Aphorisms of management. Aphorisms and quotes about managers Quotes of the best managers and managers

It's been three years since I made the leap from a successful accountant to an entrepreneur.

Before I took this leap, I read quotes from successful leaders to motivate myself.

Here are some quotes that inspired me then and some new ones that inspire me now.

Whether you're planning to start your own business or have been running your own company for a while, you can learn a lot from the world's most successful CEOs.

This list includes the best advice from leaders about success, working with your team, becoming a leader, working as a leader, and working with clients as a leader.

Each quote helped me become a better leader than I was before.

On Success: Brian Chesky, Airbnb

“When you start your own company, it's more like an art than a science because you don't know anything. Instead of solving profile problems, try to solve something deeply personal for yourself. Everything will be perfect if you are an ordinary person and just solve your own problem in a way that can help millions of other people.”

On Success: John Stumpf, Wells Fargo

“I never prepared to be a leader. I have always prepared to be a good team member, a good colleague.”

On success: Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz

“Every time you make a hard, right decision, you get a little braver, and every time you make an easy, wrong decision, you get a little cowardly. If you are a leader, these choices will result in your company becoming either brave or cowardly.”

On Success: Carly Fiorina, Hewlett-Packard

“To build a great company, which is the job of a leader, you need to resist social thinking.”

On success: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

“My goal was never to start a company. A lot of people misunderstand this as if I don't care about revenue, income, and other things. But for me, not just being a company means something different – ​​creating something that makes a big difference in the world around us.”

On working with your team: Andrea Jung, Grameen America

“Talent is the top priority for a leader. It seems to you that the most important thing is vision and strategy, but in fact, it is much more important to find the right people.

On working with your team: Taso Du Val, Toptal

“Teaching your employees something new creates an ongoing bond, and they will respect you for it. If you can achieve this right in the interview, then you will surely attract the smartest people. Money doesn't mean much to most of the smartest people in the world - they want to develop their minds, not their wallets. If you demonstrate to employees that they will develop intellectually along their career path and economically during their time with the company, then they will want to work with you.”

On working with your team: Gary Hamel, Gary Hamel Consulting

“Nothing slows down employee engagement quite like raw, cold, and centralized power. In most companies, the power hierarchy is built down from the CEO. Employees are not only excluded from the decision-making process, they even lack the power to rebel against self-centered and tyrannical leaders.”

On working with your team: Ann M. Mulcahy, Xerox

“Employees who believe that their management cares about them as whole individuals are not just an employee - they are more productive, more satisfied, more joyful. Satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers, which in turn leads to profitability.”

About working with your team: Jack Ma, Alibaba

“The lessons I have learned from the dark days of Alibaba are that you must bring value, innovation and vision to your team. Besides, as long as you don't give up, you always have a chance. And when you're young, you need to be very focused and rely on your brain rather than your strength."

On becoming a leader: Elon Musk, SpaceX

“The path to the CEO's office should not run through either the CFO's office or the marketing department. It should run through the engineering and design department."

On Becoming an Executive: Denis Morrison, Campbell Soup Company

"If you want a leadership position, you should prepare for it with revenge."

On becoming a leader: Chanda Koshar, ICICI Bank

“I still believe that when you start, you should have a big dream – a big goal – but it is equally important to move towards it step by step. So, you know, to be honest, if you had asked me this when I started my job as a trainee manager in 1984, I don’t even know if I could really think then that I could become a real leader.”

On becoming a leader: Indra Nui, PepsiCO

“Just because you have become a leader, you should not think that you are already settled. You need to constantly learn, improve your thinking, your ways of organizing. I never forget it."

On becoming a leader: Carlos Ghosn, Nissan

"As a leader, I have to worry about the short term, the medium term, and the long term."

On Becoming an Executive: Tim Cook, Apple

"I am who I am, and that's what I focus on as an Apple executive."

