To help the librarian. About the publications of the Russian school library association Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin: Reader

Method. a manual for children's reading leaders, equipped with texts of literary works for discussion with teenagers / I.I. Tikhomirov. – M.: RSBA, 2015. – 344 p. (Appendices magazine "School library" .Series 1 .Issue .3)

A book by one of the best reading experts in the country, I.I. Tikhomirova reveals a new aspect of the topic of reading. The publication is a kind of educational course on the moral education of adolescents based on reading and discussion of literary works. Created within the framework of the RSBA project “Reading Mother – Reading Russia”, the manual is intended mainly for parents of teenagers for family readings.

The manual can also be used by librarians and teachers of primary and secondary schools for extracurricular reading lessons on moral topics. The goal is to humanize the consciousness of children, based on an analysis of the behavior of literary heroes and empathy with them. The genre of the story, which is “operative” to influence the reader, is taken as a basis, revealing one or another life situation close to the experience of a teenager and its resolution. The best stories of domestic authors selected for discussion are grouped into thematic cycles: “Responsible for those whom you have tamed,” “Conscience, or Judgment of oneself,” “About a joke - seriously,” “About willpower and fortitude,” etc. Each the cycle contains an introduction to the topic, methodological annotations on the stories contained in the cycle, questions for discussion and a list of additional literature on the topic under discussion. The book is intended to help librarians, teachers, and parents develop in children the ability to observe, compare, evaluate the behavior of characters, their relationships, reflect on the complexity of human characters and circumstances, and include what they read in the context of their own lives. Moral education in the manual is combined with the formation of a culture of reading and literary critical thinking. The texts of the stories discussed are attached to the manual.

6 N.I. GENDINA, E.V. KOSOLAPOVA BASICS INFORMATIONAL CULTURES SHKOLNIKA Educational and methodological complex for students of grades 3-4 of general education organizations Moscow 2014 UDC 027.8 BBK 78.39+73 G34 Scientific editor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation N.I.<...> « Basics informational culture schoolchild": an educational and methodological complex for students in grades 3-4 of general education organizations [Text] / N.I. Gendina, E.V. Kosolapova - M.<...>The educational and methodological complex includes training programs in the discipline “ Basics informational culture schoolchild" for grades 3-4, methodological developments for 22 lessons in grade 3 and 27 lessons in grade 4, test materials, terminological dictionary, a systematic index of terms by sections of the discipline “ Basics informational culture schoolboy", electronic presentations at the rate " Basics informational culture schoolboy."<...>THIRD CLASS Fundamentals of schoolchildren’s information culture: curriculum for the discipline “Fundamentals of schoolchildren’s information culture” for students third classes general education organizations Methodological development of lessons for students third classes . <...> Address search And algorithm his execution . <...>133 Testing and measuring materials for the course “Fundamentals of information culture of schoolchildren” for students third classes. <...> 137 Terminological dictionary in the course “Fundamentals of Schoolchildren’s Information Culture” for students third classes. <...> 145 Electronic presentations for the course “Fundamentals of Schoolchildren’s Information Culture” 3 PART 2.<...> Secondary documentation How result analyticalsynthetic processing information.<...> Address search And algorithm his execution . <...> Thematic search and the algorithm for its implementation.<...>For reference search apparatus books as a source of basic information about a document when collapsing information.<...> 316 Terminological dictionary in the course “Fundamentals of Information<...>


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PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY OF A SCHOOL LIBRARY APPENDIX TO THE MAGAZINE “SCHOOL LIBRARY” Series 1 Issue. 6 N.I. GENDINA, E.V. KOSOLAPOVA FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION CULTURE SCHOOLCHILDREN Educational and methodological complex for students of grades 3-4 of general education organizations Moscow 2014

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UDC 027.8 BBK 78.39+73 G34 Scientific editor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation N.I. Gendina Reviewers: Head of the Department of Reading Problems, Scientific Center for Research in the History of Book Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy. Chairman of the Scientific Council on Reading Problems of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), member of the IFLA Standing Committee “Literacy and Reading”, Vice President of the Russian Reading Association, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Yu.P. Melentyeva Rector of the Kuzbass Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.G. Krasnoshlykova G34 Gendina N.I., Kosolapova E.V. “Fundamentals of a schoolchild’s information culture”: an educational and methodological complex for students in grades 3-4 of general educational institutions [Text] / N.I. Gendina, E.V. Kosolapova - M.: RSBA, 2014. - 344 p. The purpose of this manual is to promote the development of universal educational activities of schoolchildren, including, first of all, the skills of searching, analyzing, transforming information using ICT technologies, ensuring personal information security, and developing students’ critical thinking. The educational and methodological complex included educational programs in the discipline “Fundamentals of information culture of schoolchildren” for grades 3-4, methodological developments for 22 lessons in the 3rd grade and 27 lessons in the 4th grade, test instruments materials, terminological dictionary, systematic index of terms for sections of the discipline “Fundamentals of Schoolchildren’s Information Culture,” electronic presentations for the course “Fundamentals of Schoolchildren’s Information Culture.” In addition to a verbal description, each of the lessons was reflected in the form of an electronic presentation, which is presented on a CD-ROM. All materials of the complex are adapted to the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of primary schoolchildren. Recommended for librarians of children's, school, youth and public libraries, teachers of general education organizations, and specialists in the system of additional professional education. UDC 027.8 BBK 78.39+73 Cover design - A.V. Sergeev © Gendina N.I., Kosolapova E.V., 2014 © Russian School Library Association, 2014 ISBN 9785915401173

The activities of the Association are aimed at supporting and developing the library of a general education institution as an important space for the development of innovations of teachers, project activities and creativity of students, a place of additional education and the formation of the spiritual world of the reader.

By protecting the interests of school librarians, the Association, first of all, protects the interests of Russian children, strengthening an important space for their development - the school library.

Today, in a crisis, social and professional support of a specialist - a school librarian, who, in the context of the transition to a new remuneration system, has become one of the lowest paid categories of educational workers, is of particular importance.

Our Association aims to support professional librarians professionally and methodologically through specialized reading magazines: “School Library”, “Professional Library of the School Librarian Series 1, 2.”, “Reader”, “Wings”, “Family Reading”, “Young local historian", "Local history almanac".

Actions and events held by the association over the past 2 years, such as the I Congress of School Librarians of the Russian Federation, the International and All-Russian Forums of School Librarians “Mikhailovskoe 2008” and “Mikhailovskoe 2009”, interregional congresses of school librarians in 4 federal districts - Southern, Privolzhsky , Central and Ural, the month of school libraries “School libraries are on the agenda!”, were able to attract the attention of top government officials to solving the problems of school libraries that have accumulated over many decades in this area.

Our Association managed to initiate a number of events at the state level, in particular, in 2009, Parliamentary hearings were held on the topic “Legislative support for the activities of libraries of educational institutions in the field of spiritual and moral education of children.” These hearings took place on June 1, 2009 and were prepared by the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children together with the Committee on Culture and the Committee on Education with the participation of our Association.

An important step in implementing the recommendations of the Parliamentary hearings was the development by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of an Action Plan for improving library science in educational institutions and improving the practice of information and library services for students, which includes the whole range of issues related to the development of school libraries.

All these events made it possible to professionally support school librarians in Russia, as well as strengthen an important space for the development of our children - school libraries in Russia, which is especially important in times of crisis.

But today, it is becoming difficult to implement socially oriented publishing projects that allow the best Russian and foreign library experience, experience in supporting and developing reading to be widely broadcast in the professional environment, since due to the crisis, subscriptions to periodicals are sharply declining. Low circulation means the inaccessibility of professional information for school librarians and children’s reading specialists, a decrease in the level of professional training and qualifications, the loss of an important communication channel that helps bridge the cultural and information gap,

To solve the problems of school libraries, to provide social and professional support to their specialists, the Association today needs strong partners in the regions.

In connection with the above, we ask you to support the autumn subscription campaign of the RSBA for 2010 by including the following RSBA publications in the list of periodicals recommended for departmental subscription in educational institutions: “School Library”, “Professional Library of the School Librarian”, Series 1,2 , “Family Reading”, “Reader”, “Wings”, “Young Local Historian”, “Local History Almanac”, as well as take additional measures to increase subscriptions to these publications in the 2nd half of 2009.

We also inform you that it is possible to supply the Association’s publications under direct contracts, with discounts, including on the terms of sale through bookselling networks.

President of the Association T.D. Zhukova

Subscription publications, frequency, parameters and selling prices of publications for the 1st half of 2010

According to the Rospechat catalog

Publication name

Release frequency

Edition numbers

Selling price of publication per issue, rub.

Selling price of the publication for the subscription period, rub.

96 pp.

Professional information and methodological magazine for specialists organizing library services for children and youth. Main headings: ^Reading official documents”, “Improving our qualifications”, “In the lens - region”, “Culture of reading.”, “Scenarios”, etc.

(cr. June)

Magazine "School Library", 96 pp. (annual subscription)

(cr. June, July)

Episode 1, 220 pp.

NEW In the library world, find new forms and methods of work, combining theory, methodology, practical developments, scenarios. events.

3 per pg (once every 2 months)

Professional library school librarian. Episode 2: “Exhibition in the School Library”

(Supplement to the magazine “School Library”) Exhibitions are dedicated to significant dates; anniversaries of wonderful people and events. Designed in the form of folders with color illustrations (A4) for display at the exhibition, and a methodological part (biography, review of creativity, scripts, questions for quizzes, competitions). By the end of 2009 the following will be published: N. Sladkoe, A. Suvorov, B. Pasternak.

(cr. June)

Professional library school librarian. Episode 2: “School Library Exhibition” (annual subscription)

10 per year (kr, June, July)


It's not scary to read!

Not everyone likes to read. Many people are simply afraid of text. They were frightened by little black insects on a white sheet of paper, could not cope with the reading speed, and opposed the mandatory reading of 15 minutes a day. There was a belief that reading was difficult and scary.
Adults encourage children to read seriously. This does not diminish my fear of the book. Methodologists are serious when they give recommendations on how to start reading. What if we take a step back from seriousness?
Entertaining stories about the book and everything connected with it will help you make sure that reading is not scary. It’s not scary to think and talk about a book.
It's scary not to read!
Dialogues and disputes between a knowledgeable Librarian and a doubting Reader-Bookworm - the content and form of the proposed manual.

