What sniper killed 900 people. Snipers of the Great Patriotic War

Snipers in ambush. The extreme left is the senior sergeant Ivan Petrovich Merkulov, the sniper of the 1st rifle company of the 610th rifle regiment. Extreme Right - Pupil Merculova Sergeant Zolotov

Snipers-aces that destroyed 50 and more enemy soldiers

Sniper Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev. From November 10 to December 17, 1942, 225 soldiers and officers of the German army and the armies of their allies

A snapshot on which Erwin König is allegedly depicted

The best overalls of the Second World War were Russian snipers, and this fact is a completely concrete explanation: long before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, in the Soviet Union paid special attention to the mass rifle training of the population, the development of the skills of circulation and tagging. In 1932, when Osoaviachim, the title of Voroshilovsky arrows was established, a wide movement for the mastery of rifle skills was launched. The "Voroshilovsky shooter" icon was awarded about 9 million people. The result of this work was the reserve from well-trained shooters.

Even before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, sniper compartments were included in the states of protection divisions of the NCPS communications.
Real accounts of snipers are actually more than confirmed. For example, Fedor Okhlopkov, according to capeful data, only destroyed more than a thousand Germans using a machine gun. In 1943, there were more than 1,000 women among Soviet snipers; During the war, they were counted more than 12,000 Germans. The first ten Soviet snipers destroyed (confirmed) 4,200 soldiers and officers, and the first twenty - 7400. The 82nd rifle division of Mikhail Lysov in October 1941 from an automatic rifle with a sniper sight killed JU-87. Data on the number of infantry killed by him, unfortunately, no. And the Sniper of the 796th Rifle Division Senisher Antonov Vasily Antonovich in July 1942 under Voronezh four shots from the rifle knocked down the twin-engine JU-88. The data on the number of the infantry killed them also did not preserve.

Weapon to our snipers served mainly sniper rifle Mosina. However, a sniper version of SVT was used.

The preparation of snipers in the Wehrmacht began to be engaged only by the end of 1942, and not only Soviet trophy sniper rifles were used, but also Soviet training films and instructions. Therefore, the Germans managed to enter the required level only in 1944. It is believed that Erwin König, killed by Vasily Zaitsev in Stalingrad, was considered that Erwin König was engaged in the preparation of snipers in Germany. It is also approved that the head of Sniper School in Zosssen was the SS Gainz Torvald, the existence of which, like the school itself, is also doubtful - German snipers were taught not in schools, but directly in the troops. Many generally believe that König was invented by writer William Craig, who wrote in 1973 the book "Enemy at the Gates" - "Enemy at the gate." However, the scope shot by Zaitsev from the sniper rifle of König was put up in the Central Museum of Armed Forces. In Moscow, who, however, has been removed from exposure for some time ago.

Most likely, König was just a good sniper and turned out to be among those 11 snipers that were killed by Vasily Zaitsev, and the blowing of the significance of his person pursues only the goal to make the average man think that the Germans also had snipers-aces.

Sniper rifle Mosina

SVT with sniper sight

Lyudmila Pavlichenko is the most efficient woman-sniper destroyed 309 enemies.

The most productive of our snipers became a foreman from the 1st battalion of the 39th Rifle Regiment of the 4th Rifle Division of the 12th Army Mikhail Ilyich Surkov. From the sniper women, the most effective was a sniper of the 54th Rifle Regiment of the 25th Chapayevsky Rifle Division Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko. Among the best snipers there were many hunters engaged in fishery since childhood. The hunters were Vasily Zaitsev, Sniper-Yakut Fedor Matveyevich Okhlopkov and Mikhail Surkov. Snipers-Evenki Semyon Danilovich also became famous.

Interesting fact: From January 18 to January 28, 1943, the Snipers of the NKVD of all fronts were held in Moscow. 309 people took part in his work. After a four-day instructing and methodological seminar, combat internship was held. During her, a consolidated battalion of snipers from the participants of the Fleet for ten days destroyed 2375 servicemen of the Wehrmacht.

Among the German snipers, Mattias Hetzenauer were distinguished themselves with 345 confirmed killed, Joseph Allerberger - 257 confirmed killed and fought for the Germans Lithuanian Bruno Sutcus - 209 killed. Finn Simo Häyuhuya was also famous, who was attributed to 504 killed redarmeys, of which 219 managed to confirm documented.

List of the most efficient Soviet snipers

Full Name

The number of destroyed enemies


Surkov Mikhail Ilyich

4th SD, 12th Army.

Salbiev Vladimir Gavrilovich

(71 GVSD and 95 GVSD) by 20.12.1944

Kvachantiradze Vasily Shalvovich

GSS dated 03/24/1945.

Sidorenko Ivan Mikhailovich

GSS dated 4.06.1944.

Ilyin Nikolay Yakovlevich

GSS dated 8.02.1943. He died on 4.08.1943.

Kulbertinov Ivan Nikolaevich

He died in 1993.

Pchelftsev Vladimir Hikolaevich

456 (including 14 snipers)

GSS dated 6.02.1942.

Goncharov Petr Alekseevich

GSS dated January 10, 1944. Died on January 30, 1944.

Budound Mikhail Ivanovich

GSS dated 03/24/1945.

Renskov Ivan Mikhailovich

Data require clarification

Okhlopkov Fedor Matveyevich

GSS dated 05/06/1965.

Dyachenko Fyodor Trofimovich

GSS dated 21.02.1944.

Petrenko Stepan Vasilyevich

422 (including 12 snipers)

GSS dated 03/24/1945.

422 (including 70 snipers)

He died on 08/16/1943. GSS dated 10.26.1943.

Galushkin Nikolai Ivanovich

418 (including 17 snipers)

SGF of 21.06.1995.

Gordienko Athanasius Emelyanovich

Died in 1943.

Abdybekov Tuleugali Nasyrkhanovich

Died from RAS 23.02.1944.

Harchenko Fedor Alekseevich

He died on January 23, 1944. GSS dated 05/06/1965.

Nomocons Semen Danilovich

Including one general and 8 Japanese.

Medvedev Viktor Ivanovich

GSS dated 22.02.1944.

Gennady Iosifovich Gennady

According to other data - 330. GSS dated 10.26.1943.

Antonov Ivan Petrovich

352 (including 20 snipers)

GSS dated 22.02.1943.

Belousov Mikhail Ignatievich

GSS dated 10.26.1943.

Govorukhin Alexander

296th SP, 13th SD.

Idrisov Abdukhazhi

GSS dated 3.06.1944.

Rubaho Philip Yakovlevich

Died from RAS 14.09.1943. GSS dated January 22, 1944.

Larkin Ivan Ivanovich

GSS dated January 15, 1944.

Markin Ivan I.

1183th SP, 356th SD

Gorelikov Ivan Pavlovich

at least 338.

GSS dated 04/28/1943.

Grigoriev Ilya Leonovich

328 (including 18 snipers)

GSS dated July 15, 1944.

Butkevich Leonid Vladimirovich

According to some sources - 345. GSS of 25.10.1943.

Nikolaev Evgeny Adrianovich

14th SP, 21st SD NKVD

Ivasik Mikhail Adamovich

He died on 08/18/1944. GSS dated 03/24/1945.

Tulaev Zhambyl evkchevich

313 (including 30 snipers)

GSS dated 14.02.1943.

Lebedev Alexander Pavlovich

He died on 14.08.1943. GSS dated 4.06.1944.

Titov Vasily Aleksandrovich

301th OAD KBF.

