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Black water is far downstairs - it is a styx, the river of the dead. And if you now close your eyes, push off the edge and surrender to the wind - this is likely to kill you. Ice waves will take into themselves, closer over their heads, and that's it. Everything.

"Margarita, I ask you."

"Margarita, it's time."

"Antioch, do not force yourself to wait."

There is no laughter, no tears, and sometimes it seems that there are no land under the feet.

Enough. Please have enough.

Margarita coughs, because it is the second in her life of a cigarette. She now really want to push off and fall. Disappear in black water.

But there is no point in that.

When Margarita raises his hand, the scar, the sacred flame, obedient, follows to each of its movement. For any demon, it is deadly, but there is no burns on it at all.

- You can't get tired? - Azrael sits next to the open wings to hide it in the shade, and pushed in the sun.

"Do not carry nonsense," Antiochian holds his shoulder, strictly frowning, despite the fact that it is easy and quiet now.

She can not talk about what is tired, even if she is actually very, very tired. Holy gives high hopes and wants to justify them. For this you have to work a lot, so besides Azrael, there is no antihogo none.

And also because it is clean, stuck and straight. The words she pronounces, the needles in which she turns each eyes, repel all, besides who raised it here on their wings.

Margarita spins a wreath of wildflowers for him and is afraid that her needles are not frightened, just because he is an angel, and they do not get it before him.

She is clean, stuck, straight, and she does not have time on an empty chatter.

- The Holy Great Martyr Margarita Antioch, it's time - the apostle appears on the steps of the Sefirost, and Margot sighs, without hearing to the end.

Wildflowers have to be released from the hands, get silently, leave without turning around. She does not like to turn around, because he knows that he may not return, and it becomes harder to leave.

It doesn't finish the wreath, because it comes back from the battle with his fingers.

Ekaterina Alexandrian appeared in heaven just one year after Margot, such an infinitely bright, soft and lively.

She loved.

From her did not require anyone to beat to death, to kill anyone, burned from battles, Kutali in Shawl when the wind was rising.

Margarita so hated the Alexandria holy, that it was refused to look at her. Only by, only through. So, as if it does not exist and never existed.

Catherine, in truth, answered the same way and only once for some second, she detained an anti-good look, only because the scarlet curls cannot not attract attention, but from this second Margo, I wanted to burn it on a fire, as in a couple of centuries Spanish Inquisition will burn witch.

"Yes, I don't care about how everyone is worn with her," wide sleeves sculp, exposing the pale skin to almost the elbow, but the Antioch painfully overthrows them and moves to the whisper. - I do not understand why she is in the face of the Great Martyers? For what?

Azrael shakes the wings and silent. He often does not know the answers to the questions she asks, but now for some reason he feels guilty.

"When she was caught, an angel came down from heaven and did not allow torture," Margo's voice sounds completely and hurt, and she herself is all some kind of broken and sick, and it is very hard to watch it. - Where were you when I was treated? When did I robbed for a pitchfork? Even the devil was more business.

She does not endure to remember his death, think about it, speak, but silence - it's not happening to be silent now.

- Do you know how I died? It was very painful, Azrael, and very scary, - when Margarita tells, she really tries not to raise an eye on an angel, because it is afraid to see the same emptiness like others. - What did I do wrong? What, I prayed not enough? Did it believed a little?

Only not about non-defined paths, just not now.

"Margo ..." Azrael begins and stifled on the half-head.

He actually knows the answer, but he also knows that if he is still announced, Margarita will hate him to be cleaned by Alexandria.

"You yourself went to all this. Itself chose all this. And you, in truth, more than some kind of blame. "

Instead of response, Az makes something that he never allowed himself earlier, hugs the holy, attracts to himself and stifies his teeth, because not to say superfluous, it is better not to say anything. And even if she now turns out to be solid needles - let. Margarita freezes because warm in the chest is sprawling, as if from the throat of strong alcohol.

- Antioch, do not make yourself wait.

- What the hell ... - the saint bursts, and this is the first time it comes in generally the hell in the Lord's title. The first of many thousands.

And probably, she wanted to stand up here and a couple of seconds, but heaven again twist into battle, and Margarita leaves without turning around.

No heat in the chest remains.

