Sources of geographic information and their role in geography. Sources of geographic information and methods of obtaining it

Geographic information systems. Geographic information is constantly used in management, planning, forecasting and socio-economic development, everyday life. Geographic information systems (LS) are formed on the basis of geographic databases (DB) - “repositories” of geographic knowledge about the territorial organization and interaction of society and nature created with the help of computers. PS is an automated system for storing, analyzing, presenting spatial data in the form of text, tables, graphs, maps (Fig. 2). The PS includes: computers, software, spatial information in the form of cartographic data on natural components, economy, land, roads, etc. They are automated systems that operate spatially coordinated information. The functioning of the PS is carried out in the following sequence: collection and automated processing of geographic information, its spatial referencing and presentation in the form of an electronic map on the display screen, translation of this map into paper form if necessary (for example, creating atlases).

By the size of the covered territories, PS are divided into global, national, regional, local, and local. They are used to compile geographic maps, cadastres of natural resources, engineering surveys and design, the formation of management decisions, they are also distinguished by individual objects and areas of research: geographical, environmental, land, property, forest management, water resources, recreational, tourism, etc.

The Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is developing a multipurpose National SS of Ukraine, the purpose of which is to create a geographic-cybernetic model of the region. At the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, automated cartographic systems based on digital maps, volumetric computer models of modern urban landscapes of Kiev are being investigated.

An important component of the aircraft is aerospace information, data from aerovisual observations, ground sensors, etc. Such aircraft are called integrated. Their databases combine cartographic data with remote sensing images of the Earth's surface, they have blocks for receiving and programs for processing aerospace materials. PS databases are formed from many sources of geographic information. These include textbooks, study guides, maps and atlases, scientific reports on the results of geographical research, statistical reference books on the development of the country's economy, encyclopedias, dictionaries, the results of geographical research published in books, scientific journals, observation data carried out by institutions of public services: geological and hydrometeorological, geodesy, cartography and cadastre, other institutions and departments.

Geographic research. An important source of geographic information is expeditionary research, travel, local history excursions, tourism, mountaineering. Field expeditionary research is expeditionary and stationary. Expeditionary is the study of individual natural components, economic sectors (geomorphological, hydrological, geobotanical, oceanic), which cover large areas and water areas). Natural and economic complexes and regions are learned in the process of comprehensive geographical research (natural-geographical, landscape, economic-geographical, natural-resource, environmental). Expeditionary research is carried out by teams of scientists according to specially developed programs and methods and is divided into three periods: preparatory, field expeditionary and office (processing of collected materials, writing a report, drawing up maps). During expeditionary research, aerospace images of the earth's surface are used, made from airborne and space vehicles. Aerospace images are decoded - they recognize objects reflected on them by their shape, color, and image tone. The view of the Earth from Space encompasses it

large tectonic structures, deserts, river basins, areas inaccessible for land expeditions. Satellites provide an opportunity to study the dynamics and frequency of natural processes, unique phenomena and objects (volcanic eruptions, fires, avalanches, landslides, faults in the earth's crust, atmospheric pollution, etc.). From space heights a new world, hitherto unknown to us, opens up, new patterns of natural conditions, features of urbanization, temperature inhomogeneities in the seas and oceans, and forests.

Rice. 2. General scheme of PS functioning

In 1995, the first Ukrainian satellite "Sich-1" was launched, equipped with devices for remote sensing of the Earth, inventory and assessment of lands, prospecting for minerals, meteorological forecasting, monitoring of the state of the environment. Ukraine cooperates with space agencies of the European Community, Russia, Germany, France, Latin America on space exploration of natural resources and nature protection. The Center for Aerospace Research of the Earth, the Center for Radiophysical Sounding of the Earth, and the Marine Hydrophysical Institute function in Ukraine.

They obtain geographic information about natural and man-made processes, changes in the natural environment, geochemical anomalies, cities and suburban areas, atmospheric pollution, flooding, quarries, abrasion, the state of vegetation, areas of radioactive contamination, emissions from treatment facilities, etc.

Stationary geographic research has been carried out regularly over the years at specially equipped geographic stations. They study in detail the changes in natural complexes over time. In Ukraine, such scientific complex physical and geographical research was started by Academician G. Vysotsky at the Velikoanadolsky station to study the influence of hydroclimatic and soil conditions on afforestation in the steppe zone of Ukraine. Stationary geographical research is carried out at the bases of the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Lvov, Odessa, Kharkov, Tavrichesky universities.

Observation of the state of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere is carried out at hydrometeorological stations and posts where young specialists in meteorology and climatology, hydrology and hydroecology, and oceanology work. More than 5,000 employees work in the institutions of the Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine. There are about two hundred hydrometeorological, aviation, aerial and agrometeorological stations in Ukraine. The state of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, sea estuaries is monitored at 400 hydrological posts. Along with them, agrometeorological indicators are recorded at 150 points, ozonometric and radar studies of the formation of clouds, precipitation, pollution of the atmosphere, water, and soil are carried out.

Our state has membership in the World Weather Watch, the World Meteorological Organization. Hydrometeorological conditions are important economic and social factors: the social and economic state of the state, the ecological situation, the agro-industrial complex, energy, transport, utilities, military security, and recreation depend on them. Sources of geographic information are local history studies and descriptions of the native land, cities, and other settlements. They also serve as descriptions of travel, tourist and mountaineering routes, excursions.

The essential components of geographic information are maps and atlases. Maps is the second language of cartography. Cartographic images convey, reproduce the sizes and properties of geographic objects using geographic means and signs (lines, points, shapes) and a colored background. Combinations of graphic signs and background are means of cartographic modeling, creating cartographic images (geo-image). To understand the natural and economic objects displayed on the map, components of natural conditions, processes, patterns of their distribution, legends are attached to the maps. The legend text, geographical names, terms and concepts allow you to "read" the map, use it, and find new facts on it.

Maps are the most important components of the informational building blocks of geographic atlases. Geographers and cartographers have significant experience in compiling complex and industry-specific, scientific, reference and educational atlases. National atlases are becoming increasingly important. By the Decree of the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma from 01.08.2000 "On the National Atlas of Ukraine" a new cartographic work is being created - the National Atlas of Ukraine. It will reflect the spatial characteristics of natural conditions and resources, population, economy, environmental conditions, science and culture of Ukraine. National atlases are integral cartographic models of states as natural resource and socio-economic territorial systems. The National Atlas of Ukraine should provide geographic information to the state, its regions and their governing bodies, scientific, educational, design, production and public institutions, to help disseminate geographical knowledge about our state, to promote its cooperation with other countries of the world.

Geographic information is produced by the Institute of Geography, the Institute of Geological Sciences, the Institute of Botany, the Institute of Zoology, the Council for the Study of the Productive Forces of Ukraine, regional natural science and socio-economic divisions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Various geographical information is kept by the National Natural Museum of Ukraine, regional and district, city local history museums. Geographic research is carried out by scientific laboratories of universities, scientific departments of natural and natural-historical reserves, national natural parks, biosphere reserves. Various geographic information is available in statistical reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific journals, and periodicals. The results of scientific research, descriptions of travel, regions of Ukraine and the world are given in the "Ukrainian Geographical Journal" (founded in 1992 p.), Journal "Geography and Foundations of Economics at School" (published since 1995 p.), Weekly "Regional Studies. Geography. Tourism "(published from J996 p.), scientific bulletins and collections, which are published by scientific institutions, universities, reserves, printed as materials of scientific conferences, geographical congresses, etc.

The media are filled with geographic information: newspapers, radio and television broadcasts. Geographic popular science, documentaries, educational films are being created. The Internet provides great opportunities for obtaining and using relevant geographic information. We find descriptions and pictures geographically in terms of content in popular science and fiction, paintings, landscape architecture, etc.

Geographic maps can be classified according to various criteria.

Only one or a few events are shown in detail on thematic maps. Examples of thematic maps: vegetation map, climate map, geological map, soil map, political map, etc.

On general geographic maps, both natural objects and phenomena (relief, rivers, lakes, vegetation) and socio-economic (settlements, roads, industrial enterprises) are depicted with equal detail. The names are signed on them: oceans, rivers, seas, bays, straits, lakes, rivers; continents, islands, capes; plains, mountains, ridges; settlements, etc. The names of settlements are displayed to the right of the symbol, parallel to the southern frame or along the nearest parallel. The names of the rivers are placed in the middle of the channel or along its axis, and the names of the seas, islands and states are placed within the contours, located in the direction of greater length.

Rice. Classification of geographical maps

Maps also distinguish by the coverage of the territory. The classification of maps by the size of the territory depicted on them includes the following groups: 1) maps of the starry sky; 2) maps of the planets and the Earth; 3) maps of the hemispheres; 4) maps of continents and oceans; 5) maps of seas, bays, straits; 6) country maps; 7) maps of large natural regions; 8) maps of republics, territories, regions, administrative districts; 9) city maps; 10) maps of urban areas.

There is a classification of cards by appointment, taking into account the diversity of spheres of human activity. For example, scientific reference maps are designed to carry out scientific research and obtain reference information, tourist maps - to obtain information about interesting objects of the area, cafes, hotels, technical maps - to solve engineering problems. Educational maps are the main visual aid in the study of geography, as well as economics, history and other academic disciplines.

Divide the cards into groups and in scale. Small-scale maps with a scale smaller than 1: 1,000,000 are distinguished, intended for the study of large territories, medium-scale maps with a scale from 1: 200,000 to 1: 1,000,000, and large-scale maps with a scale of 1: 200,000 and larger.

Large scale maps are topographic maps.

Let us remind you that in its content cards can be:

  • general geographic;
  • thematic.
Thematic maps

Vegetation maps, for example, depict the distribution and composition of vegetation in different areas. There are also maps of minerals, forest maps, relief maps, synoptic maps, industry maps, which show large cities - industrial centers and their specialization. All these maps characterize geographical objects and phenomena on a specific topic: vegetation, relief, industry. That is why they are called thematic. For example, a political map will first of all give an idea of ​​the location of countries, their borders.

