Long-term staff motivation is external or internal. External and internal motivation: definition, features of formation and factors

Internal and external motivation of personnel

Motivation is an integral part of any work activity. Proper stimulation of employees by top management fully allows each person to realize their abilities and fulfill the set work plans. Naturally, any manager knows that there are different types of motivation, as well as external and internal incentives to work, but not all bosses know exactly what it means and how to correctly introduce motivation into a business. Every manager wants to increase staff productivity and sales growth. Competent incentives for employees can direct a person in the right direction and bring profit to the company. If you manage to find it for each sales manager, then it is possible to build long-term and fruitful relationships with the team.

Conduct an express audit of the sales department on your own according to 23 criteria and identify sales growth points!

Conduct an audit

Features of motivation

For the successful operation of any business, internal and external motivation of personnel is necessary. Usually this issue is dealt with by experienced personnel officers who can find an individual approach to each person. First, you should figure out what is the incentive to perform quality work for a particular employee. Determine material and non-material motivation. Therefore, it is important to awaken his inner interest, but do not forget about external motivation, which has its undeniable positive qualities.

What are the types of motivation?

External motivation of employees involves the use of certain factors to influence the staff. There are types of staff motivation - material and non-material incentives.

Material factors include incentives in the form of:

  • Additional awards;
  • Bonuses;
  • Career growth.

This method will really be effective for a single person or a small team. But over time, the employee receiving such material benefits will be tempted to receive even more bonuses and bonuses, or, for example, to reach the next degree in the career ladder and increase the salary. The intangible type of benefits involves the receipt of emotional rewards for workers. This option is ideal for use in the entire team. As a result, there is a self-esteem of the whole team and confidence in the work. This motivation requires a professional approach and is divided into types of staff motivation. The first option is when the leader creates comfortable working conditions, in the second case, effective work should be a guarantee, for example, of career growth.

What is an internal stimulus?

Internal motivation is aimed at self-development of the employee, achievement of the goal, realization of creative potential and striving for new knowledge. It should be noted that the introduction of this type of incentive requires a long time. You also need to consider that these forms of dough are related to each other. Thus, this means that the external factor supports the employees on the way to achieve the goal, while the internal factors are the driving force.

Motivation tools

One of the strongest ways to reward a team is to recognize its success. Therefore, the boss must notice and celebrate the work of successful employees and set them as an example. Also, the manager at the meetings should mark the best employees for the past month. In many companies, this is becoming a good tradition and a very effective positive incentive. Also an effective tool is the support of personal growth. It is not difficult to do this, it is enough just to create possible conditions for growth and conduct trainings, training courses for advanced training.

Of course, there are many factors and ways that can encourage you to work. Below is a list of the main tools that can motivate staff:

  • Teamwork;
  • Encouragement upon reaching the correct task;
  • Determining the importance of each member of the team and recognizing this fact at work;
  • Setting specific goals.

Why are employees doing poorly?

According to statistics, only a small proportion of bosses are satisfied with their employees and the result of their work. Any company, even the most successful, always has something to strive for. There are several main reasons why employees unfairly fulfill their obligations:

  • Lack of interest in the work itself, as a result of labor activity, there is no desire to go to work with a good mood and give all the best at 100 percent; and most importantly, the employee does not feel his importance in the team;
  • There is no clear understanding of how wages are formed, how the bonus is calculated and on what indicators the additional bonus depends;
  • Lack of professionalism in the team (employees need to be trained and learn how to communicate with customers). So, after the leader figured out the reasons why the team does not work intensively, a motivation system should be introduced. And it’s not a secret at all that the most effective is monetary motivation.

The right choice of promotion

It is important for any boss to understand in time what incentives move this or that employee. Therefore, when building a system of motivation, it is so important to navigate the team and understand each employee. The boss needs to study the reasons for the lack of interest in the work of the staff through a questionnaire or survey. The results obtained will help to understand what bonus principles are suitable for stimulating these employees. Different goals and plans for people, the level of education and the aspiration of the employee determine the use of different types of staff motivation:

  1. material incentive;
  2. Non-material motivation of personnel;
  3. Team leader motivation. \

The first thing to do is to formulate a goal, which may be slightly overstated, but is quite feasible for the employee. In addition, there are now many books on the effectiveness of personnel management on store shelves. In the specialized literature, tips and methods are collected, after the application of which some changes will occur in the company.

