Vasyutkino lake with which the author compares the forest. Analysis of the work "Vasyutkino Lake" by Astafiev

"Vasyutkino Lake" Astafiev

The genre of the work is a story. A story about a journey that a thirteen-year-old boy unwittingly made, lost for five days in the taiga. The main character is the boy Vasyutka, who helped his parents in fishing in the taiga. Minor characters - mom, grandfather, father, fishermen. The boy helps his parents in the taiga as much as he can. His duty, which he invented for himself, is to supply the fishermen with cedar nuts, which they are not averse to clicking in free time... Once, as usual, he went to the taiga to pick up nuts, and suddenly he had the opportunity to shoot a capercaillie. This is the beginning of the story. After his long wanderings and adventures, Vasyutka went to the bank of the Yenisei and heard the sound of a motor boat-boat. By that time, he had lost hope that he would be quickly found. This is the culmination of the story. The denouement comes when Vasyutka is at home, and then he himself leads the fishermen to the lake he accidentally discovered. In the center of the story is human behavior in an extreme situation. Vasyutka overcame all the difficulties that fell to his lot with dignity, despite the fact that he was only thirteen years old. Of great interest in the story are descriptions of the taiga and its inhabitants. A lot of cognitive can be learned from the story about the customs and habits of taiga people. It is as if we ourselves are traveling with the boy through the taiga - so skillfully the writer tells us about Vasyutka's adventures.

Calm story, unhurried speech, dialect words - brave and hardworking Siberian people introduce us to their world.


  1. Failure in the fishing industry.
  2. Hunting for wood grouse.
  3. Vasyutka got lost.
  4. Life in the forest.
  5. Lake.
  6. Successful rescue.



5th grade, general education

Literary education program edited by

Topic: Man and nature in the story "Vasyutkino Lake"

(Lesson analysis of the original source)

The purpose of the lesson:

educational - analysis of the story "Vasyutkino Lake", deepening and expanding students' knowledge of creativity;

developing - development of the ability to analyze text through interpretation-drawing, the ability to work with dictionary entry, Internet resources;

educational - the formation of a respectful and careful attitude towards nature; education of a thoughtful reader.

Equipment: exhibition of books, illustrations of students, presentation for the lesson, audio recording of the voices of birds.

Trofimova Irina

Man and nature in a story

"Vasyutkino lake"

From communication with nature, you will take out as much light as you want, and as much courage and strength as you need.

Zeime Johann Gottfried

During the classes

I... Emotional attitude

Good afternoon, guys, dear guests, I am glad to see you at the lesson.

(Music "Seasons" - "Autumn" is played)

Guys, there is no person who would not be interested in the world of wildlife. We admire the dance of the wood grouse on the current, the dark forest catches up with fear, the mirror reflection of the surface of the lake fascinates, the fish swimming near the shore delights. Man and nature are the eternal theme of creativity, which writers and poets have talked about and will continue to talk about. From communication with nature, you will take out as much light as you want, and as much courage and strength as you need.

II... Organizing time

The purpose of our lesson is to prove that man and nature are one in this world. Only respect and understanding of nature will help a person find a way out of a difficult situation.

III... Conversation questions

1) So who is the main character the story "Vasyutkino Lake"? This is how the artist presents him, and how do you imagine him externally?

2) What place did Vasiutka take in the brigade? What was his business?

3) Vasyutka liked to wander around taiga… (Write down the word taiga in the dictionary). Tell me, what time of year does the author describe (even the month is indicated)?

4) So, once again Vasyutka is going for the cones. Read,

how he talks about it.

5) How does Vasyutka relate to adults, why did he not argue with his mother?

(He does not deviate from the law that helps a person live - listen to an older, more experienced person).

Pay attention to the screen - the law of communication between man and nature.

6) What are the notches on the tree called, with the help of which Vasyutka hoped not to get lost in the forest?

H) Why are they needed in the taiga forest wedges?

Let's write this word down in a notebook.

Other people will follow the path. Here it is, guys, the law of mutual assistance: having done a zest in a tree, one person will help another find his way.

Mutual assistance.

Whistling merrily, our Vasyutka walked through the taiga, talking at length about the road, about all kinds of taiga differences.

Who interrupted the hero's reasoning?

Let's read about this meeting.

- How does Vasyutka relate to these birds? And what benefits does nutcracker bring to the forest?

(A nutcracker bird appeared on the screen). This is how it looks.