Dobrik Ivan Timofeevich

14th SP, 21st SD NKVD.

Moisie Moses Timofeevich

at least 300.

GSS dated 10/17/1943. He died 8.01.1944.

Adamia Noy Petrovich

He died in July 1942. GSS dated 24.07.1942.

Vedernikov Nikolay Stepanovich

about 300 (including machine gun)

GSS dated 27.06.1945.

Bryxin Maxim Semenovich

726th SP, 395th SD.

Abdulov Ivan Filippovich

298 (including 5 snipers)

He died on 11.03.1943. GSS dated 10.26.1943.

Reznichenko Fedor.

Leningrad Front.

Osthaichuk Ivan.

Estranets Yakov Mikhailovich

GSS dated 03/24/1945.

He died 30.04.1945. GSS dated 15.05.1946.

Passarem Maxim Aleksandrovich

71st Guards SD. Died 17.01.1943.

Dorzhiev Zyrendashi

202nd SD, North - West Front. He died in January 1943.

Chekhov Anatoly Ivanovich

39th GWS, 13th GVSD, 62nd Army.

Cashicin? ?

296th SP, 13th SD. Leningrad Front.

Savor Mikhail Stepanovich

GSS dated September 13, 1944.

Shorets Pavel

There is no accurate data.

Akhmetyanov AHAT.

Leningrad Front.

Chegodaev Fedor Kuzmich

To May 1942. GSS dated 21.07.1942.

Bocharov Ivan Ivanovich

GSS dated 3.06.1944.

Palmine Nikolai V.

Zaitsev Vasily Grigorievich

242 (including 11 snipers)

GSS dated 22.02.1943.

News Simanchuk Grigory Mikhailovich

Petrov Egor Konstantinovich

1100th SP, 327th SD, 2nd Impact Army. Died in 1944.

Suleimenov Ibrahim.

at least 239.

8th GVSD, 3rd Impact Army. He died in October 1943.

Strebkov Dmitry Ivanovich

Zeinutdinov Calimulla

at least 226.

Dowev David Teboevich

226 (including 3 sniper)

Killed 12.11.1943. GSS dated 05/16/1944.

Golichenkov Peter Ivanovich

225 (including 23 sniper)

According to other data - 248. GSS dated 6.02.1942.

fighter by nickname "Zhigan"

In battles for Stalingrad.

Danilov V.I.

By August 1943. 32nd Army, Karelian Front.

Mironov Mikhail Yakovlevich

GSS dated 21.02.1944.

Sarikov Mikhail Eleutich

at least 220.

39th SP, 4th SD.

Nikitin Nikolai V.

Leningrad Front.

Semenov Nikolay Fedorovich

169th SP, 86th SD, 2nd, Army. Senior Sergeant, for the period from 29.08.41 to 10.06.43. In addition, he taught and raised 94 snipers who destroyed more than 580 Germans.

Nimushin Ivan Grigorievich

Shabanov Pavel

Leningrad Front.

Galimov Vakhit Gazizovich

He died 28.09.1943. GSS dated 22.02.1944.

at least 207.

Pupkov Aleksey

182nd SD, 27 and 34th Army.

Lebedev Ivan.

61st Army, Bryansk Front.

Talalaev Vasily Ivanovich

Died on April 22, 1945. GSS dated 05/31/1945.

Atnagulov Fahretdin

Afanasyev Nikifor Samsonovich

GSS dated 3.06.1944.

Petrov Vasily

sailor KBF, died.

Kochubey? ?

187th SP, 72nd SD, 55th Army.

Komaritsky Vasily Mikhailovich

not less than 200.

1183th SP, 356th SD.

News Rataev Vasily Semenovich

By 09/20/1942. He died on 08.18.1944.

Krasnov Vladimir Nikiforovich

Died October 7, 1943.

Tkachev Ivan Terentyevich

21st GVSD, 3rd Impact Army.

Surin F. G.

Kos 2nd and 3rd degree.

Kloka Vasily Timofeevich

He died in January 1945.

Mariasov? ?

309th SD, Voronezh Front.

Kozlenkov Anatoly Vladimirovich

483rd GWS, 118th GVSD.

Uhinov Dorzhi

188th SD, 27th Army.

Amaev Mahmoud Mutievich

87th GWS, 29th GVSD. He died on 02.22.1943.

Wilhelms Yanis Voldemarovich

GSS dated 21.07.1942.

Sinyavin? ?

Abbasy Mamed-Ali

By the end of 1943. 63rd CBSP SF

Handojin Gabriel Nikiforovich

622th SP, 250th SD and 674th SP, 150th SD.

Denisenko Stepan Petrovich

1128th SP, 336th SD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Zyzhin Alexey Mikhailovich

961st SP, 274th SD, 36th SK. He died in May 1945.

Bogdanov Petr Afanasyevich

In the fall of 1942, the 83rd GVSD.

Bestchkin F.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Rakhmatullin Zagid Kalievich

14th SP, 21st SD NKVD.

Kazakov Viktor Sergeevich

68th ICBM, 8th GMC.

Zvyaginsev Matvey

Leningrad Front. Died 19.01.1944.

Konovalov T.

Barzigin Ivan Stepanovich

Kiel Zakhar.

182nd SD, 27th Army.

Borisov Guri.

Students? ?

By November 1942. In battles for Stalingrad.

Gorbatenko Nikolai

at least 168.

Karelian front.

Slipko Peter.

By July 1943. 1133rd SP, 339th SD, 56th Army.

Akimov A.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Gostyukhin Andrey

Leningrad Front.

Rudmatov Khait.

By December 1942.

Yakunin Stepan.

By June 1943. 311th rifle regiment

Lepsky Nikolay Petrovich

106th border regiment of the NKVD.

Samsonov Nikolai

at least 162.

353th SD, 18th Army.

Murai Grigory Efimovich

508th SP, 174th SD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Pescoagin Vasily Alekseevich

92nd SD, Leningrad Front.

Bondarenko Timofey

(or - Trofim) Gerasimovich

at least 156.

By June 1944. 3rd shock army.

Kalinin Alexander Andreevich

155 (or 115)

GSS dated 6.02.1942.

Chchikov Dmitry Iosifovich

at least 154.

By April 1943. 34th SD, 28th Army, South Front.

Kuritsyn? ?

At least 153.

55th Army, Leningrad Front

Savchenko Grigory P.

The 1st Impact Army, North - West Front.

Kurbanov Alexey Abdurakhmanovich

282nd GWS, 92th GVSD. GSS dated 22.02.1944.

Sofrons Peter Nikolaevich

Biryukov? ?

at least 150.

91st border regiment.

Thermalkin Ivan Vasilyevich

GSS dated January 15, 1944.

Belyakov Peter Alekseevich

Tishchenko I.

Merkulov Ivan Petrovich

GSS dated 19.03.1944.

Ivan Romanovich Ivan Romanovich

until June 1942 60

Kopylov Mikhail

By the end of the summer of 1942. 158th SD.

Maximov? ?

at least 142.

44th GWSP, 15th GVSD.

Trusov Alexey Ivanovich

108th Pier Bolk NKVD.

Gannochka Mikhail G.

Ostudin Nikolay Nikolaevich

296th SP, 13th SD.

Romanov? ?

By the spring of 1943.

Wieryman Ivan Dmitrievich

GSS dated 6.02.1942.

Logins? ?

81st GVSP, 25th GVSD,

Voronezh Front.

Calimbet Sergey Pavlovich

33rd SME troops NKVD.