- Margarita, - voice-bell, voice-honey and spring wind, and must pay tribute, Antioch did not think at all that he would be so much lower and much more pleasant, but when this voice utters her name, Margot does not even like that She was stained. - You do not want to be with us?

"With us," because the Alexandria Holy is almost never alone.

Catherine is pronoraly kind and happy happy, and an anti-shoal scar after the battle for the ninth sector. It is so, Lord, just and hurt, that drives crazy. Margo contemptuously snorts, and around the nurses weighing a sheaf of crimson sparks.

- During the days of the war, it would be possible to find a more decent lesson, than enthusiasticly rejoice the weather, the Great Martyr Catherine.

From Alexadrian smells of field herbs: heather, altey and - a little - wormwood.

And Margarita almost always pursue only smells of blood and Gary.

"You don't like how they are watching me?" - Suddenly asks Catherine right in the forehead. - Do you like me?

"Yes, who are you so that I mean at least some kind of opinion about you," Margo is curved.

"Would give you to the jaw."

- This is called pride, Antioch, - calmly inform her.

- And when you sing songs here, and people die in war - what's called? Oh yeah, you love you so much. You can also be not like others. Do not feel fear, not to look at all these deaths, do not get into the blood of the blood. Do you even know how it hurts? - The voice subsides to the end of the phrase, because Margarita did not want to say at all, but she no longer says anything.

Antioh feels like that, from the inside, it burns her own flame.

Tears dry before they have time to fall on the ground.

- That's strange. I can't hate you at all, "Catherine sounds mockingly and at the same time sad.

And Margot seems to be that it can, and very much.

Catherine says this when it comes to Lazarez, from where the Anthochian escape can not escape, because with the wounded foot it is damn disgusting. On the window through the raised curtain, only the moon shines, pouring the silver of the opening between the boards in the floor.

- What did you come? "Now Margo has to watch dead straight, and if she had been a witch, her words would have already turned into poison.

- You wanted to hit me? "Catherine says quietly, a chance, and with such a longing that the soul is lomit." - Well, I stand in front of you. Bay.

She has such a calm look - thinks, not enough spirit. Thinks, the hand will not rise. The spirit is enough, the hand rises, and Catherine retreats back, without saying no sound. The blow was strong and anti-shoal truth wanted a long time ago. But anger is drowning from this, leaving the powerlessness.

"Now, Margarita, we need to talk," Alexandria, washing the blood, smiles. - Tell me. Do you feel ... alive?

- What? - Margot is internally shudders, squeezed outwardly.

- You must feel very alive. You do not need to smile to all, with anyone to eat, choose words. Very free. Very strong. I need you. Because it seems to me that next to you I can also feel real.

Everything turns out to be so simple and so disgusting.

Margo even freezes for a second, because I did not expect the Holy Alexandria to be so miserable. Anger is drowning, and the annoyance remains and fills almost to the edge.

"Everything annoys me in you, starting with your name and ends with the color of your hair," comes margos. - All that is connected with you ... - Begins the Antioch, "I disgust," she wants to say, but he does not have time to finish, because her face suddenly take in the palm of her face, and her lips kiss other people's lips.

The world freezes. The heart stops. And before Catherine receives a second blow, it passes exactly two and a half seconds.

- Listen to me! - She says with a whisper, but it's still deafening. - I do not need their attention, their smiles, their love. All I need is you, because only with you I can feel alive.

"What do you know, Alexandria. What do you know about this feeling, because I do not know anything. "

- I want to be yours.

- It's disgusting.

"But you have no choice," Catherine laughs to her back in his back, but it would be better to stick a knife. "

- No, Azrael transferred to eastern part The sky, so here it will not soon appear soon, "Archangel shines in a reception and, frowning, goes through papers," by the way, I almost forgot, you are now in a detachment with a new one ... "Katerina, it seems ... take care of her, good?

- Oh no! - Margot pulls the air through his teeth, and then she is very lucky, because she does not know how strong swearing. - Is there any other place?

- What? - Stupidly asks the angel.

- In another detachment.

- A, no, just recently they reigned, so now strictly ...

- Yes, why for punishment something! - Antioch goes, without listening to the end.

Ekaterina everyone loves, she is trusted, and she also can be imperceptible and very good to convince and slyly to adjust the world for themselves.

And now it stands in the opening, leaning on the door jamb, satisfied before indecent.

