Rabbar labor and Duma is a high rapidness. Poem "in the depths of Siberian ores ...

The work is associated with the history of the Decembrist movement in Russia. Read verse "in depths siberian ores"Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich can be on the site. The poem was written in 1825 and transferred to Siberia with N.Muravyeva, who, together with other wives of the participants of the December uprising, went to Siberian mines to share the fate of her husband. The poet was close to the mindset to his friends-Decembristians, and the message was dedicated to them.

The poet with bitterness writes about the severe fate of the people who were punished for a noble desire to give freedom to the people, to save him from the briefness of captivity and the unbearable peasant labor. The author's atmosphere is described as a close space, a religious Nora, where the mind and thoughts are being thrown. But the poet is convinced that faith in justice, the high thoughts about the good of their people will help to overcome all the burden, break any way. Inspiration for exiles will be the support of friends and hope, walking next to the misfortune and, together with proud patience helping to keep unshakable loyalty to his ideals. The reward for loyalty will be the long-awaited freedom.

The text of the poem of Pushkin "In the depths of Siberian ores" can be downloaded completely and teach it in the lesson of literature online in the classroom.

In the depths of Siberian ores
Keep proud patience,
Your sorrowful work will disappear
And the Dum is a high rapidness.

Misfortune faithful sister
Hope in a gloomy dungeon
Wakes cheerfulness and fun,
It will come desirable time:

Love and friendships
Reach the gloomy shutters,
How to your savory holes
It comes to my free voice.

Grave shackles will fall,
Dunns are collapsed - and freedom
You will be joyful at the entrance,
And the brothers sword will give you.

"In the depths of Siberian ore ..." Alexander Pushkin

In the depths of Siberian ores
Keep proud patience,
Your sorrowful work will disappear
And the Dum is a high rapidness.

Misfortune faithful sister
Hope in a gloomy dungeon
Wakes cheerfulness and fun,
It will come desirable time:

Love and friendships
Reach the gloomy shutters,
How to your savory holes
It comes to my free voice.

Grave shackles will fall,
Dunns are collapsed - and freedom
You will be joyful at the entrance,
And the brothers sword will give you.

Analysis of the poem of Pushkin "In the depths of Siberian ores ..."

Alexander Pushkin as a personal tragedy took the events of 1825, when, after a failed rebellion, dozens of Decembrists were exiled to Katvoa to Siberia. Among them turned out to be many poet friends who consisted in secret societies, but did not want to devote Pushkin to their plans. It was explained simply: the future classic of Russian literature constantly conflicted with the authorities and by 1925 managed to visit the link twice. But this did not mind his fervor, and Pushkin would certainly be a member of the uprising, if he knew that it would happen.

However, fate ordered otherwise, and during the December events of 1825, the poet was located in Mikhailovsky, where actually stayed under house arrest. Subsequently, the poet will remember this with regret, noting that in the shower he supports the initiative of his comrades. This is a confirmation of this poem "in the depths of Siberian ores ...", written on the occasion of the anniversary of the Decembrist uprising. During the lifetime of the poet, it was never published, but Pushkin managed to ship his friends to Siberia and even get a poetic response from Odoyevsky.

The poet strongly risked when I persuaded the Muravyev's spouse to deliver this work to the Decembristians. But he understood that his friends, appointed and humiliated, now they never need moral support. That is why Pushkin still dares not only to write this poem, but also to send him to comrades. Turning to them, the poet emphasizes: "Your sorrowful work will not be disappeared and the High desire." This phrase, the author predicts that the ideas of the Decembrists in the future still will be in life, and Russia will get rid of the monarchy.