Chmestiani Pavel Eratastovich

Aliyev Said Davydovich

at least 130.

10th GVSD. GSS dated 22.02.1943.

Klimovsky? ?

By October 1943. 32nd Army, Karelian Front.

Dmitrenko Vladimir Nesterovich

at least 130.

8th Guards Brigade.

Gaponov Grigory Semenovich

GSS dated 03/24/1945.

Mironov Alexey Afanasyevich

Died in 03/30/1945. GSS dated 5.05.1990.

Obserin Boris.

Osmanaliev Ashiralley

Hungarian I. P.

309th SD, Voronezh Front.

Saveliev V. G.

Leningrad Front.

Blizzard Georgy.

at least 127.

143rd SP, Leningrad Front.

Osipov V.I.

A resident of the mountains. Rybinsk.

Nikolai M.

By October 1942. The 1st Impact Army, North - West Front.

Minchenkov Michae Mitrofanovich

Timofeev? ?

7th BMP, Leningrad Front.

Uhh Fedor

Volkhov Front.

Smolyachkov Feodosius Artyomovich

He died on 01/15/1942. GSS dated 6.02.1942.

Zhambo S.

Zalessky Nicholas

Lenigrad Front.

Koleynikov I. P.

The 13th joint venture of the NKVD troops.

Rakhmatulin Zagid Kalievich

14th KSP NKVD, 21st SD.

Lap Yakov

at least 124.

Denisenko Ivan Anastasyevich

at least 124.

187th SP, 72nd SD, 55th Army.

Seliverstov Ivan Timofeevich

News Sedashkin Alexander Nikolaevich

By 06/10/1942.

Glyaev Dmitry Alekseevich

110th SD, 33rd Army. Died on September 10, 1943.

Shelkomintsev S.?

32nd Army, Karelian Front.

Juchenko E.

To May 1943. 266th SD

Ivanov Leonid Vasilyevich

News Claw Mikhail Sharipovich

Tarasenko? ?

at least 118.

By early 1942. Leningrad Front.

Kazankin R. T.

at least 118.

Isakov Grigory Mikhailovich

at least 118.

Died under Leningrad

Frost? ?

Loskutov Stepan Petrovich

GSS dated 6.02.1942.

Grebenyuk? ?

at least 116.

Dorokhin Peter.

at least 116.

687th SP, 141th SD. 40th Army. Voronezh Front.

Fedorov Georgy Konstantinovich

Rose Yanis Yanovich

123rd GWS, 43rd GVSD, 10th Army.

at least 114.

Adilov Tashaba

65th SP, 43rd SD, 55th Army.

Kochegarov Alexey Fedorovich

Shevelev Alexander Evstafyevich

By March 1942. 311th SD.

Carasev? ?

at least 112.

Proskurin Vasily

Klobhn Ilya Hersheh

at least 111.

101th SP, 4th SD.

Savitsky P.

To May 1943. 266th SD

Fedorov Ignat.

at least 110.

Mironov Vasily

Seferbekov Abdullah

Died on 5.03.1943.

at least 109.

Kuchmenko Grigory Imhonovich

at least 109.

In battles on a low earth.

Voitenko? ?

at least 108.

Bugai Ivan Pavlovich

Kuxenok Vladimir

Abbasov Balarain

Died on November 19, 1942.

Nishchev Joseph Ilyich

Kos All 3 degrees.

at least 105.

961st SP, 274th SD, 36th SK.

Yakovlev Fedor Vasilyevich

Kiselev Ivan Alekseevich


Andersen? ?

By June 1943. The 1st Impact Army, North - West Front.

Santo Togon

He died in June 1942.

Movie Nazir

35th GWS, 10th GVSD, 14th Army.

Shubin Alexey Alexandrovich

14th SP NKVD, 21st SD. Died on January 31, 1942.

Neskuba Ivan Sidorovich


Prouda Aleksey

By October 1942. Transcaucasian front.

Zhumagulov Akhmet

at least 101

By the summer of 1943. 8th GVSD, 3rd Impact Army.

Gromov Nicholas

He died in November 1942.

Shelten Zamit

Koyachibaev Galim.

1280th SP, 391th SD, 1st Impact Army.

Pills Joseph Josephovych

105th SP; 14th SP 21st SD NKVD; 602nd SP 109th SD NKVD.

Vasilyev Vasily Ivanovich

Perhaps - Sergey Vasilyev. 7th BMP PF.

Inashvili Dysun.

He died in December 1942.

Boltyrev Alexey Alekseevich

Boltyrev G. B.

Melnikov? ?

Perhaps this is A. I. Melnikov.

Syzdikbeks Akmukan.

55th Army, Leningrad Front.

Kostin Alexander,

Kravtsov Mikhail

220th Infantry Division.

Abdulaev, Kurashvili, Zheadov,

Vinogradov, Tsaritsyn, Lisin,

Zaitsev, Khasanov, Latokin.

182nd SD, 27 and 34th Army.

Esirkeev Juman

Brass 3rd degree.

Rusakov Aleksey

Brass 3rd degree.

Sumchenko Grigory Tikhonovich

at least 100.

In battles on a low earth.

at least 100.

296th SP, 13th SD.

Smirnov? ?

at least 100.

296th SP, 13th SD.

Thin F. I.

at least 100.

By October 1943. 32nd Army, Karelian Front.

Spirin Mikhail?

at least 100.

110th SD, 33rd Army.

Saltykov Ivan Ivanovich

at least 100.

296th SP, 13th SD.

Widovichenko? ?

at least 100.

296th SP, 13th SD.

Harlamov? ?

at least 100.

296th SP, 13th SD.

Rats Mikhail.

353th SD, 18th Army

18th Army

Rajapov Tajiba

127th border regiment of the NKVD.

Bondarenko Peter Emelyanovich

By March 1942. 502th SP, 177th SD.

Yeraliev Akhmet

Rumyantsev? ?

not less than 98.

210th GWSP, 71st GVSD.

Dergilev Egor Ivanovich

GSS dated 10/17/1943.

Musaev Abdullah

515th SP, 134th SD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Mitrofanov? ?

159th SD, 45th SK, 5th Army, 3rd Belorussian Front.

Gagin Alexey Ivanovich

Yudin K. N.

at least 94.

687th SP, 141th SD, 40th Army, Voronezh Front.

Morozov Mikhail

Karpachev Semen Yermolaevich

not less than 93.

In battles on a low earth.

Avramenko G. T.

not less than 92.

Chebotarev I.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Barbeys? ?

not less than 92.

Vesberdev? ?

By October 1942. 83rd GVSD.

Esirkeev Juman

at least 90 (including 12 snipers)

5th Army.

Sumarokov Boris.

not less than 89.

Leningrad Front.

Kazaryan Sergo Avedovich

14th SP, 21st SD NKVD.

Shvets Sidor Ivanovich

The 13th joint venture of the NKVD troops.

Petrashin Georgy Ivanovich

103th Pier Bolk NKVD.

Zhulaev Ivan Ivanovich

1st GWSP, 2nd GVSD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Vdovchenko Grigory Gavrilovich

By February 1942

296-SP, 13th SD.

Krivokony Fedor Ivanovich

Including 14 Japanese.

at least 85.

sergeant 1298th SP.

Boltar'ev Herman Isaakovich

at least 85.

382th SP, 84th SD.

Suchkov Nikolay D.

25th Chapaevskaya SD.

Mutchaev? ?

Cheremsov V.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Akhmedianov Akhat - Abdul Khakovich

By October 1942. 260th SP, 168th SD ..

