Biography. Dante Aligierey - Brief Biography Dante Aligiery Briefly

Who is Dante Aligiery?

Durant Deli Alirii (Italian Durante Deʎʎ Aliɡjɛːri, a short name of Dante (Ital. Dante, Brit. Dænti, amer. DɑːNTEɪ; from 1265 - 1321.), was one of the main Italian poets of the late Middle Ages. His "Divine Comedy" was originally Simply "comedy" (Sovr. It.: ComMedia), and later Bokcchcho dubbed her "Divine". "Divine Comedy" is considered the greatest literary work written in Italian, as well as the masterpiece of world literature.

In the late Middle Ages, the overwhelming majority of poems were written in Latin, which means it was only available to the rich and educated audience. In "De Vulgari Eloquentia" ("On People's Eloquence"), however, Dante defended the use of Zhargon in literature. He himself would have written in the Tuscan dialect of work, such as "The New Life" ("New Life") (1295) and the aforementioned "Divine Comedy"; This choice, although quite unorthodox, caused an extremely important precedent, which will later follow Italian writers, such as Petrarch and Boccaccio. As a result, Dante played an important role in the creation of the National Language of Italy. The great importance of Dante also had for his native country; Its images of hell, purgatory and heavens ensured inspiration for a large part of Western art, and influenced the work of John Milton, Jeffrey Chosera and Alfred Tennison and many others. In addition, the first use of the cross-three line of the rhyme scheme, or tercin, is attributed to Dante Aligiery.

Dante was called the "Father of the Italian Language" and one of the greatest poets of world literature. In Italy, Dante is often called "Il Sommo Poeta" ("Supreme Poet"); His, Petrarq and Bokcchcho are also called "three fountains" or "three crowns".

Biography Dante

Childhood Dante Aligiery

Dante was born in Florence, the Republic of Florence, modern Italy. The exact date of his birth is unknown, although it is believed that this is about 1265. This can be derived from autobiographical hints in the "Divine Comedy". Her first chapter, "Inferno", begins: "Nel Mezzo del Cammin Di Nostra Vita" ("Earth Life Passing Up to Half"), implying that Dante was about 35 years old, since the average life expectancy, according to the Bible (Psalm 89: 10, vulgate) is 70 years; And since his imaginary journey to hell took place in 1300, he was most likely born around 1265. Some poems of the "Paradiso" section "Divine Comedy" also have a possible key, to the fact that he was born under the sign of the twins: "When I rotated with the eternal twins, I saw from the hills to the mouths of the rivers, Khumno, which makes us so fierce "(XXII 151-154). In 1265, the sun in the twins is about 11 May and in June 11 (according to the Julian calendar).

Dante Aligieri Family

Dante argued that his family comes from ancient Romans ("Inferno", XV, 76), but the earliest relative could be a person named Kachchiugide Degley Elisha ("Paradiso", XV, 135), born no earlier than in 1100 . Dante Father, Alagiereo (Aligiero) Di Belongchione, was from White Gwells who were not subjected to repression after the victory of deaths in the battle for Montaperty in the middle of the 13th century. This suggests that Aligiero or his family may have saved due to their authority and status. Although, some suggest that politically inactive Aligiero had such a low reputation that it was not worth it even to refer.

The Dante family had a commitment to the Gutera - the political alliance, who supported the papacy and was involved in a complex opposition to the deaths, which, in turn, were supported by the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. The mother of the poet Bella is probably a member of the Abati family. She died when Dante was not ten years old, and Aligiero soon married again on the panel di Ciarissimo Chialyufi. It is not known whether he really married her, since the widows were socially limited in such actions. But, this woman definitely gave him two children, a consolidated brother Dante - Francesco and a consolidated sister - Tana (Gaetane). When Dante was 12 years old, he was forced to marry with Gemma di Manetto Donati, Manetto Donato's daughter, - a member of the influential Donati family. Contractual marriages at this early age were fairly common and included the official ceremony, including contracts concluded in the notary. But, by this time, Dante fell in love with another, - Beatric Portinari (also known as Beach), with which he first met when he was only nine years old. For many years after making marriage with Gemma, he wanted to meet Beatrice again; He wrote several sonnets dedicated to Beatrice, but never mentioned Gemma in any of his poems. The exact date of his marriage is unknown: there is only information that before its expulsion in 1301, he had three children (Pietro, Jacopo and Anthony).

Dante took part in the battle against the cavalry of the Guelfs in the Battle of Campelfino (June 11, 1289). This victory led to the reform of the Florentine Constitution. In order to take any participation in public life, it was necessary to enter one of the many commercial or craft guilds of the city. Dante entered the guild of doctors and pharmacists. In subsequent years, his name is sometimes written among speaking and voting in various councils of the republic. A significant part of the records of such meetings in 1298-1300 was lost, so the true degree of Dante's participation in the city councils is uncertain.

Gemma gave birth to Dante a few children. Although, some later argued that only Jacopo, Pietro, Giovanni and Anthony were likely, were likely. Anntonya later became a nun, accepting the name of the sister Beatrice.

Education Dante Aligiery

The formation of Dante is not known as much; He probably studied at home or at school at the church (monastery) in Florence. It is known that he studied Tuscan poetry and admired the compositions of the Bologna Poet of Guido Guiniecli, who in the XXVI head of "purgatory" he described as his "father" - at a time when Sicilian School (Scuola Poetica Siciliana), a cultural group from Sicily, became famous In Tuscany. Following its interests, he discovered Provencal Podbadur Poetry (Arnaut Daniel), Latin Writers of Classical Ancient times (Cicero, Ovid and especially Vergilius).

Dante said that for the first time I met Beatrice Portinari, my daughter, forging Porturine, aged nine years. He claimed that she fell in love with her "at first glance", probably, not even talking to her. He saw her often after 18 years, often exchanged greetings on the street, but never knew her well. In fact, he filed an example of the so-called courteous love, a popular phenomenon in the French and Provencal poetry of the previous centuries. The experience of such love was then typical, but Dante expressed his feelings especially. It is in the name of this love that Dante left his mark in the "Dolce Stil NOVO" ("Considate new letter manner", - the term that Dante came up with). He also joined other poets and writers of that time in learning aspects of love (AMORE), which no one previously investigated. Love for Beatrice (like Petrarki to the laure, only a few otherwise) will be the reason for writing poetry and incentive for life, sometimes for political passions. In many of his verses, it is depicted as a semi-breeding, which constantly observes him and gives spiritual instructions, sometimes sharply. When Beatrice died in 1290, Dante was looking for refuge in Latin literature. He read: "Congressive Chronicles", "Delia Philosophy Boeation" and excerpts from Cicero. He then devoted himself to philosophical research in religious schools, such as Dominican in Santa Maria Novella. He participated in the disputes that the two main beggar orders (Franciscans and Dominicans) directly or indirectly seized Florence, leading to the doctrine of the doctrine of mystics and St. Bonaventure, as well as the interpretation of this theory of the Foma Aquinas.

At the age of 18, Dante got acquainted with Guido Kawalkanti, Lapo Gianni, Nano and Pistola and soon with Brunetto Latini; Together they became the leaders of "Dolce Stil Novo". Brunetto was later mentioned in the "Divine Comedy" ("Inferno", XV, 28). They mentioned were his words, said Dante: Not to mention anything about this score, I am going with Broutoto gray, and I ask who his most famous and outstanding satellites. About fifty, Dante's poetic comments are known (the so-called rhymes), others are included later in the "Vita Nuova" and "Convivio". Other studies or conclusions, from the "new life" or "comedy" concern painting and music.

Political views of Dante Aligiery

Dante, like most of the Florentines of his time, was drawn into a conflict of gebells and hybilins. He fought in the battle of Campaldino (June 11, 1289), with Florentine Glevrophs against the District of Arezzo; In 1294, he was one of Karl Martel Alzhui karl (the grandson of Charles I Naples; more often called Karl Anzhui), when he lived in Florence. For further promotion of his political career, Dante became a pharmacist. He was not going to practice in this area, but the law published in 1295, demanded that the nobles applying for public positions so that they were registered in one of the guilds of the arts or crafts. Therefore, Dante has entered the pharmacist guild. This profession was suitable, since at that time the book was sold in pharmacies. In politics, he reached a little, nevertheless, in the city for several years, he held various positions where political riots reigned.

