Mirage - Nature Riddles (9 photos). Research work in physics "Mirage - Natural Optical Phenomenon" Mirage as a Natural Phenomenon


Mirages are divided into the lower, visible under the object, the top, - above the object, and the side.

Nizhny Mirage

It is observed with a very large vertical temperature gradient (dropping it with a height) above the superheated smooth surface, often desert or asphalt road. An imaginary image of the sky creates the illusion of water on the surface. So, the outgoing distance of the road on a hot summer day seems wet.

Upper Mirage

It is observed above the cold ground surface with an inversion temperature distribution (the air temperature grows with an increase in height).

The upper mirage happens in general less often than the lower, but most often they are more stable, since the cold air does not tend to move up, and warm down.

The upper mirages are the most common in the polar regions, especially on large smooth ice floes with a stable low temperature. They are also observed in more moderate latitudes, although in this cases they are weaker, less clear and stable. Upper mirage can be straight or inverted, depending on the distance to the true object and temperature gradient. Often the image looks like a fragmentary mosaic of straight and inverted parts.

The horizon moves the ship of normal sizes. With a specific state of the atmosphere, its reflection above the horizon seems gigantic.

The upper mirage can have a striking effect due to the curvature of the Earth. If the bending of the rays is about the same as the crirness of the Earth, the rays of light can move over long distances, as a result of which the observer sees objects far beyond the horizon. It was observed and documented for the first time in 1596, when the ship under the command of the Barents Villem in search of the northeast passage is stuck in the ice on the new land. The crew was forced to survive the polar night. At the same time, the sunrise after the polar night was observed two weeks earlier than expected. In the 20th century, this phenomenon was explained, and got the name of the "effect of the New Earth".

In the same way, ships that are actually so far that they should not be visible above the horizon may appear on the horizon, and even over the horizon, like the upper mirage. This can explain some stories about the flights of ships or coastal cities in the sky, as described by some polar explorers.

Side Mirage

On the existence of lateral miracy, they are usually not even suspected. This is a reflection from the heated sheer wall.

This case is described by one French author. Approaching the fortress fortress, he noticed that the smooth concrete wall of the fort suddenly broke the mirror, reflecting the surrounding landscape, soil, sky. Having made a few more steps, he noticed the same change and another wall of the fort. It seemed as if a gray uneven surface was suddenly replaced by polished. There was a hot day, and the walls were to be rolled hard, in which the impact of their mirror was concluded. It turns out that the mirage is observed whenever the wall is sufficiently heated by the sun's rays. It was possible to even take a picture of this phenomenon.

In the hot summer days, it would be necessary to pay attention to the new walls of large buildings and seem to be found if the phenomena is found. Without a doubt, with some attention, the number of selected cases of lateral mirats should be more freed.

Fata Morgana

Complex phenomena of mirage with a sharp distortion of the type of objects are called Fata Morgan.

Volume Mirage

In the mountains, it is very rare, during a set of certain conditions, you can see "distorted yourself" at a pretty close distance. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of "standing" water vapors in the air.


see also

  • Broccensky ghost


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Watch what is "Mirage" in other dictionaries:

    - (In Italy, Morgano Fata, in Russia, the Marevo) optical phenomenon that the objects that are outside the horizon become visible, and they seem to seem to be enlarged or bonded within it. It is observed by m. In hot and cold ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    Mirage, Mirage, husband. (Franz. Mirage). 1. Optical phenomenon in a clear, calm atmosphere with different heatedness of its individual layers, consisting in the fact that the invisible items beyond the horizon are reflected in the refractive form in the air. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    - (French Mirage), an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere, at which, except (or instead of) items in their true position, their imaginary images are also visible. The mirage is explained by the curvature of the rays of light coming from the subject in unequally heated and ... ... Modern encyclopedia

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People saw Miragei, starting with deep antiquity, which a lot of legends were preserved. On the one hand, it is difficult to find a person who at least once in his life would have seen the most simple mirage - blue lake on a hot highway. On the other hand, thousands of people watched literally hanging cities, bizarre castles and even whole army, but here specialists have no explanation to this natural phenomenon.

The surface of contact, as if a mirror, reflects in anhydrous desert the magnificent vegetation of the oasis, which is very far away. Also, on the highway, the sky is reflected in the puddles that are not really not.

