"Time gives rise to energy," - physicist N. Kozyrev. Comment on experiments and reasoning

Imagine it is directly related, but not to what I do, and to how exactly I do it. All specialists practicing in the field of business development, I recommend to read the title of this material several times.

In 1979, his father brought home some scientific and popular journal with an article about Tibet's secrets and Kozyrev experiments. Then there was no Internet, and until recently find something about Kozyrev could only help luck.

Before the name of Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyreva, I do not just bow. I am his idol. Do not flipping the feat of Daniel Andreeva, I note: you can know that the earth is round, and you can say "and still it is spinning."

Kozyrev became for me examples of the service of the profession.

In the collection, which I collected from different sources ( S.N. Zigunhenko, E.R. Muldashev and others.), In addition to the main thing, there are answers to questions that often address me: "Why are you so" philosophically "feel about changing changes", "where contempt for time management", "inflexibility of judgments". Is it important where is it from? It is important that she is still spinning ...

On the experiments and hypothesis of Kozyrev

It is believed that Einstein was not considered that Einstein was not, therefore, after in 1955, the ashes of Einstein's supervised manuscripts on the theory of general fields, the turning wand of study studies again as if returned to the USSR.

No, we are not talking about Physics Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, who repeated Many Einstein military time studies in the field of demagnetization and nuclear projects (partially described, for example, in the book Peter Timofeevich Astashenkov about I. Kurchatov). True, about the works of I. Kurchatov under the patronage of Laurentia Pavlovich Beria over the analogue of "Eldridge" except for the miser gossip more than anything else ... But it is known about the theoretical surveys of a completely different person in a camp guarded by the people of Beria.

Professor Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev engaged in the design of the time machine even during his conclusion in the Gulag prison. To end the calculations, he lacked the knowledge of some astronomical quantities, but where could they learn in prison? Once in a hopeless position, Nikolay Alexandrovich for the first time in his life appealed with a similar request for help to God. And after a few days of prayer to the legs of Kozyreva fell ... Astronomical directory! Perhaps it was a peculiar joke of the supervisor, but, no matter how it was, the book was selected back too quickly (A. Solzhenitsyn "Gulag Archipelago"). In any case, so or roughly describe these events camp legends.

About thirty years ago, a report of Professor of the Pulkovo Observatory N. A. Kozyreva was published in the collection of works of Moscow University, which struck the imagination of the paradoxuality of his conclusions not only by people of nonstarting, but also specialists.

Since Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev was an astronomer in his main specialty, he led him to at first about the things of pure astronomical. The moon has long been considered a dead celestial body that has already completed its evolution. And suddenly, a scientist was found, which in all stated: volcanic activity is quite possible on the natural satellite of the Earth!

Oh, and he got him from his colleagues for such a "anti-scientific" statement! However, the scientist of the world is surprised at the time, when in 1958, N. A. Kozyrev, after all, inscribed in his telescope, a volcanic eruption in the Alphonse crater and even managed to obtain its spectrogram.

It took another good decade, before the observations of Kozyrev were recognized by quite reliable. Only in December 1969, the State Committee on discoveries and inventions of the USSR issued a diploma to the opening of lunar volcanism, and in the next year, the International Astronomical Academy awarded him a nominal gold medal with a diamond image of the constellation of a large beast.

So, the fact remains a fact - there is a volcanism on the moon, there's nothing to be hurt. However, many skeptics could not calm down in any way: it was painfully unusual by N. A. Kozyrev came to his discovery. The fact is that Nikolay Alexandrovich believed: the basis of the lunar volcanism should be sought in ... a stream of time.

Arguments, Facts and Conclusions

Professor Pulkovo Observatory N. A. Kozyrev engaged in the problem of time over a quarter of a century. Those who did not believe in the reality of his reasoning, Kozyrev demonstrated a simple, but very convincing experience. This is how the famous journalist and writer Albert Valentinov described him at one time:

"It is better to see once than hear than a hundred times," said Nikolai Aleksandrovich and demonstrated to me striking the experiment on simplicity and witness. He took ordinary lever scales and hung to one end of the rocker rotating clockwise gyroscope. On the other end - a cup with girks. Having waited when the weight arrow froze on zero, the scientist turned on the electricibrator attached to their base. Everything was calculated so that the vibration is completely absorbed by the massive merger of the wolf.

How should react to this balanced system? The scales could not peel in, and physicists would give it a completely rational explanation. Scales could come out of equilibrium, and then physicists would find this phenomenon another explanation, no less rational. And what happened?

The arrow did not flinch, and I looked at the scientist with disappointment. Smiling slightly, he took off the gyroscope, unwinding him in the opposite direction counterclockwise, again suspected to the rocker, and the arrow went to the right: the gyroscope became easier.

It is impossible to explain this phenomenon one of the well-known physical phenomena, "said Nikolai Alexandrovich.
- How do you explain?
- Gyro on scales with an electrovibrator is a system with causal relationship. In the second case, the direction of rotation of the wolf contradicts the course of time. Time put pressure on it, additional forces arose. They can be measured ...

And since it can be measured - it means that these forces really exist. But if so, the time is not just a duration from one event to another, measured by hours. This is a physical factor with the properties that allow it to actively participate in all natural processes, providing a causal relationship of phenomena. Kozyrev experimentally found that time is determined by the linearity of rotation causes of relatively The investigation, which is 700 kilometers per second with a plus sign in the left coordinate system.

All this is very difficult for perception. And not only because here it is impossible to choose analogies from everyday reality, which, although approximately, would clarify the essence of the phenomenon. The main thing "obstacle" on the way to knowledge is the inertia of our thinking. That is why all speculative attempts from antiquity to this day to understand the essence of time turned out to be unsuccessful. It is necessary to move away from the presentation of the time as something if we exist, regardless of us or, in any case, next to us.

Kozyrev claims: time is the necessary component of all processes in the universe, and therefore on our planet. And the active part. The main "driving force" of everything that is happening, since All processes in nature go either with excretion, or with time absorption.

For whom the above experience was not enough, Kozyrev offered another one. He took the most ordinary thermos with hot water. Only a hole was done in the traffic jam, where Kozyrev inserted a thin chlorvinyl tube. And then put the thermos near the scales with the gyroscope. The arrow of the scales showed that the wolf rotating against the course of time, with a weight of 90 grams, became easier for 4 milligrams - tiny, but quite tangible value.

Then the trumps on the tube began to add water to the thermos having a room temperature.

It would seem how to influence the thermos at a distance, especially since any heat exchange with the surrounding space is almost excluded? But the arrow of the weights in the eyes of the amazed skeptic moved on one or two divisions: it means that there was still some influence ...

After that, the cunning trumps offered to drink a seagull. Poured into a glass of boiling water, threw sugar, stirred it ... And then removed the thermos and put a glass of tea in his place. The arrow of the scales, which was swinging to the middle, again showed a decrease in weight.