After the victory over the hybillens, the Guelphs were divided into two fractions: White Guelfs (Guelfi Bianchi) - the union led by Vieri de Cherki, to whom Dante joined, and Black Guelf (Guelfi Neri), headed by Corso Donati. Although the split occurred initially for family disagreements, ideological differences arose on the basis of the opposite views of the role of Pope in Florentine issues. Black Guelphs supported dad, and White Guelphs wanted more freedom and independence from Rome. White took power and sent black. In response, Pope of Bonifami VIII, planned military occupation of Florence. In 1301, Charles Valua, Brother King France Philip IV, should have visited Florence as Tuscany Peacemaker, appointed by Pope. But the government of the city cost the Pope Ambassadors is bad for several weeks before, demanding independence from the papal influence. It was believed that Charles received other unofficial instructions, so the Council sent a delegation to Rome to find out the intentions of the Pope. Dante was one of the delegates.

Dante's expulsion from Florence

Boniface dad quickly dismissed other delegates, and Dante offered to stay in Rome. In the meantime (November 1, 1301), Charles Valua captured Florence with black gulevra. For six days, they destroyed most of the city and killed many of their enemies. The new power of Black Gweelfov, and Kanta de Gabrieli da Gubbio was appointed head of the city. In March 1302, Dante, who belonged to the White Gweelfam, together with the family of Gerardini, was sentenced to reference for two years and was obliged to pay a major penalty. He was accused of black gelerfami in corruption and financial fraud, during the service by the abbot of the city (the highest position in Florence) within two months in 1300. The poet was still in Rome in 1302, when Dad, who supported the Black Guelfs, "offered" Dante to stay. Florence under Black Gweelfami believed that Dante is hidden from justice. Dante did not pay a fine, partly because he believed that he was not guilty, and partly because all his assets in Florence were captured by black guelpha. He was doomed to eternal exile; If he had returned to Florence without paying a fine, he could be burned in a fire. (In June 2008, almost seven centuries after his death, the city council of Florence adopted a resolution on the cancellation of the sentence of Dante.)

He participated in several attempts by White Gwells to regain power, but they failed due to betrayal. Dante was saddown by these events, he also experienced disgust for civilians and stupidity of his former allies and had nothing to have anything to do with it. He went to Verona as a guest Bartolomeo I Della Rock, and then moved to Sarzan to Liguria. Later, he is supposed to live in Lucca with a woman named Menthop, which provided him with a comfortable stay (Dante with gratitude mentioned it in "purgatory", XXIV, 37). Some speculative sources argue that he visited Paris between 1308 and 1310. Also, there are other, less reliable sources that transfer Dante to Oxford: These allegations appear for the first time in Bokcchcho's book, where we are talking about several decades after Dante's death. Boccaccio was inspired and impressed with broad knowledge and erudition of the poet. Obviously, Dante's philosophy and his literary interests deepened in exile. In the period when he was no longer busy every day on the day of the internal policy of Florence, he began to manifest himself in prosaic works. But there are no real evidence that he ever left Italy. The infinite love of Dante to Henry VII Luxembourg, he confirms in his residence "under the Mine Arno, not far from Tuscany" in March 1311.

In 1310, the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Henry VII Luxembourg entered Italy with a five thousandth army. Dante saw a new Carl in him, which will return the positions of the Holy Roman emperor to the former glory and purify Florence from black gelfov. He wrote Henry and several Italian princes, demanding that they destroyed black gelfov. Mixing religion and private problems in their letters, he referred to the worst wrath of God against his city and suggested several specific goals that were his personal enemies. It was at this time that he wrote to absolute monarchum, an excluding universal monarchy under Henry VII.

During his exile, Dante conceived writing a "comedy", but the date is uncertain. In this work, he was much more confident and she was wider scales than anything else produced by him in Florence; Most likely, he returned to this type of activity after she realized that his political activity, which occupied the central place for him, until his expulsion, was stopped for a while, and maybe forever. Also, the image of Beatrice with a new force is returned to it and with a wider value than in the "new life"; In "Pira" (1304-1307), he stated that the memory of this youthful love belongs to the past.

In the early stages of the creation of the poem, when it was in the process of developing Francesco and Barberino, mentioned it in his "Documenti D" Amore "(" Love lessons "), written, probably in 1314 or early 1315. Recalling the image of Virginia , Francesco responds to the fact that Dante inherits the Roman classics in the poem under the name "comedy", and that he describes in the poem (or part of it) to hell; that is hell. A brief remark does not give indisputable instructions that he himself read at least "Inferno" ("hell") or that this part was published at that time. But, this indicates that the composition has already been drawn up and that the essays of the work were made several years before. (It was assumed that the knowledge of Francesco Yes Barberino in the works of Dante also underlies some of the excerpts of his work "Officiolum" (1305-1308), a manuscript that saw the world only in 2003.) We know that "Inferno" was published close to 1317; it was determined by quoted rows, inserted into the fields of owls Bologna belt records, but there is no confidence in whether all three parts of the poem were published completely, or only a few passages. "Paradiso" ("Paradise") is assumed to be published posthumously.

In Florence, Baldo di Aguglion pardoned and returned most of the white gelfes from the expulsion. Nevertheless, Dante went too far in his cruel letters to Arrigo (Henry VII) and his sentence was not canceled.

In 1312, Henry attacked Florence and defeated Black Guelphov, but there is no evidence that Dante participated in this war. Some say he refused to participate in the attack on his own city; Others believe that it became unpopular among white gelfov, and therefore his traces were carefully noticeable. Henry VII died (from fever) in 1313, and together with him died the last hope of Dante see Florence again. He returned to Verona, where Kangranda I Della Rock allowed him to live safe and probably in prosperity. Kangrande was allowed to "Paradiso, XVII, 76).

During the expell, Dante corresponded with Dominican theologian Nicolas Brunachci (1240-1322), who was a student of Thomas Aquinas in Santa Sabina School in Rome, and then in Paris and the Cologne School of Albert Great. Brunachci became the lecturer Santa Sabina School, the predecessor of the Papal University of St. Thomas Aquinsky, and then served in Papal Curia.

In 1315, in Florence, Della Fadzhiol (a military officer, controlling the city), announced an amnesty to those who were in reference, including Dante. But for this, Florence required public repentance in addition to a large fine. Dante refused, preferring to remain in exile. When the treuccion captured Florence, the death sentence of Dante was replaced by home arrest, provided that he had returned to Florence, he would never go to the city. He refused such a sentence, and his death sentence was confirmed and extended to his sons. He hoped throughout the remaining life that he would be invited to return to Florence on the honored conditions. For Dante, expulsion was equal to death, because it deprived him of a large part of his identity and heritage. He described his pain from expulsion to "Paradiso", XVII (55-60), where Kachchiaguida, his grandfather, warns him about what to expect: As for the hope of returning to Florence, he describes this, as the impossibility already accepted ( Paradiso, XXV, 1-9).

Dance Death

Aligiery took the invitation of Prince Guido Novello da Polenta in Ravenna in 1318. He graduated from "paradise", and died in 1321 (at the age of 56), returning to Ravenna from the diplomatic mission in Venice, perhaps from malaria. He was buried in Ravenna in the Church of San Pierre Maggiore (later named San Francesco). Bernardo Barbo, Pretor Venice, erected a grave for him in 1483. Some verses of Bernardo Kanacchio were written on the grave, Dante's friend dedicated to Florence.

Heritage Dante

The first official biography of Dante Dante Aligiery (also known as "Small Treatise in Dante Praoma"), was written after 1348 Giovanni Boccaccio; Although some statements and episodes of this biography were recognized as unreliable modern researchers. An earlier story about the life and work of Dante was included in the "New Chronicle" of the Florentine Chronicler Giovanni Villani.

Florence in the end regretted the exile of Dante, and the city has repeatedly sent requests for the return of his remains. The keepers of the body in Ravenna refused, and at some point everything went out so far that Dante's bones were hidden in the false wall of the monastery. Nevertheless, the grave for him was built in Florence in 1829, in Basilica Santa Croce. This grave was empty from the very beginning, and Dante's body remained in Ravenna, far from the ground he loved. On his tombstone in Florence it is written: "Onorate L" Altissimo Poeta "- what is about translated as follows:" Read the greatest poet. "This is a quote from the fourth Kanto in" Inferno ", in which Vergilia is depicted among the great ancient poets conducted in suspended state . The next strict says: "L" Ombra Sua Torna, CH "Era Dipartita" ("His Spirit that left us will return"), these are eloquent words over an empty tomb.