General geographic maps

General geographic maps display various elements of the earth's surface - relief, vegetation, rivers, settlements, transport networks, etc. For example, a physical map of Russia.

By area coverage distinguish between maps of the world, individual continents, countries and their parts (regions).

A political map of the World

A political map of the World- one of the most important cartographic sources in the course of the geography of the world, since this hag shows different countries, their capitals, routes of communication and other useful information.

Let's look at the political map. In addition to the borders of states, on the political map you can see the largest cities and capitals of countries, routes of communication and seaports, the largest hydrographic objects (seas, rivers, lakes, bays, straits). Some other geographic features, such as terrain, may also be shown.

On the political hag of the world, you will find more than 230 countries and territories.

The borders of the state are formed for a long time. They can change for various reasons: historical, political, economic, cultural, natural.

In order to know the political map of the world or individual continents and their parts, it is necessary to constantly refer to it, to train in determining the geographical position of certain countries or regions, to follow the changes taking place in the world.

The most difficult is the political map of Western Europe. Let's together with you determine the geographical position of the countries of this region (Table 1).

Table 1. Countries of Western Europe

Population (2007)

Capital (s)

84 thousand km 2

8.3 million people

70 thousand people

Andorra la Vieja

30.5 thousand km 2

10.6 million people


1 thousand people

Great Britain

244 thousand km 2

61 million people


356 thousand km 2

82.3 million people

Bonn, Berlin

132.0 thousand km 2

11.2 million people

43 thousand km 2

5.5 million people



70 thousand km 2

4.4 million people


103 thousand km 2

290 K people


504 thousand km 2

45.3 million people

301 thousand km 2

59.3 million people

Liechtenstein (Principality of Liechtenstein)

34 K people

Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)

2.6 thousand km 2

463 K people


397 K people


33 thousand people


41 thousand km 2

16.4 million people



324 thousand km 2

4.7 million people


92 thousand km 2

10.7 million people


San Marino

28 thousand people

San Marino


337 thousand km 2

5.3 million people

552 thousand km 2

61.7 million people


41 thousand km 2

7.5 million people

450 thousand km 2

9.1 million people


Time zone map- an interesting, and most importantly, useful map (Fig. I).

For the convenience of timing, the entire surface of the Earth was divided into 24 time zones. The time of each time zone differs from the next one by one hour. The zones are numbered from 0 to 23 from west to east from Greenwich meridian. In all points located within the same belt, the same is considered standard time. Moscow, for example, is in the second time zone.

However, in Moscow we live not according to the waist, but according to daylight saving time(from Latin decretum - decree, decree). In addition, you know that in Russia the clock hands move forward (summer time) or backward (winter time) one hour in order to make the most rational use of the daylight hours and save energy. Therefore, Moscow, being in the 2nd time zone, practically lives according to the time of the 3rd time zone. In other words, when it is 13 o'clock in Moscow (Moscow time), then in Paris - 11 o'clock (Central European time), in London - 10 o'clock (Greenwich time).

Rice. 1. Map of time zones of the world

Look at the hags of time zones. The boundaries of time zones are not drawn exactly along the meridians. For convenience, the boundaries of states, regions, states and other administrative-territorial entities within one country are taken into account. In Russia, for example, the 11th and 12th time zones are combined into one.

And air transport, telephone and telegraph communications on the territory of the country work, as a rule, at the same time. In Russia, for example, Moscow time.

If you take a close look at the map of time zones, you will notice what makes the 180th meridian remarkable. A conditional date line. Its zigzag in the Chukchi Peninsula is not accidental. The fact is that on both sides of this line the hours and minutes coincide, and the calendar dates differ by one day. If the date line crossed Chukotka, its residents would have to maintain their own calendar, one day ahead of the all-Russian one.

If you ever decide to travel around the world and travel east from Cape Dezhnev, crossing the date line, do not forget to count the same day twice. Conversely, moving from east to west - skip one day.

Statistical materials are one of the main sources of geographic information

Is a science that studies the totality of mass phenomena in order to take into account and identify the patterns of their development using quantitative (statistical) indicators. The population is just such a mass phenomenon. Statistical indicators include absolute and relative values, as well as various coefficients.

Absolute values are informative and show the magnitude of geographic phenomena. For example, Russia has the largest territory in the world - more than 17 million km 2, which is almost twice the territory of countries such as China, USA or Canada. However, in terms of population, Russia is inferior to many countries. In 2007, the entire population was 142 million people. - eighth place in the world.

Table 2. Population of the largest countries in the world (million people)

Relative magnitude expresses the result of comparison (comparison) of statistical indicators with each other. They allow you to detect certain changes in geographical phenomena, their tendency.

Coefficients are indicators that reflect the characteristic features of individual phenomena, for example, the coefficient of specialization or natural population growth.

In order to learn how to work with statistical materials, one must first of all understand how they are organized and constructed (ordered).

Statistical table is a system of vertical and horizontal graphs (columns and rows), provided with headers and filled in a certain order with digital data. It contains the statistical data necessary to characterize the studied geographic phenomenon and its constituent parts. The headings of the horizontal rows of a statistical table correspond to the statistical “subject”, and the top headings of its vertical columns correspond to the statistical “predicate”.

Let's look, for example, at the statistical table. 3 "Change in the share of economic regions in the population of Russia according to the census data of 1926-2002."

Table 3. Change in the share of economic regions in the population of Russia according to the census data of 1926-2002,%

Russian Federation, including areas:





Central Black Earth


North Caucasian


West Siberian

East Siberian

Far Eastern

Kaliningrad region

The statistical subject lists those parts and groups of the phenomenon under study that are quantitatively characterized in the predicate. In this case, these are the economic regions of Russia. In the predicate of the table, the values ​​of the phenomenon under study are given - the proportion of the population living in the economic regions of the Russian Federation for a number of years.

Thus, any statistical table includes three required elements:

  • general table heading;
  • statistical subject;
  • statistical predicate.

Statistical materials can be presented not only in statistical tables, but also in a visual form: in diagrams, graphs, maps, schematic maps.

Statistical maps- these are, first of all, cartograms and cartodiagrams. Let's join with you, using the table. 4, we draw up a cartogram on a contour map showing the population density of the economic regions of Russia:

  • write down the name of the cartogram ("Density of the population of the economic regions of Russia");
  • write down the name of the source, on the basis of which we will build a cartogram (statistical table "Population density of economic regions of Russia");
  • we will write out the relative statistical indicators that we will depict, having previously rounded their values ​​to whole numbers;
  • Let's divide the indicators into groups according to the principle of equal intervals. The simplest way to break down is to divide the difference between the largest (63) and the smallest value (1) of the indicator by 5. In our case (63 - 1 = 62 “60: 5 = 12), the interval will be 12, and the groups of indicators will be as follows: 1 - 12; 12-24; 24-36; 36-48; 48-60 and more than 60 people / km 2;
  • Let's compose a cartogram legend in a notebook, where darker tones of color (or thicker shading) represent a greater intensity of the phenomenon; light shades (or sparse shading) - less. For a color image, it is better to take shades of one paint: from lighter to darker;
  • show on the contour map the boundaries of the economic regions of Russia;
  • transfer the legend of the cartogram to the contour map in the "Legend";
  • let's execute the cartogram.

Building graphs and charts based on statistics has a mathematical basis that you are well aware of.

Based on their graphs, we can conclude that up to the 90s. XX century in the resettlement of the population of Russia, the historical trend of the development of new lands and Russian outskirts persisted.

Since the 1990s. the opposite trend of population decline is observed in the northern and eastern regions of Russia, primarily in the Far East and North.

Diagrams show the volume and structure of geographic phenomena. They can be circular, point, linear, areal, volumetric, etc. (Fig. 2). Recall that when constructing pie charts the initial radius is considered to be directed upward on the sheet of paper, that is, "north". It is from it that the indicators (based on I% = 3.6 degrees), characterizing a geographical phenomenon, for example, the resettlement of the Earth's population, depending on the proximity of the seas, are deposited clockwise to the eye.

Rice. 2. Resettlement of the Earth's population, depending on the proximity of the coast of the seas and oceans

The scale of the diagram depends on: a) the size of the sheet; b) the values ​​of the initial indicators; c) the difference between the highest and the lowest values ​​of the indicators; d) the number of diagram symbols.

To determine the scale bar chart, for example, you must first establish what the largest and smallest posts can be. The base of the diagram is determined by the formula X = A: M, where X is the base of the diagram; A is the statistical indicator used by us; M is the scale base, which shows how many units of this indicator are per 1 sq. mm of the chart area. It is composed like this. First, the center line is drawn - the base of the diagram, and then the perpendiculars are restored taking into account the scale.

Drawing up a cartodiagram on a contour map is reduced to the construction of diagrams within the boundaries of a certain territory, for example, within the boundaries of large regions of Russia, economic regions, constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Age and sex pyramid allows you to visually analyze the sex ratio by age groups of the population. It is constructed as follows. Age is plotted along the vertical axis at regular intervals (in the form of age intervals; for example, 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, etc.), and along the horizontal axis - to the left - the number (or proportion) of men, and to the right - women (on the same scale). For each age group they build their own line diagram and, as it were, "string" them one after another from bottom to top - from the base of the pyramid to its top (Fig. 3). By the shape of such a pyramid, it is possible to determine the peculiarities of the age structure of the population, to reveal the peculiarities of the sex ratio in different age groups. The quantitative data on the ratio of sexes and age groups of the population, read from the age-sex pyramids, can be used for further calculations of generalizing demographic indicators (for example, the coefficients of the demographic load of the population), their analysis and comparison.

Rice. 3. Age and sex pyramids

The question arises of how to update statistical materials, because they become outdated pretty soon. For this, there are statistical collections, reference books, periodicals, Internet resources.