Budilin Ivan Fedorovich

By December 1943. 610th SP, 203th SD.

Poles? ?

25th GVSD, Voronezh Front.

Egorov Mikhail Ivanovich

By 01/18/1942, the 125th CD.


Yablonian Nikolay Stanislavovich

106th Pier Bolk NKVD.

Ishmatov Gaumzin

at least 81.

Khalin Andrei Timofeevich

at least 81.

In battles on a low earth.

Shaposhnikov Ivan.

Slobodyankuk Alexey Mikhailovich

104th Pier Balk NKVD.

Minchenkov Michae Mitrofanovich

Kos All 3 degrees.

Petrunin Dmitry Sergeevich

83rd border regiment of the NKVD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Popov Timofey Lavrentievich

not less than 80.

309th SD, Voronezh Front. Died in 1944.

at least 79.

Moldagulova Aliya Nurmukhambetovna

(54 PRED.S.BR.) Died 14.01.1944

25th GVSD, Voronezh Front.

Burmistrov Ivan Ivanovich

1247th SP, 135th SD, 59th Army. Died 30.09.1943

Boyashkin? ?

1047th SP, 284th SD

Shikov Pavl Egorovich

Died 14.01.1945.

GSS dated 03/24/1945.

Prokhorov Nikolai Vasilyevich

1291th SP, 110th SD, 33rd Army.

Eustyugin (Esyukov)? ?

By the fall of 1942. 1st Impact Army. North - West Front.

Denisenko Pavel Ivanovich

by November 1942.

Yakushin Fedor Mitrofanovich

103rd border regiment of the NKVD.

Hatimov? ?

By October 1943. 32nd Army, Karelian Front.

Hismatulin? ?

at least 75.

Hantadze Ermolai Nesterovich

at least 75.

In battles on a low earth.

Bogatyr Ivan Ivanovich

at least 75.

GSS dated 20.06.1942.

Semakhin Peter Filatovich

at least 75.

998th SP (286th SD), 105th PP NKVD.

Zolkin Ivan Andreevich

at least 75.

1266th SP, 385th SD.

Nosov Nikolai

Budaev Dondond

188th SD, 27th Army.

Help? ?

IVKov Alexander Vasilyevich

at least 73.

GSS dated 24.03.1945.

Ivashenkov Alexey Petrovich

By December 1942.

Tulkin? ?

25th GVSD, Voronezh Front.

Belousov P. I.

12th red-known BMP.

Kotlyarov I.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Zhukov Peter Yakovlevich

By November 1942.

Statues Alexander Mikhailovich

By 06/10/1942. 374th SP, 128th SD, 8th Army, Leningrad Front.

Menaagarishvili Grigory Esifovich

83th Marine Circus Brigade. He died in February 1943.

Vorontsov N.

328th SD (31st GVSD).

Sidorov? ?

at least 70

In battles for Stalingrad.

Dubrovin A. I.

3rd shock army.

Mamedov I. M.

The 1st Impact Army, North - West Front.

Schestyuk Fedor Semenovich

not less than 68.

44th GWSP, 15th GVSD. Kos All 3 degrees.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Xalikov? ?

By the spring of 1943.

Khudobin Viktor Ivanovich

148th GWS, 50th GVSD.

Adrov Alexey V.

at least 66.

33rd SME troops NKVD.

Salbiev V. G.

at least 65.

Chrome Pavel

at least 65.

Died in June 1943.

Maltsev? ?

at least 65.

In 1943.

Zhaquaev Malgendar

at least 65.

1138th SP, 338th SD. Died 08.03.1943.

Myreyev Egor Ivanovich

Died in 1942. 213rd SP, 56th SD.

Afanasyev? ?

110th SD, 33rd Army.

Vasilyev Nikolai Pavlovich

104th border regiment of the NKVD.

Kokcibeev Galim

By October 1942,

including hand-to-hand fight.

Frolov Alexander Ivanovich

not less than 63.

Radin I. I.

not less than 63.

Lyakin I. I.

not less than 63.

Blades? ?

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Bespalov I. M.

not less than 62.

687th SP, 141th SD, 40th Army. Voronezh Front.

Savchenko Mikhail Fedorovich

194th SP, 162th SD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Kesher S. P.

at least 61.

687th SP, 141th SD. 40th Army, Voronezh Front.

Ivanov Alexander

at least 61.

Chebotarev Vasily Mikhailovich

He died on 06/27/1944. GSS dated 29.06.1945.

Pospelov Vasily Efimovich

16 SP NKVD; 1 Tank from PTR.

Yeremeyev Timofey

at least 60.

In the summer of 1941 in battles for Kiev.

Yerzhanov Anorba

at least 60.

by the fall of 1942.

Novitsky? ?

By December 1942.

Zavyalov? ?

By October 1943. 32nd Army, Karelian Front.

Sobyanin Gabriel Epifanovich

201st SP, 48th SD. He died on December 23, 1944. GSS dated 29.06.1945.

Kopshibaev Galim

By October 1942. The 1st Impact Army, North - West Front.

Sergienkov Dmitry Grigorievich

GSS dated 27.06.1945.

Kunakbaev I. A.

12th red-known BMP.

at least 58.

Jababarov? ?

at least 58.

Miglabilashvili? ?

at least 58.

83th Red-known BMP.

1047th SP, 284th SD.

Gordeev I. V.

By November 1942.

Poznov Ya.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

News Zibrov Aleksey Ivanovich

By 3.02.1942. 13th SD, 42nd Army, Leningrad Front.

MouSev Abdullo

1077th SP, 316th SD, 38th Army. Kos All 3 degrees.

Bayan N. K.

at least 57.

Levkin Andrei (Ivan?)

456th Regiment of the NKVD, 109th SD. He died under Sevastopol.

Mudnov P.

Larionov? ?

By August 1942. 187th SP, 72nd SD, 42nd Army.

Bulavsky Petr Petrovich

Died 12/21/1941

296th SP, 13th SD.

Zhuravleov Vasily Mikhailovich

at least 56.

In battles on a low earth.

Khojaev Shaban.

Nomoconov Vladimir Semenovich

Son S. D. Nomoconov.

Govsman Fuck Iosifovich

at least 55.

93rd SP, 76th SD.

Vodopyanov Yankel Iosifovich

at least 55.

3rd Osb, 16th OSB.

Nechaev P.?

By October 1943. 32nd Army, Karelian Front.

Calendars A.

To May 1943. 266th SD.

Isakov Stepan Ivanovich

at least 54.

105th PP NKVD.

Gilman Leonid Filelevich

at least 54.

318th SP, 241th SD.

Pavlenko Joseph Dmitrievich

at least 54.

GSS dated January 15, 1944.

Kolesnikov Ivan Fedorovich

at least 53.

In battles on a low earth.

Larionov Mikhail Kharitonovich

at least 53.

In battles on a low earth.

Zakin Ivan Vasilyevich

296-SP, 13th SD. He died on 12/21/1941.

Nikolaev? ?

By August 1942. 187th SP, 72nd SD, 42nd Army.

Maksimov Grigory

at least 52.

In battles on a Kursk arc.

Denisenko Peter Gerasimovich

at least 52.

Leningrad Front

Moscow Boris Ivanovich

1095th SP, 324th SD.

News Karpov Ivan Dmitrievich

By February 1942. 14th SP NKVD, 21st SD.

Gabriel Mashkolkov Egorovich

By 02/15/1942. 14th SP NKVD, 21st SD.

Strischenko Viktor Mikhailovich

at least 51.

