What to study if you want to grow in your career. How to move up the corporate ladder

We all know people with attractive careers. They are entrusted with the most interesting tasks, they are endowed with powers that their colleagues do not have, they are the first to be promoted. There is no chance here. Luck appears when opportunities match readiness.

Most likely, a person with an enviable career is very actively working to move in the right direction. And one of the main components of such a movement is the manifestation of courage.

To move decisively up the career ladder, regularly and, if necessary, persistently, do the following:

Instead of waiting for an opportunity to move up the career ladder, find it yourself. First, look for opportunities within your company and, if there are none, expand your search beyond it. (If you're waiting for professional prospects to come to you, then you don't have the courage.)

Ask your boss for new responsibilities and roles. When given a new task or responsibilities, learn as hard as you can, improve, expand your skills, and develop your talents. (If you are not looking for opportunities to learn and develop, then you do not have the courage.)

Don't sit in the shade. Make sure that everyone knows what a dedicated and passionate employee you are, what a leader you are. Be humble, but don't be shy. (If you remain in the shadows, then you do not have the courage.)

If you feel stuck in your career, act immediately and purposefully to get back on the path to success. It is unlikely that anyone will notice (or worry) that the dynamics of your career do not match your intentions. (If you are not at the helm, then you do not have the courage.)

If you feel you are ready and deserving, feel free to ask your boss for a raise or find another job that is a notch or two above your current position. Don't wait for others to recognize your willingness to advance - show them you're ripe for more by acting and demonstrating your abilities. (If you have not done this for a long time, then you do not have the courage.)

You should have a career plan and promotion milestones. If you have one, make sure you dedicate time to implement it. (If you do not go assertively towards your goal, then you do not have the courage)

If you don't like your job or if you want something different, take action to change the situation. Determine your preferences and stick to them. (If you don't seek constructive change, you don't have the courage.) A healthy, courageous career means you're doing work that you really enjoy and want to do. You also know exactly where you want to work and have a plan to get there. You do not shy away from opportunities that enrich your knowledge, skills and experience, you are not afraid to take on more responsibility, including financial ones - on the contrary, you are purposefully looking for such chances. You get a promotion or pay raise because you ask for it. When you discover a problem, you draw attention to it or solve it. What if there are difficulties? You become part of the solution, not the problem.

For most, the incentives to work are a good salary and the possibility of career growth. Professionalism and experience should be rewarded not only with money, but also with higher status. How to achieve career success: practical advice.

Almost every person dreams of a successful career that will allow him to achieve success in work, to realize himself in professional activities.

But if we talk about it simply, then in fact it is quite difficult to climb the career ladder without ever stumbling.

The fact is that in any work it is not enough just to be responsible, executive and disciplined. You should work efficiently, constantly strive for your goals, and having achieved one of them, do not stop, but follow the other.

Currently, HR specialists have developed seven important, key rules that can greatly facilitate career advancement.

Following these recommendations, a person will learn to competently and productively manage his career development. Of course, a set of effective rules may have some individual characteristics, but in general they are all fairly uniform.

The first rule, which should never be neglected, is that any employee who dreams of achieving career heights must have a sincere desire. As in all other industries, career management is not the last place belongs to psychology.

To achieve clearly set goals, attitude, absolute self-confidence, and one's own abilities are of great importance. It is known that only the desire for something is a huge force that allows you to move forward, to act effectively to achieve your goals.

This applies in particular to issues of career advancement. However, it is important to consider that this desire should belong only to the person who wants to reach the desired heights.

There is no need to try to realize other people's ambitions in this matter, this will not lead to a positive result. That is, you may reach a certain position, but you should not expect moral satisfaction from this process.

A person who builds his career must live in such a way that without a new position he could not imagine his further existence. Career growth should be constant and measured. Unplanned "jumps" on the career ladder will take strength, and at the same time will not bear fruit.

But here it is worth learning that career growth can never be successful without constant personal development. A person who dreams of becoming a true professional in a particular field, and constantly striving to get new high positions, must independently acquire new knowledge, study the positive experience of his colleagues and leaders, and also pay a lot of attention to negative experience.

Even if the company allocates some funds to improve the skills of its employees, you need to constantly acquire new knowledge outside the company. Some choose self-education, others regularly attend developmental seminars and trainings in specialized centers. In fact, it is absolutely not important how the training will take place, the main thing is what result it will bring.

The next rule of successful career advancement is to focus on the main goal. Quite often, to get the next position, to which a person has been striving for a long time, you need to pay great attention to your mistakes and successes.

This allows you to concentrate as much as possible on those issues, the solution of which will allow you to build a career. All the merits of the employee must certainly be recognized and appreciated. Of course, to move up the career ladder, you certainly need to make a lot of effort. Never such a job as moving up the career ladder will be easy and fast.

Remember that even a small step up is the result of long-term work. However, you should never try to become an expert in all areas at once. This will lead to an unnecessary dispersion of efforts, and will also cause an avalanche of unnecessary and useless deeds to collapse. It was on the totality of these statements that psychologists concluded that only concentration can lead to success.

