The deepest water well in the world. Earth under us

In the USSR, they loved the scale, and more, and it was distributed literally to everything. So there was one well in the Union, which and today wears the title of deepest on earth. It is noteworthy that the well was drilled not to produce oil or geological exploration, but purely for scientific research.

Tips, which drilled well.

Kola ultra-dust well, or SG-3, is the deepest well in the ground made by a person. Located in the Murmansk region 10 kilometers from the city of Polar, in the western direction. The depth of the hole is 12,62 meters. Its diameter in the upper part is 92 centimeters. In the bottom - 21.5 centimeters. An important feature of SG-3 is that, in contrast to any other wells for oil production or geological work, this was terrible exclusively for scientific purposes.

The well was laid in 1970, to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin. The selected place is noteworthy the fact that the well was clogged into the surface of volcanic rocks of more than 3 billion years. By the way, the age of the earth is about 4.5 billion years. In the mining of mineral wells, the wells rarely drill deeper than two thousand meters.

The work was afraid of the day.

Board began on May 24, 1970. To the mark of 7 thousand meters, drilling went easy and calmly, however, after hitting the head in less dense breeds began problems. The process slowed down significantly. Only on June 6, 1979, a new record was delivered - 9583 meters. Earlier, it was installed in the United States oil rates. The mark of 12,066 meters was passed in 1983. The result was achieved to the International Geological Congress, which was held in Moscow. Subsequently, two accidents occurred at the complex.

Now the complex looks like this.

In 1997, several legends were converted in the media that the Kola ultra-deep well and there is a real road to hell. In one of these legends it was said that when the team lowered a microphone to a depth of several thousand meters, human screams, moans and screams were heard there.

Of course, nothing like that was. If only because for recording sound in a well at such a depth, special equipment is used - but it has not fixed anything. A few accidents really happened on the complex, including an underground explosion during drilling, but geologists did not disturb themselves with any underground demons.

The well itself was mothballed.

It is really important that 16 research laboratories worked on SG-3. During the Soviet Union, domestic geologists were able to make many valuable discoveries and it is better to understand how our planet is arranged. Work at the facility made it possible to significantly improve drilling technology. Scientists were also able to sort out local geological processes, received exhaustive data on the heat mode of the subsoil, underground gases and deep waters.

Unfortunately, today Kola ultra-deep well is closed. The building complex windows since in 2008 the last laboratory was closed here, and all the equipment was dismantled. The reason is simple - lack of financing. In 2010, the well was already canned. Now it is slow, but correctly destroyed under the influence of natural processes.

In the 50-70 years of the last century, the world changed at an incredible speed. Things appeared, without which it is difficult to submit today's world: Internet, computer, cellular communication, conquest of cosmos and sea depths appeared. The man was rapidly expanding the spheres of his presence in the universe, but the structure of his "house" - the planet Earth he still had rather approximate views. Although the idea of \u200b\u200bultra-deep drilling was not Nova: Back in 1958, the Americans launched the Mohole project. Its name is formed from two words:

Moho. - the surface called in honor of Andria Mochorovichich - Croatian geophysics and the seismologist, which highlighted the lower boundary of the earth's crust in 1909, at which a hopping increase in the speed of seismic waves occurs;
Hole. - Well, hole, hole. Based on the assumptions that the thickness of the earth's crust under the oceans is much less than on land, not far from the island of Guadelupe, 5 wells were drilled at a depth of about 180 meters (with the depth of the ocean to 3.5 km). For five years, the researchers have drilled five wells, collected many samples from the basalt layer, but did not reach the mantle. As a result, the project was recognized as a failed and work turned.

The deepest wells of the world of March 18th, 2015

The dream to penetrate our planet's depths, along with plans to send a person to space, for many centuries seemed absolutely impossible. In the 13th century, the Chinese have already been digging well to 1200 meters deep, and with the appearance in the 1930s of drilling rigs, Europeans managed to penetrate the depth of three kilometers, but these were only scratches on the body of the planet.

As a global project, the idea of \u200b\u200bdrilling the upper shell of the Earth appeared in the 1960s. Hypothesis on the structure of the mantle was built on indirect data, such as seismic activity. And the only way literally to look into the earthly subsoil was in drilling superhong wells. Hundreds of wells on the surface and in the depths of the ocean gave answers to some of the questions of scientists, but the times when they were checked by a variety of hypotheses, long ago passed.

Let's remember the list of deepest wells on the ground ...

Siljan Ring (Sweden, 6800 m)

In the late 80s, in Sweden in Crater, Silyan Ring was trying the same well. According to the hypothesis of scientists, it was precisely in that place that the fields of natural gas of nebiological origin was supposed. The result of drilling caused the disappointment of both investors and science workers. Hydrocarbons on industrial scales were not found.

