Ancient Oriental Slavs and their neighbors. Eastern Slavs: settlement, neighbors, classes, social system

Slavs - One of the largest groups of the European population, which has a fundamental (autochthonte) origin. As a separate ethnic community, Slavs were formed at the turn of a new era. The first written mentions can be found in the works of Roman historians-chronicles I-II centuries. - Pole senior, Tacitis, Ptolemy.

Settlement of Slavs.

Many modern scientists believe that the first Slavic tribes occupied the territory between the Vistula and Dnipro. During the greatest relocation of peoples (II-VI centuries), they settled a significant territory of Europe, divided by three branches:

  • western (Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Ludge Serbs, Kashuba);
  • south (Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs, Slovenians, Macedonians, Bosnians, Montenegrins);
  • eastern (Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians).

Great relocation of peoples - The term denoting a set of movements of European peoples in the IV-VII centuries, most of which were due to the pressure of the Huns who came to the territory of Europe from Asian steppes in the middle of the IV century.

They occupied the territory of Lake Ilmen in the north to the Black Sea steppes in the south, and from the Carpathian mountains in the West to the Volga in the East. In the chronicles there are mentions of 13 different tribal groups of Eastern Slavs (Polyana, Northerners, Radmichi, Curvichi, Ilmenie Slovenia, Dregovichi, Tivers, Dulyby, White Croats, Volynians, Buzhans, District, Polo-Chan). They all had common ethnic traits.

Neighbors of Slavs

For the formation of the East Slavic ethnos, its culture was significantly influenced by the neighbors of Slavs. Ethnic contacts of the Eastern Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries. Did: in Northern Europe - finno-Ugry. (Chud, the whole, Murom, etc.); in Eastern Europe - balts (the ancestors of Latvians, Lithuanians); in Asia - iranian tribes (Scythians, Sarmatians). Noticeable trace left contacts with avara, Bulgarians, Khazari, Vikings. With V c. Eastern Slavs are established with the Byzantine Empire.

Eastern Slavs settlement

Polyana and Ilmenie Slovenia are the largest East Slavic tribes of the early Middle Ages. Kiev (II-V centuries) and Penkovskaya (VI - beginning to VIII century) Archaeological crops are the first archaeological cultures of the Eastern Slavs.

Classes of Slavs

The economic system of the Eastern Slavs was based on farming (covered-fire and overlap) and cattle breeding. Two-foot and three-round crop rotations in agriculture became common in the Slavic lands of the VII-VIII centuries, replacing with a lighter-fire, in which the Earth was cleaned from under the forest, was used to exhaustion, and then dropped. There is also information about the class of Slavs fisheries, Borutrod (picking up the honey of wild bees), there were various types crafts (blacksmith, weaving, pottery), intensively developed trade.

Public system

The development of society occurred in the direction of the primitive community in the first centuries of our era to the neighboring community. Original Eastern Slavs combined on the basis blood kinship. At the head of the genus stood elder.Territorial occasion comes to replace the generic relations. Blood bond changed the neighboring community - verve (peace). Private property already existed, but the Earth, forest land and livestock remained in general ownership.

Gradually increased the role of nobility and leaders enriched during wars. This caused a property bundle. Period VIII - the beginning of the IX centuries. In historical science is called military democracy - This is a transitional period from the primarity to statehood. Her signs: participation of all members of the Tribal Union (men) in solving public problems; National Assembly ( vese) as the highest authority; Availability folk militia. Running layer: Old tribal aristocracy ( leaders, priests, elders) And the members of the community members are rejected on the operation of the slaves and neighbors. There was a patriarchal slavery (when slaves were part of the family owned by them).


A prominent role in the life of East Slavic tribes played paganismwhich for a long time performed the basis of their spiritual and material culture. Most modern specialists include the pagan beliefs of the Slavs to animism, as the Slavic deities, as a rule, personified different forces of nature. The main gods of Slavs should be attributed.

Lecture: Peoples and ancient states in Russia. East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

Slavic languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the most common Indo-European language family in the world. Therefore, the basis of the formation of Slavs and other European peoples (Latvians, Lithuanians, Germans, Greeks, Iranians, etc.) was an ancient Indo-European community. According to one of the versions, it was located in the north of Malaya Asia (modern Turkey). From there at the turn of the IV-III, thousand to AD. The resettlement of modern Europeans, including Slavs, began.