Geographic information systems as a means of obtaining, processing and presenting geographic information

Geographic information systems (GIS) Is a computer database that stores geo-information in the form of maps of various content, digital and textual information on objects plotted on these maps. Information can be presented on the monitor screen and in the form of printouts of any scale, tables, graphs, diagrams for any of the information blocks.

In terms of spatial coverage, global, national, regional, local and urban GIS are distinguished. According to their purpose, they are subdivided into resource-cadastral, land, ecological, geological, marine, educational, etc.

Thus, geographic information systems (GIS) are special systems capable of collecting, organizing, storing, processing, evaluating, displaying and disseminating data at a new technical level and obtaining new geographic information on this basis. It is very effective, for example, to use educational GIS when comparing thematic maps of different content for the same territory, be it a country or a region; when establishing various geographic connections.

Let's pay your special attention to opportunities and resources of the Internet, which can be used by you in the course of studying the course. They include:

  • educational resources WWW (World Wide Web);
  • E-mail (email);
  • teleconferences.

The educational resources of the World Wide Web can be helpful:

  • to search for additional and updated (including statistical) information for lessons in the preparation process;
  • to search for information in the process of preparing various kinds of creative works (reports, abstracts, business games, training conferences, etc.).

Email can be used:

  • for the exchange of educational creative works with their peers from other schools, regions of our country;
  • for mutual exchange of information in the process of solving problems of distance learning and telecommunication projects.

Teleconferencing can be helpful:

  • with participation in various educational and cognitive telecommunication projects.

25.12.2016 18:50

Geography as a Science. Its role and significance in the system of sciences. The goals and objectives of geography in the acquisition of open source software. Geographic research methods. Sources of geographic information.

"Initial testing on the economic and social geography of Russia"

Initial testing in the economic geography of Russia

Countries with land borders with Russia:

1.Sweden. 2 Norway 3 Lithuania 4 Mongolia 5 Finland 6 Armenia 7 China 8 Belarus 9 Turkmenistan

A city of Russia with a population of over 1 million people:

1.Murmansk 2 Nizhny Novgorod 3 Magadan 4 Sochi 5 Serpukhov 6 Kiev 7 Orel 8 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 9 Minsk

The largest basin in terms of volumes of coking coal in Russia:

1Kansko-Achinsky 2 Kuznetsky 3 Moscow Region 4 Donetsk

Full cycle ferrous metallurgy center in Russia:

1Murmansk 2 Saint Petersburg 3 Moscow 4 Magnitogorsk

Fine-fleece and semi-fine-fleece sheep breeding is most developed in the economic region:

1.North 2 North Caucasian 3 Central 4 Central Black Earth

The Trans-Siberian Railway runs through the territory

economic regions of Russia:

1 North Caucasian 2 Ural 3 Far East 4 North

Arrange the stages of textile production in a technological order - from raw materials to the production of finished fabric

1 Finishing 2 Severe production 3 Fiber production 4 Yarn production

Three centers of the oil refining industry located on the Volga:

1 Moscow 2 Saratov 3 Perm 4 Yaroslavl 5 Smolensk 6 Khabarovsk 7 Volgograd 8 Ryazan 9 Arkhangelsk

Define the subject of the Russian Federation by its short description: “This subject is located in the eastern part of the country, its territory is not washed by the waters of the World Ocean. One of the largest rivers in Russia with its largest inflow flows through its territory. There are no hydroelectric power stations on these rivers. There are no nuclear power plants in the subject, but powerful thermal power plants operate on fuel produced in the same subject "

1.Primorsky Territory 2 Murmansk Region 3 Irkutsk Region 4 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Answers: 1-2,3,4,5,7,8; 2-2; 3-2; 4-4, 5-2, 6-2.3; 7 8 - 2.4.7; 9 -4

Evaluation criteria: 0 errors - "5", 1-3 errors - "4", 4-5 errors - "3", 6 and more - "2".

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"Lesson topic Print"

Lesson topic... Introduction. Sources of geographic information.

Goals: create conditions for the presentation of geography and in the system of sciences; to acquaint with the structure of the textbook, methods of geographical research and sources of geographical information, to acquaint with the search for information using GIS.


Subject: show the special position of geography in the system of sciences; to acquaint with the structure of the textbook, methods of geographical research and sources of geographical information, to acquaint with the search for information using GIS.

Metasubject: improving educational and informational skills: selecting the necessary sources of information, assessing and analyzing their features and significance, working with various sources of information.

Equipment: atlas, notebook, textbook.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Org moment.

the beginning of the lesson, checking students against the list.

Notebook, textbook, atlas.

II. Knowledge update.

It will be very difficult for us to master new knowledge without knowledge, requirements for a geography lesson. A student is ready for a lesson with a textbook, atlas, outline maps, and a notebook on his desk. Homework cannot be completed without an atlas. Further, the requirements for working with the atlas are given. and a textbook.

get acquainted with the atlas, textbook and contour maps.

Goal setting

Lesson topic"Introduction. Sources of geographic information "

What is the purpose of the lesson?

We write down the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Introduction. Sources of geographic information.

Suggested suggestions: familiarity with the discipline, with the sources of geographic information.


“How much use of geography is for the human race, about that anyone who has an idea can judge” Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

Do you agree with this statement.

Suggested suggestions:

Learning new material: 1st stage

1 G eography as a science, its role and significance in the system of sciences.

Geography -

Economic geography is included in the system of geographical sciences and is associated with many sciences: first of all, with physical geography, ecology, history, demography, ethnography, economic cartography.

Goals and objectives of geography in the development of vocational education specialties

. the formation of a holistic view of modern geographical science, its participation in solving the most important problems of mankind;

- possession of the skills of observing individual geographic objects, processes and phenomena, their changes as a result of natural and anthropogenic influences;

- possession of the ability to use maps of different content to obtain new geographical knowledge about natural socio-economic and ecological processes and phenomena;

- possession of the ability to apply geographic knowledge to explain and assess various phenomena and processes, self-assessment of the level of environmental safety, adaptation to changes in its conditions

The main tasks from temporal geography are to know, preserve and increase the wealth of our planet in order to pass them on to future generations.
Goals and objectives of geography in the development of vocational education specialties.

Writing in a notebook:Economic and social geography is a geographical science about the laws of development and distribution of nature, population and economy.

2. Methods of geographical research.

There are many methods in geography that make it possible to carry out a complex of research work. What research methods do you know?

Descriptive method used to describe objects (like a river, landforms, natural areas). Observation method- observation of natural phenomena, the weather was predicted. leading method in geography . When teaching, the card performs a number of functions: a source of information, teaching aids, teaching method. Statistical method-based on the analysis of statistical material, allows concretizing theoretical calculations, makes it possible to demonstrate the proportionality of phenomena and processes, to draw conclusions about the direction of development of a particular phenomenon. -geography examines changes over time, for example, Allowed to identify the dynamics of the world economy and the position of individual countries on the timeline of development. Examine the essence of what is happening by comparing the past and the present .

Geographic forecast... Geoinformatics - Informatics allows the use of economic-mathematical modeling . The development of geoinformatics has led to the creation of geographic information systems (GIS) Aerospace method - a method of studying the Earth from aircraft - airborne and space. This method can be called remote sensing, which includes aerial or satellite imagery and decryption of the resulting images. Decryption is the processing of aerial and space data to determine images. For example, in the image of forest fires, to increase the contrast of the image, green is replaced with red.

.Sources of geographic information.

Answer: cartographic, etc.

Familiarize yourself with the methods and fill out the table.

Writing in a notebook: geographical maps, reference books, textbooks, encyclopedias, television, the Internet, etc.


Familiarity with the structure of the tutorial

.Practical work "

Exercise 1

Task 2.

Answer the questions:

Testing in the geography of Russia.


Independent work:


Did you enjoy the lesson? What new have you learned in the lesson?

Frontal poll.

    List the traditional methods of geographical research known to you.

    Does the cartographic method belong to traditional methods and what is its role in the knowledge of the world around us?

Answer: Yes, this is the leading method in geography, with the help of maps we can get a lot of different information.

    What role do space research methods play in modern geographic research?

Answer: Space research methods are used to monitor and study economic components in the world, to predict their changes.

    List the modern methods of geographical research known to you.

Answer: - experimental - modeling - remote (aerospace) - geographic forecast - geographic information systems

    Does the geographical forecast relate to modern methods of geographical research and what is the purpose of its implementation:

Answer: Yes, foreseeing the future state of geosystems.

Using the SEARCH input line, you can search for objects of various types located in the capital: streets and houses, institutions, theaters and museums, educational institutions, hotels, metro stations and much more. GIS will help you find a place on the map, suggest the address and give you a lot of additional useful information. Practical work: work on the Internet "Search for cities on the electronic map of Russia", "Sights of Russian cities" (optional). You can use the map in the Google Browser (see instructions)

Exercise 1.

) study table 14 on page 388 of the Appendix of the tutorial

2) determine what information is reflected in it

3) establish how the data is ranked

4) in what units of measurement the data is presented

5) formulate possible conclusions to this table

Task 2.

1) consider Figure 10 on page 62 of the tutorial (graph)

2) determine what information is reflected in it

3) determine what data is plotted along the OX, OY axis, in what units

4) establish how the indicator changes, what are the rates of change at different time intervals

5) what conclusion can be drawn by examining this figure

Task 3.

1) consider Figure 14 on page 63 of the tutorial (bar chart)

2) determine what information is reflected in it, what it is about

3) name the chart view

4) how the information is presented in the diagram

5) formulate possible conclusions to the figure

Introspection lesson.

Introduction. 1 hour.

The topic is “Geography as a Science. Geographic research methods. Sources of Geographic Information ".

(leading meaningful ideas)

The unique role of geography as a science in the formation of ideas about the interaction of nature, man and society, images of specific territories.

