Education in Bulgaria for Russians. Personal experience: My daughter is studying in Bulgaria

Schools in Bulgaria are a very important topic for parents. Those parents who move to Bulgaria with school children. Why am I not saying "with kids"? And therefore ... After reading this text you will understand.

Schools in Bulgaria, of course there are, there are many of them and they are different. In the sense that there is a mass of state general education schools in Bulgaria, and in Sofia and Varna there are private and foreign schools. About Burgas - I do not know, probably also there. But, of course, most of all schools are in Sofia and it is logical.

School in the center of Sofia 6 OU "Count N.P. Ignatiev". Type "Basically School", that is, until the 7th grade. Founded in 1888, and the building was built in 1915.

When you move to Bulgaria at a permanent place. Residence with children You are concerned about the choice of school - where to learn the child, where he will give the best knowledge where he will be fine and so on.

Therefore, many parents for some reason are immediately aimed at or other "Russian" schools in Burgas and Varna, and at the same time do not pay themselves aware why they do it. They just think that it will be better. And why? Why do you think that the level of education at the Embassy School in Sofia or something else in the "Russian" Burgas or Varna, better than in any other Bulgarian school? Where did you get such confidence? If you don't know anything about the country ... If you do it because the child does not know the Bulgarian language, but then he will never learn him at all.

I do not understand the desire of people to escape ("evacuate" as they say) from Russia to implement here to the Russian system. This means to change the timed on soap. This means not to respect the country in which they moved and not trust her.
I mean people who make a conscious choice that they prepared for emigration and collected the information that "everything broke in Russia." Not about expatures, refugees and not about those who fell from the moon - there are also such, inadvertently arrived at the last moment and need to go somewhere to run.
I am talking about the planned serious emigrants who decided that they were not on the way with Russia, they soberly chose Bulgaria for living and a long time was looking for schools for their children. And so they went to school at the embassy in Bulgaria, deciding to "stay in the system." She is talking to her. To me.
What for? Why change the aquarium on a three-liter bank?

By the way, in the Embassy School there are people who learn there is no longer in the first generation. What is interesting, most of them have received higher education in Sofia University.

More details

It is necessary to start with the fact that the question is, where it is better to teach in Bulgarian schools or in Russians, not corrected. In Bulgarian schools, another program and another knowledge flow technique. Bulgarian schools in their own relation to the learning process are comparable to Russian universities - everything is given everything, and he took or not his problem. Children learn in a state of great freedom, which we are not accustomed at all. No diaries (there is belyznikiThat is not the same thing), knowledge is checked by tests - who did not teach and did not make the tasks - the fool himself. And that's it. Such is the Bulgarian education system in several words.

The estimated scale is six-ceals, but it means a little, since it is mostly evaluated by tests and those in shares (current estimates are not paid attention to). That is, the teacher can put the child not 6 but 5,45 And the Troika does not mean two through our system. The academic year begins on September 15 and ends in June. The older class, the longer children learn, that is, until June 30 inclusive!

Schools in Bulgaria are specialized. For example, in Sofia there is a secondary school with a musical bias - there is fully taught music and playing musical instruments in parallel with all the necessary sciences. There is also a sports school and art schools.

In Bulgaria, education is divided into three phases: initial, deflection and gymnasium. A total of 12 years. After the 7th grade, the children pass the exam type of our EGE, only called he " " . According to the results of this exam, the child chooses gymnasium or technical school. The higher the point of the Mature, the greater the chances to go to the best educational institution and retire there remaining five years. And, in general, the turret is the European EGE and its presence is very important for admission to European universities.

Criteria for evaluating tests in Bulgarian school

In the Russian system, otherwise you yourself know how.

But! No need to think that the Embassy School is a sample of Russian classical education. She is very far from it. This school is good only for children of diplomats - in their life, everything is so quite understandable. All the rest of this school gives little.

First, I will cut the secret - the program is old there. I'm talking about the middle classes. The program on which the Embassy School is running behind for several years from the national school program of the district center in the Russian Federation. I checked it personally.