Continually work to improve efficiency in terms of time management and activities. In this aspect, it would be right to study the basic provisions of time management - a science that allows you to optimize working time as much as possible.

Properly built time management makes it possible to complete the maximum amount of work most efficiently in the shortest possible time. Before starting any work, you should draw up a schedule for completing tasks, and it is not advisable to deviate from it. This self-organization allows you to work extremely efficiently.

Any business you start should always be completed. Even small work should not be abandoned halfway, because this will be the first step on the path to failure. Start a new business only when the previous one is fully completed. Thus, it will be possible to correctly allocate resources.

Some people have been given this trait since childhood, and even in their school years they will not start a new one if the old one has not been read to the last page. But if you don’t have such a skill, then you need not give up, but develop this habit. At the very beginning, this may seem difficult, but over time, such a science will become easier and easier. The ability to go to the end will help not only in a career, but in all areas of life.

Learn effective stress management techniques. This factor is important, and therefore it should never be neglected. No matter how effective the work is, stress, mistakes and failures will still occur from time to time. It is very important that all the worries associated with work should never be brought home.

In addition, you can’t feel sorry for yourself, this will only aggravate the situation, but will not solve it. Any problem needs to be solved, and quickly and efficiently, and not to groom it. This approach is correct, and this is confirmed by many years of experience in psychological practices in management. By following these simple rules, you will quickly move up the career ladder.

You already have a job, you have gone through all the torments of the interview and successfully occupy this or that position. But if you are a person with ambitions and prospects, then sooner or later you will want to grow. But in order to do it competently, you need to adhere to some simple, but sometimes very necessary things.

1. Befriend the right people

This is not about being dragged through to the right place, no. You should be friends with those people for whose job or position you apply or will apply in the future. They can reveal to you a secret for which others pay huge sums of money in endless Business of Youth seminars. They can tell how they achieved certain things. In the end, they themselves want a promotion or a change of location and will be able to recommend you as a person who is sincerely interested in all the nuances of the work and meticulously asks about everything.

2. Focus on positive things

There are no really happy jobs or happy people at work, they just get high on the good times and ditch the bad days. No job happens without doing useless and boring things every day. More often than not, getting to the good means pushing through the bad, and people who do it with a smile on their face end up winning, simply because attitude is everything. If positive things from your job don’t immediately come to mind, try to remember what was cool, except for the fact that you touched someone’s ass at a corporate party. It doesn't matter if you are happy or sad - the volume of your work will not change from this.

3. Don't rush to get promoted

Not always the career ladder leads from the bottom up in a straight line. There are times and cases when you need to stand on one floor, move to another staircase, and maybe even take a step back when it is really necessary. Take your time and decide for yourself what you really want to do - be honest with yourself. After all, if you are not competent enough for a certain position and somehow flew into it ahead of time, then most likely you will not cope well with your duties. The consequences of this can be very deplorable, up to the point that you will be returned to your previous position, but after that it will be oh so difficult to climb back. Therefore, calm down, sit down and think about what skills you need to improve, what you are not yet savvy enough, and after that try to take the next step up.

4. Find a mentor

Although in one book we all know they say not to create an idol for yourself, but you can create a certain image that you would strive for. You choose a cool person for yourself who has achieved what you would like, and look at how he behaved in the initial stages and what he did. You don’t need to imitate him, because you have your own head on your shoulders, but it will be great not to make his mistakes.

5. Do your job

Everyone always says: “Reach the heights”, “Do unusual things”, “Be non-trivial”. But everyone forgets about elementary things - to come on time and do their job.

In fact, every day to appear at the workplace and perform their duties is not typical for most people. Mostly success stories are boring. Most of them require every day to appear at work and, oddly enough, work.

6. Choose vacancies

Most likely, you go to an interview 5 times before you find something normal. Do not rush. From year to year, changing job or position, you will come with more experience, knowledge and connections. Compare it to anything - a mosaic that fills with elements, or an athlete who gradually increases his level. You need to accommodate what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specific to you. Yes, it will take time and it won't be easy, but as they say, finding a job you love is a privilege, not a right. So treat it as such and never stop trying new things. Patience is not just the ability to wait. It's how you act while you're waiting.

7. Forgive people and be a kind person

They are often stupid or do some things not on purpose. Most of them don't make plans since Sunday evening, how to annoy you next week. Many of them have their heads buried deeper in the sand than an ostrich, forever looking for ways to become pattern efficient. They don't appreciate other people's help properly. Do not be such a person - speak, advise, take advice. You live in a society, and it is foolish to neglect it. If you have a difficult employee or subordinate, sit down and discuss problems with him. Perhaps new horizons will open up for you, and you will gain experience that will certainly come in handy in the future.

Not only graduates are concerned about career growth issues, they are also asked by experienced employees. Some employees have been in their position for many years and do not see development prospects. Consider what a person needs to accelerate his career growth.

