Who is a curator? Who is the curator of the group


This article is devoted to the problem of curatorship in Russian universities. The analysis of local normative documents governing the activities of the curator of the academic group, namely, "Regulations on curatorial activities" of 27 universities of the Russian Federation. Using a qualitative and quantitative analysis, 29 of the most common prescriptions were identified, which represent the content of the work of the curator of the academic group. The highlighted duties of the curator were classified according to 6 main areas of curatorial activity (focus on the successful adaptation of students to the conditions of study at the university; implementation of the rights and obligations of students; assistance in the spiritual and moral development of the personality; assistance in the professional development of the personality of the future specialist; study and analysis sociological and psychological data about students; ensuring the implementation of the tasks of educational activities in the group). Further, the duties of the curator were ranked according to the degree of occurrence in the regulations on curatorial activities. According to the data obtained, all universities oblige the curators to familiarize students with the Charter of the university and other local regulatory documents on the organization of educational work, as well as monitor progress. Least of all universities orient the work of curators to assist in the professional and personal self-determination of the student and his subsequent employment.

higher professional education


duties of the curator


1. Borodina E.S. Organization of the work of the student group curator at the university // Bulletin of SUSU. Series “Education. Pedagogical Sciences ". - 2013, volume 5. - No. 3. - P. 77–80.

2. Vasilyeva L.M. Pedagogical conditions for advanced training of curators of a student group in college: author. dis. Cand. ped. sciences. - Stavropol, 2004 .-- 23 p.

3. Gitman EK, Gitman MB, Stolbov V.Yu., Stolbova ID On the concept of developing new federal state educational standards for higher education // Higher education in Russia. - 2014. - No. 5. - S. 46-54.

4. Gitman EK, Mikhailova Yu.V. Formation of the competence "readiness to work in a team" in teaching students a foreign language // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 2. - P. 256.

5. Mandel B.R. Curatorship: the search for meaning and justification // Professional education in Russia and abroad. - 2013- No. 4 (12) - S. 29-36.

6. Recommendations for the organization of the educational process at the university. Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 22.02.2006 No. 06-197. [electronic resource] - Access mode: http://vshu.ru/students/sovet-po-vospitatelnoi-rabote/vhodyaschie-dokumenty/rekome (date of access: 18.10.14).

7. Strategy for the development of youth in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. [electronic resource] - Access mode: http://vmo.rgub.ru/files/project-937-2.pdf (date of access: 18.10.14).

8. Titova G.Yu. The role of the student group curator in the organization of educational work at the university // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. - 2011. - No. 10 - S. 82-84.

The main goal of upbringing in a higher professional educational institution is the formation of "a highly moral, spiritually developed and physically healthy person - a citizen and patriot of Russia, capable of high-quality professional activity and responsibility for decisions." In the works devoted to the study of the educational component of the activity of the university, the curator of the academic group is clearly recognized as a key figure capable of uniting teachers and students in solving educational problems, as well as ensuring the effective formation of general cultural competencies. ...

Today the institute of supervising is going through a period of active scientific theoretical comprehension and implementation into practice. With the establishment in 1903 by the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II "Instructions for Curators of the Tomsk Technological Institute", the curator receives the official status of an official at the university. The basic principles of the curator's work, spelled out more than a century ago, are still relevant to this day, with the only difference that the emphasis in the curator's activities has shifted from “satisfying needs” to assistance in the spiritual and moral formation of the student's personality.

According to L.M. Vasilyeva, “a student group curator is a person who carries out educational activities at a university, who is a spiritual mediator between society, profession and a student in mastering general and professional culture, organizing a system of value relationships through various types of student activities, creating conditions for the development of each personality, protecting interests of students ".

The recommendations on the organization of the educational process at the university (annex to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 22, 2006 N 06-197) spell out the main directions of the activities of the curators of student groups:

  • focus on the successful adaptation of junior students (I-II) to the conditions of study at the university,
  • implementation of the rights and obligations of students,
  • assistance in the spiritual, moral and professional development of the personality of the future specialist.