And in order to finally finish the Male believers, Kozyrev put on the other cup of weights exactly the same glass of tea, but the sugar in which was not yet stirred. And for some reason this glass was harder. A little bit, a little bit, but the balance of the scales was still violated ... Why?

Kozyrev himself explained a similar phenomenon so. In the second glass, where the sugar has not yet been stirred, there are no special processes, except for natural heat dissipation into the surrounding space.

And in the thermos nothing happened. But it was worth pouring cold water into thermos, and in a glass with tea, to omit sugar as the equilibrium of the system was disturbed. And as long as the system will not come again in balance, say, while the temperature in the thermos does not establish the same temperature, or the sugar in tea is completely dissolved, the system allocates or, it is better to say, the time compacted, which has an additional effect on the gyroscope.

This explanation seemed to many (and today it seems) paradoxical, but no one has yet come up with anything else. But the facts confirming the correctness of the trumps continue to accumulate.

The facts are these. If the time affects the system with a causal relationship, then other physical properties of the substance must also change, and not only weight. So it turned out. The finest experiments were confirmed: near the thermos, where cold and hot water mixed, or the flasks, where dissolution goes, the frequency of oscillations of quartz plates changes, the electrical conductivity and the volume of the row of substances decreases.

And the scientist concluded: the allocation of time occurs only with "irreversible" processes, that is, where there is causal transitions. In other words, where the system did not come even into balance.

Space evidence

Kozyrev corrected its laboratory experiments with the processes occurring in the universe. Extremely stormy and powerful thermal processes go both in the depths and on the surface of many stars. And if so, then the goatrev reasoned, it turns out that the stars must allocate a tremendous amount of time, that is, essentially, to serve as the generators of this incomprehensible substance to us.

But then the time, as a physical factor, should obey and basic physical laws, in particular, the laws of reflection and absorption. To make sure that, Kozyrev spent another unusual experiment. He directed a telescope with some substance placed in his focus, on any bright star, but ... she covered his lens with black paper or thin tin to eliminate the effect of light rays. The electrical conductivity of the substance in focus has changed. Thin tin was replaced thicker, then a very thick metal lid. Accordingly, the deviation of the galvanometer arrows was reduced, which is quite amenable to explain. If time is a physical factor, it is quite possible to shield it ...

Of course, every time there were skeptics that explained the behavior of the galvanometer's arrow and many other reasons - the infrared part of the radiation, which at least slightly, but still heats the metal cover, just the errors of the experiment, etc. And then Kozyrev conducted a decisive experiment.

With his preparation, he was guided by the following considerations. It is known that we usually see the star is not where it is at the moment it is, and where it was at the time of emissions of light radiation. And the light although it is, according to the theory of relativity, the highest possible radiation in the universe, still has the final speed of distribution. But over time, as with gravity, it is different - it does not apply gradually through the universe, and immediately manifests itself in many of its points.

Speaking easier, using the properties of time, you can get instant information from any point of space and equally quickly transmitting it to anywhere. Only with this condition, we do not conflict with the special principle of relativity. So, if you calculate where this star is really really there, and bring the telescope to this "clean" section of the sky, then when weighing the weight of the hypothesic, the hypothesis will be proved.

Kozyrev did so. That is how the position of the transmission was recorded. However, skeptics did not convince this: they found that yes, indeed, currently such experiments cannot be explained by the well-known laws of mechanics, but, on the other hand, it does not mean at all that it really actually show itself.

After the death of N. A. Kozyrev, the heat of passion was noticeably decreased. About the "Paradoxes of Kozyrev" is not that they began to forget, no, they remember them, but these memories are some kind of raid irony: "Here, they say, there was such an eccentric that believed ..."

But time is the most about which so many disputes! - It works, in all likelihood, it is on the hypothesis of Kozyrev.

Fiasco Second Law of Thermodynamics

N. A. Kozyrev was an astronomer. And naturally, he began to select the keys to international laws not on Earth, but in the universe. In 1953, he came to the paradoxical conclusion: there are no energy from the outside in the stars at all.

I must say that Nikolai Alexandrovich has been for such a judgment. Back in 1850, the German physicist R. Clazius formulated the postulate, which was subsequently called the second law of thermodynamics. This is how it sounds: "The heat can not move by itself from a colder body to a warmer."

The approval, it seems that, self-evident: everyone has been observed, as, say, the Iron turned off gradually becomes more cold, but no one saw him suddenly be warm, taking warmth from the surrounding space. And yet, against the postulate of Clazius, many well-known scientists - thymryazev, accents, Vernadsky appeared against the postulate of Clazius. Even Tsiolkovsky called such a judgment with anti-scientific, because from the postulate of Clazius flowed the inevitability of the thermal death of the universe.

If all the bodies are spontaneously cooled, she said, in the end, with time, all the stars in the universe will go out. So comes, what is called, the end of the world?

One hundred years ago, two great minds of that time - Helmholz and Kelvin - seemingly decided to riddle. Stars are huge Gas Circles. Coupling under the action of gravity, they heat up to millions of degrees and heated the universe. But ... the calculation showed that with such a work scheme, our Sun was to spend all its energy long before the first glimpses of life would be manifested on our planet.

Then there was a queue of another point of view: the stars began to count first with nuclear, and then thermonuclear reactors. But here not everything is smooth: experiments and calculations show that the temperature inside the sun is much less than that required to maintain the thermonuclear reaction.

Thus, it turns out that the missing energy of the star is taken from the surrounding space. However, the space itself cannot be a source of energy - it is sufficiently passive for this. But, on the other hand, the space is inseparable from time to time: Remember, we talked about space-time? ..

But then what is the time itself? Is it a peculiar eternal engine of the universe? As the main hero of the novel, M. Ancharova, "Samshetovaya Forest", the inventor of shoemakers, if in the flow of time, put the turntable, it will be twisted.

But what is this flow? Is it true for him the law of conservation of energy? And where does it take this very energy? .. Now how many questions, and they all require detailed answers.

The law of energy conservation was derived in XVII Ax as a result of numerous experiments with various moving bodies. To middleXIX. century This law was spread not only for purely mechanical movements, but also on other types of processes, in particular thermal. Not by chance in thermodynamics, this law is called the first beginning, thereby emphasizing its importance.

But the second law of thermodynamics, the same postulate of Clazius, about which we talked, it says that heat (energy) leaves somewhere all the time. Where to? What does it go? There is no accurate answer to these questions. But this does not mean that the law of conservation of energy in the Universe is violated.

Take at least such an analogy. You see a clock on your hand that do not need to start. What does an eternal engine work in them? Not at all. The cunning mechanism uses, either the mechanical energy of the movements of the person himself, or the difference in temperatures between its body and the environment, or the energy of natural and artificial light.

So with a stream of time. If we do not know where it is coming and where it goes, it does not mean that we can talk about violation of the basic laws of nature. So Kozyrev considered, many scientists consider today. And I must say, life every year allows them to become more established at this point of view.

