Pets and birds project Rustic courtyard. Technological map to an integrated technology lesson - visual art on the topic "Rustic courtyard

Grade 2. Public lesson technologies.

Subject: "Project" Rustic Dvor ".

Objectives: Form an idea of \u200b\u200bpets and their significance in a person's life, to teach the use of acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities:

Implementation of the project "Rustic courtyard.

Personal skills


Interest in pet life;

Careful attitude to homemade pets;

Conscious interest in the creation of the commandments of "our smaller brothers";

Responsibility when creating a project "Rustic Dvor" in group activities.

Metairemless skills

Determine the significance of pets in human life and justify their own opinion;

Analyze the situation, relate it to the generally accepted norm of pets and justify your opinion;

Explain the difference between the methods of project execution and justify their opinion;

Analyze the finished product, explain its purpose and present.

Regulatory skills:

Take and perform task in accordance with the plan;

Distribute duties in the joint process project activities;

Monitor and adjust its work according to plan;

Evaluate the result of the task executed;

Present a presentation of the project.

Communicative skills:

Adequately use speech funds in the framework of cooperation in the implementation of the project;

Build a clear statement in the framework of the training dialogue;

Formulate monologular statement for presentation of the project.

Subject skills


Marking parts using a template using the algorithm;

Perform the design of volumetric products based on the expandment;

Apply learned techniques when creating a project.

Equipment: Presentation "Rustic Dvor", individual projects, domestic figures, tutorial.

During the classes:

I.. Class organization.

Guys, before we start with you our work, let's take each other's hands and close your eyes. Let's leave all your alarms outside the door, feel how warmly passes each other, we will think about something good and kind. Now let's give this feeling to all people around us and wish them all the best in life. Open your eyes. Sit down for the desk.

II.. Actualization of knowledge.

Today we will continue traveling around the village and look at the village courtyard. Listen carefully a poem "Country Dvor" Yuri Saakyan and answer the question:

Who can be found in the village yard?

Children read poems:

Village courtyard

Pensively lookdog:
"What does it turn out, however?
Cat Milk from saucer drinks,
BUT hengrain pecks.
But where, where cow our?
Returned herd,
here lambs
all to one ...
Was there anything happened? "

Cat Reflects by the well:
"The dog barks, the chicken is rushing,
Pig Under the tree grazing.
And where, where is our cow?
Returned herd,
Here lambs,
Veal all to one ...
Was there anything happened? "

Lies and thinkspig:
"Ah, I am very worried.
The case is busy
Ground a dog on the cat.
But where, where is our cow?
Returned herd,
Here lambs,

Veal all to one ...
Was there anything happened? "

But here heard the first one
Mix due to turn.
Satisfied Radet
- M - Mu, I came, alive - Healthy.
Sorry, cute friends
Today I was late -
So much grass in the meadow ...
You worried about in vain!

III . Message Topics lesson. Definition of the purpose of the lesson.

Message "Pets and Man":

We found out that there can be very many pets in the rustic courtyard.

Do you think they will be able to survive without the help of a person?

What do people do for domestic animals? (slide)

What do you know about professions of those people who cares for pets? (Children's responses)

How can we still get information? (From encyclopedia, reference edition, Internet, in adults, etc.)

I suggest you appeal to the material of the tutorial p.41

Working with a textbook (p. 41):

Who is depicted in pictures?

What can I tell about the professions of these people?

- What makes hair, poultry, shepherd, milkmaid?

(Konyuh - Worker caring for horses,

shepherd - Worker, grazing cattle (four-legged pets) and responsible for its safety, especially during summer grazing;

milkmaid - a female worker who amuses cows and cares for them;

birdness - a worker caring for poultry.)

Listen to the "Sounds of the Village" and define who we met in the Rustic courtyard?

V.. Fizkultminutka "Good in the summer in the summer."

VI. Representation of your individual projects.

Each of you was given a task - to perform the objects of the rustic yard. Materials you could use any. Now each of you will present your work. according to plan:

1. Which object of the village yard did you do?

2. Why are you making this product for?

3. What materials and tools did you use in work?

4. How did you do?

5. What is the result of your work?

6. How will you rate your work?

Antonov A.

It is a bull,

Nor nor great

Yourself angry

Horn angles.(Chopped hut, log house)

Potanin A.

The house is similar to teremok,

For the night locked on the castle.

Two pigs live here,

Goose, sheep and burly.


