How to get a British design education, without leaving home. Follow across

Not many know, but the assortment of the App Store store varies depending on the country. For example, in the English App Store applications is presented much more than in Russian. However, you should not envy - after all, while in Russia, you can always buy programs in the British App Store just to have a special Apple ID (EPL AIDI). How to do it, tell me in this material.

Access to a larger program is not the only bonus of the English Apple ID. When you start the British ID, you, in addition, will be able to use the options that are not available to Russian IOS-devices to Russian owners. Here, first of all, it is worth attributed to iTunes Radio, as well as Spotify and RDIO music services.

In addition, it is no secret that many new services primarily become available to users of the United States and Great Britain, and the Russian owners of IOS-devices have to wait - sometimes a couple of weeks, sometimes a few months, and sometimes years. If you are heading the British Apple ID, you get rid of yourself from a whimstory expectation and will access new "chips" exactly at the same time when it will open for the British.

How to register a British Apple ID account?

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this procedure, especially if you have already faced the need to create an Apple ID, in short, if you already have the standard Russian IOS user identifier. However, we do not exclude such a situation that you do not have any Apple ID and decided to immediately start the British, not the Russian account. However, our guide is suitable for the first, and for the second case.

Apple ID via iOS-device

In general, there are two methods to create an Apple ID - both Russian and belonging to any other region. You can perform this procedure either directly from the IOS-device itself, or you can seek help to iTunes. As you feel more convenient, decide for yourself, we will tell about both ways, but we immediately note that there will be no cardinal difference between them. Thus, the only criterion for choosing the Apple ID registration method is your personal convenience. If you have an iPhone in your hands (well or iPad, iPod) - register with it, but because of the circumstances you are closer to "reach" to iTunes, create an account using the program. However, let's start with the consideration of the method of registration of the identifier directly from the device, because we believe that it is for such a scenario to go easier to the user.

So, if you already own a personal identifier, then before proceeding with the instructions, you need to exit an existing account, for this - the App Store application is taped, then the "Selection" tab, scroll to the very end and choose the list of Apple ID, click " Go out".

If you do not have a personal Apple account yet, then there is no need to make any preliminary action, immediately go to this guide:

1 Upload the App Store, we are looking for any free program via the "Search" section, select the "Download" found and click - the window will open with the "Create Apple ID" proposal, taping along this line.

2 In a new window, you will need to choose a region, we choose Britain, that is, "United Kindom".

By the way! You can choose any other region, for example, "United States". Then you can create an American account and you will have a chance to use the FreeMyApps application, which exists exclusively for the United States and allows some paid applications from the App Store to receive free on certain conditions.

3 In the next window, agree with the privacy policy by clicking "Agree".

4 Now before you will appear the profile of the new account - your task is just correctly fill it. Yes, as you understand, the interface will be English, but what to write is understandable intuitive.

5 Top Field - Email - It is important to specify this postal address to which you have access, because it will be through it a final account of the account registration. Use international, and not Russian domains - Gmail, for example.

6 The following two fields - "Password" and "Verify" - in them we specify twice password of the account. Consider the requirements described below these fields - 8 characters and more, be sure to one digit, one title and uppercase letters. In addition, spaces, the use of three identical characters in a row and the login of Apple ID as a password, as well as the password that you already applied less than a year ago is prohibited.

7 Moving further - fill in the section "Security Info" known to us as "secret questions". Most of the questions offered as verifying will be simple and understandable to everyone who knows English at least a bit, but if you are very "zero" in this regard, Google-translator will help and transfer questions, and make answers to correctly. Excellent advice - do not use too complex answers - otherwise you will just forget them.

8 Next field "Optional Rescue Email" - here you can specify the backup email address. This field is optional to fill, but we recommend it to fill out - additional "loophole", if you need to restore the Apple account, does not hurt anyone.

9 It remains quite a bit - pointing your birthday in the section "ENTER YOUR DATE OF BIRTH", if you wish, subscribe to notifications from the iTunes Store and other Apple news by transferring the SUBSCRINE slider to the active position. Great advice! Use your real birth date, as this information can also be useful to recover an Apple ID. If you enter an arbitrary number at this stage, you, of course, cannot be remembered.

10 Now the most responsible section "Billing information" - payment information is indicated here. If you do not have a desire to fix the map for Apple ID, tap the "None" item, otherwise, select the appropriate item, for example, "Visa" and specify the required data in the window that appears.