At one time, the same Kozyrev drew attention to double stars. These formations may consist of stars of different classes, but united in a pair, they acquire surprisingly similar features - the same brightness, spectral type, etc. It seems that the main star affects its satellite and gradually transmits him something that changes his appearance. But what exactly? The interstellar distances are large enough to eliminate the effect of ordinary power fields. At such distances, only gravity forces and ... Time. Gravity forces hold the heavenly bodies in the same system, and time can be helps them to exchange energy.

Kozyrev tried his guess to check in the nearest heavenly couple: Earth - Moon. So he came to the hypothesis about the Lunar Vulcanism, subsequently received confirmation in practice. Then his attention was attracted by "black holes". After all, they can also be considered in some ways superlit stars - collapsaries with a huge field of gravity. There, in these "holes", most likely, and breaks the energy from our universe. But is it irrevocably drowned?

Arrow of Time

The fact that today we know about the structure of the universe, it suggests that its energy is prevented irrevocable. Sooner or later, the process of absorption of the substance "black holes" can be ceased, and then the reverse process will begin - the output of energy and the substance is outward. Perhaps, starting from this point, and time will reverse?

True, the entire previous experience of mankind is still suggesting that most events and phenomena with which we are dealing in everyday life, do not have reversibility, a person can only grow old, a broken cup will never be a whole, milk, spilled out of the tipped bottle, Never gather in her again ...

However, many phenomena have reversibility: the car can go first in one direction, and then return, the day is replaced at night, and then the day comes again, all the molecules are involved in the random Brownian movement ... Where does irreversibility come from, if the laws are reversible?

The question is not easy. It does not accidentally talk about it as a paradox of reversibility. There was a lot of disputes around him until L. Boltzman still did not find a solution to the problem. Here is the course of his reasoning.

A drop of syrup, blurred in the water, can gather again. Heat can go back to that of bars, which used to be hotter. Gases released from two cylinders in a common vessel may ever divide again ... All these processes are in principle if only because of the properties of the mechanical movement of molecules it follows that both the mixing of gases and the process returns to it. After all, atoms and molecules are chaotic, and once there is a reversibility in the movements of individual atoms, it means that the reversible behavior of all their communities is possible. There is no categorical ban on it. And the fact that we do not observe them in everyday life, it only says that the inverse phenomena compared to directly occur very and very rarely. It may happen that in the entire history of the universe, we will not be brought to watch them, but this does not mean that they cannot occur at all.

This idea later supported N. A. Kozyrev already known to us. He suggested that all the well-known laws of movement are only some approximate form of accurate laws that have yet to be discovered. And if in approximate laws are observed in reversibility, then the exact laws will be reversible, although it is quite possible, it will be expressed quite weak.

An indirect confirmation of these statements can, perhaps, consider the discovery not so long ago one not quite a conventional elementary particle. We are talking about neutral k-meson. This unstable, disintegrating particle "distinguishes" the past and the future; Two directions of time for it are not symmetrical.

Then it turns out that the direction of time is associated with the direction of most processes in the universe? It was such a gueside that he put forward the English physicist Arthur Eddington in his time. He suggested that the direction of time is associated with the expansion of the universe, and called this phenomenon "Arrow of Time". At the moment when the extension is changed by compression, it can turn in the other side and "arrow of time".

So it is or not so, to deal with our descendants. And for this you need to understand, from what exactly the flow of time is.

Time stream

Time - the concept of fundamental, but is it so invariably and uniform? What is "Relic Radiation"? Is the "Real Physics" of that "new physics, which is necessary for understanding consciousness"? What is the cause of the existence of two mechanics: classic and quantum? Are the physical laws for the macro and the microworld? Is it changed during the evolution of the Universe? The program involves: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of Raen, Associate Professor of the Department of Radiation Physics, Biophysics and Ecology, MEPHI, Head of the Laboratory of Real Defense Physics at the Institute of Time Phenomenon at Moscow State University Igor Mikhailovich Dmitrievsky and Professor, Doctor Physical and Mathematical Sciences, head. Department of Physics of Moscow State University Print, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physics of Raen Vladimir Vasilyevich Gorbachev.

S.B. Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkin

e-mail: [Email Protected], [Email Protected]

Speaking in our Blog "On Experimental Inspection" on a responsible attitude to the experiment, the quality of which forms the further course of knowledge development, we led us as a visual example on the search for the essential wind. Unfortunately, the example above is not the only one when physical laws are ignored and far-reaching and even philosophical conclusions are made from this. Another characteristic, but also not the only example of experiments that generate errors are the experiments of Kozyrev in an attempt to detect the so-called. Time streams.
Following the most introduced by the revisionists of the beginning of the last century, the principle is not from the experiment, but from the fabrication, looking for confirmation in certain focus, replacing the experiment, the Kozyrev also proceeded from the original observed, but I was looking for any ways to confirm your idea of \u200b\u200bthe material flow, conducting Its studies in full violation of physical laws observed in them. This is well visible, both in the works of Kozyrev, and in the numerous subsequent experiments described, in particular, in the Levich review.
As a result of this approach, the afty of the process was formed, such as: "It should be immediately noted that we are not talking about a stream in the usual physical sense. The additional forces caused by the stream are internal with respect to the system "(Kozyrev, 1958, p.69). "The mandatory existence of the two forces caused by time has been very important. From this circumstance it follows that time can create in the system the moment of rotation and internal stresses whose work will change its energy. Consequently, the time can carry energy, the moment of rotation, But it does not tolerate impulse "(Kozyrev, 1977, p.213" - As if the rotation does not have an impulse, which would be unable to unwind all material bodies, and not just the planets and galaxies, as you want to gotorev. But the fact that the flow of time (as it is not called, suggesting, after the revisionists, is that the time itself is material and can create stresses in the body, to force it to rotate or create a material temporary axis in space) at the goatrev with colleagues occurs at the balance of power , indicates directly about complete indispensability in the means of forming a hypothesis.
Analyzing this approach, consider the standard method of transformation of the experiment in the search for miracles on the example of the trump card experiment with the fixation of the three stars positions - in the past, present and future. Consideration will be conducted on a report given by the Collective of the Crimean Observatory, the technique of which is similar to the experiment described by the bemprey, but can be considered as an independent confirmation of the results.
The basis of this experiment was the scheme presented in Fig. 1 of the specified work.

