Mount El Citan. Mount El Captain - an impregnable Top California

1) Such a nation as Azerbaijanis does not exist. - That there is some kind of bad dream.
2) Azerbaijanis descendants of Tungus and Mongols. - You can add Evenks, Chukchi and Nanai to taste.
3) Beasts Azeri Turkis is a standard definition for Azerbaijanis. "You can also azerators, AzerbaiRans (the list is constantly updated).
4) Incest is common in Azerbaijan. - Probably because of this, Azerbaijanis is the most numerous nation in the Caucasus.
5) Azerbaijanis are very cowardly. Bugle and shy.
6) All foreign minimities in Azerbaijan are subjected to oppression and assimilated by Azerbaijanis. - Eternally looking for anyone else to assimilate.
7) Islamic fundamentalism will be spreading in Azerbaijan sooner. "For now they worship the dollar.
8) The only thing that unites the Azerbaijanis is hatred for the Armenians. Therefore, the government is forced to maintain this hatred. - not all somehow scatter.
9) Armenians were subjected to terrible discrimination in Azerbaijan and if it were not for the war with Azerbaijanis, then no Armenian remained in Azerbaijan, including in Karabakh. - But he also did not remain with the war. More than one thing in Armenia itself, less The Armenian becomes. A new profession will appear to be an Armenian in Armenia. Pay salary busy in this profession will be as always diaspora.
10) Armenians and Azerbaijanis genetically one and also. It is Azerbaijanis when they were Armenians, then they assimilated them, and now they torment their own genetic twins.
11) The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating his state and artificially create a non-existent nation, the Azerbaijanis filed a Russian nationalist Velikko. The official ideology of Azerbaijanis is based on its ideas and works. - Then most likely we are the children of the Velikko and the Tungus meteorite.
12) In Azerbaijan, astronomical level of corruption. There is also an alpha centaution and crab nebula also suffer from our corruption.
13) There is nothing in Azerbaijan except oil. Neft is the only thing in Azerbaijan.

14) There are legendary Azerperte (or Azeragitprope) in Azerbaijan. This body performs 3 main functions:
- inciterates hate to Armenians so that Azerbaijani nation
- bribes foreign journalists so that they write only good about Azerbaijan
- spreads lies and slander according to any topic given to him.
15) Azerbaijanis-sick people and to recover, they must give the lands of Armenians and go for the right bank of Kura.
16) The entire West of Azerbaijan is Eastern Armenia all East Turkey is Western Armenia.
17) Recently, Azerbaijan has encouraged the Eurovision with her bribe, he pulls his fuel oil capital Baku, became an ally of the United States and Israel in the fight against Iranian drug addicts in Chalma, etc.
18) Azerbaijanis somehow completely sfed with the Georgians, bought all the Georgia and took the ancient Georgian temple.-Nightmare. Sultanat absorbs the democratic republic.
19) and for Armenians and for Azerbaijanis it would be better if there were no Azerbaijanis.
20) Georgians are also boring. But the Turks and there is nothing to say.-Iran is great. That's nothing better than bitten and drunk Islamic fundamentalism

The political reality of the whole region is impossible to submit without the Republic of Azerbaijan, the state located in the East region. The advantages of Azerbaijan are advantageous geographical location and serious oil and gas reserves. A significant part of Azerbaijan is located on the Great Silk Road, once-tied Europe with the countries of Central Asia and the Classic East. And if the newborn Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) has not been perceived by many politicians of the beginning of the twentieth century as a serious and solid state education, the modern Azerbaijan Republic is a geopolitical reality, which cannot be not considered.

For the first time, the self-proclaiming of the ADR occurred as a result of the overthrow of tsarism in Russia and, as a result, decay Russian Empire. Then many territories dropped from Russia, including the Transcaucasia. At the end of May 1918, Armenians, Georgians and Caucasian Tatars, or, as they also called, the Transcaucasian Turks (Turks) were proclaimed about their states called by the Republic of Armenia, the Georgian Democratic Republic and the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic. But if Armenians and Georgians have already had the centuries-old traditions of their own statehood, the Caucasian Turks in the region acquired statehood for the first time, and in the territory proclaimed by the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic did not have a numerical advantage. Most of the population of the newly formed republic consisted of indigenous Armenians, Talysh, Lezgin, Passionists, Avars, Tsakhukur, Udine, and other residues of Albanian tribes.

