Examples of the practical application of the phenomenon of the polarization of light. Polarization of Light: Basic Concepts

The direction of wave propagation;

  • Circular polarization is the right or left, depending on the direction of rotation of the induction vector;
  • Elliptical Polarization is an intermediate between circular and linear polarizations.
  • The non-coherent radiation may not be polarized, or be fully or partially polarized any of these methods. In this case, the concept of polarization is understood by statistically.

    In the theoretical consideration of the polarization of the wave relies propagating horizontally. Then you can talk about vertical and horizontal linear polarizations of the wave.

    Linear Circular Elliptical

    Theory of phenomena

    The electromagnetic wave can be decomposed (both theoretically, and practically) into two polarized components, for example, polarized vertically and horizontally. Other decompositions are possible, for example, in a different pair of mutually perpendicular directions, or by two components having left and right-handed polarization. When trying to decompose a linearly polarized wave for circular polarizations (or vice versa) there are two components of half intensity.

    Both with quantum and from a classic point of view, polarization can be described by a two-dimensional complex vector ( vector Jones). Photon polarization is one of the implementations of the Q-bit.

    Linear polarization is usually emitted antennas.

    By changing the polarization of light, when reflected from the surface, it is possible to judge the surface structure, optical constant, sample thickness.

    If multiple light is polarized, then using a polarization filter with other polarization, you can limit the passage of light. The intensity of the light passed through polarizers is subject to the law of Malyus. In this principle, liquid crystal screens work.

    Some living beings, such as bees, are able to distinguish linear polarization of light, which gives them additional possibilities for orientation in space. Some animals have been found, for example, a prawn-mantis peacock can distinguish between circular and polarized light, that is light with circular polarization.

    History opening

    The discovery of polarized light waves preceded the work of many scientists. In 1669, the Danish scientist E. Bartoline reported on his experiments with CACO3 crystals (CACO3), which most often with the form of the right rhombohedron, which brought the seafarers returning from Iceland. He was surprised that the beam of light when passing through the crystal was split into two beams (called now ordinary and extraordinary). Bartoline conducted thorough studies of the phenomenon of the double beamplan detected by him, but he could not give an explanation. Twenty years after E. Bartolin's experiments, his discovery attracted the attention of the Netherlands scientist H. Guigens. He himself began to investigate the properties of the crystals of Icelandic Pepat and gave an explanation of the phenomenon of double bempraine based on his wave theory of light. At the same time, he introduced an important concept of the optical axis of the crystal, during rotation around which there is no anisotropy of the properties of the crystal, i.e., their dependence on the direction (of course, not all crystals have such axles). In his experiments, Guygens went on Bartolin, missing both rays, which came out of the crystal of Icelandic Plut, through the second same crystal. It turned out that if the optical axes of both crystals are parallel, then the further decomposition of these rays is no longer happening. If the second rhomboater is rotated 180 degrees around the direction of propagation of the ordinary beam, then when passing through the second crystal, an unusual beam undergoes a shift in the direction opposite to the shift in the first crystal, and from such a system both ray will be released in one bundle. It also turned out that depending on the magnitude of the angle between the optical axes of crystals, the intensity of ordinary and extraordinary rays changes. These studies were closely overlooked by the Guigens to the opening of the phenomenon of the polarization of light, but he could not do the decisive step, since the light waves in his theory were assumed to be longitudinal. To explain the experiments of H. Guigens I. Newton, who adhered to the corpuscular theory of light, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe absence of axial symmetry of the light beam and made it an important step towards an understanding of the polarization of light. In 1808, the French physicist E. Malyus, looking through a piece of the Icelandic Plock on the window of the Luxembourg Palace in Paris in the rays of the setting sun, noticed to his surprise that at a certain position of the crystal only one image was visible. Based on this and other experiments, and relying on the corpuscular theory of Newton's light, he suggested that corpuscles in the sunlight are randomly oriented, but after reflection from any surface or passing through anisotropic crystal, they acquire a certain orientation. Such "ordered" light he called polarized.

    Settings Stokes

    Image of polarization by the language of the Stokes parameters on the sphere of Poincare

    In the general case, a flat monochromatic wave has the right or left elliptic polarization. The total characteristic of the ellipse is given by three parameters, for example, by half of the sides of the rectangle, in which the polarization ellipse A. 1 , A. 2 and phase differences φ or ellipse semi-axes a. , b. and an angle ψ between the axis x. and a large axis of the ellipse. It is convenient to describe an elliptically polarized wave based on the Stokes parameters:

    , ,

    Independent are only three of them, because the identity is true:

    If you enter an auxiliary angle χ, defined by the expression (the sign matches the right, a - left polarization), then you can get the following expressions for the Stokes parameters:

    Based on these formulas, it is possible to characterize the polarization of the light wave by a visual geometric manner. In this case, the Stokes parameters, are interpreted as the Cartesian coordinates of the point lying on the surface of the radius sphere. Corners and make sense of spherical angular coordinates of this point. Such a geometric representation suggested Poincare, so this sphere is called the Sphere of Poincare.