Fig.1. "S - the observed image of the star after the optical telescope system; 1 - bronze casing of spectrometer; 2 - optical glass; 3 - dense cardboard; 4 - spectrograph gap, located in the focal plane of the telescope perpendicular to the daily movement, the width of the slit 0.2 mm; 5 - a mirror grit; 6 - sighting device; 7 - receiving system: four-flat, single, DC measuring bridge, built on the resistances of OMLT-5.6 com - 0.125 W, supplying voltage 70-80 V; The bridge is placed in two tightly inserted one in another glasses: cardboard and aluminum; 8 is a sensitive element of the receiving system, located directly behind the slit at a distance of 5 mm from it; 9 - communication wires; 10 - Power Supplies, Adjustments and Registration. As a zero indicator, a Galvanometer M-95 was used, as in the work, or the Endim 621.01 recorder in the "potentiometer" mode. (allocated by us)

Judging by the description and scheme, the experiment used some variation of the obscura chamber shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Type of obscura camera

However, unlike the standard chamber of the obscura, in the experiment instead of the hole, the crack was used that, with a point source of light and a receiver in the form of a photoresistrict, not so fundamentally. The matter is that the slit was in the focal plane of the telescope, which is close to the conditions for the formation of a diffraction pattern according to the phraungophore presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Scheme for the formation of a diffraction pattern according to the fraungoff

"The width of the diffraction maximum on the screen increases inversely proportional to the width of the slot. You can also observe two side maximum» .
However, there is a difference here. In the Kozyrev scheme, the gap itself is in the focal plane of the lens, and the measurements are made behind it. In other words, the gap and lens changed on the experimental scheme in places. However, when finding the focus itself in the focus plane, and in this case the diffraction pattern appears on the screen, for the demonstration of which neither the Pulkovskaya or Crimean Observatory telescope nor the observation of distant stars.
The standard scheme for observing this effect is presented in Fig. four.

Fig. 4. Scheme for observing the diffraction pattern with an inverse arrangement of collecting lens and cracks in case of slit location in the focus of lenses: 1 - Laser, 2 - lens, 3 - slot 0.2 mm, 4 - Tubus Camera Complex with a depth of 20 mm, 5 - Screen

In accordance with the scheme, an optical bench was collected, the type of which is presented in Fig. five.

Fig. 5. General view of the optical line for the demonstration of the diffraction pattern with the inverse location of the lens and slit

If you compare the scheme in Fig. 4, 5 and rice. 1, it can be seen that these schemes are equivalent. Only at Kozyrev as a lens used a parabolic mirror of the telescope, which in this case is insignificant. The main thing is that the rays converge in the gap itself. The size of the slit in both cases is the same and is 0.2 mm. At the same time, the distance from the source to the lenses can be any. In this case, it was chosen equal to 650 mm, while the distance from the lens to the slot was determined by the focal length of the lens and was 70 mm. The height of the gap was selected equal to 30 mm, and the depth of the chamber itself was 20 mm for a more visual visual demonstration of the phenomenon. The same fact that in its experiment Kozyrev closed the resistor with a paper cap: "The working resistor is closed with a paper cap" - significantly not changed the process. In our experiment, we also registered on the paper screen of the chamber of the obscura and quite successfully recorded the phenomenon.
When the slot is located outside and near the focal length of the lens, the process pattern was trivial and was a display of the slot on the camera screen, as shown in Fig. 6, although it is already traced to break the gap display on the screen.

Fig. 6. Photo of the gap in the obscura chamber while finding the slot itself outside the focal plane of the lens

When placing a slot in the focus of lenses, the picture changes, as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Photo of the slit in the obscura chamber when the slot itself is in the focal plane of the lens.

As can be seen from the photos, the beam is divided into three beams despite the fact that the distance to the source is small, compared to the star, and the mutual movement between the source and the screen is absent, which was trying to explain the gozurev observed effect, informing the past and future position of the source. Here, in the conditions of controlled mutual immobility, the past and the current position of the object will not be fundamentally different and, especially since the future situation cannot be foreshadowed, and the rayon is present.
Since according to the reports, the slot in the experiments and subsequent experimenters were located in the focal plane of the telescope equivalent to the focus of the lens, it is safe to say that this rayonline is due to the exceptional nature of the diffraction that occurs at a fixed arrangement of optical devices, but in no case Not the mythical superlumous spread of the beam, alleged bellows: "The impact of the visible image is not associated with the light, but only coincides with its direction. So, the impact of time appears not only instantly, but also along the trajectory of the four-dimensional world of Minkowski, the length of which is zero. On the whole trajectory, one's own time is equally, and therefore the moment appears on it immediately. For the observer, he will spread at the speed of light " . This diffraction is characterized by the fact that it does not have a central stain of Poisson, however, as in the diffraction on the fraunband from the gap, which is clearly visible in Fig. 3. However, it is this diffraction that determines the effect of trumps and in general is known: "When the screens (slot narrowing) rappractive patterns will be superimposed on each other and in some conditions it can be noted that the image of the gap blossoms. With a further narrowing of the slot, we will be surprised to find that its image is becoming more wider, which is in complete contradiction with the laws of geometric optics " . As we see, the location of the slit in the focus of the lenses not only erupts the beam, but also leads to the separation of the beam for three. However, the problem here is not in geometric optics, but in the imperfection of calculations, which are usually produced, without considering the basic influencing factors. This leads to multiple fabrications, which are interpreted by anti-phantasmagories instead of carefully analyzing the physical effects themselves registered in the experiments.
Taking into account the resulting, the result of Kozyreva has nothing to do with the streams of time or the space of Minkovsky. In the specified four-dimensional space, the beam, as is known, spreads along the light cone. If the trumpren ray reaches the observer instantly, fixing the past position of the astronomical object, then on the Minkowski chart, this ray would be spread not along the cone, but in parallel to the real axes in full violation of the Einstein's C-postolat, which is based on the very space of Minkowski and the principle of long-range To which Einstein fought. So, the mention of relativism at Kozrev is nothing more than a renewed of the ruling paradigm in the hope of indulgent, and nothing more.
Similarly, with the closure of the inlet opening of the device with a two-dimensional dural damper: "Observations showed that with full overlap of a large mirror in a dural damper with a thickness of about 2 mm, the action of the visible image is weakened to the same extent as the validity of a true image - approximately 1.5 times" . We draw attention to the fact that in the text of the Kozyrev, the action of the visible image is relaxed to the same extent as the validity of the true image. " But when overlapping a large mirror with a two-millimeter dural damper, a visible image of the star would be completely closed, and not diminished just a half times. This suggests that the Kozyrev sensor has reacted to the light frequency range for which Dural is transparent. Most likely, this is a region of γ-radiation, in which aluminum, which is part of duralumin, has an exponentially falling characteristic of the absorption. The proportion of weakening only confirms the diffraction nature of the effect.
Thus, we see that the effects of the streams of the time that even the science-like episheological meaning is now attached, in reality, are only the result of incorrect modeling of the experiment. The time as it was and remains a factor, the parameter describing the movement of material objects itself. It reflects the properties of material to change its position relative to other bodies, but in itself cannot lead to the movement of material objects, as well as the speed, the acceleration of the body also characterizes the movement, but is unable to excite the move itself. These are capable of making material objects in the process of interaction between themselves.
It is impossible to develop any concept as long as its base is not installed, and not only in the repeatability of effects, but, the main thing, in the scrupulous accounting of all, especially inconvenient effects that can manifest themselves in the experimental scheme and which are usually neglected for the sake of thought and freedom of fabrication . And while this feature of the current surveys will manifest themselves until it seems to be confirmed by their own fabrics to the detriment of the existing nature effects, while they run over the horizon, leaving behind white spots and contradictions on the allegedly studied level, until then, scientists will fress any incommation instead of comprehending laws Nature.