ZisterSdorf UT2A (Austria, 8553 m)

In 1977, in the region of the Vienna oil and gas pool, where several small oil deposits were hidden, the well Zistersdorf UT1a was drilled. When, at a depth of 7544 m, an unetected gas reserves were discovered, the first well suddenly collapsed, and OMV had to drill the second. However, this time the peckers did not find the hydrocarbon resources of deep lounge.

Hauptbohrung (Germany, 9101 m)

The famous Kola well made an indelible impression on the European public. Many countries began to prepare their projects from superhong wells, but separately it is worth noting the Hoopt \u200b\u200bDrung bay developed from 1990 to 1994 in Germany. Having reached only 9 km, it became one of the most famous ultra-short wells due to the openness of the data of drilling and scientific papers.

Baden Unit (USA, 9159 m)

Well drilled Lone Star near Anadarko. Its development began in 1970 and continued for 545 days. In total, 1,700 tons of cement and 150 diamond chisels took this well. And its total cost cost the company in 6 million dollars.

Bertha Rogers (USA, 9583 m)

Another ulted well created in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oil and gas pool Anadarco in Oklahoma in 1974. The whole drilling process took away from the works of Lone Star 502 days. The work had to stop when the pebbles stumbled at a depth of 9.5 kilometers on the molten sulfur deposit.

Kola ultra-deep (USSR, 12 262 m)

Located in the Guinness Book of Records as "the deepest invasion of a person in the earth's bark." When in May 1970, the lake with a difficult-acting name of Wilgiskoddeoaevinjärvi began drilling, it was assumed that the well reaches a depth of 15 kilometers. But due to the high (up to 230 ° C) temperatures, the work had to be collapsed. Currently, the Kola well is mothballed.

I have already told you about the history of this well -

BD-04A (Qatar, 12 289 m)

7 years ago, a geological exploration well BD-04A was drilled at the Al-Shaheen Oil Field in Qatar. It is noteworthy that Maersk's drilling platform was able to reach 12 kilometers in record 36 days!

Op-11 (Russia, 12 345 m)

January 2011 was marked by the report from Exxon Neftegas, which drilling the longest well with a large waste from the vertical close to completion. OR-11, located at the Odopta deposit, also put a record for the length of the horizontal barrel - 11,475 meters. Potters were able to complete the work in just 60 days.

The total length of the OP-11 well, the OP-11 field at the Odoptoy deposit was 12345 meters (7.67 miles), thereby installed a new worldwind-drilling record with a large hammering of the vertical (bov). OR-11 also ranked first in the world in the distance between the caution and the caution point horizontally - 11475 meters (7.13 miles). ENL has carried out work on the drilling of a record well in just 60 days, using high-speed drilling technologies and integrated drilling quality controls developed by Eksenmobil, reaching the highest indicators in the drilling of each feet of the OD-11 well.

"The Sakhalin-1 project continues to contribute to Russia's leadership in the world oil and gas industry," said James Taylor, ENL President. - To date, 6 out of the 10 most extended bow wells, including the OP-11 well, drilled in the framework of the Sakhalin-1 project using the Ekson Mobile Drilling Technologies. Specially designed drilling rig "Hawk" was used throughout the project work time, establishing numerous sectoral records on the length of the trunk, drilling rates and directional drilling indicators. We also set a new record, while maintaining excellent safety, labor protection and environmental performance.

The Otopit deposit, one of the three deposits of the Sakhalin-1 project, is located on the shelf, at a distance of 5-7 miles (8-11 km) from the northeast coast of Sakhalin Island. BOV technology allows you to successfully carry out drilling of wells from the shore under the bottom of the sea to achieve the shelf deposits of oil and gas, without violating the principles of security and environmental protection, in one of the most difficult for the development of the subarctic regions of the world.

P.S. But what they write in the comments: tim_o_fay: Let's separate flies from the kitlet :) Long well ≠ deep. The same BD-04A from its 12,289 m has 10,902 m of the horizontal trunk.\u003dView_all&address\u003d115x150185, respectively, the vertical is there a kilometer with a tail of everything. What does it mean? This means low (comparatively) pressure and temperature for slaughter, soft rocks (with good penetration speed), etc. etc. OP-11 from the same opera. I will not say that it is easy to bury the horizontals (I do it in the eighth year), but still much easier than superglumb. Bertha Rogers, SG-3 (Kola), Baden Unit and other with a large true vertical depth (literal translation from English True Vertical Depth, TVD) is really something extended. In 1985, former graduates from all over the Union with stories and gifts for the Museum of the Technical School, for the fiftieth anniversary. Then I thoughtfully felt a piece of granite-gneiss with a depth of more than 11.5 km :)

In 2008, the deepest well in the world was finally abandoned, and all the lifting mechanisms and structures were dismantled.