Problems and options for improving the personnel motivation system

The issue of stimulating employees to work worries managers in all areas of activity. In order for personnel management to be effective, one should resort to modern methods of motivation. In addition to the monetary incentive, it is recommended to use the so-called additional points and bonuses. In this case, the implementation of the plan will be like a game. The purpose of which is the formation of comfortable working conditions for people, stimulating them to act with the achievement of maximum income. But, before introducing such an alternative method of motivation, you should make sure that it is suitable for the entire team.

Below is a sample of a successful payroll system for sales staff:

  • Fixed payment per month - salary;
  • Percentage of the income received by the enterprise at the end of the year.

This is just one example of employee incentives. And in a particular case, motivation is aimed at achieving and receiving an annual bonus. And this, in turn, stimulates a person to work more intensively than before and not to lose the earned bonus. There are options and payouts of monthly bonuses or quarterly bonuses. What to implement in each company is decided by the head of the department or the entire business. It is important to remember that a manager who has completed the plan and achieved success will certainly want to repeat it again.

© Konstantin Baksht, General Director of "Baksht Consulting Group".

The best way to quickly master and implement the technology of building a sales department is to attend K. Baksht's sales management training "Sales System".

High motivation of the staff is the most important condition for the success of the organization. No company can thrive without a highly committed workforce, without a high level of commitment from the staff, without members being committed to the end result and willing to contribute to the achievement of goals. That is why the interest of leaders and researchers involved in management is so high in studying the reasons that make people work with full dedication of forces in the interests of the organization.


The concept of motivation………………………………………………………..6
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs………………………………….7
Intrinsic motivation……………………………………………………12
Pygmalion effect……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
External motivation……………………………………………………….15
Problems and obstacles in the way of influencing the labor
staff motivation…………………………………………………………….22

List of used sources and literature…………………….26

The work contains 1 file





"Internal and external motivation of the personnel of the organization"

group student GP-04-07 Koltsova M.A.

Scientific director Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences, Sergeeva Tatyana Fedorovna.

Submitted for verification November 13, 2009
Returned for revision
Eligible for defense

Moscow 2009


  1. The concept of motivation……………………………………………………… ..6
    1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs………………………………….7
  2. Intrinsic motivation…………………………………………………… 12
    1. Pygmalion effect……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. External motivation……………………………………………………… .15
  4. Problems and obstacles in the way of influencing the labor

Staff motivation…………………………………………………………….22

  1. Conclusion………………………………………………………………...24
  2. List of used sources and literature…………………….26
  3. Applications………………………………………………………………...27


A successful manager and leader is someone who can clearly motivate and knows how to inspire other people to achieve their goals. Therefore, each leader needs to have at hand time-tested, but at the same time progressive, well-tuned and effective tools for motivating all members of his team.

Adair D.

High motivation of the staff is the most important condition for the success of the organization. No company can thrive without a highly committed workforce, without a high level of commitment from the staff, without members being committed to the end result and willing to contribute to the achievement of goals. That is why the interest of leaders and researchers involved in management is so high in studying the reasons that make people work with full dedication of forces in the interests of the organization. And although it cannot be argued that the work results and work behavior of employees are determined only by their motivation, nevertheless, the importance of motivation is very high.

What makes employees prefer one job over another? Why do they react differently to the same stimuli? Why do they in some cases diligently work on the tasks assigned to them, and in others they waste time talking and smoking breaks? These questions are often asked by leaders, and they can be boiled down to three main ones: what and why motivates people, and how to make them interested in the final results of the assigned work and work with full dedication.

At the beginning of the century, for the vast majority of leaders, the answer was obvious: money is the main incentive for a person to work. And today, many leaders adhere to this point of view. Although it is known that in some cases a person can work selflessly, even if the salary clearly does not satisfy him. On the other hand, for some work, many people will not undertake any money. This means that in labor motivation, which determines both the choice of a place of work and attitude to work, there is something other than money, and sometimes even stronger than money. Money primarily serves as a medium of exchange that allows us to turn work in one narrow area (for example, raising children or building roads) directly into the results of work in other areas - food, drink, shelter and warmth, which satisfy our physiological needs. 1

« Children got into the habit of playing under the windows of the old man's house. Every evening they gathered on the lawn in front of his house, ran, made noise, which greatly disturbed his peace. No requests and persuasion to play away from his home did not help. And then he came up with an idea - he went out to the children and said: "You ran very well today, frolicked and shouted. For this, each of you will receive 1 dollar today." Can you imagine the reaction of the children?! Not only did they enjoy the game, they also received money. The children were very happy. The next day, the owner of the house went out to the playing children and said: "You know, children, today my circumstances have changed and I can only give you 50 cents." The children took the money, but they played and shouted with less enthusiasm. The next day, this wise man gave the children 20 cents each and said, "Come tomorrow, I'll give you 5." To this the children replied: "Here's another! We'll run around here and shout for some 5 cents!". So this elderly man got rid of the noise and screaming under his windows.

