Requirements for a scientific article. Requirements for the design of scientific articles


1.1. Volume

The article should be framed in accordance with this instruction in an amount not exceeding 6-8 (for a review 10), but not less than 5 typewritten pages (about 20 thousand characters, including spaces), including figures and tables. Times New Roman font (Cyrillic, 12 pt). Line spacing is single.

1.2. The quality of the illustrative material

It is allowed to use drawings prepared with the use of appropriate computer tools. As illustrations, it is allowed to use color photographs of good contrast, with a resolution not less than 300 dots per inch (300 dpi) (original photographs are attached to the article as separate files in .tiff or .jpeg formats.


2.1. The structure of the text of the article

The text of an article, as a rule, includes the following components (indicated in the order in which they appear):

Keywords ;


Materials and methods;

Results and discussion;

Conclusions / conclusion;


UDC typed on the left without indentation, non-bold.

Article title typed in capital (capital) letters, bold (g), alignment to the center of the page. Should be short, concise, but clearly reflecting the content of the article. 1 line is skipped after the title of the article.

Complete information about each of the authors (position, academic degree, academic title, place of work, organization name, location (city, region), email address of the first author only), left alignment, font style italic (k).

After the list, a line is skipped and a resume is written.

2.2. Summary

Heading Summary

The text of the author's resume should be laconic and clear and contain 200-250 words (with keywords), but no more than 2000 characters with spaces. It should not contain references to sections, abbreviations, formulas, figures, numbers of cited literature.

Keywords that most accurately reflect the specifics of the article, follow a separate paragraph after the resume (up to 5-6 words, phrases), left alignment without indentation, heading italic (k), the keywords themselves are in regular font.

2.3. Introduction

Heading Introduction- alignment to the center of the page, bold font (g), 12 pt. Further, without a line gap, the text follows, in which abbreviations of special terms, names are not allowed and are given in full.

2.4. Materials and methods

Heading Materials and methods- alignment to the center of the page, bold font (g).

2.5. The main text of the scientific article

Information about grants and acknowledgments is given at the end of the article, before the list of references.

2.6. Bibliography is located at the end of the text of the article. Heading Bibliography(heading of the 2nd level) is drawn up in bold type (g). It includes all references to literary sources (first Russian-speaking, then foreign) in alphabetical order, and drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008... References to literary sources in the text of the article are numbered and enclosed in square brackets -,, etc.

Responsibility for the correctness of the literary data given in the article rests with the author of the article.

3. Features of the design of figures, tables

3.1. Decoration of drawings

Captions explaining the content of the figures are required. They are typed in bold (g) and centered. In the text, each figure must be referenced (Fig. 1). If there is one figure in the text, then a serial number is not assigned to it.

The figures can be given notes, which are indicated under the name of the figure, left alignment, normal font 11 pt (the word Note is not written).

3.2. Table decoration

The word Table is written on the right, in regular font. Below, without skipping a line, in bold type with center alignment, the name of the table and the table itself are indicated. There is no space between the word Table, the table name and the table itself. Tables are built across the entire width of the text.

Columns of tables should not contain empty spaces or unexplained dashes.

Tables are not broken into two pages, horizontal tables are not allowed.

5. You can not send works that have already been published in other publications or sent for publication in other editions.

Based on the "EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Recommendations for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English", our journal sets the following requirements for scientific articles submitted by authors:

Information about the author (s)

For publication and subsequent transfer to citation databases and electronic libraries, the editorial board provides the following information about the author (each co-author of the article):

Full Name

- completely, in Russian;

- completely, in the Latin alphabet (transliteration).

Be careful and always use (send to the editorial office) the same version of your full name transliteration. Remember that for citation systems - "Vasil'ev Nikolay Aleksandrovich" and "Vasil'ev Nikolaj Aleksandrovich" are two different people.

Name of place of work or study

- full official name, in Russian, in the nominative case. + country, city at the place of work (study);

- full official name in English, in the nominative case. + country, city at the place of work (study).

The official name in English, for educational organizations - can be found in the charter of the educational organization, which, in turn, can be found on the organization's website.

You can specify up to three places of work or study.

We recommend that the authors do not indicate the branch of the educational organization, since information about the work in the branch is not transmitted and is not taken into account in the RSCI and other citation systems. However, if necessary or desired, you can indicate the name of the branch together with the main place of work, as well as the country and city of its location - in Russian and English. In this case, first the main place of work is indicated in the nominative case, and then the name of the branch is also in the nominative case.