1. S.B. Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkin.

Professor Pulkovo Observatory N. A. Kozyrev engaged in the problem of time over a quarter of a century.

Those who did not believe in the reality of his reasoning, Kozyrev demonstrated a simple, but very convincing experience. That's how the famous journalist and writer Albert Valentinov described him at one time: "It is better to see once than hear than a hundred times," said Nikolai Alexandrovich and demonstrated me a striking experiment on simplicity. He took ordinary lever scales and hung to one end of the rocker rotating clockwise gyroscope. On the other end - a cup with girks. Having waited when the weight arrow froze on zero, the scientist turned on the electricibrator attached to their base. Everything was calculated so that the vibration is absorbed by the massive flock rotor.

How should react to this balanced system? The scales could not peel in, and physicists would give it a completely rational explanation. Scales could come out of equilibrium, and then physicists would find this phenomenon another explanation, no less rational. And what happened?

The arrow did not flinch, and I looked at the scientist with disappointment. Smiling slightly, he removed the gyroscope, unwind him in the opposite direction counterclockwise, again suspected to the rocker. - And the arrow went to the right: the gyroscope became easier.

It is impossible to explain this phenomenon one of the well-known physical phenomena, "said Nikolai Alexandrovich.

And how do you explain?

A gyroscope on scales with an electrovibrator is a system with a causal relationship. In the second case, the direction of rotation of the wolf contradicts the course of time. Time put pressure on it, additional forces arose. They can be measured ... "

And since it can be measured - it means that these forces are real-but exist. But if so, the time is not just a duration from one event to another, measured by hours. This is a physical factor, possessing properties that allow it to actively participate in all natural processes, providing a causal relationship of phenomena. Kozyrev experimentally found that the time of time is determined by a linear rotation rate of the cause relative to the investigation, which is 700 kilometers per second with a plus sign in the left coordinate system.

All this is very difficult for perception. And not only because here it is impossible to choose analogies from everyday reality, which, although approximately, would clarify the essence of the phenomenon.

The main thing "obstacle" on the way to knowledge is the inertia of our thinking. That is why all speculative attempts from antiquity to this day to understand the essence of time turned out to be unsuccessful. It is necessary to move away from the presentation of the time as something if we exist, regardless of us or, in any case, next to us.

Kozyrev claims: time is the necessary component of all processes in the universe, and therefore on our planet. And the active part. The main "driving force" of everything is happening, since all processes in nature go either with excretion, or with time absorption.

For whom the above experience was not enough, Kozyrev offered another one. He took the most ordinary thermos with hot water. Only a hole was done in the traffic jam, where Kozyrev inserted a thin chlorvinyl tube. And then put the thermos near the scales with the gyroscope. The arrow of the scales showed that the wolf rotating against the course of time, with a weight of 90 grams, became easier for 4 milligrams - tiny, but quite tangible value.

Then the trumps on the tube began to add water to the thermos having a room temperature. It would seem how to influence the thermos at a distance, especially since any heat exchange with the surrounding space is almost excluded? But the arrow of the weights in the eyes of the amazed skeptic moved on one or two divisions: it means that there was still some influence ...

After that, the cunning trumps offered to drink a seagull. Poured into a glass of boiling water, threw sugar, stirred it ... And then removed the thermos and put a glass of tea in his place. The arrow of the scales, which was swinging to the middle, again showed a decrease in weight.

And in order to finally finish the Male believers, Kozyrev put on the other cup of weights exactly the same glass of tea, but the sugar in which was not yet Mohaan. And for some reason this glass was harder. A little bit, a little bit, but the balance of the scales was still violated ... why?

Kozyrev himself explained a similar phenomenon so. In the second glass, where the sugar has not yet been stirred, there are no special processes, except for natural heat dissipation into the surrounding space.

And in the thermos nothing happened. But it was worth pouring cold water into thermos, and in a glass with tea, to omit sugar as the equilibrium of the system was disturbed. And as long as the system will not come again in equilibrium, say, while in the thermos it does not establish the same temperature over the entire volume, or the sugar in tea is completely dissolved, the system highlights or, it is better to say, the time that also seals the "additional" Impact on a gyroscope.

Such an explanation, of course, it seemed to many (and today it seems) paradoxical, but no one has come up with anything else. But the facts confirming the correctness of the trumps continue to accumulate.

The facts are these. If the time acts on the system with a causal relationship, then other physical properties of the TV-Wa should also change, and not just the weight. So it turned out. The finest experiments were confirmed: near the thermos, where cold and hot water mixed, or the flasks where dissolution is going on, the frequency of oscillations of quartz plates changes, the electrical conductivity and the volume of the row of substances decreases.

And the scientist concluded: the allocation of time occurs only with "irreversible" processes, that is, where there is causal transitions. In other words, where the system did not come back in Rav-Nov.

Mirrors Kozyrev Little-known, and this invention of the twentieth century can be called peculiar time machine, try to penetrate the past or future. Effects that are obtained when shielding space using mirrors Not yet studied and not explained, nevertheless, long-known fortune telling on a mirror corridor has long been known. But today is not about divination, but about strange structures that change time - kozyrev mirrors.

Mirrors are called conventional. This is mainly aluminum structures made in the form of a spiral, which, according to a scientist, are able to reflect physical time, as well as can focus some types of radiation, like lenses. These emitters can be biological objects. The most common design with which the largest number of experiments was carried out is a mirrored sheet of polished aluminum, which is swollen in a special way - in the form of a spiral in a half turn clockwise. Inside this design is an armchair for volunteer and special equipment. On the head dress up "helmet", similar to a saucepan, with sensors.

A lot of experiments were conducted at the beginning of the nineties of the last century, in particular experiments on urgent perception. The results of experiments are not entirely understood. For example, volunteers placed inside these spirals experienced the most various abnormal sensations, such as "exit from the body", telecision, telepathy, the transfer of thoughts at a distance ... All this is detailed in the research protocols. One of the goals was the study of human abilities to clairvoyance and training of these abilities, the foresight of the future, the opportunity to look into the events of the past.

These abilities, according to the study, increased dramatically inside the "room" from the curved metal "mirrors". On the theory of Kozyrev, inside its mirrors, the time has changed its density, What was the reason for the increase in superfluid perception. Interesting stories told those who stayed in a mirror chamber for several hours. They began to sense themselves by direct participants in the historical events that were read about in school textbooks. Throughout them, those or other events, familiar and unfamiliar actions and characters were unfolded. All this they saw, as on a big movie screen. How all this happens while it remains a mystery. The mechanism of action of the mirrors of Kozyrev on human consciousness and time is not yet known and only began to be studied. It is difficult to say whether the time-tested or events are transferred to those times to them in the present.

