Research activity as a condition for the teacher's self-development. International student scientific bulletin

Alexey Pavlov, Director, MBOU "Secondary School No. 9", Birsk [email protected]

Management of research activities at school as a condition for the development of teachers: materials from the experience of the school director

Abstract: The author of the article shares his experience in organizing research activities at school, which contributes to the development of teachers. Key words: research culture; research activities; analytical, reflective, monitoring, design, predictive skills of teachers.

The changes taking place in modern society require the accelerated improvement of the educational process, the definition of educational goals, taking into account state, social and personal needs and interests. The research work of teachers is one of the indispensable components of the successful development of an educational institution. Possession of a research culture is a necessary characteristic of a modern specialist in the field of education. It is research skills that are necessary for a modern teacher to work effectively in a rapidly changing world. In order to competently lead the scientific work of schoolchildren, a teacher must have his own practice of performing work of this kind. The concept of "creativity" in the activities of a teacher is associated with the concept of "pedagogical experience", which presupposes the understanding by the teacher of a large fund of pedagogical facts and phenomena. All this is accumulated in a more effective use of teaching and education tools for schoolchildren, methods and techniques of teaching, forms of organizing research and educational activities of students. Creativity in the work of a teacher involves his ability to work with scientific and scientific-methodical literature and independently carry out scientific research. The system of work on the organization and implementation of the research activities of teachers contains the following sections: -determination of the knowledge and skills of the teacher-researcher; -planning of activities for training school teachers in the field of research; -development of a model of research activities in school; -selection of problems for conducting pedagogical research; -determination the content of work within the framework of the main forms and types of research activities; -determining the forms of reporting on research; -management decisions on the organization and implementation of NID for teachers. The school administration saw its task in helping the teacher master basic knowledge and skills in the field of research. Therefore, we have planned the work of training seminars and workshops related to the organization of research activities, the improvement and development of analytical, reflective, monitoring, design, predictive skills of teachers. Any research work begins with the choice of a research topic. The choice of the topic of school research work is an important and very crucial moment. The teacher must be literate enough, have a broad outlook, and have creative qualities in order to identify a problem, formulate a research topic, and determine its novelty and practical significance. A leader proposing a research topic to a child must have a good idea of ​​what the direction of the future scientific search is, what problem needs to be solved. The topic should be interesting to the child and close to the teacher. In addition, the topic must be feasible, its solution must bring real benefits to the research participants; it must have scientific novelty, relevance and practical significance. It is important to understand that “idea” and “novelty” are not the same thing. Quite often, an innovation in work does not contain any rational idea. Finding a research topic is a very difficult moment for a teacher. First, many disciplines require observations and experiments directly carried out on the territory of the research object. This type of activity is very valuable for the development of exploratory behavior and in terms of acquiring new information about the world. Theoretical research focused on the study of facts, materials contained in various theoretical sources, we refer to works of the abstract plan and often do not admit to the competition, since almost always they do not contain novelty and independent conclusions. However, theoretical scientific research in the scientific world is recognized as the most difficult. After all, mental processing of information is a highly intelligent analytical and at the same time creative activity. Theory forms a unified, general, and therefore economical way of solving the problem. Here, the researcher (child) is often required to have an interest in analysis and synthesis, the ability to classify and categorize, developed associative thinking and intuition. Therefore, carrying out theoretical research is available to highly gifted students. It is necessary to avoid incorrect formulation of the topic and title of the work. It is unlikely that the topics: "Volcanoes" or "Nature of Africa" ​​will allow the young researcher to competently organize the performance of the work. Most likely, such work will turn out to be abstract or overloaded with a large amount of literary material that is not directly related to the purpose of the research. It is advisable to connect the research topic with the territory where the student lives, or with the area that he was able to visit during the expedition. Indeed, it is in these conditions that the student will have access to the empirical research methods necessary to complete the work. It is good if already at the initial formulation of the topic it begins with the words: analysis, comparison, study, influence, definition, identification, etc. The topic of the work should be consonant with the purpose of the work and its tasks, determined before the start of work. Often, after the end of the work, during its preparation for the presentation, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to choose a bright and colorful name that attracts the attention of the reader to the work. This does not take into account one of the significant differences between artistic and scientific work. If the name really plays a major role in fiction and journalistic literature, then in scientific literature it should clearly reflect the essence of the work done, characterize the direction of the research. Not suitable for scientific work titles: "Rivers and Civilization" or "Caves: Destroy or Admire." And the work in which the number of cars passing through the streets of the city was calculated per day cannot be called "Identifying the impact of urban transport on the environment." A special scientific laboratory, and not a 9th grade student, can perform work with such a name over the course of a number of years. The discrepancy between the title and the topic of the research leaves the reader with the feeling that the author does not understand well what he did after all. The topic of the work is supported by a working hypothesis. Undoubtedly, in the process of performing the work, both the hypothesis and the set of tasks necessary for solving the problems can change. However, at any given moment, the author of the work must understand exactly what and for what purpose he is doing. Substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic is the initial stage of any research. As applied to educational research work, the concept of "relevance" has one feature: the choice and formulation of the topic characterize the scientific maturity and competence of the researcher. Explanation of relevance should be laconic. There is no particular need to start describing it from afar - the main thing is to show the essence of the problem situation. The formulation of the problem situation is an important part of the introduction. Any scientific research is carried out in order to overcome difficulties in the process of learning new phenomena, to explain previously unknown facts or to reveal the incompleteness of old ways of explaining known facts. Therefore, it makes sense to dwell on the concept of "problem" in more detail. The problem arises when the old knowledge has already revealed its inconsistency, and the new has not yet taken a developed form. Thus, a problem in science is a controversial situation that needs to be resolved. This situation most often arises as a result of the discovery of new facts that do not fit into the framework of previous theoretical concepts. The correct formulation and clear formulation of new problems is essential. They, if not entirely, then to a very large extent determine the strategy of research in general and the direction of scientific research in particular. It is no accident that it is generally accepted that to formulate a scientific problem means to show the ability to separate the main from the secondary, to find out what is already known and what is still unknown to science about the subject of research. Separate studies aim to develop the provisions put forward by one or another scientific school. The topics of such studies can be very narrow, which does not diminish their relevance. The purpose of such works is to solve particular problems within the framework of one or another already sufficiently tested concept. The relevance of such scientific works as a whole should be assessed from the point of view of the conceptual attitude that the researcher adheres to, or the scientific contribution that he makes to its development. From proving the relevance of the chosen topic, it is logical to move to the formulation of the goal of the research undertaken, as well as indicate specific tasks, to be addressed. This is usually done in the form of an enumeration (study, describe, establish, find out, derive a formula, etc.). Next, the object and subject of research are determined. An object is a process or phenomenon chosen for study. A subject is something that is within the boundaries of an object. The object and subject of research as a category of the scientific process are related to each other as general and particular. The part that serves as the subject of research is highlighted in the object. The main attention of the researcher is directed to him. In the context of new requirements for the quality of education, the introduction of new generation standards in our school, the system of work on managing the quality of education, according to the system of assessing educational results, was revised. The work of each teacher on the use of modern teaching technologies, on improving the skills to create conditions for launching processes is subordinated to the scientific and methodological theme of the school: "The use of research technologies as a way to develop the creative abilities of students in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard." School teachers are open to everything new, understanding child psychology and developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, knowing their subject well. Our main task is to reveal the abilities of each student, educate a decent and patriotic person, a person ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. We build training so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals, skillfully respond to different life situations. Each lesson is built on the use of innovative health-saving technologies: design, modular, research. A systematic activity approach is carried out, ICT is applied. In our educational institution, the following structural subdivisions of the methodological service have been created, which have a specific focus of activity, perform certain functions and tasks: pedagogical council, methodological council, subject departments, methodological associations of teachers, creative groups of teachers. Forms of scientific and methodological work. are determined by the structure of the methodological service, the relationship of all its links. One of the most important forms of the school's methodological service is work on a single methodological topic "The use of research technologies as a way to develop students' creative abilities in the context of the transition to FSES." In order to present the results and the way of moving up the ladder of personal growth of all subjects of education (so that students achieve the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and teachers have professional competence aimed at organizing the educational process that ensures the achievement of results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard), the Portfolio technology was identified as a possible an additional tool, with the help of which a visual picture is formed, reflecting the system for assessing the quality of education. In the classroom, teachers strive, using the content of the subject, using modern teaching technologies, to form educational activities, to motivate the interest of children, to develop the potential of each student. The main goal of the methodological council is to continuously improve the qualifications of the teacher. Methodical advice:

