Description of Gavrila from Mumu Turgenev. A written story about the heroes living in the house of the lady from "Mumu" by I. Turgenev

Among the writers, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was distinguished by great courage, and often his works were subjected to the most severe censorship. Turgenev's story "Mumu", which is passed by 5th grade students, was banned for a long time. And only thanks to the diplomatic nature of the writer, the world learned about this tragic and incredibly touching story. Among the main characters of "Mumu" are not only people, but also a small dog, after which this work is named.

Characteristics of the heroes of "Mumu"

main characters


The main negative character: a capricious, stubborn, wayward old woman with frequent mood swings, at whose whim the tragic events of the story played out. At the same time, she is very economic and demanding, she perfectly disposes of a large house. Its main feature is a passionate desire to decide the fate of people who are in its full power. Because of the despotic manners of the old lady, many human destinies were ruined.


A closed, unsociable middle-aged man, whose difficult character is explained by a congenital ailment - Gerasim has been deaf and mute since birth. This is a real Russian hero, possessing remarkable strength, diligence and diligence. He is connected by invisible threads with the earth, mother nature, but at the whim of the mistress he is forced to live in a city he does not understand and hate. Calm and docile by nature, he dares to manifest rebellion after all the misfortunes that happened to him through the fault of the mistress.

Mu Mu

An affectionate and devoted dog, saved by Gerasim from inevitable death. The only consolation of the protagonist in his bleak life. Taking advantage of the great love of all the courtyards, Mumu fears and frankly dislikes only the old angry lady. Having accidentally caught her eye, Mumu refuses to obey her and thereby incurs terrible anger. By order of the mistress, Gerasim is forced to drown his pet, and this event leaves a big imprint on his future fate.

Minor characters


A young washerwoman, a poor and unrequited girl who is forced to endure endless humiliation and bullying against her. Unexpectedly for herself and all the yard servants, she becomes the object of care and tender affection from the janitor Gerasim. However, by the will of the mistress, the girl is forced to marry the drunkard Kapiton, which finally ruins her already bleak life.


A shoemaker at the lady's court, a bitter drunkard. Being a smart and even educated person in his youth, over time he quickly drank himself. Wanting to set him on the right path, the old lady forcibly marries her shoemaker to the washerwoman Tatyana. However, this does not change the situation, and Kapiton becomes an even more drunkard. The lady gets rid of the drunkard by sending him and his young wife to the village.


The lady's butler, a simple peasant, ready to go to extreme cunning for his own benefit. Being by nature a mild-mannered person, he is nevertheless capable of committing outright meanness, just to please his extravagant mistress. At his instigation, the mistress separates Gerasim from Tatyana, and it is he who orders the janitor to deal with Mumu. This is how the negative essence of this character is manifested.

In Turgenev's story "Mumu" the characters are presented very brightly and vividly, with full characteristics that will be most useful when writing an essay on a given topic. It will be useful for the reader's diary of inquisitive students to know that in the creative piggy bank of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev there are not only novels and stories, but also wonderful fairy tales for children.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a bold author, whose works often came under scrutiny by censorship authorities. The story "Mumu", known today to every schoolchild, was banned for publication for a long time. And if it were not for the diplomatic abilities of the author, the world would never have known about this touching and tragic story.

History of creation

In the middle of the 50s of the XIX century. Turgenev was under house arrest, and then was sent into exile for an obituary on Gogol's death. Being under the supervision of private bailiffs, in the spring of 1855 Turgenev wrote the story "Mumu". He shares this item with the family of the publisher Aksakov, who react positively to the work, but cannot publish it due to censorship protest. A year later, in the Sovremennik magazine, Mumu nevertheless appears, which causes a report by an official and an official reviewer of the magazine. Representatives of the censorship authorities are unhappy that the audience can feel compassion for the characters, and therefore does not allow the story to be distributed to other publications. And only in the spring of 1956, after numerous petitions from Turgenev's friends, the decision was made to include the decision to include "Muma" in the collected works of Ivan Sergeevich in the main department of censorship.