Mirage in the Sahara Desert

In the Sahara desert Every year there is a huge number of mirages. Sometimes Mirage deceive even very experienced caravan conductors. So, in the middle of the 20th century 60 people and 90 camels were killed in the desert. The caravan chased the mirage, which took it to 60 kilometers away from the well. Now even special maps of mirages with a place of place are compiled, where and what phenomena are usually observed.

A rare form of Mirage, when complex and rapidly changing images of objects appear on the horizon - Morgan Fata. Mirage is a different image of a real object, often enlarged and strongly distorted. It can be sketched, take a picture, filming on film.

There are several types of mirages: upper, lower, side, complex.

The most common two two are most often, and they are caused by a sharp decrease in air density with a height.

The lower mirages occur when the surface itself has a relatively thin layer of very warm air. Rays from terrestrial objects on the border with him are complete internal reflection. Such a warm layer of air plays a role as if the air mirror.

The conditions conducive to the emergence of the lower mirations are usually implemented in the steppes and deserts, with solar and windless weather. This state is extremely unstable, because heated is heated, and therefore, the lighter air is below, under the layer of colder and hard.

The upper mirage occurs when the air density with a height decreases quickly. The image turns out above the subject.

Mirage - the usual phenomenon is not only for hot deserts, but also for cold Arctic territories. The main thing is unevenly heated air layers, which in excess are present in these corners of the Earth. Depending on the location of the "sandwich" layers, Mirages are two types - lower and upper. The bottom is called the most famous mirage - deserted. It appears when the layer of more hot air is formed at the surface of the Earth. It is clear that most often they occur in the desert, when the sun heats the ground to the state of a hot frying pan. But to go to the desert in order to see such a mirage, it is not necessarily - the sunny summer day is full and in our middle lane, just look at the asphalt. Yes, these small "puddles", which arise in the Chair on the highway, is nothing more than the real bottom mirage.

Sources: fotokto.ru, www.liveinternet.ru, otvet.mail.ru, www.stihi.ru, www.bugaga.ru

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The tempting or frightening paintings are as if soaring in the air and appearing in various corners of our planet. For many centuries, people watch these phenomena and, despite all the achievements of modern science, not everyone can explain.

Even if you move towards "from simple to complex," it will be obvious that there is nothing difficult in the "puddles" on the raw asphalt, then where entire cities hang in the air, bizarre castles and even the army - are not entirely clear.

The most ancient descriptions of mirages are found in the papyrus of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians seriously believed that Miragei - the ghost visions of the dead country that was lost in the sands.

Explained Miragei sought in Europe. One of the most famous stories related to this optical phenomenon can be considered a story about Morganu Le Fay. This lady was the sister of the legendary King Arthur and just at its disposal were Mirage, illusions and other wonderful visions. A variety of the most complex mirages and today is called Fata Morgan.

Physics Mirage

The classical definition says: "Mirage is an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere: the reflection of light by the boundary between sharply different in the density of the air layers. For an observer, such a reflection is that, together with the remote object (or the sky section), its imaginary image is seen about the subject ".

It is painful: optics, atmosphere, air density and other parameters. Is it easier? Sure you may.

As you know, light in space spreads in a straight line. Exactly until it faces some obstacle or falls to another environment.

Not all objects and layers of air are warmed equally. In addition, the air moves: colder air is heavier and it lowers down, while hot air rises from the surface. At the junction of these air flow rays of light, naturally refracted.

Part of the rays, not refracted, reaches the eye of the observer and forms the picture of the sky. The other part is refracted and falls to the ground ahead of the observer. Reflected from the ground, these reflected rays in turn also fall into the eye of the observer. As a result, the driver and passengers of the car are seen ahead of the blue plot. The surface layer of air on a hot day constantly fluctuates, as a result, an impression arises, and this creates the illusion of the water surface.

If we talk about the subjects that are far behind the horizon line, then there is nothing complicated here too: we always see the subject in the direction of the last segment of the path of the light beam. Therefore, the atmospheric refraction of the rays (refraction) "lifts" objects, allowing you to look behind the horizon.

Places of formation

Most often, the appearance of mirages is associated with deserts. This is quite natural: quite a few travelers became hostages of wonderful visions promising vacation, coolness and water among the sands. In pursuit of mirages, they, alas, quite often gibbles. Oasis appears in the distance of the "victim" at a distance of 2-3 kilometers, which are actually at least 700 kilometers.

