If you open an ampoule can be cut down. How to open a medicine in ampoules

Even if there are no skills of self-execution of injections and injections, opening ampoules with medicines for a variety of needs. Often injuries and cuts occur, and to avoid them, you need to know how to open an ampoule with a point without such.

In general, on most packs with glass bottles, manufacturers put special files that are taken to produce several reciprocating movements in the narrow point of the container, and then will only remain a sharp, but neat movement to abandon the top of the glass and open the ampoule. Cameswing doctors make it easy even without using paper or fabric to protect hands.

How to open an ampoule with a point?

If the glass bubble has a point in a wide place the neck, of any color, then it means that it can be opened without a special device. Confirm your guess will allow the manufacturer to the most narrow place the neck of the rim. It is over this line and should be overwritten by an ampoule. To cover the top with a handkerchief or paper, take a bubble in one hand, and fingers to capture the top, trying to make the most of them focus on the rim, and sharply open the bottle.

Those who are interested in how to open an ampoule without a dust point, it is recommended to use something sharp - a knife or nail file. Having made a few penetrations on the neck in a narrow place, to produce all the same actions that were described above. Now it is clear how you can open an ampoule without a sawing with a point and even if it is missing. But it is not necessary to open a bubble with a powder. It is enough to pick up anything corner of the metal cover and pierce the rubber cork needle. Of course, it is advisable to do in the case when you need to mix the contents of the ampoule with a liquid substance with a powder located in another glass container.

Quite often, a person falls into a situation when he needs to make a dam. When contacting a specialized medical institution with this manipulation, it never arises difficulties. An experienced medical worker knows how to open an ampoule, mix a solution with medicinal powder and prepare a syringe. However, many people have accustomed to their own treatment and prefer to put injections at home, resorting to the help of relatives.

If you are in the number of patients who do not want to attend medical facilities for obtaining a regular dose of the drug, then you probably have a question for how to open an ampoule with a medicine yourself. Some cosmetic drugs are also available in glass bubbles, such as ampoules for hair, vitamin leather preparations. Many women can easily conduct a number of manipulations and quickly get to the contents of the glass container. There are several ways to open the ampoule. Observing the instructions, you can easily make this maneuver. Consider in detail several methods.

First method: use of the peel

Usually, glass marshes with medicinal or cosmetic preparations are sold in packaging with a special saw. Taking advantage of it, you will easily reach the contents of the ampoule.

Take the drug in one hand. Following the second hand tightly clamp the pink and make several reciprocating movements to the tool by the narrow point of the glass container.

After that, you need to take a paper napkin or unnecessary fabric and wrap it with the top of the glass. A sharp, but neat movement from myself. Glossom and open the packaging.

Second way: Using Program

Sometimes there are situations when the dilution for the discovery of drugs has lost or was originally absent. What to do in this situation? How to open an ampoule for an injection without a saw? In this case, you can use undergraduate tools, such as a knife, nail file.

Similar to the first way, take the ampoule and the selected tool, make a few lap on its neck in a narrow place. After that, open the drug, pre-wrapped the glass with a napkin.

It should be noted that the nail file is a more efficient tool for opening glass ampoules, rather than a knife. However, it is worth considering that the material should be glass or metal. Paper nail files will be powerless in this situation.

How to open ampoules with a point?

Recently, the manufacturers of drug injections are increasingly producing packaging that does not require pre-feeding. Information about this is usually not indicated on the package. How to find out that the ampoule can open without a peking?

This kind of glass container has a point in a wide place of the neck. It can be red, green or black. Also, this type of injection has a rim of the corresponding color in a narrow place of the neck. It is over it and it is necessary to prey on the packaging.

Take an ampoule with a point in your hand. Cover the top of the glass with the second hand (do not forget about the napkin). Take a sharp movement from yourself and discover the medicine.

How to open an ampoule with dry powder?

In most cases, injection drugs are produced in an already prepared liquid form, but some drugs require preliminary preparation. In this case, you will have two ampoules that need to open. One of them has liquid content. How to reveal such packaging, the methods described above are described.

The second glass container usually has dry bulk content. The instruction involves mixing these two bases. In order to get to the bulk powder, you need to do as follows.

