Analysis of the troika nekrasov according to plan. Analysis of the poem "Troika" (N

"Troika" Nikolai Nekrasov

What are you greedily looking at the road
Away from funny friends?
To know, the heart beat alarm -
Your whole face suddenly lit up.

And why are you running so fast
Behind the rushing trio after? ..
On you, akimbo beautifully,
A passing cornet looked in.

It's not surprising to look at you
Everyone does not mind loving you:
The scarlet ribbon curls playfully
In your hair, black as night;

Through the blush of your swarthy cheek
A light fluff breaks through
From under your semicircular eyebrow
Looks smartly crafty eye.

One look of a black-browed savage,
Full of spells that ignite the blood
The old man will be ruined for gifts,
In the heart of a young man will throw love.

Live and celebrate to your heart's content,
Life will be full and easy...
Yes, not that fell to your lot:
For a slut you go man.

Having tied an apron under the arms,
You will drag an ugly chest,
Your picky husband will beat you
And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.

From work and black and difficult
You will bloom, not having time to bloom,
You will plunge into a deep sleep,
You will babysit, work and eat.

And in your face, full of movement,
Full of life - will suddenly appear
An expression of dull patience
And senseless, eternal fear.

And buried in a damp grave
How will you go your hard way,
A uselessly fading strength
And unwarmed breasts.

Do not look longingly at the road
And do not rush after the three,
And sad anxiety in my heart
Shut it down forever!

Do not catch up with you crazy three:
The horses are strong and full and lively, -
And the coachman drunk, and to the other
A young cornet rushes in a whirlwind ...

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Troika"

The Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov is rightfully considered a female singer. In his work, you can find many works dedicated to Russian women - beauties, smart girls and excellent housewives, who, alas, are not spoiled by fate.

One of these rhymed biographies of a difficult female lot is the poem "Troika", later created in 1846. It should be noted that before the abolition of serfdom in Russia, there were still almost 15 years left. Therefore, Russian women in the villages were in the position of real slaves. Born into a large family, they were accustomed to hard peasant labor from childhood. However, many of the young girls did not want to put up with their unenviable fate and dreamed of fairy-tale princes. Therefore, the master's troika with a coachman and a young master aroused genuine interest among Russian beauties. Indeed, in one of these carriages there may be the same betrothed who falls in love with a simple rural girl and takes her away with him.

However, with the realism inherent in Nekrasov, a completely different picture is shown in the poem "Troika", oppressive and bleak. The poet addresses all the young peasant women at the same time, asking: “And why are you running hastily after the troika who has rushed after?”. The author knows the answer to this question, since it is not difficult to fall in love with a Russian beauty. After all, “the look of one black-browed savage woman” is capable of driving crazy both an ardent young man and a gray-haired old man. “Life will be full and easy,” the poet notes, but immediately corrects himself, arguing that the majority of rural girls will have a completely different fate. And the limit of their dreams, in the end, will be a "sloppy man" who is not averse to drinking and is always happy to teach his wife the mind with the help of his fists. Since after the wedding in Russia, the newlyweds usually settled in the house of their spouse, Nekrasov predicts a very unenviable fate for the girls. From now on, they will have to carry a huge household on their fragile shoulders, and at the same time endure bullying from new relatives, especially the mother-in-law, who will “bend” her daughter-in-law in three deaths. The difficult peasant life, which is built on the daily care of pets, cleaning, cooking, babysitting and working in the field, will eventually turn yesterday's beauty into an ugly old woman, on the face of which there is "an expression of stupid patience and senseless, eternal fear." The age of a woman in Russia is short, and soon a damp grave awaits her, to which she will give her “uselessly quenched strength and her chest that has not been warmed by anything.”

Anticipating such a development of events, Nekrasov asks rural girls to come to terms with their unenviable fate and not dream about what is not destined to come true. “Don’t look longingly at the road and don’t rush after the troika,” exhorts the author of rural beauties, knowing in advance that only disappointment awaits them ahead. If only because the girls will not be able to catch up with the white three, both literally and figuratively. After all, its passengers are people from another world who do not care about rural beauties who dream of a well-fed, calm and happy life. Therefore, “a young cornet is rushing towards the other,” for whom the peasant woman she met on the way is an integral part of the Russian landscape, dull, ordinary and of absolutely no interest.

