How are compound quantitative numbers inclined? Open Library - an open library of educational information as inclined component quantitative numerical examples.

The declination of the numeral does not have a single sample. In the "Russian grammar" 1990, it is represented by two types: substantive and adjective. To the first one:

  • 1) the declination of numerals from five before ten and numeral on -Detsat (eleven, twelve etc.), - Details (fifty, sixty etc.);
  • 2) inclination of numeral two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numeral on -Sot;
  • 3) the declination of numeral forty, ninety, one hundred and numeral one and a half (one and a half) I. one and a half.

To the second type, the declination of the adjectives with two varieties:

  • 1) the declination of numeral two, three, four;
  • 2) the deposit of collective (including words both, both) and vaguely quantitative numbers.

Below are the main samples of inclination of numeral with the corresponding comments.

The declination of quantitative numbers

NUMBERone (one, one, alone)


Male Rod

Neuter gender

Feminine gender












as I.P. and R.P.



as I.P. and R.P.




(about) one

(about) one

(about) some

NUMBERtwo, two, three, four, 5 20 ,30


Two (m. and cf.)

Two (J.R.)



5-20, 30 change as nouns J.R. on the -











as I.P. or R.P.

as I.P. or R.P.






(about) two

(about) three

(about) four

(about) eight

Nutigative Types50—80 , 200—400 , 500—900






two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundreds


two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundred


two hundred, tremstam, four hundred



two hundred, three hundred, four hundred

six hundreds


two hundredstairs, thimestami, four stories

six hundred

(about) sixtie

(about) two hundred, three hundred, fourstands

(about) six hundred

NUMBER40 , 90 , 100 , 1 1 /2

NUMBER eight and eighty B. T.P. Keep running vowels e: Eight, emighty. The lack of fluent vowels is characteristic of conversational speech: eight, eighty.

In complex numerical types sixty Both composite parts are inclined: sixtie, sixty. Incorrectly use in the " Forms sixtie instead sixty.

Complicated numeric type six hundreds In the T.P. have a form six hundred, the form six stores It is characteristic of spoken speech.

The literary norm corresponds to the combinations of numeral with noun type to the sixth rubles, with six hundred rubles, and not to six hundred rubles, with six hundred rubles; To confront one and a half hundred tanks, be one and a half hundred meters, and not to confront one and a half hundred tanks, stay in one and a half hundred meters.

Complex numeral with word one hundred In the T.P. can be combined with noun in the same case (with threey residents), which corresponds to a literary norm, a combination with nouns in the R.P. (from threver residents) It is a conversational option.

When using quantitative numerals with a pretext by In the distribution value there may be forms V.P. and dp: six sixsix thousand, tenten notebooks. Modern norm corresponds to V.P., traditional use - D.P. Vague lot, some, how much, so many Also allow option: i remember a lot of exercises. But the forms of V.P. have a conversational character here.

The declination of compound numerals



seven thousand four hundred seventy eight

seven thousand four hundred seventy eight

seven thousand four hundred seventy-eight

seven thousand four eight seven-day

(about) seven thousand four hundred seventy eight

In composite quantitative numerical inclines each word (Table). Word one thousand in combination with the words one has in the like. form ne thousand, and the thousand; eg: one thousand three hundred twenty two.

In oral speech, the declination of compound numerals is often simplified:

  • a) only their initial and end components are inclined ( dictionary with two thousand three hundred eighty-six illustration);
  • b) only their last component is inclined ( dozens of employees worked in twenty-three cabinets).

Such use does not correspond to literary standards.

Declination of fractional numerals

If a number 1 is worth in the numerator, then for the designation is used form railway. one; In the denominator there is a sequence numerical in I.P. J.R.: 1. / 2 — a half, 1/ 7 — one seventh.

If the number 2 stands in the numerator, then for its designation, a form Zh.R is used. two: 2/ 5 — two fifths, 2/ 7 — two seventh.

When declining fractional numerals, both parts are changed (Table).

Declination of uncertain-quantitative words

Vaguely quantitative numeral little, lot inclined in the same way as words few, many (Table).

Declination of ordinal numbers


Nutritious (except the third )

The third







the third













as I.P. or R.P.








(about) first

(about) second

(about) ninth

(about) thirtieth

(about) thousandth

(about) third



















as I.P. or R.P.








(about) first

(about) second

(about) ninth

(about) thirtieth

(about) thousands

(about) third

Ordinal numerals except the third, inclined in the same way as adjectives with a solid basis (such as difficult). Numeral the third inclined on a soft version (Table).

Declination of collective numerals

NUMBER2 (two) — 10 (decident)


















as I.P. or R.P.






(about) two

(about) troy

(about) four

(about) five.

(about) ten

NUMBERboth (M.R. and SR.R.) and both (J.R.)

In V.P. Collective numerals with inanimate nouns have the form I.P., and with animate one - the form of the R.P.

When declining numeral both (M.R. and CP.R.) The basis will end on - about (about about-them), when declining the numeral both (J.R.) - on -E. (about e.-them) (Table).

Declination is in addition - in numbers. The declination of numeral gives rich food for exercises in classifications. Substantive declination, for example. Or adjective. It is not necessary to do without immersion in the world of phonetics, where it is easy to get lost in the search for flexions coincidences. Languages \u200b\u200bdid not create an iron system for numerical. And we need landmarks so that without mistakes to inclination any language cyphyr. They, these guidelines, are very necessary.

Conversation confuses us

"To a hundred-oh-about three-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-attachment," - the governess of the baby is interpreted. A teacher with red crusts do not know how the compound is inclined why so? It's not just that knowledge is sometimes weathered as the smell of strawberries. In oral speech, we are increasingly and more often we do not take into account the rule of declining quantitative numerical. "From three hundred and sixty-five days you need to strike out two hundred who disappeared on this vigorous service." Ear does not cut? It seems to be no, everything is so. But let's fix the plenty of governess and the unfortunate servant: we will add to one hundred (!) Thirty (!) Five (!), And cross out three hundred (!) Sixty (!) Five.