If suddenly you happen to hear such a singing, this is a nutcracker (a recording of a nutcracker singing sounds).

Let's write this word into the dictionary.

Vasyutka took aim and clicked his tongue, as if he had pressed the trigger. Why didn't our traveler fired a real shot?

What law of nature do you think Vasyutka did not violate?

A real hunter does not fire useless shots.

It is to this bird that Vasyutka should be grateful that the cones in the forest are apparently invisible.

Vasyutka got down from the tree, collected the cones in a bag ...

Suddenly, something banged ahead ...

- What caught the attention of our cone collector?

(Capercaillie flapping wings)

The wood grouse is a beautiful, intelligent bird (a recording of the wood grouse singing on the current sounds).

Tell us how the meeting with the wood grouse ended. What way did Vasiutka know to outwit the bird and emerge victorious from the fight?

Vasyutka got game, or a trophy, as the hunters say.

Let's put this word in a dictionary: trophy.

Thinking about his luck, Vasyutka, happy, walked through the forest, whistling, sang whatever came to mind. Suddenly he remembered ... What was Vasyutka thinking about?

Why did the boy get into trouble, what law of nature did he violate?

(Follow the paved path, do not retreat from the curtains.)

What measures did the boy take, thinking that he would quickly get out of this situation?

But there was no way out!

What feeling gripped Vasyutka?

Read what insect Viktor Petrovich Astafiev compares our traveler with in order to convey the feelings that he experiences when he gets lost.

- Let's pay attention to the screen. Yes, indeed, once in a taiga forest, you feel like a grain of sand in a vast universe, a fly in a web. (Drawing by Julia Solovyova).

Julia, how do you imagine the impassable taiga?

“Whatever happens,” thought Vasyutka distantly. But what words of grandfather and father made you remember everything that our hero knew in order to survive in the taiga?

How did Vasyutka prepare for the night in the taiga forest? (An excerpt from the work is read.)

Whom Vasyutka asks for help, speaking with words ... (to the squirrel)

Why does the boy speak with words to this cute creature?

(Man and nature are one. Having got into trouble, he seeks protection from nature).

Taiga ... Taiga ... Without end and without edge ...

Vasyutka looks for a yellow strip with his eyes larch among the motionless green sea. Let's write the word into the dictionary.

Why was the boy looking exactly for a strip larch tree?

- Found Vasyutka reservoir - Yenisei? (No) What? (Lake.)

Attention to the screen, maybe Vasyutka was on the shore of this particular lake.

Before us is a drawing by Ekaterina Kuznetsova. What mood, Katya, did you want to convey with this color scheme?

How is Vasyutka preparing for an overnight stay at the lake, what and about whom were his thoughts? (Reading excerpt).

But suddenly Vasyutka's mood changes. Why was the hero so happy about the trophy he found? (killed duck).

Running water is one step to salvation; noticing the groove, the hero realized that he was on the right path. But I could not escape from the clutches of nature and had to spend the third night outside the house.

What was that night like?

- What (a very important detail) illuminates all the nights of Vasyutka's hopes that he will find his way home? Let's write this word into the dictionary.

Bonfire. This is how Irina presented the bonfire of hope. Guys, philosophize why the author chose the image of a fire as a symbol of hope.

(Student responses)

It was this fire of hope that allowed Vasyutka to find the Yenisei.

(The teacher reads a passage from the work).

The motor ship did not help Vasyutka's grief.

The 4th night had to be spent on the banks of the Yenisei. It was the most difficult one. Why?

And yet luck smiled at Vasyutka, the "Igarets" bot saved our hero, and the lake was named after him.

Why were Vasyutka's adventures not in vain? Is it only because he showed his father's brigade "fishing spots". Why else?

Helped him to withstand (words from the dictionary.)

He learned to live with nature in unity, to be a part of it; to observe and respect its laws, that's why I found the lake, leaving the memory of myself forever.

I wish you that each of you will find your right path in life and open your own lake, albeit a small one, so that the fire of hope never dies out in your heart, so that you understand that man and nature are one in this world. Only respect and understanding of nature will help a person find a way out of a difficult situation.

From communication with nature, Vasyutka brought out as much light as he wanted, and as much courage and strength as he needed.

Of course, the story convinced us of this.

IV... Homework

Answer in writing the question "Why did Vasyutka manage to find his way home?"

