How to memorize dates. Memorizing historical dates as you can quickly learn the dates on history

Studying at school, we think that in adulthood, most knowledge will not be useful to us, so we often pay little attention to the details. But then this lack of knowledge begins to be able to felt. Therefore, questions appear on the speedy replenishing gaps in their education, for example, how to quickly learn the dates on history. Of course, to solve this problem will have to make your brain, but do not be afraid, the titanic efforts will not need.

How easy to learn the dates on the story?

The first option that comes to mind is a banal torture, who has soldered asking from school. You won't call this method, besides, it will help to remember only for one time use, after which it will successfully evaporate from the memory. Therefore, if you think how to teach the dates on the story to remember them for a long time, it is worth listening to the following recommendations.

In order for the training to be successful, take the time of the highest activity for him - for someone this evening, someone starts to work well for lunch, and someone easier to learn immediately after waking up. Finding out the most convenient time, use it regularly that the body is used to obtaining information during a certain period.

Most people poorly remember historical dates and events. This is due to the fact that our brain is hardly absorbed by the information impregnated with numbers and unfamiliar names. Especially if the new knowledge is "stuffed" into it forcibly and without the slightest desire to enjoy the process.

However, what to do if there is no time to empty reflections? What if the exam next week next week, and you still do not know anything? How to learn the story for such a short period? Well, you should not worry, because we have as much as six advice who can help you in this matter.

Method number 1: game card

Our grandparents knew well about how to learn the dates on the story, literally in a few evenings. For this, they cut out of paper rectangles, something similar to playing cards. On one side, they wrote a key date, and on the other - those events that accompanied it. It is noteworthy that already at the stage of preparation, our brain begins to memorize the selected historical dates and events, as it dismisses its attention unconsciously.

As for the rectangles themselves, they are laid out on any comfortable surface numbers up. When everything is ready, you should proceed to the study of the material written on them. To do this, take the card and read out loud text specified on its reverse side. After that put it in place, only this time letters up.

This procedure is repeated until the moment, as long as all the cards will not be upside down. Then it is necessary to rest for several hours, after which again proceed to the processing of the material. After 5-6, the dates are completely secured in the consciousness of a person, and together with them and those events that were attached to them.

Method number 2: Mind games

Psychologists know how to learn the story as accurately as possible. They have a special technique called "Mind Game. Its essence lies in the fact that a person creates stable images and paintings in his head associated with the material studied by it. Simply put, fantasies on a given topic.

Suppose you need to remember the key points of the blockade of Leningrad. For this follows as a ordinary soldier who is surrounded by the invaders. Try to survive all those emotions that the Soviet Military Military Time experienced. What orders from the bosses did he? How long did his detachment waited for reinforcements? How was rejoiced by the fact that the enemy ring was broken?

This technique will give your memories, let both false, to real dates and the numbers that will later help remember them all. True, for the implementation of this technique, a good fantasy is needed, which, unfortunately, not all are endowed.

Method # 3: Visualization

However, then the question arises how to learn the story to those who cannot create plausible images in their head. In this case, you can use those fantasies that already exist in the real world. I mean open a browser and search there documentaries on history, archival photos, drawings and so on.

Browsing them, a person will begin to gradually memorize the material that they contain in themselves. After all, vision is one of the best mechanisms for absorbing environmental information. Especially when this process occurs in complete loneliness and focus.

Method number 4: reference point

Studying dates, you need to follow the procedure for calculating. I mean it is impossible to learn the chronology of events, jumping along it, like tremendous. Therefore, before you start learning the material, find a common point of reference for all events. Then slowly "go" up the years, counting in my head, how much time has passed from the "place" of sending.

However, this method is good only in those situations when you need to study a certain time period. When it takes about a whole epoch, here the reference point is unlikely to help synchronize all events.

Method number 5: own history book

How much can you learn the story of the whole world? Month, two, year or more? In truth, to learn absolutely all historical events are impossible. And this will have to come to humble, as the human nature of man. However, remember the key dates and world history events are quite possible.

To do this, you need to start a special notebook, preferably at 96 sheets. It will need to make brief historical notes for each individual era. Over time, you will have your own story book that reveals the order of the formation of a world order. At the same time, it will be written by a language clear for you, which will subsequently help to study it from his crust to his crust.

Method number 6: How to learn the story easily?

The last advice will be quite banal, but at the same time effective. All you need is to love this item. After all, it is much easier to focus on what brings you pleasure. Agree, each of us remembers many interesting facts about your hobby, without even memorizing them.