Literature on the screen. Book 2

Literature on the screen. Book 1

The book “Literature on Screen” was prepared on the basis of materials from the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the Year of Cinema in Russia (December 6–7, 2016). It was held at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education together with the A.M. Literary Institute. Gorky, with the participation of professional writers, poets, playwrights, film actors and directors. The publication is recommended for psychologists, teachers, philologists, library workers, reading specialists, writers, filmmakers, as well as a wide range of readers.

Information and meta-subject approaches in the general education system in the context of the information culture of the individual

The monograph presents for the first time a theoretical understanding of the profound transformations taking place in the general education system under the influence of the formation of the information society and informatization processes. It is proved that information culture and information competence ensure the effectiveness of various types of activities of teaching staff, and the high level of information culture of teachers is the key to its successful formation among young citizens of the country.

A distinctive feature of the monograph is its inclusion models of cognitive five-minutes , with the help of which teachers can develop information competence and information culture of students, specifically and clearly demonstrate to students the meta-subject nature of information knowledge and skills, reveal their role in mastering not only a separate academic discipline, but also for solving a wide range of cognitive problems.

A Guide for School Libraries in the Global Professional Community

Edited by Barbara A. Schultz-Jones and Dianne Oberg

The idea for this book was born out of one of the meetings of the Standing Committee of the IFLA School Libraries Section, but which discussed two topics: the need to develop a strategy for the implementation, dissemination and support of the upcoming new edition of the IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for School Libraries, and the advice of the editor of the IFLA Publishing Division, Michael Heaney , prepare a proposal for the publication of a book on school libraries to the DeGruyter Saur publishing house, which publishes IFLA. In 2011, the Section prepared and published a book, double edited by Luisa Marquardt (Italy) and Dianne Oberg (Canada): Global Perspectives on School Libraries: Projects and Practices practice"].

The preparation of the new book “Global Action on School Library Guidelines” began with the collection of suggestions from section participants on chapters of the book. The proposals were reviewed by the Standing Committee of the IFLA School Libraries Section and the Executive Committee of the International Association of School Libraries (IASL). In the end, 16 proposals were accepted, the authors of which were invited to write and submit articles based on their abstracts. The editors also considered it necessary to include in the book two chapters devoted to the preparation of the 1999 IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto and the 2002 IFLA UNESCO Guidelines for School Libraries; 2015 (IFLA/UNESCO School Library Guidelines), which would consider global issues related to the development of school libraries in line with IFLA recommendations and in the context of work carried out at national and local levels.

Educational and methodological manual “Reading +”. Preparing teachers for the implementation of the interdisciplinary program “Fundamentals of semantic reading and working with text”

Author-compiler: T.G. Galaktionova

Team of authors: Module 1. Pedagogy of reading. T.G. Galaktionova, E.O. Galitskikh, E.I. Kazakova; Module 2. Reading strategies. N.N. Smetannikov; Module 3. The school library as a system-forming factor in the development of the reading culture of a modern school. V.Ya. Askarova, E.V. Kacheva; Module 4. Psychology and physiology of reading M.I. Grineva; Module 5. Diagnostics of the quality of independent semantic reading. A.A. Azbel, L.S. Ilyushin, E.I. Kazakova, V.E. Pugach; Module 6. Reading adult (teacher, parent, librarian). Navigator of modern literature. M.A. Chernyak; Module 7. Children's reading circle. Reader's choice and creative reflection. E.S. Romanicheva. The materials are presented in the author's edition.

This publication is based on numerous studies and successful practical developments, the systematization of which allows us to offer teachers and librarians a training program for targeted work with texts in various subject areas.


Library pedagogy

Ivanova, G.A. Library pedagogy. [Text] / G.A. Ivanova. – Moscow: Association of School Librarians of the Russian World, 2017. – 248 p. (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 6). - ISBN 978-5-9908635-3-8.

The textbook examines historical, theoretical, methodological and organizational aspects of library pedagogy; its current state is revealed. Based on the conducted research, the characteristics of young library users of different ages, their reading in real and electronic environments are characterized, individual and collective methods of pedagogical activity of domestic librarians, their joint activities with teachers and parents on the reading development of the personality of a growing person are analyzed. Much attention is paid to the professional training of teacher-librarians. The manual is intended for librarians serving children and youth, students and graduate students of library and information departments of universities of culture and art. Can be used in the system of advanced training for librarians and teachers.

Dictionary-reference book: workshop

Borodina V.A., Borodin S.M. Dictionary-reference book: workshop [Text] / V.A. Borodina, S.M. Borodin. – Moscow: RSBA, 2017. – 232 p. (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 5). - ISBN 978-5-9500443-2-8.

The materials prepared by the authors for the professional reading community represent a basic body of knowledge on reading of an encyclopedic nature. They were created in an original format - an integration of different types of literature - reference, educational and scientific. The materials of the dictionary-reference book have independent value as research, reference and educational resources. Each section of the dictionary-reference book is accompanied by a system of tasks for mastering specific reader knowledge contained in the section. Dictionary-reference book on reading: the workshop is addressed not only to the teacher-librarian who is educating the growing Reader, but also to a wide range of specialists involved in the reproduction of the culture of reading and reader knowledge. The materials can be used in research, educational and practical activities in the field of reading. They are relevant for solving urgent problems in reading development and enhancing the reading culture of various categories of readers. The materials contain heuristic potential and are an incentive for the replenishment and development of reference literature - one of the priority areas of reader studies, aimed at systematizing and integrating multi- and interdisciplinary reader knowledge.

Environmental education of children and adolescents: partnership between schools and libraries: scientific and practical articles, methodological developments

Environmental education of children and adolescents: partnership between schools and libraries: scientific and practical articles, methodological developments / scientific editor. G.V. Varganova; preface T.D. Zhukova, G.V. Varganova. Moscow: RSBA, 2017. - 312 p. : (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 4). – ISBN 978-5-9908635-5-2

The scientific and practical collection examines current issues of environmental education and upbringing of children and adolescents in educational organizations and library and information institutions. Multidimensional problems of educational activities and ways to solve them are presented in articles by higher school teachers, teachers of preschool, general and additional vocational education. Modern approaches to environmental education of the younger generation in library and information institutions are reflected in articles by managers and specialists working in federal, republican, municipal, school and other libraries. The scientific and practical collection is addressed to teachers of educational organizations, teacher-librarians, library and information specialists, leaders of children's and adolescent environmental associations and movements.

From reading to creative life. Collection of articles on pedagogy and psychology of children's reading

From reading to creative life. Collection of articles on pedagogy and psychology of children's reading. [Text] / Tikhomirova I.I. Moscow: RSBA, 2017. - 280 p. : (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 3). - ISBN 978-5-9908635-7-6.

The book is a collection of original articles written at different times, but united by the common theme of children's life creativity based on reading the best works of fiction. The collection is based on the idea of ​​the classic of library science and reading psychology Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin, expressed in the epigraph to the book: “We call our readers not to a book, but to life.” In accordance with this task and relying on specific life examples, the author of the collection builds a methodological system for guiding the reading of fiction, leading the child to the knowledge of life and the central object of the “book Universe” - man in his individual uniqueness, versatility of character and spiritual properties of the individual.
The author devotes a large place in the methodological system to the dialogue between an adult and a child, the nature of questions for reflection and their focus on life values ​​reflected on the pages of children's literature. The author considers the determining factor in the vital function of a work of art to be the upbringing of a child’s reading culture, the development of the ability of his consciousness to penetrate into the psychology of the person depicted by the writer, which leads to an understanding of the behavior of real people in similar life situations. The author pays special attention to the child’s reading of children’s classics, which reflect the truth of life and the person in it. The author draws the reader's attention to the difference in approach to guiding the reading of fiction on the part of a teacher-librarian, a language teacher and a parent.

Fundamentals of schoolchildren’s information culture: an educational and methodological complex for students in grades 5–7 of general education organizations / N.I. Gendina, E.V. Kosolapova. – M.: RSBA, 2017. – 432 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 2) ISBN 978-5-9908635-1-4

The purpose of this manual is to promote the development of cognitive universal educational activities of schoolchildren, including, first of all, search, analysis, transformation of information using ICT technologies, ensuring personal information security, and developing students’ critical thinking. The educational and methodological complex included training programs for the educational course “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren” for grades 5–7, methodological developments for 35 lessons, testing and measuring materials, a terminological dictionary, a systematic index of terms for sections of the educational course “Fundamentals of Information Culture schoolboy." The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing an electronic presentation for each lesson and a variety of didactic materials necessary for its implementation. All materials of the complex are adapted to the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of younger adolescents. Recommended for librarians of children's, school, youth and public libraries, teachers of general education organizations, and specialists in the system of additional professional education.

Psychology of communication: School of academician A.A. Bodaleva

Psychology of communication: School of academician A.A. Bodaleva. Collective monograph / Ed. N.L. Karpova, V.A. Labunskaya, T.I. Pashukova. – M.: Association of School Librarians of the Russian World (RSBA), 2017. – 448 p. + ill. - ISBN 978-5-9908635-6-9 BBK 88.4+84(2=411.2)

This collective monograph, dedicated to the memory of Academician Alexey Aleksandrovich Bodalev, one of the founders of domestic research in the psychology of communication, presents the works of A.A. himself. Bodalev from the encyclopedic dictionary “Psychology of Communication”, published under his editorship in 2011 and 2015; articles by his students, followers and colleagues who continue the development of his ideas; memories of A.A. Bodalev and interviews with him conducted over the years; reviews of conferences on communication psychology 1983–2014. and Round tables in memory of A.A. Bodalev, conducted in 2015 at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education and the Southern Federal University.

The monograph consists of four parts:

    Selected works of A.A. Bodaleva. Centers for research in the psychology of communication, created by A.A. Bodalev;

    Development of ideas by A.A. Bodalev in modern studies of the psychology of communication and acmeology;

    Collective portrait of A.A. Bodaleva;

    Reviews of communication conferences and round tables.

The monograph ends with a list of publications by A.A. Bodaleva. The materials of the monograph are addressed and will be of interest to psychologists and teachers - theorists and practitioners, as well as to everyone who deals with the problems of the psychology of communication.


Bibliosphere and infosphere in the cultural space of Russia

Sokolov A.V. Bibliosphere and infosphere in the cultural space of Russia. Professional and ideological guide / Arkady Vasilievich Sokolov. – M.: Association of School Librarians of the Russian World (RSBA), 2016. – 384 p. - (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 6). - To help the teacher-librarian. - ISBN 978-5-91540-131-9

The main contradiction of technogenic civilization lies in the rapid increase in technical power and the spiritual impoverishment of the culture of the information society. In order for scientific and technological power to serve for the benefit and not to the detriment of Russia, it is necessary to claim the knowledge and wisdom of the Russian intelligentsia, concentrated in the library and information resources of the bibliosphere. The key role here belongs to book, library and bibliographic professionals.

