The first proof was found in favor of the holographic model of the Universe. Scientists have found evidence that the Universe is a hologram Universe not hologram

The theory that our world is just a three-dimensional illusion, existed for a long time, but until recently did not find evidence. The device called "Golometer", which is currently being developed by scientists at the Fermi Laboratory Astrophysical Research Center, may turn our ideas about the device of the Universe.

Supporters of the "holographic" theory proceed from the fact that time and space are not continuous, and consist of separate points - like the digital image on the computer screen consists of pixels. Thus, increasing the scale, we will only get the blurring "picture".

For a long time, it remained only at the level of assumption. But in 1982, a group of French researchers found that under certain conditions, microparticles are able to communicate with each other regardless of the distance between them.

Theoretically, this effect was opened in 1935 by Albert Einstein and his students Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. They put forward a hypothesis, according to which, if the photon interlaced, one of them differ and one of them changes the parameters of polarization, for example, it cuts into something, it disappears, but information about it is instantly transferred to another photon, and it becomes the resulting ! And now almost after half a century it was possible to confirm experimentally.

This discovery of French physicists became interested in English scientist David Bochm. He occurred to him that the strange behavior of microparticles is nothing but the key to the secret of the universe.

He paid his attention to holograms, which, in his opinion, can be perfect models of our universe. As you remember, the hologram is a three-dimensional photo taken with a laser. To make it, you need to highlight a photographed laser beam, and then send another laser to it. Then the second beam, folding with the reflected light from the subject, gives an interference picture that can be fixed on the film.

Interestingly, the finished snapshot first looks like a meaningless laying on each other of a variety of light and dark lines. But it is only worth highlighting it by another laser beam, as the three-dimensional image of the source object immediately appears. Then it can be said that the hologram is ready.

However, the three-dimensionality of the image is not the only wonderful property inherent in the holographic picture. Another feature of such a photo is the likeness of the part of everything. If the hologram with the image, for example, the tree is cut in half and illuminate with a laser, each half will contain a whole image of the same tree exactly the same size.

If you continue to cut the hologram into smaller pieces, on each of them it will be possible to reveal the image of the entire object as a whole. It turns out that, in contrast to the usual photography, each portion of the hologram contains information about everything object, but with a proportionally appropriate decrease in clarity.

Based on this property of holograms, Bochm suggested that the interaction of material particles is nothing more than illusion. In fact, they still represent a single whole. Thus, the universe itself is a very complex illusion. Material objects are combinations of holographic frequencies.

"The principle of hologram" Everyone in each part "allows us to be completely new to approach the issue of organizedness and orderliness," said Professor Bochm. - Explicit ultra-light interaction between particles tells us that there is a deeper level of reality, hidden from us. We see These particles are just because we see only part of reality. "

A scientist clearly explained his intricate theory by the example of a separate shooting of fish in aquarium (this example is described in more detail in Michael Talbot "Holographic Universe"). So, imagine aquarium in which there are several fish of one species, while quite similar to each other. The inspection condition of the experiment is such - the observer cannot see the aquarium directly, but can only observe two televisers that transmit images from cameras located one in front , the other side of the aquarium. It is not surprising that, looking at them, he comes to the conclusion that fish on each of the screens are separate objects.

Since the cameras are transmitted by images at different angles, then at each specific point in the time of the fish look different, for example, one and the same fish on different screens can be simultaneously seen from the side, and anfas. But, continuing observation, after a while, the observer is surprised to find that there is a relationship between two fish on different screens. When one fish turns, the other also changes the direction of movement, although a little differently, but always, respectively, first.

At the same time, if the observer does not own a complete picture of the situation, he will most likely come to the conclusion that the fish should somehow communicate with each other, which is not a fact of a random coincidence. Similarly, physicists, not knowing the principles of the "Universal Experiment", believe that particles instantly interact with each other. However, if the observer explain how everything is arranged "in fact," he will understand that its former conclusions are based on the analysis of the illusions that his consciousness perceived as a reality.

"This simplest experience suggests that there is no objective reality. Even despite its obvious density of the Universe, the universe can be only a gigantic, luxuriously detailed hologram," says Professor Bochm.

Finally, the holographic principle will be proved when the device "Golometer" earns. The detector is arranged as follows: the laser beam passes through the splitter, formed two beams pass through two perpendicular bodies, reflecting them, then return back and, merging, create an interference picture, which can be judged by the change in space, compressible or stretched gravitational wave in Different directions.

"This device," Golometer ", will increase the scale of space-time and see whether the assumptions about the fractional structure of the Universe will be confirmed," the director of the Astrophysical Research Center in the Fermi Laboratory Craig Hogan believes. According to the authors of the development, the first data obtained using the device will begin to arrive in the middle of this year.

Meanwhile, the principles of holography are widely used in a variety of spheres. Thus, American scientists have developed a laser technology that allows you to create virtual images to be created on the battlefield, designed to have a psychological impact on the soldiers - to fasten the enemy and raise the martial spirit from the warring.

It is (or once he was a giant and very complex hologram, in which all physical laws require the presence of only two measurements, but all around us acts according to three measurements. As you understand, such a hypothesis is not at all prove at all, but physicists report that they finally found the first observable proof that the early universe could ideally correspond to the so-called holographic principle and it does not contradict the standard model of a large explosion.

"We offer to use this holographic model of the universe, which is very different from the most popular standard model of a large explosion based on gravity and inflation," says one of the participants in the study of Nyatia Afshordi from the Canadian University of Waterloo.

"Each of these models makes various predictions that we can check, and on the basis of this to clarify and supplement our theoretical understanding of the universe. Moreover, this can be done over the next five years. "

To make it clear: scientists do not say that right now we all live in the hologram. They only make an assumption that at their early stage - for several hundred thousand years after a large explosion - everything in the Universe began to be a three-dimensional projection, originally created from two-dimensional boundaries.

If you are generally not familiar with the theoretical epic "Our Universe is a hologram", then here you have a small excursion in history. The theory that the whole of our universe is a hologram, originates in the 1990s, when the American physicist Leonard Saskind began to promote his idea that physical laws known to us actually do not require the presence of three dimensions.

So how the universe around us is three-dimensional, but "in reality" is it presented in the form of two-dimensional? The basis of the idea lies in the fact that the volume of its space is "coded" at certain boundaries, or in the so-called field of the gravitational horizon, whose boundaries depend on the observation point. Before starting to laugh, keep in mind that since 1997 more than 10,000 works supporting this idea were written. In other words, it is not so crazy, as it may seem at first glance. Well, if only a little bit.