Therefore, find in the story what you have to do with the soul, and focus on this feeling. Let it be not dry facts for you, but the distant memories of forgotten times. Thus, you will not only be able to explore this item, but also visit those places where there has been no man's foot long ago.

Daily life

In this section of the book you will no longer get acquainted with the new methods of effective memorization. She is entirely devoted to them Use To memorize various information from which you may encounter in everyday life. That is, you will actually learn how to apply various ways to memorize how to combine them in accordance with your tasks facing you, and you can also work out most of the actual material methods.

Of course, this section covers far from all areas of application of those methods and techniques of effective memorization, which you learned above, it is simply impossible to cover everything. But I think it will not be difficult for you (especially after reading this section) to come up with, based on the knowledge of the technician and the options for their combination, a specific way to memorize the material necessary for you, not included in this book.

> Memory of historical dates

The first way.
Memorizing historical dates using a digital-letter code.

First of all, I hope that the TsBK table you know the same way as the multiplication table, or a bit better. If it is not, then go back to the chapter in which it is given and restore it in memory, she will come in handy us more than once. So, in order to remember the date in this way, it is necessary to translate the numbers from which it consists in words according to the CBC, and from words to make a phrase associated with some way with the dates being memorable.

I will explain on the examples. Let's start with the memorization of simple dates (those in which you need to remember only the year). In this case, we have a four-digit number, for example, 1608 - the invention of the telescope. To begin with, decide for yourself, whether you will remember this four-digit number as two double-digit or as one three-digit (Millennium designation - digit " 1 "- In this case, it can be discarded because it is clear that this invention occurred in our millennium).

If you stopped in the first version, you need to come up with two words corresponding to the numbers 16 and 08. Thus, in the first word, the first consonant should be " G." or " J.", and the second -" Sh" or " L." (see digital-letter code). The remaining consonants in the Word, if there are, in this case the values \u200b\u200bdo not have. You should firmly remember that only the first two consonant keywords participate in the game, it is important not to confuse anything when playing. These requirements satisfy the words "goal", "Golf", "Zhulk", "Eye", "Yolk" "Galka", "Galaxy", "traffic cop" and many others. In the second word, the first consonant should be " M." or " N.", and second " IN" or " F.". It is easy to choose the words" news "," nemid "," mafia "," coupling "," manure "and others.

Now we make a small plot of three words: two key and any third, directly associated with the date, in this case - this is, of course, the word "telescope". Of course, the plot can be cheerful, unusual, such that is easy to remember. Words to cross the date is better to choose visual, causing bright images and avoid abstract concepts and verbs. For the chosen date - the year of the invention of the telescope - I would stop at the plot: "I was observed in the telescope, as the cosmic mafia played in the golf."

Or on this: "The mafia rogue stole just an invented telescope." Or on Such: "The telescope pulled the telescope. Of course, after you pick up the words and make a plot, you must not regret a few more seconds in order to "revive" it, try to present it as brighter as possible. As you know, this simple operation contributes to much longer storage of the plot in memory.

If you decide to remember the date as a three-digit number, it will be enough to come up with only one word for her memorization, in which the first three consonant letters will correspond to the digits of the dates. This word in the future you will need to combine into the plot with any word connected directly with the date (event). However, firstly, if you decide to apply this method, then you will need to firmly remember that in a selected word are significant, and not two consonant letters. Secondly, as you know, to some three-digit numbers to find the necessary words are quite difficult, for example, to the number 771 or 891 and a lot of time is spent on the search for such a word, often the word found is not enough bright.

And yet, this method has a big advantage - the scene briefness, so the temptation often occurs to use it. Personally, I do as follows. First, I put the task of choosing a "three-digit" word, but if within 15-30 seconds (!), A bright word satisfying the requirements does not occur, it turns out to memorize the date with two auxiliary words or (more often) remember Historical date to any other method that I advise you.

Let's go back for example with the invention of a telescope. Number 608 Corresponds to the digital-letter code of the word "lymph", "noise". This, of course, is not the brightest words, but also they are quite suitable for compiling the plot. For example: "Through the telescope considered the lymph of other planets" or "through the holes of the noise can be viewed, like through a telescope." Another option to memorize the date as a three-digit number.

When applying this method, you also need two keywords corresponding to you in the same way as in the first case. However, it is often really necessary to memorize the first digit, and, accordingly, the first of the keywords can be specially not invented every time, but to use always alone and the same words The first ten unequivarous numbers appropriate in the verbal-numerical list.