However, the curricula of library and editorial and publishing educational institutions are primarily focused on mastering technological competencies, and not on the formation of a professional worldview. Therefore, young specialists do not imagine the evolution of the Russian bibliosphere and the direction of development of the infosphere, and cannot appreciate the instructive experience of their interaction in the cultural space. They are not able to judge the prospects for books, libraries, and bibliography in the post-industrial society where they will live and work.

The peculiarity of this manual is the integration of related issues of library science, bibliography, computer science, book studies, cultural studies and some other scientific disciplines to ensure the integrity and versatility of the professional worldview. It is addressed not only to teachers and students of library, information and book educational institutions, but also to practitioners of book and library science who are concerned about the future of their profession. A textbook with a professional-ideological orientation and an integral-interdisciplinary genre is being created for the first time in our country.

Reading with mom. Digest of the best competition works on the topic “Reading mother – reading country”

Compiled by I.I. Tikhomirov. – M.: RSBA, 2016. – 232 p. (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine "School Library". Series 1; issue 5.) - ISBN 978-5-9908635-2-1

Addressed to help teacher-librarians and a wide range of the parent community, a digest of the best competitive works on the theme of the All-Russian RSBA project “Reading Mother - Reading Country” is the development and implementation of interactive programs for teaching parents of preschoolers and schoolchildren the basics of organizing children's reading at home. The digest presents different approaches to understanding the role of the school library in the development of the reading culture of mothers, their awareness and orientation in the field of children's fiction, the formation of skills in reading aloud together with the child, the ability to captivate him with a book and think about it, taking into account the individual development of the child and his interests .

The digest included 16 of the best competitive works performed in the categories “Family Reading Methodologist”, “Researcher” and “Teacher”. The sections of the digest are formed by the compiler on a thematic basis. They selectively present individual fragments of competition works that are most significant for teacher-librarians in theoretical and practical terms. In addition to the content novelty, the reader will find in the presented material many interesting statements by great people about the role of books and reading in the lives of children and adults.

Psychology of reading for schoolchildren

Tikhomirova I.I., Ph.D. pedagogical sciences, Ivanova G.A., professor of MGUKI, doctor of pedagogical sciences.

The textbook, addressed to school librarians, will also be useful to all librarians working with children, as well as their parents and teachers.

N.A. Rubakin wrote: “Reading pedagogy, to be effective, must be based on the laws of bibliopsychology.” It is the laws of bibliopsychology that are discussed in the proposed textbook. Its authors, who for many years taught the course “Psychology of Children’s Reading” at the library and information faculties of the Moscow and St. Petersburg universities of culture, addressed the manual to the teacher-librarian, limited the object of consideration to the psychology of reading of schoolchildren - the most sensitive period of the reader’s personality development and optimal for establishing communication reading with cognitive educational process.

The manual examines such issues as the essence and motives of reading, psychological aspects of the student’s perception of artistic and scientific-educational text, reading as a creative process, the influence of cognitive technologies on the mental activity of the student, psychological methods of studying the reader, the librarian as a reading psychologist, etc.

Guided design and search activities in the 21st century school

Kuhlthau, Carol S. Guided project-based research activities in the 21st century school: To help the teacher-librarian [Text] / Carol S. Kuhlthau, Leslie K. Maniotes, Anne K. Caspary; [ed. V.V. Zverevich; lane from English V.V. Zverevich, T.O. Zverevich]. - M.: RSBA, 2016. - 280 p.: ill. - (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 2).

The book was prepared by a team of authors from the United States: a renowned school library researcher, a renowned teaching expert in the field of curriculum, and a specialist in the field of museum education. The authors consider guided design and search activities as the implementation of the principles of the constructivist approach in education, as a dynamic, innovative method of developing understanding, thinking and information literacy of schoolchildren. The book provides educators and school librarians with the tools to create a shared environment in which the curriculum is integrated with students' out-of-school experiences and in which students are actively involved in school learning.

Subjectivity of literary and artistic activity

The book by psychologist Oksana Kabachek attempts to consider the role of subjectivity in literary and reading activity. Long-term experimental studies of listeners-readers and writers of different ages allowed the author to find answers to some traditional questions in reading studies and pose new ones.

The first section examines the current problematic situation with reading. In the second, the subject of study is fiction: its capabilities in the development of a child’s personality. The third section is devoted to the author’s experimental psychological research in recent years, and the final section describes research on the “special” reader and issues of bibliotherapy.

Psychology and literature in dialogue about man

Psychology and literature in dialogue about man / edited by N.A. Borisenko, N.L. Karpova, S.F. Dmitrenko. – M.: Association of School Librarians of the Russian World (RSBA), 2016. – 368 p. - (Professional library of a school librarian: Supplement to the magazine “School Library”: Series 1; issue 1). - To help the teacher-librarian. - ISBN 978-5-91540-129-6

The presented collective monograph was prepared on the basis of materials from the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia (2015), and with the participation of professional writers and poets. Parts 1–4 of the book present scientific articles on current issues: the relationship between psychology and literature, the psychological foundations of school literary education, the theory and practice of reading, bibliopsychology, bibliopedagogy, family reading and bibliotherapy. The 5th part – “Scientists write Poems and Prose” – presents the literary creativity of domestic and foreign scientists; in the 6th part of the book - “Writers visiting psychologists and teachers” - poems, stories, chapters from novels, and essays by professional writers are published.
The publication is recommended for psychologists, teachers, philologists, library workers, reading specialists, writers, as well as a wide range of readers.


New educational space: students win

Transforming school libraries and computer labs.Authors: David Loertscher, Carol Cocklin, Sandi Zwaan, Esther Rosenfeld

The book was prepared by a group of well-known experts in the field of school libraries from the USA and Canada. It reflects trends in the development of new types of educational spaces in North American schools. The authors consider these trends in the light of modern tasks of school education in the formation of new knowledge and new types of literacy, collective creativity skills, as well as existing technological capabilities. Practical recommendations are given to schools and school library and information specialists on improving the educational environment; Numerous examples are given. The publication contains a large number of links to printed and electronic resources and involves the collective development of this topic in the virtual space.

Children's writers of Russia. One hundred and thirty names. Biobibliographic reference book

Tubelskaya G.N., Sobolevskaya Yu.Ya. Children's writers of Russia. One hundred and thirty names. Biobibliographic reference book / G.N. Tubelskaya, Yu.Ya. Sobolevskaya; edited by L.E. Korshunova. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2015. – 392 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 5. 2015). – 2nd ed. – Supplement to the magazine “School Library”.

You are holding in your hands a reissue of a biobibliographic reference book about children's writers in Russia, the main author of which is Galina Naumovna Tubelskaya, an expert in children's literature, a lover of travel, an interesting, deeply erudite person. How she knew how to talk with children! What wonderful literary festivals were organized based on her scripts!
Galina Naumovna was personally acquainted with a number of writers mentioned here. Perhaps that is why librarians so value this book, written in simple, unpretentious language, conveying not so much and not only the generally accepted view of the writer’s work, but the author’s personal view.
Galina Naumovna often visited our editorial office; we knew her well. She was a participant in the First All-Russian Congress of School Librarians (2007), and gave lectures on children's literature. That's why many school librarians remember her. “A good children’s book is an independent value, high art,” G.N. believed. Tubelskaya.

“Virtual educational space: creating an interactive learning space for a school”

Lortscher D., Koechlin K., Rosenfeld E.

The book was prepared by a group of well-known experts in the field of school libraries from the USA and Canada. She continues her research into the trend toward the formation of virtual educational spaces (VEL) in North American schools. The book defines a GP and explains in detail what it is for. The GP consists of five parts (centers): information center, literacy center, knowledge center, school culture center and experimental center.

Let us open our hearts to goodness: a school of developmental reading (read, reflect, express in words):

Method. a manual for children's reading leaders, equipped with texts of literary works for discussion with teenagers / I.I. Tikhomirov. – M.: RSBA, 2015. – 344 p. (Appendices magazine "School library" .Series 1 .Issue .3)

A book by one of the best reading experts in the country, I.I. Tikhomirova reveals a new aspect of the topic of reading. The publication is a kind of educational course on the moral education of adolescents based on reading and discussion of literary works. Created within the framework of the RSBA project “Reading Mother – Reading Russia”, the manual is intended mainly for parents of teenagers for family readings.

The manual can also be used by librarians and teachers of primary and secondary schools for extracurricular reading lessons on moral topics. The goal is to humanize the consciousness of children, based on an analysis of the behavior of literary heroes and empathy with them. The genre of the story, which is “operative” to influence the reader, is taken as a basis, revealing one or another life situation close to the experience of a teenager and its resolution. The best stories of domestic authors selected for discussion are grouped into thematic cycles: “Responsible for those whom you have tamed,” “Conscience, or Judgment of oneself,” “About a joke - seriously,” “About willpower and fortitude,” etc. Each the cycle contains an introduction to the topic, methodological annotations on the stories contained in the cycle, questions for discussion and a list of additional literature on the topic under discussion. The book is intended to help librarians, teachers, and parents develop in children the ability to observe, compare, evaluate the behavior of characters, their relationships, reflect on the complexity of human characters and circumstances, and include what they read in the context of their own lives. Moral education in the manual is combined with the formation of a culture of reading and literary critical thinking. The texts of the stories discussed are attached to the manual.

ISBN 978-5-91540-130-2

Tikhomirova I.I. Coming from a military childhood (we read, think, express in words):

Method. a manual for children's reading leaders, equipped with texts of literary works for discussion with teenagers / I.I. Tikhomirov. – M.: RSBA, 2015. – 336 p. (Supplement to the magazine “School Library”. Series “To help the teacher-librarian”. Issue 1)

A book by one of the best reading experts in the country, I.I. Tikhomirova dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It is intended to pay tribute to the generation that experienced the horrors of war as children, to show what kind of literature this generation grew up on spiritually, and to provide parents, teachers, and librarians with high-quality literature on this topic.

The type of publication corresponds to the manual previously created by the author, “Let us open our hearts to goodness.” In both that and this manual, the general topic is divided into sections, each of which provides an introduction to the topic, a methodological summary of works recommended for reading and discussion, the texts of these works themselves and questions for discussion are presented.

