Instead of state exams, bachelors are expected to receive state certification. University graduates will not only have to write a diploma, but also take exams

Answer from Flush[guru]
I personally passed the state exam for 5, and this five became my third five in the record book. I was very happy

Answer from Help[guru]
For example, I do not understand at all what is special about state exams, well, some strangers climb everything, check everything ... not state, there is a number of hours and an estimate.
So, as it was, it will remain so ... The main thing is that the teachers are qualified, and those who need to get their knowledge.

Answer from Get drunk[newbie]
Gosy is the last step, which, in my opinion, guarantees a high QUALIFICATION, special for PAUL, and allows us to conclude how the student is ready to go out and what he has left of the knowledge that he received, if of course he tried to get it. It seems to me that the state should be. Again, for self-affirmation. This is very cool.

The main characters of this issue dedicated to May 9, no doubt, they are: Andrey Olshansky, Nina Isaeva, Mikhail Potapov, Maria Korshunova ... Each of them defended the Motherland in their own way: someone on the front line or in factories, someone in the fields or in the school class. Each of them put all their strength into victory, sometimes risking their lives and thinking more about others than about themselves. We know these names, we are proud of these names. And how many more unnamed and undiscovered exploits ... Let us bow mentally to each of them - known and nameless - reading reports and essays about our veterans.

Weapons are part of our world. Difficult, arousing increased interest ... In the hands of a border guard at a combat post, it is appropriate, in the hands of a civilian, even if it is an imitation of plastic, it makes you think. And if such an imitation is in the hands of a student? How can a teacher figure out if this is bravado or a harbinger of aggression? How to react? And why is it so important to teach a child to act correctly in this world full of weapons and conflicts? The answers are in the article by psychologist Kirill Karpenko.

"For me, as a child of war, the best poems are military, the best songs are military! This is such a huge layer of culture! This is close to everyone, to every spectator. Everyone hears in this poetry about their relatives who have gone through the war. There is no family in our country that would not be touched by this terrible war. And the generation is leaving, the current schoolchildren cannot hear the stories firsthand. And our task, my task is to convey this memory to them through military poems and songs. are sitting in the hall with tears in their eyes. This means that they have reached out, which means they will remember, "- from an interview with actor and teacher Vasily Lanovoy.

Students of South Ural universities will not take state educational standards. Some departments of leading institutes have canceled the final exam. Instead of cramming tickets, students are encouraged to do their theses. Why was the theory exam considered ineffective?

You won't have to write cheat sheets and remember the theory for all the years of studying the fourth year. As well as trying to write off on GOS. The final exam for philologists and journalists was canceled. Now, in order to get a bachelor's degree, it is enough to pass the session and defend the diploma.

Alexandra, 4th year student: “Maybe it would be easier to pass the state registration certificate than to work according to the new system, according to which we are working now. Many more new events are being added that we should participate in. It's actually very interesting. For example, to test the results of their scientific works at conferences. "

But the preparation for the diploma will have to be done more thoroughly. It is advisable to publish in scientific journals and practice during your studies. For example, a journalist must be able to write articles or voice stories.

Anya still has time to defend herself - she is only a third year student. But the girl is already working on her final work. It is necessary to prepare not only a theoretical basis, but also good practical material.

Anna Chashchina, 3rd year student: “You learn some new tricks, you learn some new approaches, and you learn to behave yourself in non-standard situations. And, of course, each new practice is a huge baggage to your experience. "

The leadership of the faculty corrects: they did not get rid of GOS. They just started using a different form of exam. Each department has the right to decide how to conduct certification. This usually depends on the abilities of the students themselves. So, if graduates do not have special talents, they can return the traditional oral exam.

Elena Ponamareva, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of SUSU: “We have been going for a very long time towards this. For 4 years, we analyzed what we were getting, we looked at the seriousness of approbation. To check how ready the course is and assess the possibility of canceling the exam for each year - we still have this opportunity, and we will use it. "

GOS is not a test of knowledge, but a stress test, the teachers assure. But the defense of the thesis reveals all the cards - it shows the student's ability to communicate, and the degree of mastery of theoretical material, and practical skills. After all, you can never guess what question the teacher will ask during the defense.

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Russian universities are going to abandon the usual scheme of conducting state examinations for students. They will be replaced by the state final certification of bachelors. The government is currently considering a comprehensive test based on the six core subjects of any bachelor's program.


Rosobrnadzor is already working on the creation of an external knowledge assessment tool for undergraduate and, possibly, graduate programs. This will be a logical continuation of the final attestation, which is already being practiced in the ninth grade of secondary school, and the USE, which combines final tests and university entrance examinations, the department said. Its development is being carried out within the framework of the federal program for the development of education for 2011–2015.

"The state final certification, which is now being developed, will replace the current "state"- internal exams of universities, the level of quality of which is in doubt, "- said the rector of the Higher School of Economics and the chairman of the commission for the development of education of the Public Chamber Yaroslav Kuzminov to the Moskovskiye Novosti newspaper. In his opinion, the current" state "is only formally a state certification, but in fact, the state "delegated them entirely to the hands of the university," which affected their quality.

"Formally, the university has only one representative from another university or any organization, who can be the chairman of the examination committee. Often this person is not even present at the" state "and he does not have any responsibility. We offer personalized responsibility of the assessors. the degree of independence of certification and assessment and the emergence of uniform standards in it ", - noted Kuzminov.