In 1952 Astafyev wrote "Vasyutkino Lake". Summary you will learn this story from this article. The work begins with a description of the lake. It got its name in honor of one boy, Vasyutka, who found it and showed it to people.

The bad news

Vasyutka in the summer lived in the taiga with his father and mother. His father was the head of the local fishing brigade. Things were not going well for the men. Frequent autumn rains swelled the river, and the fish ceased to be caught. The men walked around gloomy, they languished from the forced idleness. The brigade decided to go down the Yenisei river. However, catches remained scarce.

Fishermen go to the Yenisei

The fishermen stopped in the lower reaches of the Yenisei in a hut, which was built by a scientific expedition several years ago. Days began that were similar to each other. The boy was bored. He had nowhere to go and no one to play with. He looked forward to the start school year... It was a little more fun in the evenings. The fishermen gathered together in the hut, smoked, dined, told stories from life and fables, cracked the nuts that Vasyutka supplied the fishermen. The boy had already chopped off all the cedars located nearby, and each time he climbed further and further. However, this work was not a burden for him.

Vasyutka goes for nuts

Vasyutka, having breakfast, again gathered in the forest for nuts. His mother told him, annoyed, that he should prepare for his studies instead of wandering in the woods. Then she reminded Vasiutka not to go far, and asked if he took bread with him on the road. The boy said he didn't need bread. However, his mother still shoved the edge to him, saying that it was done "from time immemorial", and Vasyutka is still too young to alter the "taiga laws". The boy decided not to argue and disappeared into the forest. He walked, whistling merrily and paying attention to the marks on the trees. In the end he looked for a suitable cedar and decided to climb on it. Then Vasyutka began to beat on the branches with his feet. Bumps fell. Vasyutka of tears, collected his prey in a sack, and then decided to knock off another cedar, which he chose.

Meeting with a wood grouse

Suddenly something slammed strongly in front of the main character, which was created by Astafiev ("Vasyutkino Lake"). From surprise, he shuddered and suddenly saw in front of him a capercaillie - a large black bird. The boy's heart froze. He never managed to shoot a capercaillie.

The bird flew over the clearing and ended up on the dead wood. It was difficult to get close to her. Vasyutka remembered how the hunters said that the wood grouse should be taken with the dog. The bird looks at it, barking, and the hunter, meanwhile, comes up from the rear and shoots.

Vasyutka scolded himself for going into the forest without Druzhka. He fell on all fours and, imitating the dog, barked, and then cautiously began to move forward. The boy did not notice that he tore his quilted jacket and scratched his face. He was filled with excitement. The bird froze and watched him curiously.

Bird chase

The boy, choosing the moment, got up on one knee, deciding to catch the capercaillie on the fly. When the trembling in his hands subsided, he fired. Flapping its wings, the bird fell down. However, without touching the ground, the capercaillie straightened up and flew somewhere deep into the forest. The boy ran after the wounded bird.

The wood grouse grew weaker. Soon he ran, as he could no longer take off. It was not far from the bird. The boy caught up with the wood grouse in several jumps and fell on his stomach. Vasyutka, smiling happily, stroked the bird, admiring its feathers, black with a bluish tint. The boy weighed the prey in his hand and realized that it was time to go home.

Vasyutka got lost

He walked proud of his good fortune and happy. However, Vasyutka soon realized that he was lost. He looked around in search of curtains and turned back, peering closely at each tree. However, there were no notches on them.

Looking for a road

The boy's heart clenched. In order to drive away fear, he began to reason aloud, to convince himself that he would certainly find a way. However, fear came to him more and more. Vasyutka again began to think aloud about the need to go south. He made progress, but there was no sign of any trouble. The boy changed direction several times. He emptied the bumps from the bag and walked forward until he realized with all clarity that he was lost.

Many times the boy heard stories about people wandering in the forest. However, he imagined it somehow differently. Everything turned out too simple. Despair seized Vasyutka.

At night he stopped and roasted the capercaillie, but decided to save the bread for an emergency. When he woke up, he climbed a tall tree to understand where the Yenisei was, but did not find the yellow strip of larch that surrounded the river. Picking up his pockets full of nuts, the boy set off. It is interesting how the story "Vasyutkino Lake" will end, isn't it? Don't worry, it's a happy ending. Very soon you will find out what ending the author of the work "Vasyutkino Lake" has prepared for the readers. Feedback about him, as well as your opinion about the main characters, you can leave in the comments.