Geographical system of scientific knowledge and characteristic methods of geographical research.

Complex use of various sources of geographic information - educational, reference, popular science, Internet resources, etc.

Lesson Objectives

Subject - deepening understanding of doctrines, theories, laws and patterns, hypotheses of modern geographical science.

Expansion and deepening of understanding of the methods of geographical research and sources of geographical information.

Metasubject : improving educational and information skills:

select the right sources of information,

evaluate and analyze their features and significance,

work with a variety of sources of information.

Basic requirements for preparing students

Give examples of modern geographical research and assess their value.

Prove with facts the interconnection of geographical sciences.

Give examples of laws, theories, concepts or terms from different courses in school geography, explain their features and differences.

Assess various sources of geographic knowledge.

Be able to work with various sources of geographic knowledge.

Name typical geographic research methods.

Express your arguments briefly and conclusively, express yourself in the logic of the question posed.

During the classes.

    Organization of the class.

    Homework check.

(frontal conversation)

What does the economic and social geography of the world study?

What sciences does socio-economic geography combine?

What is the main direction of the current stage of development of social and economic geography?

What issues do geographers take part in?

3. Studying a new topic.

Modern methods of geographical research.

What is a "method"?

(student answers)

Writing in a notebook: A method is a way to achieve a goal, to solve a specific problem; a set of techniques for cognizing reality.

In geography, universal and special research methods are used.

What research methods do you know?

(student answers)

Writing in a notebook:

Traditional methods:

    Cartographic is the leading method in geography (different types of maps, different ways of analyzing maps). When teaching, the card performs a number of functions: a source of information, teaching aids, teaching method.

Work on atlas maps:

-Using the "Political Map of the World", name the leading states by area; dwarf states, island states: archipelagic states, coastal states, landlocked states.

-According to the map "World Population Distribution", name the regions of the world with a high population density, with a low population density?

-According to the map "Environmental problems of the world", name the regions of the world where radioactive pollution, degradation of pastures, and soil erosion prevail.

    Statistical - processing of various digital data, their comparison and analysis.

Working with tables in the tutorial appendix.

-Name the countries in the world with the largest reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, identify the regions of the world, poor arable land, name the most and least wooded countries in the world.

    Historical - a method of studying the history of geographical objects from the moment of their formation to the present.

Using the example of the Russian Federation to trace the changes taking place in the territory of the country.

    Mathematical methods allow you to go to mathematical modeling of physical and economic-geographical phenomena and processes.

- If the area of ​​the Sahara Desert annually increases by 13 thousand square kilometers, how much will the area of ​​the desert increase in 5, 10 years?

Modern methods:

    Geographic forecast - foreseeing the future state of geosystems, etc.

- If you do not reduce the deforestation of equatorial forests in South America, what could be the consequences?

-If the amount of carbon dioxide does not decrease, what can be the consequences of the greenhouse effect?

2. Geoinformatics has led to the creation of geographic information systems, which are engaged in the creation of electronic maps, differing in language, national electronic atlases: USA, Canada, Japan, Sweden and other countries of the world.

3. Space research methods - satellite and navigation systems with which you can determine your location and choose the shortest route.

Sources of geographic information.

What are the sources of geographic information known to you?

(students' answers)

Writing in a notebook:

The main sources of geographic information: visual observations, eyewitness accounts, geographical maps, reference books, textbooks, encyclopedias, special computer programs, television, radio, the Internet, etc.

(give examples)

    Lesson summary.

- What two groups are all research methods divided into?

List the traditional research methods.

Modern research methods.

What are the most accessible sources of geographic information and what information can be obtained from them?

    Estimates. House. exercise: study the outline of the lesson.

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"Lesson plan Print"

Lesson topic:« »

Goals: create conditions for the presentation of geography and in the system of sciences; to acquaint with the structure of the textbook, methods of geographical research and sources of geographical information, to acquaint with the search for information using GIS

1. Geography as a science, its role and significance in the system of sciences. Goals and objectives of geography in the development of vocational education specialties.

Economic and social geography is a geographical science about the laws of development and distribution of nature, population and economy.


Exercise: Write out traditional and modern research methods from the text.

Geographic research methods

Traditional methods

Modern methods

The main methods of geographical research are: Description Method one of the main methods of geography. All descriptions of the territory were based on observation method.

The map, according to the figurative expression of one of the founders of Russian economic geography - Nikolai Nikolaevich Baransky - is the second language of geography. The map is a unique source of information! It gives an idea of ​​the mutual arrangement of objects, their size, the extent of the spread of this or that phenomenon, and much more. Everything on Earth develops historically, therefore, to understand modern geography, knowledge of history is necessary: ​​the history of the development of the Earth, the history of mankind. Statistical method... It is impossible to talk about countries, peoples, natural objects without using statistical data: what is the height or depth, area of ​​the territory, reserves of natural resources, population, demographic indicators, absolute and relative indicators of production, etc. Mathematical... If there are numbers, then there are calculations: calculations of population density, fertility, mortality and natural population growth, migration balance, resource availability, GDP per capita, etc. Modern aerial and space photography- great assistants in the study of geography, in the creation of geographical maps, in the development of the national economy and nature protection, in solving many problems of mankind. Geographic forecast... Modern geographical science should not only describe the objects and phenomena under study, but also predict the consequences to which mankind may come in the course of its development. Geographic forecasting helps to avoid many undesirable phenomena, reduce the negative impact of activities on nature, use resources rationally, and solve global problems.

Geographic information systems.Modern research cannot be imagined without information technology. GIS - Geographic information systems are a computer base that stores geo-information in the form of maps of various content, digital and textual information on objects on these maps. Information can be presented on the monitor screen and in the form of printouts of any scale, tables, graphs, diagrams for any of their information blocks.

In terms of spatial coverage, global, national, regional, local and urban GIS are distinguished.

According to their purpose, they are subdivided into resource - cadastral, land, environmental, geological, marine, educational, etc.

GIS is a special system capable of collecting, organizing, storing, processing, evaluating, displaying and distributing at a new technical level. data and obtaining on this basis new geographic information.

3. Sources of geographic information. Geographic map, Statistical materials, Geographic information systems. http: // . com / http: // . com /

4. Practical work Acquaintance with geographical maps of various subjects.

Exercise 1 ... To complete the assignment, study the table of contents of the geographic atlas for grade 10. 1.1. Divide all maps of the atlas into world and regional. Which of these groups is represented in the atlas by a large number of maps? 1.2. Divide all maps of the atlas into physical and thematic. Which of these groups is represented in the atlas by a large number of maps? For what purpose are physical maps included in this atlas?

Task 2. Take a close look at the "Political Map of the World" in the geographic atlas. Answer the questions: 2.1. What is the purpose of the background coloring on this map? 2.2. What geographic objects must be indicated both on the physical and on the political map of the world? 2.3. What information is included in the legend of the political map of the world? Why?

Homework : Independent work of students Drawing up maps (schematic maps), reflecting various geographical phenomena and processes.

Use various sources of geographic information to complete the assignment. 1.1. Insert the missing names of some new countries (or their capitals) that appeared on the political map of the world in the late XX - early XXI century. as a result of the division of the larger federal states.

    The states that emerged on the territory of the former Soviet Union and their capitals: Russia - Moscow; Ukraine, Kiev; Belarus - Minsk; … - Chisinau; Georgia - ...; ... - Baku; Armenia - ...; Kazakhstan - …; … - Bishkek; Turkmenistan - Ashgabat; Tajikistan - ...; ... - Tashkent; Estonia - ...; … - Riga; … - Vilnius.

1.2. Draw up schematic maps of pre-existing federal states, showing the boundaries of former federations and newly formed countries. Sign the names of these countries and their capitals. Enter the designations used in drawing up the schematic maps in the legend. 1.3. Analyze the factors and reasons that led to the emergence of new states on the political map of the world at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Write down your findings.

We are closely connected with geography - the nature that surrounds us, rest, travel to different places on the planet.

Geography still opens up an amazing world:

    introduces the customs and traditions of different nations,

    deep-sea vehicles descend to the bottom of the seas and oceans,

    the ice of Antarctica hide unique lakes from the eyes of scientists,

    scientists are discovering new species of animals and plants in the Amazon forests, as well as researching climate warming and environmental pollution.

LESSON 1. INTRODUCTION Sources of geographic information
PURPOSE: to form an understanding of the science of geography.



Students should: know / understand the tasks and subject of study of geography, the definition of "geography"; be able to call the differences in the study of the Earth geography in comparison with other sciences; provide examples of geographic features; to determine the differences between natural and anthropogenic objects; explain why they study geography.

BASIC TERMS AND CONCEPTS: methods of geographic information.

Geography as a science, methods of geographic information. Rules for working with teaching materials.

PRACTICAL WORK: training in the techniques of keeping a diary of observations of the weather and phenological phenomena.

Textbook p. 5-6

The first lesson of the course should form students' understanding of the science of geography,

Familiarity requires considerable attention

When working with a textbook, it is important to teach how to use text and non-text components correctly (orientation apparatus, illustrations: drawings, schematic maps, photographs; questions and tasks, etc.). See page 6 of the tutorial for instructions. Together with the students, it is necessary to clearly work out all the instructions, to make the necessary accents. Students of this age tend to retell the text of the textbook verbatim. From the point of view of the task of developing students' speech, its correctness, consistency, completeness and consistency of presentation, the teacher needs special attention to work on the word, to teaching students to explain logically, prove their point of view, compose descriptions, express the content of the topic in their own words, etc. ... At the same time, one must constantly remember that the speech of students is highly dependent on how consciously they have mastered the content of concepts, the methods of their application.

Acquaintance with the structure of the textbook and methods of working with it, a geographic atlas, a exercise book can be carried out using the example of the formation of the concept of "geography".

Working with the atlas in the first lesson is not planned in the content of the lesson, but it is important to provide for its application. For this, during the lesson, the basic nomenclature units are introduced, which are already known to students from the discipline "Natural Science".