    Along with, the normalized Stokes parameters are also used ,,. For polarized light .

    see also


    • Akhmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. - Physical optics, 2 edition, M. - 2004.
    • Born M., Wolf E. - Basics of optics, 2 edition, corrected, per. from English, m. - 1973.


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    • Polarization of the wave
    • Polarization of photons

    Watch what is "polarization of light" in other dictionaries:

      Polarization of light - Phys. Feature Optic. radiation describing the transverse anisotropy of light waves, i.e., the non-equivalence of Split. directions in the plane perpendicular to the light beam. The first indications of the transverse anisotropy of the light beam were obtained ... Physical encyclopedia

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      polarization of light - Polarization The property of light characterized by the spatially temporary ordering of the orientation of the magnetic and electrical vectors. Notes 1. Depending on the types of orderliness, distinguishes: linear polarization, elliptical ... ...

      Polarization of light - (Lat. from Polus). The property of the beams of light, which, being reflected or refracted, lose the ability to reflect or refracted again, in well-known directions. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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      polarization [Light] - orderliness of the orientation of the vector of the electromagnetic field of the light wave in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the light beam; The principle of P. is used in the design of the polarization microscope [Arefyev V.A., L. L. L. ... ... ... Technical translator directory

      polarization of light - orderliness in the orientation of vectors of electrical E and magnetic or magnetic lights of the light wave in the plane perpendicular to the light beam. There are linear polarization of light, when e preserves a constant direction (plane ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      polarization [Light] - Polarization Polarization [Light]. The ordering of the orientation of the electromagnetic field of the light wave in the plane perpendicular to the direction of the spread of the light beam; The principle of P. is used in the design of the polarization microscope ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.

      polarization of light - Šviesos Poliarizacija Statusas T Sritis Fizika Atitikmenys: Angl. POLARIZATION OF LIGHT VOK. LichtPolarization, F Rus. Polarization of light, F PRANC. Polarism De La Lumière, F Fizikos Terminų žodynas

    V. Mojurver

    The phenomenon of the polarization of light, studied in both the school and institute courses of physics, remains in the memory of many of us as a curious, outgoing application in the technique, but not found in everyday life optical phenomenon. Dutch physicist Kennen in his article published in the magazine "Natour's En Templary" shows that this is not the case - polarized light literally surrounds us.

    The human eye is very sensitive to coloring (i.e. the wavelength) and the brightness of the world, but the third characteristic of light, polarization, is virtually unavailable. We suffer from "polarization blindness". In this regard, some representatives of the animal world are much more perfect us. For example, bees distinguish the polarization of light is almost as good as color or brightness. And since polarized light is often found in nature, they are given to see something that the human eye is completely unavailable. A person can explain what polarization is, with the help of special light filters, he can see how the light changes, if the "subtract" from it is polarization, but we can not imagine the picture of the world "the eyes of the bee", we probably cannot (especially since the vision of insects is different from human and many other relations).

    Fig. one. The scheme of the structure of human visual receptors (left) and the artistic (right). The human Rhodopsin molecules are randomly with the folds of the intracellular membrane, in arthropods - on the growing cells, neat rows

    Polarization is the oriented light wave oscillations in space. These oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of movement of the beam of light. Elementary light particle (Light Quantum) is a wave that can be compared for visibility with a wave, which will run by the rope if, securing one end, another shake your hand. The direction of oscillations of the rope can be different, depending on the direction to shake the rope. Similarly, the direction of the oscillations of the wave of a quantum may be different. The beam of light consists of a variety of quanta. If their oscillations are different, such a light is not polarized, but if all quanta have an absolutely identical orientation, the light is called completely polarized. The degree of polarization may be different depending on which the proportion of quanta in it has the same oscillation orientation.

    There are light filters that transmit only that part of the light whose waves are oriented in a certain way. If you look at the polarized light through this filter and at the same time turn the filter, the brightness of the transmitted light will change. It will be maximal with the coincidence of the direction of passing the filter with the polarization of light and minimal with full, (90 °) discrepancies of these directions. Using the filter, polarization can be detected exceeding about 10%, and the special instrument detects the polarization of about 0.1%.