V.I.Chirkov “External and internal motivation” [p.86]

What is this story about? It is about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. What did this old man do? He reduced the intrinsic motivation of children (their own emotions, the desire to play freely, "run and scream"), transferring it to extrinsic motivation (money), and then removed it as well.

intrinsic motivation- this is why we invest our efforts, why we act day by day, building our team and our organization. We do this to change our lives and the lives of others for the better. Intrinsic motivation is the "fuel" that supports us and does not allow us to go out and cool down at the moment of overcoming difficulties and failures. Intrinsic motivation encourages ACTION.

Intrinsic motivation is:

  • dream, self-realization
  • ideas, creativity
  • self-affirmation
  • conviction
  • curiosity
  • health
  • need for someone
  • personal growth
  • need for communication

External motivation- this is your striving for achievements in the society around you. Just as yin and yang flow into each other, separated by a fine line, so intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are most effective in balance.

External motivation is:

  • money
  • career
  • status
  • confession
  • prestigious things (house, apartment, car)
  • worthy aesthetics of life
  • the ability to travel

The purpose of the course work is to study the motivation of the work of the organization's personnel in order to increase labor productivity and how internal and external motivation are related to the working behavior of a person.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were defined:

  • give a general concept of motivation and its influence in management;
  • to reveal the concepts of "stimulus" and "motive", "stimulation" and "motivation", "need";
  • to study the existing theoretical provisions on the internal and external motivation of personnel.
  1. The concept of motivation.

concept motivation broader concept motive, because it is something that can be applied to another person. Thus, to motivate means to give a person a stimulus or motivation to perform an action. This initiates his actions or behavior, i.e. there is a stimulation of a person's interest in a certain action.

Motivation- this is the internal state of a person associated with needs, which activates, stimulates and directs his actions towards the goal. The main thing in motivation is its inextricable connection with human needs. A person seeks to reduce tension, expressed in a state of anxiety and anxiety that occurs in him when he feels a need (not always realized) to satisfy any need.

Need- this is a shortage experienced by a person of something that is outside of him, necessary to maintain normal life. Not all needs that activate human behavior are fully realized by him. So, for example, the need for power, for independence, can manifest itself in an extremely painful reaction of the employee to any pressure or to increased external control, although the true origins of such behavior may not be recognized.

Stimulus- external stimulus to work. It encourages people to start working.

Motivation makes human behavior purposeful. Target here - this is what can lead to the elimination of the state of need experienced by a person for something. Achieving the goal leads to a decrease or disappearance of stress. Achieving the goal restores physiological and psychological balance. Eating satisfies hunger, meeting with friends contributes to filling the deficit in communication. The goals in these cases are food and recognition from other people.

The main functions of motivation are:

    • motivation to action
    • line of business,
    • control and maintenance of behavior.

Motivation to action.

Motives - this is what makes a person act or is an incentive to act. In this sense, a person who actively acts to achieve a certain goal that will allow him to satisfy some need will be considered as motivated, and passive, indifferent or inactive - as unmotivated or having low motivation.

Direction of activity.

People are constantly making decisions about how they will achieve their goals. For example, a hungry person may choose between having lunch at home, at work, or eating outside. A person experiencing a feeling of loneliness may choose between different friends or different companies. An employee seeking to make a favorable impression on his manager can also choose different options: work especially hard on an important task, do some favor to the manager, or flatter him. All these actions have something in common - they are some choices that direct a person's efforts to achieve a specific goal that allows satisfying a corresponding need.

Control and maintenance of behavior.

Control and maintenance of behavior aimed at achieving the goal is expressed in a certain persistence in achieving this goal. Motivation makes a person biased, interested. So a person whose behavior is determined by monetary motivation, striving to earn money, in different situations and under different circumstances will act in accordance with this dominant. He will consider the tasks assigned to him or the opportunities that open up mainly from the point of view of the possibility of making money.

What are the main and non-standard types of staff motivation? How to motivate employees in an organization? Who will help you choose the most appropriate type of personnel motivation in management?

Every leader, whether a large enterprise or a small one, is concerned about two questions: how to increase profits and spend less at the same time? That is, how to achieve an increase in income without extra costs, and so that employees feel comfortable and do not want to look for something better.