Analysis of the work

Story line

The story is based on real events that took place in the house of Turgenev's mother in Moscow. The author tells about the life of a mistress, in whose service is the deaf-mute janitor Gerasim. The servant begins to take care of the washerwoman Tatiana, but the lady decides to marry her to her shoemaker. To resolve the situation, the butler of the lady invites Tatyana to appear drunk before Gerasim in order to turn him away from herself. And this trick works.

A year later, the laundress and shoemaker leave for the village on the orders of the mistress. Gerasim brings with him a puppy caught from the water and gives him the nickname Mumu. The mistress learns about the presence of a dog in the yard one of the very last and cannot establish relations with the animal in any way. Having received an order to get rid of the dog, the butler tries to secretly sell Mumu, but she runs back to Gerasim. When information reaches the janitor that the lady is dissatisfied, he goes to the pond, where he drowns the dog, and he decides to return to his village, and not to the lady's house in the capital.

main characters

The real prototype of the character was the servant of Varvara Turgeneva Andrey Nemoy. The author draws the image of a closed person who is unusually hardworking and has a rather positive attitude towards people. This village peasant was capable of real feelings. Despite external power and sullenness, Gerasim retained the ability to love and keep his word.


This portrait of a young maid has all the features of a typical 19th century Russian estate woman. Downtrodden, unhappy, without her own opinion, this heroine receives protection only during the period of Gerasim's love. Having no moral right and no real opportunity to argue with her mistress, Tatyana ruins her chances for a happy fate with her own hands.


(Butler Gavrila on the right in the illustration)

The butler in the story appears as a rustic and stupid peasant who seeks to stay in the black at the expense of flattering and find benefits for himself. It cannot be said that Turgenev draws the character of Gavrila as evil, but his direct role in the death of the dog and the destruction of the life of Tatyana and Gerasim leaves a significant negative imprint on the perception of him as a person.


(Footman Kapiton in the illustration stands on the left next to the seated Gavrila)

The image of a shoemaker can be described as a portrait of an educated footman. This person considers himself smart, but at the same time does not have the proper willpower and high life aspirations. In the end, he turns into a drunkard and a loafer, whom even marriage cannot change.

Of all the characters in Mumu, the elderly lady is the main negative character. It is her actions and decisions that lead to a series of suffering and irreversible tragedies. Turgenev describes this heroine as a capricious and quick-tempered woman who is stubborn and capricious in her desire to decide the fate of other people. The only positive features of the lady can be considered her housekeeping and ability to manage the house.


The story "Mumu" by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev cannot be considered a simple work about the severity of peasant life. This is a philosophical text that helps the reader understand the issues of good and evil, hatred and love, unity and separation. The writer pays great attention to the issue of human attachment and the importance of the presence of loved ones, both in the lives of the rich and in the lives of the poor.

(Figure I.I. pchelko)

The simplicity and irony of the images of Turgenev's heroes almost immediately reveals to the reader the character of each - whether it be the main character, or indirect. One of the secondary, but rather prominent characters in I.S. Turgenev's story "Mumu" is a certain Gavrila - the main butler, proudly in charge of all the servants, a faithful subject of his mistress. The old lady, before whom almost all the servants trembled, trusts her butler in solving everyday issues. But the butler, in turn, treats her, like everyone else, not without timidity. Her first dialogue with Gavrila indicates this clearly. She orders and commands not without the quirks inherent in advanced age. He, of course, restrainedly subdued.

Gavrila Andreevich as the image of a crafty butler

(Butler Gavrila on the right in the illustration)

In the whole appearance of the serf, his destiny for managerial affairs is read. The author created it as a classic image of a servant with high duties - a thin duck nose, yellow eyes with cunning. An arrogant attitude, behind which, however, hides the cowardly and indecisive disposition of a simple peasant. And yet, Gavrila "Andreevich" is quite strict with his subordinates. He has to weigh where and how it is profitable to act, where to prove himself to the mistress, where to apply his powers. But, unfortunately, they let him down - the death of an innocent little dog was, to a greater extent, his fault.

In one of the episodes, he cunningly gets out in a situation where, on the orders of his mistress, he solves a dilemma with the marriage of servants - the meek washerwoman Tatyana and the drunkard shoemaker Kapiton. Gavrila understands that the dumb Gerasim is not indifferent to the poor woman, and this task is not easy for him.