He believes that the change in the certification system does not mean the introduction of the "Unified State Exam for Bachelors". “This is such a beautiful name coined by journalists,” the rector said. " Bachelors will take a comprehensive examination based on six subjects, which are included in the core of any bachelor's program in any direction ", - explains the meaning of the innovation Kuzminov. At the same time, he considers it inappropriate to create an independent certification in the magistracy, since" there are a lot of master's programs. " anti-plagiarism ", noted Kuzminov.

The HSE and the Public Chamber have already submitted a proposal to change the system of state certification of bachelors to the government and the Ministry of Education and Science. The ministry received this idea positively. " The current state exam is really not the most effective way to test the knowledge gained... Of course, we are not talking about the Unified State Exam for bachelors, but an independent assessment of university graduates is really needed, "said the head of the department, Andrei Fursenko.

At the same time, according to the minister, both bachelors and masters must undergo public and professional certification. “Representatives of the founder of the university and professionals from the industry the university belongs to should participate in the external assessment,” Fursenko said. He noted that the institute of independent professional assessment is already actively developing in universities of five industries - the nuclear and oil industries, aviation, IT and the restaurant business.

According to the publication, bachelors will be able to pass the final certification in independent testing centers created by Rosobrnadzor. The first sites will appear in three regions - Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk and Penza regions. They are created in order to take the USE out of schools, but Rosobrnadzor expects that these structures will be suitable for any certification.

Initially, they were conceived as a platform for the USE, but Rosobrnadzor believes that these structures will be suitable for any certification. The first sites will appear in three regions - Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk and Penza regions. They will be replaced by the state final certification of bachelors.

The state final attestation, which is now being developed, will replace the current "state" - internal exams of universities, the level of quality of which is questionable. The government is currently considering a comprehensive test based on the six core subjects of any bachelor's program. Rosobrnadzor is already working on the creation of an external knowledge assessment tool for undergraduate and, possibly, graduate programs.

Formally, the university has only one representative from another university or any organization, who may be the chairman of the examination committee. We are talking about increasing the degree of independence of certification and assessment and the emergence of uniform standards in it, "- said Kuzminov.

Bachelors will take a comprehensive exam based on six subjects, which are included in the core of any bachelor's program in any direction, ”Kuzminov explains the meaning of the innovation. At the same time, he considers the creation of independent attestation in the magistracy inappropriate, since "there are a lot of master's programs."

"Gos" in universities will be replaced by state final certification

The HSE and the Public Chamber have already submitted a proposal to change the system of state certification of bachelors to the government and the Ministry of Education and Science. The ministry received this idea positively. At the same time, according to the minister, both bachelors and masters must undergo public and professional certification. He noted that the institute of independent professional assessment is already actively developing in universities of five industries - the nuclear and oil industries, aviation, IT and the restaurant business.

4 years or go to master's degree) must attend lectures with the entire flow; 2. 7. to pass the SES exam (and this is the whole history that has been studied - for the general history - from anthropogenesis and the Ancient World; for the history of Russia - from the ethnogenesis of the Slavs); 8. 9. The dean's office also asks the Oxford scholars (there are many of them among the bachelors) to participate in public work (checking tests at the Olympiad). All this in the remaining 3.5 months.

A new procedure for conducting the SIA for undergraduate, specialist and graduate programs in universities has been approved

Maybe there will come "happy" times when there will be only bachelor's and master's degrees and everyone will be in the same system. At the moment, I personally want clarity in the situation of uncertainty for bachelor's and master's degrees at our faculty .. The official website of the faculty has not yet posted anything in this regard .. Personally, I understand everything: the state of transition creates a situation of uncertainty.

"State" for bachelors will be replaced by certification

When is the state and when is the introductory one? Is the score for our state. by the general - the mark for our entrance to the magistracy? Vapshchet, I have not heard that. Here in the techie, yes, someone has GOSy, and someone has a diploma. That if they teach for a bachelor's degree, then they will probably cancel something. I think that for a chela who is not "in their own" specialty, it is better to pass the state standards, because they can be learned.

"Bachelors will not be regarded as lawyers" // Law Faculty of Moscow State University discusses the new educational standard and prospects of graduates

Today, a bachelor, master or specialist, at the end of his studies at the university, first passes state exams, and then defends a diploma. According to the newspaper, the Ministry of Education and Science also sees urgent changes. Back - not a step! " Remember this forever and, holding courage in your soul, NEVER be discouraged "- leads us to new frontiers!

Bachelor's graduates will not take "state" tests // 11.11.2011

The government has already been offered a comprehensive examination, consisting of six subjects, which form the core of the bachelor's program. The ministry of secondary and vocational education of the region noted that the assessment of the current "state", which is now being passed by university graduates, raises doubts.

The external assessment should involve both representatives of the founder of the university, and professionals from the industry to which the university belongs, "said Fursenko. In general, 13 directions were left without accreditation, 1645 students without specific prospects. Of these, 510 people are deprived of the opportunity to transfer to other educational institutions - the programs have no analogues in universities in the European part of Russia.

In addition to the students, there were already graduates who had already passed the state. As it turns out, they had every right to transfer in December: it was then that accreditation was suspended.

Moreover, in December, the rector of the Moscow State Technical University, Sergei Agarkov, told the students that all violations, due to which Rospotrebnadzor suspended the validity of state accreditations for humanitarian specialties, had been eliminated. And in January he assured that the accreditation would be restored within a month. In March, the university was finally deprived of accreditation. The grounds for this decision are indicated in the Rosobrnadzor minutes.

According to the publication, bachelors will be able to pass the final certification in independent testing centers, which are now being created by Rosobrnadzor. Of course, we are not talking about the Unified State Exam for bachelors, but an independent assessment of university graduates is really needed, ”said the head of the department, Andrei Fursenko.

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