Trying to console your friends, many of which will not be destined to return from Siberia, Pushkin promises: "Love and friendships will reach you through the gate". The author is convinced that the feat of the Decembrist people will remember the century later. At the same time, the poet expresses the hope that fate will turn out to be more favorable heroes than the royal government. "The shackles will fall, the dungeons are collapsed - and freedom will be happy with the entrance," Pushkin notes. However, this prediction was not destined to come true, as a quarter of a century, only a few Decembrists received amnesty, who were able to live to this point and returned home deep old people, helpless, single, deprived of all titles and no one needed.

In the depths of Siberian ores
Keep proud patience,
Your sorrowful work will disappear
And the Dum is a high rapidness.

Misfortune faithful sister
Hope in a gloomy dungeon
Wakes cheerfulness and fun,
It will come desirable time:

Love and friendships
Reach the gloomy shutters,
How to your savory holes
It comes to my free voice.

Grave shackles will fall,
Dunns are collapsed - and freedom
You will be joyful at the entrance,
And the brothers sword will give you.

"In the depths of Siberian ores", this is another poem, which so derived from equilibrium the royal government and the guard, headed by Beckkendorf, its Bunlet spirit, disobedience.

Pushkin did not participate in the December uprising, but only because at that moment was in the link in Mikhailovsky. During searches, the Decembrists have almost every participant in the uprising, the prohibited poems of Pushkin were found in lists, that is, rewritten from hand. In September, Pushkin was called to the king Nicholas I, where he said that he would be at that moment in St. Petersburg, he would also come out to the Senate Square along with his friends.

The poem "in the depths of Siberian ores" was written at the turn of 1826-27, when the fate of the majority of Decembrists was already known. The five leaders of the uprising were hanged, the rest of the participants were exiled to the cowboy in Siberia. Among them were familiar, and even close friends of the poet: V. Kyhehelbecker ,. Written poem along with the message Ivan Pushchina Poet lies in a reference to the Decembrists through Alexander Grigorievna Muravyov, who left in Siberia to her husband.

"In the depths of Siberian ores" - the work, closely associated with Russian history, the public movement of the first half of the 19th century. It is studied by schoolchildren in grade 9. We offer to facilitate the preparation for the lesson using brief analysis "In the depths of Siberian ores" according to plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation - The work was written in 1827 in support of the Decembrists exiled to Siberia.

Subject poem - the memory of those who, for the "High desire", found himself in the link; Hope for quick liberation.

Composition - The poem A. Pushkin - can be divided into two parts: a story about the patience and hopes of people who stay in Siberia and the prediction of the liberation from the "Tomnov". Formally, the poem is divided into 4 katsins.

Genre - Message.

Poetic size - A four-stranded yamb with pyrroine, rhymes in the first stanza of the cross, in the rest - the annular ABVA.

Metaphor"In the depths of Siberian ores keep proud patience", "The Duma is a high rapidness", "misfortune is the right sister of hope", "Shacking will fall".

Epitts"Sorrowful Labor", "Gloomy Dungeon", "Gloomy Shutters", "Free Glory".

Comparison"Love and friendships will reach you through the gloomy shutters, how my free voice comes into your salary."

History of creation

For Russian literature first halves XIX. A century were relevant to the problems of freedom, movements for it. In the work of A. S. Pushkin, they occupy an honorable place. Poems poet were kept in the Decembrist archives, even though he was not a member of the uprising. In December 1825, Alexander Sergeevich was in reference in Mikhailovsky.

In July 1826, the verdict, made by the Decembrists, with which the poet was well acquainted. Among them was Kyhelbecker, Ryleev, Pushchin. The uprising participants wanted to execute, but then they replaced the sentence and sent them to hard work.

In 1826, Pushkin returned to Moscow, and soon arrived in St. Petersburg. He strongly supported friends, tried to justify their actions. At that time, he met with Nikolai I, but even after a conversation with the king, the poet did not leave friends. Under the threat of the link, he will recover their letters with verses.

Such and the history of the creation of an analyzed work written in 1827, those who are dedicated to the poem, received a forbidden letter. In Siberia, I was delivered by A. G. Muravyova, the wife of one of the Decembrists.