The ethnogenesis of Slavs is the subject of scientific disputes. Previously it was believed that Slavs came with the Danube, but modern researchers argue that the Pranodina of Slavs is the interference of the Vistula and Odry. Here, the resettlement of the Slavic tribes to the east and south (Balkan Peninsula) began. The first mention of the peoples in Russia belongs to the bronze century. In the Bible, historical documents of the ancient Greece and the writings of Herodota are mentioned kimmerians - Union of tribes living in the Crimean Peninsula and the Nordic Parts of the Black Sea region.

In the Northern Black Sea region VII-VI centuries. BC e. Big colonization of Greeks to the West began. As a result, many Country-Polisons of Chersonese (Sevastopol), Feodosia, Panticapy, Fanagry, Olbia, and others were founded. They were the center of trade in fish, bread, cattle and slaves. In 480 BC e. Panticapey (the current name is Kerch) becomes the capital of the Bosporus kingdom - a powerful Greco-Barbarian state. At the same time, Iranian-speaking tribes came to the steppe shores of the Black Sea - scythians. The main occupation was cattle breeding, agriculture and craft. Over time before IV century AD. They settled throughout the Northern Black Sea region, from the Danube to Don. Their life device is also described by Herodot. Later on these lands came sarmatiThey walked over the Scythians most of their lands and occupied them with their settlements.

During Great resettlement of peoples In IV-VII centuries. n. e. Northern Black Sea region becomes a kind of main through the movement of peoples from the east to the west. Hegemony Sarmatov in the Black Sea steppes moved to the Baltic States gotamwho were immigrants from the German tribes. Goths in IV in AD. Created the first well-known state in Europe - OUM. Which soon was destroyed by the Huns. Gunns were nomadic people, lived on the terrain from the Volga to the Danube. They defeated the Roman Cities of the Black Sea region and undermined the prosperity of the Slavs of Middle Podprovia, having deprived them of their ability to export bread. Human maximum power reached the leader of Attila at the time of the Board of Attila in V c., I could even form a state. But after the death of Attila, because of the internecial wars between the heirs and other leaders, the state quickly broke up, the Huns left for the Dnieper. And the Slavs moved to their place and massively invaded the Balkan Peninsula.

As a result of the great resettlement of peoples, the Unified Slavic communion broke into three branches: Western, South and Eastern Slavs, who are represented by such peoples in our time:
  • western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Ludge Serbs);
  • southern Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Slovenians, Montenegrins, Bosnian Muslims);
  • eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians).

They settled in the territory of Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe.

All Slavic tribes occupied a significant part of the territory of Eastern European Plain. Eastern Slavs were equipped in the West ranging from the Carpathians to the Northern Territories of the Dnieper in the East, from Ladoga Lake in the north to the Middle Podprovia in the south. The names of the tribes are associated with their habitat (Polyana - Field, Drevlyan - Wood - Forests, Dregovichi - Diryagva - Swamp). The most large in the population and occupied squares were glade and Slovenia.

Neighbors of East Slavic tribes

The neighbors of Slavs were not too numerous Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes. In the north they adjointed with the peoples of the Thro-Finnish Group: all, Mero, Murom, Chud, Mordva, Marie. East Slavic tribes were more numerous and more developed, so many neighboring tribes became part of them. But not only the Slavs taught the neighbors, the Finno-Ugric tribes admitted the Slavs many of their beliefs, as well as the Baltic.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" Nestor has kept the news of the "priming" Slavic tribes "by". We are talking about avary - the nomadic people of Central Asian origin. Which in VI. AD I moved to Central Europe, creating an avian kaganat in it (in the territory of the current Hungary). This state was kept under control of all Eastern Europe, including Slavic lands. To protect against permanent raids, the Slavs began to produce weapons, men collected a militia. At the end of the VIII century. The state of Avarov was destroyed by Hungarian troops.