Secondly, at the Embassy School, a complex hierarchy of the relationship between the director and parents. Here they pay those who have money if they do not pay they must be geniuses, or problems are provided. This is a sad fact. Ingenious debris in school do not hurt, but this status is too rare and does not apply to all.

Thirdly, the level of knowledge strongly depends on the teacher, and the pedagogical composition at the Embassy school is in constant teaching.

Fourth, the Embassy School is not at all concerned about the formation of your children - they have another task there. If you understand the status of the school (for children of diplomats) and you will see how teachers come there, you will become clear that the Embassy School is a place to meet teachers and devices of relatives of diplomats who arrived in Bulgaria on a business trip to work, rest and entertainment.
Of course there are exceptions, but they are exceptions.

In the latter, only primary education can be considered good at the Embassy School. And only if you are lucky with the teacher. The fact is that in Bulgarian schools primary education is a Russian kindergarten - in terms of level. And our teach is really taught. But after the fourth grade begins trouble. That is, how lucky. If your child is a genius and you, too, and you have money for tutors, and then on the legalization of the diploma and entering European universities, then everything is ok. And if not? Then why do you need all this?

If you have left the Russian Federation, then let your children immediately immerse themselves in a different environment, learn language, learn to live differently, they will receive a European school certificate and will be able to enter European universities for free. If the points are enough, and if not enough, then you pay, but less and without unnecessary troubles with a Russian diploma.
Who is studying at school at the embassy in Bulgaria: children of diplomats, Bulgarians and people who have decided to stay in a three-year bank, as they say "in the system."

Parents who came to BG with the kids, give their children to Bulgarian kindergartens, because there are no others, and from there already go to Bulgarian schools and do not have metasics and problems with assimilation.

I also advise everyone to arrive to Bulgarian schools. Unless of course they have serious intentions on their further life and the life of their children.
What Bulgarian schools are better? I dont know. But it's not a problem. You can freely move from one school into another completely officially twice for the entire period of study (and how many times at your own request). After elementary school and after the middle (7 CL).

Will your children know the grammar of the Russian language and so on? Of course not. What did you want? Now this is your task to solve such problems. But you brought them to someone else's country. What for? For better loli? What does this mean first? First of all, it is a prosperous assimilation that can only occur in society, that is, at school. And nothing else.
You want your children to become Europeans, so give them to European schools. If you think that Bulgaria is not Europe, then what are you doing here?

This is my personal opinion and it depends only on my own experience and analysis of observations. The tasks of someone like I do not have, so it makes no sense to be offended.

1. In the Russian school, the Bulgarian language is not taught at the embassy in Bulgaria and there is no extellion. At the same time, in most schools in Bulgaria, Russian language is taught and there is an extension.
2. At the Embassy School, training paid for everyone, except diplomats, in Bulgarian schools with recently training is free and for Russians too.

Bulgaria has become a member of the European Union in 2007, which influenced not only the economic development of the country, but also affected the education system. Now the diploma received in the Bulgarian universities is recognized by all EU countries, which means a graduate can continue his career in any state, for example, in England, Germany or France. Also, many partners appeared in the European Union and students can participate in exchange programs abroad and receive double diplomas.

University of Sv. Cline Ohridski in Sofia

In his free time, foreign students in Bulgaria love to travel: both around the country and in Europe. Bulgaria is a small country, which makes it easy and quick to get from one end of the state to another. The most popular cities in tourists are the capital of the country, Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna: all three offer a large selection of attractions and entertainment. So, Bulgaria is located between Europe and Asia, the local culture is a mix of traditions and customs of nearby countries. Christians, Muslims, Jews - representatives of all these communities live in harmony in Bulgaria.

Pre-school education in Bulgaria begins with 3 years of age and is organized in kindergartens, where the child is determined at the request of the parents. Before entering the first class, the child must undergo mandatory pre-school training. If a child visits a kindergarten, then such preparation is carried out in the preparatory groups.