In the work, the author reveals the theme of memory of those who were exiled to the boat for their high rapid. Due to the topic, the idea of \u200b\u200bhow important the support of friends and strong hope for liberation is developing. The poet is confident that the hope is able to awaken in man joy and fun even when he is in the "Dokton".

The lyrical hero of the verse draws to people who are in imprisonment. He does not indicate who he is addressed to him, creating a prefabricated image of people who are in the depths of Siberian ores. " He is confident that the actions and thoughts sharpened will definitely give their fruits.

The address is trying to pick up prisoners, saying that hope will find them even in a gloomy dungeon. Love, and "Friendly" will come for her. The lyrical hero is sure that the shackles are not eternal, and when they "fall", the liberated will be able to fight for rights again, and already with the support of the "brothers", which were free.


The composition of the poem is conditionally divided into two parts: short description People staying in the dungeon, their high thoughts, the prophecy of the lyrical hero about the immediate liberation of the convicts. The transition between parts is smooth, accompanied by the change of mood from gloomy to joyful, sublime. The work consists of four katrenins that continue to keep each other.


The genre of the analyzed work is a message, since the author addresses its words to other people. The poetic size is a four-stranded jamb with pyrroine. The poet uses different types Rhymes: Cross Avav and Ring ABVA. The verse is both male and female rhymes.

Means of expressiveness

Message of Pushkin Pestreet artistic means. Trails help the poet to express their experiences for friends, support comrades in a difficult moment.

Most of all in the text metaphor: "In the depths of Siberian ores, keep proud patience", "Duma is a high striving", "misfortune is a faithful sister Nadezhda", "Sharp's shackles will fall," "Freedom will take you joyfully at the entrance." With this linguistic agent, the poet revives abstract concepts. Epittsserve to create a Siberian atmosphere, so most of them are gloomy: "sorrowful work", "gloomy dungeon", "gloomy shutters", "gravy shackles".

Comparisonin the text one, but it occupies a whole building: "Love and friendships will reach you through gloomy shutters, how my free voice comes into your salary."

In some stored, used alliterationFor example, in the first lines, the ability of words with the consonants "P" indicates the unshakable of the spirit of the convicts, their will power: "In the depths of Siberian ores, keep proud patience."

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What will be mentioned below requires deep understanding, just like that, having runs through the eyes written, do not understand what is hidden under the spiritual laws of our world and the fact that it opens up an impenetrable veil over them.

Materialism rejects God and spirituality, rejects the creator who created this world and those laws that they manage, the laws of spiritual, cycling on physical, whereas spiritual, initially, from the very creation, clearly dominates the physical. Materialism is studying physical laws And rejecting spiritual, facing them in life, simply closes their eyes on them, but it cannot continue forever.

In this article, I will try to open a kind of vest at the secret creative process in visual art and in poetry. Opening a veil on how significant in the history of the work may often have two or more meanings, which we, in our delusion we attribute to the author, and not God's providence, forgetting that they contradict each other in content. You will understand this, realizing that the author did not need to hide neither the first one of them, which proves that the author transmitting one content could not even assume the existence of another, not only contrary to the first, but also by the revealing content ...

1 - Let's start with visual arts.

Peer in this not a simple icon. Its image you can meet in the non-Canonical Ukrainian Church, under the patronage of the Lzhapatriar Golkolnik Filaret. Let's figure out what is still depicted on this icon in its true sense, and not in the fact that the Split Artist into it, in his attempts to sanctify the nationalist ideas and their ideologues. And why it is a confirmation of the biblical truth that holiness will not fool. After all, if neither twist, and the foundation for her was the icon of the Port Arthur God's Mother. On the icon, besides the saints, depicted: Bandera, Sheptitsky, Slip and others. On the icon - the angels hold a trident, and not a cross, as usual. The image of the trident we see also on the butters of the soldiers of the UPA.