Open the ampoule with the liquid and type the cure for the syringe. Open the second ampoule with any acute item: knife, scissors or nail files. Picture the tool to the corner of the metal cover and gently remove it. Insert the needle of the syringe into the ampoule, pushing the rubber lid. After that, it is necessary to mix the medicine thoroughly and dial it back into the syringe.


Use the appropriate option to open the ampoule. For the correct selection, try each of the methods described. Remember that care must be taken when working with glass.

If you often have to open ampoules, take a special silicone device. It will help you to open glass bowls without injuries and additional funds.

Before proceeding with the procedure, wipe the glass with a wool moistened in an alcohol solution. This is necessary in order to prevent microbes from entering the drug.

1. Carefully inspect the ampoule, Read the name of the medicine, its number and shelf life. 2. Shake the ampouleSo that the medicine fell down, and inscribe in the place of transition from a narrow part to the wide (there is a sawo in the box with a medicine). 3. A special sawmaker for ampoules is well inspired by the "neck" ampoules around the circumference. 4. Vatka, moistened with alcohol, wipe the ampoule and fomb the tip in the direction of yourself (better wrap the ampoule with a paper napkin or cotton - So you will protect yourself from a random cut). 5. Lower the needle with a syringe into the ampoule, pull the piston on yourself and type the medicine.

Note that when you set medicines from an ampoule or vial, when contacting the needle with the vessel walls (and / or its bottom), the needle tip can be "wrapped", and thus the needle is blinking.
For this reason, medicine is considered correct for injection to use two needles: one - to gain the drug, the second is directly injecting.
The second reason for the need is two needles - the Asepta Rules. With a plurality of manipulations with a needle, especially when contacting the bottle lid, etc., the needle sterility is disturbed and thus increases the likelihood of the development of complications after the injection.

Air entering the body with intramuscular hug is not scary, but not desirable.

With intramuscular administration, the air remaining in the syringe can enter either in the muscle / intercellular space or in the vessel (capillary). Air bubble in a capillary can block it, and the escape will occur. In a more severe case (and with a large amount of air), when air intake in the muscle, the so-called "air infiltrate" (pins, seal) can be formed - with all the usual symptoms and consequences of infiltrate. It is unpleasant, but not dangerous.
In our opinion, it is better to carry out an injection in accordance with the instructions, and "knock out" air bubbles from the syringe before the introduction of the drug into the body.

For injections, medications are used in special ampoules, which reliably protect the active substance from external influence. If its integrity is broken, we recommend not to use the drug and take the intact capacitance.

In order to have access to the medicine, you must disrupt the integrity of the ampoule. Make this need immediately before the dam, since if you do it before, the medication will lose its properties. After opening, the liquid is taken with a syringe and injection is made.

How to open an ampoule with a donom point

The procedure must be carried out as careful as possible, otherwise you risk injury or accidentally pour medicine. With each time you will open the ampoule everything is better, but before proceeding with the procedure, use our advice.

Before the procedure we advise you to protect your hands, wearing rubber thin gloves. Thanks to them, you can protect your palms and fingers from RAS and scratches. Surely you have repeatedly seen the doctors open an ampoule even without gloves, isn't it? Not surprising, because they have many years of experience.

You also need to prepare a place - it is better to do it sitting, spread a towel or fabric on the surface of the table.

First of all, carefully inspect the packaging in which the ampoules are located. Very often in the package there is already a convenient compact file for opening a glass container. How to open an ampoule in this case? Everything is simple - take the file and spend it several times in a narrow place. After the glass becomes quite thin, you need to break the upper part. That's all, the ampoule is open and the medicine is ready to use.

How to open an ampoule with a point?Many mistakenly think that it needs to be filled in the place where the point is located, but it is not. It only indicates that you can pass the ampoule without using any tools.

Take a look at the neck of the ampoule - in the thinner you will see the rim, it is the place of donom.

To prevent cuts, you need to cover the top of the ampoule with a napkin or cloth. Keep the container with one hand, and the second take the top and concentrate pressure on it, make a quick movement and break it down.

If there is neither a rim nor a dust point, you have to cope with your own. In order to remove the head, you need to take a knife or a thin metal nail file. Make a few drinks in the same place. Then take the upper part and quickly slam it.