Vasyutka discovers a lake

In the evening Vasyutka went out to a large lake full of unafraid game and fish. Here he shot the ducks and settled down for the night. The boy was very scared and sad. Remembering school, he repented that he was a hooligan, smoked, did not listen in class. Looking at the fish in the morning, he realized that it is a river, which means that a river should flow out of the lake.

In the afternoon, the boy climbed onto a fir, ate a crumb of bread and dozed off. He woke up at sunset. It was still raining. Vasyutka lit a fire, and then heard the whistle of the steamer - somewhere nearby was Yenisei. He made it to the river the next day. While he was pondering which way to go, a passenger ship sailed past him. Vasyutka shouted and waved his hands in vain - he was mistaken for a local resident.

Rescuing the main character and a well-deserved reward

What then does Astafyev ("Vasyutkino Lake") talk about? Moving on to the description of the finale. The boy settled down for the night. In the morning, he heard the sound of a fishing boat. The boy started screaming, made a big fire, and he was noticed. Kolyada, an uncle's acquaintance, took him to his relatives, who had been looking for him for the 5th day in the taiga.

The boy took the fishing team 2 days later to a place that was named Vasyutkino Lake. The summary does not describe the details of the ending. Let's just note that there were a lot of fish in the reservoir. The "Vasyutkino Lake" soon appeared on the regional map. Already without an inscription, it migrated to the regional, and on the map of the country, only the boy who discovered it could find it. Thus ends the work created by Astafiev ("Vasyutkino Lake"). Now let's talk about the main characters.

Nature in a story

Nature and man (Vasyutka) are the main characters. "Vasyutkino Lake" is a story in which nature is not just a background or decoration. This is a separate world that lives by its own laws. He tests the essence of people and determines what a person is capable of. Nature forces the protagonist to pass tests, makes it possible to better appreciate the care and love of the mother, loved ones, family. It threatens, confuses, frightens, but also opens the curtains, prompts. You just need to understand, see, notice, and for this one should be sensitive and vigilant not only in hearing and eyes, but also in the heart.

Boy Vasyutka from the story "Vasyutkino Lake"

The summary you just read does not allow for a detailed description of this boy's character. but general idea about him you can quite make up. The human essence, as you know, is best revealed in extreme situations. That's what it is the main idea a story written by Viktor Astafiev. Vasyutka found himself in one of them. And he was able to show courage, resourcefulness, determination. Of course, the boy was very scared, realizing what it meant to get lost in the forest. However, nature does not like the cowardly and the weak, and Vasyutka was well aware of this. Of course, he had been in the forest many times and knew from the stories of the fishermen what to do in such situations. At the same time, Vasyutka understood how easy it was to disappear forever in the vastness of the harsh taiga. Therefore, he needed all his will, courage and self-control in order not to succumb to panic. Viktor Astafiev notes that Vasyutka, as an experienced adult, considered every step, every action, settling down for the night, choosing a direction, getting food. Thanks to courage, he emerged victorious from the forest. His victory was that he overcame fear and confusion in himself, and this helped Vasyutka to return home. He passed the test, and the reward was a lake full of fish, which the boy told the fishermen about.

Is not it, interesting story told us Astafiev ("Vasyutkino Lake")? The main characters are only one side of the analysis of this work. You can continue to think about it, to which we urge the reader.

I. V.P. Astafiev: the childhood of a writer


Pupils will read an introductory article about V.P. Astafiev. The essay "Ovsyanka Village" will help to imagine what the writer's homeland looks like.
Victor Petrovich Astafiev was born in 1924 near Krasnoyarsk. In 1931, his mother drowned in the Yenisei, and the boy was taken by his grandfather and grandmother. When his father and stepmother moved to Igarka, Astafyev ran away from home, was homeless, and was brought up in an orphanage. Then he graduated from the FZO railway school and worked as a train compiler near Krasnoyarsk.
In the fall of 1942, Astafyev volunteered for the front, was a driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, signalman, was wounded and contused. After the war he settled in the Urals, changed many professions and in 1951 he became an employee of the newspaper "Chusovoy Rabochy", began to write and publish his stories, then stories and novels. The first collection of short stories "Until Next Spring" was published in 1953.
- Why did Astafiev start writing? How do you understand the words: "... I firmly know one thing - they forced me to write books and life"?
Let's read the epigraph to the textbook article about Astafiev:
“... I thought, thought, and it turned out that I needed to talk about my fellow villagers, first of all about my fellow villagers, about my grandparents and other relatives ... They were interesting to me and loved by me for who they really are " (V.P. Astafiev).
Astafiev's works are based on the story of his own life.