When a child is raised at home, then parents must take it into a preparatory class. Such classes are available at all secondary schools. Children in such groups are engaged in specially developed programs that are fully accessible to all six-year-old children.

Children in the lesson in the Bulgarian school

If a child in the preschool education group cannot absorb the material, and is noticeably lagging behind his peers, he undergoes an examination of a special commission, which will determine the type of school in which this child will be directed.

Education structure in Bulgaria

As in Russia and the CIS countries, the first class, children in Bulgaria go for 7 years. Up to 16 years old, they receive a mandatory school education, which is divided into two steps - the initial (4th grade) and the average (from 5 to grade 8). You can study in public schools for free, but in private already have to pay for each year of child learning. Extinguished 9 years, teenagers decide to continue their education at school and after getting a diploma at the university, or to go to college and master some profession. Deciding to stay at school, the student needs to choose what he wants to learn further and enroll in the profile class (selection according to the results of the entrance exam).

The academic year in Bulgaria is divided into two semesters - winter and summer. The winter semester begins from mid-September and lasts until the end of January, with a break on the Christmas holidays, summer - from February to June. In universities, learning starts a little later - in October.

The rating system in Bulgaria is five-point, where 6 is the best assessment, and 2 is the lowest. To get the minimum passing score, the student must answer the right half of the examination issues. A good study in Bulgarian schools is encouraged with diplomas and awards.

Bulgarian estimation system

Higher education

The quality of higher education is quite high in Bulgaria, which is why foreigners decide to go to learn exactly there. Also, the requirements for admission are also attracted - they are not such strict as in world-famous universities, like Harvard or Oxford. Local universities offer a large selection of the future profession - from medicine to engineering, and professors teach them who have extensive experience in learning students and are often practiced abroad.

In recent years, the highest education in Bulgaria in English has become very popular. The opening of English-speaking programs in universities affected the number of foreign students annually arriving in the country to obtain a diploma. The famous Bulgarian hospitality and friendliness, as well as a large percentage of the population, which speaks English, help the student is not confused in a foreign country.

So the Bulgarian diploma of higher education looks like

Bulgaria has 4 types of higher educational institutions:

  • Universities.
  • Technical universities.
  • Academy.
  • Colleges.

In total, there are 51 universities in the country - 37 state and 14 private. He studies in a private university, of course, more expensive, but groups of students there are less, everyone is paid to more attention, and there is also a partnership with various companies where students can take practice or work after receiving a diploma.

University rating of Bulgaria

  • University of St. Cyllaim Ohridski in Sofia. The university was founded at the end of the 19th century and during this time has established itself as one of the best state educational institutions. It learns about 20,000 students, including those who came from abroad. The university has 18 faculties, where you can study in any direction, including programs in English. The cost of studying on the preparatory program - 3,500 euro / year, on the Bulgarian program of undergraduate or magistracy - 3,300 euros / year (full-time training), 2,750 euro / year (absentee), in English-language - 3,850 euro / year (full-time) and 3,300 euro / year (absentee). Some programs in the university cheaper, for example, bachelor in the field of finance in English costs 1,900 euros / year, and some are more expensive as a magistracy in the field of medicine - 7,700 euro / year.

New Bulgarian University

Learn in Bulgaria for 12 years. The first 4 years is an elementary school. At its end, a holiday is satisfied and a diploma is issued. Then the training continues until the 8th grade (basic education, a diploma of completed primary education is issued). And then you can learn both in the usual high school (SO) for 3-4 years and in specialized schools for 4-5 years. Reception in specialized schools is possible after the end of the seventh or eighth grade, he implies passing exams depending on the school profile.
Classes in Bulgarian schools, the most ordinary and secondary education can be obtained in technical collections, i.e. technical schools (reception after the seventh or eighth grade, the duration of training, respectively, 4 or 3 years).
Another option is professional colleges (colleges) with a three-year training program.
Educational training programs in technical professional schools offer a 2-year study course after the completion of the basic education. At the same time, students receive a profession.
In specialized language schools ("Yezikov Gymnasium") training is conducted from 8 to 12/13. When admission, you must pass exams.
Specialized secondary schools suggest an in-depth study of some objects - natural sciences and / or mathematics, humanitarian sciences, sports, art, etc. Training is conducted from 9 to 12/13.