Nebuchgal sport approach

But it is absolutely optionally to make a meaningful pause before the "digital" replica, painfully thinking, as composite quantitative numbers are inclined. We will deal once and forever with a composite inclined by the circuit. Simple and composite quantitative numerals - the same thing! How so? So so. We are not at the congress of morphologists. And not on accounting courses. We are talking about the peculiarities of the declination of composite quantitative numbers. Them, these features, and no. Each component in the form of numeral should be inclined separately. This is where the relationship of simple and composite quantitative numbers is manifested.

Souls and money - there is a difference

We learn about living - to be the Primorye in the southern town. In total there are 314,453 inhabitants.

Nominative. Live in thin hundred (first numeral) fourteen (second) thousand (third) four hundred (fourth) fifty (fifth) three (sixth) citizen.

Genitive. The thundrance is in three hundred (1 numeral) fourteen (2nd) thousand (3rd) four hundred (4th) fifty (5th) of the three (6th) citizens.

Dative. Weared came to tremstams (this 300) of fourteen (14) thousands (1000) to four hundred (400) fifty (50) three (3) to citizens.

Accusative. For all components of numeral, except for the latter, as well as a nominative case. If the last numerical "seconded" to animate existing noun, the accusative case is copied by the Pivot. And if to inanimate - nominative. The mayor will congratulate three citizens, and will spend three rubles.

Instrumental case. The mayor's city is proud of threestairs (three hundred) fourteen (fourteen) thousand (thousand) four-stranded (four hundred) fifty (fifty) three (three) citizens.

Prepositional. City Hall Days and Nights Picked about three hundred (three hundred) fourteen (fourteen) thousands (thousand) four hundred (four hundred) fifty (fifty) three (three) citizens.

So, the correct form of compound quantitative numerical is the correct forms of individual numerical. Whether it is the designation of our twenty-five years or the most astronomical numbers - there is no difference. Any numerical behaves independently, in no matter how much it fell. Knowing the main thing, we remove the question of how composite quantitative numbers are inclined. And ordinal - too?

One for everyone, or the last word

In composite ordinal numerical, all numeral behave in the same way as quantitative numerals. But for "order" in all declines only one word is responsible - the last one. It is the extreme car in all echelon and is consistent with the nouns. Only the last word changes. After a thousand first attempt, he did everything. Attempts could be 11,362. After eleven (11) thousand (1000) three hundred (300), sixty (60) second (!) Attempts everything turned out.

Why judges are mistaken

But back to the completed seems to be the role of how composite quantitative numbers are inclined. We have one rule: every word in the rank is inclined by itself. Hence the problem - the components of quantitative numerals are not in front of the front. This is only among ordinal numerical - perfect order. All - at a fast. In addition to one, the latter. It comes out, another conversation is not completed about how to incline composite quantitative numbers. Features and the rule that these features are subordinated to each corporation in the language empires, and sometimes the individual entrepreneur.

The reporter of the Femids announced a resolution: "The minister shared five hundred to the Tuggers with his assistants." No one will condemn the judge for inconsistency in the literary language. Not shouting the public in the majestic hall: "Filared! Fivest! " And if it keeps the speech (literally - keeps a piece of paper) the face is more likely ... "Guys, with our five-way kilograms of waste paper we will win the competition!" These are the words of the teacher. Mina under numeral in the language is laid out the ability to designate the number of numbers in writing speech. Those who write bosses reports this opportunity is used. And the bosses in the stands have to lightly make a decision. Not always faithful.

And the numeral persistent - our conscious efforts - protect the tradition. And they are not taking a number, and the depth of times. We can affect the "archaicity", but not yet able to offer something in return.

To present the whole picture of how composite quantitative numbers are inclined, we will study the behavior of all numeral names. Well, remaplessly.

One: what's the adjective?

Works one barber. Lost one saucepan. There is only one window. This is a nominative case. Specify: the number is the only one; Rod - full set. Compare: Master Master, the saucepan is good, and the window is not enough. It is clear that this numeral has learned its ending in another part of speech. At adjective. And adjective brief.

Found one chamber in the whole city. Lost one galosh. They saw only one sun (let's say it happens on the planet that heats several suns). Again, pay attention to the situation that has already been talked about. If the numeral attached to animate noun, at the accusative case, it is transformed according to the pet model. And with an inanimate design, everything is clear: the accusative - a copy of the nominative. If we were looking for not a cabinetry, but the cabinet in the style of Loft, they would say: "Here, found one closet." The point is not that the furniture is distinct, the case in the animation category. If you leave the parent case with a chalknest person as a noun animation, we see: endings, like adjective brief.

Going on from the case of a padege. Do not be lazy, do it yourself. Observe the endings. And you will see that they are the same as the adjectives, but full. We are children of one time and one country (genitive). Grant gave one writer and one artist (privacy).

A similar picture and plural. Full adjectives have spread their influence on all cases of a numerical "number one", except for the identity and vinitive, where the influence of the adjective brief is observed. Note how the base is softened! Yes, there are alone mistakes ... (nominative, analogy with brief adjectives). At the exhibition, we met some zooak (genitive). Airship tickets were given by one officials (privacy). Some hopes are still still alive (cool). On some kopecks only I think (the proposed).

Why in the women's team will not command one and a half employees

The speaker on the podium, having capened a collection of sales interest (performance, GDP), prudently uses fractional numerical instead of a deafening one and a half.