II.Autobiography of works. The story "Vasyutkino Lake"
Let's read the article by V. P. Astafiev "The fate of the story" Vasyutkino Lake "" in the textbook.
Let's write on the board and in notebooks the wordbiography.
- Do you think this word is originally Russian or borrowed? What language is it borrowed from?
- What familiar elements do we see in this word? Let's highlightbio-- life and -graph-- writing.
- How do you understand the meaning of the wordbiography?
- Who it authorworks? What does the word meanautobiography?
Autobiography - a description of your life.
- What work can we call autobiographical?
Autobiographical work - a work in which the author talks about his life.
Let's make another entry in the notebook:
Autobiographical work - a work containing elements of an autobiography.
- What do you think is Astafiev's story: autobiographical or autobiographical? Does the writer tell about himself or does he put his hero in a situation in which he finds himself?
We come to the conclusion that Astafyev is not talking about himself, but endows his hero with the features of his biography, so we call the storyautobiographical.

Commented reading

The teacher reads the first paragraph, setting the general tone. Students will continue reading. As the reading progresses, the teacher comments incomprehensible words and expressions or asks students to do the job.

Prepare answers to questions 1-7
12th task execute in writing.

Individual assignment
Draw an illustration for the story.

Lesson II."Vasyutkino Lake". Courage, patience, love of nature, knowledge of nature, resourcefulness of the protagonist. Vasyutka's behavior in the forest. Opening of a new lake. Formation of Vasyutka's character through overcoming trials, difficult life situations

I.Examination homework... Vocabulary work

We check the completion of the 12th task.
Cold drizzle- cold, very light rain.
Sturgeon- a large commercial fish, valuable for its meat and caviar.
Sterlet- fish from the sturgeon family with valuable meat.
Were- stories about actual incidents.
Fables- stories about what was not in reality.
Frail birches- weak, thin, short birches.
Zatesi- notches, marks on tree trunks made with an ax, so as not to lose the way in the taiga.
White fish- fish from the sturgeon family.
Boat- a boat with a solid wide hull.
The bot- a small sailing rowing or motor vessel.
Kid- boy (vernacular word).
Lad- guy (from the Ukrainian language.)
Varnak- a robber.
Fish container- boxes and bags for fish.
- In what situations did you need to contact explanatory dictionary? What words and phrases have you been able to explain yourself?
Let's write down phrases on the board cold drizzle, frail birches, white fish, fish containers.
- What parts of speech are connected in these phrases?
- Remember what an epithet is. Which adjectives are epithets in these phrases and which are not? Explain why.
Epithets- artistic definitions: cold drizzle, frail birches. White fish- the definition indicates the type of fish. Fish container- the definition speaks about the purpose of containers (i.e. boxes).

II. "Vasyutkino Lake". Courage, patience, love of nature, knowledge of nature, resourcefulness of the protagonist. Vasyutka's behavior in the forest. Opening of a new lake. Formation of Vasyutka's character through overcoming trials, difficult life situations