Let me remind you in these words only one consonant letter and it corresponds to numbers (from 0 before 9 ) on the CBK. Notes these words: 1 - Yozh (Yogi), 2 - poison (iodine), 3 -Ho (ear, yak), 4 - soup 5 - Boa (wallpaper), 6 - Neck (fir), 7 - Mustache (OSA), 8 - Eva (Java), 9 - Aria (Paradise, Roy), 0 - Noah, frost. As you already guessed, these words included in the plot will be denoted the sequence number of the century. For example, to memorize the same date of the invention of the telescope make up the plot of words: telescope, neck (spruce) and any word corresponding to the number 08 (see above). "The telescope hit the mafia" or "in the telescope saw the mafiosa sleeping under the fir tree.

Let's remind you that the words corresponding to the figure denoting the century must be learned as well as the multiplication table so as not to spend time recall (although those of you who use to memorize a verbal-numerical list of 100 words, probably perfectly remember the first ten ). So, in order to apply this method, you will need to come up with only one ("double-digit") word for the last two digits of the date.

Well, perhaps, the last (and, in my opinion, the least successful) method of memorizing historical dates, based on the knowledge of the digital-letter code, is that you can invent the word for each date of date. These words should begin with the letters corresponding to these figures for the CBK. These words, as usual, you need to combine into the plot.

For example, in order to remember the detection of the telescope, you need to come up with three words beginning with letters, respectively. "Sh" ("L"), "M" ("H"), "B" ("F") And consistently combine them into the plot together with the word "telescope". One of the biggest drawbacks of this method is what words satisfying the requirement began to start at a certain letter so much that it is difficult to choose, and a long time is spent on the implementation of the final choice. But if the words for any reason are found immediately (for example, you notice that letters are well familiar abbreviation, initials or slogan), and the phrase is born too quickly, this method is also very effective.

Note that when using any of the methods of memorizing historical dates described above, you can enable in the plot and any other information related to the date. For example, the commemorative date of the invention of the telescope, you can include in the plot and author of the invention, namely Galilee. In this case, the plot will acquire the following type: "Galilee telescope hit the neck of Mafiosi."

If it is difficult for you to memorize the fact that it is Galilee invented a telescope and fear that you can confuse it with Copernicus, for example, then pay attention to the chapter dedicated to how to remember the famous people and then thanks to which they are famous. (I note that in this case, by random coincidence for the first two digits of the date - 1 and 6 According to the CBK, the surname of Galilee itself is suitable, it means that the plot may be like this: "Galilean caught the telescope."

Consider some more detailed examples of memorizing historical dates using a digital-letter code. 1791 Year - Louvre was opened as an art museum (before that was the Royal Palace). I will remember only three digits, as it is clear that it happened in our millennium. " 7 "- This is a mustache, for the number" 91 "We must come up with a word in which the first consonant will be" R" or " C.", And the second consonant will be" G." or " J.". These requirements are satisfied, for example, the words" horns "," rifle "," Relica ". I choose the word" face ", it remains to be the original plot from the words" Louvre "," mustache "," Relica ".

I imagine how I go to the Louvre and I see there a very strange picture: huge, long mustes, and a little funny rhyger is visible for them. In order to better remember your story, I imagine the building of the Louvre, I see how I open the door and literally coming to these mustache, because they are as appliqués are glued to the picture and very-very long (here, as you guessed I use it also Elements of the method of composures). However, for the number " 791 "You can pick up and" three-digit "word - FROMe. Re., the corresponding plot you can easily draw up yourself.

1 8 0 3 year

The first locomotives were created (in the UK).

in n. to
f. m. h.

I sign the letters corresponding to them on the CBC and try to make a word of them. I easily got one word for all three digits. So, the word "broom" or "wreath" is suitable (as well as "Pinik", "Function", "Finca"). The plot may be like this: the locomotive is cleansed (huge) broom.

I repeat once again, but it seems to me this option to memorize historical dates using the CBC is most successful from all. I will say more. If you decide to go seriously with the study of historical dates, I would advise to conditionally divide all the dates into two groups: those for which you managed to choose one word for three digits (Believe my experience, there will be most of them) and those where you were forced to apply another method .