In the same document, the main responsibilities of the group curator are indicated:

  1. study and analysis of sociological and psychological data about students, their abilities and individual characteristics;
  2. planning and implementation, together with student activists, of educational activities, the formation of organizational skills and abilities, the election of the head of the study group, as well as representatives to student self-government bodies, "co-management", student public organizations;
  3. study and analysis of the socio-psychological climate in the student group, creating an atmosphere of trust, mutual assistance and cooperation in the study group;
  4. ensuring the implementation of the tasks of educational activities in the group.

The listed areas and responsibilities represent only general provisions of the curator's activities. Obviously, this is not enough to organize effective work of the curator with the group in the field. Currently, there is no provision on supervising that is common to all Russian universities. Each university, relying on the normative documents on education, independently develops the "Regulations on curatorial activities", in which it specifies the tasks and prescribes the powers of the supervisor of the student group.

Are all the above recommendations reflected in the duties of the curator of the academic group of Russian universities? What directions in the organization of the educational process within the framework of curatorial activities are considered as priorities? In order to get answers to the questions posed, we carried out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the “Provisions on Curatorial Activities” of 27 randomly selected Russian universities. As a result, 29 of the most common prescriptions were identified, which represent the content of the work of the curator of the academic group. At the next stage, we classified the assigned duties of the curator by areas and calculated as a percentage the frequency of occurrence of each duty in the regulations on curatorial activities in different universities. The data obtained are presented in tables 1-6.

As can be seen from the tables, most universities, first of all, set tasks for the curators related to the implementation of the rights and obligations of students, as well as successful adaptation to the learning environment. All universities oblige the curators to familiarize students with the Charter of the university and the rules for organizing the educational process (96.3%), monitor academic performance in the group (100%), form a close-knit friendly team (88.9%), organize cultural (88.9%) and research (77.8%) activities (Table 1.2).

Table 1

Focus on the implementation of the rights and obligations of students

Familiarization of students with the main local documents on the organization of the educational process at the university, (the Charter of the university, the internal regulations of the university, the rules of residence in a hostel, etc.).

Monitoring the progress of students in the group (current and semester), analysis of the reasons and assistance in eliminating unsatisfactory learning outcomes.

Visiting hostels, monitoring the living conditions of group students (at least once a month). Assistance in improving housing conditions in the hostel.

Assisting students in planning independent work, their implementation of the academic schedule.

Informing orphans, disabled people, low-income students studying in a group about their rights and providing assistance in their implementation.

table 2

Focus on the successful adaptation of students to the conditions of study at the university

Duties of the Academic Group Curator

Help in rallying the team of the group.

Providing assistance in the preparation, conduct and direct participation in cultural and physical culture and health-improving events (Saturday, Sunday).

Implementation of organizational work to attract students to research work.

Selection and appointment of the group's asset, direct participation and assistance in the work of the elders.

Keeping in touch with the parents of the students on a regular basis.

Assisting in the development of student self-government.

Fostering favorable business relationships between faculty and students. In the event of conflict situations, be able to resolve them.

The creation of an atmosphere of trust, mutual assistance, cooperation in a group, the choice of a group asset, the settlement of conflict situations requires the study of the individual psychological characteristics of each student. However, only 55.6% of universities set this task for the curators (Table 3).

Table 3

Study and analysis of sociological and psychological data about students, their abilities and individual characteristics

The document "Strategy for the Development of Youth of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025" outlines the key tasks of the development of our society - "to ensure the security of the Russian state and society, to preserve the state sovereignty of Russia." The solution to this problem should be "the formation of civic consciousness and patriotism of youth, the identity of a citizen of Russia", which is one of the main tasks of education. However, only a quarter of universities believe that this should be the responsibility of the group's curator. Slightly more priority in the work of curators are measures to prevent deviant behavior and promote a healthy lifestyle - 44.4% of the total number of universities surveyed (Table 4).

