Hours of work cemetery for Easter. I will follow free buses to urban cemeteries

15:31 31.03.2017 -

ENT bus routes to urban cemeteries will change the mode of operation on April 1, the press service of the GUP reports. "Mosgortrans".

Buses to urban cemeteries will be held on a new schedule from April 1. Changes will affect buses No. 510, 560, 600, 706, 741, 760, 865 and D. You can read the new schedule on the GUP website "Mosgortrans".

In addition, on the days of Easter holidays on April 9 (Palm Sunday), April 16 (Easter) and April 23 (Red Gorka) Traditionally, a number of special free routes to the cemetery will be organized.

tags: Easter
12:28 31.03.2017 -

During the upcoming in April of Orthodox holidays, ground urban transport, next to Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, will be sent from the metro station " Novokosino " instead of the metro station Schelkovskaya ". It is reported by the press service of the GUP "Mosgortrans".

"April 9 (Palm Sunday), April 16 (Easter) and April 23 (Red Gorka) for travel to Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Cemetery Passengers will be able to use the free E5 route next to the metro station" Novokosino ", free E1 and E2 routes and regular route No. 706, departing from the metro station " Vykhino ". All specified routes also have stopping from the metro station " Novokosino ", - said in the message.

It is noted that the route No. 760 "Metro" Schelkovskaya "-2-th Moscow Crematorium" runs only on weekdays. At the same time, a shortened route No. 760K "Metro" Schelkovskaya "-MFC" is preserved on weekends Novokosino " and working new route №560, providing travel to Nikolo Arkhangelsk Cemetery from Metro Station " , Photo: Evgeny Biyatov

The mode of operation of bus routes to urban cemeteries will change from April 1. This was reported by the press service of the GUP "Mosgortrans".
So, from April 1, Bus No. 510 "Metro" Domodedovskaya "-Domodedovskoe cemetery" will run on weekdays from 8:30 to 19:00, on weekends - from 7:00 to 19:00. " D " (on the territory of the Domodedovsky cemetery) on weekdays - from 9:03 to 19:00, on weekends - from 7:33 to 19:00.
Bus 2 "Metro" Novokosino "-2-th Moscow Crematorium" on weekends will work from 8:19 to 19:00. №706 "Metro" Vykhino "-2-th Moscow Krematorium" on weekdays - from 8:15 to 19:00, on weekends - from 8:30 to 19:00. Fixed flights to 7:30 and 8:00 are retained, evening fixed flights are canceled. Up to 8:30 and after 19:00 buses will follow to 4 MKP-on Novokosino. Bus number 741. "Metro " Tushinskaya " - Miten Cemetery " On weekdays will follow from 8:30 to 19:00, on weekends - from 7:00 to 19:00, evening fixed flights are repeated.
Bus number 760 "Metro" Schelkovskaya "-2-th Moscow Crematorium" on weekdays will work from 8:30 to 19:00. Up to 8:30 and after 19:00 buses number 760 will follow to "MFC" Novokosino ". Bus number 865 "Metro" Planernaya "-Phelek cemetery" on weekdays - from 8:00 to 19:00, on weekends - from 7:00 to 19:00, after 19:00 buses will work on the subway site Planernaya "-Chricazovo". Buses No. 600 "Metro" Teply Stan "Khovanskoye Metro Cemetery" Salaryevo " will follow the entrance to the central and Western territories Khovansky cemetery: on weekdays - from 8:30 to 19:00, on weekends - from 7:00 to 19:00.

This year, Orthodox holidays fall out on April 9 - Palm Sunday, April 16 - Easter, April 23 - Red Gorka. At such days, many Muscovites are usually traveling to the cemeteries. Because of this, the city will change in the city public transport and electric trains.


From the end stations of the metro station to cemeteries and back, about forty routes of free expression buses with signs "E", E1, E2, E3, will be empty. Most of them will work from 6 am to 7 pm. Special pointers will be output from the subway to stops from which buses will run. For example:

From the metro station "Vykhino" and "Novokosino" to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery;

From Domodedovskaya metro station - to Domodedovo cemetery;

From the metro station "Street Academician Yangel" - to Shcherbinsky cemetery;

From the metro "Tushinskaya" - to the Mitinsky cemetery.