Features of Bulgarian schools

Photos of the best school students are placed on the Honor Boards Syst Ball. It is considered good grades 6, 5 and 4, units, it seems, do not put anyone. "SHESTIC" corresponds to the "five with a plus". Excellent (that is, those who only have "sixts") at the end of the year congratulate in every way, and in some schools they even award. Their portraits hang on the Honor Boards, everyone is reverently watching and admire. Especially strained about study here, however, not accepted. At least there is no such hysteria as in some Russian schools.
The academic year begins on September 15. Nobody comes with big bouquets (except in elementary school), usually limited to one beautifully packed flower. Classes finish study at different times: 1-4 Class - May 31, Progimnasic classes (5-8) - June 15, the elders - June 30. The year is divided into 2 semesters: from the beginning of the school year in Bulgaria on September 15th to the beginning of February, and from the beginning of February, it is already up to the stop. The longest holidays (except summer) - Christmas: I don't have to go to school until January 5-7 (Christmas in Orthodox Bulgaria is celebrated on December 25, there are no sign of equality between religion and calendar). Due to snowfall or flu epidemic, for example, vacation in winter can extend. Still rest on Easter, between semes (literally a couple of days), a couple of days in autumn.
From the second class, children begin to learn English, from the fifth - the second foreign (usually Russian or German). Of course, there are options in different schools: somewhere in the role of the first foreign one is not English, but, for example, French.
Bulgarian analogue of the exam is called a matter. Bulgarian and literature is required + the second subject from the main + sometimes the third one.

What is needed for admission to Bulgarian school?

If the child has already studied at school in Russia, a document is needed to indicate the evaluations received. The document must be translated and legalized in the local branch of the Ministry of Education (such departments are in regional cities, including in Dobrich).
But schools may have some other requirements. Therefore, before entering school, in any case, you will have to talk with the director on this topic. We, for example, asked a copy of the permission for a long stay - a document that is obtained in the IMR. And in some schools require medical maps.
Do you need to pay for study? Citizens of the country - unequivocally not. The owners of the status of a residence permit, theoretically, do not pay for study too. But in practice, in some regions of Bulgaria from foreigners, money for learning was still taken. For example, in Varna, secondary education for Russians was paid: since 2014, the situation has changed for the better, the training has become free. In Dobrich, foreigners studied and learn for free.

Russian schools in Bulgaria

Russian school in Sofia - at the embassy of many Russians interests, is there in Bulgaria. Such a school (it is called "Sveti Naum") is really there - under the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Sofia. Training paid. According to reviews, this is a good school that works on Russian programs, teaching is conducted in Russian, in the end you have to take an exam. Bulgarian in the Russian school in Bulgaria is not studied. Probably, this is a good option for children of embassy staff. But those who are going to live in Bulgaria and to enter universities here, it is probably better to stay at an ordinary Bulgarian school. Children are very quickly learning the Bulgarian language by immersion, and we have never heard that someone has difficulty due to the fact that teaching is conducted on Bulgarian.

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Increasingly and more often ask questions about secondary education for children of migrants in Bulgaria, I hope that I will answer this question to this post. Moreover, the father's father himself, who studies here for the fifth year, so I know the question not only in theory ;-)
Initially, a few words about the system of secondary school education - she is not particularly different from the Russian, as far as I understand. The main formation consists of two steps: the initial (1-4 class) and the deflection (from 5 to grade 8), followed by a gymnasium stage 9-12 class according to the results of which the secondary education is obtained.
Schools and gymnasiums in Bulgaria are diverse on slopes and quality of teaching. I will immediately answer the question most often asked by Russians - what is there with schools in Russian - there is only one school where teaching is conducted in Russian (and on the Russian program, which is typical) this is a school at the Russian Embassy in Sofia (Yours Truly in His time was held in her 4 years). In the Bulgarian schools, teaching is conducted on Bulgarian and the maximum there are parallels in which the Russian language is taught as a foreign one (from the first or fifth grade). Although there are a couple of bonuses from learning Russian-speaking in such a school - if the child is just beginning to speak in Bulgarian, those classmates who teach Russian will be able to help him, and he, as a notive can help them with Russian. Therefore, it makes sense to give a child to such school there is - adaptation will go easier.