Position, scientific degree, title

Position and structural unit at the place of work - provided at the request of the author (optional), only in Russian.

Scientific degree, title - if available, it is provided only in Russian.

Students must indicate "Student", "Master student", "Postgraduate". You can, at the request of the author, also indicate the faculty or department, specialty.

E-mail address

The e-mail address for each co-author is published along with other data about the authors, in order to provide an opportunity to quickly contact the author, both from the side of the reaction and from interested readers. In addition, the author's e-mail address is transmitted to the RSCI and other citation bases. We kindly ask you to indicate real and working e-mail addresses individually for each co-author of the article.

Citation system profiles and other information

At the request of the author, the article may indicate his RSCI profile, ORCID profile, Scopus profile, profiles in other citation systems. You can provide a link to a personal page on the Internet (including pages on social networks).

Mailing address for communication with the author

Correspondent postal address (with zip code) for contacts with the authors of the article:

- work (preferred) or home (optional) address.

Please note that all of the above information is published in the journal in the public domain!

Article title

The title of the article is submitted to the editors in Russian and English.

The title of the article should be unambiguous, understandable to specialists in other fields and reflect the content of the article. Be specific, don't use general or vague phrases. If necessary, mention in the title the period and place of research, the international scientific name of the object under study, or the experimental research plan.

Avoid using abbreviations in the title of your article.

We also ask you not to write the name ONLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


The abstract is provided to the editor in Russian and English. The volume of the abstract is at least 150 words.

Briefly explain why the study was conducted, what question (s) were answered, how the study was conducted, what you found, and your interpretation and conclusions from the results. The abstract should reflect the content of the article, since for most readers it will be the main source of information about this research. Use the expressions "The author (s) presented ...", "In the article ...", etc.

You should use keywords in your abstracts to make it easier for those who might be interested in the results to find your article online (many databases only include titles and abstracts). In the experimental article, the abstract should be informative and include the results. Only in review papers and other large-scale publications should the introduction be indicative, i.e. should list the main issues discussed, but not the results.

Do not reference tables or figures in annotations, as annotations are also published separately from the article.

Do not use formulas in annotations, since annotations in most databases, starting with the RSCI, are published in a format that excludes displaying formulas.

References to used literature are not allowed, unless they are absolutely necessary (in this case, it is necessary to place detailed information in brackets: author, title, year, etc.). Make sure that all information from the abstract is in the main text of the article.

Keyword list

Include all scientific terms relevant to the study. Keywords must be accurate. Add general terms only if your research has interdisciplinary meaning.

Article text

The volume of the article

The minimum size of an article allowed for publication is 10 - 12 thousand characters, including spaces.

The maximum size of an article is 50-60 thousand characters, including spaces.

The volume of the article is estimated without taking into account metadata - that is, without data on authors, abstracts, and bibliography - only the text of the article.


All abbreviations and abbreviations must be deciphered upon first use.

Article structure

Try to structure your article, follow the plan below (this structure is advisory in nature):

Introduction (relevance): explain why it was necessary to conduct the research, state the objectives of the research, and what specific question (s) it is directed to. Start with more general considerations and gradually focus on the question (s) of your research.

Methods: Describe in detail how the study was conducted (ie area of ​​study, data collection, criteria, source of the analyzed material. All factors that could influence the results of the study should be considered. If people participated in the study, it should be indicated: their number, place of residence, gender and age characteristics, etc., the group should be given the most accurate description.

Results: provide research results (previously published data should not be included in this part of the article).

Discussion: give answers to the questions of your research (listed at the end of the abstract) and as objectively as possible compare your main results with those published earlier. Discuss their limitations and highlight your main findings.

Acknowledgments: mention everyone who has made significant contributions to your research, but cannot be considered as co-authors, and thank all sources of funding.

Tables, figures

Pay particular attention to the quality of the drawings. Figures should be clear and legible.

If the width of the picture or table exceeds the width of the sheet, turn the required sheet to landscape orientation. Do not turn the figure or table itself vertically - please treat this with understanding, from the point of view of the reader, viewing such figures and tables on a computer screen is extremely inconvenient, therefore, articles containing such tables and figures will not be accepted for publication until they are corrected.