The proclamation of the Transcaucasian Turks of the National State was made solely as a result military intervention Regular Turkish army under the command of General Nuri. But even after that, the puppet government of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic still could not join the capacious Adr Baku proclaimed by the capital. On September 15, 1918, Baku was captured by the Turkish army, on the bays of which the Government of Azerbaijan included in the city. The fall of Baku, who defended the representatives of almost all inhabiting the city of nationalities, ended the bloody muscles of the Christian population, first of all, Armenians. As a result of the three-day Vakhatanalia of Turkish askers and armed gangs of Transcaucasian Turks, over 30 thousand inhabitants of Armenian nationality were cut in the city.

The name "Azerbaijan" was the result of the strategy of panturkism aimed at the preparation of the soil for future territorial claims to neighboring Iran, the northern provinces of which are without a small two and a half millennia we carry this name. Responding to the immense question of the Baku students, historian, Academician V.V. Bartold wrote: "... The term Azerbaijan was elected because when the Azerbaijan Republic was established, it was assumed that the Persian and this Azerbaijan would constitute one whole ... Azerbaijan was called on this basis."

So new state EducationSo, by the way, and not recognized by the Liga of Nations and the world community, already from its own origin pursued and planned annexionist and assimiors. These goals of the Republic of Azerbaijan have not lost their relevance to this day. It is symptomatic that the second congress of the Azerbaijanis of the world, held in Baku in mid-March 2006, Azerbaijanis from Iran was not invited. Baku officials stated that they do not consider their diasporas. The explanations of the officials of the Baku were as follows: Diaspora lives outside the Motherland, and the northern provinces of Iran inhabited by the Azerbaijani population are temporarily rejected part of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In this regard, the statement of the ex-president of Azerbaijan A. Elchibay, made by him in the spring of 2000 in Ankara: "Forty million of Azerbaijani Turks and seventy million Anatolian should unite and create a 110 million state, a powerful regional giant, whose opinion would listen to the whole world " This statement of Elchibey, who, among the "Azerbaijani Turks", "also claimed" the Turkic-speaking population of Iran, not only concerns the territorial integrity of Iran, the Turkic-speaking Iranians of the northern provinces of which he looked at the Turks, but also fully ignores both civil and national rights residing in Azerbaijan and Turkey of the Nuturki peoples. Where did you go about 15-20 million Turkish Turkey, or, for example, five million people of the ZAZ in the same Turkey? How to deal with lezgins and talishes, Avarians and Udarov, passions, Kurdami, who do not have any attitude towards Türkov living in the Azerbaijan Republic? On the other hand, this statement, like many similar, is a visual and ominous illustration of the annexionist value of the name of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the expansionist policy of this state.

From the first days of its proclamation in May 1918, the Republic of Azerbaijan presented claims to the huge territories of Georgia and Armenia. At the same time, at the proclaimed territory of the republic, the active and aggressive policy of the violent assimilation of the ancient autochthonous peoples was carried out, first of all, Udin, Passionists, Talysh and Lezgin.

It should be said that such a policy required a lot of trembleness from the Baku authorities. The actual Turkic forces in the republic was clearly lacked. It was necessary to convince (or force) the assimilated peoples to fight for the living space for the assimiors of the Turkuli. And the government of Azerbaijan came to exploit the religious feelings of the country's residents. It was all the more convenient that the self-ranking of the Transcaucasian Turks was, and today it remains, Muslim. And the overwhelming part of residents named by Azerbaijan states were also Muslims.

Nevertheless, this circumstance did not interfere with Muslim Turkgers to oppress themselves as shiites and Sunnists of Azerbaijan. In fact, the state assumed the policy of panturkism not recognizing religion. From this point of view, all residents of the Azerbaijan Republic were perceived by representatives of the Turkic tribes if not direct enemies, then an annoying and unwanted hindrance to the construction of the Turkic state. And these were a lot: Iranian-speaking talysh, Kurds and the Passionitsa; Caucasian-speaking lezgins, Avarza, Tsakhurzi, Udine, Natolia of the Shahdag Group: Porch, Hinalugz, Jektsev, Buttsev, Gaputlintsy, etc. This is not counting Armenians, naturally perceived by the Turks as the most undesirable nation in the new state.

