The theme is the profession of a teacher. Essay "My profession is a teacher

In the modern world, there are a huge number of different professions. Some of them appeared quite recently, while others - many years ago. One of the oldest professions is the teaching profession.

A teacher is a person who is necessary for everyone and everyone. Without a teacher there will be neither a doctor nor an engineer. All professions are important for a normal existence in a civilized world. But if there are no teachers, then civilization will come to an end.

Being a teacher is very difficult. It is necessary to possess very many qualities: kindness, patience, intelligence and love for children. A good teacher will love not only his subject but also his students. Even if the child cannot solve the problem or write an essay, the teacher will still find something good and unique in the student, and will love him.

Children spend most of the day at school. Parents see their children in the morning and in the evening. The teacher is next to the child all day, and not only teaches him, but also educates him. Therefore, the teacher cannot behave as he wants. He should be a role model for his students, and a good example. The teacher has to adhere to a certain style of dress, and not only at work, but also in public places. The teacher should always think about what he is saying and with what words. Children are always nearby, and he cannot influence the child badly.

The teacher must be honest, otherwise it is impossible with teenagers: they immediately feel false and will not respect the person who lies to them.

The teacher must also have a sense of humor. This does not mean that he should tell stories with students, but it is necessary during a difficult lesson to defuse the situation and give students time to rest.

The teacher must be an adult. He cannot be the equal of his students, even if he just graduated from an educational institution and is only a couple of years older than his students. Being an adult means being responsible. In the presence of a teacher in the classroom, he should be the leader who leads the students.

A teacher does not have the right to burn out, that is, to cool off in his profession. He must be interested in novelties in the subject he teaches. He must constantly develop and show interest in the modern world in order to better understand the students and be able to warn them against mistakes. If children see that the teacher is modern, they will listen to his opinion.

Being a teacher is very difficult, but without a teacher it is impossible to live.

Composition on the topic Profession teacher

Teaching is not a profession, but rather a vocation.

Mendeleev himself said: "All the pride of the teacher is in the students, in the growth of the seeds sown by him."

The formation of the child's personality itself depends not only on what the parents invest in him, but also on his first teacher. These people give a part of themselves to each of their students. They must love life, children, be able to find the key, the approach to each of their students; be very patient, love the learning process itself. This is a responsible, but at the same time very honorable profession. The main reward for them will be exactly the words of gratitude from their students, the respect of children.

Being a teacher is very hard work. Not a few people in our country have a pedagogical education, but not everyone is given the opportunity to be a Teacher with a capital letter.

Teachers provide information not only on their subject, but also solve issues of life, children's behavior, expand their worldview, help find their place in life.

Not every teacher can achieve perfect silence in his lesson. To interest the topic of conversation of all students at the same time so that they can catch the right thought of the narrator and draw conclusions from this conversation for themselves.

After all, we remember not just our first teachers all our conscious life, we remember with warmth, trembling in our souls. It was they who taught us goodness, justice, to bring positive to the world.

After leaving school, many consider themselves obliged to tell their teachers about their achievements and successes. None of us can do without a teacher in our life.

A teacher is a very difficult profession. Constant nervous tension, a huge responsibility, you must be able to quickly make the right decisions, quickly be able to orient yourself in a difficult situation. To be able to adequately pass all children's tests and remain an authority in their eyes.

We all need to appreciate the work of these wonderful people belonging to the profession of a teacher!

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

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municipal formation city of Noyabrsk

Essay on the topic "My profession is a teacher"

Nagaytseva Irina Nikolaevna,

Mathematic teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 6 city of Noyabrsk

“A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains.

Outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires."

William Arthur Ward

Teaching is a unique profession, one of the oldest and remains in demand to this day. An important and necessary person in the life of every child, a teacher, whose noble work is for the benefit of the younger generation.