105th PP NKVD.

Korovkin? ?

at least 51.

961st SP, 274th SD, 36th SK.

Chudinov L. G.

12th Red Snimped BMP

Kulikov? ?

1047th SP, 284th SD.

Volkov Vsevolod Alekseevich

By January 27, 1942. 3rd OSPMP.

Fomenko Yuri.

Rud Stepan.

961st SP, 274th SD, 36th SK. He died in July 1944.

Golovilev Grigory Vasilyevich

961st SP, 274th SD, 36th SK.

Krasitsky Georgy.

For 18 days of battle near Stalingrad.

Dyatlov Peter.

2nd bottom (85th SD).

Sharapov P. K.

Sanin Nicholas

21st GVSD, 3rd shock army;

Kizirov Konstantin Panastyovich

25th border regiment. Kos All 3 degrees.

Fedchenkov Egor Egorovich

473rd SP, 154th SD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Solovyov Ivan Aleksandrovich

273rd SP (104th SD), 318-SP (102th GVSD). Kos All 3 degrees.

Provekin Ivan Timofeevich

255th SP, 123rd SD, Karelian Front.

Zaitsev Ivan Grigorievich

515-SP, 134th SD. Kos All 3 degrees.

Gerasimov? ?

at least 50.

299th SD. Died in the fall of 1942 near Stalingrad.

Dr. Pavel Mitrofanovich

at least 50.

796th SP, 141th SD, 40th Army, Voronezh Front.

Nusupbaev Abil

at least 50.

By the fall of 1942.

Petrykin Ivan Semenovich

105th Pier Bolk NKVD

For 1943.

Zablavsky? ?

Pedestal Honor in the Sniper Art of the Great War, the Soviet arrows are unconditionally occupied

In contact with


Sergey Antonov

The best snipers of the Second World War. Fedor Okhlopkov and Vasily Kvachantradze. Source: WIO.ru.

Snipers of World War II are almost exclusively Soviet soldiers. Indeed, only in the USSR in the pre-war years, the rifle preparation was actually universal, and since the 1930s special sniper schools acted. So there is nothing surprising in the ten, and in the twenty of the best shooters of that war, only one foreign name is Finn Simo Häyuhuya.

On the account of the first dozen of Russian snipers - 4200 confirmed enemy fighters, the first twenty - 7400. At the very best shooters of the USSR - 500 with excess killed for everyone, while the most efficient Sniper of World War II among Germans has an account of only 345 goals. But the actual accounts of snipers are actually more than confirmed - about two or three times!

It is still still reminding that in the USSR - the only country in the world! - Not only men, but also women fought snipers. For 1943, in the Red Army there were more than a thousand women's women who were killed in a total of more than 12,000 fascists during the war years. Here is a three of the most efficient: Lyudmila Pavlichenko - 309 enemies, Olga Vasilyeva - 185 enemies, Natalia Kovshova - 167 enemies. According to these indicators, Soviet women left behind most of the best snipers from among their opponents.

Mikhail Surkov- 702 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Surprisingly, but the fact: Despite the biggest expense of defeats, Surkov was not awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, although it seemed to him. The unprecedented account of the most effective Sniper Sniper of the Second World War was more than once, but all the defeats were documented, as the rules opened in the Red Army. The foreman of Surkov really killed at least 702 fascists, and taking into account the possible difference between real and confirmed defeats, the bill can go for thousands! The striking accuracy of Mikhail Surkov and the amazing ability to track down their opponents for a long time, apparently, they are explained simply: before calling to the army, he worked as a hunter in a taiga in his homeland - in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Vasily kvachantradze - 534 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Starin Quachantradze fought from the first days: in his personal case it was emphasized that he is a participant in the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. And he finished the service he only after the victory, having passed all the great war without a passage. Even the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Kvachantiradze, who killed over half-hundred-sighted soldiers and officers of the enemy, was appropriated shortly before the end of the war, in March 1945. And to his native Georgia, the demobilized foreman returned to the cavalier of two orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree and the Order of the Red Star.

SIMO HYUYUHYA - Over 500 soldiers and officers of the enemy

If in March 1940, the Finnish Capral Simo Häyuhya was injured in the discontinuous bullet, perhaps the title of the most effective Sniper of the Second World War would have belonged to him. The entire period of participation of Finn in the winter war of 1939-40 is exhausted by three months - and with such a terrifying result! It is possible that this is due to the fact that by this time the Red Army has not yet had sufficient overseas experience. But even taking into account this, it is impossible not to admit that Khyayuha was a professional professional. After all, most of their opponents he killed, without using special sniper devices, and shooting from an ordinary rifle with an open sight.

Ivan Sidorenko- 500 soldiers and officers of the enemy

He had to become an artist - and became a sniper, having time to finish a military school and to open the mortar rotary. Lieutenant Ivan Sidorenko is one of the few Sniper officers in the list of the most efficient shooters of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Despite the fact that it fought hard: for three years on the front line, from November 1941 to November 1944, Sidorenko managed to receive three heavy injuries, which in the end and prevented him to study at the Military Academy, where he was sent by the authorities. So in the reserve, he came out by Major - and the hero of the Soviet Union: this title was assigned on the front.

Nikolai Ilyin- 494 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Little to the honor of Soviet snipers dropped out such an honor: shoot from the nominal sniper rifle. Starin Ilyin deserved it, becoming not only a tidy shooter, but also one of the initiators of the sniper movement on the Stalingrad front. His account was already more than a hundred killed fascists, when in October 1942 the authorities handed him a rifle named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Hussein Andruhaeva - the poet Adyg, Politruck, one of the first days cried in the face of the upcoming enemies "Russians do not surrender!". Alas, Ilyin himself was killed, and his rifle was referred to as the rifle "named after the heroes of the Soviet Union H. Andruhaeva and N. Ilina".

Ivan Kulbertinov- 487 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Hunters among snipers of the Soviet Union were quite a few, but Yakut reindeer hunters - a little. Ivan Kulbertinov became the most famous of them - the peer of Soviet power: he was born exactly on November 7, 1917! Once at the front at the very beginning of 1943, he already in February opened his personal account for killed enemies, which by the end of the war brought almost five hundred. And although the chest of the Hero Sniper adorned many honorary awards, he did not receive the highest title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, although, judging by the documents, was represented twice. But in January 1945, the authorities handed him a personal sniper rifle with the words "best Snayper Senior Sergeant Kulbertinov I. N. from the Military Council of the Army."

Vladimir Pchelins - 456 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The best Soviet snipers. Vladimir Pchelintsev.

The best Soviet snipers. Vladimir Pchelintsev. Source: WIO.ru.

Vladimir Pchelintsev was, so to speak, a professional sniper, ending with sniper and a year before the war, who received the title of Master of Sports on shooting. In addition, he is one of two Soviet snipers staying in the White House. It happened during a trip to the United States, where the hero of the Hero of the Soviet Union was held in the US Sergeant, he went to the International Student Assembly in August 1942 - to tell how the USSR fights with fascism. The company was a colleague Sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko and one of the heroes of the partisan struggle Nikolai Krasavchenko.

Peter Goncharov- 441 soldiers and officer of the enemy

Peter Goncharov Sniper became accidental. The worker of the Stalingrad plant, he in the midst of the offensive of the Germans went to the militia, from where it was taken to the regular army ... in the back. Then Goncharov got to the Masonic, and only the case brought him into snipers when, hitting the forefront, he set up an enemy tank from someone else's weapons. And Goncharov received his first sniper rifle in November 1942 - and did not part with her until the death of 1944. By this time, the former worker had already carried the epaulets of Senior Sergeant and the title Hero of the Soviet Union, which he was awarded for twenty days before death.

