Find out the reason for the disappearance of people. Features of the initiation and investigation of cases associated with the disappearance of a person

Even at the beginning of the seventies, the Soviet magazine "Science and Life" risked to publish terrible statistics for the disappearance of people. The figures turned out to be frightening: annually in the USSR, there were no average of 80 thousand people in the USSR, and the reasons for the disappearance were found only in half cases.

Five amazing stories of the disappearance of people

This case occurred in October 1981. Guests came to one resident of Leningrad. The conversation was delayed, the drinking and cigarettes ended, the owner, apologizing, threw the cloak and went to the grocery slippers, which was located on the first floor of his five-story building. He did not return home, and in the grocery nobody saw him. No traces of the disappeared man could not be found.

In June 1975, three Izhevsk students went to Crimea. In the train, young people got acquainted with two girls. In Yalta, coming out of the train, they agreed that they would meet on the bus station to go in search of housing on the seashore. However, girls waited in vain - the guys did not come. And only returning to his native city, one of them learned from his girlfriend that three classmates were missing at the university, who also went to Crimea. All signs coincided, besides, the young men represented a noisy, memorable company.

One of the most amazing cases occurred in 1936. A group of geologists broke the camp in the village of Elizabetino a few kilometers from Krasnoyarsk. Four days later, returning from the next route, they saw an empty village! Things in the houses were intact, on the main rustic street, right on the road stood one inlet without horses and lay three abandoned bike. One of the geologists told that they tried to penetrate into one of the houses whose door was closed from the inside! I knocked out the glass, they saw that the door was barricaded from the inside of furniture. Geologists reported this to the District Detachment of the NKVD, where the machine with employees arrived promptly. However, the search was unsuccessful, and with scientists they took a subscription of non-disclosure.

See also:

In 1986, the disappearance of an amateur expedition from Novosibirsk was reported in the Soviet press, which went to search for "Chertov Logov" - the meadows, on which, allegedly, dies all living in the Tomsk region. As part of the group there was one girl and two guys from Novosibirsk. In the end item of the route, when the Novosibirsk youth comes from the train, two Tomsk enthusiasts should have joined to her. All young people were experienced tourists, more than once were in the taiga, and had with them all the necessary gear. And then the oddities began: Tomsk tourists who had to join the Novosibirsk group, at the station they said that the train is late for two hours, and they are to "kill" time set off to walk around the city. But the driver managed to reduce the late to one and a half hours and, when enthusiasts came to the railway station, the train had already left, and no one had seen arrivals. A telegram has come to the sent to Novosibirsk a response that two guys and one girl went at the appointed time. Unfortunately, the police joined the search only three days later. I could not find anyone.

But a recent case with one businessman from Brazil. His sessna plane fell into the ocean in shallow water 130 meters from the shore in the eyes of hundreds of people. Rescuers hardly managed to open the doors of the aircraft that jammed. But there was no one to save - the plane was empty! The police put forward the traditional version: a businessman who flew with his wife for some reason he threw himself over his wife and pilot, and then threw himself. But how true is this version, if the aircraft doors were locked from the inside?

Stories about non-traced fading people are not news. It happened at all times, but, unfortunately, there were no statistics from some Middle Ages. If someone led it at all.

The time was then restless, then the matter was waging, people moved to place, ran out of the house, traveled, fought in knightly tournaments and languished in the dungeons. Therefore, we will talk about closer cases of incomprehensible disappearance of people. For example, in the 70s, in the journal Science and Life, they said that in such European countries, like Italy, France, as well as in England, disappears for the year from 5,000 to 20,000 people.

When the same data appeared on the former USSR, this number reached 85,000. Only in 60,000 cases it was possible to learn the causes of the disappearance.

Strange disappears looked like this. In an ordinary Moscow apartment gathered a noisy company of friends. Cigarettes ended in the middle of the feast, and the owner came for a minute to the store, which was in the same house. No one has seen more owner. And in the grocery, he never came.

In 1973, three student from Leningrad met the train with two girls. The youth drove into the Crimea, and, arriving in Simferopol, the guys agreed to go to Yalta together. The girls waited for guys on a trolleybus stop, but they did not come. It seems to be nothing surprising. But when the tourists returned back, in Leningrad, one of them heard that three guys were missing at the institute, who left in Crimea. Having learned the details, the girl was convinced that we were talking about the same students (they were dressed in cowboy hats, a guitar was with them).

Writer Arthur Conan Doyle witnessed the next incident. The family went for a walk, but his father returned to the house for a forgotten umbrella. The man disappeared without a trace.

Once in 1936, a whole settlement was missing. Geologists were told about this, which are located in the village of Elizabetino, in the Krasnoyarsk area. One day, the group returned from the route and found an empty village. Bikes were lying on the street, underwear hung on the ropes, it didn't seem that people were collecting things before the abyss. Geologists began to knock on the house, as a result, knocked out in one glass and got inside. From the inside the entrance door someone barricaded furniture, but there was no one from the tenants in the house.

This case was reported to the NKVD branch. As a result, with geologists, they took a subscription to the non-disclosure of this case, and then once again caused testimony.

In 1987, a small expedition was in Tomsk to the train. They should have been at the place of arrival to meet with two local tourists, and together to go in search of a certain "Chertov Logov", the glades, on which all the lively disappears. As a result, everyone saw how they were on the train, the station duty station and the train brigade reported that they came out of it in a place. But no one has seen them more. Those enthusiasts were waiting for them at the station, we left for a short time, because the train was late for a couple of hours. When they returned, it turned out that the composition came faster than it was assumed, but there was no expedition to the station. The police began searching only three days later when the traces were finally lost.

