Pedagogical practice of students of kchu them. How to write a teaching practice report for an undergraduate student

Chapter 1. Modern forms of education at the university
1.1 Modern forms of organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution
1.2 Modern technologies in higher professional education
Chapter 2. Work in the BSS Glavbuh
2.1 Basic concepts about the Glavbuh system
2.2 Description of laboratory work methods
List of sources used


An important component of the educational process is the teaching practice of students in a higher educational institution, which logically completes their professional training as teachers.

The main goal of pedagogical practice at the university is to familiarize students with scientific and pedagogical activities, disclose their research and pedagogical potential, direct participation in the educational process of the educational institution, check the professional and theoretical knowledge received by students at the university.

The relevance of pedagogical practice lies in the fact that students get acquainted with the logic and content of the educational process in a higher educational institution, scientific and educational-methodical work at the university, with the peculiarities of the teacher's pedagogical activity, with innovative teaching technologies, study the specifics of educational work with students, especially development of their professional qualities. The acquired skills will help students as they strive to build their careers as teachers.

The main tasks of teaching practice at the university are:

1) the acquisition of various practical skills by students in educational work with students;

2) gaining experience in the professional activity of a teacher in the development of programs for theoretical and practical training of students;

3) establishing and strengthening the connection of theoretical knowledge obtained by undergraduate students with professional and pedagogical activities;

4) study of the pedagogical experience of qualified teachers of the educational institution;

5) student participation in pedagogical and methodological work carried out by the department.

Chapter 1 Modern forms of education at the university

1.1 Modern forms of organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution

Today, the educational process requires constant improvement, as there is a change in priorities and social values: scientific and technological progress is increasingly recognized as a means to achieve a level of production that will best satisfy the ever-increasing human needs, the development of the spiritual wealth of the individual. Thus, the current situation in teaching requires a radical change in the strategy and tactics of teaching in educational institutions. The main characteristics of the graduates of any educational institution is its competence and mobility. In this regard, the emphasis in the study of academic disciplines is transferred to the process of cognition, the effectiveness of which depends entirely on the cognitive activity of the student.

At the moment, traditional teaching, which is focused on improving the level of knowledge and skills in the subject area, more and more does not correspond to modern requirements. Modern education should be based not only on academic disciplines, but also on the way students think and act. The goal of any higher education is not only graduates who receive a high level of training, but also the inclusion of students in the learning process in the development of fundamentally new technologies, adapting them to the realities of the production environment.

There are three main forms of education:

1) Passive, in which the teacher is the main character and manager of the course of the lesson, and the students act as passive listeners;

2) Active, where students are active participants, students and the teacher are on an equal footing;

3) Interactive - students interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other, students' activity in the learning process dominates

Active teaching methods are most successful in order for students to assimilate knowledge. There are the following active forms of interaction between a teacher and students.

The lecture assumes that the lecturer, presenting the material, actively interacts with students, answers the questions asked, or asks questions himself, expecting to get an answer. Also, the teacher can first pose a problem to the students, the solution of which must be obtained at the end of the lecture.

Training seminars and educational discussions involve brainstorming a particular problem or a specific topic. Discussions help you learn to argue and defend your point of view.

Educational round table meetings involve inviting various specialists to whom students raise problems and formulate a number of questions on a topic of interest. And those, in turn, provide explanations.

Interactive learning is also successful for the preparation of highly qualified specialists and belongs to the so-called innovative learning. Such teaching helps students think outside the box and flexibly, reacting quickly to changes in the world. Interactive forms of learning include business and role-playing games, discussions, trainings, etc.

1.2 Modern technologies in higher professional education

Modern technologies, first of all, imply the computerization of the educational process.

Technical means find their application in many types of education. They increase student productivity by allowing you to search and work with information and materials much faster. Modern technologies allow you to get advice on various issues and problems and improve your knowledge and skills using a variety of programs and means of the Internet network.

However, computerization has a number of problems that are being overcome rather slowly, such as: the technical equipment of educational institutions, the lack of specialists who have sufficient skills in working with technical means, a large amount of information that has not yet been digitized.

The introduction of new information technologies in education has led to the emergence of new educational technologies and forms of education based on electronic means of processing and transmitting information. The emergence of powerful computer multimedia systems and interactive computer programs has become the basis for the intensive development of distance learning (DL).

All components of the electronic component are quite promising and convenient means and can significantly enhance the educational process.

For example, the Glavbukh System is a reference book on various accounting, tax and legal issues. Any Internet user can have access to it. And this system is effective enough for teaching not only for students, but also for a variety of specialists, regardless of profession.

Chapter 2. Work in the BSS Glavbuh

2.1 Basic concepts about the Glavbuh system

The Glavbukh system is a reference and information program that helps to find various relevant information in the field of accounting and tax accounting (including the latest updates in legislation, regulations and other documents).

The system can be used not only by organizations, entrepreneurs, lawyers, employees of the accounting service, but also by students. Every year, the Chief Accountant organizes an Olympiad for students, as a result of which the winners are awarded gifts, monetary rewards, as well as certificates of participants.

This system is suitable for:

1) various budgetary organizations;

2) any commercial organization, regardless of their taxation system (OSN, STS, etc.);

3) non-profit organizations;

4) various entrepreneurs, accountants, lawyers who seek to improve their knowledge and learn all the intricacies of accounting and tax accounting;

5) students of higher educational institutions.

The Glavbukh system has various necessary and additional materials for the work of organizations. In this regard, it has a number of advantages:

1) Only in this system, the user receives explanations and advice on various issues from specialists from the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Labor, etc .;

2) The system of the Chief Accountant is updated daily, so the user has access to the most current information;

3) The chief accountant is an electronic system, so you can use it from any computer with Internet access;

4) Unique expert support: online assistant and written expert advice - depending on the complexity of the questions - answers can be given instantly, or within 24 hours;

5) The system contains the most popular accounting publications, both fresh issues and full archives;

6) The chief accountant has a large database of sample documents with various tips and comments on how to fill them out;

7) Users get the opportunity to create electronic reporting, as well as receive a service for sending these reports to various funds and tax;

8) Users of the system can study remotely in higher schools, confirming their knowledge and receiving certificates.

Thus, at any convenient time, you can get expert advice on various issues, independently find information in the field of accounting and tax accounting, or get acquainted with the latest legislative or legal news.

2.2 Description of laboratory work methods

Work in the BSS Glavbuh - laboratory work.