    Polarization filters, or polaroids, sold in photopadaging stores. If you look at the pure blue sky through such a filter (when the effect is clouded, the effect is much weaker) approximately 90 degrees from the direction in the sun, that is, the sun was on the side, and at the same time turn the filter, it is clear that with some position of the filter in the sky A dark band appears. This indicates the polarization of the light emanating from this section of the sky. The polaroid filter opens the phenomenon that the bees see the "simple eye". But do not think that bees see the same dark strip in the sky. Our position can be compared with the position of a full range, a person who is unable to see colors. One who distinguishes only black, white and various shades of gray, could, looking at the world around the world alternately through the light filters of various colors, notice that the picture of the world changes somewhat. For example, a red poppy would look through a red filter on the background of green grass, the white clouds on the blue sky would have become stronger through the yellow filter. But the filters would not help the ranconium to understand how the world of a person with color vision looks like. Just like color filters Daltonic, the polarization filter can only suggest that the light has some kind of property that is not perceived by the eye.

    The polarity of light coming from the blue sky, some can be seen with a simple eye. According to the famous Soviet physics Academician S.I. Vavilov, this ability to have 25 ... 30% of people, although many of them are not suspected of this. When observing the surface emitting polarized light (for example, the same blue sky), such people can notice in the middle of the field of view a weakly yellow strip with rounded ends.

    Fig. 2.

    Blue specks in her center, along the edges, are still weaker. If the polarization plane is rotated, the yellow strip turns. It is always perpendicular to the direction of light oscillations. This is the so-called figure of Gaydingor, it is open to German physicist Gaydinger in 1845. The ability to see this figure can be developed if at least once it will be possible to notice it. Interestingly, in 1855, not being familiar with the article Gaydinger printed in nine years before one German physical journal, Lion Tolstoy wrote ("Youth", chapter XXXII): "... I unwittingly leave the book and peering in The dissolved balcony door, in curly hanging branches of high birches, on which evening shadow already comes, and in the clean sky, on which you look intently, suddenly it seems to be a dusty yellowish spot and disappears again ... "Such was the observation of the Great Writer.

    Fig. 3.

    In a non-polarized light ( 1 ) The oscillations of the electric and magnetic component go in a variety of planes that can be reduced to two highlighted in this figure. But there is no oscillations along the path of spreading ray (unlike sound is not longitudinal oscillations). In polarized light ( 2 ) One plane of oscillations is highlighted. In the light, polarized in a circle (circular), this plane is twisted in the spin space ( 3 ). The simplified scheme explains why reflected light polarizes ( 4 ). As already mentioned, all the fluctuations existing in the beam can be reduced to two, they are shown by arrows. One of the arrows looks at us and conditionally visible to us as a point. After reflection of the light, one of the areas existing in it in it coincides with the new direction of the propagation of the beam, and electromagnetic oscillations cannot be directed along the path of its distribution.

    The figure of Gaidinger can be seen much clearer if you look through a green or blue light filter.

    The polarization of light emanating from the pure sky is only one example of polarization phenomena in nature. Another common case is the polarity of reflected light, highlights, for example, lying on the surface of water or glass windows. Actually, photographic polaroid filters are designed to ensure that the photographer can eliminate these interfering glare if necessary (for example, when shooting the bottom of a shallow reservoir or photographing paintings and museum exhibits protected by glass). The action of polaroids in these cases is based on the fact that the reflected light is polarized to one degree or another (the degree of polarization depends on the angle of the fall of light and at a certain coal, different for different substances, is the so-called brutener coal - reflected light polarized completely). If you look at the glare through a polaroid filter, it is not difficult to choose such a turn of the filter, at which the glare is completely or largely suppressed.

    The use of polaroid filters in sun-shielding glasses or windshield allows you to remove interfering, blinding glare from the sea surface or wet highway.

    Why is polarized reflected light and scattered light sky? A full and mathematically strict answer to this question is beyond the scope of a small research and popular publication (readers can find it in the literature, the list of which is given at the end of the article). Polarization in these cases is related to the fact that oscillations even in a non-polarized beam already in a certain sense "polarized": the light is unlike the sound not longitudinal, but transverse oscillations. There are no oscillations in the beam along the path of its distribution (see the scheme). Oscillations and magnetic and electrical components of electromagnetic waves in a non-polarized beam are directed in all directions from its axis, but not for this axis. All directions of these oscillations can be reduced to two, mutually perpendicular. When the beam is reflected from the plane, it changes the direction and one of two areas of oscillation becomes "forbidden", since it coincides with the new direction of the spread of the beam. The beam becomes polarized. In a transparent substance, part of the world goes deep into, refracted, and the refracted light is also, although to a lesser extent, which is reflected, polarized.