April 30, 1921 in honor of the 600th anniversary of Dante's death, Pope Benedict XV announced an encyclical called "In Praeclara Summorum", calling it one "from many famous geniuses that Catholic faith boasts", as well as "pride and glory mankind. "

In 2007, within the framework of the joint project, Dante's face was reconstructed. Artists from the University of Pisa and the University of Bologna Engineers in Forle built a model transmitting Dante features, which differed somewhat from an earlier presentation of its appearance.

In 2015 was the 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante.

Creativity Dante Aligiery

"Divine Comedy" describes the journey of Dante in Adu (Inferno), nose (Pargatorio) and paradiso; First, his conductor is the Roman poet Virginia, and then Beatrice, the subject of his love (about which he also writes to "La Vita Nuova"). While the theological subtleties presented in other books require a certain patience and knowledge, the image of "hell" Dante is understandable for most modern readers. "Purgatory" may be the most lyrical of three parts, according to more modern poets and artists than "Inferno"; "Paradise" is most saturated with theology, and it is in it, according to many scientists, the most beautiful and mystical moments of the "Divine Comedy" appear (for example, when Dante looks into the face of God: "All" Alta Fantasia Qui Manco Possa "-" in this High moment, the opportunity failed my ability to describe, "Paradiso, XXXIII, 142).

With all the seriousness of her literary growth and range, both stylistic and thematic, in its content, "comedy" soon became the cornerstone in the approval of the Italian literary language. Dante was more informed than most of the early Italian writers who used various Italian dialects. He understood the need to create a single literary language, outside the Latin written form; In this sense, Aligiery is the harbinger of the Renaissance, with his attempts to create common literature, which could compete with earlier classical authors. Deep knowledge of the Dante (within its time) in Roman antiquity, and its obvious admiration for some aspects of the pagan Rome, also indicate the XV century. Oddly enough, while he was widely read after his death, the "comedy" came out of fashion among writers: too medieval, too rude and tragic, stylistically not exact, which high and later revival required from literature.

He wrote a comedy in the language, which himself called "Italian". In a sense, this is an amalgamed literary language, which is mainly based on the regional dialect of Tuscany, but with some elements of Latin and other regional dialects. He deliberately was aimed at conquering readers throughout Italy, including laity, priests and other poets. Creating a poem with an epic structure and philosophical destination, he found that Italian is suitable for the highest grade of expression. In French and Italian, he sometimes signs "La Langue de Dante" ("Dante Language"). Published in his native language, Dante as one of the first in Roman Catholics of Western Europe (including such as Jeffrey Choseer and Giovanni Boccaccio), broke the standards of publishing only on Latin (Liturgy, history and science language, but often also lyrical poetry ). This breakthrough made it possible to publish more literature for a wide audience, preparing the soil for higher literacy levels in the future. Nevertheless, unlike Bokcchchcho, Milton or Ariosto, Dante did not become the author, read throughout Europe, to the era of romanticism. For romantics, Dante, like Homer and Shakespeare, was a vivid example of the "original genius", which establishes its own rules, creates characters of an indefinite status and depth, and goes far beyond any imitation of the forms of early masters; And who, in turn, cannot truly be surpassed. Throughout the XIX century, Dante's reputation grew and was alleged; And by 1865, the 600th anniversary of his birth, he became one of the greatest literature icons of the Western world.

Modern readers are often surprising as such serious work can be called "comedy". In the classical sense, the comedy word refers to the works that reflect the faith in an ordered universe, in which there are not only happy events or a funny finale, but also the influence of a providential will, which streams all things to the highest good. In this sense of the word, as the Dante himself wrote in a letter to Kangranda I Della Rock, the progress of pilgrimage from hell to paradise, the paradigmatic comedy expression, as the work begins with the moral confusion of the pilgrim and ends with the vision of God.

Other works of Dante include: CONVIVIO ("banquet"), a collection of his long poems with (unfinished) allegorical comment; "Monarchy", a short treatise of political philosophy in Latin, who was convicted and burned after Dante's death by the Papal League of Bercto del Szhetto, who advocated the need for a universal or global monarchy in order to establish a universal world in this life, and promoted these monarchical relations to Roman Catholics in quality of leadership for the eternal world; On "De Vulgari Eloquentia" ("On People's Eloquence"), - Protective Literature, Dante in part inspired "Razos De Trobar" Reimon Vaidel de Besaduna; And "La Vita Nuova" ("New Life"), the story of his love for Beatrice Portinari, who also served as a symbol of salvation in the "comedy". "Vita Nuova" contains many poems about the love of Dante on Tuscan, which was not unprecedented; He regularly enjoyed for lyrical work before and during the whole XIII century. Nevertheless, Dante's comments about his own works are also written in their native language, like "Vita Nuova", and "PIR" - instead of Latin, which used almost everywhere.

The first love in the biography of Dante Aligiery became Beatric Portinari. But she died in 1290. After that Aligiery married Donety's jamme. One of the first signs of Dante Aligiery was a "new life". In 1300-1301, Aligiery wore Florence title, and next year he was expelled. At the same time, his wife remained to live in an old place, he did not call Jemmma to accompany himself. For the entire further life of Aligiery, no longer came to Florence.

The next product in the biography of Aligiery became "Pier", written in exile. He followed the treatise "On People's Eloquence". Forced to leave Florence, Aligiery traveled in Italy, France. Then he was an active public figure - lectured, took part in the disputes. The most famous work in the biography of Dante Aligiery became the "Divine Comedy", which the writer created from 1306 to the end of his life. The work consists of three parts - blood pressure, purgatory, paradise. Among other writings Aligiery: "Eclogging", "Messages", the poem "Flower", the Treatise "Monarchy".

In 1316 he began to live in Ravenna. Dante Aligiery died in September 1321, sick malaria.

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Dante Alighieri (ITAL. Dante Alighieri), the full name of Durant Deli Aligiery (the second half of May 1265 - on the night of September 13-24, 1321) - the greatest Italian poet, thinker, theologian, one of the founders of the literary Italian language, politician. The creator of the "comedy" (later received the epithetic "Divine", introduced by Bokcchcho), in which the synthesis of late-medieval culture was given.

In Florence

According to family legend, Dante's ancestors took place from the Roman kind of Eliseev who participated in the founding of Florence. Kachchagvida, Prapraded Dante, participated in the crusade of Conrad III (1147-1149), was devoted to the knights and died in battle with Muslims. Kachchagvida was married to a lady of the Lombard family Aldigierei da Fountain. The name "Aldigieri" was transformed into Aligiery; So was called one of the sons of Kachchagvida. The son of this Aligiery, Bellinchon, Ded Dante, who contacted Florence during the struggle of Glevives and Gellalinov, returned to his hometown in 1266, after the defeat of Manfred Sicilian at Benevento. Aligierey II, Dante's father, apparently, did not participate in political struggle and remained in Florence.

Accurate date of birth Dante Unknown. According to the testimony of Bokachcho, Dante was born in May 1265. Dante himself reports itself (comedy, paradise, 22), that was born under the sign of the twins. In modern sources, the dates of the second half of May 1265 are most often given. It is also known that Dante was baptized on May 26, 1265 (in the first passionate Saturday after his birth) under the name of Durant.

The first mentor of Dante was known at the time poet And scientist Brunetto Latini. The place where Dante studied is unknown, but he received extensive knowledge in the ancient and medieval literature, in the natural sciences and was familiar with the heretical teachings of that time. The nearest friend Dante was the poet Guido Kawalkanti. Dante devoted to him many poems and fragments of the poem "New Life".

The first acts mention of Dante Aligiery as a social activist refers to 1296 and 1297, already in 1300 or 1301 he was elected prior. In 1302, he was expelled with his part of the White Guelf and never saw Florence, dies in exile.

Years of Exile

The years of expulsion were for Dante for the years of the Skna. Already at that time, he was a lyrical poet among the Tuscan poets of "New Style" - rank from Pistoia, Guido Cavalkanti and others. His "La Vita Nuova (New Life)" was already written; Exile made it more serious and strict. He climbs his "feast" ("Convivio"), an allegorically scholastic commentary for fourteen chancements. But "CONVIVIO" is not complete: only the introduction and interpretation to the three chants were written. It is not over, breaking on the 14th chapter of the second book, and the Latin treatise on the national language, or eloquence ("de vulgari eloquentia").

During the years of expulsion, three cilts of the Divine Comedy were created gradually and under the same conditions. The time for writing each of them can only be determined approximately. Paradise finished in Ravenna, and there is nothing incredible in the story Bokcchcho, that after Dante Aligiery's death, His sons could not see the thirteen of the last songs for a long time, until, according to Legend, Dante did not dream of his son Jacopo and did not suggest where they lie.