Practical work is done in the lesson. Familiarization

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« How much is the benefit of geography to the human race, about which anyone who has an idea can judge "

M.V. Lomonosov.

Lesson topic:

Introduction. Sources of geographic information .

  • Geography - the oldest science on earth. Nowadays, from a descriptive science has turned into a science of a constructional nature.
  • Economic and social geography is a geographical science about the laws of development and distribution of nature, population and economy.
  • In economic geography is included in the system of geographical sciences is associated with many sciences: primarily with physical geography, ecology, history, demography, ethnography, economic cartography.

Goals and objectives of geography in the development of vocational education specialties.

  • The entire learning process is aimed at achieving the goal:

Formation of a holistic view of modern geographical science, its participation in solving the most important problems of mankind;

possession of the skills of observing individual geographic objects, processes and phenomena, their changes as a result of natural and anthropogenic influences;

possession of the ability to use maps of different content to obtain new geographical knowledge about natural socio-economic and ecological processes and phenomena;

possession of the ability to apply geographic knowledge to explain and evaluate various phenomena and processes, self-assessment of the level of environmental safety, adaptation to changes in its conditions.

. The main tasks of modern geography is to know to preserve and increase the wealth of our planet in order to pass it on to future generations.

2. Methods of geographical research

Geographic research methods - methods of obtaining geographic information

Geographic research methods

Traditional methods

Modern methods

  • These are various types of observations that make it possible to obtain primary information about objects and phenomena.

  • It is the most important method in geography. Allows you to explore the spatial placement of an object .

Statistical method

  • is based on the analysis of statistical material, allows concretizing theoretical calculations, makes it possible to demonstrate the proportionality of phenomena and processes, to draw conclusions about the direction of development of a particular phenomenon.

  • Allowed to identify the dynamics of the world economy and the position of individual countries on the timeline of development. Examine the essence of what is happening by comparing the past and the present.


Informatics allows the use of economic and mathematical modeling. The development of geoinformatics has led to the creation of geographic information systems (GIS)

Geographic forecast foreseeing the future state of geosystems, etc. .

4. Practical work " Acquaintance with geographical maps of various subjects "

  • Exercise 1... To complete the assignment, study the table of contents of the geographic atlas for grade 10.
  • 1.1. Divide all maps of the atlas into world and regional. Which of these groups is represented in the atlas by a large number of maps?
  • 1.2. Divide all maps of the atlas into physical and thematic. Which of these groups is represented in the atlas by a large number of maps?
  • For what purpose are physical maps included in this atlas?

Task 2.

Take a close look at the "Political Map of the World" in the geographic atlas.

Answer the questions :

2.1. What is the purpose of the background coloring on this map?

2.2. What geographic objects must be indicated both on the physical and on the political map of the world? 2.3. What information is included in the legend of the political map of the world? Why?

Homework Independent work :

« Drawing up maps (schematic maps), reflecting various geographic phenomena and processes. "

Use various sources of geographic information to complete the assignment. 1.1. Insert the missing names of some new countries (or their capitals) that appeared on the political map of the world in the late XX - early XXI century. as a result of the division of the larger federal states.

  • The states that emerged on the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), and their capitals: Serbia - Belgrade; Croatia -…; Montenegro - ...; … - Skopje; … - Ljubljana; Bosnia and Herzegovina - … .
  • The states that emerged on the territory of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia), and their capitals: Czech Republic -…; … - Bratislava.
  • 1.2. Draw up schematic maps of pre-existing federal states, showing the boundaries of former federations and newly formed countries. Sign the names of these countries and their capitals. Enter the designations used in drawing up the schematic maps in the legend. 1.3. Analyze the factors and reasons that led to the emergence of new states on the political map of the world at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Write down your findings. .

What is GIS?

GIS is a set of computer hardware, geographic data and software for collecting, processing, storing, modeling, analyzing and displaying spatial information.

GIS is a medium that links geographic information (where what is) with descriptive information (what it is).

Unlike conventional paper maps, GIS provides you with many layers of diverse geographic and thematic information.

How is information stored in a GIS?

All original information is stored in separate layers in digital form on a computer.

And all of this geographic data is sorted into layers, with each layer representing its own type of feature (theme).

One of these topics may contain all roads in a certain area, another - lakes, and the third - all cities and other settlements in the same area.

  • http: //

GIS can be viewed in three ways:

Database type: GIS is a unique type of database about our world - a geographic database. This is the "Information System for Geography".

Map type: GIS is a collection of smart maps and other graphical views that show objects and their relationships on the earth's surface. Maps can be generated and used as a "window to the database" to support queries, analysis and editing of information. These actions are called geovisualization.

Model type: GIS is a set of tools for transforming information. They allow you to form new geographic datasets from existing ones, applying special analytical functions to them - geoprocessing tools. In other words, by combining data and applying some rules, you can create a model that helps you find answers to the questions posed.


4. What can you do with GIS?

  • Make spatial queries and analyze
  • search databases and perform spatial queries
  • identify areas suitable for the required activities;
  • identify relationships between different parameters (for example, soils, climate and crop yields);
  • identify places of power grids

GIS technologies in cartography

It is a source of objective information for updating and compiling various thematic and topographic maps of the entire scale series with minimal time, labor and economic costs.

Use of space imagery and GIS technologies for environmental monitoring

This is the simplest and most cost-effective way of operational monitoring observations of the state of the natural environment.

Use of space imagery and GIS technologies in forestry

This is the prompt receipt of complete and objective information about the state of forest areas at different levels of forest management - from the lease area of ​​the forest fund and forestry to the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the entire country.

Interactive maps of the world, countries, cities

The interactive map can be controlled:

Zoom in / out

Shift in all geographic directions

On the interactive map you can get information:

About distance between objects using marks

Find objects at a specified address

Find the nearest metro stations to the specified address

Demonstration of the practical use of various interactive maps: comparing maps and satellite images, measuring distances, determining the nearest buildings to a specified address, etc.

http: // maps. google . com /

http: // maps. google . com /

Geographic information systems as a means of obtaining, processing and presenting geographic information .

Modern research cannot be imagined without information technology.

1. GIS - Geographic Information Systems is a computer base that stores geo-information in the form of maps of various content, digital and textual information on objects on these maps. Information can be presented on the monitor screen and in the form of printouts of any scale, tables, graphs, diagrams for any of their information blocks.

In terms of spatial coverage, global, national, regional, local and urban GIS are distinguished.

According to their purpose, they are subdivided into resource - cadastral, land, environmental, geological, marine, educational, etc.

GIS is a special system capable of collecting, organizing, storing, processing, evaluating, displaying and disseminating data at a new technical level and obtaining new geographic information on this basis.

Statistical materials are one of the main sources of geographic information .

Using statistical data: what is the height or depth, area of ​​the territory, reserves of natural resources, population, demographic indicators, absolute and relative indicators of production, etc.

  • Cartographic sources include a map. A map is a special form of information and the acquisition of knowledge about the spatial distribution of natural and social phenomena, their state, properties and changes in time.
  • This form is widely used in everyday life of society and is absolutely necessary for many branches of science and practice.

Discipline: Geography

Topic: « Introduction. Sources of Geographic Information ".

Practical lesson number 1.

Topic: Familiarization With geographic maps different topics. Drafting kart (schematic maps), reflecting various geographic phenomenaand processes. Usage statistical materials and geographic information systems.

Occupation type: Learning new

Lesson type: Lecture - visualization

Number of hours: 2 hours

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of an idea of ​​the sources of geographic



    To give an idea of ​​the role and place of modern geographic information in solving the problems of the development of human civilization.

    To form students' ideas about various sources of geographic information, which are designed to help in the development of a new training course.

    Continue to build testing and lecture notes skills.

    Assess the volume and level of residual geographical knowledge of students to determine the degree of readiness of the audience to learn new material.

Equipment, visibility, TCO- laptop, plasma TV, presentation, outline map, atlas,

Course of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

    Setting goals and objectives.

    Requirements for the organization of the educational process.

    Lecture visualization.

    1. Geography as a Science.

      A geographic map is a special source of information about


    1. Statistical materials.

Geography as a Science.

Geography is one of the most interesting and important sciences. She studies the territory (territorial complexes of different levels), the conditions and patterns of its formation and development. Economic and social geography as a branch of geography examines the place and role of man and his many-sided activities in a particular territory. From how competently a person settles in and develops his place of residence, his comfortable living on it depends. Geography allows deeply scientific and, most importantly, to take into account all factors of the development of the territory - natural (geological structure, climatic features, peculiarities of inland waters and natural complexes), economic (peculiarities of economic activity) and social (human behavior). It is for this reason that she so widely uses the achievements of the most diverse sciences.

Traditional and new methods of geographical research.

Research methods (methods) are specific techniques for studying geographic objects and phenomena.

Geographic information system (GIS) is an information system that provides collection, storage, processing, access, display and analysis of spatial (spatially coordinated) data.

GIS structure:

    Data (spatial data):

Positional (geographical): the location of an object on the earth's surface, its coordinates in the selected coordinate system;

Non-positional (attributive, or metadata) - descriptive text, electronic documents, data of a graphic type, including photographs of objects, three-dimensional images of objects, video materials, etc.

    Hardware (computers, computer networks, storage devices, scanners, digitizers, etc.);

    Software (OS, application and add-ons to it);

    Technologies (methods, procedures, etc.);

    Operators, administrators, users.

Types of geographic information, its role and use in people's lives.

Task number 1 ( Read the text. Make a diagram "Sources of geographic information")

Geography is a science, studying which one should not be afraid to get too much information. There are quite a few sources of geographic information.