Now Afshordi and his team reported that in the framework of the study of the uneven distribution of relic radiation (residual radiation of a large explosion), they found a serious evidence that supports the explanation of the holographic form of the Universe at its earliest stages of development.

"Imagine that all you see, feel and hear in three dimensions (and taking into account your perception of time) actually comes from a two-dimensional flat field," says Kostas Schenderris from Southampton University and one of the research participants.

"The principle is similar to the one we can meet in ordinary holograms, where the three-dimensional image is encoded in a two-dimensional plane. Such, for example, is characteristic of holograms on the same credit cards. However, in our case, it is already about the fact that the whole universe is encoded in this way. "

The reason why physicists became generally interested in the holographic principle, while the standard Big Explosion model looks much clearer and more logical, it is that there are some spaces in the latter, but these gaps are so fundamental that they slow down the process of our understanding of all physical laws. In general, even in the embryo.

According to the script of a large explosion, chemical reactions led to a very large extension of the initial space that led to the formation of our universe. And at the early stage of her birth, the speed of this expansion (inflation) was colossal. While most physicists support the theory of cosmic inflation, while anyone else has been able to find out the exact mechanism that answered this sharp expansion of the universe at speeds faster than the speed of light and growth from the subatomic level to the current one. Everything happened almost instantly.

The trouble is that none of our current theories can explain how it all works in a bundle. Take, for example, the general theory of relativity, which perfectly explains the behavior of large objects, but it is not able to explain the behavior of the smallest. This is already an environment of quantum mechanics, which, in turn, is not able to explain many other things. All this sadness is even stronger when it is necessary to explain how in a literal sense, the entire mass and energy existing in the universe and energy were originally focused in a tiny space. One hypothesis is trying to combine both phenomena at once, the other, about quantum gravity, says that if you can drop one spatial dimension, you can discard and gravitate in your calculations to simplify the task of calculations.

Holographic principle

"All this is a hologram. In the sense that there is a description of the Universe, saying that the probability of even a reduced number of measurements corresponds to everything that we can see after a large explosion, "says Afshord.

To check how well the holographic principle of the Universe copes with an explanation of all that happened at the very moment of the Big Bang and after this event, the team of scientists has created a computer model with one time and two spatial dimensions.

When the researchers have introduced data on the universe, including information about the observations for relict radiation, the thermal radiation, which arose after just a few hundred thousand years after a large explosion, - they did not find any contradictions. Everything came up perfectly. Including relic radiation. The model actually perfectly recreated the behavior of subtle segments of relic radiation, but could not recreate more large-scale "cuts" of the universe width of more than 10 degrees. This requires the presence of a more complex model.

Scientists explain that very far from evidence that our universe was actually once a holographic projection. However, we now have the fact of obtaining empirical data collected on the basis of real knowledge of the universe. This fact may eventually become the beginning of the opening of the possibility that will allow you to explain the missed parts in physical laws from the point of view of the two-dimensional presentation. In other words, the work of Afshord and his colleagues only proves that it is thoughtlessly abandon the likelihood of the holographic model of the Universe - this is completely unforgivable luxury.

Does this mean that we all live in a complex hologram now? According to Afshord, this is not quite so. Their model is able to describe what happened only in the earliest era of the Universe, but not the current state. Nevertheless, it is now worth thinking how things from two-dimensional space are able to projected into a three-dimensional dimension, unless, of course, talk about the universe, and not about credit cards.

"I would say that we do not live a hologram. But you should not throw away the likelihood that we could get out of it. Nevertheless, in 2017, you definitely live in three dimensions, "summed up Afshord.

There is more and more evidence that some parts of the universe can be special. One of the cornerstone stones of modern astrophysics is the cosmological principle. According to him, the observers on Earth see the same thing that observers from any other point of the universe, and that the laws of physics are the same everywhere.

Many observations confirm this idea. For example, the universe looks more or less equally in all directions, with about the same distribution of galaxies on all parties.

But in recent years, some cosmologists began to doubt the loyalty of this principle.

They indicate the data obtained during the study of supernova type 1, which are removed from us with all increasing speed, which indicates not only that the universe is expanding, but also to an increasing acceleration of this expansion.

It is curious that the acceleration is not one for all directions. In some directions, the universe accelerates faster than in others.

But how much can you trust this data? It is possible that in some directions, we observe a statistical error that will disappear with the correct analysis of the data obtained.

Rong Jen Kai and Jong Liang Tuo from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, once again checked the data obtained from 557 supernovae from all parts of the universe and conducted repeated calculations.

Today they confirmed the presence of heterogeneity. According to their calculations, the faster acceleration occurs in the constellation of the chanterelle of the northern hemisphere. These data are consistent with the data of other studies, according to which there is heterogeneity in the cosmic microwave background radiation.

It can force cosmologists to come to a bold conclusion: the cosmological principle is erroneous.

An exciting question arises: why the universe is heterogeneous and how will this affect the existing models of space?

Get ready for galactic move

Milky Way

According to modern ideas, suitable for habitat Zone Galaxy (Galactic Habitable Zone - GHz) is defined as a region where enough heavy elements for the formation of planets on one side, and which is not exposed to space cataclysms on the other. The main similar cataclysms, according to scientists, are supernova explosions, which can easily "sterilize" a whole planet.

As part of the study, scientists have built a computer model for the processes of the formation of stars, as well as supernova type Ia (white dwarfs in double systems carrying matter from a neighbor) and II (a star explosion with a mass of over 8 solar). As a result, astrophysicians managed to identify the regions of the Milky Way, which in theory are suitable for habitat.

In addition, scientists have established that around at least 1.5 percent of all stars in the galaxy (that is, about 4.5 billion out of 3 × 1011 stars) at different times could have lived planets.

At the same time, 75 percent of these hypothetical planets must be in tidal capture, that is, constantly "watch" on the star one side. Is life of such planets possible - the subject of the dispute of astobiologists is possible.

To calculate GHz, scientists have used the same approach that is used when analyzing inhabited zones around stars. Such a zone is usually called the region around the star, in which water in liquid form can exist on the surface of the rocky planet.

Our universe is a hologram. Is there a real reality?

The nature of the hologram is "an integer in each part" - gives us a completely new way of understanding the device and order of things. We see objects, for example, elementary particles separated because we see only a part of reality.

These particles are not separate "parts", but the verge of deeper unity.

At some deeper level of reality, such particles are not separate objects, but as if the continuation of something more fundamental.