In the USA in 1947, a passenger aircraft C-46 crashed in the Rocky Mountains. When the rescuers arrived at the place, not one of the 32 passengers in the wreckage of the airliner did not turn out.

Another plane that remained without a passenger was called Sessna. A Brazilian businessman flew in it, who was not in the cockpit when the plane fell into the water, in the eyes of witnesses. The doors were closed from the inside, therefore, the version that the man was lost at the bottom of the ocean, rejected.

Sometimes people disappear literally per second, in the eyes of witnesses, without mysterious outbreaks and sound effects. In the monograph "The general theory of relativity after Einstein" (L. E. Gurevich, E. B. Gliner, 1972, ed. Knowledge) refers to some points, "theoretically inevitable". They may have a disappearance or any body from our world.

There is a world, and maybe many worlds parallel to our.

Louis Lead. Jacques Berzhier. "Morning Mages"

Statistics says that about two million people disappear on earth every year. The vast majority of such disappearances are explained by quite natural causes: murders, accidents, natural disasters ... Sometimes people "disappear" at their own request. But part of the incidents in the usual framework does not fit.

If only do not take into account the existence of parallel worlds.

Chronicle of mysterious disappearance

Many cases were recorded when people disappeared right in front of many witnesses. And there is no explanation yet.

Ancient Greece. During the battle, one of the warriors in which the dart threw, melted in the air. And in place, where he stood, his weapon, shield and fatal dart stayed. In ancient times, such disappearances of people happened quite often, so those surrounding did not see anything unusual in them, and did not focus on special attention.

October 25, 1593 in Mexico City unexpectedly, "like from the sky," there was a soldier in an incomprehensible form, who said that he had just stood at the post of the Palace of Governor Manila (Philippines - at 17 thousand km from Mexico!) And saw that There was treacherously killed. The soldier himself could not understand how he suddenly found himself in a completely unfamiliar place. The final of this story is a saddled man - the unfortunate came under the court of the Inquisition ... and only a few months later, the sailors confirmed all the details of the tragedy described in the story of the Philippine watch.

On May 3, 1753, the respected artisan Alberto Goronyi walked around the court of Count Count Zanetti (Italy, Sicily, Takona), and suddenly unexpectedly disappeared on an even place, "evaporated" in front of his wife, Count Zanette and many other tribesmen. The amazed people overlooked all around, but did not find any deepening, where it would be possible to fail ... Exactly after 22 years, Gordoni appeared again, arose in the same place where it disappeared, in the yard of the estate.

Alberto himself argued that he did not disappear anywhere, so he was placed in a house for insane, where only after 7 years a priest spoke to him, Mario's father. The artisan still retained the feeling that there was quite a bit of time between his "disappearance" and "return". Then, 29 years ago, Alberto suddenly fell into the tunnel and came out on him to the "white and unclear" light. There were no objects there, only bizarre fixtures. Alberto saw something similar to a small canvas, all in asterisks and dots, each of which pulsed to his own way. There was one oblong being with long hair, said that he fell into the "crack" of time and space and deliver it very difficult. So far, Alberto expected his return - and he warmly asked him to deliver it back, - "Woman" he told him about "holes, which open in the dark, about some white drops and thoughts that move at the speed of light (!) flesh and body without soul, about flying cities, in which residents are eternally young. " Mario's father was confident that the artisan is not lying, and therefore went with him in Takon. There Poor Alberto took a step and ... disappeared again! Now forever.

XVIII century, Germany, Perelberg village. British diplomat Benjamen Bethrust disappeared on her friend's eyes. The search for him was not crowned with success.

1867, Paris. In the eyes of Dr. Bonvillena, his neighbor Lucien Busch, who came to consult about his health. Wausched and lay down on the couch, and Dr. Bonvilene departed for a second to the table. When the doctor turned to the couch, there was no one on it, the clothes of Lucien remained lying next to the chair. Where a naked man went to the mystery.

History is widely known, alleged on September 23, 1880 in the USA, Tennessee, Samner county, Gallatin. In the yard, his farms in the eyes of his wife Emma, \u200b\u200bchildren, judges of the bake and his relative disinterested in the air Farmer David Lang. His search did not give anything. (In the 1960s, Hearshel G. Pine, a librarian from Nashville, who for several years tried to figure it out in this riddle, did not find in the archives of confirmation that the Lang family or a person named August Pek ever lived in County Samner. Pine came to the conclusion that the story about the mysterious disappearance was just a newspaper duck).

... "Daily Kronik", July 30, 1889. "Mr. McMillian, a member of the family owners of the famous publishing house" McMillian ", rose the top of Mount Mount Olympus (Greece), waved his friends, after which it disappeared. Despite the careful searches and the appointed reward, it was not possible to find it ..."

1915, Galipoli Peninsula (Turkey). General Hamilton sent to help allies to capture Constantinople part of the British Norfolksky Regiment. Near the n60 height on the road in front of the hiking column thickened a strange cloud. Several hundred soldiers rampedly entered it. Here the cloud broke away from the ground and sailed towards Bulgaria. Nobody has ever seen a soldier who has entered him. After Turkey's surrender, when the question of the prisoners was discussed, the last hope of finding them was disappeared. It turned out that the Turks did not take a prisoner in the area.