The experiments were interrupted because some danger of their continuation was discovered. But they will once be resumed and we can learn all the secrets that store Mirrors Kozyrev. And it may even be designed the first time machine for traveling in the past or the future, as in fantastic films. After all, much, which was previously considered fantasy, was our usual reality.

By the way, the famous doctor and researcher Ernst Muldashev more than once visited the scientific expedition to Tibet, says that, compared to Egypt and Mexico pyramids, the Tibetan pyramids are much larger and most of them are conjugate with concave stone structures that were figuratively called "mirrors" . These Tibetan "mirrors" of unknown origin has similarities with "Kozyrev mirrors". Kozyrev argued that time is energy capable of concentrated, shrink or stretch.

In experiments conducted using its designs, a time compression phenomenon was achieved.

That is why it can be assumed that the stone mirrors on Tibet have the ability to compress time. And because they are huge in their size, then time is compressed there to a large extent. It is this action that one can explain the strange incident with four climbers who visited in the area of \u200b\u200bone of these mirrors. In just one year after the expedition, they all aimed and died. And perhaps for the same reason, Lama is strongly recommended not to deviate from the "sacred trail", and the valley lying in front of a stone mirror is called "Death Valley"

Time is one of the most inexplicable concepts in philosophy and physics. It is possible that further study of the phenomenon kozyrev mirrors bring us closer to his understanding.

Past, present and future ...

The past, present and future exist at the same time, but ... Only the real river has a material form, harmonious with our own existence. We do not even think about how they sail from the past to the future through the present. Each moment of our real life becomes past, and the future is real. We inhale the air from our future, and exhale in our past. It is necessary to interrupt this process, and our life will interrupt! The air exhausted by us, saturated with carbon dioxide, for us in the past, but he does not disappear anywhere, while inhaled air is in our future, but he is already there.

Even on such a simple example, it is clearly seen that the past, present and future exist at the same time and materially, since inhaled from the future air already exists, as well as the air exhausted by us does not disappear anywhere. Only inhaling by us from the future and exhaled into the past air differ from each other with their chemical composition.
In other words, Matter from the future, passing through the present and getting into the past, changes, and is already different from the one that was in the future! And this change occurs in the present. Of course, this understanding of only one mig of our life, but ... This understanding reflects not only the process of breathing, but everything else happens on the same principle, we understand this or not. But on the example with the inhaled and exhaled air it is clear that the exhaled air in its chemical composition differs from the inhaled.

The thing is that many other processes are not so visual, but this does not mean that the past, present and future are not interconnected into a single whole and do not exist at the same time. Just during the transition of the future, more cardinal changes in the past occur in the past than with breathing. If there were no vegetable world, which restores the oxygen content in the atmosphere, while transforming carbon dioxide in biomass, a person would not have a future (and not only in humans). Absorbned at life oxygen in the atmosphere quickly would be quickly ended, and there would be no future for a person if carbon dioxide from our past plant would not have turned into oxygen of our future.
It turns out that plants in their real absorb carbon dioxide from our past and create oxygen for our future. No one notices this, and for many, such arguments will seem somewhat strange (for someone, it is quite possible, abnormal) and only because people have learned to think pattern and not think about saying. Because if any thinking person thinks over such a reasoning, then, no doubt, will understand that the truth described above is.

Principle of action "Kozyrev mirrors" (cylindrical form)

To begin with, we will analyze the principle of the "Kozyrev mirrors" of the cylindrical (or ovoid) form, although the principle is similar to "mirrors" and other structures (for example, spiral "mirrors"), but in each example there are nuances.

If you try to explain the essence of this phenomenon in the "two words" using the generally accepted concepts of modern humanity, then we can say the following: "Kozyreva mirrors" concentrate in its volume "dark" matter. The increased concentration of this matter contributes to the saturation of the aura (otherwise vitality) of a person. Additional saturation of aura allows people to go to new levels of reality perception: to see the past and the future, to find answers to the questions of interest, as well as feel improved well-being.

Now let's see how it happens. But for a start, remember what "dark" matter represents and why its existence can be considered proven fact.

Based on the modern calculations of heavenly mechanics (section of astronomy, applying the laws of mechanics to study the movement of celestial bodies) "It turned out that in order for all space objects (planets, stars, galaxies) in space as they do it now - the Universe should be filled with some unknown people of matter (" dark "matter), the mass of which is approximately calculated It is about ninety percent of the total mass in the universe. " In other words, all the physical matter distinguishable by us is only the top of the iceberg, the overwhelming part of which is hidden outside the perception zone of our senses and technical devices " - From the article.

The "dark" matter literally permeates our world and our bodies, but we do not notice that, as we do not notice many of other material processes, for example, destructive radiation for us.

To clarify the principle of action "Kozyrev mirrors" compare them with a pit on the road, and the "dark" matter with water that flows into this pit. In the case of a real pit, water flows into the amount of depression because there is a certain drop in the levels of the solid surface between the road and the bottom of the pit. The difference in the solid surface levels is for the water with the difference of the outer environment, which cause water to move in a certain way. A similar difference of the qualities of the external environment form and "Kozyreva mirrors", which makes the "dark" matter in a certain way.

How exactly the "dark" matter in such conditions are moving, Nikolai Viktorovich explains, revealing the nature of the rotation of the planets. Differential qualities in the curvature of the space of the planet (temporarily take this concept without explanation) creates the conditions in which the "dark" matter begins to spin like a funnel, which rotates the planet, in parallel filling the curvature of space. At the microme level, this is manifested in rotation (redistribution) electrons in their orbits. Such processes occur in the oceans: the difference of water quality (otherwise the difference of its temperatures) gives rise to waterways. On land, the difference of air quality (again the difference of its temperatures) creates vortices and tornadoes.

I will add that such I heard personally and from other visitors to the Mias Center, when I was there earlier. From here it becomes clear the nature of another interesting phenomenon associated with the "mirrors": "If you put a disk in this design, it starts to rotate."

Well, with the movement of matter in the volume of "Mirrors" figured out. Now we will return a little back and we will analyze such a mysterious concept as the curvature of space. In fact, in the phenomenon of the curvature of space there is nothing extraordinary. Any atom affects the surrounding space, currging it according to its atomic mass. The more mass is more, the more curvature that the atom creates (object). The curvature of the space of the physical object (the same planet) is the resulting curvature of the space of atoms of the components of this object.

The curvature of the space atom of hydrogen (Levashov N.V. "Heterogeneous Universe" Figure 3.3.2.).

To make sure that this is true, let's remember one very interesting phenomenon that it is possible to observe with a full sunny eclipse. At such moments, observers from the earth can see objects, for example, stars located behind the sun. In practice, this means that the trajectories of sun beams are twisted, rich the sun and getting to the ground. The curvature of the beam paths is only a visual consequence, the reason is linked to the curvature of the space along which they ran straightforward to that trajectory.