Scientists came to the conclusion that elementary particles are capable of interacting with each other, regardless of distance, not because they exchange some mysterious signals, but because their separateness is an illusion.

If the separation of particles is an illusion, it means, on a deeper level, all items in the world are infinitely interconnected.

Electrons in carbon atoms in our brain are associated with electrons of each salmon, which is floating, each heart, which beats, and every star that shines in the sky.

The universe as a hologram means that we are not

The hologram tells about the fact that we are a hologram.

Scientists from the center of astrophysical studies in the Fermi laboratory (Fermilab) today work on the creation of the Golometer device (Holometer), with which they will be able to refute everything that humanity is now knowing about the universe.

With the help of the "Golometer" device, experts hope to prove or refute the insane suggestion that the three-dimensional universe in this form, as we know it, simply does not exist, being nothing else as a kind of hologram. In other words, the surrounding reality is an illusion and nothing more.

... The theory that the Universe is a hologram is based on the assumption that appeared not so long ago, that space and time in the universe are not continuous.

They allegedly consist of separate parts, points - as if from pixels, because of which it is impossible to increase the "scale of the image" of the universe endlessly, penetrating is increasing deeper and deeper into the essence of things. By achieving some kind of value, the universe is obtained by something like a digital image of very poor quality - fuzzy, blurred.

Imagine a regular photo from the magazine. It looks like a continuous image, but, starting with a certain level of increasing, it crumbles on the points constituting a single integer. And also our world allegedly assembled from microscopic points into a single beautiful, even convex picture.

A striking theory! And until recently, it was not serious. Only the last studies of black holes convinced most researchers that something is in the "holographic" theory.

The fact is that the gradual evaporation of black holes detected by astronomers led to the information paradox - the whole contained information about the insides of the hole would have disappeared in this case.

And this is contrary to the principle of saving information.

But the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics Gerard T'hoooft, relying on the works of Professor of the University of Jerusalem Jacob Becinstein, proved that all the information concluded in a three-dimensional object can be stored in two-dimensional borders remaining after its destruction - just like a three-dimensional image The object can be placed in a two-dimensional hologram.

Scientists somehow happened fantasy

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal illusiveness was born from Physics of London University of David Boma, Albert Einstein's associate, in the middle of the 20th century.

According to his theory, the whole world is arranged in about the same way as a hologram.

As any arbitrarily small portion of the hologram contains the entire image of a three-dimensional object, and each existing object "is invested" into each of its components.

It follows from this that there is no objective reality, - then made a staggering conclusion Professor Bom. - Even despite its obvious density, the universe at its base is a fantasy, a gigantic, luxuriously detailed hologram.

Recall that the hologram is a three-dimensional photo taken with a laser. To make it, first of all, the photographed item should be lit by the laser light. Then the second laser beam, folding with the reflected light from the subject, gives an interference picture (alternation of lows and maxima of the rays), which can be fixed on the film.

The finished snapshot looks like a meaningless movement of light and dark lines. But it is worth highlighting the snapshot to another laser beam, as the three-dimensional image of the source object immediately appears.

Three-dimensionality is not the only wonderful property inherent in the hologram.

If the hologram with the image, for example, the tree is cut in half and illuminate with a laser, each half will contain a whole image of the same tree exactly the same size. If you continue to cut the hologram into smaller pieces, on each of them we will again find the image of the entire object as a whole.

In contrast to the usual photography, each portion of the hologram contains information about the entire subject, but with a proportionally appropriate decrease in clarity.

The principle of hologram "Everyone in each part" allows us to approach the organization and orderliness completely in a new way, "explained Professor Bom. - Throughout almost all of its history, Western science developed with the idea that the best way to understand the physical phenomenon, whether it is a frog or an atom, it is to dissemble it and explore the components.

The hologram showed us that some things in the universe cannot be studied in this way. If we disseminate anything, arranged holographically, we will not get parts from which it consists, and get the same thing, but less accuracy.

And then everything explains the aspect

To the "crazy" idea of \u200b\u200bBoma pushed the experiment with elementary particles in his time. The physicist from the University of Paris Alan Aspect in 1982 discovered that under certain conditions, electrons are able to instantly communicate with each other regardless of the distance between them.

It has values, ten millimeters between them or ten billion kilometers. Somehow each particle always knows what is different. It was embarrassed only one problem of this discovery: it violates Einstein's postulate about the limiting speed of the propagation of interaction, equal speed of light.

Since the journey is faster than the speed of light is equivalent to overcoming the temporary barrier, this frightening perspective forced physicists to domestic in the works of aspect.

But Bom managed to find an explanation. According to him, elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange some mysterious signals among themselves, but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at some deeper level of reality, such particles are not separate objects, but actually expansions of something more fundamental.

"A professor who illustrated his intricate theory of the theory for a better clarification by the following example," wrote the author of the book "Holographic Universe" Michael Talbot. - Imagine aquarium with fish. Imagine also that you cannot see the aquarium directly, and you can only observe two television screens that transmit images from cameras located one in front, the other side of the aquarium.

Looking at the screens, you can conclude that fish on each of the screens are separate objects. Since the cameras transmit images at different angles, fish look different. But, continuing observation, after a while you will find that there is a relationship between two fish on different screens.

When one fish turns, the other also changes the direction of movement, a little differently, but always, respectively, first. When one fish you see Fear, the other certainly in the profile. If you do not own a complete picture of the situation, you will rather conclude that the fish should somehow communicate with each other, which is not a fact of a random coincidence. "

Explicit ultra-luminous interaction between particles tells us that there is a deeper level of reality, hidden from us, explaining the bomb of the experiments of experiments aspect - higher dimension than ours, as an analogy with aquarium. Separate we see these particles just because we see only part of reality.

And the particles are not separate "parts", but the face of a deeper unity, which ultimately also holographically and invisible as the tree mentioned above.

And since everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the universe observed by us by itself is a projection, a hologram.

What else can carry a hologram - is not yet known.

Suppose, for example, that it is a matrix that gives the beginning of everything in the world, at least, it has all the elementary particles that took or will once take any possible shape of matter and energy - from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to Gamma rays. It's like a universal supermarket in which there is everything.

Although Bom and recognized that we have no way to find out what the hologram is still in itself, he took the courage to argue that we have no reason to assume that there is nothing more. In other words, perhaps the holographic level of the world is just one of the steps of endless evolution.

Opinion Opinion

The psychologist Jack Cornfield, talking about his first meeting with the late teacher of Tibetan Buddhism Kalu Rinpoche, recalls that such a dialogue took place between them:

Could you put me out in several phrases the very essence of Buddhist teachings?