Starting from early Christian, to Orthodox times, the trident was often mentioned as one of the symbols of the spiritual power of Prince Darkness. Its symbolic image can be seen almost throughout the icons, in all Christian temples of the world, precisely as a symbolic sign of the depicted underworld.

Indeed, as an inanimate item, a trident cannot be energized or good, only a symbol reflecting the rules of icon painted generally accepted in Christianity. Agreeing with them, we make a conclusion that on this UNO Icon, in the lower part of it is depicted by the hell. We also see - division into two opposing camps. On the one hand, they are closed in light clothes with the upcoming saint Vladimir and Olga over them, on the other - in dark.

At the top of the icon, we see the image of the Port Arthur icon of the Mother of God, who, as if the wedge separates the brighter grains, under the auspices of Saints Vladimir and Olga (left), from the more dark spurred (right). Wedge ends with a trident in the hands of angels, as on icons depicting a terrible court, where the angels with tridents drive sinners, separating them from the righteous, to hell. The truth of the above is obvious, as the fact that the divine providence in it condemns, both solutions and a nationalist ideology, despite the fact that the author tried to repel in it quite the opposite. Icon cannot lie, she says the truth, regardless of the author trying to reflect their false delusion in it.

2 - Poetry in this matter is practically no different from the visual arts .. To avoid the curves of the sense, let's take for the example the most significant figure in the Russian poetic thought - A.S. Pushkin, referring to a very famous work "in Siberia", which was written as a message to the Decembrists to Siberian settlements, the work that was read by the advanced youth of the century, the work that the Decembrists were told in distant Siberian villages, not even suspecting that true The essence that is laid in it by God's providence, which was laid in the poet.

In the depths of Siberian ores

Keep proud patience,

Your sorrowful work will disappear

And the Dum is a high rapidness.

Misfortune faithful sister

Hope in a gloomy dungeon

Wakes cheerfulness and fun,

It will come desirable time:

Love and friendships

Reach the gloomy shutters,

How to your savory holes

It comes to my free voice.

Grave shackles will fall,

Dunns are collapsed - and freedom

You will be joyful at the entrance,

And the brothers sword will give you.

Normal interpretation of analysis this poem, very distant from its true meaning, is understandable to everyone. I only repeating it, I will add what the reader could not know

The tragic 1825 year, the subsequent difficult years could not be suppressed in Pushkin passionate thirst for freedom, hopes for its achievement. In 1827, he writes the message "to Siberia" and transfers it to the wife of the Decembrist N. Muravyov, who went to her husband to share his fate.

Among the Decembrists there were a lot of friends A.S. Pushkin. The news of the defeat and arrests he perceived as a personal tragedy. The message is written in a high style, there are many abstract images in it: misfortune, hope, freedom, love, friendship.

However, the lyrical hero is confident that unhappiness always has a faithful sister-hope. And he hopes he believes in a man, in a wrestler who is able to preserve "proud patience" in the most difficult conditions, loyalty to his ideals, "Duma is a high striving." The hero is confident that "Love and Friendly", "free voice" like-minded people can support exiles, help them to transfer all the severity of the cortics. He is also sure that sooner or later, justice will triumph, and it makes him rejoice:

casting shackles will fall, the dungeons are collapsed -

and freedom will meet you joyfully at the entrance,

and the brothers sword will give you.

The finale of the poem sounds optimistic, he is full of hope and faith.

It is known that the Decembrists received a message of the poet, and it really supported them very much, was one of the few joyful events of their cautious life ... "

Now, let's start the analysis of the erroneousness of this analysis with the fact that any minerals (in the depths of Siberian ores) can not have any speech, none of the Decembrists referred to the core works in the mines, they refer to Siberia on a lifelong settlement. And in fact, in the word "ore", God's providence, who drove to A.S. Pushkin, there is a completely different meaning and meaning reflecting the true state of things. So -

In the depths of Siberian ores

Keep proud patience,

Your sorrowful work will disappear

And the Dum is a high striving ...