On Becoming a Leader: Alexa Von Tobel, LearnVest

“As a wife, daughter, friend, and founder and leader of LearnVest, my daily schedule remains very simple. But I learned how to carefully manage my own time.”

On becoming a leader: Travis Kalanick, Uber

“As an entrepreneur, I try to push boundaries. Press the gas pedal."

On becoming a leader: Michael Gokturk, Payfirma

"The hearts of a successful team beat in unison."

On becoming a leader: Larry Ellison, Oracle

"When you innovate, you have to be prepared for everyone around you to tell you you're crazy."

On becoming a leader: Marissa Meyer, Yahoo!

“I always did things I wasn’t quite ready for. It seems to me that this is how a person grows. When that 'Wow, I'm not sure I'm ready for this' moment comes up, but you get through those moments, that's how you forge ahead."

  • Virtue I call the skill of actions that are useful to the public good (A.N. Radishchev)
  • It is not knowledge that makes you a good manager or leader, but what you are (I. Adizes)
  • And each of us who assumes that he can lead others must constantly and intensely study (A. V. Lunacharsky)
  • The task of successful management is to make the organization efficient and effective in the short and long term (I. Adizes)
  • The “duck theory” of management: a duck floating on water seems calm and unruffled, but its paws work very, very quickly under water (I. Adizes)
  • The most important thing a manager can do is hire new employees who are fit for the job (Lee Iacocca, "The Career of a Manager")
  • Most managers are too busy to think (Peter Senge)
  • “Every morning I looked at myself in the mirror and asked: “If today was the last day of my life, would I like to do what I do today? And if the answer for many days in a row was “no”, I knew that I needed to change something” (Steve Jobs)
  • When there is hard work, I always entrust it to a lazy person. He will definitely find some easy way to do it (Walter Chrysler)
  • Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker (Albert Einstein)
  • A good decision made too late is a mistake (Lee Iacocca)
  • The key to business success is innovation, which in turn is born out of creativity (James Goodnight)
  • I am either a fox or a lion. The whole secret of management lies in knowing when to be this or that (Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • The art of government is not to let people grow old in their position (Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • It is easier to hold the reins than the reins of government (Kozma Prutkov)
  • Even the best manager sometimes finds himself in the position of a boy with a huge dog on a leash. He watches where she pulls the leash and leads her that way (Lee Iacocca)
  • A good leader should always know what is happening in the company. You can't stay isolated in your office (Jack Trout, "Big Problems for Big Brands")
  • The most important thing we do is hire great people (Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO)
  • All management ultimately comes down to stimulating the activity of other people (Lee Iacocca)
  • It's a shame when your dreams come true for others! (M. Zhvanetsky)
  • An effective leader focuses on opportunities, not problems (P. Drucker, economist, publicist, management theorist)
  • Any change brings with it new opportunities. Therefore, the organization's response to change should not be to wait, but to increase activity (J Welch, former CEO of General Electric)
  • If there is no decision maker in the team, then decisions will never be made (P. Drucker, economist, publicist, management theorist)
  • The real story of Facebook is that we have been working hard all this time. Pretty boring story, isn't it? All these six years we have been sitting at computers and writing codes (M. Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook)
  • Management quality indicator - ordinary people doing unusual things (P. Drucker)
  • What a pity that our managers cannot be bought at their true value and sold at the price they value themselves! (Malcolm Forbes)
  • Manager: a person who makes quick decisions - and sometimes the right ones (Elbert Hubbard)

Do you need a sales pitch for your newsletter, business presentation, website or inspirational posters? These change and change management quotes will help you drive employee motivation, employee engagement and inspiration.

These change management and change management quotes will help your employees achieve business success, management success, and life success.

Quotes About Change Management And Change

“People cannot live with change unless they have an unchanging core.