First, there is a geographic map. It provides a one-time broad and comprehensive view of the study area. It is no coincidence that the famous geographer NN Baransky, the founder of Soviet economic and social geography, called the geographical map the "language" of geography. True, a geographical map must be able to read, that is, possess the skill of obtaining all the necessary information from it. Secondly, it is literature, and the most diverse - reference, scientific, popular science and even fiction. Thirdly, these are the mass media (newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcasts, films). Fourth, this is the Internet. Fifth, these are personal impressions. When studying the features of the territory, no information will be superfluous. It is necessary to "absorb" it from everywhere - to read books, newspapers and magazines, watch television programs and films, use the Internet, go on tourist trips.

The modern world is on the verge of globalization. Currently, goods, money, any information can easily overcome huge distances and state borders that once seemed impregnable bastions. In this regard, there is an inevitable homogenization, or unification, of models of human behavior. Of course, this process is not easy. But he is objective. Colossal differences in the cultural traditions of certain peoples further exacerbate the seemingly already acute interstate and interethnic contradictions. Geography can help to understand their nature, to understand all their intricacies.

A geographic map is a special source of information about reality.

Geographic map- models from to in a reduced form.

Statistical materials.

Statistical data is an integral part of the global information system, which is formed in accordance with the concept of informatization, developed in the Russian Federation.

Statistical materials is massive quantitative data about important life indicators and the relationship between them. Statistical data include population censuses, tax collection, and land calculation.

    Initial testing in the economic and social geography of Russia

    Countries with land borders with Russia:

  1. Norway




  2. China



    A city of Russia with a population of over 1 million people:


    Nizhny Novgorod

  1. Serpukhov


    The largest basin in terms of volumes of coking coal in Russia:





4. Full cycle ferrous metallurgy center in Russia:


    Saint Petersburg

  1. Magnitogorsk

5.Fine-fleece and semi-fine-fleece sheep breeding are most developed in

economic region:


    North Caucasian


    Central Black Earth

6 the Trans-Siberian Railway runs through the territory

economic regions of Russia:

    North Caucasian


    Far Eastern


7. Arrange the stages of textile production in the technological order - from raw materials to the production of finished fabric

  1. Production of severity

    Fiber production

    Yarn production

Answer: 3,4,2,1

8.Three centers of the oil refining industry,

located on the Volga:

  1. Saratov





  2. Arkhangelsk

9.Define the subject of the Russian Federation by its short description:

“This subject is located in the eastern part of the country, its territory is not washed by the waters of the World Ocean. One of the largest rivers in Russia with its largest inflow flows through its territory. There are no hydroelectric power stations on these rivers. There are no nuclear power plants in the subject, but powerful thermal power plants operate on fuel produced in the same subject "

    Primorsky Krai

    Murmansk region

    Irkutsk region

    Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

10. Establish a correspondence between the economic regions of Russia and the centers of production of cars and trucks:

Economic regions Production centers

Russian cars and trucks

    Volgo-Vyatsky A. Serpukhov

    Povolzhsky B. Naberezhnye chelny

    Central V. Izhevsk

    Uralsky G. Nizhny Novgorod

D. Taganrog

Answer: 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

Evaluation criteria: 0 errors - "5", 1-3 errors - "4", 4-5 errors - "3", 6 and more - "2".

Question number


1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

6. Frontal poll.

    List the traditional methods of geographical research known to you.









    Does the cartographic method belong to traditional methods and what is its role in the knowledge of the world around us?


Yes, this is the leading method in geography, with the help of maps we can get a lot of different information.

    What role do space research methods play in modern geographic research?


Space research methods are used to monitor and study economic components in the world, to predict their changes.

    List the modern methods of geographical research known to you.




Remote (aerospace)

Geographic forecast

Geographic information systems

    Does the geographical forecast relate to modern methods of geographical research and what is the purpose of its implementation:


Yes, foresight of the future state of geosystems.

Geosystems - these are natural-geographical unity of all possible categories, from the planetary geosystem (geographic envelope) to the elementary geosystem (physical-geographic facies)

definition by V. B. Sochava


Topic: Acquaintance with geographical maps of various subjects. Drawing up maps (schematic maps), reflecting various geographical phenomena and processes. Use of statistical materials and geographic information systems.

1. Analysis of maps of various topics.

As a result of completing the tasks of practical work, each of you should study the stages of the formation of a modern political map of the world; modern processes of changing the political map of the world, the main international organizations of countries, to master the features of the distribution of certain types of natural resources by region.

You must consolidate and develop the following skills:

Draw up maps (schematic maps), diagrams according to the proposed simplest or complex tasks using traditional or your own designations;

Select the necessary information to complete the assigned task; - identify and explain the political and geographical aspects of current events and situations;

Evaluate and explain the information obtained during the selection and analysis;

Equipment: Internet resources, a geographic atlas of the world for grade 10, an outline map of the world, colored pencils, a pen.

Tasks for work:

Exercise 1.

Consider Atlas Geography (Grade 10). List the topics of the card.


    Political Map

    State structure

    Mineral resources of land

    Agroclimatic resources

    Land and forest resources

    Hydrosphere resources


    Accommodation of the population

  1. Human development index

    Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

    The structure of the economy

    Mining industry

    Power engineering

    Manufacturing industry



    Foreign economic relations

    Integration associations

    Territorial structure of the economy

    Political and economic maps of countries

    Global demographic problem

    Global environmental problem

    Global food problem

    Areas of political instability

    World heritage of mankind

Task 2.

To complete the assignment, use various sources of geographic information, as well as your knowledge from the school history and geography course. You can also get the necessary information with the help of Internet resources.

Insert the missing names of some new countries (or their capitals) that appeared on the political map of the world in the late 20th - early 21st centuries. as a result of the division of the larger federal states.

The states that emerged on the territory of the former Soviet Union and their capitals: Russia - Moscow; Ukraine, Kiev; Belarus - Minsk; Moldavia- Chisinau; Georgia - Tbilisi; Azerbaijan- Baku; Armenia - Yerevan; Kazakhstan - Astana; Kyrgyzstan- Bishkek; Turkmenistan - Ashgabat; Tajikistan - Dushanbe; Uzbekistan - Tashkent; Estonia - Tallinn; Latvia- Riga; Lithuania - Vilnius.

The states that emerged on the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), and their capitals: Serbia - Belgrade; Croatia - Zagreb; Montenegro - Cetinje; Macedonia- Skopje; Slovenia - Ljubljana; Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo.

The states that arose on the territory of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia), and their capitals: Czech Republic - Prague; Slovenia - Bratislava.

Task 3.

Make a schematic map of the pre-existing Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), showing the borders of the newly formed countries. Sign the names of these countries and their capitals.


Thus, today there are six independent states on the territory that belonged to the former Yugoslavia:

Republic of Serbia (capital Belgrade)
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (capital of Sarajevo)
Republic of Slovenia (capital Bratislava)
Republic of Macedonia (capital Skopje)
Republic of Montenegro (capital Cetinje, Podgorica)
Republic of Croatia (capital Zagreb)

(There is little confusion with the capitals in Montenegro. In the constitution of the country, the city is named its official capital ... It has historically been the center of faith and statehood; the royal residence was located here. In 1946, the capital was moved to Titograd, which was returned to its former name in 1992 - ... After Montenegro gained independence in 2006, the title of the capital again passed to Cetinje, but most of the state institutions remained in Podgorica. In order not to transport the government of the country, it was decided to make appropriate changes to the status of cities.

So now there are two capitals in Montenegro, for which new definitions have been invented. The official and cultural capital of Cetinje, where the president and the metropolitan of the country live, and the actual business and political capital of Podgorica).

Task 4.

To complete the task, use the contour map of the world.

On a contour map of the world, find the states that are part of the "Big Seven". Select their borders, shade their territories, add shading to the legend of the contour map, sign the names of countries and their capitals.


The G7 countries are the USA (capital - Washington), Japan (capital - Tokyo), Germany (capital - Berlin), France (capital - Paris), Great Britain (capital - London), Italy (capital - Rome), Canada ( capital - Ottawa), (since 1994 Russia has been participating in the meetings of the group).

Task 5.

To complete the task, use the data in table 1.

Plot a pie chart of the ratio of iron ore reserves in the top five countries. To do this, the sum of the iron ore reserves of the top five must be taken as 100%, and then the share of each country must be calculated and the corresponding sector in the pie chart must be marked. Individual sectors must be highlighted with certain colors or types of shading. Create a legend for the diagram.

Table # 1. Proven reserves of iron ores in the countries of the world (2005)

Place in the world

The country



billion tons


Latin America


Europe Asia


North America








North America





South Africa



Iron ore reserves in the countries of the world (2005)

Task 5.

Suggest options for the criteria for dividing the ten countries indicated in Table 1 into groups according to the volume of explored iron ore reserves. Write down your suggestions.


You can define the following criteria:

The country with the largest iron ore reserves

The country with the smallest iron ore reserves

Countries with the same volume of iron ore reserves

Which of the regions has the largest iron ore reserves

Which of the regions has the smallest iron ore reserves

7. Homework.

Purchase an atlas and a contour map of Geography for grade 10, colored pencils.

Learn notes in a notebook.

8. Summing up.

9. Extracurricular independent work

Message "Statistical materials", "Types of geographical maps".

The volume and quality of socio-geographical information, which is “a body of knowledge and a system of data reflecting the peculiarities and patterns of the territorial organization of society, the functioning and development of TPSG”, are of great importance in conducting research and writing research papers.

Among the main requirements that can be imposed on social and geographical information are:

- modernity, i.e. it should correspond to the time interval of the study. However, this condition may not be met when conducting a retrospective analysis of the development of the research object;

- targeting, i.e. information should be linked not only to time, but also to a specific territory. In the study of a real object (process or phenomenon) in the spatial aspect, the geographical individuality of the study is realized;

- the dynamism of information means its constant change, movement in time and space. The evolutionary development of the object of research is determined by the complication of its structure, the attraction of new functional properties, and an increase in the number of factors of its development. This information should not escape the field of view of the geographer;

- correspondence of the information received to the research topic, and, consequently, to the set goal. Its relevance and timeliness are of great importance;

- the objectivity (reliability) of the information ensures the reliability of the conclusions obtained and the recommendations proposed for implementation;

- verifiability. Some of the published socio-geographical information may be questioned in its reliability (correctness), therefore, it is necessary to critically approach the choice of information sources and verify (clarify, check) the data obtained through other sources. A researcher should be especially selective in his approach to materials published on the Internet.