And she was written on her face something like "I spoke" and "you can not hide from me."

From the desire to embed it in the jaw, at least once the antihogian fingers reduces the fingers.

Catherine turns out to be quite weak. She has no sacred flame, and even she does not own a sword. Everything that she can is treated, but ironically, when the fight subsides, it is Margarita primarily that its help is required.

At Antioch, it turns out only to lie on the back and look at Iscin-Dark Sky, because the slightest attempt to move is given to the pain in the whole body.

- I look at someone acquired a small scratch, - Catherine jumps from somewhere on the side and with a swing sits in Turkish. - Admit it, it is especially for me to be accumulated.

- I'll kill you fuck for such jokes! - Rugs Margo, although she even breathes hard now.

- Well, well ... - Katerina indulgently shakes his head, breaking the tissue impregnated with blood, and summarizes. - It will clearly not be today.

From her hands proceeds warm, soft mint shine, but the wound is still very tightened very badly, the ears are noisy, and the picture in the eyes is losing a loose haze, so there is only a small blurry silhouette and endlessly black sky. But Catherine holds firmly in his hands, and does not let go.

"Come on Margarita, Burn," she mumbles under his breath. - You are strong.

- What do you carry all the time? - The disadvantageously asks the Antiochian, barely finds the strength to rise and speak.

- You are strong, and I have nothing, -

Alexandrian responds actually very evasively. - They are afraid of you and respected. I just love me. And I love them. And it is not known that it will kill us faster.

- Empty chatter will kill faster, - the antiochian notes grimly. - Come.

Catherine does not argue that it is probably an empty chatter is still better than an awkward silence - she rises, and immediately cares about the sand back, and in response to a mute, the question is dyingly demonstrates a deep cut under the ribs, from which still still Blood complains. She, of course, would have enough strength and cure him, if she had just not made anything that was, to Antioch.

- I thought you were just a benefactor, and you, it turns out, also a fool, "says Margo instead of gratitude.

Selfless fool.

Catherine laughs.

- I love you, Margarita Antioch, but your character is nasty.

When spring comes, dense fogs are descended to Sephirot, and cost days. Catherine emerges from the doorway to the balcony immediately after the Antioch Saint and the dextering movement raises her skirts so that they are taking into the air, exposing a long uneven scar on the shin.

"If you do this again, I'll deal with your face," Martho brightens, wounds the hair of Alexandrian on his fist.

"Well, okay," she immediately surrender, in an obedient gesture, throwing up a palm. - You are terribly boring.

- I endure you near. But do not abuse my patience.

Alexandrian does not answer anything, she gets a cigarette and long reckoning it with a trembling in the wind. Of these, two of them begins to smoke it, and it is a bit strange.

Good girl.

Holy Great Martyr.

They still stand silently under the northern tower, maybe, precisely because an angelic choir is so good here.

- Today, something is especially sad sing. Do you hear Margarita? - Catherine is delayed, and Irsos looks at the scarlet curls. - Who am I to you?

"Nobody," Margarita turns away. " "You love, I let you love yourself." Very simple.

"This is good," Alexandria hangs out with a railing, releasing a stream of smoke, which is immediately mixed with the clubs of the morning fog. - It's good. So you can not be afraid.

When it happened exactly, Margarita does not remember.

The centuries flow through the fingers, leaving the memory scraps behind them.

When she turned fifteen - she died.

In sixteen it was kissed for the first time, broke and collected again.

The fifth hundred years fulfilled the rescued world, and Ekaterina treats each her wound.

On the fifteenth hundred, Alexandrian brings to Margo to inspire a french peasant to the feat. Joan D "Ark, who turned out to be such a bold and disarmingly desperate. Jeanne, which was burned on the bonorable of the Inquisition, like a hethetic. Catherine then confused her hair and quickly mumbled that she seemed to be fighting for it.

However, at the end of the first thousand years, Catherine is still smiling.

"I want to be yours, and you have no choice."

Laugh even after so many years, and her fingers stretch to a clasp on a red dress.

Closer to the end, nineteenth hundred in heaven appears this Jean. Talented and very problematic commander-in-chief Jean Vianny, who smokes a sidewayl on the fifth floor under the staircase.

The twentieth hundred begins, and Azrael can no longer fly, because he lost the wing.