In addition, ordinary city bus routes to cemeteries are now driving on a new schedule. For example:

- No. 510 "Metro" Domodedovskaya "- Domodedovo cemetery," on weekdays - from 8.30 to 19.00, on weekends - from 7.00 to 19.00;

- No. 741 "Metro" Tushinskaya "- Mitita cemetery", on weekdays - from 8.30 to 19.00, on weekends - from 7.00 to 19.00. Evening fixed flights are repeated;

- № 760 "Schelkovskaya metro station" - 2nd Moscow Crematorium ", on weekdays - from 8.30 to 19.00. To 8.30 and after 19.00 buses number 760 follow to the stop "MFC" Novokosino ";

- № 600 "Metro" Teply Stan "- Khovanskoe cemetery - Salaryevo metro station run with a check-in to the central and western territories of the Khovan cemetery on weekdays - from 8.30 to 19.00, on weekends - from 7.00 to 19.00.

On these buses for the passage you need to pay on ordinary rates with one-time tickets, Troika and travel cards. For beneficiaries there are social cards.


On the railway 9 and 16 of April, some suburban trains, cruising in areas with temples and cemeteries, will add such stops on:

Kazan direction - specific, Ilinskaya;

Gorkovsky direction - Nikolskoe;

Kiev direction - Skolkovo, Crekshino, Alabino;

Riga direction - Troitskaya and Mititovskaya;

Savelovsky direction - newcomer;

Belarusian direction - Otradnaya, Washing, Healthcarebed;

Kursk direction - Shcherbinka, Butovo;

Paveletsky direction - Kalinina, Chertanovo, Bulanikovo.

All changes in the schedule of trains can be found at train stations and stopping platforms, as well as on the Railways website in the "Passengers" section (Pass.RZD.RU).

Outlets of streets

At this Sunday, April 9, temporary difficulties are possible for the movement of private cars on the entrances to the Mititsky and Perezhetsky cemeteries, to Shcherbinsky cemetery from the Warsaw and Simferopol highway, to the Khovan cemetery from the Kaluga and Kiev highway.

April 9 (Palm Sunday), April 16 (Easter) and April 23 (Red Gorka) For travel to urban and suburban cemeteries, additional express routes will be organized. On days church holidays Free buses will follow:

- to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery - from the metro stations "Vykhino" (E1, E2 - with a stop at the Perovsky cemetery) and "Novokosino" (E5);

- To the Domodedovo cemetery - from the metro station "Domodedovskaya" (No. 510E) and the villages of Kolychevo (E2 - for those who arrived at the personal vehicle). The route d through the territory of the Domodedovsky cemetery is canceled;

- from the Scherbinsky cemetery - from the metro station "Street Academician Yangel" and "Annino" (E1), from Shcherbinka railway station (E2) and from the parking lot in the 4th Sherbinki (E3 - for visitors who came on with a personal vehicle );

- to the Khavanti cemetery - from the metro stations "Salaryevo" (E1) and "Warm Stan" (E2);

- to the rail - from the metro station "Topny Stan" (No. 531E);

- to the Vostrikovsky cemetery - from the subway station "South-Western" (E);

- to the Mitinsky and Krasnogorsk cemeteries - from the metro station "Tushinskaya" (E);

- to a reheat cemetery - from the Planernaya metro station (E1), from the railway stations Skhodnya (E2) and Lobnya (E4), from Nosovo village (E3 - for visitors on personal vehicles);

- to the Khimki cemetery - from the metro station "River Station" (E) and "Planernaya" (E2);

- to the Dolgoprudnensky cemetery - from the metro station "River Station" and the railway platform of the newcomer (E1);

- to Kuzminsky cemetery - from the metro stations "Kuzminki" and "Ryazan Prospekt" (E);

- to the Lublin cemetery - from the metro stations "Textiles" (E1) and "Lublin" (E2);

- to the Kotlyaksky cemetery - from the metro station "Cantemirovskaya" (No. 150E, 217E) and "Kashirskaya" (No. 150E);

- to the Bogorodsky (Noginsky) cemetery - from the electric power station (E);

- to the Zelenograd Central Cemetery - from the Railway Station Kryukovo (E1);

- to the Zelenograd Northern Cemetery - from the Railway Station Kryukovo (E2);

- Before Alabushevsky cemetery - from the railway station Kryukovo (No. 24).