If it is necessary to place a sufficiently large image - any plan, drawing, large diagram, etc., you can contact the editorial office in advance in order to discuss how best to do this.

Captions under tables and figures should be informative, but not very long. If similar data is presented in several tables or several figures, the format of the signature should also be similar.

Captions should not be part of figures or tables. The signature should describe the content of the figure or table so that you can understand what it is without reading the article itself.

All figures and tables should be numbered. Tables and figures are numbered separately. If there is only one figure or table in the article, then numbers are not put down.

The text of the article MUST contain REFERENCES to tables, figures, graphs.


If any special software was used to compose the formulas, in addition to the standard Microsoft Office tools, please indicate which one.

If you want to convert formulas to raster format, please pay special attention to their quality after conversion.

Bibliographic list

After the text of the article, a bibliographic list is given, drawn up in strict accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008.

Please note that in accordance with the requirements of the editors, the bibliographic list must include at least 10 positions. The number of self-citations should be no more than 30%.

- several links to articles on the topic in question in leading Russian and foreign journals - this demonstrates the author's outlook;

- several links (no more than 30%) to their works - in order to demonstrate the scale and depth of their research;

- the rest of the links to the materials that were used by the author in the preparation of the scientific article - they will allow the reader to quickly find the sources of the materials referred to by the author and get acquainted with them, make sure that the data from these sources is reliable. The author is to recognize the ideas of other authors and thus avoid being accused of plagiarism.

Pay attention to the fact that today the article list of sources is not just a list of the materials used by the author, it is also data on the basis of which the citation rates of each author, the Hirsch index, the impact factor are calculated on the basis of citation databases, such as the RSCI. magazine.

Relying on someone else's work in your article - thank the other author with a correctly formatted link, this will increase his performance.

From this follows the most important rule for forming a list - into it any scientific works and publications must be included- articles, monographs, dissertations, books, etc. By filling out such a source in the form of a footnote in the text of the article, you will render the author a "disservice", since the RSCI (as well as other citation bases) will not process such a link.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to "litter" the bibliographic list with sources that should not be there. An unambiguous criterion that the source should not be included in the cited bibliographic list - lack of a specific author... These sources include: laws, by-laws, standards (including GOSTs), articles from dictionaries and encyclopedias, pages of sites for which no specific author is indicated, and other similar materials. They are drawn up as footnotes along the way of the text of the article.

Sources are listed alphabetically. The link to the source in the text of the article is made in square brackets.

If you do not know how to correctly arrange this or that source in the list of references, use the instructions.

An example of a bibliography:


1. Bakhvalov, NS Numerical methods [Text]: textbook. manual for phys.-mat. specialties of universities / NS Bakhvalov, NP Zhidkov, GM Kobelkov; under total. ed. N.I. Tikhonova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Fizmatlit: Lab. basic knowledge; SPb. : Nev. dialect, 2002 .-- 630 p. : ill. ; 25 cm - (Technical University. Mathematics). - Bibliography: p. 622-626. - Item decree .: p. 627-630. - 30,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93208-043-4 (in translation).

10. Kirsanov K.A. Biological, social and intellectual potentials of an individual in various paradigms of education // Internet journal "Science Science", 2011 №1 (6) [Electronic resource] -M .: Science Science, 2013 - .. pdf, free. - Title from the screen. - Yaz. rus., eng.

They are sent to the editor in three separate files:

  • a table filled out in accordance with the requirements;
  • the text of the article (the file must include only the text and title of the article, as well as a list of sources);
  • a scan of the article of the agreement filled in and signed by all co-authors.

The name of all files sent to the editor must contain the author's surname!

Articles are accepted:

Based on the "EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Recommendations for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English", our journal sets the following requirements for scientific articles submitted by authors:

Information about the author (s)

For publication and subsequent transfer to citation databases and electronic libraries, the editorial board provides the following information about the author (each co-author of the article):

Full Name

- completely, in Russian;

- completely, in the Latin alphabet (transliteration).

Be careful and always use (send to the editorial office) the same version of your full name transliteration. Remember that for citation systems - "Vasil'ev Nikolay Aleksandrovich" and "Vasil'ev Nikolaj Aleksandrovich" are two different people.

Name of place of work or study

- full official name, in Russian, in the nominative case. + country, city at the place of work (study);

- full official name in English, in the nominative case. + country, city at the place of work (study).