In a new article from the staff motivation section, we will tell you about the different types of motivation. Anna Medvedeva is with you - a regular contributor to the HeatherBober online magazine.

A bonus awaits those who have read the article to the end - you will learn about completely unusual types of motivation that do not exist in theory, but are used in real-life companies. Read and adopt someone else's experience - perhaps this is exactly what is missing in your team.

1. What is staff motivation

Who has the right to call himself a good leader? Someone who knows the principles of effective personnel management and skillfully applies them in practice.

What does it mean to be able to put into practice? Here it is worth paying attention to the result.

Employees are satisfied with their wages, they do not seek to leave for competing companies, because your team has a wonderful microclimate, and everyone works with desire, showing a creative approach to their work. This is the result of good management.

In order to competently manage, you need to use various management tools. One of these auxiliary methods is the introduction of a motivation system at the enterprise.

What it is?

Staff motivation- this is the creation of an internal incentive for employees to high-quality and productive work activities using various techniques.

The concept of stimulation is connected with the concept of motivation. Many people think that these are similar terms. We would separate them a little.

Stimulation is the application of more stringent, categorical measures. Methods and forms of incentives are different, but most often they are negative in nature (that is, they represent a system of fines and restrictions).

Motivation same - a more flexible and multifaceted system. It includes many techniques and relies on a variety of factors - from the specifics and goals of the entire enterprise to the needs of each employee individually.

We described in detail the various types of staff motivation in the next section of our publication.

As in any other area related to the human factor, when compiling motivational programs, it is indispensable creativity And use of non-standard methods . Only a combination of traditional and non-traditional methods makes any motivation system really interesting and worthwhile.

4. How to motivate staff - step by step instructions

How to implement a motivation system so that it works from the very beginning and is protected from at least the most common mistakes?

Let's make an algorithm of actions.

Step 1. We inform employees about plans to increase motivation

Employees must be aware of all changes in the enterprise, and the introduction of a motivation system is no exception. Everyone should see the prospects and benefits of upcoming events, and most importantly, the benefits.

In a small organization, it is easier to make an announcement at a general planning meeting where you can gather all the employees. If the enterprise is large, then the general director sends an order to the heads of departments, who, in turn, convey information to subordinates.

Step 2. Carefully study full-time employees

Often, ordinary written surveys and questionnaires are used for this. They allow you to determine the satisfaction of employees with working conditions, relationships in the team, the desire of each for career growth, etc.

However, we advise you to conduct a staff appraisal. This more in-depth study will help you identify the best employees, as well as divide employees into stable and with varying success, assess the level of knowledge and skills, compliance with positions held and other very significant indicators.

Step 3. We analyze the motivation system of other companies

It will be especially useful to study the types of staff motivation in similar companies if you do not involve third-party specialists, but develop the program on your own.

Of course, you should not borrow completely ready-made, even well-functioning, schemes, because each enterprise and team has its own characteristics. But there is undoubtedly a rational grain in such practice.

Step 4. We approve the final version of the motivation program

Taking one of the systems as a basis, using the experience of competitors and data about your staff, you can create an effective motivation system for your team.

We add that the help or at least the advice of a competent specialist will still not be superfluous. Especially if your team is small, and there is no separate marketing service that would deal with such issues.

Step 5

When the motivation program is ready, it again needs to be conveyed in detail to subordinates. Everyone should understand the systems for accruing bonuses and bonuses and other nuances of the process.

Be sure to tell us about the main goal pursued by the complex of upcoming events. When employees not only seek personal rewards, but also feel like an important part of a larger process, this brings the quality of work to a completely different level.

5. Help to increase staff motivation - an overview of the TOP-3 companies providing services

For those who are not strong in management theories, there are companies that are professionally engaged in the development of motivation systems adapted to the specifics of different institutions and teams.

There are also various kinds of training organizations - business schools, where you can get initial or in-depth knowledge in this area.

Meet the representatives of this direction and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

1) MAS Project

A company that develops an effective business management system offers the most reliable solution - to teach employees how to plan, manage their time and many other things that make work as productive as possible.

From the video posted on the site, you will learn about strategic planning tools - project management, tasks and salaries, regulation, goal maps and much more. The program will help you to keep abreast of the performance of each employee.

The MAS Project system is an online service that can be deployed - both in the "Cloud" and in the internal corporate system. Your employees will have access to it 24 hours a day, regardless of distance.