We, for example, was so. Due to the fact that the first school year was preceded by the drive and for the year the child changed 5 cities and three countries stay, to minimize stress we decided to go to the Embassy School (especially since I had the most warm memories of her). In this school, we immediately reported that by default only children of diplomats and Russian citizens working on international treaties, and the remaining charges and only with the presence of places. To get to the first class, it was necessary to undergo preliminary testing that we did already in February. In August, they brought a birth certificate, a medical center, and everything, according to the rules, it was necessary to provide a document confirming the basis of staying in Bulgaria, but by September 1, we did not even honor the migration and such a document (except visa D).
School training was conducted on the Russian program, teachers from Russia, but at the same time the school was licensed and in Bulgaria and training there was a basis for receiving a child of a residence (our first year it was on such a basis here, since we were with the spouses in Bulgaria on a visa c). The financial side of the question is the monthly fee of 160 USD, textbooks as in Russia, in the library were issued for free, and such popular school "defeats" - 50 lev (a little more than 25 euros) per month, including the cost of breakfast. So he studied two years, then, when the daughter has already mastered the Bulgarian language, they decided to translate it into the Bulgarian school - there were several reasons, one important - very much got the army discipline and constant "build" at school, as well as great-to-mains, especially ridiculous in school The class, where half of the students are not citizens of the Russian Federation. Yes, and far from the house - 40 minutes went on the road. Therefore, we decided to translate to the Bulgarian school closer to home. In the Russian school, first left her on the correspondence - there is such a form, but after the first half of the year they scored - just take the textbooks and we ourselves with her Russian language, and the rest of the items, and in Bulgarian school will learn.
In general, the documents from the Russian school must after the translation and legalization, it is necessary to be given to the inspectorate of education (in each area of \u200b\u200bits own), so that they recognize the existing level of education and determined which class the child will go further. When recognizing the finished class, a model is issued in which a recognized class or training semester is specified or educational degree professional qualifications and appointed equalization exams (if required). The certificate indicates estimates on educational subjects from a foreign document equal to the Bulgarian six-box system in which the highest rating is 6.

But we have passed the bowl of this, as the Embassy School was licensed in Bulgaria, we filed documents (statement, certificate from school, and a copy of a personal map is a Bulgarian ID) directly to school. And all, the child was safely accepted, just in class, where as the first foreign one could choose Russian or English. Of course, we chose English. There were no problems with the tongue at the daughter at all, and the first test for the Bulgarian language she passed the best in the class. Despite the overall similarity of programs, the difference was felt and not in favor of Bulgarian education - part of that. That in the Russian school passed in the second grade, they were held here in the third. The disciplines were generally not at all that first seemed joyful after the press in the Russian school, but then it began to strain, since several seven-sturges regularly disappeared the educational process.