The official name in English, for educational organizations - can be found in the charter of the educational organization, which, in turn, can be found on the organization's website.

You can specify up to three places of work or study.

We recommend that the authors do not indicate the branch of the educational organization, since information about the work in the branch is not transmitted and is not taken into account in the RSCI and other citation systems. However, if necessary or desired, you can indicate the name of the branch together with the main place of work, as well as the country and city of its location - in Russian and English. In this case, first the main place of work is indicated in the nominative case, and then the name of the branch is also in the nominative case.

Position, scientific degree, title

Position and structural unit at the place of work - provided at the request of the author (optional), only in Russian.

Scientific degree, title - if available, it is provided only in Russian.

Students must indicate "Student", "Master student", "Postgraduate". You can, at the request of the author, also indicate the faculty or department, specialty.

E-mail address

The e-mail address for each co-author is published along with other data about the authors, in order to provide an opportunity to quickly contact the author, both from the side of the reaction and from interested readers. In addition, the author's e-mail address is transmitted to the RSCI and other citation bases. We kindly ask you to indicate real and working e-mail addresses individually for each co-author of the article.

Citation system profiles and other information

At the request of the author, the article may indicate his RSCI profile, ORCID profile, Scopus profile, profiles in other citation systems. You can provide a link to a personal page on the Internet (including pages on social networks).

Mailing address for communication with the author

Correspondent postal address (with zip code) for contacts with the authors of the article:

- work (preferred) or home (optional) address.

Please note that all of the above information is published in the journal in the public domain!

Article title

The title of the article is submitted to the editors in Russian and English.

The title of the article should be unambiguous, understandable to specialists in other fields and reflect the content of the article. Be specific, don't use general or vague phrases. If necessary, mention in the title the period and place of research, the international scientific name of the object under study, or the experimental research plan.

Avoid using abbreviations in the title of your article.

We also ask you not to write the name ONLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


The abstract is provided to the editor in Russian and English. The volume of the abstract is at least 200 words.

Briefly explain why the study was conducted, what question (s) were answered, how the study was conducted, what you found, and your interpretation and conclusions from the results. The abstract should reflect the content of the article, since for most readers it will be the main source of information about this research. Use the expressions "The author (s) presented ...", "In the article ...", etc.

You should use keywords in your abstracts to make it easier for those who might be interested in the results to find your article online (many databases only include titles and abstracts). In the experimental article, the abstract should be informative and include the results. Only in review papers and other large-scale publications should the introduction be indicative, i.e. should list the main issues discussed, but not the results.

Do not reference tables or figures in annotations, as annotations are also published separately from the article.

Do not use formulas in annotations, since annotations in most databases, starting with the RSCI, are published in a format that excludes displaying formulas.

References to used literature are not allowed, unless they are absolutely necessary (in this case, it is necessary to place detailed information in brackets: author, title, year, etc.). Make sure that all information from the abstract is in the main text of the article.

Keyword list

Include all scientific terms relevant to the study. Keywords must be accurate. Add general terms only if your research has interdisciplinary meaning.

Article text

The volume of the article

The minimum size of an article allowed for publication is 10 - 12 thousand characters, including spaces.

The maximum size of an article is 50-60 thousand characters, including spaces.

The volume of the article is estimated without taking into account metadata - that is, without data on authors, abstracts, and bibliography - only the text of the article.


All abbreviations and abbreviations must be deciphered upon first use.

Article structure

Try to structure your article, follow the plan below (this structure is advisory in nature):

Introduction (relevance): explain why it was necessary to conduct the research, state the objectives of the research, and what specific question (s) it is directed to. Start with more general considerations and gradually focus on the question (s) of your research.

Methods: Describe in detail how the study was conducted (ie area of ​​study, data collection, criteria, source of the analyzed material. All factors that could influence the results of the study should be considered. If people participated in the study, it should be indicated: their number, place of residence, gender and age characteristics, etc., the group should be given the most accurate description.

Results: provide research results (previously published data should not be included in this part of the article).

Discussion: give answers to the questions of your research (listed at the end of the abstract) and as objectively as possible compare your main results with those published earlier. Discuss their limitations and highlight your main findings.

Acknowledgments: mention everyone who has made significant contributions to your research, but cannot be considered as co-authors, and thank all sources of funding.

Tables, figures

Pay particular attention to the quality of the drawings. Figures should be clear and legible.