Held on 04/27/2016 and 05/18/2016. Conducted on a stream of 2k students. direction 38.03.01 - economics, profile "Finance and Credit", gr. 884 1-2.

Present: students in the amount of 30 people; from the department - Natalya Borisovna Vasilkovskaya, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics.

The event consists of two laboratory works. The first laboratory work is to search for documents in the Glavbuh System, the second - to search for information in the Glavbuh System.

Laboratory work allows you to combine theoretical and methodological knowledge and practical skills of students in the process of research activities. Laboratory work is a form of organization of the educational process aimed at obtaining practical skills by working with material objects or models of the subject area of ​​the course.

Before carrying out laboratory work, the following tasks were set:

1) the primary mastering of students with knowledge about the system of the Chief Accountant;

2) control of knowledge by performing independent work;

3) the formation by students of the skills of using reference systems to obtain the necessary information.

Conducting laboratory work No. 1 "Practical exercises on searching for documents in the Glavbuh System"

Stage 1 - searching for documents using the search bar and the search card.

At the beginning, it was briefly outlined what the search bar, the search card are and how to use them.

The search line in the System Glavbukh is a universal search tool that is available in each section of the System. It consists of a field for entering a request and a button "Find". The search card is a search "By requisites ...", which is located just to the right of the search line.

1) You yourself pay the cost of studying at the university for 50,000 rubles. in a year. During the holidays, you earn extra money. And your salary for this year was 80,000 rubles, including tax withheld at the enterprise. Fill out an individual income tax return (on your own behalf) to receive a deduction for your own tuition expenses. Until when can you file a return (3-NDFL) to get the tax withheld back?

2) You are writing your thesis on tax control. Find for use in work all the articles of the journal "Accounting. Taxes. Pravo "for the last two years on the indicators of the tax burden, which are used by the tax inspectorate for the appointment of inspections.

3) Find a video seminar on travel accounting.

Stage 2 - searching for documents through the rubrics.

At the beginning, the essence of the rubricator was briefly stated.

The rubricator provides a quick search for unknown documents on general topics. It is especially effective when you need to view a selection of documents on a general topic. In each section of the System, in the lower left corner of the screen, there are always buttons for switching to the rubrics of the sections: "All recommendations", "All forms", "All reference books", "All codes and PBU", etc.

For an independent solution, the students were offered the following tasks, with which they coped well:

2) Find a PBU that establishes the rules for correcting errors in accounting and reporting.

3) Find an article in issue 5 of the Glavbukh magazine for 2014 about what documents you need to draw up for the provision of discounts so as not to cause tax disputes.

In the course of laboratory work No. 1, students made the following conclusions:

1) Documents can be searched for not by requisites, you just need to enter a document type with a number or its title in the search line;

2) The search bar is ineffective when searching for documents on topics of a too general nature (for example, "VAT", "Excise").

4) To collect information of a general nature, a rubricator is more effective than a search string.

Conducting laboratory work No. 2 "Practical exercises on information retrieval in the Glavbukh System"

It started out with a brief outline of what a recommendation is and how to search for information using a recommendation.

Each recommendation separately is a thematic collection of information and links to regulations, forms, samples of filling out forms, reference tables, etc. decisions, conclusions are made, advice is given, and practical actions are described with all the details and examples. As a result, the recommendation search method can find everything much faster. As in an encyclopedia.

For an independent decision, the students were offered the following task, with which they did an excellent job: Find the normative act, which established the procedure for calculating the hospital allowance.

Stage 2 - search for information in forms and samples.

At the beginning, it was briefly outlined how to search for information using forms and patterns.

When the required form is known and you do not need to study the procedure for documenting transactions, you can do without searching in the recommendations. It is better to look for the form itself or a sample of its filling in the "Forms" section. There, known forms and patterns can be quickly found as separate documents. Form approval orders will be attached to them.

For an independent solution, the students were offered the following tasks, with which they coped well:

1) Find a sample of filling out a payment order for transferring VAT to the budget;

2) Find the form for calculating contributions for compulsory social insurance and accident insurance (Form 4-FSS).

Stage 3 - search for reference information and search for information in the legal framework.

At the beginning, it was briefly outlined what the system directory is and how to use it to find this or that information, as well as how to search for information in the legal framework.

System reference books are a brief summary of the legal framework for an accountant on tax rates, fines, reporting composition, dates of various events in the accountant's life, reviews of legislative changes by year, etc. In such references, information is presented in a very easy-to-read tabular form ... For each thesis of the reference table, references to the normative act-basis are always attached. There are several ways to find help information. For example, using the search bar in the "Recommendations" and "References" sections. Reference tables have been added to the search in the Recommendations section. And if the keywords of the query exactly match the title and content of the reference document, the results in these sections can be almost the same.

Searching for information in legislation is a special, most difficult search method that requires some professional training. each document (law and by-law) contains backlinks to all materials of the System in which this document is mentioned. Backlinks in the System are opened with a button in the form of a number in a square. The number means the number of links. Backlinks greatly speed up the search for all related content.

For an independent decision, the students were offered the following task, which they did an excellent job: Find a certificate on cases of differences between accounting and tax accounting of fixed assets.

In the course of laboratory work No. 2, students made the following conclusions:

3) Through the recommendation, it is convenient to search not only for a description of the documentary registration of operations and normative instructions for filling out the forms, but also the forms themselves, and samples of their filling. Especially if you do not know which form to use;

4) Searching for a known form in the "Forms" section is more effective than searching through a recommendation. Even if the query turns out to be quite general, there will be at least a minimum of unnecessary in the search results;

5) If you know the exact name of the form or even keywords that accurately characterize the form, then you can search for it even in the "Forms", even in the "Recommendations". In addition, in any section, when you enter the name of the form in the search bar, hints appear, which serve as a direct transition to the desired form.


In the course of teaching practice, skills in scientific and pedagogical activities were mastered. At the initial stage, there was an acquaintance with the specifics of the organization of the educational process. Subsequently, she took part in the methodological and pedagogical work of the department, received a tremendous experience in teaching.

The main difficulties in the work turned out to be working with students who needed to be tuned in to perceive themselves as a teacher, and also, due to the fact that practice meant the use of modern technical means, difficulties arose with the use of the technology of the Glavbuh System program. But all the problems were overcome and the students actively participated in the educational process, answering questions and completing assignments.

