Assessment of scientific and technical performance and social efficiency of the NIR and OCC. Evaluation of the effectiveness of scientific research method specific weight costs

Science is the most effective sphere of investment investment. In world practice, it is believed that the profit from investment in science is 100-200%, which is much higher than profit in any industries. In our country, the effectiveness of science is also high enough.

Science every year is becoming more expensive. In this regard, the economy arises and the second problem arises - a decrease in the direct costs of research with an increasing effect of their implementation. Therefore, under the effectiveness of scientific research, it is also understood by the possibility of more economical implementation of the NIR. Improving the efficiency of scientific research in the team can be achieved in various ways: improving the planning and organization of the NIR; more efficient use of equipment; rational use of allocations; material stimulation of scientific labor; application of the scientific organization of labor; improving the psychological climate in the scientific team, etc.

Various criteria are used to assess the effectiveness of research. Fundamental studies give effect only a significant period after the start of research. The results of fundamental Nir can only be assessed with high-quality criteria:

- the possibility of applying results in various industries;

- novelty phenomena, giving impetus for relevant research;

- contribution to the country's defense capability;

- priority of domestic science;

- international recognition of work;

- fundamental monographs;

- Citizability of works, etc.

Applied research is easier to evaluate, in this case various quantitative criteria are used. In a market economy, the evaluation of the effectiveness of applied scientific and technical developments is carried out by determining scientific and technical, economic and social effects.

For technological developments, the scientific and technical effect is expressed in increasing the scientific and technical level and in improving the parameters of technology and technology, which follows from the established new patterns, as well as from developed new technological methods of production.

The scientific and technical efficiency of the results of applied NIR is established in the complex with an assessment of their economic and social efficiency through the science and technical level indicators (Table 7.1), which is determined by the comparated features.

Table 7.1 - indicative scale of points for comparing the scientific and technical level of the NIR and OCR and the regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the weight coefficients

Scientific and technical indicators Signs of indicators Number of points The ratio of the importance of the indicator
Scientific and technical level Exceed the best world analogs 0,3-0,35
Corresponds to the world level 7-9
Below the best world analogs 5-6
Exceeds the best domestic analogs 3-4
Corresponds to the domestic level 1-2
Below domestic level
Perspective The most important 0,35-0,4
Important 5-7
Useful 1-3
Potential practical use World market 0,2
Branches of the National Economy 7-8
Industry (region) 3-5
Separate enterprise (association) 1,2
The degree of probability of obtaining positive results Big (significant) 0,1
Moderate (medium) 5-6
Small (weak) 1-3

For the evaluation of the scientific and technical level of the results of the NIR and OCP, several most essential technical parameters are chosen, in which future consumers of technology, products, services, methods of work are interested in interested. In particular, it may be productivity, reliability of operation, energy and material consumption, environmental performance. Other parameters (especially technical) must be within the generally accepted level.

Evaluation includes several stages:

- determination of the set of necessary regulatory and legal documents reflecting the requirements for new products, especially in the field of environmental, security placed in the countries of possible sales by competitors;

- determination of the list of technical and technical and economic indicators necessary to assess the scientific and technical level;

- the formation of a group of analogues in the world and domestic markets and the establishment of the values \u200b\u200bof their technical and economic indicators;

- For comparison, it is necessary to take (if we are talking about new samples) such analogues, the release of which only began, or (if we are talking about technologies and material) that are used in the last 2-3 years;

- For each analogue, it is necessary to determine the values \u200b\u200bof the same estimated indicators;

- Comparison of the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of new products, which will be obtained as a result of the implementation of the NIR and OCP, with the requirements of regulatory documents and the parameters of the analogues.

The economic effect consists in obtaining economic results from scientific and technical developments as a whole for the country's economy and for individual regions, industries, organizations and enterprises that participate in the implementation of technological innovations.

When calculating economic efficiency, various cases are possible depending on the purpose of the calculation, the type of object of implementation and the comparison base. In each case, it is necessary to be guided by regulatory materials.

The relationship between the economic indicators and the technical parameters of the development is established in each particular case when performing the NIR, and the method of regression analysis was widely popular in the practice of enlarged costs of the costs of new techniques. In general, regression addiction can be written as

where w. - dependent variable (one or another economic indicator);

- vector of independent variables (technical parameters);

- model coefficients.

To establish a relationship with indicators of economic efficiency, the regulatory methods can also be used with which the impact of changes in technical parameters for the production costs of production, for example, for wages, electricity costs, material components, etc.

From the point of view of the organization's organization, the main criterion for economic efficiency is the relationship:

TO E \u003d E./Z., (7.2)

where E.- economic effect from the introduction of the topic;

Z.- Execution costs and the introduction of the topic.

The work efficiency of the team of scientists is assessed:

- criterion of productivity - TO n \u003d FROM 0 / P.where FROM 0 - estimated cost of NIR and OCC; R- the average number of employees of the division;

- the number of embedded over the period;

- the economic effect of the introduction of the NIR and the OKR;

- the number of patents received;

- the number of licenses sold or currency revenue.