    The scattered light of the sky is nothing but the sunlight has undergone repeated reflection from air molecules that has been driemented in water drops or ice crystals. Therefore, in a certain direction from the Sun, it is polarized. Polarization occurs not only with a directional reflection (for example, from water stroit), but also with diffuse. So, with the help of a polaroid filter it is not difficult to make sure that the light reflected from the highway coverage is polarized. In this case, an amazing dependence is valid: the darker the surface, the stronger the light reflected from it. This addiction was called the name of the mind of Umov, named Russian physics that opened it in 1905. Asphalt highway in accordance with the law of the mind is polarized stronger than concrete, wet - stronger than dry. The wet surface is not only stronger, but it is also darker.

    Note that the light reflected from the surface of the metals (including from the mirrors - after all, each mirror is covered with a thin layer of metal), not polarized. This is due to the high conductivity of metals, so that they have a lot of free electrons. The reflection of electromagnetic waves from such surfaces occurs differently than from the surfaces of dielectric, non-conductive.

    The polarization of the sky light was opened in 1871 (according to other sources even in 1809), but a detailed theoretical explanation of this phenomenon was given only in the middle of our century. Nevertheless, as historians who studied the ancient Scandinavian sagas on viking swimming, brave seawards, almost a thousand years ago used the polarization of the sky for navigation. They usually swam, focusing on the sun, but when the luminais was hidden behind a continuous cloudiness, which is not uncommon in northern latitudes, the Vikings looked at the sky through a special "sunny stone", which allowed to see the dark strip in the sky at 90 ° from the direction in the sun If the clouds are not too dense. On this strip, you can judge where the sun is. "Sunny stone" is apparently one of the transparent minerals possessing polarization properties (most likely widespread in the north of the Icelandic sword), and the appearance of a darker band in the sky is explained by the fact that, although behind the clouds of the Sun and is not visible, the sky is penetrating Through the clouds, remains polarized to some extent. A few years ago, checking this assumption of historians, the pilot conducted a small plane from Norway to Greenland, as a navigation device using only Cordierite mineral crystal, polarizing light.

    It has already been said that many insects in contrast to a person see the polarization of light. Bees and ants are no worse than Vikings enjoy this ability to orientation in cases where the sun is closed by clouds. What gives the eye of insects such an ability? The fact is that in the eye of mammals (and including a person) the molecules of the photosensitive pigment of Rhodopsin are randomly located, and in the eye of the insect the same molecules are laid neat rows, are oriented in one direction, which allows them to react more to the light whose fluctuations correspond to the plane of the placement of molecules. The figure of Gaidinger can be seen because the part of our retina is covered with thin, walking parallel with fibers that partially polarize light.

    Curious polarization effects are observed with rare celestial optical phenomena, such as rainbow and halo. The fact that the light of the rainbow is strongly polarized, discovered in 1811. Rotating a polaroid filter, you can make a rainbow almost invisible. Polarized and light halo - luminous circles or arcs, sometimes appear around the sun and the moon. In the formation and rainbow and halo, along with refraction, the reflection of light is involved, and both of these processes, as we already know, lead to polarization. Polarized and some species of polar shine.

    Finally, it should be noted that the light of some astronomical objects is also polarized. The most famous example is the crab nebula in the constellation of the Taurus. The light emitted by it is the so-called synchrotron radiation that occurs when rapidly flying electrons are inhibited by a magnetic field. Synchrotron radiation is always polarized.

    Returning to Earth, we note that some types of beetles with a metal glitter turn the light reflected from their back to polarized in a circle. So called polarized light, the polarization plane of which is spinning in the spacious space, to the left or right. Metal reflection backing of such a beetle when considering through a special filter that detects circular polarization, it turns out to be left-handed. All these beetles belong to the scarab family, in which the biological meaning of the described phenomenon is still unknown.


    1. Bragg U. World of Light. The world of sound. M.: Science, 1967.
    2. Vavilov S.I. Eye and sun. M.: Science, 1981.
    3. Venger R. Navigation on polarized light in insects. Journal "Saysentifik Amerikhen", July 1976
    4. Jewandrov I.D. Anisotropy and optics. M.: Science, 1974.
    5. Kennen G.P. Invisible light. Polarization in nature. Journal "Natour's En Temperes." №5. 1983.
    6. Minnart M. Light and color in nature. M.: Fizmatgiz, 1958.
    7. Frish K. From the life of bees. M.: Mir, 1980.