Tutorials for Bulgarian schools of cunning are divided into textbooks that are issued in the library, and various helped and workbooks that must be purchased by themselves. In elementary school it was easier - the class teacher ordered in the publishing house centrally and with a small-global discount. Now in the 5th grade everything must be purchased by himself, but not a problem, the benefit on every corner they are sold. But it is already a bit more expensive. In general, it is not strong, everything turned out about 60 leftions. As in the Russian school in the Bulgarian many circles, but you can only sign up for free if somewhere it is unfinished, then in the process you can go to another. Four-day training in two shifts, and changing changes in the middle of the year - in February, the first time we farewell this shift and the child had to saccinit the school day after the holidays)))
Vacations are somewhat different from the Russian - the first autumn - it is actually 1 day +2 days off, from November 1-3, then the Christmas from December 24 to January 5, then the winter March 1-4, the spring March 29 to April 4 and Summer from June 15 On September 15 (the time of the steady season on the Bulgarian Black Sea)))) It is also resting on national holidays, plus the schools still have their own - the date of the foundation, the birthday of the one whose name is wears and all that. In general, Bulgarian schoolchildren are resting not even less than their Russian comrades. The only thing that strains is the beginning of studies in the first shift - 7.30, and in the class it is necessary to be at all at 7.15!
It was interesting to find out what "defeats" exist in the Bulgarian school. I was looking forward to the parental meeting, to find out the amount - it turned out that the school had a Board of Trustees (a separate legal entity) and each class makes contributions to 20 levs (a little more than 10 euros) from the nose for half a year. And the means to protect or repair from the Board of Trustees cannot be spent, as it pays for the community. The class is selected by the representative of the Board of Trustees. In the third grade, we paid a fee for the year, but our representative could not achieve a report on the expenditure of the funds of our class and as a result, the next year our class decided to score to the Trusteeship Fund, to enter the Council did not become and pay contributions, too, since This is a voluntary matter))). Actually, everything. In the new school, we were happy to report that the projector and the screen in the classroom were purchased at the expense of the guardianship, as well as new parties, as the community gave money to some clever, and the parents wanted anatomical for children - so they reported their money. In general, I personally absolutely not feel sorry for 20 euros a year in this fund, if it is clear where they are spent.
In general, according to the results of elementary school, our daughter began to speak Bulgarian on the damage of the Natives, and absolutely without an accent, which was shocked by the director of her new school at the interview - she was sure that we were talking in the Bulgarian))). To transfer us to another school just the fact that in the old school they reported that the second foreign language in the class will be Russian, and other parallels are already clogged with the people, so it is impossible to go there. There were legs in the hands and twink to another, more advanced school, especially since the daughter really wanted to teach Spanish, and in the old school there was no such option in principle.
Now, by expenses, for example, our costs for a five-grade in this school year are stationery and training benefits 80 Levov, a contribution to the Board of Trustees 20 Levs. Plus, in this school since 2009, "smoothly" is introduced a school uniform, the kit of which costs 78 lev. But, in principle, you can do the vest with a cheeky school, which costs 20 lev, and the rest of the clothes simply wear a form. Well, optional expenses are excursions in Bulgaria and the surrounding countries of 20-70 Levs depending on the duration, the pool is 20 lev per month and all that.
And, in conclusion, the payment for education in Bulgaria, here the legislation does not yet comply with international requirements for the availability of secondary education for all, regardless of citizenship and the status of staying in the country. The current law "For the Peace of Sponsor" provides the possibility of obtaining free education only to children of citizens of the EU countries and the European Economic Commonwealth, the citizens of other countries this right is given only if they have the status of a long-term or permanent stay in Bulgaria. Those. In the meaning of the law, citizens with the status of the residence should pay for education. This rule was challenged by our fellow citizens in the ECHR, and in 2011, the verdict was made that it was unlawful and was discriminatory. We will make a detailed analysis of this verdict and publish later. In 2012, a relevant bill was made to Parliament, which was to eliminate this discrimination at least at the level of basic education, but it still exists as a draft law.

Higher education largely determines the future of man. It is very important not to be mistaken in the choice of university and specialty. Universities of Ukraine offer a good level of knowledge, but, unfortunately, their diplomas are not recognized worldwide. Quite another thing - training in Bulgaria. It will give you a chance in the future to find a highly paid job not only in the native country, but also far beyond. Bulgarian diplomas are recognized throughout Europe, and if you finish the American university, located in the city of Blagoevgrad, then in the United States and Canada. For employment, abroad you will not have to conduct documents to nomit or undergo additional courses. Education in Bulgaria for Ukrainians will also increase the chances of immigration. An experienced team of TP.UA specialists will be happy to help you in choosing a university, programs, as well as the preparation of documents for admission. At the consultation, we will tell you about everything that concerns stay in a stranger and receipt of a student visa. Also, we can calculate how much training in Bulgaria in the universities you have chosen.