As for the dreams of young girls, this is the only bright spot in their hopeless peasant life. However, the poet believes that he should be forgotten as soon as possible in order to get rid of the "dreary anxiety in the heart" that can overshadow the rural beauty's already difficult life.

Nikolai Nekrasov tried in his work to show the whole of Russian reality. He realistically described the life of the nobles and peasants, and assigned a special place to the theme of serfdom.

Anarchy, hard work, oppression and punishment - this is a life filled with grief, which he saw in the peasant environment, and against which he protested.

Against the backdrop of harsh exploitation and complete lack of rights, a special place in his work was occupied by the female share. A huge number of texts are devoted to this topic, which helped to consider the problem from different angles. One of these Nekrasov poems is "Troika".

The history of the poem "Troika"

This poem was written in 1846, when fifteen long years remained before the abolition of serfdom. In it, Nekrasov, in his exquisite way, exposes a serious problem of society - oppression, inequality, the dumbness of the people.

In this work, the author did not change himself. He wrote with his characteristic realism. We can say that he is ruthless to his heroine, and does not leave her any chance for a better life. And the female lot in Russia in those days was very tragic.

The verse was not persecuted, and a year later it was published in Sovremennik. Some critics were delighted with both the content and the compositional idea.

The composers liked the first, lyrical part of the text so much that the verses were repeatedly set to music and became a romance. The first of the poems was made by a song, a contemporary of Nekrasov, Russian pianist and composer Alexander Ivanovich Dyubuk.

Lovers of romances to this day pay tribute to the melodiousness of the poem, written more than 170 years ago.


What are you greedily looking at the road
Away from funny friends?
To know, the heart beat alarm -
Your whole face suddenly lit up.

And why are you running so fast
Behind the rushing trio after? ..
On you, akimbo beautifully,
A passing cornet looked in.

It's not surprising to look at you
Everyone does not mind loving you:
The scarlet ribbon curls playfully
In your hair, black as night;

Through the blush of your swarthy cheek
A light fluff breaks through
From under your semicircular eyebrow
Looks smartly crafty eye.

One look of a black-browed savage,
Full of spells that ignite the blood
The old man will be ruined for gifts,
In the heart of a young man will throw love.

Live and celebrate to your heart's content,
Life will be full and easy...
Yes, not that fell to your lot:
For a slut you go man.

Having tied an apron under the arms,
You will drag an ugly chest,
Your picky husband will beat you
And the mother-in-law to bend in three deaths.

From work and black and difficult
You will bloom, not having time to bloom,
You will plunge into a deep sleep,
You will babysit, work and eat.

And in your face, full of movement,
Full of life - will appear suddenly
An expression of dull patience
And senseless, eternal fear.

And buried in a damp grave
How will you go your hard way,
A uselessly fading strength
And unwarmed breasts.

Do not look longingly at the road
And do not rush after the three,
And sad anxiety in my heart
Shut it down forever!

Do not catch up with you crazy three:
The horses are strong and full and lively, -
And the coachman drunk, and to the other
A young cornet rushes by in a whirlwind ...

Nikolai Nekrasov decided to describe in his work one of the peasant women, whose life is the same as that of thousands of young women throughout Russia.

The serf girl stands on the side of the road and carefully peers into the distance, afraid to miss the troika. But the troika with a chic cornet rushes by so quickly that the peasant woman has no choice but to try to run after her. Although it is not at all clear - why?

To shed light on the situation, the author begins to unwind the plot. He describes in detail how good the girl is: cheeks, eyebrows, eyes. Nature did not deprive her of beauty, she is very attractive. And, it turns out, he can dream. These dreams are about a better life, an easier life. All this can be obtained by successfully marrying, for example, the same cornet, who has caught a trace.

But the fate of the villain has prepared a completely different scenario for this girl. And sadly, the poet sadly predicts her near future. This is hopeless work, and the violence of fastidious relatives, perhaps endless childbirth. All this will lead to early aging and death.

Here is such a ruthless, but true future Nikolai Alekseevich predicts to his heroine. And in the finale, the poet tries to convey to his heroine that she should not stand by the road: nothing in her life will change, and her fate is already sealed.

Composition "Troika"

The composition of this work is circular.