If the width of the picture or table exceeds the width of the sheet, turn the required sheet to landscape orientation. Do not turn the figure or table itself vertically - please treat this with understanding, from the point of view of the reader, viewing such figures and tables on a computer screen is extremely inconvenient, therefore, articles containing such tables and figures will not be accepted for publication until they are corrected.

If it is necessary to place a sufficiently large image - any plan, drawing, large diagram, etc., you can contact the editorial office in advance in order to discuss how best to do this.

Captions under tables and figures should be informative, but not very long. If similar data is presented in several tables or several figures, the format of the signature should also be similar.

Captions should not be part of figures or tables. The signature should describe the content of the figure or table so that you can understand what it is without reading the article itself.

All figures and tables should be numbered. Tables and figures are numbered separately. If there is only one figure or table in the article, then numbers are not put down.

The text of the article MUST contain REFERENCES to tables, figures, graphs.


If any special software was used to compose the formulas, in addition to the standard Microsoft Office tools, please indicate which one.

If you want to convert formulas to raster format, please pay special attention to their quality after conversion.

Bibliographic list

After the text of the article, a bibliographic list is given, drawn up in strict accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008.

Please note that in accordance with the requirements of the editors, the bibliographic list must include at least 10 positions. The number of self-citations should be no more than 30%.

- several links to articles on the topic in question in leading Russian and foreign journals - this demonstrates the author's outlook;

- several links (no more than 30%) to their works - in order to demonstrate the scale and depth of their research;

- the rest of the links to the materials that were used by the author in the preparation of the scientific article - they will allow the reader to quickly find the sources of the materials referred to by the author and get acquainted with them, make sure that the data from these sources is reliable. The author is to recognize the ideas of other authors and thus avoid being accused of plagiarism.

Pay attention to the fact that today the article list of sources is not just a list of the materials used by the author, it is also data on the basis of which the citation rates of each author, the Hirsch index, the impact factor are calculated on the basis of citation databases, such as the RSCI. magazine.

Relying on someone else's work in your article - thank the other author with a correctly formatted link, this will increase his performance.

From this follows the most important rule for forming a list - into it any scientific works and publications must be included- articles, monographs, dissertations, books, etc. By filling out such a source in the form of a footnote in the text of the article, you will render the author a "disservice", since the RSCI (as well as other citation bases) will not process such a link.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to "litter" the bibliographic list with sources that should not be there. An unambiguous criterion that the source should not be included in the cited bibliographic list - lack of a specific author... These sources include: laws, by-laws, standards (including GOSTs), articles from dictionaries and encyclopedias, pages of sites for which no specific author is indicated, and other similar materials. They are drawn up as footnotes along the way of the text of the article.

Sources are listed in the order of their mentioning in the text. The link to the source in the text of the article is made in square brackets.

If you do not know how to correctly arrange this or that source in the list of references, use the instructions.

An example of a bibliography:


1. Bakhvalov, NS Numerical methods [Text]: textbook. manual for phys.-mat. specialties of universities / NS Bakhvalov, NP Zhidkov, GM Kobelkov; under total. ed. N.I. Tikhonova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Fizmatlit: Lab. basic knowledge; SPb. : Nev. dialect, 2002 .-- 630 p. : ill. ; 25 cm - (Technical University. Mathematics). - Bibliography: p. 622-626. - Item decree .: p. 627-630. - 30,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93208-043-4 (in translation).

10. Kirsanov K.A. Biological, social and intellectual potentials of a personality in various paradigms of education // Internet journal "Science Science", 2011 №1 (6) [Electronic resource] -M .: Science Science, 2013 -.- Access mode: /sbornik6/4.pdf, free. - Title from the screen. - Yaz. rus., eng.

They are sent to the editor in three separate files:

  • a table filled out in accordance with the requirements;
  • the text of the article (the file must include only the text and title of the article, as well as a list of sources);
  • a scan of the article of the agreement filled in and signed by all co-authors. Download the contract ...

The name of all files sent to the editor must contain the author's surname!