Sovietization of Azerbaijan did not affect the internal and external assimilation policies of this state. Moreover, the process of assimilation of the Nuturk peoples of the republic took a particularly massive character after the volitional decision of Stalin in 1936, the Turkic tribes of Azerbaijan became referred to as Azerbaijanis. The actual absurdity, when the many seed nomadic tribes, creating a state in Turkish bosies, called it by Azerbaijan, then "became" by the Azerbaijanis, led to the perception of them as the title nation of the republic. Meanwhile, the Aboriginal Peoples lived on the territory of the modern Azerbaijan Republic of Millennium, which today are presented (and perceived!) Official propaganda as national minorities.

The self-proclaimation of the Republic of Azerbaijan in May 1918 was made possible as a result of the actual occupation of the territory of autochthonous Armenians, Talysh, Udine, Lezgin and other inhabitant southeast of the Caucasus of peoples, the resistance of which was broken with the help of the Turkish regular army. Especially active was the resistance of Armenians, Talysh and Lezgin. Thus, the army of Caucasian Turks could not be seized by Armenians populated by Armenians of Artsakh, as well as part of the territory of the Tit.

Strong resistance was rendered to the invaders and on the territory of Talysh Khanate, where the population of the spring 1919 was even proclaimed Talysh-Mugan Soviet Republic. This state education existed a little over a year, after which it was surrounded in blood with the help of the Turkish irregular army. Nevertheless, the recurrences of resistance to the tumbler to the Turkic domination also had a place after establishing in the region of Soviet power.

No less fierce character was resistant Lezgin and Avars, which ceased a lot later the establishment of Soviet power in Azerbaijan. So, there was enough bloody to be sent to exit from Az. SSR Avarov residents in 1930-31. Then, under the pretext of the creation of collective farms, the Avar was withdrawn large land in favor of the Transcaucasian Turks.

It must be said that the sygument of Azerbaijan occurred under conditions of mass collapse of the boundaries proclaimed by the Azerbaijani democratic republic. As a result of the defeat of the central powers in the First World War, Turkey was forced to leave most of the Transcaucasia in November 1918. Having lost the most important strategic partner, the "parent" who fought for the preservation of the occupied and acquiring new territories for Azerbaijan, Baku began to lose both actually controlled and only proclaimed territory. South Lezgistan came out of submission, the Talysh-Mugan Republic was proclaimed, I achieved the independence of Artsakh ... On the border with Armenia, the Turks suffered defeat, his claims to the Natal County showed Tbilisi, who recorded the affiliation of the Georgian region in the Constitution Parliament.

In 1919, Azerbaijan lost control over Ballabinda and Nakhijevan, as well as the Nagorno part of the Kazakh county. Under these conditions, the introduction of the 11th Red Army, now the presented Baku Propaganda as an occupation of Azerbaijan, became a salvation for this republic. Soviet troopsBy continuing the case of the Turkish army, albeit from completely other motivations, not only helped Azerbaijan to survive, but also acquired new territories for him: Nakaltalsky District, Artsakh, Nakhijevan, South Lezgistan, Talysh-Mugan Republic.

Nevertheless, the resistance of the inhabable republics of indigenous peoples did not stop. This was another reason that, during the Sovietization, Azerbaijan was declared an international republic, which contributed to the weakening of the resistance of the Nuturki ethnic groups. Resisting in the Republic of the nation and nationality began to perceive themselves as a carrier of statehood. The fact that it was the only Soviet Republic, which is not the name of the title people, who simply was not (not forget, the nation called "Azerbaijanis" still did not exist).

Soviet power preserved behind the territory and name "Azerbaijan Republic", adding to him the definition of "Soviet Socialist". In general, the word "Azerbaijan" was for the Bolsheviks "The gift of fate", for it contributed to the political and ideological "substantiation" attempts to export the Bolshevik revolution to the territory of Iran, as well as the presentation of territorial claims Tehran. The plans of Bolshevism and Pantürkism in this regard were practically identical, and the Turks involuntarily followed the whole "draft" work for the Bolsheviks.

Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan

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