I could do it, but you will not believe me, and to understand what I am talking about, you will need many years.

Anyway, explain, please, so I want to know. The answer Rinpoche was extremely brief:

You really do not exist.

Time consists of granules

But is it possible to "touch" this illusiveness tools? It turned out yes. For several years now in Germany on a gravitational telescope, built in Hanover (Germany), the GEO600 is conducted on the detection of gravitational waves, the oscillations of space-time, which create supermassive space objects.

Not a single wave for these years, however, failed to find. One of the reasons is strange noise in the range from 300 to 1500 Hz, which for a long time fixes the detector. They hinder his work very much.

The researchers were in vain sought the source of noise until they accidentally contacted the director of the Astrophysical Research Center in the Fermi Laboratory Craig Hogan.

He stated that he understood what was the matter. According to him, from the holographic principle it follows that space-time is not a continuous line and, most likely, is a combination of microsone, grains, a kind of space-time quanta.

And the accuracy of the GEO600 equipment is sufficient today to fix the vibrations of the vacuum occurring at the borders of the space quanta, those the most grains, of which, if the holographic principle is faithful, the Universe is, - said Professor Hogan.

According to him, the GEO600 just came across the fundamental restriction of space-time is the same "grain", like the grain of the magazine. And perceived this obstacle as "noise."

And Craig Hogan, after Bomom, convinced:

If the GEO600 results correspond to my expectations, then we all really live in a huge hologram of universal scales.

The readings of the detector are still accurately correspond to its calculations, and it seems, the scientific world is on the verge of a grand opening.

Experts are reminded that one day extraneous noises who expressed researchers in the Bell Laboratory - a major research center in the field of telecommunications, electronic and computer systems - during the experiments of 1964, have already become a precursor of the global change of scientific paradigm: so the relict radiation was found, which has proven to the hypothesis. About the big explosion.

And the evidence of the holographicity of the Universe, scientists expect when the Golometer will earn on the full power. Scientists hope that it will increase the number of practical data and knowledge of this extraordinary discovery, which is still different from the field of theoretical physics.

The detector is arranged: shine with a laser through a ray spot, from there two beams pass through two perpendicular bodies, reflected, returned back, merge together and create an interference picture, where any distortion reports a change in the relationship ratio, since the gravitational wave passes through the bodies and compresses Or stretches the space of unequal in different directions.

"Golometer" will increase the scale of space-time and see whether the assumptions about the fractional structure of the Universe, based purely on mathematical conclusions, will assume Professor Hogan.

The first data obtained by the new apparatus will begin to arrive in the middle of this year.

The opinion of Pessimist

President of the London Royal Society, Cosmologist and Astrophysicist Martin Ric: "The birth of the Universe will remain a mystery to us"

We do not understand the laws of the universe. And never know how the universe appeared and that she was waiting. Hypotheses about the big explosion, allegedly weighing the world around us, or the fact that in parallel with our universe there can be many others, or about the holographicity of the world - and remain unproved assumptions.

Undoubtedly, the explanations are everything, but there are no such geniuses that could understand them. The human mind is limited. And he reached his limit. We are even today as far from understanding, for example, a vacuum microstructure, how many fish in the aquarium, which is absolutely non-complaint, as the environment in which they live.

For example, I have reason to suspect that the space is a cellular structure. And each of its cell in trillion trillion times less atom. But to prove or disprove it, or understand how such a design works, we cannot. The task is too complicated, proceedable for the human mind.

Computer model of galaxies

After nine months of calculations on a powerful supercomputer, astrophysics managed to create a computer model of a beautiful spiral galaxy, which is a copy of our Milky Way.

At the same time, the physics of the formation and evolution of our galaxy is observed. This model, which was created by researchers from the University of California and the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Zurich, allows you to resolve the problem that stands before the science, which originated from the prevailing cosmological model of the Universe.

"Previous attempts to create a massive disk galaxy, a similar Milky Way, failed, because the model was too large Baldhi (central convexity), compared with the size of the disk," said Javier Guendes, graduate student of astronomy and astrophysics from the University of California and the author of the scientific article on This model, called Eris (eng. Eris). The study will be published in the Astrophysical Journal magazine.

ERIS is a massive spiral galaxy with a kernel in the center, which consists of bright stars and other structural objects inherent in such galaxies as the Milky Way. According to such parameters as brightness, the width ratio of the galaxy center and the width of the disk, the star composition and other properties, it coincides with the Milky path and other galaxies of this type.

As co-author, Piero Madau, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics in the University of California, was spent on the embodiment of the project, considerable funds were spent on the purchase of 1.4 million processor-hours of payment for the supercomputer on the NASA Pleiades computer.

The results obtained allowed to confirm the theory of "cold dark matter", according to which, the evolution of the structure of the Universe proceeded under the influence of gravitational interactions of dark cold matter ("dark" due to the fact that it is impossible to see it, and "cold" due to the fact that particles Move very slowly).

"This model monitors the interaction of more than 60 million particles of dark matter and gas. Its code provides physics of such processes as gravity and hydrodynamics, formation of stars and explosions of supernovae - and all this in the highest resolution of all cosmological models in the world, "Guedess said.

How did the universe appear and what awaits it? What is our place in the big space? There are no answers to these questions from our civilization. Hypotheses about the Big Bang, about the parallelism of the set of universes, about the holographicity of the world - and remain unproved assumptions.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal illusiveness was born from Physics of London University of David Boma, Albert Einstein's associate, in the middle of the 20th century.

According to his theory, the whole world is arranged in about the same way as a hologram.

As any arbitrarily small portion of the hologram contains the entire image of a three-dimensional object, and each existing object "is invested" into each of its components.

It follows from this that there is no objective reality, - then made a staggering conclusion Professor Bom. - Even despite its obvious density, the universe at its base is a fantasy, a gigantic, luxuriously detailed hologram.

Recall that the hologram is a three-dimensional photo taken with a laser. To make it, first of all, the photographed item should be lit by the laser light. Then the second laser beam, folding with the reflected light from the subject, gives an interference picture (alternation of lows and maxima of the rays), which can be fixed on the film.

The finished snapshot looks like a meaningless movement of light and dark lines. But it is worth highlighting the snapshot to another laser beam, as the three-dimensional image of the source object immediately appears.

Three-dimensionality is not the only wonderful property inherent in the hologram.