We are talking about the textbook.
- Why is the story called "Vasyutkino Lake"? (1st question.)
The story is called "Vasyutkino Lake" because in it the lost boy Vasyutka finds a lake full of fish and opens it to people. This lake is named after this boy.
- What does the writer say about fishing?(2nd question.)
The writer tells a lot of interesting things about fishing on the Yenisei. Fishing is carried out by brigades. The brigade either moves downstream along the river and catches with nets, or lives in one place and fishes with ferries and lines. The traps caught valuable fish - sturgeon, sterlet, taimen, burbot.
- How lost Vasyutka? What qualities helped Vasyutka survive? (3rd question.) Write the answer to this question in your notebook.
Vasyutka got lost in pursuit of a wood grouse.
Vasyutka was helped to survive and get out of the forest by his courage, determination, ingenuity, knowledge of the laws of the taiga, courage, patience and perseverance.
- What did the boy do when he realized that he was lost? How did he behave in the forest?
When Vasyutka realized that he was lost, he began to recall the stories of fishermen and hunters about what to do to save himself. I remembered the words of my grandfather and father: "Taiga, our nurse, does not like flimsy ones!"
On the first night in the taiga, Vasyutka listened especially attentively to various sounds. He heard a mysterious rustle, after which he screamed and ran. Then, when he made a bed for himself and lay down, he felt that someone was sneaking up to him. Then he mistook a huge inverted root for a man.
At first he talked to this stump-inverted, thinking that it was someone hiding, then he reproached himself for cowardice. In the morning, the boy talked to the squirrel. He told her about his trouble. Gradually the boy began to think aloud. Perhaps that made him less lonely. He showed his fig to the second wood grouse he met and cursed the rain.
- Why did the mother insist that Vasiutka take a crust of bread with him?
His mother insisted that Vasyutka take a crust of bread with him, because "it has been so customary since time immemorial." Vasyutka understood that this was the old order: "you go into the forest - take food, take matches."
Mother habitually says sternly: “Here's the edge. She will not crush you. From time immemorial, it is customary to alter the taiga laws. " The mother understands that many different troubles can happen to a person in the taiga, and it is good if you have at least a small supply of food with you. A crust of bread weighs a little, but in trouble, when there is nothing to eat, it will save a person. Taiga laws were formed from the experience of many generations of hunters and fishermen, and human experience should be treated with respect.
- How do you understand the words: "Awe before the precious" supply "(as the hunters called gunpowder and shot) is firmly driven into the Siberian people?
“The trepidation before the precious“ supply ”" arose because the taiga is huge, stretching for thousands of kilometers, and cities and towns where one could replenish the stock of cartridges are rare. If you thoughtlessly spend all the "supply", then at the right time it may not be enough.
- What day, in your opinion, turned out to be the most difficult for Vasiutka: the day when he got lost, or the day when it started to rain?
The most difficult day for Vasyutka was the day when the wind rose and it began to rain. The boy was hungry and began to feel sick. He ate the rest of the crust. I didn't even have the strength to make a fire. He was afraid to believe that the river that he saw flows into the Yenisei. The boy's strength was running out.

Expressive reading
In the lesson, it is imperative to read an excerpt telling about Vasyutka's meeting with Yenisei and the boy's return home so that the children can experience joy together with the hero of the story. When reading, the teacher will pay attention to the speech characteristics of the heroes: Vasyutka, foreman of Kolyada, grandfather, mother and father of Vasyutka. Each of the heroes has characteristic expressions and intonations.
We read from the words: “While basking near the fire, Vasyutka suddenly caught something similar to a mosquito squeak and froze” - to the words: “- ... Come on, come on, tell me what you found there for the lake? .. ".
- Why did the adult fishermen decide to name the lake Vasyutkin's name?(6th question.)
Vasyutka found the lake when he got lost. But the boy told the fishermen not only about his misfortune. He thought first of all how to help the brigade. The fishermen were able to appreciate the boy's courage and observation.
- How does the story "Vasyutkino Lake" begin and how does it end?
The story "Vasyutkino Lake" begins and ends with the author's glance at the map. At the beginning of the story, the author says: "You will not find this lake on the map." At the end of the story we read: “Another blue speck appeared on the regional map, with a fingernail the size, under the words“ Lake Vasyutkino ”. On the edge map, this is a speck of everything the size of a pinhead, already without a name. On the map of our country, the lake will be able to find it unless Vasyutka himself. " The reference to the card seems to ring the story (ring composition). This arrangement gives the story a completeness.

III. Literature and art
Consider the illustrations given in the tutorial. Let's select lines from the text for them (11th question).
"Vasyutka saw a nutcracker on the spruce." Drawing by E. Meshkov.“Vasyutka raised his head. At the very top of an old disheveled spruce I saw a nutcracker. The bird held a cedar cone in its claws and screamed at the top of its throat.
"Vasyutka by the fire". Drawing by E. Meshkov.“While basking near the fire, Vasyutka suddenly caught something that looked like a mosquito squeak and froze. A second later, the sound was repeated, at first long, then several times short. "
Consider the illustrations that the students made.
- Why do you think many different illustrations can be made for this story?
There is a lot of action in the story that is combined with descriptions of nature.

I V. Preparation for essay
Topic: "'Taiga, our nurse, does not like flimsy ones." Formation of the character of Vasyutka (based on the story of VP Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”) ”.
We discuss the topic, define the idea of ​​the composition. Remembering how to make a complex plan.

Make a complex plan for an essay on the topic "'Taiga, our nurse, does not like flimsy ones." Formation of the character of Vasyutka (based on the story of VP Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”) ”.