The first line ends with a word - ores, an inexperienced reader sees the mines in this. But in fact, ore, it is the English measure of measuring area. In those years, England was directed towards the whole world to turn into his colonies, in the future, achieving very significant results in this. And Siberia was for her a very tagged piece, it was England and stood in those years behind the uprising of the Decembrists. And be it successful, then the Russian Empire, there would be no longer it, and Siberia would be the colony of England.

So - in the depths of (future) of Siberian ores (lands of England - measured by English measures), keep proud patience, your sorrowful work will disappear ... and so on.

Misfortune faithful sister

Hope in a gloomy dungeon

Wakes cheerfulness and fun,

Wait welcome ...

What kind of gloomy dungeons here is talking here, it turns out in the West, and England was not an exception, the majority represented Russia a wild country, and Russians - savages living in gloomy caves and forest nora (dugouts), like animals. But, it is not even the main thing, here it is more about the spiritual dungeon, in which our people allegedly kneaded.

In the future, it is narrating that "" love and friendships will reach you through the gloomy shutters "", there is a reason for European love and a friendship that has come down to us through the shutters of slavery and ignorance. Y.Yust (Austria Ambassador) wrote

"The whole Moscow nation is in terrible slavery" ". And they were supposed to allegedly withdraw the Russian people from the gloom of spiritual dungeons on the light of God, giving them, at the entrance to new world, Sword, for the division of the Russian Empire between more enlightened countries in Europe. Why is love and friendship, yes because we are Russians, besides what they considered savages, also called evil, unfriendly and false people. Yu. Mikhet (Datsky Ambassador in Moscow) in 1712 wrote): ... "Rosyan does not have a precious thing that there is a person - the ability to feel morality - good and evil." "He generally called us monkeys. A.Te Kyustіn (Marcіz, French Monarchis)

"In Muscovy, honesty is equivalent to madness" ". A. Ma.rberg (Ambassador of Cesserie Leopold I at the Moscow courtyard, wrote in 1661 Rotsi):

"Speech by Muscovites, as people, not cultural, no schools are not trained, will dissolve nonsense, very often offensive for a decent person. Rugan, passion for all sorts of gados or khamsky behavior. They lie in Khamski, without any shame ..., Vidosha lies for the truth. "

Here with this spiritual dungeon and should have withdraw us European "" Love and Friendly "" "" "Through the gloomy" ". Such examples are great many, which reflected the opinion of Europe about us, Russians, in those years. Of course, honest and kind reviews about the Russian people, about their approximate honesty, dedication, cleanliness and spiritual and physical (not yet Europeans were dishonest and cruel-loving people) - http://blog.i.ua/community/2794/1294379 /, But they are Merkley in the general cavosophony of the contempt and hate to the whole Russian, who captured the minds of Europeans.

Could you know about this true meaning of his lines A.S. Pushkin? about what reflects in such "creation" is not only its delusions, but also the true essence of what is happening in relation to Russia and the Russian people, which is actually hiding behind such moods and delusions, as the uprising of the Decembrists, carrying the division of Russia and turning it into Colonies of ingenic states. No, of course, as I did not know about the created value and the artist Lzkazazak Unso Icons! Yes, it does not matter, another thing is important - no matter how many people would be sophisticated to wrap the truth and change God's worldit will not be able to him, everything will be according to God, and not in our, in the world where spiritual laws initially dominate the physical, determining the divine essence and the true face of all the processes that occurred and occur in the right fact, regardless of us with you And from our idea about them. So, the icons, and the creations of the geniuses of poetry, with a capital letter, driven by God's providence, despite the political and demonic mood of those or other artists and poets, will always carry in themselves - not the darkness of their delusions, but the true light of their exposure. And whatever we need, for a true understanding of this, this ability to see and hear ...

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