    Science and life. 1984. №4.

    V. Mojurver

    The phenomenon of the polarization of light, studied in both the school and institute courses of physics, remains in the memory of many of us as a curious, outgoing application in the technique, but not found in everyday life optical phenomenon. Dutch physicist Kennen in his article published in the magazine "Natour's En Templary" shows that this is not the case - polarized light literally surrounds us.

    The human eye is very sensitive to coloring (i.e. the wavelength) and the brightness of the world, but the third characteristic of light, polarization, is virtually unavailable. We suffer from "polarization blindness".

    In this regard, some representatives of the animal world are much more perfect us. For example, bees distinguish the polarization of light is almost as good as color or brightness. And since polarized light is often found in nature, they are given to see something that the human eye is completely unavailable.

    A person can explain what polarization is, with the help of special light filters, he can see how the light changes, if the "subtract" from it is polarization, but we can not imagine the picture of the world "the eyes of the bee", we probably cannot (especially since the vision of insects is different from human and many other relations).

    Fig. one.
    The scheme of the structure of human visual receptors (left) and the artistic (right). The human Rhodopsin molecules are randomly with the folds of the intracellular membrane, in arthropods - on the growing cells, neat rows

    Polarization is the oriented light wave oscillations in space. These oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of movement of the beam of light. Elementary light particle (Light Quantum) is a wave that can be compared for visibility with a wave, which will run by the rope if, securing one end, another shake your hand. The direction of oscillations of the rope can be different, depending on the direction to shake the rope. Similarly, the direction of the oscillations of the wave of a quantum may be different. The beam of light consists of a variety of quanta. If their oscillations are different, such a light is not polarized, but if all quanta have an absolutely identical orientation, the light is called completely polarized. The degree of polarization may be different depending on which the proportion of quanta in it has the same oscillation orientation.

    There are light filters that transmit only that part of the light whose waves are oriented in a certain way. If you look at the polarized light through this filter and at the same time turn the filter, the brightness of the transmitted light will change. It will be maximal with the coincidence of the direction of passing the filter with the polarization of light and minimal with full, (90 °) discrepancies of these directions. Using the filter, polarization can be detected exceeding about 10%, and the special instrument detects the polarization of about 0.1%.

    Polarization filters, or polaroids, sold in photopadaging stores. If you look at the pure blue sky through such a filter (when the effect is clouded, the effect is much weaker) approximately 90 degrees from the direction in the sun, that is, the sun was on the side, and at the same time turn the filter, it is clear that with some position of the filter in the sky A dark band appears. This indicates the polarization of the light emanating from this section of the sky.

    The polaroid filter opens the phenomenon that the bees see the "simple eye". But do not think that bees see the same dark strip in the sky. Our position can be compared with the position of a full range, a person who is unable to see colors. One who distinguishes only black, white and various shades of gray, could, looking at the world around the world alternately through the light filters of various colors, notice that the picture of the world changes somewhat.

    For example, a red poppy would look through a red filter on the background of green grass, the white clouds on the blue sky would have become stronger through the yellow filter. But the filters would not help the ranconium to understand how the world of a person with color vision looks like. Just like color filters Daltonic, the polarization filter can only suggest that the light has some kind of property that is not perceived by the eye.

    The polarity of light coming from the blue sky, some can be seen with a simple eye. According to the famous Soviet physics Academician S.I. Vavilov, this ability to have 25 ... 30% of people, although many of them are not suspected of this.

    When observing the surface emitting polarized light (for example, the same blue sky), such people can notice in the middle of the field of view a weakly yellow strip with rounded ends.

    Fig. 2.

    Blue specks in her center, along the edges, are still weaker. If the polarization plane is rotated, the yellow strip turns. It is always perpendicular to the direction of light oscillations. This is the so-called figure of Gaydingor, it is open to German physicist Gaydinger in 1845.

    The ability to see this figure can be developed if at least once it will be possible to notice it. Interestingly, in 1855, not being familiar with the article Gaydinger printed in nine years before one German physical journal, Lion Tolstoy wrote ("Youth", chapter XXXII): "... I unwittingly leave the book and peering in The dissolved balcony door, in curly hanging branches of high birches, on which evening shadow already comes, and in the clean sky, on which you look intently, suddenly it seems to be a dusty yellowish spot and disappears again ... "Such was the observation of the Great Writer.

    Fig. 3.