The key to being able to change is an unchanging sense of who you are, what you are, and what you value.” - Stephen Covey

“When we see a need for deep change, we usually see it as something that needs to happen in someone else. In our powers, such as parent, teacher, or boss, we are particularly quick to force others to change. Such directives often fail, and we respond to resistance by increasing our efforts. The power struggle that ensues rarely leads to change or results in perfection. One of the most important understandings to make deep changes in others has to do with the fact that deep change is actually starting.” - Robert E. Quinn

“Your success in life is not based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business.” - Mark Sanborn

"I was born not knowing and I had a little time to change it here and there." — Richard Feynman

"If we could change ourselves, the trends in the world would also change. When a person changes his own nature, the attitude of the world towards him also changes ... We do not have to wait to see what others are doing." - Mahatma Gandhi

"People don't resist change, they resist change!" - Peter Senge

“Change is not only likely, it is inevitable.” - Barbara Sher

"Change can either challenge or threaten us... Your beliefs will pave the way for you to succeed or block you." - Marsha Sinetar

“Culture doesn't change because we want to change it. Culture changes as an organization transforms, culture reflects the realities of people working together every day.” — Francis Hesselbein

- ~ Sidney J. Harris

“It's not the strongest of the species that survives, and it's not the smartest of the species that survives. It is the one that is most adapted to change.”

- Charles Darwin“Everyone had accepted by then that change was inevitable. But it still implies that change is like death and taxes, it should be delayed as long as possible, and no change would be much preferable. But in times of upheaval like the one we are living in, change is the norm.”

Peter F. Drucker

"Change before you have to."

Jack Welch "Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have and underestimate the value of what they can get by giving it away."

James Belasco and Ralph Stayer “Company cultures are the cultural cultures of countries.

Never try to change it. Try to work with what you have instead.”

Peter F. Drucker "Change does not roll on the wheels of inevitability, but goes through a continuous struggle."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.“I can't tell if things will get better if we change; I can tell they have to change if they need to get better.” - Georg Lichtenberg

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, engaged citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that has ever been.”

Margaret Mead "I have a bad reputation in our society. But it's not all bad - by no means. In fact, change is needed in life - to keep us moving... to keep us growing... to keep us interested... Imagine life without change. It would be static... boring... boring."

Dr. Dennis O'Gradi "Nothing is harder to get a hold of, more dangerous to lead, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in introducing a new order of things."

Niccolò Machiavelli “Future shock is the devastating stress and disorientation we induce in people by subjecting them to too much change in too little time. "

Alvin Toffler

“All change, even the most thirsty, has its melancholy; for what we leave behind is part of ourselves; we must die before one life before we can enter another.”

- Anatole FranceMore quotes.

The secret of great people is often passed down by their words. Here is a great list of inspirational quotes from some of the best CEOs of all time. I believe that you will extract value from them and make them a part of you.

  • A common question often asked in business is "why?". That's a good question, but an equally fair question, "why not?" — Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO.

  • It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy it. If you think about it, then you will do things differently. — Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

  • A person must be strong enough to admit his mistakes and smart enough to profit from them and correct them. — John Maxwell, Chief Executive Officer John Maxwell

  • Remembering that you are going to die is the easiest, but to avoid falling into the trap, think that you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. — Steve Jobs, Apple CEO.

  • The world is changing very quickly. When you try to do something new and break the old, you make enemies. I am proud that I have so many of them. — Rupert Murdoch, CEO of 21st Century Fox.

  • If you are changing the world, you are working on important things. You are happy when you get up in the morning. — Larry Page, CEO of Google.

  • For me, business is not about suits or nice shareholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on what matters most. — Sir Richard Branson, CEO of the Virgin Group.

  • The advantage of information technology is that it enables people to do what they want to do. It allows people to be creative. It allows people to be productive. This allows people to know what they think and what they can learn. — Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft.

  • I am responsible for this company. I stand for results. I know that the CEO should be the moral leader of the company... I think high standards are good, but it's about performance and integrity. Here is what you should do. — Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of General Electric.