... This is half the second. Long-stayed polverator. This is the origin of the word "one and a half". Of course, we do not divide two in half, but stop smoothly at half the way, in the middle of the moment between the first and second. What is all but what. The word consists of two parts. Do they both change? Or not both? But first, we compare one and a half kilometers and a half of the versts. The metric difference does not interest us, of course. For us, the ability of a word to change by childbirth. Male and middle - a half. Female - a half. All cases, excluding the nominative and accusative, one and a half. Easy to remember. But. You can give the allowances of one and a half beds (duty). You can command one and a half employees (cooling) in the workshop. You can take care of one and a half bulls on the farm. However, nothing will come, receive benefits and work in a workshop of a woman, and on the farm - not bulls, but cows. The above-mentioned cases of female genus (one and a half) are not used. "I ask about one and a half years of vacation." About the same number of weeks will have to ask somehow otherwise. And finally, it can be seen that both parts of the word change. The floor is the floor (one and a half - one and a half). We will remember this, dealing with the "one and a half hundreds" discharge above. Sunoland hryvnia (nominative). One and a half hundred hryvnia (the form of all cases, you can check).

Is it possible to use one and a half in why not? One and a half thousand two (1502) ruble. Such is the accuracy. Is there always a half acting in the role of a steam locomotive? Is it possible to take this words in the second or even the last car? Let's try. He lacks for happiness two million and a half weeks of subscribers (2 000 150). These are such a whim. The main thing is that everything is functionally. If there is no conversation in the conversation about syntagms, then in the latter case the addressee may think that there is not enough from 2 to 150 million subscribers. In fact, the request is limited by a more modest amount.

Thousand or thousand?

Only in the articulated case is possible this variability. The actress gave thousand bouquets (\u003d thousand bouquets). In all other cases, they act by analogy with any nouns of the first decline. For example, spring. But the case with the cooling case shows that the word one thousand is unlikely to finally go into the core of nouns.

From 200 to 900

We bow both parts. Create combinations of numeral with the word STO - as with nouns.

Here they are, two hundred astronauts, three hundred missiles, four hundred suns, five hundred holes and nine hundred aliens (nominative). We are not doing to them, up to two hundred astronauts, three hundred rockets, four hundreds of sun, five hundred holes and nine hundred aliens (genitive). We have no reason to be grateful to them, two hundred astronauts, tremors to rockets, four hundreds of sun, five hundred holes and nine students of aliens (privacy). We should not be interested in them, two stars of astronauts, three-willed missiles, four-strokes, fiftest holes and nineteent aliens (creative). But why are we worried about the thoughts about them, about two hundred astronauts, three hundred rockets, four stars, five-stakes holes and nine hundred aliens? (prepositional).

One hundred. Unit of account. Numeral. And showed itself as a noun!


50. Endings, like 5. The ruler traveled about fifty countries and acquired fifty allies. We will also do with all other numerical to 80. 80? So, the guideline will be 8. Thought about eight penguins. Thought about eighty penguins. Or maybe about all eighty eight. So the composite quantitative numbers are formed, examples are sufficient.

100, 90, 40. Very convenient. One sole form for all cases (except for the very cordial and vinitive). By forty years you think about much. And to the ninety - about small. In the latter case, be careful: in the unstressed ending you will not hear "a". Difference O-A - only on the letter.

From 5 to 20

Take as a model any nouns of the third decline. No salt. Lack of fifteen coins. Follow the stress. Eleven - Emphasis based on.

And now we will return to the "median moment" left somewhere far behind the "mid-time" between the first and second.

Two, as well as three and four

Two. Well, we will "anatomize" the end, even though it is not at all an interesting occupation. Two cosmonauts and two sun. Two stars. We see two generic forms. One - for male and medium. Second - for female. This is a nominative case. In the vinuaten everything will be the same. In addition to the well-known nuance: with animate nouns, we will use the form of a pallient case. Well, in fact, try-ka get rid of the question "Who?" When it comes to an animated subject. We can make two mistakes, but rely on two comrades.

Other cases. The farmer does not think of life without two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees (genitive). Yes, he all is tied to two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees (privacy). It is proud of two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees (cooling). It does not know the borders of his concern about two horses, two cats, two fields and two apple trees (proposed). Once again, remember the accusative case. The farmer will eat two horses and handles two fields. He feeds two cats and fertilizes two apples.

As you can see, the analysis of the endings in this case does not lead to anything. Two, two. And the case of the same.

In the case of three and four, focus on the same model. Some difficulty can represent only the cleaner case. The farmer is proud of four objects.

The declination of compound numerals

Compound numerical - ϶ᴛᴏ combination of two or simpler. For this reason, in order to form the desired form of such a numerical, it is extremely important to remember all the types of declination described above. At the same time, the peculiarities of the change in composite numerals are determined not only by this, and depend on the discharge on the value. Before it is extremely important to remember that only ordinal and two groups of quantitative numerals are compiled: entire and fractional, but collective, neutral-quantitative and two fractional - one and a half and one and a half - There are just simple and never come into composite.

ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ, here we will be interested in only three groups of numeral: 1) ordinal; 2) whole quantitative; 3) fractional quantitative. Each of these groups has independent features that will be discussed below.

1. Upon the decline of composite ordinal numeralonly the last word changes, which is a simple one-numerical one, and the remaining words that are simple quantitative, remain unchanged and only stand in shape. P. True, the latter does not apply to words thousand, Million, Billion and so on, denoting round quantities more than a thousand. These words as part of ordinal numerical are used in it. p. Only in the case when they are not preceded by another numerical (Thousand fifty ninth; Million eight hundred forty-third etc.) or is preceded by a numerant one (one thousand three hundred twenty eighth; one million six hundred first etc.). In the same case, when there is any other numeral (except one ), they are only used in the form of genus. at the same time after numeral two , three and four the words under consideration are used in the form of a genus. p. h. (two thousand seven hundred ninth; three million four hundred eighth etc.), and after numerant five, six, seven ..., thirteen ..., thirty ..., forty ..., one hundred ... (seven thousand two hundred fifth; forty million five hundred second etc.). In general, a sample of declining composite sequence numbers can be represented as follows:

For instance: Thousand nine hundred thirty seventh the year will stay in the memory of Russian people(named); And this copy of the book was without one hundred forty-thirdpages(born p.); Work needed to pass to twenty eighthnumber(date. p.); A hundred times with hands will come down, and on one hundred first fit(wines. p.); According to the evidence of archaeologists, the Trojan war passed somewhere between thousand two hundred and sixth thousand two hundred fifties years BC e.(TV. p.); The three hundredth anniversary of St. Petersburg will be celebrated in two thousand thirdsyear(Farm. p.).