2) business relationship

With this company, you are guaranteed to make a breakthrough in the development of your enterprise. Business Relations offers training, after which the level of motivation of employees increases to the maximum. The main goal of the training is to create a cohesive team in the team, eliminate conflict situations and inspire employees for a new attitude to work.

Order a free test on the site to assess your team and a call back for a consultation.

3) Moscow Business School

The business school, located in Moscow, provides training not only in the capital. Seminars and corporate training in the field of business can be visited in many cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Vietnam.

If you need practical skills in business and management, feel free to contact one of the best domestic business schools that meets the international level. Diplomas and certificates issued here are valued both in the CIS and in the west.

The site provides a convenient schedule of training events. For those who cannot attend in person, distance learning is provided in the form of video seminars.

6. What are non-standard ways to increase staff motivation - 4 main ways

Non-standard and unusual ways to encourage employees are not needed in order to show the originality of the management's thinking.

Creativity allows you to expand the traditional schemes of motivation and show attention to employees from different angles.

Method 1. Arranging a place to relax in the office

Even a small office needs additional space for dressing rooms and rest areas. Thus, the needs of workers in comfort will be realized.

Each employee will have the opportunity to drink tea or coffee during the working day, without disturbing others and without demonstrating their five-minute rest to visitors, if we are talking about an office where they work with clients.

In addition, during such snacks, the atmosphere in the team is discharged, since employees have the opportunity to take a break from the working rhythm in an informal setting, just talking over a cup of tea.

Method 2. Bonus for good relations with colleagues

In a sincere friendly atmosphere we work more fruitfully. In a prosperous microclimate in a team, everything becomes easier, creativity and mutual assistance flourish.

If management encourages this, the staff will be a real team of like-minded people, from which no competitor will poach valuable personnel.


JapanGeneralEstateCo has set a rule for a firm manager who has developed friendly relations with employees to pay a salary bonus of about $3,000.

Agree, a good incentive to reach a higher level of communication.

Method 3. Bonuses for vacation used for vacation

Often, instead of vacation, people prefer to spend the money and time allotted for it on something else. Someone generally stays at work, having received compensation, and someone, instead of relaxing at sea, starts another repair or buys something useful for the house on vacation.

But after all, human resources are not unlimited, and everyone needs rest just as they need good nutrition. Without a good rest, a person's productivity and quality of work decrease.

Therefore, in some companies there is a practice of paying compensation to those employees who replenish their physical and moral strength with the most rest. To do this, the employee only needs to present a ticket to a sanatorium or rest home and travel tickets. Naturally, for the period when he is on vacation.

The right choice of material and non-material types of personnel motivation in the organization guarantees stable and efficient work. How to make people work effectively? What factors to consider? How to provide a personal approach to motivation? Read about it in our article.

Personnel motivation: basic theories applied in practice

Motivation (from Latin "motus" - purposeful movement, action) is a component of the general corporate culture of the enterprise. It is a system of methods used in the company to encourage employees to work effectively with full dedication. At the same time, the development of a personnel motivation system, if it is carried out correctly, allows the employer to quickly achieve strategic goals and implement development plans, and employees to receive satisfaction from their work activities. There are several theories that allow us to interpret and predict the behavior of workers in different situations.

Maslow's theory of needs

The author of this psychological theory of motivation is the American researcher A. Maslow. She found a visual embodiment in Maslow's pyramid, which is a hierarchy of human needs and values.

According to Maslow, a person constantly feels any needs that can be combined into certain groups that make up the pyramid. At the base are the elementary basic needs inherent in any person: food, air, nutrition, sex, security, etc. Once basic physiological needs are satisfied, they are no longer a motivating factor. A person has the following needs, of a higher level. At the same time, the needs of higher levels can only be satisfied after the needs of lower levels are satisfied. However, they are all closely interrelated and inseparable from each other.

For most people, the most important are the values ​​that make up the base levels of the pyramid. They are taken into account in the formation of almost all systems of personnel motivation.

Alderfer's EGR Need Theory

Clayton Alderfer's hierarchy of human needs model consists of three levels:

  • The needs of existence;
  • Interaction and communication needs;
  • Needs for personal growth.

Despite the external similarity with Maslow's theory, this model differs in that the levels presented in it are equivalent and have the same value. At the same time, the hierarchy is respected by moving from specific and basic meanings to simpler ones.