Given the vastness of socio-geographical research, a significant amount of information resources can act as a source of necessary information, including:

- scientific and literary sources, including scientific and popular science publications, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, continuing periodicals and collections of scientific works, dissertations for scientific degrees, encyclopedic dictionaries, etc .;

- regulatory sources, including any legal acts of international, state, regional and local significance;

- cartographic or graphic information representing complex processes in a simplified form for perception;

- the results of independent field (full-scale) studies and observations;

- statistical sources containing data on the course of a particular process, "behavior" of the research object;

- archival and fund materials;

- electronic sources;

- the results of sociological research;

- data from monitoring studies.

None of the above sources can become "self-sufficient" for conducting socio-geographical research. In the process of work, a set of theoretical and applied developments (research) of previous researchers is used, as well as data obtained independently in the course of field work, sociological surveys, collecting statistical information, working in archives, etc.

At the same time, information cannot be simply written into the work. It should be analyzed, verified and interpreted in relation to this study. To perform these operations, the student (master's student) must use the time allotted for production and research practices. The broadened goal of conducting industrial practice is to formulate and solve one's own research problem, to develop skills in applying knowledge in the field of economic, social and political geography to solve applied problems. That is why industrial practice should have clearly defined goals and objectives corresponding to the topic of the selected original scientific research in each course of study.

During the period of practical training, students (undergraduates) collect and process primary information - statistical data, cartographic materials, graphic-analytical constructions, historical and geographical information, sociological information, develop a method of original research and determine a set of indicators for the purpose of a deeper and more comprehensive study of the object and subject of observation etc. The main places for the accumulation and storage of geographic information are libraries, scientific institutions, archives, the territorial department of the Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, regional and municipal authorities, the employment center, various organizations and departments.

A student (undergraduate) can obtain theoretical substantiation of the conducted research from printed sources of geographic information, which are quite varied both in content and in scale. Particular attention should be paid to monographs both in social geography and in related disciplines: physical geography, economics, sociology, political science, resource studies, ecology, cultural studies, research in the field of tourism, etc. Conceptual ideas, important theoretical provisions and practical (applied) data are contained in other sources, including collections of scientific papers, conference materials of various levels, scientific reports, etc. The electronic catalog of printed publications that make up the fund of the PSNIU scientific library is available free of charge on the website Here you can also get acquainted with new acquisitions, scientific journals in foreign languages, go to the websites of the Library of Congress, the Russian State Library (Moscow), the Russian National Library (St. Petersburg), the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information ( . Moscow) and others.

A special source of geographic information is the abstract journal "Geography". It contains abstracts of scientific publications in various areas of geographical science, secondary information materials (bibliographic descriptions, annotations, literature reviews) in conjunction with a reference search apparatus. To compile it, over two thousand different sources, Russian and foreign, are used. Each of the issues includes approximately 1500 abstracts. The abstract journal "Geography" has been published annually since 1952 (12 issues per year).

Numbers for 1998 - 1999 and since 2009 are in the reading room of the Faculty of Geography, the rest - in the scientific and bibliographic department of the PSNIU library.

Another important literary source of geographic information is candidate and doctoral dissertations. The list of dissertations and dissertations themselves in the specialty 25.00.24 (until 2005 - 11.00.02) - Economic, social and political geography, defended at our university, are stored in the periodical literature department of the PSNIU library. To work with them, it is necessary to issue a letter certified by the head of the department where the student (master's student) is studying.

In any work, new scientific categories, concepts, and terms fall into the field of vision of a young researcher. In this case, a variety of scientific and bibliographic literature is of great help: dictionaries, encyclopedias, glossaries contained in textbooks and teaching aids. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to name the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the Great Geographical Dictionary, toponymic dictionaries, etc.

An important source of information is the most popular scientific geographical journals, collections of scientific papers, periodically published by scientific and educational institutions. They publish innovative articles of a theoretical, methodological and applied nature. For many years, collections of scientific works of Tartu, Perm, Tyumen and other universities were published annually. Geographical magazines became world famous: Izvestiya RAN. Geographical Series "(Moscow)," News of the Russian Geographical Society "(St. Petersburg)," Geography and Natural Resources "(Irkutsk, journal of the Institute of Geography SB RAS)," Geography at School "," USA and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture ”,“ Japan ”,“ Asia and Africa Today ”(published by the Institute of Asia and Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences), etc. Geographic journals published in the country's leading universities are no less popular: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Perm, Smolensk, Bashkir, Udmurt, etc.

Important information is contained in periodicals on related sciences: economics, sociology, political science, ecology: "World Economy and International Relations" (published by MGIMO (U) MFA RF), "Russian Economic Journal", "Bulletin of Economics", "Polis" ( "Political studies"), "Sotsis" ("Sociological studies"), "Expert" and others. The list of journals on geographic and related topics available in the scientific library of Perm State National Research University is indicated in Appendix. 2.1.

With the support of federal ministries and departments, journals are published in individual sectors of the economy: Oil, Gas and Business, Coal, Automotive Industry, etc. In them, the researcher can gather information on the latest technical and technological developments of domestic and foreign scientists. It also contains some data on production, consumption, cost, export-import of goods and services.

The journals GEO, Vokrug Sveta, National Geographic Russia, Tourism, Picturesque Russia and others, which contain a large amount of popular science information on certain regions of Russia and the world, can provide assistance when writing works on regional studies. ...

It is important to note that the last issue of most journals lists all materials published during a calendar year. Some of these magazines are in the reading room of the Faculty of Geography of Perm State National Research University.

Another type of periodical press - newspapers - can also include information of interest to the geographer - the so-called current information. Especially noteworthy in this respect is the newspaper "Geography", which is a methodological publication for teachers of geography, ecology and natural history (published since 1992). Among the central newspapers, the most prominent is Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the official print publication of the Kremlin (RF Government). It reflects the events of both domestic and international life. The special editions of the newspaper devoted to certain regions, countries or types of economic activity are also quite informative. When conducting geographic research at the micro, topo and nano levels, local newspapers published by municipal authorities can be of great importance. They cover the entire spectrum of life of the population in a clearly localized territory, and in this regard they are irreplaceable.

A specific type of information is regulatory and legislative documents, including:

- international legal acts (Convention on Human Rights, Kyoto Protocol, UN Marine Convention, Antarctica Treaty, etc.);

- The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions and charters of the regions - the subjects of the Russian Federation; constitutions of specific countries;

- interstate pacts;

- declarations, federal treaty;

- codes, federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

- acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

- annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly;

- acts, laws, decisions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

- acts of representative and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government;

- charters of municipalities, etc.

Students and undergraduates can familiarize themselves with all the listed types of normative documents using the ConsultantPlus program, which is available in the reading room, the computer class of the Faculty of Geography and at the departments.

The importance of using legislative and legal literature in socio-geographical research is explained by the need to establish a legal framework for scientific research, determine the official status of one or another really existing object, and officially assess a particular process. Socio-geographical research is based on legal norms and follows them. However, research results can serve as an important factor in making changes (additions), improving, improving standards and their implementation in practice in national, regional or municipal development.

In addition to literary sources, cartographic and graphic materials are of great importance in scientific research works on economic and social geography.

The latter, in a concise, easy-to-read form, can contain a large amount of geographic information.

The advantage of cartographic material over textual material is that the map is a visual (generalized) model of the territory. It is distinguished by its conciseness and informational capacity. The map displays connections between geographic objects, phenomena, processes in dynamics or statics. Textual information cannot give the researcher more than what is written in it. The map, on the other hand, can illustrate causal relationships and territorial differences. Cartographic materials allow the most complete diagnosis of social, ekistic, economic, planning, service, political, ecological phenomena and processes. The use of this information occurs in the process of visual and measuring analysis of maps, decoding and retrieval of information data. That is why this kind of material is usually included in literature sources. However, some maps or schematic maps that have thematic homogeneity can be published in the form of atlases or thematic collections. For example, "National Atlas of Russia" (v. 1–3), "Socio-economic geography of the world" (author: V.N. Kholina, A.S. Naumov, I.A. Rodionova. M., 2006), “Regions of Russia” (author: AL Chepalyga, IV Chepalyga. Moscow, 2006).

A large number of anamorphosis maps that clearly show the imbalances in world development are posted on the website for free access (in English).

Graphic materials also carry important information reflecting the statics and dynamics of socio-economic processes. Graphs and diagrams provide a visual representation of the state and trends in the functioning of territorial systems and can be considered as sources for diagnosing and predicting their future development.

Cartographic and graphic materials can serve as a starting point for research, an impulse for scientific research. Having in his methodological research arsenal the necessary approaches and methods, information resources and general knowledge about the course of the process or the nature of the phenomenon, a specialist in the field of socio-economic geography is able to correctly assess and identify development trends, to see the prospective state of the object. The result of these investigations may also be a map or a series of maps with detailed decoding of the encoded information.

Carrying out research work is impossible without the use of statistical data characterizing the quantitative patterns of the life of territorial communities of people in all their diversity (economic, social, political, spiritual, cultural development, natural environment) in an inextricable connection with their qualitative content.