Note.Recently (at all visibility, under the influence of the wide-consuming sequence two thousandin the media began to meet the form: two thousand first (second, third ...) year.This consumption is considered invalid. Regulatory form: two thousand first (second, third ...)etc.

2. When declining composite quantitative numeraleach word changes. In other words, in order to correctly form the case of such a numerical, it is extremely important in the words that are part of its composition to draw alone separately, as it was shown above. At the same time, words thousand, Million, Billion and so on. in the composition of the numbers under consideration can be used both in units and in the MN. h. in the form of units. h. These numerals are used if 1) they occupy the initial position (one thousand forty seven, a million two hundred ten etc.); 2) they are preceded by a numeral one (one thousand seventeen, one million three hundred seven etc.); 3) they are preceded by a numeral two three or four , and in all the composite numerical consistent in the form of them. or wines. P. (three thousand, two billion etc.). In the form of MN. h. These words are used in the case when they precede any other numerical (five, six ..., fourteen ..., three hundred), as well as numeral two threeor fourin any case, except for them. and wines. P. (three hundred million, seventeen thousand etc.; three thousand, four million etc.). It is also extremely important to pay attention to the fact that in cases where the composite is numerical used in the form of them. or wines. n., and words thousand, Million, Billion etc. Precedes any other numerical (except for numeral one ), then after words two three four nUMBER thousand, Million, milmilliard and t. p.used in the form of genus. p. h. (two thousand; Three billion etc.), and after words five, six ..., ninety ..., two hundred etc. - in the form of genus. p. MN. h. (forty thousand; two hundred million etc.). The sample declination of compound quantitative numerals can be represented as follows:

Them. P. twenty two thousands nine hundred forty four
Rod. P. twenty two thousand nine hundred magpie four
Dates. P. twenty two thousands nine students magpie four
Wines. P. twenty two thousands nine hundred forty four
TV. P. twenty two thousands ninestures magpie four
Run. P. about twenty two thousands ninesties magpie four

For instance: Ninety nine moon months in the number of days are approaching eight sunny years(named); To translate the beginning of the Roman year for January. Caesar extended the previous year before four hundred forty fiveinstead three hundred fifty fivesociety(born p.); Lecked year is equal tremstam sixty sixdays(date. p.); In modern calendar, the discrepancy in one day is formed only for three thousand three hundred twenty threeof the year(wines. p.); Ancient nineteen-year-old calendar cycle measured six thousand ninesties thirty-sixfor days(TV. p.); In his work it was about three hundred twenty thousand one hundred seventy fourunclear minutes(Farm. p.).


1 . In practice, almost in words, which are included in the compound quantitative, coincide with the forms of them. and wines. n. at the same time one thousand (if it takes the initial position or it is preceded by a numerical one ) and one (g. p. Numeral one ) in wines n. used special form (thousand, one). Words one (in m. r.) Form of wines. P. may coincide with the form of them. and with the form of the genus. p. It depends on, with animate or inanimate nouns, this numerical (had seen onemanbut: one pencil).

2. In colloquial speech, it is often possible to meet "simplified" designs with composite quantitative numbers, when (as in ordinal) changes only the last word (one thousand three hundred fifty six copies)or only the first and last words (with a thousand seven hundred twenty three kilograms).Such consumption is considered abnormative and in modern Russian are unacceptable.

3. All fractional numerals (except words one and a half and one and a half) are composite.Their first part calling the numerator - ϶ᴛᴏ quantitative numeral, and the second, calling the denominator, is ordinal (three-quarters; three hundred twenty seven five hundred forty ninth etc.). Accordingly, when declining the first part (numerator) changes, as a quantitative numerical, and the second (denominator) - as a sequence (and in the same case - or as simple, or as compound), i.e. it changes in numeric Each word, and in denominator - it is only the last. Practically at all fractional numerals coincide with the forms. and wines. n., However, you need to pay attention to the following: if the fractional is numerical in the forms of these cases, then its last word (ordinal numerical) is used in the form of genus. p. MN. h. (three fourth; seven ninth; twenty four forty seventh etc.), i.e., the last word will coincide the forms of three cases: they., Rod. and wines. n. this does not occur only when a part that calls the numerator is represented by the word oneor ends with this word. In this case, the forms of the named cases will differ (named. one sixth; thirty one forty second ; rod. P. - one eighth; twenty one fifty fourth ; wines. P. - one fifth; one hundred one two hundred thirty fourth etc.). At the same time oneand the last word of fractional numerals are used in the form of g. R. In general, a sample of declining compound fractional numerals can be represented as follows:

For instance: Five ninth degree Celsius are equal to one degree Fahrenheit(named); Of one hundred thirteen two hundred eighty fifthit is extremely important to subtract seventeen twenty eighth (born p.); To move from the Raism scale in Celsius scale, you need to multiply the temperature to five fourth (wines. p.); Dilute the resulting mixture three fourthglass of cream or milk(TV. p.); Selecting the necessary coefficient, we stopped on two hundred fifty four seven hundred twenty-third (Farm. p.).