The effectiveness of a specific scientist is assessed by the number of publications and the citation of its work. Economic evaluation of the work of a separate employee is rarely used.

From the point of view of the consumer of scientific products, the main indicator of the effectiveness of the NIR and OCC is the economic effect E. From the introduction of development, so we will stop in detail on the method of its calculation.

The calculation of the economic effect on the use of the results of the NIR and the OCP has its own characteristics. Since the scientific process can be divided into three stages (the choice of the topic, the implementation of the NIR and the OCC and the introduction into production), then the calculation of economic efficiency is produced in stages. In accordance with the three stages of R & D, three types of efficiency distinguish: the preliminary, expected, actual one.

Preliminary economic efficiency is established in the preparation of the TEO and the inclusion of the topic of research into the plan. Calculate it by indicative indicators.

Expected economic efficiency is calculated in the implementation of the NIR and refer to a certain period (year) of the introduction of products to production. This is a more accurate criterion, although the implementation of the implementation can be defined only approximately.

Actual economic efficiency is determined after the introduction of scientific development into production. Its calculation is usually produced by actual costs and taking into account specific value indicators. It is usually slightly lower than expected and determine it at the enterprise where the implementation is carried out.

At the level of enterprises using scientific and technical developments, economic results are determined in the form of revenue from the sale of manufactured new products, or products made on the new technology minus funds spent on their own needs. The cost in the process of determining efficiency includes all necessary disposable capital and streams of all participants in the project. At the same time, the calculation of the economic effect is based on the following costs:

S= FROM+ E N. · TO, (7.3)

where FROM- cost;

To -capital investments;

E N. - Regulatory payback ratio of the Cabzratt.

Expected or actual economic efficiency E. Calculate the difference in the cost of the basic (old) and new product option:

E. = S. 1 – S. 2 . (7.4)

With known probabilities of various design conditions, the mathematical expression of determining the expected economic effect is recorded as follows:

where E І. - Effect of і - The condition of implementation;

R і.- The likelihood of implementing these conditions.

If additional investments are required in the process of implementing NIR and OCR, then calculate, in addition, the actual payback period:

T F. . = , (7.6)

where TO 1 I. TO 2 - specific investments in new and old options;

FROM 1 I. FROM 2 - cost of products for new and old options.

To assess cost effectiveness, indicator T F. Compare with a regulatory index for this industry:

T N. = T F.. (7.7)

If the inequality is observed, then investment is effective. To account for the time factor, if, in the process of performing and implementing the R & D, the need for concerns in various periods, it is necessary to lead to comparable mind. To do this, use the dependences of the lead to:

- future period - To B. = To T. (1 + E N.) T.; (7.8)

- The present period is To T. = , (7.9)

where T. - the duration of the period;

To B. - Equivalent costs through T. years;

To T. - current expenses.

In the conditions of a market economy, especially during its formation, investing in science is associated with the risk of non-treatment of expected results in the desired time. In this regard, besides the definition of economic efficiency, there is a need for a quantitative assessment of the risk of funds investing in scientific development. This is done in order to in advance, even before the implementation of capital investors, investors, including the enterprise itself, planning construction, could have a clear picture of the real prospects for the profit and return of invested funds.

Methodical approaches to the assessment of economic efficiency of investment projects should provide for the minimum guaranteed level of project profitability subject to compensation for the inflationary change in the purchasing power of money during the time period in question and the risk of investor's risk associated with the implementation of the project. This is achieved by using discounting methods.

The process of discounting the project cost is to bring the time to selected as a base (current or specially determined) value assessment of future values \u200b\u200bof both the investments distributed in time and revenues (cash flow) from investments from use.

The dependence between the modern and future value of the investment project is as follows:

where SS - modern cost;

BS - Future cost;

k D. - the coefficient of bringing (discounting);

t. - Time gap between the current moment and the basic year of the investment project.

Taking into account the discotation, the magnitude of the accumulated net revenues from the project implementation is determined by the expression:

, (7.11)

where ChP D. - Pure proceeds from project implementation, distributed over time.

Clean revenues from the project implementation are calculated as the amount of net profit and accrued depreciation:

where P ch- the amount of net profit of the project;

BUT - depreciation deductions.

The index under consideration allows you to calculate the accumulated current profitability of future income, the volume of which is partially depends on the loan percentage and the rates of inflation.

Similarly, a given future cost of a project can be calculated, where in the formula number, capital investments distributed over the years, intended for financing the development of development.

In international practice, recognized indicators characterizing the benefits of implementing scientific and technical developments, and which are used to assess the economic efficiency of investment projects, are criteria based on the time value of money:

NPV (Net Present Value) - Clean (discounted) income (profit);

PI (Profitability Index) is the index of profitability (profitability);

PBP (Payback Period) - a period (time) payback to investment in project implementation;

IRR (INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN) - Internal yield rate (profitability).

For example, the difference in discounted net proceeds from project implementation and initial revenues determines the amount of pure income:


where ChPD - pure reduced income;

OF - Investing costs, including the costs of research, working capital and production costs (in determining the real efficiency of the project).