The most valuable thing that teachers taught me, and above all my class teacher, is to study. At school I was very fond of mathematics and I am very grateful to my mathematics teacher for this, she laid down a great contribution of knowledge, so I immediately decided on the choice of a profession. I graduated from the Orenburg Pedagogical Institute, and was assigned to a rural small school, where for the first time I was given the fifth and seventh grade. And it became so scary, scary because yesterday I was a student, and today I should be a teacher. And now for more than five years I have been working as a school teacher and I do not regret anything that I once made this choice. The profession I have chosen makes me move forward all the time, look for and find something new, develop my creative abilities.

There are many difficulties in our profession, but only here you can get satisfaction from the work done, realize your creative potential. Do not be afraid to take risks, change, learn life. You need to try, dare, create and create.

The teaching profession has always been treated with respect. Probably because a teacher is not just a highly educated person, but, first of all, one who knows how to transfer his knowledge to others, explain the incomprehensible, find the key to the abilities of each student.

In order to teach someone something, you need to perfectly understand it yourself, be ready to answer any question. The teacher often has to answer questions that are not related to his subject, so his horizons must be broad. And the teacher needs such qualities as endurance, patience, friendliness. The teacher must be a good psychologist and love children.

Being a teacher is very responsible, because he is a model for students in thinking and behavior. Not only does a teacher need to know perfectly the subject that he teaches, he needs to be able to teach. Every child in the class must understand the material. And children are all different, so the teacher should be attentive to each. He must find an approach to everyone, interest them in his subject, show its importance and usefulness in the life of students. At the same time, the teacher is obliged to respect the individuality of the student, not to humiliate him, even putting a deuce. Such a teacher is loved by students, they listen attentively and perform tasks with interest.

My favorite teachers will forever remain in my heart. They are all different, with different approaches to their work. But there is something in common that makes me respect - justice, attentiveness, the ability to explain in an interesting way, understanding. I am sure that we have something to be grateful to our teachers for, to appreciate them. The best gratitude to the teacher from the student is his readiness to adopt knowledge and success in the future life.

The school does not remain aloof from the changes taking place in society. Working as a teacher. I realized that teaching children does not mean giving them maximum knowledge. skills and abilities, which means helping children to understand the meaning of the teaching themselves, to prepare them for their future independent life.

Teachers, teachers...

There are no professions!

Stand firmly at the helm

Opening the door for a child.

The teacher is the most faithful friend,

Will not give out, will not betray;

And if something happens suddenly,

He will give a hand to everyone.

How intense is this work:

Understand and teach.

Always go to the teacher

Students and doctors...

Come into the bright classroom when,

Can't be ignored

Always so cute

Tired eyes.

Oh, how brave is this work:

Bullies, rascals...

Sometimes in the eyes stubbornly lie.

You must understand them.

Teachers, teachers...

There are no better professions!

Stand firmly at the helm

Opening the door for a child.

The teaching profession is considered one of the oldest and most respected in the world. This is not just a person who teaches children everything that he knows himself and that is determined by modern programs. This is a personality that influences the formation of the character of children, their habits, their attitude to life.

A teacher is the most humane, creative and necessary profession, which is the foundation for all other professions in the world. A specialist of this profile plays an important role in shaping the personality of each student. Therefore, each of us remembers his first teacher - the head of primary classes. He is a teacher, educator, psychologist, music director all rolled into one. A primary school teacher is a person who first meets a first-grader at school, helps him adapt among his peers and join the learning process.

The teaching profession is unique. One of the important qualities of a teacher is the ability and desire to "grow". To have the right to teach, you need to constantly improve.