Table 4

Providing assistance in the spiritual and moral formation of the student's personality

One of the general cultural competencies of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education obliges to form in the graduate of the university "an understanding of the social significance of his future specialty, as well as the desire and readiness for high-quality performance of professional duties." Our research shows that only a third of universities see curatorial activity as a potential for the formation of this competence (Table 5).

Table 5

Assistance in the professional development of the personality of the future specialist

Duties of the Academic Group Curator

Promotion of awareness of the social significance of the profession received by students and the formation of responsibility for the level of knowledge. Carrying out vocational guidance activities.

Fostering a positive attitude towards work, efficiency, honesty and responsibility in business relationships.

Organization of meetings with practitioners.

Providing assistance in professional and personal self-determination.

Assistance in the employment of a young specialist.

In the direction of "ensuring the implementation of the tasks of educational activities in the group" (Table 6), we included responsibilities related to the forms of organization, reporting of curatorial activities, as well as improving the qualifications of the curator. Slightly more than half of the universities believe that the curator should regularly meet with the students entrusted to him (63.0%), inform the dean's office about the state of affairs in the academic group (55.6%), fill out reporting documents (51.9%). The question of self-education is raised only in 37.0% of universities, and the concept of "school of young curators" appears in only 18.5% of the studied documents.

Table 6

Ensuring the implementation of the tasks of educational activities in the group

Duties of the Academic Group Curator

Regular (at least once a week) conducting curatorial hours.

Informing the head of the department and the dean's office about the position in the academic group (at least 1 time per semester).

Systematic filling of the journal "Curator of the Academic Group".

Conducting individual work with students in the form of conversations.

The introduction of new forms and methods of extracurricular work with students, the study of advanced experience.

Visit to the school of curators.

Our study of the duties of a curator in different universities of the Russian Federation allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Requirements of state policy in the field of educational activities at the university are reflected in the Regulations on curatorial activities. However, using the right to independently determine the responsibilities of a curator, universities interpret the priority of certain areas in the upbringing of students in different ways;

2. The most frequently encountered in the provisions on curatorial activities are the duties of a curator (in descending order):

1) control of the progress of students in the group (100%);

2) familiarization of students with the main local documents of the university (96.3%);

3) rendering assistance in the preparation and conduct of cultural and physical culture and health-improving events (88.9%);

4) assistance in rallying the team of the group (88.9%);

5) work to attract students to research work (77.8%).

6) selection and appointment of the group's asset (70.4%);

7) visiting hostels (63.0%);

8) regular curatorial hours (63.0%);

9) informing the dean's office about the situation in the academic group (55.6%);

10) study and analysis of individual psychological and sociological characteristics of students (55.6%);

11) assistance in the development of student self-government (55.6%);

12) regular communication with parents of students (55.6%).

3. Less than 50% of local documents of universities are prescribed as duties for curators:

1) promoting favorable business relationships between teachers and students. In the event of conflict situations, be able to resolve them;

2) knowledge of the living conditions and everyday life of each student: his material, marital status, health, housing;

3) prevention of deviant behavior and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

4) the formation of universal norms of humanistic morality (kindness, mutual understanding, professional ethics, tolerance, etc.), a culture of communication;

5) carrying out individual work with students in the form of conversations.

4. It would seem that such a direction in educational activities at a university as assistance in the professional development of the personality of a future specialist should be spelled out in the documents of all universities. However, only a third of higher schools set this task for the curators. Emphasizing the fact that the main strategic task of higher professional education is to help a student become a highly qualified specialist who owns all the achievements of his chosen profession, we believe that the role of a curator in solving this problem is underestimated.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the purpose of this article is not to establish the reasons for the disagreements in the understanding of the duties of the curator of the academic group in different universities. The results obtained make it necessary to admit that in the context of changing the priority tasks of the education of a modern university, further scientific understanding of the place and role of the institution of supervision in the university is required in order to create optimal conditions for self-development, self-education and self-determination of the student's personality.


Rogozhnikova RA, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University", Perm.

Kosolapova L.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor Head. Department of Pedagogy, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm.

Bibliographic reference

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=16691 (date accessed: 04/29/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The inclusion of the Russian education system in the pan-European Bologna process dictates new requirements for the organization of educational work at the university - to train a competitive specialist. A curator can play a decisive role in this.