Khlev is designed to contain animals and birds there. First of all, the animal is warm and not raw animal. Usually hlev build from wood. In the summer, animals are more often spending time in open paddes.

Yatsenko E.

It is built under Earth,

Sweet fresh water.
Everyone in the village knows him
Water buckets draw ... (Well)

Galimov E.

The guard booth is at the gate,

In the booth, the watchman permanently carries. (Kennel)

Kopteva V.

The fence is standing

All day they sit on them

Grandmothers and children.

What is it? Answer!

( Benches)

VII. The outcome of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of student works is organized.

Let's fill our village yard pets.

Teacher makes riddles:

Who goes under noise? (Sheep.)

She sits on white pebbles.

Do not fit close - shout.


Appeared in a yellow fur coat:

"Farewell, two shells!"


In the water was bought, dry remained. (Goose.)

Not rides, but with spurs, not watchman,
and all wakes up. (Cock.)

There is a shock in the middle of the courtyard, in front - a pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow.)

Along the river, the water is floating the boat of the rod. Ahead the ship goes, and everyone leads. (Duck with ducklings.)

Not a farmers, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,

and the first worker on the village. (Horse.)

VIII.. Reflection.

- What's new learned about the lesson, what did you learn?

What knowledge and skills helped you today neatly perform work?

- Why did today's lesson needed?

- What did you get better today?

- What did the difficulties have experienced?

- When will the knowledge gained in today's lesson come in life?

  1. 1. Performed: Educator MBDOU Uzhursky kindergarten №3 "Zhuravlyanok" Sermabrina L.F.
  2. 2. "What competent, there is nothing increasing role in raising children the situation among which they live! The one who manages to create such a situation will facilitate his work to the highest degree. " E.I.Tileeva Project motto:
  3. 3. Relevance: one of the most important tasks pre-school education is the creation of B. preschool institution Favorable psychological climate. This contributes to the creation of interiors, facades, fragments of the site. Wednesday of the Children's Institution should contain spatial and subject incentives of the creative and emotional development of the child. Thus, landscaping solves the tasks of aesthetic, mental, moral and physical education of children.
  4. 4. The goal of the project: the creation of emotionally favorable conditions for the stay of children in the territory of the section of the Granushko group, through the landscaping of the territory. Tasks: 1. Creating a picture in the territory of the Dow "Cranevlenok". 2. Equip the Dow plot in accordance with modern, sanitary and epidemiological requirements and methodical recommendations. 3. Improving the decoration of the site. 4. Creating comfortable conditions for the development of the child. 5. Education of the careful attitude towards nature.
  5. 5. Type - Practical-oriented view - Creative project participants: educators, parents, children implementation periods: from 1.05.15. - 1.09.15.
  6. 6. Stages of the implementation of the project: 1. Production: An analysis of the state of the kindergarten; Setting goals, objectives, project development; Attracting parents; Collection of casting material, seeding, colors. 2. Main: creating a zone, to familiarize themselves with others (wooden house, pets, piglets, chicken, rooster, chickens); Put fence (fence); Creating a sand zone; Creating a zone for aesthetic development (table, benches - "chamomile" for from activity); Breaking the club around the entire site; Creating a zone for physical development; Creating a mini garden; 3. Final presentation
  7. 7. Expected result: increase the level of environmental culture and social competence of children; Transform the objective game of kindergarten; Strengthen the interest of parents in collaboration with a kindergarten; The territory of the garden should become bright, not like other gardens. Manifestation of creative activity in the knowledge of the surrounding world.


Economic courtyard in the village. Ideas for your yard. Observation of the courtyard of a private house

You can create a sketch using special programs.

Zoning of the territory

Large plots are required to be divided into functional zones. The main ones are:

  • Parade. This is the place located between the main entrance to the house and expensive.
  • Household. As a rule, it is assigned to buildings.
  • Garden garden. Designed for growing various vegetables and fruit trees. Its dimensions depend on the wishes of the owners, in some cases it may not be absent. Place this zone is better in well-lit and comfortable places.
  • Recreation area. It is often placed in the inner courtyard, but there may be several (, sports grounds, shops, etc.).
  • Game. Plot highlighted under. Usually it is located near the house or in another well-viewed place.
  • Parking. Place for the parking lot of personal vehicles.

Arrangement of the parade zone

When locating in the area of \u200b\u200bdata zones, the landscape of the area should be taken into account, as well as existing structures and plantations. If there are fruiting trees, it is better to save them, organically scorched in the overall design of the yard.