coordinates and controls the work of methodological associations uniting teachers of various specialties;

discusses topical problems, on the solution of which the effectiveness and efficiency of training and education of students of an educational institution depends;

considers innovations, innovations, innovations presented by the leaders of methodological associations, analyzing their progress, results;

analyzes the results of the work of methodological associations;

assists the heads of methodological associations in the study of the effectiveness of work;

contributes to the improvement of the professional skills of teachers, the growth of their creative potential. All these areas are relevant and significant for our educational institution. This system of innovation activity is unified and aimed at creating a holistic personality-oriented educational space of the school. Teachers of our educational institution actively use information and communication technologies. The use of ICT allows you to make the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated and individual. Therefore, teachers in the creative group develop electronic accompaniment to lessons, guidelines for using a computer as an operational means of visualization in teaching, an assistant in organizing the consolidation of the studied material, conducting a survey and monitoring the knowledge of schoolchildren in order to shift the center of gravity from verbal teaching methods to methods of search and creative activity teachers and students. The system of innovative activities organized in our school is unified, aimed at creating a holistic personality-oriented educational space of the school and contributes to the development of teachers.

References to sources 1. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. Moscow, Pedagogy, 1991 2. Galanov A.B. "New information technologies for subject teachers: a textbook", Ufa, BIRO, 2004.3. R.S. Nemov. Fundamentals of General Psychology. M., "Vlados", 2001.4. Pedagogical technologies: textbook / Authors. T.P. Salnikova. –M .: TC Sphere, 2005.5. Development program: experience of an innovative institution. // authored by L.P. Makarova, E.L. Gordiyash, Volgograd, 2008.6.O.V. Lebedeva, I.V. Grebenev "Design and organization of research activities of students in the educational process", Moscow: Pedagogy, 2013 , No. 8.