Clean reduced income allows you to compare the investments that need to be implemented with additional profit, which they will provide in the future. If the discounted amount of investment expected in the future is more than expected costs, the project can be recognized effective, i.e. Only those projects that have a positive value should be investing. ChPD. This indicator is most rational to use to rank innovative proposals and choosing priority projects from the point of view of their effectiveness.

The coefficient of pure discounted income (index index) is defined as attitudes. ChPD and the necessary discounted cost of investments. This ratio allows you to get a discounted profit rate (efficiency coefficient) calculated by the formula:

ID = ChPD / DSI, (7.14)

where ID - index of profitability or, in other words, efficiency coefficient k. e;

DSI - Discounted (cited) cost of investment in innovation.

The internal rate of profitability (GNI) is defined as the calculated discount rate, in which the total net listed revenues are equal to the current (discounted) cost of the cost of the project. The BND indicator is calculated by the formula:

where P. T - Pure cash flow for the period t.calculated by solving (7.15) relatively k D. To determine the minimum permissible rate of efficiency at which ChPD equal to 0, or discounted income equal investments. This indicator establishes the border of the break-even investment project.

The payback period of investments is determined as a period for compensation initially embedded on the development of funds based on accumulated net real cash flows due to the implementation of the innovative project, i.e. The ratio of the amount of investment to discounted income. The rate of payback period of investments in innovation allows you to obtain information about the level of riskiness of the project due to changes in the relative liquidity of investment.

Indicators of economic efficiency (7.13-7.15) of innovative projects take into account costs and results related to their implementation, both a commercial nature and those that go beyond the direct financial interests of the project participants, including the effect of the sectors of the national economy, the social effect and others The components of the effectiveness due to the onset activities of the subjects of the implementation of scientific and technical developments.

To meet the commercial interests of each of the project participants, the assessment of the financial results of its implementation or commercial efficiency, which is the component of the integral efficiency of the sectors of the national economy. The commercial effectiveness of projects for scientific and technical developments and their use is defined as the ratio of financial costs and results of scientific and technical developments providing the required rate of profitability.

Social, environmental and other results that cannot be evaluated in value terms are taken into account as additional performance indicators of the sectors of the national economy and are taken into account when making decisions about the priority of the project and its state support. However, in most cases, social consequences of scientific and technical developments are amenable to valuable assessment and are included in the general results of the project within the limits of its effectiveness.

The main types of social results are:

- changes in the structure of industrial personnel and its qualifications, including changes in the number of employees (primarily women) engaged in harmful labor types, as well as requiring advanced training;

- Improving the health of workers determined by the level of prevented losses related to payments from the social insurance fund or health costs.

- Environmental changes.

The impact of innovation on changes in the working conditions of workers and the environment is estimated in points corresponding to sanitary and hygienic standards or psychological working conditions, as well as regulations of the level of environmental pollution. For this purpose, data of sociological surveys can be used, as well as special measurements in the workplace.

Theory and Management Practice

Dr. tech. Science A. V. Ryzkova

cand. ECON. Sciences S. V. Manakhov

Evaluation of the effectiveness of research

Work in university1

The article discusses the fundamental factors of the effectiveness (effectiveness) of fundamental and applied research and development work carried out by the modern university. A brief description of some methods for evaluating the results of the NIR, a methodology for calculating the integral indicator, reflecting the quality of the results of the scientific activities of the university, is proposed. The list of indicators based on which it is possible to estimate the dynamic efficiency rating of the NIR.

Key words and phrases: research work (NIR), fundamental and applied NIR, the effectiveness of the NIR, the integral indicator, the indicator of the scientific and technical level, the dynamic assessment of the effectiveness of the NIR.

Scientific work is one of the most important activities of faculty, graduate students and students of any higher educational institution. The scientific work in the university ensures the continuous improvement of the educational process on the basis of fundamental and applied research on the areas of training of specialists and the introduction into the educational activities of modern techniques and pedagogical technologies.

University Status of the Higher Educational Institution implies:

Preparation of highly qualified personnel on a wide profile of the directions of science, production and public life through graduate school and doctoral studies;

Participation in the educational process of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualifications;

Availability of generally accepted scientific schools, significant achievements in the field of fundamental and applied research, scientific and methodological innovations;

Improving the scientific qualifications of scientific and pedagogical personnel;

Dissemination of scientific knowledge, cultural and educational activities.

Thus, one of the main tasks of universities is to organize and carry out fundamental and applied scientific research. The results of fundamental scientific studies at the same time

1 The article was prepared as part of the implementation of research work "Development of a mechanism for project management of the scientific activity of the university" on the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2013

theory, method, hypothesis, and applied scientific research - methods, algorithm, technology, device, installation, device, mechanism, substance, material, product, system (control, regulation, control, design, information), software, database .

The presence of a spent mechanism for the implementation of regular analysis and evaluation of research results is the most important element of effective management of the scientific activity of the university. At the same time, if the quantitative assessment of the university of scientific research is easily feasible, the characteristic of the quality of the research work performed is a challenging task.

