Checking the reading techniques in younger students. Measure the speed of reading the speed of reading an adult per minute

School Yuri Okuneva

Hi friends! I'm with you again, Yuri Okunev.

Today we will analyze in detail how to consider words when checking the reading technique. It is important for those who want to check the child reading technique or develop their own reading ability. Knowing reading speed, we can judge about the degree of efficiency of workouts.

When choosing a text to check the speed, I advise first take into account the degree of compliance of this text to the level of preparation of the checked.

Imagine what will happen if we force first grader to read the speed of a large Soviet Encyclopedia or a fragment of "Anna Karenina" Tolstoy? Brain explosion is provided.

The text should not be too primitive if we check the high school student, and should not be difficult when checking the reading technique for the smallest.

Criteria for selecting texts for students 1-2 classes:

  • First of all, the content must be new, unfamiliar;
  • Removable font, large enough;
  • Simple short proposals, lack of particle inclusive;
  • Lack of dialogues;
  • Avoid long adjectives and rarely used words;
  • Without drawings;
  • The content should be clear to the child.

If there is no desire to experiment with the selection of texts, you can take for elementary school olga's allowance Alexandrova which contains control texts, questions on understanding and test to estimate the read speed.

Prepare a stopwatch or hourglass.

Reading Technology Check

Here you go. Schoolchildren we sat down, the text in the hands were given. We briefly explain that you need to read quickly.

The team "started!" A child is going with thoughts and begins to read (someone faster turns on, someone slower). We interfere with the time as soon as I heard the first word. It was wrong - we do not say aloud, but write down. Then we calculate the number of incorrectly read words. If your child is a pupil of junior classes, it will be useful for it to follow the text, leading a finger or pointer.

We consider words

Operationively calculate the number of read words, taking into account the following:

  • Prepositions and unions also count;
  • Words that were transferred to consider for 2 words;
  • Words with a hyphen - also accept for 2 words.

From the resulting number, we subtract the number of erroneously read words.

No need to panic, if today is the speed of reading 50 words, and tomorrow only 20. Normal phenomenon. This indicator can affect both the poor mood of the child, fatigue and the quality of the text. Check the child again, giving him a rest at least a day.

Norms of reading techniques in primary classes

First of all, parents are interested, and whether the technique of reading their baby is consistent with generally accepted standards. To answer the question I bring the table.

Do not perceive these numbers too literally - each develops in its pace. Fanatism is excession here.

Perhaps it's all. In conclusion I will add that learning a child is better with Speaker hopes Zhukova , as well as the methods of Olga and Sergey Fedy "How to teach a child to read" . The child will study everything with pleasure, and you will save time.

Check like, invite friends, subscribe to blog news.

And I say goodbye. See you later. Your Yuri Okunev.

Simple checks on the speed of reading, conducted in schools, do not allow to determine the accuracy of skills. Specialists in the field of studying methods have developed a formula for which the correct indicator is calculated.

It is represented as V \u003d (Q / T) X K, where:

read speed - V;
The number of characters in the text (total volume can be measured in the number of words or signs) - Q;
time spent on reading (most often in minutes) - t;
Content understanding coefficient - K.

The last item is denoted as a percentage and is calculated based on the number of correct answers specified by the content of the text.

Based on this, to independently check the read speed you will need a person who will ask questions on the text. However, in modern conditions, there are free online tests for reading speed on various sites. With their help, you can find out the indicator through special programs and algorithms that perform calculations for you and provide a ready-made result.

Norms of reading speed

In various languages, average indicators are different. This is due to the complexity of pronunciation and length of words. In Russian, the norms are significantly lower than in English, but higher than in German. The hardness of pronunciation takes the share of seconds that affect the overall result. For our country, the rate of reading speed (about themselves, not loud) are as follows:

very slow reading speed - up to 150 words per minute (750 characters);
Slow - 150-250 (750-1250 characters);
Fast - 250-500 (1250-2500 characters);
Superfpost - 500-1000 (2500-5000 characters);
Panoramic reading (photos) - 1000-1500 (5000-75000 characters).

The last rate is designed to quickly study books, but does not allow to fully understand its meaning. Panoramic reading technique possess units. True, the way its mastering is quite simple, but it is not easy for perception.