The relevance and significance of educational work in the university society in the context of integration into the global educational space not only does not decrease, but increases significantly.

Today, educational work is most often understood as extracurricular work, that is, activities aimed at organizing students' leisure time. The teachers have relinquished responsibility for the education of students, as they say, they have withdrawn themselves. At the same time, the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" establishes that upbringing, along with teaching, is one of the components of education, the essence of which is the development of the student's personality. Consequently, educational activity should be present not only in extracurricular work, but, above all, in the educational process. At the same time, the student's personality can be considered as still in need of management by the teachers, since, according to our observations, the psychological age of many students lags far behind the physiological one. For many, social and civic position, communication, creativity, self-expression still require development. The student continues to develop as a subject of educational activity, and his role as an active participant in his own education is not yet fully understood.

In this regard, it is necessary to formulate the definition of the mission of the teacher not only as a translator of knowledge, but also as an active agent in the education of students at the university.

The institute of supervision, revived in many universities, with the aim of organizing educational work with junior students, presupposes the kind of pedagogical support that is necessary even for adult students. However, throughout the course of study at the university, this support can carry varying degrees of involvement in the life of the student. In the first year, assistance in adaptation is needed, and in the last years, assistance in scientific self-determination is required, and this function can already be performed by scientific supervisors. Thus, a teacher who acts as a curator of a student group is an intermediary between students and the complex structure of the life of the university. Many students note that the curator is more successful in resolving controversial issues about their academic problems. He knows the group and individual students better than other faculty members who teach courses in one year or semester.

A curator is one of the professional functions of a university teacher, associated with pedagogical support of students as adult learners. Therefore, referring supervision to the professional sphere of activity of a university teacher, we believe that his important professional qualities should be pedagogical erudition, pedagogical goal-setting, pedagogical (practical and diagnostic) thinking, pedagogical intuition and foresight, pedagogical observation, pedagogical optimism and resourcefulness, pedagogical reflection ...

The professional role of a curator presupposes an alloy of individual, personal, and actually subjective qualities, the adequacy of which contributes to the successful fulfillment of these professional duties and influences the style of performing the role of a curator.

Curators can purposefully contribute to the process of cultural growth of students, the formation of certain experiences in various situations. You should not understand the curator's work one-sidedly, as only informing and controlling. A curator has many functions, but, first of all, he is a mentor, and in the modern sense - a manager, that is, one who uses the resources and inner potential of other people to achieve specific goals.

In accordance with the tasks that the curators themselves determine, they can be conditionally divided into several types.

  • Curator-"informant"- assumes that his only task is the timely transmission of the necessary information to students (about the schedule, about any events, etc.). He does not consider it necessary to delve into the life of the group, considering the students to be adults and independent.
  • Curator - "organizer"- considers it necessary to organize the life of the group with the help of any extracurricular activities (evenings, trips to the theater, etc.) In his duties, he also includes participation in the election of the headman, feels responsibility for the interpersonal conflicts in the group and tries to be involved in their resolution ...
  • Curator - "psychotherapist"- takes personal problems of students very close to heart, is ready to listen to their revelations, tries to help with advice. He spends a lot of his personal time on psychological support of students, establishes too close contacts and risks emotional exhaustion, since he is provided with student problems around the clock.
  • Curator - "parent"- takes on a parental role in relation to students. He controls them too much, often deprives them of the initiative. Solves the family and personal affairs of students, but not from the point of view of psychological support, but as a controlling parent, requiring complete submission to his decisions. Most often these are people of the older age group, and in their relations with students they refer to their life experience.
  • Curator - "buddy"- is interested in how the student group lives, he tries to take part in many group activities. Students accept the curator as a member of the group, he is respected, but he often lacks the necessary distance in order to make demands when necessary. Most often, this type of supervisor includes young teachers or graduate students who fulfill this role.
  • Curator - "carefree student"- does not consider it necessary to perform any duties, does not clearly represent the range of his tasks. He is only formally considered a curator, often without even imagining a student group.
  • Curator - "administrator"- his main task is to inform the administration about student passes, keeps track of attendance. Mainly performs a controlling function, but, unlike the parent-curator, performs it formally, without personal interest and involvement in the interests of the student group.