Another neighboring nomadic tribes are Khazara. Came to the VII century. Also from Asia, settled in the south of Volga. Where the largest state of Eastern Europe was formed - Khazar Kaganat (included the northern territories of the Black Sea region, the Crimean Peninsula, the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga region and the Caspian region). Under the oppression and permanent raids of the Slavs who lived on the territory of the steppes, it was necessary to pay them a tribute to them, mostly furs. True, the Khazar state allowed the Slavs to trade in the Volga trading path. Locked in the 10th century Russian Reli.

An important role in the life of the Eastern Slavs was played by Varyagi. Through the territory of the Eastern Slavs, the most important trading path was held, which connected Scandinavia and Byzantium. Northern neighbors, in addition to economic impact, have and political influence. Norman theory says that it is the immigrants from Scandinavia given Eastern Slavs, statehood. In the life of Slavs, the Great was the role and Byzantium, which was one of the largest trade, economic, cultural and religious centers of the IX century.

Starting the conversation about the eastern Slavs is very difficult to be unequivocal. Practically not survived the sources telling about the Slavs in antiquity. Many historians come to the concern that the process of origin of the Slavs began in the second millennium to our era. It is also considered that the Slavs are the urban part of the Indo-European community.

But the region where the praodine of the ancient Slavs was located, was not defined to date. Historians and archaeologists continue to dispute, from where there are Slavs. Most often is approved, and the Byzantine sources are told about this that Eastern Slavs already in the middle of the 5th century BC lived in the territory of Central and Eastern Europe. It is also assumed that they were divided into three groups:

Westerns (lived in the Vistula River Basin) - Western Slavs.

Slovens (lived between the tops of the Vistula, Danube and Dniester) - Southern Slavs.

Antes (lived between Dnipro and Dniester) - Eastern Slavs.

All historical sources characterize the ancient Slavs as people who have the will and love of freedom, on temperament differing in a strong character, endurance, courage, cohesion. They were hospitable for stranger, had pagan polytheism and thoughtful rites. Of particular fragmentation, the Slavs were originally noted, since the tribal unions had similar language, customs and laws.

Territories and tribes of Eastern Slavs

An important issue is how the development of the Slavs of new territories and their settlement as a whole. There are two main theories of the appearance of Eastern Slavs in Eastern Europe.

One of them is nominated by the famous Soviet historian, Academician B. A. Rybakov. He believed that Slavs originally dwell on the Eastern European Plain. But the famous historians of the XIX century S. M. Solovyov and V. O. Kleevsky believed that Slavs moved from the territories near the Danube.

The final resettlement of the Slavic tribes looked as follows:


Places of settlement


The most numerous tribe that segged on the shores of the Dnieper and the south of Kiev

Slovenia Ilmensky

Relief around Novgorod, Ladoga and Lake Child

Novgorod, Ladoga

North of Western Dvina and Worthy Volga

Polotsk, Smolensk


South Western Dvina


Between the Herp of Neman and Dnipro, along the River Pripyat


South River Pripyat



South of the Drevlyan settle down, at the origins of the Vistula

White Croats

The most western tribe, settled between the rivers Dniester and Vistula

Lived east of white Croats

Territory between Prut and Dniester

Between the Dniester and the South Bug


Territory along the gum river



Seel between Dnipro and the gums. In 885 they joined the Old Russian state

Along the sources of Oka and Don

Classes of Eastern Slavs

The main classes of Eastern Slavs must be attributed to agriculture, which was associated with the peculiarities of local soils. A fatty agriculture was common in concipe areas, and in the forests practiced gravy-firing agriculture. Pashnyi was quickly depleted, and Slavs crossed new territories. Such agriculture required large labor costs, with the processing of even small sites, they coped hard, and sharply the continental climate did not allow to count on high yields.

Nevertheless, in such conditions, Slavs sowed several varieties of wheat and barley, millet, rye, oats, buckwheat, lentils, peas, hemp, Len. On the gardens, turnip, beets, radish, onions, garlic, cabbage were grown.

The main food was bread. Ancient Slavs called him "lively", which was associated with the Slavic word "to live".

In Slavic farms diluted livestock: cows, horses, sheep. Fishery were a big help: hunting, fisheries and Bortfrodnia (wild honey collection). Wide distribution received fur fishery. The fact that Eastern Slavs settled along the banks of rivers and lakes, contributed to the emergence of shipping, trade and various crafts that give products for exchange. Trading routes contributed to the emergence of large cities, tribal centers.