    In a non-polarized light (1), the oscillations of the electric and magnetic component go in a variety of planes, which can be reduced to two, highlighted in this figure. But there is no oscillations along the path of spreading ray (unlike sound is not longitudinal oscillations). In polarized light (2) one oscillation plane is highlighted.

    In the light, polarized in a circle (circular), this plane is spinning in the space with screw (3). The simplified scheme explains why reflected light (4) polarizes. As already mentioned, all the fluctuations existing in the beam can be reduced to two, they are shown by arrows. One of the arrows looks at us and conditionally visible to us as a point. After reflection of the light, one of the areas existing in it in it coincides with the new direction of the propagation of the beam, and electromagnetic oscillations cannot be directed along the path of its distribution.

    The figure of Gaidinger can be seen much clearer if you look through a green or blue light filter.

    The polarization of light emanating from the pure sky is only one example of polarization phenomena in nature. Another common case is the polarity of reflected light, highlights, for example, lying on the surface of water or glass windows.

    Actually, photographic polaroid filters are designed to ensure that the photographer can eliminate these interfering glare if necessary (for example, when shooting the bottom of a shallow reservoir or photographing paintings and museum exhibits protected by glass). The action of polaroids in these cases is based on the fact that the reflected light is polarized to one degree or another (the degree of polarization depends on the angle of the fall of light and at a certain coal, different for different substances, is the so-called brutener coal - reflected light polarized completely). If you look at the glare through a polaroid filter, it is not difficult to choose such a turn of the filter, at which the glare is completely or largely suppressed.

    The use of polaroid filters in sun-shielding glasses or windshield allows you to remove interfering, blinding glare from the sea surface or wet highway.

    Why is polarized reflected light and scattered light sky? A full and mathematically strict answer to this question is beyond the scope of a small research and popular publication (readers can find it in the literature, the list of which is given at the end of the article). Polarization in these cases is related to the fact that oscillations even in a non-polarized beam already in a certain sense "polarized": the light is unlike the sound not longitudinal, but transverse oscillations. There are no oscillations in the beam along the path of its distribution (see the scheme). Oscillations and magnetic and electrical components of electromagnetic waves in a non-polarized beam are directed in all directions from its axis, but not for this axis. All directions of these oscillations can be reduced to two, mutually perpendicular. When the beam is reflected from the plane, it changes the direction and one of two areas of oscillation becomes "forbidden", since it coincides with the new direction of the spread of the beam. The beam becomes polarized. In a transparent substance, part of the world goes deep into, refracted, and the refracted light is also, although to a lesser extent, which is reflected, polarized.

    The scattered light of the sky is nothing but the sunlight has undergone repeated reflection from air molecules that has been driemented in water drops or ice crystals. Therefore, in a certain direction from the Sun, it is polarized. Polarization occurs not only with a directional reflection (for example, from water stroit), but also with diffuse. So, with the help of a polaroid filter it is not difficult to make sure that the light reflected from the highway coverage is polarized. In this case, an amazing dependence is valid: the darker the surface, the stronger the light reflected from it.

    This addiction was called the name of the mind of Umov, named Russian physics that opened it in 1905. Asphalt highway in accordance with the law of the mind is polarized stronger than concrete, wet - stronger than dry. The wet surface is not only stronger, but it is also darker.

    Note that the light reflected from the surface of the metals (including from the mirrors - after all, each mirror is covered with a thin layer of metal), not polarized. This is due to the high conductivity of metals, so that they have a lot of free electrons. The reflection of electromagnetic waves from such surfaces occurs differently than from the surfaces of dielectric, non-conductive.

    The polarization of the sky light was opened in 1871 (according to other sources even in 1809), but a detailed theoretical explanation of this phenomenon was given only in the middle of our century. Nevertheless, as historians who studied the ancient Scandinavian sagas on viking swimming, brave seawards, almost a thousand years ago used the polarization of the sky for navigation. They usually swam, focusing on the sun, but when the luminais was hidden behind a continuous cloudiness, which is not uncommon in northern latitudes, the Vikings looked at the sky through a special "sunny stone", which allowed to see the dark strip in the sky at 90 ° from the direction in the sun If the clouds are not too dense. On this strip, you can judge where the sun is. "Sunny stone" is apparently one of the transparent minerals possessing polarization properties (most likely widespread in the north of the Icelandic sword), and the appearance of a darker band in the sky is explained by the fact that, although behind the clouds of the Sun and is not visible, the sky is penetrating Through the clouds, remains polarized to some extent. A few years ago, checking this assumption of historians, the pilot conducted a small plane from Norway to Greenland, as a navigation device using only Cordierite mineral crystal, polarizing light.