On the fate of Dante Aligiery, very few actual information, the trace of it is lost over the years. At first, he found shelter from the rule of Verona, Bartolomeo delel the rock; The defeat in the 1304 of his party, who was trying to achieve the strength of Watering to Florence, made him for long wandering in Italy. Later, he arrived in Bologna, in Lunijan and KazENTino, in 1308-1309. I found himself in Paris, where he played with honor on public disputes, usual at the universities of that time. It was in Paris that Dante caught the news that Emperor Henry VII is going to Italy. The ideal hrius of his "monarchy" was resurrected in him with a new force; He returned to Italy (probably in the 1310th or early 1311), tea to her updates, herself - the return of civil rights. His "Message to the peoples and ruler of Italy" is full of these hopes and enthusiastic confidence, however, the emperor-idealist suddenly died (1313), and on November 6, 1315 Ranieri Di Swords from Orvetto, the governor of King Robert in Florence, confirmed the decree of exile in relation to Dante Aligiery, his sons and many others, condemning them on the execution, in case they fall into the hands of Florentines.

Since 1316-1317, he settled in Ravenna, where Signor city called him, Gvido da Polenta. Here, in the circle of children, among friends and fans, the songs of Paradise were created.


In the summer of 1321, Dante as an ambassador to the ruler of Ravenna went to Venice to conclude peace with the Republic of St. Mark. On the way back, Dante fell ill with malaria and died in Ravenna on the night of September 13-14, 1321.

Dante was buried in Ravenna; The magnificent mausoleum who prepared him Guido da Polent was not erected. The modern tomb (also called "Mausoleum") was built in 1780. All familiar portrait of Dante Alighieri is deprived of reliability: Bokcchcho depicts his bearded instead of the legendary smooth smooth, however, in general, its image responds to our traditional representation: an oblong face with eagle nose, big eyes , wide cheekbones and outstanding lower lips; Always sad and focused thoughtful.

Brief timeline of life and creativity

1265 - Birth of Dante.
1274 - The first meeting with Beatrice.
1283 - Second meeting with Beatrice.
1290 - Death Beatrice.
1292 - Creation of the story "New Life" ("La Vita Nuova").
1296/97 - The first mention of Dante as a public figure.
1298 - Dante's marriage on Donety Jemma.
1300/01 - Prior Florence.
1302 - Excanion from Florence.
1304-1307 - Pier.
1304-1306 - Treatise "On People's Eloquence".
1306-1321 - Creation of the "Divine Comedy".
1308/09 - Paris.
1310/11 - Return to Italy.
1315 - confirmation of the expulsion of Dante and his sons from Florence.
1316-1317 - settled in Ravenna.
1321 - As Ambassador of Ravenna goes to Venice.
On the night of September 13, on September 14, 1321 - dies on the road to Ravenna.

Personal life

In the poem "New Life" Dante fired his first youth love - Beatrice Portinari, who died in 1290 in the 24th age. Dante and Beatrice became a symbol of love like Petrarch and Laura, Tristan and Isolda, Romeo and Juliet.

In 1274, a nine-year-old Dante loved at the May festival with the girl of the eight years, the daughter of a neighbor, Beatrice Portinari is his first biographical memory. He first saw her, but the impression of this meeting was updated in it, when nine years later (in 1283), he saw her again a married woman and this time he was fond of her. Beatrice becomes for all his life "the master of his thoughts", the beautiful symbol of that morally raising the feelings, which he continued to cherish in her image, when Beatrice had already died (in 1290), and he himself entered into one of those business marriages, on political settlement which at the time were accepted.

Dante Aligiery family held the side of the Florentine Cherka Party (ITal. Cerchi), who was engaged in Donati with the Donati Party. However, Dante Aligiery married Donati's jamme, Manetto Donato's daughter. The exact date of his marriage is unknown, the only thing is that in 1301 he already had three children (Pietro, Jacopo and Antonia). When Dante Aligiery was expelled from Florence, Jemma was left in the city with children, while maintaining the remains of the father's heritage.

In the future, when Dante Aligiery gave his "comedy" into the glorification of Beatrice, Jamma was not mentioned in it in a single word. In recent years, he lived in Ravenna; His sons, Jacopo and Pietro, poets, future commentators, and daughter of Anthony, gathered around him around him. Only Jamma lived away from the whole family. Boccaccio, one of the first biographers of Dante Aligiery, summarized all this: as if Dante Aligiery married forced and persuasion, therefore, in many years, the expulsion never thought to call his wife. Beatrice determined the tone of his feeling, the experience of expulsion is its public and political views and their archaism.


Dante Alighieri, Thinker and Poet, constantly looking for a fundamental basis for everything that happened in himself and around him, it is this thoughtfulness, thirst for common, certainty, internal integrity, the passion of the soul and endless imagination determined the qualities of its poetry, style, imagery and abstractness .

Love for Beatrice received a mysterious meaning for him; He filled it every work. Its idealized image occupies a significant place in Dante's poetry. The first works of Dante are dating 1280s. In 1292, they were written a story about the renewed love of his love: "New Life" ("La Vita Nuova"), composed of sonnets, Chastson and prosaic story-comment on Love Beatrice. "New Life" is considered the first in the history of world literature by autobiography. Already in the exile of Dante, the "Pier" treatise writes (IL CONVIVIO, 1304-1307).

Created Aligierey and political treatises. Later, Dante found himself in the whirlpool of the parties, was even an ordinary municipalist; But he had the need to understand the basic principles of political activities, so he writes his Latin treatise "On Monarchy" ("De Monarchia"). This work is a peculiar apoophosis of the humanitarian emperor, next to which he would like to deliver the same perfect papacy. In the treatise "About the monarchy", Dante Aligiere-politician affected Dante. Dante Poet reflected in the works of "New Life", "Pier" and "Divine Comedy".

"New life"

When Beatrice died, Dante Aligiery was unprofilament: she fell so long his feeling, so it was crushed with his best parties. He recalls the story of his short-lived love; Her latest idealistic moments, for which death imposed his seal, involuntarily muffled the rest: in the choice of lyrical plays, inspired at different times with love for Beatrice and giving the canvas of an updated life, there are uncertain deliberation; All real-playful eliminated as for example. Sonnet about good wizard; It did not go to the total tone of memories. "Updated Life" consists of several sonnets and a chancend, mixed with a short story as a biographical thread. In this biography, there are no facts; But every feeling, every meeting with Beatrice, her smile, the refusal to cute - everything gets a serious meaning of which the poet thinks as a secret over him; And not over it with one, because Beatrice is generally love, high, raising. After the first spring dates, the thread of reality begins to be lost in the world of aspirations and expectations, the mysterious correspondences of the numbers of three and nine and the prophetic visions, which are lovingly and sad, as if in anxious consciousness, that everything to be long. Thoughts of death, who came to him during the illness, unwittingly tolerate him to Beatrice; He closed his eyes and begins nonsense: they see women, they go with the flowing hair and say: and you will also die! Scary images whisper: You died. Brad is intensifying, Aligiery is not realized by Dante, where he: new visions: Women go killed by grief and cry; The sun focused and the stars appeared, pale, dull: they also shed tears; Birds fall dead on the fly, the earth trembles, someone passes by and says: Do you really know anything? Your sweetheart left this light. Dante Aligiery cries, he is presented by the Song of Angels, they rush to the sky with the words: "Osaned in the High"; Before them is a bright cloud. And at the same time, the heart tells him: Your sweeter really died. And it seems to him that he goes to look at her; Women are covered with a white bedspread; Her face is calm, exactly says: I have made a contemporary source of the world (§ XXIII). One day, Dante Aligiery began for the Kanzona, in which he wanted to portray the beneficial effect of Beatrice. He made it and, probably, did not finish, at least he reports only an excerpt (§ XXVIII): At that time, he was brought about the death of Beatrice, and the next paragraph of the "updated life" begins with the words of Jeremiah (crying I): "How lonely It is the city of once crowded! He became like a widow; The great between nations, the prince above the regions, became a denant. " In his affect loss Beatrice seems to him public; He notifies the famous Florence people about it and also begins to the words of Jeremiah (§ XXXI). On the anniversary of her death, he sits and draws on a plank: the figure of the angel (§ xxxv) comes out.