The plot begins with the appeal of the lyrical hero to a simple girl who was born in a peasant family and grew up here. The author refers to the same heroine at the end of the plot. But only at the beginning this is not an easy appeal, but a question in which the author is trying to understand why the girl is looking so eagerly at the road. At the end of the story, a warning already appears in this appeal, since he knows what fate awaits this girl, and he asks her not to look at the road with such longing and with such great hope that will not come true.

The entire Nekrasov plot can be divided into two parts , which will be equal. But only in the first part the happy life of the main character will be described, and in the second part the author will show how unhappy she can be. And then the poet says that this unfortunate fate is precisely the reality.

The first stanzas describe the expectation of the girl and how, suddenly seeing such a rich trio, she rushes after her. And here the three becomes a symbol that means a happy life. In the next three Nekrasov stanzas, there is a description of the portrait of the girl herself, who is languishing in anticipation. But the sixth stanza ends with an ellipsis, which helps the reader to break this story into two parts.

It turns out that the first plot part is a prophecy, but he is happy. And the second part is the present of any peasant woman. Her husband beats her, her mother-in-law will always force her to work, and very quickly this strong and beautiful girl will turn into an old woman who is still young in years, but already tired of life and the difficulties that have befallen her.

The image of the main character

It is not surprising that Nekrasov described the image of a peasant woman in such detail in his poem. Nikolai Alekseevich was very fond of the Russian people. He found special words for each of his heroines, endowed her with special qualities, usually positive ones.

The girl in Troika, who so dreams of a happy life, appears before the reader as a pure, immaculate creature. She is not yet clogged with life's difficulties, she still believes, dreams. Her eyes are still on fire. And in this short period of life, which is allotted to her before marriage, she can afford to jump out onto the road to admire the racing troika.

Like most Nekrasov heroines, the girl is endowed with natural beauty, which at the moment of her life is in its prime. This is a real Russian beauty. The poet does not hesitate to describe her appearance in detail. And the reader can only be horrified at what a ruthless near future she is predetermined.

Expressive means in the Nekrasov plot

Nikolai Nekrasov uses in his plot such a literary device as a contrast: the life of a peasant woman is happy and her fate is an unhappy woman. And for this, the author uses a variety of expressive means:

✔ Epithets.
✔ Metaphors.
✔ Comparisons.

Of great importance in the text are the verbs that the author uses in large numbers to show how much the girl is alive. Even the symbol - three has a double meaning for the author. This is both a symbol of happiness that may await her in the future, and a symbol of the fact that this happiness will pass by and be lost to her forever.

Analysis of the poem

In his work, Nikolai Nekrasov shows a real picture of the life of peasants, in which there is so little joy.

The life of rural women was sad because their position was even more powerless than that of the peasants. They were real slaves, whose life consisted only of work and patience. They had to endure humiliation from the owner or mistress, they had to endure humiliation from their husband, tired and embittered. Most often, peasant girls were born in families where there were many children, so work, hard and overwhelming, was known from early childhood.

It is not surprising that in such a powerless situation, young peasant women dreamed. There is nothing wrong. Such dreams can become pleasant memories in their adult independent life.

You can get even deeper into the content and imagine the three in the form of the transience of life.

Here is a cheerful trio, with a handsome cornet, with a tipsy coachman, rushing joyfully and briskly. Everything says that life is good. It has a place for pleasures, pleasures, fun. It remains only to get into this wagon. But no! The troika rushed past, and with it all dreams and hopes crumbled.

"Troika" is one of the most famous works in which N. A. Nekrasov talks about the difficult peasant life and the hard lot of a Russian woman.

The poem was written in 1846, and it is worth noting that it was still 15 years before the abolition of serfdom, but even then N. A. Nekrasov pointed out to everyone this problem, which was pulling the country back.

The publication in the Sovremennik magazine was later, because it had to wait almost a year for approval for censorship, so some sources indicate the year of publication as 1847-48.

It is also worth noting the fact that the poem was dedicated to Ivan Maslov, who served as an official under the commandant of the Peter and Paul Fortress and concurrently was a friend of V. G. Belinsky and I. S. Turgenev. At the same time, the dedication is present only in the first publication, in subsequent publications it is no longer present.