I will remember the next date, recoding the numbers into words with only one significant consonant - the first letter of words: 1866 Year - the Moscow Conservatory is open. The first word should begin with " IN" or " F.", And two others with" Sh" or " L."(I do not remember the unit). When drawing up the plot, we try to use as much extra words as possible (in this type of use of the CBC, this is especially important!). The plot:" Moscow Conservatory is the Great and Best of the best. "(When using this method, the method is better to be better. Plots similar to slogans, approval, rules, etc., they are remembered best.)

1 6 8 7 year

Isaac Newton opened his famous laws.

sh in from
l. f. z.

Digit 1 "Meet optional, and the number" 687 "I will remember how" 6 "And" 87 "For" 6 "I choose the word" spruce ", and for" 87 "The word" physicist "is perfectly suitable. The plot:" Under the fir physicist would not have opened my laws (because apples do not grow on it). "To this date you can choose the three-digit word" pativity ", the plot, if you want, come up with yourself.

But the example is more complicated. It is necessary to remember the four dates at once in the same story. The date of birth and the death of the great Russian composer and the years of writing them with their most famous works.

Glinka M.I. 1804-1857 gg Opera "Ivan Susanin - 1836 Year, Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - 1842 year. First, we write out all the numbers and make up words of them.

1 8 0 4 5 7
in n. c.

willow + night

p from

demon (bass, sand, etc.)

f. m. sh

or a whisk, bane, etc.

b. z.

Specific word Select when drawing up the plot.

3 6 4 2
to sh

cat, wheel (also many options, then choose later)

c. d.

Miracle, shield, etc.

h. l. sh t.

Even for little versed in music, it would be nice to remember that it is the glyca, and not some other composer, so I will include the word "clay", which is the sound association to the name of Glinka. I imagine a person sitting under and INoh deep N.about C.fight, he has B.about FROMfoots are fan Glynoh, about them TOabout Shka (you can also imagine that her owner is Ivan Susanin). Cat is purred by the composer: "Your Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila is C.w. D.about!"

07/04/1776 -
Declaration of Independence.
USA Start an independent existence.

We make keywords for all numbers.
04 - the first consonant - " N." or " M.", Second -" C." or " Sh": Night, Sword, Ball, Mission, etc.
07 - the first consonant - " N." or " M.", Second -" FROM" or " 3 ": nose, bridge, meat, garbage, etc.

1776 You can remember how 776 (what it was in our millennia and so clear) and try to come up with one word for three digits at once, with three significant consonants - C (3), C (3), W (I), For example, the words "Soselka", "Skill", "Vaccper" and other plot are suitable: the icicle fell on the bridge, wrapped in a new declaration. (And you can split the number " 1776 "Two" 17 "And" 76 "And come up with two words with two significant consonants. 17 - goose, gas, jasmine; 76 - Elephant, salt, donkey, etc.

Now it remains to make a general plot and tie it with the topic. For example: "At night, the bridge went goose and met an elephant, who told him about the Declaration of Independence of the United States." Or: "Gus went with swords on the bridge, and the donkey began to defend them, they all went to defend the independence of the United States.") As you can see, the plot options can be a lot. It all depends on your desire, fantasy, as well as the knowledge of the characteristics of your memory, only you yourself can understand or feel what plot will be remembered by you better. But in any case, it is then necessary to imagine as much as possible, make a "photo for memory" or see as a fragment of the film.

Practice yourself and you will understand that remembering historical dates with the help of the CBC and the compilation of the plot is much easier than to mechanically zag. Do not forget to apply the method of revitalizing and consumes after you are the plot. The next day try to remember the dates standing on the eve. If difficulty will occur, repeat them again, work the plots better, bring your emotional attitude to them, spread accents on keywords, etc.

In this case, the repetition will be rational and benefit. Repeat the plots, not the numbers, as if you needed to remember the text belonging to the date. You can restore numbers at any time by recoding them from words with the PCB. As a rule, the dates learned only by repetition or even the cavity are stored in the memory only a short time (before the exam) or the time, while they are interested in or needed, and if you cease to contact them, they are safely forgotten.

Surely at school you memorized the years of the life of Dostoevsky or Nekrasov, but now it is unlikely to remember them (if, of course, their creativity was not the topic of your diploma or thesis). After all, you have nothing to catch. In contrast, the dates bought with the preparation of the plot and the rational repetition (if necessary) will be stored in your memory much longer in independence from whether you often contact them.

Before you give you an abstreation to memorize historical dates the method described above, I will say a few more words about such a kind of historical dates as The dates of the life of outstanding people. The principle of action here is the same. First you make up using the PCB keywords to memorize the date of life and if the dates of death are needed. Then, in order to remember that these are the dates of the life of this person, depending on the knowledge of your creativity or merit (or appearance) you can do two different ways.