  • It's in our best interest to put some of the old rules aside and create new ones and follow them - what you want and where you want to go. — Robert Iger, CEO of Walt Disney

  • There are many things that go into creating success. I don't like doing just what I like to do. I like doing things that make the company successful. I don't spend a lot of time doing my favorite activities. — Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computers.

  • Be dedicated to your work. Believe in him more than others. — Sam Walton, CEO of Wal-Mart.

  • Our mission is to make the world more open and sociable. We do it by giving people the power to share anything and communicate with anyone, no matter where they are. — Mark Zuckerberg, CEO

  • In reality, we all compete only with ourselves, and have no control over the actions of others. — Pete Cashmore, CEO of Mashable.

  • I always did what I wasn't ready to do. I think at this moment you are growing. When there are moments like, "Wow, I'm not sure I can do this," that's the breakthrough you're living through. — Marissa Mayer, Yahoo CEO

  • Show me someone without their ego and I'll show you a loser. — Donald Trump, CEO of the Trump Organization

  • Come forward in the lead and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge you and which they are not ready to accept. — Frederick Smith, FedEx CEO

  • The only enemy of any company, including McDonald's, is complacency. If you focus on the requests and needs of consumers, you can achieve any results. — Jim Skinner, McDonald's CEO

  • Smarter is always the answer. — Samuel J Palmisano, CEO of IBM

  • I've always hated litigation. We need people to invent their own things. — Tim Cook, Apple CEO.

  • Diversification and globalization are the key to the future. — Fujio Mitarai, Canon CEO

  • If you say you never had a chance, you may not have taken it. — Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks

  • The government should support and protect its key industries through good policies, not what good politicians sometimes do. — Gordon Nixon, CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada

  • As an entrepreneur, you should feel like you can jump out of a plane because you are sure you will grab a bird in midair. — Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO

  • Whenever you innovate, be prepared to be called crazy. — Larry Ellison, Oracle CEO

  • The term "too many to fail" should be cut from our lexicon. — Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase

  • Don't compare yourself to anyone in this world, if you do, you will offend yourself. — Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft

  • Employers hire on an as needed basis and are still not ready for employees until the demand for their business is truly needed. — Jeffrey Jorres, Manpower CEO

  • I don't think there are any other qualities, so essential to the success of any kind is the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. — John D. Rockefeller, CEO of Standard Oil


1 What is easy? - Give advice to others.

/ Thales, ancient Greek philosopher, one of the 7 wise men /

2 Business is like a car: by itself it will only move downhill.

3 To err is human, but our firm is not forgiving.

/ Commandment of American managers /

4 If you don't agree with me, it only means that you didn't listen to me.

/From the postulates of management/

5 It's not about whether you solve the problem or not, but about who you put the responsibility on.


6 I can't give you a formula for success, but I can offer you a formula for failure: try to please everyone.

/G. Swope, journalist/

7 If you don't succeed at first, destroy all evidence that you tried...

8 A committee is twelve people doing the work of one.

/John Kennedy/

9 Leadership is the art of getting others to do all the work.

10 If people heard themselves more often, they would talk less.

/ Postulate of management /

11 One and only one person should be responsible for every assigned task.

/ Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck, 1815-1898, prince, first Reich Chancellor of the German

empire in 1871-1890/

12 The highest prudence is to make a difficult decision to leave this world in the form in which we found it.

/Baltasar Gracian, Spanish thinker/

13 Trust, but verify.

14 You sow care, you reap initiative.

/Vladimir Prishchepa, director/

15 To lead people, follow them.

/Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher/

16 The best leaders are those whose existence the people do not notice.


17 When a leader who deserves to be called the best finishes his job, people say: "We did everything ourselves."


18 If you have efficient, well-trained employees and do not involve them in joint decision-making, you are wasting your own time.

/ Postulate of management /

19 ... A smarter agricultural approach: create a good climate, provide adequate nutrition and let people grow on their own. Then they will surprise you.

/ McGregor /

20 If it is not clear what should be done, then always adhere to the rule - it is better to give subordinates more than they are supposed to, than not to give them what they are supposed to.