The dominant features of each type exclude the optimal implementation of all the necessary functions of the curator and strengthen only one. In addition, the "psychotherapist" and "parent" interfere with the personal life of students, which is unacceptable and causes protest from their side regarding supervision in general. The “carefree student” reinforces the view of others that the curator is a “blank space” and there is no need to introduce their responsibilities.

The key to the success of curatorial work is the interest of the university administration, which today refers to this type of activity as a formal duty of a teacher. In our opinion, today there is an urgent need for mechanisms for selecting curators from the total number of teachers, administrative measures to motivate curators, mechanisms for effective training and control of their activities. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the curators are interested in conscientious work.

The work of a curator as a type of professional pedagogical activity has such characteristics as purposefulness and motivation. However, its main characteristic is productivity. In accordance with this criterion, we have identified the levels of professional and pedagogical activity of the student group curator.

1st level - unproductive... The curator invites students to apply themselves on issues of interest to them, without showing initiative and interest.

2nd level - unproductive... The curator is ready to help the applied students, ready to take the initiative, but he does not always have enough knowledge for a psychological analysis of the situation and understanding the needs of students to resolve acute issues and conflicts. Sometimes, by virtue of intuition, he acts successfully and in accordance with the situation.

3rd level - average productive... The curator possesses some methods of organization and unsystematic knowledge in the field of psychophysiological characteristics of the age of students, their needs and methods of teaching, the peculiarities of resolving some conflict situations. But he does not seek to replenish his knowledge in this area, they are fragmentary and unsystematic.

4th level - productive... The curator has the necessary knowledge, applies it and seeks to replenish it, understanding the need in connection with emerging difficult situations. Does not go beyond the scope of their formal duties.

5th level - highly productive... The curator considers difficult situations as a task for the development of students and self-development. He not only constantly replenishes his knowledge in order to apply it, but also creatively approaches the current situations, often organizes developing situations for students himself.

  1. informative(assumes the responsibility of the curator for the timely receipt by students of the information they need regarding educational and extracurricular activities);
  2. organizational(assumes the structuring of the extracurricular life of the student group by the curator);
  3. communicative(providing and maintaining a favorable psychological atmosphere in the supervised student group, structuring intragroup relations, direct participation in the life of the group as a formal leader);
  4. controlling(administrative);
  5. creative(involves the expansion of the curator's activities in connection with his individual needs and abilities).

These functions also outline the responsibilities of the curator. Only the last, creative function presupposes not so much the responsibility of the curator as his desire to be involved in the events of the life of the student group from the inside. The control function, if abused, can oppose the student and the supervisor.

In the educational process of the university, it is necessary to comply with the conditions under which educational work will be effective:

  1. reliable and covering all students diagnostics of the effectiveness of their professional and personal development, systematic monitoring of the level of formation of the most important personal and professional qualities of future specialists;
  2. real differentiation and individualization of professional education, based on the results of monitoring the professional and personal development of students;
  3. the curator must be familiar with the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of students, with the peculiarities of their need-motivational sphere, with the psychology of interpersonal interaction and the psychology of the study group;
  4. future specialists should be presented with standards, samples that set the bar for the student's requirements for himself as a representative of his profession;
  5. real conditions for self-assessment must be provided for comparing oneself with others, the formation on this basis of one's own prospects for professional and personal growth;
  6. the student must see and understand the dynamics of positive and sustainable professional and personal development, he himself must evaluate how close he is to the standard set by him;
  7. a number of options for socially useful professional-oriented practical activity should be offered;
  8. the curator needs to include each student in socially useful activities, in the classes of creative teams and public associations, in the work of various clubs, associations and detachments;
  9. real opportunities and incentives must be created for the active interaction of the future specialist with culture and art, for him to master the best examples of artistic creativity, and to comprehend culture.