So that fragments do not get into you, try to keep the container as far as possible from yourself. It is also necessary to shoot the top too in the same direction - do not take over to yourself, but from ourselves.

All, medicine is ready to use! It remains only to score it into the syringe and make an injection.

How to open an ampoule: video

In this video, you will find several useful tips on how to open different types of ampoules.

Women's Website Website

Sterile drugs for injection are usually produced in ampoules - hermetically sealed glass vessels. In order to gain a medicine in the syringe, you need to open an ampoule, having endured its upper tip. Usually for these purposes in a set with ampurs there is a special file, but what to do if it is not?

If you got a set of ampoules without a sawnie, first of all, you need to figure out what kind of ampoule type you caught. There are ampoules, to open which the sawnka is not required at all. On the neck, such an ampoule must be present point or rimdenoting the donom line. The glass, from which the ampoule is made, in this place is thinner, so the tip must break away without difficulty.

To open such an ampoule, the first thing it is necessary to disinfect it in the place of donom. First, wipe it with a cotton swath in medical alcohol, and then a dry sterile wool so that the ampoule is not a slippery. After that, grab the top of the ampoule sterile wool and with a light push away In the direction of yourself.

Ampoules with a label must open light movement, Therefore, no additional tools (for example, pliers) use no need. When opening an ampoule "power" methods, the risk of crushing the glass is great, as a result, the sterility of the drug will be broken, and you can be injured by fragments.

If there is no label on the ampoule, it is necessary for opening it special Pilochka (Ampool knife or ampumen scarifier). With this file, an ampoule is made inscribed, according to which its top is chosen.

In case if pilochka is absent (Let's say you bought one or two ampoules with a medicine in a pharmacy instead of a whole package, and the sawnur did not give you), you can try to cut the ampoule with the help of improvised tools.

Best for these purposes is suitable metal nail file. Disinfect the sawnur with alcohol, press it to the neck of the ampoule at an angle of 45 degrees and carefully inscribe an ampoule in a circle. The place has inspired choose so that it is convenient to calm the tip, but it should not be too low.

After that, it is necessary to repeat the same actions as when the ampoule is opened with a label: to disinfect and gently break down the tip over the line inscribed in the direction from ourselves, clasping it with a rath or napkin.

Also to open the ampoule you can use a kitchen knife, although it is suitable for these purposes worse than a nail file. A sharp knife (naturally, pre-disinfectant), make several cuts in different directions in the estimated place of donomas, then proceed according to the standard scheme.

Acting "handicraft" methods, better instead of wool wrap the ampoule with a fabric napkin or a thin towel: It will help to better protect yourself from fragments, if the ampoule is still bursting. As in the case of ampoules with a label, pliers, pliers and other business tools for opening an ampoule cannot be used.

Catching the tip of the ampoule, certainly make sure the glass fragments did not get inside. Lose the syringe with the needle of the syringe into the opening ampule and dial the medicine by pulling the piston. Make sure that the needle slice is always completely immersed in the solution, otherwise, with a medicine in the syringe, air bubbles will fall, which can trigger the appearance of infiltrate () at the injection site. Before making an injection, the needle needs to be replaced, as she could fool around the wall of the ampoule.

Most importantly, when opening an ampoule with the drug (especially undergraded means) - do not rush and accumulate, then you will certainly succeed.

Some medicinal and cosmetic drugs are pharmaceutical enterprises produced in glass ampoules. But if necessary, remove the drug from the ampoule for most of us becomes a huge problem prepared by our pharmacists' well-wishers.

Probably everyone met with such a situation. Of course, this problem can be avoided if you precisely own information, how to open an ampoule.

Drug Ampoule Opening Procedure

  1. To begin with, as required by the generally accepted rules for the use of any medicines, it is necessary to read the name of the drug, determine the volume, and also make sure that the expiration date corresponds to the date of direct use of the medication.
  2. As a rule, together with the medicine and instructions for it, a special sawmaker is in the kit for opening ampoules and vials. Before using the saw, this ampule needs to shake well in order for all the medicine to be at the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Through the head "Come on" around the circumference of the neck of the ampoules, gradually inscribing it.
  4. Vatka, which was pre-dwined in alcohol, thoroughly wipe the ampoule and, pressing, break the neck in the direction of himself. To protect yourself from the cut, it is recommended to use a napkin or a rut, after overlooking the neck of the ampoule, before you break up the top of the ampoules.
  5. To open the ampoule to lower the syringe with the needle, pulling the piston, dial the required volume of the solution.