Genre, direction, size

“Troika” is a prophecy of the fate of a peasant woman who cannot be changed in any way, or it is a warning to a dreaming serf girl who forgot for a moment who she is, that her dreams of a wonderful narrowed and happy future are unrealizable.

The poem is dedicated to the fate of a Russian woman and is written in the spirit of realism, without any embellishment of life, in the genre of civil lyrics, which N. A. Nekrasov loved so much and used in many of his works.

The three-foot anapaest is the size of the poem, which helped to set words to music and make them a well-known romance, especially the first part. Throughout the work there is cross-rhyming, only in the fourth quatrain the author uses an adjacent one, and male and female rhymes are balanced and harmoniously echo each other.


In the work, the author uses a ring composition, which is not often seen, as a result of which the work becomes even more unique. Compositionally, the poem can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, it can be divided into two parts, where the first part (1-5 stanzas) is a description in bright colors of the beauty and innocence of the heroine, who is trying to keep up with the trio, her dreams and hopes at the present time. The second part (6-12 stanzas) is reflections and experiences about the future life of a peasant woman, in which her fate is terribly realistic, the author describes her future life and appearance with gray and dull colors.

On the other hand, the poem can be divided into four parts.

  1. The first part is the sudden appearance of the three and dreams of a future life.
  2. The second part is an image of the prettyness and magnificence of the girl, which should serve as a prospect for a happy life.
  3. The third part is reality, which destroys all illusions.
  4. In the fourth and last part, the author calls on the peasant woman to give up her useless hopes.

Images and symbols

At the very beginning of the poem, the author introduces us to his favorite image of the road along which that very elusive trio rushes. The road is something eternal, bringing suffering from separation and longing for former places, and the three is the central image, the image of a missed opportunity, the transience of life - this is a moment that slips right before your eyes, and a person is powerless to change anything.

The main character of the poem is a young peasant woman who is waiting for love. She is slender, frisky, with pronounced beautiful features. Describing her, the author allegedly boasts of the beauty of a Russian woman, involuntarily choosing for her the same stately betrothed. The image of a peasant woman is dynamic and impressive. But then the poet seems to return to reality and warns the heroine that her marriage will be undesirable with a "fussy husband", the mother-in-law will "bend into three deaths", and she herself will fall into "an unbreakable dream". The “black-browed savage”, joyful and striving forward, will be replaced by a downtrodden, exhausted, ugly average Russian woman, with an expression of “stupid patience” and “eternal fear” on her face. And the saddest thing is that peace will come to her only with death.

The role of the lyrical hero is played by the author himself, his appeal is regrettable and plaintive, at the same time the poet admires the beauty and attractiveness of the girl, but also understands that a bitter fate awaits her. Turning to her, he describes her future hard, hopeless life, tries to set her on the right path, pointing out that one should not cherish mythical hopes for a brighter future, and no matter how much she wants to change her fate, nothing will come of it, because she - only a peasant serf, and for a cornet passing by, a savage is just a detail of the landscape, she cannot keep up with him.

Topics and issues

The work has a rich theme and topical issues.

  • The main theme of the poem is the plight of a Russian woman, especially a peasant serf. In the work, the fate of a girl is divided into two parts: before marriage, she is full of illusions, beauty and lightness, and after her life becomes routine and monotonous, in which even children cannot make her happy.
  • The main problem is the injustice of the social structure. A peasant woman is doomed to hard work, family misfortune, need and sorrow. She has no choice, because another class is inaccessible to her and boarded up with contempt. As beautiful as she was, her lineage decided her fate for her.

In the work, you can see several minor themes and problems.

  • The theme of beauty is the indifference of others to beauty and attractiveness, a primitive society will never be able to appreciate the magnificence of a girl.
  • The problem of class love is also touched upon. Few people cared about sincere love, then the marriage was supposed to bring benefits and came to families, and of course, public approval.

Also interesting is the main conflict of the work between dream and reality. First, the reader is immersed in a major scale of feelings, has positive feelings for the main character, enjoys her youth and beauty, and then, towards the end, he realizes all the depressing atmosphere that the author deftly creates. The reader begins to empathize and support the girl, and, like her, does not want to believe in reality, in the sad reality of the upcoming life of a peasant woman.