The article examines the place and role of research activity as a component in the structure of pedagogical activity. The concept of "pedagogical activity", its essence and structure are being clarified. The essence and structure of the teacher's creative activity as the basis of research activity is determined. The research abilities of the teacher are considered and, based on the works of scientists, the authors identify the basic criteria for the manifestation of the research abilities of a modern teacher. The authors come to the conclusion that research activity is an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher, ensuring the organization of all its other types. Research activity as a component in the structure of pedagogical activity affects the development of the teacher's professional competence, the formation and development of the teacher's personality as an active subject of his own activity, capable of self-realization and self-actualization.

research abilities and skills

creative activity research activity of a teacher

pedagogical activity

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Modern cardinal transformations in society, a change in socio-cultural priorities, a change in the goal and content of education require the teacher to reorient his consciousness to the research nature of pedagogical activity.

The modern educational environment predetermines the need to change the requirements for the qualifications of teachers. The new system for assessing all subjects of the educational process, strengthening the connection between educational practice and science, call on teachers to comprehend their own activities from a scientific standpoint, to master the skills of research activities.

The need to include a teacher in research activities is justified in the works of a number of domestic scientists (Zagvyazinsky V.I., Kraevsky V.V., Kuzmina N.V., Novikov A.M., Skatkin M.N., etc.).

According to the official documents of the European Commission, the decisive factors of competitiveness in a constantly changing world are precisely research activities, which are designed to help overcome the functional mismatch between the education system and the challenges of the time, adapt to the teacher in a constantly changing range of functional responsibilities, and actualize interest in personal and professional self-development.

In order to determine the place and role of research activity as a component in the structure of a teacher's activity, it is necessary to clarify the concept of "pedagogical activity" and consider its essence and structure.

Pedagogical activity is understood as activity to create conditions for self-development and self-education of people. Pedagogical activity is a complex system of a number of activities. In contrast to the accepted in psychology understanding of activity as a multilevel system, the components of which are purpose, motives, actions and result, in relation to pedagogical activity, consideration of its components as relatively independent functional types of teacher's activity prevails. It was this idea that received the methodological form in the theory of activity formulated by A.N. Leontyev. ...

Thus, a feature of pedagogical activity is its polyfunctionality. There are enough grounds for such a structuring of pedagogical activity in science.

So, Kuzmina N.V. claims that pedagogical activity includes general pedagogical and professional pedagogical orientation, Rachenko I.P. considers pedagogical activity "as one of the types of labor where the teacher and students interact (the latter act not only as objects, but also as subjects of activity), material and spiritual means, working conditions." According to Yu.N. Kuljutkin, the peculiarity of pedagogical activity lies in the fact that it is “meta-activity”, that is, the activity of organizing other activity, namely the educational activity of students.

Kuzmina N.V., examining the psychological structure of pedagogical activity, identifies four functional components: gnostic, constructive, organizational and communicative. However, subsequent studies have shown that it is necessary to separate the design and design components, and, thus, the description of pedagogical activity is based on a five-component structure. Kharlamov I.F., Mizherikov V.A., Ermolenko M.N. formulate such functions of pedagogical activity as: diagnostic, orientational-prognostic, constructive-design, organizational, information-explanatory, communicative-stimulating, analytical-evaluative, research-creative. Scientists understand the research and creative function as a function that requires a teacher to have a scientific approach to various pedagogical phenomena, the ability to conduct a scientific search and use research methods, including analysis and generalization of their own experience and the experience of colleagues.

The creative activity of the teacher is of particular importance in the analysis of pedagogical activity. Considering the teacher's creative activity as the basis of research activity, and the ability to creative activity as one of the qualities of the teacher's personality necessary in research activity, we need to turn to those approaches in which an attempt is made to explain the phenomenon of creative activity. An analysis of the essence of creative activity showed that some researchers consider it as the creation of new, original values ​​of social significance (Rubinstein S.L.), while others - as the creation of something new, including in the inner world of the subject itself (Vygotsky L. .S.), The third - as a source and mechanism of movement (Ponomarev Ya.A.).

Thus, if a teacher has an activity aimed at understanding and solving problems that constantly arise in the pedagogical process, and also involving the creation of something new, different from the existing one, including in the inner world of the subject of activity itself, then this activity can be classified as creative.

Creative activity Luk A.N. subdivides into artistic and scientific, Makhmutov M.I. - scientific, practical and artistic, while creativity is identified with scientific research, which includes all stages of creative activity.

The analysis allows us to conclude that creative activity is a necessary condition of the pedagogical process and an objective professional necessity in the teacher's activity, and research activity as a component of pedagogical activity refers to the scientific type of teacher's creative activity, the result of which is new material and spiritual values ​​that have social significance.