The purpose of the manual is to introduce adults and teenagers to the best works of fiction about the participation of children in the Great Patriotic War, created between June 1941 and May 1945, in the Year of Literature and within the framework of the RSBA project “Reading Mother - Reading Nation”, to promote the formation of historical and patriotic consciousness of today's schoolchildren, to instill in them a respectful attitude towards the military and labor traditions of past generations.

ISBN 978-5-91540-126-5

Patriotic education of children and adolescents:

pedagogical and library technologies: scientific and practical. art., method. materials, art works / total ed., comp. and ed. preface G.V. Varganova. – Moscow: Russian School Library Association, 2015. – 328 p.

The collection examines current issues of patriotic education of children and adolescents on the basis of institutions of primary general and basic general education, as well as library and information institutions. Pre-

Articles by specialists in the field of reading and reading activity, heads of educational institutions and library staff were presented. Independent sections of the collection are works of art about the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. modern writers and poets - laureates and diploma winners of all-Russian and international literary competitions, as well as methodological developments for extracurricular reading lessons prepared on works of patriotic themes.

The collection is addressed to teachers of general education institutions, library specialists working in school, municipal, and regional libraries, and heads of literary children's and adolescent centers and studios.

ISBN 978-5-91540-128-9

year 2014

"Bibliopsychology. Bibliopedagogy. Bibliotherapy"

/ Ed. N.L. Karpova, O.L. Kabachek, N.S. Leites – (Appendix to the journal “School Library”. Series “To help the teacher-librarian”. Issue 8-9)

The second issue of the collective monograph “Bibliopsychology and Bibliotherapy”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the founder of “bibliological psychology” N.A. Rubakin. / Ed. N.L. Karpova, O.L. Kabachek, N.S. Leites (1st issue: Bibliopsychology and bibliotherapy / Ed. N.S. Leites, N.L. Karpova, O.L. Kabachek. - M.: School Library, 2005).

The collective monograph dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the founder of “bibliological psychology” Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin presents articles on various aspects of the activities of N.A. himself. Rubakin, as well as about the psychological aspects of A.P.’s creativity. Chekhova, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.S. Pushkin (part 1); revealing the foundations and principles of bibliopedagogy, showing the work and possibilities of communication with fiction and educational books in the classroom and in the school library, the focus of which is the reader-student (Part 2); articles on the problems of bibliotherapy and materials from the experience of extracurricular work and logopsychotherapeutic groups with the “healing book” (part 3).

This monograph continues the traditions of the first issue of “Bibliopsychology and Bibliotherapy” (2005), is addressed and will be of interest to library workers, psychologists, teachers, philologists - theorists and practitioners, as well as everyone who deals with issues of psychology and pedagogy of reading and bibliotherapy.

ISBN 978-5-91540-111-1

Brain-friendly school libraries

/ D. A. Sykes; scientific ed. V. V. Zverevich; lane V. V. Zverevich, T. O. Zverevich. – M.: RSBA, 2014. – 152 p. – (Series “To help the teacher-librarian”, issue 7)

The book by a well-known Canadian specialist in the field of school libraries gives a portrait of a 21st century student, presents the concept of a modern school library as a “brain-friendly” cognitively oriented center, and examines the professional requirements for a teacher-librarian.

In addition to the theoretical, psychological and biological foundations of the pedagogical and educational activities of the school library, specific ideas and practical approaches based on cognitive-oriented techniques are proposed.

Particular attention is paid to the organization of the physical space of a “brain-friendly” school library, as well as issues of collective planning and organization of library activities within the framework of school-wide educational


ISBN 978-5-91540-107-4

Pedagogical activities of a school librarian. Educational and methodological manual for school librarians as teachers

/ I.I. Tikhomirov. - M.: RSBA, 2014. - 464 p. - (Supplement to the magazine “School Library”. Series “To help the teacher-librarian”. Issue 4-6).

This book is a response to the challenges of the time in one of the most humane professional fields of activity - library and pedagogical work with children.

The textbook reveals the essence of the new profession of “teacher-librarian” and leads to an understanding of its conceptual content, current tasks and functional features in the practical work of specialists in the field of children’s reading in the structure of school education.

Addressed to students of universities and colleges with an information and library orientation, it is of undoubted interest for the system of retraining and advanced training of school librarians.

The practice-oriented approach makes the book by I.I. Tikhomirova is useful to a wide circle of the library community and provides valuable advice to parents on the formation of a reading culture in childhood.

ISBN 978-5-91540-124-1

Reviews about the book:

The magical world of the library (what children expect from the library and what it can offer them)

/ O. L. Kabachek – M.: RSBA, 2014. – 200 p. – (Appendix to the book “School Library”. Series “To help the teacher-librarian”. Issue 3)

The book describes the results of experimental studies of the perception of the library and the librarian by children twenty years ago and today, and analyzes various models of a children's library, reconstructed from the drawings of children 6–12 years old.

The thoughts of librarians and parents are given on how to create in a modern library that very “magical atmosphere” that children dream of.

The book contains a dictionary of library forms of working with children, compiled based on materials from library publications.

ISBN 978-5-91540-116-6

“Fundamentals of schoolchildren’s information culture”: an educational and methodological complex for students in grades 3-4 of general education organizations

[Text] / N. I. Gendina, E. V. Kosolapova. – M.: RSBA, 2014. – 344 p. (Ser. 1, Issue 6)

The purpose of this manual is to promote the development of universal educational activities of schoolchildren, including, first of all, the skills of searching, analyzing, transforming information using ICT technologies, ensuring personal information security, and developing students’ critical thinking. The educational and methodological complex included training programs in the discipline “Fundamentals of Information Culture of Schoolchildren” for grades 3-4, methodological developments for 22 lessons in the 3rd grade and 27 lessons in the 4th grade, test materials, and a terminological dictionary , a systematic index of terms for sections of the discipline “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren,” electronic presentations for the course “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren.” In addition to a verbal description, each of the lessons was reflected in the form of an electronic presentation, which is presented on a CD-ROM. All materials of the complex are adapted to the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of primary schoolchildren.
Recommended for librarians of children's, school, youth and public libraries, teachers of general education organizations, and specialists in the system of additional professional education.

“Fundamentals of schoolchildren’s information culture”: educational and methodological complex for students in grades 1-2 of general education organizations

[Text] / N. I. Gendina, E. V. Kosolapova. – M.: RSBA, 2014. – 208 p. (Ser. 1, Issue 5)

The purpose of this manual is to promote the development of universal educational activities of schoolchildren, including, first of all, the skills of searching, analyzing, transforming information using ICT technologies, ensuring personal information security, and developing students’ critical thinking. The educational and methodological complex included training programs in the discipline “Fundamentals of Information Culture of Schoolchildren” for grades 1-2, methodological developments of 19 lessons in the 1st grade and 17 lessons in the 2nd grade, test materials, and a terminological dictionary , a systematic index of terms for sections of the discipline “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren,” electronic presentations for the course “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren.” In addition to a verbal description, each of the lessons was reflected in the form of an electronic presentation, which is presented on a CD-ROM. All materials of the complex are adapted to the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of primary schoolchildren. Recommended for librarians of children's, school, youth and public libraries, teachers of general education organizations, and specialists in the system of additional professional education.

ISBN 978-5-91540-120-3

Library services for youth in Japan, Russia and the USA

/editor Leslie Farmer; assistant editors Natalya Gendina, Yuriko Nakamura. - Moscow:RSBA, 2013. – 392 p. : ill.Russian-language version of the collective monograph published in 2011 in autorespected American publishing house Scarecrow Press.

For the first time, specialists from 3 countries of Russia, the USA and Japan have undertakenattempt to systematize and generalize knowledge in the field of library servicesin children's, school, public libraries, in the field of information literacyity and culture, as well as collect material about the most relevant (“hot”) forthe country's problems and the best experience in solving them.The materials in the collection will be useful to librarians, methodologists, teachers,school directors, specialists from educational authorities, representativesMedia and specialized public organizations.

ISBN 978-5-91540-114-2

Rubakin Nikolai Alexandrovich: Reader

/ comp. V.A. Borodina, S.M. Borodin. – Moscow: Russian School Library Association, 2013. - 424 p.: ill. + 16 p. on - (Professional library of a school librarian. Series 2. Issue 1-2).

The reader reflects materials about the life and work of N.A. Rubakin, his contribution to world reading studies, self-education, enlightenment, bibliopsychology. The materials in the anthology are addressed to librarians and other specialists in the field of reading, students of library and information faculties. This is a unique material for mastering the heritage of N.A. Rubakina within the framework of education and self-education. His work remains relevant and contains scientific and practical prospects for reader development in a knowledge society.

ISBN 978-5-91540-106-7

year 2013

Studies of reading and literacy at the Psychological Institute for 100 years: Reader / Ed. N.L. Karpova, G.G. Granik, M.K. Kabardova. PI RAO

The Reader presents research on the psychology of reading and literacy in the 100-year history of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (1912–2012). The main subject of study by employees of various laboratories and departments of the institute was the psychological and pedagogical foundations of reading and literacy.

This Reader can be used in scientific and theoretical activities by psychologists, teachers, methodologists and philologists, as well as in teaching practice by teachers of higher and secondary schools.

Millennium 1000 books Book mix - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2013

Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Culture CENTRAL CITY CHILDREN'S LIBRARY NAMED AFTER A.S. PUSHKINA Department of Collection Acquisition Department of Library Innovation and Methodological Work

In December 2002, the Central City Children's Library named after. A.S. Pushkina published on its website1 the first book hit parade, which included the ten best new products on the book market for the month. New items published in the “zero” decade stood side by side with recognized masterpieces of children's literature and accurately reflected the motto of the new generation of librarians - a mix of everything with everything. Over ten years, the library has created a unique set of hundreds of book charts2. This was the beginning of the publication of the book mix “Millennium. 1000 books."

The book mix is ​​based on artistic and educational publications awarded with domestic and foreign awards in the field of literature, books by authors who have won prestigious awards, expert opinions, and the selection of compilers.

The main theme of the book mix is ​​a reflection of new trends, literary processes and artistic preferences in the context of changing reading patterns of modern children and teenagers. It is no coincidence that under the cover of “Millennium. 1000 books" collected book-events and names-discoveries; publications at the peak of popularity; books that have been unjustly forgotten; "shocking" books.

The book mix introduces promising printing projects from leading children's publishing houses that occupy leading positions in certain niches of the modern market. It is safe to say that the book mix “Millennium. 1000 books" has significant potential and great reserves for the promotion and development of reading. The publication, which does not exist within the strict confines of the catalog genre and collects book diversity, is distinguished by its mobility due to its reference apparatus - ten index-keys - navigators of the book ocean.