Avena was held: Dante jeeping, but at the same time looking for consolation in serious work of thought, it is read with difficulty in Boaeziyevo "On the consolation of philosophy", hears for the first time that Cicero wrote about the same in his argument "about friendship" (Convivio II, 13 ). His grief so lowered that when one young beautiful lady looked at him with fate, condoles him, some new, unclear feeling, full compromise, with old, not yet forgotten. He begins to assure himself that the beauty of the same love remains in that beautiful, which makes his pouring tears. Whenever she met him, she looked at him as well, as if under the influence of love; It reminded him Beatrice: after all, she was the same pale. He feels that he begins to look at the stranger and that, whereas, before her compassion caused tears in him, now he does not cry. And he is unwritten, Coruse himself for the infidelity of the heart; He is painful and conscientious. Beatrice appeared to him in a dream, dressed as well as that first time he saw her more girl. It was time for the year when pilgrims were held by the crowds through Florence, heading to Rome to worship by the delicate image. Dante returned to old love with all the passion of mystical affect; He turns to pilgrims: they go thinking may be that they left home at home; According to their mind, you can conclude that they are afar. And it should be from afar: they go along the negligible city and do not cry, definitely do not know the causes of common grief. "If you stop and listen to me, then remove in tears; So tells me the growing heart, Florence lost her Beatrice, and what a person can say about her, for him to cry "(§xli). And the "updated life" ends the poet's promise to himself not to speak more about her, blissful until he was able to make it worthy of it.


So highly raised, pure appeared at Dante the feeling of Beatrice in the final melodies of "updated life", which seems to prepare the definition of love in his "Pir": "This is the spiritual unity of the soul with his beloved subject (III, 2); Love is reasonable, peculiar only to a person (in contrast to other affected affects); This is the desire for truth and virtue "(III, 3). Not everyone was devoted to this inextant understanding: for most Dante was simply an amourous poet, dressed in mystical paints an ordinary earthly passion with her delights and drops; He was the wrong lady of his heart, he could be reproached in impermanence (III, 1), and he felt this reproach as a heavy reprocess, as a shame (I, 1).

The "Pier" treatise (IL CONVIVIO, 1304-1307) became the transition of the poet from chanting love, to philosophical themes. Dante Aligiery was a religious man and did not survive those acute moral and mental oscillations, the reflection of which was seen in Pira. This treatise occupies the average in the chronological sense in the development of Danovsky consciousness, between the "New Life" and the "Divine Comedy". The bond and object of development is Beatrice, at the same time and feeling, and the idea, and memories, and the principle, which united in the same image.

Dante's philosophical classes just coincided with the period of his grief about Beatrice: he lived in the world of distraction and the allegoric images expressing them; No wonder the compassionate beauty causes a question in it - whether the love is not in it, which forces him to suffer about Beatrice. This fold of thoughts explains the unconscious process that the real biography of the updated life was transformed: Madonna philosophy prepared the way, returned to apparently forgotten Beatrice.

"The Divine Comedy"

Analysis of the work

When on the 35th year ("on half of the life path"), the practice of practicing Dante with their disappointments and the inevitable betrayal ideal and he himself found himself in their whirlpool, the boundaries of his self-analysis expanded, and the issues of public morality received place in it along with personal matters Departure. Referring to you, he is considered with his society. It seems to him that everyone is plusing in the gloomy forest of delusions, as he himself in the first song of the "Divine Comedy", and all the same symbolic beasts were torn to the world: Lynx - Sweistance, Lion - Pride, Wolf - greed. The latter in particular flooded the world; Maybe someday the liberator, the saint, an incubatory, who, like a borzoy dog \u200b\u200b(Veltro), will drive it in the subsoil of hell; It will be the salvation of poor Italy. But the paths of personal salvation are open to everyone; Mind, self-knowledge, science is derived to the understanding of the truth, opened by faith, to Divine Grace and Love.

This is the same formula as in the "updated life", corrected by the consvivio mineosoz. Beatrice has already been ready to become a symbol of active grace; But the mind, science is now present not in the scholastic image of the "Madonna of Philosophy", but in the image of Vergil. He led his aneu in the kingdom of shadows; Now he will be the leader of Dante, while he, the pagan, is allowed to go to pass it on the hands of the poet, whom the Christian was considered in the Middle Ages; He will lead him to Beatrice. So to the wandering in the dark forest, walking in three terms of kingdoms is attached. Communication between topics and other motifs are somewhat external, educational: wandering through the abode of hell, purgatory and paradise - not to exit Yudoli of earthly delusions, but by pressing the examples of those that found this way out, or did not find it, or dreamed of halfway. In an allegorical sense, the plot of the "Divine Comedy" is a person, since, doing the righteously or focusing, by virtue of his free will, he is subject to awarding or punishing justice; The purpose of the poem is to "bring people out of their distress to the state of bliss." This is said in the message to the Kang Grande della Rock, the ruler of Verona, who Dante as if devoted to the last part of his comedy, interpreting her literal and intimate allegorical meaning. Message is suspected as Dantess; But already the oldest comedy commentators, among them and the son of Dante, used them, although not calling the author; One way or another, but the views of the message have developed in the immediate neighborhood with Dante, in a circle of people close to him.

Postal vision and walking are one of the favorite stories of an old apocrif and a medieval legend. They mysteriously set up fantasy, frightened and manilated the gross realism of torment and monotonous luxury of paradise and shining rounds. Dante is familiar with this literature, but he read Virgil, thoughtful to the Aristotelian distribution of passions, in the church routine of sins and virtues - and his sinners, and blissful, were located in a slim, logically thought-out system; His psychological sense suggested him the compliance of the crime and righteous punishment, poetic tact - real images far left the dilapidated images of legendary visions.

The entire afterlime world was found by the finished building, the architecture of which is designed in all details, the definitions of space and time are distinguished by mathematical and astronomical accuracy; The name of Christ rhymes only with himself or not mentioned at all, as well as the name of Mary, in the abode of sinners. In all conscious, mysterious symbolism, as in the "updated life"; The number of three and its derivative, nine, reigns non-reign: three-stricter stanza (tercin), three karts of the comedy; minus the first, introductory song on hell, purgatory and paradise accounts for 33 songs, and each of the Kinta ends with the same word: Stars (Stelle); Three symbolic wives, three colors in which Beatrice is clothed, three symbolic beasts, three grazing lucifer and as many sinners, they devoured; Triple distribution of hell with nine circles, etc.; Seven ledges of purgatory and nine celestial spheres. All this may seem fine, if you do not think about the world of time, in a bright conscious, to the pedantry, the feature of Danov Mirosozenia; All this can only stop the attentive reader with a coherent reading of the poem, and all this connects on the other, this time by the poetic sequence, which forces us to admire the sculptural definition of hell, picturesque, consciously pale tones of purgatory and geometric outlines of paradise, passing into the harmony of heaven.

So transformed the circuit of the postal walks in the hands of Dante, perhaps the only of medieval poets, who mastered the finished plot is not with an external literary goal, but to express their personal detention. He himself lost on half of the life path; In front of him, a living person, not before the spirits of the old legend, not in front of the writer of an outdoor story or a parodist Fablo, the areas of hell, purgatory and paradise, which he inhabited not among the traditional images of legends, but also by persons of the lively modern time and recently. Over them, he creates the court, which worked over him from the height of his personal and public criteria: relations of knowledge and faith, empire and papacy; He executes their representatives if they are incorrect to his ideal. Displeased with modernity, he is looking for her updates in the moral and public norms of the past; In this sense, he Laudator Temporis Acti in the conditions and relationship of life, which Bokcchichio sums up in his December: some thirty years separate it from the last songs of the Divine Comedy. But Dante needs principles; Look at them and go past! - he says Virgil when they pass by people who have not left the memory of them on earth, on which the divine justice and grace will not look, because they were unimustal, not principled (Hell, III, 51). No matter how high the Mirosozenny Dante, the name "Singer of Justice", which he gives himself (de vulg. El. II, 2), was a self-exclusion: he wanted to be an imperious judge, but passionality and parties were fascinated by him, and his postal kingdom is fully unfair Condemned or exalted is not in moderation. Bokcchichio talks about him, shaking his head, as it happened, in Ravenna, he went out of himself so much when some woman or child scolded the giblles that they were ready to throw them with stones. This may be a joke, but in the XXXII-th song of Ada Dante Treplet for the hair of the traitor Box to settle his behalf; Promises another under a terrible oath ("Let me please in the depths of the hellish glacier," hell XXXIII. 117) Clear his abandoned eyes, and when he called himself, does not fulfill promises with conscious gloating (Loc. Cit. v. 150 and sl. Hell VIII, 44 and SL.) Sometimes the poet took advantage over the carrier of principle, or they were mastered by personal memories, and the principle was forgotten; The best flowers of Dante Poetry rose in the moments of such oblivion. Dante itself apparently admires the grandee's grandee, silently and sulvertly simple under the fiery rain and in his torments causing Zeus (hell, p. Xiv). Dante shook him for the pride, Francescu and Paolo (Hell, V) - for the sin of solvents; But he surrounded by such poetry, so deeply excited by their story that participation borders with sympathy. Pride and love - the passion that he himself recognizes from which it is cleared by going through the ledge of the purgant mountain to Beatrice; She sniffed to the symbol, but in her desensses of Dante among the earthly paradise, the human note of the "updated life" and the infidelity of the heart caused by a real beauty, not Madonna philosophy. And pride did not leave him: naturally self-awareness of the poet and a convinced thinker. "Follow your star, and you will achieve a glorious goal," says Brunetto Latin (Hell, XV, 55); "The world will run by your broadcasts," says him Kachchyagvida (Paradise, XVII, 130 and next), and he himself assures himself that he was reconciled from the parties, they will still be called, for he will need them (hell, XV, 70).