The structure of creative pedagogical activity, considered by V.A. Kan-Kalik, acquires great theoretical significance. and Nikandrov ND, who distinguish four levels of pedagogical creativity: reproductive level - the level of reproduction of ready-made recommendations, mastering what has been created by others; the level of optimization, characterized by a skillful choice and an appropriate combination of known methods and forms of teaching; heuristic level - the search for something new, enrichment of the known by its own findings; a research, personally independent level, when the teacher himself produces ideas and constructs the pedagogical process, creates new ways of pedagogical activity that correspond to his creative individuality.

Thus, creative activity at the highest, research, level is impossible without realizing the role of pedagogical scientific knowledge as a source of pedagogical creativity. We are close to the position of V.I. Zagvyazinsky, who claims that “mastering the laws of learning and personality development, methods and techniques of pedagogical search, the ability to consider pedagogical knowledge and guesswork, norm and search, plan and improvisation a condition for the transition from spontaneous intuitive to conscious, planned, scientifically grounded pedagogical creativity. " A scientist, examining the creative activity of a teacher, comes to the conclusion that the research and creative activity of a teacher is inseparable. There is always a research element in the activity of a creative teacher. “It is the research element,” notes VI Zagvyazinsky, “that brings scientific research and educational process closer together. The research principle fertilizes practical pedagogical activity, and the latter contributes to scientific creativity. In practical activity, research elements are very strong and essential, making it akin to scientific research. "

Subsequently Zagvyazinsky V.AND. distinguishes an independent research function of a teacher in the structure of pedagogical activity: "Educational institutions have a new function - research and search, the implementation of which gives a creative character to pedagogical work." The teacher must fulfill the functions of not only a teacher, mentor, educator, but also a researcher, a pioneer of new principles, methods of teaching and upbringing, combine traditions with innovations, strict algorithms with creative search ... became focused and professional. " Thus, Zagvyazinsky V.AND. distinguishes research activity as an independent component of pedagogical activity.

V.V. Kraevsky suggests that not only a scientist, but also every teacher-practitioner should be able to give a scientific description of their pedagogical actions and justification at the level of the phenomenon and even at the level of essence. At the same time, the scientist focuses not only on research, but on research and creative activity, since the difference between a teacher (scientist-practitioner) and a scientist-theorist lies in the fact that the teacher not only examines a particular process, phenomenon, but also embodies it into practice, being the creator of his own research idea. Only in this way, according to V.V. Kraevsky, it is possible to move from "cognitive description to normative".

Singling out research activity as one of the structural components of pedagogical activity, Kraevsky V.V. draws attention to the fact that in order to include a teacher in research activities, his special training is necessary.

To carry out research activities, the teacher needs appropriate abilities, manifested in skills.

So, under research abilities Savenkov A.I. understands individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of research activities. The scientist proposes to consider the structure of research abilities as a complex of three relatively autonomous components:

  • search activity, characterizes the motivational component of research abilities;
  • divergent thinking is characterized by productivity, flexibility of thinking, originality, the ability to develop ideas in response to a problem situation;
  • convergent thinking is closely related to the gift to solve a problem based on logical algorithms, through the ability to analyze and synthesize.

Egorova T.A. treats research ability like individual psychological characteristics of a person, ensuring the success and quality of originality of the process of searching, acquiring and comprehending new information. Search activity is the foundation of research ability.

Novikov A.M. examines research skills in accordance with the stages of research: identifying the problem; formulation of the problem; formulation of a goal; hypothesis construction; definition of tasks; development of an experiment program; data collection (accumulation of facts, observations, evidence); analysis and synthesis of the collected data; comparison of data and inferences; preparation and writing of messages; presentation with a message; rethinking the results in the course of answering questions; hypothesis testing; building generalizations; drawing conclusions.

Based on the ideas of A.I. Savenkov and Novikov A.M., we distinguish the following basic criteria for the manifestation of research abilities: the ability to see the problem and translate it into a research task; the ability to put forward a hypothesis, generate as many ideas as possible in response to a problem situation; the ability to define concepts, classify; the ability to analyze, draw conclusions and conclusions; the ability to explain, prove and defend their ideas.

In the studies of V.I. Andreev, A.I. Kochetov, N.V. Kukhareva, V.S. Reshetko. the problem of the manifestation of research abilities and skills in the teacher's activities is reflected, which confirms the correctness of the criteria we have chosen that determine the research abilities of a teacher.

So, Kochetov A.I. in his research comes to the conclusion that “every teacher can create a researcher out of himself and form in himself: non-standard pedagogical thinking; the ability to foresee, predict the consequences of the adopted pedagogical measures; objectivity of the mind, that is, finding the causes of failures and preventing them in the future; the ability to create different methods for solving the same pedagogical problem; analytical approach to any pedagogical problem; contact method of interaction with children ".

N. V. Kukharev and Reshetko V.S., studying the creative activity of a teacher, note that the formation of a professional teacher begins with his ability to analyze his own activities, the ability to measure the results of his work and substantiate the process that affects the achievement of quality indicators in activities. The leading sign of professionalism, according to N.V. Kukharev, is the teacher's ability to investigate the quality of practical activity.