The quality and efficiency of research work, the composition of the applicable indicators and the accuracy of the calculation of the latter depend on the following factors:

The nature of the results obtained;

Relations with practical bodies;

The scale of the introduction of the NIR;

The duration of the period of the implementation of the NIR and the stage on which the calculation (planning, execution, implementation) is calculated.

There are features of determining the effectiveness of research and development, depending on their species. According to fundamental studies, during a comprehensive analysis, the scientific effect is established primarily. If the results of the NIR in the future can affect the social side of public life (which is important, for example, for the criminal executive system), then the content of the integrated analysis of the NIR should include a qualitative assessment of these components of the overall effect.

In addition, the characteristic of the effect on fundamental work performed in the university should include the established impact of these work on the quality of education in the university. The economic effect and economic efficiency of the costs of NIR on fundamental studies cannot be calculated. In some cases, only a qualitative forecast of the economic rationality of the NIR, which is possible in the future.

On applied (search) Nir, scientific and technical effects are revealed. The ability to analyze the organizational feasibility of the NIR depends on its species. According to applied work related to material production, performed on the basis of the use of new phenomena and patterns, opened during the fundamental studies, the economic effect of implementing their results and the economic efficiency of the costs of the NIR, as a rule, cannot be calculated. Only the production and other possibilities of applying the NIR and on the basis of high-quality analysis are given the characteristics of their estimated economic significance. At the same time, the circle of indicators that change under the influence of the implementation of the results of work, as well as the possible range of these changes.

Thus, it should be noted that far from each research work the analysis of rationality can be brought to the calculation of the indicators of the economic effect.

At present, a sufficiently large number of different methods for evaluating the effectiveness of research work are known, however, the unified methods of evaluating the results of the NIR does not exist, so the problem of their development is very relevant for modern universities.

The development and application of methods for assessing the economic efficiency of research and development work is one of the most important levers of acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the concentration of scientific potential in the most important areas of development of the national economy and spraying material, financial and personnel resources.

The main indicator of the quality of the results of the university's scientific activity, in our opinion, is an indicator of the scientific and technical level (NTU) as a generalizing characteristics of the prospects and progressiveness of scientific and technical solutions laid down in the development, compared with the already existing and previously created, which relate to one scientific Industries. The definition of NTU is made by a comprehensive method on the basis of an integrated assessment as a function of private estimates (indicators) and weight coefficients characterizing the importance of each indicator.

The result of the Nir is the achievement of the scientific and scientific and technical effect. The definition of their quantitative values \u200b\u200bis performed using a system of suspended scores on a group of scientific performance factors. And for fundamental and applied NIR, these factors differ. The most common list with a brief characteristic and possible values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients are presented in Table. 1 and 2.

For fundamental research, only the coefficient of scientific performance is calculated (in accordance with the initial data of the table. 1), and for applied work - and the coefficient of scientific and technical performance (in accordance with the initial data of Table 2).

The coefficient of scientific (scientific and technical) performance is determined by the formula

E \u003d £ EKGG

where k is the number of estimated parameters;

E7 - the coefficient of significance of the factor (influence of the 7th parameter on scientific (scientific and technical) performance);

K is the coefficient of the reached level of the 7th parameter.

In accordance with the proposed methodology, the rating of coefficients is made only on the basis of the experience and knowledge of scientists who are used as experts. The assessment of the scientific and technical performance of applied NIRs is carried out on the basis of comparing the technical parameters achieved as a result of the implementation of the NIR with basic (which could be implemented before the implementation of the NIR).

Table 1

Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific effectiveness of fundamental research

Factor of scientific effectiveness The ratio of the factor The quality of factor The characteristic of the factor of the coefficient of the achieved level

Novelty of the results obtained 0.5 high fundamentally new results, new theory, opening of a new regularity 1.0

The average of some common patterns, methods, methods that allow creating fundamentally new products 0.7

Insufficient positive solution based on simple generalizations, analysis of relations of factors, the distribution of well-known principles for new objects 0.3

Trivial description of individual factors, the distribution of previously obtained results, abstract reviews 0.1

Depth of scientific study 0.35 High performance of complex theoretical calculations, checking on a large amount of experimental data 1.0

Middle low complexity of calculations, checking on a small amount of experimental data 0.6

Insufficient theoretical calculations are simple, the experiment was not carried out 0.1

Degree 0.15 large - 1.0

success probability moderate - 0.6

Small - 0,1

Table 2

Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific and technical performance

applied Nir

Factor coefficient quality characteristics of the coefficient

scientific and Technology Cater Factor Cater

performance of the significance of the factor of the achieved level

Perspective 0.5 paramount results can 1.0

using Major Application

results in many scientific directions

Important results will be used in the development of new technical solutions 0.8

Useful results will be used for subsequent NIR and development 0.5

Scale of implementation 0.3 National implementation time:

results Economy up to 3 years to 5 years to 10 years Over 10 years 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4

Industry Time: up to 3 years to 5 years to 10 years Over 10 years 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3

Separate firms and implementation time: up to 3 years 0.4

enterprises up to 5 years to 10 years Over 10 years 0.3 0.2 0.1

Completion 0.2 High technical setting - 1

results on experience - design work

Insufficient review, information 0.4

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the NIR must be carried out at different stages of the implementation of the research project.