Students also acquired the skills of working with the Glavbuh reference and information system and improved their knowledge in the field of accounting and tax accounting, legislation of the Russian Federation.

During the practice, not only the skills of professional and pedagogical activity were obtained, but also the skills of communication, interaction between the teacher and students.

List of sources used

1. Modern teaching methods at the university. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: conference / 2012/138 / sovremennye_metody_obucheniya_v_vuze / (access date 25.02.2017)
2. Gorbatova M.K., Nazipova M.A. Teaching methods in higher education. / Study guide / M.K. Gorbatova, M.A. Nazipova. N. Novgorod: UNN - 2012 .-- 53 p.
3. Innovative teaching methods in higher education. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access 25.02.2017)
4. Modern technologies of teaching at the university. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of treatment 02.25.2017)
5. Learning theory. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access 25.02.2017)
6. Innovative forms and methods of teaching. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access 25.02.2017)
7. BSS "System Glavbukh". [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of treatment 02.25.2017)
8. Accounting reference system. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of treatment 02/25/2017)
9. Laboratory work. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access 25.02.2017)

Report on teaching practice at the university updated: July 31, 2017 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru


Goals and objectives of teaching practice

Topic and type of activity

Development of a training program

Feedback analysis

Self-analysis of the lesson




Pedagogical practice is an obligatory part of the main educational program for professional training of masters.

In the course of practice, students study the basics of educational and methodological pedagogical work in a higher educational institution, get acquainted with modern methods of educational work at a university, with the content and characteristics of teachers' pedagogical activity, master the skills of conducting classes, master the methodology of teaching academic disciplines in a higher educational institution, gain experience preparation and conduct of economic disciplines, as well as the experience of communicating with junior students and teachers.

The main goal of the pedagogical practice of masters is to form the competencies of a university teacher who is able to carry out educational and educational work at a modern scientific and methodological level. It is important to note that the educational program of the master's level of preparation does not aim to form a ready-made teacher, but it provides a basis for the development of the necessary teaching skills, creates conditions for the acquisition of pedagogical experience.

Based on this, the main tasks of the teaching practice of masters are:

Consolidation of knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by masters in the process of studying the disciplines of the master's program.

Study of methods and techniques for preparing and conducting lectures, seminars and practical classes.

Development of skills for methodological analysis of training sessions.

Formation of an idea of ​​modern educational technologies, active teaching methods at a university.

Development of skills of independence, self-education and self-improvement in the implementation of scientific and pedagogical activities.

1. Goals and objectives of teaching practice.

The place of passing of scientific and pedagogical practice is the magistracy of the Russian State Agrarian University of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.

The pedagogical practice of undergraduates enrolled in the educational program for the preparation of masters is an integral part of the main educational program of higher professional education in the areas of master's training. The teaching practice of undergraduates is aimed at acquiring practical skills in conducting training sessions. Pedagogical practice orients students to the implementation of the following types of professional activities: teaching, scientific and methodological, consulting; organizational, research.

The main requirements from teaching practice are to gain an understanding of:

Basic principles, methods and forms of organizing the pedagogical process at the university;

Systems of competencies and professionally significant qualities of trainees and trainers;

Requirements for a university teacher in modern conditions.

In addition, the undergraduate must master the skills:

Implementation of methodological work on the design and organization of the educational process;

Public speaking in front of an audience and creating a creative atmosphere during the class;

Analysis of difficulties arising in pedagogical activity and adoption of an action plan to resolve them;

Self-control and self-assessment of the process and the result of practice

The tasks of scientific and pedagogical practice include creating a work program for conducting classes in the discipline "Project Management", which includes:

· Prepare practical material on the topic "Risk assessment by the method of mathematical statistics"

Determine the place of the discipline in the structure of the main educational program (determine which target group the course is designed for)

· Organize the distribution of time for the lesson.

Prepare and use in practice teaching materials (presentations, cases)

· Prepare information support for the discipline (includes lists of basic and additional literature, software).

· Determine the audience with the most appropriate logistics for the lesson (projector, computers).

· Prepare a feedback questionnaire "Teacher through the eyes of students".

Based on the results of educational work, an introspection of the lessons should be carried out. It is done based on:

) analysis of problem situations

) the results of self-observation;

) data of the intermediate knowledge test on the analyzed topic;

) data from the survey of students.

teaching practice master teacher

One of the stages of training in the magistracy of any state university and not only is the passage of teaching practice. This type of student's activity is aimed at mastering the basics of teacher skills, developing the teacher's professional skills, the ability to independently conduct teaching, and leadership skills in a group of students. This practice is necessary not only for future teachers, but also for lawyers, psychologists, specialists in the field of economics and even construction. Therefore, this practice is carried out not only in schools, but also on the basis of universities. The result of the teaching activity of the undergraduate is a report and a diary presented to the department of the university.

Features of passing pedagogical practice

Undergraduates conduct educational and pedagogical activities on the basis of their graduating department. The goal of the teaching practice of undergraduates is to develop teaching abilities, strategic thinking, and the ability to lead students. During their work at the department, they are obliged to follow the rules of the internal labor schedule.

In the course of the student's work, the following tasks are solved:

  • consolidation of the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of mastering the curriculum;
  • studying the basics and applying the methodology for preparing and conducting training events;
  • study of the latest educational technologies;
  • improving the skills of independent work, self-education;

Before starting the activity, the students draw up an individual master's student plan for pedagogical practice with the supervisor. Based on the results of the implementation of this program, a report and a diary are being prepared in the future.

How to write a teaching practice report for an undergraduate student

The work of a master student in the process of passing practice is organized on the basis of his individual plan and involves the following activities:

  • educational and methodical, including the development of educational activities;
  • directly educational, including lectures and seminars in a group of students.

All stages of the work are documented in the diary. Based on the results of independent work, the master student creates a report.

Structure of the report

The report on the teaching practice of a master student should contain 20 - 25 pages of text and the following main sections:

1. Title page.

2. Introduction, which indicates:

2.1. Purpose, tasks, place and time of the internship.

2.2. List of completed tasks.

3. The main part.

4. Conclusion including:

4.1. Description of the acquired skills and abilities.

4.2. Individual conclusions about the work done.

5. List of sources.

6. Applications

The report is submitted to the supervisor along with other documents.