Each person can manage their career growth, and not wait until the boss pays attention to him. To do this, you need to clearly and plan the algorithm for achieving it. The goals can be different - someone wants to improve their status or skills, and someone needs a high salary. Consider, what is needed for rapid career growth.

Career types

Many people think that career growth in a company can be exclusively vertical. They represent it as a ladder, where instead of steps there are higher positions. Main types of career growth:

  • Horizontal career growth implies a transition to related areas of the profession. At the same time, the level of the position will be approximately the same. In this type of career growth, wages can stay the same or increase. For example, an employee of the marketing department is offered to work in the sales department. He agrees to purchase. This may in the future become a career step in vertical growth - the employee becomes the head of one of the departments or moves to another company and heads the department in which these functions are combined.
  • Vertical career growth . It can be within the company where the employee works or in another organization in the same industry. The latter path is preferred by employees due to low wages in the organization.

To make a choice, a person must clearly see his managerial capabilities. If a high level of responsibility for other employees does not scare him, it is worth choosing a vertical direction. In the case when a person does not want to receive a salary less than in a managerial position, but be responsible only for his actions, you need to develop in a horizontal direction. Career Guidance Test will help you choose the direction of growth.

Quick Career Rules

For rapid career growth in the company, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Start the working day earlier and finish later than other employees. You need to work not “from call to call”, but with full dedication;
  2. Work effectively and do more than the boss expects. You need to regularly raise your bar;
  3. Find a mentor or ask to be in this boss role. Experienced employees easily share their accumulated knowledge, do not be afraid to turn to them for help;
  4. In case of bad work, strive to correct mistakes. Don't expect someone to remake it for you;
  5. Show initiative every day. Ask how you can help your boss;
  6. When given a task, complete it completely. Often, managers do not explain all the intricacies of assigned cases, but expect employees to start asking them questions in order to find out;
  7. Strictly follow the instructions of the chief. You don’t always need fresh ideas for projects, most often you just need to follow the rules;
  8. Work no less than the one whose position you want to apply for in the future;
  9. Treat your boss with respect, follow the principles of business ethics ;
  10. Report management errors as sensitively as possible;
  11. Do not talk badly about the boss behind your back, do not discuss it with colleagues;
  12. Lead to always have a supply of energy. If you always feel tired, even a quick career growth will not be a joy;
  13. Work not for the company, but for the boss;
  14. Love your work, do it not mechanically, but with soul.

Rapid growth through the ranks in a company cannot happen if you don't put in the effort. Any initiative is evaluated positively by the boss, it is important to show patience and perseverance.

It is important to take the initiative and consult with the boss

The need for a master's degree

Consider whether a master's degree is needed for a future career. It appeared in the Russian Federation relatively recently, but the West has had a two-stage system for many years. Higher education is divided into two levels: bachelor's degree - practical training of the profession and master's degree - a higher level of study of the profession. Upon completion, the student must defend a master's thesis and receive the first academic degree.
Now many are wondering whether it is necessary to enroll in a master's program and how this affects future prospects. The fact is that in the West this step is of greater importance than in our country.

Russia has always had a different system, consisting of primary, secondary, secondary vocational and higher education. At will, a person could receive a scientific degree of candidate or doctor of science. It has been preserved, but the division into bachelor's and master's programs has been added to it. There is still no unequivocal answer to the question of whether a master's degree is needed, since employers see the fact of higher education and it is not always important for them how many diplomas confirm this.

There are prospects when a master's degree is needed for other purposes. For example, a person received a bachelor's degree in management, but decided to go to a master's program as a psychologist. In two years, he receives a “second education”, passes an exam and can choose from two professions. There is also the prospect of teaching, but in fact among the employees of universities, mostly candidates and doctors of science. Specialists and masters 8% of the total number of teachers.

A master's degree does not guarantee a future successful employment with career growth, but it is a small plus in a resume. Students usually prefer to combine work with education, as experience is now much more valued.

Flexible working hours

Working on a flexible schedule will be very useful for a person combining a master's degree with gaining experience. The employee is also in the office for a certain number of hours, including a lunch break. At the same time, the beginning of the employee’s working day occurs according to his desire and capabilities or in accordance with his individual

Hours at work can be counted not only in one day, sometimes a week is counted. Today the employee is on site for four hours, and tomorrow for twelve. When working with a flexible schedule, the right to days off and vacation remains.

It is beneficial to use it in those companies where it is not necessary for all employees to be on site at the same time. These can be advertising agencies, web studios and other organizations based on creative activity.

Each employee has his own biorhythm, which does not always coincide with the standard schedule. He may be more productive during the hours he is not working. This mode is chosen by large organizations for the following reasons:

  • Minimizing delays. The employee's time on site is counted by an automatic system;
  • Benefits for employees. The schedule can be a decisive reason for moving experienced specialists to another place of work or when choosing employment for young mothers, students;
  • Feeling of freedom. If employees are trusted, they begin to work better and with full dedication.

Students need flexible working hours

The speed of career advancement depends on the person himself. If an employee takes the initiative and conscientiously performs his duties, he will not go unnoticed.

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