Thus, research activity is an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher, ensuring the organization of all its other types, influencing the development of the teacher's professional competence and serving as a means of this development; activities aimed at the formation and development of the teacher's personality as an active subject of his own activity, capable of self-realization and self-actualization; activity based on the internal cognitive need and activity of the subject, and aimed, on the one hand, at cognition, at the search for new knowledge for solving educational problems, on the other hand at (re) production, at improving the educational process in accordance with the goals of modern education; an activity in the process of which the formation and development of the most important mental functions occurs, a significant increase in research skills and abilities for research, learning and development.


Shumeiko A.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector, Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Sedova N.E., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional Education, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Amur State Humanitarian Pedagogical University", Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Bibliographic reference

Rybaleva I.A., Tuleykina M.M. PLACE AND ROLE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY AS A COMPONENT IN THE STRUCTURE OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 6 .;
URL: (date accessed: 04/29/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

In the context of the widespread introduction of innovations into educational institutions, the role of the teacher as a direct bearer of innovative ideas and processes is significantly increasing. This requires him to have psychological and pedagogical readiness to carry out his research activities in an innovative information and educational environment, a creative approach to solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances and special preparation for conducting research and scientific experimental work.



Scientific research work of the teacher

In the context of the widespread introduction of innovations into educational institutions, the role of the teacher as a direct bearer of innovative ideas and processes is significantly increasing. This requires him to have a psychological and pedagogical readiness to carry out his research activities in an innovative information and educational environment, a creative approach to solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances and special preparation for conducting research and scientific experimental work.
The psychological and pedagogical readiness of the teacher to carry out the above work is considered as:
a) integrative and personal education, including a motivational and value attitude to this type of activity;
b) professional and personal qualities that ensure the success of research and scientific-experimental activities;
c) the formation of the system of methodological knowledge and research skills and abilities;
d) the physical and mental state of a person, which allows this knowledge, skills and abilities to be productively applied when solving various exploration works.
In addition, I.P. Pavlov attributed to the leading qualities of the personality of the researcher: scientific consistency; the strength of knowledge of the basics of science and the desire from them to the heights of human knowledge; restraint, patience; willingness and ability to do the rough work; the ability to patiently accumulate facts; scientific modesty; willingness to devote all his life to science.
Our experience has shown that the successful implementation of research and scientific-experimental activities is ensured if the teacher-researcher has knowledge of the specifics and technology of purposeful scientific experimentation and research search, methodology and technology of organizing a pedagogical experiment, as well as technologies of pedagogical measurement, assessment and interpretation of the results of scientific and pedagogical research.
With all the variety of innovative teaching technologies (didactic, computer, problem, modular, etc.), the implementation of the leading pedagogical functions remains with the teacher. He can act as an author, developer, researcher, expert, consultant, user, and marketer.
To form such qualities in a teacher, a versatile training in the field of pedagogy, psychology, informatization, management, ergonomics and other sciences is required. On this basis, the teacher's competence is formed in the field of scientific research and scientific experimental work, readiness for perception, examination and implementation of innovations in pedagogical practice. The authors propose an educational and methodological complex "Foundations of psychological and pedagogical research", which allows for such training. The use of the complex in real practice makes it possible to form a set of qualities that characterize a creative personality: orientation, erudition, pedagogical abilities and skills, character traits, etc.
Self-education plays a special role in the development of the qualities of a teacher-researcher. It is a purposeful activity, controlled by the person himself, in order to increase his competence in any field of science, technology, culture, etc. The direction and content of self-education are determined by the teacher himself in accordance with his needs and interests (for example, the type -research task, the formation of research skills, etc.).
The mastery of the skills of the process of self-education by the teacher, as practice shows, indicates the level of formation of his research culture, which includes: the purposeful use of mental operations; abilities and skills of creative solution of various research problems; the ability to focus on the most important problems at a given time; possession of rational techniques and methods of scientific research; expedient transfer of the acquired knowledge to new conditions; fluency in oral and written speech; observance of the hygiene of mental work and its pedagogically expedient organization; reasonable spending of their physical and spiritual strength; adequate self-assessment of the quality of the results of the study performed; criticality and self-criticism, the ability to work with information technology, etc.
An important role belongs to the teacher in the management of scientific research and scientific experimental work of students. It is expressed in: assistance in finding the necessary sources of information to carry out the survey; consulting students in different areas; coordination of the process of performing research and scientific experimental work; moral and psychological support and encouragement of students; implementation of continuous feedback with students in order to provide methodological assistance to quickly complete research work, etc.
Our experience shows that the effectiveness of the implementation of research and scientific-experimental work by a teacher is possible only with a systematic increase in his level of theoretical training, the development of search skills, the ability to predict the consequences of introducing one or another innovation into the pedagogical process, the formation of tolerance, etc. In addition, when solving research problems, it is necessary to use mental operations in a complex. This approach will allow the researcher to develop a strategic plan for their exploration activities.
The main directions of research and scientific-experimental activity of a teacher of an educational institution can be the following: implementation of budgetary research and development work, collective agreements; writing and preparing scientific articles, reports, presentations at methodological and methodological seminars, conferences; participation in the work of councils, subject-methodological commissions; supervising the research work of students; consultations for students participating in research work; postgraduate and graduate studies; competition; work in postgraduate seminars of the university, etc.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Research work allows every student to experience, try, identify and actualize at least some of their talents. The teacher's job is to create and maintain a creative atmosphere in this work. Research activities

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1. Features of the research activity of a teacher in a modern school

2. Management of scientific research activities of students

2.1 The project method as an opportunity to guide the research work of students




teacher school self-development pedagogical

The modern school needs a teacher as a deeply educated specialist who has mastered the system of pedagogical ideas, a thinking, active creative personality, a bright human individuality. A creative approach to their work today is the hallmark of every professional. In the context of the modernization of Russian education, the problem of developing the teacher's pedagogical creativity and improving his professional skills has acquired particular relevance.