Features of the report on teaching practice

The main body of the report should include:

  • the section "Educational-methodical work", which analyzes: the curriculum, training sessions of the leading teachers of the department, the work program of the taught discipline;
  • section "Academic work", which contains a plan of lectures and seminars conducted by the undergraduate, as well as his personal analysis of these lessons.
  • Appendices: reviews of the lectures and seminars conducted by the student from the supervisor and other teachers of the department; lecture texts and seminar plans, prepared tasks, cases, etc .;
  • a review of the training event of another undergraduate. Undergraduate classes should visit other undergraduates and leave their feedback.

Sample report

The report reflects all the student's activities and its correct preparation indicates the success of the internship. To avoid mistakes in the preparation of this document, it is necessary to study all the requirements for its preparation, which are presented by a particular university. You can also request a sample report from your supervisor. He can provide all the necessary forms, as well as a ready-made report as an example.

Report on the teaching practice of a master student - sample

Diary on the teaching practice of a master student

In the course of all teaching practice, the student should pay attention to regularly filling out the diary. This document must be completed on time and submitted to the department along with the report. Based on a well-prepared diary, it is easier to prepare a competent and complete report.

Features of filling out the diary

All stages of teaching should be reflected in the diary.

On the first stage student in accordance with the individual assignment:

  • studies various methods of preparing and conducting lectures and practice with students;
  • studies modern educational technologies.

On the second stage, the student attends the classes of the leading teachers of the department, including lectures and seminars. The diary records an analysis of the training events attended in which he acted as an observer. He analyzes the organization of the educational process, the peculiarities of communication between the teacher and students, the form of the lesson, etc. The results of the analysis are drawn up in free form.

The third the stage of work is the independent conduct of the master's student's studies, as well as participation in other forms of educational activities of the department. It is better to clarify the minimum required volume of educational activities at the department of the university. Conducting training sessions is mandatory for full-time students, and other options are possible for extramural students. You will also need to attend a lecture or seminar of other undergraduates and leave your review.

During training events, the student independently prepares and conducts a lecture and a practical seminar, although the presence of an experienced teacher in the classroom is mandatory. The topics of the classes are approved by the head. During these sessions, it is recommended to demonstrate various prepared visual aids and use other innovative forms of training. For computer science lessons at school, for example, bright presentations, etc. Lecture notes, seminar plans, visual aids, presentations and other materials act as methodological support for the prepared lessons.

The supervisor prepares a written review of the work of the undergraduate on the internship, gives his own description and offers an assessment. The characteristic reflects the level of training of the undergraduate, his attitude to work.

A sample of filling out a diary on pedagogical practice

The diary is a mandatory document for the student and is provided to the department along with a report and description from the head. The trainee diary form and the completed sample can be requested from the university department or use the Internet search.

Completed diary on the pedagogical practice of the undergraduate

Pedagogical practice is compulsory for specialists in various fields who are studying for a master's degree. It sets the goal of developing teaching skills, communicating with the audience, systematizing the theoretical knowledge of the student, learning how to correctly draw up reports on the results of their work. This is an important stage in the preparation of the final work.





them. U. D. ALIEVA "



Instructional and methodological materials

for inpatient and OZO students

Compiled by: rukov. manuf.


Karachaevsk 2009


Teaching practice students is an integral component of the educational program of higher professional education, which gives the right to assign a graduate the qualification "teacher". Pedagogical practice "ensures the consolidation and application of theoretical knowledge in practical activity, the practical development of professional activity, the fulfillment of the requirement" to have experience "established in the qualification characteristics of a graduate." She is the link between theoretical teaching and the future independent work of students at school.

The state educational standard of higher professional education notes that the activities of a specialist should be aimed at the development, training and education of students as subjects of the educational process; that the teacher should be ready to carry out teaching and upbringing, taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught; contribute to socialization, the formation of a general culture of the individual; ensure the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the state educational standard; systematically improve their qualifications, communicate with parents, ensure the protection of the life and health of students. The specialist must carry out the following types of professional activities: teaching, scientific and methodological, social and pedagogical, educational, cultural and educational, correctional and developmental, managerial. High end results in the formation of professional qualities are achieved when a student in the educational process, while still within the walls of the university, is placed in conditions in which he fulfills his future role - the role of a teacher.

An important element of the formation of creative activity is the development of pedagogical self-awareness and personal and professional positive self-concept.

Pedagogical practice performs adaptive, teaching, educating, developing, diagnostic functions.

When organizing practice, it is necessary to ensure a personality-oriented, complex, increasingly complex, continuous and creative nature of the training of all students, who during the period of practice should not only be an object of training and education. The very system of relationships should be of the nature of interaction and cooperation, implying a certain subjectivity of the student's position. Thinking over the organization of pedagogical practice in an educational institution, the leader focuses not only on the implementation of its program, but, first of all, approaches each student as a unique person, carefully and carefully, purposefully and consistently revealing in him all the strong personal and professional sides, helping soften or compensate for the weak.

Pedagogical practice is organized throughout the entire period of training of students and, in accordance with the tasks set, is filled with one or another content, which is implemented in different courses through the appropriate types of practice.

Pedagogical practice is carried out on the basis of educational institutions of the region, capable of providing a high organizational and educational level of its implementation. The main bases of pedagogical practice are educational institutions (secondary schools, boarding schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, orphanages, colleges), psychological centers, preschool educational institutions, district education departments, certain types of out-of-school institutions, non-state educational institutions, leisure centers and creativity, etc. Cooperation with the basic platforms of pedagogical practice is carried out on the basis of agreements with educational institutions.

The transition to a new system of pedagogical practice requires theoretical, practical and psychological training of students, as well as the training of faculty and group leaders, methodologists of departments, heads and teachers of schools. All this necessitates the development of guidelines for the organization and management of students' pedagogical practice.

The teaching practice of students is the link between theoretical teaching and the future independent work of students at school.

The transition to a new system of pedagogical practice requires theoretical, practical and psychological training of students, as well as the training of faculty and group leaders, methodologists of departments, heads and teachers of schools. All this necessitates the development of guidelines for the organization and management of students' pedagogical practice.


The main tasks of teaching practice are:

1. fostering a steady interest in the teaching profession, conviction in the correctness of its choice, the ability to make a personal contribution to the restructuring of the school;

2. the formation of a holistic scientific picture of pedagogical activity and new pedagogical thinking in students;

3. the formation of students' professional skills and abilities necessary for the successful implementation of the educational process as a pedagogical system;

4. development of pedagogical abilities in future teachers;

5. development of students' need for self-education and self-improvement;

6. introduction to the experience of creative pedagogical activity, a research approach to the pedagogical process;

7. the formation of professionally significant personality traits of the future teacher and his active pedagogical position;

8. rendering assistance to educational institutions in solving educational problems.