1924, Iraq. The Pilots of the Royal UK Air Force Day and Stewart made a forced landing in the desert. Their traces that lead from the aircraft were clearly visible on the sand. But soon they were cut down ... The pilots themselves did not manage to find, although there were no zybuchi sand around the emergency landing site, nor abandoned wells ... was not on that day and sandy storms ...

1930, the village of Eskimos Angicuni (Northern Canada). All residents disappeared without a trace. In the empty dwellings there were clothing, food over cooled foci and even rifles, without which, as you know, no Eskimo will never come out of the house. Hunter Joe Liebel, first found that the village of detects, also reported that even the graves on the village cemetery was empty. The dead disappeared with alive ...

In 1936, a group of geologists settled in Elizabeth's village not far from Krasnoyarsk. A few days later, returning home after the next route, geologists saw a completely extinct village. Things in homes remained intact. On the main rustic street lay two bikes. One of the geologists, now Professor, Dr. Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Bumbers, still remembers the horror that they experienced, trying to penetrate into one house, the door of which was closed from the inside! I had to knock the glass, and then it turned out that the door was barricaded from the inside of homemade utensils. A family of four adults and three children lived in the house. Geologists reported on the NKVD that happened to the local department, and from there, the car with employees arrived promptly. However, the investigation was unsuccessful, and with geologists took a subscription to non-disclosure of information about this case. As the badgers told him, after some time he was called to Moscow in the NKVD, where he again gave testimony ...

Another mysterious story with the disappearance of a large number of soldiers occurred in December 1937 during hostilities between China and Japan. The Chinese General Lee Fushi sent a detachment of 3 thousand fighters to delay the enemy at the turn of the Yangtze River. The next day, his scouts reported that the entire detachment disappeared, although there were no signs of battle, as well as dead bodies. If the soldiers had retreated, they would have forced to go through the bridge, but the bridge had a general division that could not not notice so many people. Repeatedly, the Chinese government was trying to open the mystery of the disappearance of these 3 thousand soldiers, but so far she remained uncovered. None in the Japanese archives nor in evidence of the military there is no data that this detachment was captured or destroyed.

1947. Suddenly lost control and crashed in the Rocky Mountains (USA) the aircraft "C-46", on board which was 32 people. In vain, rescuers hurried to the place of the accident to assist victims. Among the fragments of the aircraft there were no living nor dead. There was no blood nor other traces that confirmed that during the accident on board the aircraft was at least one person. The work of the special services became interested, but their searches ended with nothing. The idea was expressed that people disappeared from the aircraft in the air!

Former soldier James Tetfort disappeared on December 1, 1949 from the crowded bus. Tetford, together with fourteen other passengers, drove home to Bennington, Vermont. The last time he was seen back in their place. When the bus arrived at the destination, Tetford evaporated, although all his things remained in the trunk, and on the empty seat there were also a schedule of buses. Since then, Tetford has never seen anymore.

On the evening of November 23, 1953, the most mysterious event was occurred in the UFO-Radar - Radars of the Air Force in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Michigan, Wisconsin in the United States spotted an unidentified flying object. The F-89C fighter "Scorpio" was immediately raised to his interception from the Kingross airbase. The plane was ruled by Senior Lieutenant Felix Monkla, and Lieutenant Robert Wilson at that time was a radar fighter operator. As subsequently approved ground operators, the fighter approached an unidentified object, and then both of them, put together, disappeared from radar screens. A search and rescue operation was organized, but the plane debris could not be detected.

In 1975, American Jackson Wright was driving by car with his wife from New Jersey to New York. Driving Tunnel Lincoln, Wright stopped the car to wipe the stamps. His wife of Martha came out of the car to wipe the rear window. When Wright turned around, he did not see his spouse. According to a man, he did not hear and did not see anything unusual, and the subsequent investigation did not reveal any evidence of violent death. March Wright simply disappeared.

In 1980, in the suburb of Paris, Sergi-Pontauz 19-year-old Frank Frankon disappeared after his Pickup covered a brightly luminous foggy ball. Appearing again in the same place exactly in a week, Frank thought for a long time, which was missing for some five minutes. (Volgograd Pravda, 2.04.1983; Posts agencies "France-Press", "Reuters", the newspaper "Tribyun de Lausann", Switzerland for 1983).

At noon on September 1, 1985, on the first day of the new school year, the second-grader of the 67th Moscow School Vlad Geyneman, ran out to change to the street, played with friends to "War", threw a "grenade" several times (in the form of a stone) and wishing Follow the enemy dived into a dark narrow pass between the walls ... When after a couple of seconds he jumped out on the other hand, he did not recognize the school yard. Just a full defer, now he was absolutely empty. The call rang? Vlad rushed to school, but there he stopped him stepfather, which, as it turned out, he had long been looking for him to hold home from school. The lessons have long run out, all the children went home. Change when Vlad dived into the passage was supposed to end at 11.30, and now it was already 13.00. Where did he spend one and a half hours? .. According to Vlad Aleksandrovich, in 1993, several familiar psychics from Sverdlovsk tried at his request to reveal this mystery, hypnotized him, but "stumbled as if on the black wall," some old people remembered, and The rest of the memory was completely blocked. More in the same passage never tried to appear ...

In 1987, our press reported about the disappearance of a small amateur expedition from Tomsk, who went to search for the mysterious " chertova Logova "- Polyany with bare land, on which all living things died. However, the true story of the disappeared expedition turned out quite recently.