One of the most famous tragedies associated with mirages is the death of a caravan in the Erg-Er Ravi desert in the north of Africa. So, 360 kilometers from the Oasis Bir-Ul victim of Mirage became a caravan, who led an experienced conductor. Following the vision, travelers rejected 60 kilometers away from the well.

However, not only the deserts can boast wonderful visions and mysterious paintings. Above the sea and even in the latitudes close to the poles, Mirages arise at no less often. One of the most suitable places to observe mirage is, oddly enough, Alaska.

Here than the evil of the fauces, the clearer and more beautiful arise in the skies of the souls of cities, mountains and different items. Back in 1889, a local resident walking near Mount Farueter in the south-east of the peninsula, the silhouette of a big city was observed - with skyscrapers, high towers and spiers, temples similar to the mosques. That it was for the city, it was not possible to establish, but it could not be that he could be thousands of kilometers from the observation point.

The most famous legend that is among the sailors - about the flying Dutchman. In the records of ship journals of many seafarers, you can meet records of meetings with an unidentified vessel, which did not respond to signals that did not have the experimental signs and mysteriously disappeared after a while.

There are also evidence that the sailors saw the crash of the vessel, but the arrival of the expected place of the tragedy did not find anything there, and later it turned out that the seen ship suffered a disaster for a thousand kilometers. Invalid witnesses observed the projection of events in the air.

Views of Miragee

Scientists have compiled a whole classification of mirages. Oddly enough, they are different. The easiest view of Mirage - lower or labeled. Most often observed over a flat surface: roads, deserts, steppe. To arose such a mirage requires a significant difference between the temperature of the upper layers of the atmosphere and the lower, closest to the ground.

Possible and completely reverse effect: upper Mirage. In order for it, it is required to increase the temperature with a height. Such vision are more stable and "better quality". Upper Mirage can be straight or inverted, depending on the distance to the true object and temperature difference.

Side Mirage. This is a reflection from the heated sheer wall. Oddly enough, this kind of mirage is fixed extremely rare. In hot summer days, more often pay attention to the new walls of large buildings, you may be lucky enough to see the Mirage.

Already mentioned fata Morgana - This is the most complex mirage with a sharp distortion of the type of objects. The conditions under which they arise are not yet described, although all the mechanisms of this optical phenomenon have long been described.

Have you met with mirages? Were these "puddles" on asphalt or something more ambitious? Tell us, we are very interested!

  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  • Y. Perelman. "Entertaining physics", book 1.
  • Magazine "Around the World", №9, September, 2005.
  • V.A. Mezentsev. Encyclopedia wonders.

Mirage water

Water strip across the road, moving whenever the car approaches it. Big steamer hanging in the sky over Michigan Machti Lake. Farming over the sea gloomy medieval castles. What is common between these pictures?

This is Mirage. They are created as a result of a complex air and light game. Miragei can be simple as a strip of water across the highway 100 meters in front of the car. But there are Mirage very complex in design.

Description Mirage

In 1643, the Angeurchchi's Italian priest described an incredible and wonderful vision, which was at the time of the maritime travel. That's what he tells. At first, his eyes did not seem to nothing but a calm sea stroy, stretching up to the horizon itself. Then the dark mountain chain appeared on the horizon. Ahead of the mountain peaks from the sea began to grow high dirty and white columns. Gradually, the columns began to bend and turned into romance arches. At the end of this grandiose spectacle on the arches, silhouettes of towers and walls of the mighty fortress appeared.

Such a mirage Italians call Fata - Morgana (Fata Morgana, from the Italian FATA - "Miracle"). There are old Celtic legends about King Arthur and his knights. Arthur had a sister - Morgan's magician Le Fay. She knew how to create castles who walked in the air. Air and in fact the magic component of the mirage. From physics, we know that on the border of two environments, the rays of light are refracted, that is, they change their direction. Such two media in the atmosphere are air layers.

Miragei (from Fr. Mirage) is an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere, because of which images of objects appear in the visibility zone, which under normal conditions are hidden from observation. This kind of miracles happen because in an optically inhomogeneous atmosphere, the rays of light are curved, as if they look at the horizon. Most often inhomogeneity arise due to uneven air heating at different heights. In ancient Egypt, believed that the Mirage was a ghost of a country whose no longer exists. Legend says that every place in our planet has its own soul.