Design style selection

Deciding with the division into zones and the number of objects and buildings, it is necessary to consider for them a single design style. It can be designed independently based on several design directions or selected from existing ones. The most popular for decorating plots the following styles:

Modern. This design is characterized by minimalism. All items have their own purpose, any extra details are absent, and plantings are used as an addition and are secondary.

English. The landscape performed in this style resembles a miniature landscape and looks as natural as possible, but at the same time neatly.

Italian. It has its use in the decor of various wooden products, untreated stone and violent vegetation. Often, there is some kind of artificial pond, a pond or fountain.

Mediterranean. It is largely reminded by an Italian style, but the emphasis is placed on decoking a stone in the form of various terraces, walls and vases.

Asiatic. This includes traditional Chinese and Japanese motives: minimalism, a large number of Stone, alternation of hills and plain sites, reservoirs, rustic shrubs.

Natural. With this design, the landscape approaches natural as possible. However, it is important to observe the measure that the site does not seem abandoned. Preference is given wrong forms, winding paths and lawns from field plants.

Regular. This style is rigorous enough, direct lines are dominant and the right geometric formsIf possible, the principle of symmetry is observed. It is especially appropriate, it looks at large areas (from 15 acres or more).

Before making a choice, you should carefully examine each of these styles and compare them with the size of your site and your financial capabilities. It is important to take into account that for the harmonious view of the yard, all the elements starting from the facade of the house and ending with flower beds, paths and garden lamps, should be combined with each other.

Interior courtyard design: we draw a patio

As a rule, it is in the inside of the courtyard that the main areas for recreation and entertainment are located, so it is worth considering the features of its design. In Spain, this part of the courtyard is called patio (Patio) and placed in it a small stained area, equipped with a table, benches, a canopy, sometimes a grill or barbecue. Often, for greater comfort, it is surrounded by green plantings.

Cozy patio on the lawn

The design of the courtyard may be different. Often it is placed at the back wall at home or in the garden. If there is no such possibility, the role of the fence can play alive hedges from shrubs or curly plants. The dimensions of such a site usually do not exceed 4 square meters. m., and she herself is complemented by a standard garden headside table and chairs or benches.

One of the main decorative elements of the patio is a paved platform. To create it, the stone is traditionally used, but it can be replaced by concrete slabs, paving brick or even wood. However, it is necessary to understand that the base of the boards will serve at times less stone and will require additional processing by antiseptics.

Colors for the site are recommended to choose natural and non-worn so as not to break the atmosphere of rest and relaxes, characteristic of this part of the yard. Good materials for furniture internal courtyard will be vine, wood, plastic or wrought metal. It is appropriate here sofas and lounge chairs, especially wicker.

Patio, adjacent to the house

And, of course, the inalienable attribute of the patio are plants surrounding it either located inside it in pots and vases. If you like evening sites in the fresh air, it is also necessary to take care of the lighting of the site.

Possible difficulties in decorating the site

Not always all the work on the improvement of the courtyard goes smoothly. One of the main problems that can be encountered - inappropriate land relief. Significant surface irregularities can make the impossible landing of some plants and the location of buildings. The harsh climatic conditions or excessive soil moisture can also be a hindrance in the realization of conceived.

In this situation, it is necessary to think about how to turn the existing shortcomings in dignity. For example, if the house is located on the elevation, then it is necessary to make an emphasis on its design. An uneven relief can look good in conjunction with terraces or a garden of stones. And in the lowland, it is very convenient to place a pond or pool.

Properly selected decor will hide the shortcomings of the site

If the site on the contrary is too smooth, and I want to bring diversity into it, it is not recommended to create artificial embankments - they look unnatural. It is better to equip the alpine slide, flower beds and garden.

Beautiful landscapes of private houses (photo)

As you can see, the options for decorating the yard and the nucleotan territory there is enough. It remains only to apply your fantasy, make a little effort and your courtyard will turn into a real oasis. And beautiful landscapes will help you to be able to create your own masterpieces