11 Well, finally, you will need to enter your address and name. It is important to take into account the features of the English account. In the "title" column, we specify "MR" or "MRS" (Mr. or Mrs.), in the fields "First Name" and "Last Name" we enter your real name for Latin, for example, "Petr Ivanov". In the graph specifying the address and phone, you need to enter some kind of real British address with the index (ZIP), as well as the real number of the phone, since this data is verified when checking the completed account registration questionnaire. How to get a real address and phone? Open Google Maps and choose yourself any desired residence, and the phone number "borrow" from some organization.

12 Everything! It remains to check the correctness of the specified data, tap "Next" and wait for the specified postal address of a special letter from the Apple Giant - it will refer to the confirmation of Apple ID registration. If you filled out all fields correctly, a letter with reference will be sent in seconds.

Ready! As soon as you follow the link, your British account will be real, you can enter its data in the App Store ("Settings" / "iTunes Store, App Store") and use new privileges. If you wish to return to the Russian identifier, if he had it, you will need to get out of the British (how to do it, we have already told) and indicate the Russian account.

We make Apple ID using iTunes

Well, now let's figure it out how to register an English account via iTunes. It is similar to - if you already have an Apple ID, and it is specified in the program, you need to first exit an account by clicking on your name and clicking "Exit" in the dropping menu, after which you can proceed to the registration manual.

If your iTunes "clean", that is, no account in it is not indicated, immediately proceed to the actions below:

1 Open iTunes, choose the "App Store".
2 Scroll through the store to the end, click on the checkbox in the lower right corner. 3 Select the United Kindom region, after which the British App Store opens.
4 Now our task click on any free application, and then press "Get", after which it will be proposed to create a new account or enter an existing one, we, of course, choose "Create Apple ID".
5 In the Welcome Ti iTunes Store window, click "Continue".
6 Well, then, as they say, we go on the rolled one - we accept the user agreement and specify all the data that specified in steps 5-11 of the previous instruction.
7 When all fields are filled, go to the mailbox, specified when registering, go to the link sent in Apple letter and ready - you have an account!

As this account, enter directly on the device you already know, but it is even easier to "fix" it for iTunes, click "Log in" in the upper right corner of the program and specify the account data.


Well, as you can see, the British Apple ID is not much more complicated than creating Russian - the steps are all the same, you just need to completely understand in English, so that everything goes successfully. We hope, no difficulties have no difficulties, although often in the process of creating an Apple ID, you can "catch" the error window of about the following "Account Not in this Store" window. You should not get upset and panic, just try to start registration of the account reassessment.

Well, finally, one important remark - despite all the advantages of the English account, we also recommend that Russian Apple ID (if you do not have it). The fact is that programs and content in the Russian App Store and iTunes Store cost cheaper than in English or American. Of course, if you want to download an app, which is not in the Russian store, there is no choice here, you will have to agree with a higher price.

But! If the program you want to download is in English, and in the Russian App Store, buy better in the last - it will cost cheaper!

How often did you hear the divine British accent and wanted madly to speak just as exquisite? Congratulations: With the help of our article your chances to master the "English" English will rapidly grow. Here you will find the instructions for the common pronunciation standards in the British version of the English language, as well as look at the video and listen to audio recordings with speech of carriers of this beautiful accent.

It is no secret that in the UK there is a huge number of dialects of English - often residents from one part of the country cannot disassemble the speeches of the British living in the neighboring city (more inside the UK).

We will consider the "classic" British version of the language - Received pronunciation, abbreviated RP.

Learn The Rules, or Rules in British English

We will analyze the basic rules of pronunciation of sounds that brightly characterize the British English.

Probably, everyone who studies English for a long time knows that some words are pronounced in British and American dialects in different ways. At first glance, the British version may seem easier for the American, since the British pronounce most of the sounds in the word. But, as a rule, with the exception of this fact British English is still more complicated by American English.

U.- pronounced | ju.ː | or word you. (and in the American version - just like). For example, duty. \u003d | D. ju.ːTi | (Brit.) Or | Duːti | (Amer).

In words with the letter A. In the British version, the sound is more often used | ɑː |, in American | æ |. Popular example: cAN'T. \u003d | Kɑːnt | (Brit.) Or | Kænt | (Amer).

Do not forget about the letter T. - In British English, it is pronounced in most cases and is not replaced by R, as is customary from Americans. For example, phrase "Give IT Away" American utters as "Give R Euway".