Now it is time to figure out how the "dark" matter in the volume of "Mirrors" affects the human aura. Below are two GDV diagrams (gas-discharge visualization based on the Kirlyan effect) taken from a person before and after a watch stay in the "Kozyrev mirror" of the cylindrical shape. Vector change of the state of aura is unambiguous. The so-called Aura Square increased from 21465 units to 28142 units, that is, by 30%.

Now let's talk about how the saturation of aura can affect the ability of people, for example, to predict the future. But first, it is necessary to deal with the concept of prediction.

Are people able to predict the future capable of predicting the future? Of course, moreover, almost each of us is capable of it, which makes daily. We will analyze a rather simple example: we will not cross the road, if you hear the sound of the car approaching from behind the corner. Why? Because we predict (otherwise I predict the probability), which in the future, which will come in a couple of seconds, the car can jump out due to the corner. We make this forecast-prediction on the basis of information received by only one (not the most informative) organ of feelings - hearing. Now imagine that the most informative - vision will be added to the information suppliers. In a spherical mirror (such sometimes installed on complex intersections) we saw how the car turned a little earlier, and before us, in fact, only the echo of the removing car comes. The forecast has changed, you can safely move the way after all the machines will not appear at the intersection, which can be seen from the reflection of the straight street. This example clearly shows how accuracy and long-term depends on the quality of the information entering the brain (increased from 2 seconds to a minute) prediction forecasts.

Now take into account the possibility of some people to feel "thin" matter (in fact, the same "dark" matter). We call people with such capabilities of psychics. Often they feel what has already learned to register the technique - aura of a person (devices based on the Kirlyan method). Based on the presence of breaks and depressions in the structure of the human aura psychic (either the operator of the GRV device) can determine the patient organ, or for a long time before the occurrence of the disease, make a forecast prediction about the emergence of such in the future. This is a very important point of awareness, which depends on the understanding of the nature of prediction for hundreds of years ahead. Think about - the processes still not manifested on the physical plan already go, on the so-called, "fine plan"! And the one who is able to see these processes is capable of predicting (predicting) their development on physical terms in the future. I repeat accuracy, and the long-term prediction prediction depends on the quality of the information being obtained by the brain. I hope after this explanation, the nature of the prediction of the future will lose all the nasses of mysticism for you.

Now, how the "dark" matter in the volume of "mirrors" contributes to the receipt of a person with better information about what is happening on the "thin" plan, and as a result of the events on the physical plan in the future.

The fact that the physical body is only part of the uniform system of the soul and body, I wrote in detail in the articles "spiritual" theorem. Or proof of the existence of the soul "and" proof of the existence of the soul. Continued. " Those who still doubt this fact, I would advise them to read them, as articles are written in evidence. Among other things, I prove that a person's consciousness operates at all at the level of physically dense brain neurons. The entire thought process takes place at the level of the so-called soul otherwise the essence of man. The quality of the information that our "thin-and-meal" brain receives depends on the level of its evolutionary development. The higher the floor of the balcony, from which we look at the yard, the farther we see this courtyard, the longest we can make a forecast (prediction) regarding visible impending events. Approximately the same principle is laid here. The higher the level of functioning of a person's consciousness, the earlier stages of the development of the processes, he can perceive, the farther he can "look into the future."

From the works of Nikolai Viktorovich, we know that to overcome the brain of a qualitative barrier, which separates it from a higher level of perception, the brain must increase the level of its own dimension (more about the concept below) at least part of the neurons. An example of overcoming such a perception barrier we observe when man's illusion: the brain temporarily goes to a qualitatively new level of functioning, receives additional information that are not associated before the facts establish causes of causal relationships, lining up into a slim structure and, as a result, the brain generates an idea. For clarity, we will take this barrier separating us from a new level of information perception, trampoline, in the center of which is a subject of a certain mass. To overcome the barrier (break through the trampoline), we must increase the mass of the subject to the level when the strength of the materials from which the trampoline is made will be exceeded. Such a process is observed when overcoming a valid quality barrier perception. Increased concentration of "dark" matter in the volume of "Mirrors" saturates the aura (the "dark" matter in the body in the body, in particular in neurons). Through neurons, the larger amount of "dark" matter begins to leak, neurons begin "hard" and with a greater "mass" to put pressure on the barrier of perception. And at a certain point, the "strength limit" of the barrier of perception is exceeded. The principle of overcoming the barrier of perception during illusion is distinguished by the fact that the increase in the "mass" (level of dimension) of neurons does not occur due to the external feeding of the "dark" matter (aura) of the "mirror" circuit, and due to the intensive splitting of nutrients to the "Dark »Matter that occurs in the neurons themselves. The person concentrates its attention on solving a certain task, thereby stimulating the increase in the flow of nutrients into the neurons of the brain, where part of them and disintegrates to form their "dark" matter (in more detail about the processes at the level of essence in the books N.Vov Levashov "Essence And the mind "1st and 2nd Tom).

Now about the "paradoxical flow of time above the 73rd parallel." Regarding the North Pole, it can be said that the thickness of the qualitative barrier, the "limit of its strength" is less than the "strength limit" in other parts of the planet. The influence on the thickness of the high-quality barrier of perception has a polar night, the effect of illumination of the surface of the earth is affected here. For our part, I can add that in the revocation of the effect of the other forces after midnight, there is quite the material basis: the daily change in the thickness of the qualitative barrier depending on the degree of illumination of the earth's surface by the Sun. There is an assumption that the thickness of the quality barrier affects the pear-shaped form of the planet as well as it affects the thickness of the atmosphere over the North Pole. The reason lies in the presence of inhomogeneities in the deflection of space when forming the planet. (The process of education of planetary systems to explain, I'm sorry - I will not become different, otherwise you will have to retell the book "The heterogeneous Universe". For those who still do not know in the know, to throw a "fool" and proceed to the study of Luvashov's works. There everything is available and interesting It is stated. Such information you will not find anymore in any as a closed and open source on the planet Earth. No joke).

Now let's talk about holograms. Another factor affecting the operation of the mirror is the use of holograms. "At the beginning of the film" Caution Mirrors. All-seeing "is described by mysterious phenomena, which manifests itself with the symbol of" Troubleshi ". When the symbol in the volume of the spiral "mirror of the Kozyrev" is formed an invisible "fear field", and the "sparkling disk" is observed in the sky. The basis of this phenomenon is the ability of active (volume) holograms to influence the flow of primary matter and as a result of the surrounding space. The symbol of "Troublebies" (in the film it is depicted on a sheet of paper) is a passive hologram,there is a suggestion that a sheet of paper was made to the volume of the spiral mirror, but an active hologram (patent №2239860 on the "activation" of holograms in these researchers has) . I would venture to assume that the "Field of Fear" is a kind of "fool protection", or originally contained in the symbol or the "sparkling disc" with the "guys". Naturally, no manifestation of the information field, the UFO is not, for the simple reason that this field, as such, does not exist. "

"It is also explained why such visions are visited far from everyone and why the percentage of women among the" twisted "is significantly higher than men. The possibility of overcoming the planetary qualitative barrier by satuating the essence of a person in the "mirrors" depends on the evolutionary level of the development of the essence and the qualities of it inherent. By virtue of the genetic features of the psyche of women are more mobile than the psyche of men, as a result of which the entry into special states of consciousness is easier. "

About therapeutic effects, in my opinion, it was written quite intelligibly, because I only repeat what was already written in case, if the reader has not yet seen the first article.