Throughout the work, Dante repeatedly mentioned emperors and kings: Friedrich II Gajenstaofen, his cousin Wilhelm II Sicilian, Manfred Sicilian, Charles I Anjou, etc.

Influence on culture

The program of the "Divine Comedy" covered the whole life and general questions of knowledge and gave answers to them: this is the poetic encyclopedia of the medieval world. On this pedestal, the image of the poet himself, early surrounded by the legend, in the mysterious light of his comedy, which he himself called the sacred poem, bearing in mind her goals and objectives; The name of the Divine accidentally and belongs to the later time. Immediately after his death are commentators, and imitation, descending to semi-humid forms of "visions"; Comedy tercins have already hooked in the XIV century. On squares. The comedy is just a book of Dante, El Dante. Boccaccio opens a number of his public interpreters. Since then, it continues to read and explain; Raising and falling the Italian folk identity was expressed by the same fluctuations in the interest that Dante was excited in the literature. Outside Italy, this interest coincided with the idealistic flows of society, but answered and the goals of school erudition, and a subjective criticism, who saw in the comedy, all that she was pleased: in the imperialist Dante - something in the childbirth of Carbonara, in Dante Catholic - Yeressiarch, Protestant, A man who has suffered doubts. The newest exegez promises to turn to the only possible way, with love referring to the commentators who lived in the Dante, who lived in the strip of his worldview or heavier. Where Dante is a poet, it is accessible to everyone; But the poet is mixed in him with a thinker. As indicated in the modern philosophical dictionary, Dante Poetry "played a big role in the design of Renaissance humanism and in the unfolding of the European cultural tradition as a whole, having a significant impact not only on the poetic and artistic, but also on the philosophical sector of culture (from the lyrics of Petrark and Pleiadi poets to Sophiology BC Solovyov). "

When writing this article, the material from the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron was used (1890-1907).

Russian translations

A. S. Norova, "Excerpt from the 3rd song of the Poem Hell" ("Son of the Fatherland", 1823, No. 30);
his, "Predictions of D." (From the XVII song of Parada Paradise.
"Literary Sheets", 1824, L "IV, 175);
his, "Count Handic" ("News Liter.", 1825, KN. XII, June).
"Hell", lane. with ital. F. Fan Dim (E. V. Cologryvova; St. Petersburg 1842-48; prose).
"Hell", lane. with ital. Scentech size D. Mina (M., 1856).
D. Min, "First Cultural Song" ("Russian West., 1865, 9).
V. A. Petrov, "Divine Comedy" (per. With Ital. Tercins, SPB., 1871, 3rd ed. 1872; Translast only blood pressure).
D. Minaev, "Divine Comedy" (LPC. And St. Petersburg. 1874, 1875, 1876, 1879, Transl. Not from the original, tercins).
Hell, Song 3rd, Transl. P. Weinberg ("West. Heb.", 1875, No. 5).
"Paolo and Francesca" (hell, tree. A. Orlov, "West. Heb." 1875, No. 8); "Divine Comedy" ("hell", the presentation of S. Zarudnaya, with explanations and additions, St. Petersburg, 1887).
"Purgatory", translation A. Solomon ("Russian Review", 1892, White verses, but in the form of tercin).
Translation and retelling Vita Nuova in the book of S., "Triumphs of Women" (SPB., 1892).
Golovanov N. N. "Divine Comedy" (1899-1902).
M. L. Lozinsky "Divine Comedy" (1946 Stalinist Prize).
Ilyushin, Alexander Anatolyevich. ("Divine Comedy") (1995).
Lemport Vladimir Sergeevich "Divine Comedy" (1996-1997).

Dante in art

In 1822, Eugene Delacroix was written a picture of "Ladya Dante" ("Dante and Vergilia in the hell"). In 1860, Gustave Dore performed illustrations for "hell" and "paradise". Illustrations for the "Divine Comedy" were performed by William Blake and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

In the work of A. A. Akhmatova, Dante occupied a significant place. In the poem "Muza", the Dante is mentioned and the first part of the "Divine Comedy" ("hell"). In 1936, Akhmatova wrote a poem "Dante", where the image of Dante exile appears. In 1965, at the solemn meeting dedicated to the 700th anniversary of Dante Aligiery, Anna Akhmatova read "Dante's Word", where in addition to his own perception of Aligiery, the mention of Dante in Poetry N. S. Gumilyov and Treatise O. E. Mandelstam "Talk about Dante" (1933).

Dante Aligiery is the largest Italian poet, literary critic, thinker, theologian, politician, the author of the famous "Divine Comedy". Significant information about the life of this person has been preserved extremely small; Their main source is the artistic autobiography itself, which describes only a certain period.

Dante Aligiery was born in Florence, in 1265, May 26, in the trodovit and secured family. It is not known where the future poet studied, but he himself considered the resulting education was insufficient, therefore he paid a lot of time to independent education, in particular, the study of foreign languages, creativity of ancient poets, among whom he gave a very preference to Vergilia, considering it with his teacher and "leader."

When Dante was only 9 years old, in 1274, an event occurred, which became a landmark in his fate, including creative. At the festival, his attention attracted his peer, a neighborhood - Beatrice Portinari. Ten years later, being a married lady, she became for Dante that beautiful Beatrice, whose image illuminated all his life and poetry. A book called "New Life" (1292), in which he stood with poems and prosaic rows about love for this young woman, untimely died in 1290, is considered the first autobiography in world literature. The book glorified the author, although it was not the first literary experience, he started writing in the 80s.

The death of his beloved woman made him with his head to go into science, he studied philosophy, astronomy, theology, turned into one of the educational people of his time, although at the same time the knowledge luggage did not go beyond the medieval tradition that appeared on theology.

In 1295-1296 Dante Aligiery declared itself and as a public, politician, participated in the work of the city council. In the 1300th, he was elected by a member of the Collegium of the six priority, which ruled Florence. In 1298, he married Donety's jamma, which was his wife to the very death, but this woman always played a modest role in his fate.

Active political activity was the reason for the expulsion of Dante Aligierey from Florence. The split of the Gutev Party, in which he consisted, led to the fact that the so-called whites, in whose ranks there was a poet, subjected to repression. Against the Dante was put forward to bribery, after which he was forced to leaving his wife and children, leave his hometown in order not to return to him Never. It happened in 1302.

From that time, Dante was constantly wandering around the cities, traveled to other countries. So, it is known that in 1308-1309. He visited Paris, where he participated in the university of open disputes. Aligiery's name was added twice in the lists of persons to be amnesty, but both times were drawn from there. In 1316, he was allowed to return to his native Florence, but provided that he was publicly recognized in the wrongness of his views and shown, but the proud poet did not do this.

From 1316, he settled in Ravenna, where Gvido was invited and the ruler of the city. Here in the society of his sons, the daughter of Beloved Beatrice, fans, friends passed the last years of the poet. It was during the period of expelling Dante wrote a work that glorified him in the centuries, "Comedy", to the title of which a few centuries later, in 1555, the word "Divine" will add in the Venetian edition. The beginning of work on the poem applies to about 1307, and the last of the three ("hell", "purgatory" and "paradise") of the Dante parts wrote shortly before death.

He dreamed with the help of the "comedy" to become famous and return home with honors, but his hopes were not destined to come true. Sick Malaria, returning from a trip to Venice with a diplomatic mission, the poet on September 14, 1321 died. The "Divine Comedy" was the top of his literary activities, but only his rich and versatile creative heritage is not exhausted and includes, in particular, philosophical treatises, journalism, lyrics.