If the hologram with the image, for example, the tree is cut in half and illuminate with a laser, each half will contain a whole image of the same tree exactly the same size. If you continue to cut the hologram into smaller pieces, on each of them we will again find the image of the entire object as a whole.

In contrast to the usual photography, each portion of the hologram contains information about the entire subject, but with a proportionally appropriate decrease in clarity.

The principle of hologram "Everyone in each part" allows us to approach the organization and orderliness completely in a new way, "explained Professor Bom. - Throughout almost all of its history, Western science developed with the idea that the best way to understand the physical phenomenon, whether it is a frog or an atom, it is to dissemble it and explore the components.

The hologram showed us that some things in the universe cannot be studied in this way. If we disseminate anything, arranged holographically, we will not get parts from which it consists, and get the same thing, but less accuracy.

And then everything explains the aspect

To the "crazy" idea of \u200b\u200bBoma pushed the experiment with elementary particles in his time. The physicist from the University of Paris Alan Aspect in 1982 discovered that under certain conditions, electrons are able to instantly communicate with each other regardless of the distance between them.

It has values, ten millimeters between them or ten billion kilometers. Somehow each particle always knows what is different. It was embarrassed only one problem of this discovery: it violates Einstein's postulate about the limiting speed of the propagation of interaction, equal speed of light.

Since the journey is faster than the speed of light is equivalent to overcoming the temporary barrier, this frightening perspective forced physicists to domestic in the works of aspect.

But Bom managed to find an explanation. According to him, elementary particles interact at any distance not because they exchange some mysterious signals among themselves, but because their separation is illusory. He explained that at some deeper level of reality, such particles are not separate objects, but actually expansions of something more fundamental.

"A professor who illustrated his intricate theory of the theory for a better clarification by the following example," wrote the author of the book "Holographic Universe" Michael Talbot. - Imagine aquarium with fish. Imagine also that you cannot see the aquarium directly, and you can only observe two television screens that transmit images from cameras located one in front, the other side of the aquarium.

Looking at the screens, you can conclude that fish on each of the screens are separate objects. Since the cameras transmit images at different angles, fish look different. But, continuing observation, after a while you will find that there is a relationship between two fish on different screens.

When one fish turns, the other also changes the direction of movement, a little differently, but always, respectively, first. When one fish you see Fear, the other certainly in the profile. If you do not own a complete picture of the situation, you will rather conclude that the fish should somehow communicate with each other, which is not a fact of a random coincidence. "

Explicit ultra-luminous interaction between particles tells us that there is a deeper level of reality, hidden from us, explaining the bomb of the experiments of experiments aspect - higher dimension than ours, as an analogy with aquarium. Separate we see these particles just because we see only part of reality.

And the particles are not separate "parts", but the face of a deeper unity, which ultimately also holographically and invisible as the tree mentioned above.

And since everything in physical reality consists of these "phantoms", the universe observed by us by itself is a projection, a hologram.

What else can carry a hologram - is not yet known.

Suppose, for example, that it is a matrix that gives the beginning of everything in the world, at least, it has all the elementary particles that took or will once take any possible shape of matter and energy - from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to Gamma rays. It's like a universal supermarket in which there is everything.

Although Bom and recognized that we have no way to find out what the hologram is still in itself, he took the courage to argue that we have no reason to assume that there is nothing more. In other words, perhaps the holographic level of the world is just one of the steps of endless evolution.

Opinion Opinion

The psychologist Jack Cornfield, talking about his first meeting with the late teacher of Tibetan Buddhism Kalu Rinpoche, recalls that such a dialogue took place between them:

Could you put me out in several phrases the very essence of Buddhist teachings?

I could do it, but you will not believe me, and to understand what I am talking about, you will need many years.

Anyway, explain, please, so I want to know. The answer Rinpoche was extremely brief:

You really do not exist.

Time consists of granules

But is it possible to "touch" this illusiveness tools? It turned out yes. For several years now in Germany on a gravitational telescope, built in Hanover (Germany), the GEO600 is conducted on the detection of gravitational waves, the oscillations of space-time, which create supermassive space objects.

Not a single wave for these years, however, failed to find. One of the reasons is strange noise in the range from 300 to 1500 Hz, which for a long time fixes the detector. They hinder his work very much.

The researchers were in vain sought the source of noise until they accidentally contacted the director of the Astrophysical Research Center in the Fermi Laboratory Craig Hogan.

He stated that he understood what was the matter. According to him, from the holographic principle it follows that space-time is not a continuous line and, most likely, is a combination of microsone, grains, a kind of space-time quanta.

And the accuracy of the GEO600 equipment is sufficient today to fix the vibrations of the vacuum occurring at the borders of the space quanta, those the most grains, of which, if the holographic principle is faithful, the Universe is, - said Professor Hogan.

According to him, the GEO600 just came across the fundamental restriction of space-time is the same "grain", like the grain of the magazine. And perceived this obstacle as "noise."

And Craig Hogan, after Bomom, convinced:

If the GEO600 results correspond to my expectations, then we all really live in a huge hologram of universal scales.

The readings of the detector are still accurately correspond to its calculations, and it seems, the scientific world is on the verge of a grand opening.

Experts are reminded that one day extraneous noises who expressed researchers in the Bell Laboratory - a major research center in the field of telecommunications, electronic and computer systems - during the experiments of 1964, have already become a precursor of the global change of scientific paradigm: so the relict radiation was found, which has proven to the hypothesis. About the big explosion.

And the evidence of the holographicity of the Universe, scientists expect when the Golometer will earn on the full power. Scientists hope that it will increase the number of practical data and knowledge of this extraordinary discovery, which is still different from the field of theoretical physics.

The detector is arranged: shine with a laser through a ray spot, from there two beams pass through two perpendicular bodies, reflected, returned back, merge together and create an interference picture, where any distortion reports a change in the relationship ratio, since the gravitational wave passes through the bodies and compresses Or stretches the space of unequal in different directions.

"Golometer" will increase the scale of space-time and see whether the assumptions about the fractional structure of the Universe, based purely on mathematical conclusions, will assume Professor Hogan.

The first data obtained by the new apparatus will begin to arrive in the middle of this year.

The opinion of Pessimist

President of the London Royal Society, Cosmologist and Astrophysicist Martin Ric: "The birth of the Universe will remain a mystery to us"

We do not understand the laws of the universe. And never know how the universe appeared and that she was waiting. Hypotheses about the big explosion, allegedly weighing the world around us, or the fact that in parallel with our universe there can be many others, or about the holographicity of the world - and remain unproved assumptions.