Note.In cases where we need to call the amount expressed by a mixed number (i.e., the number containing the whole and fractional part: 9 3/5; 7 13/8, etc.) or decimal fraction (0.125; 4,18 etc.), we use a special combination of words (six as seven fifteenth; twenty-four whole and eight hundredths etc.). The first part of this expression consists of a combination of quantitative numerical and words whole. After numeral one word whole changes as appropriate adjective in the form. R. (one integer; one whole; one whole etc.). After the other numbers (two... , seven ... twenty ... etc.) This word changes as appropriate adjective in the form of MN. h., But at the same time in them. and wines. p. It uses the same form as in the genus. p. (im. and wines. n. - twenty integers; rod. P. twenty integers; dates. P. twenty whole etc.). The second part of the expression under consideration is fractional numerical and, accordingly, changes as it was shown above. Note that the Union "and" can be used between these parts. (two whole and seven fifths etc.).

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ, in order to correctly form and use the case forms of nigal names, it is extremely important to remember and assimilate 1) the main types of addiction of simple numerals; 2) the rules that are governed by a change in composite quantitative, composite sequence and composite fractional numerals; 3) the rules that determine the use of the word one, as well as words thousand, Million, Billion etc., when these words are part of the composite numeral. It is extremely important to remember the following: if within the composite numeral word changes, then it almost changes in the same way as the corresponding simple numerical one.

Features of the use of numerical combination with noun

The correct use of nigal names is not limited to the ability to form their case forms. The features that are manifested with nouplen-noun are also worthy of attention. Speaking of such features, it is extremely important to note that, firstly, not every noun can be combined with any numerical: there are a number of restrictions regulating such a combination, and secondly, the phrase "numerical + noun" of different digitative discharge can be built on The basis of unequal bonding.

Most of the limitations that regulate the combination of numerical with nouns are semantic.

So, for example, entire quantitative and ordinal numerals are usually combined only with nouns, calling specific items and concepts, in other words, are combined with nouns, which are called what can be counted, something that can form a single homogeneous series (two days, second day; Five pencils, fifth pencil; Three earthquakes, third earthquake etc.). And, on the contrary, these numerals cannot be combined with real (milk, cereals, sandetc.), collective (youth, relatives, studentsetc.) and abstract distracted (Glow, Modernism, yellownessetc.) noun.

Also, as quantitative and ordinal, combined with noun an under-quantitative numerical several (several books, several phenomena etc.), but the remaining nephery-quantitative (lot, little, a little, quite a lot, as much as etc.) are combined not only with specific (Many friends, so many books! etc.), but also with real (a lot of cream, little coffee, how much water! etc.) noun, since items called these nouples, although they are not countable, but can be measured.

All fractional numerals (except words one and a half) can be combined with specific nouns, but not from all-ini, but only with words denoting items that can be counted both in the integer and in fractional units (remember the curious answer - a half excavation- To whom it came, solving the problem, the cartoon hero "in the country of unbearable lessons"), i.e., in parts of which they consist or are divided into (five seventh texts and a half hours, two fifth buckets etc.), as well as (but in this case - except for words one and a halfand one and a half) with collective nouns and words that in MN. h. can acquire a collection value (three fourth of our youth, four fifths brought dried fruits, two third elevators, nine tenths of business etc.).

Fractional numeral one and a half it is used in the same way as quantitative numerals. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, according to its inner form, this word calls a fractional amount - 1½ from 100, which makes it possible to include it in fractional numerals. But, on the other hand, in its lexical value, it is synonymously numerical one hundred fifty , i.e. calls a whole amount. It is a lexical value and has an impact on the use of this word.

At the same time, the largest number of errors occurs with the use of collective numerals, since their compatibility in modern Russian is superimposed more limitations. Collective numerals (Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and decident) only 1 can be consumed with noun M. and Society. p. denoting persons (Three friends, two boys, five bore etc.); 2) with noun, indicating human children or young animals (Seven Cats, Five Kittens, Three Children etc.); 3) with noun people, facesas well as those that are formed by moving from adjectives or communities and call a group of persons (Two people, three suspicious people, four familiar, six unknown, seven vacationers etc.); 4) With noun, designating pair items and consumed only in the form of MN. h. (Two trousers, three sled, five days etc.); as well as 5) with personal pronouns we , you and they are (We were three, two of them, three of you etc.). It is also extremely important to note that, although in modern Russian, there are nine collective numerals (from two before decident ), in speech (both written and oral), only six of them are actively used (from two before seven ).

Note.Since the whole quantitative numerals do not have such stringent restrictions on the combination with nouns, then in situations when it is possible to use a collective numerical, equal use of use arise: six Teenagesix teen five puppiesfive puppiesetc. In this case, in some cases, preference is given only to one of these options. So, for example, it is preferable to use collective numeral a) with noun m. P. Having in it. p. ending -A: three men four young men);b) with noun m. r., denoting persons and formed by moving from adjectives or communities: seven playing three Conqueretc.); c) with animated nouns in indirect cases: hostess four kittens, mother troy Childrenetc. (undesirable: three Men seven Playing, hostess four kittensetc.). On the other hand, it is preferable to use quantitative numerical a) with some noun m. R., Calling persons by profession, occupation, positions, etc.: three professor two engineer five Majorovetc.; b) with inanimate existence nouns in indirect cases: about five Day, on six Sanyaetc. (undesirable: three Professors, on six Sanyaetc.). At the same time in combination with the word clockthe selection of collective or quantitative numerical is wearing a senseless character (Wed: lacks six watchlacks six hours).

Nouns and numeric names - variable parts of speech; As part of the phrases, they can be combined or based on coordination, or on the basis of management. At the same time, those that 1) are allocated among numerals, which are consistent with nouns; 2) only control the nouns; 3) Adjust both types of syntax.

1. Always consistent with nouns, i.e. depend on them and stand in the form of the same kind, number and case, as well as a noun, all sequid numeral (first rain; first window; about first Winteretc.) and numeral one (one kilogram; one book; one Vesletc.).