Mikhail Budenkov - 437 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The biography of Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Budenkova is very bright. Departing from Brest to Moscow and who came to East Prussia, who fought for a mortar settlement and became a sniper, Budound, before calling to the army in 1939, managed to work and the ship mechanic on the ship, which went through the channel name of Moscow, and a tractor driver in his native collective farm ... But the vocation Still, made himself to know: the exact shooting of the commander of the mortar calculation attracted the attention of the bosses, and the Budound was a sniper. Moreover, one of the best in the Red Army, for which in the end in March 1945 and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Matthias Hetzenauer - 345 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The only German sniper in the top ten most effective snipers of World War II fell here not by the number of killed enemies. This indicator leaves the hetcenauer efreitor far beyond even the first twenty. But not to pay tribute to the ability of the enemy, thereby emphasizing that Soviet snipers committed, it would be wrong. Moreover, in Germany, the success of Hetzenauer was called the "phenomenal results of the Sniper War." And there were not far from the truth, because the German sniper scored his result in just a partial year, having finished sniper courses in July 1944.

In addition to the above masters of rifle art and there were others. The list of the best Soviet snipers, and these are only those who destroyed the minimum of 200 enemy servicemen, enter more than fifty people.

Nikolay Kazyuk - 446 soldiers and officers of the enemy

The best Soviet snipers. Nikolay Kazyuk.

The best Soviet snipers. Nikolay Kazyuk. Source: WIO.ru.

Fedor Okhlopkov - 429 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Fyodor Dyachenko - 425 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Stepan Petrenko - 422 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Nikolai Galushkin - 418 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Athanasius Gordienko - 417 soldiers and officers of the enemy

TuleUugali Abdybekov - 397 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Semyon nomocons - 367 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Antonov - 362 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Gennady Velichko - 360 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Kalashnikov - 350 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Abdukhazhi Idrisov - 349 soldiers and opponent officers

Rubaho Yakovlevich - 346 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Leonid Butkevich - 345 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Larkin - 340 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Torgetikov - 338 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Arseny Etobayev - 335 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Victor Medvedev - 331 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ilya Grigoriev - 328 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Evgeny Nikolaev - 324 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Mikhail Ivasik - 320 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Leonid Butkevich - 315 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Zhambyl Tulaev - 313 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Lyudmila Pavlyuchenko - 309 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Alexander Lebedev - 307 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Vasily Titov - 307 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Dobrik - 302 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Moses Master - 300 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Nikolay Vedernikov - 300 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Maxim Bryxin - 300 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Natalia Kovshova and Maria Polivanova - 300 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Abdulov - 298 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Osthaichuk - 280 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Yakov Smetanev - 279 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Tsyrendashi Dorzhiev - 270 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Anatoly Chekhov - 265 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Mikhail Savor - 261 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Pavel Shorets - 261 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Fedor Chegodaev - 250 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Bocharov - 248 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Nikolai Palmine - 247 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Mikhail Belousov - 245 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Vasily Zaitsev - 242 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Liba Rugova - 242 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Gregory Simanchuk - 240 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Egor Petrov - 240 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ibrahim Suleimenov - 239 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Maxim Passwar - 236 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Govorukhin - 234 soldiers and officers of the enemy

David Dowz - 226 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Kalimulla Zeinutdinov - 226 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Peter Golichenkov - 225 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Nikolay Nikitin - 220 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Nikolay Semenov - 218 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Nakhushin - 217 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Elkin - 207 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Galimov Gazizovich - 207 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Akhat Ahmetyanov - 204 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Hoy Adamia - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Vasily Talalaev - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Fahretdin Atnagulov - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Vasily Komaritsky - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Nikifor Afanasyev - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Vasily Kalka - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Vladimir Krasnov - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Ivan Tkachev - 200 soldiers and officers of the enemy

Snipers are special people. You can be a good shooter, but not to be sniper. For this you need extraordinary exposure, patience, huge preparation and waiting for days for the sake of just shot. Here we will give the top ten the best snipers of the worldEach of them is unique and unique.

Thomas Plaquett

FlapNet - Irishtz from the British 95 Rifle Division. Thomas became famous in one episode. It was in 1809, Monroe's troops retreated, but Kakabelos had a battle. The planket was able to "remove" the French General Ogusta-Marie-Francois Colbert. The enemy felt in complete safety, because the distance to the arrow was 600 meters. Then the British arrows used Brown Muskets Bess and more less confidently hit the goal at a distance of up to 50m.
Planking shot was a real miracle, he with his rifle Baker exceeded the best results 12 times. But this was not enough. The shooter decided to prove his skill and from the same position accurately struck the second target. He killed the arjutant of the general who rushed to the aid to his commander.

Sergeant Grace.

Grace was a sniper of the 4th Infantry Division of Georgia. It was he who killed the most high-ranking union military army during the war of the South and North in the United States. 05/09/1864 At the beginning of the battle, at the start of the artillery, the Union was led by General John Sedgevik. The general opened the hunt for the Snipers-Confederates from the distance near a kilometer. The staff officers immediately lay down and offered to the general to go into the shelter. He spoke out that from such a distance, no one would get to get and officers behave like panties. According to the legend, the sedzhvik did not even finish saying how the Grace bullet disappeared into his left eye and spread his head.

Charles Mauinni

Charles from childhood was fond of hunting. It was there that he honed his rifle skills, which he was very useful in 1967, when he entered the maritime infantry. As part of the US Marine Corps, Mauinnie went to Vietnam.
Typically, the shot was fatal at a distance of 300-800 meters. Charles became the best sniper of the Vietnamese war, hitting his goals from the distance to a kilometer. On account of this legend 103 confirmed defeats. Due to the complex military situation and the riskiness of the search for killed enemies, another 216 victims are considered likely.
After the service in the Marine Corps, Charles did not advertise its achievements. Only a few colleagues knew about his work. After another 20 years, a book was published in which the Sniper talents of Mauinni were described in detail. This forced Mauinni to leave the shadows. He became a mentor at the school of snipers and always said that Safari, the hunt for the most terrible animals would never compare in danger with a hunt for a person. After all, animals have no weapons ....

Rob Farlong

Rob Forengu owns a record of a confirmed successful shot. Capral struck his goal from a distance of 2430 meters, which is equal to the length of 26 football fields!
In 2002, Ferlong participated in the Anaconda operation, as part of a group of two corporals and three senior corporals. They spotted three armed militants from al-Qaida in the mountains. While the opponents smashed the camp, Farlong took one on the mug of his rifle Macmillalan TAC-50. The first shot passed by the goal. The second bullet hit one of the militants. But at the time of hitting the second bullet, the corporal has already made the third shot. The bullet was to overcome the distance in 3 seconds, this time is enough for the enemy to have to hide. But the militant realized that he was under fire, only when his chest broke through the third bullet.