If the personality is familiar to you, then you have enough associations to bind keywords with a specific personality. If a memorable personality is familiar to you, you are weak, you are talking about, or you are going to confuse someone else, it makes sense to include in the plot of the sound association for the surname to know who exactly belongs to certain years of life ( or other digital information).

So, for example, a musician in the above example with a composer Glinka absolutely does not need an association for the surname, it will determine whose years of life on the works included in the plot or (if the dates of their creation do not include) will connect keywords with the appearance of a person will be a plot with using any of the characters of the author, any detail known to him.

The man, far from music, but for some reason, it is necessary to memorize years of life, for example, Glinka and Mussorgsky (and who does not see a big difference between them), it is better to associate their years of life with sound associations to their surnames in the future Do not confuse. But if we remembered the dates of Newton's life, we would not need to invent the association to his last name: after all, it is enough to mention the apple falling on the head, and it is already clear that these are the dates of life of this particular scientist.

*** Exercise 53.

Remember the following dates, coming up with the plot of words compiled with a digital-letter code. Use any of the above varieties of historical dates varieties using the CBC. Find out which you like more.

1735 Year - cast Tsar-Bell (masters of motorine).
1725 Year is the opening of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
1820 Year - the opening of Antarctica.
1876 The year is the invention of the telephone apparatus A.G. Bella (USA).
1672-1725 Years - years of life Peter I.
1419-1437 Years - Gusitsky Wars.
1821-1881 Years - years of life F. M. Dostoevsky.
14.07.1789 Year - Taking Bastille (the beginning of the Great French Bourgeois Revolution).
24.08.1572 Year - Bartholomeevian night (Catholics attacked Huguenots).

Check yourself, closing first right, and then the left part of the job in the exercise No. 53. Be sure to try to reproduce these dates the next day. Disassemble errors. If for some reason it was difficult for you to perform this exercise, see what keywords could be selected to the dates using the CBK. Skill with a selection of keywords comes with experience and takes a few seconds.

Plots from these words make up themselves. (Almost all the numbers are a few options for words, while in some cases you can choose and what kind of transcoding method you will use - to break the four-digit number into two double-digit, memorized as a three-digit number (with three significant consonants in the word) or Sewing the number on the unambiguous and double-digit number. You can also use the method with only one (first) significant letter.)

1 7 3 5 year

Mounted tsar-bell.

g. from to p
j. z. j. b.

735 - bracket, bury
17 - Goose, Guest, State
35 - drop, penny, cap

1 7 2 5 year

Russian Academy of Sciences has been opened.

g. from d. p
j. z. t. b.

725 - steppe, stupa, step, degree
17 - goose, gas, lawn, state
25 - diploma, oak, depot, sneakers

1 8 2 0 year

Opening Antarctica.

g. in d. n.
j. f. t. m.

820 - water, water, visible
18 - nail, carnation, gvidon, belly
20 - bottom, day, house, ton

1 8 7 6 year

The invention of the telephone.

g. in from sh
j. f. z. l.

876 - Fun, universe, beans, take off
18 - see above
76 - Elephant, Plum, Salo, Salo

1 6 7 2 - 1 7 2 5 years

Years of life Peter I.

sh from d. from d. p
l. z. t. z. t. b.

672 - flippers, swallow, smart
725 - Job, steppe, stupa

1 4 1 9 - 1 4 3 7 years

Gusite wars.

c. g. r to from
sh j. c. h. z.

4 - soup, eyes ( 14 - Human, bug)
19 - Mountain, Gih, Heat
37 - Spit, goat, brush

1 8 2 1 - 1 8 8 1 years

Years of Life F.M. Dostoevsky.

g. in d. g. in g.
j. f. t. j. f. j.

821 - Hood
18 - see above
21 - Dog, down
81 - Car, Fagot, Fuuder

1 4. 0 7. 1 7 8 9 of the year

Taking Bastille.

g. c. n. from g. from in r
j. sh m. z. j. z. f. c.

14 - thick, bug
07 - Nose, bridge, music
17 - Goose, Guest
89 - Thief, Headlights, Fireworks
789 - Support, welding, north, bundle

c. n. in g. p from d.
t. sh m. f. j. b. z. t.