Training in Bulgaria - introductory requirements in Bulgarian universities

Receipt of education in Bulgaria is available to each Ukrainar. There are no age limit in this country. For admission to the university you need to have a document on the end of school or college. With him you can start studying in the first year of the bachelor program. Those who have already managed to get a specialist diploma (4 courses of the university) in their native country can immediately enter the magistracy and skip the first 4 years at the Bulgarian University. Education takes place in Bulgaria in English or state language. For successful study, you need to freely possess at least one of them, and also confirm your level certificate. For those who do not speak foreign languages, there are preparatory programs. They last an average year. This is quite enough to learn the language, as well as adapt to someone else's country. It should be noted that the Bulgarian language is similar to Ukrainian, therefore it is easy to study. Other enrollment conditions may be individual for each university. Usually, they are placed on universities sites. You can familiarize yourself with them yourself or consult with our managers. They will clarify all key points, and will also be able to say for sure how much education is in Bulgaria.

Types of educational programs in Bulgaria

Modern education in Bulgaria can be obtained in private or state university. All of them are controlled by the national assembly of the state and are divided into the following types:

  • University. Training in Bulgaria for Ukrainians passes in 4 main areas - humanitarian, environmental, public and technical.
  • Specialized Higher School (STU). It implies research or artistic and creative activities and covers one of the four main areas of science, art, physical culture and military affairs. BCU has a certain sphere in which it teaches students.
  • College. Here, training is aimed at assigning a bachelor's degree in humanitarian, environmental, social and technical specialization.

Undergoing training in Bulgaria in English and state, depending on the university and specialty. It is divided into 3 levels:

  • Bachelor. Studying in Bulgaria will take about 4 years for a given degree.
  • Master. Studying in Bulgaria for Ukrainians in this case implies 5 years or 1 year, after receiving the degree of bachelor.
  • Doctor. You will need 4 years to get the desired diploma, if before that you have only a bachelor's degree, and 3 - if the master.

Cost of training in Bulgaria

Most of all applicants are tormented by the question of how much the study is in Bulgaria. After all, only the high cost of learning for foreigners can prevent a diploma. Otherwise, education in Bulgaria gives only advantages. After graduating from the university, you will be glad to employers around the world, and you will bring valuable experience in your native country. Knowledge quality is at a high level in all regions, the prestige of each university is different. From which the prices of study in Bulgaria are largely dependent. Some universities offer free programs, but to do it takes a serious competitive selection. To reduce the cost of learning in Bulgaria, you need to decide in advance with the educational institution and specialty. Earlier place booking, always gives a substantial discount. For more information, you can learn from our team or on the site of the selected educational institution. TP.UA consultants will be happy to help you understand everything. Also, we can independently choose for you the best options for obtaining education in Bulgaria, in accordance with your wishes and a disposable budget. In case of difficulties with the opening of a student visa, search for housing and air tickets, you can also contact our consultants.

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Hello: What is the difference between paid training from free? ..

Good day. My son 18 is a student, but I like my mother I dream that he would do in Bulgaria, is it possible and what is needed for this.

You can go somewhere in after grade 9

Hello! After a year, I finish grade 11 in Ukraine. Boggrad. I can advise me where and where in Bulgaria you can do, I plan to enter the cook.

Hello, is it possible to arrive free of charge in Medical University in Bulgaria if confirmed that I have Bulgarian origin?

Hello, Marina! The decision to enroll you for free education, only the management of the educational institution takes. Contact us, we will be happy to help.

Good day! My son 15 and he finishes the 9th grade in Ukraine. Tell me where it can continue his studies in Bulgaria. We will perform permanent residence

Tell me, for refugees from LNR there are benefits? And training at school paid or not? Child 7 years old.

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