Vasily Zaitsev (23.03.1915 - 15.12.1991)

The name of Vasily Zaitseva became famous in the world thanks to the film "Enemy at the Gates". Vasily was born in the Urals in the village of Eleninka. On the Pacific Fleet served since 1937 - the writer, then the head of the financial part. Since the first days of the war, he regularly filed reports about transfer to the front.
Finally, in the summer of 1942, his request was satisfied. I started my work under Stalingrad Zaitsev with a "three-year". In a short time he managed to hit more than 30 opponents. The command noted a talented arrow and determined in the squad of snipers. Just a few months, there were 242 confirmed hits. But the real number of killed enemies for the period of battle for Stalingrad reached 500.
Consecrated in the film Episode from the Career Zaitsev, took place as a whole. Indeed, at this time was sent to the Stalingrad area to combat Soviet snipers, German "Ultrasneper". After his murder, a sniper rifle was left with an optical sight. An indicator of the level of the German sniper is a 10krest increase in the sight. The norm for that time was considered 3-4 multiple sight, it was very difficult to cope with greater.
In January 1943, as a result of the explosion, Mina Vasily lost sight, and only the enormous efforts of doctors managed to restore it. After that, Zaitsev led the school of snipers, wrote two textbooks. It is he who owns one of the "hunt" techniques used and now.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko (12.07.1916-10.10.1974)

Since 1937, Lyudmila was engaged in rifle and planer sports. The beginning of the war caught her at the graduate practice in Odessa. Lyudmila left immediately to the front volunteer, she was only 24 years old. Pavlichenko becomes a sniper, one of 2,000 women sniper.
She struck their first goals in the battles in Belyaevka. He participated in the defense of Odessa, there was a chance to hit 187 enemies. After that, eight months defended Sevastopol and Crimea. At the same time, she also trains snipers. For the whole of the war on the account of Lyudmila, 309 fascists have accumulated. After the injury of 1942, it was withdrawn from the front and sent to the delegation to Canada and the United States. After returning continued to prepare snipers at the Shot School.

Capral Francis Pegamagabo (9.03.1891-5.08.1952)

Another hero of the Second World Voons. Canadian Francis destroyed 378 German soldiers, was awarded a medal three times and heavily wounded twice. But after returning to Canada, one of the most effective snipers of war was forgotten.

Adelbert F. Waldron (14.03.1933-18.10.1995)

Widon became a record holder on confirmed victories among the US shooters. At his account 109 victories.

Carlos Norman (20.05.1942-23.02.1999)

Norman fought during the War in Vietnam. Carlos has 93 confirmed victories. In the army of Vietnam, the killed enemy snipers were estimated at $ 8, $ 3,000,000 offered for normal.

SIMO HYUYUHYA (17.12.1905-1.04.2002)

SIMO was born on the border of Finland and Russia in the farmers family, as a child, fishing and hunted. From the age of 17 he entered the guard squad, and in 1925 he entered the Finnish army. After 9 years of service passed sniper training.
During the Soviet-Finnish war, 1939-1940 in less than 3 months killed 505 Soviet soldiers. There are some discrepancies in its performance. This is due to the fact that the corpses of those killed were on the enemy territory, in addition, Simo shot perfectly and from the pistol and from the rifle, and the hitting of these weapons are not always taken into account in the overall standings.
During the war, he received a nickname "White Death". In March 1940, he was seriously injured, the bullet crushed his jaw, dismissed his face. It took a long restoration. In the second world, it was not possible to get to the front because of the consequences of injuries, although Khyayuha and asked.
The effectiveness of SIMO is primarily due to the talented use of the features of the war of hostilities. Hayahua used an open sight, because optical sights are covered in the frost, they give glare, according to which the enemy flows, require a higher head position of the head (which also increases the risk of being seen), as well as longer aiming time. In addition, he poured the snow with water in front of the rifle, so that after the shot did not take off the snowflakes and did not demiss a position, cooled his breathing, so that there were no clouds of steam, etc.

Snipers have always been the elite of the armed forces of any country, since they had a whole set of qualities that were supposed to either be congenital or acquired by perennial training. We will tell you about the five best arrows in history.

Carlos Hashok

Carlos Haskok during the Vietnamese War

Carlos Haskok - the famous American Sniper of the War of Vietnam. Having come to the army at the age of 17, he was met by his future fellow soldiers. Everyone doubted that the guy in a hat was capable of something, but their doubts came the end after the first shooting at the landfill. The young man did not miss a single time. The command could not miss such a talent, and in 1966 Carlos went to Vietnam, where at least 300 enemy soldiers died from his bullets. Ultimately, for his head, North Vietnam put a huge reward. A remarkable feature of Haskok was the White Feather, which he always wore in his hat, despite the concerns of his colleagues about the masking.

One of the most famous shots of Carlos was the murder of Vietnamese Sniper, when the bullet passed through the optical sight of his own rifle. This case is based on many Hollywood blockbusters. In addition, Haskok was able to establish a record of a successful shot range - 2250 meters, which was only born in 2002.

But the war came to an end, and Carlos returned home without one injury. He died in his bed, having lived a little before his 57th birthday. Haskok is considered to be one of the most famous servicemen in the US Army.


Next on our list is a sniper of snow-covered Finland. Simo Häyuhygy became not just a soldier, but a real symbol for both the Finnish itself and for the Soviet Union. For several months of the Winter War, which lasted from 1939 to 1940, Khyayuha killed from 500 to 750 Soviet soldiers. A feature of the work of the "White Death" (it was such a nickname Simo received among the Soviet soldiers) was the use of weapons without an optical sight. The story knows few examples when snipers used similar rifles. The reliable distance at which the Puli of Finnish Sniper reached the opponents - 450 meters.

Simo Hyoyuha raised the combat spirit of Finnish soldiers even in the most difficult situations for them and he himself quickly became the National Hero of Finland. In addition to small growth (152 cm), who helped him in disguise, Häyuhai enjoyed various tricks: for example, he kept the snow in his mouth so that steam during breathing did not give it enemies during breathing, or froze the water in front of the barrel of his rifle so that when shooting Do not shift snow.

The famous Finnish Sniper lived a long life and died in 2002 aged 96 years.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

The list could not not get a sniper who scared the Germans during World War II also strongly as the "white death" at one time scared Soviet soldiers. We are talking about Lyudmila Pavlichenko - the most successful woman-sniper in world history. From the first days of the war, she rushed into battle and, passing sniper courses, was in the ranks of the rifle company.

As Pavlichenko itself admitted, the most difficult to kill for the first time. In total, on the account of the legendary "Lady Death" - 309 destroyed soldiers and officers.

Vasily Zaitsev

Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaitsev (left) during the Stalingrad battle, December 1942.

The name of another Soviet sniper was horrified on German soldiers. We are talking, of course, about Vasily Zaitsev. He, like many Soviet soldiers, mercilessly destroyed enemy soldiers, but the most famous battle was a sniper duel with a German sniper-Aça who received the task to destroy Zaitsev. After many hours of intense waiting, Vasily was able to calculate the location of the sniper on the brilliance of the optical sight and produce one accurate shot. The Major Army of the Third Reich was killed.

Zaitsev, who headed the school masters, made a significant contribution to the development of sniper art by writing several books on the fight and developing new sniper hunting tactics.

Chris Kyle

One of the best snipers of modernity, which has proved this title in real battle, is the native of Texas Chris Kyle, who since 8 years old decided that an accurate shooting is the matter of his life. By 2003, the young man had experience in participating in special operations, and the command decided to send it to Iraq. There he showed himself a real master. A year later, when his account was more than 150 people, the nickname "Shaitan from Ramady" was attached, and an award was appointed for the head of $ 20,000. The American sniper is famous for his shot from a distance of 1920 meters, when the bullet rank of Iraqi militia, threatening the promotion of American tanks.

Chris Kyle was killed in 2013 by another veteran of war in Iraq, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. During his service, Chris Kyle struck 255 opponents.

Illustration: Depositphotos | BestPhotoStudio.