Lesson III The composition “Taiga, our nurse, does not like flimsy ones”. Formation of the character of Vasyutka (based on the story of V.P. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake") "

Speech development lesson

I. Preparation for essay

The children at home worked on complex essay plans. We discuss the plans that they have drawn up. We repeat the general principle of drawing up complex plan, we are discussing the "filling" of items.
1. Vasyutka is the protagonist of VP Astafiev's story “Vasyutkino Lake”.
2. Formation of the character of Vasyutka.
1) Vasyutka's concern for fishermen.
2) Vasyutka's behavior in the forest: courage, determination, ingenuity, courage, patience.
3) Knowledge of the laws of the taiga. Attention to nature.
4) Vasyutka's concern for a common cause.
3. Why did the fishermen name the lake after the boy?
Recall that each new thought corresponding to the next point of the plan, we start with a red line.

II. Work on the essay
If possible, the essay should be made cool. Self creative work in the classroom teaches children to concentrate attention "here and now", to mobilize their creative energy. At home, fifth-graders often rely on the help of their parents; in the lesson they understand that they must rely on their own strength.

Read the stories of VP Astafiev "Why did I kill the corncrake?", "Belogrudka". Prepare a retelling of one of the stories.

Lesson IVV.P. Astafiev. Stories "Why did I kill the corncrake?", "Belogrudka"

Extracurricular Reading Lesson

I. Analysis of essays
The teacher analyzes essays, notes successful works, analyzes typical speech, stylistic, factual errors.

II. V.P. Astafiev. Stories "Why did I kill the corncrake?", "Belogrudka"
The teacher organizes the work based on the preparedness of the class. The problem may arise because not all libraries have the named stories of Astafiev; on the other hand, children are often not accustomed to going to libraries for additional literature.
You can listen to student feedback, retelling and expressive reading excerpts from Astafiev's stories. Any form of work is good, just to help children fall in love with the book, to turn their face to the work of such an outstanding writer as Astafiev.
- What is the theme united by these stories?
- Why do you think the writer is concerned about the topic of man's relationship to nature? How do you yourself assess the importance of this topic?
- What writers devoted their works to the topic of the relationship between man and nature?


The description of the taiga in the story "Vasyutkino Lake" by Astafiev conveys all the beauty and danger of this place.

Description of nature in the story "Vasyutkino Lake"

“Taiga ... Taiga ... Endlessly she stretched in all directions, silent, indifferent. From above, it seemed like a huge dark sea ...

For a long time Vasyutka looked for a yellow strip of larch among the motionless green sea (a deciduous forest usually stretches along the banks of the river), but a solid coniferous tree was dark all around. Apparently, Yenisei and he got lost in the deaf, gloomy taiga. Vasyutka felt like little, little ... "

"Taiga, our nurse, does not like flimsy ones!"

There, in dense needles, hid whole broods of resinous cones.

The forest stood motionless, quiet in its dull pensiveness, just as rare, half-naked, completely coniferous.

The polar taiga is not afraid of animals. The bear is a rare inhabitant here. There are no wolves. Serpent too. It happens that there are lynxes and lascivious foxes.

A small dull lake, covered with duckweed near the shore.

Through the dense coastal thickets, the reflections of the sunset fell on the water, stretched in living streams into the depths and were lost there, not reaching the bottom.

The middle of the lake now resembled a red-hot stove.

Shaggy clouds were rushing somewhere, almost touching the tops of the trees; the forest rustled and swayed; in the sky were heard the alarming cries of birds moving south.

Cold frost and dark waves on the river were melancholy.

Here and there were pine cones tainted with nutcrackers. They looked like lumps of honeycombs. In some of the holes of the cones, nuts stuck out like bees.

Evening was falling. Through the dense coastal thickets, the reflections of the sunset fell on the water, stretched in living streams into the depths and were lost there, not reaching the bottom. Saying goodbye to the day, in some places the titmouses were sadly tinkling, the jay was crying, the loons were moaning. And yet the lake was much more fun than in the thick of the taiga.

The forest paths are narrow, winding, like the wrinkles on the forehead of grandfather Athanasius.

Throughout the forest, nutcrackers were screaming anxiously in the manner of market vendors. Somewhere, like a child, Zelna began to cry. Overhead Vasyutka, busily squeaking, gutted titmouse old tree. Vasyutka got up, stretched and frightened off the feeding squirrel. She, fluttering in alarm, rushed up the trunk of the fir tree, sat down on a twig and, without ceasing to click, stared at Vasyutka.

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