Forms of work with a group can be different: from richly informational (conversation, story, curator's hour, meetings, etc.) to collective creative affairs of various types. The place and forms of conducting a joint business contribute to the realization of the maximum possibilities of interpersonal pedagogical communication.

To assess the quality of teachers' participation in educational work, we have developed indicators characterizing the participation of a teacher in educational work. These include:

  1. supervision or mentoring (scientific leadership);
  2. organizing visits to museums, exhibitions, theaters, cinemas, holding round tables, etc. at the level of a group, course, faculty, hostel, university;
  3. organization of leisure circles for students, interest clubs, scientific circles, scientific or subject Olympiads, sections, etc.;
  4. preparation of students for participation in creative competitions, olympiads, sports competitions at the level of the university, city and region, Russia, international;
  5. preparation of students who received 1-3 places in creative competitions, olympiads, sports competitions at the level of the university, city and region, Russia, international;
  6. participation of students of the supervised group in mass sports and cultural events held at the level of the university, city and region, Russia;
  7. participation of students of the supervised group in the organization of sanitary and environmental clean-ups at the university;
  8. publications of teachers in the media on the problems of educating young people at the level of the university, city and region, Russia;
  9. participation of the teacher in the development of teaching aids, information booklets on the problems of organizing educational work at the university;
  10. the absence among the students of the supervised group of cases of violation of the rules of the internal order of the university, an administrative offense, a criminal offense;
  11. vocational guidance work of teachers with future applicants.


  1. Educational values ​​and orientations of Voronezh students. Ed. A.I. Veretskaya, A.P. Dyakov. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2006 .-- 123 p.
  2. Notebook of the curator of the student group: guidelines for organizing the educational activities of the curator / O.V. Grishaev, M.V. Shcherbakov. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University, 2009. - 134 p.

Every day more and more people hear the word curator. This profession is becoming more and more relevant today and penetrates into various spheres of human activity. This is directly related to the goal that this specialist has. "Curator"- a person observing the processes of work or other actions. In simple terms, these are people who follow the work and try to help both employees and management. There are similar Russian words - coach, mentor.

History of origin

The first need for curators appeared in the Renaissance, when universities began to gain widespread popularity. More and more students studied in them and the workload of professors was more and more. At the same time, new students had to be looked after and explained to them the rules of behavior, to monitor students' visits to libraries. The profession is firmly entrenched in the educational environment, mainly due to the high value of books and other teaching materials. Curators still exist at universities.

In what areas can there be curators?

Nowadays, curators appear in almost all areas of activity, but the most common are:

  • Doctors;
  • Banking;
  • Investment;
  • Business;
  • Academic;
  • Political.

For example, we can consider what functions are performed by representatives of this type of activity in different areas.

Business curator

In this segment, curators are simply irreplaceable. Basically, this role is taken on by managers. They provide some useful functions:

  • Support employees with many responsibilities.
  • Inform managers about the progress of the work being performed.
  • Provide employees with everything they need.

To accomplish these tasks, a person applying for the position of a curator must have leadership and communication qualities. Be able to fully devote yourself to work at any time. He must plan operations and sales quickly and efficiently. And the most important thing is to be able to maintain a team spirit among employees and try to increase their productivity. In addition, the person must be energetic and hardworking. It is imperative to have ongoing communication with senior management. Also, the candidate must be associated with one of the following areas:

  • Sales.
  • Operations.
  • Product development.
  • Marketing.
  • Finance.

As you can see, curators really do a lot and are extremely useful people for effective business management. And it's hard to argue with that.

Curator at the university

In the field of education, this profession was born and remains very important to this day. Now no student can imagine life in a university without a curator. After all, absolutely each of them knows that for all the questions that have arisen that you cannot find an answer to on your own, you can contact the curator of your group. This person will never give up at a difficult moment, will help to resolve the conflict with the teacher, will tell you how to find an approach to the majority of university employees. This was just one type of curators who work in universities.

