; Now they are both, and the son of Pelia and the daughter of Nemesis, were settled together on the White Island, which at the entrance to Pont Evsin.


Agamemenon - In ancient Greek mythology, King Miktensky, the son of the Mycken king Atreya and the aircraft (or Plisphen and Clearla, or Plisphen and the aircraft) and the brother Menel, the husband's cliques, one of the main heroes Ancient Greek National Epos - Iliad Homer. IN modern science It is identified with Akagamunas (14 V. BC), referred to in Hett texts.

After killing the father, the nephew of Egisf, the son of Tiesta, Agamemenon, together with his brother, fled to Sparta, where she was looking for asylum at the tyndara. Here the brothers married the daughters of the Spartan Tsar Tyndaray, Agamemenon on Cleenestre, Menneli on Elena. By the death of Tyndara, the throne moved to Menelia. With the help of a brother, Agamemnon overthrew Fiesta from the throne and reigned in mycken. Subsequently, he expanded his possessions and became the most powerful ruler in all Greece.

His children Orest, Christhemide, Electra and Iphigenia (in the early version, children of Iphimed, Electra, Orest).

Trojan War

In the Trojan war, Agamemnon belonged to the main bosses over the entire army. Deciding moved by campaign against Ilion consisted in Elnyenion in Sparta. According to another version, they were consulting in Egion (Ahaya), why there is a statue of Zeus Gomagius. We sent to the campaign to Ilion did not stop the war at the statue of Zeus Mehane in Argos. Before the war, Agamemnon visited Oracle in Delfa. Copper threshold of Agamemnon's Shatter showed in anvildity. Inadvertently killed Lan Artemis and was forced to sacrifice his daughter with infigration.

He led 100 ships for three. Altar was erected 12 gods on the island of the Lecture, as well as the sanctuary of the king at Lake Selinusia (Ionia). In Iliad killed 11 Trojans. Killed Iphidamant and Head. Total killed 16 warriors. In the funeral games on Achillu participated in the competition of riders.

Because of the beautiful prisoner, Brisadis had a discord with Achilles. The evil rock pursued all his genus, starting with the Tantalon's Rodnod, and ending with Agamemnon himself and his children - Iphigenia and Oreste.

Return and death

In the late version, returning from under the Troy, visited Iphigenia in Tavrid. Either on the way founded Mycena, Teghe and Pergam in Crete.

Upon returning to his homeland with Cassandra, one of the daughters of Priama, taken to prey, he died from the hands of Egisfa (by Homer) - or his spouse - on other sources (tragedy). The same fate was subject to Cassandra. Those who returned to him from Ilion were killed by Egisf in Pira, their graves, like Agamemnon, in mycken. Also a grave monument in the amiklah. Built the temple of Athena on the Cape Onhigalon in Laconik. It was worshiped in clasome. Odyssey meets him in Aida. In Sparta, he won Zeus Agamemnon. In Stusihoru and Simonid, his palace in Sparta. After the death of his soul chose the life of an eagle.

Bravery, nobility and royal greatness were distinguished, according to Homer, this husband. Sad fate and the fatal end of it in particular were a favorite theme of ancient tragedy. The scebs and amicles are called the burial site. In Sparta Agamemnon was granted divine honors. In Heronee was kept like a shrine, his scepter, - the work of Hephasta. The images of Agamemnon are often found in art monuments, but only very rarely in the foreground. "Agamemnon" called Gn. Pompey.

The acting face of the tragedies of Aezhil Agamemenon, Sofokla "Eant", Evripid "Iphigenia in Avlida" and "Hekaba", Ion of the Chios and Unknown author "Agamemenon", Trojan and Agamemnon dealers.


Meneli. - The legendary hero of Homer's epic "Iliad", Elena's husband. Menelai was the son of atreya (according to version, Plisphen) and aircraft, younger brother Agamemnon.

The Meneli and Agamemenon expelled from Mixed in Sparta, who was tyndailed, on whose daughter, Elena, married Meneli, inlates the throne of the test. They had a daughter of Hermione. During the abduction, Helena Melaly attended Crete.

Trojan War

When Paris took Elena, Meneli with Odyssey went to Ilion (Troy) and demanded the issuance of an abducted wife, but unsuccessfully.

Returning home, Meneli with the help of Agamemenon gathered friendly kings to Ilion's hiking, and he himself put 60 ships, gaining warriors in Lacadadava, Amiklah and other cities. Collecting the army, he planted Platan at the Mountain of the Kafius in Arkadia. According to Iliad, killed 7 named Troyans. Total killed 8 warriors. Even killed, the shield, which he took away from Eufort, he later dedicated to the Gera temple near Mikten.