2. Always manage nouns, i.e. are the main in the phrase and "require" so that the noun is in definition, all fractional numerals (except words one and a half and one and a half ), the words thousand, Million, Billion etc., as well as four non-quantitative numbers: many, little, little and a lot of . As for these recent words, they (see above)used only in them. and wines. n. The noun, combined with these neutral-quantitative numerical, and only stands in the form of genus. At the same time, if the noun is used only (or mainly) in the MN. h. (For example, some real: waste, yeast, Slavetc.; Specific, usually denoting pair items: watches, Pants, Golfs, Shoesetc.; Specific, changing in numbers: wallwalls, wolfwolves, daydaysetc.), then it will be a form of genus. p. MN. h. (lot damage fewmoney, littlecream a lot ofproblemsetc.). In the same case, when the noun is used only in the form of units. h. (Usually real: sugar, sand, wateretc.), it will be a form of genus. p. h. (lot snow, fewmilk littleacidetc.). Fractional numerals (except words one and a halfand one and a half) also manage the form of the genus. p. or mn. h. Nouns, but in this case the choice of the form of the number has a different conditionality. In such combinations, the same noun can be in the form of units, and in the form of MN. h., And it depends on the meaning that we want to convey (Wed: three quarters bucketsthree quarters buckets; two-thirdsat hometwo-thirds housesetc.). As can be seen from the above examples, in the case when fractional numeral calls the number of parts that make up the object itself, called nouns, is the latter used in the form of units. h. (four-fifths ways one eighthwork, three tenthskilometeretc.). In the same case, when the subject, called the name nouns, is one of the components of some totality, and numeral calls a fractional number of such objects regarding their total number, the noun is used in the form of MN. h. (Easy ninth voting five eighthapartmentsetc.). The words thousand, Million, Billion and so on. Inheritance, he manage the form of the genus. p. MN. h. Nouns (about thousandsprojects, S. millionresidentetc.).


1 . It has already been mentioned above that in order to name the number expressed by a mixed number or decimal fraction, we use a special combination of words in speech (forty-two fortune five etc.). Please note that the noun, used with such a combination, will be syntactically associated with its last part, that is, fractional is numerical. Accordingly, in such combinations as thirteen as many three tenths percent , four and twenty three hundredthskilometeretc., noun is used in the form of genus. p. h.

2 . Word one thousand in TV. n. has two forms (see above).The form thousand at all is managing the genus. p. MN. h. Nouns (thousand toys , from thousandapologiesetc.), and the form thousand , along with the Office (from thousandfriends , from thousandrublesetc.), admits in conversational speech and coordination with nouns (from thousandfriends , from thousandrubbleetc.).

3 . The remaining numerals - all quantitative (except for the word one and words thousand, Million, Billion etc.), all collective, two fractional (one and a halfand one and a half) number-quantitatives as much asand some (and also formed from them: so much how much etc.) - within one phrase, both types of titled syntax communication are allowed. At the same time, if all the subject-quantitative combination is in it. or wines. p., the main word is numerical, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ manages the form of the genus. noun (three airplane four excluded one and a halfvoter some turnsetc.). In the other forms of such a phrase (in the genus, dates, tv. And offered. P.) The main word is a noun, and the numeral consistent with it in the case (about ten commandments troimyunknown, K. one and a half units, nonsense so manybooksetc.). In this latter case, i.e., when coordination, as can be seen from the above examples, the noun only is used in the form of MN. h., When controlling the form of the number of nouns depends on how numerical controls. So, for example, inheritance and control the form of the genus. p. h. whole quantitative numeral two , three four and composite quantitatives that end on one of these words (three disk fourty fourreading one hundred thirty twoexampleetc.), as well as fractional numerical one and a half (and a half hectare) so manyand how much, if they are combined with real noun, not having forms MN. h. (Fell so manysnow, how muchat our cow milk!).The remaining numerals considered here - all the quantitative, starting with five (But except thousand, Million, Billion etc.), all collective, word one and a half and nephery-quantitative several, as much as (the last two - in combination with specific nouns) - inheritance and drive the form of the genus. p. MN. h. (five cucumbers thirty sevensubtletiles; threebearish seven bold; one and a half units; some plates, so many contradictionsetc.).

Note.In the form of TV. Numbers, denoting round hundreds from two hundredbefore nine hundred can be coordinated with nouns and manage them (from fivestrubblefrom fivestrubles; from two hundredstairschildrenfrom two hundredstairschildrenetc.). Both of these options are regulatory, but the first one (with coordination) is predominantly used in the book speech, and the second (with control) is in conversational.

Completing the conversation about the combination of numerical noun, consider three more cases that are not deprived of some curiosity, but nevertheless quite important because they are often found in repulsive communication. It will be about combining numerical words with such words as man, day and year .

Noun human in modern Russian, it is used only in units. h. and in cases where we need to use the form of the MN. h. we use the word people . At the same time, in combinations with intequently quantitative word human can be used as in the form of units. h. (with one man, three man etc.) and in the form of MN. h. (eight human, ten man, twenty by man etc.), and the word people not used at all. In the form of MN. h. Word human used with nephery-quantitative numeral several (several human), with which the word is also not used people . And with collective and nephery quantitative a lot, little, as much asand so on, on the contrary, the word is used people (three of people, lot of peopleso many people etc.) and the word cannot be used human .