The main goal of the practice is preparation for pedagogical activity, for fulfilling the professional functions of a teacher.

1. To bring theoretical knowledge closer to practical use in school.

2. Develop professional interests, abilities, culture;

3. To form professional basic skills and abilities;

4. To develop active creative forms of teaching students;

5. Deepening of methodological and psychological-pedagogical knowledge in the course of practical work, expansion of professional horizons, which forms the basis of the intellectual component of pedagogical culture;

6. Consolidation of students' methodological abilities and skills, development of methods and techniques for managing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren;

7. Mastering the skills and abilities of organizing the educational environment, creating conditions that develop the personality of the child;

8. Development of professionally significant properties and qualities of the personality of future teachers, necessary for subsequent work at school;

9. Involvement of students in the study and creative use of progressive scientific ideas in practical activity;

10. Integration and generalization of previously acquired professional and pedagogical knowledge.

Educational and introductory practice:

1.Attendance at all lessons for the purpose of classroom study.

2. Conversation with the management of the school, acquaintance with the problems that the school is working on.

Educational work:

· Familiarization with planning and mastering the methodology of organizing educational work; studying and mastering the methodology of working with public organizations of students;

Familiarization with the work of the class teacher / educator /

· Studying with the help of psychological and pedagogical methods the age and individual characteristics of students, the level of their upbringing and the dynamics of the children's collective, drawing up the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students and the children's collective;

· Acquisition of skills of independent educational work with students, taking into account their age and individual characteristics;

· Mastering the methods of building pedagogically expedient communication, relations with students, their parents, colleagues;

· Fulfillment of tasks for research work.

In the fourth year/ 8 semester / the main attention is paid to teaching students a comprehensive organization of the educational process: conducting lessons, educational work in middle grades, organizing and holding public events, pedagogical analysis of lessons and extracurricular activities, analysis and assessment of the results of one's own pedagogical activity. For this purpose, collective and individual forms of work with students are used, with a significant increase in the latter. Students' initiative and creativity are encouraged.

In the fifth year/ 9 semester / students master the organization of a holistic pedagogical process in the senior grades of secondary school, improving the methodology of teaching and extracurricular work on the subject. Most of the duties of a teacher and class teacher are performed independently. On the part of the heads of the practice, consultations, analysis of the work of trainees and control over the quality and timeliness of assignments are carried out. High demands are placed on the assessment of students' work.

In the fourth and fifth years the main type of pedagogical practice is teaching and educational activities. Students work as literature teachers and class teachers. The most prepared and well-performing students get the opportunity to undergo long-term pedagogical practice in non-vacant places with a half-year break from the studies, subject to the fulfillment of the curriculum.

The organization of students' pedagogical practice depends on a number of circumstances: on the type of educational institution, the level of pedagogical work in it, the tasks and content of practice in a particular course, the specifics of the faculty, etc. forms.

Installation conference. Its main goal is to create a psychological mood of students for practice. It is organized by the dean and faculty supervisor of the practice. It is attended by the general university head of industrial practice, heads of departments, representatives of departments of pedagogy, psychology, heads of basic educational institutions, teachers and educators.

Practice day. It has several successive stages. It begins with the organizational stage, the main function of which is to prepare students for practical work at school. The group leader determines the goal and objectives of the students' activities on a given day of practice and outlines the ways of their implementation. This stage includes a methodological lesson, consultation, interview. The participation in this stage of the work of teachers of pedagogy, psychology or other disciplines depends on the specific tasks of practice on a given day. Methodological lessons can be of three types:

Acquaintance with the experience of the school / conversations with the director of the school, his deputy for teaching and educational work, the organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular work, teachers, class teachers /;

Preparation for practical activities with students under the guidance of a subject teacher and class teacher;

Discussion with students of the studied psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature.

The second stage of the day of practice is associated with familiarizing students with the practical activities of the class teacher. Students get acquainted with the main functions of the class teacher and study the experience of his work in the assigned class: they study the educational work plan, attend class hours and conversations, and assist in the duty at school.

The third stage of the day of practice is observation and analysis of educational work. It involves helping students to comprehend the various forms of educational work. They attend and analyze lessons, subject circles, electives, etc., master the methodology for their conduct.

Next stage - organization of students' pedagogical activity, which is carried out in different directions: work with the class asset, preparing students for class hours, additional classes with poorly performing students, etc. Carrying out this work requires constant methodological assistance, both from the class teacher, subject teacher, and group leader and methodologists of the university. Students need to be helped to see and comprehend the actual state of educational and educational work in the assigned class.

Final stage- summing up the results of the day. Its main tasks are related to the systematic determination of the effectiveness of being in school, both for the whole group and for each student individually. The results of the day are summed up by the group leader or the teacher of the corresponding department.

It should be noted that the listed stages of the day of practice can be carried out in different sequences, but they are necessarily consistent with the tasks and content of the work.

Intermediate certification of student trainees... It is held within the timeframes set at the conference, in the form of an interview in order to assess the results of students' practical activities, the quality and timeliness of completing specific tasks, the completeness of mastering the practice program, determining the degree of student activity, etc.

Final conference on teaching practice is carried out at the end of the practice. It is organized by its faculty leader and group leaders. It is attended by the head of industrial practice, heads of departments, methodologists, heads of basic institutions, class teachers, educators, teachers. Before the start of the conference, it is recommended to prepare an exhibition of student and student work, reporting documentation, stands reflecting the results of the practice. Students will speak at the conference with an analysis of the work done, report on the work experience of the school, teachers, proposals for improving the organization and content of practice at school. In the speeches of school leaders, teachers, educators, university professors, the attitude of students to pedagogical practice, the level and quality of the implementation of practical tasks is noted, an analysis of the work of students in practice is given. Group and faculty leaders summarize the overall results of the work, pay attention to its positive results and shortcomings.

At the final conference, the final grades should be heard and put up in the statement and grade books!

Students who have completed their internship within the city, the final grade is put at the teachers' council at the school in the presence ofmethodologist, group leader, teacher of pedagogy, psychology, subject teacher, class teacher, director, deputy for educational or educational work.