These days will also change some location routes:

- Stop "Metro" Vykhino "" for bus routes No. 613, 615, 620, 697 is canceled. Landing and disembarkation will be made at the stop "Sniper Street";

- Stop "Metro" Vykhino "» For bus routes No. 79, 232, 247, 722, 747, 772, 821, 841, 855, 872, trolleybuses No. 30, 64 is canceled. Landing and disembarkation will be made at the stop "Veshnyakhovskaya Street, 41";

- Buses number 821, 841, 855, 872 will run through Novozhtomskoye highway, streets Moldagulova and Veshnoyakovskaya instead of the highway, Lyubertsy and the Kosinskaya Street;

- the first stop of the "Metro" Novokosino "" on the Nastykhinsky highway, while following the 2nd Moscow crematia, is canceled;

- Buses number 706 will go to the metro station "Vykhino" on the streets of Old Guy and Veshnyakovskaya (by analogy with the express route). When followed by the metro station "Vykhino", the stops "Street Old Guy, 1", "Polyclinic", "Support of the Veshniki District" will appear. Check-in to Novokosinskaya Street in the morning clock is canceled. On the road to the side of the 2nd Moscow crematory, Novykhinskoye Highway and Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery stops, and the "Novokosino metro station" stop is postponed to house 34 on Suzdal Street;

- Buses number 760k will run from Schelkovskaya to the metro station "Novokosino". Stop Metro Shchelkovskaya "for the route of the bus number 760k is transferred 80 meters ago along the movement. After graduation, buses number 760k will run, as before, from the Schelkovskaya metro station to the State Service Center of Novokosino;

- Bus route No. 560 "Metro" Novokosino "" - "2nd Moscow Crematorium" is canceled. Instead, you can use express routes;

- On the bus route No. 510, when following the Domodedovo cemetery, stopping "Voivodino" and "Shishkin" are canceled;

- Shuttages "Greenhouse", "Gardening Association" and "Strawberry Fields" are canceled on the bus route number 819;

- The stop "Metro" Street of Academician Yangel "is canceled" for buses No. 118, 249, 462, 668, 864, 906 and trolley buses No. 40 on Dupler Warsaw Highway when follows from the center. It is organized for the bus number 462 - at the bus stop number 241, 249, 668, 797, Trolleybus No. 40 (at the North List Metro Station) - on Double Warsaw Highway; For buses No. 118, 864, 906 - at the same time stop buses No. 643, 675, 680, 682 on Street Academician Yangel. The bus route number 906 is extended to the final stop "Metro" Street Academician Yangel "";

- Buses number 600 will run on the route E2 "Metro" Töpny Stan "" - "Khovovskoe cemetery". According to its constant track from the metro station "Warm Stan" to Salaryevo Metro Station Buses No. 600 will begin to go after 17:00;

- Stop Metro Salaryevo »For bus routes No. 707, 734, 844, 892, 964 is transferred forward in the course of the movement;

- The stopping "Metro" Töpny Stan "is canceled" for bus routes No. 235, C2, trolley buses No. 72, 81 on the trade union street when follows from the center. On routes of buses No. 235, C2, it will be organized for a crossroads with a round camp, on a valid stop for bus routes No. 37, 767, 781, 804;

- Buses number 865 will travel from a reheeze cemetery to Skhodnenskaya instead of the Planernaya metro station (after the Moscow Ring Road, Khimkinsky Boulevard station to Skhodnenskaya metro station, then without passengers to the "planer"). 9, 16, 23 and 25, stop "Planernaya" metro station "For the bus route No. 865 posts 200 meters back, to home 5 by planer street;

- buses number 90, 200, 233, 284, 851, 857, 958 can be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house 11 in a festival street (to the Northern Lob's Metro Station) and is combined with the "River Station" metro station "Bits No. 173, 199 ;

- Cancel routes No. 930, D and Trolleybus number 58 are canceled;

- landing and landing at the Tushinskaya metro station on bus routes No. 2, 210, 266, 614, 631, 640 is transferred to the frequent side of the Volokolamsky passage;

On April 25, in addition to the routes of buses No. 706, 760, which on working days run to Nikolo Arkhangelsk Cemetery, the work of the bus route No. 560 "Metro" Novokosino "" - "2nd Moscow Krematorium" is organized.