Historical reference
In the modern world, the reading rate is significantly lower than 15-20 years ago. The global introduction of new technologies has caused a decline in interest in books, which influenced reading skills. From an early age, children prefer to watch TV reading. In recent years, the average decreased by about 200 characters per minute. Given that the data is taken from people of different ages, the difference in norms among children and adolescents of a certain generation will be much larger.

Records and limits

Today, the highest result for the average person is considered to read the speed of up to 6000 characters per minute with full understanding of the contents of the text. However, in the book of Records Guinness, the student is a student from Moscow, whose result reached 60,000 characters per minute.

Trying to exceed low results, many are resorted to the method of the so-called "fluid look". It helps 3-4 times to increase the speed, but understanding reduces up to 20-30%. As a result, when calculating the result, it practically does not change, and the number of perceived information comes down to a minimum. It is better to train skills for a long time for your own self-development, because later it will be a useful ability.

At least twice during the school year, your child will be checked for reading technology. In order to properly evaluate the speed of reading, GEF has developed special standards for students of grades 1-4, which provide for how many words should the schoolboy should read. A clear case, in the first grade, the standard is minimal, and by the end of the younger school, the child should read at a speed of 120 words per minute. By the way, this figure is close to speech speed. Namely to this criterion and need to strive: that is, read also quickly, as they say.

Recall words reading speed standards

According to the generally accepted reading standards for students of the younger school, such:

  1. In the first grade, the student reads in syllables; At the beginning of the school year - 20-25 words per minute, at the end - 30-40.
  2. In the second grade at the beginning of the school year, we read only complex words in syllables, follow the right stress, the speed is 45-50 words per minute; At the end of the school year, the speed ranges from 60 words per minute and more, reading whole words with the right stress and pauses.
  3. In the third grade, the reading speed is 60-70 words per minute, the student reads consciously, with an emphasis, observing intonation - at the beginning of the year; At the end of the training - the speed of 75 words and more, reading with the expression, practiced the retelling of the text.
  4. In the fourth grade, at the beginning of the school year, the schoolboy reads at a speed of 75-80 words per minute, able to express his point of view of the material read; At the end of study - the read speed comes to 95-100 words per minute, the child reads with an expression, can analyze the read, express their personal attitude to the read.

Knowing reading speed standards, given other recommendations on the reading technique listed above, it can be concluded about the efficiency of training. However, you should not worry if your child is not very "fits" in these norms. They are still averaged, and everyone has their own pace of development.

What to choose literature to check the read speed?

To check the speed of reading, any literature, which was at the moment at hand is not suitable. First of all, you need to take into account the degree of preparing the child, its age. For younger schoolchildren, the text should not be too "dusty", contain some technical characteristics of household appliances, for example, or fragments of fiction, which the child will simply do not understand due to its age. But also a favorite, read-reading book, too, should not be taken as a guide for checking - a child and so knows her by heart. For older students, the text can be taken and more comprehensive.

  • The text should be unfamiliar, but understandable.
  • Without the abundance of punctuation signs.
  • Without illustrations.
  • Do not contain complex words.
  • Place on the page.
  • The font is large and folding.

Check process

If you are engaged in your child at home to improve his reading technique, you need to know how to organize this process. To do this, you will need:

  1. Text.
  2. Stopwatch or clock with a second arrow.
  3. Convenient workplace.
  4. Actually, checked in a good mood.

Before the start of the check, we explain the task to schoolboy - read fast. On the team "Started!" The child starts reading. If he started reading not at the same second, the countdown begins from the first read word. If you notice a mistake, do not interrupt the child, make a mark. At the end of the reading, spend the "parses", analyze the wrong words, ask your student questions on the text. It is not necessary to retell the text, it is enough to hear the answers to understand how the verifiable understood its content. First-graders when checking the read speed can be led by a finger on line.

How to consider words when checking the reading technology?

To evaluate the speed and reading technique you need to know how to consider words. There is nothing difficult here, but pay attention to some nuances necessary:

  • we consider words, prepositions, unions;
  • if the word is transferred from one line to another, we consider it as two words;
  • if the word is written through a hyphen, we look at how many letters on both sides of the hyphens: if more than three - we consider it like two words, if less than three, like one. For example, "quietly quietly" - we consider in two words; "Somewhere" - like one.