After a couple of years, the director of the Kola Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a statement was published that the well was gradually self-dedicated. Since then, no official information about it is no longer.

The depth of the well today

The state for today, the Kola well is one of the largest drill projects in the world. Its official depth reaches a mark of 12 262 m.

Hell sounds from the Kola Well

Like any ambitious project created by the hands of a person, the Kola wells is shrouded in legends and myths.

Kola well raised with interruptions from 1970 to 1991

This is also visible in the Mariana Wpadine (), which we said at the beginning of the article, and by.

It is said that at that moment when the workers of the deeper well overcame the frontier of 12,000 m, terrible sounds began to come to them.

Initially, they did not pay any attention, but over time the situation has changed radically. With the onset of complete silence, sounds of different character came from the well.

As a result, scientists decided to record all that happened at the bottom of the well, by means of heat-resistant microphones.

While listening to records managed to hear human screams and screams.

After a couple of hours after studying the film, scientists discovered traces of a strong explosion, the reason for which they could not explain.

Drilling the Kola ultra-deep well for some time suspended.

When the work resumed, everyone still expected to hear human walkers, but this time everything was quiet.

Suspending something worthwhile, leadership began on the origin of strange sounds. However, frightened workers did not want to comment on the current situation and avoided any diligence.

Following for several years, when the project officially frozen, scientists put forward the assumption that the sounds arose due to the movement.

After some time, this explanation was rejected as untenable. There were no other explanations.

Mystery and Riddles of the Kola Well

In 1989, the Kola well was called "dear to hell," because of the sounds of it came from it. There is an opinion that with each regular drilled kilometer, on the way to the 13th, in the same one, then other cataclysms. As a result, the Soviet Union collapsed.

However, the relationship between the drilling of the Kola ultra-deep well and the collapse of the superpower can only be interesting to those who believe that others are supernatural "places of force."

It is believed that the workers managed to reach a depth of 14.5 km, and it was then that the equipment recorded some underground rooms. The temperature in these rooms exceeded 1000 ° C.

They were also clearly heard and even written human cries. However, all this story is not confirmed by the facts.

Dimensions of the deepest well

The depth of the deepest well in the world's wells on the Kola Peninsula is officially registered at a mark of 12 262 m.

The diameter of the upper part is 92 cm, the diameter of the lower part is 21.5 cm.

In this case, the maximum temperature did not exceed 220 ° C. Only sounds of unknown origin remain inexplicable throughout this story.

Benefit from drilling Kola well

  • Thanks to this project, it was possible to achieve new drilling methods, as well as improve the equipment.
  • Geologists were able to discover new locations of valuable fossils.
  • It was possible to debunk many different theories, for example, a guaft regarding the basalt layer of our planet.

World ultra-deep wells

The situation today, there are approximately 25 superhongoft wells, the bulk of which is located in the republics of the former USSR.

There are also a number of ultra-deep wells on the territory of others. We give the most famous among them.

  • . Silyan Ring - 6800 m.
  • . Tasim Southeast - 7050 m.
  • . Bighorn - 7583 m.
  • . Creenerf - 8553 m.
  • USA. University - 8686 m.
  • Germany. KTB-Oberpfaltz - 9101 m.
  • USA. Beydat-unit - 9159 m.
  • USA. Berta Rogers - 9583 m.

World records in ultra-deep wells in the world

  1. In 2008, the new record holder in depth was the oil well of Maersk (Qatar) with a depth of 12,290 m.
  2. In 2011, during the project called Sakhalin-1 (), it was possible to drill a well to a level of 12,345 m.
  3. In 2013, a new record of 12,700 meters was installed in the 2nd 700 m's well (Russia). However, it is drilled not vertically down, but at an angle to the surface.

Photo of the Kola well

Looking at the photo of the Kola well, it is difficult to imagine that the life was boiling here, and many people worked for the good of the great country.

Now, in addition to garbage and remnants of the oldest greatness, there is nothing. Reinforced concrete walls and empty, abandoned rooms with randomly scattered things act in oppressing. Silence reigns around.

Drilling first stage (depth of 7600 m), 1974
Building of an electrical substation
Photo 2012.
The mouth of the well with a metal plug. Someone crushed the wrong depth. August 2012.

It is difficult to imagine that under this plug is located the deepest "hole" in the ground, leaving in a depth of more than 12 km
Soviet workers on renovation, the end of the 1970s

Stories associated with the Kola borehole do not dare so far. At present, the final response about the origin of mystical sounds, scientists did not give.