Undoubtedly, the explanations are everything, but there are no such geniuses that could understand them. The human mind is limited. And he reached its limit. We are even today as far from understanding, for example, a vacuum microstructure, how many fish in the aquarium, which is absolutely non-complaint, as the environment in which they live.

For example, I have reason to suspect that the space is a cellular structure. And each of its cell in trillion trillion times less atom. But to prove or disprove it, or understand how such a design works, we cannot. The task is too complicated, proceedable for the human mind.

The heterogeneity of the universe is proved

There is more and more evidence that some parts of the universe can be special.
One of the cornerstone stones of modern astrophysics is the cosmological principle.

According to him, observers on Earth see the same thing that observers from any other point of the universe, and that the laws of physics are the same everywhere.

Many observations confirm this idea. For example, the universe looks more or less equally in all directions, with about the same distribution of galaxies on all parties.

But in recent years, some cosmologists began to doubt the loyalty of this principle.

They indicate the data obtained during the study of supernova type 1, which are removed from us with all increasing speed, which indicates not only that the universe is expanding, but also to an increasing acceleration of this expansion.

It is curious that the acceleration is not one for all directions. In some directions, the universe accelerates faster than in others.

But how much can you trust this data? It is possible that in some directions, we observe a statistical error that will disappear with the correct analysis of the data obtained.

Rong Jen Kai and Jong Liang Tuo from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, once again checked the data obtained from 557 supernovae from all parts of the universe and conducted repeated calculations.

Today they confirmed the presence of heterogeneity. According to their calculations, the faster acceleration occurs in the constellation of the chanterelle of the northern hemisphere. These data are consistent with the data of other studies, according to which there is heterogeneity in the cosmic microwave background radiation.

It can force cosmologists to come to a bold conclusion: the cosmological principle is erroneous.

An exciting question arises: why the universe is heterogeneous and how will this affect the existing models of space?

Emailing with fragments of the slender cosmogonical theory of heterogeneity of the Universe N.V. Levashova:

Looking unity of the laws of micro and macrocosmos, you will learn that it is in fact "black holes", it is necessary to believe, otherwise you will refer to the history of mankind and to errors - great and insignificant - great scientists, recognized authorities and forgotten by many seats, whose hypotheses, perhaps, gave humanity immeasurably greater chance than solid conclusions of academic luminaries. You will find here an explanation of what the universe is, but, most importantly, you ourselves must conclude about the road that a person can and should go.

The film is affected by the theme of so-called astral animals, what harm or benefit they can bring living beings with symbiosis with them.

Variety of life. Series "Man." Part I.I.

All our thoughts, desires, and the most important actions affect the processes leading to karma in the form of heavy diseases and congenital injury. And unfortunately, no repentance and prayer in front of the icons removes the consequences of the deed.

There is a theory that our universe is just a hologram, and there is nothing real in it. In ordinary person, such information is hardly laid in the head. In fact, it is simply incorrectly interpreted

All that we see around, hear and feel - can be real, and may be
Only a "holographic" projection of some two-dimensional records
Image: Geralt.

There is a theory that our universe is just a hologram, and there is nothing real in it. In ordinary person, such information is hardly laid in the head. In fact, it is simply incorrectly interpreted. Article authorSLY2 M. Disassembled in detail the theory of the holographic universe and came to the conclusion: the universe, theoretically, can be a hologram! Only the hologram is not real ...

Perhaps you heard the edge of the ear such statements that, they say, "our world is just a hologram." The owl itself is quite powerful, but people most often carefully interpret it. It seems to them that there is a thought behind this phrase - everything around the illusion, there is nothing real, all our actions, things and aspirations of only vanity and an infrequent holographic smoke. Or even so - around some digital holographic scenery, and we live in the matrix.

This article is devoted to the explanation of the prerequisites for this as long as theoretical, but quite scientific paradigm - whether our universe is hologram, and if so, why, in fact. What makes scientists make such a seemingly stupid and obviously absurd statements.

I must confess, the topic interested me on a very unexpected reason. As a positivist, materialist, almost an atheist, I always considered accurate sciences - True Science, an enterprise engaged in real, real cases. The physicist measures the real electrical potential between the two actually existing electrodes. The chemist mixes the contents of two actually existing flasks, and receives a physically tangible result, as a specific chemical molecule. The biologist is picking in real genes and gets a real living hare-uroda, with horns, scales and poisonous claws on medium paws. People are busy business, people work.

Just imagine how much you need and useful than empty-empty digging of all kinds of art historians, cultural scientists and of course the worst of people - philosophers! The latter in general, the souched people, the generation of chaos, the excessive branch of the human race. One speaks - the spirit is primary, the matter is secondary. The other objects - no, the matter is primary, and the spirit is second. And here they are just the day and are engaged in what they are arguing with each other, finding out who rights consumes products and increase world entropy, perfectly realizing that their dispute is in principle insoluble, which means to argue can be infinite.

So I thought before, and, by the way, to some extent, I continue to think, but during the reflection, some nuances appeared, causing the proportion of respect for philosophers and their works. These reflections are based on attempts to combine two principles, duck and holographic.

The duck sign (duck test) sounds like this: "If something looks like a duck, swims like a duck and chasing as a duck, then it is probably a duck and there." The thing is quite famous in wide circles and quite self-evident, not requiring evidence.

If we have a certain object that possesses all (absolutely all, 100%) the characteristics of the duck, this object must be duck.

For example, if we have a black box, from which duck crab (one of the characteristics of the duck) is coming, we can assume that the duck is in the box.
But if we open the box and see there a tape recorder with a recording of duck chamber, we will understand that we were brutally deceived. How do we understand it? Yes, because the tape recorder does not have other duck characteristics - it looks not like a duck (and as a tape recorder) and it floats not as a duck (and sinking).

You can go further. You can take a toy rubber duck, shove a tape recorder into it and put in a black box. At the same time, the chanting will be authentic duck, and when we open the box, we will see that "it" and looks like a duck, and even swims, for rubber. But it is still not a duck, because the object "Toy rubber duck" is missing other duck characteristics - it is not alive, does not carry eggs, and generally rubber.

If we continue to "improve" characteristics, i.e. In accordance with the characteristics of the duck, in the end, at 100% the coincidence of all parameters, we will come to the real duck. We can not come to anything else, we will have to be forced and consider a duck that the subject to which the duck principle approves about it. More precisely, not quite about it, but the philosophical foundation leads under this comic phrase.