Before Idlyon, Meneli, having the help of Ges and Athens, showed himself a valiant warrior and a reasonable advisor. When Paris announced a challenge to martial arts, Menneli happily agreed and thoroughly rushed to the enemy that the latter was frightened and began to retreat. Hector Ustell Paris, and martial arts took place: Meneli grabbed Paris behind the helmet and led him to the Ahasey squad, but Aphrodite saved her pet. The winning side began to demand the issuance of Elena and treasures taken from her, but Parar, who spoke out of the Trojans rows, wounded Menel and thus eliminated the possibility of a truce. Later, Meneli is called for martial arts with Hector, but at the request of friends leaves this dangerous plan; Similarly, the antiloche kept him from the contest with Eneem. When Patrole Pal, Meneli was among those who defended the body of the dead hero. In the funeral games by Patrole won in throwing a spear. In Games, Achillu won the racing chariots.

When a wooden horse was built, Meneli, together with others, was introduced into the city of Troy and was one of the first, told the strong battle on the streets of Troy, led to the fall of the latter. It is depicted on the painting of the polygnot in dolphes among the participants of the Troy Take with the Dragon on the shield.

Return to Greece

After taking the Troy Athena caused a quarrel between Agamemnon and Menel. On the back path He got into the storm, moored to Cape Alia, then, on Crete, I woken in Libya, Finika, Cyprus and only 5 ships arrived in Egypt. By spaceing 8 years in the east, he was detained for a while on the island of Faros and endured hunger, while on the advice of IDFFEI, her father of protea did not help him sail home. Stories about the stay of Menel in Libya are associated with Kirenskiy colonization. The name of Menel wore the harbor from Ardanida (Kerenaica). According to another version, Menelai in Egypt married the royal daughter, from his words the Egyptians recorded the story of the Trojan War on steles.

Returning to his homeland, he lived with Elena in Lacceedaene, and after death was transferred to the Elisium. Telemah visits Melanaya and Elena Sparta. Gera made him immortal, and he arrived at the Elensky fields with Elena. His house was shown in Sparta. The graves of Menel and Elena showed in Ferapne, where it was his sanctuary and occurred in honor of his game. In relation to Agamemnon, he considered himself subordinates, in all recognizing his supreme power.

The acting person in the tragedies of the Sofokla "EAN", EUROPID "IFIGNATIONS IN AVLIDE", "TROYANKI", "ELENA", "Orest", "Andromaha", Comedy Alexid "Menelai". Among the Spartans the name of Meneli is not found

Spartan king.

This is one of the central figures of the Homerovsky epic - a woman's husband, because of which the Trojan war began, and, moreover, the person who did everything so that this war would take place. However, no one and never reproached him for it. Meneli acted in accordance with international law and the laws of male honor, besides, he did everything possible to first resolve the issue in peaceful way. IN trojan War He was one of the best fighters. No less courageously fought with fate.

The fate of Menel was difficult to envy. He was still forced to flee from his native Micheney along with his brother, as their uncle Fiesta killed their father and intended to do the same with them. The brothers found a refuge among the Spartan king Tyndaray. In Sparta with Menel, it happened that he was mistakenly considered happiness: he married a beautiful woman in the world, a tyndara's non-relative daughter (Elena's native father himself was fascinated by his wife Tyndaray,). Elena loved Menel, her daughter gave birth to him, and after the death of Tindaree, he raised his spouse to the royal throne. However, Melania did not have to enjoy family happiness and peaceful advances.

Meneli and Elena, Screenshot of the Warriors Computer Game: Legend of Troy.

The picture "Menelia and Elena is beautiful", Yang joka.

Once in Sparta, guests from distant three appeared: the son of King Paris, accompanied by his cousin Eneem. Steps of Paris directed the Goddess of Love, who promised him in the spouses the most beautiful woman in the world as a reward for the fact that in the dispute about the beauty of the goddesses he gave her preference before and. Menelai welcomedly accepted expensive guests, arranged the main dinner in their honor and presented them with his spouse. Paris fell in love with Elena at first glance, he also seemed pretty. Then everything went to myself, and Melai himself involuntarily assumed to this. One day, he apologized to the guests, which is forced to leave them: he needs to Crete, because his grandfather died there; Helen He punished to fulfill all the wishes of the guests. Unable to influence the Aphrodites Elena interpreted this unit, perhaps too wide. Fascinated by young paris and his seductive speeches, Elena left her husband, daughter, his homeland and sailed with him in Troy.

When, returning from Crete, Menelai found out that his wife was disappeared, he did not doubt a minute that Paris kidnapped her. This was evidenced by the fact that together with Elena disappeared and all his royal treasury. It was a gross insult to the king, a spouse, men and also violation of the sacred laws of hospitality. Therefore, Meneli went to his brother Agamemenon, who rules in myxa after the death of Fiesta, and asked him advice and help. Agamemenon advised him to personally visit Troy and demand from Priama and Paris to return Elena, and in case of refusal to contradict him. Menelai took a sophisticated, eloquent mediator - Odyssey, but it did not help. Paris was ready to return only a treasury, but he did not want to talk about Elena. Then Agamemenon called on all the Ahase kings to unite to take revenge for the insult of Menel, and announced the war.