In addition to it, there are three more categories:

  1. Delivering information to students. They do not interfere directly with the educational process. Their main task is to inform students on time about changes in the schedule, transfer of pairs, dates of medical examinations and any other events. The most common and every student knows about them.
  2. Organizing events. These people are constantly engaged in student life outside of school. They take part in creating meetings with interesting people, excursions, student balls and competitions. They try to diversify and fill the time after pairs as much as possible. They are also responsible for preventing discord and conflict between students.
  3. Curator of psychological assistance. The priority is to solve problems of a personal nature among students. Listening to problems and helping with words is their job. He tries to become the best friend for every student. Spends most of his time talking.

A few examples of curating

Until recently, in Russia, curators were distributed only in the educational direction and the field of art. The latter, by the way, became the progenitors of business curators. Their responsibilities include:

  • Creation of a general concept of the project.
  • Development of a development strategy.
  • Gathering a group of craftsmen for the created concept.
  • Organization of conditions for the implementation of the project.

From all this, we can conclude that a curator is a profession in demand in the modern world. This area is developing rapidly. Their popularity is growing rapidly in various spheres of society. Their number is growing every day, and the requirements for candidates are becoming more stringent. But despite this, absolutely anyone can find a place. After all, everyone needs them, from small and medium-sized businesses to educational institutions. Very soon, the practice of supervising will spread to Russian schools, since the beginning has already been made.

In a kindergarten - a teacher, in a school - a class teacher, and in a university - a curator. All these people become second parents, because they empathize with each of their wards and strive to improve their academic performance in every possible way.

A curator at the university is a highly respected person to whom the academic group comes for advice, help and respects like no one else. This is not an official position, but each teacher treats it with special responsibility.

What is a curator?

So, curator Is a teacher at a university who is assigned to lead one of the academic groups in the department, like the classroom teacher in a school. To obtain this position, additional education is not required, but such a combination is paid for by a tangible increase in wages.

Not every teacher has the desire to become a curator, and this is easily explained. In addition to the increase in wages, he receives additional worries and not always independent students who tire them with their eternal visits and sometimes stupid questions.

Curatorship is more of a vocation than an easy way to earn extra money, which is why many applicants voluntarily refuse such a fate.

The head of the department or the dean does not insist on this position, but rather consults with the teaching staff who are ready to take on such responsibility. Appoint those who wish, or the most responsible, who will take this position seriously and cannot refuse.

As practice shows, supervision in modern students is a thankless task, since university students become independent too early and do not need additional help from a teacher.

Moreover, they systematically skip his meetings, ignore the summons to the pulpit and are completely confident that they will do without such care.

Informal responsibilities of a curator

The curator receives a salary supplement, therefore, he must be sure to work with his academic group, and not just be registered with it.

Among the main duties of this teacher - educator, it is worth highlighting the following:

1. Provide valuable and useful information to students... The task of the curator is to inform the group about social, organizational and other events at which their attendance is required. In addition, he offers excursion programs, reminds of the mandatory medical examination, and also informs about all debts and wishes of the dean's office. He is ready to answer any question, and he simply must know all his students by sight.

2. Appoints the headman... As a rule, the advice of the curator is clearly followed, therefore, if he recommends a particular student for the role of headman, then he will be sure to listen to him. In the future, the headman more often than others contacts the curator, acting as an intermediary and executor.

3. Organizes cultural and entertainment events... As you know, student life is remembered for a long time, so to make this period memorable and meaningful, you need to arrange discos, parties, tea parties and other entertainment events for the academic group as often as possible.

The task of the curator is to think over the script together with the students, decorate the premises and even act as a presenter (co-host) at this holiday.

4. Become a friend, assistant and subtle psychologist for students, who will always understand the problem and give good advice. To whom, if not to the curator, to go with their difficulties, especially since this person will always find the right words to support and cheer up the ward who has fallen in spirit.

He always perceives the problems of the academic group as his own, therefore, he worries and cares for his students with his soul.

5. Contact the student's parents as needed... If a student of a university considers himself too independent and independent, then problems in his studies cannot be avoided.