Relevance of the topic of work due to the fact that it is the organization of research activities that is of particular importance today, since it has a significant impact on personal and professional development and acts as a factor of self-development, self-determination, improving pedagogical skills, extending the term of professional suitability, overcoming the stagnation of a teacher, increasing his satisfaction with work ... Research work is one of the determining factors in the development of an educational institution; the level of teaching, and the creative spirit of the collective, and the connection between teaching and modern science, social and economic life depend on it.

Creative pedagogical activity is a kind of art. But where science does not help art, there is no art either, but only a craft. Research shows that pedagogical excellence is precisely the unity of the use of scientific laws and advanced pedagogical experience. A real teacher does not work according to a template, not so popular now methodological developments, but relies in his professional activity on the achievements of modern pedagogical science, theory turns out to be a means of organizing and improving the teacher's practical activity.

Target work: consider the possibilities of research activities of the teacher.


· To define the peculiarities of the teacher's own research work;

· To identify the possibilities and features of the management of research activities of secondary school students.

The teacher must be ready to study, analyze and predict the development of personality, own diagnostic tools and methods for assessing individual educational results of students, demonstrate the results of the implementation of educational policy areas, when using pedagogical technologies, focus on the results of approbation in the conditions of their educational institution. Thus, research skills should be part of the general professional skills of the teacher.

In the process of being involved in research work, a significant burden is placed on the teacher as a scientific advisor. The complexity of this role lies in the fact that no one taught this teacher or "armed" with methodological literature. Not all teachers know the basics of research methods and are ready for practical work on organizing the research activities of students, therefore, formal coursework for teachers is necessary.

1. Features of research activitiesteachers in a modern school

Research activities of the teacher is an activity aimed at solving a creative, research problem (problem) with a previously unknown solution and assuming compliance with the basic research stages:

1) problem statement; 2) study of the theory on the given problem; 3) mastering the research technique; 4) collection of material, its analysis; 5) conclusions to solve this problem.

Objectives research activities of teachers can be:

Formation of a unified scientific community of teachers;

Development of ideas about interdisciplinary connections;

Development of the intellectual initiative of teachers through the formation of a scientific way of thinking, a creative approach to their activities;

Training in new information technologies and telecommunication means;

Creation of conditions for involving not only teachers, but also students in collective research activities;

Development and implementation of research projects of practical importance.

A practicing teacher, conducting research work, starts from problems specific educational institution... He can comprehend the situation, correlate it with a scientific theory and, on the basis of the existing laws, find a way to solve the problem that has arisen. Research by educators differs from research by research teams: applied nature because they solve any urgent problem of a particular educational institution; focus on improving the educational process and increasing learning outcomes, etc. The result research activities of teachers should be considered writing works of various types:

1) an abstract of the classification type, allowing its author to generalize the studied theoretical and practical material within the framework of his problem;

2) an abstract of a cognitive type, allowing its author to study theoretical material and show its application to solving his problem;

3) a research-type abstract, in which the main content is a chain of tasks (problems) solved by the author independently.

In the course of research, teachers transform their individual ideas into innovative experience, which they share at school, district, regional scientific and practical, scientific and methodological conferences, seminars, and take part in professional competitions. At these conferences, teachers in the form of reports, messages, abstracts acquaint colleagues with their searches on the problem of interest to them, participate in the discussion and adjust plans for further elaboration of the problem. This allows them to identify hidden potential opportunities in the development of professional skills and implement scientific advances and best practices in their own practice, and then transform them into personal innovative experience.

Research activity allows to actualize the self-realization and creative development of the teacher's personality; to improve the professional level of research skills and abilities; to improve pedagogical technologies for the development of scientific creativity of teachers; to ensure the professional and qualification growth of the teacher-researcher; get a qualitatively new knowledge (innovation); to raise the status of the educational institution.

At the same time, it is important creation of conditions stimulating teachers to creative search, to achieve maximum results. These conditions include:

Informing the teaching staff about the actual problems of training and education;

Creation of a situation of constant creative communication of teachers both inside the school and outside it by organizing meetings, scientific seminars, conferences, "round tables";

Organizational, pedagogical and substantive support for the experimental and innovative activities of teachers;

Providing teachers with the freedom to choose areas of research, the degree of participation and forms of research activity (work in problem groups, creative laboratories, in pairs or individually);

Consolidation of efforts of the teaching staff for the development and implementation of the research program;

Ensuring publicity and an objective assessment of the results of research work of teachers (creative reports, participation in scientific and practical conferences, etc.);

The presence of a material reward system.