Improve reading technique will help IQLube

Thanks to special exercises, you can learn to read at a speed of more than a thousand words per minute. Improve your child's reading technique will help developing games on the IQLube website. This is a new Internet service that offers in an interesting, game form to improve reading skills, improve child's memory, develop its intelligence.

How to use the services of the service? By registering in the system through social networks, you can get your little adderkind to take a test. A special program will find out its strengths and weaknesses and will offer an individual training plan. To engage in playing, you can anywhere where there is an Internet. Parents can track online learning results, as well as promptly receive useful recommendations from the IQ club professionals.

The read speed is an important indicator not only for schoolchildren who regularly check it. An adult person in the modern world is very important to be able to navigate in huge flow streams. A test for checking the read speed will help determine your current level and understand whether it is necessary to work on improving this skill or you read enough.



How to check the speed of reading?

The easiest way is to take the stopwatch (you can use the application on the phone), the text to check the reading speed and read it in the usual rhythm for one minute. It is important that the text is not technical, did not contain highly specialized terms and concepts and was not familiar to the reader. The text should not be too primitive. The checked should see the text for the first time so that the results are not artificially overestimated.

But, what do you up to speed, if you do not understand what awareness do you like text? :)

A much better way to find out what your read speed is your free online test. To do this, make it easy, enter your name in the form above, click the button and immediately see the text you want to read without hurrying, trying to understand everything that is written.

When the whole text is read - click on the button at the bottom. The program will automatically determine the read speed and prompt you to respond to a few questions to understand the degree of mastering the material. As a result of testing, you will receive not only the result of your speed and consciousness of reading, but also recommendations for improving the reading technique in the format of the book "All you wanted to know about the steps, but were afraid to ask." Enter a name. Click on the button and recognize your real read speed. Have a nice day.

How to check the read speed yourself?

If you want to do it yourself, then you can do this according to the next scenario. The text of medium difficulty is taken on one sheet. You will need an assistant who will spend time and will be able to test the level of your understanding of information. Algorithm verification:

Simultaneously with the start command and start the stopwatch, you start silently reading text.

When the text is readily, you say stop - time stops.

Then you need to answer a few questions regarding the content (reading speed implies a full understanding of read).

The last stage is to count the words in the text and the definition of the average number of words per minute (the words in the text can be calculated before reading).

Such a certificate you can get according to the results of the test

How to check the reading speed in a child?

The child reading speed can be checked by a similar method. The child must read out loud, at least in the younger School. Then you can go to the usual method of checking for adults.

In schools often check the technique of reading the number of words read per minute. This gives a small error, since words are of different sizes, but such a test method can also be applied.

What is the read speed considered normal for adults and children?

The average reading speed for an adult is 200-230 words per minute. Below average, but an acceptable indicator is 150-200 words per minute. Adults who read more than 230 words per minute are considered quickly reading. For the technique of speeding optimal is the speed of 350-400 words per minute.

In children, the indicators are dynamic and change depending on age. Exemplary rules used in elementary school:

20-30 words per minute for first class;
45-60 words per minute for the second class;
70-85 words per minute for the third class;
90-125 words per minute for the fourth grade.

How to choose the right text to check the read speed?

Text selection criteria for checking read speed are identical for adults and children. Only the volume and complexity of information are distinguished. The text must comply with the following parameters:

Average complexity suitable for age;
lack of specific unfamiliar words or their minimum quantity;
lack of dialogues;
location on one page;
large, comfortable for reading, font;
No pictures and other distracting elements.

We in our instrument for checking the speed and awareness of reading tried to take into account all these factors, so that the tool obtained was convenient for both adults and children. At the same time gave a fairly clear answer to the question of the real speed of reading.

It should be remembered that the speed of reading is the variable parameter that declines if a person rarely sits down for the book, and rises with constant reading. There are many special techniques aimed at a significant increase in the speed of reading text information.

The book "All you wanted to know about the steps, but were afraid to ask"

This book can be downloaded for free right after you finish passing the test. Therefore, do not lose a second, return to the very beginning of the page and Ida pass the test!