As part of the group there was one girl. Two guys were from Novosibirsk. It was assumed that at that point where the group comes from the train, two local enthusiasts will join it. All the guys were experienced tourists, more than once went through the Siberian taiga, had gunshot and signaling means. In Tomsk, they sat on the train and, according to the testimony of the train brigade, all safely sued from the train in the intended place. And then the oddities began: two of the local enthusiasts who had to join the expedition, said that the train from Tomsk is late for three hours, and they, to wait for this time, went home. But the driver reduced the delay to two hours, and when the enthusiasts came to the station again, the train was already gone. Nobody saw arrivals from Tomsk. The duty officer of the station spoke something nee-communal kind of: "What guys got off the train", but where they are going - it is unknown. A telegram sent to Tomsk a day later the answer came that the group left exactly at the appointed time.

Unfortunately, the police connected to the search only three days later, when people who could see the guys have already dispersed. No one else has anyone else ... It seemed the impression that the group disappeared immediately after leaving the train.

In the late 1980s-early 90s, the Hong Kong newspaper "Ven Ven veins" wrote the Hong Kong newspaper "Ven Ven veins" several times later than Jung Li Cheng. In a brief presentation, his confused story looks like this: in 1987, to the local Hong Kong scientist (it can be understood that it is a mental psychiatrist) fell to research a boy who argued that he "came from the past." The result of the study (a boy survey with a large addiction) Someone was strongly embarrassed - "the newcomer" spoke well in ancient Chinese language, retelling the biographies of the dead celebrities, did not know the history of the past China and Japan, mentioned many events about which in Currently, I did not remember at all, or I knew only a very limited circle of historians, narrowly specialized at certain periods or events.

A strange boy, besides, was also dressed as the inhabitants of the Ancient China dined, so his appearance was either a well-planned "provocation" of any powerful organization (for example, television company), seeking sensation, or ... believe in the version of the The boy was difficult, besides, he himself did not understand how Hong Kong fell into the modern city.

Nevertheless, as the newspaper reported, the historian Ing Ing Shao decided to check not too slim boyish story and deepened in the study of the ancient books stored in the temples. Finally, in one of the books, his attention was attracted by stories, almost completely identical with Oral Repells Jung Li, all the dates, locality names and names of concrete people coincided. In one place, the historian stumbled upon a record of the place and the date of birth of the boy, he was almost sure that it was about "his boy", but in order to make sure of the stunning discoveries, it was necessary to talk again with Jung Li ... however Already in May 1988, having stayed just a year in our time, the boy traveler unexpectedly disappeared, no one else saw him ...

Antended historian Ing Ing Shao again sat down for books and in one of them immediately for the name "Jung Lee Cheng" found the following entry: "... disappeared for 10 years and appeared again crazy, claimed that he was in 1987 in 1987 in Christian Soothing, saw huge birds, big magic mirrors, boxes that reach clouds, multi-colored lights, which ignite and go out, wide streets, decorated with marble, that traveled in a long snake, which crawls with a monstrous speed. Recognized crazy and died after 3 weeks ... "

You can add ships to this list, the mysterious way "lost" their crews in the open sea. It is enough to remember the famous history with the vessel "", which was discovered from the Azores. The disappeared people did not take anything with them - neither things or even money ...

In 1955, an American yacht "MV Elite" was noticed in the Pacific Ocean without traces of the crew, but with a complete margin of water, food and intact rescue means.

In a similar state, after five years, two British yachts noticed in the Atlantic. In 1970, the team was mysteriously disappeared from the English cargo ship "Milton". In 1973, the Norwegian fishing "Anna" was wreking - there were witnesses of her death from other vessels who said that the crew on the deck was absent.

2006 Coast Guard off the coast of Sardinia noted the thrown bimmarket sailboat "Bel Amika" ("Beautiful girlfriend"). Teams, as usual, was not. On board were residues of food, French geographical maps and flag of Luxembourg. The police suspected that the ship used smugglers for the transport of drugs. But after the examination of specially trained dogs, this version disappeared.

2006 Also nearby Australia found tanker "Jan Seng". On board not a single person.

2007. The empty 12-meter catamaran "Kaz II" was found drifting to the northeast of Australia. When the rescuers landed on it, they found that the ship's engine works, the laptop computer and GPS are included, and the table is covered. All rescue tools remained on board. Sails are also raised, but badly damaged. Presumably, the crew consisted of three people.

2008 Management of Safety at the Japanese Sea announced the detection in the Japanese sea of \u200b\u200bdrifting plash (cargo ship, used for overload works on raids and in ports) without name, rooms and people on board.

The version of the "parallel worlds" and other measurements support not only cases of "disappearances", but also the facts of at least mysterious "appearances".

Charles Fort, a prominent researcher of paranormal phenomena, described in the magazine "Onion" the case of strangely appeared on the evening of January 6, 1914 on Highistrate in Chathem (England) of one person. Strange was that a person, as it seemed to him, arose from the air, completely naked, in a very cold evening. He "ran back and forth along the street until a police officer was detained." It was impossible to understand what he says, so the doctors considered it "insane."

"This naked man in Chathem appeared suddenly no one saw how he went to the place of appearance his clothes were looking for, but no one found in the vicinity of Chatham was not wanted."

In the beginning of the twentieth century magazines, you can find a message in Paris, the police detained a person who lost memory. In his pocket, he found a map of the planet - but it was not our land!