Main idea

The main idea of ​​the poem is sympathy for ordinary people, whose fate is predetermined by their origin. Without the right to choose and freedom, they are forced to put up with terrible living conditions, forced to vegetate in sorrow and need. The harsh fate of a serf woman, whose happiness came only in her dreams and dreams, was doomed to a merciless and hopeless future. The beauty and youth of the people were grinding the millstones of their poverty and ignorance.

The abolition of serfdom is what the author fought for. It was N. A. Nekrasov who, already in 1846, was the first to begin to describe the life, decoration and hard work of a serf, it was he who described the real painful events that happened to the serf, making it the hero of Russian poetry. This was the meaning of his civic poetry - to acquaint the reader with an oppressed people in need of help.

Means of artistic expression

The main stylistic figure of the poem is inversion, which reflects the feelings of the girl and the feelings of the lyrical hero for her fate, the appeal that is present throughout the entire work also plays an important role, the rhetorical questions with which the poem begins are also important, they help to immediately think, understand the essence and work problems.

The author in his poem plays on contrasts, which makes the work interesting. He skillfully uses a variety of means of expression, which help to understand not only the deep meaning of the work, but to feel it emotionally. At the beginning, colorful and bright epithets: “traveling cornet”, “light fluff”, “scarlet ribbon”, “blush of a swarthy cheek”, “black-browed savage”, “sly eye”; metaphors: “life is full and easy”, “the ribbon in the hair curls”, “the look is full of blood-kindling charms”, no less significant verbs that reflect the playfulness and liveliness of the girl: live, flare up, break through, curl, run.

In the second part, the atmosphere develops in a completely different way, the poet is honest and rude, uses sharp epithets: “eternal fear”, “damp grave”, “hard way”, “dirty and difficult work”, “dreary anxiety”, as well as well-chosen metaphors : “nothing to warm your chest”, “you will nurse, work and eat”, “you will fade before you have time to bloom”, “you will fall into a dream”.

Analysis of the poem Troika Nekrasov


1. History of creation

2. Genre of the poem

3.Main theme



6. Expressive means

7. Main idea

1.History of creation. The poem "Troika" was written in 1846. The description of the fate of peasant women who are in serfdom, similar to slavery, occupies a large place in the poet's work. There were still 15 years left before the abolition of serfdom. Increasingly, the educated part of society opposed this shameful relic. One of these appeals is Troika.

2. Genre of the poem- civil lyrics, characteristic of all Nekrasov's work.

3. Main theme poems - the hard fate of a Russian peasant woman. It is shown with the help of the central image - the three. A young beautiful woman, who has not yet had time to harden from back-breaking physical work, is full of bright dreams. She is aware of her beauty and, watching the troika with a handsome cornet rushing past, she feels a vague anxiety and hope. The desire to escape from the suffocating healthy organism of the world of the Russian village was characteristic of peasant girls. Indeed, it was very rare for nobles to marry commoners, but this was an exception to the rule. The realist Nekrasov, having described the dreams of a peasant woman, abruptly turns to the actual state of things. The girl has nothing to believe in the fairy prince. Her fate is already sealed: her unloved husband will be chosen by her parents. A man, also exhausted by the landlord's oppression, will drink and vent evil to his wife. A woman will fall into a vicious circle of overwork and constant concern for the food of numerous children. The work will quickly break her physically and destroy all traces of her former beauty. The cruel reality that awaits a peasant woman is a “damp grave” at the end of a short, tormented life. The result of Nekrasov - you should not harbor fruitless hopes and yearn in vain, it is better to prepare for all the severity of the upcoming path.

4. Composition. The poem can be divided into four parts. In the first, the poet shows the appearance of the troika and the girlish dreams that arose. The second part is a detailed description of the girl's beauty, which should be the basis of a happy fate. In the third, a picture of a real, and not an illusory, life arises. The last part is a call to the girl to leave her useless hopes.

5. Artwork Size- a three-foot anapaest with a cross rhyme, creating a feeling of melodiousness. This made it possible to later put the words to music.

