Students will be canceled "state". University graduates will not only have to write a diploma, but also take exams

Questions of the interdisciplinary state exam for the academic degree "Bachelor of Economics" in the profile "Economics of an Enterprise and Organization"

General scientific economic disciplines

1. General characteristics of economic systems of social development

2.Types of market structures

3.Gross domestic product, nature, calculation methods

4.Types and factors of economic growth

5. The main directions and tasks of state regulation of the market economy

6.Money system of the state and its elements

7. Banking system of the state. a brief description of

8. The essence of credit as an economic category. Loan functions

9. The concept of an individual and a legal entity. Signs of a legal entity

10. Concept and classification of enterprises

11.External and internal environment of enterprises

12.Characteristics and composition of the strategy of the enterprise

13.Organizational and legal forms of commercial enterprises: the purpose of the activity, features of functioning

14.Organizational and legal forms of non-profit enterprises: the purpose of the activity, peculiarities of functioning

15 small business: advantages and disadvantages

16. Management as an enterprise management system, general concepts

17.Production and organizational structure of the enterprise

18.Marketing as a system of organization and management of enterprise activities

19. Market segmentation and diagnostics of the competitive environment in the marketing system

20. The concept of a logistics system

21.Functions of finance and principles of organization of finance of enterprises

22. Indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise

23. Indicators of the financial result of the enterprise: income, expenses, profit and profitability

24. Concept and principles of planning in the enterprise

25.Business - plan of the enterprise, characteristics of its sections

26. Economic justification of the break-even point of the enterprise

27. Economic statistics as a science, its subject and methods

28. Concept and classification of economic information systems

29. Modern types of information technology

30.Database, their characteristics and application features

General professional disciplines

1. Fixed capital and fixed assets of enterprises: concept and classification

2. Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets

3. Working capital and working capital of enterprises: concept and classification

4.Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of fixed and circulating assets of the enterprise

JSC "Russian Railways"

1.Transportation complex of the Russian Federation, its characteristics

2.Characteristics of the transport services market and the place of Russian Railways in the transport market system

3. Features of transport as a branch of material production. Transport products, their measurement

4.Federal law "On railway transport of the Russian Federation", characteristics of its provisions

5. Organizational structure of management of JSC "Russian Railways"

6. The main directions of the development strategy of JSC "Russian Railways"

7.Current trends in the investment policy of Russian Railways

8. Methods for assessing the competitiveness of transport products

9.Freight traffic plan. Characteristics of its volumetric indicators

10.Quality indicators of freight traffic, ways to improve them

11.Volume and quality indicators of passenger traffic

12. The system of volumetric indicators of the rolling stock of Russian Railways

13. The system of qualitative indicators of the use of the rolling stock of Russian Railways

14. System of budgeting in railway transport. Characteristics of its components

15.Principles of organizing the budgeting system in railway transport

16.Operating budgets of railways, their characteristics

17.Financial budgets of railways, their characteristics

18.Railway tariffs, general principles of their construction

19. General characteristics of the "Nomenclature of income and expenses of the main types of railway activities"

20. Signs of grouping of expenses of the enterprises of JSC "Russian Railways"

21. Factors affecting the reduction of operating costs and transportation costs

22. Characteristics of normative materials on labor used at railway transport enterprises

23. Fund for remuneration of structural enterprises of JSC "Russian Railways". Methods for calculating its constituent elements

24. Methods for calculating labor productivity at the enterprises of JSC "Russian Railways"

25. Methodology of economic analysis of labor indicators of transport enterprises

26. Methodology of economic analysis of the current costs of railways and the cost of transportation

27. Planning of economic activities of the operational locomotive depot

28. Business planning of the track distance

29. Planning of plant operations

30. Planning of economic activity of the distance of power supply

Question on the topic of the final qualifying work

1.Formulation of the topic of the student's final qualifying work, its goals and objectives

State exams, familiar to all students, will soon disappear. They will be replaced by the state final certification of bachelors. A comprehensive examination has already been proposed for government consideration, based on six subjects that are at the core of any bachelor's program. Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko told MN that the exam will be developed by Rosobrnadzor as part of the federal target program for the development of education for 2011-2015.