Among difficulties faced by the teacher when organizing research activities, it is necessary to highlight the weak knowledge of the methodology of scientific research, the lack of methodological, scientific, psychological and pedagogical, special literature, and this dictates the need to train teachers in the basics of research and experimental activities on the basis of scientific methodological seminars, distance consulting, publication of methodological literature.

Teachers' research activities are based on gnostic skills, which serve as a prerequisite for the effective implementation of constructive-planning, organizational and communicative-teaching activities, and, in fact, research skills that underlie the teacher's work.

1. Ability to select and work with scientific literature to improve theoretical knowledge, to summarize the results of the study of theory in the form of an annotation, an abstract of a report, a message.

2. Ability to observe, study, analyze the experience of teachers in order to generalize and use it in the teacher's practice.

3. Ability to set research tasks, formulate a hypothesis, plan and carry out experimental work and experiment, process and generalize the results of the work done in the form of a report, message, scientific article.

The organization of research activities affects the development of the teacher's personality, his creative growth, allows you to create conditions for the implementation of self-education and the need for self-development, increases his professional level, methodological competence and pedagogical skills.

2 ... Leading the research work of students

Problem leadership of research work (R&D) at school is associated primarily with the fact that a teacher at school, as a rule, is not a subject of scientific activity. The teacher is not engaged in the development of any scientific directions in any of the areas of knowledge. The main area of ​​knowledge that a teacher encounters in the course of his work is pedagogy. However, the teacher is not always an active participant in scientific and theoretical developments in the field of pedagogy. A teacher, first of all, is a practitioner, he uses the ready-made results of pedagogical research, which are developed, as a rule, in research institutes and universities.

Modern society has its own requirements for the school. And the school must correspond to them. The teacher needs to have a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the research work of schoolchildren. Only then will he be able to properly organize his pedagogical activity and achieve the necessary results.

the main objective R&D of schoolchildren is a stage-by-stage implementation of the cognitive process through the student's direct participation in it. All stages of research work should be carried out by the student independently. In this case, the teacher carries out a monitoring and consulting function.

Tasks R&D of schoolchildren boil down to the following:

1.Development of student independence... Research work is based on the search for knowledge carried out directly by the student. In this case, the development of independence necessary for correct social adaptation occurs.

2.Self-realization of personality student. The self-realization process is obligatory for any person. SRW contributes to the accumulation of experience of self-realization, as a result of which the student will be able to more correctly and objectively choose his "life path" and assess his abilities. Self-realization can be carried out spontaneously in various areas of life. However, it is more effective to direct this process in the right direction. For example, a child who has the ability for mathematics does not imagine the process of self-realization in this area. For him, mathematics is numbers and problems with available answers. Hence, his self-realization can take place in other areas: music, sports, even if the child does not have special abilities for these types of activities.

3.Development of the student's creative and communication skills... R&D directly affects human creativity. She develops imaginative thinking, memory, logic, the ability to clearly express her thoughts orally or on paper.

In addition, the teacher must to interest the student... It is desirable that the research work be accompanied by the interest of both the leader (teacher) and the performer (student). Practice shows that the student does not always show interest in research work, especially at the first stage. In this case, the teacher should initially focus on the student's diligence and responsibility. However, in the course of research activities, it is still necessary to interest the student. Otherwise, the results will not be as good as you might expect.

The teacher can use several techniques to awaken interest in research and development and enhance the student's creative activity.

First, it can be emphasized that participation in R&D will be useful in the later life of a student, already outside the school.

Secondly, it is known that people, especially adolescents, tend to stand out, not like the majority. Participation in research and development will allow the student to feel his special position.

Thirdly, you can introduce a competitive or competitive aspect.

Fourth, before giving an assignment to a student, you need to find out his interests, inclinations, abilities. These interests should be taken into account when choosing a research topic.

The student's interest in research and development must not only be aroused, but also constantly support.

To do this, the following points must be taken into account:

All stages of research and development should be equally interesting;

Students should have a clear, clear goal;

It is necessary to constantly monitor the progress of research and development.

To improve the efficiency of work, it is quite reasonable to use the practice of reports (oral or written) on the implementation of research, develop a clear work plan and carry out the research in stages, summarizing the results of each stage. At the same time, students should be able to independently analyze their successes and failures.

Research methodology pupil consists of the following stages:

1. The student sets himself a specific task

2. The student analyzes the sources according to the following plan:

2.1. Reliability (verified by the correlation of facts, eyewitness testimony, origin, etc.).

2.2. Informativeness (the student must be able to extract the maximum possible amount of information from any source).

2.3. Conclusions (identification of the most valuable sources, classification of sources, their significance for work).

3. Comprehension of the information received and writing the work (the student writes a work based on the analysis of sources, according to a clear plan).

The plan should not constrain the student, interfere with the manifestation of his cognitive activity. Therefore, when choosing the type of plan, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the student.