The profession, chosen by me once and for all, consists of very close concepts: teacher - teacher - mentor - class teacher. They cannot exist separately. Can a teacher teach without instructing, without educating? V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that "a person who meets with students only in the classroom - on one side of the teacher's table, and on the other side of the trainees - does not know the child's soul", and whoever does not know the child's soul and who does not know the child does not may be a teacher. Relations when the teacher does not feel the secret movements of the child's soul, does not experience children's joys and sorrows, does not seek to mentally put himself in the child's place - are unacceptable at school. I absolutely agree with him. But how to become a real teacher, a class teacher, how to lead correctly, how to educate? The most difficult class is the first one. This is the foundation of comradely relations. Here it is - the platform of relations between the class teacher and parents. That's when it's impossible to overlook, not to say, not to give, otherwise the foundation will crack, and the platform will be unstable.

The teacher is creative meetings, interesting things, projects, small and big discoveries, every day communication with the guys. This is amazing. Checking students' work can be fun and gives new impetus to thinking and creativity, while writing plans can help predict future discoveries and opportunities for children.

Numerous reports and plans will not inspire boredom if they reflect the work of the teacher, the life of the class, in photographs that are reminiscent of hikes, walks and tourist trips. Lessons will become more interesting and meaningful if you use computer technology. This, in turn, awakens in the children a reciprocal desire to perform tasks creatively.

Joy in learning is a very important achievement. Coming to the classroom, the children find themselves in a special world of hobbies and discoveries. And the teacher should create this world. The point is not to bring external attractiveness into training, it is necessary to look for the motive of joy in the learning process itself.
Each of the guys is individual. Everyone has different abilities and opportunities, their own destiny. But if at school they learn to live in modern society and be useful, then their school years were not in vain.

Teaching and educating is not just a job. It's a way of life. If the teacher himself experiences the joy of teaching, then this cannot but be transmitted to his students.

A person who is not interested in children is not interested in watching how they develop, learn about the world, it is difficult to be a teacher. The teacher not only teaches, he acts as an educator, as an older friend. He instructs how to behave correctly in a team, using convincing examples reveals the tremendous strength and wisdom of the team.

Being a primary school teacher means teaching children not only to write and read, but above all to teach them to love their parents, the Fatherland, the world in which we live.

There are more and more teachers, they are needed in various areas of our life, this is one of the features of the teaching profession.

Essay on the topic “Profession of a teacher” updated: December 10, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Teaching is one of the oldest professions on earth. Even in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome, people revered for their intelligence and knowledge became teachers. And it was considered a great honor to become a student of the philosopher, to comprehend the secrets of the world. Examples are known to us from history: the teacher, for example, Alexander the Great was the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle. And who knows, Alexander would have become such a great warrior and king, if not for the lessons of his mentor.

Many people think that teaching is a profession from God. It's not even a profession, it's a calling. Indeed, how many spiritual qualities should be united in his character by a person who wants to become a teacher: firmness, unlimited patience, strictness and gentleness, trust and the ability to be an example in everything. And most importantly - love, love for life, for the learning process, and above all, for children. Even L. Tolstoy noted that a good teacher is one who combines love for his work and love for his students.

From a young age we are surrounded by teachers. They reveal to us the secrets of numbers, explain the laws of nature, introduce us to the masterpieces of world culture. They open the doors for us to this wonderful world filled with the joy of recognition. Real teachers teach us not so much science as the ability to learn, to find the source of knowledge ourselves. They awaken in us a craving for the good, the bright. These are the teachers who inspire.

How much in a person's life depends on who will be his teacher. After all, teachers give us not only knowledge on the subject, they teach us about life, educate in the little man the ability to rejoice and love, hope and believe, be strong and courageous, enduring and faithful, smart and self-confident. So, the ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote that a student is a torch that needs to be lit. And only a true teacher can do this.

And Dmitri Mendeleev remarked: "All the teacher's pride is in the students, in the growth of the seeds sown by him." Indeed, behind the discoveries of scientists, behind the achievements of professors and scientists there are always teachers. We become adults, choose our own path. But each of us always keeps a piece of the soul, given to us by teachers. It is no coincidence that even many years later, we cross the threshold of the school with such trepidation and remember our teachers with such warmth.