The wind slides on the skin, as if her caress. The prejudicing smell fills the lungs, and the low black sky is hanging over the paradise, which will soon burst with shower. Margarita lies on a wide windowsill, and her head rests on his knees from Alexandria, and that sometimes leans to kiss.

"Enough," finally fading her Margo. - You do not want to continue, so do not teasing.

"You were lonely and sad, because there was no one who would tell you: the Holy Great Martyr Margarita, you are a bitch," Alexandria snorts, but still stretches.

Kisses the neck, sneezing between the clavicle, and then - a little left, where the next scar left my mark; Fingers deftly unleash the corset lace, for so many years she was already adapted.

Margo inhales prejudice air full breasts And - it is called, feel alive.

At the end of the second thousand years, a big battle begins with hell, which brings many wounded, thousands, and the help of healership is very necessary in the hospital.

At the end of the second thousand years before you leave, Catherine looks around, and looks at the Antioch holy for a long time.

"So it doesn't happen," Margo throws his head to the sky and laughs so that those present shivering. - So fucking, does not happen. What fucking hell, who allowed her?!

Who let her die, saving other people's lives. Pay your all up to the drop so that they still walked along this earth, they prayed, smiled.

Alexandria seems to be alive, only very pale, but her cold and rejuvenated Nimb gives their own. She loved them, and it destroyed her. And probably she knew that someday would happen. Maybe the answer is an anti-good one in the morning, and nothing would have happened, or it would simply be a little more difficult to make a choice.

Margo does not want to be here, look at it. Sympathizers are going to a lot, and nausea begins to realize that none of them actually knew her.

Antioh goes on the fifth floor, under the stairs, and there he shoots a cigarette at the Heavenly Commander-in-Chief. Goes on a directly sacred flame from under the fingers, because there is no strength to mess around with a lighter. Antioh's smoking never tried before, and therefore the first tightening ends ends with a cough, from which tears on the cheeks flow. True, when the attack ends, the salt with a jack is not going anywhere, even if she was washed.

"It is necessary, no one, and the hole in the chest, as if they had taken out the heart," the antiochian struck the filter confusedly.

"If it was once there," she sadly smiles.

Jean prudently silent or simply does not understand what is happening.

Margot extinguishes a cigarette about his own palm and for goodbye takes another one.

Black water is far downstairs - it is a styx, the river of the dead. And if you now close your eyes ...

But there is no point in that. Margo is given by curses and sprinkles bitterness.

She is already so can't breathe. She already crushed and destroyed. In the chest and without water in the lungs, I burn the hellish flame. Fun and hurt.

- Margarita, I ask you for the sake of all the saint. Get out. From the edge.

- When the saints die, what are they getting? "She really moves away from the edge, but also - pumped into his chest, trustingly hugs, as the first time he took her from the ground, a fifteen-year-old red girl.

- The wind, rain, probably clouds, is quietly responsible for Az.

The wind gently strokes the cheeks and kisses into the hair, raising up the vortices of the fallen petals. So comes to an end two thousand first spring.

"I love you, Margarita Antioch," the voice remains, mocking and a little sad.

Daniel Ivanovich Harms (Nasturn Surname Yuvachev) - Poet, Prose, playwright, Children's writer. First of it literary works Posted in 1922. Already at that time, Harms chose himself not only the fate of the writer, but also a pseudonym. In early 1925, Harms meets the poet A. Tufanov, founded the "order of disassens". His ideas about the special perception of space and time, and due to this - the special language of modern literature, were close to Harms and had a strong influence on him. At the same time, he became close to A. Intraved and entered the "Chinarians" created by the one. Their union continued in organized Hams "Academy of Left Classics", which then transformed into Obaviri.

The works of HARMS OBERIUT period of mischievous and fancy. But despite their humor, the focus of serious reflections on earthly and heaven, about the purpose of man in the real world. Alogicity, the absurdity of the works of Harms was largely the forerunner of the failed Russian surrealism. After the defeat of the union, the arrest followed, then reference; Harms had to go to the sphere of child poetry, during this period it is increasingly attracting the prose. The secondary HARMS was arrested in August 1941, was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where he died on February 2, 1942.