It is quite obvious that the results of research work of schoolchildren largely depend on the teacher. The successes of scientific research work of schoolchildren are the result of the teacher's work. It is the teacher who must properly organize the work, interest the student, control the activities of the students. From the above, you can make the following conclusions:

1. R&D of students is an important component of the modern school.

2. When organizing research work, it is important to take into account the student's abilities. Even in the absence of great ability, the student can engage in research activities.

3. It is very important to engage students and maintain this interest throughout the work.

4. The organization of research work is of great importance. It is on how correctly the work is organized that its ultimate success depends. The work should be clearly thought out by the teacher.

2.1 The project method as an opportunity to guide the research work of students

Design methodology - one of the possibilities for the development of the teacher's professional autonomy in the teaching process. Not all methods can be successfully applied to develop autonomy. One of the most effective in this regard, we consider the project methodology, which aims at the emancipation of the student, eliminating his dependence on the taught by self-organization and self-education in the process of creating a specific product or solving a problem situation.

The essence of the project method

By definition a project is a set of certain actions, documents, preliminary texts, an idea for creating a real object, subject, creating a different kind of theoretical product. This is always a creative activity.

The project method in school education is considered both as a kind of alternative to the classroom-lesson system, and as its organic addition. The project method is a pedagogical technology focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on their application and acquisition of new ones. Any work with children, including training, should be built taking into account their interests, needs, based on the child's personal experience.

The main task Project learning is the study by children together with the teacher of the surrounding life.

The project method is based on the development of cognitive, creative skills of students, the ability to independently design their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, the development of critical thinking. The project method always presupposes a solution of some kind Problems.

The results of completed projects should be, as they say, "tangible", substantive, that is, if this is a theoretical problem, then its concrete solution, if practical, concrete practical result, ready for use.

The role of the teacher and the role of students in the project

In the implementation of projects, the role of the teacher changes dramatically. The teacher becomes the supervisor. The subject - object pedagogy gives way to the subject - the subjective one.

The role of students in learning is also changing: they are active participants in the process. Working group activities help them learn how to work in a “team”. This is accompanied by the formation of such constructive critical thinking, which is difficult to teach in the usual "lesson" form of teaching. Students develop their own view of information, and the judgment becomes irrelevant: "if this is true, then any other is wrong." And even an unsuccessful project also has a great positive pedagogical value.

Typological features include:

1. The dominant method in the project: research, creative, adventure, etc.

2. The substantive aspect dominating in the project: literary creativity, natural - scientific research, environmental, linguistic, cultural (regional), geographical, historical, musical.

3. The nature of contacts (among the participants of the same school, class, city, region, country, different countries of the world).

4. The number of project participants (individual, pair, group);

5. By the duration of the conduct (short-term, long-term, episodic).

In accordance with the first sign, you can outline the following types of projects:

Research projects. Such projects require a well-thought-out project structure, designated goals, the relevance of the project for all participants, social significance, well-thought-out methods, including experimental and experimental work, methods of processing results;

Creative projects. Such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure, it is only outlined and further develops, obeying the logic and interests of the project participants. In the best case, you can agree on the desired, planned results (joint newspaper, essay, video, sports game, expedition, etc.);

Adventure, game projects. In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants assume specific roles based on the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. The results of such projects can be outlined at the beginning of the project, but they can only loom towards its end. The degree of creativity is very high here;

Information projects. This type of projects is initially aimed at collecting information about an object, familiarizing project participants with this information, analyzing it and summarizing facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, just like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure, the possibility of systematic correction in the course of work on the project.


Research technologies in educational practice have been applied since ancient times, from the moment the need for training itself appeared in the human community. One of the first scientists to introduce research methods into teaching practice was Socrates. Later, the famous German scientist Friedrich Adolf Disterweg called the method of "Socratic conversation" the crown of the art of teaching. His phrase that "a bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it" became a winged one.

The teacher-researcher possesses modern methods of pedagogical search, is able to creatively approach the solution of the problems of teaching and upbringing of young people, to carry out research work in order to increase the efficiency and quality of teaching and upbringing at school.

The range of the teaching profession requires continuous self-education, constant updating, clarification and replenishment of professionally significant knowledge, skills and abilities.

In this paper, we examined the possibilities of the teacher's research activities. Thus, the goal of the work was achieved. For this, the tasks set by us in the introduction were completed. And also, the methodology of projects and its features were considered as one of the possibilities for the leadership of students' scientific research.

We identified the need to be able to work in a constantly changing environment of a variety of educational programs, textbooks and educational institutions, to develop the ability to adapt to pedagogical innovations and quickly respond to modern processes of social and economic development of society.


1. Blonsky P.P. Pedagogy course. - M., 1916. - S. 4. - Quoted from the book.

2. Kukharev N.V. Towards professional excellence. - M., 1990 .-- P. 66.

3. Lyapin D.Ya. "Research work of students: Memo to the teacher", Yelets, 2008.

4. Novozhilova MM, How to correctly conduct an educational research: From design to discovery ".- M., 2008.

5. Pakhomova N. Yu. Method of educational projects in an educational institution: A guide for teachers and students of pedagogical universities. - M .: ARKTI, 2003.

6. Filippov V.M. Modernization of Russian education. - M., 2003.

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