More often, Mirage can be observed in the desert. This can be explained by the fact that hot air acts like a mirror. For example, in Sugar, about 160,000 mirages are observed every year; They are stable and wandering, vertical and horizontal.

The victims of the mirages in particular are often caravans in the Erg-Er Ravi desert in the north of Africa. In front of the people of "sideli" at a distance of 2-3 km appear oasis, which are actually at least 700 km. Mirage is able to mislead and experienced people.

So, 360 km from the oasis of the Bir-Ul victim of Mirage became a caravan, who led an experienced conductor from local tribes. 60 people were killed and 90 camels who followed the deceptive mirage, carried away them by 60 km away from the well.

In antiquity, nomads to make sure whether they see the mirage or real items, fed the fire. If there was at least a small movement of air in the desert, then the smoke swallows around the earth quickly accelerated the mirage. For many caravanways, cards are drawn up on which there are places of common mirages. On these cards, even where the wells, oasis, palm groves, mountain chains are seen, and so on.

Atmospheric mirages are divided into three classes, and the reasons that cause them are rather diverse.

First Class Mirage - the so-called lakes, or bottom, mirage. They are the most common and simple. For example, water observed on the sand in the desert or hot asphalt, is the mirage of the sky over hot sand or asphalt. Landing the aircraft in films or car races on television are often removed quite close to the surface of the hot asphalt. Then below the machine or aircraft you can see their mirror image (bottom mirage), as well as the Mirage of the sky.

The higher you are on Earth or the sea, the less air density. Under normal conditions, the air density decreases with increasing height. When the light passes through the surface of the Earth, below the light beam of the air is dense, the higher. The typical property of light is that it is refracted to a more dense medium, and thus a beam that moves along the surface of the Earth, in fact always lightly refracting down and moves along a slightly curved surface of the earth instead of going straight to the sky.

More dense air as if he slows down the lower end of the beam and pulls it to him. On the other hand, a person seems to be that the subject is located in the direction from which the light reaches his eyes. Thus, when you look at the remote horizon, then see objects that are actually partially below the horizon. The light from these objects is refracted by the curve, the curved surface of the Earth or the sea and therefore it seems that the light reaches the eye of the observer from the side of the horizon.

Many are familiar with the phrase arguing that when we look at the sun during his approach, it is actually already beyond the horizon. In astronomy, such a phenomenon is known as refraction: the refraction of light in the atmosphere lifts the celestial bodies on the horizon in approximately half the corner.

Very often, the density of the air does not change evenly with a height, and cold, more dense air and warm air form layers of different temperatures at different heights. The movement of light in such air can be quite random, thus creating a distorted image of a landscape.

The lower mirage is identical in structure: only one inverted, more or less flattened mirage is always observed below the object. If the landscape itself is beautiful, then his mirage is also beautiful, and they can spread together on the horizon with a varnish of buildings and trees.

If the case takes place in the desert, the surface of which and the adjacent air layers are hot as the sun, upstairs the air pressure can be large, the rays will begin bending the other side. And then interesting phenomena will begin to occur with those rays that were to be reflected from the subject, immediately bug into the ground. But no, they will wrap up and passing the perigee somewhere near the surface itself, will go into it.

Imagine now that such a beam, already beating, falls into the pupil the traveler, going through the desert. But subjective perception of the subject (let's say, palm) will be located in the place where the tangent to the beam path indicates. Accordingly, the image of the palm tree will be reverse, as if reflected in the water. Yes, and waters around a lot. Such a cunning joke will play with exhausted thirst traveler moving in the sands of the sky.

A scientist from France Gaspar Monzh, who took part in the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon, described his impressions of the lake Mirage so: "When the earth's surface is strongly administered by the sun and just starts cooling up before the start of twilight, the familiar area does not extend to the horizon, as the day, And it goes, as it seems, in about one le, in a solid flood.