Another "alien from the parallel worlds" was announced in 1954 in Japan. In one of the hotels was detained a suspicious foreigner. In principle, his passport was in perfect order - for one exception: he was issued in the country Touared, which is not at all on the same map. Restricted distrust, a foreigner gave a press conference for journalists, where he said that Country Touration extended from Mauritania to Sudan. As a result, a foreigner got into the Japanese crazy house. But the mystery of the passport issued by an unknown country was not solved ...

Baba Baba Yaga and Walking Koschery

This is what a strange story happened under St. Petersburg (near the station Posnosovo) in the summer of 1993. According to her participants, it was so.

Together with two comrades working with him in the same design bureau, Alexey Ivanovich Volzanin went to traditional fishing. On Friday they booted into the old "Moskvich" and went on the road. The road from Peter to the Karelian Isthmus takes only a few hours.

Friends have long discovered these places for themselves, and the travel scheme has been worked out before the details.

But this time everything went awry. They have already approached the cherished place when the thunderstorm broke out. Lightning was glad in the trees, overlooking the road with dense ranks, reflected in the wet from the rain asphalt. One of the outbreaks was so close and strong that Volzhanin, sitting at the wheel, for a moment. That moment almost became fatal for friends. The car jumped off the highway and hit the right rear door of a thick century pine ...

True, Alexey Ivanovich himself (experienced, by the way, the driver - with a big trouble-free experience) later claimed that he did not come from the road because of the zipper, but because the silhouette of some monster had a furry monster with burning eyes. But since no one has seen any friends more than an unknown creature, then forget about his existence. According to the lack of material evidence.

So, an accident occurred ... Volzhanin and Siguev, sitting in front, separated by a light fright. The engineer of the first category by Semenu Yakovlevich Elmbman was worse. He received a serious injury - the fragments of the side glass dispelled the skin on his forehead. In addition, apparently, he also received a concussion of the brain, because when friends pulled it out of the car, he could not resist the sheltered legs.

What was to do unlucky travelers? The nearest station is several tens of kilometers. With a wounded companion to overcome them is not easy. And here, as it was called, on the highway not a single car. It is good that Siguev noticed nearby Sponak - this was the window of a small home.

Leaving the car, friends picked up the elbman under the mouse, and led to the hut, which rose on the piles over the small stream.

"Hut, hut, stand up to me before, to the forest back," I joked even then, "recalls Volzhanin. - rose at slippery steps of a high porch. On the knock opened the door old woman. And again I had a feeling that we got into a fairy tale - well, the judge Baba Yaga ... "Without asking about anything, without saying anything, she retreated, passing into the house of wet and unfortunate fishermen.

It is now, I understand the rear mind that everything in this story is a jumble of nonsense, "A. Volzhanin is recognized. - Where did the house come from where we have never seen him, although we know those places "from and to"? But at that moment we were as enchanted - they were not surprised. A hut on chicken legs? Even by the way! Candle on the table in the old candlestick? So, maybe the electricity from thunderstorms got off! A strange hostess who did not say a word for the entire meeting? And maybe she is dumb! ..

The woman feeded the poor hot soup, rinsed Elmbman's wound with some kind of decoction, made a compress on his forehead ... tired, they lay down on bars, on the floor of the blanket and firmly fell asleep. And in the morning I woke up in the open sky!

It was like obsession, - tell friends. - The hospitable house disappeared. Instead, it was half a breakfast walls isolated from granite boulders. We carefully investigated these ruins with empty openings instead of doors and windows - no sign of life ... Apparently, it was an old water mill remaining in these places since the days of Finnish war. But where the house disappeared, where did we spend the night? Did you transfer us sleepy to a new place? Yes, and there are no homes there. Later we checked it - no housing around. And another oddity - in the morning it turned out that only a thin brown strip remained from the wound on the forehead of Yakovlevich, and that soon turned pale and disappeared.

And here is another similar incident. In the book "Perfume and Legends of Wiltshire Territory" is given such a fact. In 1973, a certain Edna Hadzhis rushed on the Ermine Street bike (the old Roman road), which runs around Swindon (England). The thunderstorm began ... Edna ran away from the bicycle and, noticing the roadside of the road a small house, decided to wait in it bad weather. In the house there lived a harsh old old man who allowed the girl to reset the rain, but with this I said a single word ...

Then Edna discovered that she was riding a bike on the road. As with what circumstances, she left the house, could not remember, no matter how hard it tried. Yes, and at home, as it turned out, in those places there was no harmless ... Among other things, the girlfriends who waited for Edna, noticed that her clothes were completely dry, although they themselves blocked in the rain, waiting for the girl.

Just a trance?

Interest, of course, combining these stories, assume that from time to time there are doors in the "fabulous worlds". But ... According to psychologists' specialists, the impending of this phenomenon lies completely differently: the houses-Mirage arise not to appear, but only in our mental perception as a result of a hypnotic trance.

A person can fall into this state maybe even without the participation of the hypnoticism, and spontaneously - under the influence of the monotonous road, or from the uniform noise of rain, or from a sudden flash of lightning ... Remember that in the case of A. Volzhanin, as well as in the story that happened With Edna Hadjis, it was both both, and the third.

As the experiments show, the sensations of a person during the trance in their brightness and naturalness are practically no different from these impressions. The deceived organs of the feelings led by brain fantasies give such detailed paintings that they are then almost impossible to distinguish from real memories.