6. Expressive means. The main technique of the poet in the work is the opposition of the beauty of the girl and her dreams of a real harsh life. For this, epithets are used: “scarlet”, “swarty”, “crafty”, which comes into contrast with “ugly”, “black”, “strong”. Nekrasov uses expressive metaphors: “a heart beat alarm”, “a chest that was not warmed by anything”. To increase emotionality, an amplifying particle “and” is used at the beginning of lines (“and in the face ...”, “and they will bury ...”, “and dreary ...”).

7. the main idea poems - the unfulfillment of the hopes of peasant girls. The poet admits that their dreams are the only bright ray in life. But one should not completely surrender to them, since the subsequent life will seem even more terrible and merciless.

"Troika" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

History of creation

The poem "Troika" was written by Nekrasov in 1848 and published in the Sovremennik magazine.

Literary direction, genre

The poem is dedicated to the fate of a Russian woman. Nekrasov in the spirit of realism describes the ordinary life of a peasant woman endowed with a sensitive heart. The genre of the poem "Troika" is civil lyrics.

Theme, main idea and composition

The theme of the poem is the plight of a Russian peasant woman. The poem "Troika" has a ring composition. It begins and ends with the appeal of the lyrical hero to a peasant girl. In the first stanza, this is the question: “Why are you looking greedily at the road?” In the penultimate and last stanza, there is a warning from the lyrical hero, who foresees the fate of the heroine: "Do not look longingly at the road." If we discard the last two stanzas of the conclusion, the poem is divided into two equal parts: the happy and unhappy life of the heroine. The second part, an unhappy life, is given as a more probable possibility: “Yes, something else has fallen to your lot ...” The girl addressed by the hero does not notice that he is watching her. Before his mind's eye, her whole present and future life flashes, as a triple flashes before the eyes of a girl. The first two stanzas describe how the girl is waiting on the road for a troika, and then runs after her. Three is a symbol of a happy life. The next three stanzas are a portrait of a peasant girl. The sixth stanza is divided into two parts by an ellipsis. The first part is a happy prophecy: "Life will be both full and easy." Probably, the peasants also had such a life, but infrequently. After the dots, Nekrasov describes the typical fate of a peasant woman. The next four stanzas tell about her life: a slovenly husband will beat her, her mother-in-law will force her to do hard and hard work, a woman will lose her beauty and health. But this is not the worst thing: she will lose her girlish liveliness, lose interest in life, which will be like an eternal dream, a mechanical repetition of events: "You will nurse, work and eat." Internal personality changes will be reflected in facial expressions. In the useless life of the poor thing, no hopes will come true.

The last two stanzas are a call to accept fate, because a peasant woman cannot be happy. This is the main idea of ​​the poem.

Size and rhyme

The poem was written in three-foot anapaest, song size, which made it possible to put the words to music, and the poem became a romance. The song contains only the first three stanzas of the poem and the last two, that is, a genre scene of the meeting of a beauty with a cornet, which rushes to another. The main idea of ​​the work is changing, narrowing down to a proverb: "Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy."

In the poem, feminine and masculine rhyme alternates with constant cross-rhyming, which only in the last stanza-inference strays into an adjacent one.

Paths and images

The whole poem is built on the contrast of an imaginary happy and more likely unhappy life. The paths depicting this life are also contrasting. The beauty and youth of the girl is described by epithets: scarlet ribbon, black hair, a blush on a swarthy cheek, a light down, a semicircular eyebrow, a sly eye. The ribbon in the hair curls (metaphor), the hair is black as night (comparison), the look is full of blood-kindling charms (metaphor), life is full and easy (metaphor). The beauty is called black-browed savage. In the poem, verbs are very important, reflecting the impulsiveness and liveliness of the girl: flared up, running, winding, breaking through, living, celebrating.

Quite different images in the second part of the poem. An unhappy life is described by epithets: black and hard work, deep sleep, expression of stupid patience, senseless, eternal fear, damp grave, hard way, dreary anxiety. Verbs match the epithets, some of them are metaphors: pull, beat, bend in three deaths(phraseologism); you will bloom without having time to bloom(metaphor); fall into a dream(metaphor); you will nurse, work and eat; bury; faded strength y (metaphor); unwarmed chest(metaphor); do not look, do not rush, drown out, do not overtake.

The image of the trio is central in the poem. This is a symbol of life passing by, over which a person has no power. He is powerless to deceive fate and does not notice that death is already at the threshold. Three more - a symbol of a missed opportunity.

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