Students who completed internships at the place of residence report toholding a final conference of the commission consisting of the faculty leader, group leader, teacher of pedagogy, psychology and methodologist.

4-5 courses. Based on the results of the test in the examination sheet and in the "Industrial practice" section of the record book, the group leader gives an assessment for teaching practice. It has the role of an examination and is taken into account when awarding scholarships. When scoring, practice leaders use the criteria specified in the Appendix.


The management of students' pedagogical practice is carried out at two levels: university/ head of industrial practice, director and their deputies, faculty leader, group leader, teachers of the departments of pedagogy of psychology /

school/ school director, his deputy for teaching and educational work, organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, subject teacher and class teacher /. Each of the practice leaders has their own functions.

Head of production practice:

Provides a clear organization, planning and accounting of the results of internship at the university, draws up a university-wide schedule of internships;

Coordinates the work of university teachers and prepares draft orders and orders of the rector on practice issues;

In agreement with the public education authorities, selects schools and other educational institutions as a basis for conducting pedagogical practice;

Prepares and conducts instructive and final meetings of university and school employees participating in the practice;

Participates in the holding of introductory and final conferences at the faculties;

Supervises the work of faculty and group leaders, teachers participating in pedagogical practice, administration and school teachers to guide practice, takes measures to eliminate shortcomings;

Supervises the documentation on the payment of persons involved in the management of pedagogical practice;

Draws up a general report on the results of the practice and submits it to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs;

Summarizes the educational and methodological experience of the practice, makes proposals for its improvement;

Convene instructive and final meetings of employees of the university and schools on the organization and conduct of teaching practice;

Participates in the work of the Council of the University and the Faculty when discussing issues of pedagogical practice of students.

Dean, Director of InF / his deputy /:

Carries out general management of pedagogical practice;

Appoints faculty and group leaders;

Approves the plan and schedule of teaching practice;

Conducts methodological meetings with heads of pedagogical practice;

Organizes a discussion of issues of pedagogical practice, its results at a meeting at the dean's office and at the Faculty Council;

Organizes the initial and final conference on practice, intermediate certification of students;

Supervises the work of the head, teachers, administration and teachers of schools participating in pedagogical practice, takes measures to eliminate shortcomings in the organization of practice.

Faculty supervisor:

Carries out, together with the head of pedagogical practice and the department of public education, the selection of educational institutions as bases for all types of pedagogical practice at the faculty;

Together with the head of the pedagogical practice, he establishes a connection with the bases of practice, concludes an agreement on creative cooperation, distributes students to educational institutions and ensures the timely execution of documents for payment submitted by group leaders;

Together with the director / his deputy / organizes and holds exhibitions based on the results of the practice;

Supervises the work of group leaders, administration and teachers of educational institutions, selectively attends lessons and extracurricular activities conducted by students, takes measures to eliminate shortcomings in the organization of practice;

Examines the trainees' reporting documentation and evaluates their work;

Makes suggestions for improving practice, draws up a report on the results of all stages of pedagogical practice.

Group leader:

Carries out direct supervision of trainees, is appointed from among teachers of private methods or special disciplines, with experience in school work;

Establishes communication with the school, conducts instructional and methodological classes with employees of the educational institution;

Organizes and conducts the opening and closing conferences at the school;

Distributes students to classes, approves their individual and group plans, monitors their implementation;

Ensures the implementation of the practice program;

Attends selectively at lessons and extra-curricular educational activities conducted by students, organizes their collective discussion;

Organizes, independently and together with the teachers of the relevant departments, instructive and methodological classes with students, conducts consultations, checks and approves students' notes on the subject and extracurricular activities;

Analyzes the reporting documentation of students about the work during the practice and together with teachers of pedagogy, psychology, conducts intermediate certification and acceptance of tests based on the results of practice;

Draws up a report on teaching practice and submits it to the faculty supervisor.

Methodist by specialty:

Takes part in the planning and organization of teaching practice, participates in setting and final conferences in an educational institution and organizes the study of the creative experience of teaching and educational activities of a teacher in the subject;

Prepares and conducts educational work by students in various forms / lesson, Olympiad, circle, etc. /;

Helps students to design and deliver lessons of various types, analyzes and evaluates them, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

Conducts problem seminars, methodological meetings with students;



Title page form:

Pedagogical practice diary

student _____________________________________________________________

faculty _____________ course _________________________

Practice is carried out at school ______________________________________________

Group Leader__________

Pedagogy teacher ______________________________________________

Psychology teacher ______________________________________________

Teacher of methodical or special discipline ____________________

Head teacher _________________________________________________________

Deputy Director for teaching and educational work _______________________

Organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities ______________________________

Subject teacher ______________________________________________________

Classroom teacher___________________________________________________

The diary contains:

A list of students in the form of the last page of the class journal, indicating student progress (based on the results of the last quarter, half a year, year) and their individual characteristics;

Classroom placement plan;

School call schedule;

Schedule of lessons of the subject teacher and lessons in the attached class; trainee student's lesson schedule;

Schedule of lessons for student-trainees of the whole group;

Schedule of extracurricular activities (friends and fellows in the group);

The class teacher's work plan for the current quarter;

Individual plan of the student-trainee for the entire period of practice;

Observation and analysis of the lessons attended by teachers and student interns of the group, as well as observation and analysis of the extracurricular activities attended:

Practice head assignments;

Materials for methodological and pedagogical seminars held during the period of pedagogical practice.

The diary is checked and analyzed by the group leader, as well as teachers of pedagogy and psychology once a week, with a mandatory note of verification.


Trainee student has the following rights:

Receive timely methodological assistance in conducting educational work from the heads of the practice of the faculty and school;

To use the necessary educational and methodological literature, manuals and equipment available in classrooms and offices of departments, university libraries;

Defend their professional and pedagogical views, findings, evaluate the teaching and educational work of their fellow students;

Apply in conflict situations with the aim of resolving them to the heads of practice, departments, schools.

The responsibilities of student trainees are as follows:

The student must be at school for 6 hours daily during the entire practice, timely perform all types of work stipulated by the program of pedagogical practice in literature;

To be an example of organization, discipline, pedagogical tact;

In accordance with the program of practice, he draws up a plan of teaching and educational work with students, which is approved by the group leaders, the teacher and the class teacher;

Keeps a diary in which he records the results of observations of children, makes an analysis of the work.