This is already a pattern that repeats itself from year to year, from one session to the next. So here it is simply necessary to convey to the parents real information about the problems of their child, so that they somehow influence his behavior and show participation in his further education.

In general, the fate of a curator is not easy, and in order to become a worthy assistant and reliable friend, it is very important not only to earn universal trust, but also to earn genuine authority in the minds of the entire academic group. But how to do that?

How to Become a Good Curator?

If you think that the appointment of a curator is the process of becoming an authority, then you are greatly mistaken. A curator is more of an informal leader, to whom students are drawn of their own free will, and not at the insistence of a strict and demanding dean's office. But how to become that “shirt” into which all the charges will voluntarily cry?

1. Students should be treated on an equal footing, and not demonstrate their obvious leadership. Such leaders, as a rule, are feared and avoided, but a good friend will be appreciated, respected and trusted with all their secrets and experiences. So make the choice yourself, who to be for your wards?

2. The opinion of students should always be listened to, thereby showing complete equality. If this trait "manager - subordinate" is erased, then it will be fun and interesting to communicate with the curator. Students themselves will come to visit him during breaks, and not hide under the stairs or in the toilet.

3. Do not worry parents without reason, as such mediation is clearly not to the liking of students. First, you need to discuss all the problems with your ward, and only if he cannot solve them on his own, seek help from his parents. This should be the last option for rescuing a drowning man.

4. You should not scold your students in the dean's office, but, on the contrary, try to protect and mitigate the punishment. Of course, this approach will not solve a lot, but the academic group will be glad that the curator remains on their side.

5. You need to communicate more with students and preferably in an informal setting. For this, there are social events, for example, camping, hiking, and other entertainment, ideal for the entire academic group.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but in a month, relations with students will be established in an arc, and they can be safely called comradely.

Responsibilities of the curator of the academic group

After the appointment, the curator receives a job description, which describes in detail all of his direct responsibilities. They must be memorized or even learned by heart, and in the future they must unswervingly follow these instructions.

So, the curator should:

Find an individual approach to each student;

Study the personal file of each student of his academic group;

Help students adapt to student life;

To acquaint the student with the peculiarities of the educational process at the university;

Monitor the progress of students in their academic group;

Organize cultural and social events on a regular basis;

To instill a love of students for sports and a healthy lifestyle;

Arrange excursions, trips to museums, hiking trips and other educational activities;

Inform parents about the student's progress;

Create a friendly relationship between students in your academic group;

Maintain a special journal of the curator;

Inform the head of the department about all the needs and achievements of their students;

Supervise the residence of nonresident students in the hostel;

Each semester prepare a report on the curatorial work done;

Conduct thematic seminars or meetings of students of their academic group once every two weeks;

Solve all student problems, not only those related to study and academic performance.

Now it is clear why the curator receives an additional salary bonus, but, to be honest, there is a lot of work, and the income is not so significant.

That is why, before agreeing to supervise an academic group, it is recommended that you carefully read the job description and mentally figure out whether you can cope with this, while you cannot throw pairs in your main subject.

Relationship between the curator and students

Each student knows that a curator is assigned to his academic group. However, he does not always turn to him for help and support.

There are such incredible cases when university students do not know their curator by sight, and his surname in an academic journal does not tell them anything at all. Here we can safely say that the curator, who himself ignores his group and is not interested in the concerns of his wards, is clearly to blame for such alienation.

There is another type of tutors who simply stifle students with their guardianship and increased attention. One wants to hide and escape from such an assistant and mentor, so the audience at his meetings is mostly empty. Obsession is a dangerous feeling that causes irritation and a desire to turn invisible.

That is why a "golden mean" is required, where the curator will be interested in the life of his wards, but at the same time he will wait until he is personally asked for help. Students are adults, so they should definitely be given a chance to solve their problems on their own.

Conclusion: It is necessary to be not just a curator, it is important to become a CURATOR with a capital letter, because students will turn to this even after graduation. A good attitude is not forgotten, and over time it can develop into a real friendship.

Now you know who is the curator of the group.

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