Verse Peter Yashkin

We fled like soy

lastly Battle

our peaks stumbled

we sat by the fire

rivers dried down

we shouted: we nagonim!

shoulders blond high

morda White East

but the road is not handling

and the rifle does not hide

we let our views

sky fell a curtain

loans behind the forest

stones jumped in a shovel

month the sun is not honing

how much time I do not know

we chased at Vozami

only legs sank

foam came out on mouth

our eyes are empty

moss seemed to us by bed

but we said on purpose

so nobody lagged

lastly Battle

we fled like soy

like soheni we fled

Disappear who is not sorry!

* * *

All All All Trees FIF

Everything is all a stone pafe

All the whole nature of the pouf

All All All Maiden FIF

All All All Men Paf

All all the marriage pouf

All all the Slavs FIF

All all all Jews Paf

All all all Russia pouf

October 1929.
* * *

The traveler goes at an hour's hour,

hides in a bag bread and cheese,

and over him flower vicious

grows in air pr.

How much moisture how many are

in that flower growing from

long Bird in a rapid run

from the window flying down.

Took out the traveler immediately immediately

puju - Daughter of High Rocks.

Raised the tramp gun to the eye.

Threw a bullet and jumping.

Bullet birds dug into the body,

arriving a lot of holes.

More bird did not fly

and the flower did not swim ave.

Only traveler in a rapid run

repeated and up and down:

"Oh, where so much

in that flower growing out. "

April 17, 1933.
Constancy of fun and dirt

Water in the river River, Cool,

and the shadow from the mountains falls into the field,

and goes back in the sky. And birds

already fly in the dreams.

costs all night at goal

and scratches dirty hands

and the football feet, and the ringing of bottles.

The day passes, then a week,

then the year pass by

and people are slender rows

in their graves disappear.

A janitor with black mustache

it is worth the year at the goal

and scratches dirty hands

under the dirty cap your head.

And the windows are heard the cry of cheerful,

and the football feet, and the ringing of bottles.

The moon and the sun pale

consignment form changed.

The movement was drove

and time has become like sand.

A janitor with black mustache

stands again at the goal

and scratches dirty hands

under the dirty cap your head.

And the windows are heard the cry of cheerful,

and the football feet, and the ringing of bottles.

October 14, 1933.
What to do to us?

When Dolphin with sea horse

the game started together

about the cliff beat the sea surf

and the rocks of soap sea water.

Roared terrible water.

Light stars. Follow the year.

And now the terrible hour has come:

i'm not, and no you,

and the sea no, and rocks, and mountains,

and there are no stars; Almost Khor.

sounds from dead emptiness.

And Grozny God for simplicity

jumped up and blown up the dust of the centuries,

and so, without time, the shackles,

one flies to himself.

And the cool circle, and darkness around.

October 15, 1934.
Physicist broken

Masha models of the Universe,

outgoing a physicist from the gate.

And suddenly fell, breaking the knee

joint. People run to him.

Masha's charters,

it is suitable for it.

Multiply solid table

the student is suitable young.

The girl with a handbag is suitable,

the old woman is in a hidden.

And the physicist lies, does not walk,

does not go to the physicist and lies.

January 23, 1935.
Unknown Natasha

Combining glasses with a simple rope, a gray old man reads a book.

A candle is burning, and the hearty air in the pages of the wind is sovest.

Old man sighing, strokes hair and bread worn routing

Glashes the teeth of the left left, and crusts the jaw loudly.

Already dawn takes off the stars and lights on Nevsky carchat,

Already the conductor in the tram is scorn with drunk for the fifth time,

Nevsky cough and old man already woke up for the throat,

And I am writing poems Natasha and not flushing a light eye.

January 23, 1935.
* * *

She walked Petrov once in the forest.

She was walking and suddenly disappeared.

"Well, well," said Bergson, -

Is it a dream? No, not sleep. "

Looked and sees ditch,

And Petrov sits in the rock.

And Bergson got there.

Les and lez and suddenly disappeared.

Surprised by Petrov:

"I must have unhealthy.

I saw - disappeared Bergson.

Is it a dream? No, not sleep. "

Man came out of the house

Man came out of the house

With a battle and bag

And on the long journey

And on the far

Went on foot.

He walked straight and forth

And I looked forward.

Did not sleep, did not drink

Did not drink, did not sleep,

I did not sleep, did not drink, did not eat.

And once on the dawn

He entered into the Dark Forest.