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The heroes of the Great Patriotic War were many soldiers and officers of the Red Army. Perhaps it is difficult to highlight military specialties that would particularly stand out when awarded combat awards. Among the famous heroes of the Soviet Union there are sappers, tankers, pilots, sailors, infantry and military doctors.

But I would like to allocate one military specialty, which occupies a special place in the category of the feat. These are snipers.

Sniper - specially trained soldier, perfectly owning the art of a label, disguise and observation, affecting goals from the first shot. His task is the defeat of the command and connected composition, the destruction of disguised single goals.

At the front, when special military units (companies, shelves, divisions) are opposed to the enemy, the sniper is an independent combat unit.

We will tell about the heroes-snipers who have made a significant contribution to the common cause of victory. About women-snipers who participated in the Great Patriotic War, you can read in our.

1. Passar Maxim Aleksandrovich (08/30/1923 - 01/22/1943)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, Soviet Sniper, during the battles destroyed 237 soldiers and officers of the enemy. Most of the enemies were eliminated by him during the Stalingrad battle. For the destruction of Passar, the German command appointed a reward in 100 thousand Reichsmarocks. Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

2. Surkov Mikhail Ilyich (1921-1953)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the Sniper of the 1st Battalion of the 39th Rifle Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division of the 12th Army, Starshina, Kavaler of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star.

3. Natalia Venediktovna Kovshova (11/26/1920 - 14.08.1942)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.

On a personal account Sniper bucket 167 killed fascist soldiers and officers. During the service he trained the fighters of the label label. On August 14, 1942, the Novgorod Region near the village of the Novgorod region died in unequal battle with the fascists.

4. Tulaev Zhambyl Esheevich (02 (15) .05.1905 - 17.01.1961)

Member of the Great Patriotic War. Hero of the Soviet Union.

Sniper of the 580th Rifle Regiment of the 188th Infantry Division of the 27th Army of the North-West Front. Starmin Zhambyl Tulaev from May to November 1942 destroyed 262 Nazis. Prepared for the front more than 30 snipers.

5. Sidorenko Ivan Mikhailovich (09/12/1919 - 19.02.1994)

Assistant headquarters of the 1122th rifle regiment Captain Ivan Sidorenko distinguished himself as an organizer of a sniper movement. By 1944, she personally destroyed about 500 Nazis from the sniper rifle.

Ivan Sidorenko prepared for the front more than 250 snipers, most of which were awarded orders and medals.

6. Okhlopkov Fedor Matveevich (03/02/1908 - 28.05.1968)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.

By June 23, 1944, Sergeant Okhlopkov destroyed 429 Hitler soldiers and officers from the sniper rifle. It was wounded 12 times. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin were assigned only in 1965.

7. Moldagulova Aliya Nurmukhambetovna (10/25/1925 - 14.01.1944)

Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), Efreitor.

Sniper of the 54th Separate Rifle Brigade of the 22nd Army of the 2nd Baltic Front. Efreitor Moldagulova for the first 2 months of participation in the battles destroyed several dozen enemies. On January 14, 1944 he participated in battle for the village of Cossachichi of the Pskov region, fascinated the fighters in the attack. Bringing into the defense of the enemy, destroyed several soldiers and officers from the machine. Died in this battle.

8. Budenkov Mikhail Ivanovich (05.12.1919 - 02.08.1995)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant.

By September 1944, the Guard Senior Sergeant Mikhail Budenkov was the sniper of the 59th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 21st Guards Rifle Division of the 3rd Shock Army of the 2nd Baltic Front. By the time his account was 437 enemy soldiers and officers destroyed by sniper fire. He entered the top ten of the best snipers of the Great Patriotic War.

9. Etobeev Arseny Mikhailovich (09/15/1903- 1987)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Civil War of 1917-1922 and conflict in the 1929 Sino-Eastern Railway. Cavalier of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Star, the full cavalier of the Order of the Patriotic War.

Sniper destroyed 356 German invaders and shot down two aircraft.

10. Salbiev Vladimir Gavrilovich (1916- 1996)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, twice the kavaler of the Order of the Red Banner and Patriotic War II.

At Salbiev's sniper account 601 destroyed soldiers and an opponent officer.

11. Pchelins Vladimir Nikolaevich (08/30/1919- 27.07.1997)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Sniper of the 11th Rifle Brigade of the 8th Army of the Leningrad Front, Hero of the Soviet Union, Sergeant.

One of the most efficient snipers of World War II. Destroyed 456 soldiers, non-officers and officers of the enemy.

12. Kwachantradze Vasily Shalvovich (1907- 1950)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Starin.

Sniper of the 259th Rifle Regiment of the 179th Infantry Division of the 43rd Army of the 1st Baltic Front.

One of the most effective snipers of the Great Patriotic War. Destroyed 534 soldiers and officers of the enemy.

13. Goncharov Petr Alekseevich (01/15/1903- 31.01.1944)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Senior Sergeant.

On his sniper account, more than 380 killed soldiers and officers of the enemy. He died on January 31, 1944 in the breakthrough of the enemy defense in the village of Watering.

14. Galushkin Nikolai Ivanovich (07/01/1917- 22.01.2007)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant.

He served in the 49th Rifle Shelf of the 50th Infantry Division. According to available information, destroyed 418 German soldiers and officers, including 17 snipers, and also taught the sniper case of 148 fighters. After the war led an active military-patriotic work.

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Sniper Rota Commander of the 81st Guards Rifle Shelf, Guard Lieutenant.

By the end of June 1943, being a commander of a sniper company, the votes personally destroyed about 420 Nazis, including 70 snipers. In his company, he prepared 170 snipers, which a total of more than 3,500 fascists have destroyed.

On August 16, 1943, he died in the midst of the battle for the village of the long of the Izyumsky district of the Kharkiv region.

16. Nomocons Semen Danilovich (08/12/1900 - 07/15/1973)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War and Soviet-Japanese war, twice the cavalier of the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner.

During the Great Patriotic War, he destroyed 360 German soldiers and officers, including one major general. During the Soviet-Japanese war destroyed 8 soldiers and officers of the Quantong Army. The general confirmed account is 368 enemy soldiers and officers.

17. Ilyin Nikolai Yakovlevich (1922 - 04.08.1943)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Starin, Deputy Political Protection.

In total, there were 494 enemy's dead enemy. On August 4, 1943, in battle under the village of Yastrebokov, Nikolai Ilyin died, a combat route.

18. Antonov Ivan Petrovich (07/07/1920 - 03/22/1989)

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, the shooter of the 160th separate rifle company of the Leningrad naval base of the Baltic fleet, a redflower, a hero of the Soviet Union.

Ivan Antonov became one of the prosecutors of the sniper movement in the Baltic.

From December 28, 1941 to November 10, 1942 destroyed 302 Nazis and trained the art of a label by shooting over the enemy of 80 snipers.

19. Dyachenko Fyodor Trofimovich (06/16/1917 - 08.08.1995)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Major.

By February 1944, Dyachenko sniper fire destroyed 425 soldiers and officers of the enemy, among them several snipers.

20. Idrisov Abuhaji (Abugazi) (05/17/1918- 22.10.1983)

Member of the Great Patriotic War, Sniper of the 1232th Rifle Regiment of the 370th Rifle Division, Senior Sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union.

By March 1944, it was already 349 of the destroyed fascists, and he was represented by the title of Hero. In one of the battles in April 1944, the fragment of a broken near Myster Idrisov was wounded, his land was covered. Comrades fucked him and sent him to the hospital.

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