Special and free routes are traditionally organized in the capital in the days of religious holidays. Additional routes to cemeteries are organized in the city and on the eve festive days - 8, 15th and 22 April:

- E "Metro" Ryazansky Avenue "-" Metro "Kuzminki" "(with a stop in Kuzminsky cemetery);

- No. 2 "Shcherbinka Station" - "Shcherbinsk Cemetery";

- No. 531K "Metro" Topny Stan "" - "Sanatorium" Desna "" (in the mode of the bus number 531) - to the cemetery "Rakitka";

- E "Metro" South-Western "" - "Vostrivakovsky cemetery".

These routes have all kinds of urban travel tickets.

9, 16 and 23 April 2017 In addition to existing routes for travel to urban and suburban cemeteries, special free express bus routes are organized:

- to the Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery: from the metro stations "Vykhino" (No. E1, E2 - with a stop at the Perovsky cemetery) and "Novokosino" (No. E5);

- Until Domodedovsky cemetery: from Domodedovskaya metro station (No. 510E) and villages Kolychevo (No. E2 - for visitors on personal vehicles).
Route number d through the territory of the Domodedovo cemetery is canceled;

- to the Scherbinsky cemetery: from the metro stations "Street Academician Yangel" and "Annino" (No. E1), Shcherbinka railway station (No. E2) and from stopping "Parking" in the 4th Shcherbinki microdistrict (No. E3 - for visitors on personal vehicles );

- to the Khovansky cemetery: from Salaryevo metro stations (No. E1) and "Teply Stan" (No. E2);

- to the rail: from the metro station "Teply Stan" (No. 531E);

- to the Vostrikovsky cemetery: from the subway station "South-Western" (No. E);

- to Mitinsky and Krasnogorsk cemeteries: from Tushinskaya metro station (No. E);

- to a reheat cemetery: from the Planernaya metro station (No. E1), from the railway stations Skhodnya (No. E2) and Lobnya (No. E4), from the village of Nosovo (No. E3 - for visitors on a personal motor vehicle);

- to the Khimki cemetery: from the metro stations "River Station" (No. E) and "Planernaya" (No. E2);

- to the Dolgoprudnensky cemetery: from the metro station "River Station" and the railway platform of the newcomer (No. E1);

- to Kuzminsky cemetery: from the metro stations "Kuzminki" and "Ryazan Prospekt" (No. E);

- to the Lublin cemetery: from the metro stations "Textiles" (No. E1) and "Lublino" (No. E2);

- to the Kotlyaksky cemetery: from the metro stations "Kantemirovskaya" (No. 150E, 217E) and "Kashirskaya" (No. 150E);

- To the Bogorodsky (Noginsky) cemetery: from the electric power station (No. E);

- to the Zelenograd Central Cemetery - from the Railway Station Kryukovo (No. E1);

- to the Zelenograd Northern Cemetery - from the Railway Station Kryukovo (No. E2);

- Before Alabushevsky cemetery - from the railway station Kryukovo (No. 24).

From the beginning of the movement before the end of mass traffic 9, 16, 23 April 2017 Terrestrial transport routes change:

- Stop "Metro" Vykhino "for bus routes No. 613, 615, 620, 697 is canceled. Landing and disembarkation will be made at the stop "Sniper Street";

- stop "Metro" Vykhino "for bus routes No. 79, 232, 247, 722, 747, 772, 821, 841, 855, 872; Trolleybus No. 30, 64 is canceled. Landing and disembarkation will be made at the stop "Veshnyakovskaya Street, 41";

- Buses number 821, 841, 855, 872 will follow the Novoyuhtomskoye Highway, Moldagulova Street and Veshnyakovskaya Street instead of the Lyubertsy and Kosinskaya Street highway;

- the first stop of the "Novokosino metro station" on the Nosovikhinsky highway, while following the 2nd Moscow crematia, is canceled;

- Buses number 706 will follow to the metro station "Vykhino" on Street Old Guy and Veshnayakovskaya Street (by analogy with express route). When followed by the metro station "Vykhino", stops are organized: "Street Old Guy, 1", "Polyclinic", "Ereaten area of \u200b\u200bVeshnyaki". Check-in to Novokosinskaya Street in the morning clock is canceled. When following the 2nd Moscow crematorium, the Nosovykhinskoe highway and Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery are canceled. The stop "Novokosino metro station" when following the 2nd Moscow crematorium is postponed to House No. 34 on Suzdal Street.