And since that time

And since that time

And since that time disappeared.

But if somehow it

It will happen to meet you

Then soon

Then soon

Mostly tell us.


A janitor with black mustes is one of the sinister characters of poetry and the prose of Harms. The wipers have long consisted in close connection with the police and were usually present during searches and arrests.

"Andrei Ivanovich spat in a cup with water ..."

Andrei Ivanovich spat in a cup with water. Water immediately shocked. Andrei Ivanovich obscured his eyes and looked closely in a cup. The water was very black. Andrei Ivanovich had a heart beat.

At this time, the dog of Andrei Semenovich woke up. Andrei Semenovich approached the window and thought.

Suddenly something big and dark swept past the face of Andrei Ivanovich and flew out the window. Andrei Ivanovich dog flew off and rushed like a crow to the roof of the opposite house. Andrei Ivanovich sat down on a squat and overwhelmed.

The room was fought by Comrade Parrots.

- What's wrong with you? You are sick? - asked Comrade Parrots.

Andrei Ivanovich was silent and ter face with his hands.

Comrade Parrots looked into a cup that was standing on the table.

- What is it nalito here? He asked Andrei Ivanovich.

"I don't know," said Andrei Ivanovich.

Parrots instantly disappeared. The dog flew out again in the window, lay down at his oldest place and fell asleep.

Andrei Ivanovich approached the table and poured an blasphemy water out of the cup. And in the soul, Andrei Ivanovich became light.

"As you know, the ravine has a very stupid stall ..."

As you know, the ravine has a very stupid fig.

So one day, Razymensky shouted by his digger about the stool.

After that, the sink of the poet of the rampage came to full dissent.

<август-сентябрь 1934>

"Olga Forsh approached Alexey Tolstoy ..."

Olga Forsh approached Alexey Tolstoy and did something.

Alexey Tolstoy, too, did something.

Here Konstantin Fedin and Valentin Stenich jumped into the yard and began to search for a suitable stone. Stone they did not find, but found a shovel. This shovel Konstantin Fedin went to Olga Forsh in the face.

Then Alexey Tolstoy undressed naked and, having passed on the fountain, began to lag in horsepower. All said: "Here is a large modern writer." And nobody Alexei Tolstoy touched.

"A fool from the collar of his shirt braced neck ..."

Fools from the collar of his shirt braced neck, but on her head. The head was once briefly triggered. Now the hair has grown the brush. The fool said a lot about something. Nobody listened to him. Everyone thought: when will he silence and leave? But the fool did not notice anything continued to talk and laugh.

Finally, Yolbov could not stand and, approaching the fool, said shortly and fiercely: "I'm getting off the same minute." The fool looked confused around, without thinking what was happening. Yolbov moved a fool in the ear. The fool flew out of the chair and fell on the floor. Elbov led him to his foot and a fool, swaying out of the door, rolled down from the stairs.

It happens in life: Fool fool, and something else wants to express. In the face of such. Yes, in the face!

Wherever I looked everywhere this stupid face of the arrestant. It would be nice to boot on this face.

On January 24, 1928, the first public speech of Oboriutov was held in the Leningrad Print House - "Three left hours" - consisting of three parts:
hour first - Speech by poets A. Introva, D. Harms, N. Zabolotsky, K. Vaginova, I. Bakhtherheva;
hour two - showing the play by the play by D. Harms "Elizabeth Bam" (composition D. Harms, I. Bakhtereva and B. Levin, scenery and costumes I. Bakhtereva, Roles performed Green (A. Ya. Goldfarb), Pavel Manevich, Yuri Warsaw, E. Vigilyansky, Babayev and Ethinger);
hour Third - showing the meat grinder, created by Alexander Razumovsky and Climenting Minsk.