📗 What books for the development of aperture are you recommended to read?

We made a list of the most useful books for the development of the airflow and posted it. The list is constantly updated and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main books, with which you can develop speeding skills.

📘 What should I do if I want to increase my reading speed?

On Sunday noon on the seaside square of Papa Carlo, as always, began to twist the handle with an old scarmer. Sounds of songs, famous and big, and small: was full, became a boy, got a smart book. It is very good, even very good! Malvina sold tickets, Piero and Artyavel helped the audience to find their places. It was the same theater "Lightning", which Pyratino and his friends discovered when they opened a secret door to the secret door and descended along the steep stone staircase down. Now the theater was standing in the Primorskaya Square, and a long stage of boys and girls who wanted to see a fun comedy about how the wooden man managed to overtake the evil Karabas Barabas, stretched to the checkout.
Old Puppet Theater Signor Karabas Barabas was on the same square. He also opened, but it was empty in the hall, tickets bought only three people, and then - visiting.
After all the doll artists ran into the theater of Pope Carlo, Karabas Barabas scored a new troupe. Lisa Alice became a cashier. The seller of leeches Duramar performed on stage with trained frogs and a Zhabor's chorus called "Quartet". Basilio Cat first was the tamer of white mice. But for some reason all the actors are unnoticed (one after another) disappeared. Now he spoke in a pair with a very famous special - Rat Shushar. Once, Artyamon nearly did not invent her, but Shushar recovered and became more angry, so the tamer even was afraid of her.
However, mice and rats, the toads and frogs in the city of Tarabarsk were abuse. And the inhabitants preferred to go to the theater of Pope Carlo. Karabas and his friend Duramar somehow tried to destroy the hated theater "Lightning". For a happy mistake, the bomb broke out next to the theater, and he, if not counting several small holes in a linen tent, did not suffer.
The second explosion will not.
In the late evening of the same Sunday day behind the scenes of his theater in front of a cold hearth sat of a gracious Karabas. Soon, Lisa Alice and Cat Basilio came to the kitchen. Behind them, trying to stick in the shade, - the culprit of the unsuccessful explosion of Durire. Karabas Barabas gladly looked at them and snapped:
- Thousand devils! Need to look for a way out. Otherwise, we are hunger!
"For sure," Basilio's cat confirmed.
And here Lisa Alice suggested:
- And what if you try to take away from Carlo theater, so to speak, legitimate? Now a new judge has been appointed to the city. Turn to it. He will consider the complaint and, of course, will select the theater from some shamanwoman without a diploma and will give you a respected doctor of doll sciences, the cavalier of the highest orders, the nearest friend of the Tarabar King - Signor Karabas Barabas!
- What?! This is a thought. We must try, - the director took the spirit. On that and shaped.
Where to get gold coins?
A few days later the postman brought Dad Carlo Agenda - a call to court. The old man was very surprised, but diligently cleaned his costume and went to the specified address.
In the spacious courtroom, the judge was sitting on a special elevation, very important and strict. On his head, a black velvet hat was blocked with a tassel, a mantle hung with her shoulders, and on the neck glittered heavy bronze chain. It was immediately seen that it is impossible to argue with such a lord. The judge on a long bench was sitting Karabas Barabas with his company. Poor Pope Carlo immediately became unable.
The meeting began immediately. The first question of the judge asked the flore:
- Tell me, the kind, as you become the owner of the "Lightning" theater. They themselves built, bought? Did you be given it or bequeathed? And do you have paper with printing, confirming the fact of construction, purchases, donations or wills?
Dad Carlo was confused.
"No," he answered, "I have no such paper, your grace." Our theater we found in the basement ...
"So, the" Lightning "theater does not belong to you," the judge cut off.
- He is mine, he is mine! - Victaliously screamed from the place of Karabas Barabas. - I am Dr. Doll Science ...
But the judge interrupted him:
- Did you have a kind, there is such a paper?
"No," Karabas swipe.
"Everything is clear," the judge concluded. - Theater "Lightning" does not belong to anyone from you. He is the ownership of the king. But in the coming days you can redeem it for a thousand gold coins. The one who first bring them will receive the theater in property.
The judge stood up as a sign that the meeting was completed.

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