The military expedition, headed by a powerful Mikhana king, was encouraged by glory and prey, so a hundred thousandth army focused on more than a thousand ships, ready to move in the Avlidian Harbor, ready to move to Troy. Menelia led six thousand warriors with him, who presented an independent army in the United Army, which was not so much a number as the courage and determination. What are the leader, such and the army: and if Meneli did not stand out among the Ahetans by force, he filed an example with his calm courage and (which is no less important in the war) self-discipline.

Frame from the film "Troy" (2004): Brothers-kings of the Ahaseians Meneli (Actor Brendan Glison) and Agamemenon (Brian Cox).

Over the ten years of the Trojan War, Melai made a lot of exploits. But three of them remained forever in the memory of descendants, and Lacceedamia sang about them by fires on hiking privals still centuries later. First of all, it was Meal's duel with Paris at the beginning of the tenth year of war. When the tightening unsuccessful fights sowed frustration and Ropot in the fighting armies, when ordinary warriors spoke that if the leaders had scores among themselves, then let them drive them themselves, Melai without hesitation took the challenge of Paris to battle not for life, but to death.

This fight was to solve the outcome of war. As it turned out, Melania was opposed not only Paris, but also Aphrodite, who stored her pet. Nevertheless, Menelai did not fell in spirit and eventually defeated Paris and would certainly kill him if Aphrodite had not shrouded Paris the cloud and would not take him into a safe place behind the walls of Troy. The second feat was the salvation of the body of the fallen patronage, a friend. Third - participation in the storming of the fortified Palace of Priama. Meneli was one of the selected fighters that penetrated the Troy, hiding in a huge wooden horse, and took tsarsh Palace Cutting attack. There, Menelai killed among other attmits of his son, marrying on Elena after the death of Paris, and returned his wife his own sword.

Just like on the battlefield, Meneli has highlighted on the military council. He spoke briefly and delibe, always keeping in mind the interests of the entire Ahasey army. The authority of the commander-in-chief Meneli recognized unconditionally and always supported him, and the matter here is not only that Agamemenon had to him brother. He treated the rest of the warlords and to their warriors in a friendly, recognizing that they were fighting primarily for his business and his honor.

Picture "Telemars, Meneli and Elena", Jean-Jacques Lagrena Jr..

You can read about the duty of the return of Menal to the Motherland after taking the Troy in the article "".

Articles on Agamemnon, Odyssey and other Ahase characters contain brief mention of archaeological studies of palaces-locks, in which, according to Homer, heroes lived. However, in Sparta, nothing similar was discovered; Only the existence of the Ahase settlement of the average value is proven. We do not even know the exact boundaries historic city Sparta, as it was not acquired by the walls ("Urban walls of Sparta were breasts of Lac Section"); The city disappeared almost without a trace. And yet the city of Sparta exists, although he has nothing to do with the ancient Sparta, since it was laid only in 1834.

Artists of ancient and later times often portrayed Meal, as a rule, in Agamemnon or Helen's society. In addition to numerous images of the plots, Melani pursue Elena, "Menel and Elena", "Wedding Meal and Elena", etc., the most famous Pergamsk sculptural group "Meali with the body of Patrole" (3 V. BC) who has come down to us in several Roman copies.

Menelia appears in any of countless artistic worksdedicated to the Trojan War. But it does not always look like a positive hero - such as he is shown in the "Iliad" or "Odyssey" of Homer. The Romans, who considered himself the descendants of the Trojans, laid out the image of Menel, as well as Euripide in their works of the times of the Peloponnesian war, so that in his face to derive Spartans.

"Menelai with the body of Patrole" is a marble copy of the I century n. e. With the lost Pergamm sculpture, whose fragments were found in Rome in the XVI century and immediately acquired by the Tuscan Duke of Kozimo Medici. He instructed Pietro Takka and Lodovico Salwalti to perform "restoration" of disfigured sculpture; The result of their efforts was placed in one of Nish Ponte Vecchio. Now he stands in Lanzi Lanzia on Signoria Square.

In 1771, Anton Mengs, being not satisfied with the mannerist "restoration" of the sculptors of the XVI century, decided to correct their flames and performed a gypsum version of the sculptural group. Another option of the same heroic composition coming from the Augusta Mausoleum, from the XVI century, appeared in the Medici meeting under the name Ajax; It can be seen in Palazzo Pitty. The famous Roman statue of Pascvino, apparently, originally illustrated the same story.

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