McClelland's Theory of Increasing Labor Efficiency

In this model of staff motivation by the American psychologist David McClelland, all needs are divided into three groups: needs for power, needs for success, and needs for belonging. At the same time, it is believed that the basic needs of a person have already been satisfied, and only the achievement of higher needs can become an effective incentive. Higher needs are equivalent and interconnected. According to McClelland's theory, people who set the bar high for themselves are confident in achieving success.

Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory

It is based on the postulate that a person chooses how to act in accordance with the predicted consequences. At the same time, the expected positive result is a motivating factor, and the negative one is demotivating. According to this theory, by choosing a certain type of behavior, a person expects to achieve the desired result.

Motivation of personnel who perform the assigned work in a quality manner is carried out taking into account the needs. For some, this is praise; for others, it is an opportunity for further career growth. The strongest motivator is a delegated level of authority that allows you to perform work effectively.

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Frederick Herzberg proposed to divide human needs into two types: hygienic and motivational. Hygienic refers to basic, physiological needs. A person will not be satisfied with the job if hygiene factors are absent or insufficient. But their presence in itself is also not decisive. Lack or absence of motivating factors does not cause job dissatisfaction. But if they are present, satisfaction and motivation increase.

There are many theories that provide a psychological basis for the motivation of staff. But neither theorists nor practitioners can offer a universal approach. In each specific case, it is necessary to act taking into account the situation and those real needs that can become an effective tool for increasing labor enthusiasm.

Types of staff motivation

Motivation of personnel in an organization is a process of continuous maintenance of high labor productivity. The set of measures that forms this system is not a dogma - it is constantly updated, adapted to the conditions of the labor market and specific production. Development of a personnel motivation system at the enterprise and keeping it up to date is a priority task of personnel policy. Any company is directly interested in increasing profitability, in ensuring that employees work with maximum efficiency at the lowest cost.

High staff motivation allows:

  • meet the basic needs of employees;
  • increase the loyalty, interest and involvement of staff;
  • form a well-coordinated team, each member of which is interested in the results of their work;
  • reduce staff turnover, improve their quality due to the experience gained;
  • reveal the talents and potential of each employee;
  • provide conditions for each employee to be able to fully realize their professional knowledge and personal qualities.

Ways to motivate staff are conventionally divided into three groups:

1. Organizational

This group includes personnel motivation methods designed to provide a unified system of incentives that are significant for all members of the work team, group. Such motivating elements include a social package, a system of benefits and compensations, the provision of additional social guarantees to the least protected groups of employees, the use of a system of grades, incentives and bonuses.

2. Diagnostic

This group of stimuli includes "pilot" types of motivating activities used temporarily in control groups in order to assess their effectiveness. In the case when with the help of pilot incentives it is possible to achieve significant results, they are included in the general system of personnel motivation at the enterprise.


This group combines those methods that are aimed at increasing the motivation of individual employees. Most often they are used to stimulate the work of managers of different levels, unique specialists and small groups, united on a temporary basis by working on a project.

Motivation is of two types: internal and external. Internal - a set of incentives and motives due to the personal qualities and circumstances of the employee. External - incentive motives that affect a person from the outside, for example, the system of incentives operating in an enterprise. In the practice of work, such types of staff motivation are distinguished as material and non-material. Let's consider what motivation factors belong to each of these types.

Types of material motivation of personnel

Surveys conducted among working Russians confirm that for the majority of people the main motivating factor is wages. A person's salary reflects his value in the market. And if a person believes that he receives unfairly little for his work, his motivation will be low and there will be no desire to work, up to sabotage.

In addition to wages, which are a constant component, material incentives include the bonus part of payments

It can be:

  • bonuses for specific results in certain periods - a quarter, half a year, a year. An employee can receive a bonus individually or as part of a team that has achieved an excess of the plan or completed the assigned amount of work ahead of schedule;
  • allowances in excess of those guaranteed by certain categories of labor legislation. The employer has the right to independently establish such allowances, for example,
  • additional payments for combining several professions, mentoring, performing functions that go beyond the boundaries of official duties;
  • one-time bonuses at the decision of the management when concluding a major contract or launching a project.

In order for the material incentive system to become an effective tool for increasing productivity, the principles for distributing the variable part must be clear and precise, tied to specific evaluation parameters. The lack of transparency in the distribution of monetary rewards reduces the motivation of staff and destabilizes the team. The result will be an increase in staff turnover and a decrease in labor productivity.

Types of non-material motivation of personnel

The lack of financial opportunities does not mean that management does not have mechanisms to increase staff motivation. Neither high salaries nor bonuses guarantee stable and conscientious work. Moreover, over time, they begin to be taken for granted. Modern trends in motivation management are based on the widespread use of additional non-material incentives.