Experts and officials from the Ministry of Education and Science continue to discuss the introduction of independent assessment of knowledge at all levels of education. Lyubov Glebova, the head of Rosobrnadzor, recently announced that “life compels” to introduce an assessment system like a unified state examination for school graduates in universities. “There is a stable public opinion that universities are training low-quality specialists,” the official said. According to her, employers today do not want to waste time on retraining university graduates, therefore, educational institutions should focus on equipping their graduates with all the skills that will help them become in demand.

Rosobrnadzor "MN" explained that work on the creation of a tool for external assessment of knowledge for bachelor's and, possibly, master's degrees is already underway. This will be a logical continuation of the final attestation (GIA), which is already practiced in the 9th grade of secondary school, and the USE, which combines graduation tests and university entrance examinations.

"The state final certification, which is now being developed, will replace the current" state "- internal exams of universities, the quality of which is questionable," - said the rector of the Higher School of Economics and chairman of the Education Development Commission of the Public Chamber Yaroslav Kuzminov.

Recall that now a bachelor, master or specialist, completing his studies, first takes state exams, and then defends his thesis. Kuzminov believes that the change in the certification system does not mean the introduction of the "Unified State Exam for Bachelors". “This is such a beautiful name invented by journalists,” said the rector. “Bachelors will take a comprehensive exam based on six subjects, which are the core of any bachelor's program in any direction,” Kuzminov explains the meaning of the innovation. An unsatisfactory mark on the exam means that a first degree diploma will not be obtained.

According to the HSE Rector, the current "state" de jure are state certification, and de facto the state "completely delegated them to the hands of the university." “Formally, the university has only one representative from another university or any organization, who can be the chairman of the examination committee. Often this person is not even present at the "state", and he has no responsibility. We offer personalized assessor responsibility. We are talking about increasing the degree of independence of certification and assessment and the emergence of uniform standards in it, "- emphasizes Yaroslav Kuzminov.

In his opinion, the creation of independent attestation in the magistracy is inexpedient, since "there are a lot of master's programs." Master's dissertations should be posted on the websites of universities and verified through the anti-plagiarism system.

The HSE and the Public Chamber have already submitted a proposal to change the system of state certification of bachelors to the government and the Ministry of Education and Science. “We discussed our proposals with a number of state leaders. They reacted positively to this. Changes are ripe: in our country, a third or even half of universities simply issue diplomas without giving any knowledge. Society is tired of the fact that this profanation is covered by state diplomas, ”Kuzminov said.

The Ministry of Education and Science also sees urgent changes. “The current state exam is really not the most effective way to test the acquired knowledge. Of course, we are not talking about the Unified State Exam for bachelors, but an independent assessment of university graduates is really needed, "said the head of the department, Andrei Fursenko, to MN.

Moreover, the minister believes that both bachelors and masters should undergo public and professional certification. “Both representatives of the founder of the university and professionals from the industry the university belongs to should participate in the external assessment,” Fursenko said. According to the minister, the institute of independent professional assessment is already actively developing in the universities of five industries - the nuclear and oil industries, aviation, IT and the restaurant business.

According to MN, bachelors will be able to pass final certification at independent testing centers, which are now being created by Rosobrnadzor. As a reminder, the department announced on October 26 the start of an experiment on passing the unified state examination in new independent centers. The first sites will appear in three regions - Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk and Penza regions. First of all, they are created in order to take the USE out of schools, but Rosobrnadzor expects that these structures will be suitable for any certification.

Initially, they were conceived as a platform for the USE, but Rosobrnadzor believes that these structures will be suitable for any certification. The first sites will appear in three regions - Irkutsk, Ulyanovsk and Penza regions. They will be replaced by the state final certification of bachelors.