24 - Cloud, daughter, game
08 - Mafia, news
15 - Toad, Guba, Cheetah
72 - Garden, saddle, flock
572 - conversation, bed, pasta, wasteland

You can exercise in memorizing historical dates yet. In the application You will find many more dates.

The second way.
Graphic method of memorizing historical dates

This method is that the date must be drawn. As you remember, the numbers in the form can resemble various items. On the other hand, if you show fantasy and ingenuity, then almost in any item can be found to find the desired figure by changing it in one way or another, as a result, it is possible to find much more images in the world around us than it seems at first glance. When memorizing historical dates, it is advisable to look for items similar to the numbers as it were in the subject, in an event that describes the date.

In other words, imagine that you need to draw a postcard depicting the content of the date, but draw so that in this postcard you can easily see the corresponding date of the numbers. Of course, it is better if the picture is drawn with humor. Figures encoded in the figure should be positioned from left to right or top down (so that in the future it does not confuse their sequence).

In order to subsequently reproduce the date, you just need to remember the drawing that you came up with it. Unlike numbers, which, as you know, are an abstract material, remember the picture, and even more so which you drew it is much easier.

Consider an example: 1586 The year was cast king gun. I will remember only the last three digits, since I will not confuse millennium. I draw a gun so that it reminds the form of the figure " 5 ". On the digit" 8 "There may be two kernels lying nearby. A number" 6 "- This is a pushed king, running away from her in fear.

Digit 6 "Always associate with me with a pushed person, and I put the king in my drawing also to remember that it was the king gun, and not some other, and the date applies to it, and not to any Battle. Artistic abilities for applying this method of memorizing historical dates are absolutely not important, as not so important to the real loosery, say, guns and numbers " 5 ".

The main thing is that this similarity see you exactly and when you remember the picture, the digit reproduced correctly. This method is conveniently used primarily when the digits for memorization are not very much, and the topic with which the date is connected may become the topic of the figure. Sometimes this way remember the date is even easier than applying a digital-letter code.

Because, as you probably noticed, the plot when using the CBK sometimes it turns out quite clumsy, and the words with each other do not fit in any way. In each particular case, the choice of method is yours, the result will be better in any case than when it is combated, and most importantly - you save time. Consider some more examples of memorizing historical dates using a graphical method.

1807 Year - the first steamer was built. At first I painted the eight and thought, on what the steamer associated with the steamer can be like. It occurred to me that it could be two standing pipes, if you look at the top. I went on this path, that is, it began to look at the steamer from above. The image for zero was found at once - this is the housing of the steamer (when looking from above). A number " 7 "Reminds the pattern of waves, which diverge in the nose of the steamer when it moves.

Undoubtedly, the memorization will be more effective if you apply the methods of revitalization and complisibility with respect to the finished figure. For example, you can imagine how you touch the king gun, feel the roughness of its surface, the temperature of the metal. Imagine that you are trying to raise the kernel, feel their severity, carefully consider the face of the king. In the second case, you can imagine that you really fly over this steamer, see people on it, hear how he is a pipe, or music that comes from him, or a cry of gulls, feel the splashes of waves, the smell of water.

1669 The year is open "Grand Opera", the famous Opera House in Paris. The choice of the topic of the drawing depends on what is associated with you with the topic of the duty memorable. For example, the Opera House is associated with an opera singer. Therefore, to memorize this date, I draw the opera singer, who is preparing for a speech. Two sixes are curls of her wig, and the figure " 9 "- This is a mirror with a handle in which it looks.

To remember that this is the Paris Opera House, I teach the window from which the Eiffel Tower is visible (symbol of Paris). Another image of the drawing to memorize the same date can be an image of the scene of the theater. Two six are orchestrants, and the nine is a solid performer. In the background, any symbol of Paris can be depicted.

So, you can draw anything. The main thing is that your drawing can remind you of the date. By the way, sometimes, when it is required to recall the date that melted with the use of a graphical method, people remember not the final drawing, but the process of its invent or execution, that is, the engine memory is also connected to remembering, and motor memory is also connected.

*** Exercise 54.

In this exercise, try to remember historical dates, inventing pictures to them. Do not forget that the items depicting the numbers must be located left to right and top down. After the drawing is ready, apply the methods of revival and consumers. Then, looking into the drawings, play the dates encoded in them.

1853 Year - the first landline wooden circus was built in Moscow.
1832 Year is the first telegraph connection in Russia.
1957 Year - the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched.
988 Year - the adoption of Christianity in Russia.
1895 Year - invention Radio Popov.
1519 Year - the first world sailing of Magellan.
1773 Year - the peasant war under the leadership of E. Pugacheva.
1675 Year - the execution of Stepan Razin.
27.01.1944 of the year - the final removal of the blockade of Leningrad.
07.1942 of the year - the beginning of the Stalingrad battle.