/Principle of the English firm "Marks and Spencer"/

21 Alexander the Great, listening to an accusation against someone, plugged one of his ears, and when asked why he was doing this, he replied: "I will save this ear for the accused."

22 PRINCIPLE OF REASONABLE APPROXIMATION: The price of perfection makes it impractical, approximation costs less.

/TO. K. Jie/

23 Another is useless in the first row, but shines in the second.

/Voltaire, 1694-1778/

24 Only two incentives make people work: the desire for wages and the fear of losing it.

/Ford Sr./

25 It doesn't matter what they tell you - they don't tell you all

/Todd principle/

26 The angle of view depends on the position you occupy.

/ Miles Law /

27 See no malice in what can be explained by stupidity. -


28 If "K" is a collective, 1 + K is greater than 1, even if this unit is an outstanding person.

29 In agreement, insignificant things grow; in disagreement, the greatest ones perish.

/ Guy Sallusshiy Crispus, 86-35 years. BC./

30 You can't achieve anything until you have something exciting.

31 We need a series of factories where a man thinks, "It would be nice for my wife and daughter to work here."

/ Opinion of the President of a Japanese company /

32 Who lives in the greatest anxiety and labors? - One who in a high position tries to maintain his well-being.

/ Biant /

33 People, if you let them, will drown you in ideas.

34 Whoever screams is hard to hear.

35 If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself.

36 People need trust, not warnings.

37 The worker is a source of ideas, not just a pair of working hands.

38 The core philosophy of an organization plays a much larger role in its achievement than technological and economic resources, organizational structure, and meeting deadlines.

39 Never get into a business if you don't know how to run it.

40 And every one of us who thinks he can lead others must study hard and constantly.

/A. V. Lunacharsky/

41 A bad leader knows what needs to be done. A good one shows how to do it.

42 Each flaw has a first and last name.

/WITH. Ordzhonikidze/

43 In any trouble, looking for meaning is an occupation devoid of meaning.

/Baltasar Gracian/

44 Not every truth can be told: about one keep silent for your own sake, about the other - for the sake of another.


45 You can only rely on that which resists.

/Blaise Pascal/

46 An adversary who looks for your mistakes is more useful than a friend who wants to hide them.

/Leonardo da Vinci/

48 Anger is short-term madness.


49 Who wants to work - looking for means, who does not want - reasons.

"/SP. Korolev/

50 When we spend time planning, it becomes more.

51 If you want to be always pleased, serve yourself.

/Benjamin Franklin/

52 Others are not fools, they are just not you.

/P. S. Taranov/

53 "STRAWBERRY AND CREAM PRINCIPLE": "Personally, I like strawberries and cream, but for some reason fish prefer worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I like, but about what the fish likes ".

/Dale Carnegie/

54 Every person I meet is superior to me in some way, and in this sense I can learn from him.

/Ralph Emerson, American philosopher/

55 There is no wear and tear to crockery with a crack - yes, it is sickening to look at it!

/Baltasar Gracian/

56 You do not know how to bear the burden of adversity - you aggravate their severity.


57 We can do as much as we know. Knowledge is power.

/Francis Bacon, English philosopher/

58 A drop of honey attracts more flies than a gallon of bile.

/Abraham Lincoln/

59 What will be measured will be done.

60 To understand everything means to forgive.

/Madame de Stael, French writer/

61 Any work should be approached with a light heart. Nobody likes to work with a manager who is always sombre and serious. Before you take on anything really important, you must first learn to treat the matter with some irony. A little humor helps to soften the most tense situations.