The initial evaluation of efficiency (planned efficiency) occurs at the stage of forming a technical task (TK). It is reflected in the explanatory note and the TK project, in which the planned results are necessarily described and their value is analyzed from the point of view of the general tasks of the university.

Evaluation of efficiency at the time of delivery and protection of work (or stage) is reflected in the minutes of meetings of the Commissions for the acceptance of the results of the R & D, in particular, in the form of recommendations for further use with the assessment of expected useful effects.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the NIR after its formal completion has special relevance and significance for modern Russian universities. Unfortunately, many Nir are completed at the stage of research report and payment of its participants. Further scientific activities of the department or the scientific unit in most universities of the country are not monitored in binding to those NIR, which were performed at the department or with the participation of the department or the scientific unit. This type of assessment will be called a dynamic rating of the NIR.

The number of monographs on the subject of the NIR;

The volume of printed sheets in the prescribed monographs illuminating the results of a specific NIR;

The number of articles published on the subject of NIR;

The number of candidate dissertations protected using the results of the R & D, indicating the coefficient of use of the results of the NIR for each dissertation (from 0 to 1);

The number of doctoral dissertations protected using the results of the NIR, indicating the coefficient of use of the results of the NIR for each dissertation (from 0 to 1);

The amount of work performed on the NIR in financial terms (the total cost of the NIR);

The number of textbooks and tutorials using the results of the NIR;

The number of academic disciplines using the results of the NIR;

The number of patents registered according to the results of the NIR;

The number of registered software products created on the basis of the results of the NIR;

The number of new competitive applications filed on the basis of the results of the NIR;

The number of applications won created on the basis of the results

The total amount of the won applications created on the basis of the results

Dynamic evaluation of efficiency may fall if there are no publications, patents, no development, no implementation, the results did not form the dissertation, there are no customers to results, etc.

Publication indicators;

Indicators of scientific qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers (candidate and doctoral dissertations);

Qualities of the educational process;

The degree of commercialization of the results of the NIR;

The activity of the most qualified part of scientific and pedagogical workers (the desire to enter and further increase the rating of scientific executives) in terms of the search for the most promising NIR topics;

The volumes of the NIR performed, in particular, with the involvement of external sources of financing.

The use of the dynamic rating of NIR by university structures will make it possible to more fully ensure the continuity between the stages of research work, in particular, between the stage of research and development and the stage of commercialization of scientific knowledge.


1. BUTENKO Ya. A. Implementation of project management into scientific activities of the University // Bulletin of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov. - 2013. - № 9 (63).

2. Manakhov S. V. The development of scientific activities in universities is a new priority for the state scientific and technical policy of Russia // Bulletin of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov. - 2013. -№ 8 (62).

3. Maslennikov V. V. Organizational models of the project management of scientific activities in Russian universities // Bulletin of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov. - 2013. - № 9 (63).

4. Saginova O. V., Zavyalova N. B., Shoveno D. A. The connection of scientific research and educational process in universities // Bulletin of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov. - 2012. - № 12 (54).

The result of the Nir is the achievement of scientific, scientific and technical, economic, social effect.

Scientific effect It characterizes the receipt of new scientific knowledge and reflects the increase in information intended for intra-scientific consumption. Scientific and Technical Effect It is characterized by the possibility of using the results of studies performed in other NIR or OCD and provides information necessary to create new equipment. Economical effect Characterized in the cost indicators of living and extractable labor in the social production obtained when using the results of applied NIR. Social effect It is manifested in improving working conditions, increasing environmental characteristics, development of health, culture, science, education, etc.

Quantitative estimate scientific effect It is advisable to produce by calculating the coefficients of scientific and scientific and technical performance. Qualitative analysis of possible types of effects of the NIR is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the results obtained in the form "above - below", "better - worse", "more - less."

The assessment of the scientific and scientific and technical effectiveness of the NIR of theoretical nature is made using the coefficients calculated by the formulas:

PRC \u003d Σ M KzNI * CDII (3.1)

KNTR \u003d Σ N KZNI * CDII (3.2)

where PRC, the CNT, respectively, the coefficients of scientific and scientific and technical performance;

KZNI - the coefficient of significance of the I - Factor used to evaluate;

KDii - the coefficient of the achieved level of the I - Factor;

m and N - respectively, the number of factors of scientific and scientific and technical performance.

As factors, when evaluating scientific performance, the novelty of the results obtained, the depth of scientific study, the degree of successfulness of success, etc., in assessing scientific and technical performance - the prospects for use, the scale of implementation, the completion of the results obtained, etc. (Table 3.1 and 3.2 ).