There is also a feature in the pronunciation of the letter R. - In British English after the vowel, at the end of the word R is not pronounced, for example, the word car RP holder will pronounce | Kɑː |.

Do not forget to check the pronunciation of individual words. You can do this in online dictionaries, for example, in

Even more steep examples (and from the songs of Bitlov!) Differences of the British and American accents you will find in this wonderful video.

Also, where you can add all unfamiliar words to study. 🙂

Studying the norms of pronunciation - the foundation, but then the most interesting thing begins - endless hours of practice in trying to remember Typical intonations used by the British in speech.

The best way to acquire such experience is communication with the carrier of the accent. Alas, it is not available to everyone. Therefore, the inhabitants of the English-speaking Youtube come to the resistant, which you will know about the next section of the article.

Practice Is the Key, or watch and learn

After the N-th number of Youtube watching hours, typical British intonations will begin to creep into your speech.

On the screen, or films and series with a British accent

What could be better to get used to the British accent than? Catch our list of films and TV shows:

  • a series of films about Harry Potter. Pay attention to the speech of Professor McGonagall and Hermione - they are chic;
  • for lovers of classic English novels, Jane Austin works will be suitable. For example, the mini-series "Pride and Prejudice" (1995);
  • the series "Sherlock" (will be difficult, but we believe in you!);
  • tV series "Dounton Abbey". Even the name sounds very very in British;
  • "Bridget Diary Jones." Excellent British accent performed by American Rene Zellweger;
  • the film "King says." Briton Colin Firth in the role of the English king is something!

And this is, of course, not all - there are so many films in the world, where you can, hopping breathing, listen to English with a British accent!

Conclusion: how to talk to a British accent

In the article, we shared useful materials for the development of the British accent. See video, movies, listen to podcasts - and the brain will start automatically memorizing typical "chips" of British English. Then very soon on the trip to the UK you will not only understand the speech of foreigners, but also answer with the intonations of a typical resident of London.

And what focus closer to you: British or American? What does it seem to be clearer? Due to your comments!

Retro style finds an increasing number of adherents, so Briton is a men's haircut that was once popular - again in fashion. Modern designer shows show its prevalence throughout the world. Most often, such a hairstyle choose confident, young, promising and energetic guys.


For the first time, British, so popular in our time, appeared in the 50s of the last century. The main thing that attracts in this hairstyle is the relevant combination of the Bunlet spirit and elegance. At the same time, negligent, but not losing his aristocraticity.

British, male haircut, who first conquered the United Kingdom, pretty quickly became popular in America and Western European countries. She was considered a breakthrough in fashion men's hairstyles. It was an integral part of the Dandy image.

British how to cut

The cutting rules are quite simple. Make it when the hair has reached medium length. On the back of the head, the champper is very short, the bang's length is not cleaned. To create a British use scissors for branch.

On the back of the head and temples there is a smooth transition of length from 3 to 9 mm.

Depending on the type of appearance and wishes, you can either do or do not make a sample.

Male haircut British. Who fits

Not so long ago, this hairstyle was more likely to youth style, but after the appearance of celebrity photographs in the media, which preferred haircut, British became trend. After all, millions of fans of Justin Timberlake and Cristiano Ronaldo hurried to follow the example of his idols.

It looks beautiful, this high men who have thick hair of medium length. The image that is created with its help will look romantic.

Many specialists in the field of hairdresser's skills and the creation of the image say that British, a male haircut, can easily relate to hairstyles that can be called universal. It suits people with various types of appearance and hair structures. The only condition: choose the type of laying in accordance with the characteristics of appearance.

How to put hair

Haircut of the Male British, the photo of which are presented in the article, requires daily laying. This is the only difficulty. The laying itself is quite simple in execution, will not take more than 7-10 minutes, if there is experience.

In order to give the chapelur the right view, you will need to install:

  • hair gel;
  • wax;
  • varnish with fixation effect.

Daily in the morning after washing the head to still wet hair is applied gel. After that, with the help of fine comb, the required shape is given.

Those who do not have a lush mane, there is no need to despair: an interesting image from which the recklessness will be done, using a styler or diffuser.

The laying can be done in three ways, each of which will allow you to look different:

  • direct long hair and bangs up;
  • bringing a challenge of the side;
  • fixing hair towards the back of the head.