The idea of ​​the book mix “Millennium. 1000 books" seems to be a necessary step in guiding (informing) children and parents in choosing quality reading.

Information and scientific worldview / Sat. articles. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2013

The collection examines current scientific and methodological problems of the formation of a modern scientific worldview, as well as a new information culture in the conditions of the emergence of a global information society. These problems are considered in close connection with the information and pedagogical activities of school libraries, which are called upon to fulfill their new humanitarian mission in the 21st century - conductors of scientific knowledge in the system of interaction between science and education. It is the librarian who in the information society must become a qualified guide to the young reader in the world of new knowledge, help him understand the depth, versatility and complexity of the modern world, as well as the pressing problems of modern life.

The book is intended primarily for school librarians, administrative workers and high school teachers, students of library and information departments of universities and colleges.

The book includes 4 sections:

The emergence of the information society and the new mission of school libraries in the 21st century

The modern world and the problem of forming a scientific worldview

Promising directions for the development of science, education and culture in the information society

Information problems of social development in the education system

“The state of the children’s movement in Russia and the prospects for its development” / Collection of materials for parliamentary hearings

This collection was prepared by the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children in connection with parliamentary hearings on the topic “The state of the children's movement in Russia and the prospects for its development” (December 2012)

The preparation of parliamentary hearings was carried out with the active participation of a wide range of public organizations, scientists and specialists in the field of the children's movement, leaders and activists of children's public associations.

The Committee on Family, Women and Children Issues expresses gratitude to the organizations that provided:

Scientific support from the Association of Children's Movement Researchers;

Information support to the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which sent information materials on the children's movement;

Organizational support for the Moscow Public Relations Committee;

Russian School Library Association;

Children's Products Industry Association.

The proposed collection consists of four parts:

Part I - Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of realizing the right of citizens to association, organization and activities of children's public associations

Part II - Regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of realizing the right of children to association and measures to support the children's movement

Part III - Information on the state of the children's movement in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, mechanisms for supporting children's associations, best practices in their work

Part IV - Children - participants in the implementation of the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children (notes, opinions of researchers and organizers of the children's movement)

Under the general editorship of the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation E.B. Mizulina.

“S.V. Mikhalkov: poet, public figure” / author-compiler Polozova T.D.

Dear readers! We bring to your attention today the second edition of the book, compiled by Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov’s friend and student Tamara Dmitrievna Polozova, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of S.V. Mikhalkov - poet and playwright, outstanding cultural figure, author of the anthem of the Russian Federation.

“I was born in Tsarist Russia. At the age of four, I met the revolution, observed the formation of the USSR, and at the age of 78, the collapse of the state that I had served faithfully all my life. I was brought up by the Soviet country, the Soviet school, the Soviet society...”, wrote Sergei Vladimirovich.

The book is interesting because it conveys a historically truthful picture, without veiling the “Sovietness of the author” and at the same time showing that we, without forgetting the terrible events, the suffering of our history, are able to remember, as Sergei Mikhalkov always remembered, remembered that the path forward is being paved through the multiplication of good. This is the main methodology of literature - it is on the positive (at all stages of history), and not on the negative, that movement forward is built.

year 2012

Basics infoeducational culture of a schoolchild": an educational and methodological complex for 4th grade students of general education institutions / N.I. Gendina, E.V. Kosolapova - M.: RSBA, 2012.

The purpose of this manual is to promote the development of general educational skills, skills and methods of activity of schoolchildren, including, first of all, the ability to search, transform and store information using a computer, and the development of critical thinking of students. The educational and methodological complex included a curriculum for the discipline “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren,” methodological developments for lessons, a terminological dictionary, a systematic index of terms for sections of the discipline “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren,” electronic presentations for the course “Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren.” In addition to a verbal description, each of the 27 lessons was reflected in the form of an electronic presentation, which are presented on CD-ROM. All materials of the complex are adapted to the psycho-age characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

A fairy tale is a door to the big world: Advice for adults on instilling a culture of reading fairy tales in children / Yu. N. Stolyarov. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2012. - 224 p.

For school and children's librarians, parents and primary school teachers of secondary schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums.

Library and information services for children and youth abroad: a textbook / G.A. Ivanova, V.P. Chudinova. - M.: RSBA, 2012. - 376 p.

The manual examines theoretical problems and practical aspects of library and information services for the younger generation abroad. Emphasis is placed on the experience of a number of countries - the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan and others, which are ahead of Russia on the path to building an information society, and at the same time highlighting library and information services for children and youth as one of the priority areas.

The current problems facing foreign library specialists are considered: overcoming the functional illiteracy of the population; increasing “family literacy”; implementation of programs to protect and support reading for children and adults; developing an information culture among young people, ensuring their access to sources of information; use of the Internet, etc.

The modern goals, objectives and technologies of library work with young users are shown. The approaches of international experts and new requirements for the qualifications of librarians are reflected.

The book is intended for bachelors, masters and graduate students of library and information departments of universities of culture and art. It can be used in the system of advanced training for librarians and teachers.


Current problems of children's literature and reading development of the young generation: a collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, March 23, 2011) / comp. A.S. Matveeva; scientific editors: G.A. Ivanova, L.Ya. Ziman; author of the preface: L.Ya. Ziman. - M.: RSBA, 2011. - 168 p. - (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 4). - Supplement to the magazine “School Library”. ISBN 97845491540407546

Reading-giving. Pre-reading lessons: on the stairs near the bookshelves/ G.M. Palgueva. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2011. – 224 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 3). – Supplement to the magazine “School Library”. ISBN 978-5-91540-069-5

Dear friends and colleagues! We bring to your attention the book “Reading>Giving” by Galina Mikhailovna Palgueva. These are original scenarios for lessons>“meetings” of the librarian with his readers at the “book ladder”. The author calls such activities the term “prereading.”

“My idea is that we need to try again to see the “whole elephant.” It seems to me that teachers who teach children reading techniques using excerpts from works of fiction are only showing “part of the elephant.” And librarians who primarily give reading quizzes (hence post-reading) also focus on the elephant in the room. Is it possible to combine this: both to touch upon the reading technique and to see the book as a whole? I have developed several “meetings” for grades 3–4 - a total of 11 “meetings” so far, in which I tried to focus on “pre-reading” and combine school and library methods of working with books. The content range of “meetings” is from classical to modern works,” writes the author, chief librarian of the Municipal Central Library of the Kanavinsky district of Nizhny Novgorod.

Borodina, V.A. Summer reading school: correspondence creative laboratory.- M.: RSBA, 2011. - 392 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1 Issue 1-2) – Supplement to the magazine “School Library. ISBN 978-5-91540-071-8

The materials of the book are a kind of creative laboratory for the Summer School of Reading in libraries. It is schools, not summer reading organizations. This is a school of teaching, training, education, development, socialization and communication in the world of Reading.

The main purpose of the summer reading laboratory school is to intensify the activities of librarians and libraries involved in the reproduction of the reading culture in Russia, to show the possibilities of organizing reading development in the summer holidays of preschoolers and schoolchildren, to provide tools for improving the quality of reading in the form of master classes, workshops, projects, reviews, diagnostic methods.

Mastering the material of the creative laboratory will improve the professional reading skills of the librarian.

The book is addressed to school and children's librarians, and will also be useful to school teachers, teachers of children's educational institutions, parents and organizers of children's summer holidays.


Belenkaya L.I. Children - readers of fiction: tours: typological features of reading at different stages of childhood.

The book reflects theoretical and experimental research materials that were obtained by the author in 1976-1980, but remain relevant today. Highlighting two type-forming features: “type of attitude” and “way of reading” fiction, L.I. Belenkaya examines the typological features of children's reading at different stages of childhood. The book also covers some methodological issues in the field of research on children's reading: conditions for the validity of methods; problems of criteria for literary development of readers of different types; a number of patterns in the reading activity of children and adolescents.

The publication is intended for specialists involved in the study of children's reading and the reader, as well as librarians and teachers.

Kruk N.V., Kotomtseva I.V. Library reading lessons. Scripts. Part 1. 1-4 cells. Part 2. 5-9 grades./ N. V. Kruk, I. V. Kotomtseva. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2010. – (Professional library of the school librarian. Ser. 1) – Supplement to the magazine “School Library”.

Part 1.– Series 1. Issue 2–3. – 504 p. ISBN 978-5-91540-035-0

Part 2. – Series 1. Issue 4–5. – 304 p. ISBN 978-5-91540-035-0

Library reading lessons are part of the Personal Information Culture program. Reading high-quality fiction occupies a special place in the formation of personality, the spiritual world of a person, his morality, thinking, emotions, speech, and creativity. By introducing a child to reading, the library not only opens the way to one of the important sources of information. It protects his soul, nourishes his mind and heart, encourages self-awareness, promotes the creative self-realization of the individual, his vitality..

In the book by N.V. Kruk and I.V. Kotomtseva contains ready-made developments (scenarios) of library reading lessons for students in grades 1-9, aimed at developing creative reading. It presents a holistic system for preparing a “full-fledged and thoughtful reader”; a literary work is studied as a result of students’ creative activity. Such lessons in elementary school are aimed at developing a sustainable interest in literature, in secondary school - at improving reader perception and developing artistic taste, in high school - at developing a personal approach to a literary work and independent aesthetic assessments. The materials in the collection were developed by specialists from the information and library center of gymnasium No. 1 in Novosibirsk and show an example of successful cooperation between librarians, primary school teachers, Russian language and literature.

Polozova T.D., On the power of the art of words and the value of reading.– M.: Russian School Library Association, 2010. – 320 pp. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Exhibition in the school library; Issue 1. 2010). – App. to the magazine "School Library". ISBN-978-5-91540-051-0

Tamara Dmitrievna Polozova – scientist, teacher, librarian. Her numerous scientific, scientific and methodological publications on general pedagogy, theory and history of Russian literature and criticism, and aesthetic education are widely known. The press has repeatedly noted the innovation, originality of her views on aesthetic nature, and the educational value of works of art addressed to children and youth.