In addition to comfortable physiological and psychological working conditions and a developed corporate culture, experts attribute the following to effective motivating factors:

  1. a system of gifts and congratulations, which mark significant dates and events that take place in the families of employees;
  2. development and training, when the employer pays for additional education, attendance at trainings;
  3. equipment of recreation areas where employees can comfortably drink a cup of coffee, sit in a relaxed atmosphere;
  4. organization of feedback, when employees are given the opportunity to express their opinion to the manager, to consult with him;
  5. personification, which means that the employee is granted personal privileges for special merits - a separate office or a dedicated parking space in front of the office, a sign indicating the name and position on the desktop;
  6. benefits provided to all employees. For example: social package, payment for treatment and rest for employees and their families, organization of free meals, payment of transportation costs;
  7. corporate events - joint trips to nature, visits to specialized exhibitions, holding sports competitions between departments.

You should not discount equally effective factors of negative motivation, such as:

  1. deprivation of the award;
  2. disciplinary action;
  3. refusal to provide corporate benefits and compensation.

With a fair and justified application of these methods, it is also easy to achieve compliance with industrial and corporate discipline and subordination.

Motivation of personnel in the organization

The procedures for the development, formation and implementation of a personnel motivation system are regulated by personnel documents, for example, regulations on personnel policy or on personnel. It would be a mistake to regard people's behavior as predictable and amenable to general rules. There are many examples where the actions of others seem devoid of logic, but at the same time they are justified by the experience and expectations of a person. Therefore, the more detailed the issue of motivation factors is worked out, the more effectively they will work. Initially, and subsequently regularly, test using the motivational profile of S. Ritchie and P. Martin.

The test will help to identify those factors that for each of their employees have a different degree of importance. The results of the study are used in the development of organizational and individual motivation programs. Analysis of all tests will help to identify which material and non-material types of staff motivation will be most effective for most employees. When developing a set of motivational activities, use the experience of enterprises operating in your field.

Adhere to the following principles:

  1. The reward system should be transparent and understandable, based on quantitative assessments.
  2. Use clear evaluation criteria that are common to most employees.
  3. Ensure the information accessibility of the incentive system, information about them should be disseminated promptly at all levels.
  4. Employees should receive incentives immediately after positive results.
  5. Use as a motivational factor not an increase in salaries, but the payment of a variable part of the salary - bonuses and bonuses.
  6. Do not tie salaries and bonuses to positions held - if an employee consistently shows good results, his remuneration should be large.
  7. The payment of the variable part should not be perceived as a mandatory addition to the salary, its size should directly depend on the labor contribution of the employee.
  8. Take advantage of the non-financial reward system. Her incentives often produce no less significant results than monetary rewards.
  9. Personalize rewards, taking into account the preferences, needs, general and national culture of the employee.

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Scheme 1. General scheme of the mechanism for regulating labor behavior



Result of activity

Fundamentally, two forms of motivation are distinguished - external and internal.

External motivation - it is a means to an end, for example, to earn money, gain recognition, take a higher position. At the same time, it can be used in two directions: as an incentive in anticipation of benefits - the principle of hope; as a means of pressure in anticipation of shortcomings - the principle of fear. External motivation directly affects behavior, but its effectiveness is limited as long as it is perceived as a stimulus or pressure.

Scheme 2. External motivation

intrinsic motivation It is an understanding of meaning, conviction. It arises if the idea, goals and objectives, the activity itself are perceived as worthy and expedient. In this case, a specific state is created that determines the direction of actions, and behavior will be the result of an appropriate internal setting, and this is true not only for a person. Many organizations began to create a quality system because of external motivation: hopes for competitive advantages and strengthening of the market position, fear of product mismatch with future quality standards and loss of the market formed its basis. Other companies decide to implement a quality philosophy based on the conviction that the prevention of defective products should become their principled position in the manufacturing world. This position is true for many areas of life. In this case, we are talking about intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is present if an idea, task, or activity is perceived as expedient and worthwhile. You need to feel responsible for it and be able to predict the results. Then the behavior will be the result of the appropriate attitude.

The value of external motivation for work is great. Intrinsic motivation in the modern world of production is becoming more and more important. It is important because of its long-term impact on performance and attitudes towards work. Its influence is the stronger, the higher and more diverse the requirements for the content of the work, the more it corresponds to the internal state of a person.