Topic: Working with paper. Design. Product: Project "Rustic Dvor".
Tasks of the lesson: Teach children perform bulk products based on sweep; work out independent analysis and planning skills; Develop a sense of mutual work in the process of joint work. Learning to apply famous knowledge and skills in the new situation. Develop spatiality, the ability to establish causal relationships, analyze, perform practical work with a support on an instruction card. Develop design and technological abilities.
Planned results: learn how to create a collective project based on the design of geometric scanning figures; To be able to conduct a project presentation on a given scheme.
Wood. Exercise with the help of a teacher and with the help of the heading "Tips for a young technologist"; distribute duties; make a story about the care of the house. Site and their meaning in the life of a person based on illustrated material; Design volumetric geometric figures animals; use adopts of paper and glue, rules for working with scissors; draw up products; Use small folk genres and illustrations.
Basic terms and concepts: scan, project.
Resources and equipment. Teacher: Tutorial, workbook, Samples of bulk products, images of pets, materials and tools required to perform the product. Students: Tutorial, Workbook, Scissors, Colored Paper.
During the classes
1. Organizational moment.
- Guys, before we begin with you our work, let's take each other by hands and close your eyes. Let's leave all your alarms outside the door, feel how warmly passes each other, we will think about something good and kind. Now let's give this feeling to all people around us and wish them all the best in life. Open your eyes. Sit down for the desk.
2. Actualization of knowledge.
Teacher: "Today we will continue a journey through the village, which began on the past lesson, and look at the village yard. Listen carefully poem "Country Dvor" Yuri Saakyan and answer the question: Whom can you meet in the village yard? "
First, the teacher reads the poem entirely so that students understand its meaning. After that, the poem is read again. At the same time, students call animals, and the teacher hangs on the board of their image (slides)
Village courtyard
The dog looks thoughtfully: "What does it turn out, however? The cat is drinking milk from a saucer, and the chicken beeps. But where is our cow? Returned herd, here lamb, calf all before one ... didn't you happen?"
The cat reflects by the well: "The dog is barking, the chicken is rushing, a pig under the tree is graze. And where, where is our cow? Returned herd, here lamb, calf all up to one ... didn't you happen?"
Lies and thinks the pig: "Ah, I am worried very worried about the business, grieves the dog to the cat. But where is our cow? Return a herd here's lambs, calves everything to one thing ... didn't you happen?"
But I heard the first one who was the first tommy because of the turn. The cathedral of the cow: M - Mu, I came, alive - Healthy. Forget, lovely friends, today I was late for me in the meadow of herbs ... you worried about me!

Who can meet in the village yard
Maybe someone already guessed what we would do in the lesson? (Probably pets.
Their me
· Guo, do we have all to do everyone for a lesson? What way to find? (You can work in groups
Read the topic lesson on the board. (Rustic Yard (project).)
3. Work on the lesson
What do you know about professions of those people who cares for pets? (Children's responses
How can we still get information? (From encyclopedia, reference edition, Internet, in adults, etc.)
I suggest you appeal to the material of the tutorial p.41
Work on the textbook
(Pupils read the text on p. 41.)
Who is depicted in photographs? What can I tell about the professions of these people?
(Grandfather worker caring for horses, shepherd worker, grazing cattle (four-legged pets) and responsible for its safety, especially during summer grazing; milkka worker who amuses cows and cares for them; Birdhouse worker, caring for poultry.)

Continuation of the work on the lesson
- Today we will try to create our village courtyard from paper in our class. We will work in groups. Recall the rules of work in groups
Each group will fulfill its project on its own design, which you need to independently develop. Everyone will have to work on creating one animal, after which you will collect your crafts, and your group will have a real village courtyard.
Acquaintance with the work plan
(Pupils read the text in the textbook on p. 40, consider images)
_ What new word met? What does it mean?
(Scan is the detailed design of the subject. If it is assembled and glued to the dedicated parts, then the volume design will be obtained.)
The teacher demonstrates the scan assembly.
- Think about how the whole composition will look, discuss the project presentation plan or any option: for example, you can come up with some fairy tale with the participation of individual animal figures
3. Perform jobs in the working notebook

Answer questions on C.16
Pupils work in notebooks.
Repetition of safety regulations when working with scissors and glue.

Read rules on slides or tell.
Creative work
Work with a support on an instruction card.
Students are proceeded by K. practical work. Each glues one figurine for the project. The teacher helps, advises, approves mutual assistance.
- What task was interesting?
- What was for you difficult?
- Those of your product (above the product you need to work hard, the product is done well, the product is done perfectly)
Exhibition of student work
The exhibition of finished products is satisfied, their quality (accuracy, accuracy) is jointly discussed.

Homework. Answer questions on with. 41. Prepare illustrative material on the topic "Pets and Birds": Find illustrations of one or more pets and birds as well interesting information about this animal; Prepare a message on how to care for it, what benefit does it bring to a person, etc.

Cleaning jobs.

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