Relevant, original, productive is her understanding of reading as an individual creative activity, aesthetic perception of works of art as the basis for a holistic impact on a developing personality, the unity of feeling-thought-action - both for literary education and for increasing the effectiveness of the entire education system. T.D. Polozova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, member of the Union of Writers of Russia.

year 2009

Reading from sight, from the screen and “by ear”: the experience of Russia and other countries: collection of materials for managers of reading promotion programs / compiled by: E.Yu. Genieva, Yu.P. Melentyeva. - M.: RSBA, 2009. - 256 p. - (Professional library of a school librarian. Supplement to the magazine “School Library”. Ser. 1. Issue 11-12) ISBN 978E5E91540E042E8

The purpose of this book is to help managers of projects to promote reading, based on the works of famous authors, to see the complexity and multidimensionality of reading as a phenomenon and process; trace its evolution in time and space; pay attention to the development of the relationship between the text and the reader; to identify the main trends in the development of modern reading, which today occurs not only from sight, but also from the screen, and “by ear”, as well as to show what and how they read in different countries and what is being done there to attract non-reading segments of the population to reading.

Children's parties in family and school / G.N. Tubelskaya. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2009. - 192 p. - (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 9-10). - Supplement to the magazine “School Library”. ISBN 978-5-91540-041-1

A holiday is a special event in a child's life. Children need a holiday like air for their full development. The joint participation of children and adults in family children's parties can become your tradition. It is traditions that return meaning, love and joy to our home, to our family. This book is for everyone who is connected with children, loves them and is ready to give them part of their free time to organize holidays in the family, class, after-school group, on summer holidays, in the House of Creativity for Children and Youth.
In the book by G.N. Tubelskaya included developments of both traditional and non-traditional holidays for children: New Year, Easter and the Nativity of Christ, Autumn Carnival and “First time - in first grade”, April Fool’s Day, birthday, “Just a party”, Day of entertaining lessons, Holiday four-legged friends, Summer picnic on the river bank, etc.

School libraries of the world: current state and development trends: collection (Open access. Libraries abroad. 2009)/ comp. S.V. Pushkova; editorial board: N.Yu. Zolotova, S.V. Pushkova, L.M. Stepachev; All-Russian state b–ka foreign lit. them. M.I. Rudomino, Rus. schools bib. assoc. – M.: RSBA, 2009. – 240 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 7–8). – App. to the magazine "School Library". ISBN 978-5-91540-2

(Open access. Libraries abroad. 2009) / comp. S.V. Pushkova; editorial board: N.Yu. Zolotova, S.V. Pushkova, L.M. Stepachev; All-Russian state b–ka foreign lit. them. M.I. Rudomino, Rus. schools bib. assoc. – M.: RSBA, 2009. – 240 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 7–8). – App. to the magazine "School Library".

The publication was prepared within the framework of a joint project of the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after. M.I. Rudomino and the Russian School Library Association on the development of international cooperation in the field of school libraries. The materials in the collection introduce the history of the formation and current state of school libraries in several countries: Australia, Austria, Spain, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the USA, France, etc. The history of the formation of school libraries, their national characteristics, main areas of activity and some general trends of their development. The collection also contains materials about professional associations of school libraries operating both at the national and international levels.

Tikhomirova, I. I. How to raise a talented reader: collection of articles. articles: in 2 parts. Part 1. Reading as creativity. Part 2. Raising a reader-creator /aut.-state I.I. Tikhomirov; preface, commentary, appendix. I.I. Tikhomirov. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2009. – (Professional library of the school librarian. Ser. 1) – Supplement to the magazine “School Library”.

Part 1. Reading as creativity. – Series 1. Issue 3–4. – 320 p. – ISBN 978-5-91540-2

Part 2. Growing a reader-creator. – Series 1. Issue 5–6. – 288 p. – ISBN 978-5-91540-4

The author-compiler, Tikhomirova Irina Ivanovna, has devoted more than forty years of her professional activity to the problems of creative reading for children. Her new book is intended for anyone who is thinking about the question “How to raise a talented reader.” The purpose of the book is close to maternal goals - to strengthen the influence of fiction on children's readers, ensuring their self-education and self-development, their moral and civic formation.

The book consists of two parts. The first – “Reading as creativity” – is of a theoretical and methodological nature. In it, the author shares his thoughts on the meaning and essence of reading fiction. The second – “Raising a Reader-Creator” – contains articles about the experience of librarians, teachers, and parents in Russia in developing children’s abilities to creatively perceive art. Here you will find practical materials and reference lists. The Appendix - “To the Library of the Librarian and Methodist” - contains a selection of statements by famous people about books and reading in childhood.

The book will help you master the methodological system of educating a creative reader and solve a difficult task: through creative reading, to connect literature and the life of a child, in the process of education, to lead him to knowledge of himself and the surrounding reality, to open the door to the spiritual culture of humanity.

Timofeeva, I. N. Children. Time. Book: a guide for leaders of children's reading/ I. N. Timofeeva. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2009. – 408 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 1–2). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-033-6

The book presents scientific works summarizing the experience of children's libraries in the civic, patriotic education of their readers. This latest book by Inessa Nikolaevna Timofeeva, a teacher by profession, who has spent her entire life studying the influence of children's reading on the formation of a growing person, is the first attempt at a systematic study of the activities of children's and school libraries in Russia in the civic and patriotic education of children and adolescents in the post-Soviet era.

According to the author, the basis of patriotic education is the desire for a moral ideal, understood as service to the Fatherland. The book is written in the genre of pedagogical journalism. This is an open, passionate expression of the author's attitude towards life. The main pathos of the book is to raise children in love for the Fatherland. Patriotic education is currently no less important than Russia’s nuclear shield and missile forces - this is what Inessa Nikolaevna believed. In the book, she highly raises the status of a library working with children, seeing it as a resource and methodological center for schools, families, preschool institutions and the media. She built her work on the traditions of Russian pedagogy. In relying on it, she saw the opportunity to preserve the unity of generations and the integrity of the people.

The book has three main sections: “Let’s preserve the spirituality of Russia”, “Raising children in love for the Fatherland”, “Reading children of modern children in the light of domestic pedagogy”. Each section is divided into chapters. Recommended for librarians of school, children's, youth and public libraries, teachers of general education institutions, and specialists in the system of additional professional education.


The school library as a center for the formation of personal information culture/ N. I. Gendina, N. I. Kolkova, G. A. Starodubova, Yu. V. Ulenko. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 352 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 11–12). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-031-2

The mission of the school library in the information society and knowledge society is considered. In this book you will find answers to the following questions: What are the grounds for declaring the school library a center for information training for students? Why are we talking about information culture, and not computer or information literacy, which scientists and specialists all over the world are searching for effective teaching tools? How can you determine the content of information training for schoolchildren? What should a school librarian know and be able to do in order to successfully solve the complex task of developing the information culture of students? The concept of the formation of an individual’s information culture, developed at the Research Institute of Information Technologies in the Social Sphere of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, is outlined. A standard model of the content of the academic discipline and a set of educational programs for the course “Fundamentals of Personal Information Culture” for students in grades 1-11 are proposed. Methods, means, and organizational forms of teaching the basics of information culture in a school library are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to a differentiated approach to teaching information culture to students in grades 1-11 based on their psychophysiological characteristics.

“Opening a book, we open the world!”: Collection of materials. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 264 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 9–10). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-024-4

The collection is compiled from works submitted to the All-Russian competition “Opening a book, opening the world!” The authors of the competition works are Russian school librarians. The materials offered to your attention are original programs aimed at developing interest in reading: oral magazines, linguistic games, literary competitions and evenings, book presentations in the library, various forms of library lessons, quizzes, etc.

Materials of the competition “Opening a book, opening the world!” will provide significant assistance in organizing the work of the library as a center of the cultural educational process at school to explore the theme of the Russian world in history, literature, and culture. We hope that the materials in the collection will help you, dear school librarians, in organizing systematic work to instill in schoolchildren respect for Russian statehood, a sense of patriotism and love for the fatherland, and will help teach them to respect and cherish the cultural and historical heritage of Russia. The materials in the collection acquire particular relevance due to the fact that 2009 was declared the “Year of Youth” by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Kaleidoscope of anniversaries: Collection of scripts “Holiday in the Family.” – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 144 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 8). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-021-3

The special issue of the collection, dedicated to the Year of the Family, consists of scenarios for home holidays for children aged 3-10 years, and holidays filled with game programs, competitions, and theatrical performances. In the collection you will find scenarios for such holidays as: Birthdays, End of the school year, New Year's matinees.

We think that this collection will be useful for librarians to work with families, and will also be of interest to anyone who wants to give their children a real holiday.

The youth. Reading. Success: collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference / Municipal cultural institution of Arkhangelsk “Centralized library system”; Russian School Library Association. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 128 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 7). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-004-6

Youth policy, conditions for self-realization of youth, professional development, civic education, trends in the development of children's and youth literature, reading projects, the book as the engine of personal development, information culture of youth, media education, youth in the world of the press: specifics of perception, interests - this is the range of issues, discussed at the conference.

The materials in the collection will help in holding such events, in preparing for school-wide parent-teacher meetings, and will be useful in the daily activities of a librarian, teacher, school principal and other specialists working with youth.

Family reading in the year of the family/ Comp.: T.D. Zhukova. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 320 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 5-6). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – In the region: Daria Zabrodskaya, Moscow. – Published with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia”. – ISBN 978-5-91540-018-3

Family reading is the most important tool, the most important mechanism for raising a kind and intelligent citizen of the country. Simple and interesting, entertaining forms and methods for children to engage in reading will help build family leisure, communication, and co-creation of different generations of the same family around reading. Here the reader will find advice not only on what and how to read, but also how to teach your child without coercion, simply and “imperceptibly” read on your own. Play literary games with your children and their friends. Let them solve simple but entertaining crossword puzzles, read poetry, and solve riddles.

The collection we bring to your attention was published as part of the “Young Russia Reads” movement and is a continuation of the book “Parents’ Meeting on Children’s Reading.” The collection is addressed to parents, librarians and teachers.

Parent meeting on children's reading: Collection of materials on the development of models and methods of conducting/ Perm Regional Children's Library named after. L.I. Kuzmina, Russian School Library Association. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 136 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 4). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-018-3

On the eve of the Year of the Family, on the initiative of the Russian School Library Association as part of the “Young Russia Reads” movement on the basis of the Perm Regional Children's Library named after. L.I. Kuzmina On December 11-12, 2007, work began on the Experimental Site for collecting and testing materials for the All-Russian Parents' Meeting on Reading for Children and Adolescents. Its organizers proceeded from the belief that it is parents, as the people most interested in the fate of their children, who are able to change the reading situation in the country for the better. Understanding reading as an important life value, and therefore a successful future for children, is the goal of parent meetings on children’s reading in schools, preschool institutions, and children’s leisure centers. The experimental site brought together librarians, teachers, parents, government officials. The platform became another step in the work to attract parents to change the reading situation in our country. Reports, performances, presentations, master classes presented an amazing, varied and colorful experience of working with parents to support reading. The proposed collection is compiled based on materials from this event and contains reasonable and simple techniques that have been successfully tested in schools, children's and school libraries, and public organizations.