Those who want to become a teacher in the future will have to go through a great school of life. And choosing this profession is only for those who feel a calling in themselves - to be a teacher, mentor, friend, adviser and example in everything.

There will be talent-daring wisdom in him.
He will carry the sun on his wing...
Teaching is a long-range profession
Home on Earth.
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Teacher! Each person, looking back into the past, remembers his childhood. And he will certainly find in the depths of his memory bright feelings and thoughts addressed to the school, to the teacher.

Teacher! The warmest childhood memories are associated with this word.The teacher meets the children for the first time on the threshold of the school and escorts them to an independent life. The teaching profession is said to be eternal.The profession of a teacher is everyday hard work and a daily celebration of the victory of knowledge. There is no greater happiness for the Teacher than the success of his students.I will tell my story about why I became a teacher.

Why did I become a teacher? I began to solve this problem at an early age. While studying in elementary school, I often imagined myself in the role of my first teacher, Elena Borisovna. When she got home, she said everything she said in class. I wanted to be like her, stand at the blackboard, constantly tell something, write it down.

But my mother played a huge role in choosing my profession. She was my first assistant and adviser. You guessed it, she is a teacher. I saw how my mother prepared for each new day of classes, how much effort, time and attention her work requires. But that didn't stop me. Then, already in high school, I helped my mother check notebooks, studied with her students. While still at school, I dreamed of a pedagogical future. And when I graduated from high school, I knew for sure that it would be so.

And now I am a first-year student of the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute. Now I remember my way into this, as I later realized, difficult profession. Four years of conscientious study at the institute are the steps of knowledge: the first steps that I took to become a teacher. Every day I gained knowledge and life experience and met excellent teachers who gave solid knowledge and charged me with their energy and optimism. They opened the road for me, along which I must go long and persistently in order to proudly bear the wonderful title of "teacher"

I got to my native school, to native teachers. I realized that in this team I would find help, support and support.

I really like my profession, I love working with children, explaining new material to them, talking with them.

But work at school has its own difficulties, since the work of a teacher is not only conducting lessons and extracurricular activities, but also many other duties that a young teacher does not always understand and can master.

To overcome these problems, teachers who came to work at the school immediately after the walls of the institute should have support from their mentor.I found my mentor in the person of head teacher Gulnar Turgalievna Mukanova. It was she who helped me overcome all the difficulties in my work, helped me to believe in myself.

The teacher must accept and love every child who enters the class. Give a piece of your warmth, show great patience towards them, teach everything that you know and can do.

“I am in gratitude for the lessons of life,

I bow my head low,

Among the professions useful to society,

I give my heart to teaching"

I am very glad that I became a teacher. After all, every day spent at school takes us back to childhood. Although sometimes it is not easy for us, we sow reasonable and eternal things in our children. From year to year we become wiser, gain experience. Our children grow up with us.

Despite the fact that I have been working at the school for so little, only 5 years, I understand that it was not in vain that I chose the profession of a teacher. But I can't imagine myself in any other profession. I can’t even do a day without my fifth-graders, who, leaving for the weekend, are already dreaming that the next Monday would come sooner. It's nice when you go out onto the porch of the school, and you are already surrounded by a crowd of kids and everyone tells something of their own, everyone strives to be the first. Only children understand the state of the teacher. Therefore, I always come to school in high spirits, because children always feel the mood. For me, my work is the meaning of life. Students are like flowers, which has its own color of mood, its own habits, its own actions.

Not everyone can be a teacher. A teacher is a gift of nature, a talent.Without teachers, one cannot become a good doctor, or a pilot, or a military man. A teacher is an irreplaceable person, he is everything for his students, everything for his country.

“This is the profession of a teacher.

In my opinion, it is not more important.

Teacher, master, educator,

Keeper of knowledge, creator of children's souls,

The teacher holds the whole world on himself.

My profession is a teacher!

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