It is necessary to take into account that nuance that the needle tip will be wrapped during a drug during a typing, as a result of its contact with the walls of the vessel (and / or its bottom). For this reason, the needle can fool. Thus, the use of one needle for a set of drug is correct, and the second take directly for the injection itself.

Also, observing, grafted aseptics, the use of two needles is recommended. When performing manipulations with a needle, its sterility is disturbed, which can cause unwanted complications after the injection. Additional individual needles can always be purchased at the pharmacy.

How to open an ampoule without a file?

First method

Now there are often ampoules and vials that can be opened without a special file. The manufacturer provides a structure that allows you to do without it. But, as a rule, such information on the package does not indicate, and the sawing in the package is not provided, so it will be necessary to check directly in practice.

Using a napkin or a rag must be pressed on an ampoule and break out the neck. If the attempt turns out to be unsuccessful, then the ampule will have to write everything.

Second way

Instead of a special file, you can use:

  • Manicurepot. The resulting result will be the same as from a special file. Keep the tool at an angle of 45 degrees to the neck and inscribe. Over the same actions - wrap the ampoule with a napkin and pressing the top of the ampoule to break into the place of the cut.
  • The kitchen knife can also be used at home for this purpose. However, effectiveness can be less than in the case of a nail file. In order to open an ampoule, it is necessary to make cuts in different directions and break out the neck, confusing itself from the cuts.

Dry powder ampoule

In order to use a medicine in the form of a powder, which is intended for injections, you must first dissolve it. As a solvent, various stipulated substances can be used - special water, novocaine, lidocaine, etc.

Options for permissible solvents should be listed in the instructions for the drug itself or the doctor must specify it itself, depending on the specific case of the drug.

To begin with, it is necessary to dial the required amount of the specified solvent, remove the protective metal cover from the bottle and wipe under it the rubber cover with a rat that was dirty in alcohol. After that, enter the contents of the syringe, in the ampoule and thoroughly shake the bottle.

Turning it up with the bottom up, again to dial in the syringe already obtained the finished means for injection. Before the introduction of a solution to the patient, the needle needs to be replaced with a new one, since the needle could be fused for obvious reasons.

How to reduce air bubbles in the syringe

  • When typing the drug, the needle should always be completely immersed in a solution, otherwise the air that will be the cause of those bubbles from which it is sometimes so hard to get rid of the core in the syringe. This is the main cause of air in the syringe. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the cut of the needle and immerse it with a completely drug.
  • When the liquid starts to end in the ampoule, it will need to be placed horizontally, and the needle slice maximize to the wall of the bottle. After such actions, the needle is blown up and to reduce painful sensations in the patient, it is desirable to change it to a new one. Separately packaged needles are sold in a pharmacy.
  • In a situation where bubbles are still in the syringe, they are getting rid of them by whipping it. If the air still remained in the syringe and got into the body in the investigation of intramuscular injection, then it is not so scary, but it is advisable to avoid such cases. After injection, the air may be in the muscle or intercellular space or in the vessel. The capillary vessel for this reason can doubt, because it will be blocked by the air, which got into it.

If the air volume was greater, then in this case the muscle will arise "air infiltrate", which is a seal, a bump. Symptoms and consequences are the same as with ordinary infiltrate. It is also not a dangerous, but quite unpleasant phenomenon. It is still better to avoid air in the syringe with medicine and carry out injections according to the applied instructions for the drug.

Adhering to these simple glances, the rules can be most painfully and safely to carry out the entire injection procedure - starting from opening the ampoule to the direct introduction to its patient.