Noun day it is used only in MN. part and according to the rules should be combined with collective numerical (see above).At the same time collective numeral only nine (from two before decident ), and in life, we often have to deal with a large number of objects called this nouns. Accordingly, to designate this larger amount, we use entire quantitative numerical (fifteen day forty Societyetc.). Moreover, usually with the word day only collective numerals are used two , three and four , apri quantity from 5 to 10 are allowed two options for use: with collective (five, six day)and with the whole quantitative (five, six day)numeral. At the same time, the second option (with a number of quantitative) is preferred and more frequency. On the other hand, since the collective numerals are not part of the composite, and the whole quantitative two , three and four not used with the word day in them. and wines. (In these forms, they control bodies. Used. h noun), there is a serious difficulty when the amount of these items is equal to 23, 52, 164, etc., that is, it is expressed by a composite numeral, the last word in which two , three or four . Accordingly, if it is extremely important for us to indicate such a quantity, we must use a synonymic design (forty three day, thirty-fourth dayetc.) or remake the proposal so that the combination of interest to us is in the form of any case, except for them. and wines. P.

In order to call someone else or denoting a long time, we use a combination of quantitative numerical combination with a noun year . At the same time, with a combination with numerical two , three and four in the genus p., as well as with numerical five , six... , thirty..., one hundred... etc. In them., Rod. and wines. p. Another form is used - years . That is, the case forms of this combination look like this:

2, 3 and 4 5 ..., 40 ..., 200 ... etc.
Them. P. two, three, four years five ... forty ..., two hundred ..., years
Rod. P. two, three, four years five ..., forty ..., two hundred ...
Dates. P. two, three, four years five ..., forty ..., two hundred ...
Wines. P. as in them. P.
TV. P. two, three, four five ..., forty ..., two
years mi ... years
Run. P. two, three, four years five ..., forty ..., two hundred ...

For instance: These two years flew like one minute; Fourty years babi Century(named); ʜᴎʜᴎ lived near sixty yearsnot to mention two yearsseparation when he served in the army(born p.); TO four yearshe has already learned to read, and to five yearsalready wrote in French;(date. p.); Promised three yearswaiting, and bringand thirty years (wines. p.); In this expedition, we donated four yearscomfortable life; Vanya was seven yearsolder Petit(TV. p.); ABOUT three years,spent on Sakhalin, he recalled all his life; Tikhon frightened: what if in these seven yearswho rowed the cuckoo, and the whole of his remaining life is concluded?(Farm. p.).


1 . Nutritional-quantitative a lot, little, a little, quite used only with form years , numeral as much asand some behave similarly to how numeral five, six, seven ... etc. (how many years, by a few years, so many yearsetc.).

2 . The words thousand, Million, Billion and so on. In total, the cases are used with the form years (thousands of years, million years old, billion yearsetc.).


1 . Which of the above words are numerical names, and which no? Determine the discharge of the numbers found (quantitative or ordinal). Quantitative numerals to break into groups: a) whole, b) fractional, c) collective, d) nephery-quantitative. Determine which part of speech include words that are not numerical.

couple three unit forty
unity fortieth three some
lot first forty forty Tens
Two and a half third one a hundred
troika five the third triple
half Truishnitsa one and a half double
time a lot of Tropical third
fourth Five and one third trillion decimal
twins four times forty second At sixth
one hundred one and a half so many four-fifths
Easy hundredths zero Two quarters seven

2. In the following children's poems and translations from English folk poetry, find the names are numeral and determine, in the form of what case they are used.

(1) Two legs on three legs,

And the fourth in the teeth.

Suddenly four came running

And with the same thing ran away.

Two legs jumped,

Chopped three legs

Shouted on the whole house

Yes, three in four!

But four crushed

And with the same thing ran away.

(Per. From English. Chukovsky)

(2) Once two twelfth

Called three thirteenths:

- Let's, three thirteenths,

Come in the evening!

- Oh, that you, two twelfth,

- embarrassed three thirteenths,

- They will see five fifteenth,

What are you with me together!

(S. Pogorelovsky)

(3) And on the square turned,

and on the square stands

not a company, not a company

not a crowd, not a battalion,

and not forty, and not a hundred,

and almost a million!

One two three four,

and four four,

one hundred four to four

one and a half four

two hundred thousand to four!

And then four!


(4) in Zolinz Troy Negreat

Climbed into the lion's cage.

Ripples to death for the third brother

And the brothers became two.

(Per. From English. S. Marshak)

(5) Kondrat went to Leningrad,

And to meet - twelve guys.

Everyone has three luxury,

In each Lukshka - the cat,

Each cat has twelve kittens.

Each kitten has

In the teeth four mouse.

And the old Kondrat thought:

"How much mice and kittens

Guys carry in Leningrad? "

(K. Chukovsky)

(6) one - ϶ᴛᴏ little

And two - something,

Three - a whole bunch

And more in all - one hundred!

(Per.from english Kruzhkova)

(7) Schoolboy, schoolboy,

Why so early

You are in a hurry

Today in class?

You are all

Come to eight

Tenth hour!

(Per. From English. S. Marshak)

3 . The following numeral and phrases put in the forms of the genitive, efficient and proposed case. Think up proposals illustrating these use

· When declining composite ordinal numbers, only their last part changes. It is this part that has a form of a sequential numerical, coinciding with the form of full adjectives: thousand nine hundred forty first year- in nine hundred forty-fifth year;

· The remaining parts are of the form of quantitative numerical, but do not change: two thousand third year- up to two thousand and third years.

Collective numerals.

· Collective numerals ( two, Three, Four, Fiveetc. ) use only in the following cases:

1. With noun, denoting persons male (two friends, three brothers);

2. With nouns children, people,as well as with noun, denoting names baby animals(four children, seven kids, three will raise);

3. With noun having a form only multiple numbers and denoting names of paired or composite items(two sled, four gates, seven days);

4. With personal pronouns we you they : There are two of us; five of them;

5. With substantive numerical and adjective, denoting persons: two, three duty officers entered.

· You can say two studentand two students (both options are equal). But you need to say two student (two student - wrong).

· Collective numerals express only the amount from two to ten. Therefore, when specifying the number of more than ten people of the male, children should use quantitative numbers: twelve friends, forty five bear.