"I approve"

__________________________________ / Full name of the group leader /

"____" ____________________ 20___

Individual work plan

for the period from _________________________ to _______________________

Assessment and remarks

Organizational work

Take part in an orientation conference at the faculty

Take part in an interview with a school principal

Studying students and classroom conditions

Educational-methodical work

Get acquainted with the content of the annual work plan for the subject in the assigned class

To develop, based on the content of the teacher's annual plan, a work plan (by the type of a quarter) for conducting lessons in a assigned class for the entire period of practice

Carrying out lessons

Conduct lessons from ___________ to _________ in ______ class

Extracurricular work on the subject

Take part in the preparation and conduct of the Olympiad in the subject

Educational work in the classroom

Take part in a conversation with the class teacher ________ class

NOTE: The content of the sections and points of the plan is determined by the content of the practice program. In column 4, the implementation of each activity, according to its content, is endorsed by a methodologist, teacher or class teacher. In case of non-fulfillment of the planned, the reason is indicated. The complete plan is reviewed and approved by the team leader.


1. The title of the report must contain: full name; course, faculty and university.

2. The name and number of the educational institution in which the student underwent practical training; terms of practice.

3. How many and in what classes he taught lessons with the help of a teacher and on his own. In which classes and in which sections of the program the lessons were difficult, and what is the reason for them.

4. What extracurricular activities and with what contingent of students were held. How much it was possible to achieve the set goal.

5. What educational activities did you conduct with the students as an assistant to the class teacher and independently? Which ones caused particular difficulties and why.

6. In what seminars of class teachers, pedagogical councils, meetings of the parent committee took part. What new knowledge, skills and abilities have I acquired in this regard?

7. How many and in what classes attended the lessons, analyzed them. What difficulties did you encounter in connection with pedagogical analysis?

8. What new knowledge and skills did he acquire while completing assignments for the study of students or a group of schoolchildren.

9. With what documents of accounting, planning and reporting have become acquainted and to what extent have mastered the technology of their registration.

10.With the activities of which student organizations he got acquainted and to what extent he mastered the technology of educational work.

11. General conclusion about what the practice gave the student as a future teacher and educator.

12. Proposals for improving the base, content and organization of practice, methodological guidance from school staff and teachers of university disciplines.

13. The date of the report and the student's signature.

NOTE: The report should be meaningful - reflect the entire volume of work, reveal the positive sides and shortcomings in the theoretical and practical training of the student, present an objective analysis of their own achievements in mastering the teaching profession.


Faculty and group leaders are guided by the following when assessing:

1. The quality of individual activities of students.

2. Attitude towards the teaching profession, towards children.

3. Attitude towards teaching practice.

4. Application of theoretical knowledge in solving specific teaching and educational problems.

5. The level of analysis and introspection of pedagogical activity.

6. The quality of work in instructive-methodological classes and consultations.

7. Quality of reporting documentation.

When summarizing the results, the opinion of the class teachers, the subject teacher and the school administration is taken into account.

On the " Great"the work of a student is assessed who has completed the entire amount of work required by the practice program, received excellent marks for preparing and conducting open lessons; extracurricular and educational activities, responsibly and with interest in working with students, showed deep theoretical and practical training at all stages of work ...

On the " Okay"the work of a student who has fully completed the program of pedagogical practice, well prepared and conducted credit lessons, extracurricular and educational activities, but made minor mistakes, worked completely independently, showed interest in working with children and provided assistance to the teacher and class teacher, is assessed.

On the " satisfactorily"the work of a student who has completed the program is assessed, but in the process of work did not show sufficient interest, initiative and independence, made significant mistakes in credit, lessons, extracurricular and educational activities, failed to establish close contact with the teacher, class teacher and students.

"Unsatisfactory"the work of a student who has not completed the internship program is assessed, did not participate much in daily work, and performed all types of work at a low level.




Pedagogical practice of students as a form of implementation of the unity of theoretical and practical training of the future teacher.

Dean of the Faculty

faculty supervisor

teachers of psychology, pedagogy and methodology

Distribution of students in basic educational institutions / order /.

faculty supervisor

Working with student groups; information about educational institutions, arrival dates, organization of work in them, consultation on drawing up an individual practice plan, keeping a pedagogical diary, meeting a group, monitoring the work of a group.

group leader



Opening remarks, content of the agenda and time limit for speeches



Creative reports of students on the implementation of assignments during the period of pedagogical practice

practice leader

Characteristics of the quality of assignments for individual sections of practice

practice leader

General results of the practice: solving problems, assessing the quality of work of each student group, analyzing typical mistakes and difficulties, ways to eliminate them



Exchange of views on the preparation of students, the content and organization of practice


and teachers

Final word. Summing up the work and closing the conference

dean or his deputy



1. Selection of basic schools and group methodologists.

2. Distribution of students into groups.

3. Coordination of issues of organizing and conducting practice with group methodologists, school administrations, teachers.

4. Introductory conference.

5. Exit of trainees to basic schools, distribution by class, familiarization with the content of the work of the educational institution in the course of a conversation with the director / head teacher /.

6. Consulting and providing practical assistance to students in all types of work.

7. Verification and approval of plans for teaching and educational work for the entire period of practice.

8. Meeting of students on the issue of readiness for internship / with a course curator /.

9. Organizational and methodological meeting of methodologists and teachers participating in the practice management. Final conference.


1. Organization of practice

Dates of the practice; the number of students who went to practice; the number of students not admitted to practice, indicating the reasons; the number of students who completed the internship with a positive assessment. Distribution of students by school, indicating the number, the number of students, the names of the group leaders and all methodologists.

2. Preparing students for practice

Theoretical training - topics of lectures given before going to practice, special seminars, colloquia.

Holding an orientation conference, participants, topics of speeches.

In which schools, classes, and in which sections of the curriculum the lessons were conducted.

Qualitative analysis of students' work - the level of theoretical and methodological preparedness; preparation for lessons; preparation for extracurricular activities on the subject;

preparation for educational work. Achievements and shortcomings.

Evaluation of the work of each student, the names of the most distinguished. Who is not certified.

4. Working with methodologists

Methodist training; preparation of a practice program, guidelines; holding meetings; summarizing.


1. The composition of the group and characteristics of the level of readiness of students to undergo practice.

2. Characteristics of the practice base.

3. Educational and methodical work:

List of planning documents, work accounting, reporting;

Characteristics of students' ability to plan educational work,

Number of open lessons given by school teachers to interns; number of lessons taught by trainees;

The number of lessons attended by students for the purpose of pedagogical observation and analysis;

The number of extracurricular and educational activities conducted with subsequent analysis;

Characteristics of the ability to observe, analyze certain aspects of the teacher's and class teacher's activities .