The villages are fond of seeing the island among the deceased lake. Under each tree, its overturned image, only it is not sharp, small parts are not visible, as a reflection in water, heated by the wind. If you become approaching a village that seems surrounded by flooding, the shore of imaginary water is removed, the water sleeve that separated us from the village is gradually narrowed until it disappears at all, and the lake now begins behind this village, reflecting the villages located on. "

The lower mirage is able to observe anyone. If it's a hot summer day to stand on the railway fabric or a hormick above it, when the sun is a little side or side and a little ahead of the railway track, then you can see how rails 2-3 km seem to be immersed in the sparkling lake - as if the way flooded flood. We will try to get closer to the "lake" - it will move away, and no matter how much we go towards it, it will invariably be on the same deceptive distance.

Mirages of the second class - the rays of which are bent behind the horizon line, are called upper, or a long-range miracle. They arise right in the sky. If warm air is invaded in the upper layers of the atmosphere, heated somewhere above the desert, and at the bottom there is cold dense air of the anticyclone, then the rays that subjected to refractures can look beyond the horizon very deeply. Reflected from the distant item (for example, the island) The light finds two tracks to the eyes of the observer: the first passes almost straight from the island to the observer, and the second lifts a little up to the warm air layer, where the beam is refracted from a small angle to colder air and reaches eye observer from above.

Two images of the same island are created - one normal, and the second inverted image is above the island, that is, the upper mirage. In turn, the specific type of atmospheric phenomenon, which creates such a mirage, is called a thermal inversion. Then on the surface of the cold mass of the air lies clearly defined, lighter and less dense layer of warm air. Strong thermal inversion is also the cause of random interference on the radio, when taking television programs and in cell phones.

2006, May 8 - thousands of tourists and locals watched the Mirage, which lasted for 4 hours in the city of Penglai in China's eastern coast on Sunday. The fogs created a city image with modern high-altitude buildings, wide city streets and noisy cars. In Penagi, during 2 days, lil rain before it happened is the rare weather phenomenon. The inhabitants of the Azure coast of France were clear in the morning more than once on the Mediterranean Horizon, where the water merges with the sky, the chain of Corsican mountains rises from the sea, to which from the azure coast approximately 200 km.

The upper mirage is described in one of the works of N.V.Gogol:

"In Kiev, a great miracle seemed! Suddenly, it became apparently far into all the ends of the world. In the distance they died, Liman, the Black Sea was poured behind Liman. The experienced people learned the Crimea, the mountain risen from the sea, and the Swamp Sivash. Galitsky's land was visible to the right hand.

What is it? - Interrogated the people who gathered, pointing to the farmable in heaven and more similar to the clouds gray and white tops.

That Carpathian Mountains! - said old people. "

Side Mirages may arise in cases where air layers of the same density are located in the atmosphere not horizontally, as usual, but obliquely or even vertically. Similar conditions are created in summer, in the morning soon after sunrise at the rocky shores of the sea or the lake, when the shore is already lit by the sun, and the surface of the water and the air over it is still cold. Side Mirages were repeatedly observed at the Lake Geneva. For example, people saw a boat that approached the shore, and next to her exactly the same boat was removed from the coast. The side mirage may appear at the stone wall at home heated by the sun, and even on the side of the heated oven.

Thanks to the side mirage, silent foggy ghosts, blocking the path in the mountains appear. Usually, a frightened person sees himself. Strongly heated rocks cause such an air loss around themselves that rays, reflected from the observer and directed to the rocks, are twisted near them to such an extent that, like a boomerangu, returns back.

Images in the side mirages are almost always equal to the reflecting subjects, but they can double, tear, etc. There is a hypothesis that famous ghosts who chose some castles, there is nothing but a side mirage. In winter, as you know, dubble dumped walls need to be stuck hard. Stones from which are stoves are folded, are spoiled largely more than boulders under the midday sun, and high vaulted ceilings make it possible to make a loop and return to the observer.

The Mirage of the Third Class is amazing Mirages, called Mirages of the Supervalued Vision. For them, a distance of thousands of kilometers is not a hindrance. This case is described in the book "Optical phenomena in nature":

"On the night of March 27, 1898, among the Pacific Ocean, the crew of the Matador's Bremen vessel was scared by vision. About midnight, the crew remarked about two miles ship that fought with a strong storm. It was all the more surprising that there was a catch around. The vessel crossed the course "Matador", and there were moments when it seemed that the clash of the ships could not be avoided ...