Vocational guidance of youth: Experience of libraries / Comp. V.P. Vdovichenko. –M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 184 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 3). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-016-9

The increasing complexity of the problems of professional self-determination of the younger generation in modern conditions urgently requires library workers to pay special attention to the work on informational and psychological-pedagogical support for the choice of profession by young people. The quality of education and culture, and not the amount of accumulated material wealth, determines a person’s status and self-realization. The materials in the collection will expand the ideas of library specialists about the possibilities of career guidance work in the library, aimed at creating a culture of professional self-determination and “life self-management” among the younger generation. This work is carried out through the activation of reading activity and mastering the skills of searching, selecting and using the necessary information by a specific individual. The collection will feature reports and speeches by participants in an interregional scientific and practical conference dedicated to the problems of professional self-determination of the younger generation; in the appendix - the conference program, list of participants, book exhibition - “Choosing the Future”, tools for conducting research (test methods, questionnaires, express analysis of a heuristic essay, etc.), annotated lists of references, etc.

Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in the modern library environment / Author-ed. EAT. Zueva.– M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. – 336 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 1–2). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – In the region: Church of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb in the village of Nikulchino. Photo of the Vyatka Diocese. – ISBN 978-5-91540-014-5

Modern modernization of schools is carried out with the aim of more effectively forming a spiritually and morally healthy person. The high mission of the modern school is to save the younger generation from the corruption of the soul and turn to eternal values: beauty, goodness, faith, love, hope. The purpose of the collection is to attract the attention of library workers to the problems of spiritual development of schoolchildren, to help generate resources to provide the elective “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” that has appeared in schools, and to show the possibilities of promoting the spiritual and moral growth of students using new information technologies. The author-compiler of the collection strives to help school librarians navigate Orthodox literature that is quite new to them; provide assistance in planning and implementing the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in the process of information and library support for the elective “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, as well as such regional disciplines as “Moscow Studies”, “Spiritual Local History of the Moscow Region”, “Istoriography”, etc. . Particular emphasis is placed on the use of modern electronic resources by libraries.

Since not every school has access to many of the publications and electronic resources mentioned in the text, the collection includes as appendices a number of fragments of printed and electronic materials that are not readily available to school librarians.


To the school librarian about family reading: Digest of articles. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 176 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 12). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-009-1

2008 has been declared the Year of the Family in our country. This is the initiative of the President of Russia, which he announced on April 26, 2007 in his Address to the Federal Assembly. Addressing parliamentarians, the head of state emphasized that holding the Year of the Family in Russia “will allow us to unite the efforts of the state, society, and business around the most important issues of strengthening the authority and supporting the institution of the family and basic family values.” The decree “On holding the Year of the Family in the Russian Federation” was signed by the President of Russia on June 14, 2007. Work on organizing the Year of the Family will take place not only at the federal level, but also in every region and in every municipality. The Russian School Library Association offers a collection of articles “For the School Librarian on Family Reading.” The collection is made up of the best articles that were published in the magazine “Home School Library” (published by the publishing house “School Library” from 2002 to 2005). The articles in the collection are grouped in four sections: “Family reading. Why?”, “Raising a son, raising a daughter,” “Pages of good advice,” “Let’s play.” The materials in the collection will tell you about the traditional spiritual value of the family - family reading - and will help you organize the work of your library and school in an interesting and exciting way.

Kashurnikova T.M. Basics of information and bibliographic literacy for students: Methodical. recommendations for librarians. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 128 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 11). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-91540-006-0

The purpose of the course proposed by the author is to create in children the need to turn to the book not only as a source of information, but also as a source of spiritual values, without which the formation of a modern educated person is impossible. The book consists of a theoretical part on the rationale for this course, an approximate program and developments (scenarios) of 14 lessons. The course content consists of the following topics: “The miracle whose name is a book”; "History of Writing"; "Ancient Books"; "Russian handwritten book"; “On the way to a new book”; "History of Printing"; "Russian printed book"; "Ancient Libraries"; "Libraries of St. Petersburg"; "The structure of the book. Book reference apparatus"; "Bibliography. Bibliographical aids"; "Children's periodicals"; “How to use the library”; "How to work with a book." The topics of the lessons are integrated into the educational process in the Russian language, the history of Russia, the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, the history of world and artistic culture, the history and culture of St. Petersburg. Each topic includes a theoretical part, assignments for students, material for the librarian, material for the teacher, and a list of references. Most classes involve hands-on activities that can be done in a classroom, library, or home setting, individually, in pairs, or in groups of 3-4. The lessons are structured in an interesting, emotional, accessible content and require the active participation of the children themselves. At the end of the publication there is a Glossary of terms used in the manual.

Reading in the system of sociocultural development of personality: Collection of articles of the international scientific-practical seminar / G.V. Varganova. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 256 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 9-10). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – In the region: Golovin A. “Girl and Porcelain (Frosya)”, 1916. – ISBN 978-5-902300-81-6

Reading is the most important means of mastering the intellectual potential and social experience of mankind. The intensively ongoing processes of transition to a knowledge society actualize the problem of forming in a person a system of developed needs, motives and reading skills as a type of activity that contributes to personal, academic and professional success. Basic functions in teaching and introducing reading are performed by such social institutions as family, school, and library. The book’s materials touch on such important issues as government support for the development of reading in various countries, the role of public and professional organizations in introducing reading, the book publishing system and schoolchildren’s reading, traditions of family reading, the role of libraries and library centers in introducing children to reading. They also examine innovative processes in the education system related to the problems of educating a reader. The collection also includes reports on the formation of a reading culture, socio-pedagogical problems of reading, literary creativity as a factor in the realization of the cultural resources of children and adolescents, literary competitions as a means of activating interest in reading, etc. Today, specialists working with children and youth understand the historical , theoretical, methodological and practical features of the reading phenomenon, is the key to their professional skills in introducing children to reading. The wide range of topics discussed on the pages of the book makes it possible to experience and see the phenomenon of reading from different sides, to see the problems that unite scientists from different countries, as well as opportunities and ways to solve them.

Parent meeting on children's reading/ Comp.: T.D. Zhukova. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 288 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 7-8). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-902300-70-0

The “Parents’ Meeting on Children’s Reading” project was initiated by the Russian School Library Association as part of the “Young Russia Reads” movement. Project objectives:

– to help parents realize the value of children's reading as an effective means of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, an intellectual resource for the development of their personality, as a guarantee of educational and then life success;

– to intensify the work of parent committees and parent movements to promote and develop children’s reading in the family;

– to involve every parent in solving the problem of children’s reading and the development of children’s reading environment.

The book offers a whole range of information and methodological materials developed by the best Russian reading experts: a scenario for holding a school-wide parent meeting for school principals and class teachers, as well as recommendation lists and memos for parents, reflecting the “golden shelf” and the core of the modern book flow, competition scenarios “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family,” reading tests and quizzes and other materials.

Zhukova T.D., Chudinova V.P. Realizing educational goals through school libraries / Per.E.A.Katz. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 224 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 6). – App. to the magazine "School Library".

New goals of education dictate new requirements for the development of school libraries, for librarians as specialists in working with books and information, multimedia and the Internet, as teachers and consultants in the education of schoolchildren. It presents the results of large-scale and local studies on the important role of the school library and librarian-teacher in the education of schoolchildren in Australia, the USA, Canada, Japan, Korea and other countries. Trends and models-options for organizing the work of school libraries in developed and intensively developing countries are shown. The problems of qualification of school librarians, the requirements for librarian-teachers today are reflected; the prospects for the development of the school librarian profession are outlined. This book was prepared for the first Congress of School Librarians of the Russian Federation in the history of Russia. To create it, on the initiative of the Russian School Library Association, the fundamental documents of international organizations in the field of education and culture, the results of numerous studies, documents of international and national library associations of countries, the goal of which was to achieve quality education, were collected and studied. Documents, facts, vivid examples of the work of school libraries, the work experience of librarians-teachers, various arguments about the role of school libraries in national education strategies in different countries of the world can be valuable and interesting for workers in the field of education management, school principals, teachers and school library specialists .

Ziman L.Ya. Foreign literature for children and youth: Textbook allowance. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 288 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 4-5). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – In the region: Il. Joanna Oyles to the poems of R.L. Stevenson. – ISBN 978-5-902300-71-7

More than a decade and a half have passed since the publication of the previous textbook on foreign literature for children and youth (edited by N.K. Meshcheryakova, I.S. Chernyavskaya). Over the years, dramatic changes have occurred in our country and its culture. Naturally, this had a serious impact on book publishing and children’s and youth’s reading: priorities and preferences in children’s and youth’s literature and reading have changed, and the circle of children’s and youth’s writers who have deservedly attracted the attention of our readers has expanded. Among the books that first appeared on our shelves in these years are many very significant works that had a great influence on the development of world children's literature and children's reading, and have long been very popular abroad. However, our librarians and teachers do not always know these works. In this regard, the manual pays serious attention to works that have entered the reading circle of Russian children and adolescents in recent years. The course of foreign literature for children and youth is the most important in the philological training of workers in children's, youth and school libraries. It acquires particular significance in today's situation, characterized, on the one hand, by the aggression of electronic media (not always of the best quality) and, on the other, by filling the book market with low-quality products. The main purpose of the manual is to provide guidance on reading and library work with children and youth. It is intended for students specializing in library work with children and adolescents; employees of school, children's and youth libraries. It may be useful for students of pedagogical educational institutions, for teachers, teachers of preschool institutions, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in issues of children's and youth literature.

Mikhaleva T.I. Modern teenager in the modern world: The problem of the formation of a teenager’s personality in the literature of the 1960s – 2000s. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 224 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. 3). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-902300-69-4

The main topics of the book: children and parents: to the problem of relationships in the family; students and teachers: to the problem of the moral influence of the teacher; self-affirmation among peers, search for one’s place in life; “nature is the nurse of the soul”: literature on the role of nature in moral and environmental education. The works selected for consideration are addressed not only to readers of a given age, but also works of general (“adult”) literature. Selection criterion: proximity of the problem to the reader, availability of artistic means. In addition, the correlation with the school curriculum was taken into account: the task was to introduce material that was not included in the curriculum, to supplement it to some extent and not to touch upon the topics presented in detail. In conditions of an acute shortage of teenage literature in school, children's, home libraries and on bookstore shelves, the book will provide invaluable assistance to librarians, teachers, parents and teenagers themselves. Author of the book T.I. Mikhaleva is a specialist in the field of classical and modern teenage literature, a professor at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.