Public system and tribal unions

Original Oriental Slavs lived by the generic communities, they subsequently combined into the tribes. The development of production, the use of heavy forces (horses and oxen) contributed to the fact that even a small family could handle their put on. Generic ties have become weak, families began to settle separately and swing new plots of land on their own.

The community remained, but now it included not only relatives, but also neighbors. Each family had its own land for processing, its production tools and harvest. There was private property, but it did not apply to the forest, meadows, rivers and lakes. These benefits were used by the Slavs.

In the neighboring community, the property situation of various families was no longer the same. The best lands began to focus in the hands of elders and military leaders, they also got a majority of mining from military campaigns.

At the head of Slavic tribes began to appear rich princess leaders. They had their armed detachments - squads, and they were collected tribute to the subject. The collection of Dani was called Fully.

The 6th century is characterized by the union of Slavic tribes in the union. The most powerful princes was headed by them. Around such princes gradually strengthened and local know.

One of these tribal unions, as historians believed, became the association of Slavs around the Russian tribe (or Russia) who lived on the Rosh River (Dnipro's influx). In the future, according to one of the theories of the origin of the Slavs, this name passed on all Eastern Slavs, which received the common name "Rusa", and the whole territory became Russian land, or Rus.

Neusal Slavs neighbors

In the first thousands of millennia, the neighbors of Slavs were kimmerys, but after a few centuries they were supplanted by Scythians, who were founded on these lands their own state is the Scythian kingdom. In the future, Sarmatians came to the Northern Black Sea region and to the Northern Black Sea region.

During the great resettlement of peoples through these lands, East German tribes were ready, then Hunnes. All this movement was accompanied by robbery and destruction, which contributed to the resettlement of the Slavs to the north.

Another factor in the resettlement and education of Slavic tribes were Turks. It was they who formed on the huge territory from Mongolia to the Volga Türksky Kaganat.

The movement of various neighbors in southern lands contributed to the fact that Eastern Slavs occupied the territory where the forest-steppe and swamps prevailed. Communities were created here, which were more reliably protected from aliens raids.

In the VI-IX centuries, the Eastern Slavs were located from the Oka to the Carpathians and from the middle subway station to the Neva.

Raids of nomads

The movement of nomads created a constant danger for the Eastern Slavs. Nomads captured bread, cattle, burned at home. Men, women, children hiounced slavery. All this required from the Slavs to be in constant readiness to reflect raids. Each Slavic man was a warrior part-time. Sometimes the land plowed armed. The story shows that Slavs successfully coped with the permanent Natius of nomadic tribes and defended their independence.

Customs and beliefs of eastern Slavs

Eastern Slavs were pagans that deified nature forces. They worshiped the elements, believed in relationship with various animals, brought victims. Slavs had a clear annual cycle of agricultural holidays in honor of the Sun and the change of seasons. All rites were aimed at ensuring high yields, as well as human health and livestock. Unified ideas about God Eastern Slavs had no.

The ancient Slavs did not have temples. All rites were held at stone idols, in the groves, in the glades and in other places, revered by them as sacred. We must not forget that all the heroes of the fabulous Russian folklore occur from that time. Lesy, houses, mermaids, water and other characters were well familiar with Eastern Slavs.

In the Divine Pantheon of the Eastern Slavs, the following gods occupied the leading places. Dazhbog - the God of Sun, sunlight and fertility, Svarog - God-Kuznets (according to some reports, the Supreme God of Slavs), Striboga - God of Wind and Air, Mokosh - Women's Goddess, Perun - God of Lightning and War. A special place was given to the God of the Earth and fertility Veles.

The main pagan priests in the Eastern Slavs were Magi. They spent all the rites in the sanctuations, turned to the gods with various requests. Magnies made various male and female amulets with different spells.

Paganism was a visual reflection of the classes of Slavs. It is the worship before the elements and everything that is connected with it, determined the ratio of the Slavs to agriculture as a basic lifestyle.

Over time, the myths and the values \u200b\u200bof the pagan culture began to be forgotten, but much came to this day in folk art, customs, traditions.

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