  1. Acceptable font size is at least 12, but 14 is most commonly used.
  2. There is no GOST for the type of font, but most magazines and authoritative publications only accept works with the TIMES NEW ROMAN font.
  3. Fields. Right - from 10 mm, Top and bottom - from 20 mm, left - from 30 mm and more. Often, 20 mm is used everywhere. GOST provides for margins up to 25 mm. all around
  4. Indent of a paragraph from 12 to 15 mm.
  5. Numbering ONLY in Arabic numerals in the middle of the sheet without a dot. The use of Roman numerals or any other arrangement of numbering on the sheet is NOT ALLOWED!
  6. Line spacing is one and a half. Do not try to increase / decrease the size of the work by double-spaced or spacing manipulation. This usually ends up rejecting the article.
  7. The number of pages of a scientific article is 5-24 - VAK. RSCI from 3 pages.
  8. Text editor. Most journals accept work ONLY in Word, while some editions (like the same "Discussion") require only documents in Word 2003 (.doc) format.


An example of heading design

Headings are printed in the middle of the sheet, in capital letters, without a period at the end and various underlines.

Abstract and keywords

The size of the annotation should not exceed 2-3 sentences (in some editions, 500 characters).

The presentation of information should be concise and easy to read.

Keywords should reflect the topic of the article as much as possible, from 3 to 6 words or phrases.

Some publications also require an English version of the abstract and keywords. It is highly recommended to entrust the translation of these parts (if your knowledge of the language leaves much to be desired) to a professional.

The font size of the annotation can be the same as the main text of the scientific article. The words “Abstract” and “Keywords” are in bold, and their content is not highlighted. There are cases when the abstract and keywords are completely italicized.

Formatting tables in a scientific article

Example of table design

Important... The word "Table" is written on a new line on the right, in regular font.

Tables are subject to mandatory numbering! For example, Table 1, Table 2, etc.

The word "Table" is always written in full, and most publications also require that the tables have their own names (for example, Table 1. An example of writing a table for a scientific article).

Attention... If the table is large and does not fit into the page, then it can be moved! With an excess of rows, the header is also transferred, with an excess of columns - the side. In this case, the lower border is not drawn and next to the new tables, from the top right, write "continuation" + table number (for example, Continuation of table 1).

Table borders. It can be omitted if it does not make it difficult to read, and the headings and subheadings of the side columns cannot be separated by diagonal lines.

You can add a note to the tables, it is written under the table, left-aligned, in a font smaller than the main one in the article. (by 2-4 pt, depending on the edition). In this case, the word "Note" does not need to be written!

References used sources

An example of formatting links in the text

Placed immediately after the object they refer to. If there is only one link, it is not necessary to number it; if there are several of them, they are numbered with Arabic numerals without dots.

Footnotes should not be too long as they if incorrectly formatted, they can take up more than half a page and make reading an article an extremely unpleasant experience. If you need to make a VERY BIG note, try placing it in the main part or moving it to the appendix to the article.

How to arrange pictures, diagrams, diagrams

All figures, as well as tables, should be referenced. Images must be unique, you can't just take them from the Internet! At the same time, they should be readable, informative, logical.

When making drawings, you must remember 3 rules:

  1. picture and title (signature) are aligned in the middle of the sheet;
  2. the title of the picture is drawn up UNDER the picture - always;
  3. the title is written in regular font (no italics or underlining).

The headings of the figures, like the tables, begin with the word “Picture” and the serial number of the figure in the article (according to the number), for example, “Figure 1. Meeting on Bolotnaya Square”.

Life hack by diagrams and charts... You don't need to think about how to design diagrams, diagrams and graphs. Typically, it is this data that varies greatly from magazine to magazine. Therefore, we act easier, all graphs, schemes and diagrams are drawn up as a picture, for example, “Figure 1. Graph of the growth of Russian imports, in billion tons”.

Making a list of used sources

As you noticed, we missed one important section - the list of sources. It will be considered separately, since it is in this part that the lion's share of all errors is concentrated. The heading "List of References" is centered on the new sheet, usually in bold.

General rules:

  • the list of used literature is ALWAYS given at the end of the article;
  • the list is always numbered;
  • the list is arranged in alphabetical order;
  • foreign sources come after Russian-speaking;
  • all sources (book, website, article, etc.) are formatted differently!