The doctor of medical sciences V. Fayvishevsky, analyzing such cases, draws attention to the fact that when leaving the state of the trance, people often observe vegetative disorders - a head is spinning, the coordination of movements is spawned, the coordination of movements, a person often does not remember the transition from the hypnotic state to the real one.

All these signs are given in the stories of the same Volzhanin (and Edna Hadzhis), which indirectly confirms - they survived their adventures without revealed, but in a state of changed consciousness. However, this version, although it looks sufficiently convincing and authoritative, is just a "cabinet hypothesis", that is, it is put forward without studying the details of each particular incident directly in place. And therefore, there is even a tiny, but the chance that the events described could take place in reality. After all, some scientists believe that there may be so-called "parallel worlds" next to our world, and sometimes they come into contact - the passages are opened during powerful energy emissions. So zipper may well serve as a "key" to the door in such a world.

Who replaced Sasha?

Mysterious "loss" from our world happened in the suburbs in the village of Kratovo. Three days were looking for in the forest "like through the land of failing" teenager. In vain. And when he arose on the threshold of his house, the mother fainted - the boy from his legs to the head was in the blood ...

Where was Sasha, what happened to him? He himself could not answer these questions. And the mysterious incident was settled in the archives of specialists engaged in research of abnormal phenomena. But according to indirect data, it can be assumed that the boy visited ... in a different time and in another dimension. At least, precisely such a hypothesis put forward some experts. However, this is how this story looks in presentation now already adult Alexander Selikova:

"It happened on January 20, 1973. I was then part-time fifteen years. I loved to walk in the forest alone and even built myself with a halash on a high pine tree. He was about the height of seventeen meters. I climbed there on that day.

It was cold - about 22 degrees of frost, sunny and windless. Nothing special happened to me, at least I do not remember anything like this. And yet something happened, because I woke up in the snow under the pine. I open my eyes - I need a starry sky. No hats, all the face is some kind of sticky, hands too ... I got up like in half feces, and walked home. And there ... in short, it turned out that she was looking for three days. Mother, when I saw me, rumbled into fainting. I was all in the blood - a face, my hands ... But when I washed me, it turned out that there is neither scratching or bruises on the body. I didn't even frowned! The next day, as if nothing had happened to school. But...

Those who knew me well, began to speak openly: "Our Sasha was replaced!" And I really became someone else. The worldview has changed, and the course of thoughts - even the handwriting became different! Before that was fond of astronomy, and after sharply cooled to it. But there was an inexplicable ability to easily understand even in unfamiliar electronic equipment. Since then, this is the main occupation ... "

How could the boy who were unconscious managed to exist in the forest (without a hat!) Three days at a 22-degree frost and not freeze? How did it end up (although crystal, but alive and uncaptured) under the pine? After all, parents, knowing where their son "Skil Nest", first of all checked the place! Whose blood was at a teenager? All these questions, alas, there are no reliable answers.

Incredible - obvious?

Incredible happened to us, - they turned in 1993 to the Phenomenon Commission of employees of one of the Moscow firms: S. Kameev - General Director, B. Ivashenko - Commercial Director and O. Kratyan - An employee of the same company (names changed). The conversation began the "General".

I read somewhere that the experiments of scientists show: with the help of electromagnetic fields, you can change the course of time and "punch" the course into another space. I believe that it is real. And how else can you explain what we were witnesses?

The story, told by S. Kameeva and his comrades, was really unusual. And several experts "Phenomena" decided to go to the scene of the incident (to the Ostankino television) for the "investigative experiment."

"... We stood here," Sergey Ivanovich Kameev spent his shoe to the shoe. "Oleg Kratyan walked to us. It was a windy, the area covered the stains of the wrong puddles. Oleg just moved through one of them, ridiculous in a cavuline piercing her legs. Everything and It began. The air Basovito roamed - quietly, but so that the ears became painful. I raised my eyes and saw that a reddish glow spread around the TV bashney. Then the "image" was smeared, blinking, and the tower "manifested himself" is much closer. Here Ivashenko shouted: "Oleg! Oleg!", And I discovered that Kratyan, who was all the steps in twenty, disappeared. What the worst thing, there was no puddle, through which he moved. The plot of the square in front of us was completely dry. I wanted to rush Forward, where I had to be Kratyan, but the legs were as if they took to earth. I don't know how much we stood - maybe a minute, or maybe all ten. The area was absolutely deserted. Not a single person around. Not a single place where it would be possible Ritman. And on the heart I boiled some kind of black horror. The point is not even that together with Oleg disappeared and a diplomat with a large amount of money, which he had to convey to us. Our friend fused so suddenly, as if he was erased with a rubber band with a sheet of paper. Then the buzz was intensified, the surface of the square began to somehow stretch to stretch and ... we saw Oleg again. A puddle, through which he moved, also returned to the place ... "

According to Karayan himself, he did not feel anything special, did not even notice that "disappeared." When friends decided to check the clock to find out how much Oleg was missing, in the "other dimension," it turned out that his "commander" stood up. Kameeva is confident that Oleg failed to the "fold of space", formed because of the work of the generators on the television, and returned only to a miracle. And the reddish haze, which flicker in the air is the manifestation of a chronaal (temporary) field. Well, not he first puts forward such a version ...