4. Extracurricular work on the subject:

The quality of the lessons conducted by each student independently.

5. Educational work in assigned classes:

In what classes the educational work was carried out, the attitude of students towards it;

A list of the main, most interesting events held by the trainees;

Assessment of the work of each student, coordinated with the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Theory and Methods of Education,

6. The attitude of students to practice, to the teaching profession.

7. Evaluation of the work of each student.

8. General conclusions about the work of the group, about the level of professional training.

9. Proposals to improve the professional and pedagogical training of students, the content, organization and conduct of practice.


1. For the period of practice, a group leader is appointed for each school from among the students.

2. The head of the group is the closest assistant to the leader-methodologist

on the organization and conduct of students' practice.

3. The head of the group is obliged: a) to participate in drawing up a specific plan for the practice of students of his group at school;

b) organize the students of the group for the successful implementation of all the activities outlined in the pedagogical practice plan;

c) keep in constant touch with the teacher of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, methodologist, school leaders, faculty, transfer all their orders to students;

d) transfer to the group leader the schedule of lessons, educational extracurricular and extracurricular activities conducted by students;

e) set an example in performing all tasks for educational and educational work at school and monitor the work of students in their group;

f) keep records of student attendance at the school, weekly submit its results to the faculty;

g) to help the group leader-methodologist periodically (weekly) hold production meetings of students of his group to discuss the course of practice and take measures to eliminate deficiencies;

h) Submit regularly to the wall newspaper articles on pedagogical practice, both their own and students of their group;

i) collect students' reports on pedagogical practice with all suggestions and pass them on to the group leader on the last day of practice;

j) keep a digital summary of the work performed by students in the form of a report and transfer it to the group leader on the last day of teaching practice;

k) prepare materials for pedagogical practice for the institute exhibition and participate in its organization .

Pedagogical practice is a connecting link between theoretical teaching and future independent work. For many students, it becomes the "open door" to the profession.



Ryazantseva Irina Valerievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MCO Secondary School No. 4 Kuibyshev NSO

Pedagogical practice is a crucial stage on the way to the pedagogical Olympus

To knock on every heart
Those whom you decided to teach
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

Emphasizing the importance of educational pedagogical practice, the famous teacher P.P. Blonsky wrote that "it is impossible to teach pedagogy with books ... Practice is also necessary, but not copying (such a practice is deadly), but creative and conscious."

For a student, teaching practice is a very difficult and responsible stage on the path to the teaching profession. The problem of a student's professional development in the course of pedagogical practice is also complicated by the fact that one activity, still unfinished (educational), is superimposed on another (pedagogical), which has fundamentally different means.

Pedagogical practice is a connecting link between theoretical teaching and future independent work. For many students, it becomes the "open door" to the profession.During the pedagogical practice, the student experiences a mismatch between the “model” of the ideal teacher and the “real” one, the image of the “optimal” teacher, a specific person is formed.

It is well known that the formation of professional interest contributes to a positive attitude of students towards the chosen specialty, their gradual and painless inclusion in independent educational activities. If a student has chosen a profession, fell in love with it, then, of course, he will strive to acquire and develop his knowledge, improve his skills in this area, and in the future will try to implement them in his work.

A student who came to school without love for his profession turns into a lesson for whom the student's personality is in the background. Such a teacher will not be able to carry out the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. ...

It is during the passing of pedagogical practice that a student can realize himself as a teacher, show his professional and creative abilities, make sure of the correct choice of a future profession.

How do students themselves assess the goal of teaching practice?

  1. Almost all students believe that the meaning of pedagogical practice is that it makes it possible to "try on" the role of a teacher.
  2. For some students, teaching practice is an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
  3. There are those who point out that the meaning of pedagogical practice is in the acquisition of communication skills with children.
  4. There are very few students who believe that the purpose of practice in school is to equip students with knowledge.

In the course of several years of work with student trainees, the difficulties that they face during their teaching practice at school were identified:

  1. Building discipline in the classroom;
  2. Problems of psychological preparation for the lesson;
  3. Selection of educational material for the lesson;
  4. Lack of contact with the class.

The second difficulty is associated with the translation of theoretical knowledge into the plane of solving pedagogical problems. Students, having generally good theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, methodology, experience serious difficulties in their application in the educational process.

Conversations with novice teachers show that they themselves give a positive assessment of their training as a subject teacher, much lower as a teacher-organizer, teacher-educator.It is the practical knowledge and deep understanding of the conditions and meaning of pedagogical activity, psychological readiness that students lack.
How, for example, can you build discipline in your class? How to keep students' attention during the lesson? How to learn not to be afraid of children? What to do in each specific case, not with a generalized one, but with a specific child? It is these and many similar problems that students face in the process of teaching practice.

Long-term management of students' pedagogical practice, observation of their work at school, analysis of the research results allow us to draw the following conclusion. In pedagogical practice, it seems, there are initially factors that hinder the creative activity of the future teacher. These factors include:

  1. poor student confidence in their abilities;
  2. strong attachment to certain schemes, an attitude towards a given way of organizing the educational process;
  3. fear of control by the methodologist of the department, subject teacher, classmates;
  4. fear of being mistaken and therefore being misunderstood;
  5. a state of increased anxiety, an excessively strong concentration of attention on one's experiences, etc.

It is necessary to teach students to neutralize these factors. Pedagogical practice should be personality-oriented, creative and contribute to the development of an individual style of pedagogical activity. Its main result should be a firm conviction of students in the correctness of the once made choice - to become a teacher, to devote themselves to the most humane profession on earth - the upbringing of a person.

Bibliographic list

1. Barbina E.S. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional training of future teachers. Scientific and methodological manual. - Kherson, 2001 .-- 70 p.

2. Blonsky P.P. My memories. M., 1971.

3. Kuliutkin YUN. Creative thinking in the teacher's professional activity // Questions psi-

chology. 1986. No. 2. S. 26-30.

4. Slastenin V.A., Tamarin V.E. Methodological culture of the teacher // Soviet pedagogy. 1990. No. 7.

S. 82-88.

5. Teslya E.B. Formation of professional interest among future teachers // Pedagogy. - No. 7. - 2000. - S. 75-79.

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