4. Numeral both, and a half, a half.

· Numeral both It has two generic forms: both - Male and Middle Rod, both - feminine gender: in both states, in both countries.

one and a half (a half of the ruble, one and a half thousand). In addition, in indirect cases, this numerical shape has a form one and a half(about one and a half thousand rubles).

· Similar shape in indirect cases has a numeral one and a half (about one and a half hundred rubles).

Fractional numerals.

· When declining fractional numerals All words change, while the numerator varies as a suitable integer, and the denominator as adjective in the plural: two (what?) Third; Three (what?) Seventh.

The phrase "numerical plus a noun" in the nominative and indirect case.

· In the nominal entrepreneur managerparental case of noun ( give fifty-five rubles).

· In indirect cases, the main word becomes a noun, and null consistent with him ( about fifty five rubles).

· Numbers Thousand, Million, Billion All cases retain the management of the dependent nouns in the parental case: million rubles, about a million rubles.

The number of nouns used with numeric.

· For numeric one two three four The shape of the singular nouns is used ( two days, four apples), with numerical from five And further The noun is placed in the form of a plural number ( five days).

· Numeral one and a half In the nominative and vinegenic case, it controls the noun in the singular, and in the rest of the case, the noun is in the form of a plural ( an hour and a half- About one and a half hours).

· The same applies to numerical one and a half .

8. The designation of the amount of more than ten at nouns that do not have the unique form.

· Combinations of composite numerals ending on two three four, with nouns that do not have the unique number ( 22 days- Twenty two days), are not allowed in the literary speech. Only combinations of type are possible twenty one day, twenty five days.

· In case of the need to indicate an appropriate number, the noun, which does not have the unique number, which is synonymous, which has both forms of the number ( twenty-two days).

· With nouns scissors, nippers etc. You can use words like thing and etc. ( twenty three pieces of scissors).

Date designation.

In phrases, denoting dates, numerical should always manage parental casenoun: The administration promises to eliminate salary debt to 15 decadesi (not december); Letter dated twenty-third decai 1943. (not 23 decaber).


Pronoun - this is an independent part of speech, which indicates on objects, signs, quantity, but does not call them: i, myself, your, so much and etc.

The pronouns answer questions of nouns (who? What?), The impressive names (what? Whose?), Numeral names (how much?): is he laughsmy brother,some pencils.

Morphological and syntax Signs of pronunciations also depend on what part of the speech they are replaced in the text.

Numbered names are used in the language for the lexic designation of the number, quantity or order of considered objects. They may be simple (with one base - two, five), complex (with two bases - twelve, sixty) and composite (presented by several words - one hundred forty-seven, four thousand three hundred twenty nine). Depending on the grammatical value and lexical use, the numerals are divided into quantitative, ordinal, collective and fractional.

Composite quantitative numbers answer the question "How much?" And consist of several, writing separately words corresponding to the number of meaningful numbers, with the exception of zeros, but with the addition of "thousand", "millions" and other indicating numbers of words. Quantitative numerals vary on cases. The change in numbers and childbirth is available only for the sequence (seventh, twentieth, thirty first) numeral.

With the declining of composite quantitative numbers, all parts are changed by case:

I.P. Four thousand three hundred twenty five

R.P. four thousand three hundred twenty five

D.P. Four thousand three hundred twenty-five

V.P. Four thousand three hundred twenty five

TV.P. Four thousand three hundred twenty-five

AP (o) four thousand three hundred twenty five

For proper declination of composite quantitative numbers, you need to know how the components of their numeric (both simple and complex) are changed.

The declination of quantitative numerals does not have a common for all sample. Nutigative "two", "three", "four" inclined by the type of mixed decline of adjectives:

I.P. two three four

R.P. two, three, four

D.P. two, three, four

V.P. two three four

TV.P. two, three, four

AP (0) Two, Three, Four

Nutigatives from "five" to "ten" and all that ending with on the "-fifteen" and "-dent" are inclined in the same way as the nouns of the third decline.

I.P. seven seventeen seventy

R.P. seven, seventeen, seventy

D.P. seven, seventeen, seventy

V.P. seven seventeen seventy

TV.P. Seven Seventeen, Semesey

AP (o) seven, seventeen, seventy

Complicated quantitative numerals, ending with "-Deys," change on cases at both basics (seventy) levels.

When declining the numeral "eight" in the parent, dative and proposed case, he drops a quick vowel "E" (it changes to a soft sign - eight).

Nutigative "eight" and all that ending with "-dent" can have two forms of declension: literary (see above) and spoken (spurant) - "eight", "fifty", "eighty".

Numeral, indicating hundreds ("two hundred", "three hundred", "four hundred" and all ending with "-cot"), change according to cases in the same way as the nouns of the first declination of the plural:

I.P. Two hundred, six hundred

R.P. Two hundred, six hundred

D.P. two hundred and six hundred

V.P. Two hundred, six hundred

TV.P. two hundredstairs, six hundred

AP (o) two hundred and six hundred

Complicated quantitative numerals, ending with "-cot", change on cases at both bases (six hundred). In colloquial speech, they can be used in more simplified shape - six-hundred.

Composite quantitative numerals in conversational speech are subject to simplified case-changing. Often you have to hear how the internal bases ("Three thousand three hundred twenty-five" ceases change in them - instead of the "three thousand three hundred twenty-five"). It also happens that only the last element of the composite quantitative product is inclined: (c) "three thousand three hundred and twenty-five" instead of (c) "three thousand three hundred twenty-five".

In conversational speech, the simplified inclination of numerals is considered admissible, in writing - no. In order not to make mistakes, it is best to immediately change the case of each component of composite numeral. It is difficult, it requires a certain language practice, but there is nothing impossible in it. Practice on the proposed tables, and you can easily use composite quantitative numbers in the descendant you need.

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