St. Petersburg State University

Cultures and arts



Subject: "Dante Aligiery and his" Divine Comedy "as a standard of the literature of the Italian Renaissance"


Student II Course



Correspondence formation

Fomins A. V.

TEACHER: Kozlova V. I.

Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ............. 3.

Chapter 1. Biography of the poet ............................................... ........................................four

Chapter 2. "Divine Comedy" Dante .......................................... .................. 7.

Conclusion ............................................................... .................................................. ........fourteen

Bibliography............................................... ......................fifteen


The study of the literature of the Italian Renaissance begins with the consideration of the creativity of the great predecessor of the Renaissance, Florentine Dante Alighieri (Dante Alighieri, 1265 - 1321), the first time from the great poets of Western Europe.

On the nature of his creativity, Dante is a transition poet, standing at the turn of two great historical eras.

The main work of Dante, on which his world fame is primarily based, is the "Divine Comedy". The poem is not only the result of the development of ideological and political and artistic thought of Dante, but gives the grand philosophical-artistic synthesis of the entire medieval culture, while at the same time recking the bridge from her to the Renaissance culture. It is like the author of the Divine Comedy "Dante is at the same time the last poet of the Middle Ages and the first poet of the new time.

Chapter 1. Biography of the poet

Dante Aligiery was born in Florence in 1265. The poet came from the old nobleman. However, Dante's family has long lost feudal appearance; Already the father of the poet belonged himself, as he himself, to the party of the Guelf.

Having reached the age of majority, Dante was recorded in 1283 in the shop of pharmacicles and doctors, which also included book services and artists and belonged to the number of seven "senior" Florence workshops.

Dante was educated in the amount of medieval school, which himself recognized meekly, and sought to fill it with the study of French and Provencal languages, who discovered access to the best samples of foreign literature.

Along with the medieval poets, the young Dante carefully studied the ancient poets and, first of all, Vergil, whom he chose, in his own expression, his "leader, Mr. and Teacher."

The main passion of the young Dante was poetry. He early began writing poems and already at the beginning of the 80s of the XIII century. I wrote many lyrical poems, almost exceptionally love content. At the age of 18, he survived a large psychological crisis - the love of Beatrice, the daughter of the Florentine Florentian, his father's friend, subsequently

married nobleman.

The story of his love for Beatrice Dante outlined in a small book "New Life", which brought him literary glory.

After the death of Beatrice, the poet engaged in strengthened research of theology, philosophy and astronomy, and also learned all the subtleties of medieval scholastic. Dante became one of the scientists of his time, but his scholarship was typically medieval, because he was subordinate to the theological dogmas.

Dante's political activity began very early. Having barely reaching the majority, he takes part in the military enterprises of the Florentine Commune and fights on the side of the Gleelphs against the Diembalians.

In the 90s, Dante meets in urban councils and performs diplomatic orders, and in June 1300, he is elected by a member of the legislative collegium of six priguses.

After the Gutevian party split, he adjoins white and vigorously fights against the orientation on the papal smoke. After the blacks were defeated by white, Pope of Bonifami VIII intervened in their struggle, who called for the rescue of the French Prince Charles Valua, who joined the city in November 1301 and learned the reprisals above the supporters of the White Party, accusing them in all sorts of crimes.

In January 1302, kick fell on the great poet. Dante was sentenced to a large finant on the fictional charge in bribery. Fearing the worst, the poet fled from Florence, after which all his property was confiscated. All other years of Dante's life spent in the exile, running out of the city to the city, quite found out, "as a town of bread is strangers," and never saw the dear to his heart of Florence - "beautiful shepherdie, where he slept a lamb."

Life in exile has significantly changed political beliefs

Dante. Full anger against Florence, he came to the conclusion that her citizens had not yet grown to self-protecting their interests. More and more poet is inclined to convincing that only the imperial power can be understood and united by Italy, giving a decisive oppression of the papal authorities. Hope to exercise this program, he laughed at the Emperor Henry VII, which was 1310 in Italy to be allegedly for the guidance of the "order" and the elimination of the interne-free distribution of Italian cities, in fact, with the aim of their robbery. But Dante saw in Henrich the desired "Messiah" and agitated sharply for him, scattered in all sides Latin

messages. However, Heinrich VII died in 1313, did not have time to take Florence.

Now the last hopes of Dante returned to their homeland. Florence twice crossed out his name from the list of amnenized, for he saw in him an irreconcilable enemy. The proposal made to him in 1316 to return to Florence under the condition of the humiliating public repentance of Dante resolutely rejected. The Poet held the last years of life in Ravenna, Prince Gvido da Polenta, a nephew with French himself, and Rimini.

Here Dante worked on the completion of his great poem written during the years of expulsion. He hoped that the poetic glory would give him an honorable return to his homeland, but did not live before that.

Dante died on September 14, 1321 in Ravenna. He fully remained faithful to his mission of the poet of justice. Subsequently, Florence has repeatedly made attempts to return the ascent of the great exile, but Ravenna always answered her with refusal.

Chapter 2. Dante Divine Comedy

The name of the poem needs explanation. Dante himself called it just "comedy", using this word in a purely medieval sense: in the then tragedy poetics, there was any work with a prosperous beginning and a sad end, and a comedy is every work with a saddeal and prospective, happy ending. Thus, the concept of "comedy" during the Dante time did not enter the installation necessarily cause laughter. As for the epithet "Divine" in the title of the poem, it does not belong to Dante and approved no earlier than the XVI century, while not to designate the religious content of the poem, but exclusively as an expression of its poetic perfection.

Like other works of Dante, the "divine comedy" is distinguished by an unusually clear, thoughtful composition. The poem is divided into three large parts ("Cantics") dedicated to the image of three parts of the afterlife (according to the teachings of the Catholic Church) - Hell, purgatory and paradise. Each of the three kart consists of 33 songs, and another song (first) is added to the first cantie, which is the nature of the prologue to the whole poem.

With all the originality of the Dante art method, its poem has numerous medieval sources. Fabul Poem reproduces the scheme of popular in the medieval clerical literature of the genre of "visions" or "walking of flour", that is, poetic stories about how a person managed to see the mysters of the afterlife.

The task of medieval "visions" was the desire to distract a person from the worldly bustle, show him the sinfulness of earthly life and encourage him to turn his thoughts to the afterlife. Dante also uses the form of "visions" in order to fully reflect the real, earthly life; He creates a trial of human crimes and vices. Not for

the denial of earthly life is as such, but for the purpose of its correction. Dante does not lead a person from reality, but immerses a person in her.

Depicting hell, Dante showed a whole gallery of living people endowed with various passions. He is hardly the first in Western European literature makes the subject of poetry the image of human passions, and to find the full-blooded human images goes down to the afterlife. Unlike medieval "visions", which gave the most common, schematic representation of sinners, Dante concretizes and individualizes their images.

The afterlife is not opposed to real life, but continues to reflect the relationship existing in it. In Datovsky, the hell will rake, as on earth, political passions. Sinners lead with Dante conversations and disputes on modern political topics. The proud death of the Farinat Deli deli, caught in hell among heretics, is still full of hatred for Gutev, and talking with Dante about politics, although it is concluded in the fiery grave. In general, the poet maintains political passion in the afterlife in the after-gravity world and, at the form of the suffering of his enemies, develops into their address. The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe diploma retaliation receives political coloring at Dante. It is not by chance that many political enemies of Dante are in hell, and his friends are in paradise.

Fantastic in their overall plan, the poem Dante is built entirely of pieces of real life. Thus, when describing the torch of Lihychim residents, abandoned in a boiling resin, Dante recalls the sea arsenal in Venice, where the courts in the melted resin ("hell", the song of XXI). At the same time, the demon follows that the sinners do not float upstairs, and encounter them with hooks in the resin, as the chefs "drown meat with forks in the boiler." In other cases, Dante illustrates the described torments of sinners with pictures of nature. So, for example, he compares traitors immersed in an ice lake, with frogs, which "set to put into doubt, stigma

from the pond "(Song XXXII). The punishment of the dedicated advisers enclosed in fiery languages, reminds Dante Valley, filled with fireflies, in a quiet evening in Italy (Song XXVI). The more unusually described Dante objects and phenomena, the more he seeks to visually present them to the reader, comparing with well-known things.