Table 3.1 - Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific effectiveness of the NIR

Factor scientific performance The ratio of the factors of the factor, KZN Quality of the factor of scientific novelty Factor characteristics
Novelty of the obtained or alleged results 0,5 Novelty high Fundamentally new results, not previously known to science, has been created new technology, a new pattern has been opened. 1,0
Novizna average Some common patterns are installed, methods, methods allowing to create fundamentally new types of equipment. 0,7
Not enough novelty A positive solution to the tasks based on ordinary messages, analysis of links between facts. Distribution of unknown scientific principles for scientific facilities 0,3
Novizna trivial Description of individual elementary facts Transfer and distribution of previously obtained results, abstract reviews 0,1
Depth of scientific study 0,35 Depth of scientific study high Complex theoretical calculations were performed, the results are tested on a large number of experimental data. 1,0
Depth Scientific Study Middle The complexity of theoretical calculations is not high results tested on a limited amount of experimental data 0,6
The depth of scientific study is insufficient Theoretical calculations are simple, experimental check was not carried out. 0,1
The degree of probability of success 0,15 The probability of success is big Success is very possible, there is a high probability of a positive solution to the tasks 1,0
The probability of success is moderate The tasks set are theoretically and technically feasible, success is possible 0,6
The probability of success is small Theoretically feasible, but the idea of \u200b\u200brisky, success is very dubious 0,1

For each of the factors expert, the values \u200b\u200bof the factors of significance and the achieved level on this factor are established. The sum of the coefficients of significance should be equal to 1.0. The coefficients of the achieved level of each factor are less than 1.0 and the closer they are 1.0, the higher the scientific and scientific and technical effectiveness of the NIR.

Table 3.2 - Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific and technical performance of the graduation project

Scientific and technical productivity factor The ratio of the factors of the factor, KZN Factor quality Factor characteristics The coefficient of the achieved level, CDU
The promising of the use of results 0,5 Paramount importance Results can be used in many scientific directions, are important for the development of conjugate sciences. 1,0
Important Results will be used in a particular scientific direction in the development of new technical solutions aimed at a significant increase in public labor productivity in the national economy. 0,8
Useful Results will be used in a specific sector of the national economy. 0,5
Scale of the possible implementation of results 0,3 Scale national economic 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0
Scale industry Implementation time, years: up to 5 to 10 over 10 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3
Separate organizations and enterprises Implementation time, years: up to 5 to 10 over 10 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1
The completion of the results obtained 0,2 Completion high Methods Instruction, Guidelines, Classifier, Standards 1,0
Completion average Technical tasks for Applied NIR or OCP 0,8
Completion sufficient Recommendations, detailed analysis, suggestions 0,6
Fullness is insufficient Review, Information Collection 0,4

In the case of an assessment of the effectiveness of an application of an applied nature, in the presence of a base for comparison, the calculation is based on comparison of the technical parameters achieved with the basic.

The coefficient of scientific and technical performance is determined in this case by the formula:

KNTR \u003d ΣKVLI * PPPI (3.3)

where n is the number of parameters used to evaluate;

KVLI - the coefficient of influence of the i -to parameter for scientific and technical performance;

KPPI - the relative coefficient of increasing the i -to parameter.

The relative parameter increasing coefficient is determined by the formula:

KPPI \u003d WDI / WBI (3.4)

where WDI is the value of the parameter achieved;

WBI - the value of the base parameter.

The coefficients are determined by the expert, the assessment is carried out in Table. 3.3.

Table 3.3 - Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific and technical effectiveness of the NIR

Along with the assessment of scientific and technical performance, the calculations of economic efficiency are carried out for applied NIR, which takes into account the Features of the NIR, primarily that the NIR is the initial stage of creating new equipment, therefore the calculations of the expected economic efficiency are probabilistic, projected. Essentially, this is an economic potential that can be implemented in the future as the commercial results of innovation have been obtained.

The assessment of the social effect of the NIR is also projected, to social results may include: improving the safety of safety, elimination of heavy physical labor, the improvement of working conditions, the elimination of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, reducing air pollution in industrial premises, reducing harmful emissions to the external environment, noise level, etc.

Planning NIR

Approximate stages of research and development and the ratio of each other in terms of the volume and time of execution are given in Table. 4.1.

Table 4.1 - Approximate Stages of Scientific Research Work Plan

Stages UD. The weight of each stage in the total work volume,% Content of work
1. Preparatory stage Selection and study of scientific and technical literature and other materials, summarizing experience, analysis of the state of the issue, drawing up, coordination and approval of T3 and the calendar plan of work on the topic.
2. Theoretical Development of the topic Development of schemes and theoretical substantiations, the preparation of calculations and projects, the research of new materials and production methods, systematization of theoretical developments.
3. Design and manufacture of tested layouts and means Development and manufacture of layouts, stands, installations, equipment, etc. Tests for testing, assembling and debugging
4. Experimental work and testing Experimental work, laboratory tests on theoretical developments.
5. Refinement and adjustment of theoretical development of the topic of test results Correction to the developed schemes, calculations and projects based on the results of the tests.
6. Generalizations, conclusions and suggestions on the topic, technical report, final stage. Generalization of the results of work and the determination of the feasibility of further continuation of work on the main direction of the topic. Drawing up a technical report with the definition of economic efficiency. Registration and approval of research results.