The state final attestation, which is now being developed, will replace the current "state" - internal exams of universities, the level of quality of which is questionable. The government is currently considering a comprehensive test based on the six core subjects of any bachelor's program. Rosobrnadzor is already working on the creation of an external knowledge assessment tool for undergraduate and, possibly, graduate programs.

Formally, the university has only one representative from another university or any organization, who may be the chairman of the examination committee. We are talking about increasing the degree of independence of certification and assessment and the emergence of uniform standards in it, "- said Kuzminov.

Bachelors will take a comprehensive exam based on six subjects that are included in the core of any bachelor's program in any direction, ”Kuzminov explains the meaning of the innovation. At the same time, he considers the creation of independent attestation in the magistracy inappropriate, since "there are a lot of master's programs."

"Gos" in universities will be replaced by state final certification

The HSE and the Public Chamber have already submitted a proposal to change the system of state certification of bachelors to the government and the Ministry of Education and Science. The ministry received this idea positively. At the same time, according to the minister, both bachelors and masters must undergo public and professional certification. He noted that the institute of independent professional assessment is already actively developing in universities of five industries - the nuclear and oil industries, aviation, IT and the restaurant business.

4 years or go to master's degree) must attend lectures with the entire flow; 2. 7. to pass the SES exam (and this is the whole history that was studied - for general history - from anthropogenesis and the Ancient World; for the history of Russia - from the ethnogenesis of the Slavs); 8. 9. The dean's office also asks the Oxford scholars (there are many of them among the bachelors) to participate in public work (checking tests at the Olympiad). All this in the remaining 3.5 months.

A new procedure for conducting the SIA for undergraduate, specialist and graduate programs in universities has been approved

Maybe there will come "happy" times when there will be only bachelor's and master's degrees and everyone will be in the same system. At the moment, personally, I want clarity in the situation of uncertainty for bachelor's and master's degrees at our faculty .. The official website of the faculty has not posted anything in this regard yet .. Personally, I understand everything: the state of transition creates a situation of uncertainty.

"State" for bachelors will be replaced by certification

When is the state and when is the introductory one? Is the score for our state. by the general - the mark for our entrance to the magistracy? Vapshchet, I have not heard that. Here in the techie, yes, someone has GOSy, and someone has a diploma. That if they teach for a bachelor's degree, then they will probably cancel something. I think that for a chela who is not "in their own" specialty, it is better to pass the state standards, because they can be learned.

"Bachelors will not be regarded as lawyers" // Law Faculty of Moscow State University discusses the new educational standard and prospects of graduates

Today, a bachelor, master or specialist, at the end of his studies at the university, first passes state exams, and then defends a diploma. According to the newspaper, the Ministry of Education and Science also sees urgent changes. Back - not a step! " Remember this forever and, holding courage in your soul, do not be discouraged NEVER "- leads us to new frontiers!

Bachelor's graduates will not take "state" tests // 11.11.2011

The government has already been offered a comprehensive examination, consisting of six subjects, which form the core of the bachelor's program. The ministry of secondary and vocational education of the region noted that the assessment of the current "state", which is now being passed by university graduates, raises doubts.

The external assessment should involve both representatives of the founder of the university, and professionals from the industry to which the university belongs, "said Fursenko. In general, 13 directions were left without accreditation, 1645 students without specific prospects. Of these, 510 people are deprived of the opportunity to transfer to other educational institutions - the programs have no analogues in universities in the European part of Russia.

In addition to the students, there were already graduates who had already passed the state. As it turns out, they had every right to transfer in December: it was then that accreditation was suspended.

Moreover, in December, the rector of the Moscow State Technical University, Sergei Agarkov, told the students that all violations, due to which Rospotrebnadzor suspended the validity of state accreditations for humanitarian specialties, had been eliminated. And in January he assured that the accreditation would be restored within a month. In March, the university was finally deprived of accreditation. The grounds for this decision are indicated in the Rosobrnadzor minutes.