    It has already been said that many insects in contrast to a person see the polarization of light. Bees and ants are no worse than Vikings enjoy this ability to orientation in cases where the sun is closed by clouds. What gives the eye of insects such an ability? The fact is that in the eye of mammals (and including a person) the molecules of the photosensitive pigment of Rhodopsin are randomly located, and in the eye of the insect the same molecules are laid neat rows, are oriented in one direction, which allows them to react more to the light whose fluctuations correspond to the plane of the placement of molecules. The figure of Gaidinger can be seen because the part of our retina is covered with thin, walking parallel with fibers that partially polarize light.

    Curious polarization effects are observed with rare celestial optical phenomena, such as rainbow and halo. The fact that the light of the rainbow is strongly polarized, discovered in 1811. Rotating a polaroid filter, you can make a rainbow almost invisible. Polarized and light halo - luminous circles or arcs, sometimes appear around the sun and the moon. In the formation and rainbow and halo, along with refraction, the reflection of light is involved, and both of these processes, as we already know, lead to polarization. Polarized and some species of polar shine.

    Finally, it should be noted that the light of some astronomical objects is also polarized. The most famous example is the crab nebula in the constellation of the Taurus. The light emitted by it is the so-called synchrotron radiation that occurs when rapidly flying electrons are inhibited by a magnetic field. Synchrotron radiation is always polarized.

    Returning to Earth, we note that some types of beetles with a metal glitter turn the light reflected from their back to polarized in a circle. So called polarized light, the polarization plane of which is spinning in the spacious space, to the left or right. Metal reflection backing of such a beetle when considering through a special filter that detects circular polarization, it turns out to be left-handed. All these beetles belong to the scarab family, in which the biological meaning of the described phenomenon is still unknown.

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    At the moment, players make bets using 1vin mirrors. The mirror is a kind of duplicate of the main site, which has the same interface and functions with the exception of the domain name.

    The domain name is closed, as a rule, similar to the address of the main site. The mirror allows the bookmaker to reduce the load on its main server by distributing players, which helps to provide a stable and continuous gameplay.

    In addition, in the case of blocking the main site "1vin" by the provider or regulatory authorities, customers can contact a mirror site and quietly continue to make profitable betting. There are cases that the main site and mirrors cease to work, but the bookmaker quickly solves this problem, creating another 1-3 new pages. Thus, the mirror is a completely similar basic site that is created to solve several tasks at once.

    • Why 1win mirror blocked

    According to the new Federal Law of the Russian Federation, the totalizer refers to prohibited activities, so all bookmakers should have a license to implement relevant activities. If there is no such license at the bookmaker, Roskomnadzor issues a ruling on blocking sites.

    The reason why "1vin" is in no hurry to acquire the license of the Russian Federation is the introduction by the legislation of the mandatory income tax in the form of 13% of the entire profits, with which the taxman is obliged to pay not only the bookmaker, but also its customers.

    Of course, such measures can provoke customer outflows, because no one wants to share their honestly earned winnings, for this reason the office and resort to the creation of mirror sites. But the lack of a license of the Russian Federation does not mean that the Bookmaker's office has no right to carry out its activities, at 1vin has a foreign license that ensures security for customers.

    In order to register on one of the mirrors, it is necessary, first of all to find on the Internet one from the current time of the mirror. Registration is available only for adults. Registration consists of the following steps:

    • it is necessary to find and press the "Registration" field in the upper right corner.
    • select a suitable method of registration (in 1 click using social networks using email)

    In order to register in 1 click, it is enough to choose a country of residence and confirm familiarization with all the conditions. To register on social networks, you must select the appropriate network (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google) and confirm familiarization with the Agreement. To register with the email address, you must specify the following data:

    • date of Birth
    • country
    • telephone number
    • e-mail address
    • password
    • repeat password
    • confirm familiarization with the necessary conditions

    After the main registration, you need to go through the identification procedure, after which it will be possible to start replenishing the gaming account.

    The direction of wave propagation;

  • Circular polarization is the right or left, depending on the direction of rotation of the induction vector;
  • Elliptical Polarization is an intermediate between circular and linear polarizations.
  • The non-coherent radiation may not be polarized, or be fully or partially polarized any of these methods. In this case, the concept of polarization is understood by statistically.

    In the theoretical consideration of the polarization of the wave relies propagating horizontally. Then you can talk about vertical and horizontal linear polarizations of the wave.

    Linear Circular Elliptical

    Theory of phenomena

    The electromagnetic wave can be decomposed (both theoretically, and practically) into two polarized components, for example, polarized vertically and horizontally. Other decompositions are possible, for example, in a different pair of mutually perpendicular directions, or by two components having left and right-handed polarization. When trying to decompose a linearly polarized wave for circular polarizations (or vice versa) there are two components of half intensity.