From the preparations of Harms in the evening "three left hour" an entry in his notebook is interesting - the task of yourself on January 21: "Go to V. Ulitin regarding Claus." Harms's uncertainty in the goodwill of the audience is not random. In the mid-1920s, the struggle of different literary groups took place not for life, but to death, and in early 1928 such "traditions" were far from being reached the past. It was possible to expect anything, anything: from a simple sweeping to attempts to break the evening. Therefore, HARMS decides to take care in advance about the "Support Group", i.e. "CLAK".
The surprise lucked the audience immediately after the performance of Harms. Having finished his speech, the poet pulled the clock from the pocket. Looking at them, he called on the audience to silence and announced that at this time at the corner of the Nevsky Prospect and Sadovaya Street (then they were called the Avenue of October 25 and the street name on July 3) speaks with their poet Nikolai Krutachev's poet. It was an experiment with a violation of the unity of space.
Only now the audience understood why the name of Kropacheva was scored on the evening poster upside down ... A pause arose on the stage, and at the same time in the center of Kropachev began to read his poems surprised passersby. In this original way, Obeniuta decided the side task: the poems of Kropachev were frankly weak, and did not want to produce him on the stage. Therefore, the poet returning to the first intermission "presented" to the audience, but they did not give a repeating performance, despite the requirements that came from the hall. In addition, the poems of Kropachev were not provided for preliminary censorship, as the texts of the rest of the poets. (

The water was very black. Andrei Semenovich has a heart beat.

At this time, the dog of Andrei Semenovich woke up. Andrei Semenovich approached the window and thought.

Suddenly something big and dark swept past the face of Andrei Semenovich and flew out the window. Andrei Semenovich's dog flew out and rushed like a crow to the roof of the opposite house. Andrei Semenovich sat down in a squat and overwhelmed.

The room was fought by Comrade Parrots.

- What's wrong with you? Are you sick? - asked Comrade Parrots.

Andrei Ivanovich was silent and ter face with his hands.

Comrade Parrots looked into a cup that was standing on the table.

- What is it nalito here? He asked Andrei Ivanovich.

"I don't know," said Andrei Ivanovich.

Parrots instantly disappeared. The dog flew out again in the window, lay down at his oldest place and fell asleep.

Andrei Ivanovich approached the table and poured an blasphemy water out of the cup. And in the soul, Andrei Ivanovich became light.

Daniel Ivanovich Harms

Abram Demyanovich Pentopasov cried loudly and pressed against the eyes of a handkerchief. But it was too late. The ashes and soft dust seized the eyes of Abram Demyanovich. From that time, Abraha Demyanovich's eyes began to hurt, they were gradually covered with nasty sicks, and Abram Demyanovich Oples.

The blind disabled person Abram Demyanovich pushed out from service and appointed a meager retirement to him in 36 rubles a month.

It is absolutely clear that the money was missing by Demyanovich Abrahu. Kilo Bread was worth the ruble ten kopecks, and leek cost 48 kopecks on the market.

And now the disabilities of labor became increasingly applied to cesspools.

It was difficult to find edible garbage from the whole husk and dirt.

And on someone else's yard and the loss of the garbage is not easy to find. I do not see my eyes, but ask: where is your permanent pit? - Somehow awkward.

It remained only to sniff.

Some garbage so smells that he can hear, others, which with a lid, is completely impossible.

Well, if a good janitor gets, and the other is so shifting that every appetite will disappear.

Once Abram Demyanovich climbed to someone else's garbage, and his rat was bitten there, and he got back. So that day and did not eat anything.

But somehow in the morning, Abraha Demyanovich, something bounced off his right eye.

Abram Demyanovich rubbed this eye and suddenly saw the light. And then and from the left eye, something bounced off, and Abram Demyanovich prosened. From this day, Abram Demyanovich went to the mountain.

Everywhere Abram Demyanovich is gripping.

And in drug addresses, so there Abram Demyanovich was almost on his hands.

And became Abram Demyanovich a great man.


Daniel Ivanovich Harms

- Is there anything on earth, which would matter and could even change the course of events not only on earth, but also in other worlds? I asked my teacher.

"There's," my teacher answered me.

- What is this? - I asked.

"This is ..." I started my teacher and suddenly fell silent.

I stood and hardly waiting for his answer. And he was silent.

And I stood and silent.

And he was silent.

And I stood and silent.

And he was silent.

We are both standing and silent.

Ho la-la!

We are both standing and silent.


Yes, yes, we are both standing and silent.

Daniel Ivanovich Harms

I raised dust. Children fled after me and pumped clothes on themselves. Old men and old women fell from the roofs. I whistled, I was loud, I was lying my teeth and pounded the iron stick. Ripped children rushed after me and, not shattered, broke their thin legs in a terrible hurry. Old men and old women gone around me. I am rushing forward! Dirty,

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