So, "hell" is inherent in gloomy flavor, dense sinister paints, among which red and black are dominated. To replace them, they come in "purgatory" softer, pale and foggy colors - gray-blue, greenish, golden. This is due to the appearance of wildlife - the sea, rocks, green meadows and trees. Finally, in "Rai" dazzling shine and transparency, radiant paints; Paradise is the abode of the purest light, harmonious movement and music of the spheres.

Particularly expressive, one of the most terrible episodes of the poem - an episode with Ugolino, whom the poet meets in the ninth circle of hell, where the greatest (from the point of view of Dante) is a crime - betrayal. Ugolino violently nibbles the neck of his enemy, Archbishop Rujerry, who, unfairly accused of treason, locked him with sons in the tower and worked hunger.

The terrible story of Ugolino about the flour tested by him in the terrible tower, where his four sons died from hunger on his eyes and where he, in the end, distraught from hunger, pounced on their corpses.

Allegorism is of great importance.

So, for example, in the first song of his poem, Dante tells how "in the middle of their life", he lost in a dense forest and almost was confused by three terrible beasts - Lvom, Wolf and Panther. From this forest, Vergil is removed from this, which Beatrice sent to him. The whole first song of the poem is a solid allegory. In religious and morally, it is interpreted as follows: a dense forest - the earthly existence of a person, full of sinful delusions, three beasts - three

the main vices, which literate a person (Lion - Pride, Wolf - greed, Panther - Sweistance), Vergil, delivering a poet from them - Earth wisdom (philosophy, science), Beatrice - Heavenly Wisdom (theology), which is subordinated by earthly wisdom (reason - Thrieventure of faith). All sins entail the form of punishment, the allegorically depicting mental state of people covered by this vice. For example, voluptuous convicts always spinning in the hellish swirl, symbolically depicting the whirlwind of their passion. It is as symbolic of the punishment of angry (they are immersed in a scratched swamp, in which they are fiercely fighting with each other), tyrants (they are flounded in boiling blood), Roshovists (they hang heavy wallets, flexing them to Earth), sorcerers and progress ( Their heads turned back, since during his lifetime they had an imaginary ability to know the future), hypocrites (they are put on lead mantles, gilded tops), traitors and traitors (they are subjected to various tortures with cold, symbolizing their cold heart). The same moral allegories crowded with purification and paradise. In purm they are, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, those sinners who are not condemned to eternal flour and can still be cleaned by their sins. The internal process of this cleansing is symbolized by the seven letters of P (the initial letter of the Latin word peccatum - "sin"), incense with angel's sword on the forehead of the poet and denoting seven death sins; These letters are erased according to one as the dance of the circles of purgatory. Dante's conductor is still versagil who reads him long instructions on the secrets of Divine justice, about the free will of a man, etc. Rising with Dante on the leaving of the rocky mountain grid to the earthly paradise, Vergil leaves him, because further climbing him, As a pagan is not available.

Replacing verse comes Beatrice, which becomes

dante's driver's head of heavenly paradise, for for the contemplation of the divine award given to the righteousness for their merit, earthly wisdom is already insufficient: heavenly, religious wisdom is needed - theology, personified in the image of the poet's beloved. She assumes from one heavenly sphere to another, and Dante flies behind her, fascinated by the power of his love. His love is cleared now from the whole earthly, sinful. It becomes a symbol of virtue and religion, and the ultimate goal is to see the leadership of God, which himself is "love, driving the sun and other stars."

In addition to moral and religious meaning, many images and situations of the "Divine Comedy" have a political meaning: the dense forest symbolizes an anarchy that reigns in Italy and generates the three specified vice. Dante carries through all his poem the idea that earthly life is preparing for future eternal life. On the other hand, he discovers passionate interest in earthly life and revises from this point of view a number of church dogmas and prejudice. So, for example, externally solidarized with the teachings of the church on the sinfulness of the carnal love and placing the voluptuous in the second round of hell, Dante internally protests against the cruel punishment, beating Francescu yes Rimini, a deceived married for Gianchotto Malatest, ugly and lame, instead of his brother Paolo, whom she loved.

Dante critically reviews the ascetic ideals of the Church also in other respects. Agreeing with the church teaching on the fisiness and sinfulness of the desire for glory and honors, at the same time the mouth of Vergilia praises the desire for glory. He extols the other property of a person, as severely condemned by the Church, - the torture of the mind, thirst for knowledge, the desire to go beyond the narrow circle of ordinary things and ideas. The bright illustration of this trend is the wonderful image of Udyssey (Odyssey), executed among the other evils

advisers. Ulysses tells Dante about his thirst "to earn peace a distant horizon." He describes his journey and so transfers the words he encouraged his tired satellites:

Oh brothers, - I said, - for the sunset

Who came expensive thoughts,

That short time until they don't sleep

Earth feelings, their balance is scarce

Give comprehension novelty,

So that the sun after seeing the world is desertless!

Think about what you whose sons

You are not created for an animal share,

But to valor and knigns were born.

("Hell", Song XXVI.)

In the XIX songs "Hell", a narrative of the punishment of dads, trading by church posts, Dante compares them with the produncia of the apocalypse and angrily exclaims:

Silver and Zlato - now God for you;

And even those who pray to the idol,

They honor one, - you honor one hundred prases.

But Dante was relegated not only the greed and chroprolube of the Pap and Prince of the Church. He challenged the same accusation of the guessing bourgeoisie of Italian communes, in particular, he picked up his compatriots-Florentines for the thirst for profit, because he considered money to the main source of evil, the main reason for the fall of morality in the Italian society. The mouth of their ancestor, Knight Kachchagvid, the participant of the second crusade, he draws a wonderful picture of the old Florence in the XV Song "Paradise", in which

the simplicity of morals dominated, there was no chase on the money and the luxury generated by it and the breakdown:

Florence in the fence of ancient walls,

Where they beat the clock today the ternts, non-Nona,

The sober, modest, lived without change.

Such idealization of good old time is not at all an expression of the backwardness of Dante. Dante is very far from chanting the world of feudal anarchy, violence and rudeness. But at the same time, he surprisingly distinguished the basic properties of the talked bourgeois system and rejuvenated from him with disgust and hatred. In this, he showed himself a deeply popular poet, who broke the narrow framework and feudal and bourgeois worldview.


Accepted by the people, for whom it was written, the poem Dante became a kind of barometer of Italian folk identity: interest in Dante increased, then the oscillations of this self-consciousness fell, respectively. The special success of the "Divine Comedy" used during the National Liberation Movement of the XIX century, when Dante began to extol as a poet-exile, a courageous fighter for the case of the union of Italy, who seen in the art of a mighty municipality of the struggle for the best future of mankind. This attitude to Dante also was divided into Marks and Engels, ranging him to the greatest classics of world literature. Similarly, Pushkin attributed to the Poem Dante to the number of masterpieces of world art, in which "the plan is extensive in a creative thought."

Dante is primarily a poet, still affecting the heart. For us, readers revealing the "comedy" today, poetry is important in Dante poetry, and not religious, ethical or political ideas. These ideas have long been dead. But Danov images live.

Of course, if Dante wrote only the "monarchy" and "feast", there would be no industry of science dedicated to his heritage. We are closely thoughtful in each line of Danov treatments especially because they belong to the author of the "Divine Comedy".

The study of Dante's worldview is significantly not only for the history of Italy, but also for the history of world literature.


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    Dante, Petrarch / Translation. with ital., Preceded. and comments. E. Solonovich. - M.: Children's literature, 1983. - 207 p., Il.

    The history of world literature. In 9 t. T. 3. - M.: Science, 1985. - 816 p.

    History of foreign literature. Early medieval and revival / ed. Zhirmunsky V. M. - M.: State. student teacher. ed. Min. Enlightenment RSFSR, 1959. - 560 p.

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Abstract \u003e\u003e Culture and art

Forming referenceIdealized ... and Various. LITERATURE Bathkin L. M. Italian Revival in search ... Lay Dante Aligiere (1265 ... Created Dante in his « Divine comedy » great... rerezy antique person ideal, understanding of beauty as ...

  • Philosophy. Philosophical concepts, categories and global problems

    Cheat Sheet \u003e\u003e Philosophy

    ... « Divine comedy » Dante Aligiere (... his philosophical creativity within italian ... as A completely real, bodily substance having a corpuscular structure. Thinker revived ... as reference, and the other compared to this etalon ... literature ...

  • Culturalology (17)

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Culture and art

    RESERMS, STANDARDS, standards and rules of activity, and ... it italian poet Dante Aligiere. His immortal " Divine comedy" It became ... Tatar yoke. Revive Old, develop ... "Third class", as in literature Europe. Russian writers ...

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