In this regard, there are all new theories trying to explain this phenomenon. Perhaps in the near future, scientists will be able to learn the nature of the "hellish sounds".

Now you know what an interesting Kola well. If you like this article - Share it with friends. If you like it in general - subscribe to the site Any convenient way. We are always interested with us!

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Kola ultra-deep well - the deepest on earth. Located in the Murmansk region about 10 km from the city of Zapolyarny. Its depth is 12262 m. The most interesting thing is that, in contrast to most other wells, which were created only for mining, the Kola was originally created a study of a lithosphere (solid shell of the planet).

Kola ultrawowing was laid down to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin in 1970. Researchers were interested in studying volcanic rocks that rarely drill in mining. It was assumed that at a depth of about 4-5 km, the granite layer will change basalt. In May, the drilling itself began. It is worth noting that there were no special problems during work. However, after a depth of seven thousand meters, the drilling head entered the durable layered rocks, when passing through which the wellbore began to crumble. Therefore, the drilling column began to cherite the rock, as a result of which the head was simply broken down when lifting. And since the lost part of the column is cemented, the drilling continued with a large deviation from the specified purpose. Similar accurities repeated often enough. Note that in the best years on the well, more than 15 research laboratories worked.

In 1983, the depth of the object was 12066 meters. This was customary to suspend work, to prepare for the International Geological Congress, which a year later passed in Moscow. In 1984, drilling continued. And immediately a new accident - the drilling column broke. It was decided to bury a new branch from the depth of seven thousand meters. By 1990, the depth of branch was 12262 m and when the column was already broken out, all the works were minimized.

Currently, the object is considered abandoned, the well itself is mothballed and begins to collapse, all equipment is dismantled, and the building has become ruins. To restore everything around, you will need about 100 million rubles. Does it ever be committed, no one knows.

As for the research, scientists believed that at a certain depth, they would discover a clearly pronounced border between gratings and basalts, but only granites were found all over the depth. There was a problem with the core (a sample of rock, extracted from the well) - when picked up, the samples crumbled from active gas dividing, since they could not withstand the instantaneous pressure change. However, in some cases, scientists managed to remove a rugged piece of core, but only if it was very slowly raised to the surface.

If we speak in general about the results of activity, they have become sufficiently unexpected for scientists, because they did not give a clear understanding of the nature of the earthly mantle. In addition, the researchers subsequently declared that the place to start the work was not the most successful - the rocks that were at a depth of about 2000 m, it was possible to find the surface of the earth near Kola. The temperature at a 5-kilometer depth was 70 ° C, at 7 - 120 ° C, 12 - 220 ° C.

About Kola walks a lot of rumors related to the otherworldly world. For example, the well is often called "dear to hell" - if you believe legend, at a depth of 12 km, the instruments of scientists recorded screams and moans emanating from the bowels of the earth. Of course, these are all stupid speculations at least because the sound itself is not recorded, but the seismic receiver is used.

By the way, the Kola is currently sealed and is in such a state for almost 20 years. At the same time, there is a slight chance that the well will ever print and continue working on it. In this case, people will be able to get new information about what the depths of our planet are hiding. True, funds to continue work should be highlighted fantastically much.

Maersk Oil BD-04A

Update! As this article has written a long time, a lot has changed over the past years. So, at the moment Kola is not at all the deepest well on Earth. Moreover, it is not even in the top three leaders!

In third place is the oil well Maersk Oil BD-04A, whose depth reaches a mark of 12290 meters. She is located in the Al-Shahine oil pool, which is in Qatar.

Maersk (Denmark) itself is more famous for transport business. In particular, with its container shipments. Her story is conducted since the beginning of the 20th century.


Silver award gets the Outdoor-Sea oil well, drilled under an acute angle to the surface of the earth, whose depth is 12345 meters.

Sakhalin-1 is an oil and gas project, which was decided to implement Sakhalin on the island, more precisely, on its northeastern shelf. One of its branches is the creation of a benchmark of Otopa-Sea. Oil development (more than 2 billion barrels) and natural gas (485 billion cubic meters) is provided.

30% of the project belongs to ExxonMobil, as much as Sodeco, and the remaining 40% equally divided between ONGC and Rosneft. As of the current moment, this is one of the largest Russian projects where truly huge investments are invested from abroad.

It is noteworthy that the leader today is a well Z-42, created as part of the Sakhalin-1 project, which is written in several rows above. Z-42 depth reaches 12,700 meters. The most interesting thing is that the construction of the well was spent by some 73 days, which according to world standards is simply an excellent result.

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