/M. Rustam, Indian scientist/

62 Even the most beautiful girl in France can only give what she has.

/French proverb/

63 A leader does not have the luxury of learning from mistakes.

/The principle of the American automobile company "General Motors"/

64 One must learn not from one's own, but from the mistakes of others.

65 Let the other person get angry too. If you raised your voice, then he (or she) also has the right to raise his voice.

/Principle of the company "General Motors"/

66 Prudence in conversation is more important than eloquence.

/ Baltasar Gracian /

67 It is better to be mad with everyone than to be wise alone.


68 Who cannot speak will not make a career.


69 Professionalism means efficiency, reliability, responsibility.

70 To find a common language, one should bite a little.

71 Loyalty to the company is not a profession: you still have to work.

/P. S. Taranov/

72 The leading condition for the growth of new ideas.


73 In people-oriented work, there is only one key to success - TRUST.

74 Business card of the leader - the ability to dispose to oneself. ^

75 Professional unsuitability - lack of sensitivity and tactlessness.

76 Learn to listen, and you can benefit even from those who speak badly.


77 To manage the behavior of employees is, first of all, to manage one's own behavior.

78 A person is worth as much as others are | will appreciate.

/Baltasar Gracian/

79 Do not flaunt everything you have - tomorrow | no one will be surprised anymore.


80 The plan is not just about how many tables and chairs to make. The plan is a thin lace of norms and relationships.

/A. S. Makarenko/

When there are many helmsmen - to be a ship on the reefs.

82 At the beginning of the path, if you deviate a step, you will soon be on someone else's road.

83 When it is no longer possible to work harder, start working smarter.

84 If you can, be smarter than others, but don't show it.

/Philip Stanhope Chesterfield, 1694-1773, English diplomat, writer/

85 Do to others as you would like to be done to you.

86 A wise man studies all his life, a fool teaches all his life.

/Pavel Zheleznoye, poet/

87 UNITY PRINCIPLE: "A body with two heads is a monster."

/A. Fayol, American organizer/

88 The management structure, in which ten or more direct subordinates close to the head, is a heart attack.

/IN. I. Tereshchenko, economist/

89 The experimenter must be lazy enough not to do too much.

90 The thesis that haste, they say, is necessary when catching fleas, is supported and developed by those who are too lazy to catch a flea ...

/Vitaly Korotich/

91 Organizational structures become short-lived and unstable. They used to change over several generations. Now the company has no time to carry out a major reorganization, as everything starts again.

/P. Drucker/ a2 The one who is trusted is not held by the hand.

93 The best manager is the one who has enough common sense to select the right people to do what he needs, enough restraint not to interfere in their affairs for the time being.

/J. Straub, Professor/

94 Time mode is the first step. Making a plan is the second. The struggle for the fulfillment of the plan is the third and decisive one on the way to the effective rationalization of spending one's own and other people's time.

/A. K. Gastev/

95 In the hierarchy, each individual tends to rise to his own level of incompetence.

/Peter Principle/

96 The main thing is not to punish, but to force them to act.

/A. P. Lukoshin/

97 If a person does not have the data to become a leader, you cannot teach him - teach not teach - you will not teach.


98 Do not rush to carry out the order, because the command "Set aside!" can always follow!

/Army folklore/

99 To manage means:

a) foresee - study the future and set a program of action;

b) to organize - to build a double organism of the enterprise: material and social;

c) dispose - to activate the personnel of the enterprise;

d) coordinate - connect and unite, combine all actions and efforts;

e) control - to observe that everything happens in accordance with the established rules and orders.

100 A person cannot receive more freedom from without than that which he possesses from within.

/T. V. Muranovsky, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences/

101 People sometimes bite off more than they can chew. But any worthwhile boss will always prefer to deal with people who aim for more than with those who try to do less.

/Lee Ya kokka, the famous American manager/

102 It is impossible to do without a certain amount of risk. In a real situation, you always need a person who will say: "Well, okay, it's time! We start in an hour!"


103 I've always stuck to the line of being as democratic as possible up to the point where you have to put an end to the "D". And that's when I turn into a ruthless dictator. "Well, I listened to everyone," I say. “Now let’s do this and that!”