- Buses number 760k will run from the station "Schelkovskaya" station to the metro station "Novokosino". Stop "Schelkovskaya Metro" for the bus route number 760k is transferred 80 meters back along the movement. After the end of mass traffic, buses number 760k will run by its constant route from Schelkovskaya Metro Station to MFC Novokosino;

- Bus route No. 560 "Metro" Novokosino "- 2nd Moscow Crematorium" is canceled. Use express routes for travel.

- On the bus route No. 510, when following the Domodedovo cemetery, stopping "Voivodino" and "Shishkin" are canceled;

- Shuttages "Greenhouse", "Gardening Association" and "Strawberry Fields" are canceled on the bus route number 819;

- The stop "Metro" Street Academician Yangel Street "is canceled for bus routes 118, 249, 462, 668, 864, 906 and trolley buses No. 40 on Doubles Warsaw Highway when follows from the center. This stop is organized: for the bus number 462 - at the bus stop of the same name No. 241, 249, 668, 797; Trolleybus No. 40 (from the North Lobby of the Metro) on the Doubles of the Warsaw Highway; For buses No. 118, 864, 906 - at the same name bus stop No. 643, 675, 680, 682 on the street of Academician Yangel. The bus route No. 906 is extended to the ultimate stop "Street Academician Yangel";

- Buses number 600 will run on the route number E2 "Metro" Teply Stan "- Khovanskoe cemetery." On its constant track from the metro station "Teply Stan" to the metro station "Salaryevo" Buses No. 600 will begin to rush after 17.00;

- Stop "Salaryevo Metro" for bus routes No. 707, 734, 844, 892, 964 is transferred forward along the movement;

- the stop "Teply Stan" metro station is canceled for bus routes No. 235, C2; Trolleybus number 72, 81 on the trade union street when follows from the center. On the routes of the bus number 235, C2, this stop will be organized behind the crossroads with a warm steel street, on the current stop for bus routes No. 37, 767, 781, 804;

- Buses No. 865 will follow from the reheating cemetery to the metro station "Skhodnenskaya" instead of the Planernaya metro station (after the Moscow Ring Road, Khimkinsky Boulevard station to Skhodnenskaya metro station, then without passengers to the Planernaya metro station). 9, 16, 23 and 25, stop "Planernaya" metro station for the bus route number 865 is postponed 200 meters back, to house 5 on planer street;

- landing in buses No. 90, 200, 233, 284, 851, 857, 958 It is transferred to house number 11 in a festival street (to the Northern Lobby) and combined with a stop for the landing "River Station" Metro of Buses No. 173, 199;

- the bus routes number 930, d are canceled; Trolleybus number 58;

- landing and landing at the Tushinskaya metro station on bus routes No. 2, 210, 266, 614, 631, 640 transferred to the odd side of the Volokolamsky passage;

Only April 25, 2017 In addition to the routes of the bus No. 706, 760, which on weekdays are serviced by Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, the work of the bus route No. 560 "Metro" Novokosino "- 2nd Moscow Krematorium is organized.

In Palm Sunday, at Easter, as well as on a red hill in Moscow, the street near cemeteries will be blocked. Also, free buses will also be allowed to cemeteries. Also arrive stops for trains.

In the Christian tradition, believers visit the graves of their loved ones on the Red Gorka (next Sunday after Easter, which this year falls on April 8). But practice shows that people start massively attend cemeteries, starting from Palm Sunday (April 1) and on Easter himself.

As reported by "RG" in the press service of Mosgortrans, a total of 37 free routes to Seventeen Moscow and suburban cemeters for all three coming sundays are organized. Depending on the directions, buses will walk at intervals from 1 to 5 minutes.

In addition, as reported by "RG" in the press service of Moscow railway, 1 and 8 am additional stops are appointed next to cemechables 42 electricians in all directions. Changes are displayed in applications, as well as on the Russian Railways website in the "Passengers" section.

On personal transport, drive up to cemeteries these days will be almost impossible. To ensure the unimpeded pass of buses, significant restrictions of movement are introduced, as well as temporary dedicated stripes.