Scheme 3. Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on human behavior

Labor motives are formed if:

    at the disposal of society (or the subject of management) there is a necessary set of benefits that corresponds to the socially determined needs of a person;

    to obtain these benefits, the personal labor efforts of the employee are necessary;

    labor activity allows the employee to receive these benefits with less material and moral costs than any other type of activity.

Of great importance for the formation of labor motives is the assessment of the probability of achieving goals. It is also necessary to explore the notion of strength of motive , which is determined by the degree of relevance of a particular need for the employee. The more urgent the need for this or that good, the stronger the desire to receive it, the more actively the worker acts.

Labor motivation is formed even before the start of professional labor activity, in the process of socialization of the individual through the assimilation of the values ​​and norms of labor morality and ethics, as well as through personal participation in labor activity within the framework of the family and school. At this time, the foundations of the attitude to work as a value are laid, and the system of values ​​of labor itself is formed, the labor qualities of the individual develop: diligence, responsibility, discipline, initiative, etc., initial labor skills are acquired.

Scheme 4. Pmotivation process

As can be seen from the figure, the process of motivation begins with some felt unsatisfied need, need. Then a goal is defined, which suggests that in order to satisfy the need, some course of action is required, through which the goal can be achieved and the satisfaction of the need can begin.

The difference in the motivation of workers in the production and non-production spheres lies in the differences in the content of the labor structure. The production sector initially assumes the presence of clearer results of labor, which in itself is the strongest motivation for workers in the production sector. In the non-productive sphere, the result of labor is vague, more blurred, maximally individualized and close to the consumer, while it often corrects or cannot correct the shortcomings of workers in the production sector. In the non-productive sphere, there is a wider choice of the place of application of labor, it is possible to combine professional skills, change jobs, social circle, and use personal labor skills more effectively. Under these conditions, objective prerequisites are created for the systematic use of the motivational characteristics of the individual. In addition, the set of motivating factors in the non-productive sphere has its own specifics, due to the fact that the work of workers in the non-productive sphere, as a rule, implies the presence of creativity.

The main levers of motivation are interests, motives and incentives.

Interest - a form of manifestation of the cognitive needs of the individual, aimed at a particular object that causes positive emotions.

motive - internal motivating force associated with the satisfaction of the needs of the individual.

Stimulus - a narrower concept than the motive, implying the material interest of the individual in the results of his work. Accordingly, labor stimulation, which is an integral part of the motivational process at the enterprise, implies material incentives for employees and is implemented through the wage system, as well as various bonuses and bonuses.

Stimulation of labor - a method of remuneration of employees for participation in production, based on a comparison of labor efficiency and technology requirements.

A significant problem in the field of production management is a significant outpacing of wage growth rates over labor productivity growth rates, which leads to a decrease in the stimulating power of wages. The payment system should create a sense of confidence and security among people, include effective means of stimulation and motivation, and ensure the process of reproducing the expended energy (restoring workers).

Stimulation of labor - this is, first of all, an external motivation, an element of the labor situation that affects a person's behavior in the world of work, the material shell of staff motivation. At the same time, it also carries an intangible burden that allows the employee to realize himself as a person and an employee at the same time. It performs economic, social, moral functions.

economic function It is expressed, first of all, in the fact that the stimulation of labor contributes to an increase in the efficiency of production, which is expressed in an increase in labor productivity and product quality.

moral function is determined by the fact that incentives to work form an active life position, a highly moral social climate in society.

social function is provided by the formation of the social structure of society through a different level of income, which largely depends on the impact of incentives on different people.

Incentives can be material And intangible

Scheme 5. Types of labor incentives

The combination of material and moral incentives. By their nature, material and moral factors are equally strong. It all depends on the place, time and subject of influence of these factors. This refers to the level of development of the economy, the traditions of a particular state, as well as the financial situation, age and gender of the employee. Taking into account this circumstance, it is necessary to reasonably combine these types of incentives, taking into account their purposeful effect on each employee. It is known, for example, that at a young age, material incentives are a higher priority for an employee. But this does not mean the complete absence of the impact of moral incentives. This is evidenced, in particular, by the experience of our country. Tens of thousands of Soviet athletes achieved outstanding success, which were based on moral incentives, since there was no question of serious material incentives at that time.

To use such a motivation factor as moral stimulation, you need to know the team well. Only then will moral incentives have a tangible effect. This requires an individual approach to each person and a wide range of various incentive measures that can satisfy any spiritual and moral needs; and the material costs for the implementation of this factor may be low, compared, for example, with the costs of material incentives.

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