Attack of head (dental, gastric) pain. The medicine from it is long invented - ampoule with analgesic, syringe - and after 10 minutes the life will be filled again. But when trying to extract the drug, we can expect an unpleasant surprise prepared by native pharmaceutical enterprises, - the ampoule is not so easy to open. A few minutes of desperate struggle, curses addressed to the one who all invented, crackling glass, processing the cut extremities with an antiseptic - and the road to painless existence is free. Situation, familiar to almost everyone. These unpleasant moments can be avoided if you know how to open an ampoule.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers several types of glass packaging for injection preparations that are opened in different ways.

History ampoules
And everything began in the 19th century. The opinions of historians regarding the inventor of the ampoules are divergent. Some believe that Russian Pharmacist A.V. Pel became the progenitor of Tara. The Western experts give the palm of the championship of the Frenchman Stanislav Limuzen. But the fact is that in the 1980s, a glass vessel with a narrow elongated neck and a wide base, intended for storing a sterile drug, was invented in the 1980s. The title of the capacity has happened from the Greek word "amphora" - the vessel. Until now, domestic pharmaceutical producers produce injection forms in ampoules, to pain resembling a 130-year old "old woman."

Glass ampoule without notches
To successfully open the glass ampoule, you need, armed with knowledge, attach strength and dexterity of the hands. The conscientious manufacturer must complete the packaging with a drug as a scarifier or knife for ampoules. In this case, the buyer is lucky and the algorithm of action is standard:

  • shake the ampoule;
  • using a scarifier to cut the neck of the ampoules by choosing the optimal distance from the top;
  • wipe the place inscribed with alcohol;
  • wrap the neck with a cotton or napkin and in the "From Yourso" position to break out the inscribed tip of the ampoule.
If when you try to find a knife for ampoules, only disappointment expects, then the situation is complicated. For its permission, you can, firstly, ask the pharmacist to find a scarifier in another package.

Secondly, as an abrasive means to open the ampoule to use a nail file, pre-rubbed its alcohol.

Well, for those who are not looking for easy paths - the third, the most cruel option - wrap the tank with the cherished medicine with cotton and break it up with the top, relying on the will of the case. If, as a result of the efforts spent, glass fragments did not fall inside the tank and did not scatter around the room - the first barrier was overcome. It remains to open the ampoule, without shed medicine and the blood of the future patient. If it was possible, you can consider yourself a virtuoso.

Glass ampoule with notch
According to European standards, the ampoules must have a color ring or a break point. Glass in a breakthrough place is much thinner, and open an ampoule with a point is no difficulty. Having treated the ampoule with an antiseptic and armed with a napkin, it is necessary to press on the notch and carefully choking the neck of the ampoules - that's the whole algorithm.

Dry powder bottle
Some drugs are not stable in a dissolved form and are produced as a powder. If you have become the best possessor with a dry powder, the task of opening it and the extraction of the medication can turn into a puzzle.

First, a solvent is necessary. Most often it is water for injection, anesthetic solution or isotonic solution. Sometimes manufacturers produce it complete with the main drug. Otherwise, the solvent is bought separately.

Secondly, the syringe needs.

Well, the process itself:

  • in the syringe, you must dial the required volume of the solvent (read the instructions for the drug);
  • from the bottle, remove the lid (it happens metal, it is cut off with scissors or knife, and plastic);
  • under the top cover to detect the lower, rubber, which not to forget to wipe with alcohol;
  • pushing the needle the syringe rubber cover, enter the solvent inside the bottle;
  • carefully shake the bottle, make sure that the whole drug dissolved;
  • score with the same syringe solution;
  • change the needle on the syringe to a new, sterile.
And treat health!

The disease is sometimes sneaking unexpectedly. The oral method of drug use is less effective, compared with the conduct of injections intravenously or intramuscularly. After all, the speed of active substances in blood is high. It is not always possible to go to the hospital to put an injection. In this case, it is important to know how to conduct manipulation yourself. And the first stage is important - to open the ampoule.

Follow the simple algorithm when opening the ampoule:

  1. Read the instructions, pay attention to the shelf life of the drug.
  2. Inspect the ampoule for integrity. Shake her, because It is important that the medicine fell to the bottom.
  3. Next, moisten the rut in the alcohol and open the ampoule. Wrap the tank with a medicine with a napkin to avoid cuts. Slightly pressing, break the narrow end of the ampoule.
  4. Dial a solution with a needle with a syringe. It is advisable to change the needle for administration.
It is easiest to open an ampoule with the needle. This place looks like a ring of another color or shade. Treat the container with alcohol or any other antiseptic. Often such injections are equipped with a pail. Then he split the place of the break. Attach the napkin, press the priority and break the narrowed part of the ampoule.