Reading as a hobby /Compiled by: O.L. Zucchini. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 176 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 2). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 978-5-902300-75-5

Literary development is closely connected with moral development.” What is especially alarming, the authors of the collection write, is that an increasing number of preschoolers in bibliotherapy classes are constructing their stories in the spirit of “Kill as many enemies as possible,” based on the principle of violent computer games sold en masse. “With the correct... entry of a child into book culture, a natural combination of the principle of Pleasure and the principle of Reality occurs...: the “cultural hero” follows the principle of pleasure, always does only what he wants, but at the same time is phenomenally responsive, “socially oriented”, selfless and selfless. (with the help of assistants<библиотекарей, психологов, родителей>) transforms reality according to the laws of Beauty and Goodness.” The articles in the collection talk about searches and discoveries in introducing children to books and reading; the main goal of this activity is to harmonize the personality of a little person. The collection contains regional developments that have been tested in libraries with remarkable results.

Kreidenko V.S. Library Research: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. – 352 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 1). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – In the region: Court servant, or Russian library. – ISBN 978-5-902300-68-7

The development of librarianship in the country involves conducting a significant amount of research on a wide range of problems related to the role and place of libraries and reading in the life of the country's citizens. The responsibilities performed by the librarian are becoming more complex, and a new function is clearly emerging—researcher of various aspects of library activities. The book is a broad-based but fairly compact manual on the methodology and techniques of library research. Its author is Vladimir Semenovich Kreidenko, head of the department of library science and reading theory at the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, professor, corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.The manual discusses methods of library research, analyzes the process of library research, forms and methods of introducing its results into library practice. Readers will also find here practical assignments, a conceptual and terminological dictionary on methodology and a list of references on the topic. The publication can be recommended to students and graduate students of library and information departments of cultural universities, students of the system of advanced training for library workers and, of course, practicing librarians.


Borodina V.A. Theory and technology of reader development in domestic library science : At 2 o'clock. Part 1. Workshop. – M.: School Library, 2006. – 208 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 12). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 5-902300-65-7

The presented workshop on reading development is a continuation of the monograph “Theory and Technology of Reader Development in Russian Library Science.” It consists of four independent sections. The first - “Developmental lessons in elementary school” includes lessons for grades 1-3, regardless of curriculum. The second, “The World of Reading in Folklore,” demonstrates the implementation of technology in folklore and other literary genres. The third, “The World of Reading in Folklore,” shows how technology can be used for readers in education and self-education systems. It provides methodological materials for diagnostics, samples of work with different texts and tasks for them. The fourth, “Perception as Labor and Creativity,” contains a workshop on the aesthetics of the mind and the intellect of feelings on the poetry of the East. Intended for librarians and other specialists related to scientific and practical issues of reading development; for parents to foster a reading culture in children; students of library, information and pedagogical universities.

Borodina V.A. Theory and technology of reader development in domestic library science: At 2 o'clock. Part 1. Scientific and methodological foundations. – M.: School Library, 2006. – 336 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 10-11). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – In the region: Reading room of literature and art of the Russian National Library. – ISBN 5-902300-65-7

Author – V.A. Borodina, teacher at the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts - has been professionally involved in the theory and technology of reading development for 35 years. The first part of her work examines the scientific and practical experience of reading development in a historical context, and comprehensively and systematically analyzes the interdisciplinary spectrum of reading. Reading research was carried out by the author in line with the problems of library psychology and library and information services from the perspective of acmeology. The technology of reading development of the acmeological type - “RAY” (the best teaching is reading) - has been tested for many years in continuing education. The final chapter of the first part talks about the profession - “Librarian – acmeologist of reading.” The publication is intended for librarians and other specialists related to scientific and practical issues of reading development, as well as for parents to help foster a culture of reading in children, students of library, information and pedagogical universities.

Dobrynina N.E.Study of readers – children and teenagers in Russia in the 19th–20th centuries.: Textbook. allowance. – M.: School Library, 2006. – 144 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 9). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – On the region: Jean Honore Fragonard “Reading Girl”. – ISBN 5-902300-61-4

The textbook covers the history of research into reading by children and adolescents in Russia over two centuries. XIX–XX centuries - an extremely significant time in the formation and development of research work in the field of reading of various social categories and, above all, the younger generation. The main place in the book naturally occupies the period of the second half of the 20th century, when the study of readers developed most actively. The author reveals the primary role of the book for passing the baton of culture from adults to children, for the continuity of their spiritual connections. The publication analyzes the interaction of pedagogy, psychology and sociology of reading, displays the creative contribution of many enthusiastic researchers to the science of the formation of young Russian readers in a specific historical context. To better understand the material, questions and assignments are provided for each chapter. The publication is addressed to students and teachers of cultural universities, practicing librarians, as well as all those who are interested in the problems of raising children and adolescents through the means of books. It is interesting because of its special appendix – the text of the thesis of MGUKI graduate Z.A. Gorbunova “The first steps of a child into the world of books.” It highlights her experiment in raising a future reader – a child under 3 years old. The fundamental provisions of this project will be useful to parents and librarians.

Homo legens – 3. A person reading: Collection of articles / Rus. Reading Association; Moscow state linguist. University; Ed. B.V. Biryukov. – M.: School Library, 2006. – 320 p. – (Professional library of the school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 7–8). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 5-902300-62-2

The publication is timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the remarkable scientist, founder of psycholinguistics Alexei Alekseevich Leontiev (1936–2004) and dedicated to his memory. It opens with his article “Poets and Poetics,” which talks about how real poets write real poetry. Here is a collection that includes articles by various specialists: cultural experts, teachers, psychologists, librarians. All of them are devoted to the phenomenon of reading: the most diverse aspects of children's, adolescent and family reading; Also included are various methods of teaching reading, and articles revealing the history and methodology of reading. The articles are grouped in three sections: “Culture and literacy. Issues of history and methodology”, “We have entered the 21st century: books, reading and mass culture”, “The younger generation in the world of books, libraries and reading”, “Issues of methodology for teaching and stimulating reading”. For practical work in the library, the section “The younger generation in the world of books, libraries and reading” is of particular interest.

Reading school. Experience, theories, reflections: Reader / Comp. I.I. Tikhomirov. – M.: School Library, 2006. – 304 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 5-6). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – In the region: Kramskoy I. “Reading.” – ISBN 5-902300-53-3

The anthology is a supplement to the reference dictionary “The Psychology of Children’s Reading from A to Z.” The material in the anthology will help the librarian, teacher, and parent to form a clear idea of ​​the characteristics of children's perception in order to support and develop it, appreciate and respect it, to feel its uniqueness and richness, strength and expressiveness. Abstract conversations about the role of reading cannot provide what concrete examples from the lives of specific people who are the pride of our national culture can provide. New book by I.I. Tikhomirova will talk about the reading experience of childhood and adolescence, reading biographies of outstanding Russian writers: N.A. Rubakina, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.M. Levidova, V.G. Belinsky, A.P. Chekhova, L.N. Tolstoy, A.I. Herzen and others. The anthology may be of interest to both teenagers themselves - those smart kids who want to benefit their fatherland, and specialists in the field of children's reading. It contains indispensable material for self-education, raising the bar for professional reflection on the role of books and reading in a person’s life to a height to which everyone can strive and strive.

Vdovichenko V.P. From childhood to adulthood: Youth. Socialization. Library: Bibliogr. review-digest with comments / Ros. state young man b-ka. – M.: School Library, 2006. – 144 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 4). – App. to the magazine "School Library".

The review offers books and articles from periodicals devoted to complex issues of socialization of the younger generation in the modern world. The materials are grouped in three main sections: “Youth. Scientists about age characteristics and problems of personality development”, “Scientific foundations of socialization”, “Possibilities of the library in the socialization of youth”. Librarians will familiarize themselves with scientific publications and publications about the patterns and characteristics of personality development in adolescence, about the attitude of modern society towards the younger generation, about the nature, essence and content of the socialization process, about the role of the library in the socialization of youth. The appendix to the review contains a “Social-psychological questionnaire for studying the attitudes of adolescents and high school students to some pressing problems of our time.” The review-digest is provided with an additional list of references and is interesting with detailed comments and examples of statements about youth, the library and books by famous writers and scientists, including our contemporaries. The material in the book can be used in working with teaching staff and high school students. On its basis, you can conduct reviews and lectures on the topic “Socialization of youth at the beginning of the 21st century”, and conduct mini-research.

Tubelskaya G.N.Foreign children's writers. One Hundred Names: Biobibliogr. directory. – Part 2. N–Y. – M.: School Library, 2006. – 240 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 2-3). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 5-902300-52-5

The author of the reference book, Galina Naumovna Tubelskaya, is a person in love with children's literature; she devoted many years to working with children, working after graduation as the head of a children's library in Ulan-Ude. She recalls that “those were delightful years. Never in my life have I felt so needed!” Having become a teacher of children's literature at the Buryat State Institute of Culture, I traveled a lot with students for internships, and became friends with librarians who were enthusiasts of their work and in love with children's literature and working with children. She considered the librarian profession to be fascinating and interesting, being at the same time a library, teaching, and acting profession. As a specialist, knowing the difficulties faced by readers: librarians, parents, teachers when searching for materials about many children's writers, I conceived and carried out the preparation of this reference book. It includes biographies of foreign children's writers, bibliographic lists of their works, literature about their lives and works. It includes names familiar to many from childhood, as well as many completely unknown ones.

Dobrynina N.E. Grandchildren and animals: Tale. Stories. Essay. – M.: School Library, 2006. –160 p. – (Professional library of a school librarian. Ser. 1. Issue 1). – App. to the magazine "School Library". – ISBN 5-902300-49-5

The collection includes works written by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalia Evgenievna Dobrynina, mainly in the 1990s. This is the story “Julai”, stories about children and their interactions with pets, as well as essays dedicated to the first steps of young readers on the path to learning to read. The author's lively sketches are united by the idea of ​​​​the beneficial influence of the child's direct experience of contact with nature, animals and the indirect experience of comprehending the Good through a book. The collection will be useful to children's reading leaders - parents, kindergarten teachers, teachers, librarians and all those who are concerned about the problems of spiritual education of the younger generation.

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