104 Keep order, and order will keep you.

/Latin formula/

105 All management ultimately comes down to stimulating the activity of other people.

/Lee Iacocca/

106 It is a pity that there is no educational institution where they would teach to LISTEN. After all, a good manager should be able to listen as much as to speak.


107 It is not at all necessary to accept every rationalization proposal, but if you do not exclaim: "Excellent idea!" - and do not pat the inventor on the back, he will never offer you anything again. This kind of reaction shows a person - he means something.


108 If you want to praise a person, do it in writing, and if you want to give him a thrashing, get by with a phone call.

/Charles Beach/

109 Promotion is the moment when it is most convenient to place additional responsibility on a person.

/Lee Iacocca/

110 The staff of the enterprise is like a football team: the guys should play as a single team, and not a bunch of bright personalities.


111 Many who have been in my Chrysler office have been surprised that there is no computer terminal on my desk. Perhaps they forget - the computer only outputs what was entered into it. ...The secret of success is not information, but people.


112 And yet the monarch only sits on the throne with his ass.

/Michel Montaigne, 1533-1592, French, philosopher/

113 Don't let those who "work for you" live too quietly. Don't let them settle down. Always do the opposite of what they expect you to do. Let them worry all the time and look over their shoulders.

/Henry Ford/

114 The first goal is quality, and profit will come by itself.

115 "1-10-100" is the formula used in the US and other developed countries. This means that if a dollar is spent on fundamental research, then $10 is allocated for R&D, and $100 for implementation. The ratio of "1-10-100" will not replace any enthusiasm.

116 One should look at a day as at a small life.

/A. M. Gorky /

117 An enterprise is personnel.

/ The motto of the Japanese automobile company "Nissan" /

118 The levers of the economy are inexorable: what is secondary in payment is of lesser interest.

119 In management practice, it is traditionally believed that the goal is almost always obvious and efforts should be focused on finding means and ways to achieve it.

/IN. Sh. Rapoport/

120 Opposites placed side by side become more pronounced.

/ Bonaventure, 1221-1271 /

121 "DEFICIENCY MANAGEMENT" - this is when the entire control apparatus actually works on the commands of a fitter.

122 When you hire, you take not only "skillful hands" or "smart mind", but also a person with his character, habits and destiny.

/P. S. Taranov/

123 Even before the revolution, in order to get a job in the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers /as the State Sign was called at that time /, the guarantee of two workers who knew the newcomer personally was required. If the newcomer did not justify the trust, then all three quit.

124 The impression about the company is created by the client on the first phone call to it.

/Principle of Japanese management/

125 When you come up with something yourself, then there is a high chance of not coming up with anything. But when you live in someone else's mind, you certainly won't do anything. Never do

what others are doing. This is 100% doomed to failure.

/Andrey Mikhailovich Budker, Academician/

126 Leaders are divided not into young and old, but into smart and fools.

127 In the mirror, as you know, the opposite is true. But without it, we would never see ourselves.

/Jalaleddin Rumi/

128 Don't hate your enemies, you may need to work together.

/ Essar, American humorist /

129 There are moments when everything works out, do not be horrified - it will pass.

/AND. Renard, French humorist/

130 Never trust those subordinates who do not find any flaws in their superiors.

/U. Collins, English writer/

131 When a decision needs to be made, act< быстро и решительно - берите больничный. За работу нужно болеть. / Y. Maksudov, comedian/

132 Don't be afraid of responsibility. Responsibility is like a wife: you can always leave her.


133 Helping people does not always guarantee that they will respond kindly.

134 Never expect a so-called professional to act solely in your interests. /David Mahoney/

135 Good manners with people is a commodity that can be bought just like we buy sugar

or coffee... And I'll pay more for that skill than anything else in the world.

/J.D. Rockefeller/

136 Doesn't the rope support the hanged man?

137 To reason with the stupid is as pointless as scratching a rock.

138 Education is the ability to act correctly in any everyday situations.

/John Hibben/

139 The greatness of a great man is revealed in the way he treats small people.

/Thomas Carlyle/

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