British haircut varieties

Depending on the type of hair, their volume and density, choose the cutting and styling option. Differ:

  • smooth;
  • with bulk bangs.

In the first case, the bangs are particularly combed. The emphasis is on shortening the length of the hair. Another new chip of the season is the use of specials for glitter.

For owners, Kudrey will be more suitable for the second option: making stacking, it is necessary to give bangs a large volume. If earlier for this was required a permanent visit, now the unequal length of strands is now allowing the owners to make the styling hairstyle, while achieving the desired result.

What is the difference from haircuts Canadian

Haircut of the British men's, the photo of which are presented below, is very similar to Canadian. These are hairstyle with the ways are shortened in the head of the nape: when they make Canada, the hair cut the hair with a typewriter, and the Briton is scissors.

British haircut: how to face hair

Those who want to not just have a stylish hairstyle, but also crave to cause envy surrounding their extraordinary style, you can try to experiment with color. Due to the fact that in the top of the head the hair is longer, it makes it possible to make their different shades. Competently selected colors not only diversify the appearance, but also make an image more spectacular and harmonious.

It should be remembered that bright, screaming colors will not give the image of masculinity. While the choice of shades from one color scheme, which is close to the natural color of the chapels, promptly revitalizes the appearance.

Disadvantages of selection hairstyle British

Like any other hairstyle, this has its own minuses:

  1. Holders of short hair, which decided to make such a haircut, will have to wait until they grow to medium length.
  2. This is a hairstyle that implies short-lived whiskey, which does not suit people who have a very thin face, as it will be visually still pulling it.
  3. Due to the fact that the hair of different lengths is much stronger noticeably pollution of the hair, so it will be necessary to wash your head at least once every two days. Although specialists are recommended to do it daily, so that the strands did not suffer from the influence of equipment for laying.
  4. This type of image will not suit active people who are constantly in motion and pay a lot of time sports.
  5. It is not recommended to choose British to those who constantly late and suffer from lack of time in the morning, as the hairstyle requires daily laying.

British, men's haircut, so loved due to the fact that it is suitable for both a business style, and to a cheerful careless image, which is especially important for harmoniously developed personalities. This allows you to look different depending on the situation.

According to experts, Briton (men's haircut) will be at the peak of popularity for several more years and even after this time will not lose their adherents.

It is hard to find a person who at least once in his life did not come across the problem of obtaining a visa to another country. And if everything is clear with some countries, because I was able to resolve a number of questions, then in many points of the globe, our countrymen still difficult to protrude their way.

For example, the preparation of documents for the British is a rather laborious process. If you can collect paper to get a visa to Italy, you can half an hour, then to the submission of documents for a visa in the UK you need to prepare longer.

And in order to save your time, nerves and money when making a visa to England Ukrainians, we recommend contacting the professionals of your case - Visa Consulting Group visa managers

The company's specialists in more than 11 years of activity have been accomplished by the enormous experience and the volume of knowledge that help cope with the most complex applicants' cases, including when repeated films after previous failures in an English visa. Remember that when submitting documents for a visa to the UK, the risk of refusal is much higher than in the presence of qualified assistance to And this means that in addition to the spent time and nerves, you will lose money, because the consular fee is not refundable in refusing!

Moreover, besides the refusal, you can "shock" and the ban (ban on the entry) for 10 years, especially if you buy references (from the place of work, from banks, etc.). Sober evaluate your strength when making a decision on self-submission to an English visa.

Experienced traveler and blog author Blog Blog British Lover Tatyana Chernega told how to make the process of independent receipt of a British visa less painful and exciting. Read in the material how to prepare and submit documents for a British visa.

I thought (and I still think so) that the British visa— This is a big lottery. I know cases whenrefused to people who and with documents are fine and their business in Ukraine, and there is nocauses for migration, and financial security is so that everyone can earn. Buti was lucky and I visited the country, which and so all my life I loved very much, and now so even more.

Further follow the instructions and go to the site I recommend to read all the information on 6 points in the Standard Visitor Visa section, following the stages in the photo.

It is important to choose a type of a British visa that matches your stay plans. In my case, in the Select Visa Type column, you need to choose the purpose of the visit to the UK (Reason for Visit), and then specify the Visa Type and Visa Subtype (Visa Sub Type). I chose the goal of the visit "Visit (Visit)" and the type of visa "General Visitor" visa, with a subtype of a visa "up to 6 months".