Check yourself, remembering the memory of your drawings. (To do this, write down the dates of which you remembered in this exercise, to a separate sheet and write opposite them the corresponding dates.) Repeat the scanning the next day and take errors. You may need to replace some drawings to more memorable, show more fantasy and sense of humor. You can practice yet, remembering the graphical method of some of the dates, data in the application.

Comment addressed to specially schoolchildren and students whose hands got this book. Your drawings to the dates can become excellent cribs for you if you are still not sure that remember the dates on the control or exam, (many are made and take cribs with them exclusively for your own calmness, remembering the material and without them.) Being Found, your drawings-cheat sheets are unlikely to cause suspicion from the teacher, but I still think that, remembering the dates in this way, you can do without them. (By the way, the phrases drawn up for the CBC-based dates are also unlikely to bring suspicion from the teacher.)

Exists another kind of graphic method. It is that it is necessary not to draw pictures to historical dates and encode numbers in them, but in the fact that the digits of the dates need to be found in already data pictures (illustrations). This method is suitable, naturally, only for those dates to which the tutorial is given illustration, photography. But this method is simply indispensable to memorize dates for writing famous paintings.

Unlike the previous method, here you do not need to invent anything, fantasy. It is necessary to start carefully consider the illustration (picture, photo) and consistently find the numbers of the duty memorized in it. Illustrations to dates are very often found in textbooks and books on history. Of course, the search must be carried out strictly from left to right and from top to bottom to subsequently do not confuse anything. All complexity is that it is already given objects and cannot be changed.

Therefore, it is often necessary to use the similarity with the number of only one part of the subject. Now suppose you have found consistently all the numbers you are interested in. What should I do to do not forget? Well, firstly, it is necessary to stop in more detail on them, mentally, how to circle their contour of the figures found (sometimes it is possible and realized). Often, this is already enough to memorize the historical date, to which an illustration (or the date of writing a picture, creating a sculptural group).

All other work is performed by your natural memory without any mnemotechnical means. And when remembering the illustration (paintings), you can easily remember the date relating to it. Try to remember in this way a couple of dates. If your natural memory was not enough - help her by creating a small mnemotechnical plot from the key moments of the picture (that is, those parts in which the numbers are encoded). Practice yourself. Try to remember the years of creating 8-10 paintings, the reproductions of which you have at home or 8-10 historical dates, to which there are illustrations in the textbook.

Combined method of memorizing historical dates

The three methods described above, the method of memorizing historical dates can be combined with each other to achieve even better results. For example, you can "place" keywords for the date, created using the CBC, in the existing illustration (third method). They can be realized in the picture or present mentally. Another option is to combine the second and third methods.

That is, in an illustration for a memorized date, you can draw objects similar to the form on the numbers. Sometimes, if time allows, you can try to remember the date and graphical method, and the method using the PCB. In one word than more creativity and fantasy You will show when memorizing dates - the better the result will be. Your memory will thank you for help yourself. And his gratitude will first of all be in strength to store the information you need.

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Mechanics to memorize historical dates

How to memorize historical dates

According to the book E.Vasilieva "Superpass or how to remember to remember?"

The technique of memorization of historical dates is one of the complex techniques, because This information contains both words and numbers.

Historical dates can be divided into three groups on the availability of digital information. The first group includes historical dates containing only a year. To the second group - years of government, i.e. Year and year. And the third group is the number, month and year. Consider the features of each group.

The historical dates of the first group to memorize is easy, because It contains only one number. The sequence of actions here is quite obvious. The year is translated into a specific image, and then "turns on" to the image of the event. To transfer the four-digit digit to the image, we will agree first digit, i.e. 1 Turn and memorize a three-digit number. And three digits are translated into images.

The historical dates of the second group to memorize is more difficult, because They contain two numbers. The years are also translated into images and "enabled" in the "picture" of events. But in this case the sequence of these images is important! To correctly remember such information, you need to decide once and for all that the numbers will be remembered by the mental operation "overlay" in the following order: right to left or top down. In this case, successful memorization is guaranteed.

The historical dates of the third group are the most difficult to memorize, because contain three numbers.