Negative and positive traits of the hero

(Soviet filmstrip "Mumu", 1949)

Solving issues of the economy, Gavrila is very practical. He has a wife - Ustinya Fedorovna. They live in a separate outbuilding. Using his rights, which are also related to accounting for products, he simply provides for his family beyond measure, stealing “... tea, sugar, and other groceries” from the kitchen. In his room in the wing there are forged chests, which probably contain the lady's things, he carefully watches them. This character is diligent in everything, daily reports to the bored lady about the affairs in the house, goes to her by the time with a report.

Compared to others, of course, this hero creates a negative impression. However, even in this negative image, human soulfulness is easily, barely noticeable. His experiences are deeply hidden from the reader, they can only be guessed by looking between the lines. Initially, all the affairs of the master were entrusted to Gavrila. Many cases have to be solved by him alone, without asking unnecessary questions to the old lady, indulging her in everything. And not every case he manages to do everything smoothly and well. He is mainly responsible for the result, for the order in the entire yard, and, perhaps, this is primarily for his own peace. Sacrificing the feelings of others, the butler decides the fate of the Chelyadins, often resorting to deceit, but this is his role, which fate predetermined for him.

When retelling any work, you should give a brief description, name who its main characters are. "Mumu" is a story by the famous Russian writer I. Turgenev, which was written by him in 1852 and published two years later in the then popular magazine Sovremennik. An interesting fact is that this one of the most famous works of the author was created during his arrest. He had difficulty getting the story published and included in his own collected works.


The success of the work largely depends on how successfully the main characters turned out to be vitally, truthfully. "Mumu" is a story based on a real incident in the writer's family, or rather, in his mother's house. Gerasim had his own prototype - the servant Andrei, nicknamed the Mute. The same story happened to him as to his literary incarnation. This hero is a closed, unsociable person, who, however, is distinguished by diligence and efficiency. On the estate, he is considered the best worker, his labor skills are appreciated by everyone, including the old lady herself. This outwardly unsociable person had one weakness - he felt sympathy for the maid Tatyana, whom he even wanted to marry.

dog history

In many ways, the course of development of the plot of the work determines how the main characters behave in various situations. "Mumu" is a work, the meaning of which depends on the characters of the characters. Gerasim suffered his first loss when, on the orders of the mistress, Tatiana was married to the drunken shoemaker Kapiton. After a while, he found some solace in the fact that he rescued and brought out a small puppy, whom he named Mumu. It was a very smart and devoted dog that everyone loved, but she was especially attached to her master, who in her was the stronger the blow for him when the old lady ordered to get rid of the dog because she once ruined her mood without obeying her. Gerasim complied with the order and drowned the dog, but after that he left the Moscow house of his mistress for his native village.


Half of the success of the work is provided by the main characters. "Mumu" is a story that presents all types of characters that were observed in a typical Russian estate in the middle of the nineteenth century. The image of the young woman Tatyana is no exception in this respect. She is a poor downtrodden maid who constantly endures humiliation and mockery, from which only the protection of Gerasim saves her. In the lady's house she works as a laundress. The poor woman is so downtrodden that she unquestioningly follows the order of the butler and pretends to be drunk in front of Gerasim so that he himself will refuse her. The trick was successful, but the janitor still retains sympathy for her and, when she leaves for the village, gives her a red scarf.


In the work of the author, the main characters represent a striking contrast between themselves. "Mumu" by Turgenev is a story that is interesting in that it presents a complete gallery of characters. Butler Gavrila is a simple roguish man who is ready for any trick in order to achieve his goal. He is not an evil person in himself, but at the same time, in order to maintain peace in the house and please his mistress, he is ready for any tricks. So, it was he who came up with a trick, thanks to which he was able to separate Gerasim from Tatyana. He orders the janitor to drown the poor dog. These acts make him in the eyes of readers


It was a shoemaker on the old lady's estate. He turned out to be as colorful and vital as all the other main characters. Mumu by Turgenev is a story in which each character is remembered by the reader thanks to carefully written characters. Kapiton is an intelligent person in his own way, once he was even considered an educated person, but over the years he drank himself and turned into a bitter drunkard. The lady tried to somehow remedy the situation by marrying him to Tatyana, but this does not save the situation. Kapiton finally becomes an inveterate drunkard, and he and his wife are sent to the village.