NIR usually includes a large number of works at the specified stages, which must be linked to each other in a certain sequence for terms, resources and information flows. In order to achieve such coordination of the entire complex of research work, it is recommended to apply network planning and management methods.

The first stage of the development of the network model is to determine the types of work and the cost of time to carry out these works, as well as determining the number of participants in the work and their qualifications.

The method of developing a network model and examples of the use of network planning models of Nir are given in the application.

The result of the Nir is the achievement of a scientific, scientific and technical, economic or social effect. The scientific effect describes the receipt of new scientific knowledge and reflects the increase in information intended for inside scientific consumption. Scientific and technical effect characterizes the possibility of using the results of the research performed in other NIR or OCC and provides information necessary to create new equipment. The economic effect is characterized by pronounced in the cost indicators of living and extractable labor in the social production obtained using the results of applied NIR. The social effect is manifested in improving working conditions, an increase in environmental characteristics, development of health, culture, science, education, and so on.

Evaluation of the Social Effect of the NIR should be made on the basis of a long-term forecast.

When performing the technical and economic calculations of this section, a quantitative assessment may be made, or a qualitative analysis can be carried out. Quantitative estimate, the scientific effect is advisable to produce by calculating scientific effectiveness, scientific and technical effect - scientific and technical performance. Qualitative analysis of possible types of effects of the NIR is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the results obtained on the basis of estimates "above-below", "better-worse", "more-less" and so on.

The assessment of scientific and scientific and technical performance is carried out with the help of coefficients calculated by the formulas:

The coefficient of significance of the I-th factor used to evaluate;

The coefficient of the reached level of the I - Factor;

n, M is the number of factors.

As factors, when evaluating scientific performance, it can be adopted: novelty of the obtained or alleged results; Depth of scientific study; The degree of probability of success (with incompleteness of work). As factors, when assessing scientific and technical performance, it can be used: the prospects for use; Sales scale; The completion of the results obtained. For each of the expert factors, the numeric value of the ratio of significance is established. At the same time, the sum of the coefficients of significance in all factors should be equal to one. The coefficient of factor achieved is also established by the expert, and its numeric value is determined, taking into account the quality of the sign of the factor and its characteristics. In this case, the value K j - i 1. The maximum possible value of kn.r. and kn.r. equals one. The closer the value of kn.r. and Kn.r. to one, the higher the scientific and scientific and technical effectiveness of the NIR. Factors affecting the quantitative assessment of scientific and scientific and technical performance are summarized in Table 7.10 and 7.11.

Table 7.10

Factor scientific performance

The coefficient of significance of factor

Factor quality


The coefficient of the achieved level

Novelty of the results obtained

Some regularities have been established to create fundamentally new types of equipment.

Depth of scientific study

The complexity of theoretical calculations is low, the results are tested on a limited number of experiments

The degree of probability of success

Success is very possible, there is a high probability of a positive solution to the tasks

Table 7.11

Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific effectiveness of the NIR

We obtain coefficients of scientific performance factors:

Novelty of the alleged results k zn1 \u003d 0.5, k do1 \u003d 0.7;

Depth of the scientific study K zn2 \u003d 0.35, k Du2 \u003d 0.6;

The degree of probability of success K zn3 \u003d 0.15, k Du3 \u003d 1.0;

As a result, the coefficient of scientific performance:

k N.R. \u003d 0.5 · 0.7 + 0.35 · 0.6 + 0.15 · 1.0 \u003d 0.71;

Research factors ratios:

The prospect of using the results K NTR1 \u003d 0.5, K D.U1 \u003d 0.8

The scale of the possible implementation of the results K NTR2 \u003d 0.3, K D.U2 \u003d 0.8

The completion of the results obtained K NTR3 \u003d 0.2, K D.U3 \u003d 0.6

As a result, the coefficient of scientific and technical performance:

k N.T.R \u003d 0,5 · 0.8 + 0.3 · 0.8 + 0.2 · 0.6 \u003d 0.76

Some social results achieved on the basis of NIR and OCC can be quantified in the relevant units adopted to measure this result. These results include: the purity of the atmosphere in the village and industrial zone, air purity in the industrial premises; Industrial waste characteristics; Noise level, illumination and so on. The magnitude of the social result in these cases is determined by the change in the quantitative characteristic achieved on the basis of NIR.

The social effect of this NIR and OKR can include the absence of environmental pollution, simplicity and ease of operation. When implementing the results of the NIR aimed at solving social problems, along with the main social result, the accompanying economic effect is also often achieved - the growth of labor productivity, economy of labor resources.


As a result of the research, it can be concluded that further introduction into the production of the designed cutter will significantly reduce energy consumption for milling coatings, we obtain a road milling with higher productivity, low specific costs and investments. Increased performance reduces milling toxicity, working time is more efficient, the level of environmental pollution is reduced. Based on the technical and economic indicators of the cutter, it can be safely argued that the developed equipment not only can, but should be implemented in utilities.