In global research, international statistics are widely used, published by the UN and its specialized organizations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Resources Institute, the World Trade Organization, Eurostat, etc. World Population "(publisher - UN Population Fund)," World Development Report "," World Development Indicators "," Economic and Social Survey "(World Bank)," Report on the World Social Situation "(UN Department of Economic and Social Development ), "World Resources" (World Resources Institute), "State of Food and Agriculture" (FAO), etc. These and other reports are freely available on the UN website (Russian version) -

A large amount of statistical information, updated annually on more than 100 indicators, is contained on the official website of the US CIA - in the "Factbook" section (in English). The classification of countries by the level of socio-economic development is annually posted on the website of the International Monetary Fund - in the "World Economic outlook" section. The financial indicators of the development of the countries of the world are reflected on the website of the World Bank ( in the annual reports of Global Development Finance. International trade relations statistics are updated annually on the World Trade Organization website ( in the Resources section.

Among the Russian research institutes that study international issues and publish some statistical data, it is necessary to name the scientific organizations that are part of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Institute of the USA and Canada, Institute of Europe, Institute of Latin America, Institute of the Far East , Institute for Socio-Economic Problems of Population, Council for the Study of Productive Forces (COPS), etc.

When studying the processes of development and the territorial organization of the Russian Federation and its regions, information from statistical collections is widely used: "Russian Statistical Yearbook", "Regions of Russia", "Russia in Figures" (published annually), "Socio-economic situation of Russia" (published monthly, in the country as a whole and in individual federal districts), etc.

Sectoral statistical information published by the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (information site - is contained in the collections "Transport in Russia", "Tourism in Russia", "Healthcare in Russia", "Small Business in Russia", etc. ...

Geographic studies of the population, geodemographic situation, settlement systems, conditions and living standards of people are usually based on statistical information contained in reports published after the all-Russian population censuses (website of the VPN 2002 -, website of the 2010 VPN - www, statistical collections of the type "Demographic Yearbook of Russia", the electronic version of the magazine "Population and Society" - "Demoscope-Weekly" (available on the Internet -, etc.

The Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation also prepares collections on the relationship between Russia and its partners, for example: “Russia and the CIS countries”, “Group of Eight in Figures”, as well as collections by federal districts.

In regional studies, statistical data are used that are published in the annual statistical collections of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The territorial body of the Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory (information site - annually publishes the following statistical collections: "Statistical Yearbook of the Perm Territory", "Economic and Social Situation of the Perm Territory". In addition, the collections “Municipalities of the Perm Territory. Basic socio-economic indicators ”,“ Industrial production of the Perm region ”(published annually),“ Perm region: socio-economic results ”(published monthly), etc.

Statistical data on the state of the environment and measures aimed at maintaining a favorable ecological situation can be obtained from the annual reports "State and protection of the environment of the Perm Territory", "State and protection of the environment in Perm" (since 2000 available on the website "The Nature of the Perm Territory" -

Industry-specific statistical information is also contained in the annual reports on the activities of industrial and transport enterprises posted on the companies' websites.

When conducting microgeographic studies, statistical information can be obtained using field (empirical) studies. The most widespread are expeditionary studies, during which primary "field" observations and collection of primary information about the processes of functioning of territorial systems take place. They are carried out in the study of the geography of the population, agricultural production, the construction industry, transport, the service sector, recreational systems, etc. To carry out such studies, the staff of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography has developed a special methodology that has not lost its significance in modern conditions. In this case, statistical information can be obtained directly at the enterprise, in an organization, local registry offices, in house administrations, municipalities, or through self-observation.

A researcher can obtain subjective information during sociological surveys, interviews, questionnaires. Sociological methods make it possible to obtain and analyze the opinion of respondents who are local residents (so-called first-hand information). This is qualitative information, which, nevertheless, cannot be considered objective, since depends on a large number of factors directly affecting it (primarily related to human personality).

However, the data of opinion polls and questionnaires is an important source of information in recreational, tourist, medical, behavioral, social, electoral geography. They are indispensable in research that cannot be quantified (for example, in studies of the way of life, the image of the territory, the way of life of peoples and ethnic groups, etc.), in the construction of cognitive and mental maps.

The survey assumes the availability of a ready-made questionnaire, which the respondents fill out on their own. Therefore, the formulated questions must be understandable for the population. At the same time, they should correspond to the research topic, and the answers should provide complete information about the studied phenomenon or process. Therefore, the wording of the questions should be concise, extremely clear and convenient for coding data for the purpose of their analysis. You should also pay attention to the composition of the questionnaire and the layout of the questions. The sample of respondents should be representative, i.e. correspond to the population of the area, its age and sex, professional, educational composition.

Conducting an interview requires a special preparation of the researcher, who should not impose his own opinion and express his judgments. In this case, one should pay attention to the situation in which the conversation takes place, as well as to the state of the interlocutor. Interviews are often repeated to determine if the situation or position of the interviewee has changed.

It is important to note that some studies can be based on the comparison and opposition of quantitative (statistical) and qualitative (opinion polls) information. Such investigations are aimed at identifying inconsistencies in the real situation with the one described in official sources. In this case, the revealed facts themselves serve as a source of geographic information about the state and development of TOC or its individual structural elements.

Another source of empirical information is hiking and travel, during which you get to know different countries, regions, national heritage, etc.

Archival and fund materials are an irreplaceable source of historical and geographical information. In the archives, you can find information about the socio-economic, political-administrative, demographic, cultural state of a particular territory for a certain historical period.

The State Archives of the Perm Territory (GAPK, website is a repository of more than 1 million various documents in paper, photo and electronic media related to the economy, social relations, demographic features of the development of the Perm Territory since the 18th century. to our time. The GAPK stores cartographic and topographic materials. Data on the history, economy and life of the population of the region in the XX century. can be obtained from the Perm State Archive of Contemporary History (PSANI, website Work in state archives is subject to certain rules, which must be familiarized with before visiting the institution. The quantity and quality of information received depends on the correct execution of requests. Partial information about the documents stored in the archives is posted on the official Internet pages. More complete information can be obtained from thematic collections with a list of documents in the archives themselves. Working with documents, as a rule, is allowed only the next day after the request is made.

Stock materials are stored in archives, scientific institutions, as well as in the personal libraries of scientists, travelers, ethnographers, etc. These can be scientific reports, field diaries, dissertations, theses, manuscripts of research articles, etc.

Diploma works, graduate qualification works of bachelors and master's theses, defended at the Department of Socio-Economic Geography since 2007, are issued for use by students (undergraduates) upon request. The use of this source of geographic information is advisable at the very beginning of the study in order to get acquainted with the existing developments in the research field, to clearly define the spatio-temporal boundaries of an independent scientific search, to clarify any other information. In this case, in the text of the research work, it is necessary to refer to the fund materials of the department.

Computerization of the research process brings new information opportunities, which became possible thanks to the development of information and communication technologies. Intellectualization of human labor, the transformation of information into an object of instant transmission, long-term storage and active practical use give rise to a demand for the creation of electronic sources of information.

Among the latter, the global information network Internet stands out, which makes it possible to obtain the necessary information in the shortest time period. Search engines (multilingual: Google, Yahoo !, Inktomi, AltaVista, Alltheweb, Bing, DuckDuckGo; Russian-speaking: Yandex,, Rambler, Aport, Nigma,, Guenon; English and international: AskJeeves, Teoma, MSN , TinEye, Ask.Com, MyWay, AOL, About.Com, EarthLink, etc.) provides the opening of a large number of pages with different placement times in different languages. The uniqueness of the search for information on the Internet is due to its instantaneousness, volume and specific focus. It is important to take into account that obtaining the most accurate information about a phenomenon (object or process) is determined by the correct formulation of the search query. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the shortcomings of Internet publications: one should beware of the redundancy of information, its bias, in connection with which it is necessary to carry out its selection, check on official sources.

Among the many informational possibilities of the Internet, it is necessary to name the Internet encyclopedias, in which any of the users can be not only a reader, but also the creator of new articles. The unique multilingual universal online encyclopedia "Wikipedia" ( contains more than 450 thousand pages in Russian in all areas of knowledge (including other languages ​​- more than 13 million articles). Another popular electronic encyclopedia is Krugosvet (

The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (BECM) is the most authoritative multimedia encyclopedia in Russia, created with the participation of leading Russian scientists: academicians, doctors of sciences and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fundamentality, completeness of content, breadth of coverage and versatility of materials made BECM the leader of the domestic market of reference literature.

The multimedia format provides a fundamentally new level of material presentation: the combination of text, photographs, interactive tables, three-dimensional models, diagrams, audio and video fragments makes encyclopedic articles visual, multidimensional and fascinating.

A list of the most popular and useful sites in socio-geographical research is given in Appendix. 2.2.

Electronic sources of information are not limited to online publications. They can also include databases of geographic information systems (GIS), maps created with their help, electronic catalogs and atlases. The latter have become popular and widespread in recent decades. GIS technologies allow you to perform various manipulations with data, combine different indicators with each other and build corresponding maps. Electronic sources of geographic information are mobile. Among the popular electronic atlases, we will name the "Social Atlas of Russian Regions" containing extensive analytical information and cartographic materials on a wide range of socio-economic problems of Russia and its regions, various integral indices of social and economic development of regions of the Russian Federation (developed by the Independent Institute for Social Policy, www.atlas

In recent years, information from monitoring observations has become widely used. In many regions, there are ongoing environmental, social and political monitoring. Monitoring information is most often stored in regional geographic information systems. This information has dynamic properties, since collected regularly, processed and stored for a long time. A dynamic series of information makes it possible to form an idea of ​​the phenomenon under study not only for a certain date, but also for a long time period, and therefore, identify development trends and predict future changes.

Modern sources of information significantly expand the possibilities of socio-geographical research and stimulate scientific research in all fields of science.

The combination of a variety of geographic data makes it possible to expand the research problem, carry out comprehensive surveys, most reliably diagnose the current geosituation in any territory and spread development trends in the near future. At the same time, a significant amount of available information poses to the researcher the problem of responsibility for the choice of the data used, and, consequently, the final results of scientific research. The solution to this problem can be found in the creation of national databases of geoinformation, the active use of geoinformation technologies and increasing the motivation for conducting research.

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