Let's summarize how to design a scientific work

  1. Headings are always written in the middle and in bold.
  2. It is always necessary to give names to all tables and figures, and also to check the correctness of their numbering.
  3. With a large number of different applications, check if you have put one of the forbidden letters as a number.
  4. Always include links to sources of citation in the text or footnotes.
  5. Pay due attention to the bibliographic list, it is in it that the most mistakes are made
  6. When submitting an article to a scientific journal, read the requirements, most likely they differ from the standards.

download a sample of a scientific article with an annotation

download an example of a scientific article with pictures

How to format a scientific article - from A to Z updated: February 15, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

Terms of publication in the collection of conference materials

Materials will be published AFTER the conference based on the results of the work of the sections. The collection will include only those articles, the authors of which will make a presentation during the conference.


Dear colleagues! Please note: the editorial board of the collection reserves the right not to include in the collection articles that do not meet the requirements (including the volume of the text, the design of tables and illustrations).

The name of the file with the article should contain only Latin letters. The name of the file must contain the name of the author. When registering online, it is allowed to attach ONLY archived files in .zip and .rar format.

To prepare an article, it should be used Microsoft Word text editor and Times New Roman font .

The maximum length of an article is 8 full pages; minimum - 6 full pages (from 16 to 20 thousand printed characters).

Page settings:

paper size - A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm)

orientation - portrait


top - 2.4 cm

bottom - 2 cm

left - 3 cm

right - 2 cm

From edge to headline:

top 1.2 cm

bottom 1.25 cm

The article material should be presented in the following sequence:

Title (title of the article)

The heading should be typed in capital letters in bold (font size - 13 pt) and aligned to the center. Please note that there is no full stop at the end of the title!

Font - bold, font size - 13 pt, center alignment.

· Name of the organization

The name of the organization must be typed in lowercase letters.

Font - normal, font size - 13 pt, center alignment.

· The name of the country

The country name must be in capital letters.

Font - normal, font size - 13 pt, center alignment.

· Annotation

An abstract of no more than 10 lines should summarize the subject of the article and the main conclusions it contains.

The font is normal, the font size is 12 pt.

Formatting is aligned to the width of the page.

· Text of the article

Font size - 12 pt, line spacing - single, red line - 1 cm.

Width alignment formatting.

Styling is usual. When typing, you should not make a hard hyphenation with a hyphenation mark.

Symbols and abbreviations found in the text should be disclosed when they first appear in the text.

Sections and subsections of the article are numbered in Arabic numerals, are highlighted in bold and are not placed on a separate line.


Tables in the text must be made in Microsoft Word (not scanned or in the form of a picture). Tables should be located within the working area. Formatting of the table number and its name: regular font, size 11 pt, center alignment. Please note that there is no full stop at the end of the table name! Table content - regular font, size 11 pt, spacing - single. If the article contains tables


Pictures are placed within the working area. Pictures in JPEG and GIF formats are allowed. Figures should allow movement in the text and the ability to resize. The scanned image used in the text must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Signature under the picture. Formatting of the title and number of the figure - regular font, size - 11 pt, center alignment, single spacing. Please note that there is no full stop at the end of the name of the picture!

Pagination and headers and footers

Don't use headers and footers. Pages are numbered at the bottom right, starting from the 1st page.

The text of the article ... the text of the article .... The text of the article ... etc.

· Bibliography

The list of references is placed at the end of the article. Font size 12 pt., Formatting by alignment to the width of the page.

Examples of formatting a bibliography:

For books:

A.T. Organizational crisis management. M .: University Humanities Lyceum, 2003.

Petrunin Yu.Yu., Borisov V.K. Business ethics. M .: Delo, 2000.

For articles in journals, collected works and other collective publications:

Marinko G.I. Organization culture and knowledge management // Philosophy of science and scientific and technical civilization: Jubilee collection / Otv. ed. S.L. Katrechko. M .: Polygraph-Inform, 2005.S. 322-338.

Voronina T.P., Molchanova O.P. Features of management of an innovative organization // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 21. Management (state and society). No. 2. 2004. S. 66-82.

For materials from INTERNET:

Surin A.V. 10 years of management training at Moscow University: experience and problems. - http: //e-journal..pdf (the date of viewing the material on the Internet is indicated in brackets).


The collection is assigned the international ISBN index, BBK and UDC indexes.

All articles are subject to revision (scientific and technical).

The editorial committee of the collection of conference materials reserves the right to refuse publication to authors of articles that do not correspond to the level of the conference.

Mailing is carried out (according to the Federal Law of November 23, 1994 "On the obligatory copy of documents") to the main libraries of the Russian Federation and member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, to the Russian Book Chamber. The planned circulation is at least 500 copies.

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