A little more difficult thing about the ampoules without questioning. Buying a medicine, it is impossible to predict, the bubble with the needle or without. Especially they are not marked. In this case:

  • Take a nail file. And scribble it at the transition site of the wide part into the narrow.
  • Or use the knife to thread a narrow end.
  • If there is no data on your hand, try to break the top part, pressing the thumb. Be careful, this method is risky, as the ampoule is easily beating.

Opening an ampoule with dry powder inside has its own characteristics. Care together with this medicine solvent. However, it is worth consulted by a specialist about its choice. So prescribe lidocaine, novocaine, etc. Often, drugs in annotations contain information on compatibility with solvents.

Open the ampoule as follows:

  1. Take the needle with the syringe, treat the antiseptic and type the solvent.
  2. First open the lid of the ampoule with dry powder. Wrap an antiseptic rubber cap jar. Pass it with a needle and enter the solvent inside the ampoule.
  3. Shake the container well to get a homogenized solution.
  4. Change the needle and type it for subcutaneous administration.

When put the injections to yourself or loved ones, follow the simple rules to secure the manipulation:

  • Enter the needle in the ampoule so that it is completely immersed in the solution.
  • Do not hide the neck of the needle the bottom of the ampoule if you are not going to change it. Since it dulls it, which causes painful sensations when administered under the skin.
  • Still, it is desirable after a dialing of a medicine in the syringe to change the needle. Stop your choice on thinner needle to directly administer under the skin.
  • If there are air bubbles in the syringe, you should get rid of them so that there are no cones and hematomas. Follow the syringe on the syringe, push the piston slightly to come out.

Learning to put injections on your own - convenient. After all, at any time it may be assisted. The skill of opening ampoules is quickly impeded.

Sometimes it is necessary to make injection at home. This may be injected by vitamins, soothing drugs or by appointing a doctor. You can not always contact the clinic, where they know exactly how to open the ampoule and introduce the drug. But how to protect yourself from mistakes and not harm, making a root of the house?

How to open the ampoule?

First of all, you must properly open the ampoule. There are two types of ampoules by opening method:

  • traditional who require inscribed on the neck;
  • with a point in a glass of glass bowl.

First you need to determine the type of ampoule. This is usually not written on the package. But a faded glance on the glass flask is enough to understand whether it belongs to traditional or not.

The point may be black, red or other color. If it is not on the neck, then you need a special file that is hidden under the top cover of the package. Such a sawing has a circle shape with a cut segment, the edges of which are covered with an abrasive material.

The AMPUILE OPENING sequence includes the following steps:

1) the abrasive edges are inscribed on one side of the neck;

2) without excess effort 3-4 times is carried out by a sawn over the selected side of the ampoule;

3) Then you need to moisten a cotton disk or ball in the antiseptics;

4) one hand is held by the base of the kolkochka with the medicine, and the large and index fingers of the second hand worst the protrusion of the ampoule;

5) In order not to damage the fingers, cotton wool is used;

6) Dome is made by a sharp movement of the hand aside, the reverse of the one where it has inscribed.

Such is the correct sequence of opening a medical ampoule. However, the sawo can be lost. Then the replacement will serve as a cosmetic set or a piece of sandpaper. The place has inspired necessarily wipe with alcohol or another antiseptic to exclude microorganisms in the drug.

Open the ampoule with a point

Some manufacturers make more progressive solutions - with a marker. In this case, the opening process is simplified and includes the following actions:

  • the wizard marker is heading for itself;
  • the ampoule opens with a slight movement of his hand from herself.

In this case, you do not need to use cotton, since the risk of injury is minimal.

Then the drug is recruited into the syringe, the air is produced and an injection is made to the muscle. The injection site is disinfecting before. The solution is introduced smoothly, after which the needle is removed, and a cotton ball is applied to its place.

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