Here, of course, you can bring more kilometers of philosophical disputes whether it is the fact that he is the fact that it is in fact, but the default dispat on the default and from some moment begins to walk in a circle, from which I propose it interrupt and go to the second part, to the holographic principle.

The holographic principle of the universe was born from the discussion of the thermodynamics of black holes (the essence of the question is revealed in the article "How many universes fit on a 16 gigabyte flash drive on the fingers ™" or much more fully in the book of L. Sasskinda "Battle with a black hole. My battle with Stephen Hawking for the world, Safe for quantum mechanics "), although the prerequisites existed earlier, stretching to the grandfather Einstein, who was withdrawn by a terrible distance of confused quanta (see the article" The nature of physical laws on the fingers ™ ") or even further, to an even more ancient grandfather Plato with his cave.

The idea is that all the information contained in the black hole (and there should be a lot there, because all items falling into a black hole carry a wild amount of information only by the fact of their existence, and it is obliged to stored somewhere and stored) Duplicated on the horizon of events. Naturally, all information is preserved there in a completely unclean form, far from the original, but it is there. This statement is based on the fundamental principle of physics - the law of conservation of information.

What is interesting, you will not find such a law in the list of conservation laws. All laws of preservation known by the beginning of the 20th century were built on the properties of the symmetry of our world, mathematically formulated by SHIBKO Bashkovit, but undeservedly little-known aunt Emmy Netter. There is no law of conservation there, this law would correctly be called "the law of non-profit information", which implies that all processes that thermodynamic, that quantum is theoretically reversible in time.

If you take the DVD disk with the movie Matrix, scratch it with a nail, then throw it on the floor and melt into small pieces, it seems that information from the disk disappeared without a trace. But this is not the case! Yes, it is almost impossible to read the disk, but the information is not doing anywhere. It remains in the form of a configuration of the molecules of the disc fragments, and the fact that we cannot put these pieces to shove into the DVD player our personal problem, from the point of view of the universe, nothing disappeared anywhere, information is only mixed in full porridge, but theoretically (theoretically!) Squeeze for the work of two demons of Laplas (or 500 Chinese) and collect the disc from fragments back. Let a thousand years left for it, but on the basis of the laws of physics, this is a completely reversible process, and if the process is reversible, it means that the information is not lost, it remains, and it can be restored.

It is easy to understand on the example, an example will be, you know how an analogy on the fingers ™.

Imagine that we put a high-speed high-definition chamber and remove the film as the DVD disk falls to the floor. The disk fell and crashed. His pieces fly in all directions, full porridge, nothing is clear. You can't even tell me on pieces at once that it was for the item initially - one small dobessig. But after all, the camera fell everything! You can scroll through this record in the mode mode (although it is correct to speak accelerated) shooting and clearly trace where it flies. Even more. You can always scroll through this entry backward, and see which piece from where it flew out. And ultimately, even as if you would recreate a whole disk from the broken, albeit not in reality, but at least on the record.

In the present nature, no speed chamber is not, but it is not needed. Each small grace of the film itself. She always knows where it flew and where it flies. If you spend the social skit and polling each smallest piece from where he arrived, according to them, and sincere recognition, you can restore the overall picture of the past.

It is in this sense that I am talking about the law of saving information. If any particle can trace it in time, if this process of moving to time reversal at least in principle means information of non-futing.

All this is good and true only in the usual world of well-known sand and particles. The quantum processes are somewhat more complicated, only unitary transformations are also formally allowed in the quantum mechanics (that is, those that can reverse and return to the initial configuration in time), but it is impossible not to remember such a thing as the "measurement process", which is absolutely Randomly collapses the superposition of the wave function and whose account, scientists have not yet agreed, and how to consider it and how to consider it. In any case, for our topic, it is not essential, in the case of a black hole, the law of conservation of information is obliged to work, otherwise all the quantum mechanics will have to rewrite what lazy scientists would not really want. Scientists, at least physicists, have not yet recorded a single irreversible law of nature. All formulas, all knowledge of the behavior of the surrounding world, that we know - reversible.

So there was an idea that all the information that falls into a black hole is somehow duplicated (as a conversation is long and not quite clear, but it does not matter) on the horizon of events in the form of some zagun, actually drawings right on the surface The horizon of events, that is, on the surface of the black hole. Of course, I exaggerate, no "drawings" there is no reality, but the idea is. The information about the fallen subject is recorded by bits (not real bits, 1 and 0, as in the computer, but something very similar), placed in the cells of a planacian length, more precisely in this case, the "Plakovskaya Square" 10-35 × 10-35 m2, Posted directly on the surface of the event horizon. It turns out that all the information about the three-dimensional item is all the volume configuration of molecules that make up the subject, as well as all the characteristics of the subject - its mass, temperature, softness, fluffiness, and so on, we were able to record in the form of a two-dimensional picture of some Zagunulin placed in Cells of plank sizes.

So it turns out (this should be obtained) This is for what reasons. Analogy with film chamber and dvd-disc is understandable. But what will happen in the case of a black hole? Here we had a black hole, and we threw a sofa into her. The hole made a characteristic buggy! (The joke, of course) and increased its mass, and therefore increased in size. Then we threw a fridge into it. Again Bulk! Then tv. Bulk! Further more - two tape recorders, two ports of imported, two domestic jacket. Suede. The hole every time makes a buggy! and increases in size. Scroll back. From her, from the black hole in theory, all these items in the reverse order should fly out. But where does the hole come from, how can she guess what to throw back? In physics there is such a funny sounding concept - "Black hole has no hair." It means that one black hole is nothing, absolutely no different from another same. They do not have and can not be hairstyles. All differences can only be in mass, electric charge and moment of rotation. Those. A black hole is simply not known to store information about the fallen sofa or refrigerator to return it back. Nowhere, except on the two-dimensional surface of the black hole, on the horizon of events.

In the usual world, the two-dimensional picture is always worse than the three-dimensional item. Worse in the sense that contains less information. If you have a three-dimensional machine before you, it can be accessed from all sides, see that behind the bumper is scarcely an indecent word, and the front numbers do not match the rear (it seems that the numbers are interrupted, and the car stolen). All this information is missing if we have only a two-dimensional picture of the car, even if you are super-detailed, even a 100 megapixel picture. All the same, you can not get around the photo around, more information than it is in a flat image from the photo not to pull out.