So, the Ruzskaya Street from Tryskane to Koshushtz, Borovskoye and Vostarovskoye Highway from Nikulinsky, Borovskoye Street will be blocked around the Vastovsky cemetery, and the street of Admiral Kornilov from Kaluga to Kiev Highway.

Near Shcherbinsky cemeteries will close a clergy passage and overpass through Simferopol highway from the Typographic Street to the cemetery.

For buses going to the cemeteries from the metro station "River Station", a festival street will be closed from Leningrad highway to Smolny Street.

Also block the passage of Strathonauts from Volokolamsky to Tushinsky Square and projected passage No. 5492 from Fomicheva Street to Planernaya.

A temporary dedicated band will work on Pyatnitskaya highway from the Moscow Ring Road - all these restrictions are needed for buses to Penaginsky and Mitinsky cemeteries.

Near the Metro station Domodedovskaya will close Dubler Kashirskoye Highway from Grushal Zakharov's street in the area.

There are a lot of restrictions to ensure entrances to Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemeteries. So, Suzdal Street and Galina Vishnevskaya Street will be closed from Galinovsky Street to Nikolo-Arkhangelsk, Designer Travel No. 326 from Saltykovskaya Street to Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Cemetery, as well as Vesnyakovskaya Street from Amilcar Square Kabarla to Red Kazan Street - in order to buses Could approach the metro station "Vykhino".

In the north to travel to a reheeze cemetery, the highway will be blocked, leading to him from the village of Shemyakino. The Novoshhodna highway will also be closed from Mashkina highway to turn to the Khimki cemetery.

All restrictions will be valid 1, April 8 and 15 from 06-00 to 16-00. The series of overlaps will also be introduced on April 17.

Free bus tickets to urban and suburban cemeteries

Nikolo Arkhangelsk

No. E1 "Metro" Vykhino "- 2nd Moscow Crematorium"

№ 706, E2 "Metro" Vykhino "- Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Cemetery"

No. E5 "Metro" Novokosino "- Nikolo-Arkhangelsk Cemetery"


№ 510, E1 "Metro" Domodedovskaya "- Domodedovskoe cemetery"

No. E2 "Village Kolychevo - Domodedovo Cemetery" (from car parking zone)


№ 600 "Metro" Teply Stan "- Khovanskoe cemetery - Metro" Salaryevo "

No. E1 "Metro" Salaryevo "- Khovanskoe cemetery"

No. E2 "Metro" Teply Stan "- Khovanskoe cemetery"


No. 741, E "Metro" Tushinskaya "- Miten Cemetery"


№ 819 "Street Academician Yangel - Shcherbinsky cemetery"

No. E1 "Metro" Street Academician Yangel "- Shcherbinsky cemetery"

No. E2 "Station Shcherbinka - Shcherbinsky Cemetery"

No. E3 "Brousilov Street - Shcherbinsky Cemetery (from car parking zone)"


No. E "Metro" South-Western "- Vostryakovskoe cemetery"


№ 865, E1 "Metro" Planernaya "- Perezhetsky cemetery"

No. E2 "Station Skhodnya - Perekinskoe cemetery"

No. E4 "Lobnya Station - Perezhetsky Cemetery"


No. E "Metro" River Station "- Khimki Cemetery"

No. E2 "Planernaya Metro" - Khimki Cemetery "


№ E1 "Metro" River Station "- Dolgoprudna Cemetery - Dolgoprudny Platform"


№ 150, 150E "Metro" Kashirskaya "- Kotlyakovskoe cemetery - Platform Chertanovo"

№ 217, 217E "Metro" Kantemirovskaya "- Kotlyakovskoe cemetery - 14-quarter of Lenin-Dacha"


No. E "Metro" Ryazan Prospekt "- Kuzminskoe cemetery - Metro" Kuzminki "


No. E1 "Metro" Textiles "- Lublin Cemetery"

No. E2 "Metro" Lublino "- Lublin Cemetery"

Zelenograd Central

No. 1 "14th neighborhood - Central Cemetery"

№ 2, E1 "Station Krukovo - Central Cemetery"

Zelenogradskoe north

№ 20 "16th neighborhood - Northern Cemetery"

No. E2 "Station Krukovo - Northern Cemetery"


№ 24 "Station Krukovo - Alabushevskoe cemetery"


No. 531E "Metro" Teply Stan "- Ratchties"


No. E "Elektrougli Station - Bogorodskaya Cemetery"

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