According to the publication, bachelors will be able to pass the final certification in independent testing centers, which are now being created by Rosobrnadzor. Of course, we are not talking about the Unified State Exam for bachelors, but an independent assessment of university graduates is really needed, ”said the head of the department, Andrei Fursenko.

About the final qualification works of a bachelor, graduate, master in the system of multistage education at ITMO University.

The bachelor's final work is written for the entire 4th year. Distribution among scientific supervisors and approval of the topic of work takes place in September-October. In the fall and spring semesters, work on the diploma is carried out within the framework of the UIRS, at the end of each semester, a report on the UIRS is performed and the UIRS is defended. The spring semester lasts 2 months, followed by practice and final state certification.

Approximate schedule for completing bachelor's work


getting a work topic

October, November, December

study of literature on the topic, writing the 1st chapter of an explanatory note


delivery of the report on UIRS

delivery of the session, WIRS protection

February March

development of a theoretical base (hardware, existing analogues, etc.)

early April

session, defense of UIRS

practice, program / optical system / device development

analysis of results, execution of an explanatory note

pre-defense rehearsal

official pre-defense

work protection

Preliminary defenses

In order for you to gradually get used to public speaking, train yourself to correctly present your work, and the teachers could prompt you something useful in time, preliminary defense and defense of UIRS is carried out.

WIRS protection usually held during the session. To defend UIRS, it is necessary to have a report on UIRS (in the future, this report can be used in an explanatory note), as well as a speech and presentation, which are drawn up as for official pre-defense.

Official preliminary protection held in early June. Before the formal pre-defense, there is usually a "rehearsal" a few days in advance to check the readiness of the posters and speeches. It is attended only by scientific advisers and you may not have official documents.

Defense of bachelor's work

The defense takes place approximately June 20-28. By the time of the defense, all current exams must be passed and the pre-defense must have been passed.

Admission to Master's Degree

Our department provides master's degree training in 3 master's programs:

If you want to continue your studies in the magistracy in one of the specified master's programs, you need to discuss this with your supervisor in advance and register on the website, and immediately after the defense, write an application to the magistracy, indicate the selected master's program there and submit it to the dean's office along with the documents. Usually, immediately after the defense, a representative of the department distributes application forms and helps to fill them out.

Diploma insert

To issue an insert for a diploma with grades received for the entire period of study, you must independently calculate your average score. When calculating the average score:

  • 4B and 4C counts as 4, 3E and 3D counts as 3;
  • if the subject was studied for several semesters, the average grade for all semesters is calculated, then it is rounded up according to the rules of rounding to the nearest integer, and the result is involved in calculating the average grade;
  • practice, UIRS, course projects are also taken into account in the average grade of the diploma, as separate subjects.

Red diploma issued if:

  • there are no triples in the diploma;
  • average score> = 4.75;
  • the diploma is protected by 5.

On January 1, an order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation came into force, which establishes the procedure for conducting state final certification for bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs.

In particular, a student who has completed the curriculum (including the individual one) according to the corresponding program and has no debt is admitted to the GIA, reports IA REGNUM.

Certification is carried out in the form of a state examination and defense of the final qualifying work. The state examination is taken in one or several disciplines or modules of the educational program, the results of mastering which are of decisive importance for the professional activity of graduates. Moreover, it can be oral or written.

The list of questions to be submitted for the exam is established by the educational organization. The type, topics, order of implementation and criteria for assessing graduate qualification works, the requirements for them are also determined by the university. Graduation works for master's and specialist's programs are reviewed.

Separately, it was established that the terms of the GIA are set by the educational organization, but they should not be later than June 30.

Upon successful completion of the GIA, a document on higher education and qualifications is issued. Its sample is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University have the right to establish their own samples of such documents.

For the conduct of the GIA and appeals based on its results, examination and appeal commissions are created. They are valid for a calendar year.

30 days before the start of certification exams, the university approves their schedule. The break between exams must be at least 7 days. You can retake the GIA in a year, but no later than 5 years after its completion. The features of GIA of students with disabilities have been established.

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