    Both with quantum and from a classic point of view, polarization can be described by a two-dimensional complex vector ( vector Jones). Photon polarization is one of the implementations of the Q-bit.

    Linear polarization is usually emitted antennas.

    By changing the polarization of light, when reflected from the surface, it is possible to judge the surface structure, optical constant, sample thickness.

    If multiple light is polarized, then using a polarization filter with other polarization, you can limit the passage of light. The intensity of the light passed through polarizers is subject to the law of Malyus. In this principle, liquid crystal screens work.

    Some living beings, such as bees, are able to distinguish linear polarization of light, which gives them additional possibilities for orientation in space. Some animals have been found, for example, a prawn-mantis peacock can distinguish between circular and polarized light, that is light with circular polarization.

    History opening

    The discovery of polarized light waves preceded the work of many scientists. In 1669, the Danish scientist E. Bartoline reported on his experiments with CACO3 crystals (CACO3), which most often with the form of the right rhombohedron, which brought the seafarers returning from Iceland. He was surprised that the beam of light when passing through the crystal was split into two beams (called now ordinary and extraordinary). Bartoline conducted thorough studies of the phenomenon of the double beamplan detected by him, but he could not give an explanation. Twenty years after E. Bartolin's experiments, his discovery attracted the attention of the Netherlands scientist H. Guigens. He himself began to investigate the properties of the crystals of Icelandic Pepat and gave an explanation of the phenomenon of double bempraine based on his wave theory of light. At the same time, he introduced an important concept of the optical axis of the crystal, during rotation around which there is no anisotropy of the properties of the crystal, i.e., their dependence on the direction (of course, not all crystals have such axles). In his experiments, Guygens went on Bartolin, missing both rays, which came out of the crystal of Icelandic Plut, through the second same crystal. It turned out that if the optical axes of both crystals are parallel, then the further decomposition of these rays is no longer happening. If the second rhomboater is rotated 180 degrees around the direction of propagation of the ordinary beam, then when passing through the second crystal, an unusual beam undergoes a shift in the direction opposite to the shift in the first crystal, and from such a system both ray will be released in one bundle. It also turned out that depending on the magnitude of the angle between the optical axes of crystals, the intensity of ordinary and extraordinary rays changes. These studies were closely overlooked by the Guigens to the opening of the phenomenon of the polarization of light, but he could not do the decisive step, since the light waves in his theory were assumed to be longitudinal. To explain the experiments of H. Guigens I. Newton, who adhered to the corpuscular theory of light, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe absence of axial symmetry of the light beam and made it an important step towards an understanding of the polarization of light. In 1808, the French physicist E. Malyus, looking through a piece of the Icelandic Plock on the window of the Luxembourg Palace in Paris in the rays of the setting sun, noticed to his surprise that at a certain position of the crystal only one image was visible. Based on this and other experiments, and relying on the corpuscular theory of Newton's light, he suggested that corpuscles in the sunlight are randomly oriented, but after reflection from any surface or passing through anisotropic crystal, they acquire a certain orientation. Such "ordered" light he called polarized.

    Settings Stokes

    Image of polarization by the language of the Stokes parameters on the sphere of Poincare

    In the general case, a flat monochromatic wave has the right or left elliptic polarization. The total characteristic of the ellipse is given by three parameters, for example, by half of the sides of the rectangle, in which the polarization ellipse A. 1 , A. 2 and phase differences φ or ellipse semi-axes a. , b. and an angle ψ between the axis x. and a large axis of the ellipse. It is convenient to describe an elliptically polarized wave based on the Stokes parameters:

    , ,

    Independent are only three of them, because the identity is true:

    If you enter an auxiliary angle χ, defined by the expression (the sign matches the right, a - left polarization), then you can get the following expressions for the Stokes parameters:

    Based on these formulas, it is possible to characterize the polarization of the light wave by a visual geometric manner. In this case, the Stokes parameters, are interpreted as the Cartesian coordinates of the point lying on the surface of the radius sphere. Corners and make sense of spherical angular coordinates of this point. Such a geometric representation suggested Poincare, so this sphere is called the Sphere of Poincare.

    Along with, the normalized Stokes parameters are also used ,,. For polarized light .

    see also


    • Akhmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. - Physical optics, 2 edition, M. - 2004.
    • Born M., Wolf E. - Basics of optics, 2 edition, corrected, per. from English, m. - 1973.


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