The main characters play an important role in this work. Turgenev's "Mumu" (the characterization of the story must necessarily include psychological portraits of the characters) is an essay based on the gradual disclosure of the characters' inner world. In this regard, the old lady causes the most criticism, since her whims caused the tragedy that happened. According to the author, she was capricious, quick-tempered, in addition, she had frequent mood swings. At the same time, she cannot be denied some housekeeping and diligence. So, she distinguished Gerasim as a capable and hardworking worker, tried to somehow correct Kapiton, but her despotic manners did not lead to the desired result, since she was too stubborn and wayward.

So, the main characters of Turgenev's "Mumu" turned out to be very truthful and vital. The peasant has always been at the center of his work, and this work is the most convincing proof of this.

Numerous servants live in the lady's house. Most of the time, the courtyards sleep, drink, gossip, hang out around the yard or fulfill the whims of their mistress, trying to curry favor with her.

Characteristics of Kapiton Klimov in the story "Mumu" by Turgenev

Kapiton Klimov is one of the brightest representatives of the lordly servants. He is lazy. At the mistress, he serves as a shoemaker. By the fact that he himself walks in holey boots, one can understand that he is a bad artisan. Kapiton - "bitter drunkard". He explains his behavior by the fact that he is not appreciated by the lady. Captain has a very high opinion of himself. He considers himself an educated person, and the business he is engaged in is unworthy of himself. Through the eyes of other people, he appears as a degenerate creature, loitering around idle, in a tattered, tattered frock coat and "patched pantaloons." Like the rest of the courtyards, Kapiton knows how to flatter and please those who are higher than him in position. Having married Tatyana, he remains indifferent to her. His character and way of life do not change. Capito finally falls asleep.

Characteristics of Tatyana in the story "Mumu" by Turgenev

In complete contrast to Kapiton, Turgenev shows another person living in the lady's house. This is Tatyana, a twenty-eight-year-old woman who is a laundress with a mistress. In contrast to the wandering servants, Tatyana, one of the few, is diligent. She is so skilled in her craft that she is only assigned to wash delicate linen. Once the fair-haired Tatyana was "reputed to be a beauty", but hard work and constant humiliation lead to the fact that "beauty jumped off her very soon", "she received the smallest salary", "they dressed her badly." Tatyana is a downtrodden and frightened creature without self-respect, trembling "at the mere name of a mistress." She is so indifferent to her fate that she blows away without words when she is humiliated and spoofed. At the request of the mistress, Tatiana meekly agrees to marry Kapiton, a man to whom she is completely indifferent. She does not even have in her thoughts to disobey the order of the mistress. Tatyana herself makes it so that her possible happiness with Gerasim did not take place.

Characteristics of the butler Gavril in the story "Mumu" by Turgenev

Maybe a person who looks after the servants will have high human qualities? In the house of the mistress, Gavrila serves as the main butler - a man "who, judging by one of his yellowish eyes and duck nose, fate itself seemed to have determined to be a commanding person." Appearance betrays the insincerity inherent in Gavril. Although close to the mistress, but, like any other serf, Gavrila is afraid of her, never argues with her and obeys in everything. Afraid of losing his place, he constantly curtsies, humiliates himself in front of her, speaks in an ingratiating tone, using words such as “okay”, “you can”, “please”, thereby showing ostentatious servility. Gavrila never does anything without her own benefit. And since his responsibilities include accounting for products, then, taking the opportunity, he takes some of them for himself, which characterizes him as a rogue, dishonest person. And in relation to Gerasim and Tatyana, Gavrila does not show himself in the best way. He is cowardly and indifferent to their fate, does not bother to tell the mistress about them, makes every effort to make this wedding take place. The dodgy Gavrila is so inventive that he comes up with a way to ward off Gerasim from Tatyana.

Different in character, occupation and position, serfs are related by the lack of their own opinion, the desire to curry favor, cowardice and laziness. They do not have the core that every free person should have: self-esteem.

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