We give examples of memorization of the following historical dates:

1136 - uprising in Novgorod
1078 - 1093. - The Board of Prince Vsevolod
August 17, 1610 - the occupation of Moscow Poles

We highlight the support words in each historical date: Novgorod, Vsevolod, Poles.

Next, we translate these words into specific images and remember the "Cicero" method. For example, the newspaper "News" on the door, Seva stands at the wall, and Pole (from the film "Three Tankers and Dog") sits on a desk.

Now I remember each event separately.

We represent that the newspapers "News" Rruss Rest.
Friend Seva dress in princely clothes and sit on the throne.
Poles on the tank enter and occupy Moscow.

Now "turn on" images of numbers into each of these pictures. This is what we will succeed: newspapers "News" Rvut Rest, who are thrown in the coil newspaper (136). It is possible that the coil stuck to the newspaper "News" and they are trying to tear up the rebels.

Seva sits on the throne and in his right hand holds a huge handkerchief (078), and in the left - backgammon heavy (093).

Poles visit the tank to Moscow and see how the Red Square (17) accurate to cut the watermelon (August). They pull out the chocolate "shock" new (610) and begin it to eat with an appetite. Or, in a different way, the Poles on the tank enter and occupy Moscow. One of them has a long braid (17), in the hands of huge watermelons (August), and on the leg - the mounted lock with the key, the whole blue (610).

The control remember must be implemented first by events, and then according to the figure.

The story is included in the list of items required to explore the school. With its help, you can move without a time machine to any era, "watch" for its main actors. There is a lot of information on this subject, to systematize and remember it difficult. How to quickly learn history? How to remember Dates, events and heroes? The tips below will help this.

Someone this item is easily given, someone faces certain difficulties in the process of studying it. What you need to know in order to facilitate the task?

  • Discard the cramp. How to learn the story quickly and easily? Texts should not be attempting to memorize the word. The key to success is an understanding of the material read. Sometimes one unclear term is enough to disrupt the entire system.
  • Spread the paragraph to blocks. The text should be divided into semantic blocks. To memorize, it is also useful to come up with a name for each passage in accordance with its basic idea. Then you need to retell each block in your own words.
  • Stimulate yourself. Each person remains a child in the soul. He needs promotion for well done work. How to quickly learn the story and love this subject? You need to come up with a reward for every new achievement. You can also develop a system of sentences.

Tables and maps

How to quickly learn the history of a country? An invaluable assistant in this case will be the date table, where they are distributed in chronological order. This table should be handled when studying each topic. The more often it uses it, the stronger the dates are enshrined in memory.

Also, the story is not easy to learn without historical cards, on which movements in the military process are depicted. In addition, they will help to understand the separation of land in different periods.

Historical notes

How to quickly learn history? To memorize a large amount of information it is useful to make a special notebook. It is intended for a brief outline of the material studied. In the notebook you can draw handwritten schemes that allow us to visually imagine links between events. Graphic notes help reduce large texts, contribute to memorization. You can also make a drawing dedicated to a particular event.

Historical notes It is advisable to do on each individual era. Any event you can pay more attention to some kind of devoting less time.

Mind games

"Mind Games" - a technique that has proven itself in the study of humanitarian items. Its essence is the creation of stable images and paintings in your head dedicated to the material being studied. In other words, the technique offers a person to dream on a given topic.

How to learn Russia's history quickly? For example, a person is trying to remember the key points in the Leningrad blockade. In his imagination, he may take the place of the ordinary warrior, whom the enemies surround. He should try to survive the emotions that can experience a soldier in this terrible moment. You can also imagine orders that give the hero command, its possible exploits. The technique allows you to bind your own false memories for real numbers and dates.


Unfortunately, the imagination is sufficiently developed not in all people. How to quickly learn the history of Ukraine? For example, a person studies the rule of Princess Olga, who became the first government, who adopted the Christianity of the Byzantine rite. He needs to find documentaries and drawings dedicated to this topic.

Fantasies that already exist in the real world will help people who have no imagination. Almost any topic now you can find documentary paintings, drawings, archival photos and so on.


History is a difficult subject. The success of its study largely depends on whether the student is regularly involved. You need to take a rule to contact the textbook daily, study the new material for at least 30 minutes a day. However, it is not necessary to deal for several hours, since the brain simply will not be able to have a full processing of information.

How to make yourself learn history, if there is no desire to do this? It is not necessary to start with ancient times at all. You can choose for yourself the most interesting historical segment and proceed to study. Be sure to learn more about events that have a direct or indirect attitude towards it.

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