Experts of the Commission "Phenomenon" conducted a biological survey of the square, where the mysterious case occurred. The framework recorded the "geopathogenic zone" just in the place where Oleg Kratyan "disappeared". But instrument dimensions did not register any fields. However, it should have been. The foot of the towers is in a kind of "electromagnetic shade", and the radiation of the TV shows does not fall there. Consequently, the version that the "wrinkling" of space is caused by powerful electromagnetic fields, does not pass. Then what was it? Maybe there are other reasons for "wrinkling"? Yes, and was it all? ..

In this story there are still a lot of mysterious. For example, a red glow that occurred around the television. We found a few more eyewitnesses who observed it that day.

By the way, A. Maksimov from the city of Balakovo, who has long been studying the properties of time and the "chronic" zones, warns: "Pass researchers of abnormal zones, let the red fog be saved!"

Final conclusions to do early. So far, one thing is clear - the study of abnormal zones should be carried out at a more serious level. And at the same time, scientists should remember the numerous legends about the victims of the "Baghrovogo Tuman". Perhaps it will fight them from hasty decisions and risky steps.

Time loop

Another explanation, which in attempts to understand the mysterious phenomenon attract researchers, is a spontaneous pass over time. British royal metapsychiatric society has been studying the possibility of such travel for 150 years. Its archives collected more than 200 in detail, confirmed by the testimony of numerous witnesses of cases of phenomenon, conditionally referred to as the "loop of time". Here are just a few examples from this list:

In the summer of 1912, many Great British newspapers described a mysterious history that occurred in railway express, which followed from London to Glasgow. In the presence of two passengers (inspectors of Scotland Yard and a young medical sister) in the car on the seat near the window with a terrible cry, an elderly man arose. Clothing on it was a strange cut, the hair is braided into the braid. In one hand he kept a long beach, in another barking piece of bread. "I'm a dreyk pimper, from the evenner, the man trembled from fear. - Where I am? Where am I?"

The inspector ran after the conductor, saying the girl so that she would look after a strange Mr. Drake. When he returned to his car, he saw that she had disappeared, and the nurse was fainted. The caused conductor first decided that it was played, but on the seat there were material evidence of the occurred - Beach and a triangular hat. Specialists from the National Museum, who have shown these items, confidently determined the time from which they occurred, - the second half of the 19th century.

A curious inspector visited the pastor of the parish, to which the village was attributed to the Current, and asked to write a record in church books about a person named Pimp Drake. In the book of deceased 150 years old, the local priest found not only the name of the unfortunate venge, but also the prescription of the then pastor made in the fields.

It followed that, being an already elderly man, Drake began to suddenly tell the incredible story. It seems to once at night, returning on the wagon of home, he saw right in front of him "the devilish crew" - iron, huge, long as a snake, a magnificent fire and smoke. Then the believer was somehow inside - there were strange people, probably the servants of the devil. Frightened, the Drake called for the aid of the Lord and turned out to be in a pure field. There were no carts and horses. Drake, shocked what happened, barely dotted home. And, apparently, he never returned to a sound reason, until the end of his repeating history of the "Devil's crew".

The Scotland Yard inspector spoke about the earliest and subsequent research in the royal metapsychiatric society. There thoroughly checked the case, repeating the path of the Drake's search. The triangle is still kept in the Museum of the Company. Beach was lost - becoming obviously prey of souvenir lovers.

No less mysterious history can be found in the archive of the New York Police. In November 1952, the car hit an unknown man in Broadway. He died in place. The chauffeur and witnesses assured that the victim appeared on the street suddenly, as if he fell on top. "

The body was taken to the morgue. The police noticed that the deceased was dressed in an old-cut costume. Even more, they surprised the identity card issued 80 years ago. In the pocket of the sacrifice, visiting cards indicating the profession - a community. One of the detectives checked the address indicated on the business card, and found out that this street was eliminated for more than half a century ago ...

In the old police archive checked lists of the inhabitants of this area of \u200b\u200bthe end of the last century. There also discovered a mysterious community - both the surname, and the address coincided with the data card data. All people with this name stayed in New York were surveyed. They found an old woman who reported that her father was gone 70 years ago with mysterious circumstances - went for a walk on Broadway and did not return. She gave a police photograph on which a young man, surprisingly similar to a man who fell under the car, smiling holding a girl on his hands. The picture was put on the date - April 1884 ...

"Loop of Time", if you believe eyewitness testimony, it is capable of transferring not only individuals in a year, but also more bulky items: whole buildings or ships. And the legends about the ghost "volatile dutchs", allegedly wandering in the ocean spaces, may have a very real basis.

A strange incident occurred in the Atlantic early in the morning of July 11, 1881. The British military ship almost encountered an ancient frigate. Attempts to contact the crew turned out to be unsuccessful. The frigate slipped by, as if not noticing the British ship. This case was known for the fact that the witness of the mysterious meeting was the prince of Welly, the future king Georg V, and then another young maritime officer who served.

One of the active figures of the royal metapsychiatric society Sir Jeremy Blackstaff, being at the reception at the Buckingham Palace about the presentation of the Order, was awarded a conversation with His Majesty and did not fail to take advantage of such a possibility - he asked for permission to ask a question about a long-time meeting in the Atlantic Ocean. It turned out that King George remembered well and described it quite detailed.

The mysterious ship reminded the clipper, had wooden masts and richly decorated superstructures. Such vessels have already ceased to swim in those times. But most of all the sailors were struck by the fact that the oncoming vessel "had his own wind" - his sails were picked up in a completely different direction than the Nord-Ost blowing on that day.