The result of the NIR is the achievement of scientific, scientific and technical, economic and social effects. The scientific effect is characterized by obtaining new scientific knowledge and reflects the increase in information intended for "intra-scientific" consumption. Scientific and technical effect characterizes the possibility of using the results of the studies performed in other R & D and OCC and ensures information necessary to create new products. The economic effect characterizes the commercial effect obtained using the results of applied NIR. Social effect manifests itself in improving
working conditions, increasing economic characteristics, development of culture, health, science, education. Scientific activities are multidimed. Its results, as a rule, can be used in many sectors of the economy for a long time.
Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific effectiveness of the NIR
Table 10.3 \\ R \\ NFactor Coeth. Coeff. \\ R \\ Non-tanning value - the quality of factor The characteristic of the factor has reached-\\ R \\ Nilation of the level factor \\ r \\ ns 0.5 high fundamentally new results, 1.0 \\ R \\ n's new theory, opening new \\ r \\ rewards of regularity \\ r \\ n Average of some common patterns, methods, methods that make it possible to create a fundamentally new product of 0.7 \\ R \\ N a short-positive solution based on 0.3 \\ r \\ N of simple generalizations, analyzing the relationship of factors, distribution of the well-known principles for new objects \\ r \\ N trivial description of individual factors, the distribution of previously obtained results, abstract reviews 0.1 \\ r \\ Ngle 0.35 high performance of complex theoretical 1.0 \\ r \\ narnogue calculations, checking on the large amount \\ R \\ NESPORTATION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL DATA \\ R \\ N Average low complexity of calculations, checking on a small amount of experimental data 0.6 \\ r \\ n Lack of theoretical calculations Simple, 0.1 \\ r \\ N Naya experiment was not carried out \\ R \\ NSteen 0.15 Big 1.0 \\ R \\ Neverness \\ R \\ NUCKS Moderate 0.6 \\ r \\ NIR's scientific and scientific and technical performance is performed using a system of suspended score. For fundamental research, only the coefficient of scientific performance is calculated (Table 10.3), and for search engines and the coefficient of scientific and technical performance (Table 1 0.4). Assessments of coefficients can be established only on the basis of the experience and knowledge of scientists who are used as experts. The assessment of the scientific and technical effectiveness of applied NIRs is based on the comparison of technical parameters achieved as a result of the implementation of technical parameters with basic (which could be implemented before the implementation of the NIR).
| Small | | 0.1.
Table 10.4.
Characteristics of factors and signs of scientific and technical effectiveness of the NIR \\ R \\ NFAcator of the scientific and technical performance of the COEF. The factors of the factors of the factors of the coeff. Reached-level \\ R \\ N Designer- 0.5 The first results can be used to use 1.0 \\ R \\ Nity used in many scientific directions \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ genes \\ R \\ n Important results will be used at 0 , 8 \\ r \\ n Development of new technical \\ r \\ n solutions \\ r \\ n Useful results will be used at 0.5 \\ R \\ N of subsequent NIR and developments \\ R \\ NcStack 0.3 National Implementation: \\ R \\ Nerealization Up to 3 years old 1.0 \\ r \\ rewards Economy up to 5 years 0.8 \\ r \\ n to 1 0 years 0.6 \\ r \\ n Over 1 0 years 0.4 \\ r \\ N Industry Time of implementation: \\ R \\ n up to 3 years 0.8 \\ r \\ n up to 5 years 0.7 \\ r \\ n up to 1 0 years 0.5 \\ r \\ n Over 1 0 years 0.3 \\ r \\ n Separate implementation time: \\ R \\ N firms and up to 3 years 0.4 \\ r \\ N enterprise to 5 years 0.3 \\ r \\ N Tia up to 1 0 years 0.2 \\ r \\ n Over 10 years 0.1 \\ r \\ Nost
results 0.2 high
Insufficient technical task on the OKR
Recommendations, detailed analysis,
Overview, Information 1
0.6 0.4 \\ r \\ N In this case, the coefficient of scientific and technical performance is determined by the formula
KTR \u003d XKVL1KPJ, P i \u003d 1
Assessment of scientific and technical effectiveness of applied NIR
Table 10.5 \\ R \\ NEparameter unit Measuring COEF. The effects of the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of the QLL I \\ R \\ N QLL I reached Basic \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n x \u003d \\ r \\ N is k - the number of estimated parameters; KVLI - the coefficient of influence of the i-th parameter for scientific and technical performance; KP - the relative increase in the i-th parameter compared to the basic value. For the convenience of making calculations, the data is booked in Table. 10.5.

More on the topic Methods for assessing the scientific and technical effectiveness of the NIR:

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  2. Methods for assessing the scientific and technical effectiveness of the NIR
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  7. Priorities of the legal policy of the Russian Federation regarding persons with disabilities at the present stage
  8. Problems of improving coordination activities.

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