"The action of" Mirrors "is similar to the work of a conventional healer with extrasensory perception. Mirrors, like healers, allow you to fill the "depressions" in the human aura, after whichsome Patients begin to feel significantly better. But only for a while. "Wpadins" or "samples" in a man's aura usually correspond to certain human bodies who are no longer able to support the "circuit" of vitality (primary matter) at the level of healthy organs of the rest of the body. Circulation of primary matter on the example of one cell (Levashov N.V. "Heterogeneous Universe" Figure 4.3.15.).

Filling the "circuit" of the patient with additional matter, we force the cells of this organ to work at a higher level, which is noted by us as an improvement in well-being. The "circuit" of life force in the body (the circulation of primary matter) is not a closed system, over time, additional potential inevitably "leaves" and everything returns to its circles. The healthy cell of the body differs from exactly the same, but the sick cell that occurred in it with morphological changes, and the banal pumping of its matter does not affect its morphological structure for the better. Mirrors can help when the general strengthening of the body is required, for example, during depletion, or when combating the body with infection. For those who decide to be treated in a similar way, I ask you to take into account the following: when the patient's sick cell in the forced mode of operation, the latter is exposed to accelerated destruction! This is just how the human body works in critical situations, let's say when adding adrenaline in the blood. The cell beats all the records of "performance", but without the required recovery period begins to collapse. The nuance of the patient cell is also a significantly smaller safety margin (restoration possibility). Therefore, it is necessary to approach treatment in the mirrors by carefully weighing everything for and against.

And the difference difference created by the "mirrors", like a magnetic field, can adversely affect the operation of the cells.

"Do not think that all the negative moments that I pointed out at the end of the article are described by me in order to scare away from this topic. Simply, having remembered by the words of Nikolai Viktorovich, that in everything I need a measure of responsibility I, giving certain knowledge, is obliged to prevent the possible consequences of their (knowledge) application.


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    To this world, the future already exists and therefore it is not surprising that it can be observed now.

    By Kozyrev, time has the following properties:

    Time has the focus and density;

    Time produces energy opposing entropy growth (chaos);

    Time spreads instantly;

    Time is absorbed and radiated with material bodies;

    Time is shielded (solid substances, thickness near a centimeter);

    Time is able to reflect the mirror, like the light rays;

    Time interacts with stars substance, being a source of energy for them;

    The growth of entropy leads to an increase in time density. The density of time is the effect of its impact on the substance per unit of time. Under the entropy, the scientist understood chaos, under the growth of entropy - the desire of the system to come into a chaotic, equilibrium state. Antitropy - opposing entropy desire, the formation of complex ordered structures.

    Kozyrev conducted many various experiments over time, the result of which was the assertion that time is the necessary part of all processes in the universe, and therefore on our planet. Moreover, an active part is the main "driving force" of everything that is happening, all processes in nature go either with highlighting, or with time absorption.

    Experiments of Kozyrev

    Scales, top, thermos, water and sugar

    His confidence in new views on the Time theory, Kozyrev scream in several simple experiments, the main attributes of which were scales and spinning top, and auxiliary - thermos, water and sugar.

    Experiment first. The scientist took ordinary lever scales and suspended a gyroscope spinning clockwise to one end of the rocker, to the other - a cup with girks. After waiting, when the arrow of the weights struggled on zero, included an electronically brushed to the base, and the strength of vibration was calculated in such a way that the vibration is completely absorbed by the masses with a massive magic rotor. The experimenter spun a gyroscope clockwise and hung it on the rocker - the arrow of the balanced scales remained at the point of equilibrium. Then he removed the stopped gyroscope and spun it again, but already in the opposite direction. And when the gyroscope again suspended the scale of the scales, a small miracle occurred - the arrow of the balanced scales went and side, showing: The gyroscope became easier!

    Kozyrev himself explained this paradox as follows. A gyroscope on scales with an electrovibrator is a system with causal relationship. The opposite direction of rotation of the shelter (counterclockwise) contradicts the course of time, which is why pressure has been on it. As a result, additional forces arose that can be measured. And since it can be measured, it means that these forces really exist. Then it turns out that time is not just a duration of one event to another, measured by hours, but a real physical factor with properties that allow it to actively participate in all natural processes, providing a causal relationship of phenomena. Thus, Kozyrev experimentally found that the time of time is determined by the linear rate of rotation of the cause relative to the investigation. The magnitude of this speed, or the course of our world, is approximately 700 km / s and having a plus sign in the left coordinate system.

    The experiment is the second. The most ordinary thermos with hot water took. A hole was done in the traffic jam, where the scientist inserted a thin chlorvinyl tube. The thermos was raised near weights with a gyroscope. At the same time, the arrow of the scales showed that the rotating top with a weight of 90 grams became easier for 4 milligrams - the magnitude of though tiny, but quite tangible. After that, Kozyrev began to add water to a normal room temperature along the tube into thermos. It would seem that it would seem to influence a hot water cylinder, which is started to cool, on the course of the gyroscope and its weight, especially since the thermos has a vessel with double walls, which almost completely eliminates the heat exchange with the environment. However, the weight arrow shifted again, it means that some connection existed.

    And I completely led to the confusion of third-party observers the experience in which two glasses with hot water were alternately installed: one with sugar, the other - without sugar. That glass, in which there was no sugar, did not affect weight testimony. The same sugar was dissolved, forced the arrow to deviate first, and then as the dissolution process ended, it was returned to the initial mark.

    What explanations gave your own, how to say, a strange experiment, Professor Kozyrev himself?

    "It is worth only to pour cold water into thermos, and to the glass with water to lower sugar," the scientist said, "as the equilibrium of the system is broken, because irreversible processes begin to occur in it. And this process, while the system does not come again into equilibrium at the new level (while the temperature in the thermos does not establish the same temperature, or sugar does not completely dissolve in water), the time compacted, which has an additional effect on the gyroscope. I can't offer another explanation of another explanation. "

    This explanation seemed to many paradoxical, but the facts confirming the correctness of Kozyrev, continued to accumulate. For example, if the time affects the system with a causal relationship, other physical properties of the substance should also change, and not only weight. So it turned out. The finest experiments were confirmed: near the thermos where cold and hot water was mixed, as near the flasks, where the dissolution of sugar was dissolved, the frequency of oscillations of quartz plates was changed, and the electrical conductivity and volume of the row of substances were reduced.

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