With the permission of His Majesty, these data were placed in the "annual report of a metapsychiatric society." Reporters continued to search and found seafarers who have witnessed a meeting with this "volatile dutch". They supplemented the story of King George, saying that a strange ship was surprisingly smooth, although that day a stormochilo, and the kilvater trace behind him almost did not look: "As if it was a ghost, not a real ship!"

The mysterious meeting is mentioned in the monarch diaries published after his death. This case was included in the list of unexplained ...

There are many legends about people who came to the clearing where the fairies arrange their holidays. TARTARTED NIGHT NOW, people returned home and found out that during this time years have passed! In some of these legends, as well as in the history of the Ostankino Tower, a strange fog is mentioned ...

Of course, many stories with mysterious disappearances may be conscientious errors or just a draw. And if we assume that at least part of them correspond to the extensions and assumptions? ..

Faceless disappearance of people.

Back in the 70s, the magazine "Science and Life" risked to publish the statistics of the income of the disappearance of people, however, according to foreign data. The numbers were quite frightening: in countries such as England, France, Italy, the number of disaster disappeared citizens ranged from 5,000 to 20,000 people per year! With the onset of publicity and we have published similar data. On the territory of the former USSR there were 85,000 missing people per year, and the reasons for the disappearance managed to identify only about 60,000 cases.

Once guests came to one Moskvich. The conversation was delayed, cigarettes ended, and the owner, apologizing, threw a jacket and went down in a gastronome in his home slippers, located in a neighboring entrance. But in the grocery, he did not appear, as he did not return home. No traces of the disappeared apartment owner find failed.

In the summer of 1973, three Leningrad students went to Crimea. The train got acquainted with two girls who were back there. In Simferopol, coming out of the train, agreed that they would meet on a trolleybus stop to go to Yalta together. But the girls waited them in vain - guys did not appear. And only returning to Leningrad, one of them learned from her girlfriend that three students were missing at the institute, who also went to the Crimea. Signs coincided, and the girl herself appealed to the police. The young men represented a very memorable company in cowboy hats, with a guitar, noisy and broken. Two guys were athletes, engaged in Japanese martial arts.

Another case that occurred in the United States in the last century, attracted the attention of the creator of the immortal image of Sherlock Holmes, writer Conan Doyle. A kind of family came out of the house, heading for a walk, but the father of the family, remembering that I forgot the umbrella, returned to the house. No one ever seen him. In 1936, a group of geologists settled in the village of Elizabethino near Krasnoyarsk. A few days later, returning home from the next route, geologists saw a completely extinct village! Things in the houses remained intact, two bikes lay on the main rustic street. One of the geologists, now Professor, Dr. Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Bumbers, still remembers the horror that they experienced, trying to penetrate into one house, the door of which was closed from the inside! I had to knock the glass, and then it turned out that the door was barricaded from the inside of homemade utensils. A large family lived in the house as part of four adults and three children. Geologists reported on the NKVD that happened to the local department, and from there, the car with employees arrived promptly. However, the search was unsuccessful, and with geologists they took a subscription to the non-disclosure of this case. As Barsukov told, after some time he was called to Moscow, in the NKVD, where he again gave testimony on this occasion.

In 1987, our press reported on the disappearance of a small amateur expedition from Tomsk, who sent to the search for the mysterious "Chertov Logov" - Polyany with a bare land, which dies all living things. However, the genuine story of the missing expedition turned out quite recently. As part of the group there was one girl. Two guys were from Novosibirsk. It was assumed that in the final point of the route, where the group will come down from the train, two local enthusiasts will join it. All the guys were experienced tourists, more than once went through the Siberian taiga, had gunshot and signaling means. In Tomsk, they sat on the train and, according to the testimony of the train brigade, all safely sued from the train in the intended place. And then the oddities began: two local enthusiasts who had to join the expedition, said that the train from Tomsk is late for three hours, and they, to wait for this time, went home. But the driver cut the late for up to two hours and, when the enthusiasts came to the station again, the train was already gone. Nobody saw arrivals from Tomsk. The duty station in the station spoke something nee-communal: it seems some guys got off the train, but where they are going - it is unknown. A telegram sent to Tomsk through a day a response came that the band left at the appointed time.

Unfortunately, the police connected to the search only three days later, when people who could see the guys have already dispersed. No one else has seen them anymore, it seemed the impression that the group disappeared immediately after leaving the train.

In 1947, in the Rockies in the United States, the passenger aircraft "C-46" with 32 people on board suffered in the USA. Rescuers arrived at the crash site relatively quickly, but they found only the fascinated fuselage and no traces of passengers and crew. Then one of the rescuers had a crazy idea that people had disappeared from the aircraft in the air!

But a recent case with one Brazilian businessman. His plane "Sessna" fell on a shallow water literally in a hundred meters from the shore in front of many people. The rescuers hardly opened the doors that jammed when they hit the water, but there was no one to save - the cabin was empty! The police put forward the traditional version: a businessman flying with his wife to his friends for a holiday, for some reason threw a young wife overboard and threw himself. But this version had to discard: the aircraft doors were locked from the inside!

Pay attention to the fact that rare cases of such disappearances confirmed by witnesses occur almost instantly, without any audible or light effects. But is it possible in principle such a "miracle" in nature? Let us turn to the monograph L. E. Gurevich and E. B. Glykener "General theory of relativity after Einstein" (Publishing House "Knowledge", 1972). Its authors argue that in reality there are "theoretically inevitable" special points in which they either appear or disappear from the world around us.

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