The crew "Matador" saw how during one strong shock of the wave about an unknown ship in the cabin cabin, the light, which was visible all the time in two portholes. After some time, the ship disappeared, having taken the wind and waves with him. It was later clarified later. It turned out that all this happened to another ship, which during the "vision" was from Matador at a distance of 1,700 km. "

There are no significant scientific explanations in the mirages of the third class. In order to somehow justify their appearance, there are assumptions that gigantic air lenses are formed in the atmosphere or secondary, tertiary - multiple Mirages, relaying the same image along a complex chain. Some even try to prove that there is a special "mirror" in the ionosphere, from which the sunbeam, as a radio signal, is reflected and, along the way, self-focusing, is worn into another part of the world.

An interesting version expresses Victor Loyash: "Why do not allow some very successful coincidences of many physical circumstances in the air, natural superconducting light guides, linearly oriented abnormal ionization channels, on which light beams are transmitted to very long distances - so, That the sunrise over Japan suddenly becomes the species, suppose in the Azores ... ".

Fata-Morgana is a complex optical phenomenon in an atmosphere, which consists of several forms of mirages, in which remote items are visible repeatedly and with different distortions. Fata-morgana appears when several alternating air layers of different density are formed in the lower layers of the atmosphere, capable of giving mirror reflections.

As a result of the reflection, as well as the refraction of the rays, actually existing items give on the horizon or over several distorted images that are partially imposed on each other and quickly varying in time, which creates a bizarre picture of this complex Mirage. This phenomenon was named after the heroine legends - Fatas of Morgana. It is said that she was a summary sister, but after the Knight Lancelot rejected her love, settled on the day of the sea, in the Crystal Palace, and since that time he deceives navigators with ghostly visions.

So, in the 1920s, the large ocean liner walked next flight from Europe to the United States. And suddenly, near the Azores, everyone who was on the deck was clearly seen "". The thought of a terrible ghost ship flashed in the mind of many passengers and sailors. And the unprecedented ship threatened to crash into the steamer. The captain at the very last moment a loud, broken voice ordered to change the ship's course. Looking on the right side, the sailboat swept past. And at this time, the frightened, the amazed passengers saw something even more striking: people in the old suits were rushing along the deck of the sailboat.

They raised up the hands, something silent silently, as if they tried to warn about something. It is clear that the remaining part of the navigation passengers spent in the fear of an imminent death. After all, by the sea beliement, the meeting with the ghost ship does not promise anything good. When the steamer arrived at the port, the story with the "Battle Dutch" was widely publicized. But subsequently it turned out that the ocean liner met with a Mirage of a sailboat designed for filming a historic film and is absolutely different.

The one who spends a lot of time in polar waters will certainly see Miragei. For example, experienced Finnish sailors and fertilizers know well that there are conditions at which it is extremely difficult to find a familiar route among confusing mirages on a rocky coastline. In Finland, the conditions for mirages are particularly favorable in the spring when the sea ice melts. The temperature of water 0 ° C with a spring air of a warm air temperature of 15 ° C can create incredible mirage in the sky.

Another example of an amazing atmospheric phenomenon took place in the Algerian desert, which the French colonial detachment crossed. Ahead, kilometers in six of him, walked a flock of Flamingo. But when the birds crossed the border of Mirage, their legs stretched out and dug up, instead of two each, each was 4. Neither to give - the Arab rider in white robe. The commander of the detachment, alarming, sent the scout to check what kind of people in the desert. But when the soldier penetrates the zone of the twist of sunlight, he himself turned into a ghost mirage, and his legs had become so long that it seemed as if he was sitting on the mythical monster.

One person in 1852 saw the Strastburg bell tower in the sky, while the image was a giant, exactly the bell tower appeared in front of him increased 20 times. In 1902, Robert Wood, an American scientist, not without reason he had a nickname "magic laboratory", photographed two boys, peacefully waters on the waters of the Chesapeake Bay between yachts. Moreover, the growth of boys in the picture was more than 3 meters.

This kind of deception of mirages may also be explained by the deviation of light from straight-line promotion, in which the subject is visible in the wrong direction or is distorted. Mirage-ghosts are usually visible on the horizon. The corner of the mirages is very low, but in forms they can be very different. Bushes and stones on a small island can be perceived as towers in the sky; Low rocky shores stretched vertically, and they resemble the abyss; The ship and its deck superstructures may be distorted in unidentified square shapes, and the islands themselves seem to be circling in the air.

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