1. In which language you are more convenient

3. Questions language (in any case, the answers must be in English)

4. His country

Follow further instructions, check out the information and register on the site. There is nothing complicated here - just do everything step by step. And then fill the visa profile. This is where to gain patience, because there are many questions and they are divided into different categories. But there is a big plus that you can save a questionnaire to receive a British visa and continue filling later (within 10 weeks).

Examples of filled visa visa UK questionnaire have free access on the Internet. Therefore, I would advise you first to read questions, prepare the answers and only then proceed to filling. The main thing here is to give truthful answers.

After filling out the questionnaire, you will be offered to pay for the visa collection online. I was filled with a standard visa of 6 months. Its cost is 89 pounds. More information on the duration of stay and cost by reference or in the photo below.

1. Choose the time and date of submission of documents for the visa of the United Kingdom

I also want to draw your attention to that if you have a sponsor of a trip (for example, a civilian husband), then you need to prepare "evidence". It can be screenshots of joint photos from social networks (where the dates of publications are seen), a photo from events and so on. The main thing is to look at your documents by the eyes of the UK Visa Center workers. They must confirm the sincerity of your intentions and convince you are not a potential migrant. All cash transactions hold one bank card - from buying air tickets to pay visa collection. On the same map, provide an extract on the movement of personal funds.

4. Print the questionnaire and application with GWF code.

5. Come to the British visa center in Artem BC, which is located on the street. Glyboochitskaya, 4, Kiev. Here you will make photos and remove fingerprints.

Well, you did everything that depended on you. Now it remains only to wait for your passport with a British visa.

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English teachers around the world are not tired to argue that it is not necessary to shy their accent. We are in website Absolutely agree with this. But this does not mean that it is impossible to self-improve or try new. If you always wanted to talk like Lady Mary from Dounton Abbey or how Audrey Hepburn in Tiffany breakfast, "dare!

Choose with what accent you want to talk

Do you like the classic English accent sound or how they say in Hollywood?

This will depend on what programs you need to watch and with what people are communicating. If you wish, you can even choose the focus of a particular region.

  • Video about 21 accent in English - The well-known video of the English Theater Actress Amy Walker, in which she very believable imitates the accents of various regions of Great Britain, the United States and other countries.
  • 24 accent in English "This guy conquered the world a few years ago, removing the video in which he inwiths history and dialogues on the move for each accent.
  • The difference between British and American accents - This video is the joint work of Youtube-teachers of English from America and the UK, in which they clarify the main differences between accents.
  • Difference in the pronunciation of vowels - If you are ready to dig deeper, deal with the position of the lips and the language during the pronouncement of vowels.

Find your teacher

If you have decided with your preferences - it's time to find your master iodine.

  • Minoo Anglo Link - Manu gives the lessons of British pronunciation and is preparing for international exams, for example, to IELTS General and Ielts Academic.
  • SPEAK English With Mister Duncan - Mr. Danican - the vigorous Anglicin of the Middle Ages, who created his educational channel more than 8 years ago. In addition to accent, he teaches a living language: Idioms, conversational words, common abbreviations.
  • BBC Learn English. - Canal of the largest British network of television and broadcasting. Where English teach for all sorts of situations. Among teachers, including Shakespeare himself.

For American English - these:

  • Rachel's English. - Rachel specializes in American pronunciation. American English In Real Life Playlist is a collection of Rachel conversations with her friends in real life situations.
  • Private English Portal. - Steve Ford lives in Canada. The main chip of his channel - advice on pronunciation for representatives of various nationalities.
  • Business English Pod. - Collection of lessons and podcasts for advanced users. The channel specializes in business English.

Spend the error

Many of us at school taught to speak wrong. Nesterly, noble teachers with YouTube will help you make your speech competent and natural.

British English:

How do you say "Bow"? How is "Low" or how 'COW'? Jill - teacher with many years of experience. In this video, it disassembles errors that are often allowed by her students.

American English:

Popular errors in the pronunciation of words - In his video, Alex is trying to create an atmosphere of a living lesson. In this particular case, he disassembles words, in whose pronunciation, students are most often mistaken.

Learn local expressions

Even if you managed the grammar and honestly repeated the dialogues from the textbook - this is not enough to communicate with the native speaker. In the United States and the UK there are dialects, slang and sustainable expressions, to deal with whom without training oh, how difficult.

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