However, in our world there is such a thing as holography. Real holography, not pseudo-holographic stickers that "wink". Holography This is essentially a two-dimensional piece of transparent film, which, with a certain lighting, the laser beam recreates in front of our eyes in the space three-dimensional item. Here, of course, not everything is so simple. And the film is not "truly two-dimensional", the entire trick is just that the cunning pattern of three-dimensional hollows is made on the film in a special way, which create an interference picture when the laser is irradiated with a certain wavelength. Yes, and the hologram is a three-dimensional image hanging in the air, it is still not a "true subject." He has no mass, density, other characteristics, it is only an affordable image, besides, not always clear. But the idea is just very similar. On the pseudo-two-dimensional film, we write more information than it would seem to have, and if we have a cunning reader (special laser beam), we can recreate a three-dimensional item on this two-dimensional information, or at least its image. Which, as an ordinary three-dimensional item, you can walk around, look at it from different sides and find out what he has in front and what is behind.

So the idea of \u200b\u200ba holographic black hole appeared, which stores information about three-dimensional objects falling into it on true (and here it is no longer a "pseudo", but "true") two-dimensional horizon of events. Moreover, unlike our imperfect holograms - all information about the object, and its mass and everything else.

Over time from black holes, scientists began to move smoothly to the description of familiar things. By analogy (the laws are the same) it can be argued that any information contained in a certain amount, for example in a black box, in the room, in the solar system, in the whole universe, can be recorded in the form of some zagunulin located on the surface Limiting this volume. On the walls of the black box, on the walls of the room, on the imaginary sphere around our solar system, on the border of our universe.

And for this not need some special "magic borders". The principle is theoretical. Theoretically declares that everything is happening in some volume, all information about what is contained there, i.e. not only all objects that are there, and all the laws of physics that work in this volume, all the processes that happen there, in general, all-all that is, what was and what will happen in some kind of space is equivalent to some Entries on the walls of this volume. Well, it is in the case of a static picture, and in the case of the processes unfolding in time - a dynamically changing two-dimensional record.

This is the theory of the holographic universe. Everything we see around, we hear, feel and otherwise we observe, all this can be real objects, processes and events, and there may be only "holographic" projections of some two-dimensional records on some distant "wall limiting our world" . I will pay special attention to the used quotes. Firstly, this is not a real holography in a human understanding, not the one that is located on a transparent piece of film, but only a similar principle. And secondly, no "wall limiting our world" in reality, naturally, no. The wall is imaginary as the equator on the globe.

Those. We have on Earth, in our world - the trees are swinging, stones fall, live cities, go wars and the dollar went up, and there on a distant wall it looks like this:

And these processes are equivalent. That is, are described by the same laws and identical formulas. And it is impossible to understand what more correct, and which is only a holographic display. Both descriptions are correct. Both describe the same reality, although in different ways. Both are true.

However, all this, all this was only conversations, analogies and assumptions from the series "But it would be good if ..." As long as a few, the famous Argentine Mathematics, Juan Moldasna, did not lead to exact mathematical proof of this equivalence.

And immediately, without departing from the box office, several comments about Maldasen solutions.

1. Strictly speaking, the work of Moldassen is the proof of the "equivalence of five-dimensional (4 + 1) anti-de-citter space with the presence of gravity and four-dimensional projection (3 + 1) described by the conformal field theory without gravity." It sounds very dull (and this is only a header! Inside, it is generally better not to see if the head is taking), but the basic meaning is very similar to what we are discussing here. The five-dimensional manifold, it turned out, can be represented as a four-dimensional one. Just almost our case, where we are a three-dimensional form of two-dimensional. Gravity is obtained as another dimension, only "with a minus sign." The usual measurement adds degrees of freedom, and gravity on the contrary binds them. Well, if, of course, do not pay attention to the fact that Muldasnes have an anti-de sitter space, and our universe is just just de Sitter. Although scientists have disagreements. Some believe that Anti-de Sitter, the other, that de Sitter, the third, that the mixture of both, and the fourth, in general, smaller, as the side of the bow.

2. Its evidence of Maldasen is calculated using the mathematics of the theory of strings. And the theory of strings, as many know, not only is not full, but also not proven at all. Those. It is not proved by anyone that these strings exist at all, and if they are not really no, then the whole theory (which, I repeat, is not even completely finished and decorated) and is at all goes to the landfill. Here the theorer, of course, object to that, they say, there are strings, or not, this is one thing, and we have a faithful mathematics, everything is in order with her and you can rely on it. Well yes. Well yes. Only the precipitate still remains. Tell me, what to go to her? Why do we need mathematics of 11 dimensional spaces, if all the strings will disappear, and we will return to our familiar, native four-dimensional space-time.

3. Well, such a moment, as an elementary error in the calculations, also can not be discarded. The calculations there are everything as one "therrrum", to check them may give God a hundred all over the world, somewhere Maldasna broke down, somewhere plus a minus confused, no one will notice, because few people understand what it is about what it comes. This joke, of course, however, in every share of jokes ...

In short, "but" of varying severity is present. Although the idea, if you think, completely awesome. Of course, only the fact that some unsuburate eggs have proven something there on a piece of paper, does not make our world of hologram. The fact that our three-dimensional (four-dimensional, if you take into account space-time) the world, with all its diversity of phenomena, events, items and people can be completely described using a two-dimensional film does not make this two-dimensional film by the original of our world. After all, I can with words (and I can and fingers ™) describe a subject, but it will not do the words themselves by reality. Let's say, only the fact that I will describe some bird with one hundred percent accuracy, such as a duck ... Stop. Somewhere I heard something like that!

The entire joke of the proof of Moldassen is that it leads a complete and absolute compliance (equivalence) description of a phenomenon, process, events occurring in a three-dimensional representation, or in a two-dimensional projection of this presentation. (More precisely five-dimensional and four-dimensional. Do not forget the idea of \u200b\u200bcompletely theoretical and "some stretch on our three-dimensional world" still exists).

However, if all that is found in our universe, if all of our world can be 100% completely described by the processes occurring on some borders of the Universe, does it not do this, according to the above "duck principle", his most real world?

Think about what I'm talking to you now. So I painted on a sheet of paper (or computer screen) duck and say - this is a duck.

You: Well, we see that the duck, and what?
I: No, you did not understand. This is not a drawing, not an image of a duck. This is the real real duck.
You: good to drive, what, nafig, real duck? She is not alive, she is not moving!
I: why. Here look. (makes that the duck began to move)
You: But she is not like a duck on the touch, but as a sheet of paper (monitor)!
I: (makes duck to the touch covered with feathers) - And now?
You: But she is not ...
I: (Does ...) And now?

Do you understand what is a clone? And what if our world is really just a hologram?

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